/* * wslua_proto_field.c * * Wireshark's interface to the Lua Programming Language * * (c) 2006, Luis E. Garcia Ontanon * (c) 2008, Balint Reczey * (c) 2011, Stig Bjorlykke * (c) 2014, Hadriel Kaplan * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "wslua.h" /* WSLUA_CONTINUE_MODULE Proto */ WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(ProtoField,FAIL_ON_NULL("null ProtoField"),NOP); /* A Protocol field (to be used when adding items to the dissection tree). */ static const wslua_ft_types_t ftenums[] = { {"ftypes.NONE", FT_NONE}, {"ftypes.BOOLEAN", FT_BOOLEAN}, {"ftypes.UINT8", FT_UINT8}, {"ftypes.UINT16", FT_UINT16}, {"ftypes.UINT24", FT_UINT24}, {"ftypes.UINT32", FT_UINT32}, {"ftypes.UINT64", FT_UINT64}, {"ftypes.INT8", FT_INT8}, {"ftypes.INT16", FT_INT16}, {"ftypes.INT24", FT_INT24}, {"ftypes.INT32", FT_INT32}, {"ftypes.INT64", FT_INT64}, {"ftypes.FLOAT", FT_FLOAT}, {"ftypes.DOUBLE", FT_DOUBLE}, {"ftypes.ABSOLUTE_TIME", FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME}, {"ftypes.RELATIVE_TIME", FT_RELATIVE_TIME}, {"ftypes.STRING", FT_STRING}, {"ftypes.STRINGZ", FT_STRINGZ}, {"ftypes.ETHER", FT_ETHER}, {"ftypes.BYTES", FT_BYTES}, {"ftypes.UINT_BYTES", FT_UINT_BYTES}, {"ftypes.IPv4", FT_IPv4}, {"ftypes.IPv6", FT_IPv6}, {"ftypes.IPXNET", FT_IPXNET}, {"ftypes.FRAMENUM", FT_FRAMENUM}, {"ftypes.GUID", FT_GUID}, {"ftypes.OID", FT_OID}, {"ftypes.SYSTEM_ID", FT_SYSTEM_ID}, {"ftypes.REL_OID", FT_REL_OID}, {"ftypes.EUI64", FT_EUI64}, {"ftypes.FCWWN", FT_FCWWN}, {NULL, FT_NONE} }; static enum ftenum get_ftenum(const gchar* type) { const wslua_ft_types_t* ts; for (ts = ftenums; ts->str; ts++) { if ( g_str_equal(ts->str,type) ) { return ts->id; } } return FT_NONE; } static const gchar* ftenum_to_string(enum ftenum ft) { const wslua_ft_types_t* ts; for (ts = ftenums; ts->str; ts++) { if ( ts->id == ft ) { return ts->str; } } return NULL; } struct field_display_string_t { const gchar* str; unsigned base; }; static const struct field_display_string_t base_displays[] = { {"base.NONE", BASE_NONE}, {"base.DEC", BASE_DEC}, {"base.HEX", BASE_HEX}, {"base.OCT", BASE_OCT}, {"base.DEC_HEX", BASE_DEC_HEX}, {"base.HEX_DEC", BASE_HEX_DEC}, /* for FT_BOOLEAN, how wide the parent bitfield is */ {"8",8}, {"16",16}, {"24",24}, {"32",32}, /* for FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME use values in absolute_time_display_e */ {"LOCAL", ABSOLUTE_TIME_LOCAL}, {"UTC", ABSOLUTE_TIME_UTC}, {"DOY_UTC", ABSOLUTE_TIME_DOY_UTC}, {NULL,0} }; static const gchar* base_to_string(unsigned base) { const struct field_display_string_t* b; for (b=base_displays;b->str;b++) { if ( base == b->base) return b->str; } return NULL; } static unsigned string_to_base(const gchar* str) { const struct field_display_string_t* b; for (b=base_displays;b->str;b++) { if ( g_str_equal(str,b->str)) return b->base; } return BASE_NONE; } static value_string* value_string_from_table(lua_State* L, int idx) { GArray* vs = g_array_new(TRUE,TRUE,sizeof(value_string)); value_string* ret; if(lua_isnil(L,idx)) { return NULL; } else if (!lua_istable(L,idx)) { luaL_argerror(L,idx,"must be a table"); g_array_free(vs,TRUE); return NULL; } lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, idx) != 0) { value_string v = {0,NULL}; if (! lua_isnumber(L,-2)) { luaL_argerror(L,idx,"All keys of a table used as value_string must be integers"); g_array_free(vs,TRUE); return NULL; } if (! lua_isstring(L,-1)) { luaL_argerror(L,idx,"All values of a table used as value_string must be strings"); g_array_free(vs,TRUE); return NULL; } v.value = wslua_toguint32(L,-2); v.strptr = g_strdup(lua_tostring(L,-1)); g_array_append_val(vs,v); lua_pop(L, 1); } ret = (value_string*)(void*)vs->data; g_array_free(vs,FALSE); return ret; } static val64_string* val64_string_from_table(lua_State* L, int idx) { GArray* vs = g_array_new(TRUE,TRUE,sizeof(val64_string)); val64_string* ret; if(lua_isnil(L,idx)) { return NULL; } else if (!lua_istable(L,idx)) { luaL_argerror(L,idx,"must be a table"); g_array_free(vs,TRUE); return NULL; } lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, idx) != 0) { val64_string v = {0,NULL}; if (! lua_isnumber(L,-2)) { luaL_argerror(L,idx,"All keys of a table used as value string must be integers"); g_array_free(vs,TRUE); return NULL; } if (! lua_isstring(L,-1)) { luaL_argerror(L,idx,"All values of a table used as value string must be strings"); g_array_free(vs,TRUE); return NULL; } v.value = wslua_toguint64(L, -2); v.strptr = g_strdup(lua_tostring(L,-1)); g_array_append_val(vs,v); lua_pop(L, 1); } ret = (val64_string*)(void*)vs->data; g_array_free(vs,FALSE); return ret; } static true_false_string* true_false_string_from_table(lua_State* L, int idx) { GArray* tfs = g_array_new(TRUE,TRUE,sizeof(true_false_string)); true_false_string* ret; true_false_string tf = { g_strdup("True"), g_strdup("False") }; if (lua_isnil(L,idx)) { return NULL; } else if (!lua_istable(L,idx)) { luaL_argerror(L,idx,"must be a table"); g_array_free(tfs,TRUE); return NULL; } lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, idx)) { if (! lua_isnumber(L,-2)) { luaL_argerror(L,idx,"All keys of a table used as true_false_string must be integers"); g_array_free(tfs,TRUE); return NULL; } if (! lua_isstring(L,-1)) { luaL_argerror(L,idx,"All values of a table used as true_false_string must be strings"); g_array_free(tfs,TRUE); return NULL; } /* arrays in LUA start with index number 1 */ if (lua_tointeger(L,-2) == 1) { g_free((gchar *)tf.true_string); tf.true_string = g_strdup(lua_tostring(L,-1)); } if (lua_tointeger(L,-2) == 2) { g_free((gchar *)tf.false_string); tf.false_string = g_strdup(lua_tostring(L,-1)); } lua_pop(L, 1); } g_array_append_val(tfs,tf); ret = (true_false_string*)(void*)tfs->data; g_array_free(tfs,FALSE); return ret; } static const gchar* check_field_name(lua_State* L, const int abbr_idx, const enum ftenum type) { const gchar* abbr = luaL_checkstring(L,abbr_idx); const header_field_info* hfinfo = NULL; if (!abbr[0]) { luaL_argerror(L, abbr_idx, "Empty field name abbreviation"); return NULL; } if (proto_check_field_name(abbr)) { luaL_argerror(L, abbr_idx, "Invalid char in abbrev"); return NULL; } hfinfo = proto_registrar_get_byname(abbr); if (hfinfo && !ftype_similar_types(type, hfinfo->type)) { luaL_argerror(L, abbr_idx, "A field of an incompatible ftype with this abbrev already exists"); return NULL; } return abbr; } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR ProtoField_new(lua_State* L) { /* Creates a new `ProtoField` object to be used for a protocol field. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ProtoField_new_NAME 1 /* Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ProtoField_new_ABBR 2 /* Filter name of the field (the string that is used in filters). */ #define WSLUA_ARG_ProtoField_new_TYPE 3 /* Field Type: one of: `ftypes.BOOLEAN`, `ftypes.UINT8`, `ftypes.UINT16`, `ftypes.UINT24`, `ftypes.UINT32`, `ftypes.UINT64`, `ftypes.INT8`, `ftypes.INT16`, `ftypes.INT24`, `ftypes.INT32`, `ftypes.INT64`, `ftypes.FLOAT`, `ftypes.DOUBLE` , `ftypes.ABSOLUTE_TIME`, `ftypes.RELATIVE_TIME`, `ftypes.STRING`, `ftypes.STRINGZ`, `ftypes.UINT_STRING`, `ftypes.ETHER`, `ftypes.BYTES`, `ftypes.UINT_BYTES`, `ftypes.IPv4`, `ftypes.IPv6`, `ftypes.IPXNET`, `ftypes.FRAMENUM`, `ftypes.PCRE`, `ftypes.GUID`, `ftypes.OID`, `ftypes.PROTOCOL`, `ftypes.REL_OID`, `ftypes.SYSTEM_ID`, `ftypes.EUI64` or `ftypes.NONE`. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_VALUESTRING 4 /* A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_BASE 5 /* The representation, one of: `base.NONE`, `base.DEC`, `base.HEX`, `base.OCT`, `base.DEC_HEX`, or `base.HEX_DEC`. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_MASK 6 /* The bitmask to be used. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_DESCR 7 /* The description of the field. */ ProtoField f; int nargs = lua_gettop(L); const gchar* name = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_ProtoField_new_NAME); const gchar* abbr = NULL; enum ftenum type; value_string *vs32 = NULL; val64_string *vs64 = NULL; true_false_string *tfs = NULL; unsigned base; guint32 mask = wslua_optguint32(L, WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_MASK, 0x0); const gchar *blob = luaL_optstring(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_DESCR,NULL); if (lua_isnumber(L,WSLUA_ARG_ProtoField_new_TYPE)) { type = (enum ftenum)luaL_checkinteger(L,WSLUA_ARG_ProtoField_new_TYPE); } else { type = get_ftenum(luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_ProtoField_new_TYPE)); } abbr = check_field_name(L,WSLUA_ARG_ProtoField_new_ABBR,type); if (lua_isnumber(L, WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_BASE)) { base = (unsigned)luaL_optinteger(L, WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_BASE, BASE_NONE); } else { base = string_to_base(luaL_optstring(L, WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_BASE, "BASE_NONE")); } switch (type) { case FT_FRAMENUM: if (base != BASE_NONE) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,BASE,"FRAMENUM must use base.NONE"); return 0; } if (mask) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,MASK,"FRAMENUM can not have a bitmask"); return 0; } break; case FT_UINT8: case FT_UINT16: case FT_UINT24: case FT_UINT32: case FT_UINT64: case FT_INT8: case FT_INT16: case FT_INT24: case FT_INT32: case FT_INT64: if (base == BASE_NONE) { base = BASE_DEC; /* Default base for integer */ } else if (base < BASE_DEC || base > BASE_HEX_DEC) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,BASE,"Base must be either base.DEC, base.HEX, base.OCT," " base.DEC_HEX, base.DEC_HEX or base.HEX_DEC"); return 0; } if ((base == BASE_HEX || base == BASE_OCT) && (type == FT_INT8 || type == FT_INT16 || type == FT_INT24 || type == FT_INT32 || type == FT_INT64)) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,BASE,"This type does not display as hexadecimal"); return 0; } if (nargs >= WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_VALUESTRING && !lua_isnil(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_VALUESTRING)) { if (type == FT_UINT64 || type == FT_INT64) { vs64 = val64_string_from_table(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_VALUESTRING); } else { vs32 = value_string_from_table(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_VALUESTRING); } } break; case FT_BOOLEAN: if (mask == 0x0 && base != BASE_NONE) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,BASE,"Base must be base.NONE if bitmask is zero."); return 0; } if (mask != 0x0 && (base < 1 || base > 64)) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,BASE,"Base must be between 1 and 64 if bitmask is non-zero."); return 0; } if (nargs >= WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_VALUESTRING && !lua_isnil(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_VALUESTRING)) { tfs = true_false_string_from_table(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_ProtoField_new_VALUESTRING); } break; case FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME: if (base == BASE_NONE) { base = ABSOLUTE_TIME_LOCAL; /* Default base for FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME */ } else if (base < ABSOLUTE_TIME_LOCAL || base > ABSOLUTE_TIME_DOY_UTC) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,BASE,"Base must be either LOCAL, UTC, or DOY_UTC"); return 0; } if (mask) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,MASK,"ABSOLUTE_TIME can not have a bitmask"); return 0; } break; case FT_NONE: case FT_IPv4: case FT_IPv6: case FT_IPXNET: case FT_ETHER: case FT_FLOAT: case FT_DOUBLE: case FT_RELATIVE_TIME: case FT_STRING: case FT_STRINGZ: case FT_BYTES: case FT_UINT_BYTES: case FT_GUID: case FT_OID: case FT_PROTOCOL: case FT_SYSTEM_ID: case FT_REL_OID: case FT_EUI64: case FT_VINES: case FT_FCWWN: if (base != BASE_NONE) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,BASE,"Base must be base.NONE"); return 0; } if (mask) { WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,MASK,"This type can not have a bitmask"); return 0; } break; /* TODO: new in 1.99 and not handled yet */ case FT_UINT40: case FT_UINT48: case FT_UINT56: case FT_INT40: case FT_INT48: case FT_INT56: /* older but not supported yet (or maybe ever) */ case FT_UINT_STRING: case FT_PCRE: case FT_AX25: case FT_STRINGZPAD: default: WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(ProtoField_new,TYPE,"Invalid ProtoField field type"); break; } f = g_new(wslua_field_t,1); f->hfid = -2; f->ett = -1; f->name = g_strdup(name); f->abbrev = g_strdup(abbr); f->type = type; f->base = base; if (tfs) { f->vs = TFS(tfs); } else if (vs32) { f->vs = VALS(vs32); } else if (vs64) { /* Indicate that we are using val64_string */ f->base |= BASE_VAL64_STRING; f->vs = VALS(vs64); } else { f->vs = NULL; } f->mask = mask; if (blob && strcmp(blob, f->name) != 0) { f->blob = g_strdup(blob); } else { f->blob = NULL; } pushProtoField(L,f); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The newly created `ProtoField` object. */ } static int ProtoField_integer(lua_State* L, enum ftenum type) { ProtoField f; const gchar* abbr = check_field_name(L,1,type); const gchar* name = luaL_optstring(L,2,abbr); unsigned default_base = (type == FT_FRAMENUM) ? BASE_NONE : BASE_DEC; unsigned base = (unsigned)luaL_optinteger(L, 3, default_base); value_string* vs32 = NULL; val64_string* vs64 = NULL; guint32 mask = wslua_optguint32(L,5,0); const gchar* blob = luaL_optstring(L,6,NULL); if (lua_gettop(L) > 3) { if (type == FT_UINT64 || type == FT_INT64) { vs64 = val64_string_from_table(L,4); } else { vs32 = value_string_from_table(L,4); } } if (type == FT_FRAMENUM) { if (base != BASE_NONE) luaL_argerror(L, 3, "ftypes.FRAMENUMs must use base.NONE"); else if (mask) luaL_argerror(L, 3, "ftypes.FRAMENUMs can not have a bitmask"); } else if (base < BASE_DEC || base > BASE_HEX_DEC) { luaL_argerror(L, 3, "Base must be either base.DEC, base.HEX, base.OCT," " base.DEC_HEX, base.DEC_HEX or base.HEX_DEC"); return 0; } else if ((base == BASE_HEX || base == BASE_OCT) && (type == FT_INT8 || type == FT_INT16 || type == FT_INT24 || type == FT_INT32 || type == FT_INT64)) { luaL_argerror(L, 3, "This type does not display as hexadecimal"); return 0; } f = g_new(wslua_field_t,1); f->hfid = -2; f->ett = -1; f->name = g_strdup(name); f->abbrev = g_strdup(abbr); f->type = type; f->base = base; if (vs64) { /* Indicate that we are using val64_string */ f->base |= BASE_VAL64_STRING; f->vs = VALS(vs64); } else { f->vs = VALS(vs32); } f->mask = mask; if (blob && strcmp(blob, f->name) != 0) { f->blob = g_strdup(blob); } else { f->blob = NULL; } pushProtoField(L,f); return 1; } #define PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(lower,FT) static int ProtoField_##lower(lua_State* L) { return ProtoField_integer(L,FT); } /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_uint8 Creates a `ProtoField` of an unsigned 8-bit integer (i.e., a byte). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_uint8_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint8_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint8_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint8_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint8_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint8_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_uint16 Creates a `ProtoField` of an unsigned 16-bit integer. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_uint16_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint16_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint16_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint16_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint16_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint16_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_uint24 Creates a `ProtoField` of an unsigned 24-bit integer. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_uint24_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint24_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint24_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint24_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint24_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint24_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_uint32 Creates a `ProtoField` of an unsigned 32-bit integer. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_uint32_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint32_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint32_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint32_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint32_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint32_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_uint64 Creates a `ProtoField` of an unsigned 64-bit integer. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_uint64_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint64_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint64_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint64_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint64_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_uint64_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_int8 Creates a `ProtoField` of a signed 8-bit integer (i.e., a byte). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_int8_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int8_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int8_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int8_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int8_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int8_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_int16 Creates a `ProtoField` of a signed 16-bit integer. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_int16_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int16_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int16_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int16_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int16_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int16_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_int24 Creates a `ProtoField` of a signed 24-bit integer. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_int24_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int24_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int24_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int24_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int24_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int24_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_int32 Creates a `ProtoField` of a signed 32-bit integer. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_int32_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int32_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int32_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int32_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int32_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int32_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_int64 Creates a `ProtoField` of a signed 64-bit integer. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_int64_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int64_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int64_BASE One of `base.DEC`, `base.HEX` or `base.OCT`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int64_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int64_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_int64_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_framenum Creates a `ProtoField` for a frame number (for hyperlinks between frames). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_framenum_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_framenum_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_framenum_BASE Only `base.NONE` is supported for framenum. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_framenum_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_framenum_MASK Integer mask of this field, which must be 0 for framenum. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_framenum_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(uint8,FT_UINT8) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(uint16,FT_UINT16) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(uint24,FT_UINT24) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(uint32,FT_UINT32) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(uint64,FT_UINT64) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(int8,FT_INT8) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(int16,FT_INT16) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(int24,FT_INT24) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(int32,FT_INT32) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(int64,FT_INT64) PROTOFIELD_INTEGER(framenum,FT_FRAMENUM) static int ProtoField_boolean(lua_State* L, enum ftenum type) { ProtoField f; const gchar* abbr = check_field_name(L,1,type); const gchar* name = luaL_optstring(L,2,abbr); unsigned base = (unsigned)luaL_optinteger(L, 3, BASE_NONE); true_false_string* tfs = NULL; guint32 mask = wslua_optguint32(L,5,0); const gchar* blob = luaL_optstring(L,6,NULL); if (mask == 0x0 && base != BASE_NONE) { luaL_argerror(L,2,"Fieldbase (fielddisplay) must be base.NONE" " if bitmask is zero."); return 0; } if (mask != 0x0 && (base < 1 || base > 64)) { luaL_argerror(L,2,"Fieldbase (fielddisplay) must be between 1 and 64" " if bitmask is non-zero."); return 0; } if (lua_gettop(L) > 3 && !lua_isnil(L,4)) { tfs = true_false_string_from_table(L,4); } f = g_new(wslua_field_t,1); f->hfid = -2; f->ett = -1; f->name = g_strdup(name); f->abbrev = g_strdup(abbr); f->type = type; f->vs = TFS(tfs); f->base = base; f->mask = mask; if (blob && strcmp(blob, f->name) != 0) { f->blob = g_strdup(blob); } else { f->blob = NULL; } pushProtoField(L,f); return 1; } #define PROTOFIELD_BOOL(lower,FT) static int ProtoField_##lower(lua_State* L) { return ProtoField_boolean(L,FT); } /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_bool Creates a `ProtoField` for a boolean true/false value. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_bool_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_bool_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_bool_DISPLAY how wide the parent bitfield is (`base.NONE` is used for NULL-value). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_bool_VALUESTRING A table containing the text that corresponds to the values. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_bool_MASK Integer mask of this field. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_bool_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* XXX: T/F strings */ PROTOFIELD_BOOL(bool,FT_BOOLEAN) static int ProtoField_time(lua_State* L,enum ftenum type) { ProtoField f; const gchar* abbr = NULL; const gchar* name = luaL_optstring(L,2,abbr); unsigned base = (unsigned)luaL_optinteger(L,3,ABSOLUTE_TIME_LOCAL); const gchar* blob = NULL; if (type == FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME) { abbr = check_field_name(L,1,type); blob = luaL_optstring(L,4,NULL); if (base < ABSOLUTE_TIME_LOCAL || base > ABSOLUTE_TIME_DOY_UTC) { luaL_argerror(L, 3, "Base must be either LOCAL, UTC, or DOY_UTC"); return 0; } } else { abbr = check_field_name(L,1,type); blob = luaL_optstring(L,3,NULL); } f = g_new(wslua_field_t,1); f->hfid = -2; f->ett = -1; f->name = g_strdup(name); f->abbrev = g_strdup(abbr); f->type = type; f->vs = NULL; f->base = base; f->mask = 0; if (blob && strcmp(blob, f->name) != 0) { f->blob = g_strdup(blob); } else { f->blob = NULL; } pushProtoField(L,f); return 1; } #define PROTOFIELD_TIME(lower,FT) static int ProtoField_##lower(lua_State* L) { return ProtoField_time(L,FT); } /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_absolute_time Creates a `ProtoField` of a time_t structure value. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_absolute_time_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_absolute_time_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_absolute_time_BASE One of `base.LOCAL`, `base.UTC` or `base.DOY_UTC`. */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_absolute_time_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_relative_time Creates a `ProtoField` of a time_t structure value. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_relative_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_relative_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_relative_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ PROTOFIELD_TIME(absolute_time,FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME) static int ProtoField_other(lua_State* L,enum ftenum type) { ProtoField f; const gchar* abbr = check_field_name(L,1,type); const gchar* name = luaL_optstring(L,2,abbr); const gchar* blob = luaL_optstring(L,3,NULL); f = g_new(wslua_field_t,1); f->hfid = -2; f->ett = -1; f->name = g_strdup(name); f->abbrev = g_strdup(abbr); f->type = type; f->vs = NULL; f->base = BASE_NONE; f->mask = 0; if (blob && strcmp(blob, f->name) != 0) { f->blob = g_strdup(blob); } else { f->blob = NULL; } pushProtoField(L,f); return 1; } #define PROTOFIELD_OTHER(lower,FT) static int ProtoField_##lower(lua_State* L) { return ProtoField_other(L,FT); } /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_none Creates a `ProtoField` of an unstructured type. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_none_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_none_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_none_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_ipv4 Creates a `ProtoField` of an IPv4 address (4 bytes). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_ipv4_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_ipv4_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_ipv4_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_ipv6 Creates a `ProtoField` of an IPv6 address (16 bytes). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_ipv6_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_ipv6_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_ipv6_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_ether Creates a `ProtoField` of an Ethernet address (6 bytes). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_ether_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_ether_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_ether_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_float Creates a `ProtoField` of a floating point number (4 bytes). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_float_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_float_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_float_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_double Creates a `ProtoField` of a double-precision floating point (8 bytes). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_double_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_double_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_double_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_string Creates a `ProtoField` of a string value. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_string_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_string_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_string_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_stringz Creates a `ProtoField` of a zero-terminated string value. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_stringz_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_stringz_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_stringz_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_bytes Creates a `ProtoField` for an arbitrary number of bytes. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_bytes_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_bytes_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_bytes_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_ubytes Creates a `ProtoField` for an arbitrary number of unsigned bytes. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_ubytes_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_ubytes_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_ubytes_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_guid Creates a `ProtoField` for a Globally Unique IDentifier (GUID). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_guid_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_guid_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_guid_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_oid Creates a `ProtoField` for an ASN.1 Organizational IDentified (OID). */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_oid_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_oid_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_oid_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_protocol Creates a `ProtoField` for a sub-protocol. Since 1.99.9. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_protocol_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_protocol_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_protocol_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_rel_oid Creates a `ProtoField` for an ASN.1 Relative-OID. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_rel_oid_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_rel_oid_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_rel_oid_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_systemid Creates a `ProtoField` for an OSI System ID. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_systemid_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_systemid_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_systemid_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ /* _WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR_ ProtoField_eui64 Creates a `ProtoField` for an EUI64. */ /* WSLUA_ARG_Protofield_eui64_ABBR Abbreviated name of the field (the string used in filters). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_eui64_NAME Actual name of the field (the string that appears in the tree). */ /* WSLUA_OPTARG_Protofield_eui64_DESC Description of the field. */ /* _WSLUA_RETURNS_ A `ProtoField` object to be added to a table set to the `Proto.fields` attribute. */ PROTOFIELD_OTHER(none,FT_NONE) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(ipv4,FT_IPv4) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(ipv6,FT_IPv6) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(ipx,FT_IPXNET) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(ether,FT_ETHER) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(float,FT_FLOAT) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(double,FT_DOUBLE) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(relative_time,FT_RELATIVE_TIME) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(string,FT_STRING) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(stringz,FT_STRINGZ) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(bytes,FT_BYTES) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(ubytes,FT_UINT_BYTES) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(guid,FT_GUID) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(oid,FT_OID) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(protocol,FT_PROTOCOL) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(rel_oid,FT_REL_OID) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(systemid,FT_SYSTEM_ID) PROTOFIELD_OTHER(eui64,FT_EUI64) WSLUA_METAMETHOD ProtoField__tostring(lua_State* L) { /* Returns a string with info about a protofield (for debugging purposes). */ ProtoField f = checkProtoField(L,1); gchar* s = g_strdup_printf("ProtoField(%i): %s %s %s %s %p %.8x %s", f->hfid,f->name,f->abbrev, ftenum_to_string(f->type), base_to_string(f->base), f->vs,f->mask,f->blob); lua_pushstring(L,s); g_free(s); return 1; } static int ProtoField__gc(lua_State* L) { ProtoField f = toProtoField(L,1); if (f->hfid == -2) { /* Only free unregistered and deregistered ProtoField */ g_free(f); } return 0; } WSLUA_METHODS ProtoField_methods[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,new), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,none), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,uint8), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,uint16), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,uint24), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,uint32), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,uint64), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,int8), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,int16), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,int24), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,int32), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,int64), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,framenum), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,ipv4), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,ipv6), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,ipx), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,ether), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,bool), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,float), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,double), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,absolute_time), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,relative_time), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,string), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,stringz), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,bytes), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,ubytes), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,guid), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,oid), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,protocol), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,rel_oid), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,systemid), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(ProtoField,eui64), { NULL, NULL } }; WSLUA_META ProtoField_meta[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_MTREG(ProtoField,tostring), { NULL, NULL } }; int ProtoField_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(ProtoField); return 0; } /* * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */