# # - Find unix commands from cygwin # This module looks for some usual Unix commands. # include(FindChocolatey) include(FindCygwin) # Strawberry Perl ships with xsltproc but no DocBook XML files, which # is detrimental to our interests. Search for the Chocolatey and Cygwin # versions first. find_program(XSLTPROC_EXECUTABLE NAMES xsltproc HINTS ${CHOCOLATEY_BIN_PATH} ${CYGWIN_INSTALL_PATH}/bin PATHS /usr/local/bin /sbin ) # Handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set XSLTPROC_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(XSLTPROC DEFAULT_MSG XSLTPROC_EXECUTABLE) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(XSLTPROC_EXECUTABLE) set (_common_xsltproc_args --stringparam use.id.as.filename 1 --stringparam admon.graphics 1 --stringparam admon.graphics.extension .svg --stringparam section.autolabel 1 --stringparam section.label.includes.component.label 1 --stringparam toc.section.depth 1 --stringparam html.stylesheet ws.css ) if (WIN32 AND NOT "${CYGWIN_INSTALL_PATH}" STREQUAL "" AND ${XSLTPROC_EXECUTABLE} MATCHES "${CYGWIN_INSTALL_PATH}") FIND_PROGRAM(CYGPATH_EXECUTABLE NAMES cygpath PATHS ${CYGWIN_INSTALL_PATH}/bin ) MACRO( TO_XSLTPROC_COMPATIBLE_PATH _cmake_path _result ) execute_process( COMMAND ${CYGPATH_EXECUTABLE} -u ${_cmake_path} OUTPUT_VARIABLE _cygwin_path ) # cygpath adds a linefeed. string(STRIP "${_cygwin_path}" _cygwin_path) set( ${_result} ${_cygwin_path} ) ENDMACRO() TO_XSLTPROC_COMPATIBLE_PATH( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} _xsltproc_current_source_dir ) TO_XSLTPROC_COMPATIBLE_PATH( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} _xsltproc_current_binary_dir ) set ( _xsltproc_path "${_xsltproc_current_source_dir}:${_xsltproc_current_binary_dir}:${_xsltproc_current_binary_dir}/wsluarm_src") else() set ( _xsltproc_path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/wsluarm_src") endif() # Workaround for parallel build issue with msbuild. # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/16767 if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio") # msbuild (as used by the Visual Studio generators) must not depend on the XML # file (otherwise the XML file will be generated multiple times, possibly in # parallel, breaking the build). Workaround: add one dependency to generate # the XML file when outdated, depend on the -stamp file to ensure that the # target is rebuilt when the XML file is regenerated. function(get_docbook_xml_depends varname _dbk_source) set(${varname} "generate_${_dbk_source}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_dbk_source}-stamp" PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() else() # Unix Makefiles, Ninja, etc: first dependency enforces that the XML file is # rebuilt when outdated, the second dependency ensures that the target is # rebuilt when the XML file has changed. function(get_docbook_xml_depends varname _dbk_source) set(${varname} "generate_${_dbk_source}" "${_dbk_source}" PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() endif() # Translate XML to HTML #XML2HTML( # wsug or wsdg # single-page or chunked # WSUG_FILES # WSUG_GRAPHICS #) MACRO(XML2HTML _target_dep _dir_pfx _mode _dbk_source _gfx_sources) # We depend on the docbook target to avoid parallel builds. SET(_dbk_dep ${_target_dep}_docbook) # We can pass chunker.xxx parameters to customize the chunked output. # We have to use a custom layer to customize the single-page output. # Set the output encoding for both to UTF-8. Indent the single-page # output because we sometimes need to copy and paste the release # note contents. IF(${_mode} STREQUAL "chunked") SET(_basedir ${_dir_pfx}_html_chunked) SET(_stylesheet "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/html/chunk.xsl") SET(_modeparams --stringparam chunker.output.encoding UTF-8) ELSE() # single-page SET(_basedir ${_dir_pfx}_html) SET(_stylesheet custom_layer_single_html.xsl) SET(_modeparams --output ${_basedir}/index.html) ENDIF() SET(_out_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basedir}) SET(_output ${_basedir}/index.html) get_docbook_xml_depends(_dbk_xml_deps "${_dbk_source}") FOREACH(_tmpgfx ${${_gfx_sources}}) set(_gfx_deps ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_tmpgfx}) ENDFOREACH() SET(_gfx_dir ${_dir_pfx}_graphics) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${_output} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_out_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_out_dir}/${_gfx_dir}/toolbar COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_gfx_dir} ${_out_dir}/${_gfx_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/common_graphics ${_out_dir}/${_gfx_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_gfx_dir}/toolbar ${_out_dir}/${_gfx_dir}/toolbar COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ws.css ${_out_dir} COMMAND ${XSLTPROC_EXECUTABLE} --path "${_xsltproc_path}" --stringparam base.dir ${_basedir}/ ${_common_xsltproc_args} --stringparam admon.graphics.path ${_gfx_dir}/ ${_modeparams} --noout ${_stylesheet} ${_dbk_source} DEPENDS ${_dbk_xml_deps} ${_dbk_dep} ${_gfx_deps} custom_layer_single_html.xsl ) IF(NOT WIN32) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${_output} COMMAND chmod -R og+rX ${_out_dir} APPEND ) ENDIF() ENDMACRO(XML2HTML) # Translate XML to HHP #XML2HHP( # wsug or wsdg # user-guide.xml or developer-guide.xml #) MACRO(XML2HHP _target_dep _guide _dbk_source) # We depend on the docbook target to avoid parallel builds. SET(_dbk_dep ${_target_dep}_docbook) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT( _source_base_name ${_dbk_source} NAME_WE ) set( _output_chm ${_source_base_name}.chm ) set( _output_hhp ${_source_base_name}.hhp ) set( _output_toc_hhc ${_source_base_name}-toc.hhc ) set( _docbook_plain_title ${_source_base_name}-plain-title.xml ) get_docbook_xml_depends(_dbk_xml_deps "${_dbk_source}") SET(_gfxdir ${_guide}_graphics) SET(_basedir ${_guide}_chm) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${_output_hhp} ${_output_toc_hhc} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_basedir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${_basedir}/${_gfxdir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_gfxdir} ${_basedir}/${_gfxdir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/common_graphics ${_basedir}/${_gfxdir} # HTML Help doesn't render decimal character entities in the title. COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} -p -e "s|er’s Guide|er's Guide|" < ${_dbk_source} > ${_docbook_plain_title} COMMAND ${XSLTPROC_EXECUTABLE} --path "${_xsltproc_path}" --stringparam base.dir ${_basedir}/ --stringparam htmlhelp.chm ${_output_chm} --stringparam htmlhelp.hhp ${_output_hhp} --stringparam htmlhelp.hhc ${_output_toc_hhc} ${_common_xsltproc_args} --stringparam admon.graphics.path ${_gfxdir}/ --nonet custom_layer_chm.xsl ${_docbook_plain_title} DEPENDS ${_dbk_xml_deps} ${_dbk_dep} # AsciiDoc uses UTF-8 by default, which is unsupported by HTML # Help. We may want to render an ISO-8859-1 version, or get rid # of HTML Help. custom_layer_chm.xsl ) ENDMACRO(XML2HHP)