/* * Copyright (c) 2006 by Gilbert Ramirez * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include "syntax-tree.h" #include "sttype-function.h" typedef struct { guint32 magic; df_func_def_t *funcdef; GSList *params; } function_t; #define FUNCTION_MAGIC 0xe10f0f99 static gpointer function_new(gpointer funcdef) { function_t *stfuncrec; g_assert(funcdef != NULL); stfuncrec = g_new(function_t, 1); stfuncrec->magic = FUNCTION_MAGIC; stfuncrec->funcdef = (df_func_def_t *)funcdef; stfuncrec->params = NULL; return (gpointer) stfuncrec; } static gpointer function_dup(gconstpointer data) { const function_t *org = (const function_t *)data; function_t *stfuncrec; GSList *p; stfuncrec = (function_t *)function_new(org->funcdef); for (p = org->params; p; p = p->next) { const stnode_t *param = (const stnode_t *)p->data; stfuncrec->params = g_slist_append(stfuncrec->params, stnode_dup(param)); } return (gpointer) stfuncrec; } static void slist_stnode_free(gpointer data) { stnode_free((stnode_t *)data); } void st_funcparams_free(GSList *params) { g_slist_free_full(params, slist_stnode_free); } static void function_free(gpointer value) { function_t *stfuncrec = (function_t*)value; assert_magic(stfuncrec, FUNCTION_MAGIC); st_funcparams_free(stfuncrec->params); g_free(stfuncrec); } /* Set the parameters for a function stnode_t. */ void sttype_function_set_params(stnode_t *node, GSList *params) { function_t *stfuncrec; stfuncrec = (function_t*)stnode_data(node); assert_magic(stfuncrec, FUNCTION_MAGIC); stfuncrec->params = params; } /* Get the function-definition record for a function stnode_t. */ df_func_def_t* sttype_function_funcdef(stnode_t *node) { function_t *stfuncrec; stfuncrec = (function_t*)stnode_data(node); assert_magic(stfuncrec, FUNCTION_MAGIC); return stfuncrec->funcdef; } /* Get the parameters for a function stnode_t. */ GSList* sttype_function_params(stnode_t *node) { function_t *stfuncrec; stfuncrec = (function_t*)stnode_data(node); assert_magic(stfuncrec, FUNCTION_MAGIC); return stfuncrec->params; } void sttype_register_function(void) { static sttype_t function_type = { STTYPE_FUNCTION, "FUNCTION", function_new, function_free, function_dup }; sttype_register(&function_type); } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 8 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: t * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab: * :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false: */