# Find the system's Nghttp2 includes and library # # NGHTTP2_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find nghttp2.h # NGHTTP2_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using nghttp2 # NGHTTP2_FOUND - True if nghttp2 found # NGHTTP2_DLL_DIR - (Windows) Path to the Nghttp2 DLL # NGHTTP2_DLL - (Windows) Name of the Nghttp2 DLL include( FindWSWinLibs ) FindWSWinLibs( "nghttp2-.*" "NGHTTP2_HINTS" ) if( NOT WIN32) find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_search_module(NGHTTP2 libnghttp2) endif() find_path( NGHTTP2_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES nghttp2/nghttp2.h HINTS "${NGHTTP2_INCLUDEDIR}" "${NGHTTP2_HINTS}/include" PATHS /usr/local/include /usr/include ) find_library( NGHTTP2_LIBRARY NAMES nghttp2 HINTS "${NGHTTP2_LIBDIR}" "${NGHTTP2_HINTS}/lib" PATHS /usr/local/lib /usr/lib ) include( FindPackageHandleStandardArgs ) find_package_handle_standard_args( Nghttp2 DEFAULT_MSG NGHTTP2_LIBRARY NGHTTP2_INCLUDE_DIR ) if( NGHTTP2_FOUND ) set( NGHTTP2_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NGHTTP2_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( NGHTTP2_LIBRARIES ${NGHTTP2_LIBRARY} ) if (WIN32) set ( NGHTTP2_DLL_DIR "${NGHTTP2_HINTS}/bin" CACHE PATH "Path to nghttp2 DLL" ) file( GLOB _nghttp2_dll RELATIVE "${NGHTTP2_DLL_DIR}" "${NGHTTP2_DLL_DIR}/nghttp2.dll" ) set ( NGHTTP2_DLL ${_nghttp2_dll} CACHE FILEPATH "nghttp2 DLL file name" ) file( GLOB _nghttp2_pdb RELATIVE "${NGHTTP2_DLL_DIR}" "${NGHTTP2_DLL_DIR}/nghttp2.pdb" ) set ( NGHTTP2_PDB ${_nghttp2_pdb} CACHE FILEPATH "nghttp2 PDB file name" ) mark_as_advanced( NGHTTP2_DLL_DIR NGHTTP2_DLL NGHTTP2_PDB ) endif() else() set( NGHTTP2_INCLUDE_DIRS ) set( NGHTTP2_LIBRARIES ) endif() mark_as_advanced( NGHTTP2_LIBRARIES NGHTTP2_INCLUDE_DIRS )