## Makefile for building wireshark.exe with Microsoft C and nmake ## Use: $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f makefile.nmake # # $Id$ # We "Deploy using XCopy," which is described at # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235291.aspx include config.nmake include ############### no need to modify below this line ######### CC = cl LINK= link BSCMAKE= bscmake WIN_SETUP=tools/$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)-setup.sh # ------------- # Checking that the Wireshark Libraries are up-to-date: # 1. win??-setup.sh --checktag is invoked during nmake "preprocessing". # If an error status is returned (ie: the libraries are not up-to-date) # then CHECK_TAG is defined as a non-null string. # 2. The $(LIBS_CHECK) target is invoked during the nmake: # If $(CHECK_TAG) is non-null, then a "libraries not up to date" exit will occur. # If $(CHECK_TAG) is null, but either config.nmake or Makefile.nmake # are newer than the $(LIBS_CHECK) target, then a detailed verification # as to the required library package files will be made. # LIBS_CHECK=_libs_check_ !IF [$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) --checktag "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)"] != 0 CHECK_TAG=_check_tag_ !ELSE CHECK_TAG= !ENDIF # ------------- LDFLAGS = /NOLOGO /INCREMENTAL:NO $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) # We use GENERATED_CFLAGS to get around flex's non-LLP64-compliant output GENERATED_CFLAGS=\ $(STANDARD_CFLAGS) \ /I. /Iwiretap $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \ $(ZLIB_CFLAGS) /I$(PCAP_DIR)\include $(AIRPCAP_CFLAGS) \ $(C_ARES_CFLAGS) $(ADNS_CFLAGS) $(GNUTLS_CFLAGS) \ $(PYTHON_CFLAGS) $(SMI_CFLAGS) $(GEOIP_CFLAGS) $(WINSPARKLE_CFLAGS) CFLAGS=$(WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS) $(GENERATED_CFLAGS) .c.obj:: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fd.\ -c $< PLATFORM_SRC = capture-wpcap.c capture_wpcap_packet.c capture_win_ifnames.c WTAP_PLUGIN_SOURCES = \ epan/plugins.c \ epan/filesystem.c include Makefile.common wireshark_OBJECTS = $(WIRESHARK_COMMON_SRC:.c=.obj) tshark_OBJECTS = $(tshark_SOURCES:.c=.obj) rawshark_OBJECTS = $(rawshark_SOURCES:.c=.obj) ###text2pcap_OBJECTS = $(text2pcap_SOURCES:.c=.obj) mergecap_OBJECTS = $(mergecap_SOURCES:.c=.obj) editcap_OBJECTS = $(editcap_SOURCES:.c=.obj) capinfos_OBJECTS = $(capinfos_SOURCES:.c=.obj) dftest_OBJECTS = $(dftest_SOURCES:.c=.obj) dumpcap_OBJECTS = $(dumpcap_SOURCES:.c=.obj) randpkt_OBJECTS = $(randpkt_SOURCES:.c=.obj) # # psapi.lib see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683219(v=vs.85).aspx # wireshark_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ wsock32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib psapi.lib \ $(GTHREAD_LIBS) \ $(HHC_LIBS) \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GNUTLS_LIBS) \ $(PYTHON_LIBS) \ $(WINSPARKLE_LIBS) \ !IFDEF ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARK epan\libwireshark.lib \ !ELSE epan\dissectors\dissectors.lib \ epan\wireshark.lib \ epan\crypt\airpdcap.lib \ epan\dfilter\dfilter.lib \ epan\ftypes\ftypes.lib \ $(C_ARES_LIBS) \ $(ADNS_LIBS) \ $(ZLIB_LIBS) !ENDIF tshark_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ wsock32.lib user32.lib psapi.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) \ $(GTHREAD_LIBS) \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GNUTLS_LIBS) \ $(PYTHON_LIBS) \ !IFDEF ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARK epan\libwireshark.lib \ !ELSE epan\dissectors\dissectors.lib \ epan\wireshark.lib \ epan\crypt\airpdcap.lib \ epan\dfilter\dfilter.lib \ epan\ftypes\ftypes.lib \ $(C_ARES_LIBS) \ $(ADNS_LIBS) \ $(ZLIB_LIBS) !ENDIF rawshark_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ wsock32.lib user32.lib psapi.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GNUTLS_LIBS) \ $(PYTHON_LIBS) \ !IFDEF ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARK epan\libwireshark.lib \ !ELSE epan\dissectors\dissectors.lib \ epan\wireshark.lib \ epan\crypt\airpdcap.lib \ epan\dfilter\dfilter.lib \ epan\ftypes\ftypes.lib \ $(C_ARES_LIBS) \ $(ADNS_LIBS) \ $(ZLIB_LIBS) !ENDIF capinfos_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ wsock32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) \ $(GCRYPT_LIBS) editcap_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ wsock32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) mergecap_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ wsock32.lib user32.lib \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) reordercap_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ wsock32.lib user32.lib \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) text2pcap_LIBS= \ wsock32.lib user32.lib \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) dumpcap_LIBS= \ wsock32.lib user32.lib \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) \ $(GTHREAD_LIBS) dftest_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ wsock32.lib user32.lib psapi.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GNUTLS_LIBS) \ !IFDEF ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARK epan\libwireshark.lib \ !ELSE epan\dissectors\dissectors.lib \ epan\wireshark.lib \ epan\dfilter\dfilter.lib epan\ftypes\ftypes.lib \ $(C_ARES_LIBS) \ $(ADNS_LIBS) \ $(ZLIB_LIBS) \ $(SMI_LIBS) !ENDIF randpkt_LIBS= wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib \ user32.lib \ wsutil\libwsutil.lib \ $(GLIB_LIBS) EXECUTABLES=wireshark.exe tshark.exe rawshark.exe \ capinfos.exe editcap.exe mergecap.exe text2pcap.exe randpkt.exe \ reordercap.exe dumpcap.exe dftest.exe !IFDEF QT_DIR EXECUTABLES=$(EXECUTABLES) qtshark.exe !ENDIF RESOURCES=image\wireshark.res image\file_dlg_win32.res \ image\libwireshark.res image\tshark.res image\capinfos.res \ image\editcap.res image\mergecap.res image\text2pcap.res \ image\wiretap.res image\dumpcap.res image\rawshark.res \ image\reordercap.res image\libwsutil.res all: $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h ui\qt\config.pri tools image codecs $(C_ARES_DLL) $(ADNS_DLL) $(ZLIB_DLL) wsutil wiretap epan $(EXECUTABLES) wireshark.bsc $(RESOURCES) help install-all !IFDEF MAKENSIS packaging: all cd packaging cd nsis $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake cd .. cd .. !ELSE packaging: _FORCE_ @echo \? NSIS not available (MAKENSIS not defined in config.nmake) @echo. @exit 1 !ENDIF packaging_u3: all cd packaging cd u3 cd win32 $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake cd .. cd .. cd .. packaging_papps: all cd packaging cd portableapps cd win32 $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake cd .. cd .. cd .. # use (info-)zip from cygwin to pack things packaging_zip: all !IFDEF MSVCR_DLL xcopy "$(MSVCR_DLL)" $(INSTALL_DIR) !ENDIF !IFDEF VCREDIST_EXE @echo Including vcredist_$(TARGET_MACHINE).exe -- your recipient may need to run it! xcopy "$(VCREDIST_EXE)" $(INSTALL_DIR) !ENDIF rm -f wireshark.zip zip -r -9 wireshark.zip $(INSTALL_DIR)/ !IFDEF WIRESHARK_GENERATE_BSC_FILE # FIXME: Add epan\wspython\*.sbr when we support Python embedding # Note: Certain .sbr files cause bscmake warning "too many references... ignoring ..." # XXX: It seems that using .bsc files with VS2010 doesn't work (isn't supported ?) # Using .bsc files with VS2008 may work # See: http://ask.wireshark.org/questions/8660/wireshark-building-and-debugging-on-visual-c-or-visual-studio wireshark.bsc: \ *.sbr \ codecs\*.sbr \ epan\*.sbr \ epan\crypt\*.sbr \ epan\dfilter\*.sbr \ epan\dissectors\*.sbr \ epan\ftypes\*.sbr \ epan\wslua\*.sbr \ plugins\asn1\*.sbr \ plugins\docsis\*.sbr \ plugins\ethercat\*.sbr \ plugins\gryphon\*.sbr \ plugins\irda\*.sbr \ plugins\m2m\*.sbr \ plugins\mate\*.sbr \ plugins\opcua\*.sbr \ plugins\profinet\*.sbr \ plugins\stats_tree\*.sbr \ plugins\unistim\*.sbr \ plugins\wimax\*.sbr \ plugins\wimaxasncp\*.sbr \ plugins\wimaxmacphy\*.sbr \ ui\*.sbr \ ui\cli\*.sbr \ ui\gtk\*.sbr \ ui\win32\*.sbr \ wiretap\*.sbr \ wsutil\*.sbr $(BSCMAKE) @<< /o $@ $? << !ELSE wireshark.bsc: !ENDIF pdb_zip: all cd $(INSTALL_DIR) rm -f ../[Ww]ireshark-pdb-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)-$(VERSION).zip zip -9 ../Wireshark-pdb-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)-$(VERSION).zip *.pdb *.lib cd .. $(RESOURCES): image ## Note: The proper "SUBSYSTEM" link option to be used for linking each of the Wireshark executables ## is specified in '$(guiflags)' or '$(conflags)' as used as part of the link options. ## (These variables are defined in win32.mak). wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib: image $(ZLIB_DLL) wiretap wireshark.exe : $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h $(wireshark_OBJECTS) codecs epan ui gtk win32 image\wireshark.res image\file_dlg_win32.res wsutil\libwsutil.lib wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib codecs\codecs.lib ui\libui.lib ui\gtk\libgtkui.lib ui\win32\libgtkui_win32.lib plugins @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:$(PROGRAM_NAME).exe $(guiflags) $(guilibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) /LARGEADDRESSAWARE $(wireshark_LIBS) $(GTK_LIBS) codecs\codecs.lib ui\gtk\libgtkui.lib ui\win32\libgtkui_win32.lib ui\libui.lib $(wireshark_OBJECTS) image\wireshark.res image\file_dlg_win32.res << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "wireshark.exe.manifest" -outputresource:$(PROGRAM_NAME).exe;1 !ENDIF qtshark.exe : install-generated-files $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h epan ui qt wsutil\libwsutil.lib wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib plugins tshark.exe : $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h $(tshark_OBJECTS) epan ui cli image\tshark.res wsutil\libwsutil.lib wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib plugins @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:tshark.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) /LARGEADDRESSAWARE $(tshark_LIBS) $(tshark_OBJECTS) ui\cli\libcliui.lib ui\libui.lib image\tshark.res << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "tshark.exe.manifest" -outputresource:tshark.exe;1 !ENDIF rawshark.exe : $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h $(rawshark_OBJECTS) epan ui image\rawshark.res wsutil\libwsutil.lib wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib plugins @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:rawshark.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) /LARGEADDRESSAWARE $(rawshark_LIBS) $(rawshark_OBJECTS) ui\libui.lib image\rawshark.res << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "rawshark.exe.manifest" -outputresource:rawshark.exe;1 !ENDIF # XXX: This makefile does not properly handle doing a 'nmake ... capinfos.exe' directly since some of the .objs # (e.g. epan\plugins.obj) must be built first using epan\Makefile.nmake (which happens for 'nmake ... all'). # Linking with setargv.obj enables "wildcard expansion" of command-line arguments capinfos.exe : $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h $(capinfos_OBJECTS) wsutil\libwsutil.lib wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib image\capinfos.res @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:capinfos.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) $(capinfos_OBJECTS) $(capinfos_LIBS) setargv.obj image\capinfos.res << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "capinfos.exe.manifest" -outputresource:capinfos.exe;1 !ENDIF # XXX: This makefile does not properly handle doing a 'nmake ... editcap.exe' directly since some of the .objs # (e.g. epan\plugins.obj) must be built first using epan\Makefile.nmake (which happens for 'nmake ... all'). editcap.exe : $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h $(editcap_OBJECTS) wsutil\libwsutil.lib wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib image\editcap.res @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:editcap.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) $(editcap_OBJECTS) $(editcap_LIBS) image\editcap.res << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "editcap.exe.manifest" -outputresource:editcap.exe;1 !ENDIF # Linking with setargv.obj enables "wildcard expansion" of command-line arguments mergecap.exe : $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h $(mergecap_OBJECTS) wsutil\libwsutil.lib wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib image\mergecap.res @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:mergecap.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) $(mergecap_OBJECTS) $(mergecap_LIBS) image\mergecap.res << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "mergecap.exe.manifest" -outputresource:mergecap.exe;1 !ENDIF reordercap.exe : $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h reordercap.obj wsutil\libwsutil.lib wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib image\reordercap.res @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:reordercap.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) reordercap.obj $(reordercap_LIBS) setargv.obj image\reordercap.res << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "reordercap.exe.manifest" -outputresource:reordercap.exe;1 !ENDIF text2pcap.exe : $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h text2pcap.obj text2pcap-scanner.obj pcapio.obj wsutil\libwsutil.lib wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib image\text2pcap.res @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:text2pcap.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) text2pcap.obj text2pcap-scanner.obj pcapio.obj $(text2pcap_LIBS) image\text2pcap.res << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "text2pcap.exe.manifest" -outputresource:text2pcap.exe;1 !ENDIF dftest.exe : $(dftest_OBJECTS) epan ui @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:dftest.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) $(dftest_LIBS) ui\libui.lib $(dftest_OBJECTS) << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "dftest.exe.manifest" -outputresource:dftest.exe;1 !ENDIF randpkt.exe : $(randpkt_OBJECTS) @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:randpkt.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) $(randpkt_LIBS) $(randpkt_OBJECTS) << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "randpkt.exe.manifest" -outputresource:randpkt.exe;1 !ENDIF dumpcap.exe : $(LIBS_CHECK) config.h $(dumpcap_OBJECTS) wsutil\libwsutil.lib image\dumpcap.res @echo Linking $@ $(LINK) @<< /OUT:dumpcap.exe $(conflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LDFLAGS) $(dumpcap_LIBS) $(dumpcap_OBJECTS) image\dumpcap.res << !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED mt.exe -nologo -manifest "dumpcap.exe.manifest" -outputresource:dumpcap.exe;1 !ENDIF config.h : config.h.win32 config.nmake sed -e s/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/ \ -e s/@VERSION_MAJOR@/$(VERSION_MAJOR)/ \ -e s/@VERSION_MINOR@/$(VERSION_MINOR)/ \ -e s/@VERSION_MICRO@/$(VERSION_MICRO)/ \ -e "s/@HAVE_C_ARES@/$(C_ARES_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_GNU_ADNS@/$(ADNS_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_KFW@/$(KFW_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_NETTLE@/$(NETTLE_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_LIBZ@/$(ZLIB_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_LIBPCAP@/$(WINPCAP_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_FINDALLDEVS@/$(PCAP_FINDALLDEVS_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL@/$(PCAP_DATALINK_NAME_TO_VAL_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME@/$(PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_NAME_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_DESCRIPTION@/$(PCAP_DATALINK_VAL_TO_DESCRIPTION_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_BREAKLOOP@/$(PCAP_BREAKLOOP_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_REMOTE@/$(PCAP_HAVE_REMOTE_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_REMOTE@/$(PCAP_REMOTE_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_OPEN@/$(PCAP_OPEN_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_OPEN_DEAD@/$(PCAP_OPEN_DEAD_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS@/$(PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_FREE_DATALINKS@/$(PCAP_FREE_DATALINKS_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_SET_DATALINK@/$(PCAP_SET_DATALINK_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PCAP_SETSAMPLING@/$(PCAP_SETSAMPLING_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_BPF_IMAGE@/$(BPF_IMAGE_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_LIBGNUTLS@/$(GNUTLS_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_LIBGCRYPT@/$(LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_LUA@/$(LUA_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_LUA@/$(LUA_VERSION)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_PYTHON@/$(PYTHON_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_AIRPCAP@/$(AIRPCAP_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_AIRPDCAP@/$(AIRPDCAP_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_LIBPORTAUDIO@/$(PORTAUDIO_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@PORTAUDIO_API_1@/$(PORTAUDIO_API_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_SMI@/$(SMI_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_GEOIP@/$(GEOIP_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_GEOIP_V6@/$(GEOIP_V6_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE@/$(WINSPARKLE_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@INET6@/$(INET6_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@HAVE_NTDDNDIS_H@/$(NTDDNDIS_CONFIG)/" \ -e "s/@PCAP_NG_DEFAULT@/$(PCAP_NG_DEFAULT)/" \ -e "s/@WANT_PACKET_EDITOR@/$(WANT_PACKET_EDITOR)/" \ < config.h.win32 > $@ ui\qt\config.pri: config.nmake Makefile.nmake @echo Creating < $@ doxygen-run: !IFDEF DOXYGEN $(DOXYGEN) doxygen.cfg !ENDIF doxygen: doxygen.cfg doxygen-run services: tools\make-services.py $(PYTHON) tools/make-services.py ################################################################################ # Prepare build environment by downloading and installing required libraries ################################################################################ # The required tools to build Wireshark. # # The 'find' tool is available both in \WINNT\System32 and in cygwin's /usr/bin. # We only need the cygwin version (for some shell scripts). # In the PATH, System32 is before cygwin's dir, so explicitly check for /usr/bin/find. REQUIRED_TOOLS=\ $(CC) \ $(LINK) \ nmake \ !IFDEF MANIFEST_INFO_REQUIRED --windowsonly mt \ !ENDIF $(SH_PROG) \ $(YACC) \ $(LEX) \ env \ grep \ --cygwinonly /usr/bin/find \ peflags \ $(PERL) \ $(PYTHON) \ sed \ unzip \ wget verify_tools: # As win-setup.sh assumes the dir exists create it if it doesn't @if not exist "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" md "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) --appverify $(REQUIRED_TOOLS) # Targets and etc used to verify or download libraries !IFNDEF WIN_SETUP_OPT WIN_SETUP_OPT=--download !ENDIF # Verify that the required library 'package' (zip) files have been downloaded. # (It seems reasonable to assume that if the files have been downloaded # then they have been installed). check_libs: $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake WIN_SETUP_OPT=--libverify process_libs # Verify library packages: # If $(CHECK_TAG) is non-null then checktag failed; Exit with an error message. (See beginning of this Makefile). # Otherwise do detailed library package files verification only if Makefile.nmake or config.make have been updated # (or dummy file doesn't exist because of 'make clean' or whatever). # Note that the creation/modification time of a file after an svn update of that file # is the time of the update (not the time of the file in the repository). # touch is only called if libverify succeeds. $(LIBS_CHECK): $(CHECK_TAG) config.nmake Makefile.nmake @echo Verifying library package files ... @$(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake WIN_SETUP_OPT=--libverify process_libs @touch $@ # Target for "checktag failed" (libraries not up to date). # Defined only if "checktag" failed (see beginning of this Makefile). !IF "$(CHECK_TAG)" != "" $(CHECK_TAG): _FORCE_ @echo \? Wireshark Libraries not up-to-date \? @echo \? Do you need to run "nmake -f Makefile.nmake setup" \? @echo. @exit 1 !ENDIF # Download (if needed) and install all the required libraries into WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR. # A clean_setup is done first to ensure that the target dirs don't # contain old files remaining from a previous setup run. setup: verify_tools clean_setup process_libs # The process_libs target when invoked causes either a --libverify or a --download for all the required libraries. # (The choice is determined by the value of the macro WIN_SETUP_OPT). process_libs: @if not exist "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" md "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . WinPcap_$(PCAP_VERSION).exe !IFDEF GTK_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ "$(GTK_NAME)" gtk+-bundle_$(GTK_PKG)_$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)$(PKG_SUFIX).zip !ENDIF !IFDEF KFW_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . kfw-3-2-2-i386-ws-vc6.zip # @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ # . kfw-3-2-2.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF PCAP_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . WpdPack_$(WPD_VERSION).zip !ENDIF !IFDEF AIRPCAP_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622 AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF C_ARES_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . c-ares-$(C_ARES_PKG)-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)ws.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF ADNS_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . adns-1.0-win32-05ws.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF ZLIB_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ !if "$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)" == "win32" zlib125 zlib-1.2.5.zip !else zlib125 zlib125ws.zip !endif !ENDIF !IFDEF LUA_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ lua5.1.4 lua$(LUA_DIST)_lib.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF GNUTLS_PKG @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . gnutls-$(GNUTLS_PKG)-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)ws.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF PORTAUDIO_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . portaudio_v19_2.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF SMI_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . libsmi-$(SMI_PKG)-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)ws.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF GEOIP_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ GeoIP-$(GEOIP_PKG)-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)ws GeoIP-$(GEOIP_PKG)-$(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM)ws.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF WINSPARKLE_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . WinSparkle-$(WINSPARKLE_PKG).zip !ENDIF !IFDEF HHC_DIR @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ user-guide user-guide-48978.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF UPX @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . upx303w.zip !ENDIF !IFDEF NASM @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" \ . nasm-2.09.08-win32.zip !ENDIF !IF "$(WIN_SETUP_OPT)" == "--download" @$(SH) $(WIN_SETUP) --settag "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" !ENDIF @echo. @echo Wireshark is ready to build. # Cleanup files installed by the setup target. It will not remove the # downloaded zip files. # WHEN UPDATING LIBRARY VERSIONS, KEEP ALSO ONE FORMER VERSION SO # UPDATING REMOVES THE FORMER USER DIRS clean_setup: cd "$(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)" rm -r -f adns-1.0-win32-05ws rm -r -f c-ares-1.5.3ws rm -r -f c-ares-1.6.0ws rm -r -f c-ares-1.7.0-win??ws rm -r -f c-ares-1.7.1-win??ws rm -r -f c-ares-1.9.1-1-win??ws rm -r -f gettext-0.14.5 rm -r -f gettext-runtime-0.17 rm -r -f gettext-runtime-0.17-1 rm -r -f gettext-0.17-1 # win64 rm -r -f glib rm -r -f gnutls-2.8.1-1 rm -r -f gnutls-2.8.5-*-win??ws rm -r -f gnutls-2.10.3-*-win??ws rm -r -f gnutls-2.12.18-*-win??ws !IF "$(GTK_NAME)" == "gtk2" rm -r -f gtk2 !ELSE rm -r -f gtk3 !ENDIF rm -r -f gtk+ rm -r -f gtk-wimp rm -r -f kfw-2.5 rm -r -f kfw-3-2-2-final rm -r -f kfw-3.2.2-ws1 rm -r -f kfw-3-2-2-i386-ws-vc6 rm -r -f libiconv-1.9.1.bin.woe32 rm -r -f lua5.1 rm -r -f lua5.1.4 rm -r -f libsmi-0.4.5 rm -r -f libsmi-0.4.8 rm -r -f libsmi-svn-40773-win??ws rm -r -f nasm-2.00 rm -r -f nasm-2.02 rm -r -f nasm-2.09.08 rm -r -f pcre-6.4 rm -r -f pcre-7.0 rm -r -f portaudio_v19 rm -r -f portaudio_v19_2 rm -r -f upx301w rm -r -f upx303w rm -r -f user-guide rm -r -f zlib123 rm -r -f zlib125 rm -r -f zlib-1.2.5 rm -r -f zlib123-dll rm -r -f AirPcap_Devpack_1_0_0_594 rm -r -f AirPcap_Devpack_4_0_0_1480 rm -r -f AirPcap_Devpack_4_1_0_1622 rm -r -f GeoIP-1.4.5ws rm -r -f GeoIP-1.4.6-win??ws rm -r -f GeoIP-1.4.8-win??ws rm -r -f GeoIP-1.4.8-*-win??ws rm -r -f GeoIP-1.5.1-*-win??ws rm -r -f WinSparkle-0.3-44-g2c8d9d3-win??ws rm -r -f WpdPack cd "$(MAKEDIR)" ################################################################################ # Prepare the debug trees for running Wireshark/Tshark from there. ################################################################################ # prepare debugging of Wireshark in INSTALL_DIR debug-wireshark: wireshark.exe install-generated-files # prepare debugging of tshark in INSTALL_DIR debug-tshark: tshark.exe install-generated-files # prepare debugging of rawshark in INSTALL_DIR debug-rawshark: rawshark.exe install-generated-files # prepare debugging of dumpcap in INSTALL_DIR debug-dumpcap: dumpcap.exe install-generated-files # install generated files (exe, "our" libs, ...) install-generated-files: doc set copycmd=/y if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR) mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR) !IF DEFINED (MSVCR_DLL) && "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2008" xcopy "$(MSVCR_DLL)" $(INSTALL_DIR)\*.* /d !ENDIF !IFDEF ENABLE_LIBWIRESHARK xcopy epan\libwireshark.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist epan\libwireshark.lib xcopy .\epan\libwireshark.lib $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist epan\libwireshark.pdb xcopy .\epan\libwireshark.pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF xcopy ".\wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).dll" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist ".\wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib" xcopy ".\wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).lib" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist ".\wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).pdb" xcopy ".\wiretap\wiretap-$(WTAP_VERSION).pdb" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy ".\wsutil\libwsutil.dll" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist ".\wsutil\libwsutil.lib" xcopy ".\wsutil\libwsutil.lib" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist ".\wsutil\libwsutil.pdb" xcopy ".\wsutil\libwsutil.pdb" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist $(PROGRAM_NAME).exe xcopy $(PROGRAM_NAME).exe $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist $(PROGRAM_NAME).pdb xcopy $(PROGRAM_NAME).pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist $(PROGRAM_NAME).bsc xcopy $(PROGRAM_NAME).bsc $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist ".\docbook\user-guide.chm" xcopy ".\docbook\user-guide.chm" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist capinfos.exe xcopy capinfos.exe $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist capinfos.pdb xcopy capinfos.pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist dumpcap.exe xcopy dumpcap.exe $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist dumpcap.pdb xcopy dumpcap.pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist editcap.exe xcopy editcap.exe $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist editcap.pdb xcopy editcap.pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist mergecap.exe xcopy mergecap.exe $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist mergecap.pdb xcopy mergecap.pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist reordercap.exe xcopy reordercap.exe $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist reordercap.pdb xcopy reordercap.pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist rawshark.exe xcopy rawshark.exe $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist rawshark.pdb xcopy rawshark.pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist text2pcap.exe xcopy text2pcap.exe $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist text2pcap.pdb xcopy text2pcap.pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist tshark.exe xcopy tshark.exe $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if exist tshark.pdb xcopy tshark.pdb $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy "doc\AUTHORS-SHORT" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy ".\manuf" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy ".\services" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy ".\pdml2html.xsl" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d $(TEXTIFY) "./COPYING" $(INSTALL_DIR) $(TEXTIFY) "./NEWS" $(INSTALL_DIR) $(TEXTIFY) "./README" $(INSTALL_DIR) $(TEXTIFY) "./README.windows" $(INSTALL_DIR) xcopy ".\cfilters" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy ".\colorfilters" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy ".\dfilters" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy ".\smi_modules" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !IFDEF LUA_DIR xcopy ".\epan\wslua\init.lua" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy ".\epan\wslua\console.lua" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF PYTHON_DIR if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\python mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\python xcopy ".\epan\wspython\register-dissector.py" $(INSTALL_DIR)\python /d xcopy ".\epan\wspython\wspy_dissector.py" $(INSTALL_DIR)\python /d xcopy ".\epan\wspython\wspy_libws.py" $(INSTALL_DIR)\python /d !ENDIF xcopy ipmap.html $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy doc\*.html $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\help mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\help xcopy ".\help\*.*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\help /d # you can't reliably use xcopy to rename files "on the fly" (so copy first, then rename) xcopy ".\help\faq.txt" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d $(UNIX2DOS) $(INSTALL_DIR)/help/*.txt if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\dtds mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\dtds xcopy ".\dtds\*.*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\dtds /d if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\asn1 mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\asn1 echo create empty asn1 default.tt file to prevent problems 2> $(INSTALL_DIR)\asn1\default.tt if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\radius mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\radius xcopy ".\radius\*.*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\radius /d if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\diameter mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\diameter xcopy ".\diameter\*.dtd" $(INSTALL_DIR)\diameter /d xcopy ".\diameter\*.xml" $(INSTALL_DIR)\diameter /d if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\tpncp mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\tpncp xcopy ".\tpncp\*.dat" $(INSTALL_DIR)\tpncp /d if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\wimaxasncp mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\wimaxasncp xcopy ".\wimaxasncp\*.*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\wimaxasncp /d if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\plugins mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\plugins if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\plugins\$(VERSION) mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\plugins\$(VERSION) cd plugins $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake install-plugins cd .. if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\profiles mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\profiles if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\profiles\Bluetooth mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\profiles\Bluetooth xcopy ".\profiles\Bluetooth\colorfilters" $(INSTALL_DIR)\profiles\Bluetooth /d if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\profiles\Classic mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\profiles\Classic xcopy ".\profiles\Classic\colorfilters" $(INSTALL_DIR)\profiles\Classic /d # "install-all" will copy all files needed to run Wireshark/Tshark # to the INSTALL_DIR, so you can run/debug Wireshark/Tshark from there. install-all: install-generated-files set copycmd=/y if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR) mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR) !IF "$(GTK_INST_VERSION)" == "3.4" xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libgdk-3-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libgtk-3-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ELSE xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libatk-1.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libpango-1.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_ETC_DIR) mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_ETC_DIR) xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\$(GTK_ETC_DIR)\*.* $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_ETC_DIR) /d # if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc\pango mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc\pango # xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\etc\pango\pango.* $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc\pango /d !IF "$(GTK_INST_VERSION)" == "3.4" if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-3.0 mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-3.0 if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-3.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR) mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-3.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR) xcopy ".\ui\win32\settings.ini" $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_ETC_DIR) /d !ELSE if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0 mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0 if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR) mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR) if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR)\loaders mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR)\loaders if exist $(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR)\loaders xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR)\loaders\libpixbufloader-*.dll $(INSTALL_DIR)\lib\gtk-2.0\$(GTK_LIB_DIR)\loaders /d !ENDIF !IFDEF GTK_ENGINES_DIR if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_ENGINES_DIR) mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_ENGINES_DIR) xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\$(GTK_ENGINES_DIR)\libpixmap.dll $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_ENGINES_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\$(GTK_ENGINES_DIR)\libwimp.dll $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_ENGINES_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF GTK_THEMES_DIR xcopy "$(GTK_DIR)\$(GTK_THEMES_DIR)\gtkrc" $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_ETC_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF GTK_MODULES_DIR if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_MODULES_DIR) mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_MODULES_DIR) xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\$(GTK_MODULES_DIR)\libgail.dll $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_MODULES_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_CAIRO_GOBJECT_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libcairo-gobject-2.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_CAIRO_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libcairo-2.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_EXPAT_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(EXPAT_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_FFI_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(FFI_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_FONTCONFIG_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(FONTCONFIG_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_FREETYPE_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(FREETYPE_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_JASPER_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(JASPER_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_JPEG_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(JPEG_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_LZMA_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(LZMA_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_PIXMAN_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(PIXMAN_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_PNG_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(PNG_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_TIFF_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(TIFF_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF NEED_XML_DLL xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(XML_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF GTK_SCHEMAS_DIR if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_SCHEMAS_DIR) mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_SCHEMAS_DIR) if not exist $(GTK_DIR)\$(GTK_SCHEMAS_DIR)\gschemas.compiled $(GTK_DIR)\bin\glib-compile-schemas $(GTK_DIR)\$(GTK_SCHEMAS_DIR) xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\$(GTK_SCHEMAS_DIR)\gschemas.compiled $(INSTALL_DIR)\$(GTK_SCHEMAS_DIR) /d !ENDIF xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libgio-2.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libglib-2.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libgmodule-2.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libgobject-2.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\libgthread-2.0-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GTK_DIR)\bin\$(INTL_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !IFDEF ZLIB_DIR xcopy $(ZLIB_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF C_ARES_DIR xcopy $(C_ARES_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF ADNS_DIR xcopy $(ADNS_DLL) $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF KFW_DIR xcopy $(KFW_PATH)\comerr32.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(KFW_PATH)\krb5_32.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(KFW_PATH)\k5sprt32.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF GNUTLS_DIR xcopy $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libgcrypt-11.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libgnutls-26.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libgpg-error-0.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libtasn1-3.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d ! IF "$(INTL_DLL)" != "libintl-8.dll" # The gtk+ bundle doesn't provide libintl-8.dll (which is the case # with the 32-bit package); use the GNUTLS version. xcopy $(GNUTLS_DIR)\bin\libintl-8.dll $(INSTALL_DIR) /d ! ENDIF !ENDIF !IFDEF LUA_DIR xcopy "$(LUA_DIR)\lua5.1.dll" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF SMI_DIR if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp if not exist $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp\mibs mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp\mibs xcopy "$(SMI_DIR)\bin\libsmi-2.dll" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d xcopy "$(SMI_DIR)\share\mibs\iana\*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp\mibs /d xcopy "$(SMI_DIR)\share\mibs\ietf\*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp\mibs /d xcopy "$(SMI_DIR)\share\mibs\irtf\*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp\mibs /d xcopy "$(SMI_DIR)\share\mibs\site\*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp\mibs /d xcopy "$(SMI_DIR)\share\mibs\tubs\*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp\mibs /d xcopy "$(SMI_DIR)\share\pibs\*" $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp\mibs /d xcopy "$(SMI_DIR)\share\yang\*.yang" $(INSTALL_DIR)\snmp\mibs /d !ENDIF !IFDEF GEOIP_DIR xcopy "$(GEOIP_DIR)\bin\libGeoip-1.dll" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF !IFDEF WINSPARKLE_DIR xcopy "$(WINSPARKLE_DIR)\WinSparkle.dll" $(INSTALL_DIR) /d !ENDIF cd $(INSTALL_DIR) peflags --dynamicbase=true --nxcompat=true *.dll !IF "$(GTK_INST_VERSION)" == "3.4" !ELSE peflags --dynamicbase=true --nxcompat=true lib/gtk-2.0/*/engines/*.dll peflags --dynamicbase=true --nxcompat=true lib/gtk-2.0/modules/*.dll !ENDIF cd .. checkapi_local: $(PERL) tools/checkAPIs.pl -build \ $(WIRESHARK_COMMON_SRC) \ $(TSHARK_TAP_SRC) \ # $(EXTRA_wireshark_SOURCES) checkapi: checkapi_local cd wiretap $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../codecs $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../ui $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd gtk $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../win32 $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../../epan ## $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../epan/crypt ## $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../dfilter $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../ftypes ## $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../wslua ## $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../dissectors $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd .. cd ../plugins $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi cd ../wsutil $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f Makefile.nmake checkapi #### _FORCE_: ## Assumption: no file named _FORCE_ exists in the current directory