/* stats_tree.h * A counter tree API for Wireshark dissectors * 2005, Luis E. G. Ontanon * * $Id$ * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef __STATS_TREE_H #define __STATS_TREE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "../stat_menu.h" #include "../register.h" #define STAT_TREE_ROOT "root" /* obscure information regarding the stats_tree */ typedef struct _stats_tree stats_tree; /* tap packet callback for stats_tree */ typedef int (*stat_tree_packet_cb)(stats_tree*, packet_info*, epan_dissect_t*, const void *); /* stats_tree initialization callback */ typedef void (*stat_tree_init_cb)(stats_tree*); /* stats_tree cleanup callback */ typedef void (*stat_tree_cleanup_cb)(stats_tree*); /* registers a new stats tree with default group REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED * abbr: protocol abbr * name: protocol display name * flags: tap listener flags for per-packet callback * packet: per packet callback * init: tree initialization callback * cleanup: cleanup callback */ extern void stats_tree_register(const gchar *tapname, const gchar *abbr, const gchar *name, guint flags, stat_tree_packet_cb packet, stat_tree_init_cb init, stat_tree_cleanup_cb cleanup); /* registers a new stats tree * abbr: protocol abbr * name: protocol display name * flags: tap listener flags for per-packet callback * packet: per packet callback * init: tree initialization callback * cleanup: cleanup callback * stat_group: the group this stat belongs to */ extern void stats_tree_register_with_group(const gchar *tapname, const gchar *abbr, const gchar *name, guint flags, stat_tree_packet_cb packet, stat_tree_init_cb init, stat_tree_cleanup_cb cleanup, register_stat_group_t stat_group); extern int stats_tree_parent_id_by_name(stats_tree *st, const gchar *parent_name); /* Creates a node in the tree (to be used in the in init_cb) * st: the stats_tree in which to create it * name: the name of the new node * parent_name: the name of the parent_node (NULL for root) * with_children: TRUE if this node will have "dynamically created" children */ extern int stats_tree_create_node(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, gboolean with_children); /* creates a node using it's parent's tree name */ extern int stats_tree_create_node_by_pname(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, const gchar *parent_name, gboolean with_children); /* creates a node in the tree, that will contain a ranges list. example: stats_tree_create_range_node(st,name,parent, "-99","100-199","200-299","300-399","400-", NULL); */ extern int stats_tree_create_range_node(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, ...); extern int stats_tree_range_node_with_pname(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, const gchar *parent_name, ...); /* increases by one the ranged node and the sub node to whose range the value belongs */ extern int stats_tree_tick_range(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, int value_in_range); #define stats_tree_tick_range_by_pname(st,name,parent_name,value_in_range) \ stats_tree_tick_range((st),(name),stats_tree_parent_id_by_name((st),(parent_name),(value_in_range)) /* */ extern int stats_tree_create_pivot(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id); extern int stats_tree_create_pivot_by_pname(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, const gchar *parent_name); extern int stats_tree_tick_pivot(stats_tree *st, int pivot_id, const gchar *pivot_value); /* * manipulates the value of the node whose name is given * if the node does not exist yet it's created (with counter=1) * using parent_name as parent node (NULL for root). * with_children=TRUE to indicate that the created node will be a parent */ typedef enum _manip_node_mode { MN_INCREASE, MN_SET } manip_node_mode; extern int stats_tree_manip_node(manip_node_mode mode, stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, gboolean with_children, gint value); #define increase_stat_node(st,name,parent_id,with_children,value) \ (stats_tree_manip_node(MN_INCREASE,(st),(name),(parent_id),(with_children),(value))) #define tick_stat_node(st,name,parent_id,with_children) \ (stats_tree_manip_node(MN_INCREASE,(st),(name),(parent_id),(with_children),1)) #define set_stat_node(st,name,parent_id,with_children,value) \ (stats_tree_manip_node(MN_SET,(st),(name),(parent_id),(with_children),value)) #define zero_stat_node(st,name,parent_id,with_children) \ (stats_tree_manip_node(MN_SET,(st),(name),(parent_id),(with_children),0)) #endif /* __STATS_TREE_H */