# # - Find pcap and winpcap # Find the native PCAP includes and library # # PCAP_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find pcap.h, etc. # PCAP_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using pcap. # PCAP_FOUND - True if pcap found. include(FindWSWinLibs) FindWSWinLibs("WpdPack" "PCAP_HINTS") # The 64-bit wpcap.lib is under /x64 set(_PLATFORM_SUBDIR "") if(WIN32 AND WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM STREQUAL "win64") set(_PLATFORM_SUBDIR "/x64") endif() # # First, try pkg-config on platforms other than Windows. # if(NOT WIN32) find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_search_module(PC_PCAP libpcap) endif() if(NOT PC_PCAP_FOUND AND NOT WIN32) # # That didn't work. Try to retrieve hints from pcap-config. # Do not use it on Windows as pcap-config is a shell script. # find_program(PCAP_CONFIG pcap-config) if(PCAP_CONFIG) # # We have pcap-config; use it. # # First, get the include directory. # execute_process(COMMAND "${PCAP_CONFIG}" "--cflags" RESULT_VARIABLE PCAP_CONFIG_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE PCAP_CONFIG_OUTPUT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(NOT PCAP_CONFIG_RESULT EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "pcap-config --cflags failed") endif() # # Assumes there's exactly one -I flag in the output # of pcap-config --cflags. That *should* be the case. # Note that the hint might be bogus, on macOS it could be # -I/usr/local/include even though the header isn't # there (it may be under /usr/include or it may be # buried in the Xcode app bundle). # string(REGEX REPLACE "^-I" "" PCAP_CONFIG_INCLUDE_DIRS "${PCAP_CONFIG_OUTPUT}") # Now, get the library search path. execute_process(COMMAND "${PCAP_CONFIG}" "--libs" RESULT_VARIABLE PCAP_CONFIG_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE PCAP_CONFIG_OUTPUT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if(NOT PCAP_CONFIG_RESULT EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "pcap-config --libs failed") endif() separate_arguments(LIBS_LIST UNIX_COMMAND ${PCAP_CONFIG_OUTPUT}) set(PCAP_CONFIG_LIBRARY_DIRS "") foreach(_arg IN LISTS LIBS_LIST) # At most one -L path is expected for -lpcap. if(_arg MATCHES "^-L") string(REGEX REPLACE "^-L" "" _dir ${_arg}) list(APPEND PCAP_CONFIG_LIBRARY_DIRS ${_dir}) endif() endforeach() if(UNIX AND CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES STREQUAL ".a") # Now, get the library directories and libraries for static linking. # (XXX - what about AIX?) execute_process(COMMAND "${PCAP_CONFIG}" "--libs" "--static" RESULT_VARIABLE PCAP_CONFIG_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE PCAP_CONFIG_OUTPUT ) if(NOT PCAP_CONFIG_RESULT EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "pcap-config --libs --static failed") endif() separate_arguments(LIBS_LIST UNIX_COMMAND ${PCAP_CONFIG_OUTPUT}) set(PCAP_CONFIG_STATIC_LIBRARY_DIRS "") set(PCAP_CONFIG_STATIC_LIBRARIES "") foreach(_arg IN LISTS LIBS_LIST) if(_arg MATCHES "^-L") # Add this directory to the library directory hints. string(REGEX REPLACE "^-L" "" _dir ${_arg}) list(APPEND PCAP_CONFIG_STATIC_LIBRARY_DIRS ${_dir}) elseif(_arg MATCHES "^-l") # Add this library to the requirements for static linking. string(REGEX REPLACE "^-l" "" _lib ${_arg}) list(APPEND PCAP_CONFIG_STATIC_LIBRARIES ${_lib}) endif() endforeach() endif() endif() endif() # # Locate the actual include directory. For pkg-config the # PC_PCAP_INCLUDE_DIRS variable could be empty if the default # header search path is sufficient to locate the header file. # For macOS, the directory returned by pcap-config is wrong, so # this will make sure to find a valid path. # find_path(PCAP_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES pcap/pcap.h pcap.h HINTS ${PC_PCAP_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PCAP_CONFIG_INCLUDE_DIRS} "${PCAP_HINTS}/Include" ) find_library(PCAP_LIBRARY NAMES pcap wpcap HINTS ${PC_PCAP_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${PCAP_CONFIG_LIBRARY_DIRS} "${PCAP_HINTS}/Lib${_PLATFORM_SUBDIR}" ) if(UNIX AND CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES STREQUAL ".a") # Try to find the static library (XXX - what about AIX?) if(PC_PCAP_FOUND) set(_pcap_static_libraries ${PC_PCAP_STATIC_LIBRARIES}) elseif(PCAP_CONFIG) set(_pcap_static_libraries ${PCAP_CONFIG_STATIC_LIBRARIES}) else() # # No pkg-config nor pcap-config found, hope that this single library is # sufficient for static linking. # set(_pcap_static_libraries pcap) endif() set(PCAP_STATIC_LIBRARIES "") foreach(_lib IN LISTS _pcap_static_libraries) # # Try to find that library, so we get its full path, as # we do with dynamic libraries. # string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "PCAP_STATIC_${_lib}_LIBRARY" _libvar) find_library(${_libvar} ${_lib} HINTS ${PC_PCAP_STATIC_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${PCAP_CONFIG_STATIC_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) set(_libpath ${${_libvar}}) if(_libpath) list(APPEND PCAP_STATIC_LIBRARIES ${_libpath}) endif() endforeach() endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(PCAP DEFAULT_MSG PCAP_LIBRARY PCAP_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(PCAP_LIBRARY PCAP_INCLUDE_DIR) if(PCAP_FOUND) set(PCAP_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PCAP_INCLUDE_DIR}) if(UNIX AND CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES STREQUAL ".a") # Link with static libpcap and its transitive dependencies. set(PCAP_LIBRARIES ${PCAP_STATIC_LIBRARIES}) else() set(PCAP_LIBRARIES ${PCAP_LIBRARY}) endif() #Functions include( CMakePushCheckState ) include( CheckFunctionExists ) include( CheckVariableExists ) cmake_push_check_state() set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${PCAP_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${PCAP_LIBRARIES} ) if(WIN32) # Prepopulate some values. WinPcap and Npcap always have these and # compilation checks on Windows can be slow. set(HAVE_PCAP_OPEN_DEAD TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_FREECODE TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_BREAKLOOP TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_CREATE TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_DESCRIPTION TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_FINDALLDEVS TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_FREE_DATALINKS TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_LIB_VERSION TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_SET_DATALINK TRUE) set(HAVE_BPF_IMAGE TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_OPEN TRUE) set(HAVE_PCAP_SETSAMPLING TRUE) endif(WIN32) check_function_exists( "pcap_open_dead" HAVE_PCAP_OPEN_DEAD ) check_function_exists( "pcap_freecode" HAVE_PCAP_FREECODE ) # # Note: for pcap_breakloop() and pcap_findalldevs(), the autoconf script # checked for more than just whether the function exists, it also checked # for whether pcap.h declares it; macOS software/security updates can # update libpcap without updating the headers. # check_function_exists( "pcap_breakloop" HAVE_PCAP_BREAKLOOP ) check_function_exists( "pcap_create" HAVE_PCAP_CREATE ) if( HAVE_PCAP_CREATE ) # # If we have pcap_create(), we have pcap_set_buffer_size(), and # can set the capture buffer size. # # Otherwise, if this is Windows, we have pcap_setbuff(), and can # set the capture buffer size. # set( CAN_SET_CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE TRUE ) endif() check_function_exists( "pcap_datalink_name_to_val" HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL ) check_function_exists( "pcap_datalink_val_to_description" HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_DESCRIPTION ) check_function_exists( "pcap_datalink_val_to_name" HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME ) check_function_exists( "pcap_findalldevs" HAVE_PCAP_FINDALLDEVS ) check_function_exists( "pcap_free_datalinks" HAVE_PCAP_FREE_DATALINKS ) check_function_exists( "pcap_get_selectable_fd" HAVE_PCAP_GET_SELECTABLE_FD ) check_function_exists( "pcap_lib_version" HAVE_PCAP_LIB_VERSION ) check_function_exists( "pcap_list_datalinks" HAVE_PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS ) check_function_exists( "pcap_set_datalink" HAVE_PCAP_SET_DATALINK ) check_function_exists( "bpf_image" HAVE_BPF_IMAGE ) check_function_exists( "pcap_set_tstamp_precision" HAVE_PCAP_SET_TSTAMP_PRECISION ) check_function_exists( "pcap_set_tstamp_type" HAVE_PCAP_SET_TSTAMP_TYPE ) # Remote pcap checks check_function_exists( "pcap_open" HAVE_PCAP_OPEN ) if( HAVE_PCAP_OPEN ) set( HAVE_PCAP_REMOTE 1 ) # # XXX - this *should* be checked for independently of checking # for pcap_open(), as you might have pcap_setsampling() without # remote capture support. # # However, 1) the sampling options are treated as remote options # in the GUI and and 2) having pcap_setsampling() doesn't mean # you have sampling support. libpcap needs a way to indicate # whether a given device supports sampling, and the GUI should # be changed to decouple them. # # (Actually, libpcap needs a general mechanism to offer options # for particular devices, and Wireshark needs to use that # mechanism. The former is a work in progress.) # # (Note: another work in progress is support for remote # capturing using pcap_create()/pcap_activate(), which we # also need to support once it's available.) # check_function_exists( "pcap_setsampling" HAVE_PCAP_SETSAMPLING ) endif() cmake_pop_check_state() endif() if(PCAP_FOUND AND NOT TARGET pcap::pcap) add_library(pcap::pcap UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(pcap::pcap PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${PCAP_LIBRARIES}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${PCAP_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) endif()