# $Id: config.nmake,v 1.61 2003/11/02 23:36:01 gerald Exp $ VERSION=0.9.16 # # This should be comma-separated, not dot-separated, as per Graham # Bloice's message in # # http://www.ethereal.com/lists/ethereal-dev/200303/msg00283.html # # "The RC_VERSION variable in config.nmake should be comma separated. # This allows the resources to be built correctly and the version # number to be correctly displayed in the explorer properties dialog # for the executables, and XP's tooltip, rather than" # RC_VERSION=0,9,16 WTAP_VERSION=0.0 WINPCAP_VERSION=2.3 GTK_VERSION=1.3 GLIB_VERSION=2.0 # # This presumes that GLib 1.3 developer's packages put header files and # libraries directly in a "glib" directory and GTK+ 1.3 packages put # header files and libraries directly in a "gtk+" directory, while GLib # 2.x developer's packages put header files in an "include\glib-{version}" # directory and libraries in a "lib\glib-{version}" directory, and GTK+ # 2.x developer's packages put header files in an "include\gtk-{version}" # directory and libraries in a "lib\gtk-{version}" directory. # # If the version of a developer's package is 1.3, set the appropriate # _DIR variable to the "glib" or "gtk+" directory; if it's 2.x, set it # to the directory in which the "include" and "lib" directories reside. # GLIB_DIR=C:\ethereal-win32-libs\glib GTK_DIR=C:\ethereal-win32-libs\gtk+ ZLIB_DIR=C:\ethereal-win32-libs\zlib-114 PCAP_DIR=C:\ethereal-win32-libs\WPdpack NET_SNMP_DIR=C:\ethereal-win32-libs\net-snmp-5.0.6 # # If you have GNU ADNS, set this to the pathname of the directory in # which the GNU ADNS .lib file is stored. # # If you don't have GNU ADNS, comment this line out, so that ADNS_DIR # isn't defined. # ADNS_DIR=C:\ethereal-win32-libs\adns-1.0-win32-01 COMMON_FILES_GNU=c:\program files\common files\gnu LOCAL_CFLAGS=-Zi LOCAL_LDFLAGS=/DEBUG # Set PDB_FILE according to your VC++ version PDB_FILE=vc*.pdb # Set path if you need to find some binary PATH=c:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\H-i586-cygwin32\bin;c:\python22;c:\ethereal\wiretap;$(COMMON_FILES_GNU);$(PATH) SH=bash PERL=perl POD2MAN=pod2man POD2HTML=pod2html PYTHON="C:/python22/python.exe" LEX=flex YACC=bison # Set YACC_OPTS if cygnus bison can't find template file. #YACC_OPTS=-S t:\w32-ix86\cygnus\cygwin-b20\share\bison.simple # To build the installer MAKENSIS="C:/program files/nsis/makensis.exe" # # You should not have to change anything below this comment. # If you do, it's a deficiency in the Makefile.nmake files; # either tell ethereal-dev@ethereal.com about it, including # details of why you had to change it, or fix config.nmake # and any Makefile.nmake files that need to be changed, and # send us the patches, along with details of why the change # was necessary. # !IF "$(GLIB_VERSION)" == "1.3" GLIB_CFLAGS=/I$(GLIB_DIR) /I$(GLIB_DIR)\gmodule GCC_GLIB_CFLAGS=-I$(GLIB_DIR) -I$(GLIB_DIR)\gmodule GLIB_LIBS=$(GLIB_DIR)\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib \ $(GLIB_DIR)\gmodule\gmodule-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib !ELSE GLIB_CFLAGS=/I$(GLIB_DIR)\include\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION) \ /I$(GLIB_DIR)\lib\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION)\include GCC_GLIB_CFLAGS=-I$(GLIB_DIR)\include\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION) \ -I$(GLIB_DIR)\lib\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION)\include GLIB_LIBS=$(GLIB_DIR)\lib\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib \ $(GLIB_DIR)\lib\gmodule-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib \ $(GLIB_DIR)\lib\gobject-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib !ENDIF !IF "$(GTK_VERSION)" == "1.3" !IF "$(GLIB_VERSION)" == "1.3" # GTK+ 1.3 with GLib 1.3 GTK_CFLAGS=$(GLIB_CFLAGS) /I$(GTK_DIR) /I$(GTK_DIR)\gdk GTK_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\gtk\gtk-$(GTK_VERSION).lib \ $(GTK_DIR)\gdk\gdk-$(GTK_VERSION).lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) !ELSE # GTK+ 1.3 with GLib 2.0 GTK_CFLAGS=$(GLIB_CFLAGS) /I$(GTK_DIR)\include /I$(GTK_DIR)\include\gdk \ /I$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk+\include GTK_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk.lib \ $(GTK_DIR)\lib\gdk.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) !ENDIF !ELSE # GTK+ 2.x (with GLib 2.x) GTK_CFLAGS=$(GLIB_CFLAGS) /I$(GTK_DIR)\include\gtk-$(GTK_VERSION) \ /I$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-$(GTK_VERSION)\include \ /I$(GTK_DIR)\include\atk-1.0 \ /I$(GTK_DIR)\include\pango-1.0 GTK_LIBS=$(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-win32-$(GTK_VERSION).lib \ $(GTK_DIR)\lib\gdk-win32-$(GTK_VERSION).lib \ $(GTK_DIR)\lib\pango-1.0.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) !ENDIF !IFDEF WINPCAP_VERSION # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters WINPCAP_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBPCAP 1 !IF "$(WINPCAP_VERSION)" == "3.0" || "$(WINPCAP_VERSION)" == "3.1" PCAP_FINDALLDEVS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_FINDALLDEVS 1 WPCAP_CONSTIFIED_CONFIG=^#define WPCAP_CONSTIFIED 1 !ELSE PCAP_FINDALLDEVS_CONFIG= WPCAP_CONSTIFIED= !ENDIF !ELSE WINPCAP_CONFIG= PCAP_FINDALLDEVS_CONFIG= WPCAP_CONSTIFIED= !ENDIF !IFDEF ADNS_DIR ADNS_CFLAGS=/I$(ADNS_DIR)\src /I$(ADNS_DIR)\adns_win32 ADNS_LIBS=$(ADNS_DIR)\adns_win32\lib\adns_dll.lib # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters ADNS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_GNU_ADNS 1 !else ADNS_CFLAGS= ADNS_LIBS= ADNS_CONFIG= !ENDIF