-- $Id:$ RFC1157-SNMP DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- IMPORTS -- ObjectName, ObjectSyntax, NetworkAddress, IpAddress, TimeTicks -- FROM RFC1155-SMI; -- Local imports -- IMPORTS -- ObjectName, ObjectSyntax, NetworkAddress, IpAddress, TimeTicks -- FROM RFC1155-SMI; -- names of objects -- (Note that these definitions of ObjectName and NotificationName -- are not to be IMPORTed by MIB modules.) ObjectName ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER NotificationName ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- syntax of objects -- the "base types" defined here are: -- 3 built-in ASN.1 types: INTEGER, OCTET STRING, OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- 8 application-defined types: Integer32, IpAddress, Counter32, -- Gauge32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Opaque, and Counter64 ObjectSyntax ::= CHOICE { simple SimpleSyntax, -- note that SEQUENCEs for conceptual tables and -- rows are not mentioned here... application-wide ApplicationSyntax } -- built-in ASN.1 types SimpleSyntax ::= CHOICE { -- INTEGERs with a more restrictive range -- may also be used integer-value Integer-value, -- OCTET STRINGs with a more restrictive size -- may also be used string-value String-value, objectID-value ObjectID-value, empty Empty -- Added from RFC 1155 for Wireshark } String-value ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..65535)) Integer-value ::= -- includes Integer32 INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) -- OCTET STRINGs with a more restrictive size -- may also be used -- indistinguishable from INTEGER, but never needs more than -- 32-bits for a two's complement representation Integer32 ::= INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) ObjectID-value ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER Empty ::= NULL -- Added from RFC 1155 for Wireshark -- application-wide types ApplicationSyntax ::= CHOICE { ipAddress-value IpAddress, counter-value Counter32, timeticks-value TimeTicks, arbitrary-value Opaque, big-counter-value Counter64, unsigned-integer-value -- includes Gauge32 Unsigned32 } NetworkAddress ::= CHOICE { internet IpAddress } -- in network-byte order -- (this is a tagged type for historical reasons) IpAddress ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) -- this wraps Counter32 ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- this doesn't wrap Gauge32 ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- an unsigned 32-bit quantity -- indistinguishable from Gauge32 Unsigned32 ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- hundredths of seconds since an epoch TimeTicks ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- for backward-compatibility only Opaque ::= [APPLICATION 4] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING -- for counters that wrap in less than one hour with only 32 bits Counter64 ::= [APPLICATION 6] IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615) -- End Import -- top-level message Message ::= SEQUENCE { version Version, -- version-1 for this RFC community -- community name OCTET STRING, data -- e.g., PDUs if trivial PDUs -- ANY -- authentication is being used } Version ::= INTEGER { version-1(0), v2c(1), v2u (2), snmpv3(3) } Messagev2u ::= SEQUENCE { version Version, -- INTEGER { v2 (2) }, parameters OCTET STRING, -- -- -- -- datav2u CHOICE { plaintext PDUs, encrypted OCTET STRING } } -- USMSecurityParametersSyntax DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN UsmSecurityParameters ::= SEQUENCE { -- global User-based security parameters msgAuthoritativeEngineID SnmpEngineID, msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots INTEGER (0..2147483647), msgAuthoritativeEngineTime INTEGER (0..2147483647), msgUserName OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)), -- authentication protocol specific parameters msgAuthenticationParameters OCTET STRING, -- privacy protocol specific parameters msgPrivacyParameters OCTET STRING } -- END USMSecurityParametersSyntax SnmpEngineID ::= OCTET STRING -- SNMPv3MessageSyntax DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN SNMPv3Message ::= SEQUENCE { -- identify the layout of the SNMPv3Message -- this element is in same position as in SNMPv1 -- and SNMPv2c, allowing recognition -- the value 3 is used for snmpv3 msgVersion Version, -- INTEGER ( 0 .. 2147483647 ), -- administrative parameters msgGlobalData HeaderData, -- security model-specific parameters -- format defined by Security Model msgSecurityParameters OCTET STRING, msgData ScopedPduData } HeaderData ::= SEQUENCE { msgID INTEGER (0..2147483647), msgMaxSize INTEGER (484..2147483647), msgFlags OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)), -- .... ...1 authFlag -- .... ..1. privFlag -- .... .1.. reportableFlag -- Please observe: -- .... ..00 is OK, means noAuthNoPriv -- .... ..01 is OK, means authNoPriv -- .... ..10 reserved, must NOT be used. -- .... ..11 is OK, means authPriv msgSecurityModel INTEGER (1..2147483647) } ScopedPduData ::= CHOICE { plaintext ScopedPDU, encryptedPDU OCTET STRING -- encrypted scopedPDU value } ScopedPDU ::= SEQUENCE { contextEngineID OCTET STRING, contextName OCTET STRING, data PDUs -- ANY -- e.g., PDUs as defined in RFC 1905 } -- END SNMPv3MessageSyntax -- protocol data units PDUs ::= CHOICE { get-request GetRequest-PDU, get-next-request GetNextRequest-PDU, get-response GetResponse-PDU, set-request SetRequest-PDU, trap Trap-PDU, -- v2 added ? getBulkRequest GetBulkRequest-PDU, informRequest InformRequest-PDU, sNMPv2-Trap SNMPv2-Trap-PDU, report Report-PDU } -- PDUs GetRequest-PDU ::= [0] IMPLICIT PDU GetNextRequest-PDU ::= [1] IMPLICIT PDU GetResponse-PDU ::= [2] IMPLICIT PDU SetRequest-PDU ::= [3] IMPLICIT PDU -- v2 added -- [4] is obsolete GetBulkRequest-PDU ::= [5] IMPLICIT BulkPDU InformRequest-PDU ::= [6] IMPLICIT PDU SNMPv2-Trap-PDU ::= [7] IMPLICIT PDU -- Usage and precise semantics of Report-PDU are not presently -- defined. Any SNMP administrative framework making use of -- this PDU must define its usage and semantics. Report-PDU ::= [8] IMPLICIT PDU PDU ::= SEQUENCE { request-id INTEGER, error-status -- sometimes ignored INTEGER { noError(0), tooBig(1), noSuchName(2), -- for proxy compatibility badValue(3), -- for proxy compatibility readOnly(4), -- for proxy compatibility genErr(5), noAccess(6), wrongType(7), wrongLength(8), wrongEncoding(9), wrongValue(10), noCreation(11), inconsistentValue(12), resourceUnavailable(13), commitFailed(14), undoFailed(15), authorizationError(16), notWritable(17), inconsistentName(18) }, error-index -- sometimes ignored INTEGER, variable-bindings -- values are sometimes ignored VarBindList } -- v2 BulkPDU ::= -- MUST be identical in SEQUENCE { -- structure to PDU request-id Integer32, non-repeaters INTEGER (0..2147483647), max-repetitions INTEGER (0..2147483647), variable-bindings -- values are ignored VarBindList } -- end v2 Trap-PDU ::= [4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { enterprise -- type of object generating -- trap, see sysObjectID in [5] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, agent-addr -- address of object generating NetworkAddress, -- trap generic-trap -- generic trap type INTEGER { coldStart(0), warmStart(1), linkDown(2), linkUp(3), authenticationFailure(4), egpNeighborLoss(5), enterpriseSpecific(6) }, specific-trap INTEGER, -- specific code, present even -- if generic-trap is not -- enterpriseSpecific time-stamp TimeTicks, -- time elapsed between the last -- (re)initialization of the network -- entity and the generation of the trap variable-bindings VarBindList -- "interesting" information } -- variable bindings VarBind ::= SEQUENCE { name ObjectName, valueType ValueType } ValueType ::= CHOICE { value ObjectSyntax, unSpecified -- in retrieval requests NULL, -- exceptions in responses noSuchObject[0] IMPLICIT NULL, noSuchInstance[1] IMPLICIT NULL, endOfMibView[2] IMPLICIT NULL } VarBindList ::= SEQUENCE OF VarBind -- SMUX DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN RFC 1227 SMUX-PDUs ::= CHOICE { open -- SMUX peer uses OpenPDU, -- immediately after TCP open close -- either uses immediately before TCP close ClosePDU, registerRequest -- SMUX peer uses RReqPDU, -- registerResponse .. SNMP agent uses -- RRspPDU, -- -- PDUs, -- Revritten registerResponse RegisterResponse, -- note that roles are reversed: -- SNMP agent does get/get-next/set -- SMUX peer does get-response/trap commitOrRollback -- SNMP agent uses SOutPDU } RegisterResponse ::= CHOICE { rRspPDU RRspPDU, pDUs PDUs } -- open PDU -- currently only simple authentication OpenPDU ::= CHOICE { smux-simple SimpleOpen } SimpleOpen ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { smux-version -- of SMUX protocol INTEGER { version-1(0) }, identity -- of SMUX peer, authoritative OBJECT IDENTIFIER, description -- of SMUX peer, implementation-specific DisplayString, password -- zero length indicates no authentication OCTET STRING } DisplayString ::= OCTET STRING -- close PDU ClosePDU ::= [APPLICATION 1] IMPLICIT INTEGER { goingDown(0), unsupportedVersion(1), packetFormat(2), protocolError(3), internalError(4), authenticationFailure(5) } -- insert PDU RReqPDU ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { subtree ObjectName, priority -- the lower the better, "-1" means default INTEGER (-1..2147483647), operation INTEGER { delete(0), -- remove registration readOnly(1), -- add registration, objects are RO readWrite(2) -- .., objects are RW } } RRspPDU ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT INTEGER { failure(-1) -- on success the non-negative priority is returned } SOutPDU ::= [APPLICATION 4] IMPLICIT INTEGER { commit(0), rollback(1) } END