-- MLPP-Operations-And-Errors.asn -- -- Taken from ITU Recommendation Q.955.3 (03/93) -- -- Begin MLPP-operations definitions MLPP-operations {ccitt recommendation q 955 mlpp (3) operations-and-errors(1)} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS mLPPLFBQuery, mLPPCallRequest, mLPPCallPreemption, unauthorizedPrecedenceLevel; IMPORTS OPERATIONS, ERROR FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t (2) remote-operations (4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} userNotSubscribed, rejectedByNetwork FROM General-Error-List {ccitt recommendation q 950 general-error-list (1)} Q931InformationElement FROM Embedded-Q931-Types {ccitt identified-organization etsi(0) 196 embedded-q931-types(7)}; -- Begin mLPPLFBquery operation mLPPLFBQuery OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT MLPPLFBArg RESULT MLPPLFBResp ERRORS {userNotSubscribed | rejectedByNetwork} CODE local: 24 } MLPPLFBArg ::= SEQUENCE {mlppParams MLPPParams, ieArg IEArg} MLPPParams ::= SEQUENCE { precLevel PrecLevel, lfbIndictn LFBIndictn, mlppSvcDomn MLPPSvcDomn } PrecLevel ::= ENUMERATED { flashOverride(0), flash(1), immediate(2), priority(3), routine(4) } -- Prec level identifies the precedence level of the MLPP call. LFBIndictn ::= ENUMERATED { ifbAllowed(0), ifbNotAllowed(1), pathReserved(2) } -- LFBIndictri is coded for values. as indicated. MLPPSvcDomn ::= OCTET STRING(5) -- Initial two octets provide the International ID. while the -- following three octets provide the MLPP Domain -- identification. IEArg ::= Q931InformationElement -- Bearer capability. Calling party number. Called party -- number. and Channel identification information elements in -- the IE arg shall be as defined in Q.931. MLPPLFBResp ::= SEQUENCE {statusQuery StatusQuery, location Location} -- The MLPP DSS1 LFB query response contains two -- parameters. StatusQuery and Location. StatusQuery ::= ENUMERATED { success(1), -- Many cases as described in the optional MLPP LFB failure(2), -- Many cases as described in the MLPP procedure with LFB -- option. bearerCapabilityNotAuthorized(3), -- bearer capability check failure. not authorized bearerCapabilityNotlmplemented(4), -- bearer capability check failure. not implemented bearerCapabilityNotAvailable(5), -- bearer capability check failure. not available pathReservationDenied(6) -- circuit cannot be reserved at the far end } Location ::= Q931InformationElement -- a bit string which conforms to Octect 3 of the Cause -- information element as defined in 0.931. except that bit 8 is -- marked as a spare. -- End of mLPPLFBquery operation. -- Begin mLPPCallRequest operation mLPPCallRequest OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT MLPPParams RESULT StatusRequest ERRORS {userNotSubscribed | rejectedByNetwork | unauthorizedPrecedenceLevel} CODE local: 25 } StatusRequest ::= ENUMERATED { successCalledUserMLPPSubscriber(1), -- Called user is an MLPP subscriber. successCalledUserNotMLPPSubscriber(2), -- Called user is not an MLPP subscriber. failureCaseA(3), -- MLPP call from the calling user is a precedence call and -- cannot be completed. failureCaseB(4) -- MLPP call from the calling user or MLPP call between two -- MLPP subscribers experiences preemption. } -- End MLPPCallRequest operation. -- Begin mLPPCallpreemption operation mLPPCallPreemption OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT PreemptParams --RESULT --ERRORS CODE local: 26 } PreemptParams ::= ENUMERATED { circuitReservedForReuse(1), -- Circuit of the to be preempted call is reserved for reuse circuitNotReservedForReuse(2) -- Circuit of the to be preempted call is not reserved for reuse } -- End mLPPCallpreemption operation unauthorizedPrecedenceLevel ERROR ::= { CODE local: 44 } -- An indication that the calling user has exceeded the authorized. maximum -- precedence level. --mLPPLFBQuery MLPPLFBQuery ::= 24 --mLPPCallRequest MLPPCallRequest ::= 25 --mLPPCALLPreemption MLPPCALLPreemption ::= 26 --unauthorizedPrecedenceLevel UnauthorizedPrecedenceLevel ::= 44 END -- End MLPP-operations.