%top { /* Include this before everything else, for various large-file definitions */ #include "config.h" } /* * We want a reentrant scanner. */ %option reentrant /* * We don't read interactively from the terminal. */ %option never-interactive /* * We want to stop processing when we get to the end of the input. */ %option noyywrap /* * The type for the state we keep for the scanner (and parser). */ %option extra-type="protobuf_lang_state_t *" /* * Prefix scanner routines with "protobuf_lang_" rather than "yy", so this scanner * can coexist with other scanners. */ %option prefix="protobuf_lang_" /* * We have to override the memory allocators so that we don't get * "unused argument" warnings from the yyscanner argument (which * we don't use, as we have a global memory allocator). * * We provide, as macros, our own versions of the routines generated by Flex, * which just call malloc()/realloc()/free() (as the Flex versions do), * discarding the extra argument. */ %option noyyalloc %option noyyrealloc %option noyyfree %option yylineno %option noinput %option nounput %{ /* protobuf_lang_scanner.l * * C Protocol Buffers Language Lexer (for *.proto files) * Copyright 2020, Huang Qiangxiong * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include "protobuf_lang_tree.h" #include "protobuf_lang_parser.h" /* * Disable diagnostics in the code generated by Flex. */ DIAG_OFF_FLEX /* * Sleazy hack to suppress compiler warnings in yy_fatal_error(). */ #define YY_EXIT_FAILURE ((void)yyscanner, 2) /* * Macros for the allocators, to discard the extra argument. */ #define protobuf_lang_alloc(size, yyscanner) (void *)malloc(size) #define protobuf_lang_realloc(ptr, size, yyscanner) (void *)realloc((char *)(ptr), (size)) #define protobuf_lang_free(ptr, yyscanner) free((char *)ptr) int old_status; /* Extended error handling function defined in protobuf_lang_grammar.lemon */ void pbl_parser_error(protobuf_lang_state_t *state, const char *fmt, ...); /* duplicate the text and keep the pointer in parser state for freeing later automatically */ static gchar* strdup_and_store(void* yyscanner, const char* text); #define PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(token_type) \ protobuf_lang_get_extra(yyscanner)->tmp_token = g_new0(protobuf_lang_token_t, 1); \ protobuf_lang_get_extra(yyscanner)->tmp_token->v = strdup_and_store(yyscanner, yytext); \ protobuf_lang_get_extra(yyscanner)->tmp_token->ln = protobuf_lang_get_lineno(yyscanner); \ return (token_type); %} %x COMMENT %% /* operations or symbols (PT_ means PBL Token) */ "(" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_LPAREN); ")" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_RPAREN); "[" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_LBRACKET); "]" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_RBRACKET); "{" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_LCURLY); "}" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_RCURLY); "==" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_EQUAL); "!=" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_NOTEQUAL); "<>" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_NOTEQUAL2); ">=" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_GEQUAL); "<=" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_LEQUAL); "+=" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_ASSIGN_PLUS); "=" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_ASSIGN); "+" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_PLUS); "-" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_MINUS); "*" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_MULTIPLY); "/" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_DIV); "||" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_LOGIC_OR); "|" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_OR); "&&" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_LOGIC_AND); "&" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_AND); "!" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_NOT); "~" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_NEG); "^" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_XOR); "<<" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_SHL); ">>" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_SHR); "%" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_PERCENT); "$" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_DOLLAR); "?" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_COND); ";" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_SEMICOLON); "." PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_DOT); "," PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_COMMA); ":" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_COLON); "<" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_LESS); ">" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_GREATER); /* key words */ syntax PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_SYNTAX); import PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_IMPORT); weak PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_WEAK); public PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_PUBLIC); package PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_PACKAGE); option PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_OPTION); required PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_REQUIRED); optional PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_OPTIONAL); repeated PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_REPEATED); oneof PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_ONEOF); map PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_MAP); reserved PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_RESERVED); enum PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_ENUM); group PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_GROUP); extend PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_EXTEND); extensions PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_EXTENSIONS); message PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_MESSAGE); service PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_SERVICE); rpc PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_RPC); stream PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_STREAM); returns PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_RETURNS); to PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_TO); /* intLit values */ 0|[1-9][0-9]* PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_DECIMALLIT); 0[0-7]* PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_OCTALLIT); 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_HEXLIT); /* Using extended identifier because we care only about position */ [a-zA-Z0-9_.][a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]* PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_IDENT); \"(\\.|\"\"|[^"\n"])*\" PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_STRLIT); \'(\\.|\'\'|[^"\n"])*\' PROTOBUF_LANG_PARSE(PT_STRLIT); /* comments */ "//"[^\r\n]* "/*" { old_status = YY_START; BEGIN COMMENT; } "*/" { BEGIN old_status; } ([^*]|\n)+|. /* space & tab */ [ \t\r\n] /* prevent flex jam */ . { pbl_parser_error(protobuf_lang_get_extra(yyscanner), "unexpected token in proto file!\n"); } %% static gchar* strdup_and_store(void* yyscanner, const char* text) { return pbl_store_string_token(protobuf_lang_get_extra(yyscanner), g_strdup(text)); } /* * Turn diagnostics back on, so we check the code that we've written. */ DIAG_ON_FLEX