# # - Find GeoIP # Find the native GEOIP includes and library # # GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find GeoIP.h, etc. # GEOIP_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using GeoIP. # GEOIP_FOUND - True if GeoIP found. # GEOIP_DLL_DIR - (Windows) Path to the GeoIP DLL. # GEOIP_DLL - (Windows) Name of the GeoIP DLL. IF (GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIRS) # Already in cache, be silent SET(GEOIP_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) ENDIF (GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIRS) INCLUDE(FindWSWinLibs) FindWSWinLibs("GeoIP-.*" "GEOIP_HINTS") IF (NOT WIN32) find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_search_module(GEOIP geoip) endif() FIND_PATH(GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIR GeoIP.h HINTS "${GEOIP_INCLUDEDIR}" "${GEOIP_HINTS}/include" ) SET(GEOIP_NAMES GeoIP libGeoIP-1) FIND_LIBRARY(GEOIP_LIBRARY NAMES ${GEOIP_NAMES} HINTS "${GEOIP_LIBDIR}" "${GEOIP_HINTS}/lib" ) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set GEOIP_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(GEOIP DEFAULT_MSG GEOIP_LIBRARY GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIR) IF(GEOIP_FOUND) INCLUDE(CMakePushCheckState) CMAKE_PUSH_CHECK_STATE() SET(GEOIP_LIBRARIES ${GEOIP_LIBRARY} ) SET(GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIR} ) INCLUDE(CheckFunctionExists) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${GEOIP_LIBRARIES}) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS("GeoIP_country_name_by_ipnum_v6" HAVE_GEOIP_V6) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS("GeoIP_free" HAVE_GEOIP_FREE) CMAKE_POP_CHECK_STATE() if (WIN32) set ( GEOIP_DLL_DIR "${GEOIP_HINTS}/bin" CACHE PATH "Path to the GeoIP DLL" ) file( GLOB _geoip_dll RELATIVE "${GEOIP_DLL_DIR}" "${GEOIP_DLL_DIR}/libGeoIP-*.dll" ) set ( GEOIP_DLL ${_geoip_dll} # We're storing filenames only. Should we use STRING instead? CACHE FILEPATH "GeoIP DLL file name" ) mark_as_advanced( GEOIP_DLL_DIR GEOIP_DLL ) endif() ELSE(GEOIP_FOUND) SET(GEOIP_LIBRARIES ) SET(GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIRS ) SET(GEOIP_DLL_DIR ) SET(GEOIP_DLL ) ENDIF(GEOIP_FOUND) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( GEOIP_LIBRARIES GEOIP_INCLUDE_DIRS )