The following guidelines should be followed by anyone distributing a software package containing Wireshark: 1. URLs. 1.1. Wireshark web site. The Wireshark web site URL is . 1.2. Wireshark releases. The canonical location for every Wireshark source release is, e.g. If your packaging system downloads a copy of the Wireshark sources, use this location. Don't use 1.3. Artwork. Logo and icon artwork can be found in the "image" directory in the distribution. This is available online at 2. Licensing. Wireshark is released under the GNU General Public License. Make sure your package complies with this license, or we send in the marmots. 3. Privileges. In versions up to and including 0.99.6, it was necessary to run Wireshark with elevated privileges in order to be able to capture traffic. With version 0.99.7, all function calls that require elevated privileges have been moved out of the GUI to dumpcap. WIRESHARK CONTAINS OVER ONE POINT FIVE MILLION LINES OF SOURCE CODE. DO NOT RUN THEM AS ROOT. If desired, you can use the configure option "--enable-setuid-install=yes" to install dumpcap and TShark setuid root. This will allow normal users to capture traffic. 4. Customization. Custom version information can be added by creating a file called "version.conf". See for details. If your package contains significant changes we recommend that you use this to differentiate it from official Wireshark releases. 4.1. Source-level version detection. The SVN version corresponding to each release is in svnversion.h. It's defined as a string. If you need a numeric definition, let us know. 5. Trademarks. Wireshark and the "fin" logo are registered trademarks of Gerald Combs. 6. Spelling. Wireshark is spelled with a capital "W", and with everything else lower case. E.g., "WireShark" is incorrect. If you have a question not addressed here, send it to $Id$