/* srt_table.h * GUI independent helper routines common to all service response time (SRT) taps. * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef __SRT_TABLE_H__ #define __SRT_TABLE_H__ #include "tap.h" #include "timestats.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /** Procedure data */ typedef struct _srt_procedure_t { int index; timestat_t stats; /**< stats */ char *procedure; /**< column entries */ } srt_procedure_t; /** Statistics table */ typedef struct _srt_stat_table { const char *name; /**< table name */ const char *short_name; /**< tab name */ char *filter_string; /**< append procedure number (%d) to this string to create a display filter */ int num_procs; /**< number of elements on procedures array */ const char *proc_column_name; /**< procedure column name (if different from default) */ srt_procedure_t *procedures;/**< the procedures array */ void* table_specific_data; /** any dissector/table specific data needed for packet filtering */ } srt_stat_table; struct register_srt; struct _srt_data_t; typedef void (*srt_gui_init_cb)(srt_stat_table* rst, void* gui_data); typedef void (*srt_gui_reset_cb)(srt_stat_table* rst, void* gui_data); typedef void (*srt_gui_free_cb)(srt_stat_table* rst, void* gui_data); typedef void (*srt_proc_table_cb)(srt_stat_table* rst, int indx, struct _srt_data_t* gui_data); typedef void (*srt_init_cb)(struct register_srt* srt, GArray* srt_array, srt_gui_init_cb gui_callback, void* gui_data); typedef guint (*srt_param_handler_cb)(struct register_srt* srt, const char* opt_arg, char** err); /** tap data */ typedef struct _srt_data_t { GArray *srt_array; /**< array of srt_stat_table */ void *user_data; /**< "GUI" specifics (if necessary) */ } srt_data_t; /** Structure for information about a registered service response table */ typedef struct register_srt register_srt_t; /** Register the service response time table for the srt windows. * * @param proto_id is the protocol with conversation * @param tap_listener string for register_tap_listener (NULL to just use protocol name) * @param srt_packet_func the tap processing function * @param init_cb initialize dissector SRT function * @param param_cb handles dissection of parameters to optional arguments of tap string */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void register_srt_table(const int proto_id, const char* tap_listener, int max_tables, tap_packet_cb srt_packet_func, srt_init_cb init_cb, srt_param_handler_cb param_cb); /** Get protocol ID from SRT * * @param srt Registered SRT * @return protocol id of SRT */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC int get_srt_proto_id(register_srt_t* srt); /** Get string for register_tap_listener call. Typically just dissector name * * @param srt Registered SRT * @return string for register_tap_listener call */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC const char* get_srt_tap_listener_name(register_srt_t* srt); /** Get maximum number of tables from SRT * * @param srt Registered SRT * @return maximum number of tables of SRT */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC int get_srt_max_tables(register_srt_t* srt); /** Get tap function handler from SRT * * @param srt Registered SRT * @return tap function handler of SRT */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC tap_packet_cb get_srt_packet_func(register_srt_t* srt); /** Set parameter data from SRT parsed from tap string. Data will be * freed on tap reset * * @param srt Registered SRT * @param data Parameter data */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void set_srt_table_param_data(register_srt_t* srt, void* data); /** Get parameter data from SRT * * @param srt Registered SRT * @return Parameter data */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void* get_srt_table_param_data(register_srt_t* srt); /** Get SRT table by its dissector name * * @param name dissector name to fetch. * @return SRT table pointer or NULL. */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC register_srt_t* get_srt_table_by_name(const char* name); /** Free the srt table data. * * @param rst the srt table */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void free_srt_table_data(srt_stat_table *rst); /** Free the srt table data. * * @param srt Registered SRT * @param srt_array SRT table array * @param gui_callback optional callback from GUI * @param callback_data callback data needed for GUI */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void free_srt_table(register_srt_t *srt, GArray* srt_array, srt_gui_free_cb gui_callback, void *callback_data); /** Reset ALL tables in the srt. * * @param srt_array SRT table array * @param gui_callback optional callback from GUI * @param callback_data callback data needed for GUI */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void reset_srt_table(GArray* srt_array, srt_gui_reset_cb gui_callback, void *callback_data); /** Interator to walk srt tables and execute func * Used for initialization * * @param func action to be performed on all converation tables * @param user_data any data needed to help perform function */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void srt_table_iterate_tables(GFunc func, gpointer user_data); /** Return filter used for register_tap_listener * * @param srt Registered SRT * @param opt_arg passed in opt_arg from GUI * @param filter returned filter string to be used for registering tap * @param err returned error if opt_arg string can't be successfully parsed. Caller must free memory */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void srt_table_get_filter(register_srt_t* srt, const char *opt_arg, const char **filter, char** err); /** "Common" initialization function for all GUIs * * @param srt Registered SRT * @param srt_array SRT table array * @param opt_arg passed in opt_arg from GUI * @param filter returned filter string to be used for registering tap */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void srt_table_dissector_init(register_srt_t* srt, GArray* srt_array, srt_gui_init_cb gui_callback, void *callback_data); /** Helper function to get tap string name * Caller is responsible for freeing returned string * * @param srt Registered SRT * @return SRT tap string */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC gchar* srt_table_get_tap_string(register_srt_t* srt); /** Init an srt table data structure. * * @param name the table name * @param short_name the name used in a tab display * @param srt_array the srt table array to add to * @param num_procs number of procedures * @param proc_column_name procedure column name (if different from "Procedure") * @param filter_string table filter string or NULL * @param gui_callback optional GUI callback * @param gui_data GUI content data * @return newly created srt_stat_table */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC srt_stat_table* init_srt_table(const char *name, const char *short_name, GArray *srt_array, int num_procs, const char* proc_column_name, const char *filter_string, srt_gui_init_cb gui_callback, void* gui_data, void* table_specific_data); /** Init an srt table row data structure. * * @param rst the srt table * @param index number of procedure * @param procedure the procedures name */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void init_srt_table_row(srt_stat_table *rst, int index, const char *procedure); /** Add srt response to table row data. * * @param rst the srt table * @param index number of procedure * @param req_time the time of the corresponding request * @param pinfo current packet info */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void add_srt_table_data(srt_stat_table *rst, int index, const nstime_t *req_time, packet_info *pinfo); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __SRT_TABLE_H__ */ /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */