= Wireshark wireshark-version:[] Release Notes // $Id$ == What is Wireshark? Wireshark is the world's most popular network protocol analyzer. It is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development and education. == What's New === Bug Fixes The following bugs have been fixed: //* ws-buglink:5000[] //* ws-buglink:6000[Wireshark bug] //* cve-idlink:2013-2486[] //* Wireshark always manages to score tickets for Burning Man, Coachella, and SXSW while you end up working double shifts. ws-buglink:0000[] === New and Updated Features The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 1.10: * Expert info is now filterable (if the dissector has been updated to support the new API). * The Windows installer now uninstalls the previous version of Wireshark silently. You can still run the uninstaller manually beforehand if you wish to run it interactively. * The "Number" column shows related packets and protocol conversation spans (Qt only). * When manipulating packets with editcap using the -C and/or -s options, it is now possible to also adjust the original frame length using the -L option. * You can now pass the -C option to editcap multiple times, which allows you to chop bytes from the beginning of a packet as well as at the end of a packet in a single step. === New Protocol Support --sort-and-group-- ASTERIX SEL RTAC (Real Time Automation Controller) EIA-232 Serial-Line Dissection UDT --sort-and-group-- === Updated Protocol Support Too many protocols have been updated to list here. === New and Updated Capture File Support --sort-and-group-- Netscaler 2.6 STANAG 4607 --sort-and-group-- == Getting Wireshark Wireshark source code and installation packages are available from http://www.wireshark.org/download.html. === Vendor-supplied Packages Most Linux and Unix vendors supply their own Wireshark packages. You can usually install or upgrade Wireshark using the package management system specific to that platform. A list of third-party packages can be found on the http://www.wireshark.org/download.html#thirdparty[download page] on the Wireshark web site. == File Locations Wireshark and TShark look in several different locations for preference files, plugins, SNMP MIBS, and RADIUS dictionaries. These locations vary from platform to platform. You can use About→Folders to find the default locations on your system. == Known Problems Dumpcap might not quit if Wireshark or TShark crashes. (ws-buglink:1419[]) The BER dissector might infinitely loop. (ws-buglink:1516[]) Capture filters aren't applied when capturing from named pipes. (ws-buglink:1814) Filtering tshark captures with read filters (-R) no longer works. (ws-buglink:2234[]) The 64-bit Windows installer does not support Kerberos decryption. (https://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/Win64[Win64 development page]) Application crash when changing real-time option. (ws-buglink:4035[]) Hex pane display issue after startup. (ws-buglink:4056[]) Packet list rows are oversized. (ws-buglink:4357[]) Summary pane selected frame highlighting not maintained. (ws-buglink:4445[]) Wireshark and TShark will display incorrect delta times in some cases. (ws-buglink:4985[]) == Getting Help Community support is available on http://ask.wireshark.org/[Wireshark's Q&A site] and on the wireshark-users mailing list. Subscription information and archives for all of Wireshark's mailing lists can be found on http://www.wireshark.org/lists/[the web site]. Official Wireshark training and certification are available from http://www.wiresharktraining.com/[Wireshark University]. == Frequently Asked Questions A complete FAQ is available on the http://www.wireshark.org/faq.html[Wireshark web site].