The REAMDE specific to the Wireshark "copy" of the pidl sources ============================================================== The tree tools/pidl is a direct extract from svn:// to allow building Wireshark pidl dissectors without having to *explicitly* access a remote svn repository. Don't do changes in the tools/pidl directory, do them at the samba tree! Changes to this tree will be overwritten the next time the sources from the samba tree are updated, which is basically every time you do an svn up in the Wireshark toplevel dir. In order to build, install yapp, then do perl Makefile.PL && make && && make install This will build and install the binaries and the manpage (pidl.1). Yapp can be found in CPAN at If you are using Linux, there may be a package for Yapp for your distribution; on SUSE, the package is an rpm named perl-Parse-Yapp. Run pidl with: pidl --ws-parser -- (don't forget the "--") If you run outside the dissectors/pidl directory, this *will* result in a warning such as: atsvc.idl:5:23: idl_types.h: No such file or directory and *may* result in additional warnings such as: Warning: No conformance file `initshutdown.cnf' Unable to handle string with flags STR_LEN4|STR_NOTERM at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Parse/Pidl/Wireshark/ line 283.