/* stats_tree.c * API for a counter tree for Wireshark * 2004, Luis E. G. Ontanon * * $Id$ * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "stats_tree.h" /* TODO: - sort out the sorting issue */ /* used to contain the registered stat trees */ static GHashTable *registry = NULL; /* writes into the buffers pointed by value, rate and percent the string representations of a node*/ extern void stats_tree_get_strs_from_node(const stat_node *node, gchar *value, gchar *rate, gchar *percent) { float f; if (value) g_snprintf(value,NUM_BUF_SIZE,"%u",node->counter); if (rate) { *rate = '\0'; if (node->st->elapsed > 0.0) { f = ((float)node->counter) / (float)node->st->elapsed; g_snprintf(rate,NUM_BUF_SIZE,"%f",f); } } if (percent) { *percent = '\0'; if (node->parent->counter > 0) { f = (float)(((float)node->counter * 100.0) / node->parent->counter); g_snprintf(percent,NUM_BUF_SIZE,"%.2f%%",f); } } } /* a text representation of a node if buffer is NULL returns a newly allocated string */ extern gchar* stats_tree_node_to_str(const stat_node *node, gchar *buffer, guint len) { if (buffer) { g_snprintf(buffer,len,"%s: %i",node->name, node->counter); return buffer; } else { return g_strdup_printf("%s: %i",node->name, node->counter); } } extern guint stats_tree_branch_max_namelen(const stat_node *node, guint indent) { stat_node *child; guint maxlen = 0; guint len; indent = indent > INDENT_MAX ? INDENT_MAX : indent; if (node->children) { for (child = node->children; child; child = child->next ) { len = stats_tree_branch_max_namelen(child,indent+1); maxlen = len > maxlen ? len : maxlen; } } len = (guint) strlen(node->name) + indent; maxlen = len > maxlen ? len : maxlen; return maxlen; } static gchar *format; /* populates the given GString with a tree representation of a branch given by node, using indent spaces as initial indentation */ extern void stats_tree_branch_to_str(const stat_node *node, GString *s, guint indent) { stat_node *child; static gchar indentation[INDENT_MAX+1]; static gchar value[NUM_BUF_SIZE]; static gchar rate[NUM_BUF_SIZE]; static gchar percent[NUM_BUF_SIZE]; guint i = 0; if (indent == 0) { format = g_strdup_printf(" %%s%%-%us%%12s %%12s %%12s\n",stats_tree_branch_max_namelen(node,0)); } stats_tree_get_strs_from_node(node, value, rate, percent); indent = indent > INDENT_MAX ? INDENT_MAX : indent; /* fill indentation with indent spaces */ if (indent > 0) { while(iname,value,rate,percent); if (node->children) { for (child = node->children; child; child = child->next ) { stats_tree_branch_to_str(child,s,indent+1); } } if (indent == 0) { g_free(format); } } /* frees the resources allocated by a stat_tree node */ static void free_stat_node(stat_node *node) { stat_node *child; stat_node *next; if (node->children) { for (child = node->children; child; child = next ) { /* child->next will be gone after free_stat_node, so cache it here */ next = child->next; free_stat_node(child); } } if(node->st->cfg->free_node_pr) node->st->cfg->free_node_pr(node); if (node->hash) g_hash_table_destroy(node->hash); g_free(node->rng); g_free(node->name); g_free(node); } /* destroys the whole tree instance */ extern void stats_tree_free(stats_tree *st) { stat_node *child; stat_node *next; g_free(st->filter); g_hash_table_destroy(st->names); g_ptr_array_free(st->parents,TRUE); for (child = st->root.children; child; child = next ) { /* child->next will be gone after free_stat_node, so cache it here */ next = child->next; free_stat_node(child); } if (st->cfg->free_tree_pr) st->cfg->free_tree_pr(st); if (st->cfg->cleanup) st->cfg->cleanup(st); g_free(st); } /* reset a node to its original state */ static void reset_stat_node(stat_node *node) { stat_node *child; if (node->children) { for (child = node->children; child; child = child->next ) reset_stat_node(child); } node->counter = 0; if(node->st->cfg->reset_node) { node->st->cfg->reset_node(node); } } /* reset the whole stats_tree */ extern void stats_tree_reset(void *p) { stats_tree *st = (stats_tree *)p; st->start = -1.0; st->elapsed = 0.0; reset_stat_node(&st->root); if (st->cfg->reset_tree) { st->cfg->reset_tree(st); } } extern void stats_tree_reinit(void *p) { stats_tree *st = (stats_tree *)p; stat_node *child; stat_node *next; for (child = st->root.children; child; child = next) { /* child->next will be gone after free_stat_node, so cache it here */ next = child->next; free_stat_node(child); } st->root.children = NULL; st->root.counter = 0; if (st->cfg->init) { st->cfg->init(st); } } /* register a new stats_tree */ extern void stats_tree_register_with_group(const char *tapname, const char *abbr, const char *name, guint flags, stat_tree_packet_cb packet, stat_tree_init_cb init, stat_tree_cleanup_cb cleanup, register_stat_group_t stat_group) { stats_tree_cfg *cfg = (stats_tree_cfg *)g_malloc( sizeof(stats_tree_cfg) ); /* at the very least the abbrev and the packet function should be given */ g_assert( tapname && abbr && packet ); cfg->plugin = FALSE; cfg->tapname = g_strdup(tapname); cfg->abbr = g_strdup(abbr); cfg->name = name ? g_strdup(name) : g_strdup(abbr); cfg->stat_group = stat_group; cfg->packet = packet; cfg->init = init; cfg->cleanup = cleanup; cfg->flags = flags; /* these have to be filled in by implementations */ cfg->setup_node_pr = NULL; cfg->new_tree_pr = NULL; cfg->free_node_pr = NULL; cfg->free_tree_pr = NULL; cfg->draw_node = NULL; cfg->draw_tree = NULL; cfg->reset_node = NULL; cfg->reset_tree = NULL; if (!registry) registry = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); g_hash_table_insert(registry,cfg->abbr,cfg); } /* register a new stats_tree with default group REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED */ extern void stats_tree_register(const char *tapname, const char *abbr, const char *name, guint flags, stat_tree_packet_cb packet, stat_tree_init_cb init, stat_tree_cleanup_cb cleanup) { stats_tree_register_with_group(tapname, abbr, name, flags, packet, init, cleanup, REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED); } /* register a new stat_tree with default group REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED from a plugin */ extern void stats_tree_register_plugin(const char *tapname, const char *abbr, const char *name, guint flags, stat_tree_packet_cb packet, stat_tree_init_cb init, stat_tree_cleanup_cb cleanup) { stats_tree_cfg *cfg; stats_tree_register(tapname, abbr, name, flags, packet, init, cleanup); cfg = stats_tree_get_cfg_by_abbr((char*)abbr); cfg->plugin = TRUE; } extern stats_tree* stats_tree_new(stats_tree_cfg *cfg, tree_pres *pr, const char *filter) { stats_tree *st = (stats_tree *)g_malloc(sizeof(stats_tree)); st->cfg = cfg; st->pr = pr; st->names = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal); st->parents = g_ptr_array_new(); st->filter = g_strdup(filter); st->start = -1.0; st->elapsed = 0.0; st->root.counter = 0; st->root.name = g_strdup(cfg->name); st->root.st = st; st->root.parent = NULL; st->root.children = NULL; st->root.next = NULL; st->root.hash = NULL; st->root.pr = NULL; g_ptr_array_add(st->parents,&st->root); return st; } /* will be the tap packet cb */ extern int stats_tree_packet(void *p, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt, const void *pri) { stats_tree *st = (stats_tree *)p; double now = nstime_to_msec(&pinfo->rel_ts); if (st->start < 0.0) st->start = now; st->elapsed = now - st->start; if (st->cfg->packet) return st->cfg->packet(st,pinfo,edt,pri); else return 0; } extern stats_tree_cfg* stats_tree_get_cfg_by_abbr(char *abbr) { return (stats_tree_cfg *)g_hash_table_lookup(registry,abbr); } extern GList* stats_tree_get_cfg_list(void) { return g_hash_table_get_values(registry); } struct _stats_tree_pres_cbs { void (*setup_node_pr)(stat_node*); void (*free_node_pr)(stat_node*); void (*draw_node)(stat_node*); void (*reset_node)(stat_node*); tree_pres *(*new_tree_pr)(stats_tree*); void (*free_tree_pr)(stats_tree*); void (*draw_tree)(stats_tree*); void (*reset_tree)(stats_tree*); }; static void setup_tree_presentation(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p) { stats_tree_cfg *cfg = (stats_tree_cfg *)v; struct _stats_tree_pres_cbs *d = (struct _stats_tree_pres_cbs *)p; cfg->in_use = FALSE; cfg->setup_node_pr = d->setup_node_pr; cfg->new_tree_pr = d->new_tree_pr; cfg->free_node_pr = d->free_node_pr; cfg->free_tree_pr = d->free_tree_pr; cfg->draw_node = d->draw_node; cfg->draw_tree = d->draw_tree; cfg->reset_node = d->reset_node; cfg->reset_tree = d->reset_tree; } extern void stats_tree_presentation(void (*registry_iterator)(gpointer,gpointer,gpointer), void (*setup_node_pr)(stat_node*), void (*free_node_pr)(stat_node*), void (*draw_node)(stat_node*), void (*reset_node)(stat_node*), tree_pres *(*new_tree_pr)(stats_tree*), void (*free_tree_pr)(stats_tree*), void (*draw_tree)(stats_tree*), void (*reset_tree)(stats_tree*), void *data) { static struct _stats_tree_pres_cbs d; d.setup_node_pr = setup_node_pr; d.new_tree_pr = new_tree_pr; d.free_node_pr = free_node_pr; d.free_tree_pr = free_tree_pr; d.draw_node = draw_node; d.draw_tree = draw_tree; d.reset_node = reset_node; d.reset_tree = reset_tree; if (registry) g_hash_table_foreach(registry,setup_tree_presentation,&d); if (registry_iterator && registry) g_hash_table_foreach(registry,registry_iterator,data); } /* creates a stat_tree node * name: the name of the stats_tree node * parent_name: the name of the ALREADY REGISTERED parent * with_hash: whether or not it should keep a hash with its children names * as_named_node: whether or not it has to be registered in the root namespace */ static stat_node* new_stat_node(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, gboolean with_hash, gboolean as_parent_node) { stat_node *node = (stat_node *)g_malloc (sizeof(stat_node)); stat_node *last_chld = NULL; node->counter = 0; node->name = g_strdup(name); node->children = NULL; node->next = NULL; node->st = (stats_tree*) st; node->hash = with_hash ? g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal) : NULL; node->parent = NULL; node->rng = NULL; if (as_parent_node) { g_hash_table_insert(st->names, node->name, node); g_ptr_array_add(st->parents,node); node->id = st->parents->len - 1; } else { node->id = -1; } if (parent_id >= 0 && parent_id < (int) st->parents->len ) { node->parent = (stat_node *)g_ptr_array_index(st->parents,parent_id); } else { /* ??? should we set the parent to be root ??? */ g_assert_not_reached(); } if (node->parent->children) { /* insert as last child */ for (last_chld = node->parent->children; last_chld->next; last_chld = last_chld->next ) ; last_chld->next = node; } else { /* insert as first child */ node->parent->children = node; } if(node->parent->hash) { g_hash_table_insert(node->parent->hash,node->name,node); } if (st->cfg->setup_node_pr) { st->cfg->setup_node_pr(node); } else { node->pr = NULL; } return node; } /***/ extern int stats_tree_create_node(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, gboolean with_hash) { stat_node *node = new_stat_node(st,name,parent_id,with_hash,TRUE); if (node) return node->id; else return 0; } /* XXX: should this be a macro? */ extern int stats_tree_create_node_by_pname(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, const gchar *parent_name, gboolean with_children) { return stats_tree_create_node(st,name,stats_tree_parent_id_by_name(st,parent_name),with_children); } /* * Increases by delta the counter of the node whose name is given * if the node does not exist yet it's created (with counter=1) * using parent_name as parent node. * with_hash=TRUE to indicate that the created node will have a parent */ extern int stats_tree_manip_node(manip_node_mode mode, stats_tree *st, const char *name, int parent_id, gboolean with_hash, gint value) { stat_node *node = NULL; stat_node *parent = NULL; g_assert( parent_id >= 0 && parent_id < (int) st->parents->len ); parent = (stat_node *)g_ptr_array_index(st->parents,parent_id); if( parent->hash ) { node = (stat_node *)g_hash_table_lookup(parent->hash,name); } else { node = (stat_node *)g_hash_table_lookup(st->names,name); } if ( node == NULL ) node = new_stat_node(st,name,parent_id,with_hash,with_hash); switch (mode) { case MN_INCREASE: node->counter += value; break; case MN_SET: node->counter = value; break; } if (node) return node->id; else return -1; } extern char* stats_tree_get_abbr(const char *opt_arg) { guint i; /* XXX: this fails when tshark is given any options after the -z */ g_assert(opt_arg != NULL); for (i=0; opt_arg[i] && opt_arg[i] != ','; i++); if (opt_arg[i] == ',') { return g_strndup(opt_arg,i); } else { return NULL; } } /* * This function accepts an input string which should define a long integer range. * The normal result is a struct containing the floor and ceil value of this * range. * * It is allowed to define a range string in the following ways : * * "0-10" -> { 0, 10 } * "-0" -> { G_MININT, 0 } * "0-" -> { 0, G_MAXINT } * "-" -> { G_MININT, G_MAXINT } * * Note that this function is robust to buggy input string. If in some cases it * returns NULL, it but may also return a pair with undefined values. * */ static range_pair_t* get_range(char *rngstr) { gchar **split; range_pair_t *rng; split = g_strsplit((gchar*)rngstr,"-",2); /* empty string */ if (split[0] == NULL) { g_strfreev(split); return NULL; } rng = (range_pair_t *)g_malloc(sizeof(range_pair_t)); if (split[1] == NULL) { /* means we have a non empty string with no delimiter * so it must be a single number */ rng->floor = (gint)strtol(split[0],NULL,10); rng->ceil = rng->floor; } else { /* string == "X-?" */ if (*(split[0]) != '\0') { rng->floor = (gint)strtol(split[0],NULL,10); } else /* string == "-?" */ rng->floor = G_MININT; /* string != "?-" */ if (*(split[1]) != '\0') { rng->ceil = (gint)strtol(split[1],NULL,10); } else /* string == "?-" */ rng->ceil = G_MAXINT; } g_strfreev(split); return rng; } extern int stats_tree_create_range_node(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, ...) { va_list list; gchar *curr_range; stat_node *rng_root = new_stat_node(st, name, parent_id, FALSE, TRUE); stat_node *range_node = NULL; va_start( list, parent_id ); while (( curr_range = va_arg(list, gchar*) )) { range_node = new_stat_node(st, curr_range, rng_root->id, FALSE, FALSE); range_node->rng = get_range(curr_range); } va_end( list ); return rng_root->id; } extern int stats_tree_create_range_node_string(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, int num_str_ranges, gchar** str_ranges) { int i; stat_node *rng_root = new_stat_node(st, name, parent_id, FALSE, TRUE); stat_node *range_node = NULL; for (i = 0; i < num_str_ranges; i++) { range_node = new_stat_node(st, str_ranges[i], rng_root->id, FALSE, FALSE); range_node->rng = get_range(str_ranges[i]); } return rng_root->id; } /****/ extern int stats_tree_parent_id_by_name(stats_tree *st, const gchar *parent_name) { stat_node *node = (stat_node *)g_hash_table_lookup(st->names,parent_name); if (node) return node->id; else return 0; /* XXX: this is the root shoud we return -1 instead?*/ } extern int stats_tree_range_node_with_pname(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, const gchar *parent_name, ...) { va_list list; gchar *curr_range; stat_node *range_node = NULL; int parent_id = stats_tree_parent_id_by_name(st,parent_name); stat_node *rng_root = new_stat_node(st, name, parent_id, FALSE, TRUE); va_start( list, parent_name ); while (( curr_range = va_arg(list, gchar*) )) { range_node = new_stat_node(st, curr_range, rng_root->id, FALSE, FALSE); range_node->rng = get_range(curr_range); } va_end( list ); return rng_root->id; } extern int stats_tree_tick_range(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id, int value_in_range) { stat_node *node = NULL; stat_node *parent = NULL; stat_node *child = NULL; gint floor, ceil; if (parent_id >= 0 && parent_id < (int) st->parents->len) { parent = (stat_node *)g_ptr_array_index(st->parents,parent_id); } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } if( parent->hash ) { node = (stat_node *)g_hash_table_lookup(parent->hash,name); } else { node = (stat_node *)g_hash_table_lookup(st->names,name); } if ( node == NULL ) g_assert_not_reached(); for ( child = node->children; child; child = child->next) { floor = child->rng->floor; ceil = child->rng->ceil; if ( value_in_range >= floor && value_in_range <= ceil ) { child->counter++; return node->id; } } return node->id; } extern int stats_tree_create_pivot(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, int parent_id) { stat_node *node = new_stat_node(st,name,parent_id,TRUE,TRUE); if (node) return node->id; else return 0; } extern int stats_tree_create_pivot_by_pname(stats_tree *st, const gchar *name, const gchar *parent_name) { int parent_id = stats_tree_parent_id_by_name(st,parent_name); stat_node *node; node = new_stat_node(st,name,parent_id,TRUE,TRUE); if (node) return node->id; else return 0; } extern int stats_tree_tick_pivot(stats_tree *st, int pivot_id, const gchar *pivot_value) { stat_node *parent = (stat_node *)g_ptr_array_index(st->parents,pivot_id); parent->counter++; stats_tree_manip_node( MN_INCREASE, st, pivot_value, pivot_id, FALSE, 1); return pivot_id; }