/* * wslua_dissector.c * * Wireshark's interface to the Lua Programming Language * * (c) 2006, Luis E. Garcia Ontanon * (c) 2008, Balint Reczey * (c) 2011, Stig Bjorlykke * (c) 2014, Hadriel Kaplan * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include "wslua.h" #include #include #include /* WSLUA_CONTINUE_MODULE Proto */ WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(Dissector,NOP); /* A refererence to a dissector, used to call a dissector against a packet or a part of it. */ WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dissector_get (lua_State *L) { /* Obtains a dissector reference by name. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_get_NAME 1 /* The name of the dissector. */ const gchar* name = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_get_NAME); Dissector d; if ((d = find_dissector(name))) { pushDissector(L, d); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The Dissector reference. */ } WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(Dissector_get,NAME,"No such dissector"); return 0; } /* Allow dissector key names to be sorted alphabetically. */ static gint compare_dissector_key_name(gconstpointer dissector_a, gconstpointer dissector_b) { return strcmp((const char*)dissector_a, (const char*)dissector_b); } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dissector_list (lua_State *L) { /* Gets a Lua array table of all registered Dissector names. Note: This is an expensive operation, and should only be used for troubleshooting. @since 1.11.3 */ GList* list = get_dissector_names(); GList* elist = NULL; int i = 1; if (!list) return luaL_error(L,"Cannot retrieve Dissector name list"); list = g_list_sort(list, (GCompareFunc)compare_dissector_key_name); elist = g_list_first(list); lua_newtable(L); for (i=1; elist; i++, elist = g_list_next(elist)) { lua_pushstring(L,(const char *) elist->data); lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); } g_list_free(list); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The array table of registered dissector names. */ } WSLUA_METHOD Dissector_call(lua_State* L) { /* Calls a dissector against a given packet (or part of it). */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_TVB 2 /* The buffer to dissect. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_PINFO 3 /* The packet info. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_TREE 4 /* The tree on which to add the protocol items. */ Dissector volatile d = checkDissector(L,1); Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_TVB); Pinfo pinfo = checkPinfo(L,WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_PINFO); TreeItem ti = checkTreeItem(L,WSLUA_ARG_Dissector_call_TREE); const char *volatile error = NULL; int len = 0; if (! ( d && tvb && pinfo) ) return 0; TRY { len = call_dissector(d, tvb->ws_tvb, pinfo->ws_pinfo, ti->tree); /* XXX Are we sure about this??? is this the right/only thing to catch */ } CATCH_NONFATAL_ERRORS { show_exception(tvb->ws_tvb, pinfo->ws_pinfo, ti->tree, EXCEPT_CODE, GET_MESSAGE); error = "Malformed frame"; } ENDTRY; if (error) { WSLUA_ERROR(Dissector_call,error); } lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)len); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* Number of bytes dissected. Note that some dissectors always return number of bytes in incoming buffer, so be aware. */ } WSLUA_METAMETHOD Dissector__call(lua_State* L) { /* Calls a dissector against a given packet (or part of it). */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector__call_TVB 2 /* The buffer to dissect. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector__call_PINFO 3 /* The packet info. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dissector__call_TREE 4 /* The tree on which to add the protocol items. */ return Dissector_call(L); } WSLUA_METAMETHOD Dissector__tostring(lua_State* L) { /* Gets the Dissector's protocol short name. */ Dissector d = checkDissector(L,1); if (!d) return 0; lua_pushstring(L,dissector_handle_get_short_name(d)); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* A string of the protocol's short name. */ } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int Dissector__gc(lua_State* L _U_) { /* do NOT free Dissector */ return 0; } WSLUA_METHODS Dissector_methods[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dissector,get), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dissector,call), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dissector,list), { NULL, NULL } }; WSLUA_META Dissector_meta[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_MTREG(Dissector,tostring), WSLUA_CLASS_MTREG(Dissector,call), { NULL, NULL } }; int Dissector_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(Dissector); return 0; } WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(DissectorTable,NOP); /* A table of subdissectors of a particular protocol (e.g. TCP subdissectors like http, smtp, sip are added to table "tcp.port"). Useful to add more dissectors to a table so that they appear in the Decode As... dialog. */ static int dissectortable_table_ref = LUA_NOREF; WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR DissectorTable_new (lua_State *L) { /* Creates a new DissectorTable for your dissector's use. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_new_TABLENAME 1 /* The short name of the table. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_DissectorTable_new_UINAME 2 /* The name of the table in the User Interface (defaults to the name given). */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_DissectorTable_new_TYPE 3 /* Either `ftypes.UINT8`, `ftypes.UINT16`, `ftypes.UINT24`, `ftypes.UINT32`, or `ftypes.STRING` (defaults to `ftypes.UINT32`). */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_DissectorTable_new_BASE 4 /* Either `base.NONE`, `base.DEC`, `base.HEX`, `base.OCT`, `base.DEC_HEX` or `base.HEX_DEC` (defaults to `base.DEC`). */ const gchar* name = (const gchar*)luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_new_TABLENAME); const gchar* ui_name = (const gchar*)luaL_optstring(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_DissectorTable_new_UINAME,name); enum ftenum type = (enum ftenum)luaL_optinteger(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_DissectorTable_new_TYPE,FT_UINT32); unsigned base = (unsigned)luaL_optinteger(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_DissectorTable_new_BASE,BASE_DEC); switch(type) { case FT_STRING: base = BASE_NONE; /* fallthrough */ case FT_NONE: /* fallthrough */ case FT_UINT8: case FT_UINT16: case FT_UINT24: case FT_UINT32: { DissectorTable dt = (DissectorTable)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_distbl_t)); name = g_strdup(name); ui_name = g_strdup(ui_name); /* XXX - can't determine dependencies of Lua protocols if they don't provide protocol name */ dt->table = (type == FT_NONE) ? register_decode_as_next_proto(-1, name, ui_name, NULL) : register_dissector_table(name, ui_name, -1, type, base); dt->name = name; dt->ui_name = ui_name; dt->created = TRUE; dt->expired = FALSE; lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, dissectortable_table_ref); lua_pushstring(L, name); pushDissectorTable(L, dt); lua_settable(L, -3); pushDissectorTable(L, dt); } WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The newly created DissectorTable. */ default: WSLUA_OPTARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_new,TYPE,"must be ftypes.UINT{8,16,24,32}, ftypes.STRING or ftypes.NONE"); break; } return 0; } /* this struct is used for passing ourselves user_data through dissector_all_tables_foreach_table(). */ typedef struct dissector_tables_foreach_table_info { int num; lua_State *L; } dissector_tables_foreach_table_info_t; /* this is the DATFunc_table function used for dissector_all_tables_foreach_table() so we can get all dissector_table names. This pushes the name into a table at stack index 1 */ static void dissector_tables_list_func(const gchar *table_name, const gchar *ui_name _U_, gpointer user_data) { dissector_tables_foreach_table_info_t *data = (dissector_tables_foreach_table_info_t*) user_data; lua_pushstring(data->L, table_name); lua_rawseti(data->L, 1, data->num); data->num = data->num + 1; } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR DissectorTable_list (lua_State *L) { /* Gets a Lua array table of all DissectorTable names - i.e., the string names you can use for the first argument to DissectorTable.get(). Note: This is an expensive operation, and should only be used for troubleshooting. @since 1.11.3 */ dissector_tables_foreach_table_info_t data = { 1, L }; lua_newtable(L); dissector_all_tables_foreach_table(dissector_tables_list_func, (gpointer)&data, (GCompareFunc)compare_dissector_key_name); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The array table of registered DissectorTable names. */ } /* this is the DATFunc_heur_table function used for dissector_all_heur_tables_foreach_table() so we can get all heuristic dissector list names. This pushes the name into a table at stack index 1 */ static void heur_dissector_tables_list_func(const gchar *table_name, struct heur_dissector_list *table _U_, gpointer user_data) { dissector_tables_foreach_table_info_t *data = (dissector_tables_foreach_table_info_t*) user_data; lua_pushstring(data->L, table_name); lua_rawseti(data->L, 1, data->num); data->num = data->num + 1; } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR DissectorTable_heuristic_list (lua_State *L) { /* Gets a Lua array table of all heuristic list names - i.e., the string names you can use for the first argument in Proto:register_heuristic(). Note: This is an expensive operation, and should only be used for troubleshooting. @since 1.11.3 */ dissector_tables_foreach_table_info_t data = { 1, L }; lua_newtable(L); dissector_all_heur_tables_foreach_table(heur_dissector_tables_list_func, (gpointer)&data, NULL); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The array table of registered heuristic list names */ } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR DissectorTable_get (lua_State *L) { /* Obtain a reference to an existing dissector table. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_get_TABLENAME 1 /* The short name of the table. */ const gchar* name = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_get_TABLENAME); dissector_table_t table = find_dissector_table(name); if (table) { DissectorTable dt = (DissectorTable)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_distbl_t)); dt->table = table; dt->name = g_strdup(name); dt->ui_name = NULL; dt->created = FALSE; dt->expired = FALSE; pushDissectorTable(L, dt); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The DissectorTable. */ } WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_get,TABLENAME,"no such dissector_table"); return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD DissectorTable_add (lua_State *L) { /* Add a `Proto` with a dissector function, or a `Dissector` object, to the dissector table. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_PATTERN 2 /* The pattern to match (either an integer, a integer range or a string depending on the table's type). */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_DISSECTOR 3 /* The dissector to add (either a `Proto` or a `Dissector`). */ DissectorTable dt = checkDissectorTable(L,1); ftenum_t type; Dissector handle; if (!dt) return 0; if( isProto(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_DISSECTOR) ) { Proto p; p = checkProto(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_DISSECTOR); handle = p->handle; if (! handle) { WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_add,DISSECTOR,"a Protocol that does not have a dissector cannot be added to a table"); return 0; } } else if ( isDissector(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_DISSECTOR) ) { handle = toDissector(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_DISSECTOR); } else { WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_add,DISSECTOR,"must be either Proto or Dissector"); return 0; } type = get_dissector_table_selector_type(dt->name); if (type == FT_STRING) { gchar* pattern = g_strdup(luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_PATTERN)); dissector_add_string(dt->name, pattern,handle); g_free (pattern); } else if ( type == FT_UINT32 || type == FT_UINT16 || type == FT_UINT8 || type == FT_UINT24 ) { if (lua_isnumber(L, WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_PATTERN)) { int port = (int)luaL_checkinteger(L, WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_PATTERN); dissector_add_uint(dt->name, port, handle); } else { /* Not a number, try as range */ const gchar* pattern = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_PATTERN); range_t *range = NULL; if (range_convert_str(NULL, &range, pattern, G_MAXUINT32) == CVT_NO_ERROR) { dissector_add_uint_range(dt->name, range, handle); } else { wmem_free (NULL, range); WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_add,PATTERN,"invalid integer or range"); return 0; } wmem_free (NULL, range); } } else { luaL_error(L,"Strange type %d for a DissectorTable",type); } return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD DissectorTable_set (lua_State *L) { /* Remove existing dissectors from a table and add a new or a range of new dissectors. @since 1.11.3 */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_PATTERN 2 /* The pattern to match (either an integer, a integer range or a string depending on the table's type). */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_DISSECTOR 3 /* The dissector to add (either a `Proto` or a `Dissector`). */ DissectorTable dt = checkDissectorTable(L,1); ftenum_t type; Dissector handle; if (!dt) return 0; if( isProto(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_DISSECTOR) ) { Proto p; p = checkProto(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_DISSECTOR); handle = p->handle; if (! handle) { WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_set,DISSECTOR,"a Protocol that does not have a dissector cannot be set to a table"); return 0; } } else if ( isDissector(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_DISSECTOR) ) { handle = toDissector(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_DISSECTOR); } else { WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_set,DISSECTOR,"must be either Proto or Dissector"); return 0; } type = get_dissector_table_selector_type(dt->name); if (type == FT_STRING) { const gchar* pattern = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_PATTERN); dissector_delete_all(dt->name, handle); dissector_add_string(dt->name, pattern,handle); } else if ( type == FT_UINT32 || type == FT_UINT16 || type == FT_UINT8 || type == FT_UINT24 ) { if (lua_isnumber(L, WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_PATTERN)) { int port = (int)luaL_checkinteger(L, WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_PATTERN); dissector_delete_all(dt->name, handle); dissector_add_uint(dt->name, port, handle); } else { /* Not a number, try as range */ const gchar* pattern = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_set_PATTERN); range_t *range = NULL; if (range_convert_str(NULL, &range, pattern, G_MAXUINT32) == CVT_NO_ERROR) { dissector_delete_all(dt->name, handle); dissector_add_uint_range(dt->name, range, handle); } else { wmem_free (NULL, range); WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_set,PATTERN,"invalid integer or range"); return 0; } wmem_free (NULL, range); } } else { luaL_error(L,"Strange type %d for a DissectorTable",type); } return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD DissectorTable_remove (lua_State *L) { /* Remove a dissector or a range of dissectors from a table */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_PATTERN 2 /* The pattern to match (either an integer, a integer range or a string depending on the table's type). */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_DISSECTOR 3 /* The dissector to remove (either a `Proto` or a `Dissector`). */ DissectorTable dt = checkDissectorTable(L,1); ftenum_t type; Dissector handle; if (!dt) return 0; if( isProto(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_DISSECTOR) ) { Proto p; p = checkProto(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_DISSECTOR); handle = p->handle; } else if ( isDissector(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_DISSECTOR) ) { handle = toDissector(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_DISSECTOR); } else { WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_remove,DISSECTOR,"must be either Proto or Dissector"); return 0; } type = get_dissector_table_selector_type(dt->name); if (type == FT_STRING) { gchar* pattern = g_strdup(luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_PATTERN)); dissector_delete_string(dt->name, pattern,handle); g_free (pattern); } else if ( type == FT_UINT32 || type == FT_UINT16 || type == FT_UINT8 || type == FT_UINT24 ) { if (lua_isnumber(L, WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_PATTERN)) { int port = (int)luaL_checkinteger(L, WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_PATTERN); dissector_delete_uint(dt->name, port, handle); } else { /* Not a number, try as range */ const gchar* pattern = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_PATTERN); range_t *range = NULL; if (range_convert_str(NULL, &range, pattern, G_MAXUINT32) == CVT_NO_ERROR) dissector_delete_uint_range(dt->name, range, handle); else { wmem_free (NULL, range); WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_remove,PATTERN,"invalid integer or range"); return 0; } wmem_free (NULL, range); } } return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD DissectorTable_remove_all (lua_State *L) { /* Remove all dissectors from a table. @since 1.11.3 */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_all_DISSECTOR 2 /* The dissector to remove (either a `Proto` or a `Dissector`). */ DissectorTable dt = checkDissectorTable(L,1); Dissector handle; if (!dt) return 0; if( isProto(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_all_DISSECTOR) ) { Proto p; p = checkProto(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_all_DISSECTOR); handle = p->handle; } else if ( isDissector(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_all_DISSECTOR) ) { handle = toDissector(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_remove_all_DISSECTOR); } else { WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(DissectorTable_remove_all,DISSECTOR,"must be either Proto or Dissector"); return 0; } dissector_delete_all (dt->name, handle); return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD DissectorTable_try (lua_State *L) { /* Try to call a dissector from a table */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_try_PATTERN 2 /* The pattern to be matched (either an integer or a string depending on the table's type). */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_try_TVB 3 /* The buffer to dissect. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_try_PINFO 4 /* The packet info. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_try_TREE 5 /* The tree on which to add the protocol items. */ DissectorTable volatile dt = checkDissectorTable(L,1); Tvb tvb = checkTvb(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_try_TVB); Pinfo pinfo = checkPinfo(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_try_PINFO); TreeItem ti = checkTreeItem(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_try_TREE); ftenum_t type; gboolean handled = FALSE; const gchar *volatile error = NULL; int len = 0; if (! (dt && tvb && tvb->ws_tvb && pinfo && ti) ) return 0; type = get_dissector_table_selector_type(dt->name); TRY { if (type == FT_STRING) { const gchar* pattern = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_try_PATTERN); len = dissector_try_string(dt->table,pattern,tvb->ws_tvb,pinfo->ws_pinfo,ti->tree, NULL); if (len > 0) { handled = TRUE; } } else if ( type == FT_UINT32 || type == FT_UINT16 || type == FT_UINT8 || type == FT_UINT24 ) { int port = (int)luaL_checkinteger(L, WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_try_PATTERN); len = dissector_try_uint(dt->table,port,tvb->ws_tvb,pinfo->ws_pinfo,ti->tree); if (len > 0) { handled = TRUE; } } else { error = "No such type of dissector table"; } if (!handled) { len = call_dissector(lua_data_handle,tvb->ws_tvb,pinfo->ws_pinfo,ti->tree); } /* XXX Are we sure about this??? is this the right/only thing to catch */ } CATCH_NONFATAL_ERRORS { show_exception(tvb->ws_tvb, pinfo->ws_pinfo, ti->tree, EXCEPT_CODE, GET_MESSAGE); error = "Malformed frame"; } ENDTRY; if (error) { WSLUA_ERROR(DissectorTable_try,error); } lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)len); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* Number of bytes dissected. Note that some dissectors always return number of bytes in incoming buffer, so be aware. */ } WSLUA_METHOD DissectorTable_get_dissector (lua_State *L) { /* Try to obtain a dissector from a table. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_get_dissector_PATTERN 2 /* The pattern to be matched (either an integer or a string depending on the table's type). */ DissectorTable dt = checkDissectorTable(L,1); ftenum_t type; dissector_handle_t handle = lua_data_handle; if (!dt) return 0; type = get_dissector_table_selector_type(dt->name); if (type == FT_STRING) { const gchar* pattern = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_get_dissector_PATTERN); handle = dissector_get_string_handle(dt->table,pattern); } else if ( type == FT_UINT32 || type == FT_UINT16 || type == FT_UINT8 || type == FT_UINT24 ) { int port = (int)luaL_checkinteger(L, WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_get_dissector_PATTERN); handle = dissector_get_uint_handle(dt->table,port); } if (handle) { pushDissector(L,handle); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The dissector handle if found. */ } else { lua_pushnil(L); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* nil if not found. */ } } WSLUA_METHOD DissectorTable_add_for_decode_as (lua_State *L) { /* Add the given `Proto` to the "Decode as..." list for this DissectorTable. The passed-in `Proto` object's `dissector()` function is used for dissecting. @since 1.99.1 */ #define WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_for_decode_as_PROTO 2 /* The `Proto` to add. */ DissectorTable dt = checkDissectorTable(L,1); Proto proto = checkProto(L, WSLUA_ARG_DissectorTable_add_for_decode_as_PROTO); dissector_handle_t handle = NULL; if (! proto->handle) { proto->handle = register_dissector(proto->loname, dissect_lua, proto->hfid); } handle = proto->handle; dissector_add_for_decode_as(dt->name, handle); return 0; } /* XXX It would be nice to iterate and print which dissectors it has */ WSLUA_METAMETHOD DissectorTable__tostring(lua_State* L) { /* Gets some debug information about the DissectorTable. */ DissectorTable dt = checkDissectorTable(L,1); GString* s; ftenum_t type; if (!dt) return 0; type = get_dissector_table_selector_type(dt->name); s = g_string_new("DissectorTable "); switch(type) { case FT_STRING: { g_string_append_printf(s,"%s String:\n",dt->name); break; } case FT_UINT8: case FT_UINT16: case FT_UINT24: case FT_UINT32: { int base = get_dissector_table_param(dt->name); g_string_append_printf(s,"%s Integer(%i):\n",dt->name,base); break; } case FT_NONE: { g_string_append_printf(s,"%s only for Decode As:\n",dt->name); break; } default: luaL_error(L,"Strange table type"); } lua_pushstring(L,s->str); g_string_free(s,TRUE); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* A string of debug information about the DissectorTable. */ } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int DissectorTable__gc(lua_State* L) { DissectorTable dt = toDissectorTable(L,1); if (dt->created && !dt->expired) { /* Created DissectorTable will pass GC two times */ dt->expired = TRUE; } else { g_free((char *)dt->name); g_free((char *)dt->ui_name); g_free(dt); } return 0; } WSLUA_METHODS DissectorTable_methods[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,new), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,get), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,list), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,heuristic_list), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,add), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,set), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,remove), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,remove_all), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,try), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,get_dissector), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(DissectorTable,add_for_decode_as), { NULL, NULL } }; WSLUA_META DissectorTable_meta[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_MTREG(DissectorTable,tostring), { NULL, NULL } }; int DissectorTable_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(DissectorTable); lua_newtable (L); dissectortable_table_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); return 0; } int wslua_deregister_dissector_tables(lua_State* L) { /* for each registered DissectorTable do... */ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, dissectortable_table_ref); for (lua_pushnil(L); lua_next(L, -2); lua_pop(L, 1)) { DissectorTable dt = checkDissectorTable(L, -1); if (dt->created) { deregister_dissector_table(dt->name); } } lua_pop(L, 1); /* dissector_table_ref */ return 0; } /* * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */