const char *faq_part[] = { "\n" " The Ethereal FAQ\n" "\n" " Note: This is just an ASCII snapshot of the faq and may not be up to\n" " date. Please go to for the up to\n" " date version. The version of this snapshot can be found at the\n" " end of this document.\n" "\n" " INDEX\n" "\n" " General Questions:\n" "\n" " 1.1 Where can I get help?\n" "\n" " 1.2 What protocols are currently supported?\n" "\n" " 1.3 Are there any plans to support {your favorite protocol}?\n" "\n" " 1.4 Can Ethereal read capture files from {your favorite network\n" " analyzer}?\n" "\n" " 1.5 What devices can Ethereal use to capture packets?\n" "\n" " 1.6 How do you pronounce Ethereal? Where did the name come from?\n" "\n" " Downloading Ethereal:\n" "\n" " 2.1 I downloaded the Win32 installer, but when I try to run it, I get\n" " an error.\n" "\n" " 2.2 When I try to download the WinPcap driver and library, I can't get\n" " to the WinPcap Web site.\n" "\n" " Installing Ethereal:\n" "\n" " 3.1 I installed an Ethereal RPM, but Ethereal doesn't seem to be\n" " installed; only Tethereal is installed.\n" "\n" " Building Ethereal:\n" "\n" " 4.1 The configure script can't find pcap.h or bpf.h, but I have\n" " libpcap installed.\n" "\n" " 4.2 Why do I get the error \n" "\n" " dftest_DEPENDENCIES was already defined in condition TRUE, which\n" " implies condition HAVE_PLUGINS_TRUE\n" "\n" " when I try to build Ethereal from CVS or a CVS snapshot?\n" "\n" " 4.3 The link failed because of an undefined reference to\n" " snmp_set_full_objid.\n" "\n" " 4.4 The link fails with a number of \"Output line too long.\" messages\n" " followed by linker errors. \n" "\n" " 4.5 The link fails on Solaris because plugin_list is undefined. \n" "\n" " 4.6 The build fails on Windows because of conflicts between winsock.h\n" " and winsock2.h. \n" "\n" " Using Ethereal:\n" "\n" " 5.1 When I use Ethereal to capture packets, I see only packets to and\n" " from my machine, or I'm not seeing all the traffic I'm expecting to\n" " see from or to the machine I'm trying to monitor.\n" "\n" " 5.2 I can't see any TCP packets other than packets to and from my\n" " machine, even though another sniffer on the network sees those\n" " packets.\n" "\n" " 5.3 I can set a display filter just fine, but capture filters don't\n" " work.\n" "\n" " 5.4 I'm entering valid capture filters, but I still get \"parse error\"\n" " errors.\n" "\n" " 5.5 I saved a filter and tried to use its name to filter the display,\n" " but I got an \"Unexpected end of filter string\" error.\n" "\n" " 5.6 Why am I seeing lots of packets with incorrect TCP checksums?\n" "\n" " 5.7 I've just installed Ethereal, and the traffic on my local LAN is\n" " boring.\n" "\n" " 5.8 When I run Ethereal on Solaris 8, it dies with a Bus Error when I\n" " start it.\n" "\n" " 5.9 I'm running Ethereal on Linux; why do my time stamps have only\n" " 100ms resolution, rather than 1us resolution?\n" "\n" " 5.10 I'm capturing packets on {Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me};\n" " why are the time stamps on packets wrong? \n" "\n" " 5.11 When I try to run Ethereal on Windows, it fails to run because it\n" " can't find packet.dll.\n" "\n" " 5.12 Why does some network interface on my machine not show up in the\n" " list of interfaces in the \"Interface:\" field in the dialog box popped\n" " up by \"Capture->Start\", and/or why does Ethereal give me an error if I\n" " try to capture on that interface? \n" "\n" " 5.13 I'm running Ethereal on Windows NT/2000/XP/Server; my machine has\n" " a PPP (dial-up POTS, ISDN, etc.) interface, and it shows up in the\n" " \"Interface\" item in the \"Capture Options\" dialog box. Why can no\n" " packets be sent on or received from that network while I'm trying to\n" " capture traffic on that interface?\n" "\n" " 5.14 I'm running Ethereal on Windows 95/98/Me, on a machine with more\n" " than one network adapter of the same type; Ethereal shows all of those\n" " adapters with the same name, but I can't use any of those adapters\n" " other than the first one.\n" "\n" " 5.15 I have an XXX network card on my machine; if I try to capture on\n" " it, my machine crashes or resets itself. \n" "\n" " 5.16 My machine crashes or resets itself when I select \"Start\" from\n" " the \"Capture\" menu or select \"Preferences\" from the \"Edit\" menu. \n" "\n" " 5.17 Does Ethereal work on Windows ME? \n" "\n" " 5.18 Does Ethereal work on Windows XP? \n" "\n" " 5.19 Why doesn't Ethereal correctly identify RTP packets? It shows\n" " them only as UDP.\n" "\n" " 5.20 Why doesn't Ethereal show Yahoo Messenger packets in captures\n" " that contain Yahoo Messenger traffic?\n" "\n" " 5.21 Why do I get the error \n" "\n" " Gdk-ERROR **: Palettized display (256-colour) mode not supported on\n" " Windows.\n" " aborting....\n" "\n" " when I try to run Ethereal on Windows?\n" "\n" " 5.22 When I capture on Windows in promiscuous mode, I can see packets\n" " other than those sent to or from my machine; however, those packets\n" " show up with a \"Short Frame\" indication, unlike packets to or from my\n" " machine. What should I do to arrange that I see those packets in their\n" " entirety? \n" "\n" " 5.23 How can I capture raw 802.11 packets, including non-data\n" " (management, beacon) packets? \n" "\n" " 5.24 How can I capture packets with CRC errors? \n" "\n" " 5.25 How can I capture entire frames, including the FCS? \n" "\n" " 5.26 Ethereal hangs after I stop a capture. \n" "\n" " 5.27 How can I search for, or filter, packets that have a particular\n" " string anywhere in them? \n" "\n" " GENERAL QUESTIONS \n" " Q 1.1: Where can I get help?\n" "\n" " A: Support is available on the ethereal-users mailing list.\n" " Subscription information and archives for all of Ethereal's mailing\n" " lists can be found at\n" "\n" " Q 1.2: What protocols are currently supported?\n" "\n" " A: There are currently 355 supported protocols and media, listed\n" " below. Descriptions can be found in the ethereal(1) man page.\n" "\n" " 802.1q Virtual LAN\n" " 802.1x Authentication\n" " Address Resolution Protocol\n" " Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol\n" " Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol v6\n" " AFS (4.0) Replication Server call declarations\n" " Aggregate Server Access Protocol\n" " Andrew File System (AFS)\n" " AOL Instant Messenger\n" " Apache JServ Protocol v1.3\n" " Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol\n" " AppleTalk Filing Protocol\n" " AppleTalk Session Protocol\n" " AppleTalk Transaction Protocol packet\n" " ARCNET\n" " Async data over ISDN (V.120)\n" " ATM\n" " ATM AAL1\n" " ATM AAL3/4\n" " ATM LAN Emulation\n" " ATM OAM AAL\n" " Authentication Header\n" " AVS WLAN Capture header\n" " BACnet Virtual Link Control\n" " Banyan Vines\n" " Banyan Vines Fragmentation Protocol\n" " Banyan Vines SPP\n" " Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol\n" " Boardwalk\n" " Boot Parameters\n" " Bootstrap Protocol\n" " Border Gateway Protocol\n" " Building Automation and Control Network APDU\n" " Building Automation and Control Network NPDU\n" " CDS Clerk Server Calls\n" " Checkpoint FW-1\n" " Check Point High Availability Protocol\n" " Cisco Auto-RP\n" " Cisco Discovery Protocol\n" " Cisco Group Management Protocol\n" " Cisco HDLC\n" " Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol\n" " Cisco Interior Gateway Routing Protocol\n" " Cisco ISL\n" " Cisco NetFlow\n" " Cisco SLARP\n" " Clearcase NFS\n" " Common Open Policy Service\n" " Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) Browsing Protocol\n" " CoSine IPNOS L2 debug output\n" " Data\n" " Datagram Delivery Protocol\n" " Data Link SWitching\n" " Data Stream Interface\n" " DCE DFS Calls\n" " DCE Distributed Time Service Local Server\n" " DCE Distributed Time Service Provider\n" " DCE Name Service\n" " DCE RPC\n" " DCE/RPC BOS Server\n" " DCE/RPC CDS Solicitation\n" " DCE/RPC Conversation Manager\n" " DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper\n" " DCE/RPC FLDB\n" " DCE/RPC FLDB UBIK TRANSFER\n" " DCE/RPC FLDB UBIKVOTE\n" " DCE/RPC Kerberos V\n" " DCE/RPC Remote Management\n" " DCE/RPC Repserver Calls\n" " DCE/RPC RS_ACCT\n" " DCE/RPC RS_MISC\n" " DCE/RPC RS_UNIX\n" " DCE/RPC TokenServer Calls\n" " DCE/RPC UpServer\n" " DCE Security ID Mapper\n" " DCOM OXID Resolver\n" " DCOM Remote Activation\n" " DEC Spanning Tree Protocol\n" " DHCPv6\n" " Diameter Protocol\n" " Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol\n" " Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse Prototocl\n" " DNS Control Program Server\n" " Domain Name Service\n" " Dummy Protocol\n" " Dynamic DNS Tools Protocol\n" " Encapsulating Security Payload\n" " Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol\n" " Ethernet\n" " Extensible Authentication Protocol\n" " FC Extended Link Svc\n" " FC Fabric Configuration Server\n" " FCIP\n" " Fiber Distributed Data Interface\n" " Fibre Channel\n" " Fibre Channel Common Transport\n" " Fibre Channel Fabric Zone Server\n" " Fibre Channel Name Server\n" " Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI\n" " Fibre Channel SW_ILS\n" " File Transfer Protocol (FTP)\n" " Financial Information eXchange Protocol\n" " Frame\n" " Frame Relay\n" " FTP Data\n" " FTServer Operations\n" " GARP Multicast Registration Protocol\n" " GARP VLAN Registration Protocol\n" " General Inter-ORB Protocol\n" " Generic Routing Encapsulation\n" " Generic Security Service Application Program Interface\n" " Gnutella Protocol\n" " GPRS Tunneling Protocol\n" " GPRS Tunnelling Protocol v0\n" " GPRS Tunnelling Protocol v1\n" " Hummingbird NFS Daemon\n" " HyperSCSI\n" " Hypertext Transfer Protocol\n" " ICQ Protocol\n" " IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN\n" " IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN management frame\n" " ILMI\n" " Inter-Access-Point Protocol\n" " Interbase\n" " Internet Cache Protocol\n" " Internet Content Adaptation Protocol\n" " Internet Control Message Protocol\n" " Internet Control Message Protocol v6\n" " Internet Group Management Protocol\n" " Internet Message Access Protocol\n" " Internet Printing Protocol\n" " Internet Protocol\n" " Internet Protocol Version 6\n" " Internet Relay Chat\n" " Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol\n" " Internetwork Packet eXchange\n" " IP Over FC\n" " IP Payload Compression\n" " IPX Message\n" " IPX Routing Information Protocol\n" " iSCSI\n" " ISDN\n" " ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer\n" " ISDN User Part\n" " ISO 10589 ISIS InTRA Domain Routeing Information Exchange Protocol\n" " ISO 8073 COTP Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol\n" " ISO 8473 CLNP ConnectionLess Network Protocol\n" " ISO 8602 CLTP ConnectionLess Transport Protocol\n" " ISO 9542 ESIS Routeing Information Exchange Protocol\n" " ITU-T Recommendation H.261\n" " Java RMI\n" " Java Serialization\n" " Kerberos\n" " Kernel Lock Manager\n" " Label Distribution Protocol\n" " Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol\n" " Lightweight Directory Access Protocol\n" " Line Printer Daemon Protocol\n" " Link Access Procedure Balanced Ethernet (LAPBETHER)\n" " Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB)\n" " Link Access Procedure, Channel D (LAPD)\n" " Link Aggregation Control Protocol\n" " Link Management Protocol (LMP)\n" " Linux cooked-mode capture\n" " Local Management Interface\n" " LocalTalk Link Access Protocol\n" " Logical-Link Control\n" " Lucent/Ascend debug output\n" " MDS Header\n" " Message Transfer Part Level 2\n" " Message Transfer Part Level 3\n" " Message Transfer Part Level 3 Management\n" " Microsoft Distributed File System\n" " Microsoft Exchange MAPI\n" " Microsoft Local Security Architecture\n" " Microsoft Local Security Architecture (Directory Services)\n" " Microsoft Network Logon\n" " Microsoft Registry\n" " Microsoft Security Account Manager\n" " Microsoft Server Service\n" " Microsoft Spool Subsystem\n" " Microsoft Telephony API Service\n" " Microsoft Windows Browser Protocol\n" " Microsoft Windows Lanman Remote API Protocol\n" " Microsoft Windows Logon Protocol\n" " Microsoft Workstation Service\n" " MMS Message Encapsulation\n" " Mobile IP\n" " Modbus/TCP\n" " Mount Service\n" " MSNIP: Multicast Source Notification of Interest Protocol\n" " MS Proxy Protocol\n" " MTP2 Peer Adaptation Layer\n" " MTP 2 Transparent Proxy\n" " MTP 2 User Adaptation Layer\n" " MTP 3 User Adaptation Layer\n" " Multicast Router DISCovery protocol\n" " Multicast Source Discovery Protocol\n" " MultiProtocol Label Switching Header\n" " MySQL Protocol\n" " Name Binding Protocol\n" " Name Management Protocol over IPX\n" " NetBIOS\n" " NetBIOS Datagram Service\n" " NetBIOS Name Service\n" " NetBIOS over IPX\n" " NetBIOS Session Service\n" " NetWare Core Protocol\n" " Network Data Management Protocol\n" " Network File System\n" " Network Lock Manager Protocol\n" " Network News Transfer Protocol\n" " Network Status Monitor CallBack Protocol\n" " Network Status Monitor Protocol\n" " Network Time Protocol\n" " NFSACL\n" " NFSAUTH\n" " NIS+\n" " NIS+ Callback\n" " Novell Distributed Print System\n" " NSPI\n" " NTLM Secure Service Provider\n" " Null/Loopback\n" " OpenBSD Packet Filter log file\n" " Open Shortest Path First\n" " PC NFS\n" " Point-to-Point Protocol\n" " Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol\n" " Portmap\n" " Post Office Protocol\n" " PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol\n" " PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol\n" " PPP Callback Control Protocol\n" , " PPP CDP Control Protocol\n" " PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol\n" " PPP Compressed Datagram\n" " PPP Compression Control Protocol\n" " PPP IP Control Protocol\n" " PPP IPv6 Control Protocol\n" " PPP Link Control Protocol\n" " PPP MPLS Control Protocol\n" " PPP Multilink Protocol\n" " PPP Multiplexing\n" " PPPMux Control Protocol\n" " PPP-over-Ethernet Discovery\n" " PPP-over-Ethernet Session\n" " PPP Password Authentication Protocol\n" " PPP VJ Compression\n" " Pragmatic General Multicast\n" " Prism\n" " Privilege Server operations\n" " Protocol Independent Multicast\n" " Q.2931\n" " Q.931\n" " Quake III Arena Network Protocol\n" " Quake II Network Protocol\n" " Quake Network Protocol\n" " QuakeWorld Network Protocol\n" " Qualified Logical Link Control\n" " Radio Access Network Application Part\n" " Radius Protocol\n" " Raw packet data\n" " Real Time Streaming Protocol\n" " Real-time Transport Control Protocol\n" " Real-Time Transport Protocol\n" " Registry server administration operations.\n" " Registry Server Attributes Manipulation Interface\n" " Remote Override interface\n" " Remote Procedure Call\n" " Remote Program Load\n" " Remote Quota\n" " Remote sec_login preauth interface.\n" " Remote Shell\n" " Remote Wall protocol\n" " Resource ReserVation Protocol (RSVP)\n" " RFC 2250 MPEG1\n" " RIPng\n" " Rlogin Protocol\n" " Routing Information Protocol\n" " Routing Table Maintenance Protocol\n" " RPC Browser\n" " RSTAT\n" " RX Protocol\n" " SADMIND\n" " SCSI\n" " Secure Socket Layer\n" " Sequenced Packet eXchange\n" " Service Advertisement Protocol\n" " Service Location Protocol\n" " Session Announcement Protocol\n" " Session Description Protocol\n" " Session Initiation Protocol\n" " SGI Mount Service\n" " Short Message Peer to Peer\n" " Signalling Connection Control Part\n" " Signalling Connection Control Part Management\n" " Simple Mail Transfer Protocol\n" " Simple Network Management Protocol\n" " Sinec H1 Protocol\n" " Skinny Client Control Protocol\n" " SliMP3 Communication Protocol\n" " SMB MailSlot Protocol\n" " SMB Pipe Protocol\n" " SMB (Server Message Block Protocol)\n" " SNA-over-Ethernet\n" " SNMP Multiplex Protocol\n" " Socks Protocol\n" " Spanning Tree Protocol\n" " Spnego\n" " SPNEGO-KRB5\n" " SPRAY\n" " SS7 SCCP-User Adaptation Layer\n" " SSCOP\n" " Stream Control Transmission Protocol\n" " Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC)\n" " Syslog message\n" " Systems Network Architecture\n" " Tabular Data Stream\n" " TACACS\n" " TACACS+\n" " Tazmen Sniffer Protocol\n" " Telnet\n" " Time Protocol\n" " Time Synchronization Protocol\n" " Token-Ring\n" " Token-Ring Media Access Control\n" " TPKT\n" " Transmission Control Protocol\n" " Transparent Network Substrate Protocol\n" " Trivial File Transfer Protocol\n" " Universal Computer Protocol\n" " User Datagram Protocol\n" " Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol\n" " Virtual Trunking Protocol\n" " Web Cache Coordination Protocol\n" " Wellfleet Compression\n" " Wellfleet HDLC\n" " Who\n" " Windows 2000 DNS\n" " Wireless Session Protocol\n" " Wireless Transaction Protocol\n" " Wireless Transport Layer Security\n" " X11\n" " X.25\n" " X.25 over TCP\n" " X.29\n" " X Display Manager Control Protocol\n" " Xyplex\n" " Yahoo Messenger Protocol\n" " Yellow Pages Bind\n" " Yellow Pages Passwd\n" " Yellow Pages Service\n" " Yellow Pages Transfer\n" " Zebra Protocol\n" " Zone Information Protocol\n" "\n" " Q 1.3: Are there any plans to support {your favorite protocol}?\n" "\n" " A: Support for particular protocols is added to Ethereal as a result\n" " of people contributing that support; no formal plans for adding\n" " support for particular protocols in particular future releases exist.\n" "\n" " Q 1.4: Can Ethereal read capture files from {your favorite network\n" " analyzer}?\n" "\n" " A: Support for particular protocols is added to Ethereal as a result\n" " of people contributing that support; no formal plans for adding\n" " support for particular protocols in particular future releases exist.\n" "\n" " If a network analyzer writes out files in a format already supported\n" " by Ethereal (e.g., in libpcap format), Ethereal may already be able to\n" " read them, unless the analyzer has added its own proprietary\n" " extensions to that format.\n" "\n" " If a network analyzer writes out files in its own format, or has added\n" " proprietary extensions to another format, in order to make Ethereal\n" " read captures from that network analyzer, we would either have to have\n" " a specification for the file format, or the extensions, sufficient to\n" " give us enough information to read the parts of the file relevant to\n" " Ethereal, or would need at least one capture file in that format AND a\n" " detailed textual analysis of the packets in that capture file (showing\n" " packet time stamps, packet lengths, and the top-level packet header)\n" " in order to reverse-engineer the file format.\n" "\n" " Note that there is no guarantee that we will be able to\n" " reverse-engineer a capture file format.\n" "\n" " Q 1.5: What devices can Ethereal use to capture packets?\n" "\n" " A: Ethereal can read live data from Ethernet, Token-Ring, FDDI, serial\n" " (PPP and SLIP) (if the OS on which it's running allows Ethereal to do\n" " so), 802.11 wireless LAN (if the OS on which it's running allows\n" " Ethereal to do so), ATM connections (if the OS on which it's running\n" " allows Ethereal to do so), and the \"any\" device supported on Linux by\n" " recent versions of libpcap. See the list of supported capture media on\n" " various OSes for details (several items in there say \"Unknown\", which\n" " doesn't mean \"Ethereal can't capture on them\", it means \"we don't know\n" " whether it can capture on them\"; we expect that it will be able to\n" " capture on many of them, but we haven't tried it ourselves - if you\n" " try one of those types and it works, please send an update to\n" " ethereal-web[AT]\n" "\n" " It can also read a variety of capture file formats, including:\n" " * libpcap/tcpdump\n" " * Sun snoop/atmsnoop\n" " * Shomiti/Finisar Surveyor\n" " * LanAlyzer\n" " * DOS-based Sniffer (compressed and uncompressed)\n" " * MS Network Monitor\n" " * AIX iptrace\n" " * NetXray and Windows-based Sniffer\n" " * EtherPeek/TokenPeek/AiroPeek\n" " * RADCOM WAN/LAN analyzer\n" " * Lucent/Ascend debug output\n" " * Toshiba ISDN router \"snoop\" output\n" " * HPUX nettl\n" " * ISDN4BSD \"i4btrace\" utility.\n" " * Cisco Secure IDS\n" " * pppd log files (pppdump format)\n" " * VMS TCPIPtrace\n" " * DBS Etherwatch\n" " * Visual Networks' Visual UpTime\n" " * CoSine L2 debug\n" "\n" " so that it can read traces from various network types, as captured by\n" " other applications or equipment, even if it cannot itself capture on\n" " those network types.\n" "\n" " Q 1.6: How do you pronounce Ethereal? Where did the name come from?\n" "\n" " A: The English pronunciation can be found in Merriam-Webster's online\n" " dictionary at\n" "\n" "\n" " According to the book \"Computer Networks\" by Andrew Tannenbaum,\n" " Ethernet was named after the \"luminiferous ether\" which was once\n" " thought to carry electromagnetic radiation. Taking that into\n" " consideration, Ethereal seemed like an appropriate name for an\n" " Ethernet sniffer.\n" "\n" " DOWNLOADING ETHEREAL \n" " Q 2.1: I downloaded the Win32 installer, but when I try to run it, I\n" " get an error.\n" "\n" " A: The program you used to download it may have downloaded it\n" " incorrectly. Web browsers sometimes may do this.\n" "\n" " Try downloading it with, for example:\n" " * Wget, for which Windows binaries are available on the SunSITE FTP\n" " server at or Heiko Herold's windows wget spot - wGetGUI\n" " offers a GUI interface that uses wget;\n" " * WS_FTP from Ipswitch,\n" " * the ftp command that comes with Windows.\n" "\n" " If you use the ftp command, make sure you do the transfer in binary\n" " mode rather than ASCII mode, by using the binary command before\n" " transferring the file.\n" "\n" " Q 2.2: When I try to download the WinPcap driver and library, I can't\n" " get to the WinPcap Web site.\n" "\n" " A: As is the case with all Web sites, that site won't necessarily\n" " always be accessible; the server may be down due to a problem or down\n" " for maintenance, or there may be a networking problem between you and\n" " the server. You should try again later, or try the local mirror or the\n" " mirror.\n" "\n" " INSTALLING ETHEREAL \n" " Q 3.1: I installed an Ethereal RPM, but Ethereal doesn't seem to be\n" " installed; only Tethereal is installed.\n" "\n" " A: Red Hat RPMs for Ethereal put only the non-GUI components into the\n" " ethereal RPM, the fact that Ethereal is a GUI program nonwithstanding;\n" " there's a separate ethereal-gnome RPM that includes GUI components\n" " such as Ethereal itself, the fact that Ethereal doesn't use GNOME\n" " nonwithstanding. Find the ethereal-gnome RPM, and install that also.\n" "\n" " BUILDING ETHEREAL \n" " Q 4.1: The configure script can't find pcap.h or bpf.h, but I have\n" " libpcap installed.\n" "\n" " A: Are you sure pcap.h and bpf.h are installed? The official\n" " distribution of libpcap only installs the libpcap.a library file when\n" " \"make install\" is run. To install pcap.h and bpf.h, you must run \"make\n" " install-incl\". If you're running Debian or Redhat, make sure you have\n" " the \"libpcap-dev\" or \"libpcap-devel\" packages installed.\n" "\n" " It's also possible that pcap.h and bpf.h have been installed in a\n" " strange location. If this is the case, you may have to tweak\n" " aclocal.m4.\n" "\n" " Q 4.2: Why do I get the error \n" "\n" " dftest_DEPENDENCIES was already defined in condition TRUE, which\n" " implies condition HAVE_PLUGINS_TRUE\n" "\n" " when I try to build Ethereal from CVS or a CVS snapshot?\n" "\n" " A: You probably have automake 1.5 installed on your machine (the\n" " command automake --version will report the version of automake on your\n" " machine). There is a bug in that version of automake that causes this\n" " problem; upgrade to a later version of automake (1.6 or later).\n" "\n" " Q 4.3: The link failed because of an undefined reference to\n" " snmp_set_full_objid.\n" "\n" " A: You probably have the shared library for UCD SNMP 4.1.1 installed\n" " (so that snmp_set_full_objid is a macro, rather than a routine in the\n" " SNMP shared library), but the `development' package for an earlier or\n" " later UCD SNMP library (so that snmp_set_full_objid is not defined as\n" " a macro, causing Ethereal to attempt to call it as a routine).\n" "\n" " If you are on a Linux system that uses RPMs, and the UCD SNMP packages\n" " are installed as RPMs, the command rpm -qa | grep snmp will report the\n" " versions of the SNMP packages you have installed; they should all have\n" " the same version number, such as 4.0.1 or 4.1.1 or 4.1.2. If they\n" " don't, remove the RPM for the development package (which will probably\n" " have a name beginning with ucd-snmp-devel) and install the version of\n" " the development package with the same version number as the other\n" " ucd-snmp packages have.\n" "\n" " After installing the 4.1.1 version of the UCD SNMP header files, do a\n" " make clean and then rebuild Ethereal.\n" "\n" " Q 4.4: The link fails with a number of \"Output line too long.\"\n" " messages followed by linker errors. \n" "\n" " A: The version of the sed command on your system is incapable of\n" " handling very long lines. On Solaris, for example, /usr/bin/sed has a\n" " line length limit too low to allow libtool to work; /usr/xpg4/bin/sed\n" " can handle it, as can GNU sed if you have it installed.\n" "\n" " On Solaris, changing your command search path to search /usr/xpg4/bin\n" " before /usr/bin should make the problem go away; on any platform on\n" " which you have this problem, installing GNU sed and changing your\n" " command path to search the directory in which it is installed before\n" " searching the directory with the version of sed that came with the OS\n" " should make the problem go away.\n" "\n" " Q 4.5: The link fails on Solaris because plugin_list is undefined. \n" "\n" " A: This appears to be due to a problem with some versions of the GTK+\n" " and GLib packages from; un-install those packages,\n" " and try getting the 1.2.10 versions from that site, or the versions\n" " from The Written Word, or the versions from Sun's GNOME distribution,\n" " or the versions from the supplemental software CD that comes with the\n" " Solaris media kit, or build them from source from the GTK Web site.\n" " Then re-run the configuration script, and try rebuilding Ethereal. (If\n" " you get the 1.2.10 versions from, and the problem\n" " persists, un-install them and try installing one of the other versions\n" " mentioned.)\n" "\n" " Q 4.6: The build fails on Windows because of conflicts between\n" " winsock.h and winsock2.h. \n" "\n" " A: As of Ethereal 0.9.5, you must install WinPcap 2.3 or later, and\n" " the corresponding version of the developer's pack, in order to be able\n" " to compile Ethereal; it will not compile with older versions of the\n" " developer's pack. The symptoms of this failure are conflicts between\n" " definitions in winsock.h and in winsock2.h; Ethereal uses winsock2.h,\n" " but pre-2.3 versions of the WinPcap developer's packet use winsock.h.\n" " (2.3 uses winsock2.h, so if Ethereal were to use winsock.h, it would\n" " not be able to build with current versions of the WinPcap developer's\n" " pack.)\n" "\n" " Note that the installed version of the developer's pack should be the\n" " same version as the version of WinPcap you have installed.\n" "\n" " USING ETHEREAL \n" " Q 5.1: When I use Ethereal to capture packets, I see only packets to\n" " and from my machine, or I'm not seeing all the traffic I'm expecting\n" " to see from or to the machine I'm trying to monitor.\n" "\n" " A: This might be because the interface on which you're capturing is\n" " plugged into a switch; on a switched network, unicast traffic between\n" " two ports will not necessarily appear on other ports - only broadcast\n" " and multicast traffic will be sent to all ports.\n" "\n" " Note that even if your machine is plugged into a hub, the \"hub\" may be\n" " a switched hub, in which case you're still on a switched network.\n" "\n" " Note also that on the Linksys Web site, they say that their\n" " auto-sensing hubs \"broadcast the 10Mb packets to the port that operate\n" " at 10Mb only and broadcast the 100Mb packets to the ports that operate\n" " at 100Mb only\", which would indicate that if you sniff on a 10Mb port,\n" " you will not see traffic coming sent to a 100Mb port, and vice versa.\n" " This problem has also been reported for Netgear dual-speed hubs, and\n" " may exist for other \"auto-sensing\" or \"dual-speed\" hubs.\n" "\n" " Some switches have the ability to replicate all traffic on all ports\n" " to a single port so that you can plug your sniffer into that single\n" " port to sniff all traffic. You would have to check the documentation\n" " for the switch to see if this is possible and, if so, to see how to do\n" " this. See, for example, this documentation from Cisco on the Switched\n" " Port Analyzer (SPAN) feature on Catalyst switches.\n" "\n" " Note also that many firewall/NAT boxes have a switch built into them;\n" " this includes many of the \"cable/DSL router\" boxes. If you have a box\n" " of that sort, that has a switch with some number of Ethernet ports\n" " into which you plug machines on your network, and another Ethernet\n" " port used to connect to a cable or DSL modem, you can, at least, sniff\n" " traffic between the machines on your network and the Internet by\n" " plugging the Ethernet port on the router going to the modem, the\n" " Ethernet port on the modem, and the machine on which you're running\n" " Ethereal into a hub (make sure it's not a switching hub, and that, if\n" " it's a dual-speed hub, all three of those ports are running at the\n" " same speed.\n" "\n" " If your machine is not plugged into a switched network or a dual-speed\n" " hub, or it is plugged into a switched network but the port is set up\n" " to have all traffic replicated to it, the problem might be that the\n" " network interface on which you're capturing doesn't support\n" " \"promiscuous\" mode, or because your OS can't put the interface into\n" " promiscuous mode. Normally, network interfaces supply to the host\n" " only:\n" " * packets sent to one of that host's link-layer addresses;\n" " * broadcast packets;\n" " * multicast packets sent to a multicast address that the host has\n" " configured the interface to accept.\n" "\n" " Most network interfaces can also be put in \"promiscuous\" mode, in\n" " which they supply to the host all network packets they see. Ethereal\n" " will try to put the interface on which it's capturing into promiscuous\n" " mode unless the \"Capture packets in promiscuous mode\" option is turned\n" " off in the \"Capture Options\" dialog box, and Tethereal will try to put\n" " the interface on which it's capturing into promiscuous mode unless the\n" " -p option was specified. However, some network interfaces don't\n" " support promiscuous mode, and some OSes might not allow interfaces to\n" " be put into promiscuous mode.\n" "\n" " If the interface is not running in promiscuous mode, it won't see any\n" " traffic that isn't intended to be seen by your machine. It will see\n" " broadcast packets, and multicast packets sent to a multicast MAC\n" , " address the interface is set up to receive.\n" "\n" " You should ask the vendor of your network interface whether it\n" " supports promiscuous mode. If it does, you should ask whoever supplied\n" " the driver for the interface (the vendor, or the supplier of the OS\n" " you're running on your machine) whether it supports promiscuous mode\n" " with that network interface.\n" "\n" " In the case of token ring interfaces, the drivers for some of them, on\n" " Windows, may require you to enable promiscuous mode in order to\n" " capture in promiscuous mode. Ask the vendor of the card how to do\n" " this.\n" "\n" " In the case of wireless LAN interfaces, it appears that, when those\n" " interfaces are promiscuously sniffing, they're running in a\n" " significantly different mode from the mode that they run in when\n" " they're just acting as network interfaces (to the extent that it would\n" " be a significant effor for those drivers to support for promiscuously\n" " sniffing and acting as regular network interfaces at the same time),\n" " so it may be that Windows drivers for those interfaces don't support\n" " promiscuous mode.\n" "\n" " Q 5.2: I can't see any TCP packets other than packets to and from my\n" " machine, even though another sniffer on the network sees those\n" " packets.\n" "\n" " A: You're probably not seeing any packets other than unicast packets\n" " to or from your machine, and broadcast and multicast packets; a switch\n" " will normally send to a port only unicast traffic sent to the MAC\n" " address for the interface on that port, and broadcast and multicast\n" " traffic - it won't send to that port unicast traffic sent to a MAC\n" " address for some other interface - and a network interface not in\n" " promiscuous mode will receive only unicast traffic sent to the MAC\n" " address for that interface, broadcast traffic, and multicast traffic\n" " sent to a multicast MAC address the interface is set up to receive.\n" "\n" " TCP doesn't use broadcast or multicast, so you will only see your own\n" " TCP traffic, but UDP services may use broadcast or multicast so you'll\n" " see some UDP traffic - however, this is not a problem with TCP\n" " traffic, it's a problem with unicast traffic, as you also won't see\n" " all UDP traffic between other machines.\n" "\n" " I.e., this is probably the same problem discussed in the previous\n" " question; see the response to that question.\n" "\n" " Q 5.3: I can set a display filter just fine, but capture filters don't\n" " work.\n" "\n" " A: Capture filters currently use a different syntax than display\n" " filters. Here's the corresponding section from the ethereal(1) man\n" " page:\n" "\n" " \"Display filters in Ethereal are very powerful; more fields are\n" " filterable in Ethereal than in other protocol analyzers, and the\n" " syntax you can use to create your filters is richer. As Ethereal\n" " progresses, expect more and more protocol fields to be allowed in\n" " display filters.\n" "\n" " Packet capturing is performed with the pcap library. The capture\n" " filter syntax follows the rules of the pcap library. This syntax is\n" " different from the display filter syntax.\"\n" "\n" " The capture filter syntax used by libpcap can be found in the\n" " tcpdump(8) man page.\n" "\n" " Q 5.4: I'm entering valid capture filters, but I still get \"parse\n" " error\" errors.\n" "\n" " A: There is a bug in some versions of libpcap/WinPcap that cause it to\n" " report parse errors even for valid expressions if a previous filter\n" " expression was invalid and got a parse error.\n" "\n" " Try exiting and restarting Ethereal; if you are using a version of\n" " libpcap/WinPcap with this bug, this will \"erase\" its memory of the\n" " previous parse error. If the capture filter that got the \"parse error\"\n" " now works, the earlier error with that filter was probably due to this\n" " bug.\n" "\n" " The bug was fixed in libpcap 0.6; 0.4[.x] and 0.5[.x] versions of\n" " libpcap have this bug, but 0.6[.x] and later versions don't.\n" "\n" " Versions of WinPcap prior to 2.3 are based on pre-0.6 versions of\n" " libpcap, and have this bug; WinPcap 2.3 is based on libpcap 0.6.2, and\n" " doesn't have this bug.\n" "\n" " If you are running Ethereal on a UNIX-flavored platform, run \"ethereal\n" " -v\", or select \"About Ethereal...\" from the \"Help\" menu in Ethereal,\n" " to see what version of libpcap it's using. If it's not 0.6 or later,\n" " you will need either to upgrade your OS to get a later version of\n" " libpcap, or will need to build and install a later version of libpcap\n" " from the Web site and then recompile Ethereal from source\n" " with that later version of libpcap.\n" "\n" " If you are running Ethereal on Windows with a pre-2.3 version of\n" " WinPcap, you will need to un-install WinPcap and then download and\n" " install WinPcap 2.3.\n" "\n" " Q 5.5: I saved a filter and tried to use its name to filter the\n" " display, but I got an \"Unexpected end of filter string\" error.\n" "\n" " A: You cannot use the name of a saved display filter as a filter. To\n" " filter the display, you can enter a display filter expression - not\n" " the name of a saved display filter - in the \"Filter:\" box at the\n" " bottom of the display, and type the key or press the \"Apply\" button\n" " (that does not require you to have a saved filter), or, if you want to\n" " use a saved filter, you can press the \"Filter:\" button, select the\n" " filter in the dialog box that pops up, and press the \"OK\" button.\n" "\n" " Q 5.6: Why am I seeing lots of packets with incorrect TCP checksums?\n" "\n" " A: If the packets that have incorrect TCP checksums are all being sent\n" " by the machine on which Ethereal is running, this is probably because\n" " the network interface on which you're capturing does TCP checksum\n" " offloading. That means that the TCP checksum is added to the packet by\n" " the network interface, not by the OS's TCP/IP stack; when capturing on\n" " an interface, packets being sent by the host on which you're capturing\n" " are directly handed to the capture interface by the OS, which means\n" " that they are handed to the capture interface without a TCP checksum\n" " being added to them.\n" "\n" " The only way to prevent this from happening would be to disable TCP\n" " checksum offloading, but\n" " 1. that might not even be possible on some OSes;\n" " 2. that could reduce networking performance significantly.\n" "\n" " However, you can disable the check that Ethereal does of the TCP\n" " checksum, so that it won't report any packets as having TCP checksum\n" " errors, and so that it won't refuse to do TCP reassembly due to a\n" " packet having an incorrect TCP checksum. That can be set as an\n" " Ethereal preference by selecting \"Preferences\" from the \"Edit\" menu,\n" " opening up the \"Protocols\" list in the left-hand pane of the\n" " \"Preferences\" dialog box, selecting \"TCP\", from that list, turning off\n" " the \"Check the validity of the TCP checksum when possible\" option,\n" " clicking \"Save\" if you want to save that setting in your preference\n" " file, and clicking \"OK\".\n" "\n" " It can also be set on the Ethereal or Tethereal command line with a -o\n" " tcp.check_checksum:false command-line flag, or manually set in your\n" " preferences file by adding a tcp.check_checksum:false line.\n" "\n" " Q 5.7: I've just installed Ethereal, and the traffic on my local LAN\n" " is boring.\n" "\n" " A: We have a collection of strange and exotic sample capture files at\n" "\n" "\n" " Q 5.8: When I run Ethereal on Solaris 8, it dies with a Bus Error when\n" " I start it.\n" "\n" " A: Some versions of the GTK+ library from appear\n" " to be buggy, causing Ethereal to drop core with a Bus Error.\n" " Un-install those packages, and try getting the 1.2.10 version from\n" " that site, or the version from The Written Word, or the version from\n" " Sun's GNOME distribution, or the version from the supplemental\n" " software CD that comes with the Solaris media kit, or build it from\n" " source from the GTK Web site. Update the GLib library to the 1.2.10\n" " version, from the same source, as well. (If you get the 1.2.10\n" " versions from, and the problem persists,\n" " un-install them and try installing one of the other versions\n" " mentioned.)\n" "\n" " Similar problems may exist with older versions of GTK+ for earlier\n" " versions of Solaris.\n" "\n" " Q 5.9: I'm running Ethereal on Linux; why do my time stamps have only\n" " 100ms resolution, rather than 1us resolution?\n" "\n" " A: Ethereal gets time stamps from libpcap/WinPcap, and libpcap/WinPcap\n" " get them from the OS kernel, so Ethereal - and any other program using\n" " libpcap, such as tcpdump - is at the mercy of the time stamping code\n" " in the OS for time stamps.\n" "\n" " At least on x86-based machines, Linux can get high-resolution time\n" " stamps on newer processors with the Time Stamp Counter (TSC) register;\n" " for example, Intel x86 processors, starting with the Pentium Pro, and\n" " including all x86 processors since then, have had a TSC, and other\n" " vendors probably added the TSC at some point to their families of x86\n" " processors.\n" "\n" " The Linux kernel must be configured with the CONFIG_X86_TSC option\n" " enabled in order to use the TSC. Make sure this option is enabled in\n" " your kernel.\n" "\n" " In addition, some Linux distributions may have bugs in their versions\n" " of the kernel that cause packets not to be given high-resolution time\n" " stamps even if the TSC is enabled. See, for example, bug 61111 for Red\n" " Hat Linux 7.2. If your distribution has a bug such as this, you may\n" " have to run a standard kernel from in order to get\n" " high-resolution time stamps.\n" "\n" " Q 5.10: I'm capturing packets on {Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me};\n" " why are the time stamps on packets wrong? \n" "\n" " A: This is due to a bug in WinPcap. The bug should be fixed in the\n" " WinPcap 3.0 alpha release - note that it's an alpha release, so it may\n" " be buggier than the current production release of WinPcap; please\n" " report those bugs to the WinPcap developers, and help them try to\n" " track down the problem, so that they can fix it for the final release.\n" "\n" " Q 5.11: When I try to run Ethereal on Windows, it fails to run because\n" " it can't find packet.dll.\n" "\n" " A: In older versions of Ethereal, there were two binary distributions\n" " available for Windows, one that supported capturing packets, and one\n" " that didn't. The version that supported capturing packets required\n" " that you install the WinPcap driver; if you didn't install it, it\n" " would fail to run because it couldn't find packet.dll.\n" "\n" " The current version of Ethereal has only one binary distribution for\n" " Windows; that version will check whether WinPcap is installed and, if\n" " it's not, will disable support for packet capture.\n" "\n" " The WinPcap driver and libraries can be downloaded from the WinPcap\n" " Web site, the local mirror of the WinPcap Web site, or the\n" " mirror of the WinPcap site.\n" "\n" " Q 5.12: Why does some network interface on my machine not show up in\n" " the list of interfaces in the \"Interface:\" field in the dialog box\n" " popped up by \"Capture->Start\", and/or why does Ethereal give me an\n" " error if I try to capture on that interface? \n" "\n" " A: If you are running Ethereal on a UNIX-flavored platform, you may\n" " need to run Ethereal from an account with sufficient privileges to\n" " capture packets, such as the super-user account. Only those interfaces\n" " that Ethereal can open for capturing show up in that list; if you\n" " don't have sufficient privileges to capture on any interfaces, no\n" " interfaces will show up in the list.\n" "\n" " If you are running Ethereal on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows\n" " XP, or Windows Server, and this is the first time you have run a\n" " WinPcap-based program (such as Ethereal, or Tethereal, or WinDump, or\n" " Analyzer, or...) since the machine was rebooted, you need to run that\n" " program from an account with administrator privileges; once you have\n" " run such a program, you will not need administrator privileges to run\n" " any such programs until you reboot.\n" "\n" " If you are running on a UNIX-flavored platform and have sufficient\n" " privileges, or if you are running on Windows 95/98/Me, or if you are\n" " running on Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/Server and have administrator\n" " privileges or a WinPcap program has been run with those privileges\n" " since the machine rebooted, then note that Ethereal relies on the\n" " libpcap library, and on the facilities that come with the OS on which\n" " it's running in order to do captures; on Windows, it also relies on\n" " the device driver that comes with WinPcap (which is a version of\n" " libpcap for Windows).\n" "\n" " Therefore, if the OS, the libpcap library, or the WinPcap driver don't\n" " support capturing on a particular network interface device, Ethereal\n" " won't be able to capture on that device.\n" "\n" " On Linux, note that you need to have \"packet socket\" support enabled\n" " in your kernel; see the \"Packet socket\" item in the Linux\n" " \"\" file.\n" "\n" " On BSD, note that you need to have BPF support enabled in your kernel;\n" " see the documentation for your system for information on how to enable\n" " BPF support (if it's not enabled by default on your system).\n" "\n" " On DEC OSF/1, Digital UNIX, or Tru64 UNIX, note that you need to have\n" " packet filtering support in your kernel; the doconfig command will\n" " allow you to configure and build a new kernel with that option.\n" "\n" " On Windows, note that:\n" " * 2.02 and earlier versions of the WinPcap driver and library that\n" " Ethereal uses for packet capture didn't support Token Ring\n" " interfaces; the current version, 2.3, does support Token Ring, and\n" " the current version of Ethereal works with (and, in fact,\n" " requires) WinPcap 2.1 or later.\n" " If you are having problems capturing on Token Ring interfaces, and\n" " you have WinPcap 2.02 or an earlier version of WinPcap installed,\n" " you should uninstall WinPcap, download and install the current\n" " version of WinPcap, and then install the latest version of\n" " Ethereal.\n" " * On Windows 95, 98, or Me, sometimes more than one interface will\n" " be given the same name; if that is the case, you will only be able\n" " to capture on one of those interfaces - it's not clear to which\n" " one the name, when used in a WinPcap application, will refer. For\n" " example, if you have a PPP serial interface and a VPN interface,\n" " they might show up with the same name, for example \"ppp-mac\", and\n" " if you try to capture on \"ppp-mac\", it might not capture on the\n" " interface you're currently using. In that case, you might, for\n" " example, have to remove the VPN interface from the system in order\n" " to capture on the PPP serial interface.\n" " * WinPcap doesn't support PPP WAN interfaces on Windows\n" " NT/2000/XP/Server, so Ethereal cannot capture packets on those\n" " devices when running on Windows NT/2000/XP/Server. Regular dial-up\n" " lines, ISDN lines, and various other lines such as T1/E1 lines are\n" " all PPP interfaces. This may cause the interface not to show up on\n" " the list of interfaces in the \"Capture Options\" dialog.\n" " * WinPcap currently does not support multiprocessor machines (note\n" " that machines with a single multi-threaded processor, such as\n" " Intel's new multi-threaded x86 processors, are multiprocessor\n" " machines as far as the OS and WinPcap are concerned), and recent\n" " versions refuse to operate if they detect that they're running on\n" " a multiprocessor machine, which means that they may not show any\n" " network interfaces.\n" "\n" " If you are having trouble capturing on a particular network interface,\n" " and you've made sure that (on platforms that require it) you've\n" " arranged that packet capture support is present, as per the above,\n" " first try capturing on that device with tcpdump - or, on Windows, the\n" " tcpdump port to Windows, named WinDump; see the WinDump Web site, the\n" " local mirror of the WinDump Web site, or the mirror of\n" " the WinDump site, for information on using WinDump.\n" "\n" " If you can capture on the interface with tcpdump/WinDump, send mail to\n" " giving full details of the problem,\n" " including\n" " * the operating system you're using, and the version of that\n" " operating system (for Linux, give both the version number of the\n" " kernel and the name and version number of the distribution you're\n" " using);\n" " * the type of network device you're using;\n" " * the error message you get from Ethereal.\n" "\n" " If you cannot capture on the interface with tcpdump/WinDump, this is\n" " almost certainly a problem with one or more of:\n" " * the operating system you're using;\n" " * the device driver for the interface you're using;\n" " * the libpcap/WinPcap library and, if this is Windows, the WinPcap\n" " device driver;\n" "\n" " so:\n" " * if you are using Windows, first check the WinPcap FAQ, the local\n" " mirror of that FAQ, or the mirror of that FAQ, to\n" " see if your problem is mentioned there. If not, then see the\n" " WinPcap support page (or the local mirror of that page) - check\n" " the \"Submitting bugs\" section;\n" " * if you are using some Linux distribution, some version of BSD, or\n" " some other UNIX-flavored OS, you should report the problem to the\n" " company or organization that produces the OS (in the case of a\n" " Linux distribution, report the problem to whoever produces the\n" " distribution).\n" "\n" " You may also want to ask the and, if this\n" " is a UNIX-flavored platform, mailing lists\n" " to see if anybody happens to know about the problem and know a\n" " workaround or fix for the problem. In your mail, please give full\n" " details of the problem, as described above, and also indicate that the\n" " problem occurs with tcpdump/WinDump, not just with Ethereal.\n" "\n" " Q 5.13: I'm running Ethereal on Windows NT/2000/XP/Server; my machine\n" " has a PPP (dial-up POTS, ISDN, etc.) interface, and it shows up in the\n" " \"Interface\" item in the \"Capture Options\" dialog box. Why can no\n" " packets be sent on or received from that network while I'm trying to\n" " capture traffic on that interface?\n" "\n" " A: WinPcap doesn't support PPP WAN interfaces on Windows\n" " NT/2000/XP/Server; one symptom that may be seen is that attempts to\n" " capture in promiscuous mode on the interface cause the interface to be\n" " incapable of sending or receiving packets. You can disable promiscuous\n" " mode using the -p command-line flag or the item in the \"Capture\n" " Preferences\" dialog box, but this may mean that outgoing packets, or\n" " incoming packets, won't be seen in the capture.\n" "\n" " Q 5.14: I'm running Ethereal on Windows 95/98/Me, on a machine with\n" " more than one network adapter of the same type; Ethereal shows all of\n" " those adapters with the same name, but I can't use any of those\n" " adapters other than the first one.\n" "\n" " A: Unfortunately, Windows 95/98/Me gives the same name to multiple\n" " instances of the type of same network adapter. Therefore, WinPcap\n" " cannot distinguish between them, so a WinPcap-based application can\n" " capture only on the first such interface; Ethereal is a\n" " libpcap/WinPcap-based application.\n" "\n" " Q 5.15: I have an XXX network card on my machine; if I try to capture\n" " on it, my machine crashes or resets itself. \n" "\n" " A: This is almost certainly a problem with one or more of:\n" " * the operating system you're using;\n" " * the device driver for the interface you're using;\n" " * the libpcap/WinPcap library and, if this is Windows, the WinPcap\n" " device driver;\n" "\n" " so:\n" " * if you are using Windows, see the WinPcap support page (or the\n" " local mirror of that page) - check the \"Submitting bugs\" section;\n" " * if you are using some Linux distribution, some version of BSD, or\n" " some other UNIX-flavored OS, you should report the problem to the\n" " company or organization that produces the OS (in the case of a\n" " Linux distribution, report the problem to whoever produces the\n" " distribution).\n" "\n" " Q 5.16: My machine crashes or resets itself when I select \"Start\" from\n" " the \"Capture\" menu or select \"Preferences\" from the \"Edit\" menu. \n" "\n" " A: Both of those operations cause Ethereal to try to build a list of\n" " the interfaces that it can open; it does so by getting a list of\n" " interfaces and trying to open them. There is probably an OS, driver,\n" " or, for Windows, WinPcap bug that causes the system to crash when this\n" " happens; see the previous question.\n" "\n" " Q 5.17: Does Ethereal work on Windows ME? \n" "\n" " A: Yes, but if you want to capture packets, you will need to install\n" " the latest version of WinPcap, as 2.02 and earlier versions of WinPcap\n" " didn't support Windows ME. You should also install the latest version\n" " of Ethereal as well.\n" "\n" , " Q 5.18: Does Ethereal work on Windows XP? \n" "\n" " A: Yes, but if you want to capture packets, you will need to install\n" " the latest version of WinPcap, as 2.2 and earlier versions of WinPcap\n" " didn't support Windows XP.\n" "\n" " Q 5.19: Why doesn't Ethereal correctly identify RTP packets? It shows\n" " them only as UDP.\n" "\n" " A: Ethereal can identify a UDP datagram as containing a packet of a\n" " particular protocol running atop UDP only if\n" " 1. The protocol in question has a particular standard port number,\n" " and the UDP source or destination port number is that port\n" " 2. Packets of that protocol can be identified by looking for a\n" " \"signature\" of some type in the packet - i.e., some data that, if\n" " Ethereal finds it in some particular part of a packet, means that\n" " the packet is almost certainly a packet of that type.\n" " 3. Some other traffic earlier in the capture indicated that, for\n" " example, UDP traffic between two particular addresses and ports\n" " will be RTP traffic.\n" "\n" " RTP doesn't have a standard port number, so 1) doesn't work; it\n" " doesn't, as far as I know, have any \"signature\", so 2) doesn't work.\n" "\n" " That leaves 3). If there's RTSP traffic that sets up an RTP session,\n" " then, at least in some cases, the RTSP dissector will set things up so\n" " that subsequent RTP traffic will be identified. Currently, that's the\n" " only place we do that; there may be other places.\n" "\n" " However, there will always be places where Ethereal is simply\n" " incapable of deducing that a given UDP flow is RTP; a mechanism would\n" " be needed to allow the user to specify that a given conversation\n" " should be treated as RTP. As of Ethereal 0.8.16, such a mechanism\n" " exists; if you select a UDP or TCP packet, the right mouse button menu\n" " will have a \"Decode As...\" menu item, which will pop up a dialog box\n" " letting you specify that the source port, the destination port, or\n" " both the source and destination ports of the packet should be\n" " dissected as some particular protocol.\n" "\n" " Q 5.20: Why doesn't Ethereal show Yahoo Messenger packets in captures\n" " that contain Yahoo Messenger traffic?\n" "\n" " A: Ethereal only recognizes as Yahoo Messenger traffic packets to or\n" " from TCP port 3050 that begin with \"YPNS\" or \"YHOO\". This means that\n" " 1. TCP segments that start with the middle of a Yahoo Messenger\n" " packet that takes more than one TCP segment will not be recognized\n" " as Yahoo Messenger packets (even if the TCP segment also contains\n" " the beginning of another Yahoo Messenger packet);\n" " 2. Yahoo Messenger packets that begin with \"YMSG\", as packets for\n" " some versions of the protocol apparently do, will not be\n" " recognized as Yahoo Messenger packets.\n" "\n" " Q 5.21: Why do I get the error \n" "\n" " Gdk-ERROR **: Palettized display (256-colour) mode not supported on\n" " Windows.\n" " aborting....\n" "\n" " when I try to run Ethereal on Windows?\n" "\n" " A: Ethereal is built using the GTK+ toolkit, which supports most\n" " UNIX-flavored OSes, and also supports Windows; that toolkit doesn't\n" " support 256-color mode on Windows - it requires HiColor (16-bit\n" " colors) or more. If your display supports more than 256 colors, switch\n" " to a display mode with more colors; if it doesn't support more than\n" " 256 colors, you will be unable to run Ethereal.\n" "\n" " Q 5.22: When I capture on Windows in promiscuous mode, I can see\n" " packets other than those sent to or from my machine; however, those\n" " packets show up with a \"Short Frame\" indication, unlike packets to or\n" " from my machine. What should I do to arrange that I see those packets\n" " in their entirety? \n" "\n" " A: In at least some cases, this appears to be the result of PGPnet\n" " running on the network interface on which you're capturing; turn it\n" " off on that interface.\n" "\n" " Q 5.23: How can I capture raw 802.11 packets, including non-data\n" " (management, beacon) packets? \n" "\n" " A: The answer to this depends on the operating system on which you're\n" " running and the 802.11 interface you're using.\n" "\n" " Cisco Aironet cards:\n" "\n" " The only platforms that allow Ethereal to capture raw 802.11 packets\n" " on Cisco Aironet cards are:\n" " * Linux, with a 2.4.6 or later kernel;\n" " * FreeBSD 4.6 or later, as the driver in FreeBSD 4.5 has bugs that\n" " cause packets not to be captured correctly, and the driver in\n" " releases prior to 4.5 didn't support capturing raw packets.\n" "\n" " On FreeBSD, the ancontrol utility must be used; do not enable the full\n" " Aironet header via BPF, as Ethereal doesn't currently support that.\n" "\n" " On Linux, you will need to do\n" "\n" "echo \"Mode: rfmon\" >/proc/driver/aironet/ethN/Config\n" "\n" " if your Aironet card is ethN. To capture traffic from any BSS, do\n" "\n" "echo \"Mode: y\" >/proc/driver/aironet/ethN/Config\n" "\n" " and to return to the normal mode, do\n" "\n" "echo \"Mode: ess\" >/proc/driver/aironet/ethN/Config\n" "\n" " In either case, Ethereal would have to be linked with libpcap 0.7.1 or\n" " later; this means that most Ethereal binary packages won't work unless\n" " they're statically linked with libpcap 0.7.1 or later, or they're\n" " dynamically linked with libpcap and your system has a libpcap 0.7.1 or\n" " later shared library installed (note that libpcap source package from\n" " does not build shared libraries).\n" "\n" " Cards using the Prism II chip set (see this page of Linux 802.11\n" " information for details on wireless cards, including information on\n" " the chips they use):\n" "\n" " You can capture raw 802.11 packets with Prism II cards on Linux\n" " systems with the 0.1.14-pre1 or later version of the linux-wlan-ng\n" " drivers (see the linux-wlan page, and the linux-wlan-ng tarball\n" " directory), or with Solomon Peachy's patches to the linux-wlan-ng\n" " 0.1.13 drivers (see the `0132-packet-v71.diff' link on his software\n" " page; the patch speaks of 0.1.13-pre2, but appears to apply to 0.1.13\n" " as well). If you are using the 0.1.13 drivers, you might also want his\n" " `0132-promisc-v23.diff' patch as well; if you are using the\n" " 0.1.14-pre1 drivers, you might also want his\n" " `014p1-promiscfixes-v1.diff' patches - both of those are already in\n" " 0.1.14-pre2.\n" "\n" " Those require either Solomon's patch to libpcap 0.7.1 (see his\n" " `libpcap-0.7.1-prism.diff' file, or his RPMs of that version of\n" " libpcap), or the current CVS version of libpcap, which includes his\n" " patch (download it from the `Current Tar files' section of the\n" " Web site).\n" "\n" " You may have to run a command to put the interface into monitor mode,\n" " or to change other interface settings.\n" " Earlier versions of the linux-wlan-ng drivers don't allow Ethereal to\n" " directly capture raw 802.11 packets on Prism II cards; however, on\n" " Linux systems with the linux-wlan-ng drivers version 0.1.6, the\n" " Prismdump utility can be used to capture packets; it saves packets in\n" " a form that Ethereal can read. Prismdump can be downloaded from this\n" " page on the Web site.\n" "\n" " On other platforms, capturing raw 802.11 packets on Prism II cards is\n" " not currently supported.\n" "\n" " Orinoco Silver and Gold cards:\n" "\n" " On Linux systems, when using either the orinoco_cs-0.09b driver or the\n" " driver in at least some versions of the Linux kernel, the\n" " `orinoco-09b-packet-1.diff' patch on the Orinoco Monitor Mode Patch\n" " Page should allow you to do capture raw 802.11 packets.\n" "\n" " The patch appears to apply to the driver in the 2.4.18 kernel, but we\n" " don't know whether it works; the directions on that page are for the\n" " pcmcia-cs drivers, not for the driver in the kernel itself.\n" " Note that the page indicates that not all versions of the Orinoco\n" " firmware support this patch. The Orinoco patches require Solomon\n" " Peachy's libpcap patches.\n" "\n" " On other platforms, capturing raw 802.11 packets on Orinoco cards is\n" " not currently supported.\n" "\n" " Other 802.11 interfaces:\n" "\n" " With other 802.11 interfaces, no platform allows Ethereal to capture\n" " raw 802.11 packets, as far as we know. If you know of other 802.11\n" " interfaces that are supported (note that there are many `Prism II\n" " cards', so your card might be a Prism II card), please let us know,\n" " and include URLs for sites containing any necessary patches to add\n" " this support.\n" "\n" " On platforms that don't allow Ethereal to capture raw 802.11 packets,\n" " the 802.11 network will appear like an Ethernet to Ethereal.\n" "\n" " Q 5.24: How can I capture packets with CRC errors? \n" "\n" " A: Ethereal can capture only the packets that the packet capture\n" " library - libpcap on UNIX-flavored OSes, and the WinPcap port to\n" " Windows of libpcap on Windows - can capture, and libpcap/WinPcap can\n" " capture only the packets that the OS's raw packet capture mechanism\n" " (or the WinPcap driver, and the underlying OS networking code and\n" " network interface drivers, on Windows) will allow it to capture.\n" "\n" " Unless the OS can be configured to supply packets with errors such as\n" " invalid CRCs to the raw packet capture mechanism, Ethereal - and other\n" " programs that capture raw packets, such as tcpdump - cannot capture\n" " those packets. You will have to determine whether your OS can be so\n" " configured, configure it if possible, and make whatever changes to\n" " libpcap and the packet capture program you're using are necessary to\n" " support capturing those packets.\n" "\n" " Q 5.25: How can I capture entire frames, including the FCS? \n" "\n" " A: Ethereal can't capture any data that the packet capture library -\n" " libpcap on UNIX-flavored OSes, and the WinPcap port to Windows of\n" " libpcap on Windows - can capture, and libpcap/WinPcap can capture only\n" " the data that the OS's raw packet capture mechanism (or the WinPcap\n" " driver, and the underlying OS networking code and network interface\n" " drivers, on Windows) will allow it to capture.\n" "\n" " For any particular link-layer network type, unless the OS supplies the\n" " FCS of a frame as part of the frame, or can be configured to supply\n" " the FCS of a frame as part of the frame, Ethereal - and other programs\n" " that capture raw packets, such as tcpdump - cannot capture the FCS of\n" " a frame. You will have to determine whether your OS can be so\n" " configured, configure it if possible, and make whatever changes to\n" " libpcap and the packet capture program you're using are necessary to\n" " support capturing the FCS of a frame. Most if not all OSes probably do\n" " not support capturing the FCS of a frame on Ethernet, and probably do\n" " not support it on most other link-layer types.\n" "\n" " Q 5.26: Ethereal hangs after I stop a capture. \n" "\n" " A: The most likely reason for this is that Ethereal is trying to look\n" " up an IP address in the capture to convert it to a name (so that, for\n" " example, it can display the name in the source address or destination\n" " address columns), and that lookup process is taking a very long time.\n" "\n" " Ethereal calls a routine in the OS of the machine on which it's\n" " running to convert of IP addresses to the corresponding names. That\n" " routine probably does one or more of:\n" " * a search of a system file listing IP addresses and names;\n" " * a lookup using DNS;\n" " * on UNIX systems, a lookup using NIS;\n" " * on Windows systems, a NetBIOS-over-TCP query.\n" "\n" " If a DNS server that's used in an address lookup is not responding,\n" " the lookup will fail, but will only fail after a timeout while the\n" " system routine waits for a reply.\n" "\n" " In addition, on Windows systems, if the DNS lookup of the address\n" " fails, either because the server isn't responding or because there are\n" " no records in the DNS that could be used to map the address to a name,\n" " a NetBIOS-over-TCP query will be made. That query involves sending a\n" " message to the NetBIOS-over-TCP name service on that machine, asking\n" " for the name and other information about the machine. If the machine\n" " isn't running software that responds to those queries - for example,\n" " many non-Windows machines wouldn't be running that software - the\n" " lookup will only fail after a timeout. Those timeouts can cause the\n" " lookup to take a long time.\n" "\n" " If you disable network address-to-name translation - for example, by\n" " turning off the `Enable network name resolution' option in the `Name\n" " resolution' options in the dialog box you get by selecting\n" " `Preferences' from the `Edit' menu - the lookups of the address won't\n" " be done, which may speed up the process of reading the capture file\n" " after the capture is stopped. You can make that setting the default by\n" " using the `Save' button in that dialog box; note that this will save\n" " all your current preference settings.\n" "\n" " If Ethereal hangs when reading a capture even with network name\n" " resolution turned off, there might, for example, be a bug in one of\n" " Ethereal's dissectors for a protocol causing it to loop infinitely.\n" " The bug should be reported to the Ethereal developers' mailing list at\n" "\n" "\n" " On UNIX-flavored OSes, please try to force Ethereal to dump core, by\n" " sending it a SIGABRT signal (usually signal 6) with the kill command,\n" " and then get a stack trace if you have a debugger installed. A stack\n" " trace can be obtained by using your debugger (gdb in this example),\n" " the Ethereal binary, and the resulting core file. Here's an example of\n" " how to use the gdb command backtrace to do so.\n" " $ gdb ethereal core\n" " (gdb) backtrace\n" " ..... prints the stack trace\n" " (gdb) quit\n" " $\n" "\n" " The core dump file may be named \"ethereal.core\" rather than \"core\" on\n" " some platforms (e.g., BSD systems)\n" "\n" " Also, if at all possible, please send a copy of the capture file that\n" " caused the problem; when capturing packets, Ethereal normally writes\n" " captured packets to a temporary file, which will probably be in /tmp\n" " or /var/tmp on UNIX-flavored OSes and \\TEMP on Windows, so the capture\n" " file will probably be there. It will have a name beginning with ether,\n" " with some mixture of letters and numbers after that. Please don't send\n" " a trace file greater than 1 MB when compressed. If the trace file\n" " contains sensitive information (e.g., passwords), then please do not\n" " send it.\n" "\n" " Q 5.27: How can I search for, or filter, packets that have a\n" " particular string anywhere in them? \n" "\n" " A: Currently, you can't.\n" "\n" " That's a feature that would be hard to implement in capture filters\n" " without changes to the capture filter code, which, on many platforms,\n" " is in the OS kernel and, on other platforms, is in the libpcap\n" " library.\n" "\n" " It would be easier to implement in display filters, but it hasn't been\n" " implemented yet. It would be best implemented as a display filter\n" " \"string match\" operator, which would let you check not only the entire\n" " packet for a string, but check portions of the packet for a string. It\n" " should probably not use a naive string matching mechanism, as there\n" " are mechanisms much faster than the naive one.\n" "\n" "\n" " Support can be found on the ethereal-users[AT] mailing\n" " list. \n" " For corrections/additions/suggestions for this page, please send email\n" " to: ethereal-web[AT]\n" " Last modified: Thu, February 27 2003.\n" }; #define FAQ_PARTS 4 #define FAQ_SIZE 68220