-- $Id$ -- 3GPP TS 29.078 9.2.0 (2010-06) -- 6 Circuit Switched Call Control -- 6.1 gsmSSF/CCF - gsmSCF Interface -- 6.1.1 Operations and arguments CAP-gsmSSF-gsmSCF-ops-args {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) umts-network(1) modules(3) cap-gsmSSF-gsmSCF-ops-args(101) version8(7)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- This module contains the operations and operation arguments used for the -- gsmSSF – gsmSCF interface, for the control of circuit switched calls. -- The table in subclause 2.1 lists the specifications that contain the modules -- that are used by CAP. IMPORTS errortypes, datatypes, operationcodes, classes, tc-Messages, ros-InformationObjects FROM CAP-object-identifiers {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) umts-network(1) modules(3) cap-object-identifiers(100) version8(7)} OPERATION FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects ros-InformationObjects CallingPartysCategory, HighLayerCompatibility, LegID, RedirectionInformation, ServiceKey FROM CS1-DataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) inDomain(1) in-network(1) modules(0) cs1-datatypes(2) version1(0)} MiscCallInfo FROM CS2-datatypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) inDomain(1) in-network(1) cs2(20) modules(0) in-cs2-datatypes (0) version1(0)} Ext-BasicServiceCode, IMEI, IMSI, ISDN-AddressString FROM MAP-CommonDataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-CommonDataTypes(18) version12(12)} CUG-Index, CUG-Interlock, CUG-Info, LocationInformation, MS-Classmark2, SubscriberState, SupportedCamelPhases, OfferedCamel4Functionalities FROM MAP-MS-DataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-MS-DataTypes(11) version12(12)} CallReferenceNumber, SuppressionOfAnnouncement, UU-Data FROM MAP-CH-DataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-CH-DataTypes(13) version12(12)} PARAMETERS-BOUND FROM CAP-classes classes opcode-activityTest, opcode-applyCharging, opcode-applyChargingReport, opcode-assistRequestInstructions, opcode-callGap, opcode-callInformationReport, opcode-callInformationRequest, opcode-cancel, opcode-collectInformation, opcode-connect, opcode-connectToResource, opcode-continue, opcode-continueWithArgument, opcode-disconnectForwardConnection, opcode-dFCWithArgument, opcode-disconnectLeg, opcode-entityReleased, opcode-establishTemporaryConnection, opcode-eventReportBCSM, opcode-furnishChargingInformation, opcode-initialDP, opcode-initiateCallAttempt, opcode-moveLeg, opcode-playTone, opcode-releaseCall, opcode-requestReportBCSMEvent, opcode-resetTimer, opcode-sendChargingInformation, opcode-splitLeg FROM CAP-operationcodes operationcodes -- The CAP Operation identifiers for CAP V4 in Rel-6 are the same as the CAP Operation -- identifiers for CAP V4 in Rel-5. AChBillingChargingCharacteristics {}, AdditionalCallingPartyNumber {}, AlertingPattern, AChChargingAddress {}, AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress {}, BCSMEvent {}, BCSM-Failure, BearerCapability {}, Burst, CalledPartyNumber {}, CalledPartyBCDNumber {}, CallingPartyNumber {}, CallResult {}, CallSegmentID {}, CallSegmentToCancel {}, CallSegmentFailure {}, Carrier, Cause {}, CGEncountered, ChargeNumber {}, ControlType, CorrelationID {}, DestinationRoutingAddress {}, EventSpecificInformationBCSM {}, EventTypeBCSM, Extensions {}, FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics {}, GapCriteria {}, GapIndicators, GapTreatment, GenericNumbers {}, InvokeID, IPRoutingAddress {}, IPSSPCapabilities {}, leg1, leg2, LegOrCallSegment {}, LocationNumber {}, LowLayerCompatibility {}, MonitorMode, NAOliInfo, OCSIApplicable, OriginalCalledPartyID {}, ReceivingSideID, RedirectingPartyID {}, RequestedInformationList {}, RequestedInformationTypeList, ScfID {}, SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics {}, SendingSideID, ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo, TimeAndTimezone {}, TimerID, TimerValue FROM CAP-datatypes datatypes -- For Rel-6, the CAP-datatypes module is updated to version8(7); Object Identifier 'datatypes' -- is also updated to version8(7). As a result, the present module uses Rel-6 data type definitions. cancelFailed, eTCFailed, missingCustomerRecord, missingParameter, parameterOutOfRange, requestedInfoError, systemFailure, taskRefused, unexpectedComponentSequence, unexpectedDataValue, unexpectedParameter, unknownLegID, unknownCSID FROM CAP-errortypes errortypes -- For Rel-6, the CAP-errortypes module is updated to version8(7); Object Identifier -- 'errortypes' is also updated to version8(7). As a result, the present module uses Rel-6 -- error type definitions. ; activityTest OPERATION ::= { RETURN RESULT TRUE CODE opcode-activityTest} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tat -- This operation is used to check for the continued existence of a relationship -- between the gsmSCF and gsmSSF, assist gsmSSF or gsmSRF. If the relationship is -- still in existence, then the gsmSSF will respond. If no reply is received, -- then the gsmSCF will assume that the gsmSSF, assist gsmSSF or gsmSRF has failed -- in some way. applyCharging {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ApplyChargingArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedParameter | unexpectedDataValue | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unknownLegID | unknownCSID} CODE opcode-applyCharging} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tac -- This operation is used for interacting from the gsmSCF with the gsmSSF charging mechanisms. -- The ApplyChargingReport operation provides the feedback from the gsmSSF to the gsmSCF. ApplyChargingArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { aChBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] AChBillingChargingCharacteristics {bound}, partyToCharge [2] SendingSideID DEFAULT sendingSideID : leg1, extensions [3] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, aChChargingAddress [50] AChChargingAddress {bound} DEFAULT legID:sendingSideID:leg1, ... } -- The partyToCharge parameter indicates the party in the call to which the ApplyCharging operation -- shall be applied. applyChargingReport {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ApplyChargingReportArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedParameter | unexpectedDataValue | unknownCSID | unknownLegID | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused} CODE opcode-applyChargingReport} -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Tacr -- This operation is used by the gsmSSF to report to the gsmSCF the occurrence of a -- specific charging event as requested by the gsmSCF using the ApplyCharging operation. ApplyChargingReportArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= CallResult {bound} assistRequestInstructions {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT AssistRequestInstructionsArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingCustomerRecord | missingParameter | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter} CODE opcode-assistRequestInstructions} -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF or gsmSRF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Tari -- This operation is used when there is an assist procedure and may be -- sent by the gsmSSF or gsmSRF to the gsmSCF. This operation is sent by the -- assisting gsmSSF to gsmSCF, when the initiating gsmSSF has set up a connection to -- the gsmSRF or to the assisting gsmSSF as a result of receiving an -- EstablishTemporaryConnection from -- the gsmSCF. -- Refer to clause 11 for a description of the procedures associated with this operation. AssistRequestInstructionsArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { correlationID [0] CorrelationID {bound}, iPSSPCapabilities [2] IPSSPCapabilities {bound}, extensions [3] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. The value of the correlationID may be the -- Called Party Number supplied by the initiating gsmSSF. callGap {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT CallGapArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE opcode-callGap} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tcg -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to reduce the rate at which specific service -- requests are sent to the gsmSCF. CallGapArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound}::= SEQUENCE { gapCriteria [0] GapCriteria {bound}, gapIndicators [1] GapIndicators, controlType [2] ControlType OPTIONAL, gapTreatment [3] GapTreatment {bound} OPTIONAL, extensions [4] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator optional. If gapTreatment is not present, then the gsmSSF will -- use a default treatment depending on network operator implementation. callInformationReport {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT CallInformationReportArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE opcode-callInformationReport} -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Tcirp -- This operation is used to send specific call information for a single call party to the gsmSCF as -- requested by the gsmSCF in a previous CallInformationRequest. CallInformationReportArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationList [0] RequestedInformationList {bound}, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, legID [3] ReceivingSideID DEFAULT receivingSideID:leg2, ... } callInformationRequest {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT CallInformationRequestArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | requestedInfoError | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownLegID} CODE opcode-callInformationRequest} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tcirq -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to record specific information about a single -- call party and report it to the gsmSCF (with a CallInformationReport operation). CallInformationRequestArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound}::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationTypeList [0] RequestedInformationTypeList, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, legID [3] SendingSideID DEFAULT sendingSideID:leg2, ... } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator optional. cancel {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT CancelArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {cancelFailed | missingParameter | taskRefused | unknownCSID} CODE opcode-cancel} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, or gsmSCF -> gsmSRF, Timer: Tcan -- This operation cancels the correlated previous operation or all previous requests. The following -- operations can be canceled: PlayAnnouncement, PromptAndCollectUserInformation. CancelArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= CHOICE { invokeID [0] InvokeID, allRequests [1] NULL, callSegmentToCancel [2] CallSegmentToCancel {bound} } -- The InvokeID has the same value as that which was used for the operation to be cancelled. collectInformation {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION::= { ARGUMENT CollectInformationArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | SystemFailure | TaskRefused | UnexpectedComponentSequence | UnexpectedDataValue | UnexpectedParameter} CODE opcode-collectInformation} -- Direction: gsmSCF-> gsmSSF, Timer: Tci -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to perform the call -- processing actions to prompt a calling party for additional digits. CollectInformationArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE{ extensions [0] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } connect {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ConnectArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownLegID} CODE opcode-connect} -- Direction: gsmSCF-> gsmSSF, Timer: Tcon -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to perform the call processing actions -- to route or forward a call to a specified destination. ConnectArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { destinationRoutingAddress [0] DestinationRoutingAddress {bound}, alertingPattern [1] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [6] OriginalCalledPartyID {bound} OPTIONAL, extensions [10] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, carrier [11] Carrier {bound} OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [28] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [29] RedirectingPartyID {bound} OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [30] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, genericNumbers [14] GenericNumbers {bound} OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [15] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, chargeNumber [19] ChargeNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, legToBeConnected [21] LegID OPTIONAL, cug-Interlock [31] CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL, cug-OutgoingAccess [32] NULL OPTIONAL, suppressionOfAnnouncement [55] SuppressionOfAnnouncement OPTIONAL, oCSIApplicable [56] OCSIApplicable OPTIONAL, naOliInfo [57] NAOliInfo OPTIONAL, bor-InterrogationRequested [58] NULL OPTIONAL, ... , suppress-N-CSI [59] NULL OPTIONAL } -- na-Info is included at the discretion of the gsmSCF operator. connectToResource {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ConnectToResourceArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownCSID} CODE opcode-connectToResource} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tctr -- This operation is used to connect a call segment from the gsmSSF to the -- gsmSRF. ConnectToResourceArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { resourceAddress CHOICE { ipRoutingAddress [0] IPRoutingAddress {bound}, none [3] NULL }, extensions [4] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [7] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, callSegmentID [50] CallSegmentID {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } continue OPERATION ::= { RETURN RESULT FALSE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE opcode-continue} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tcue -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to proceed with call processing at the -- DP at which it previously suspended call processing to await gsmSCF instructions -- (i.e. proceed to the next point in call in the BCSM). The gsmSSF continues call -- processing without substituting new data from gsmSCF. continueWithArgument {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ContinueWithArgumentArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownLegID | unknownCSID} CODE opcode-continueWithArgument} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tcwa -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to proceed with call processing at the -- DP at which it previously suspended call processing to await gsmSCF instructions -- (i.e. proceed to the next point in call in the BCSM). The gsmSSF continues call -- processing with the modified call setup information as received from the gsmSCF. ContinueWithArgumentArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { alertingPattern [1] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, extensions [6] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [7] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [12] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, genericNumbers [16] GenericNumbers {bound} OPTIONAL, cug-Interlock [17] CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL, cug-OutgoingAccess [18] NULL OPTIONAL, chargeNumber [50] ChargeNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, carrier [52] Carrier {bound} OPTIONAL, suppressionOfAnnouncement [55] SuppressionOfAnnouncement OPTIONAL, naOliInfo [56] NAOliInfo OPTIONAL, bor-InterrogationRequested [57] NULL OPTIONAL, suppress-O-CSI [58] NULL OPTIONAL, continueWithArgumentArgExtension [59] ContinueWithArgumentArgExtension {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } ContinueWithArgumentArgExtension {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { suppress-D-CSI [0] NULL OPTIONAL, suppress-N-CSI [1] NULL OPTIONAL, suppressOutgoingCallBarring [2] NULL OPTIONAL, legOrCallSegment [3] LegOrCallSegment {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } disconnectForwardConnection OPERATION ::= { RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence} CODE opcode-disconnectForwardConnection} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tdfc -- This operation is used to disconnect a forward temporary connection or a connection to a -- resource. Refer to clause 11 for a description of the procedures associated with this operation. disconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownCSID} CODE opcode-dFCWithArgument} -- Direction gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer Tdfcwa -- This operation is used to disconnect a forward temporary connection or a connection to a -- resource. Refer to clause 11 for a description of the procedures associated with this operation. DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { callSegmentID [1] CallSegmentID {bound} OPTIONAL, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } disconnectLeg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT DisconnectLegArg {bound} RETURN RESULT TRUE ERRORS {missingParameter | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownLegID} CODE opcode-disconnectLeg} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer Tdl -- This operation is used by the gsmSCF to release a specific leg associated with the call and -- retain any other legs not specified in the DisconnectLeg. Refer to clause 11 for a description -- of the procedures associated with this operation. DisconnectLegArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { legToBeReleased [0] LegID, releaseCause [1] Cause {bound} OPTIONAL, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } entityReleased {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT EntityReleasedArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE opcode-entityReleased} -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Ter -- This operation is used by the gsmSSF to inform the gsmSCF of an error or exception EntityReleasedArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= CHOICE { callSegmentFailure [0] CallSegmentFailure {bound}, bCSM-Failure [1] BCSM-Failure {bound} } establishTemporaryConnection {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {eTCFailed | missingParameter | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownCSID} CODE opcode-establishTemporaryConnection} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tetc -- This operation is used to create a connection to a resource for a limited period -- of time (e.g. to play an announcement, to collect user information); it implies -- the use of the assist procedure. Refer to clause 11 for a description of the -- procedures associated with this operation. EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress [0] AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress {bound}, correlationID [1] CorrelationID {bound} OPTIONAL, scfID [3] ScfID {bound} OPTIONAL, extensions [4] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, carrier [5] Carrier {bound} OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [6] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, callSegmentID [7] CallSegmentID {bound} OPTIONAL, naOliInfo [50] NAOliInfo OPTIONAL, chargeNumber [51] ChargeNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, ..., originalCalledPartyID [52] OriginalCalledPartyID {bound} OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [53] CallingPartyNumber {bound} OPTIONAL } eventReportBCSM {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT EventReportBCSMArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE opcode-eventReportBCSM} -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Terb -- This operation is used to notify the gsmSCF of a call-related event (e.g. BCSM -- events such as O_Busy or O_No_Answer) previously requested by the gsmSCF in a -- RequestReportBCSMEvent operation. EventReportBCSMArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeBCSM [0] EventTypeBCSM, eventSpecificInformationBCSM [2] EventSpecificInformationBCSM {bound} OPTIONAL, legID [3] ReceivingSideID OPTIONAL, miscCallInfo [4] MiscCallInfo DEFAULT {messageType request}, extensions [5] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } furnishChargingInformation {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT FurnishChargingInformationArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownLegID} CODE opcode-furnishChargingInformation} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tfci -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to generate, register a call record -- or to include some information in the default call record. -- The registered call record is intended for off line charging of the call. FurnishChargingInformationArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics{bound} initialDP {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT InitialDPArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingCustomerRecord | missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter} CODE opcode-initialDP} -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Tidp -- This operation is used after a TDP to indicate request for service. InitialDPArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey , calledPartyNumber [2] CalledPartyNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [3] CallingPartyNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [5] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, cGEncountered [7] CGEncountered OPTIONAL, iPSSPCapabilities [8] IPSSPCapabilities {bound} OPTIONAL, locationNumber [10] LocationNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [12] OriginalCalledPartyID {bound} OPTIONAL, extensions [15] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility [23] HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, additionalCallingPartyNumber [25] AdditionalCallingPartyNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, bearerCapability [27] BearerCapability {bound} OPTIONAL, eventTypeBCSM [28] EventTypeBCSM OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [29] RedirectingPartyID {bound} OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [30] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, cause [17] Cause {bound} OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [32] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, carrier [37] Carrier {bound} OPTIONAL, cug-Index [45] CUG-Index OPTIONAL, cug-Interlock [46] CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL, cug-OutgoingAccess [47] NULL OPTIONAL, iMSI [50] IMSI OPTIONAL, subscriberState [51] SubscriberState OPTIONAL, locationInformation [52] LocationInformation OPTIONAL, ext-basicServiceCode [53] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, callReferenceNumber [54] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, mscAddress [55] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, calledPartyBCDNumber [56] CalledPartyBCDNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, timeAndTimezone [57] TimeAndTimezone {bound} OPTIONAL, callForwardingSS-Pending [58] NULL OPTIONAL, initialDPArgExtension [59] InitialDPArgExtension {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } InitialDPArgExtension {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { gmscAddress [0] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, forwardingDestinationNumber [1] CalledPartyNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, ms-Classmark2 [2] MS-Classmark2 OPTIONAL, iMEI [3] IMEI OPTIONAL, supportedCamelPhases [4] SupportedCamelPhases OPTIONAL, offeredCamel4Functionalities [5] OfferedCamel4Functionalities OPTIONAL, bearerCapability2 [6] BearerCapability {bound} OPTIONAL, ext-basicServiceCode2 [7] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility2 [8] HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, lowLayerCompatibility [9] LowLayerCompatibility {bound} OPTIONAL, lowLayerCompatibility2 [10] LowLayerCompatibility {bound} OPTIONAL, ..., enhancedDialledServicesAllowed [11] NULL OPTIONAL, uu-Data [12] UU-Data OPTIONAL, collectInformationAllowed [13] NULL OPTIONAL } -- If iPSSPCapabilities is not present then this denotes that a colocated gsmSRF is not -- supported by the gsmSSF. If present, then the gsmSSF supports a colocated gsmSRF capable -- of playing announcements via elementaryMessageIDs and variableMessages, the playing of -- tones and the collection of DTMF digits. Other supported capabilities are explicitly -- detailed in the IPSSPCapabilities parameter itself. -- Carrier is included at the discretion of the gsmSSF operator. -- The UserCSGInformation is conveyed in the LocationInformation. The encoding of the parameter is -- as defined in 3GPP TS 29.002 [11]. initiateCallAttempt {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT InitiateCallAttemptArg {bound} RESULT InitiateCallAttemptRes {bound} ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter } CODE opcode-initiateCallAttempt} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer Tica -- This operation is used to instruct the gsmSSF to create a new call to a call party using the -- address information provided by the gsmSCF. InitiateCallAttemptArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { destinationRoutingAddress [0] DestinationRoutingAddress {bound}, extensions [4] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, legToBeCreated [5] LegID OPTIONAL, newCallSegment [6] CallSegmentID {bound} OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [30] CallingPartyNumber {bound} OPTIONAL, callReferenceNumber [51] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, gsmSCFAddress [52] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, suppress-T-CSI [53] NULL OPTIONAL, ... } InitiateCallAttemptRes {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { supportedCamelPhases [0] SupportedCamelPhases OPTIONAL, offeredCamel4Functionalities [1] OfferedCamel4Functionalities OPTIONAL, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } moveLeg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT MoveLegArg {bound} RETURN RESULT TRUE ERRORS {missingParameter | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownLegID} CODE opcode-moveLeg} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tml -- This operation is used by the gsmSCF to move a leg from one call segment to another call segment -- within the same call segment association. MoveLegArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE{ legIDToMove [0] LegID, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } playTone {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT PlayToneArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownLegID | unknownCSID} CODE opcode-playTone} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tpt -- This operation is used to play tones to either a leg or a call segment using -- the MSC's tone generator. PlayToneArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { legOrCallSegment [0] LegOrCallSegment {bound}, bursts [1] Burst, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } releaseCall {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ReleaseCallArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ALWAYS RESPONDS FALSE CODE opcode-releaseCall} -- Direction: gsmSCF ->?gsmSSF, Timer: Trc -- This operation is used to tear down an existing call at any phase of the call for all parties -- involved in the call. ReleaseCallArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= Cause {bound} -- A default value of decimal 31 (normal unspecified) shall be given. requestReportBCSMEvent {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT RequestReportBCSMEventArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownLegID} CODE opcode-requestReportBCSMEvent} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Trrb -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to monitor for a call-related event -- (e.g. BCSM events such as O_Busy or O_No_Answer) and to send a notification -- to the gsmSCF when the event is detected. -- -- NOTE: -- Every EDP must be explicitly armed by the gsmSCF via a RequestReportBCSMEvent operation. -- No implicit arming of EDPs at the gsmSSF after reception of any operation (different -- from RequestReportBCSMEvent) from the gsmSCF is allowed. RequestReportBCSMEventArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { bcsmEvents [0] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..bound.&numOfBCSMEvents) OF BCSMEvent {bound}, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } -- Indicates the BCSM related events for notification. resetTimer {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ResetTimerArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownCSID} CODE opcode-resetTimer} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Trt -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to refresh an application timer in the gsmSSF. ResetTimerArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { timerID [0] TimerID DEFAULT tssf, timervalue [1] TimerValue, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, callSegmentID [3] CallSegmentID {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } sendChargingInformation {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT SendChargingInformationArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedParameter | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedDataValue | unknownLegID} CODE opcode-sendChargingInformation} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tsci -- This operation is used to instruct the gsmSSF on the charging information to send by the gsmSSF. -- The charging information can either be sent back by means of signalling or internal -- if the gsmSSF is located in the local exchange. In the local exchange -- this information may be used to update the charge meter or to create a standard call record. SendChargingInformationArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound}::= SEQUENCE { sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics {bound}, partyToCharge [1] SendingSideID, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } splitLeg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT SplitLegArg {bound} RETURN RESULT TRUE ERRORS {missingParameter | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedParameter | unexpectedDataValue | systemFailure | taskRefused | unknownLegID} CODE opcode-splitLeg} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer Tsl -- This operation is used by the gsmSCF to separate a leg from its source call segment and -- place it in a new call segment within the same call segment association. SplitLegArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { legToBeSplit [0] LegID, newCallSegment [1] CallSegmentID {bound} OPTIONAL, extensions [2] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ... } END