-- $Id$ DialoguePDUs { ccitt recommendation q 773 modules (2) dialoguePDUs(2) version1 (1) } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS dialogue-as-id, DialoguePDU; -- abstract syntax name for structured dialogue APDUs dialogue-as-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccitt recommendation q 773 as (1) dialogue-as (1) version1 (1) } DialoguePDU ::= CHOICE { dialogueRequest AARQ-apdu, dialogueResponse AARE-apdu, dialogueAbort ABRT-apdu } ExternalPDU ::= [UNIVERSAL 8] SEQUENCE { oid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, dialog [0] IMPLICIT Dialog1 } UserInformation ::= [UNIVERSAL 8] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { useroid UserInfoOID, externuserinfo [0] IMPLICIT ExternUserInfo } ExternUserInfo ::= OCTET STRING Dialog1 ::= OCTET STRING UserInfoOID ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER Applicationcontext ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER AARQ-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { protocol-versionrq [0] IMPLICIT BIT STRING { version1 (0) } DEFAULT { version1 }, application-context-name [1] Applicationcontext, user-information [30] IMPLICIT User-information OPTIONAL } AARE-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { protocol-versionre [0] IMPLICIT BIT STRING { version1 (0) } DEFAULT { version1 }, application-context-name [1] Applicationcontext, result [2] Associate-result, result-source-diagnostic [3] Associate-source-diagnostic, user-information [30] IMPLICIT User-information OPTIONAL } -- RLRQ PDU is currently not used. -- It is included for completeness only. RLRQ-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { reasonrq [0] IMPLICIT Release-request-reason OPTIONAL, user-information [30] IMPLICIT User-information OPTIONAL } -- RLRE PDU is currently not used. -- It is included for completeness only RLRE-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { reasonre [0] IMPLICIT Release-response-reason OPTIONAL, user-information [30] IMPLICIT User-information OPTIONAL } ABRT-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { abort-source [0] IMPLICIT ABRT-source, user-information [30] IMPLICIT User-information OPTIONAL } User-information ::= OCTET STRING ABRT-source ::= INTEGER { dialogue-service-user (0), dialogue-service-provider (1) } Associate-result ::= INTEGER { accepted (0), reject-permanent (1) } Associate-source-diagnostic ::= CHOICE { dialogue-service-user [1] INTEGER { null (0), no-reason-given (1), application-context-name-not-supported (2) }, dialogue-service-provider [2] INTEGER { null (0), no-reason-given (1), no-common-dialogue-portion (2) } } -- Release-request-reason is currently not used. -- It is included for completeness only. Release-request-reason ::= INTEGER { normal (0), urgent (1), user-defined (30) } -- Release-response-reason is currently not used. -- It is included for completeness only. Release-response-reason ::= INTEGER { normal (0), not-finished (1), user-defined (30) } --END --UnidialoguePDUs { ccitt recommendation q 773 modules (2) unidialoguePDUs (3) version1 (1) } --DEFINITIONS ::= --BEGIN --EXPORTS uniDialogue-as-id, UniDialoguePDU; -- Abstract syntax name for unstructured dialogue APDUs uniDialogue-as-id OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccitt recommendation q 773 as (1) unidialogue-as (2) version1 (1) } UniDialoguePDU ::= CHOICE { unidialoguePDU AUDT-apdu } AUDT-apdu ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { protocol-version3 [0] IMPLICIT BIT STRING {version1 (0) } DEFAULT { version1 }, application-context-name [1] Applicationcontext, user-information [30] IMPLICIT User-information OPTIONAL } END TCAPMessages {itu-t recommendation q 773 modules(2) messages(1) version3(3)} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN --EXPORTS OPERATION, ERROR, Component, InvokeId Type; -- Transaction Portion fields TCMessage ::= CHOICE { unidirectional [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT Unidirectional, begin [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT Begin, end [APPLICATION 4] IMPLICIT End, continue [APPLICATION 5] IMPLICIT Continue, abort [APPLICATION 7] IMPLICIT Abort , -- and we now get clever making this ansi and itu! ansiunidirectional [ PRIVATE 1 ] IMPLICIT UniTransactionPDU , ansiqueryWithPerm [ PRIVATE 2 ] IMPLICIT TransactionPDU , ansiqueryWithoutPerm [ PRIVATE 3 ] IMPLICIT TransactionPDU , ansiresponse [ PRIVATE 4 ] IMPLICIT TransactionPDU , ansiconversationWithPerm [ PRIVATE 5 ] IMPLICIT TransactionPDU , ansiconversationWithoutPerm [ PRIVATE 6 ] IMPLICIT TransactionPDU , ansiabort [ PRIVATE 22 ] IMPLICIT AbortPDU } Unidirectional ::= SEQUENCE{ dialoguePortion DialoguePortion OPTIONAL, components ComponentPortion } Begin ::= SEQUENCE{ otid OrigTransactionID, dialoguePortion DialoguePortion OPTIONAL, components ComponentPortion OPTIONAL } End ::= SEQUENCE{ dtid DestTransactionID, dialoguePortion DialoguePortion OPTIONAL, components ComponentPortion OPTIONAL } Continue ::= SEQUENCE { otid OrigTransactionID, dtid DestTransactionID, dialoguePortion DialoguePortion OPTIONAL, components ComponentPortion OPTIONAL } Abort ::= SEQUENCE{ dtid DestTransactionID, reason Reason OPTIONAL } Reason ::= CHOICE{ p-abortCause P-AbortCause, u-abortCause DialoguePortion } -- NOTE - When the Abort Message is generated by the Transaction sublayer, a p-Abort Cause may be -- present. The u-abortCause may be generated by the component sublayer in which case it is an ABRT -- APDU, or by the TC-User in which case it could be either an ABRT APDU or data in some user-defined -- abstract syntax. --DialoguePortion ::= [APPLICATION 11] EXPLICIT EXTERNAL -- WS adaptation DialoguePortion ::= [APPLICATION 11] IMPLICIT DialogueOC DialogueOC ::= OCTET STRING -- The dialogue portion carries the dialogue control PDUs as value of the external data type. -- The direct reference should be set to { ccitt recommendation q 773 as (1) dialogue-as (1) version (1) } -- if structured dialogue is used and to { ccitt recommendation q 773 as (1) unidialogue-as (2) version (1) } -- if unstructured dialogue is used or any user defined abstract syntax name when only user information -- is carried (e.g. when user information is sent in a 1988 Abort message). OrigTransactionID ::= [APPLICATION 8] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..4) ) DestTransactionID ::=[APPLICATION 9] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..4) ) P-AbortCause ::= [APPLICATION 10] IMPLICIT INTEGER { unrecognizedMessageType (0), unrecognizedTransactionID (1), badlyFormattedTransactionPortion (2), incorrectTransactionPortion (3), resourceLimitation (4)}(0..127) -- COMPONENT PORTION. The last field in the transaction portion of the TCAP message is the Component Portion. -- The Component Portion may be absent. ComponentPortion ::= [APPLICATION 12] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Component -- Component Portion fields -- Recommendation X.880 defines four Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs) for invoking -- operations, returning results or error, and for the rejection of invalid PDUs. -- TCAP adds returnResultNotLast to allow for the segmentation of a result. Component ::= CHOICE { invoke [1] IMPLICIT Invoke, returnResultLast [2] IMPLICIT ReturnResult, returnError [3] IMPLICIT ReturnError, reject [4] IMPLICIT Reject, returnResultNotLast [7] IMPLICIT ReturnResult } -- The Components are sequences of data elements. Invoke ::= SEQUENCE { invokeID InvokeIdType, linkedID [0] IMPLICIT InvokeIdType OPTIONAL, opCode OPERATION, parameter Parameter OPTIONAL } Parameter ::= ANY -- ANY is filled by the single ASN.1 data type following the keyword PARAMETER or the keyword ARGUMENT -- in the type definition of a particular operation. ReturnResult ::= SEQUENCE { invokeID InvokeIdType, resultretres SEQUENCE { opCode OPERATION, parameter Parameter OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- ANY is filled by the single ASN.1 data type following the keyword RESULT in the type definition -- of a particular operation. ReturnError ::= SEQUENCE { invokeID InvokeIdType, errorCode ErrorCode, parameter Parameter OPTIONAL } -- ANY is filled by the single ASN.1 data type following the keyword PARAMETER in the type definition -- of a particular error. Reject ::= SEQUENCE { invokeIDRej CHOICE { derivable InvokeIdType, not-derivable NULL }, problem CHOICE { generalProblem [0] IMPLICIT GeneralProblem, invokeProblem [1] IMPLICIT InvokeProblem, returnResultProblem [2] IMPLICIT ReturnResultProblem, returnErrorProblem [3] IMPLICIT ReturnErrorProblem } } InvokeIdType ::= INTEGER (-128..127) OPERATION ::= CHOICE { localValue INTEGER, globalValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER } ERROR ::= CHOICE { localValue INTEGER, globalValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER } -- OPERATIONS -- Operations are specified with the OPERATION MACRO. -- When an operation is specified, the valid parameter set, results, and errors for that operation are indicated. -- Default values and optional parameters are permitted. --OPERATION MACRO ::= --BEGIN -- TYPE NOTATION ::= Parameter Result Errors LinkedOperations -- VALUE NOTATION ::= value (VALUE CHOICE { -- localValue INTEGER, -- globalValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER } ) -- Parameter ::= ArgKeyword NamedType | empty -- ArgKeyword ::= "ARGUMENT" | "PARAMETER" -- Result ::= "RESULT" ResultType | empty -- Errors ::= "ERRORS" "{"ErrorNames"}" | empty -- LinkedOperations ::= "LINKED" "{"LinkedOperationNames"}" | empty -- ResultType ::= NamedType | empty -- ErrorNames ::= ErrorList | empty -- ErrorList ::= Error | ErrorList "," Error -- Error ::= value (ERROR) -- shall reference an error value --| type shall reference an error type -- if no error value is specified -- LinkedOperationNames ::= OperationList | empty -- OperationList ::= Operation | OperationList "," Operation -- Operation ::= value (OPERATION) -- shall reference an operation value -- | type shall reference an operation type if -- no operation value is specified -- NamedType ::= identifier type | type --END -- ERRORS -- Errors are specified with the ERROR MACRO. -- When an error is specified, the valid parameters for that error are indicated. -- Default values and optional parameters are permitted. --ERROR MACRO ::= -- --BEGIN -- TYPE NOTATION ::= Parameter -- VALUE NOTATION ::= value (VALUE CHOICE { -- localValue INTEGER, -- globalValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER } ) -- Parameter ::= "PARAMETER" NamedType | empty -- NamedType ::= identifier type | type --END -- PROBLEMS GeneralProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedComponent (0), mistypedComponent (1), badlyStructuredComponent (2) } InvokeProblem ::= INTEGER { duplicateInvokeID (0), unrecognizedOperation (1), mistypedParameter (2), resourceLimitation (3), initiatingRelease (4), unrecognizedLinkedID (5), linkedResponseUnexpected (6), unexpectedLinkedOperation (7) } ReturnResultProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedInvokeID (0), returnResultUnexpected (1), mistypedParameter (2) } ReturnErrorProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedInvokeID (0), returnErrorUnexpected (1), unrecognizedError (2), unexpectedError (3), mistypedParameter (4) } UniTransactionPDU ::= SEQUENCE { identifier TransactionID , dialoguePortionansi DialoguePortionANSI OPTIONAL , componentPortion ComponentSequence OPTIONAL } TransactionPDU ::= SEQUENCE { identifier TransactionID , dialoguePortionansi DialoguePortionANSI OPTIONAL , componentPortion ComponentSequence OPTIONAL } --TransactionPDU should include either a Dialogue Portion , a Component Sequence or both TransactionID ::= [PRIVATE 7 ] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING -- 0 (zero) Octet for Unidirectional,4 Octet for Query , Response And Abort -- 8 Octet for Conversation in the order Originating then Responding TID AbortPDU ::= SEQUENCE { identifier TransactionID , dialoguePortionansi DialoguePortionANSI OPTIONAL , causeInformation CHOICE { abortCause P-Abort-cause , userInformation UserInformation -- UserAbortInformation } OPTIONAL } --when the Abort package is generated by the Transaction sublayer, --the P-Abort-cause must be present P-Abort-cause ::= [ PRIVATE 23 ] IMPLICIT INTEGER { unrecognizedPackageType ( 1 ) , incorrestTransactionPortion ( 2 ) , badlyStructuredTransactionPortion ( 3 ) , unassignedRespondingTransactionID ( 4 ) , permissionToReleaseProblem ( 5 ) , resourceUnavilable ( 6 ) , unrecognizedDialoguePortionID ( 7 ) , badlyStructuredDialoguePortion ( 8 ) , missingDialoguePortion ( 9 ) , inconsistentDialoguePortion ( 10 ) } DialoguePortionANSI ::= [ PRIVATE 25 ] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { version ProtocolVersion OPTIONAL , applicationContext [0] CHOICE { integerApplicationId IntegerApplicationContext , objectApplicationId ObjectIDApplicationContext } OPTIONAL , userInformation UserInformation OPTIONAL , securityContext CHOICE { integerSecurityId [ 0 ] IMPLICIT INTEGER , objectSecurityId [ 1 ] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER } OPTIONAL , confidentiality [ 2 ] IMPLICIT Confidentiality OPTIONAL , ... } ProtocolVersion ::= [ PRIVATE 26 ] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING ( SIZE(1) ) IntegerApplicationContext ::= [ PRIVATE 27 ] IMPLICIT INTEGER ObjectIDApplicationContext ::= [ PRIVATE 28 ] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER --UserInformation ::= [ PRIVATE 29 ] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF EXTERNAL Confidentiality ::= SEQUENCE { confidentialityId CHOICE { integerConfidentialityId [ 0 ] IMPLICIT INTEGER , objectConfidentialityId [ 1 ] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER } OPTIONAL , ... } --UserAbortInformation ::= [ PRIVATE 24 ] EXTERNAL ComponentSequence ::= [ PRIVATE 8 ] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF ComponentPDU ComponentPDU ::= CHOICE { invokeLastansi [ PRIVATE 9 ] IMPLICIT InvokePDU , returnResultLastansi [ PRIVATE 10 ] IMPLICIT ReturnResultPDU, returnErroransi [ PRIVATE 11 ] IMPLICIT ReturnErrorPDU , rejectansi [ PRIVATE 12 ] IMPLICIT RejectPDU , invokeNotLastansi [ PRIVATE 13 ] IMPLICIT InvokePDU , returnResultNotLastansi [ PRIVATE 14 ] IMPLICIT ReturnResultPDU } InvokePDU ::= SEQUENCE { componentIDs [ PRIVATE 15 ] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..2)) OPTIONAL , operationCode OperationCode OPTIONAL, parameterinv ANSIparamch } ANSIParameters ::= ANY ANSIparamch ::= SEQUENCE { ansiparams ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams1 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams2 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams3 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams4 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams5 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams6 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams7 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams8 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams9 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams10 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams11 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams12 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams13 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams14 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams15 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams16 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams17 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams18 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams19 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams20 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL, ansiparams21 ANSIParameters OPTIONAL } ReturnResultPDU ::= SEQUENCE { componentID ComponentID, parameterrr ANSIparamch } ComponentID ::= [ PRIVATE 15 ] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING ( SIZE(1) ) ReturnErrorPDU ::= SEQUENCE { componentID ComponentID , errorCode ErrorCode , parameterre ANSIparamch } RejectPDU ::= SEQUENCE { componentID ComponentID , rejectProblem [PRIVATE 21 ] IMPLICIT ProblemPDU, parameterrj ANSIparamch } ProblemPDU ::= INTEGER { general-unrecognisedComponentType (257) , general-incorrectComponentPortion ( 258 ) , general-badlyStructuredCompPortion ( 259 ) } OperationCode ::= CHOICE { national [PRIVATE 16] IMPLICIT INTEGER (-32768..32767), private [PRIVATE 17] IMPLICIT INTEGER } ErrorCode ::= CHOICE { nationaler [PRIVATE 19] IMPLICIT INTEGER (-32768..32767), privateer [PRIVATE 20] IMPLICIT INTEGER } END -- end of the TCAP Package Module