-- Module IPMSFileTransferBodyPartType (X.420:06/1999) IPMSFileTransferBodyPartType {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ipms(1) modules(0) file-transfer-body-part-type(9)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- Prologue -- Exports everything. IMPORTS -- FTAM Attribute Types Attribute-Extensions, Concurrency-Access, Date-and-Time-Attribute, Legal-Qualification-Attribute, Object-Availability-Attribute, Object-Size-Attribute, Pathname, Permitted-Actions-Attribute, Private-Use-Attribute --== FROM ISO8571-FTAM {iso standard 8571 application-context(1) iso-ftam(1)} -- ACSE definitions of AP-title and AE-qualifier EXTERNALt, AE-qualifier, AP-title --== FROM ACSE-1 {joint-iso-itu-t association-control(2) modules(0) apdus(0) version1(1)} -- IPMS Information Objects EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE, ExtensionsField --== FROM IPMSInformationObjects {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ipms(1) modules(0) information-objects(2) version-1999(1)} -- IPMS Object Identifiers -- id-ep-file-transfer, id-et-file-transfer --== -- FROM IPMSObjectIdentifiers {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) ipms(1) modules(0) -- object-identifiers(0) version-1999(1)} -- MTS Abstract Service ORName --== FROM MTSAbstractService {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0) mts-abstract-service(1) version-1999(1)}; -- File Transfer body part --file-transfer-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE ::= { -- PARAMETERS {FileTransferParameters -- IDENTIFIED BY id-ep-file-transfer}, -- DATA {FileTransferData -- IDENTIFIED BY id-et-file-transfer} --} FileTransferParameters ::= SEQUENCE { related-stored-file [0] RelatedStoredFile OPTIONAL, contents-type [1] ContentsTypeParameter OPTIONAL -- DEFAULT -- document-type: -- {document-type-name -- {iso standard 8571 document-type(5) unstructured-binary(3)}}--, environment [2] EnvironmentParameter OPTIONAL, compression [3] CompressionParameter OPTIONAL, file-attributes [4] FileAttributes OPTIONAL, extensions [5] ExtensionsField OPTIONAL } FileTransferData ::= SEQUENCE OF EXTERNALt -- This conveys a sequence of data values representing file contents; -- The rules for generating this sequence are implied by the value of the contents-type parameter. RelatedStoredFile ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {file-identifier FileIdentifier, relationship Relationship OPTIONAL -- DEFAULT explicit-relationship:unspecified } FileIdentifier ::= CHOICE { pathname-and-version [0] PathnameandVersion, cross-reference [1] CrossReference } PathnameandVersion ::= SEQUENCE { pathname [0] Pathname-Attribute, file-version [1] GraphicString OPTIONAL } CrossReference ::= SEQUENCE { application-cross-reference [0] OCTET STRING, message-reference [1] MessageReference OPTIONAL, body-part-reference [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL } MessageReference ::= SET { user [0] ORName OPTIONAL, -- Defined in 8.5.5 of ITU-T Rec. X.411 | ISO/IEC 10021-4 user-relative-identifier [1] PrintableString } Relationship ::= CHOICE { explicit-relationship [0] ExplicitRelationship, descriptive-relationship [1] GraphicString } ExplicitRelationship ::= INTEGER { unspecified(0), new-file(1), replacement(2), extension(3)} ContentsTypeParameter ::= Contents-Type-Attribute Contents-Type-Attribute ::= CHOICE { document-type [0] SEQUENCE {document-type-name Document-Type-Name, parameter [0] --DOCUMENT-PARAMETER.&Type -- ANY OPTIONAL }, -- The actual types to be used for values of the parameter field -- are defined in the named document type. constraint-set-and-abstract-syntax [1] SEQUENCE {constraint-set-name Constraint-Set-Name, abstract-syntax-name Abstract-Syntax-Name} } Document-Type-Name ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER --DOCUMENT-PARAMETER ::= CLASS {&Type --} Constraint-Set-Name ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER Abstract-Syntax-Name ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER EnvironmentParameter ::= SEQUENCE { application-reference [0] GeneralIdentifier OPTIONAL, machine [1] GeneralIdentifier OPTIONAL, operating-system [2] OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, user-visible-string [3] SEQUENCE OF GraphicString OPTIONAL } GeneralIdentifier ::= CHOICE { registered-identifier [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, descriptive-identifier [1] SEQUENCE OF GraphicString } CompressionParameter ::= SEQUENCE { compression-algorithm-id [0] -- COMPRESSION-ALGORITHM.&id({CompressionAlgorithmTable}) --OBJECT IDENTIFIER, compression-algorithm-param [1] --COMPRESSION-ALGORITHM.&Type -- ({CompressionAlgorithmTable}{@compression-algorithm-id}) ANY } --COMPRESSION-ALGORITHM ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER --CompressionAlgorithmTable COMPRESSION-ALGORITHM ::= -- {...} FileAttributes ::= SEQUENCE { pathname Pathname-Attribute OPTIONAL, permitted-actions [1] Permitted-Actions-Attribute OPTIONAL, storage-account [3] Account-Attribute OPTIONAL, date-and-time-of-creation [4] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL, date-and-time-of-last-modification [5] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL, date-and-time-of-last-read-access [6] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL, date-and-time-of-last-attribute-modification [7] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL, identity-of-creator [8] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL, identity-of-last-modifier [9] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL, identity-of-last-reader [10] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL, identity-of-last-attribute-modifier [11] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL, object-availability [12] Object-Availability-Attribute OPTIONAL, object-size [13] Object-Size-Attribute OPTIONAL, future-object-size [14] Object-Size-Attribute OPTIONAL, access-control [15] Access-Control-Attribute OPTIONAL, legal-qualifications [16] Legal-Qualification-Attribute OPTIONAL, private-use [17] Private-Use-Attribute OPTIONAL, attribute-extensions [22] Attribute-Extensions OPTIONAL } Pathname-Attribute ::= CHOICE { incomplete-pathname [0] Pathname, complete-pathname [23] Pathname } Account-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute actual-values Account } Account ::= GraphicString User-Identity-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. actual-values User-Identity } User-Identity ::= GraphicString Access-Control-Attribute ::= CHOICE { no-value-available [0] NULL, -- Indicates partial support of this attribute. actual-values [1] SET OF Access-Control-Element } -- The semantics of this attribute are described in ISO 8571-2 Access-Control-Element ::= SEQUENCE { action-list [0] Access-Request, concurrency-access [1] Concurrency-Access OPTIONAL, identity [2] User-Identity OPTIONAL, passwords [3] Access-Passwords OPTIONAL, location [4] Application-Entity-Title OPTIONAL } Access-Request ::= BIT STRING { read(0), insert(1), replace(2), extend(3), erase(4), read-attribute(5), change-attribute(6), delete-object(7)} Access-Passwords ::= SEQUENCE { read-password [0] Password, insert-password [1] Password, replace-password [2] Password, extend-password [3] Password, erase-password [4] Password, read-attribute-password [5] Password, change-attribute-password [6] Password, delete-password [7] Password, pass-passwords [8] Pass-Passwords, link-password [9] Password } Password ::= CHOICE { graphic-string GraphicString, octet-string OCTET STRING } Pass-Passwords ::= SEQUENCE OF Password Application-Entity-Title ::= SEQUENCE { ap-title AP-title, ae-qualifier AE-qualifier } END -- of IPMSFileTransferBodyPartType -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D