-- $Id$ -- 3GPP TS 29.078 7.3.0 (2006-06) -- 5.7 User Abort Data CAP-U-ABORT-Data {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) umts-network(1) modules(3) cap-u-abort-data(110) version5(4)} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN id-CAP-U-ABORT-Reason OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) umts-Network(1) as(1) cap-u-abort-reason(2) version3(2)} cAP-U-ABORT-Reason-Abstract-Syntax ABSTRACT-SYNTAX ::= {CAP-U-ABORT-REASON IDENTIFIED BY id-CAP-U-ABORT-Reason} CAP-U-ABORT-REASON ::= ENUMERATED { no-reason-given (1), application-timer-expired (2), not-allowed-procedures (3), abnormal-processing (4), congestion (5), invalid-reference (6), missing-reference (7), overlapping-dialogue (8) } -- application-timer-expired shall be set when application timer (e.g. Tssf) is expired. -- not-allowed-procedures shall be set when received signal is not allowed in CAP -- procedures. -- For example, when a class 4 operation is received from the -- gsmSCF and the operation is not allowed in gsmSSF FSM. -- (gsmSSF FSM cannot continue state transition). (e.g. ReleaseCall -- operation received in Waiting for End of Temporary Connection -- state.) -- abnormal-processing shall be set when abnormal procedures occur at entity action. -- congestion shall be set when requested resource is unavailable due to -- congestion at TC user (CAP) level. -- invalid-reference shall be set if the received destinationReference is unknown or -- for a known destination Reference the received originationReference -- does not match with the stored originationReference. -- This abort reason is used for CAP defined GPRS-ReferenceNumber. -- missing-reference shall be set when the destinationReference or the -- originationReference is absent in the received message but is -- required to be present according to the procedures in -- subclause 14.1.7. -- This abort reason is used for CAP defined GPRS-ReferenceNumber. -- overlapping-dialogue shall be used by the gprsSSF to indicate to the gsmSCF that a -- specific instance already has a TC dialogue open. This error -- cause is typically obtained when both the gsmSCF and gprsSSF -- open a new dialogue at the same time. -- no-reason-given shall be set when any other reasons above do not apply END -- of CAP-U-ABORT-Data