/* airpcap_loader.h * Declarations of routines for the "About" dialog * * $Id$ * * Giorgio Tino * Copyright (c) CACE Technologies, LLC 2006 * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __AIRPCAP_LOADER_H__ #define __AIRPCAP_LOADER_H__ /* Error values from "get_airpcap_interface_list()". */ #define CANT_GET_AIRPCAP_INTERFACE_LIST 0 /* error getting list */ #define NO_AIRPCAP_INTERFACES_FOUND 1 /* list is empty */ #define MAX_ENCRYPTION_KEYS 64 typedef PCHAR (*AirpcapGetLastErrorHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetDeviceListHandler)(PAirpcapDeviceDescription *PPAllDevs, PCHAR Ebuf); typedef VOID (*AirpcapFreeDeviceListHandler)(PAirpcapDeviceDescription PAllDevs); typedef PAirpcapHandle (*AirpcapOpenHandler)(PCHAR DeviceName, PCHAR Ebuf); typedef VOID (*AirpcapCloseHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetLinkTypeHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapLinkType PLinkType); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapSetLinkTypeHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapLinkType NewLinkType); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapSetKernelBufferHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, UINT BufferSize); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapSetFilterHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PVOID Instructions, UINT Len); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetMacAddressHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapMacAddress PMacAddress); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapSetMinToCopyHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, UINT MinToCopy); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetReadEventHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, HANDLE* PReadEvent); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapReadHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PBYTE Buffer, UINT BufSize, PUINT PReceievedBytes); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetStatsHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapStats PStats); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapTurnLedOnHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, UINT LedNumber); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapTurnLedOffHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, UINT LedNumber); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapSetDeviceChannelHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, UINT Channel); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetDeviceChannelHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PUINT PChannel); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapSetFcsPresenceHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, BOOL IsFcsPresent); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetFcsPresenceHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PBOOL PIsFcsPresent); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapSetFcsValidationHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapValidationType ValidationType); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetFcsValidationHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapValidationType PValidationType); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapSetDeviceKeysHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetDeviceKeysHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection, PUINT PKeysCollectionSize); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapSetDecryptionStateHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, AirpcapDecryptionState Enable); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapGetDecryptionStateHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapDecryptionState PEnable); typedef BOOL (*AirpcapStoreCurConfigAsAdapterDefaultHandler)(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle); /* * The list of interfaces returned by "get_airpcap_interface_list()" is * a list of these structures. */ typedef struct { char *name; /* e.g. "eth0" */ char *description; /* from OS, e.g. "Local Area Connection" or NULL */ GSList *ip_addr; /* containing address values of if_addr_t */ gboolean loopback; /* TRUE if loopback, FALSE otherwise */ AirpcapLinkType linkType; /* The link layer type*/ UINT channel; /* Channel (1-14)*/ BOOL IsFcsPresent; /* Include 802.11 CRC in frames */ AirpcapValidationType CrcValidationOn; /* Capture Frames with Wrong CRC */ AirpcapDecryptionState DecryptionOn; /* TRUE if decryption is on, FALSE otherwise*/ PAirpcapKeysCollection keysCollection; /* WEP Key collection for the adapter */ UINT keysCollectionSize; /* Size of the key collection */ gboolean blinking; /* TRUE if is blinkng, FALSE otherwise*/ gboolean led; /* TRUE if on, FALSE if off*/ gboolean saved; /* TRUE if current configuration has been saved, FALSE otherwise */ gint tag; /* int for the gtk blinking callback */ } airpcap_if_info_t; /* Airpcap interface list */ extern GList *airpcap_if_list; /* Airpcap current selected interface */ extern airpcap_if_info_t *airpcap_if_selected; /* Airpcap current active interface */ extern airpcap_if_info_t *airpcap_if_active; /* * Callback used to free an instance of airpcap_if_info_t */ static void free_airpcap_if_cb(gpointer data, gpointer user_data _U_); /* * Used to retrieve the two chars string from interface */ gchar* airpcap_get_if_string_number_from_description(gchar* description); /* * Function used to free the airpcap interface list */ void free_airpcap_interface_list(GList *if_list); /* * Used to retrieve the interface given the name * (the name is used in AirpcapOpen) */ airpcap_if_info_t* get_airpcap_if_by_name(GList* if_list, const gchar* name); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to store the current settings for the selected adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_store_cur_config_as_adapter_default(PAirpcapHandle ah); /* * Function used to load the WEP keys for a selected interface */ BOOL airpcap_if_load_keys(PAirpcapHandle ad, airpcap_if_info_t *if_info); /* * Function used to save the WEP keys for a selected interface */ void airpcap_if_save_keys(PAirpcapHandle ad, airpcap_if_info_t *if_info); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to get the fcs validation of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_get_fcs_validation(PAirpcapHandle ah, PAirpcapValidationType val); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to set the fcs validation of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_set_fcs_validation(PAirpcapHandle ah, AirpcapValidationType val); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to get the decryption enabling of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_get_decryption_state(PAirpcapHandle ah, PAirpcapDecryptionState val); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to set the decryption enabling of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_set_decryption_state(PAirpcapHandle ah, AirpcapDecryptionState val); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to get the fcs presence of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_get_fcs_presence(PAirpcapHandle ah, PBOOL ch); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to set the fcs presence of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_set_fcs_presence(PAirpcapHandle ah, BOOL ch); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to get the link type of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_get_link_type(PAirpcapHandle ah, PAirpcapLinkType lt); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to set the link type of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_set_link_type(PAirpcapHandle ah, AirpcapLinkType lt); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to get the channel of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_get_device_channel(PAirpcapHandle ah, PUINT ch); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to set the channel of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_set_device_channel(PAirpcapHandle ah, UINT ch); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to open an airpcap adapter */ PAirpcapHandle airpcap_if_open(PCHAR name, PCHAR err); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to close an airpcap adapter */ VOID airpcap_if_close(PAirpcapHandle handle); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to turn on the led of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_turn_led_on(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, UINT LedNumber); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to turn off the led of an airpcap adapter */ BOOL airpcap_if_turn_led_off(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, UINT LedNumber); /* * This function will create a new airpcap_if_info_t using a name and a description */ airpcap_if_info_t* airpcap_if_info_new(char *name, char *description); /* HAVE_AIRPCAP_API */ /* * Used to dinamically load the airpcap library in order link it only when * it's present on the system. */ BOOL load_airpcap(void); /* * Get an error message string for a CANT_GET_INTERFACE_LIST error from * "get_airpcap_interface_list()". */ gchar* cant_get_airpcap_if_list_error_message(const char *err_str); /* * This function will use the airpcap.dll to find all the airpcap devices. * Will return null if no device is found. */ GList* get_airpcap_interface_list(int *err, char *err_str); /* * Returns the ASCII string of a key given the key bites */ gchar* airpcap_get_key_string(AirpcapKey key); /* * Load the configuration for the specified interface */ void airpcap_load_selected_if_configuration(airpcap_if_info_t* if_info); /* * Save the configuration for the specified interface */ void airpcap_save_selected_if_configuration(airpcap_if_info_t* if_info); /* * Used to retrieve the name of the interface given the description * (the name is used in AirpcapOpen, the description is put in the combo box) */ gchar* get_airpcap_name_from_description(GList* if_list, gchar* description); /* * Used to retrieve the airpcap_if_info_t of the selected interface given the * description (that is the entry of the combo box). */ gpointer get_airpcap_if_from_description(GList* if_list, const gchar* description); /* * Used to retrieve the two chars string from interface description */ gchar* airpcap_get_if_string_number(airpcap_if_info_t* if_info); /* * Returns the default airpcap interface of a list, NULL if list is empty */ airpcap_if_info_t* airpcap_get_default_if(GList* airpcap_if_list); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to save the settings for the selected_if */ BOOL airpcap_if_set_device_keys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection); /* * Airpcap wrapper, used to save the settings for the selected_if */ BOOL airpcap_if_get_device_keys(PAirpcapHandle AdapterHandle, PAirpcapKeysCollection KeysCollection, PUINT PKeysCollectionSize); #endif