MMSHeadingExtensions {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) heading-extensions(6)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- Prologue -- Exports Everything IMPORTS -- IPMS information objects IPMS-EXTENSION, ORDescriptor --= FROM IPMSInformationObjects {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) ipms(1) modules(0) information-objects(2)} -- MMS upper bounds lb-military-sic, ub-military-number-of-sics, ub-military-sic --= FROM MMSUpperBounds {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) upper-bounds(0)} -- MMS object identifiers id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-message-identifier, id-nato-mmhs-mm-address-list-indicator, id-nato-mmhs-mm-codress-message, id-nato-mmhs-mm-copy-precedence, id-nato-mmhs-mm-distribution-codes, id-nato-mmhs-mm-exempted-address, id-nato-mmhs-mm-extended-authorisation-info, id-nato-mmhs-mm-handling-instructions, id-nato-mmhs-mm-information-labels, id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-instructions, id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-type, id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-reference, id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-plad, id-nato-mmhs-mm-other-recipients-indicator, id-nato-mmhs-mm-pilot-forwarding-info, id-nato-mmhs-mm-primary-precedence --= FROM MMSObjectIdentifiers {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0)} -- MTS abstract service --Message--SecurityLabel --= FROM MTSAbstractService {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) mts(3) modules(0) mts-abstract-service(1)}; -- exempted address --exempted-address IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE SEQUENCE OF ExemptedAddress -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-exempted-address} ExemptedAddressSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF ExemptedAddress ExemptedAddress ::= ORDescriptor -- extended authorisation information --extended-authorisation-info IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE ExtendedAuthorisationInfo -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-extended-authorisation-info} ExtendedAuthorisationInfo ::= UTCTime -- UTCTime as defined in 8.5.4 of ITU-T X.411 -- Distribution codes -- will carry subject indicator codes and leave room for expansion. --distribution-codes IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE DistributionCodes -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-distribution-codes} DistributionCodes ::= SET { sics [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-military-number-of-sics) OF Sic OPTIONAL, dist-Extensions [1] SEQUENCE OF DistributionExtensionField OPTIONAL} Sic ::= PrintableString(SIZE (lb-military-sic..ub-military-sic)) --DistributionExtensionField ::= INSTANCE OF TYPE-IDENTIFIER DistributionExtensionField ::= SEQUENCE { dist-type OBJECT IDENTIFIER, dist-value ANY --DEFINED BY dist-type-- } -- Handling instructions --handling-instructions IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE HandlingInstructions -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-handling-instructions} HandlingInstructions ::= SEQUENCE OF MilitaryString MilitaryString ::= PrintableString(SIZE (1..ub-military-string)) -- Message instructions -- will carry operating signals --message-instructions IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE MessageInstructions -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-instructions} MessageInstructions ::= SEQUENCE OF MilitaryString -- Codress message -- Needed for transition or as long as codress messages need to be carried. --codress-message IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE CodressMessage -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-codress-message} CodressMessage ::= INTEGER -- Originator reference -- only used if a user designated identifier string becomes important. --originator-reference IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE OriginatorReference -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-reference} OriginatorReference ::= MilitaryString -- we have expanded MMHSPrecedence to PrimaryPrecedence and CopyPrecedence to -- all rules to be written to highlight high priority messages. MMHSPrecedence ::= INTEGER { deferred(0), routine(1), priority(2), immediate(3), flash(4), override(5) -- these are used by some National systems XXX need to verify , ecp(16), critic(17), override(18) } -- Primary reference --primary-precedence IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE MMHSPrecedence -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-primary-precedence} PrimaryPrecedence ::= INTEGER { deferred(0), routine(1), priority(2), immediate(3), flash(4), override(5) -- these are used by some National systems XXX need to verify , ecp(16), critic(17), override(18) } -- Note: Values 0 to 15 are reserved for NATO defined precedence levels. -- Values 16 to 31 are reserved for national user. -- Copy precedence --copy-precedence IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE MMHSPrecedence -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-copy-precedence} CopyPrecedence ::= INTEGER { deferred(0), routine(1), priority(2), immediate(3), flash(4), override(5) -- these are used by some National systems XXX need to verify , ecp(16), critic(17), override(18) } -- Message type --message-type IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE MessageType -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-type} MessageType ::= SET { type [0] TypeMessage, identifier [1] MessageIdentifier OPTIONAL} TypeMessage ::= INTEGER {exercise(0), operation(1), project(2), drill(3)} -- Note: Values 0 to 127 are reserved for NATO defined Message Type -- identifiers. Values above 128 to 255 are not defined by NATO and may -- be used nationally or bilaterally. MessageIdentifier ::= MilitaryString -- Address list indicator --address-list-indicator IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE SEQUENCE OF AddressListDesignator -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-address-list-indicator} AddressListDesignatorSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF AddressListDesignator AddressListDesignator ::= SET { type [0] INTEGER {primaryAddressList(0), copyAddressList(1)}, listName [1] ORDescriptor, notificationRequest [2] AddressListRequest OPTIONAL, replyRequest [3] AddressListRequest OPTIONAL} AddressListRequest ::= INTEGER {action(0), info(1), both(2)} -- Other recipients indicator --other-recipients-indicator IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE SEQUENCE OF OtherRecipientDesignator -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-other-recipients-indicator} OtherRecipientDesignatorSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF OtherRecipientDesignator OtherRecipientDesignator ::= SET { type [0] INTEGER {primary(0), copy(1)}, designator [1] MilitaryString} -- pilot forwarding information --pilot-forwarding-info IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE SEQUENCE OF PilotInformation -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-pilot-forwarding-info} PilotInformationSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF PilotInformation PilotInformation ::= SEQUENCE { pilotPrecedence [0] MMHSPrecedence OPTIONAL, -- Note: Values 0 to 15 are reserved for NATO defined precedence levels. -- Values 16 to 31 are reserved for national use. pilotRecipient [1] SEQUENCE OF ORDescriptor OPTIONAL, pilotSecurity [2] --Message--SecurityLabel OPTIONAL, pilotHandling [3] SEQUENCE OF MilitaryString OPTIONAL} -- Acp127 message identifier -- a string to store routing indicator, station serial number and julian file -- time seperated by spaces. --acp127-message-identifier IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE Acp127MessageIdentifier -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-message-identifier} Acp127MessageIdentifier ::= MilitaryString -- Originator PLAD --originator-plad IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE OriginatorPlad -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-plad} OriginatorPlad ::= MilitaryString -- Information label --security-information-labels IPMS-EXTENSION ::= { -- VALUE SecurityInformationLabels -- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-information-labels} SecurityInformationLabels ::= SEQUENCE { content-security-label [0] SecurityLabel, -- SecurityLabel as defined in 8.5.9 of ITU-T X.411 heading-security-label [1] SecurityLabel OPTIONAL, body-part-security-labels [2] SEQUENCE OF BodyPartSecurityLabel OPTIONAL} BodyPartSecurityLabel ::= SET { body-part-security-label [0] SecurityLabel, body-part-sequence-number [1] BodyPartSequenceNumber OPTIONAL} BodyPartSequenceNumber ::= INTEGER -- Note: If all body parts of the message are labelled, each -- element in the body sequence above shall correspond to the -- same numbered element of the Body sequence, and the body -- part sequence number may be absent. (i.e. the first element -- of this field shall correspond to the first body part, etc. -- Otherwise the body part sequence number shall be present -- and shall correspond to the sequence of the body part -- to which the security label relates. (i.e. the value of the -- body part sequence number shall correspond to sequence in which -- the originator encoded the body parts of the message). -- NOTE: The security-information-labels heading extension is now -- deprecated. Its use is, therefore, discouraged. See STANAG 4406 -- Annex B for instruction on the use of its replacement, the -- ESSSecurityLabel. PriorityLevelQualifier ::= ENUMERATED { low(0), high(1) } END -- of Military heading extensions used in MMS