-- H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES.asn -- -- Taken from ITU ASN.1 database -- http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/asn1/database/itu-t/h/h235.0/2005/H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES.asn -- -- $Id$ -- -- Module H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES (H.235.0:09/2005) H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All ChallengeString ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (8..128)) TimeStamp ::= INTEGER(1..4294967295) -- seconds since 00:00 -- 1/1/1970 UTC RandomVal ::= INTEGER -- 32-bit Integer Password ::= BMPString(SIZE (1..128)) Identifier ::= BMPString(SIZE (1..128)) KeyMaterial ::= BIT STRING(SIZE (1..2048)) NonStandardParameter ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER, data OCTET STRING } -- if local octet representations of these bit strings are used they shall -- utilize standard Network Octet ordering (e.g., Big Endian) DHset ::= SEQUENCE { halfkey BIT STRING(SIZE (0..2048)), -- = g^x mod n modSize BIT STRING(SIZE (0..2048)), -- n generator BIT STRING(SIZE (0..2048)), -- g ... } ECpoint ::= SEQUENCE -- uncompressed (x, y) affine coordinate representation of -- an elliptic curve point { x BIT STRING(SIZE (0..511)) OPTIONAL, y BIT STRING(SIZE (0..511)) OPTIONAL, ... } ECKASDH ::= CHOICE -- parameters for elliptic curve key agreement scheme Diffie-Hellman { eckasdhp SEQUENCE-- parameters for elliptic curves of prime field-- {public-key ECpoint, -- This field contains representation of -- -- the ECKAS-DHp public key value. This field contains the -- initiator's ECKAS-DHp public key value (aP) when this -- information element is sent from originator to receiver. This -- field contains the responder's ECKAS-DHp public key value (bP) -- when this information element is sent back from receiver to -- originator. modulus BIT STRING (SIZE (0.. 511)), -- This field contains -- -- representation of the ECKAS-DHp public modulus value (p). base ECpoint, -- This field contains representation of the -- -- ECKAS-DHp public base (P). weierstrassA BIT STRING (SIZE (0.. 511)), -- This field contains -- -- representation of the ECKAS-DHp Weierstrass coefficient (a). weierstrassB BIT STRING (SIZE (0.. 511))-- This field contains -- -- representation of the ECKAS-DHp Weierstrass coefficient (b). }, eckasdh2 SEQUENCE-- parameters for elliptic curves of characteristic 2 -- {public-key ECpoint, -- This field contains representation of -- -- the ECKAS-DH2 public key value. -- This field contains the initiator's ECKAS-DH2 public key value -- (aP) when this information element is sent from originator to -- receiver. This field contains the responder's ECKAS-DH2 public -- key value (bP) when this information element is sent back from -- receiver to originator. fieldSize BIT STRING (SIZE (0.. 511)), -- This field contains -- -- representation of the ECKAS-DH2 field size value (m). base ECpoint, -- This field contains representation of the -- -- ECKAS-DH2 public base (P). weierstrassA BIT STRING (SIZE (0.. 511)), -- This field contains -- -- representation of the ECKAS-DH2 Weierstrass coefficient (a). weierstrassB BIT STRING (SIZE (0.. 511))-- This field contains -- -- representation of the ECKAS-DH2 Weierstrass coefficient (b). }, ... } ECGDSASignature ::= SEQUENCE -- parameters for elliptic curve digital signature -- algorithm { r BIT STRING(SIZE (0..511)), -- This field contains the -- representation of the r component of the ECGDSA digital -- signature. s BIT STRING(SIZE (0..511))-- This field contains the -- -- representation of the s component of the ECGDSA digital -- signature. } TypedCertificate ::= SEQUENCE { type OBJECT IDENTIFIER, certificate OCTET STRING, ... } AuthenticationBES ::= CHOICE { default NULL, -- encrypted ClearToken radius NULL, -- RADIUS-challenge/response ... } AuthenticationMechanism ::= CHOICE { dhExch NULL, -- Diffie-Hellman pwdSymEnc NULL, -- password with symmetric encryption pwdHash NULL, -- password with hashing certSign NULL, -- Certificate with signature ipsec NULL, -- IPSEC based connection tls NULL, nonStandard NonStandardParameter, -- something else. ..., authenticationBES AuthenticationBES, -- user authentication for BES keyExch OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- key exchange profile } ClearToken ::= SEQUENCE -- a "token" may contain multiple value types. { tokenOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, timeStamp TimeStamp OPTIONAL, password Password OPTIONAL, dhkey DHset OPTIONAL, challenge ChallengeString OPTIONAL, random RandomVal OPTIONAL, certificate TypedCertificate OPTIONAL, generalID Identifier OPTIONAL, nonStandard NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ..., eckasdhkey ECKASDH OPTIONAL, -- elliptic curve Key Agreement -- Scheme-Diffie Hellman Analogue -- (ECKAS-DH) sendersID Identifier OPTIONAL, h235Key H235Key OPTIONAL, -- central distributed key in V3 profileInfo SEQUENCE OF ProfileElement OPTIONAL -- profile-specific } -- An object identifier should be placed in the tokenOID field when a -- ClearToken is included directly in a message (as opposed to being -- encrypted). In all other cases, an application should use the -- object identifier { 0 0 } to indicate that the tokenOID value is not -- present. -- Start all the cryptographic parameterized types here... -- ProfileElement ::= SEQUENCE { elementID INTEGER(0..255), -- element identifier, as defined by -- profile paramS Params OPTIONAL, -- any element-specific parameters element Element OPTIONAL, -- value in required form ... } Element ::= CHOICE { octets OCTET STRING, integer INTEGER, bits BIT STRING, name BMPString, flag BOOLEAN, ... } SIGNED{ToBeSigned} ::= SEQUENCE { toBeSigned ToBeSigned, algorithmOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, paramS Params, -- any "runtime" parameters signature BIT STRING -- could be an RSA or an ASN.1 coded ECGDSA Signature }(CONSTRAINED BY { -- Verify or Sign Certificate --}) ENCRYPTED{ToBeEncrypted} ::= SEQUENCE { algorithmOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, paramS Params, -- any "runtime" parameters encryptedData OCTET STRING }(CONSTRAINED BY { -- Encrypt or Decrypt --ToBeEncrypted}) HASHED{ToBeHashed} ::= SEQUENCE { algorithmOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, paramS Params, -- any "runtime" parameters hash BIT STRING }(CONSTRAINED BY { -- Hash --ToBeHashed}) IV8 ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (8)) -- initial value for 64-bit block ciphers IV16 ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (16)) -- initial value for 128-bit block ciphers -- signing algorithm used must select one of these types of parameters -- needed by receiving end of signature. Params ::= SEQUENCE { ranInt INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- some integer value iv8 IV8 OPTIONAL, -- 8-octet initialization vector ..., iv16 IV16 OPTIONAL, -- 16-octet initialization vector iv OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- arbitrary length initialization vector clearSalt OCTET STRING OPTIONAL -- unencrypted salting key for encryption } EncodedGeneralToken ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type(ClearToken -- general usage token --) PwdCertToken ::= ClearToken(WITH COMPONENTS { ..., timeStamp PRESENT, generalID PRESENT }) EncodedPwdCertToken ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type(PwdCertToken) CryptoToken ::= CHOICE { cryptoEncryptedToken SEQUENCE-- General purpose/application specific token-- {tokenOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, token ENCRYPTED {EncodedGeneralToken} }, cryptoSignedToken SEQUENCE-- General purpose/application specific token-- {tokenOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, token SIGNED {EncodedGeneralToken} }, cryptoHashedToken SEQUENCE-- General purpose/application specific token-- {tokenOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, hashedVals ClearToken, token HASHED {EncodedGeneralToken} }, cryptoPwdEncr ENCRYPTED{EncodedPwdCertToken}, ... } -- These allow the passing of session keys within the H.245 OLC structure. -- They are encoded as standalone ASN.1 and based as an OCTET STRING within -- H.245 H235Key ::= CHOICE -- This is used with the H.245 or ClearToken "h235Key" field { secureChannel KeyMaterial, sharedSecret ENCRYPTED{EncodedKeySyncMaterial}, certProtectedKey SIGNED{EncodedKeySignedMaterial}, ..., secureSharedSecret V3KeySyncMaterial -- for H.235 V3 endpoints } KeySignedMaterial ::= SEQUENCE { generalId Identifier, -- slave's alias mrandom RandomVal, -- master's random value srandom RandomVal OPTIONAL, -- slave's random value timeStamp TimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- master's timestamp for unsolicited EU encrptval ENCRYPTED{EncodedKeySyncMaterial} } EncodedKeySignedMaterial ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type(KeySignedMaterial) H235CertificateSignature ::= SEQUENCE { certificate TypedCertificate, responseRandom RandomVal, requesterRandom RandomVal OPTIONAL, signature SIGNED{EncodedReturnSig}, ... } ReturnSig ::= SEQUENCE { generalId Identifier, -- slave's alias responseRandom RandomVal, requestRandom RandomVal OPTIONAL, certificate TypedCertificate OPTIONAL -- requested certificate } EncodedReturnSig ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type(ReturnSig) KeySyncMaterial ::= SEQUENCE { generalID Identifier, keyMaterial KeyMaterial, ... } EncodedKeySyncMaterial ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type(KeySyncMaterial) V3KeySyncMaterial ::= SEQUENCE { generalID Identifier OPTIONAL, -- peer terminal ID algorithmOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, -- encryption algorithm paramS Params, -- IV encryptedSessionKey OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- encrypted session key encryptedSaltingKey OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- encrypted media salting -- key clearSaltingKey OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- unencrypted media salting -- key paramSsalt Params OPTIONAL, -- IV (and clear salt) for salting -- key encryption keyDerivationOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, -- key derivation -- method ..., genericKeyMaterial OCTET STRING OPTIONAL -- ASN.1-encoded key material-- -- form is dependent on associated media encryption tag } END -- End of H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES DEFINITIONS -- Generated by Asnp, the ASN.1 pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D