-- $Id$ -- 3GPP TS 29.078 9.0.0 (2009-12) -- 8 GPRS Control -- 8.1 gsmSCF/gprsSSF operations and arguments CAP-gprsSSF-gsmSCF-ops-args {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) umts-network(1) modules(3) cap-GPRS-ops-args(107) version5(4)} -- Module CAP-gprsSSF-gsmSCF-ops-args is updated to version5(4) for Rel-6. The OPERATION -- definitions in this module are not modified, compared to Rel-5. DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- This module contains the operations and operation arguments used for the -- gprsSSF - gsmSCF interface, for the control of GPRS. -- The table in subclause 2.1 lists the specifications that contain the modules -- that are used by CAP. IMPORTS errortypes, datatypes, operationcodes, classes, ros-InformationObjects FROM CAP-object-identifiers {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) umts-network(1) modules(3) cap-object-identifiers(100) version5(4)} OPERATION FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects ros-InformationObjects ServiceKey FROM CS1-DataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) inDomain(1) in-network(1) modules(0) cs1-datatypes(2) version1(0)} MiscCallInfo FROM CS2-datatypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) inDomain(1) in-network(1) cs2(20) modules(0) in-cs2-datatypes (0) version1(0)} IMEI, IMSI, GSN-Address, -- WS moved to common datatypes in rel 9.0.0 ISDN-AddressString FROM MAP-CommonDataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-CommonDataTypes(18) version9(9)} GPRSChargingID, GPRSMSClass, RAIdentity FROM MAP-MS-DataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-MS-DataTypes(11) version9(9)} PARAMETERS-BOUND FROM CAP-classes classes opcode-activityTestGPRS, opcode-applyChargingGPRS, opcode-applyChargingReportGPRS, opcode-cancelGPRS, opcode-connectGPRS, opcode-continueGPRS, opcode-entityReleasedGPRS, opcode-eventReportGPRS, opcode-furnishChargingInformationGPRS, opcode-initialDPGPRS, opcode-releaseGPRS, opcode-requestReportGPRSEvent, opcode-resetTimerGPRS, opcode-sendChargingInformationGPRS FROM CAP-operationcodes operationcodes -- The CAP Operation identifiers for CAP V3 for GPRS in Rel-6 are the same as the CAP Operation -- identifiers for CAP V3 for GPRS in Rel-5. AccessPointName {}, GPRSCause {}, ChargingCharacteristics, ChargingResult, ChargingRollOver, EndUserAddress, Extensions, FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics, GPRSEventSpecificInformation {}, GPRSEvent, GPRSEventType, LocationInformationGPRS, PDPID, PDPInitiationType, QualityOfService, SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics {}, SGSNCapabilities, TimeAndTimezone {}, TimerID, TimerValue FROM CAP-datatypes datatypes -- For Rel-6, the CAP-datatypes module is updated to version5(4); Object Identifier 'datatypes' -- is also updated to version5(4). As a result, the present module uses Rel-6 data type definitions. missingCustomerRecord, missingParameter, parameterOutOfRange, systemFailure, taskRefused, unexpectedComponentSequence, unexpectedDataValue, unexpectedParameter, unknownPDPID FROM CAP-errortypes errortypes -- For Rel-6, the CAP-errortypes module is updated to version5(4); Object Identifier -- 'errortypes' is also updated to version5(4). As a result, the present module uses Rel-6 -- error type definitions. ; activityTestGPRS OPERATION ::= { RETURN RESULT TRUE CODE opcode-activityTestGPRS} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gprsSSF, Timer: Tatg -- This operation is used to check for the continued existence of a relationship between the gsmSCF -- and gprsSSF. If the relationship is still in existence, then the gprsSSF will respond. If no -- reply is received, then the gsmSCF will assume that the gprsSSF has failed in some way -- and will take the appropriate action. applyChargingGPRS OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ApplyChargingGPRSArg RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedParameter | unexpectedDataValue | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-applyChargingGPRS} -- Direction gsmSCF -> gprsSSF, Timer Tacg -- This operation is used for interacting from the gsmSCF with the gprsSSF CSE-controlled -- GPRS session or PDP Context charging mechanism. ApplyChargingGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { chargingCharacteristics [0] ChargingCharacteristics, tariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER (1..86400) OPTIONAL, pDPID [2] PDPID OPTIONAL, ... } -- tariffSwitchInterval is measured in 1 second units. applyChargingReportGPRS OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ApplyChargingReportGPRSArg RETURN RESULT TRUE ERRORS {missingParameter | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedParameter | unexpectedDataValue | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-applyChargingReportGPRS} -- Direction gprsSSF -> gsmSCF,Timer Tacrg -- The ApplyChargingReportGPRS operation provides the feedback from the gprsSCF to the gsmSCF -- CSE-controlled GPRS session charging mechanism. ApplyChargingReportGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { chargingResult [0] ChargingResult, qualityOfService [1] QualityOfService OPTIONAL, active [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, pDPID [3] PDPID OPTIONAL, ..., chargingRollOver [4] ChargingRollOver OPTIONAL } cancelGPRS OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT CancelGPRSArg RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | taskRefused | unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-cancelGPRS} -- Direction: gsmSCF ?? gprsSSF, Timer: Tcag -- This generic operation cancels all previous requests, -- i.e. all EDPs and reports can be cancelled by the gsmSCF. CancelGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { pDPID [0] PDPID OPTIONAL, ... } connectGPRS {PARAMETERS-BOUND: bound} OPERATION::= { ARGUMENT ConnectGPRSArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | unknownPDPID | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter} CODE opcode-connectGPRS} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gprsSSF, Timer: Tcong -- This operation is used to modify the Access Point Name used when establishing a PDP Context. ConnectGPRSArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND: bound}::= SEQUENCE { accessPointName [0] AccessPointName {bound}, pdpID [1] PDPID OPTIONAL, ... } continueGPRS OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ContinueGPRSArg RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | unknownPDPID | unexpectedDataValue} CODE opcode-continueGPRS} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gprsSSF, Timer: Tcueg -- This operation is used to request the gprsSSF to proceed with processing at the DP at -- which it previously suspended processing to await gsmSCF instructions (i.e., proceed to -- the next point in processing in the Attach/Detach state model or PDP Context -- state model) substituting new data from the gsmSCF. ContinueGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { pDPID [0] PDPID OPTIONAL, ... } entityReleasedGPRS {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT EntityReleasedGPRSArg {bound} RETURN RESULT TRUE ERRORS {missingParameter | taskRefused | unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-entityReleasedGPRS} -- Direction: gprsSSF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Terg -- This operation is used when the GPRS Session is detached or a PDP Context is diconnected and -- the associated event is not armed for reporting. -- The usage of this operation is independent of the functional entity that initiates the Detach -- or PDP Context Disconnection and is independent of the cause of the Detach or PDP Context -- Disconnect. EntityReleasedGPRSArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { gPRSCause [0] GPRSCause {bound}, pDPID [1] PDPID OPTIONAL, ... } eventReportGPRS {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT EventReportGPRSArg {bound} RETURN RESULT TRUE ERRORS {unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-eventReportGPRS} -- Direction gprsSSF -> gsmSCF,Timer Tereg -- This operation is used to notify the gsmSCF of a GPRS session or PDP context related -- events (e.g. PDP context activation) previously requested by the gsmSCF in a -- RequestReportGPRSEventoperation. EventReportGPRSArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound}::= SEQUENCE { gPRSEventType [0] GPRSEventType, miscGPRSInfo [1] MiscCallInfo DEFAULT {messageType request}, gPRSEventSpecificInformation [2] GPRSEventSpecificInformation {bound} OPTIONAL, pDPID [3] PDPID OPTIONAL, ... } furnishChargingInformationGPRS {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT FurnishChargingInformationGPRSArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-furnishChargingInformationGPRS} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gprsSSF, Timer: Tfcig -- This operation is used to request the gprsSSF to generate, register a logical record or to -- include some information in the default logical GPRS record. -- The registered logical record is intended for off line charging of the GPRS session -- or PDP Context. FurnishChargingInformationGPRSArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics{bound} initialDPGPRS {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT InitialDPGPRSArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingCustomerRecord | missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter} CODE opcode-initialDPGPRS} -- Direction gprsSSF -> gsmSCF,Timer Tidpg -- This operation is used by the gprsSSF when a trigger is detected at a DP in the GPRS state -- machines to request instructions from the gsmSCF InitialDPGPRSArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound}::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey, gPRSEventType [1] GPRSEventType, mSISDN [2] ISDN-AddressString, iMSI [3] IMSI, timeAndTimeZone [4] TimeAndTimezone {bound}, gPRSMSClass [5] GPRSMSClass OPTIONAL, endUserAddress [6] EndUserAddress {bound} OPTIONAL, qualityOfService [7] QualityOfService OPTIONAL, accessPointName [8] AccessPointName{bound} OPTIONAL, routeingAreaIdentity [9] RAIdentity OPTIONAL, chargingID [10] GPRSChargingID OPTIONAL, sGSNCapabilities [11] SGSNCapabilities OPTIONAL, locationInformationGPRS [12] LocationInformationGPRS OPTIONAL, pDPInitiationType [13] PDPInitiationType OPTIONAL, extensions [14] Extensions {bound} OPTIONAL, ..., gGSNAddress [15] GSN-Address OPTIONAL, secondaryPDP-context [16] NULL OPTIONAL, iMEI [17] IMEI OPTIONAL } -- The RouteingAreaIdentity parameter is not used. -- The receiving entity shall ignore RouteingAreaIdentity if received. -- The RouteingAreaIdentity is conveyed in the LocationInformationGPRS parameter. releaseGPRS {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ReleaseGPRSArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | taskRefused | unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-releaseGPRS} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gprsSSF, Timer: Trg -- This operation is used to tear down an existing GPRS session or PDP Context at any phase. ReleaseGPRSArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { gprsCause [0] GPRSCause {bound}, pDPID [1] PDPID OPTIONAL, ... } requestReportGPRSEvent {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT RequestReportGPRSEventArg {bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-requestReportGPRSEvent} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gprsSSF, Timer: Trrqe -- This operation is used to request the gprsSSF to monitor for an event (e.g., GPRS events -- such as attach or PDP Context activiation), then send a notification back to the -- gsmSCF when the event is detected. RequestReportGPRSEventArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= SEQUENCE { gPRSEvent [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..bound.&numOfGPRSEvents) OF GPRSEvent, pDPID [1] PDPID OPTIONAL, ... } -- Indicates the GPRS related events for notification. resetTimerGPRS OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT ResetTimerGPRSArg RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | parameterOutOfRange | taskRefused | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedDataValue | unexpectedParameter | unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-resetTimerGPRS} -- Direction: gsmSCF -? gprsSSF, Timer: Trtg -- This operation is used to request the gprsSSF to refresh an application timer in the gprsSSF. ResetTimerGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { timerID [0] TimerID DEFAULT tssf, timervalue [1] TimerValue, ... } sendChargingInformationGPRS {PARAMETERS-BOUND: bound} OPERATION ::= { ARGUMENT SendChargingInformationGPRSArg { bound} RETURN RESULT FALSE ERRORS {missingParameter | unexpectedComponentSequence | unexpectedParameter | parameterOutOfRange | systemFailure | taskRefused | unexpectedDataValue | unknownPDPID} CODE opcode-sendChargingInformationGPRS} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gprsSSF, Timer: Tscig -- This operation is used to instruct the gprsSSF on the charging information which the -- gprsSSF shall send to the Mobile Station by means of GSM access signalling. SendChargingInformationGPRSArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND: bound}::= SEQUENCE { sCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics {bound}, ... } END