== September 28, 2002 Ethereal 0.9.7 has been released. Bugs Fixed New Features TCP analysis was improved NCP code received quite a few updates Initial GTK2 support RPC staticstics (which use the new Tap API) were added The Ethernet "manuf" file now handles addresses specified with a mask, and contains many well-known addresses. * BGP segfault? * NTLMSSP crash? New Protocols DCE/RPC: AFS4INT, BOSSVR, CDS_CLERKSERVER, CDS_SOLICIT, CPRPC_SERVER, DNSSERVER, DTSPROVIDER, DTSSTIME_REQ, FLDB, FTSERVER, KRB5RPC, REP_PROC, REPADMIN, RS_ATTR, RS_MISC, RS_PGO, RS_REPLIST, RS_UNIX, RSEC_LOGIN, RPRIV, ROVERRIDE, SECIDMAP, TKN4INT, UBIKDISK, UKIKVOTE, Other: 802.1s MSTP, FIX, GSS-API, Interbase, NDPS, Netflow (Cisco and Juniper), SCCP-Management, SPNEGO, Updated Protocols AFP, AODV/AODV6, BGP, CHDLC, CHPA, DCE/RPC CONV, DCE/RPC NT, DCE/RPC LSA, DCE/RPC SAMR, DNS, DOCSIS, EAP, GTP, HTTP, IP, IS-IS, iSCSI, Kerberos, LDAP, LDP, M2PA MMSE, NCP, NBNS, NDS, NETLOGON, NTLMSSP, OSI Q.931 RPC, RPCSTAT, SCSI, Skinny, SMB, SNEGO, SPOOLSS, SRVSVC, TCP, WSP, Capture File Updates == August 20, 2002 Ethereal 0.9.6 has been released. Bugs Fixed A buffer overflow in the ISIS dissector has been fixed. More information can be found at http://www.ethereal.com/appnotes/enpa-sa-00006.html. A bad TCP header could cause problems for the "Follow TCP Stream" feature. Setting "column.format" from the command line no longer crashes Ethereal and Tethereal. Problems with capture files being overwritten (e.g. if you try to save over the current capture file) have been fixed. An SMB conversation handling bug has been fixed. Thanks to Valgrind, several memory leaks have been fixed. Some problems with printing under Windows have been fixed. New Features TCP sequence number analysis has been added. The DCE RPC NETLOGON dissector has received a major overhaul. Data types throughout the code have been cleaned up. New Protocols CPHA, DOCSIS, NTLMSSP, Xyplex terminal server protocol, ZIP Updated Protocols 802.11, AFP, ASAP, BGP, CDP, CDPCP, CPHA, DDP, DCERPC, DCERPC NT, DCERPC REG, EPM, FTP, HCLNFSD, HTTP, IPX, ISAKMP, ISIS, IUA, Kerberos, L2TP, LLMNR, LSA, MMSE, MPLSCP, NBNS, NetBIOS, NETLOGON, NFS, NTLMSSP, PPP, Quake2, RADIUS, RSVP, RTCP, SAMR, SCSI, SDP, SIP, SMB, SMB Mailslot, SMTP, SPOOLSS, TCP, TDS, TNS, TPKT, Token Ring, VJ TCP, WINREG, WSP Capture File Updates CheckPoint Firewall-1 monitor file support and CoSine debug file support were added. Support for pppdump and Netmon files was updated. == June 28, 2002 Ethereal 0.9.5 has been released. This version fixes several potential security problems revealed since the release of 0.9.4. See the security advisory at http://www.ethereal.com/appnotes/enpa-sa-00005.html for more details. New Features: The ability to read packet data from a pipe was enhanced. Printing under Windows now works. New Protocols 802.3 LACP, Apache JServ, AODV6, DCERPC Browser, Java RMI, TAPI Updated Protocols ATM, BGP, BOOTP, DCE RPC, EPM, Frame Relay, GTP, L2TP, LMP, MAPI, MIP, MMSE, MTP3, NCP, NFS, NSPI, PPP, Q2931, RADIUS, RSVP, SCSI, SMB, SNA, SOCKS, SPOOLSS, SRVSVC, SunATM, TFTP, TNS, Token Ring, UCP, VJ TCP/IP, WCP, WEP, WSP, WTP Capture File Updates Ethereal can now write LANalyzer files. The Sniffer, nettl, snoop, NetXRay, and libpcap code all received updates.