%top { /* Include this before everything else, for various large-file definitions */ #include "config.h" } /* * We want a reentrant scanner. */ %option reentrant /* * We don't use input, so don't generate code for it. */ %option noinput /* * We don't use unput, so don't generate code for it. */ %option nounput /* * We don't read interactively from the terminal. */ %option never-interactive /* * Prefix scanner routines with "df_" rather than "yy", so this scanner * can coexist with other scanners. */ %option prefix="df_" /* * We're reading from a string, so we don't need yywrap. */ %option noyywrap /* * The type for the state we keep for a scanner. */ %option extra-type="df_scanner_state_t *" /* * We have to override the memory allocators so that we don't get * "unused argument" warnings from the yyscanner argument (which * we don't use, as we have a global memory allocator). * * We provide, as macros, our own versions of the routines generated by Flex, * which just call malloc()/realloc()/free() (as the Flex versions do), * discarding the extra argument. */ %option noyyalloc %option noyyrealloc %option noyyfree %{ /* * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 2001 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include "dfilter-int.h" #include "syntax-tree.h" #include "grammar.h" #include "dfunctions.h" /* * Disable diagnostics in the code generated by Flex. */ DIAG_OFF_FLEX #define LVAL df_lval #define LVAL_TYPE stnode_t* #define LVAL_INIT_VAL NULL #define MODNAME df #define FLEX_YY_PREFIX df_ #include /*#undef YY_NO_UNPUT*/ static int set_lval(int token, gpointer data); static int set_lval_int(dfwork_t *dfw, int token, char *s); static int simple(int token); static gboolean str_to_gint32(dfwork_t *dfw, char *s, gint32* pint); static void mark_lval_deprecated(const char *s); /* * Sleazy hack to suppress compiler warnings in yy_fatal_error(). */ #define YY_EXIT_FAILURE ((void)yyscanner, 2) /* * Macros for the allocators, to discard the extra argument. */ #define df_alloc(size, yyscanner) (void *)malloc(size) #define df_realloc(ptr, size, yyscanner) (void *)realloc((char *)(ptr), (size)) #define df_free(ptr, yyscanner) free((char *)ptr) %} %x RANGE_INT %x RANGE_PUNCT %x DQUOTE %x SQUOTE %% [[:blank:]\n]+ { /* Ignore whitespace, unless set elements are being parsed. Perhaps it * should have used commas from the beginning, but now we are stuck with * whitespace as separators. */ if (yyextra->in_set) { return simple(TOKEN_WHITESPACE); } } "(" return simple(TOKEN_LPAREN); ")" return simple(TOKEN_RPAREN); "," return simple(TOKEN_COMMA); "{"[[:blank:]\n]* { yyextra->in_set = TRUE; return simple(TOKEN_LBRACE); } [[:blank:]\n]*".."[[:blank:]\n]* return simple(TOKEN_DOTDOT); [[:blank:]\n]*"}" { yyextra->in_set = FALSE; return simple(TOKEN_RBRACE); } "==" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_EQ); "eq" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_EQ); "!=" { mark_lval_deprecated("!="); return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NE); } "ne" { mark_lval_deprecated("ne"); return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NE); } ">" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GT); "gt" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GT); ">=" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GE); "ge" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_GE); "<" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_LT); "lt" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_LT); "<=" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_LE); "le" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_LE); "bitwise_and" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_BITWISE_AND); "&" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_BITWISE_AND); "contains" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_CONTAINS); "~" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_MATCHES); "matches" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_MATCHES); "!" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NOT); "not" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_NOT); "&&" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_AND); "and" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_AND); "||" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_OR); "or" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_OR); "in" return simple(TOKEN_TEST_IN); "[" { BEGIN(RANGE_INT); return simple(TOKEN_LBRACKET); } [+-]?[[:digit:]]+ { BEGIN(RANGE_PUNCT); return set_lval_int(yyextra->dfw, TOKEN_INTEGER, yytext); } [+-]?0x[[:xdigit:]]+ { BEGIN(RANGE_PUNCT); return set_lval_int(yyextra->dfw, TOKEN_INTEGER, yytext); } ":" { BEGIN(RANGE_INT); return simple(TOKEN_COLON); } "-" { BEGIN(RANGE_INT); return simple(TOKEN_HYPHEN); } "," { BEGIN(RANGE_INT); return simple(TOKEN_COMMA); } "]" { BEGIN(INITIAL); return simple(TOKEN_RBRACKET); } /* Error if none of the above while scanning a range (slice) */ [^:\-,\]]+ { dfilter_fail(yyextra->dfw, "Invalid string \"%s\" found while scanning slice.", yytext); return SCAN_FAILED; } /* XXX It would be nice to be able to match an entire non-integer string, * but beware of Flex's "match the most text" rule. */ . { dfilter_fail(yyextra->dfw, "Invalid character \"%s\" found while scanning slice; expected integer.", yytext); return SCAN_FAILED; } \042 { /* start quote of a quoted string */ /* The example of how to scan for strings was taken from the flex 2.5.4 manual, from the section "Start Conditions". See: http://www.gnu.org/software/flex/manual/html_node/flex_11.html */ BEGIN(DQUOTE); /* A previous filter that failed to compile due to a missing end quote will have left quoted_string set to something. Clear it now that we are starting a new quoted string. */ if (yyextra->quoted_string) { g_string_free(yyextra->quoted_string, TRUE); /* Don't set quoted_string to NULL, as we do in other quoted_string-cleanup code, as we're about to set it in the next line. */ } yyextra->quoted_string = g_string_new(""); } <> { /* unterminated string */ /* The example of how to handle unclosed strings was taken from the flex 2.5.4 manual, from the section "End-of-file rules". See: http://www.gnu.org/software/flex/manual/html_node/flex_13.html */ dfilter_fail(yyextra->dfw, "The final quote was missing from a quoted string."); return SCAN_FAILED; } \042 { /* end quote */ int token; BEGIN(INITIAL); token = set_lval(TOKEN_STRING, yyextra->quoted_string->str); g_string_free(yyextra->quoted_string, TRUE); yyextra->quoted_string = NULL; return token; } \\[0-7]{1,3} { /* octal sequence */ unsigned long result; result = strtoul(yytext + 1, NULL, 8); if (result > 0xff) { g_string_free(yyextra->quoted_string, TRUE); yyextra->quoted_string = NULL; dfilter_fail(yyextra->dfw, "%s is larger than 255.", yytext); return SCAN_FAILED; } g_string_append_c(yyextra->quoted_string, (gchar) result); } \\x[[:xdigit:]]{1,2} { /* hex sequence */ unsigned long result; result = strtoul(yytext + 2, NULL, 16); g_string_append_c(yyextra->quoted_string, (gchar) result); } \\. { /* escaped character */ g_string_append_c(yyextra->quoted_string, yytext[1]); } [^\\\042]+ { /* non-escaped string */ g_string_append(yyextra->quoted_string, yytext); } \047 { /* start quote of a quoted character value */ /* The example of how to scan for strings was taken from the Flex manual, from the section "Start Conditions". See: http://flex.sourceforge.net/manual/Start-Conditions.html#Start-Conditions */ BEGIN(SQUOTE); /* A previous filter that failed to compile due to a missing end quote will have left quoted_string set to something. Clear it now that we are starting a new quoted string. */ if (yyextra->quoted_string) { g_string_free(yyextra->quoted_string, TRUE); /* Don't set quoted_string to NULL, as we do in other quoted_string-cleanup code, as we're about to set it in the next line. */ } yyextra->quoted_string = g_string_new("'"); } <> { /* unterminated character value */ /* The example of how to handle unclosed strings was taken from the Flex manual, from the section "End-of-file rules". See: http://flex.sourceforge.net/manual/EOF.html#EOF.html */ dfilter_fail(yyextra->dfw, "The final quote was missing from a character constant."); return SCAN_FAILED; } \047 { /* end quote */ int token; BEGIN(INITIAL); g_string_append_c(yyextra->quoted_string, '\''); token = set_lval(TOKEN_CHARCONST, yyextra->quoted_string->str); g_string_free(yyextra->quoted_string, TRUE); yyextra->quoted_string = NULL; return token; } \\. { /* escaped character */ g_string_append(yyextra->quoted_string, yytext); } [^\\\047]+ { /* non-escaped string */ g_string_append(yyextra->quoted_string, yytext); } [-[:alnum:]_\.:]*\/[[:digit:]]+ { /* CIDR */ return set_lval(TOKEN_UNPARSED, yytext); } ([.][-+[:alnum:]_:]+)+[.]{0,2} | [-+[:alnum:]_:]+([.][-+[:alnum:]_:]+)*[.]{0,2} { /* Is it a field name or some other value (float, integer, bytes, ...)? */ header_field_info *hfinfo; df_func_def_t *df_func_def; /* Trailing dot is allowed for floats, but make sure that trailing ".." * is interpreted as a token on its own. */ if (strstr(yytext, "..")) { yyless(yyleng-2); } hfinfo = proto_registrar_get_byname(yytext); if (hfinfo) { /* Yes, it's a field name */ return set_lval(TOKEN_FIELD, hfinfo); } hfinfo = proto_registrar_get_byalias(yytext); if (hfinfo) { /* Yes, it's an aliased field name */ /* XXX Do we need to make a copy of yytext? dfilter_compile * will dup this later on. */ mark_lval_deprecated(yytext); return set_lval(TOKEN_FIELD, hfinfo); } df_func_def = df_func_lookup(yytext); if (df_func_def) { /* Yes, it's a dfilter function */ return set_lval(TOKEN_FUNCTION, df_func_def); } /* No match, so treat it as an unparsed string */ return set_lval(TOKEN_UNPARSED, yytext); } . { /* Default */ return set_lval(TOKEN_UNPARSED, yytext); } %% /* * Turn diagnostics back on, so we check the code that we've written. */ DIAG_ON_FLEX static int simple(int token) { switch (token) { case TOKEN_LPAREN: case TOKEN_RPAREN: case TOKEN_LBRACKET: case TOKEN_RBRACKET: case TOKEN_LBRACE: case TOKEN_RBRACE: case TOKEN_COLON: case TOKEN_COMMA: case TOKEN_DOTDOT: case TOKEN_HYPHEN: case TOKEN_WHITESPACE: case TOKEN_TEST_EQ: case TOKEN_TEST_NE: case TOKEN_TEST_GT: case TOKEN_TEST_GE: case TOKEN_TEST_LT: case TOKEN_TEST_LE: case TOKEN_TEST_BITWISE_AND: case TOKEN_TEST_CONTAINS: case TOKEN_TEST_MATCHES: case TOKEN_TEST_NOT: case TOKEN_TEST_AND: case TOKEN_TEST_OR: case TOKEN_TEST_IN: break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } return token; } static int set_lval(int token, gpointer data) { sttype_id_t type_id = STTYPE_UNINITIALIZED; switch (token) { case TOKEN_STRING: type_id = STTYPE_STRING; break; case TOKEN_CHARCONST: type_id = STTYPE_CHARCONST; break; case TOKEN_FIELD: type_id = STTYPE_FIELD; break; case TOKEN_UNPARSED: type_id = STTYPE_UNPARSED; break; case TOKEN_FUNCTION: type_id = STTYPE_FUNCTION; break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } stnode_init(df_lval, type_id, data); return token; } static int set_lval_int(dfwork_t *dfw, int token, char *s) { sttype_id_t type_id = STTYPE_UNINITIALIZED; gint32 val; if (!str_to_gint32(dfw, s, &val)) { return SCAN_FAILED; } switch (token) { case TOKEN_INTEGER: type_id = STTYPE_INTEGER; break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } stnode_init_int(df_lval, type_id, val); return token; } static gboolean str_to_gint32(dfwork_t *dfw, char *s, gint32* pint) { char *endptr; long integer; errno = 0; integer = strtol(s, &endptr, 0); if (errno == EINVAL || endptr == s || *endptr != '\0') { /* This isn't a valid number. */ dfilter_fail(dfw, "\"%s\" is not a valid number.", s); return FALSE; } if (errno == ERANGE) { if (integer == LONG_MAX) { dfilter_fail(dfw, "\"%s\" causes an integer overflow.", s); } else if (integer == LONG_MIN) { dfilter_fail(dfw, "\"%s\" causes an integer underflow.", s); } else { /* * XXX - can "strtol()" set errno to ERANGE without * returning LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN? */ dfilter_fail(dfw, "\"%s\" is not an integer.", s); } return FALSE; } if (integer > G_MAXINT32) { /* * Fits in a long, but not in a gint32 (a long might be * 64 bits). */ dfilter_fail(dfw, "\"%s\" causes an integer overflow.", s); return FALSE; } if (integer < G_MININT32) { /* * Fits in a long, but not in a gint32 (a long might be * 64 bits). */ dfilter_fail(dfw, "\"%s\" causes an integer underflow.", s); return FALSE; } *pint = (gint32)integer; return TRUE; } static void mark_lval_deprecated(const char *s) { df_lval->deprecated_token = s; }