// WSUG Chapter Telephony [[ChTelephony]] == Telephony [[ChTelIntroduction]] === Introduction Wireshark provides a wide range of telephony related network statistics which can be accessed via the menu:Telephony[] menu. These statistics range from specific signaling protocols, to analysis of signaling and media flows. If encoded in a compatible encoding the media flow can even be played. [[ChTelRTPAnalysis]] === RTP Analysis The RTP analysis function takes the selected RTP stream (and the reverse stream, if possible) and generates a list of statistics on it. .The “RTP Stream Analysis” window image::wsug_graphics/ws-tel-rtpstream-analysis.png[{screenshot-attrs}] Starting with basic data as packet number and sequence number, further statistics are created based on arrival time, delay, jitter, packet size, etc. Besides the per packet statistics, the lower pane shows the overall statistics, with minimums and maximums for delta, jitter and clock skew. Also an indication of lost packets is included. The RTP Stream Analysis window further provides the option to save the RTP payload (as raw data or, if in a PCM encoding, in an Audio file). Other options a to export and plot various statistics on the RTP streams. [[ChTelIAX2Analysis]] === IAX2 Analysis The “IAX2 Analysis” dialog shows statistics for the forward and reverse streams of a selected IAX2 call along with a graph. [[ChTelVoipCalls]] === VoIP Calls The VoIP Calls window shows a list of all detected VoIP calls in the captured traffic. It finds calls by their signaling. More details can be found on the {wireshark-wiki-url}VoIP_calls page. [[ChTelRtpPlayer]] The RTP Player window lets you play back RTP audio data. In order to use this feature your version of Wireshark must support audio and the codecs used by each RTP stream. More details can be found on the {wireshark-wiki-url}VoIP_calls page. [[ChTelLTEMACTraffic]] === LTE MAC Traffic Statistics Statistics of the captured LTE MAC traffic. This window will summarize the LTE MAC traffic found in the capture. .The “LTE MAC Traffic Statistics” window image::wsug_graphics/ws-stats-lte-mac-traffic.png[{screenshot-attrs}] The top pane shows statistics for common channels. Each row in the middle pane shows statistical highlights for exactly one UE/C-RNTI. In the lower pane, you can see the for the currently selected UE/C-RNTI the traffic broken down by individual channel. [[ChTelLTERLCTraffic]] === LTE RLC Traffic Statistics Statistics of the captured LTE RLC traffic. This window will summarize the LTE RLC traffic found in the capture. .The “LTE RLC Traffic Statistics” window image::wsug_graphics/ws-stats-lte-rlc-traffic.png[{screenshot-attrs}] At the top, the check-box allows this window to include RLC PDUs found within MAC PDUs or not. This will affect both the PDUs counted as well as the display filters generated (see below). The upper list shows summaries of each active UE. Each row in the lower list shows statistical highlights for individual channels within the selected UE. The lower part of the windows allows display filters to be generated and set for the selected channel. Note that in the case of Acknowledged Mode channels, if a single direction is chosen, the generated filter will show data in that direction and control PDUs in the opposite direction. [[ChTelXXX]] === The protocol specific statistics windows The protocol specific statistics windows display detailed information of specific protocols and might be described in a later version of this document. Some of these statistics are described at the {wireshark-wiki-url}Statistics pages. // End of WSUG Chapter Telephony