# $Id$ # Some more informations about the settings in this file, can be found # in the file README.win32 and the Developer's Guide (available online). ##### Versions ##### # The current Wireshark version # It's highly recommended to leave MAJOR/MINOR/MICRO unchanged VERSION_MAJOR=0 VERSION_MINOR=99 VERSION_MICRO=5 # It's recommended to change VERSION_EXTRA for your own custom builds # e.g. "-SVN-12345" VERSION_EXTRA= # The version of the wiretap library (recommended: leave unchanged) WTAP_VERSION_MAJOR=0 WTAP_VERSION_MINOR=3 ##### Libraries ##### # # Base directory, where your libraries reside, which needs to be # compiling the sources. This setting is used only inside this file. # WIRESHARK_LIBS=C:\wireshark-win32-libs # # Mandatory: GLib settings # # Current versions of GTK+ 1.3 require GLib 2.0. Earlier versions of # GTK+ 1.3 are buggy; we don't recommend using them, and we don't # support them. Upgrade to at least GLib 2.0. # GLIB_VERSION=2.0 GLIB_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\glib # # Mandatory: GTK (& related) settings # # It's possible, to build both GTK version 1 and 2 at the same time, # or only one of the versions. GTK version 2 is recommended. # # If you want building with GTK+ 1.3, set GTK1_DIR to the pathname of the # "gtk+" directory; if you want building with GTK+ 2.x, set GTK2_DIR to # the pathname of the directory in which the "include" and "lib" directories # reside. # GTK1_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\gtk+ GTK2_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\gtk2 # # Mandatory for GTK >= 2: Version numbers of gtk2 and pango. # # (MAJOR + MINOR Version number but without MICRO version number) # These macros are used by the nsis installer script and by the setup target. # # GTK 2.6 is the mainline since Ethereal 0.10.14 #GTK2_INST_VERSION=2.6 #PANGO_INST_VERSION=1.8 # Support for GTK 2.8 is currently experimental ... GTK2_INST_VERSION=2.8 PANGO_INST_VERSION=1.12 # # If you have GTK-Wimp, set this to the pathname of the directory in # which the files are stored. # # If you don't have GTK-Wimp, comment this line out, so that GTK-Wimp isn't # defined. # # Please note: GTK 2.8 (and later?) includes GTK-Wimp # (in this case these GTK-Wimp related settings will have no effect) # GTK_WIMP_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\gtk-wimp\gtk-wimp-0.7.0-bin # # Optional: WinPcap developer's pack to capture network traffic. # # The WinPcap developer's pack version Wireshark is build with. # # If you don't have the WPdpack, comment this line out, so that # WINPCAP_VERSION isn't defined. # #WINPCAP_VERSION=3.0 WINPCAP_VERSION=3.1 # XXX - what to set for 4.0 beta 1? # # If you have the WinPcap developer's pack, set this to the directory # in which the WinPcap developer's pack resides. # # If you don't have the WPdpack, comment this line out, so that # PCAP_DIR isn't defined. # PCAP_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\WPdpack # # Optional: The ZLib enables unzipping of gzip compressed capture files # "on the fly". # # If you have Zlib, set this to directory in which the Zlib headers # and .lib file are stored. # # If you don't have Zlib, comment this line out, so that ZLIB_DIR isn't # defined. # ZLIB_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\zlib123-dll # # Optional: The Net-SNMP library enables SNMP OID to name resolvings # for the MIBs available. # # If you have Net-SNMP, set this to the pathname of the directory in # which the Net-SNMP headers and .lib file are stored. # # If you don't have Net-SNMP, comment this line out, so that NET_SNMP_DIR # isn't defined. # NET_SNMP_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\net-snmp-5.3.1 # # Optional: the ADNS library enables asynchronous (nonblocking) DNS # name resolvings. # # If you have GNU ADNS, set this to the directory in which the GNU ADNS # .lib file is stored. # # If you don't have GNU ADNS, comment this line out, so that ADNS_DIR # isn't defined. # ADNS_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\adns-1.0-win32-05 # # Optional: the PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) library # enables regular expressions for display filters. # # If you have the PCRE library, set this to the directory in which # the GNUWIN32 pcre-lib package is stored. # # If you don't have PCRE, comment this line out, so that PCRE_DIR # isn't defined. # PCRE_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\pcre-6.4 # # Optional: the GNUTLS library enables ssl decryption. # # If you have the GNUTLS library, set this to the directory where # the lib and include files are stored. # # If you don't have GNUTLS, comment this line out, so that GNUTLS_DIR # isn't defined. # GNUTLS_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\gnutls-1.5.1-1 # # Optional: the KFW library enables kerberos/sasl/dcerpc decryption. # # If you have the kerberos for windows (mit) library, set this to the # directory where the kfw package is stored. # # If you don't have KFW, comment this line out, so that KFW_DIR # isn't defined. # KFW_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\kfw-2.5 # # Optional: the Nettle library enables ??? decryption. # # If you have the Nettle encryption library, set this to the # directory in which the nettle package is stored. # # If you don't have Nettle, comment this line out, so that NETTLE_DIR # isn't defined. # # NETTLE_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\nettle-1.10 # # Optional: the LUA library enables scripting support. # # If you have the LUA library, set this to the directory in which # the LUA package is stored. # # If you don't have LUA, comment this line out, so that LUA_DIR # isn't defined. # LUA_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\lua5.1 # # Optional: the PORTAUDIO library enables audio output for RTP streams. # # If you have the PORTAUDIO library (used for rtp_player), set this to # the directory in which the PORTAUDIO library is stored. # # If you don't have PORTAUDIO, comment this line out, so that # PORTAUDIO_DIR isn't defined. # PORTAUDIO_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\portaudio_v18_1 #PORTAUDIO_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\portaudio_v19 # # Version number of PortAudio # PORTAUDIO_VERSION=18 #PORTAUDIO_VERSION=19 # # Mandatory for GTK >= 2: Iconv # # Set ICONV_DIR to the directory in which the # ICONV include files and library resides. # ICONV_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\libiconv-1.9.1.bin.woe32 # # Mandatory for GTK >= 2: Gettext # # Set GETTEXT_DIR to the directory in which the # GETTEXT include files and library resides. # #GETTEXT_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\gettext-runtime-0.13.1 GETTEXT_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\gettext-0.14.5 # # Optional: AirPcap developer's pack to capture wireless network traffic # incl. 802.11 management frames. # # If you have the AirPcap developer's pack, set this to the directory # in which the AirPcap developer's pack resides. # # If you don't have the AirPcap developer's pack, comment this line out, # so that AIRPCAP_DIR isn't defined. # AIRPCAP_DIR=$(WIRESHARK_LIBS)\AirPcap ##### Tools ##### # Set the following mandatory commands to find the tools. # The easiest way is to use the corresponding packages from cygwin. # command for a shell (cygwin's bash package recommended) SH=bash # command for perl (cygwin's perl package recommended) PERL=perl # command for pod2man and pod2html # (part of the perl package, usually leave these unchanged) POD2MAN=$(SH) pod2man POD2HTML=$(SH) pod2html # command for python (cygwin's python package recommended) PYTHON=env python # command for native windows python (not recommended) #PYTHON="C:/python24/python.exe" # add native python to the path (not needed if cygwin's python is used) #PATH=c:\python24;$(PATH) # command for lex/flexx (cygwin's flex recommended) LEX=flex # command for yacc/bison (cygwin's bison recommended) YACC=bison # # Optional: To build the NSIS installer. # # If you have the NSIS package, set this to the NSIS executable. # # If you don't have NSIS, comment this line out, so that MAKENSIS # isn't defined. # MAKENSIS="C:/program files/nsis/makensis.exe" # # Optional: To build the developers documentation with doxygen and dot. # Currently experimental only. # # You will have to download and install: # Doxygen from: www.doxygen.org # Graphviz from: http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/ # # If you have doxygen, set this to the doxygen executable. # # If you don't want the developers documentation (or don't have the tools), # comment this line out, so that DOXYGEN isn't defined. # #DOXYGEN="C:/program files/doxygen/bin/doxygen.exe" # # Optional: To build compressed html help format .chm and use it as online help format. # You will have to download and install the html help compiler from: # # http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/htmlhelp/html # /hwMicrosoftHTMLHelpDownloads.asp # # Then point HHC_DIR to the html help dir (where hhc.exe resides). # # If you don't want the online help (or don't have the tools), # comment this line out, so that HHC_DIR isn't defined. # #HHC_DIR="C:/Program Files/HTML Help Workshop/" ##### Flags, PATHs and Miscellaneous ##### # Compiler flags # /W3 warning level 3 (0 less - 4 most, 1 default) # /Zi create .pdb file for debugging LOCAL_CFLAGS=/Zi /W3 # Linker flags # /DEBUG generate debug info # /PROFILE generate map file(s) for profiling LOCAL_LDFLAGS=/DEBUG # Set PDB_FILE according to your VC++ version PDB_FILE=vc*.pdb # Set up the path to the cygwin binaries CYGWIN_PATH=c:\cygwin\bin # # Optional: Use the User's Guide as the online help system # (currently experimental). # # If you don't have the User's Guide, comment this line out, so that # ENABLE_WSUG isn't defined. # #ENABLE_WSUG=USE # # According to http://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=403 # XCOPY under Windows NT doesn't support the "/Y" flag. This works # around that bug. # XXX - This apparently doesn't work for some versions of nmake: # http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;86814 # It looks like we'll have to call "set copycmd=/y" before we run xcopy. COPYCMD=/y # # If you don't want to build libwireshark.dll, you should comment out the # following line. (Note: for plugin support this option must stay activated) ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARK=USE # # install (debug) directory for Wireshark GTK1 version (relative to your source dir) INSTALL1_DIR=wireshark-gtk1 # # install (debug) directory for Wireshark GTK2 version (relative to your source dir) INSTALL2_DIR=wireshark-gtk2 ############################################################################## # # You should not have to change anything below this comment. # If you do, it's a deficiency in the Makefile.nmake files; # either tell wireshark-dev@wireshark.org about it, including # details of why you had to change it, or fix config.nmake # and any Makefile.nmake files that need to be changed, and # send us the patches, along with details of why the change # was necessary. # ############################################################################## !IFDEF ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARK # Uncomment next line to link plugins with the import library of libwireshark.dll LINK_PLUGINS_WITH_LIBWIRESHARK=USE !ENDIF # # The RC_VERSION should be comma-separated, not dot-separated, # as per Graham Bloice's message in # # http://www.ethereal.com/lists/ethereal-dev/200303/msg00283.html # # "The RC_VERSION variable in config.nmake should be comma separated. # This allows the resources to be built correctly and the version # number to be correctly displayed in the explorer properties dialog # for the executables, and XP's tooltip, rather than" # VERSION=$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR).$(VERSION_MICRO)$(VERSION_EXTRA) RC_VERSION=$(VERSION_MAJOR),$(VERSION_MINOR),$(VERSION_MICRO) WTAP_VERSION=$(WTAP_VERSION_MAJOR).$(WTAP_VERSION_MINOR) RC_WTAP_VERSION=$(WTAP_VERSION_MAJOR),$(WTAP_VERSION_MINOR) GLIB_CFLAGS=/I$(GLIB_DIR)\include\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION) \ /I$(GLIB_DIR)\lib\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION)\include GCC_GLIB_CFLAGS=-I$(GLIB_DIR)\include\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION) \ -I$(GLIB_DIR)\lib\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION)\include GLIB_LIBS=$(GLIB_DIR)\lib\glib-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib \ $(GLIB_DIR)\lib\gmodule-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib \ $(GLIB_DIR)\lib\gobject-$(GLIB_VERSION).lib # GTK+ 1.3 GTK1_CFLAGS=$(GLIB_CFLAGS) /I$(GTK1_DIR)\include /I$(GTK1_DIR)\include\gdk \ /I$(GTK1_DIR)\lib\gtk+\include GTK1_LIBS=$(GTK1_DIR)\lib\gtk.lib \ $(GTK1_DIR)\lib\gdk.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) # GTK+ 2.x GTK2_CFLAGS=$(GLIB_CFLAGS) /I$(GTK2_DIR)\include\gtk-2.0 \ /I$(GTK2_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\include \ /I$(GTK2_DIR)\include\atk-1.0 \ /I$(GTK2_DIR)\include\cairo \ /I$(GTK2_DIR)\include\pango-1.0 GTK2_LIBS=$(GTK2_DIR)\lib\gtk-win32-2.0.lib \ $(GTK2_DIR)\lib\gdk-win32-2.0.lib \ $(GTK2_DIR)\lib\gdk_pixbuf-2.0.lib \ $(GTK2_DIR)\lib\pango-1.0.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) # the lib dir of GTK2.6 didn't changed since 2.4.0 !IF "$(GTK2_INST_VERSION)" == "2.8" GTK2_LIB_DIR=2.4.0 NEED_LIBPNG_DLL=USE NEED_CAIRO_DLL=USE GTK_WIMP_DIR=DUMMY_TO_USE_WIMP GTK_WIMP_DLLSRC_DIR=$(GTK2_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\2.4.0\engines GTK_WIMP_DLLDST_DIR=lib\gtk-2.0\2.4.0\engines GTK_WIMP_RCSRC_DIR=$(GTK2_DIR)\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0 GTK_WIMP_RCDST_DIR=etc\gtk-2.0 !ELSEIF "$(GTK2_INST_VERSION)" == "2.6" GTK2_LIB_DIR=2.4.0 GTK_WIMP_DLLSRC_DIR=$(GTK_WIMP_DIR) GTK_WIMP_DLLDST_DIR=lib\gtk-2.0\2.4.0\engines GTK_WIMP_RCSRC_DIR=$(GTK_WIMP_DIR)\Theme\gtk-2.0 GTK_WIMP_RCDST_DIR=share\themes\Default\gtk-2.0 GTK_THEME_DIR=$(GTK_WIMP_DIR)\Theme\gtk-2.0 !ENDIF # the lib dir of PANGO changed in 1.12 !IF "$(PANGO_INST_VERSION)" == "1.12" PANGO_LIB_DIR=1.5.0 !ELSEIF "$(PANGO_INST_VERSION)" == "1.10" PANGO_LIB_DIR=1.4.0 !ELSEIF "$(PANGO_INST_VERSION)" == "1.8" PANGO_LIB_DIR=1.4.0 !ELSEIF "$(PANGO_INST_VERSION)" == "1.4" PANGO_LIB_DIR=1.4.0 !ELSEIF "$(PANGO_INST_VERSION)" == "1.2" PANGO_LIB_DIR=1.2.0 !ENDIF !IFDEF AIRPCAP_DIR AIRPCAP_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_AIRPCAP 1 !ELSE AIRPCAP_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF PCAP_DIR # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters WINPCAP_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBPCAP 1 !IF "$(WINPCAP_VERSION)" == "3.0" || "$(WINPCAP_VERSION)" == "3.1" PCAP_FINDALLDEVS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_FINDALLDEVS 1 PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL 1 PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME 1 # PCAP_BREAKLOOP won't have any benefit on Win32, but breaks compatibility with 3.0 #!IF "$(WINPCAP_VERSION)" == "3.1" #PCAP_BREAKLOOP_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_PCAP_BREAKLOOP 1 #!ELSE PCAP_BREAKLOOP_CONFIG= #!ENDIF WPCAP_CONSTIFIED_CONFIG=^#define WPCAP_CONSTIFIED 1 !ELSE PCAP_FINDALLDEVS_CONFIG= PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL_CONFIG= PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME_CONFIG= PCAP_BREAKLOOP_CONFIG= WPCAP_CONSTIFIED= !ENDIF !ELSE WINPCAP_CONFIG= PCAP_FINDALLDEVS_CONFIG= PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL_CONFIG= PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME_CONFIG= PCAP_BREAKLOOP_CONFIG= WPCAP_CONSTIFIED= !ENDIF !IFDEF ZLIB_DIR ZLIB_PATH=$(ZLIB_DIR) ZLIB_CFLAGS=/I$(ZLIB_DIR)\include ZLIB_LIBS=$(ZLIB_DIR)\lib\zdll.lib # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters ZLIB_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBZ 1 !else ZLIB_CFLAGS= ZLIB_LIBS= ZLIB_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF NET_SNMP_DIR NET_SNMP_CFLAGS=/I$(NET_SNMP_DIR)\include /I$(NET_SNMP_DIR)\win32 NET_SNMP_LIBS=$(NET_SNMP_DIR)\win32\lib\release\netsnmp.lib # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters NET_SNMP_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_NET_SNMP 1 SOME_SNMP_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_SOME_SNMP 1 !else NET_SNMP_CFLAGS= NET_SNMP_LIBS= NET_SNMP_CONFIG= SOME_SNMP_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF ADNS_DIR ADNS_PATH=$(ADNS_DIR)\adns_win32\lib ADNS_CFLAGS=/I$(ADNS_DIR)\src /I$(ADNS_DIR)\adns_win32 ADNS_LIBS=$(ADNS_DIR)\adns_win32\lib\adns_dll.lib # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters ADNS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_GNU_ADNS 1 !else ADNS_CFLAGS= ADNS_LIBS= ADNS_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF KFW_DIR KFW_PATH=$(KFW_DIR)\bin KFW_CFLAGS=/I$(KFW_DIR)\inc KFW_LIBS=$(KFW_DIR)\lib\krb5_32.lib # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters KFW_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_MIT_KERBEROS 1 !else KFW_CFLAGS= KFW_LIBS= KFW_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF PCRE_DIR PCRE_PATH=$(PCRE_DIR)\bin PCRE_CFLAGS=/I$(PCRE_DIR)\include PCRE_LIBS=$(PCRE_DIR)\lib\pcre.lib # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters PCRE_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBPCRE 1 !else PCRE_CFLAGS= PCRE_LIBS= PCRE_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF NETTLE_DIR NETTLE_CFLAGS=/I$(NETTLE_DIR) NETTLE_LIBS=$(NETTLE_DIR)\libnettle.lib # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters NETTLE_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBNETTLE 1 !else NETTLE_CFLAGS= NETTLE_LIBS= NETTLE_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF GNUTLS_DIR GNUTLS_PATH=$(GNUTLS_DIR) GNUTLS_CFLAGS=/I$(GNUTLS_DIR)\include GNUTLS_LIBS=\ $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libtasn1-3.lib \ $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libgpg-error-0.lib \ $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libgcrypt-11.lib \ $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libgnutls-14.lib # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters GNUTLS_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBGNUTLS 1 LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBGCRYPT 1 !else GNUTLS_CFLAGS= GNUTLS_LIBS= GNUTLS_CONFIG= LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF LUA_DIR LUA_CFLAGS=/I$(LUA_DIR)\include LUA_LIBS=$(LUA_DIR)\lib\dll\lua5.1.lib # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters LUA_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LUA 1 LUA_VERSION=^#define HAVE_LUA_5_1 1 !else LUA_CFLAGS= LUA_LIBS= LUA_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF PORTAUDIO_DIR # Nmake uses carets to escape special characters PORTAUDIO_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBPORTAUDIO 1 !IF "$(PORTAUDIO_VERSION)" == "18" # V18 uses API version 1 and v19 API version 2 PORTAUDIO_CFLAGS=/I$(PORTAUDIO_DIR)\pa_common PORTAUDIO_API_CONFIG=^#define PORTAUDIO_API_1 1 !ELSE PORTAUDIO_CFLAGS=/I$(PORTAUDIO_DIR)\include /I$(PORTAUDIO_DIR)\src\common !ENDIF !else PORTAUDIO_CFLAGS= PORTAUDIO_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF HHC_DIR HHC_CFLAGS=/I$(HHC_DIR)\include -DHHC_DIR HHC_LIBS=$(HHC_DIR)\lib\htmlhelp.lib !ELSE HHC_CFLAGS= HHC_LIBS= !ENDIF !IFDEF ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARK LIBWIRESHARK_CONFIG=^#define HAVE_LIBWIRESHARKDLL 1 !ELSE LIBWIRESHARK_CONFIG= !ENDIF !IFDEF ENABLE_WSUG WSUG_CFLAGS=-DENABLE_WSUG !ELSE WSUG_CFLAGS= !ENDIF # Construct the path PATH=$(PATH);$(CYGWIN_PATH);$(GLIB_DIR)\bin;$(GETTEXT_DIR)\bin;$(ICONV_DIR)\bin;$(ZLIB_PATH);$(ADNS_PATH)