++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [[ChapterBuildInstall]] == Building and Installing Wireshark [[ChBuildInstallIntro]] === Introduction As with all things there must be a beginning and so it is with Wireshark. To use Wireshark you must first install it. If you are running Windows or OS X you can download an official release at wireshark-download-page:[], install it, and skip the rest of this chapter. If you are running another operating system such as Linux or FreeBSD you might want to install from source. Several Linux distributions offer Wireshark packages but they commonly ship out-of-date versions. No other versions of UNIX ship Wireshark so far. For that reason, you will need to know where to get the latest version of Wireshark and how to install it. This chapter shows you how to obtain source and binary packages and how to build Wireshark from source should you choose to do so. The following are the general steps you would use: . Download the relevant package for your needs, e.g. source or binary distribution. . Compile the source into a binary if needed. This may involve building and/or installing other necessary packages. . Install the binaries into their final destinations. [[ChBuildInstallDistro]] === Obtaining the source and binary distributions You can obtain both source and binary distributions from the Wireshark web site: wireshark-web-site:[]. Select the download link and then select the desired binary or source package. [NOTE] .Download all required files ==== If you are building Wireshark from source you will In general, unless you have already downloaded Wireshark before, you will most likely need to download several source packages if you are building Wireshark from source. This is covered in more detail below. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ==== Once you have downloaded the relevant files, you can go on to the next step. // // Windows // [[ChBuildInstallWinInstall]] === Installing Wireshark under Windows Windows installers contain the platform and version, e.g. Wireshark-win__xx__-wireshark-major-minor-version:[]._x_.exe. The Wireshark installer includes WinPcap which is required for packet capture. Simply download the Wireshark installer from: wireshark-download-page:[] and execute it. Official packages are signed by the *Wireshark Foundation*. You can choose to install several optional components and select the location of the installed package. The default settings are recommended for most users. [[ChBuildInstallWinComponents]] ==== Installation Components On the _Choose Components_ page of the installer you can select from the following: * *Wireshark* - The network protocol analyzer that we all know and mostly love. * *TShark* - A command-line network protocol analyzer. If you haven't tried it you should. * *Wireshark 1 Legacy* - The old (GTK+) user interface in case you need it. * *Plugins & Extensions* - Extras for the Wireshark and TShark dissection engines - *Dissector Plugins* - Plugins with some extended dissections. - *Tree Statistics Plugins* - Extended statistics. - *Mate - Meta Analysis and Tracing Engine* - User configurable extension(s) of the display filter engine, see wireshark-wiki-site:[]Mate for details. - *SNMP MIBs* - SNMP MIBs for a more detailed SNMP dissection. * *Tools* - Additional command line tools to work with capture files - *Editcap* - Reads a capture file and writes some or all of the packets into another capture file. - *Text2Pcap* - Reads in an ASCII hex dump and writes the data into a pcap capture file. - *Reordercap* - Reorders a capture file by timestamp. - *Mergecap* - Combines multiple saved capture files into a single output file. - *Capinfos* - Provides information on capture files. - *Rawshark* - Raw packet filter. * *User's Guide* - Local installation of the User's Guide. The Help buttons on most dialogs will require an internet connection to show help pages if the User's Guide is not installed locally. [[ChBuildInstallWinAdditionalTasks]] ==== Additional Tasks * *Start Menu Shortcuts* - Add some start menu shortcuts. * *Desktop Icon* - Add a Wireshark icon to the desktop. * *Quick Launch Icon* - add a Wireshark icon to the Explorer quick launch toolbar. * *Associate file extensions to Wireshark* - Associate standard network trace files to Wireshark. [[ChBuildInstallWinLocation]] ==== Install Location By default Wireshark installs into `%ProgramFiles%\Wireshark` on 32-bit Windows and `%ProgramFiles64%\Wireshark` on 64-bit Windows. This expands to `C:\Program Files\Wireshark` on most systems. [[ChBuildInstallWinPcap]] ==== Installing WinPcap The Wireshark installer contains the latest WinPcap installer. If you don't have WinPcap installed you won't be able to capture live network traffic but you will still be able to open saved capture files. By default the latest version of WinPcap will be installed. If you don't wish to do this or if you wish to reinstall WinPcap you can check the _Install WinPcap_ box as needed. For more information about WinPcap see winpcap-web-site:[] and wireshark-wiki-site:[]WinPcap. [[ChBuildInstallWinWiresharkCommandLine]] ==== Windows installer command line options For special cases, there are some command line parameters available: * `/S` runs the installer or uninstaller silently with default values. The silent installer *will not* install WinPCap. * `/desktopicon` installation of the desktop icon, `=yes` - force installation, `=no` - don't install, otherwise use default settings. This option can be useful for a silent installer. * `/quicklaunchicon` installation of the quick launch icon, `=yes` - force installation, `=no` - don't install, otherwise use default settings. * `/D` sets the default installation directory ($INSTDIR), overriding InstallDir and InstallDirRegKey. It must be the last parameter used in the command line and must not contain any quotes even if the path contains spaces. * `/NCRC` disables the CRC check. We recommend against using this flag. Example: ---- > Wireshark-win64-wireshark-2.0.5.exe /NCRC /S /desktopicon=yes /quicklaunchicon=no /D=C:\Program Files\Foo ---- Running the installer without any parameters shows the normal interactive installer. [[ChBuildInstallWinPcapManually]] ==== Manual WinPcap Installation As mentioned above, the Wireshark installer takes care of installing WinPcap. The following is only necessary if you want to use a different version than the one included in the Wireshark installer, e.g. because a new WinPcap version was released. Additional WinPcap versions (including newer alpha or beta releases) can be downloaded from the main WinPcap site: winpcap-web-site:[]. The _Installer for Windows_ supports modern Windows operating systems. [[ChBuildInstallWinWiresharkUpdate]] ==== Update Wireshark By default the offical Windows package will check for new versions and notify you when they are available. If you have the _Check for updates_ preference disabled or if you run Wireshark in an isolated environment you should subcribe to the _wireshark-announce_ mailing list. See <> for details on subscribing to this list. New versions of Wireshark are usually released every four to six weeks. Updating Wireshark is done the same way as installing it. Simply download and start the installer exe. A reboot is usually not required and all your personal settings remain unchanged. [[ChBuildInstallWinPcapUpdate]] ==== Update WinPcap New versions of WinPcap are less frequently available. You will find WinPcap update instructions the WinPcap web site at winpcap-web-site:[]. You may have to reboot your machine after installing a new WinPcap version. [[ChBuildInstallWinUninstall]] ==== Uninstall Wireshark You can uninstall Wireshark using the _Programs and Features_ control panel. Select the "Wireshark" entry to start the uninstallation procedure. The Wireshark uninstaller provides several options for removal. The default is to remove the core components but keep your personal settings and WinPcap. WinPcap is left installed by default in case other programs need it. [[ChBuildInstallWinPcapUninstall]] ==== Uninstall WinPcap You can uninstall WinPcap independently of Wireshark using the _WinPcap_ entry in the _Programs and Features_ control panel. Remember that if you uninstall WinPcap you won't be able to capture anything with Wireshark. // // OS X // [[ChBuildInstallOSXInstall]] === Installing Wireshark under OS X The official OS X packages are distributed as disk images (.dmg) containing the application installer. To install Wireshark simply open the disk image and run the enclosed installer. The installer package includes Wireshark, its related command line utilities, and a launch daemon that adjusts capture permissions at system startup. See the included _Read me first_ file for more details. [[ChBuildInstallUnixBuild]] === Building Wireshark from source under UNIX Building Wireshark requires the proper build environment including a compiler and many supporting libraries. See the Developer's Guide at wireshark-developers-guide-url:[] for more information. Use the following general steps to build Wireshark from source under UNIX or Linux: . Unpack the source from its compressed `tar` file. If you are using Linux or your version of UNIX uses GNU `tar` you can use the following command: + -- ---- $ tar xaf wireshark-2.0.5.tar.bz2 ---- In other cases you will have to use the following commands: ---- $ bzip2 -d wireshark-2.0.5.tar.bz2 $ tar xf wireshark-2.0.5.tar ---- -- . Change directory to the Wireshark source directory. + ---- $ cd wireshark-2.0.5 ---- . Configure your source so it will build correctly for your version of UNIX. You can do this with the following command: + ---- $ ./configure ---- + If this step fails you will have to rectify the problems and rerun `configure`. Troubleshooting hints are provided in <>. . Build the sources. + ---- $ make ---- . Install the software in its final destination. + ---- $ make install ---- // XXX To do: CMake Once you have installed Wireshark with _make install_ above, you should be able to run it by entering `wireshark`. [[ChBuildInstallUnixInstallBins]] === Installing the binaries under UNIX In general installing the binary under your version of UNIX will be specific to the installation methods used with your version of UNIX. For example, under AIX, you would use _smit_ to install the Wireshark binary package, while under Tru64 UNIX (formerly Digital UNIX) you would use _setld_. ==== Installing from RPM's under Red Hat and alike Building RPMs from Wireshark's source code results in several packages (most distributions follow the same system): * The `wireshark` package contains the core Wireshark libraries and command-line tools. * The `wireshark-qt` package contains the Qt-based GUI. * The `wireshark-gtk` (formerly `wireshark-gnome`) package contains the legacy Gtk+ based GUI. Many distributions use `yum` or a similar package management tool to make installation of software (including its dependencies) easier. If your distribution uses `yum`, use the following command to install Wireshark together with the Qt GUI: ---- yum install wireshark wireshark-qt ---- If you've built your own RPMs from the Wireshark sources you can install them by running, for example: ---- rpm -ivh wireshark-2.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm wireshark-qt-2.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm ---- If the above command fails because of missing dependencies, install the dependencies first, and then retry the step above. ==== Installing from deb's under Debian, Ubuntu and other Debian derivatives If you can just install from the repository then use ---- $ aptitude install wireshark ---- Aptitude should take care of all of the dependency issues for you. Use the following command to install downloaded Wireshark deb's under Debian: ---- $ dpkg -i wireshark-common_2.0.5.0-1_i386.deb wireshark_wireshark- ---- dpkg doesn't take care of all dependencies, but reports what's missing. [NOTE] .Capturing requires privileges ==== By installing Wireshark packages non-root users won't gain rights automatically to capture packets. To allow non-root users to capture packets follow the procedure described in file:///usr/share/doc/wireshark-common/README.Debian[/usr/share/doc/wireshark-common/README.Debian] ==== ==== Installing from portage under Gentoo Linux Use the following command to install Wireshark under Gentoo Linux with all of the extra features: ---- $ USE="c-ares gtk ipv6 portaudio snmp ssl kerberos threads selinux" emerge wireshark ---- ==== Installing from packages under FreeBSD Use the following command to install Wireshark under FreeBSD: ---- $ pkg_add -r wireshark ---- pkg_add should take care of all of the dependency issues for you. [[ChBuildInstallUnixTrouble]] === Troubleshooting during the install on Unix A number of errors can occur during the installation process. Some hints on solving these are provided here. If the `configure` stage fails you will need to find out why. You can check the file `config.log` in the source directory to find out what failed. The last few lines of this file should help in determining the problem. The standard problems are that you do not have a required development package on your system or that the development package isn't new enough. Note that installing a library package isn't enough. You need to install its development package as well. `configure` will also fail if you do not have libpcap (at least the required include files) on your system. If you cannot determine what the problems are, send an email to the _wireshark-dev_ mailing list explaining your problem. Include the output from `config.log` and anything else you think is relevant such as a trace of the `make` stage. [[ChBuildInstallWinBuild]] === Building from source under Windows We strongly recommended that you use the binary installer for Windows unless you want to start developing Wireshark on the Windows platform. For further information how to build Wireshark for Windows from the sources see the Developer's Guide at wireshark-developers-guide-url:[] You may also want to have a look at the Development Wiki (wireshark-wiki-site:[]Development) for the latest available development documentation. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++