-- 3GPP TS 32.298 GenericChargingDataTypes {itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi(0) mobileDomain (0) charging (5) genericChargingDataTypes (0) asn1Module (0) version1 (0)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS everything IMPORTS AddressString, ISDN-AddressString, LCSClientExternalID, LCSClientInternalID FROM MAP-CommonDataTypes { itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-CommonDataTypes (18) version15 (13) } -- from TS 29.002 [214] PositionMethodFailure-Diagnostic, UnauthorizedLCSClient-Diagnostic FROM MAP-ER-DataTypes { itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-ER-DataTypes (17) version15 (13)} -- from TS 29.002 [214] ObjectInstance FROM CMIP-1 {joint-iso-itu-t ms (9) cmip (1) modules (0) protocol (3)} -- from Rec. X.2ab[304] -- WS localy defined --ManagementExtension --FROM Attribute-ASN1Module {joint-iso-itu-t ms (9) smi (3) part2 (2) asn1Module (2) 1} -- from Rec. X.721 [305] AE-title FROM ACSE-1 {joint-iso-itu-t association-control (2) modules (0) apdus (0) version1 (1) }; -- From Rec. X.2cd[306]. Note that the syntax of AE-title to be used is from -- ITU-T Rec. X.227 / ISO 8650 corrigendum and not "ANY" -- -- Generic Data Types -- BCDDirectoryNumber ::= OCTET STRING -- -- This type contains the binary coded decimal representation of -- a directory number e.g. calling/called/connected/translated number. -- The encoding of the octet string is in accordance with the -- the elements "Calling party BCD number", "Called party BCD number" -- and "Connected number" defined in TS 24.008 [208]. -- This encoding includes type of number and number plan information -- together with a BCD encoded digit string. -- It may also contain both a presentation and screening indicator -- (octet 3a). -- For the avoidance of doubt, this field does not include -- octets 1 and 2, the element name and length, as this would be -- redundant. -- CallDuration ::= INTEGER -- -- The call duration is counted in seconds. -- For successful calls /sessions / PDP contexts, this is the chargeable duration. -- For call attempts this is the call holding time. -- CalledNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber -- WS extension to cater for older version(6) CallEventRecordType ::= INTEGER { -- Record values 0..17 are CS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.250 [10] moCallRecord (0), mtCallRecord (1), roamingRecord (2), incGatewayRecord (3), outGatewayRecord (4), transitCallRecord (5), moSMSRecord (6), mtSMSRecord (7), moSMSIWRecord (8), mtSMSGWRecord (9), ssActionRecord (10), hlrIntRecord (11), locUpdateHLRRecord (12), locUpdateVLRRecord (13), commonEquipRecord (14), moTraceRecord (15), --- used in earlier releases mtTraceRecord (16), --- used in earlier releases termCAMELRecord (17), -- -- Record values 18..22 are GPRS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.251 [11] -- sgsnPDPRecord (18), ggsnPDPRecord (19), sgsnMMRecord (20), sgsnSMORecord (21), sgsnSMTRecord (22), -- -- Record values 23..25 are CS-LCS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.250 [10] -- mtLCSRecord (23), moLCSRecord (24), niLCSRecord (25), -- -- Record values 26..28 are GPRS-LCS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.251 [11] -- sgsnMtLCSRecord (26), sgsnMoLCSRecord (27), sgsnNiLCSRecord (28), -- -- Record values 29..62 are MMS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.270 [30] -- mmO1SRecord (29), mmO4FRqRecord (30), mmO4FRsRecord (31), mmO4DRecord (32), mmO1DRecord (33), mmO4RRecord (34), mmO1RRecord (35), mmOMDRecord (36), mmR4FRecord (37), mmR1NRqRecord (38), mmR1NRsRecord (39), mmR1RtRecord (40), mmR1AFRecord (42), mmR4DRqRecord (43), mmR4DRsRecord (44), mmR1RRRecord (45), mmR4RRqRecord (46), mmR4RRsRecord (47), mmRMDRecord (48), mmFRecord (49), mmBx1SRecord (50), mmBx1VRecord (51), mmBx1URecord (52), mmBx1DRecord (53), mM7SRecord (54), mM7DRqRecord (55), mM7DRsRecord (56), mM7CRecord (57), mM7RRecord (58), mM7DRRqRecord (59), mM7DRRsRecord (60), mM7RRqRecord (61), mM7RRsRecord (62), -- -- Record values 63..69 are IMS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.260 [20] -- s-CSCFRecord (63), p-CSCFRecord (64), i-CSCFRecord (65), mRFCRecord (66), mGCFRecord (67), bGCFRecord (68), aSRecord (69), -- -- Record values 70 is for Flow based Charging -- The contents are defined in TS 32.251 [11] -- egsnPDPRecord (70), -- -- Record values 71..75 are LCS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.271 [31] -- lCSGMORecord (71), lCSRGMTRecord (72), lCSHGMTRecord (73), lCSVGMTRecord (74), lCSGNIRecord (75), -- -- Record values 76..79 are MBMS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.251 [11] -- Record values 76 and 77 are MBMS bearer context specific -- sgsnMBMSRecord (76), ggsnMBMSRecord (77), -- And TS 32.273 [33] -- Record values 78 and 79 are MBMS service specific -- and defined in TS 32.273 [33] subBMSCRecord (78), contentBMSCRecord (79), -- -- Record Values 80..81 are PoC specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.272 [14] -- pPFRecord (80), cPFRecord (81) } -- End WS CallingNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber CellId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) -- -- Coded according to TS 24.008 [208] -- ChargeIndicator ::= INTEGER { noCharge (0), charge (1) } CNIPMulticastDistribution ::= ENUMERATED { nO-IP-MULTICAST (0), iP-MULTICAST (1) } Diagnostics ::= CHOICE { gsm0408Cause [0] INTEGER, -- See TS 24.008 [208] gsm0902MapErrorValue [1] INTEGER, -- -- Note: The value to be stored here corresponds to the local values defined in the MAP-Errors -- and MAP-DialogueInformation modules, for full details see TS 29.002 [214]. -- itu-tQ767Cause [2] INTEGER, -- See Q.767 [309] networkSpecificCause [3] ManagementExtension, -- To be defined by network operator manufacturerSpecificCause [4] ManagementExtension, -- To be defined by manufacturer positionMethodFailureCause [5] PositionMethodFailure-Diagnostic, -- see TS 29.002 [214] unauthorizedLCSClientCause [6] UnauthorizedLCSClient-Diagnostic, -- see TS 29.002 [214] diameterResultCodeAndExperimentalResult [7] INTEGER -- See TS 29.338 [230], TS 29.337 [231] } DiameterIdentity ::= OCTET STRING EnhancedDiagnostics ::= SEQUENCE { rANNASCause [0] OCTET STRING -- TS 29.274 [223] } GSNAddress ::= IPAddress IPAddress ::= CHOICE { iPBinaryAddress IPBinaryAddress, iPTextRepresentedAddress IPTextRepresentedAddress } IPBinaryAddress ::= CHOICE { iPBinV4Address [0] IPBinV4Address, iPBinV6Address IPBinV6AddressWithOrWithoutPrefixLength } IPBinV4Address ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) IPBinV6Address ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) IPBinV6AddressWithOrWithoutPrefixLength ::= CHOICE { iPBinV6Address [1] IPBinV6Address, iPBinV6AddressWithPrefix [4] IPBinV6AddressWithPrefixLength } IPBinV6AddressWithPrefixLength ::= SEQUENCE { iPBinV6Address IPBinV6Address, pDPAddressPrefixLength PDPAddressPrefixLength DEFAULT 64 } IPTextRepresentedAddress ::= CHOICE { -- -- IP address in the familiar "dot" notation -- iPTextV4Address [2] IA5String (SIZE(7..15)), iPTextV6Address [3] IA5String (SIZE(15..45)) } LCSCause ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) -- -- See LCS Cause Value, TS 49.031 [227] -- LCSClientIdentity ::= SEQUENCE { lcsClientExternalID [0] LCSClientExternalID OPTIONAL, lcsClientDialedByMS [1] AddressString OPTIONAL, lcsClientInternalID [2] LCSClientInternalID OPTIONAL } LCSQoSInfo ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) -- -- See LCS QoS IE, TS 49.031 [227] -- LevelOfCAMELService ::= BIT STRING { basic (0), callDurationSupervision (1), onlineCharging (2) } LocalSequenceNumber ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- -- Sequence number of the record in this node -- 0.. 4294967295 is equivalent to 0..2**32-1, unsigned integer in four octets -- LocationAreaAndCell ::= SEQUENCE { locationAreaCode [0] LocationAreaCode, cellId [1] CellId, mCC-MNC [2] MCC-MNC OPTIONAL } LocationAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) -- -- See TS 24.008 [208] -- ManagementExtensions ::= SET OF ManagementExtension MBMS2G3GIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { twoG (0), -- For GERAN access only threeG (1), -- For UTRAN access only twoG-AND-threeG (2) -- For both UTRAN and GERAN access } MBMSInformation ::= SET { tMGI [1] TMGI OPTIONAL, mBMSSessionIdentity [2] MBMSSessionIdentity OPTIONAL, mBMSServiceType [3] MBMSServiceType OPTIONAL, mBMSUserServiceType [4] MBMSUserServiceType OPTIONAL, -- only supported in the BM-SC mBMS2G3GIndicator [5] MBMS2G3GIndicator OPTIONAL, fileRepairSupported [6] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- only supported in the BM-SC rAI [7] RoutingAreaCode OPTIONAL, -- only supported in the BM-SC mBMSServiceArea [8] MBMSServiceArea OPTIONAL, requiredMBMSBearerCaps [9] RequiredMBMSBearerCapabilities OPTIONAL, mBMSGWAddress [10] GSNAddress OPTIONAL, cNIPMulticastDistribution [11] CNIPMulticastDistribution OPTIONAL, mBMSDataTransferStart [12] MBMSTime OPTIONAL, mBMSDataTransferStop [13] MBMSTime OPTIONAL } MBMSServiceArea ::= OCTET STRING MBMSServiceType ::= ENUMERATED { mULTICAST (0), bROADCAST (1) } MBMSSessionIdentity ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- -- This octet string is a 1:1 copy of the contents of the MBMS-Session-Identity -- AVP specified in TS 29.061 [82] -- MBMSTime ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) -- -- This value indicates the time in seconds relative to 00:00:00 on 1 January 1900 (calculated as -- continous time without leap seconds and tracable to a common time reference) where binary -- encoding of the integer part is in the first 32 bits and binary encoding of the fraction part in -- the last 32 bits. The fraction part is expressed with a granularity of 1 /2**32 second as -- specified in TS 29.061 [82]. -- MBMSUserServiceType ::= ENUMERATED { dOWNLOAD (0), sTREAMING (1) } MCC-MNC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) -- -- See TS 24.008 [208] -- MessageReference ::= OCTET STRING MSCAddress ::= AddressString MscNo ::= ISDN-AddressString -- -- See TS 23.003 [200] -- MSISDN ::= ISDN-AddressString -- -- See TS 23.003 [200] -- MSTimeZone ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) -- -- 1.Octet: Time Zone and 2. Octet: Daylight saving time, see TS 29.060 [215] -- NodeAddress ::= CHOICE { iPAddress [0] IPAddress, domainName [1] GraphicString } PDPAddressPrefixLength ::=INTEGER (1..64) -- -- This is an interger indicating the leght of the PDP/PDN IPv6 address prefix -- and the default value is 64 bits. -- PositioningData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..33)) -- -- See Positioning Data IE (octet 3..n), TS 49.031 [227] -- RecordingEntity ::= AddressString RecordType ::= INTEGER -- -- Record values 0..17 and 87,89 are CS specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.250 [10] -- { moCallRecord (0), mtCallRecord (1), roamingRecord (2), incGatewayRecord (3), outGatewayRecord (4), transitCallRecord (5), moSMSRecord (6), mtSMSRecord (7), moSMSIWRecord (8), mtSMSGWRecord (9), ssActionRecord (10), hlrIntRecord (11), locUpdateHLRRecord (12), locUpdateVLRRecord (13), commonEquipRecord (14), moTraceRecord (15), -- used in earlier releases mtTraceRecord (16), -- used in earlier releases termCAMELRecord (17), -- -- Record values 18..22 are GPRS specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.251 [11] -- sgsnPDPRecord (18), sgsnMMRecord (20), sgsnSMORecord (21), -- also MME UE originated SMS record sgsnSMTRecord (22), -- also MME UE terminated SMS record -- -- Record values 23..25 are CS-LCS specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.250 [10] -- mtLCSRecord (23), moLCSRecord (24), niLCSRecord (25), -- -- Record values 26..28 are GPRS-LCS specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.251 [11] -- sgsnMTLCSRecord (26), sgsnMOLCSRecord (27), sgsnNILCSRecord (28), -- -- Record values 30..62 are MMS specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.270 [30] -- mMO1SRecord (30), mMO4FRqRecord (31), mMO4FRsRecord (32), mMO4DRecord (33), mMO1DRecord (34), mMO4RRecord (35), mMO1RRecord (36), mMOMDRecord (37), mMR4FRecord (38), mMR1NRqRecord (39), mMR1NRsRecord (40), mMR1RtRecord (41), mMR1AFRecord (42), mMR4DRqRecord (43), mMR4DRsRecord (44), mMR1RRRecord (45), mMR4RRqRecord (46), mMR4RRsRecord (47), mMRMDRecord (48), mMFRecord (49), mMBx1SRecord (50), mMBx1VRecord (51), mMBx1URecord (52), mMBx1DRecord (53), mM7SRecord (54), mM7DRqRecord (55), mM7DRsRecord (56), mM7CRecord (57), mM7RRecord (58), mM7DRRqRecord (59), mM7DRRsRecord (60), mM7RRqRecord (61), mM7RRsRecord (62), -- -- Record values 63..70, 82, 89..91 are IMS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.260 [20] -- sCSCFRecord (63), pCSCFRecord (64), iCSCFRecord (65), mRFCRecord (66), mGCFRecord (67), bGCFRecord (68), aSRecord (69), eCSCFRecord (70), iBCFRecord (82), tRFRecord (89), tFRecord (90), aTCFRecord (91), -- -- Record values 71..75 are LCS specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.271 [31] -- lCSGMORecord (71), lCSRGMTRecord (72), lCSHGMTRecord (73), lCSVGMTRecord (74), lCSGNIRecord (75), -- -- Record values 76..79,86 are MBMS specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.251 [11] and TS 32.273 [33] -- -- Record values 76,77 and 86 are MBMS bearer context specific -- sgsnMBMSRecord (76), ggsnMBMSRecord (77), gwMBMSRecord (86), -- -- Record values 78 and 79 are MBMS service specific and defined in TS 32.273 [33] -- sUBBMSCRecord (78), cONTENTBMSCRecord (79), -- -- Record Values 80..81 are PoC specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.272 [32] -- pPFRecord (80), cPFRecord (81), -- -- Record values 84,85 and 92,95,96 are EPC specific. -- The contents are defined in TS 32.251 [11] -- sGWRecord (84), pGWRecord (85), tDFRecord (92), iPERecord (95), ePDGRecord (96), tWAGRecord (97), -- -- Record Value 83 is MMTel specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.275 [35] -- mMTelRecord (83), -- -- Record value 87,88 and 89 are CS specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.250 [10] -- mSCsRVCCRecord (87), mMTRFRecord (88), iCSRegisterRecord (99), -- -- Record values 93 and 94 are SMS specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.274 [34] -- sCSMORecord (93), sCSMTRecord (94), -- -- Record values 100, 101 and 102 are ProSe specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.277 [36] -- pFDDRecord (100), pFEDRecord (101), pFDCRecord (102), -- -- Record values 103 and 104 are Monitoring Event specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.278 [38] -- mECORecord (103), mERERecord (104), -- -- Record values 105 and 106 are CP data transfer specific. The contents are defined in TS 32.253 [13] -- cPDTSCERecord (105), cPDTSNNRecord (106) } RequiredMBMSBearerCapabilities ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (3..14)) -- -- This octet string is a 1:1 copy of the contents (i.e. starting with octet 5) of the -- "Quality of service Profile" information element specified in TS 29.060 [75]. -- RoutingAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) -- -- See TS 24.008 [208] -- ServiceContextID ::= UTF8String ServiceSpecificInfo ::= SEQUENCE { serviceSpecificData [0] GraphicString OPTIONAL, serviceSpecificType [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL } SMSResult ::= Diagnostics SmsTpDestinationNumber ::= OCTET STRING -- -- This type contains the binary coded decimal representation of -- the SMS address field the encoding of the octet string is in -- accordance with the definition of address fields in TS 23.040 [201]. -- This encoding includes type of number and numbering plan indication -- together with the address value range. -- SubscriberEquipmentNumber ::= SET { subscriberEquipmentNumberType [0] SubscriberEquipmentType, subscriberEquipmentNumberData [1] OCTET STRING } SubscriberEquipmentType ::= ENUMERATED { iMEISV (0), mAC (1), eUI64 (2), modifiedEUI64 (3) } SubscriptionID ::= SET -- -- used for ExternalIdentifier with SubscriptionIdType = END-User-NAI. See TS 23.003 [200] -- { subscriptionIDType [0] SubscriptionIDType, subscriptionIDData [1] UTF8String } SubscriptionIDType ::= ENUMERATED { eND-USER-E164 (0), eND-USER-IMSI (1), eND-USER-SIP-URI (2), eND-USER-NAI (3), eND-USER-PRIVATE (4) } SystemType ::= ENUMERATED -- -- "unknown" is not to be used in PS domain. -- { unknown (0), iuUTRAN (1), gERAN (2) } TimeStamp ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(9)) -- -- The contents of this field are a compact form of the UTCTime format -- containing local time plus an offset to universal time. Binary coded -- decimal encoding is employed for the digits to reduce the storage and -- transmission overhead -- e.g. YYMMDDhhmmssShhmm -- where -- YY = Year 00 to 99 BCD encoded -- MM = Month 01 to 12 BCD encoded -- DD = Day 01 to 31 BCD encoded -- hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded -- mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded -- ss = second 00 to 59 BCD encoded -- S = Sign 0 = "+", "-" ASCII encoded -- hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded -- mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded -- TMGI ::= OCTET STRING -- -- This octet string is a 1:1 copy of the contents (i.e. starting with octet 4) -- of the "TMGI" information element specified in TS 29.060 [75]. -- -- Local WS modification Import ManagementExtension here -- as2wrs fault fix: DMI-EXTENSION::= CLASS {&id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE, &Value }WITH SYNTAX {TYPE &Value ID &id } ManagementExtension ::= SEQUENCE { identifier DMI-EXTENSION.&id({ManagementExtensionSet}), significance [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, information [2] DMI-EXTENSION.&Value({ManagementExtensionSet}{@.identifier}) } ManagementExtensionSet DMI-EXTENSION ::= {...} END