/* * wslua_tvb.c * * Wireshark's interface to the Lua Programming Language * * (c) 2006, Luis E. Garcia Ontanon * (c) 2008, Balint Reczey * (c) 2009, Stig Bjorlykke * * $Id$ * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include /* WSLUA_MODULE Tvb Functions for handling packet data */ #include "wslua.h" WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(ByteArray,FAIL_ON_NULL("null bytearray"),NOP); WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR ByteArray_new(lua_State* L) { /* Creates a ByteArray Object */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_ByteArray_new_HEXBYTES 1 /* A string consisting of hexadecimal bytes like "00 B1 A2" or "1a2b3c4d" */ GByteArray* ba = g_byte_array_new(); const gchar* s; int nibble[2]; int i = 0; gchar c; if (lua_gettop(L) == 1) { s = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_ByteArray_new_HEXBYTES); if (!s) WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ByteArray_new,HEXBYTES,"must be a string"); /* XXX: slow! */ for (; (c = *s); s++) { switch(c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5' : case '6' : case '7': case '8' : case '9' : nibble[(i++)%2] = c - '0'; break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f' : nibble[(i++)%2] = c - 'a' + 0xa; break; case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F' : nibble[(i++)%2] = c - 'A' + 0xa; break; default: break; } if ( i == 2 ) { guint8 b = (guint8)(nibble[0] * 16 + nibble[1]); g_byte_array_append(ba,&b,1); i = 0; } } } pushByteArray(L,ba); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The new ByteArray object. */ } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int ByteArray__gc(lua_State* L) { ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); if (!ba) return 0; g_byte_array_free(ba,TRUE); return 0; } WSLUA_METAMETHOD ByteArray__concat(lua_State* L) { /* Concatenate two ByteArrays */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray__cat_FIRST 1 /* First array */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray__cat_SECOND 2 /* Second array */ ByteArray ba1 = checkByteArray(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray__cat_FIRST); ByteArray ba2 = checkByteArray(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray__cat_SECOND); ByteArray ba; if (! (ba1 && ba2) ) WSLUA_ERROR(ByteArray__cat,"Both arguments must be ByteArrays"); ba = g_byte_array_new(); g_byte_array_append(ba,ba1->data,ba1->len); g_byte_array_append(ba,ba2->data,ba2->len); pushByteArray(L,ba); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The new composite ByteArray. */ } WSLUA_METHOD ByteArray_prepend(lua_State* L) { /* Prepend a ByteArray to this ByteArray */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_prepend_PREPENDED 2 /* Array to be prepended */ ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); ByteArray ba2 = checkByteArray(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_prepend_PREPENDED); if (! (ba && ba2) ) WSLUA_ERROR(ByteArray_prepend,"Both arguments must be ByteArrays"); g_byte_array_prepend(ba,ba2->data,ba2->len); return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD ByteArray_append(lua_State* L) { /* Append a ByteArray to this ByteArray */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_append_APPENDED 2 /* Array to be appended */ ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); ByteArray ba2 = checkByteArray(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_append_APPENDED); if (! (ba && ba2) ) WSLUA_ERROR(ByteArray_append,"Both arguments must be ByteArrays"); g_byte_array_append(ba,ba2->data,ba2->len); return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD ByteArray_set_size(lua_State* L) { /* Sets the size of a ByteArray, either truncating it or filling it with zeros. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_size_SIZE 2 /* New size of the array*/ ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); int siz = luaL_checkint(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_size_SIZE); guint8* padding; if (!ba) return 0; if (siz < 0) WSLUA_ERROR(ByteArray_set_size,"ByteArray size must be non-negative"); if (ba->len >= (guint)siz) { /* truncate */ g_byte_array_set_size(ba,siz); } else { /* fill */ padding = (guint8 *)g_malloc0(sizeof(guint8)*(siz - ba->len)); g_byte_array_append(ba,padding,siz - ba->len); g_free(padding); } return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD ByteArray_set_index(lua_State* L) { /* Sets the value of an index of a ByteArray. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_index_INDEX 2 /* The position of the byte to be set */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_index_VALUE 3 /* The char value to set [0-255] */ ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); int idx = luaL_checkint(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_index_INDEX); int v = luaL_checkint(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_index_VALUE); if (!ba) return 0; if (idx == 0 && ! g_str_equal(luaL_optstring(L,2,""),"0") ) { luaL_argerror(L,2,"bad index"); return 0; } if (idx < 0 || (guint)idx >= ba->len) { luaL_argerror(L,2,"index out of range"); return 0; } if (v < 0 || v > 255) { luaL_argerror(L,3,"Byte out of range"); return 0; } ba->data[idx] = (guint8)v; return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD ByteArray_get_index(lua_State* L) { /* Get the value of a byte in a ByteArray */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_get_index_INDEX 2 /* The position of the byte to get */ ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); int idx = luaL_checkint(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_get_index_INDEX); if (!ba) return 0; if (idx == 0 && ! g_str_equal(luaL_optstring(L,2,""),"0") ) { luaL_argerror(L,2,"bad index"); return 0; } if (idx < 0 || (guint)idx >= ba->len) { luaL_argerror(L,2,"index out of range"); return 0; } lua_pushnumber(L,ba->data[idx]); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The value [0-255] of the byte. */ } WSLUA_METHOD ByteArray_len(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain the length of a ByteArray */ ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); if (!ba) return 0; lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)ba->len); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The length of the ByteArray. */ } WSLUA_METHOD ByteArray_subset(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a segment of a ByteArray */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_index_OFFSET 2 /* The position of the first byte */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_index_LENGTH 3 /* The length of the segment */ ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); int offset = luaL_checkint(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_index_OFFSET); int len = luaL_checkint(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_set_index_LENGTH); ByteArray sub; if (!ba) return 0; if ((offset + len) > (int)ba->len || offset < 0 || len < 1) { luaL_error(L,"Out Of Bounds"); return 0; } sub = g_byte_array_new(); g_byte_array_append(sub,ba->data + offset,len); pushByteArray(L,sub); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* A ByteArray contaning the requested segment. */ } static int ByteArray_tostring(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a string containing the bytes in a ByteArray so that it can be used in display filters (e.g. "01:23:45:67:89:AB") */ static const gchar* byte_to_str[] = { "00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","0A","0B","0C","0D","0E","0F", "10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","1A","1B","1C","1D","1E","1F", "20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29","2A","2B","2C","2D","2E","2F", "30","31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39","3A","3B","3C","3D","3E","3F", "40","41","42","43","44","45","46","47","48","49","4A","4B","4C","4D","4E","4F", "50","51","52","53","54","55","56","57","58","59","5A","5B","5C","5D","5E","5F", "60","61","62","63","64","65","66","67","68","69","6A","6B","6C","6D","6E","6F", "70","71","72","73","74","75","76","77","78","79","7A","7B","7C","7D","7E","7F", "80","81","82","83","84","85","86","87","88","89","8A","8B","8C","8D","8E","8F", "90","91","92","93","94","95","96","97","98","99","9A","9B","9C","9D","9E","9F", "A0","A1","A2","A3","A4","A5","A6","A7","A8","A9","AA","AB","AC","AD","AE","AF", "B0","B1","B2","B3","B4","B5","B6","B7","B8","B9","BA","BB","BC","BD","BE","BF", "C0","C1","C2","C3","C4","C5","C6","C7","C8","C9","CA","CB","CC","CD","CE","CF", "D0","D1","D2","D3","D4","D5","D6","D7","D8","D9","DA","DB","DC","DD","DE","DF", "E0","E1","E2","E3","E4","E5","E6","E7","E8","E9","EA","EB","EC","ED","EE","EF", "F0","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","FA","FB","FC","FD","FE","FF" }; ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); int i; GString* s; if (!ba) return 0; s = g_string_new(""); for (i = 0; i < (int)ba->len; i++) { g_string_append(s,byte_to_str[(ba->data)[i]]); } lua_pushstring(L,s->str); g_string_free(s,TRUE); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* A string contaning a representaion of the ByteArray. */ } static int ByteArray_tvb (lua_State *L); static const luaL_Reg ByteArray_methods[] = { {"new", ByteArray_new}, {"len", ByteArray_len}, {"prepend", ByteArray_prepend}, {"append", ByteArray_append}, {"subset", ByteArray_subset}, {"set_size", ByteArray_set_size}, {"tvb", ByteArray_tvb}, {"get_index", ByteArray_get_index}, {"set_index", ByteArray_set_index}, { NULL, NULL } }; static const luaL_Reg ByteArray_meta[] = { {"__tostring", ByteArray_tostring}, {"__concat", ByteArray__concat}, {"__call",ByteArray_subset}, { NULL, NULL } }; int ByteArray_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(ByteArray); return 1; } /* * Tvb & TvbRange * * a Tvb represents a tvbuff_t in Lua. * a TvbRange represents a range in a tvb (tvb,offset,length) its main purpose is to do bounds checking, * It helps, too, simplifying argument passing to Tree. In wireshark terms this is worthless nothing * not already done by the TVB itself. In lua's terms it's necessary to avoid abusing TRY{}CATCH(){} * via preemptive bounds checking. * * These lua objects refer to structures in wireshark that are freed independently from Lua's garbage collector. * To avoid using pointers from Lua to Wireshark structures that are already freed, we maintain a list of the * pointers each with a marker that tracks its expiry. * * All pointers are marked as expired when the dissection of the current frame is finished or when the garbage * collector tries to free the object referring to the pointer, whichever comes first. * * All allocated memory chunks used for tracking the pointers' state are freed after marking the pointer as expired * by the garbage collector or by the end of the dissection of the current frame, whichever comes second. * * We check the expiry state of the pointer before each access. * */ WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(Tvb,FAIL_ON_NULL("expired tvb"),NOP); /* A Tvb represents the packet's buffer. It is passed as an argument to listeners and dissectors, and can be used to extract information (via TvbRange) from the packet's data. Beware that Tvbs are usable only by the current listener or dissector call and are destroyed as soon as the listener/dissector returns, so references to them are unusable once the function has returned. To create a tvbrange the tvb must be called with offset and length as optional arguments ( the offset defaults to 0 and the length to tvb:len() )*/ static GPtrArray* outstanding_Tvb = NULL; static GPtrArray* outstanding_TvbRange = NULL; #define PUSH_TVB(L,t) {g_ptr_array_add(outstanding_Tvb,t);pushTvb(L,t);} #define PUSH_TVBRANGE(L,t) {g_ptr_array_add(outstanding_TvbRange,t);pushTvbRange(L,t);} static void free_Tvb(Tvb tvb) { if (!tvb) return; if (!tvb->expired) { tvb->expired = TRUE; } else { if (tvb->need_free) tvb_free(tvb->ws_tvb); g_free(tvb); } } void clear_outstanding_Tvb(void) { while (outstanding_Tvb->len) { Tvb tvb = (Tvb)g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast(outstanding_Tvb,0); free_Tvb(tvb); } } static void free_TvbRange(TvbRange tvbr) { if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return; if (!tvbr->tvb->expired) { tvbr->tvb->expired = TRUE; } else { free_Tvb(tvbr->tvb); g_free(tvbr); } } void clear_outstanding_TvbRange(void) { while (outstanding_TvbRange->len) { TvbRange tvbr = (TvbRange)g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast(outstanding_TvbRange,0); free_TvbRange(tvbr); } } Tvb* push_Tvb(lua_State* L, tvbuff_t* ws_tvb) { Tvb tvb = (Tvb)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_tvb)); tvb->ws_tvb = ws_tvb; tvb->expired = FALSE; tvb->need_free = FALSE; g_ptr_array_add(outstanding_Tvb,tvb); return pushTvb(L,tvb); } /* * ByteArray_tvb(name) */ WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR ByteArray_tvb (lua_State *L) { /* Creates a new Tvb from a bytearray (it gets added to the current frame too) */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_tvb_NAME 2 /* The name to be given to the new data-source. */ ByteArray ba = checkByteArray(L,1); const gchar* name = luaL_optstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_tvb_NAME,"Unnamed") ; guint8* data; Tvb tvb; if (!ba) return 0; if (!lua_tvb) { luaL_error(L,"Tvbs can only be created and used in dissectors"); return 0; } data = (guint8 *)g_memdup(ba->data, ba->len); tvb = (Tvb)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_tvb)); tvb->ws_tvb = tvb_new_real_data(data, ba->len,ba->len); tvb->expired = FALSE; tvb->need_free = TRUE; tvb_set_free_cb(tvb->ws_tvb, g_free); add_new_data_source(lua_pinfo, tvb->ws_tvb, name); PUSH_TVB(L,tvb); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The created Tvb. */ } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR TvbRange_tvb (lua_State *L) { /* Creates a (sub)Tvb from using a TvbRange */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Tvb_new_subset_RANGE 1 /* The TvbRange from which to create the new Tvb. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,WSLUA_ARG_Tvb_new_subset_RANGE); Tvb tvb; if (! (tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } if (tvb_offset_exists(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset + tvbr->len -1 )) { tvb = (Tvb)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_tvb)); tvb->expired = FALSE; tvb->need_free = FALSE; tvb->ws_tvb = tvb_new_subset(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset,tvbr->len, tvbr->len); PUSH_TVB(L, tvb); return 1; } else { luaL_error(L,"Out Of Bounds"); return 0; } } WSLUA_METAMETHOD Tvb__tostring(lua_State* L) { /* Convert the bytes of a Tvb into a string, to be used for debugging purposes as '...' will be appended in case the string is too long. */ Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,1); int len; gchar* str; if (!tvb) return 0; if (tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } len = tvb_length(tvb->ws_tvb); str = ep_strdup_printf("TVB(%i) : %s",len,tvb_bytes_to_str(tvb->ws_tvb,0,len)); lua_pushstring(L,str); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The string. */ } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int Tvb__gc(lua_State* L) { Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,1); free_Tvb(tvb); return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD Tvb_reported_len(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain the reported length of a TVB */ Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,1); if (!tvb) return 0; if (tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_reported_length(tvb->ws_tvb)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The length of the Tvb. */ } WSLUA_METHOD Tvb_len(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain the length of a TVB */ Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,1); if (!tvb) return 0; if (tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_length(tvb->ws_tvb)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The length of the Tvb. */ } WSLUA_METHOD Tvb_reported_length_remaining(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain the reported length of packet data to end of a TVB or -1 if the offset is beyond the end of the TVB */ #define Tvb_reported_length_remaining_OFFSET 2 /* offset */ Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,1); int offset = luaL_optint(L, Tvb_reported_length_remaining_OFFSET, 0); if (!tvb) return 0; if (tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb->ws_tvb, offset)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The length of the Tvb. */ } WSLUA_METHOD Tvb_offset(lua_State* L) { /* Returns the raw offset (from the beginning of the source Tvb) of a sub Tvb. */ Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,1); if (!tvb) return 0; if (tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_raw_offset(tvb->ws_tvb)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The raw offset of the Tvb. */ } #if USED_FOR_DOC_PURPOSES WSLUA_METAMETHOD Tvb__call(lua_State* L) { /* Equivalent to tvb:range(...) */ return 0; } #endif WSLUA_METAMETHOD wslua__concat(lua_State* L) { /* Concatenate two objects to a string */ if (!luaL_callmeta(L,1,"__tostring")) lua_pushvalue(L,1); if (!luaL_callmeta(L,2,"__tostring")) lua_pushvalue(L,2); lua_concat(L,2); return 1; } WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(TvbRange,FAIL_ON_NULL("expired tvbrange"),NOP); /* A TvbRange represents a usable range of a Tvb and is used to extract data from the Tvb that generated it TvbRanges are created by calling a tvb (e.g. tvb(offset,length)). If the TvbRange span is outside the Tvb's range the creation will cause a runtime error. */ static TvbRange new_TvbRange(lua_State* L, tvbuff_t* ws_tvb, int offset, int len) { TvbRange tvbr; if (!ws_tvb) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } if (len == -1) { len = tvb_length_remaining(ws_tvb,offset); if (len < 0) { luaL_error(L,"out of bounds"); return 0; } } else if ( (guint)(len + offset) > tvb_length(ws_tvb)) { luaL_error(L,"Range is out of bounds"); return NULL; } tvbr = (TvbRange)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_tvbrange)); tvbr->tvb = (Tvb)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_tvb)); tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb = ws_tvb; tvbr->tvb->expired = FALSE; tvbr->tvb->need_free = FALSE; tvbr->offset = offset; tvbr->len = len; return tvbr; } WSLUA_METHOD Tvb_range(lua_State* L) { /* Creates a tvbr from this Tvb. This is used also as the Tvb:__call() metamethod. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_Tvb_range_OFFSET 2 /* The offset (in octets) from the beginning of the Tvb. Defaults to 0. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_Tvb_range_LENGTH 3 /* The length (in octets) of the range. Defaults to until the end of the Tvb. */ Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,1); int offset = luaL_optint(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_Tvb_range_OFFSET,0); int len = luaL_optint(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_Tvb_range_LENGTH,-1); TvbRange tvbr; if (!tvb) return 0; if (tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } if ((tvbr = new_TvbRange(L,tvb->ws_tvb,offset,len))) { PUSH_TVBRANGE(L,tvbr); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The TvbRange */ } return 0; } static const luaL_Reg Tvb_methods[] = { {"range", Tvb_range}, {"len", Tvb_len}, {"offset", Tvb_offset}, {"reported_len", Tvb_reported_len}, {"reported_length_remaining", Tvb_reported_length_remaining}, { NULL, NULL } }; static const luaL_Reg Tvb_meta[] = { {"__call", Tvb_range}, {"__tostring", Tvb__tostring}, { NULL, NULL } }; int Tvb_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(Tvb); return 1; } /* * get a Blefuscuoan unsigned integer from a tvb */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_uint(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Big Endian (network order) unsigned integer from a TvbRange. The range must be 1, 2, 3 or 4 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } switch (tvbr->len) { case 1: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_guint8(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 2: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_ntohs(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 3: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_ntoh24(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 4: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_ntohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The unsigned integer value */ /* * XXX: * lua uses double so we have 52 bits to play with * we are missing 5 and 6 byte integers within lua's range * and 64 bit integers are not supported (there's a lib for * lua that does). */ default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:uint() does not handle %d byte integers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } /* * get a Lilliputian unsigned integer from a tvb */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_uint(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Little Endian unsigned integer from a TvbRange. The range must be 1, 2, 3 or 4 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } switch (tvbr->len) { case 1: /* XXX unsigned anyway */ lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)tvb_get_guint8(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 2: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_letohs(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 3: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_letoh24(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 4: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_letohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The unsigned integer value */ default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:le_uint() does not handle %d byte integers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } /* * get a Blefuscuoan unsigned 64 bit integer from a tvb */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_uint64(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Big Endian (network order) unsigned 64 bit integer from a TvbRange. The range must be 1-8 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } switch (tvbr->len) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: { UInt64 num = (UInt64)g_malloc(sizeof(guint64)); *num = tvb_get_ntoh64(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset); pushUInt64(L,num); WSLUA_RETURN(1); } default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:uint64() does not handle %d byte integers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } /* * get a Lilliputian unsigned 64 bit integer from a tvb */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_uint64(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Little Endian unsigned 64 bit integer from a TvbRange. The range must be 1-8 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } switch (tvbr->len) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: { UInt64 num = (UInt64)g_malloc(sizeof(guint64)); *num = tvb_get_letoh64(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset); pushUInt64(L,num); WSLUA_RETURN(1); } default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:le_uint64() does not handle %d byte integers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } /* * get a Blefuscuoan signed integer from a tvb */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_int(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Big Endian (network order) signed integer from a TvbRange. The range must be 1, 2 or 4 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } switch (tvbr->len) { case 1: lua_pushnumber(L,(gchar)tvb_get_guint8(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 2: lua_pushnumber(L,(gshort)tvb_get_ntohs(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 4: lua_pushnumber(L,(gint)tvb_get_ntohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The signed integer value */ /* * XXX: * lua uses double so we have 52 bits to play with * we are missing 5 and 6 byte integers within lua's range * and 64 bit integers are not supported (there's a lib for * lua that does). */ default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:int() does not handle %d byte integers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } /* * get a Lilliputian signed integer from a tvb */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_int(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Little Endian signed integer from a TvbRange. The range must be 1, 2 or 4 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } switch (tvbr->len) { case 1: lua_pushnumber(L,(gchar)tvb_get_guint8(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 2: lua_pushnumber(L,(gshort)tvb_get_letohs(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 4: lua_pushnumber(L,(gint)tvb_get_letohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The signed integer value */ default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:le_int() does not handle %d byte integers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } /* * get a Blefuscuoan signed 64 bit integer from a tvb */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_int64(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Big Endian (network order) signed 64 bit integer from a TvbRange. The range must be 1-8 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } switch (tvbr->len) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: { Int64 num = (Int64)g_malloc(sizeof(gint64)); *num = (gint64)tvb_get_ntoh64(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset); pushInt64(L,num); WSLUA_RETURN(1); } default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:int64() does not handle %d byte integers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } /* * get a Lilliputian signed 64 bit integer from a tvb */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_int64(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Little Endian signed 64 bit integer from a TvbRange. The range must be 1-8 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } switch (tvbr->len) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: { Int64 num = (Int64)g_malloc(sizeof(gint64)); *num = (gint64)tvb_get_letoh64(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset); pushInt64(L,num); WSLUA_RETURN(1); } default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:le_int64() does not handle %d byte integers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } /* * get a Blefuscuoan float */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_float(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Big Endian (network order) floating point number from a TvbRange. The range must be 4 or 8 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } switch (tvbr->len) { case 4: lua_pushnumber(L,(double)tvb_get_ntohieee_float(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 8: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_ntohieee_double(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The floating point value */ default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:float() does not handle %d byte floating numbers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } /* * get a Lilliputian float */ WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_float(lua_State* L) { /* Get a Little Endian floating point number from a TvbRange. The range must be 4 or 8 octets long. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; switch (tvbr->len) { case 4: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_letohieee_float(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); return 1; case 8: lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_letohieee_double(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The floating point value */ default: luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:le_float() does not handle %d byte floating numbers",tvbr->len); return 0; } } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_ipv4(lua_State* L) { /* Get an IPv4 Address from a TvbRange. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); Address addr; guint32* ip_addr; if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } if (tvbr->len != 4) WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_ipv4,"The range must be 4 octets long"); addr = (address *)g_malloc(sizeof(address)); ip_addr = (guint32 *)g_malloc(sizeof(guint32)); *ip_addr = tvb_get_ipv4(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset); SET_ADDRESS(addr, AT_IPv4, 4, ip_addr); pushAddress(L,addr); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The IPv4 Address */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_ipv4(lua_State* L) { /* Get an Little Endian IPv4 Address from a TvbRange. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); Address addr; guint32* ip_addr; if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } if (tvbr->len != 4) WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_ipv4,"The range must be 4 octets long"); addr = (address *)g_malloc(sizeof(address)); ip_addr = (guint32 *)g_malloc(sizeof(guint32)); *ip_addr = tvb_get_ipv4(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset); *((guint32 *)ip_addr) = GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE(*((guint32 *)ip_addr)); SET_ADDRESS(addr, AT_IPv4, 4, ip_addr); pushAddress(L,addr); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The IPv4 Address */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_ether(lua_State* L) { /* Get an Ethernet Address from a TvbRange. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); Address addr; guint8* buff; if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } if (tvbr->len != 6) WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_ether,"The range must be 6 bytes long"); addr = g_new(address,1); buff = (guint8 *)tvb_g_memdup(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset,tvbr->len); SET_ADDRESS(addr, AT_ETHER, 6, buff); pushAddress(L,addr); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The Ethernet Address */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_nstime(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a nstime from a TvbRange */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); NSTime nstime; if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } nstime = g_new(nstime_t,1); if (tvbr->len == 4) { nstime->secs = tvb_get_ntohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset); nstime->nsecs = 0; } else if (tvbr->len == 8) { nstime->secs = tvb_get_ntohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset); nstime->nsecs = tvb_get_ntohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset + 4); } else { g_free(nstime); WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_nstime,"The range must be 4 or 8 bytes long"); return 0; } pushNSTime(L, nstime); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The NSTime */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_nstime(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a nstime from a TvbRange */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); NSTime nstime; if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } nstime = g_new(nstime_t,1); if (tvbr->len == 4) { nstime->secs = tvb_get_letohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset); nstime->nsecs = 0; } else if (tvbr->len == 8) { nstime->secs = tvb_get_letohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset); nstime->nsecs = tvb_get_letohl(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset + 4); } else { g_free(nstime); WSLUA_ERROR(TvbRange_nstime,"The range must be 4 or 8 bytes long"); return 0; } pushNSTime(L, nstime); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The NSTime */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_string(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a string from a TvbRange */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushlstring(L, (gchar*)tvb_get_ephemeral_string(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset,tvbr->len), tvbr->len ); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The string */ } static int TvbRange_ustring_any(lua_State* L, gboolean little_endian) { /* Obtain a UTF-16 encoded string from a TvbRange */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); gchar * str; if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } str = (gchar*)tvb_get_ephemeral_unicode_string(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset,tvbr->len,(little_endian ? ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN : ENC_BIG_ENDIAN)); lua_pushlstring(L, str, strlen(str)); return 1; /* The string */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_ustring(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a Big Endian (network order) UTF-16 encoded string from a TvbRange */ WSLUA_RETURN(TvbRange_ustring_any(L, FALSE)); /* The string */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_ustring(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a Little Endian UTF-16 encoded string from a TvbRange */ WSLUA_RETURN(TvbRange_ustring_any(L, TRUE)); /* The string */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_stringz(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a zero terminated string from a TvbRange */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushstring(L, (gchar*)tvb_get_ephemeral_stringz(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset,NULL) ); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The zero terminated string */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_strsize(lua_State* L) { /* Find the size of a zero terminated string from a TvbRange. The size of the string includes the terminating zero. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushinteger(L, tvb_strsize(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* Length of the zero terminated string */ } static int TvbRange_ustringz_any(lua_State* L, gboolean little_endian) { /* Obtain a zero terminated string from a TvbRange */ gint count; TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushstring(L, (gchar*)tvb_get_ephemeral_unicode_stringz(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset,&count,(little_endian ? ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN : ENC_BIG_ENDIAN)) ); lua_pushinteger(L,count); return 2; /* The zero terminated string, the length found in tvbr */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_ustringz(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a Big Endian (network order) UTF-16 encoded zero terminated string from a TvbRange */ WSLUA_RETURN(TvbRange_ustringz_any(L, FALSE)); /* The zero terminated string, the length found in tvbr */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_le_ustringz(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a Little Endian UTF-16 encoded zero terminated string from a TvbRange */ WSLUA_RETURN(TvbRange_ustringz_any(L, TRUE)); /* The zero terminated string, the length found in tvbr */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_bytes(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a ByteArray */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); GByteArray* ba; if ( !(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } ba = g_byte_array_new(); g_byte_array_append(ba,(const guint8 *)ep_tvb_memdup(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset,tvbr->len),tvbr->len); pushByteArray(L,ba); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The ByteArray */ } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_bitfield(lua_State* L) { /* Get a bitfield from a TvbRange. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_bitfield_POSITION 2 /* The bit offset from the beginning of the TvbRange. Defaults to 0. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_bitfield_LENGTH 3 /* The length (in bits) of the field. Defaults to 1. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); int pos = luaL_optint(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_bitfield_POSITION,0); int len = luaL_optint(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_bitfield_LENGTH,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } if ((pos+len) > (tvbr->len<<3)) { luaL_error(L, "Requested bitfield out of range"); return 0; } if (len <= 8) { lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)tvb_get_bits8(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset*8 + pos, len)); return 1; } else if (len <= 16) { lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_bits16(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset*8 + pos, len, FALSE)); return 1; } else if (len <= 32) { lua_pushnumber(L,tvb_get_bits32(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset*8 + pos, len, FALSE)); return 1; } else if (len <= 64) { UInt64 num = (UInt64)g_malloc(sizeof(guint64)); *num = tvb_get_bits64(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset*8 + pos, len, FALSE); pushUInt64(L,num); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The bitfield value */ } else { luaL_error(L,"TvbRange:bitfield() does not handle %d bits",len); return 0; } } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_range(lua_State* L) { /* Creates a sub-TvbRange from this TvbRange. This is used also as the TvbRange:__call() metamethod. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_range_OFFSET 2 /* The offset (in octets) from the beginning of the TvbRange. Defaults to 0. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_range_LENGTH 3 /* The length (in octets) of the range. Defaults to until the end of the TvbRange. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); int offset = luaL_optint(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_range_OFFSET,0); int len; if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; len = luaL_optint(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_TvbRange_range_LENGTH,tvbr->len-offset); if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } if (offset >= tvbr->len || (len + offset) > tvbr->len) { luaL_error(L,"Range is out of bounds"); return 0; } if ((tvbr = new_TvbRange(L,tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset+offset,len))) { PUSH_TVBRANGE(L,tvbr); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The TvbRange */ } return 0; } static int TvbRange_uncompress(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain a uncompressed TvbRange from a TvbRange */ #define WSLUA_ARG_TvbRange_tvb_NAME 2 /* The name to be given to the new data-source. */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); const gchar* name = luaL_optstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_ByteArray_tvb_NAME,"Uncompressed"); tvbuff_t *uncompr_tvb; if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ uncompr_tvb = tvb_child_uncompress(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb, tvbr->offset, tvbr->len); if (uncompr_tvb) { add_new_data_source (lua_pinfo, uncompr_tvb, name); if ((tvbr = new_TvbRange(L,uncompr_tvb,0,tvb_length(uncompr_tvb)))) { PUSH_TVBRANGE(L,tvbr); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The TvbRange */ } } #else luaL_error(L,"Missing support for ZLIB"); #endif return 0; } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int TvbRange__gc(lua_State* L) { TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); free_TvbRange(tvbr); return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_len(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain the length of a TvbRange */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)tvbr->len); return 1; } WSLUA_METHOD TvbRange_offset(lua_State* L) { /* Obtain the offset in a TvbRange */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)tvbr->offset); return 1; } WSLUA_METAMETHOD TvbRange__tostring(lua_State* L) { /* Converts the TvbRange into a string. As the string gets truncated you should use this only for debugging purposes or if what you want is to have a truncated string in the format 67:89:AB:... */ TvbRange tvbr = checkTvbRange(L,1); if (!(tvbr && tvbr->tvb)) return 0; if (tvbr->tvb->expired) { luaL_error(L,"expired tvb"); return 0; } lua_pushstring(L,tvb_bytes_to_str(tvbr->tvb->ws_tvb,tvbr->offset,tvbr->len)); return 1; } static const luaL_Reg TvbRange_methods[] = { {"uint", TvbRange_uint}, {"le_uint", TvbRange_le_uint}, {"int", TvbRange_int}, {"le_int", TvbRange_le_int}, {"uint64", TvbRange_uint64}, {"le_uint64", TvbRange_le_uint64}, {"int64", TvbRange_int64}, {"le_int64", TvbRange_le_int64}, {"float", TvbRange_float}, {"le_float", TvbRange_le_float}, {"ether", TvbRange_ether}, {"ipv4", TvbRange_ipv4}, {"le_ipv4", TvbRange_le_ipv4}, {"nstime", TvbRange_nstime}, {"le_nstime", TvbRange_le_nstime}, {"string", TvbRange_string}, {"stringz", TvbRange_stringz}, {"strsize", TvbRange_strsize}, {"bytes", TvbRange_bytes}, {"bitfield", TvbRange_bitfield}, {"range", TvbRange_range}, {"len", TvbRange_len}, {"offset", TvbRange_offset}, {"tvb", TvbRange_tvb}, {"le_ustring", TvbRange_le_ustring}, {"ustring", TvbRange_ustring}, {"le_ustringz", TvbRange_le_ustringz}, {"ustringz", TvbRange_ustringz}, {"uncompress", TvbRange_uncompress}, { NULL, NULL } }; static const luaL_Reg TvbRange_meta[] = { {"__tostring", TvbRange__tostring}, {"__concat", wslua__concat}, {"__call", TvbRange_range}, { NULL, NULL } }; int TvbRange_register(lua_State* L) { outstanding_Tvb = g_ptr_array_new(); outstanding_TvbRange = g_ptr_array_new(); WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(TvbRange); return 1; } WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(Int64,FAIL_ON_NULL("null int64"),NOP); /* Int64 represents a 64 bit integer. Lua uses one single number representation which can be chosen at compile time and since it is often set to IEEE 754 double precision floating point, we cannot store a 64 bit integer with full precision. For details, see: http://lua-users.org/wiki/FloatingPoint */ WSLUA_METAMETHOD Int64__tostring(lua_State* L) { /* Converts the Int64 into a string */ Int64 num = checkInt64(L,1); lua_pushstring(L,ep_strdup_printf("%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "d",(gint64)*(num))); return 1; } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int Int64__gc(lua_State* L) { Int64 num = checkInt64(L,1); if (!num) return 0; g_free(num); return 0; } static const luaL_Reg Int64_methods[] = { { NULL, NULL } }; static const luaL_Reg Int64_meta[] = { {"__tostring", Int64__tostring}, {"__concat", wslua__concat}, { NULL, NULL } }; int Int64_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(Int64); return 1; } WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(UInt64,FAIL_ON_NULL("null uint64"),NOP); /* UInt64 represents a 64 bit unsigned integer. */ WSLUA_METAMETHOD UInt64__tostring(lua_State* L) { /* Converts the UInt64 into a string */ UInt64 num = checkUInt64(L,1); lua_pushstring(L,ep_strdup_printf("%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "u",(guint64)*(num))); return 1; } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int UInt64__gc(lua_State* L) { UInt64 num = checkUInt64(L,1); if (!num) return 0; g_free(num); return 0; } static const luaL_Reg UInt64_methods[] = { { NULL, NULL } }; static const luaL_Reg UInt64_meta[] = { {"__tostring", UInt64__tostring}, {"__concat", wslua__concat}, { NULL, NULL } }; int UInt64_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(UInt64); return 1; }