/* sigcomp-udvm.c * Routines making up the Universal Decompressor Virtual Machine (UDVM) used for * Signaling Compression (SigComp) dissection. * Copyright 2004, Anders Broman * * $Id: udvm.c 11445 2004-07-20 19:04:48Z etxrab $ * * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * References: * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3320.txt?number=3320 * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3321.txt?number=3321 * Useful links : * http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-rohc-sigcomp-impl-guide-03.txt * http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-rohc-sigcomp-sip-01.txt */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef NEED_SNPRINTF_H # include "snprintf.h" #endif #include "packet.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "sigcomp-udvm.h" #include "sigcomp_state_hdlr.h" #include "sha1.h" #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE 0 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_AND 1 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_OR 2 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_NOT 3 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_LSHIFT 4 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_RSHIFT 5 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_ADD 6 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_SUBTRACT 7 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_MULTIPLY 8 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_DIVIDE 9 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_REMAINDER 10 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_SORT_ASCENDING 11 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_SORT_DESCENDING 12 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_SHA_1 13 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_LOAD 14 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_MULTILOAD 15 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_PUSH 16 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_POP 17 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_COPY 18 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_COPY_LITERAL 19 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_COPY_OFFSET 20 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_MEMSET 21 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_JUMP 22 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_COMPARE 23 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_CALL 24 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_RETURN 25 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_SWITCH 26 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_CRC 27 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_INPUT_BYTES 28 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_INPUT_BITS 29 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_INPUT_HUFFMAN 30 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_STATE_ACCESS 31 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_STATE_CREATE 32 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_STATE_FREE 33 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_OUTPUT 34 #define SIGCOMP_INSTR_END_MESSAGE 35 #define UDVM_MEMORY_SIZE 65536 static gboolean print_level_1; static gboolean print_level_2; static gboolean print_level_3; /* Internal result code values of decompression failures */ const value_string result_code_vals[] = { { 0, "No decomprssion failure" }, { 1, "Partial state length less than 6 or greater than 20 bytes long" }, { 2, "No state match" }, { 3, "state_begin + state_length > size of state" }, { 4, "Operand_2 is Zero" }, { 5, "Switch statement failed j >= n" }, { 6, "Atempt to jump outside of UDVM memory" }, { 7, "L in input-bits > 16" }, { 8, "input_bit_order > 7" }, { 9, "Instruction Decompression failure encounterd" }, {10, "Input huffman failed j > n" }, {11, "Input bits requested beond end of message" }, {12, "more than four state creation requests are made before the END-MESSAGE instruction" }, {13, "state_retention_priority is 65535" }, {14, "Input bytes requested beond end of message" }, {15, "Maximum number of UDVM cycles reached" }, { 255, "This branch isn't coded yet" }, { 0, NULL } }; static int decode_udvm_literal_operand(guint8 buff[],guint operand_address, guint16 *value); static int dissect_udvm_reference_operand(guint8 buff[],guint operand_address, guint16 *value, guint *result_dest); static int decode_udvm_multitype_operand(guint8 buff[],guint operand_address,guint16 *value); static int decode_udvm_address_operand(guint8 buff[],guint operand_address, guint16 *value,guint current_address); static int decomp_dispatch_get_bits(tvbuff_t *message_tvb,proto_tree *udvm_tree,guint8 bit_order, guint8 buff[],guint16 *old_input_bit_order, guint16 *remaining_bits, guint16 *input_bits, guint *input_address, guint16 length, guint16 *result_code,guint msg_end); tvbuff_t* decompress_sigcomp_message(tvbuff_t *bytecode_tvb, tvbuff_t *message_tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *udvm_tree, gint udvm_mem_dest, gint print_flags) { tvbuff_t *decomp_tvb; guint8 buff[UDVM_MEMORY_SIZE]; char string[2]; guint8 out_buff[65536]; /* Largest allowed size for a message is 65535 */ guint32 i = 0; guint16 n = 0; guint16 m = 0; guint16 x; guint k = 0; guint16 H; guint16 oldH; guint offset = 0; guint result_dest; guint code_length =0; guint8 current_instruction; guint current_address; guint operand_address; guint input_address; guint16 output_address = 0; guint next_operand_address; guint8 octet; guint8 msb; guint8 lsb; guint16 byte_copy_right; guint16 byte_copy_left; guint16 input_bit_order; guint16 result; guint msg_end = tvb_reported_length_remaining(message_tvb, 0); guint16 result_code; guint16 old_input_bit_order = 0; guint16 remaining_bits = 0; guint16 input_bits = 0; guint8 bit_order = 0; gboolean outside_huffman_boundaries = TRUE; gboolean print_in_loop = FALSE; guint16 instruction_address; guint8 no_of_state_create = 0; guint16 state_length_buff[5]; guint16 state_address_buff[5]; guint16 state_instruction_buff[5]; guint16 state_minimum_access_length_buff[5]; guint16 state_state_retention_priority_buff[5]; guint32 used_udvm_cycles = 0; guint cycles_per_bit; guint maximum_UDVM_cycles; guint8 *sha1buff; unsigned char sha1_digest_buf[20]; sha1_context ctx; /* UDVM operand variables */ guint16 length; guint16 at_address; guint16 destination; guint16 address; guint16 value; guint16 p_id_start; guint16 p_id_length; guint16 state_begin; guint16 state_length; guint16 state_address; guint16 state_instruction; guint16 operand_1; guint16 operand_2; guint16 value_1; guint16 value_2; guint16 at_address_1; guint16 at_address_2; guint16 at_address_3; guint16 j; guint16 bits_n; guint16 lower_bound_n; guint16 upper_bound_n; guint16 uncompressed_n; guint16 position; guint16 ref_destination; /* could I have used $destination ? */ guint16 multy_offset; guint16 output_start; guint16 output_length; guint16 minimum_access_length; guint16 state_retention_priority; guint16 requested_feedback_location; guint16 returned_parameters_location; guint16 start_value; /* Set print parameters */ print_level_1 = FALSE; print_level_2 = FALSE; print_level_3 = FALSE; switch( print_flags ) { case 0: break; case 1: print_level_1 = TRUE; break; case 2: print_level_1 = TRUE; print_level_2 = TRUE; break; case 3: print_level_1 = TRUE; print_level_2 = TRUE; print_level_3 = TRUE; break; default: print_level_1 = TRUE; break; } /* UDVM memory must be initialised to zero */ while ( i < UDVM_MEMORY_SIZE ) { buff[i] = 0; i++; } /* Set initial UDVM data * The first 32 bytes of UDVM memory are then initialized to special * values as illustrated in Figure 5. * * 0 7 8 15 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | UDVM_memory_size | 0 - 1 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | cycles_per_bit | 2 - 3 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | SigComp_version | 4 - 5 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | partial_state_ID_length | 6 - 7 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | state_length | 8 - 9 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | | * : reserved : 10 - 31 * | | * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * * Figure 5: Initializing Useful Values in UDVM memory */ /* UDVM_memory_size */ buff[0] = 0; buff[1] = 0; /* cycles_per_bit */ buff[2] = 0; buff[3] = 16; /* SigComp_version */ buff[4] = 0; buff[5] = 1; /* partial_state_ID_length */ buff[6] = 0; buff[7] = 0; /* state_length */ buff[8] = 0; buff[9] = 0; code_length = tvb_reported_length_remaining(bytecode_tvb, 0); cycles_per_bit = buff[2] << 8; cycles_per_bit = cycles_per_bit | buff[3]; /* * maximum_UDVM_cycles = (8 * n + 1000) * cycles_per_bit */ maximum_UDVM_cycles = (( 8 * msg_end ) + 1000) * cycles_per_bit; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, offset, 1,"maximum_UDVM_cycles(%u) = (( 8 * msg_end(%u) ) + 1000) * cycles_per_bit(%u)",maximum_UDVM_cycles,msg_end,cycles_per_bit); proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, offset, 1,"Message Length: %u,Byte code length: %u, Maximum UDVM cycles: %u",msg_end,code_length,maximum_UDVM_cycles); /* Load bytecode into UDVM starting at "udvm_mem_dest" */ i = udvm_mem_dest; if ( print_level_3 ) proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, offset, 1,"Load bytecode into UDVM starting at %u",i); while ( code_length > offset ) { buff[i] = tvb_get_guint8(bytecode_tvb, offset); if ( print_level_3 ) proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, offset, 1, " Addr: %u Instruction code(0x%0x) ", i, buff[i]); i++; offset++; } /* Start executing code */ current_address = udvm_mem_dest; input_address = 0; operand_address = 0; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, offset, 1,"UDVM EXECUTION STARTED at Address: %u Message size %u", udvm_mem_dest,msg_end); execute_next_instruction: if ( used_udvm_cycles > maximum_UDVM_cycles ){ result_code = 15; goto decompression_failure; } current_instruction = buff[current_address]; switch ( current_instruction ) { case SIGCOMP_INSTR_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE: used_udvm_cycles++; if ( result_code == 0 ) result_code = 9; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## DECOMPRESSION-FAILURE(0)", current_address); proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Ethereal UDVM diagnostic: %s.", val_to_str(result_code, result_code_vals,"Unknown (%u)")); if ( output_address > 0 ){ /* At least something got decompressed, show it */ decomp_tvb = tvb_new_real_data(out_buff,output_address,output_address); tvb_set_child_real_data_tvbuff(message_tvb,decomp_tvb); add_new_data_source(pinfo, decomp_tvb, "Decompressed SigComp message(Incomplete)"); proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, decomp_tvb, 0, -1,"SigComp message Decompression failure"); return decomp_tvb; } return NULL; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_AND: /* 1 AND ($operand_1, %operand_2) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## AND(1) (operand_1, operand_2)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %operand_2*/ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_2 %u", operand_address, operand_2); } /* execute the instruction */ result = operand_1 & operand_2; lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_OR: /* 2 OR ($operand_1, %operand_2) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## OR(2) (operand_1, operand_2)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %operand_2*/ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_2 %u", operand_address, operand_2); } /* execute the instruction */ result = operand_1 | operand_2; lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_NOT: /* 3 NOT ($operand_1) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## NOT(3) ($operand_1)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } /* execute the instruction */ result = operand_1 ^ 0xffff; lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_LSHIFT: /* 4 LSHIFT ($operand_1, %operand_2) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## LSHIFT(4) ($operand_1, operand_2)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %operand_2*/ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_2 %u", operand_address, operand_2); } /* execute the instruction */ result = operand_1 << operand_2; lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_RSHIFT: /* 5 RSHIFT ($operand_1, %operand_2) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## RSHIFT(5) (operand_1, operand_2)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %operand_2*/ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_2 %u", operand_address, operand_2); } /* execute the instruction */ result = operand_1 >> operand_2; lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_ADD: /* 6 ADD ($operand_1, %operand_2) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## ADD(6) (operand_1, operand_2)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %operand_2*/ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_2 %u", operand_address, operand_2); } /* execute the instruction */ result = operand_1 + operand_2; lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_SUBTRACT: /* 7 SUBTRACT ($operand_1, %operand_2) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## SUBTRACT(7) (operand_1, operand_2)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %operand_2*/ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_2 %u", operand_address, operand_2); } /* execute the instruction */ result = operand_1 - operand_2; lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_MULTIPLY: /* 8 MULTIPLY ($operand_1, %operand_2) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ##MULTIPLY(8) (operand_1, operand_2)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %operand_2*/ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_2 %u", operand_address, operand_2); } /* * execute the instruction * MULTIPLY (m, n) := m * n (modulo 2^16) */ if ( operand_2 == 0){ result_code = 4; goto decompression_failure; } result = operand_1 * operand_2; lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_DIVIDE: /* 9 DIVIDE ($operand_1, %operand_2) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## DIVIDE(9) (operand_1, operand_2)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %operand_2*/ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_2 %u", operand_address, operand_2); } /* * execute the instruction * DIVIDE (m, n) := floor(m / n) * Decompression failure occurs if a DIVIDE or REMAINDER instruction * encounters an operand_2 that is zero. */ if ( operand_2 == 0){ result_code = 4; goto decompression_failure; } result = (guint16)floor(operand_1/operand_2); lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_REMAINDER: /* 10 REMAINDER ($operand_1, %operand_2) */ used_udvm_cycles++; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## REMAINDER(10) (operand_1, operand_2)", current_address); } /* $operand_1*/ operand_address = current_address + 1; next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_1, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_1 %u", operand_address, operand_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %operand_2*/ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &operand_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u operand_2 %u", operand_address, operand_2); } /* * execute the instruction * REMAINDER (m, n) := m - n * floor(m / n) * Decompression failure occurs if a DIVIDE or REMAINDER instruction * encounters an operand_2 that is zero. */ if ( operand_2 == 0){ result_code = 4; goto decompression_failure; } result = operand_1 - operand_2 * (guint16)floor(operand_1/operand_2); lsb = result & 0xff; msb = result >> 8; buff[result_dest] = msb; buff[result_dest+1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading result %u at %u", result, result_dest); } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_SORT_ASCENDING: /* 11 SORT-ASCENDING (%start, %n, %k) */ /* * used_udvm_cycles = 1 + k * (ceiling(log2(k)) + n) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## SORT-ASCENDING(11) (start, n, k))", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Execution of this instruction is NOT implemented"); /* * used_udvm_cycles = 1 + k * (ceiling(log2(k)) + n) */ break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_SORT_DESCENDING: /* 12 SORT-DESCENDING (%start, %n, %k) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## SORT-DESCENDING(12) (start, n, k))", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Execution of this instruction is NOT implemented"); /* * used_udvm_cycles = 1 + k * (ceiling(log2(k)) + n) */ break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_SHA_1: /* 13 SHA-1 (%position, %length, %destination) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## SHA-1(13) (position, length, destination)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %position */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &position); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u position %u", operand_address, position); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %length */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Length %u", operand_address, length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* $destination */ next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &ref_destination, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u $destination %u", operand_address, ref_destination); } current_address = next_operand_address; used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + length; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Execution of this instruction is NOT implemented"); break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_LOAD: /* 14 LOAD (%address, %value) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## LOAD(14) (%%address, %%value)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %address */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Address %u", operand_address, address); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %value */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &value); lsb = value & 0xff; msb = value >> 8; buff[address] = msb; buff[address + 1] = lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Value %u", operand_address, value); proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Loading bytes at %u Value %u 0x%x", address, value, value); } used_udvm_cycles++; current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_MULTILOAD: /* 15 MULTILOAD (%address, #n, %value_0, ..., %value_n-1) */ /* RFC 3320: * The MULTILOAD instruction sets a contiguous block of 2-byte words in * the UDVM memory to specified values. * Hmm what if the value to load only takes one byte ? Chose to always load two bytes. */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## MULTILOAD(15) (%%address, #n, value_0, ..., value_n-1)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %address */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Address %u", operand_address, address); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* #n */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_literal_operand(buff,operand_address, &n); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u n %u", operand_address, n); } operand_address = next_operand_address; used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + n; while ( n > 0) { n = n - 1; /* %value */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &value); lsb = value & 0xff; msb = value >> 8; buff[address] = msb; buff[address + 1] = lsb; /* debug */ length = next_operand_address - operand_address; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, operand_address - 128, length,"Addr: %u Value %5u - Loading bytes at %5u Value %5u 0x%x", operand_address, value, address, value, value); } address = address + 2; operand_address = next_operand_address; } current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_PUSH: /* 16 PUSH (%value) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## PUSH(16) (value)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %value */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &value); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Value %u", operand_address, value); } used_udvm_cycles++; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Execution of this instruction is NOT implemented"); break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_POP: /* 17 POP (%address) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## POP(17) (address)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %address */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Address %u", operand_address, address); } operand_address = next_operand_address; used_udvm_cycles++; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Execution of this instruction is NOT implemented"); break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_COPY: /* 18 COPY (%position, %length, %destination) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## COPY(18) (position, length, destination)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %position */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &position); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u position %u", operand_address, position); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %length */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Length %u", operand_address, length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %destination */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &destination); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Destination %u", operand_address, destination); } current_address = next_operand_address; /* * 8.4. Byte copying * : * The string of bytes is copied in ascending order of memory address, * respecting the bounds set by byte_copy_left and byte_copy_right. * More precisely, if a byte is copied from/to Address m then the next * byte is copied from/to Address n where n is calculated as follows: * * Set k := m + 1 (modulo 2^16) * If k = byte_copy_right then set n := byte_copy_left, else set n := k * */ n = 0; k = destination; byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " byte_copy_right = %u", byte_copy_right); } while ( n < length ){ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " byte_copy_right = %u", byte_copy_right); } if ( k == byte_copy_right ){ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; k = byte_copy_left; } buff[k] = buff[position + n]; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " Copying value: %u (0x%x) to Addr: %u", buff[position + n], buff[position + n], k); } k = ( k + 1 ) & 0xffff; n++; } used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + length; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_COPY_LITERAL: /* 19 COPY-LITERAL (%position, %length, $destination) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## COPY-LITERAL(19) (position, length, $destination)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %position */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &position); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u position %u", operand_address, address); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %length */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Length %u", operand_address, length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* $destination */ next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &ref_destination, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u destination %u", operand_address, ref_destination); } current_address = next_operand_address; /* * 8.4. Byte copying * : * The string of bytes is copied in ascending order of memory address, * respecting the bounds set by byte_copy_left and byte_copy_right. * More precisely, if a byte is copied from/to Address m then the next * byte is copied from/to Address n where n is calculated as follows: * * Set k := m + 1 (modulo 2^16) * If k = byte_copy_right then set n := byte_copy_left, else set n := k * */ n = 0; k = ref_destination; byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; while ( n < length ){ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " byte_copy_right = %u", byte_copy_right); } if ( k == byte_copy_right ){ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; k = byte_copy_left; } buff[k] = buff[position + n]; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " Copying value: %u (0x%x) to Addr: %u", buff[position + n], buff[position + n], k); } k = ( k + 1 ) & 0xffff; n++; } buff[result_dest] = k >> 8; buff[result_dest + 1] = k & 0x00ff; used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + length; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_COPY_OFFSET: /* 20 COPY-OFFSET (%offset, %length, $destination) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## COPY-OFFSET(20) (offset, length, $destination)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %offset */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &multy_offset); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u offset %u", operand_address, multy_offset); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %length */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Length %u", operand_address, length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* $destination */ next_operand_address = dissect_udvm_reference_operand(buff, operand_address, &ref_destination, &result_dest); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u $destination %u", operand_address, ref_destination); } current_address = next_operand_address; /* Execute the instruction: * To derive the value of the position operand, starting at the memory * address specified by destination, the UDVM counts backwards a total * of offset memory addresses. * * If the memory address specified in byte_copy_left is reached, the * next memory address is taken to be (byte_copy_right - 1) modulo 2^16. */ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; if ( (byte_copy_left + multy_offset) > ( ref_destination )){ /* wrap around */ position = byte_copy_right - ( multy_offset - ( ref_destination - byte_copy_left )); }else{ position = ref_destination - multy_offset; } if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " byte_copy_left = %u byte_copy_right = %u position= %u", byte_copy_left, byte_copy_right, position); } /* The COPY-OFFSET instruction then behaves as a COPY-LITERAL * instruction, taking the value of the position operand to be the last * memory address reached in the above step. */ /* * 8.4. Byte copying * : * The string of bytes is copied in ascending order of memory address, * respecting the bounds set by byte_copy_left and byte_copy_right. * More precisely, if a byte is copied from/to Address m then the next * byte is copied from/to Address n where n is calculated as follows: * * Set k := m + 1 (modulo 2^16) * If k = byte_copy_right then set n := byte_copy_left, else set n := k * */ n = 0; k = ref_destination; byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; while ( n < length ){ if ( k == byte_copy_right ){ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; k = byte_copy_left; if (print_level_2 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " byte_copy_left = %u byte_copy_right = %u", byte_copy_left, byte_copy_right); } } if ( position == byte_copy_right ){ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; position = byte_copy_left; if (print_level_2 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " byte_copy_left = %u byte_copy_right = %u", byte_copy_left, byte_copy_right); } } buff[k] = buff[position]; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " Copying value: %5u (0x%x) from Addr: %u to Addr: %u", buff[position + n], buff[position + n],(position + n), k); } k = ( k + 1 ) & 0xffff; n++; position++; } buff[result_dest] = k >> 8; buff[result_dest + 1] = k & 0x00ff; used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + length; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_MEMSET: /* 21 MEMSET (%address, %length, %start_value, %offset) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## MEMSET(21) (address, length, start_value, offset)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %address */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Address %u", operand_address, address); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %length, */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Length %u", operand_address, length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %start_value */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &start_value); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u start_value %u", operand_address, start_value); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %offset */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &multy_offset); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u offset %u", operand_address, multy_offset); } current_address = next_operand_address; /* exetute the instruction * The sequence of values used by the MEMSET instruction is specified by * the following formula: * * Seq[n] := (start_value + n * offset) modulo 256 */ n = 0; k = address; byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; while ( n < length ){ if ( k == byte_copy_right ){ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; k = byte_copy_left; if (print_level_2 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " byte_copy_left = %u byte_copy_right = %u", byte_copy_left, byte_copy_right); } } buff[k] = (start_value + ( n * multy_offset)) & 0xff; if (print_level_2 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " Storing value: %u (0x%x) at Addr: %u", buff[k], buff[k], k); } k = ( k + 1 ) & 0xffff; n++; }/* end while */ used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + length; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_JUMP: /* 22 JUMP (@address) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## JUMP(22) (@address)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* @address */ /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_address_operand(buff,operand_address, &at_address, current_address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address); } current_address = at_address; used_udvm_cycles++; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_COMPARE: /* 23 */ /* COMPARE (%value_1, %value_2, @address_1, @address_2, @address_3) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## COMPARE(23) (value_1, value_2, @address_1, @address_2, @address_3)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %value_1 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &value_1); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Value %u", operand_address, value_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %value_2 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &value_2); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Value %u", operand_address, value_2); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* @address_1 */ /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &at_address_1); at_address_1 = ( current_address + at_address_1) & 0xffff; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address_1); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* @address_2 */ /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &at_address_2); at_address_2 = ( current_address + at_address_2) & 0xffff; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address_2); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* @address_3 */ /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &at_address_3); at_address_3 = ( current_address + at_address_3) & 0xffff; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address_3); } /* execute the instruction * If value_1 < value_2 then the UDVM continues instruction execution at * the memory address specified by address 1. If value_1 = value_2 then * it jumps to the address specified by address_2. If value_1 > value_2 * then it jumps to the address specified by address_3. */ if ( value_1 < value_2 ) current_address = at_address_1; if ( value_1 == value_2 ) current_address = at_address_2; if ( value_1 > value_2 ) current_address = at_address_3; used_udvm_cycles++; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_CALL: /* 24 CALL (@address) (PUSH addr )*/ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## CALL(24) (@address) (PUSH addr )", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* @address */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &at_address); at_address = ( current_address + at_address) & 0xffff; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address); /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ } used_udvm_cycles++; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Execution of this instruction is NOT implemented"); break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_RETURN: /* 25 POP and return */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## POP(25) and return", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Execution of this instruction is NOT implemented"); used_udvm_cycles++; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_SWITCH: /* 26 SWITCH (#n, %j, @address_0, @address_1, ... , @address_n-1) */ /* * When a SWITCH instruction is encountered the UDVM reads the value of * j. It then continues instruction execution at the address specified * by address j. * * Decompression failure occurs if j specifies a value of n or more, or * if the address lies beyond the overall UDVM memory size. */ instruction_address = current_address; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## SWITCH (#n, j, @address_0, @address_1, ... , @address_n-1))", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* #n * Number of addresses in the instruction */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_literal_operand(buff,operand_address, &n); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u n %u", operand_address, n); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %j */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &j); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u j %u", operand_address, j); } operand_address = next_operand_address; m = 0; while ( m < n ){ /* @address_n-1 */ /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &at_address_1); at_address_1 = ( instruction_address + at_address_1) & 0xffff; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address_1); } if ( j == m ){ current_address = at_address_1; } operand_address = next_operand_address; m++; } /* Check decompression failure */ if ( ( j == n ) || ( j > n )){ result_code = 5; goto decompression_failure; } if ( current_address > UDVM_MEMORY_SIZE ){ result_code = 6; goto decompression_failure; } used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + n; ; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_CRC: /* 27 CRC (%value, %position, %length, @address) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## CRC (value, position, length, @address)", current_address); } /* %value */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &value); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Value %u", operand_address, value); } /* %position */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &position); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u position %u", operand_address, position); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %length */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Length %u", operand_address, length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* @address */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &at_address); at_address = ( current_address + at_address) & 0xffff; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address); } /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + length; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Execution of this instruction is NOT implemented"); break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_INPUT_BYTES: /* 28 INPUT-BYTES (%length, %destination, @address) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u ## INPUT-BYTES(28) length, destination, @address)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %length */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Length %u", operand_address, length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %destination */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &destination); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Destination %u", operand_address, destination); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* @address */ /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &at_address); at_address = ( current_address + at_address) & 0xffff; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address); } /* execute the instruction TODO insert checks * RFC 3320 : * * 0 7 8 15 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | byte_copy_left | 64 - 65 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | byte_copy_right | 66 - 67 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | input_bit_order | 68 - 69 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | stack_location | 70 - 71 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * * Figure 7: Memory addresses of the UDVM registers * : * 8.4. Byte copying * : * The string of bytes is copied in ascending order of memory address, * respecting the bounds set by byte_copy_left and byte_copy_right. * More precisely, if a byte is copied from/to Address m then the next * byte is copied from/to Address n where n is calculated as follows: * * Set k := m + 1 (modulo 2^16) * If k = byte_copy_right then set n := byte_copy_left, else set n := k * */ n = 0; k = destination; byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; /* clear out remaining bits if any */ remaining_bits = 0; input_bits=0; /* operand_address used as dummy */ while ( n < length ){ if (input_address > ( msg_end - 1)){ current_address = at_address; result_code = 14; goto execute_next_instruction; } if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " byte_copy_right = %u", byte_copy_right); } if ( k == byte_copy_right ){ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; k = byte_copy_left; } octet = tvb_get_guint8(message_tvb, input_address); buff[k] = octet; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " Loading value: %u (0x%x) at Addr: %u", octet, octet, k); } input_address++; /* * If the instruction requests data that lies beyond the end of the * SigComp message, no data is returned. Instead the UDVM moves program * execution to the address specified by the address operand. */ k = ( k + 1 ) & 0xffff; n++; } used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + length; current_address = next_operand_address; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_INPUT_BITS:/* 29 INPUT-BITS (%length, %destination, @address) */ /* * The length operand indicates the requested number of bits. * Decompression failure occurs if this operand does not lie between 0 * and 16 inclusive. * * The destination operand specifies the memory address to which the * compressed data should be copied. Note that the requested bits are * interpreted as a 2-byte integer ranging from 0 to 2^length - 1, as * explained in Section 8.2. * * If the instruction requests data that lies beyond the end of the * SigComp message, no data is returned. Instead the UDVM moves program * execution to the address specified by the address operand. */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## INPUT-BITS(29) (length, destination, @address)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %length */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u length %u", operand_address, length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %destination */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &destination); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Destination %u", operand_address, destination); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* @address */ /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_address_operand(buff,operand_address, &at_address, current_address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address); } current_address = next_operand_address; /* * Execute actual instr. * The input_bit_order register contains the following three flags: * * 0 7 8 15 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | reserved |F|H|P| 68 - 69 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ */ input_bit_order = buff[68] << 8; input_bit_order = input_bit_order | buff[69]; /* * If the instruction requests data that lies beyond the end of the * SigComp message, no data is returned. Instead the UDVM moves program * execution to the address specified by the address operand. */ if ((input_address > ( msg_end -1)) && (remaining_bits == 0 )){ result_code = 11; current_address = at_address; goto execute_next_instruction; } if ( length > 16 ){ result_code = 7; goto decompression_failure; } if ( input_bit_order > 7 ){ result_code = 8; goto decompression_failure; } /* Transfer F bit to bit_order to tell decomp dispatcher which bit order to use */ bit_order = ( input_bit_order & 0x0004 ) >> 2; value = decomp_dispatch_get_bits( message_tvb, udvm_tree, bit_order, buff, &old_input_bit_order, &remaining_bits, &input_bits, &input_address, length, &result_code, msg_end); if ( result_code == 11 ){ current_address = at_address; goto execute_next_instruction; } msb = value >> 8; lsb = value & 0x00ff; buff[destination] = msb; buff[destination + 1]=lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " Loading value: %u (0x%x) at Addr: %u, remaining_bits: %u", value, value, destination, remaining_bits); } used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + length; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_INPUT_HUFFMAN: /* 30 */ /* * INPUT-HUFFMAN (%destination, @address, #n, %bits_1, %lower_bound_1, * %upper_bound_1, %uncompressed_1, ... , %bits_n, %lower_bound_n, * %upper_bound_n, %uncompressed_n) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## INPUT-HUFFMAN (destination, @address, #n, bits_1, lower_bound_1,upper_bound_1, uncompressed_1, ... , bits_n, lower_bound_n,upper_bound_n, uncompressed_n)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %destination */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &destination); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u Destination %u", operand_address, destination); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* @address */ /* operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_address_operand(buff,operand_address, &at_address, current_address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u @Address %u", operand_address, at_address); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* #n */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_literal_operand(buff,operand_address, &n); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u n %u", operand_address, n); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* * Note that if n = 0 then the INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction is ignored and * program execution resumes at the following instruction. * Decompression failure occurs if (bits_1 + ... + bits_n) > 16. * * In all other cases, the behavior of the INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction is * defined below: * * 1. Set j := 1 and set H := 0. * * 2. Request bits_j compressed bits. Interpret the returned bits as an * integer k from 0 to 2^bits_j - 1, as explained in Section 8.2. * * 3. Set H := H * 2^bits_j + k. * * 4. If data is requested that lies beyond the end of the SigComp * message, terminate the INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction and move program * execution to the memory address specified by the address operand. * * 5. If (H < lower_bound_j) or (H > upper_bound_j) then set j := j + 1. * Then go back to Step 2, unless j > n in which case decompression * failure occurs. * * 6. Copy (H + uncompressed_j - lower_bound_j) modulo 2^16 to the * memory address specified by the destination operand. * */ /* * The input_bit_order register contains the following three flags: * * 0 7 8 15 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | reserved |F|H|P| 68 - 69 * +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * * Transfer H bit to bit_order to tell decomp dispatcher which bit order to use */ input_bit_order = buff[68] << 8; input_bit_order = input_bit_order | buff[69]; bit_order = ( input_bit_order & 0x0002 ) >> 1; j = 1; H = 0; m = n; outside_huffman_boundaries = TRUE; print_in_loop = print_level_1; while ( m > 0 ){ /* %bits_n */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &bits_n); if (print_in_loop ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u bits_n %u", operand_address, bits_n); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %lower_bound_n */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &lower_bound_n); if (print_in_loop ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u lower_bound_n %u", operand_address, lower_bound_n); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %upper_bound_n */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &upper_bound_n); if (print_in_loop ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u upper_bound_n %u", operand_address, upper_bound_n); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* %uncompressed_n */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &uncompressed_n); if (print_in_loop ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u uncompressed_n %u", operand_address, uncompressed_n); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* execute instruction */ if ( outside_huffman_boundaries ) { /* * 3. Set H := H * 2^bits_j + k. */ k = decomp_dispatch_get_bits( message_tvb, udvm_tree, bit_order, buff, &old_input_bit_order, &remaining_bits, &input_bits, &input_address, bits_n, &result_code, msg_end); if ( result_code == 11 ){ current_address = at_address; goto execute_next_instruction; } /* ldexp Returns x multiplied by 2 raised to the power of exponent. * x*2^exponent */ oldH = H; H = ( (guint16)ldexp( H, bits_n) + k ); if (print_level_3 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," Set H(%u) := H(%u) * 2^bits_j(%u) + k(%u)", H ,oldH,((guint16)pow(2,bits_n)),k); } /* * 4. If data is requested that lies beyond the end of the SigComp * message, terminate the INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction and move program * execution to the memory address specified by the address operand. */ if ( input_address > msg_end ){ current_address = at_address; goto execute_next_instruction; } /* * 5. If (H < lower_bound_j) or (H > upper_bound_j) then set j := j + 1. * Then go back to Step 2, unless j > n in which case decompression * failure occurs. */ if ((H < lower_bound_n) || (H > upper_bound_n)){ outside_huffman_boundaries = TRUE; }else{ outside_huffman_boundaries = FALSE; print_in_loop = FALSE; /* * 6. Copy (H + uncompressed_j - lower_bound_j) modulo 2^16 to the * memory address specified by the destination operand. */ if (print_level_2 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, " H(%u) = H(%u) + uncompressed_n(%u) - lower_bound_n(%u)", (H + uncompressed_n - lower_bound_n ),H, uncompressed_n, lower_bound_n); } H = H + uncompressed_n - lower_bound_n; msb = H >> 8; lsb = H & 0x00ff; buff[destination] = msb; buff[destination + 1]=lsb; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " Loading H: %u (0x%x) at Addr: %u,j = %u remaining_bits: %u", H, H, destination,( n - m + 1 ), remaining_bits); } } } m = m - 1; } if ( outside_huffman_boundaries ) { result_code = 10; goto decompression_failure; } current_address = next_operand_address; used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + n; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_STATE_ACCESS: /* 31 */ /* STATE-ACCESS (%partial_identifier_start, %partial_identifier_length, * %state_begin, %state_length, %state_address, %state_instruction) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## STATE-ACCESS(31) (partial_identifier_start, partial_identifier_length,state_begin, state_length, state_address, state_instruction)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* * %partial_identifier_start */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &p_id_start); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u partial_identifier_start %u", operand_address, p_id_start); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* * %partial_identifier_length */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &p_id_length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u partial_identifier_length %u", operand_address, p_id_length); } /* * %state_begin */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_begin); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_begin %u", operand_address, state_begin); } /* * %state_length */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_length %u", operand_address, state_length); } /* * %state_address */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_address %u", operand_address, state_address); } /* * %state_instruction */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_instruction); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_instruction %u", operand_address, state_instruction); } current_address = next_operand_address; byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; if (print_level_2 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, input_address, 1, " byte_copy_right = %u, byte_copy_left = %u", byte_copy_right,byte_copy_left); } result_code = udvm_state_access(message_tvb, udvm_tree, buff, p_id_start, p_id_length, state_begin, &state_length, &state_address, state_instruction, TRUE); if ( result_code != 0 ){ goto decompression_failure; } used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + state_length; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_STATE_CREATE: /* 32 */ /* * STATE-CREATE (%state_length, %state_address, %state_instruction, * %minimum_access_length, %state_retention_priority) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## STATE-CREATE(32) (state_length, state_address, state_instruction,minimum_access_length, state_retention_priority)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* * %state_length */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_length %u", operand_address, state_length); } /* * %state_address */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_address %u", operand_address, state_address); } /* * %state_instruction */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_instruction); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_instruction %u", operand_address, state_instruction); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* * %minimum_access_length */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &minimum_access_length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u minimum_access_length %u", operand_address, minimum_access_length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* * %state_retention_priority */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_retention_priority); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_retention_priority %u", operand_address, state_retention_priority); } current_address = next_operand_address; /* Execute the instruction * TODO Implement the instruction * RFC3320: * Note that the new state item cannot be created until a valid * compartment identifier has been returned by the application. * Consequently, when a STATE-CREATE instruction is encountered the UDVM * simply buffers the five supplied operands until the END-MESSAGE * instruction is reached. The steps taken at this point are described * in Section 9.4.9. * * Decompression failure MUST occur if more than four state creation * requests are made before the END-MESSAGE instruction is encountered. * Decompression failure also occurs if the minimum_access_length does * not lie between 6 and 20 inclusive, or if the * state_retention_priority is 65535. */ no_of_state_create++; if ( no_of_state_create > 4 ){ result_code = 12; goto decompression_failure; } if (( minimum_access_length < 6 ) || ( minimum_access_length > 20 )){ result_code = 1; goto decompression_failure; } if ( state_retention_priority == 65535 ){ result_code = 13; goto decompression_failure; } state_length_buff[no_of_state_create] = state_length; state_address_buff[no_of_state_create] = state_address; state_instruction_buff[no_of_state_create] = state_instruction; state_minimum_access_length_buff[no_of_state_create] = minimum_access_length; state_state_retention_priority_buff[no_of_state_create] = state_retention_priority; used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + state_length; /* Debug */ byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; n = 0; k = state_address; while ( n < state_length ){ if ( k == byte_copy_right ){ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; k = byte_copy_left; } string[0]= buff[k]; string[1]= '\0'; if (print_level_3 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, " Addr: %5u State value: %u (0x%x) ASCII(%s)", k,buff[k],buff[k],string); } k = ( k + 1 ) & 0xffff; n++; } /* End debug */ goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_STATE_FREE: /* 33 */ /* * STATE-FREE (%partial_identifier_start, %partial_identifier_length) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## STATE-FREE (partial_identifier_start, partial_identifier_length)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* * %partial_identifier_start */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &p_id_start); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u partial_identifier_start %u", operand_address, p_id_start); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* * %partial_identifier_length */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &p_id_length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u partial_identifier_length %u", operand_address, p_id_length); } current_address = next_operand_address; /* Execute the instruction: * TODO implement it */ udvm_state_free(buff,p_id_start,p_id_length); used_udvm_cycles++; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_OUTPUT: /* 34 OUTPUT (%output_start, %output_length) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## OUTPUT(34) (output_start, output_length)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* * %output_start */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &output_start); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u output_start %u", operand_address, output_start); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* * %output_length */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &output_length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u output_length %u", operand_address, output_length); } current_address = next_operand_address; /* * Execute instruction * 8.4. Byte copying * : * The string of bytes is copied in ascending order of memory address, * respecting the bounds set by byte_copy_left and byte_copy_right. * More precisely, if a byte is copied from/to Address m then the next * byte is copied from/to Address n where n is calculated as follows: * * Set k := m + 1 (modulo 2^16) * If k = byte_copy_right then set n := byte_copy_left, else set n := k * */ n = 0; k = output_start; byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; if (print_level_3 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, " byte_copy_right = %u", byte_copy_right); } while ( n < output_length ){ if ( k == byte_copy_right ){ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; k = byte_copy_left; if (print_level_3 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, " byte_copy_right = %u", byte_copy_right); } } out_buff[output_address] = buff[k]; string[0]= buff[k]; string[1]= '\0'; if (print_level_3 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, " Output value: %u (0x%x) ASCII(%s) from Addr: %u ,output to dispatcher position %u", buff[k],buff[k],string, k,output_address); } k = ( k + 1 ) & 0xffff; output_address ++; n++; } used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + output_length; goto execute_next_instruction; break; case SIGCOMP_INSTR_END_MESSAGE: /* 35 */ /* * END-MESSAGE (%requested_feedback_location, * %returned_parameters_location, %state_length, %state_address, * %state_instruction, %minimum_access_length, * %state_retention_priority) */ if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1, "Addr: %u ## END-MESSAGE (requested_feedback_location,state_instruction, minimum_access_length,state_retention_priority)", current_address); } operand_address = current_address + 1; /* %requested_feedback_location */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &requested_feedback_location); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u requested_feedback_location %u", operand_address, requested_feedback_location); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* returned_parameters_location */ next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &returned_parameters_location); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u returned_parameters_location %u", operand_address, returned_parameters_location); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* * %state_length */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_length %u", operand_address, state_length); } /* * %state_address */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_address %u", operand_address, state_address); } /* * %state_instruction */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_instruction); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_instruction %u", operand_address, state_instruction); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* * %minimum_access_length */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &minimum_access_length); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u minimum_access_length %u", operand_address, minimum_access_length); } operand_address = next_operand_address; /* * %state_retention_priority */ operand_address = next_operand_address; next_operand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &state_retention_priority); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"Addr: %u state_retention_priority %u", operand_address, state_retention_priority); } current_address = next_operand_address; /* TODO: This isn't currently totaly correct as END_INSTRUCTION might not create state */ no_of_state_create++; if ( no_of_state_create > 4 ){ result_code = 12; goto decompression_failure; } state_length_buff[no_of_state_create] = state_length; state_address_buff[no_of_state_create] = state_address; state_instruction_buff[no_of_state_create] = state_instruction; /* Not used ? */ state_minimum_access_length_buff[no_of_state_create] = minimum_access_length; state_state_retention_priority_buff[no_of_state_create] = state_retention_priority; /* Execute the instruction */ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"no_of_state_create %u",no_of_state_create); if ( no_of_state_create != 0 ){ for( x=0; x < 20; x++){ sha1_digest_buf[x]=0; } n = 1; byte_copy_right = buff[66] << 8; byte_copy_right = byte_copy_right | buff[67]; while ( n < no_of_state_create + 1 ){ sha1buff = g_malloc(state_length_buff[n]+8); sha1buff[0] = state_length_buff[n] >> 8; sha1buff[1] = state_length_buff[n] & 0xff; sha1buff[2] = state_address_buff[n] >> 8; sha1buff[3] = state_address_buff[n] & 0xff; sha1buff[4] = state_instruction_buff[n] >> 8; sha1buff[5] = state_instruction_buff[n] & 0xff; sha1buff[6] = state_minimum_access_length_buff[n] >> 8; sha1buff[7] = state_minimum_access_length_buff[n] & 0xff; if (print_level_3 ){ for( x=0; x < 8; x++){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"sha1buff %u 0x%x", x,sha1buff[x]); } } k = state_address_buff[n]; for( x=0; x < state_length_buff[n]; x++) { if ( k == byte_copy_right ){ byte_copy_left = buff[64] << 8; byte_copy_left = byte_copy_left | buff[65]; k = byte_copy_left; } sha1buff[8+x] = buff[k]; k = ( k + 1 ) & 0xffff; } sha1_starts( &ctx ); sha1_update( &ctx, (guint8 *) sha1buff, state_length_buff[n] + 8); sha1_finish( &ctx, sha1_digest_buf ); if (print_level_3 ){ for( x=0; x < 20; x++){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"SHA1 digest byte %u 0x%x", x,sha1_digest_buf[x]); } } udvm_state_create(sha1buff, sha1_digest_buf, state_minimum_access_length_buff[n]); n++; } } /* At least something got decompressed, show it */ decomp_tvb = tvb_new_real_data(out_buff,output_address,output_address); tvb_set_child_real_data_tvbuff(message_tvb,decomp_tvb); add_new_data_source(pinfo, decomp_tvb, "Decompressed SigComp message"); /* proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, decomp_tvb, 0, -1,"SigComp message Decompressed"); */ used_udvm_cycles = used_udvm_cycles + 1 + state_length; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"maximum_UDVM_cycles %u used_udvm_cycles %u", maximum_UDVM_cycles, used_udvm_cycles); return decomp_tvb; break; default: proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1," ### Addr %u Invalid instruction: %u (0x%x)", current_address,current_instruction,current_instruction); break; } return NULL; decompression_failure: proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, bytecode_tvb, 0, -1,"DECOMPRESSION FAILURE: %s", val_to_str(result_code, result_code_vals,"Unknown (%u)")); return NULL; } /* The simplest operand type is the literal (#), which encodes a * constant integer from 0 to 65535 inclusive. A literal operand may * require between 1 and 3 bytes depending on its value. * Bytecode: Operand value: Range: * 0nnnnnnn N 0 - 127 * 10nnnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 16383 * 11000000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 65535 * * Figure 8: Bytecode for a literal (#) operand * */ static int decode_udvm_literal_operand(guint8 buff[],guint operand_address, guint16 *value) { guint bytecode; guint16 operand; guint test_bits; guint offset = operand_address; guint8 temp_data; bytecode = buff[operand_address]; test_bits = bytecode >> 7; if (test_bits == 1){ test_bits = bytecode >> 6; if (test_bits == 2){ /* * 10nnnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 16383 */ temp_data = buff[operand_address] & 0x1f; operand = temp_data << 8; temp_data = buff[operand_address + 1]; operand = operand | temp_data; *value = operand; offset = offset + 2; }else{ /* * 111000000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 65535 */ offset ++; temp_data = buff[operand_address] & 0x1f; operand = temp_data << 8; temp_data = buff[operand_address + 1]; operand = operand | temp_data; *value = operand; offset = offset + 2; } }else{ /* * 0nnnnnnn N 0 - 127 */ operand = ( bytecode & 0x7f); *value = operand; offset ++; } return offset; } /* * The second operand type is the reference ($), which is always used to * access a 2-byte value located elsewhere in the UDVM memory. The * bytecode for a reference operand is decoded to be a constant integer * from 0 to 65535 inclusive, which is interpreted as the memory address * containing the actual value of the operand. * Bytecode: Operand value: Range: * * 0nnnnnnn memory[2 * N] 0 - 65535 * 10nnnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[2 * N] 0 - 65535 * 11000000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[N] 0 - 65535 * * Figure 9: Bytecode for a reference ($) operand */ static int dissect_udvm_reference_operand(guint8 buff[],guint operand_address, guint16 *value,guint *result_dest) { guint bytecode; guint16 operand; guint offset = operand_address; guint test_bits; guint8 temp_data; guint16 temp_data16; bytecode = buff[operand_address]; test_bits = bytecode >> 7; if (test_bits == 1){ test_bits = bytecode >> 6; if (test_bits == 2){ /* * 10nnnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[2 * N] 0 - 65535 */ temp_data = buff[operand_address] & 0x3f; operand = temp_data << 8; temp_data = buff[operand_address + 1]; operand = operand | temp_data; operand = (operand * 2); *result_dest = operand; temp_data16 = buff[operand] << 8; temp_data16 = temp_data16 | buff[operand+1]; *value = temp_data16; offset = offset + 2; }else{ /* * 11000000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[N] 0 - 65535 */ operand_address++; operand = buff[operand_address] << 8; operand = operand | buff[operand_address + 1]; *result_dest = operand; temp_data16 = buff[operand] << 8; temp_data16 = temp_data16 | buff[operand+1]; *value = temp_data16; offset = offset + 3; } }else{ /* * 0nnnnnnn memory[2 * N] 0 - 65535 */ operand = ( bytecode & 0x7f); operand = (operand * 2); *result_dest = operand; temp_data16 = buff[operand] << 8; temp_data16 = temp_data16 | buff[operand+1]; *value = temp_data16; offset ++; } return offset; } /* RFC3320 * Figure 10: Bytecode for a multitype (%) operand * Bytecode: Operand value: Range: HEX val * 00nnnnnn N 0 - 63 0x00 * 01nnnnnn memory[2 * N] 0 - 65535 0x40 * 1000011n 2 ^ (N + 6) 64 , 128 0x86 * 10001nnn 2 ^ (N + 8) 256 , ... , 32768 0x88 * 111nnnnn N + 65504 65504 - 65535 0xe0 * 1001nnnn nnnnnnnn N + 61440 61440 - 65535 0x90 * 101nnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 8191 0xa0 * 110nnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[N] 0 - 65535 0xc0 * 10000000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 65535 0x80 * 10000001 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[N] 0 - 65535 0x81 */ static int decode_udvm_multitype_operand(guint8 buff[],guint operand_address, guint16 *value) { guint test_bits; guint bytecode; guint offset = operand_address; guint16 operand; guint32 result; guint8 temp_data; guint16 temp_data16; guint16 memmory_addr = 0; bytecode = buff[operand_address]; test_bits = ( bytecode & 0xc0 ) >> 6; switch (test_bits ){ case 0: /* * 00nnnnnn N 0 - 63 */ operand = buff[operand_address]; /* debug *g_warning("Reading 0x%x From address %u",operand,offset); */ *value = operand; offset ++; break; case 1: /* * 01nnnnnn memory[2 * N] 0 - 65535 */ memmory_addr = ( bytecode & 0x3f) * 2; temp_data16 = buff[memmory_addr] << 8; temp_data16 = temp_data16 | buff[memmory_addr+1]; *value = temp_data16; offset ++; break; case 2: /* Check tree most significant bits */ test_bits = ( bytecode & 0xe0 ) >> 5; if ( test_bits == 5 ){ /* * 101nnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 8191 */ temp_data = buff[operand_address] & 0x1f; operand = temp_data << 8; temp_data = buff[operand_address + 1]; operand = operand | temp_data; *value = operand; offset = offset + 2; }else{ test_bits = ( bytecode & 0xf0 ) >> 4; if ( test_bits == 9 ){ /* * 1001nnnn nnnnnnnn N + 61440 61440 - 65535 */ temp_data = buff[operand_address] & 0x0f; operand = temp_data << 8; temp_data = buff[operand_address + 1]; operand = operand | temp_data; operand = operand + 61440; *value = operand; offset = offset + 2; }else{ test_bits = ( bytecode & 0x08 ) >> 3; if ( test_bits == 1){ /* * 10001nnn 2 ^ (N + 8) 256 , ... , 32768 */ result = (guint32)pow(2,( buff[operand_address] & 0x07) + 8); operand = result & 0xffff; *value = operand; offset ++; }else{ test_bits = ( bytecode & 0x0e ) >> 1; if ( test_bits == 3 ){ /* * 1000 011n 2 ^ (N + 6) 64 , 128 */ result = (guint32)pow(2,( buff[operand_address] & 0x01) + 6); operand = result & 0xffff; *value = operand; offset ++; }else{ /* * 1000 0000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 65535 * 1000 0001 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[N] 0 - 65535 */ offset ++; temp_data16 = buff[operand_address + 1] << 8; temp_data16 = temp_data16 | buff[operand_address + 2]; /* debug * g_warning("Reading 0x%x From address %u",temp_data16,operand_address); */ if ( (bytecode & 0x01) == 1 ){ memmory_addr = temp_data16; temp_data16 = buff[memmory_addr] << 8; temp_data16 = temp_data16 | buff[memmory_addr+1]; } *value = temp_data16; offset = offset +2; } } } } break; case 3: test_bits = ( bytecode & 0x20 ) >> 5; if ( test_bits == 1 ){ /* * 111nnnnn N + 65504 65504 - 65535 */ operand = ( buff[operand_address] & 0x1f) + 65504; *value = operand; offset ++; }else{ /* * 110nnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[N] 0 - 65535 */ memmory_addr = buff[operand_address] & 0x1f; memmory_addr = memmory_addr << 8; memmory_addr = memmory_addr | buff[operand_address + 1]; temp_data16 = buff[memmory_addr] << 8; temp_data16 = temp_data16 | buff[memmory_addr+1]; *value = temp_data16; /* debug * g_warning("Reading 0x%x From address %u",temp_data16,memmory_addr); */ offset = offset +2; } default : break; } return offset; } /* * * The fourth operand type is the address (@). This operand is decoded * as a multitype operand followed by a further step: the memory address * of the UDVM instruction containing the address operand is added to * obtain the correct operand value. So if the operand value from * Figure 10 is D then the actual operand value of an address is * calculated as follows: * * operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16 * * Address operands are always used in instructions that control program * flow, because they ensure that the UDVM bytecode is position- * independent code (i.e., it will run independently of where it is * placed in the UDVM memory). */ static int decode_udvm_address_operand(guint8 buff[],guint operand_address, guint16 *value,guint current_address) { guint32 result; guint16 value1; guint next_opreand_address; next_opreand_address = decode_udvm_multitype_operand(buff, operand_address, &value1); result = value1 & 0xffff; result = result + current_address; *value = result & 0xffff; return next_opreand_address; } static int decomp_dispatch_get_bits(tvbuff_t *message_tvb,proto_tree *udvm_tree,guint8 bit_order, guint8 buff[],guint16 *old_input_bit_order, guint16 *remaining_bits, guint16 *input_bits, guint *input_address, guint16 length, guint16 *result_code,guint msg_end){ guint16 input_bit_order; guint16 value; guint16 mask; guint8 octet; guint8 n; guint8 i; input_bit_order = buff[68] << 8; input_bit_order = input_bit_order | buff[69]; *result_code = 0; /* * Note that after one or more INPUT instructions the dispatcher may * hold a fraction of a byte (what used to be the LSBs if P = 0, or, the * MSBs, if P = 1). If an INPUT instruction is encountered and the P- * bit has changed since the last INPUT instruction, any fraction of a * byte still held by the dispatcher MUST be discarded (even if the * INPUT instruction requests zero bits). The first bit passed to the * INPUT instruction is taken from the subsequent byte. */ if (print_level_1 ){ if ( *input_address > ( msg_end - 1)){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, (msg_end - 1), 1, " input_bit_order = 0x%x, old_input_bit_order = 0x%x MSG BUFFER END", input_bit_order, *old_input_bit_order); }else{ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address, 1, " input_bit_order = 0x%x, old_input_bit_order = 0x%x", input_bit_order,*old_input_bit_order); } } if ( (*old_input_bit_order & 0x0001 ) != ( input_bit_order & 0x0001 )){ /* clear out remaining bits TODO check this further */ *remaining_bits = 0; *old_input_bit_order = input_bit_order; } /* * Do we hold a fraction of a byte ? */ if ( *remaining_bits != 0 ){ if ( *remaining_bits < length ){ if (*remaining_bits > 8 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address, 1, " Yikes!! haven't coded this case yet!!remaining_bits %u > 8 ", *remaining_bits); return 0xfbad; } if ( *input_address > ( msg_end -1 ) ){ *result_code = 11; return 0xfbad; } octet = tvb_get_guint8(message_tvb, *input_address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address , 1, " Geting value: %u (0x%x) From Addr: %u", octet, octet, *input_address); } *input_address = *input_address + 1; if ( ( bit_order ) == 0 ){ /* * F/H bit = 0 */ /* borrow value */ value = octet & 0x00ff; value = value << ( 8 - (*remaining_bits)); *remaining_bits = *remaining_bits + 8; }else{ /* * F/H bit = 1 */ /* borrow value */ value = ( octet << 7) & 0x80; value = value | (( octet << 5) & 0x40 ); value = value | (( octet << 3) & 0x20 ); value = value | (( octet << 1) & 0x10 ); value = value | (( octet >> 1) & 0x08 ); value = value | (( octet >> 3) & 0x04 ); value = value | (( octet >> 5) & 0x02 ); value = value | (( octet >> 7) & 0x01 ); value = value << ( 8 - (*remaining_bits)); *remaining_bits = *remaining_bits + 8; } if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address - 1 , 1, " Or value 0x%x with 0x%x remaining bits %u, Result 0x%x", value, *input_bits, *remaining_bits, (*input_bits | value)); } *input_bits = *input_bits | value; }/* Bits remain */ if ( ( bit_order ) == 0 ){ /* * F/H bit = 0 */ mask = (0xffff >> length)^0xffff; value = *input_bits & mask; value = value >> ( 16 - length); *input_bits = *input_bits << length; *remaining_bits = *remaining_bits - length; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address, 1, " Remaining input_bits 0x%x remaining_bits %u", *input_bits, *remaining_bits); } return value; } else{ /* * F/H bit = 1 */ n = 15; i = 0; value = 0; while ( i < length ){ value = value | (( *input_bits & 0x8000 ) >> n) ; *input_bits = *input_bits << 1; n--; i++; } *remaining_bits = *remaining_bits - length; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address, 1, " Remaining input_bits 0x%x", *input_bits); } return value; } } else { /* * Do we need one or two bytes ? */ if ( *input_address > ( msg_end -1 ) ){ *result_code = 11; return 0xfbad; } if ( length < 9 ){ octet = tvb_get_guint8(message_tvb, *input_address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address , 1, " Geting value: %u (0x%x) From Addr: %u", octet, octet, *input_address); } *input_address = *input_address + 1; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address , 1, " Next input from Addr: %u", *input_address); } if ( ( input_bit_order & 0x0001 ) == 0 ){ /* * P bit = Zero */ *input_bits = octet & 0xff; *input_bits = *input_bits << 8; *remaining_bits = 8; }else{ /* * P bit = One */ *input_bits = ( octet << 7) & 0x80; *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet << 5) & 0x40 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet << 3) & 0x20 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet << 1) & 0x10 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 1) & 0x08 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 3) & 0x04 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 5) & 0x02 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 7) & 0x01 ); *input_bits = *input_bits << 8; *remaining_bits = 8; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address -1, 1, " P bit = 1, input_bits = 0x%x",*input_bits); } } else{ /* Length > 9, we need two bytes */ octet = tvb_get_guint8(message_tvb, *input_address); if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address, 1, " Geting first value: %u (0x%x) From Addr: %u", octet, octet, *input_address); } if ( ( input_bit_order & 0x0001 ) == 0 ){ *input_bits = octet & 0xff; *input_bits = *input_bits << 8; *input_address = *input_address + 1; }else{ /* * P bit = One */ *input_bits = ( octet << 7) & 0x80; *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet << 5) & 0x40 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet << 3) & 0x20 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet << 1) & 0x10 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 1) & 0x08 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 3) & 0x04 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 5) & 0x02 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 7) & 0x01 ); *input_bits = *input_bits << 8; *input_address = *input_address + 1; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address -1, 1, " P bit = 1, input_bits = 0x%x",*input_bits); } if ( *input_address > ( msg_end - 1)){ *result_code = 11; return 0xfbad; } octet = tvb_get_guint8(message_tvb, *input_address); *input_address = *input_address + 1; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address - 2, 2, " Geting second value: %u (0x%x) From Addr: %u", octet, octet, *input_address); } if ( ( input_bit_order & 0x0001 ) == 0 ){ /* * P bit = zero */ *input_bits = *input_bits | octet; *remaining_bits = 16; }else{ /* * P bit = One */ *input_bits = ( octet << 7) & 0x80; *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet << 5) & 0x40 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet << 3) & 0x20 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet << 1) & 0x10 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 1) & 0x08 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 3) & 0x04 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 5) & 0x02 ); *input_bits = *input_bits | (( octet >> 7) & 0x01 ); *input_bits = *input_bits << 8; *input_address = *input_address + 1; proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address -1, 1, " P bit = 1, input_bits = 0x%x",*input_bits); *remaining_bits = 16; } } if ( ( bit_order ) == 0 ){ /* * F/H bit = 0 */ mask = (0xffff >> length)^0xffff; value = *input_bits & mask; value = value >> ( 16 - length); *input_bits = *input_bits << length; *remaining_bits = *remaining_bits - length; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address, 1, " Remaining input_bits 0x%x", *input_bits); } return value; } else{ /* * F/H bit = 1 */ n = 15; i = 0; value = 0; while ( i < length ){ value = value | ( *input_bits & 0x8000 ) >> n ; *input_bits = *input_bits << 1; n--; i++; } *remaining_bits = *remaining_bits - length; if (print_level_1 ){ proto_tree_add_text(udvm_tree, message_tvb, *input_address, 1, " Remaining input_bits 0x%x", *input_bits); } return value; } } } /* end udvm */