---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RSPRO - Remote SIM Protocol, part of Osmocom Remote SIM Suite -- (C) 2018 by Harald Welte -- All Rights Reserved -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RSPRO DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS RsproPDU ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Elementary Data Types ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some random ID the requestor can chose and which the client echos back in a response. -- This allows multiple outstanding commands in flight and matching of responses to requests. OperationTag ::= INTEGER(0..2147483647) -- Unique identifier of a given SIM bank BankId ::= INTEGER(0..1023) -- Unique identifier of a given client (modem) ClientId ::= INTEGER(0..1023) ComponentType ::= ENUMERATED { -- client: Modems / Phones remsimClient (0), -- server: Coordination remsimServer (1), -- bank daemon: SIM cards remsimBankd (2) } ComponentName ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..32)) ComponentIdentity ::= SEQUENCE { type ComponentType, name ComponentName, software [0] ComponentName, swVersion [1] ComponentName, hwManufacturer [2] ComponentName OPTIONAL, hwModel [3] ComponentName OPTIONAL, hwSerialNr [4] ComponentName OPTIONAL, hwVersion [5] ComponentName OPTIONAL, fwVersion [6] ComponentName OPTIONAL, ... } -- IP address / port details Ipv4Address ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) Ipv6Address ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) IpAddress ::= CHOICE { ipv4 [0] Ipv4Address, ipv6 [1] Ipv6Address } PortNumber ::= INTEGER (0..65535) IpPort ::= SEQUENCE { ip IpAddress, port PortNumber } -- Result of a given operation ResultCode ::= ENUMERATED { ok (0), -- client / bank / slot ID not accepted illegalClientId (1), illegalBankId (2), illegalSlotId (3), unsupportedProtocolVersion (4), unknownSlotmap (5), -- no card is present in given slot cardNotPresent (100), -- card is present but unresponsive in given slot cardUnresponsive (101), -- unrecoverable transmission errors detected cardTransmissionError (102), ... } ErrorCode ::= ENUMERATED { -- Bankd or Server has received connection form unknown client (no mapping) unknownClientConnected (1), -- unexpected disconnect (typically bankd reports client disconnect) unexpectedDisconnect (2), unexpectedProtocolVersion (3), ... } ErrorString ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..255)) ErrorSeverity ::= ENUMERATED { minor (1), major (2), fatal (3), ... } -- Slot number within a SIM bank or a client. SlotNumber ::= INTEGER(0..1023) -- Slot identity on client (modem) side ClientSlot ::= SEQUENCE { clientId ClientId, slotNr SlotNumber, ... } -- Slot identity on SIM bank side BankSlot ::= SEQUENCE { bankId BankId, slotNr SlotNumber, ... } ATR ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..55)) -- flags related to a TPDU in either of the two directions TpduFlags ::= SEQUENCE { -- indicates a TPDU header is present in this message tpduHeaderPresent BOOLEAN, -- indicates last part of transmission in this direction finalPart BOOLEAN, -- indicates a PB is present and we should continue with TX procByteContinueTx BOOLEAN, -- indicates a PB is present and we should continue with RX procByteContinueRx BOOLEAN, ... } --- physical state of a given slot SlotPhysStatus ::= SEQUENCE { -- is RST activated by the modem? resetActive [0] BOOLEAN, -- is VCC applied by the modem? vccPresent [1] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- is CLK applied by the modem? clkActive [2] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- not all hardware supports this -- is card presence signalled to the modem? cardPresent [3] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, ... } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Messages ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BANKD->SERVER: SIM Bank connects to central server ConnectBankReq ::= SEQUENCE { -- identity of the bank that is connecting to the server identity ComponentIdentity, -- bank number, pre-configured on bank side bankId BankId, numberOfSlots SlotNumber, ... } ConnectBankRes ::= SEQUENCE { -- identity of the server to which the bank is connecting identity ComponentIdentity, result ResultCode, ... } -- CLIENT->SERVER or CLIENT->BANKD ConnectClientReq ::= SEQUENCE { -- identity of the client that is connecting to the server/bankd identity ComponentIdentity, clientSlot ClientSlot OPTIONAL, -- mandatory for CL->BANKD; CL->SERVER: old identity, if any ... } ConnectClientRes ::= SEQUENCE { -- identity of the bankd/server to which the client is connecting identity ComponentIdentity, result ResultCode, ... } -- SERVER->BANKD: create a mapping between a given Bank:Slot <-> Client:Slot CreateMappingReq ::= SEQUENCE { client ClientSlot, bank BankSlot, ... } CreateMappingRes ::= SEQUENCE { result ResultCode, ... } -- SERVER->BANKD: remove a mapping between a given Bank:Slot <-> Client:Slot RemoveMappingReq ::= SEQUENCE { client ClientSlot, bank BankSlot, ... } RemoveMappingRes ::= SEQUENCE { result ResultCode, ... } -- SERVER->CLIENT: set Client ID ConfigClientIdReq ::= SEQUENCE { -- server-allocated assignment of a client ID clientSlot ClientSlot, ... } ConfigClientIdRes ::= SEQUENCE { result ResultCode, ... } -- SERVER->CLIENT: set BankId/Slot and IP/Port ConfigClientBankReq ::= SEQUENCE { -- server-allocated assignment of a client ID bankSlot BankSlot, -- bank to which the client shall connect bankd IpPort, ... } ConfigClientBankRes ::= SEQUENCE { result ResultCode, ... } -- BANKD->CLIENT: configure the ATR which the card emulator (client) shall send to the modem SetAtrReq ::= SEQUENCE { slot ClientSlot, atr ATR, ... } SetAtrRes ::= SEQUENCE { result ResultCode, ... } -- CLIENT->BANKD: TPDU in Modem -> Card direction TpduModemToCard ::= SEQUENCE { -- we include fully-qualified bank and client slots for easier debugging fromClientSlot ClientSlot, toBankSlot BankSlot, flags TpduFlags, data OCTET STRING, ... } -- BANKD->CLIENT: TPDU in Card -> Modem direction TpduCardToModem ::= SEQUENCE { -- we include fully-qualified bank and client slots for easier debugging fromBankSlot BankSlot, toClientSlot ClientSlot, flags TpduFlags, data OCTET STRING, ... } -- CLIENT->BANKD: indciation about the current status of a client (modem side) ClientSlotStatusInd ::= SEQUENCE { fromClientSlot ClientSlot, toBankSlot BankSlot, slotPhysStatus SlotPhysStatus, ... } -- BANKD->CLIENT: indciation about the current status of a bank (modem side) BankSlotStatusInd ::= SEQUENCE { fromBankSlot BankSlot, toClientSlot ClientSlot, slotPhysStatus SlotPhysStatus, ... } -- *->SERVER: indication about some kind of error ErrorInd ::= SEQUENCE { -- whoever is detecting + sending us the error sender ComponentType, severity ErrorSeverity, code ErrorCode, -- any bank-side slot that's affected bankSlot [0] BankSlot OPTIONAL, -- any client-side slot that's affected clientSlot [1] ClientSlot OPTIONAL, -- any additional textual information errorString [2] ErrorString OPTIONAL, ... } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PDU ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RsproPDUchoice ::= CHOICE { -- configuration + management connectBankReq [0] ConnectBankReq, connectBankRes [1] ConnectBankRes, connectClientReq [2] ConnectClientReq, connectClientRes [3] ConnectClientRes, createMappingReq [4] CreateMappingReq, createMappingRes [5] CreateMappingRes, removeMappingReq [6] RemoveMappingReq, removeMappingRes [7] RemoveMappingRes, configClientIdReq [8] ConfigClientIdReq, configClientIdRes [9] ConfigClientIdRes, configClientBankReq [17] ConfigClientBankReq, configClientBankRes [18] ConfigClientBankRes, errorInd [16] ErrorInd, -- APDUs etc. setAtrReq [10] SetAtrReq, setAtrRes [11] SetAtrRes, tpduModemToCard [12] TpduModemToCard, tpduCardToModem [13] TpduCardToModem, clientSlotStatusInd [14] ClientSlotStatusInd, bankSlotStatusInd [15] BankSlotStatusInd, ... } RsproPDU ::= SEQUENCE { version [0] INTEGER(0..32), tag [1] OperationTag, msg [2] RsproPDUchoice } END