# CMakeLists.txt # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # if(DEFINED ENV{FORCE_CMAKE_NINJA_NON_VERBOSE}) # # Forcibly unset CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE, # to make *CERTAIN* that we don't do # anything verbose here! # unset(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE CACHE) endif() if(WIN32) # Needed for add_custom_command() WORKING_DIRECTORY generator expressions cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13) else() cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) endif() if(POLICY CMP0069) cmake_policy(SET CMP0069 NEW) endif() if(POLICY CMP0071) cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 NEW) endif() if(POLICY CMP0074) cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 NEW) endif() if(POLICY CMP0083) cmake_policy(SET CMP0083 NEW) endif() if(WIN32) set(_project_name Wireshark) else() set(_project_name wireshark) endif() project(${_project_name} C CXX) # Updated by tools/make-version.pl set(GIT_REVISION 0) set(PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION 3) set(PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION 5) set(PROJECT_PATCH_VERSION 0) set(PROJECT_BUILD_VERSION ${GIT_REVISION}) set(PROJECT_VERSION_EXTENSION "") if(DEFINED ENV{WIRESHARK_VERSION_EXTRA}) set(PROJECT_VERSION_EXTENSION "$ENV{WIRESHARK_VERSION_EXTRA}") endif() set(PROJECT_VERSION "${PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION}.${PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION}.${PROJECT_PATCH_VERSION}${PROJECT_VERSION_EXTENSION}") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION}") include( CMakeOptions.txt ) # We require minimum C++11 set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) message(STATUS "Generating build using CMake ${CMAKE_VERSION}") #Where to find local cmake scripts set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules) # CMake >= 3.9.0 enables LTO/IPO # Policy CMP0069 enables this behavior when we set the minimum CMake version < 3.9.0 if (ENABLE_LTO) include(CheckIPOSupported) check_ipo_supported(RESULT lto_supported) if(lto_supported) set(CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION TRUE) endif() endif() if (CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION) message(STATUS "LTO/IPO is enabled") else() message(STATUS "LTO/IPO is not enabled") endif() # If our target platform is enforced by our generator, set # WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM accordingly. Otherwise use # %WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM%. if(WIN32) find_package(PowerShell REQUIRED) if(CMAKE_CL_64 OR CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Win64") set(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM win64) elseif(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio") set(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM win32) else() set(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM $ENV{WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM}) endif() if(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM MATCHES "win64") set(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE amd64) else() set(WIRESHARK_TARGET_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE x86) endif() # Sanity check if(DEFINED ENV{PLATFORM}) string(TOLOWER $ENV{PLATFORM} _vs_platform) else() set(_vs_platform "[undefined]") # x86 endif() if( (_vs_platform STREQUAL "x64" AND NOT WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM STREQUAL "win64") OR (_vs_platform STREQUAL "[undefined]" AND NOT WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM STREQUAL "win32") ) message(FATAL_ERROR "The PLATFORM environment variable (${_vs_platform})" " doesn't match the generator platform (${WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM})") endif() message(STATUS "Building for ${WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM} using ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}") # Determine where the 3rd party libraries will be if( DEFINED ENV{WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR} ) # The buildbots set WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR but not WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR. file( TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR}" _PROJECT_LIB_DIR ) elseif( DEFINED ENV{WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR} ) file( TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR}" _WS_BASE_DIR ) set( _PROJECT_LIB_DIR "${_WS_BASE_DIR}/wireshark-${WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM}-libs" ) else() # Don't know what to do message(FATAL_ERROR "Neither WIRESHARK_BASE_DIR or WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR are defined") endif() # Download third-party libraries file (TO_NATIVE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/win-setup.ps1 _win_setup) file (TO_NATIVE_PATH ${_PROJECT_LIB_DIR} _ws_lib_dir) # Is it possible to have a one-time, non-cached option in CMake? If # so, we could add a "-DFORCE_WIN_SETUP" which passes -Force to # win-setup.ps1. execute_process( COMMAND ${POWERSHELL_COMMAND} "\"${_win_setup}\"" -Destination "${_ws_lib_dir}" -Platform ${WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM} RESULT_VARIABLE _win_setup_failed ) if(_win_setup_failed) message(FATAL_ERROR "Windows setup (win-setup.ps1) failed.") endif() set(EXTRA_INSTALLER_DIR ${_ws_lib_dir}) # XXX Add a dependency on ${_ws_lib_dir}/current_tag.txt? # Prepopulate some ConfigureChecks values. Compilation checks # on Windows can be slow. set(HAVE_FCNTL_H TRUE) set(HAVE_FLOORL TRUE) endif(WIN32) include(UseCustomIncludes) ADD_CUSTOM_CMAKE_INCLUDE() # This cannot be implemented via option(...) if( NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ) set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) endif() message(STATUS "CMake build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") # Ensure that all executables and libraries end up in the same directory. Actual # files might end up in a configuration subdirectory, e.g. run/Debug or # run/Release. We try to set DATAFILE_DIR to actual location below. if(NOT ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_PATH) set(ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run CACHE INTERNAL "Single output directory for building all archives.") endif() if(NOT EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH) set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run CACHE INTERNAL "Single output directory for building all executables.") endif() if(NOT LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run CACHE INTERNAL "Single output directory for building all libraries.") endif() # # The release mode (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release) defines NDEBUG for # the Unix Makefile generator. # # Defines CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR, CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR, etc ... if(WIN32) # Override some values on Windows, to match the existing # convention of installing everything to a single root folder. set(CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR ".") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR ".") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR "include") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR ".") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR ".") else() # By default INSTALL_DATADIR is set to INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR, set the # proper value here. set(CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR "share/${PROJECT_NAME}" CACHE PATH "Read-only architecture-independent data" ) endif() include(GNUInstallDirs) set(PROJECT_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}") # Make sure our executables can can load our libraries if we install into # a non-default directory on Unix-like systems other than macOS. # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/community/wikis/doc/cmake/RPATH-handling set(LIBRARY_INSTALL_RPATH "") set(EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_RPATH "") set(EXTCAP_INSTALL_RPATH "") if(NOT (WIN32 OR APPLE OR USE_STATIC)) # Try to set a RPATH for installed binaries if the library directory is # not already included in the default search list. list(FIND CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR}" IS_SYSTEM_DIR) if(IS_SYSTEM_DIR EQUAL -1) # Some systems support $ORIGIN in RPATH to enable relocatable # binaries. In other cases, only absolute paths can be used. # https://www.lekensteyn.nl/rpath.html if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "^(Linux|SunOS|FreeBSD)$") set(_enable_rpath_origin TRUE) if(BUILD_dumpcap AND ENABLE_PCAP) # dumpcap will most likely be installed with # capabilities or setuid. Relative RPATHs that # resolve to non-standard library directories # are ignored for such binaries and since we # cannot achieve relocatable builds, just # disable it by default. set(_enable_rpath_origin FALSE) endif() # Provide a knob to optionally force absolute rpaths, # to support old/buggy systems and as a user preference # for hardening. set(ENABLE_RPATH_ORIGIN ${_enable_rpath_origin} CACHE BOOL "Use $ORIGIN with INSTALL_RPATH") mark_as_advanced(ENABLE_RPATH_ORIGIN) else() set(ENABLE_RPATH_ORIGIN FALSE) endif() if(ENABLE_RPATH_ORIGIN) set(LIBRARY_INSTALL_RPATH "$ORIGIN") set(EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_RPATH "$ORIGIN/../${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") set(EXTCAP_INSTALL_RPATH "$ORIGIN/../..") else() set(LIBRARY_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR}") set(EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR}") set(EXTCAP_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR}") endif() # Include non-standard external libraries by default in RPATH. if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) endif() endif() endif() # Ensure that executables in the build directory always have the same RPATH. # This ensures relocatable binaries and reproducible builds (invariant of the # build directory location). (Requires CMake 3.14) set(CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN ON) if(WIN32) # Linking with wsetargv.obj enables "wildcard expansion" of # command-line arguments. set(WILDCARD_OBJ wsetargv.obj) endif(WIN32) include(CheckSymbolExists) # # Large file support on UN*X, a/k/a LFS. # # On Windows, we require _fseeki64() and _ftelli64(). Visual # Studio has had supported them since Visual Studio 2005/MSVCR80, # and we require newer versions, so we know we have them. # if(NOT WIN32) include(FindLFS) if(LFS_FOUND) # # Add the required #defines. # add_definitions(${LFS_DEFINITIONS}) endif() # # Check for fseeko as well. # include(FindFseeko) if(FSEEKO_FOUND) set(HAVE_FSEEKO ON) # # Add the required #defines. # add_definitions(${FSEEKO_DEFINITIONS}) endif() endif() # Banner shown at top right of Qt welcome screen. if(DEFINED ENV{WIRESHARK_VERSION_FLAVOR}) set(VERSION_FLAVOR "$ENV{WIRESHARK_VERSION_FLAVOR}") else() set(VERSION_FLAVOR "Development Build") endif() # These are required in .rc files and manifests set(VERSION_MAJOR ${PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION}) set(VERSION_MINOR ${PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION}) set(VERSION_MICRO ${PROJECT_PATCH_VERSION}) set(VERSION_BUILD ${PROJECT_BUILD_VERSION}) set(RC_VERSION ${PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION},${PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION},${PROJECT_PATCH_VERSION},${PROJECT_BUILD_VERSION}) message(STATUS "V: ${PROJECT_VERSION}, MaV: ${PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION}, MiV: ${PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION}, PL: ${PROJECT_PATCH_VERSION}, EV: ${PROJECT_VERSION_EXTENSION}.") include(UseLemon) include(UseMakePluginReg) include(UseMakeTaps) include(UseExecutableResources) include(UseAsn2Wrs) # The following snippet has been taken from # https://github.com/USESystemEngineeringBV/cmake-eclipse-helper/wiki/HowToWorkaroundIndexer # The eclipse indexer otherwise assumes __cplusplus=199711L which will lead to broken # lookup tables for the epan libraries # Check if CXX flags have been set to c++11 -> Setup Eclipse Indexer correctly! # Also setup the project slightly different if(CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR MATCHES "Eclipse CDT4") SET(CXX_ENABLED 0) LIST(LENGTH CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS LIST_LEN) if(LIST_LEN GREATER 0) SET(CXX_ENABLED 1) endif() SET(C_ENABLED 0) LIST(LENGTH CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_C_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS LIST_LEN) if(LIST_LEN GREATER 0) SET(C_ENABLED 1) endif() if(C_ENABLED EQUAL 1 AND CXX_ENABLED EQUAL 1) # Combined project (C and CXX). This will confuse the indexer. For that reason # we unsert set the __cplusplus variable for the indexer list(FIND CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS "__cplusplus" GEN_MACRO_INDEX) if(GEN_MACRO_INDEX GREATER -1) list(REMOVE_AT CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS ${GEN_MACRO_INDEX}) list(REMOVE_AT CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS ${GEN_MACRO_INDEX}) endif() SET(CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS ${CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS} CACHE INTERNAL "") elseif((CXX_ENABLED EQUAL 1) AND (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS MATCHES ".*-std=c\\+\\+11.*")) #add_definitions (-D__cplusplus=201103L) # CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS list(FIND CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS "199711L" GEN_MACRO_INDEX) if(GEN_MACRO_INDEX GREATER -1) list(REMOVE_AT CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS ${GEN_MACRO_INDEX}) list(INSERT CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS ${GEN_MACRO_INDEX} "201103L") SET(CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS ${CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS} CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() endif() endif() include_directories( ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) if( DUMPCAP_INSTALL_OPTION STREQUAL "suid" ) set( DUMPCAP_SETUID "SETUID" ) else() set( DUMPCAP_SETUID ) endif() if( NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux" AND DUMPCAP_INSTALL_OPTION STREQUAL "capabilities" ) message( WARNING "Capabilities are only supported on Linux" ) set( DUMPCAP_INSTALL_OPTION ) endif() set(OSS_FUZZ OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether building for oss-fuzz") mark_as_advanced(OSS_FUZZ) if(OSS_FUZZ) if(ENABLE_FUZZER) # In oss-fuzz mode, the fuzzing engine can be afl or libFuzzer. message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot force libFuzzer when using oss-fuzz") endif() # Must not depend on external dependencies so statically link all libs. set(USE_STATIC ON) endif() if(USE_STATIC) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".a") endif() # # Linking can consume a lot of memory, especially when built with ASAN and # static libraries (like oss-fuzz) or Debug mode. With Ninja, the number of # parallel linker processes is constrained by job parallelism (-j), but this can # be reduced further by setting "job pools" to a lower number. # if(CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM MATCHES "ninja" AND OSS_FUZZ) # Assume oss-fuzz linker jobs do not require more than 1.2G per task set(per_job_memory_mb 1200) cmake_host_system_information(RESULT total_memory_mb QUERY TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEMORY) math(EXPR parallel_link_jobs "${total_memory_mb} / ${per_job_memory_mb}") if(parallel_link_jobs LESS 1) set(parallel_link_jobs 1) endif() set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY JOB_POOLS link_job_pool=${parallel_link_jobs}) set(CMAKE_JOB_POOL_LINK link_job_pool) message(STATUS "Ninja job pool size: ${parallel_link_jobs}") endif() # Always enable position-independent code when compiling, even for # executables, so you can build position-independent executables. # -pie is added below for non-MSVC, but requires objects to be built with # -fPIC/-fPIE (so set CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE to enable that). set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) # Path to our generated executables (or wrapper scripts) if(WIN32) set(WS_PROGRAM_PATH ./run/$) else() set(WS_PROGRAM_PATH ./run) endif() if( CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC") if ((MSVC_VERSION LESS "1900") OR (MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL "2000")) message(FATAL_ERROR "You are using an unsupported version of MSVC") endif() add_definitions( /DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE # NOMINMAX keeps windows.h from defining "min" and "max" via windef.h. # This avoids conflicts with the C++ standard library. /DNOMINMAX # -DPSAPI_VERSION=1 Programs that must run on earlier versions of Windows as well as Windows 7 and later # versions should always call this function as GetProcessMemoryInfo. To ensure correct # resolution of symbols, add Psapi.lib to the TARGETLIBS macro and compile the program # with -DPSAPI_VERSION=1.To use run-time dynamic linking, load Psapi.dll. # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/psapi/nf-psapi-getprocessmemoryinfo # -D_ALLOW_KEYWORD_MACROS For VS2012 onwards the, C++ STL does not permit macro redefinitions of keywords # (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/visualstudio/visual-studio-2012/bb531344(v=vs.110)) # This definition prevents the complaint about the redefinition of inline by WinPCap # in pcap-stdinc.h when compiling C++ files, e.g. the Qt UI /DPSAPI_VERSION=1 /D_ALLOW_KEYWORD_MACROS ) if(NOT WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM STREQUAL "win64") add_definitions("/D_BIND_TO_CURRENT_CRT_VERSION=1") endif() set(LOCAL_CFLAGS /MP ) set(WS_LINK_FLAGS "/LARGEADDRESSAWARE /MANIFEST:NO /INCREMENTAL:NO /RELEASE") # To do: Add /external:... See https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/broken-warnings-theory/ # # /diagnostics:caret Place a caret under compilation issues similar to # Clang and gcc. # /Zo Enhanced debugging of optimised code # /utf-8 Set Source and Executable character sets to UTF-8 # VS2015(MSVC14): On by default when /Zi or /Z7 used. # /guard:cf Control Flow Guard (compile and link). # See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/secbp/control-flow-guard # Note: This requires CMake 3.9.0 or newer. # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/commit/f973d49ab9d4c59b93f6dac812a94bb130200836 # /Qspectre Speculative execution attack mitigation # See https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/spectre-mitigations-in-msvc/ list(APPEND LOCAL_CFLAGS /diagnostics:caret /Zo /utf-8 /guard:cf) set(WS_LINK_FLAGS "${WS_LINK_FLAGS} /guard:cf") # /Qspectre is not available for VS2015 or older VS2017. Test for its availability. set(WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS /Qspectre) if(ENABLE_CODE_ANALYSIS) # We should probably add a code_analysis.props file and use it to set # CAExcludePath, otherwise we trigger on Qt's headers: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59669026/how-to-add-property-to-affect-code-analysis-in-cmake # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/19682 # For now, we set CAExcludePath=C:\Qt;%include% in the Visual Studio # Code Analys builder's environment. list(APPEND LOCAL_CFLAGS /analyze:WX-) endif() # Additional compiler warnings to be treated as "Level 3" # when compiling Wireshark sources. (Selected from "level 4" warnings). ## 4295: array is too small to include a terminating null character ## 4100: unreferenced formal parameter ## 4189: local variable is initialized but not referenced # Disable warnings about about use of flexible array members: ## 4200: nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union list(APPEND LOCAL_CFLAGS /w34295 /w34100 /w34189 /wd4200) # We've matched these to specific compiler versions using the # checks above. There's no need to pass them to check_c_compiler_flag # or check_cxx_compiler_flag, which can be slow. string(REPLACE ";" " " _flags "${LOCAL_CFLAGS}") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${_flags} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${_flags} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") else() # ! MSVC if(APPLE) # MIN_MACOS_VERSION is used to set LSMinimumSystemVersion # in Info.plist, so start with something low. set(MIN_MACOS_VERSION 10.8) if(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) if(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET VERSION_LESS MIN_MACOS_VERSION) message(FATAL_ERROR "We don't support building for macOS < ${MIN_MACOS_VERSION}") endif() set(MIN_MACOS_VERSION ${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}) endif() endif() # # Do whatever is necessary to enable as much C99 support as # possible in the C compiler. Newer versions of compilers # might default to supporting C99, but older versions may # require a special flag. # # We do not want strict C99 support, as we may also want to # use compiler extensions. # # Prior to CMake 3.1, setting CMAKE_C_STANDARD will not have # any effect, so, unless and until we require CMake 3.1 or # later, we have to do it ourselves on pre-3.1 CMake, so we # just do it ourselves on all versions of CMake. # # Note: with CMake 3.1 through 3.5, the only compilers for # which CMake handles CMAKE_C_STANDARD are GCC and Clang. # 3.6 adds support only for Intel C; 3.9 adds support for # PGI C, Sun C, and IBM XL C, and 3.10 adds support for # Cray C and IAR C, but no version of CMake has support for # HP C. Therefore, even if we use CMAKE_C_STANDARD with # compilers for which CMake supports it, we may still have # to do it ourselves on other compilers. # # In addition, CMake 3.5.2 seems to think that GCC versions # less than 4.4 don't support -std=gnu99, which we need in # order to get support for "for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ;", # which is another reason not to rely on CMake's CMAKE_C_STANDARD # support. # # See the CMake documentation for the CMAKE__COMPILER_ID # variables for a list of compiler IDs. # # We don't worry about MSVC; it doesn't have such a flag - # either it doesn't support the C99 features we need at all, # or it supports them regardless of the compiler flag. # # XXX - we add the flag for a given compiler to CMAKE_C_FLAGS, # so we test whether it works and add it if we do. We don't # test whether it's necessary in order to get the C99 features # that we use; if we ever have a user who tries to compile with # a compiler that can't be made to support those features, we # can add a test to make sure we actually *have* C99 support. # if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") # # We use -std=gnu99 rather than -std=c99 because, for # some older compilers such as GCC 4.4.7, -std=gnu99 # is required to avoid errors about C99 constructs # such as "for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ;". # set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-std=gnu99 ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "XL") # # We want support for extensions picked up for # GNU C compatibility, so we use -qlanglvl=extc99. # set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-qlanglvl=extc99 ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "HP") # # We also need to add -Wp,-H200000 to handle some large # #defines we have; that flag is not necessary for the # C++ compiler unless the "legacy" C++ preprocessor is # being used (+legacy_cpp). We don't want the legacy # preprocessor if it's not the default, so we just add # -Wp,-H200000 to the C flags. (If there are older # versions of aC++ that only support the legacy # preprocessor, and require that we boost the table # size, we'd have to check whether -Wp,-H200000 is # supported by the C++ compiler and add it only if it is.) # set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-AC99 -Wp,-H200000 $WS_CFLAGS ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Sun") # # We also crank up the warning level. # set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-xc99 -v ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-c99 ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") set(WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS ${WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS} # avoid "argument unused during compilation" warnings # (for example, when getting the -gsplit-dwarf option or # when combining -fwrapv with -fno-strict-overflow) -Qunused-arguments ) else() set(WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS ${WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS} -fexcess-precision=fast ) endif() list(APPEND WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS # The following are for C and C++ # -O and -g get set by the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -Wall -Wextra -Wendif-labels -Wpointer-arith -Wformat-security -fwrapv -fno-strict-overflow -Wvla -Waddress -Wattributes -Wdiv-by-zero -Wignored-qualifiers -Wpragmas -Wno-overlength-strings -Wno-long-long -Wheader-guard -Wcomma -Wshorten-64-to-32 -Wredundant-decls ) # # Code that may be worth looking into (coding practices) # if((NOT ENABLE_ASAN) AND (NOT ENABLE_TSAN) AND (NOT ENABLE_UBSAN) AND (NOT DISABLE_FRAME_LARGER_THAN_WARNING)) # # Only do this if none of ASan, TSan, and UBSan are # enabled; the instrumentation they add increases # the stack usage - we only care about stack # usage in normal operation. # set(WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS ${WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS} -Wframe-larger-than=32768 ) endif() list(APPEND WIRESHARK_C_ONLY_FLAGS # The following are C only, not C++ -Wc++-compat -Wunused-const-variable # # XXX - some versions of GCC, including the one in at # least some Xcode versions that come with Mac OS X # 10.5, complain about variables in function and # function pointer *declarations* shadowing other # variables. The autoconf script checked for that; we # don't. -Wshadow -Wold-style-definition -Wstrict-prototypes # # Some versions of GCC, such as 4.3.2 and 4.4.5, # generate logical-op warnings when strchr() is given a # constant string. The autoconf script checked for that; # we don't. # -Wlogical-op -Wjump-misses-init # # Implicit function declarations are an error in C++ and most # likely a programming error in C. Turn -Wimplicit-int and # -Wimplicit-function-declaration into an error by default. # -Werror=implicit ) # # The universal zero initializer (in C: struct s x = { 0 };) for # structures with multiple members is perfectly legal, but some older # compilers warn about it. Silence those older compilers. # if((CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" AND CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS "5.1") OR (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang" AND CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS "6.0") OR (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "AppleClang" AND CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS "10.0")) if(NOT CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS "4.7") list(APPEND WIRESHARK_C_ONLY_FLAGS -Wno-missing-field-initializers) endif() # Silence warnings for initialization of nested structs like # struct { struct { int a, b; } s; int c; } v = { 0 }; list(APPEND WIRESHARK_C_ONLY_FLAGS -Wno-missing-braces) endif() list(APPEND WIRESHARK_CXX_ONLY_FLAGS -Wextra-semi ) # # These are not enabled by default, because the warnings they # produce are very hard or impossible to eliminate. # if(ENABLE_EXTRA_COMPILER_WARNINGS) # This overrides -Werror list(APPEND WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS # The following are for C and C++ -Wpedantic # # As we use variadic macros, we don't want warnings # about them, even with -Wpedantic. # -Wno-variadic-macros # # Various code blocks this one. # -Woverflow -fstrict-overflow -Wstrict-overflow=4 # # Due to various places where APIs we don't control # require us to cast away constness, we can probably # never enable this one with -Werror. # -Wcast-qual # # All the registration functions block these for now. # -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations # # A bunch of "that might not work on SPARC" code blocks # this one for now; some of it is code that *will* work # on SPARC, such as casts of "struct sockaddr *" to # "struct sockaddr_in *", which are required by some # APIs such as getifaddrs(). # -Wcast-align # # Works only with Clang # -Wunreachable-code # # Works only with Clang but generates a lot of warnings # (about glib library not using Doxygen) # -Wdocumentation # # Works only with GCC 7 # -Wduplicated-branches # # No longer supported by El Capitan clang on C++ # XXX - is this one of those where CMake's check # doesn't fail, so it won't reject this? # -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks ) # # Some loops are safe, but it's hard to convince the compiler of # that. Always disable the warning on GCC 7 due to a bug that # cause lots of false positives. # https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=81408 # if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" AND NOT CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION MATCHES "^7\\.") list(APPEND WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations) endif() list(APPEND WIRESHARK_C_ONLY_FLAGS # The following are C only, not C++ # # Due to various places where APIs we don't control # require us to cast away constness, we can probably # never enable this one with -Werror. # -Wbad-function-cast ) list(APPEND WIRESHARK_CXX_ONLY_FLAGS ) else() # # -Wpointer-sign is a default test we get with -Wall and # -W, but for some reason we were suppressing it - # unconditionally. Suppress it only without the extra # warnings, so we can at least see how much we get. # (This would have caught at least one error - the one # in change https://code.wireshark.org/review/33234, # which would have suggested that the wrong # proto_tree_add_ret_ call was being used.) # list(APPEND WIRESHARK_C_ONLY_FLAGS -Wno-pointer-sign ) endif() if(ENABLE_COMPILER_COLOR_DIAGNOSTICS) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") set(WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS ${WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS} -fcolor-diagnostics ) elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") set(WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS ${WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS} -fdiagnostics-color=always ) endif() endif() add_definitions( -DG_DISABLE_DEPRECATED -DG_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES ) set(WIRESHARK_LD_FLAGS # See also CheckCLinkerFlag.cmake -Wl,--as-needed # -flto # -fwhopr # -fwhole-program ) endif() # ! MSVC # Counterhack to work around some cache magic in CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES include(CheckCCompilerFlag) include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) if(ENABLE_STATIC) set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS 0) else() set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS 1) endif() function(test_compiler_flag _lang _this_flag _valid_flags_var) string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${_lang}${_this_flag}_VALID" _flag_var) set(_test_flags "${${_valid_flags_var}} ${_this_flag}") if(_lang STREQUAL "C") check_c_compiler_flag("${_test_flags}" ${_flag_var}) elseif(_lang STREQUAL "CXX") check_cxx_compiler_flag("${_test_flags}" ${_flag_var}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Language must be C or CXX") endif() if (${_flag_var}) set(${_valid_flags_var} "${_test_flags}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() foreach(THIS_FLAG ${WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS} ${WIRESHARK_C_ONLY_FLAGS}) test_compiler_flag(C ${THIS_FLAG} ADDED_CMAKE_C_FLAGS) endforeach() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${ADDED_CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") foreach(THIS_FLAG ${WIRESHARK_COMMON_FLAGS} ${WIRESHARK_CXX_ONLY_FLAGS}) test_compiler_flag(CXX ${THIS_FLAG} ADDED_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) endforeach() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${ADDED_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") # Strips the source and build directory prefix from the __FILE__ macro to ensure # reproducible builds. Supported since GCC 8, Clang support is pending. if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") # If the build dir is within the source dir, CMake will use something # like ../epan/dfilter/semcheck.c. Map these relative paths in addition # to CMAKE_BINARY_DIR since compile_commands.json uses absolute paths. file(RELATIVE_PATH _relative_source_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") string(REGEX REPLACE "/$" "" _relative_source_dir "${_relative_source_dir}") check_c_compiler_flag(-fmacro-prefix-map=old=new C_fmacro_prefix_map_old_new_VALID) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-fmacro-prefix-map=old=new CXX_fmacro_prefix_map_old_new_VALID) foreach(_lang C CXX) if(${_lang}_fmacro_prefix_map_old_new_VALID) set(_flags CMAKE_${_lang}_FLAGS) set(${_flags} "${${_flags}} -fmacro-prefix-map=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/=") set(${_flags} "${${_flags}} -fmacro-prefix-map=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/=") if(_relative_source_dir MATCHES "\\.\\.$") set(${_flags} "${${_flags}} -fmacro-prefix-map=${_relative_source_dir}/=") endif() endif() endforeach() endif() include(CMakePushCheckState) if(ENABLE_ASAN) cmake_push_check_state() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "-fsanitize=address") check_c_compiler_flag(-fsanitize=address C__fsanitize_address_VALID) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-fsanitize=address CXX__fsanitize_address_VALID) cmake_pop_check_state() if(NOT C__fsanitize_address_VALID OR NOT CXX__fsanitize_address_VALID) message(FATAL_ERROR "ENABLE_ASAN was requested, but not supported!") endif() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fsanitize=address ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fsanitize=address ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") # Disable ASAN for build-time tools, e.g. lemon check_c_compiler_flag(-fno-sanitize=all C__fno_sanitize_all_VALID) if(C__fno_sanitize_all_VALID) set(NO_SANITIZE_CFLAGS "-fno-sanitize=all") set(NO_SANITIZE_LDFLAGS "-fno-sanitize=all") endif() endif() if(ENABLE_TSAN) # Available since Clang >= 3.2 and GCC >= 4.8 cmake_push_check_state() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "-fsanitize=thread") check_c_compiler_flag(-fsanitize=thread C__fsanitize_thread_VALID) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-fsanitize=thread CXX__fsanitize_thread_VALID) cmake_pop_check_state() if(NOT C__fsanitize_thread_VALID OR NOT CXX__fsanitize_thread_VALID) message(FATAL_ERROR "ENABLE_TSAN was requested, but not supported!") endif() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fsanitize=thread ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fsanitize=thread ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") set(WS_LINK_FLAGS "-fsanitize=thread ${WS_LINK_FLAGS}") endif() if(ENABLE_UBSAN) # Available since Clang >= 3.3 and GCC >= 4.9 cmake_push_check_state() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "-fsanitize=undefined") check_c_compiler_flag(-fsanitize=undefined C__fsanitize_undefined_VALID) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-fsanitize=undefined CXX__fsanitize_undefined_VALID) cmake_pop_check_state() if(NOT C__fsanitize_undefined_VALID OR NOT CXX__fsanitize_undefined_VALID) message(FATAL_ERROR "ENABLE_UBSAN was requested, but not supported!") endif() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fsanitize=undefined ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fsanitize=undefined ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") endif() if(ENABLE_FUZZER) # Available since Clang >= 6 # Will enable coverage flags which can be used by the fuzzshark target. cmake_push_check_state() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link") check_c_compiler_flag(-fsanitize=fuzzer C__fsanitize_fuzzer_no_link_VALID) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-fsanitize=fuzzer CXX__fsanitize_fuzzer_no_link_VALID) cmake_pop_check_state() if(NOT C__fsanitize_fuzzer_no_link_VALID OR NOT CXX__fsanitize_fuzzer_no_link_VALID) message(FATAL_ERROR "ENABLE_FUZZER was requested, but not supported!") endif() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") endif() if(MSVC) if(ENABLE_VLD) include(FindVLD) if(NOT VLD_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "ENABLE_VLD was requested, but not found!") endif() message(STATUS "Enabling Visual Leak Detector in Debug configuration") set(WS_MSVC_DEBUG_LINK_FLAGS ${VLD_LINK_FLAGS}) endif() endif() set(WERROR_COMMON_FLAGS "") if(NOT DISABLE_WERROR AND NOT ENABLE_EXTRA_COMPILER_WARNINGS) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC") set(WERROR_COMMON_FLAGS "/WX") else() # # If a warning has been enabled by -Wall or -W, # and have specified -Werror, there appears to be # no way, in Apple's llvm-gcc, to prevent that # particular warning from giving an error - not # with a pragma, not with -Wno-{warning}, and not # with -Wno-error={warning}. # # Therefore, with that compiler, we just disable # -Werror. # if ((NOT APPLE) OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") check_c_compiler_flag(-Werror WERROR) if (WERROR) set(WERROR_COMMON_FLAGS "-Werror") endif() endif() endif() endif() # # Try to have the compiler default to hiding symbols, so that only # symbols explicitly exported with WS_DLL_PUBLIC will be visible # outside (shared) libraries; that way, more UN*X builds will catch # failures to export symbols, rather than having that fail only on # Windows. # # We don't need that with MSVC, as that's the default. # if( NOT CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC") # # Try the GCC-and-compatible -fvisibility-hidden first. # check_c_compiler_flag(-fvisibility=hidden FVHIDDEN) if(FVHIDDEN) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fvisibility=hidden ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") else() # # OK, try the Sun^WOracle C -xldscope=hidden # check_c_compiler_flag(-xldscope=hidden XLDSCOPEHIDDEN) if(XLDSCOPEHIDDEN) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-xldscope=hidden ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") else() # # Anything else? # If there is anything else, we might want to # make a list of options to try, and try them # in a loop. # message(WARNING "Hiding shared library symbols is not supported by the compiler." " All shared library symbols will be exported.") endif() endif() endif() include(CheckCLinkerFlag) if(NOT CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC" AND NOT OSS_FUZZ) # # The -pie linker option produces a position-independent executable. # Some Linux distributions have this enabled by default in the compiler, # so setting it here will be superfluous though. # # Note that linking with static libraries that are not position # independent may fail, the user can set CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-no-pie # as a workaround. # if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.14") check_c_linker_flag(-pie LINK_pie_VALID) if(LINK_pie_VALID) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-pie ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") endif() else() include(CheckPIESupported) check_pie_supported() endif() endif() foreach(THIS_FLAG ${WIRESHARK_LD_FLAGS}) string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "LINK${THIS_FLAG}_VALID" _flag_var) check_c_linker_flag(${THIS_FLAG} ${_flag_var}) if (${_flag_var}) set(WS_LINK_FLAGS "${WS_LINK_FLAGS} ${THIS_FLAG}") endif() endforeach() message(STATUS "Linker flags: ${WS_LINK_FLAGS}") if(APPLE AND EXISTS /usr/local/opt/gettext) # GLib on macOS requires libintl. Homebrew installs gettext (and # libintl) in /usr/local/opt/gettext include_directories(SYSTEM /usr/local/opt/gettext/include) link_directories(/usr/local/opt/gettext/lib) endif() # Resets cache variables if the _LIBRARY has become invalid. # Call it before a find_package( ...) invocation that uses # find_library(_LIBRARY ...). # # Usage: reset_find_package( []) function(reset_find_package _package_name) set(variables # find_library / find_package ${_package_name}_LIBRARY ${_package_name}_INCLUDE_DIR # mark_as_advanced ${_package_name}_LIBRARIES ${_package_name}_INCLUDE_DIRS # Others ${_package_name}_DLL_DIR ${_package_name}_DLLS ${_package_name}_DLL ${_package_name}_PDB ${ARGN} ) if(NOT ${_package_name}_LIBRARY OR EXISTS ${${_package_name}_LIBRARY}) # Cache variable is already missing or cache entry is valid. return() endif() message(STATUS "Package ${_package_name} has changed, clearing cache.") foreach(_var IN LISTS variables) unset(${_var} CACHE) endforeach() endfunction() # ws_find_package( # # # [remaining find_package() arguments]) macro(ws_find_package _package_name _enable_package _package_cmakedefine) if(${_enable_package}) # Clear outdated cache variables if not already. reset_find_package(${_package_name}) find_package(${_package_name} ${ARGN}) if(${_package_name}_FOUND) set(${_package_cmakedefine} 1) endif() endif() endmacro() # The minimum package list find_package(Git) reset_find_package(GLIB2 GLIB2_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR GLIB2_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIR) find_package(GLIB2 "2.38.0" REQUIRED) include_directories(SYSTEM ${GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) reset_find_package(GMODULE2) find_package(GMODULE2) reset_find_package(GTHREAD2) find_package(GTHREAD2 REQUIRED) reset_find_package(GCRYPT GCRYPT_ERROR_LIBRARY) find_package(GCRYPT "1.5.0" REQUIRED) # C Asynchronous resolver reset_find_package(CARES) find_package(CARES "1.5.0" REQUIRED) find_package(LEX REQUIRED) find_package(Perl REQUIRED) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.12") # Locate the Python interpreter. Finds the wrong (Python 2) version if: # - PATH contains python3.6, but not python3 (3.4). Affects RHEL7+EPEL. # - Path contains C:\Python27 but not C:\Python37 (which is installed, # but not present in PATH). find_package(PythonInterp 3.4 REQUIRED) else() find_package(Python3 3.4 REQUIRED) # Several files (including LocatePythonModule) still use the old name # from FindPythonInterp, let's stick to it for now. set(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}) endif() if (NOT WIN32) find_package(Gettext) find_package(M REQUIRED) endif() if(BUILD_sshdump OR BUILD_ciscodump) set(ENABLE_LIBSSH ON) else() set(ENABLE_LIBSSH OFF) endif() ws_find_package(LIBSSH ENABLE_LIBSSH HAVE_LIBSSH "0.6") ws_find_package(PCAP ENABLE_PCAP HAVE_LIBPCAP) ws_find_package(AIRPCAP ENABLE_AIRPCAP HAVE_AIRPCAP) ws_find_package(Systemd BUILD_sdjournal HAVE_SYSTEMD) # Build the Qt GUI? if(BUILD_wireshark) if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.10.0") set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) endif() # Untested, may not work if CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH gets overwritten # somewhere. The if WIN32 in this place is annoying as well. if(WIN32) set(QT5_BASE_PATH "$ENV{QT5_BASE_DIR}") set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${QT5_BASE_PATH}") endif() if(APPLE AND EXISTS /usr/local/opt/qt5) # Homebrew installs Qt5 (up to at least 5.11.0) in # /usr/local/qt5. Ensure that it can be found by CMake # since it is not in the default /usr/local prefix. # Add it to PATHS so that it doesn't override the # CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable. # QT_FIND_PACKAGE_OPTIONS should be passed to find_package, # e.g. find_package(Qt5Core ${QT_FIND_PACKAGE_OPTIONS}) list(APPEND QT_FIND_PACKAGE_OPTIONS PATHS /usr/local/opt/qt5) endif() set(QT_PACKAGELIST Qt5Core Qt5LinguistTools Qt5Multimedia Qt5PrintSupport Qt5Widgets ) if(APPLE) list(APPEND QT_PACKAGELIST Qt5MacExtras) ws_find_package(Sparkle ENABLE_SPARKLE HAVE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE) endif() if(WIN32) list(APPEND QT_PACKAGELIST Qt5WinExtras) endif() foreach(_qt_package IN LISTS QT_PACKAGELIST) find_package(${_qt_package} REQUIRED ${QT_FIND_PACKAGE_OPTIONS}) list(APPEND QT_LIBRARIES ${${_qt_package}_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND QT_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${_qt_package}_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND QT_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${${_qt_package}_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}) endforeach() if(APPLE AND "/usr/local/opt/qt5/lib/QtCore.framework" IN_LIST Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS) # When qt@6 and qt@5 are both installed via Homebrew, # /usr/local/include/QtCore/qvariant.h points to Qt 6 headers. # Normally the Headers from `-iframework /usr/local/opt/qt5/lib` # should be used, but `-isystem /usr/local/include` (via # Libgcrypt and others) seems to prioritized, resulting in use # of the Qt6 headers. Resolve this by explicit including Qt5. list(APPEND QT_INCLUDE_DIRS /usr/local/opt/qt5/include) endif() set(QT_FOUND ON) if(Qt5MacExtras_FOUND) set(QT_MACEXTRAS_LIB 1) endif() endif() # MaxMind DB address resolution ws_find_package(MaxMindDB BUILD_mmdbresolve HAVE_MAXMINDDB) # SMI SNMP reset_find_package(SMI SMI_SHARE_DIR) ws_find_package(SMI ENABLE_SMI HAVE_LIBSMI) # Support for TLS decryption using RSA private keys. ws_find_package(GNUTLS ENABLE_GNUTLS HAVE_LIBGNUTLS "3.3.0") # Kerberos ws_find_package(KERBEROS ENABLE_KERBEROS HAVE_KERBEROS) # Zlib compression ws_find_package(ZLIB ENABLE_ZLIB HAVE_ZLIB) # Minizip compression ws_find_package(Minizip ENABLE_MINIZIP HAVE_MINIZIP) # Brotli compression ws_find_package(BROTLI ENABLE_BROTLI HAVE_BROTLI) # LZ4 compression ws_find_package(LZ4 ENABLE_LZ4 HAVE_LZ4) # Snappy compression ws_find_package(SNAPPY ENABLE_SNAPPY HAVE_SNAPPY) # zstd compression ws_find_package(ZSTD ENABLE_ZSTD HAVE_ZSTD "1.0.0") # Enhanced HTTP/2 dissection ws_find_package(NGHTTP2 ENABLE_NGHTTP2 HAVE_NGHTTP2) # Embedded Lua interpreter ws_find_package(LUA ENABLE_LUA HAVE_LUA "5.1") ws_find_package(NL ENABLE_NETLINK HAVE_LIBNL) ws_find_package(SBC ENABLE_SBC HAVE_SBC) ws_find_package(SPANDSP ENABLE_SPANDSP HAVE_SPANDSP) ws_find_package(BCG729 ENABLE_BCG729 HAVE_BCG729) ws_find_package(ILBC ENABLE_ILBC HAVE_ILBC) ws_find_package(OPUS ENABLE_OPUS HAVE_OPUS) # CMake 3.9 and below used 'LIBXML2_LIBRARIES' as the name of the cache entry # storing the find_library result. Transfer it to the new cache variable such # that reset_find_package can detect and clear outdated cache variables. if(DEFINED LIBXML2_LIBRARIES AND NOT DEFINED LIBXML2_LIBRARY) set(LIBXML2_LIBRARY ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES} CACHE FILEPATH "") endif() # Call reset_find_package explicitly since variables are in upper case. reset_find_package(LIBXML2) ws_find_package(LibXml2 ENABLE_LIBXML2 HAVE_LIBXML2) if(NOT LIBXML2_FOUND) # CMake 3.9 and below used LIBXML2_LIBRARIES as the name of # the cache entry storing the find_library result. # Current CMake (3.13) and below sets LIBXML2_LIBRARIES and LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIRS # to a non-empty value, be sure to clear it when not found. set(LIBXML2_LIBRARIES "") set(LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIRS "") endif() # Capabilities to run dumpcap as non-root user. if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") ws_find_package(CAP ENABLE_CAP HAVE_LIBCAP) find_package(SETCAP) endif() # Include minizip include directories if(MINIZIP_FOUND) include_directories(SYSTEM ${MINIZIP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) else() set(MINIZIP_LIBRARY "") endif() # Windows version updates ws_find_package(WinSparkle ENABLE_WINSPARKLE HAVE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE) find_package( Asciidoctor 1.5 ) find_package(POD REQUIRED) find_package(DOXYGEN) # The SpeexDSP resampler is required iff building wireshark or sharkd. if(BUILD_wireshark OR BUILD_sharkd) find_package(SpeexDSP) if(SpeexDSP_FOUND) set(HAVE_SPEEXDSP 1) else() add_subdirectory(speexdsp) set(SPEEXDSP_INCLUDE_DIRS "") set(SPEEXDSP_LIBRARIES "speexresampler") endif() endif() # Generate the distribution tarball. add_custom_target(dist COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/source/git-export-release.sh -d "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) if(GNUTLS_FOUND AND NOT GNUTLS_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.4.0") # Calculating public keys from PKCS #11 private keys requires GnuTLS # 3.4.0 or greater. # # Check that the support is present in case GnuTLS was compiled # --without-p11-kit as macos-setup.sh did until December 2020. cmake_push_check_state() if(WIN32) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -Dssize_t=int) endif() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${GNUTLS_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${GNUTLS_LIBRARIES}) check_symbol_exists(gnutls_pkcs11_obj_list_import_url4 gnutls/pkcs11.h HAVE_GNUTLS_PKCS11) cmake_pop_check_state() endif() if (QT_FOUND) if (Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.6) message(FATAL_ERROR "Qt 5.6 or later is required.") endif() if (Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 5.6 AND (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang")) # Qt 5.7 and later require C++ 11. set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) endif() if(NOT DEFINED MOC_OPTIONS) # Squelch moc verbose "nothing to do" output set(MOC_OPTIONS -nn) endif() # CMake uses qmake to find Qt4. It relies on Qt's CMake modules # to find Qt5. This means that we can't assume that the qmake # in our PATH is the correct one. We can fetch qmake's location # from Qt5::qmake, which is is defined in Qt5CoreConfigExtras.cmake. get_target_property(QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE Qt5::qmake IMPORTED_LOCATION) get_filename_component(_qt_bin_path "${QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE}" DIRECTORY) set(QT_BIN_PATH "${_qt_bin_path}" CACHE INTERNAL "Path to qmake, macdeployqt, windeployqt, and other Qt utilities." ) # Use qmake to find windeployqt and macdeployqt. Ideally one of # the modules in ${QTDIR}/lib/cmake would do this for us. if(WIN32) find_program(QT_WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE windeployqt HINTS "${QT_BIN_PATH}" DOC "Path to the windeployqt utility." ) elseif(APPLE) find_program(QT_MACDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE macdeployqt HINTS "${QT_BIN_PATH}" DOC "Path to the macdeployqt utility." ) find_program(DMGBUILD_EXECUTABLE dmgbuild DOC "Path to the dmgbuild utility" ) # https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/supported-platforms.html # https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.11/supported-platforms-and-configurations.html # https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.15/supported-platforms.html # https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt6-dev/supported-platforms.html # CMake < 3.7 doesn't support VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL. if(Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "5.999.999") set(MIN_MACOS_VERSION 10.14) elseif(Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "5.14.999") set(MIN_MACOS_VERSION 10.13) elseif(Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "5.11.999") set(MIN_MACOS_VERSION 10.12) elseif(Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "5.9.999") set(MIN_MACOS_VERSION 10.11) elseif(Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "5.8.999") set(MIN_MACOS_VERSION 10.10) elseif(Qt5Widgets_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "5.7.999") set(MIN_MACOS_VERSION 10.9) endif() if(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET AND CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET VERSION_LESS MIN_MACOS_VERSION) message(FATAL_ERROR "Qt version ${Qt5Widgets_VERSION} requires CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET (${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}) >= ${MIN_MACOS_VERSION}") endif() endif() endif() if(ENABLE_CHECKHF_CONFLICT) set(ENABLE_CHECK_FILTER 1) endif() # # Platform-specific additional libraries. # if(WIN32) set(WIN_PSAPI_LIBRARY psapi.lib) set(WIN_WS2_32_LIBRARY ws2_32.lib) set(WIN_COMCTL32_LIBRARY comctl32.lib ) set(WIN_VERSION_LIBRARY version.lib) endif() if(APPLE) # # We assume that APPLE means macOS so that we have the macOS # frameworks. # set(HAVE_MACOS_FRAMEWORKS 1) FIND_LIBRARY (APPLE_APPLICATION_SERVICES_LIBRARY ApplicationServices) FIND_LIBRARY (APPLE_APPKIT_LIBRARY AppKit) FIND_LIBRARY (APPLE_CORE_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY CoreFoundation) FIND_LIBRARY (APPLE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_LIBRARY SystemConfiguration) message(STATUS "Building for Mac OS X/OS X/macOS ${MIN_MACOS_VERSION} using SDK ${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}") endif() include(ConfigureChecks.cmake) # Global properties set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) if(ENABLE_CCACHE) if(NOT (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang")) # https://ccache.dev/platform-compiler-language-support.html message(WARNING "Ccache is enabled, but your compiler is ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}." " We wish you the best of luck.") endif() # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1815688/how-to-use-ccache-with-cmake/24305849#24305849 find_program(CCACHE_EXECUTABLE ccache) if(CCACHE_EXECUTABLE) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${CCACHE_EXECUTABLE}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_LINK "${CCACHE_EXECUTABLE}") endif() endif() # The top level checkAPIs target, add before subdirectory calls so it's avaiable to all add_custom_target(checkAPI) set_target_properties(checkAPI PROPERTIES FOLDER "Auxiliary" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL True EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD True ) include( UseCheckAPI ) # Target platform locations # UN*X in general, including macOS if not building an app bundle: # $DESTDIR/lib/wireshark/extcap # Windows: $DESTDIR/extcap # macOS app bundle: Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/share/wireshark/extcap # If you change the nesting level be sure to check also the INSTALL_RPATH # target property. if (WIN32) set(EXTCAP_INSTALL_LIBDIR "extcap" CACHE INTERNAL "The extcap dir") else () set(EXTCAP_INSTALL_LIBDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/extcap" CACHE INTERNAL "The extcap dir") endif() if(APPLE) # # As https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2206/_index.html # says, # # "Note that a location where code is expected to reside cannot generally # contain directories full of nested code, because those directories tend # to be interpreted as bundles. So this occasional practice is not # recommended and not officially supported. If you do do this, do not use # periods in the directory names. The code signing machinery interprets # directories with periods in their names as code bundles and will reject # them if they don't conform to the expected code bundle layout." # set(PLUGIN_PATH_ID "${PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION}-${PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION}") else() set(PLUGIN_PATH_ID "${PROJECT_MAJOR_VERSION}.${PROJECT_MINOR_VERSION}") endif() # Directory where plugins and Lua dissectors can be found. if(WIN32) set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_LIBDIR "plugins" CACHE INTERNAL "The plugin dir") else() set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_LIBDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/plugins" CACHE INTERNAL "The plugin dir") endif() set(PLUGIN_INSTALL_VERSION_LIBDIR "${PLUGIN_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/${PLUGIN_PATH_ID}") set(PLUGIN_VERSION_DIR "plugins/${PLUGIN_PATH_ID}") add_subdirectory( capture ) add_subdirectory( doc ) add_subdirectory( docbook EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) add_subdirectory( epan ) add_subdirectory( extcap ) add_subdirectory( randpkt_core ) add_subdirectory( tools/lemon ) add_subdirectory( ui ) add_subdirectory( wiretap ) add_subdirectory( writecap ) # Location of our data files. This should be set to a value that allows # running from the build directory on Windows, on macOS when building an # application bundle, and on UNIX in general if # WIRESHARK_RUN_FROM_BUILD_DIRECTORY is set. if(ENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE) if(CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR STREQUAL ".") set(_datafile_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/share/wireshark") else() # Xcode set(_datafile_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/share/wireshark") endif() elseif(NOT CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR STREQUAL ".") # Visual Studio, Xcode, etc. set(_datafile_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}") else() # Makefile, Ninja, etc. set(_datafile_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run") endif() set(DATAFILE_DIR ${_datafile_dir} CACHE INTERNAL "Build time data file location.") # wsutil must be added after DATAFILE_DIR is set such that filesystem.c can # learn about the directory location. add_subdirectory( wsutil ) if(BUILD_wireshark AND QT_FOUND) add_subdirectory( ui/qt ) endif() # Location of our plugins. PLUGIN_DIR should allow running # from the build directory similar to DATAFILE_DIR above. if(ENABLE_PLUGINS) # Target platform locations # UN*X in general, including macOS if not building an app bundle: # $DESTDIR/lib/wireshark/plugins/$VERSION # Windows: $DESTDIR/wireshark/plugins/$VERSION # macOS app bundle: Wireshark.app/Contents/PlugIns/wireshark set(HAVE_PLUGINS 1) add_custom_target(plugins) set_target_properties(plugins PROPERTIES FOLDER "Plugins") set(PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS plugins/epan/ethercat plugins/epan/gryphon plugins/epan/irda plugins/epan/mate plugins/epan/opcua plugins/epan/profinet plugins/epan/stats_tree plugins/epan/transum plugins/epan/unistim plugins/epan/wimax plugins/epan/wimaxasncp plugins/epan/wimaxmacphy plugins/wiretap/usbdump plugins/codecs/G711 plugins/codecs/l16_mono ${CUSTOM_PLUGIN_SRC_DIR} ) if(SPANDSP_FOUND) list(APPEND PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS plugins/codecs/G722 plugins/codecs/G726 ) endif() if(BCG729_FOUND) list(APPEND PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS plugins/codecs/G729 ) endif() if(ILBC_FOUND) list(APPEND PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS plugins/codecs/iLBC ) endif() if(OPUS_FOUND) list(APPEND PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS plugins/codecs/opus_dec ) endif() if(SBC_FOUND) list(APPEND PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS plugins/codecs/sbc ) endif() # Build demo plugin, only if asked explicitly if(ENABLE_PLUGIN_IFDEMO) set(PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS ${PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS} plugins/epan/pluginifdemo ) endif() else() set(PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS ) endif() if(ENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE) if(CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR STREQUAL ".") set(_plugin_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/Wireshark.app/Contents/PlugIns/wireshark/${PLUGIN_PATH_ID}") else() # Xcode set(_plugin_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/$/Wireshark.app/Contents/PlugIns/wireshark/${PLUGIN_PATH_ID}") endif() elseif(WIN32 AND NOT CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR STREQUAL ".") set(_plugin_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/$/${PLUGIN_VERSION_DIR}") else() set(_plugin_dir "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${PLUGIN_VERSION_DIR}") endif() set (PLUGIN_DIR ${_plugin_dir} CACHE INTERNAL "Build time plugin location.") foreach(_plugin_src_dir ${PLUGIN_SRC_DIRS}) add_subdirectory( ${_plugin_src_dir} ) endforeach() set( VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION} ) if(VCSVERSION_OVERRIDE) # Allow distributors to override detection of the Git tag and version. string(CONFIGURE "#define VCSVERSION \"@VCSVERSION_OVERRIDE@\"\n" _version_h_contents ESCAPE_QUOTES) file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/version.h" "${_version_h_contents}") message(STATUS "VCSVERSION_OVERRIDE: ${VCSVERSION_OVERRIDE}") else() add_custom_target(version BYPRODUCTS version.h COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/make-version.pl ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) set_target_properties(version PROPERTIES FOLDER "Auxiliary") endif() set( configure_input "Built with CMake ${CMAKE_VERSION}" ) configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmakeconfig.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h) configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ws_version.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ws_version.h) set( prefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ) set( exec_prefix "\${prefix}" ) set( libdir "\${exec_prefix}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" ) set( includedir "\${prefix}/include" ) set( plugindir "\${libdir}/wireshark/${PLUGIN_VERSION_DIR}" ) # Doxygen variables file(GLOB TOP_LEVEL_SOURCE_LIST *.c *.cpp *.h) string (REPLACE ";" " " DOXYGEN_TOP_LEVEL_SOURCES "${TOP_LEVEL_SOURCE_LIST}") set(DOXYGEN_INPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) set(DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) set(CFG_OUT_FILES doxygen.cfg image/libwireshark.rc image/wireshark.rc image/dumpcap.rc image/libwsutil.rc image/wiretap.rc image/wireshark.exe.manifest packaging/macosx/Info.plist packaging/macosx/dmgbuild-settings.py packaging/macosx/osx-app.sh packaging/macosx/osx-dmg.sh packaging/source/git-export-release.sh wireshark.pc ) foreach( _cfg_file ${CFG_OUT_FILES} ) configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${_cfg_file}.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${_cfg_file} @ONLY ) endforeach() include(FeatureSummary) set_package_properties(CAP PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "The Libcap package implements the user-space interfaces to the POSIX 1003.1e capabilities available in Linux kernels" URL "https://sites.google.com/site/fullycapable/" PURPOSE "Allow packet captures without running as root" ) set_package_properties(SBC PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Bluetooth low-complexity, subband codec (SBC) decoder" URL "https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/sbc.git" PURPOSE "Support for playing SBC codec in RTP player" ) set_package_properties(SPANDSP PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "a library of many DSP functions for telephony" URL "https://www.soft-switch.org" PURPOSE "Support for G.722 and G.726 codecs in RTP player" ) set_package_properties(BCG729 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "G.729 decoder" URL "https://www.linphone.org/technical-corner/bcg729" PURPOSE "Support for G.729 codec in RTP player" ) set_package_properties(ILBC PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "iLBC decoder" URL "https://github.com/TimothyGu/libilbc" PURPOSE "Support for iLBC codec in RTP player" ) set_package_properties(OPUS PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "opus decoder" URL "https://opus-codec.org/" PURPOSE "Support for opus codec in RTP player" ) set_package_properties(LIBXML2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "XML parsing library" URL "http://xmlsoft.org/" PURPOSE "Read XML configuration files in EPL dissector" ) set_package_properties(LIBSSH PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library for implementing SSH clients" URL "https://www.libssh.org/" PURPOSE "extcap remote SSH interfaces (sshdump, ciscodump)" ) set_package_properties(LZ4 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "LZ4 is lossless compression algorithm used in some protocol (CQL...)" URL "http://www.lz4.org" PURPOSE "LZ4 decompression in CQL and Kafka dissectors" ) set_package_properties(SNAPPY PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A fast compressor/decompressor from Google" URL "https://google.github.io/snappy/" PURPOSE "Snappy decompression in CQL and Kafka dissectors" ) set_package_properties(ZSTD PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A compressor/decompressor from Facebook providing better compression than Snappy at a cost of speed" URL "https://facebook.github.io/zstd/" PURPOSE "Zstd decompression in Kafka dissector" ) set_package_properties(NGHTTP2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "HTTP/2 C library and tools" URL "https://nghttp2.org" PURPOSE "Header decompression in HTTP2" ) set_package_properties(CARES PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library for asynchronous DNS requests" URL "https://c-ares.haxx.se/" PURPOSE "DNS name resolution for captures" ) set_package_properties(Systemd PROPERTIES URL "https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/" DESCRIPTION "System and Service Manager (libraries)" PURPOSE "Support for systemd journal extcap interface (sdjournal)" ) set_package_properties(NL PROPERTIES URL "https://www.infradead.org/~tgr/libnl/" DESCRIPTION "Libraries for using the Netlink protocol on Linux" PURPOSE "Support for managing wireless 802.11 interfaces" ) set_package_properties(MaxMindDB PROPERTIES URL "https://github.com/maxmind/libmaxminddb" DESCRIPTION "C library for the MaxMind DB file format" PURPOSE "Support for GeoIP lookup" ) set_package_properties(SpeexDSP PROPERTIES URL "https://www.speex.org/" DESCRIPTION "SpeexDSP is a patent-free, Open Source/Free Software DSP library" PURPOSE "RTP audio resampling" ) set_package_properties(Minizip PROPERTIES URL "https://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html" DESCRIPTION "C library for supporting zip/unzip functionality" PURPOSE "Support for profiles import/export" ) string(TOUPPER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" _build_type) message(STATUS "C-Flags: ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${_build_type}}") message(STATUS "CXX-Flags: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${_build_type}}") if(WERROR_COMMON_FLAGS) message(STATUS "Warnings as errors enabled: ${WERROR_COMMON_FLAGS}") else() message(STATUS "Warnings as errors disabled") endif() feature_summary(WHAT ALL) # Newer Libgcrypt versions may be required for certain functionality: # 1.6 # - IEEE 802.11 TDLS, AES-GCMP-128 and AES-GCMP-256 decryption # - IEEE 802.11 WPA3-Personal / SAE decryption # - BT Mesh decryption # - Distributed Object Framework (DOF) decryption # - IKEv2 integrity check # - LoRaWAN integrity check # - LTE PDCP EIA2 integrity check # - QUIC decryption support # - SMB3 AES-128-CCM/GCM decryption # - TLS 1.3 0-RTT decryption # - TLS GCM/CCM ciphers integrity check # 1.7 # - QUIC ChaCha20-Poly1305 decryption # - TLS 1.3 ChaCha20-Poly1305 decryption # 1.8 # - dcerpc-netlogon NETLOGON_FLAG_AES decryption # - WireGuard decryption if(GCRYPT_VERSION VERSION_LESS 1.6.0) message(WARNING "Libgcrypt version 1.6.0 or newer is strongly recommended for improved decryption support, found ${GCRYPT_VERSION}") elseif(GCRYPT_VERSION VERSION_LESS 1.8.0) message(WARNING "Libgcrypt version 1.8.0 or newer is recommended for full decryption functionality, found ${GCRYPT_VERSION}") endif() # Should this be part of libui? if(WIN32) set(PLATFORM_UI_SRC ui/win32/console_win32.c ui/win32/file_dlg_win32.c ) set(PLATFORM_UI_RC_FILES image/file_dlg_win32.rc ) elseif(APPLE) set(PLATFORM_UI_SRC ui/macosx/cocoa_bridge.mm ) if (SPARKLE_FOUND) list(APPEND PLATFORM_UI_SRC ui/macosx/sparkle_bridge.m) endif() endif() set(TSHARK_TAP_SRC ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-credentials.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-camelsrt.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-diameter-avp.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-expert.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-exportobject.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-endpoints.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-flow.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-follow.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-funnel.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-gsm_astat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-hosts.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-httpstat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-icmpstat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-icmpv6stat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-iostat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-iousers.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-macltestat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-protocolinfo.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-protohierstat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-rlcltestat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-rpcprogs.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-rtd.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-rtp.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-rtspstat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-sctpchunkstat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-simple_stattable.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-sipstat.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-smbsids.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-srt.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-stats_tree.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-sv.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ui/cli/tap-wspstat.c ${CUSTOM_TSHARK_TAP_SRC} ) set(INSTALL_DIRS diameter dtds profiles radius tpncp wimaxasncp ) set(INSTALL_FILES cfilters colorfilters dfilters dfilter_macros enterprises.tsv ipmap.html manuf pdml2html.xsl services smi_modules wka docbook/ws.css ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/AUTHORS-SHORT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/androiddump.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/udpdump.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/capinfos.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/captype.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/ciscodump.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/dftest.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/dumpcap.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/editcap.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/extcap.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/mergecap.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/randpkt.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/randpktdump.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/etwdump.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/rawshark.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/reordercap.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/sshdump.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/text2pcap.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/tshark.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/wireshark.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/wireshark-filter.html ) if(MAXMINDDB_FOUND) list(APPEND INSTALL_FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/mmdbresolve.html) endif() if (BUILD_corbaidl2wrs) list(APPEND INSTALL_FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/idl2wrs.html) endif() if (BUILD_xxx2deb) list(APPEND INSTALL_FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/asn2deb.html ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/idl2deb.html ) endif() if(NOT WIN32) # We do this for Windows further down in the copy_data_files target. list(APPEND INSTALL_FILES COPYING) endif() set(VERSION_INFO_LIBS ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ) set(VERSION_INFO_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) if(WIN32) set(_dll_output_dir "${DATAFILE_DIR}") add_custom_target(copy_cli_dlls) set_target_properties(copy_cli_dlls PROPERTIES FOLDER "Copy Tasks") add_custom_command(TARGET copy_cli_dlls PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${_dll_output_dir}" ) # XXX Can (and should) we iterate over these similar to the way # the top-level CMakeLists.txt iterates over the package list? # Required DLLs and their corresponding PDBs. add_custom_command(TARGET copy_cli_dlls PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "$,${GLIB2_DLLS_DEBUG},${GLIB2_DLLS_RELEASE}>" "$,${GLIB2_PDBS_DEBUG},${GLIB2_PDBS_RELEASE}>" "${_dll_output_dir}" WORKING_DIRECTORY $,${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG},${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}> COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS ) if (MSVC AND VLD_FOUND) add_custom_command(TARGET copy_cli_dlls PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E "$,copy_if_different,true>" "${VLD_FILES}" "${_dll_output_dir}" COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS ) endif() # Third party DLLs and PDBs. set (THIRD_PARTY_DLLS) set (THIRD_PARTY_PDBS) if (AIRPCAP_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${AIRPCAP_DLL_DIR}/${AIRPCAP_DLL}") endif(AIRPCAP_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${CARES_DLL_DIR}/${CARES_DLL}") list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_PDBS "${CARES_DLL_DIR}/${CARES_PDB}") # vcpkg's libmaxminddb is static-only for now. This can be uncommented when # https://github.com/maxmind/libmaxminddb/commit/3998f42bdb6678cbaa1a543057e5c81ba1668ac2 # percolates up to vcpkg. # if (MAXMINDDB_FOUND) # list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${MAXMINDDB_DLL_DIR}/${MAXMINDDB_DLL}") # endif(MAXMINDDB_FOUND) if (LIBSSH_FOUND) foreach( _dll ${LIBSSH_DLLS} ) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${LIBSSH_DLL_DIR}/${_dll}") endforeach(_dll) endif(LIBSSH_FOUND) foreach( _dll ${GCRYPT_DLLS} ) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${GCRYPT_DLL_DIR}/${_dll}") endforeach(_dll) foreach( _dll ${GNUTLS_DLLS} ) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${GNUTLS_DLL_DIR}/${_dll}") endforeach(_dll) foreach( _dll ${KERBEROS_DLLS} ) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${KERBEROS_DLL_DIR}/${_dll}") endforeach(_dll) if (LUA_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${LUA_DLL_DIR}/${LUA_DLL}") endif(LUA_FOUND) if (LZ4_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${LZ4_DLL_DIR}/${LZ4_DLL}") list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_PDBS "${LZ4_DLL_DIR}/${LZ4_PDB}") endif(LZ4_FOUND) if (ZSTD_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${ZSTD_DLL_DIR}/${ZSTD_DLL}") endif(ZSTD_FOUND) if (NGHTTP2_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${NGHTTP2_DLL_DIR}/${NGHTTP2_DLL}") list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_PDBS "${NGHTTP2_DLL_DIR}/${NGHTTP2_PDB}") endif(NGHTTP2_FOUND) if (SBC_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${SBC_DLL_DIR}/${SBC_DLL}") endif(SBC_FOUND) if (SPANDSP_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${SPANDSP_DLL_DIR}/${SPANDSP_DLL}") endif(SPANDSP_FOUND) if (BCG729_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${BCG729_DLL_DIR}/${BCG729_DLL}") endif(BCG729_FOUND) if (ILBC_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${ILBC_DLL_DIR}/${ILBC_DLL}") endif(ILBC_FOUND) if (OPUS_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${OPUS_DLL_DIR}/${OPUS_DLL}") endif(OPUS_FOUND) if (LIBXML2_FOUND) foreach( _dll ${LIBXML2_DLLS} ) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${LIBXML2_DLL_DIR}/${_dll}") endforeach(_dll) foreach( _pdb ${LIBXML2_PDBS} ) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_PDBS "${LIBXML2_DLL_DIR}/${_pdb}") endforeach(_pdb) endif(LIBXML2_FOUND) if (SMI_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${SMI_DLL_DIR}/${SMI_DLL}") # Wireshark.nsi wants SMI_DIR which is the base SMI directory get_filename_component(SMI_DIR ${SMI_DLL_DIR} DIRECTORY) add_custom_command(TARGET copy_cli_dlls PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${SMI_SHARE_DIR}/mibs/iana" "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${SMI_SHARE_DIR}/mibs/ietf" "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${SMI_SHARE_DIR}/mibs/irtf" "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${SMI_SHARE_DIR}/mibs/site" "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${SMI_SHARE_DIR}/mibs/tubs" "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${SMI_SHARE_DIR}/pibs" "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${SMI_SHARE_DIR}/yang" "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs" #remove the extra directories copied (shallow copying the above would remove the need for this) COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs/iana" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs/ietf" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs/site" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory "${_dll_output_dir}/snmp/mibs/tubs" ) endif(SMI_FOUND) if (SNAPPY_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${SNAPPY_DLL_DIR}/${SNAPPY_DLL}") endif(SNAPPY_FOUND) if (WINSPARKLE_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${WINSPARKLE_DLL_DIR}/${WINSPARKLE_DLL}") endif(WINSPARKLE_FOUND) if (ZLIB_FOUND) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${ZLIB_DLL_DIR}/${ZLIB_DLL}") list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_PDBS "${ZLIB_DLL_DIR}/${ZLIB_PDB}") endif(ZLIB_FOUND) if (BROTLI_FOUND) foreach( _dll ${BROTLI_DLLS} ) list (APPEND THIRD_PARTY_DLLS "${BROTLI_DLL_DIR}/${_dll}") endforeach(_dll) endif(BROTLI_FOUND) # With libs downloaded to c:/wireshark-win64-libs this currently # (early 2018) expands to about 1900 characters. if (THIRD_PARTY_DLLS) add_custom_command(TARGET copy_cli_dlls PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${THIRD_PARTY_DLLS} "${_dll_output_dir}" VERBATIM ) install(FILES ${THIRD_PARTY_DLLS} DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") endif(THIRD_PARTY_DLLS) if (THIRD_PARTY_PDBS) add_custom_command(TARGET copy_cli_dlls PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${THIRD_PARTY_PDBS} "${_dll_output_dir}" VERBATIM ) endif(THIRD_PARTY_PDBS) add_dependencies(epan copy_cli_dlls) # We have a lot of choices for creating zip archives: # - 7z, WinZip, etc., which require a separate download+install. # - "CMake -E tar cz", which creates a tar file. # - CPack, which requires a CPack configuration. # - PowerShell via PSCX or System.IO.Compression.FileSystem. # - Python via zipfile. # For now, just look for 7z. It's installed on the Windows builders, # which might be the only systems that use this target. find_program(ZIP_EXECUTABLE 7z PATH "$ENV{PROGRAMFILES}/7-Zip" "$ENV{PROGRAMW6432}/7-Zip" DOC "Path to the 7z utility." ) if(ZIP_EXECUTABLE) add_custom_target(pdb_zip_package COMMENT "This packages .PDBs but will not create them.") set_target_properties(pdb_zip_package PROPERTIES FOLDER "Packaging") set(_pdb_zip "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Wireshark-pdb-${WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM}-${VERSION}.zip") file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${_pdb_zip}" _pdb_zip_win) add_custom_command(TARGET pdb_zip_package POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove -f "${_pdb_zip}" COMMAND ${ZIP_EXECUTABLE} a -tzip -mmt=on "${_pdb_zip_win}" -bb2 -r *.pdb *.lib WORKING_DIRECTORY "${_dll_output_dir}" ) endif() endif(WIN32) # List of extra dependencies for the "copy_data_files" target set(copy_data_files_depends) if(WIN32) foreach(_install_as_txt_file COPYING NEWS README.md README.windows) # On Windows, install some files with a .txt extension so that they're # double-clickable. string(REGEX REPLACE ".md$" "" _no_md_file ${_install_as_txt_file}) set(_output_file "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_no_md_file}.txt") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_output_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${_install_as_txt_file} ${_output_file} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${_install_as_txt_file} ) list(APPEND copy_data_files_depends "${_output_file}") endforeach() endif() foreach(_install_file ${INSTALL_FILES}) get_filename_component(_install_file_src "${_install_file}" ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_install_basename "${_install_file}" NAME) set(_output_file "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_install_basename}") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${_output_file}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${_install_file_src}" "${_output_file}" DEPENDS docs "${_install_file}" ) list(APPEND copy_data_files_depends "${_output_file}") endforeach() # Install LUA files in staging directory such that LUA can used when Wireshark # is ran from the build directory. For install targets, see # epan/wslua/CMakeLists.txt if(LUA_FOUND AND ENABLE_LUA) set(_lua_files "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/epan/wslua/init.lua" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/epan/wslua/console.lua" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/epan/wslua/dtd_gen.lua" ) foreach(_lua_file ${_lua_files}) get_filename_component(_lua_filename "${_lua_file}" NAME) list(APPEND copy_data_files_depends "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_lua_filename}") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_lua_filename}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${_lua_file}" "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_lua_filename}" DEPENDS wsluaauxiliary "${_lua_file}" ) endforeach() endif(LUA_FOUND AND ENABLE_LUA) # doc/*.html handled elsewhere. # Glob patterns relative to the source directory that should be copied to # ${DATAFILE_DIR} (including directory prefixes) # TODO shouldn't this use full (relative) paths instead of glob patterns? set(DATA_FILES_SRC "tpncp/tpncp.dat" "wimaxasncp/*.dtd" "wimaxasncp/*.xml" ) # Copy all paths from the source tree to the data directory. Directories are # automatically created if missing as the filename is given. file(GLOB _data_files RELATIVE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" ${DATA_FILES_SRC}) foreach(_data_file ${_data_files}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_data_file}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${_data_file}" "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_data_file}" DEPENDS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${_data_file}" ) list(APPEND copy_data_files_depends "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_data_file}") endforeach() file(GLOB _dtds_src_files RELATIVE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "dtds/*.dtd") set (_dtds_data_files) foreach(_data_file ${_dtds_src_files}) list(APPEND _dtds_data_files "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_data_file}") endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_dtds_data_files} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${DATAFILE_DIR}/dtds" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${_dtds_src_files} "${DATAFILE_DIR}/dtds" VERBATIM DEPENDS ${_dtds_src_files} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" ) file(GLOB _diameter_src_files RELATIVE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" diameter/*.dtd diameter/*.xml ) set (_diameter_data_files) foreach(_data_file ${_diameter_src_files}) list(APPEND _diameter_data_files "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_data_file}") endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_diameter_data_files} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${DATAFILE_DIR}/diameter" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${_diameter_src_files} "${DATAFILE_DIR}/diameter" VERBATIM DEPENDS ${_diameter_src_files} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" ) file(GLOB _radius_src_files RELATIVE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" radius/README.radius_dictionary radius/custom.includes radius/dictionary radius/dictionary.* ) set (_radius_data_files) foreach(_data_file ${_radius_src_files}) list(APPEND _radius_data_files "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_data_file}") endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_radius_data_files} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${DATAFILE_DIR}/radius" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${_radius_src_files} "${DATAFILE_DIR}/radius" VERBATIM DEPENDS ${_radius_src_files} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" ) file(GLOB _profiles_src_files RELATIVE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" profiles/*/*) set (_profiles_data_files) foreach(_data_file ${_profiles_src_files}) list(APPEND _profiles_data_files "${DATAFILE_DIR}/${_data_file}") endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_profiles_data_files} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/profiles" "${DATAFILE_DIR}/profiles" ) list(APPEND copy_data_files_depends ${_dtds_data_files} ${_diameter_data_files} ${_radius_data_files} ${_profiles_data_files} ) # Copy files including ${INSTALL_FILES} and ${INSTALL_DIRS} to ${DATAFILE_DIR} add_custom_target(copy_data_files ALL DEPENDS ${copy_data_files_depends} ) set_target_properties(copy_data_files PROPERTIES FOLDER "Copy Tasks") # Shared code, build object files once for all users. add_library(version_info OBJECT version_info.c) target_include_directories(version_info SYSTEM PRIVATE ${VERSION_INFO_INCLUDE_DIRS}) if(NOT VCSVERSION_OVERRIDE) add_dependencies(version_info version) endif() # sources common for wireshark, tshark, rawshark and sharkd add_library(shark_common OBJECT cfile.c extcap.c extcap_parser.c file_packet_provider.c frame_tvbuff.c sync_pipe_write.c ) add_library(cli_main OBJECT cli_main.c) add_library(capture_opts OBJECT capture_opts.c) target_include_directories(capture_opts SYSTEM PRIVATE ${PCAP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set_target_properties(version_info shark_common cli_main capture_opts PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${WERROR_COMMON_FLAGS}" ) if(BUILD_wireshark AND QT_FOUND) set(WIRESHARK_SRC file.c fileset.c ${PLATFORM_UI_SRC} ) set(wireshark_FILES $ $ $ $ ${WIRESHARK_SRC} ${PLATFORM_UI_RC_FILES} ) set_executable_resources(wireshark "Wireshark" UNIQUE_RC) endif() if(ENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE) # # Add -Wl,-single_module to the LDFLAGS used with shared # libraries, to fix some error that show up in some cases; # some Apple documentation recommends it for most shared # libraries. # set( CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,-single_module ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS}" ) # # Add -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names to the LDFLAGS, as # code-signing issues is running out of padding space. # # Add -Wl,-search_paths_first to make sure that if we search # directories A and B, in that order, for a given library, a # non-shared version in directory A, rather than a shared # version in directory B, is chosen (so we can use # --with-pcap=/usr/local to force all programs to be linked # with a static version installed in /usr/local/lib rather than # the system version in /usr/lib). # set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -Wl,-search_paths_first ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}" ) # Create our Frameworks directory file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/Wireshark.app/Contents/Frameworks") # Add files to the app bundle # Wireshark.app/Contents file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/macosx/PkgInfo "APPLWshk\n") set(BUNDLE_CONTENTS_FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/macosx/PkgInfo ) set_source_files_properties(${BUNDLE_CONTENTS_FILES} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION . ) # Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources set(BUNDLE_RESOURCE_FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/Wireshark.icns ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/Wiresharkdoc.icns ) set_source_files_properties(${BUNDLE_RESOURCE_FILES} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources ) # Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/share/man/man1 set_source_files_properties(${BUNDLE_RESOURCE_SHARE_MAN1_FILES} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources/share/man/man1 GENERATED 1 ) # Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/share/man/man4 set_source_files_properties(${BUNDLE_RESOURCE_SHARE_MAN4_FILES} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources/share/man/man4 GENERATED 1 ) # INSTALL_FILES and INSTALL_DIRS are handled by copy_data_files set(EXTRA_BUNDLE_FILES ${BUNDLE_CONTENTS_FILES} ${BUNDLE_RESOURCE_FILES} ${BUNDLE_RESOURCE_SHARE_MAN1_FILES} ${BUNDLE_RESOURCE_SHARE_MAN4_FILES} ) else() set(EXTRA_BUNDLE_FILES) endif() if(BUILD_wireshark AND QT_FOUND) set(wireshark_LIBS ui capchild caputils wiretap epan ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${VERSION_INFO_LIBS} ${APPLE_APPLICATION_SERVICES_LIBRARY} ${APPLE_APPKIT_LIBRARY} ${APPLE_CORE_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY} ${APPLE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_LIBRARY} ${SPARKLE_LIBRARIES} ${WIN_WS2_32_LIBRARY} ${WIN_VERSION_LIBRARY} ${WINSPARKLE_LIBRARIES} $<$:UxTheme.lib> ${SPEEXDSP_LIBRARIES} ${MINIZIP_LIBRARIES} ) add_executable(wireshark WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE ${wireshark_FILES} ${EXTRA_BUNDLE_FILES}) if(WIN32) set_property(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} PROPERTY VS_STARTUP_PROJECT wireshark) endif() set(PROGLIST ${PROGLIST} wireshark) set_target_properties(wireshark PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${WS_LINK_FLAGS}" FOLDER "Executables" INSTALL_RPATH "${EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_RPATH}" ) if(MSVC) set_target_properties(wireshark PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG "${WS_MSVC_DEBUG_LINK_FLAGS}") endif() if(ENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE OR WIN32) set_target_properties(wireshark PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME Wireshark) endif() if(ENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE) add_dependencies(wireshark manpages) set_target_properties( wireshark PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/macosx/Info.plist ) if(CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR STREQUAL ".") # Add a wrapper script which opens the bundle. This adds # convenience but makes debugging more difficult. # It is not created if using Xcode # XXX Running run/Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS/Wireshark works # fine for me (Gerald) here on Mojave. Can we just make this a # symlink? file(REMOVE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/wireshark) file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/wireshark "#!/bin/sh\n") file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/wireshark "# Generated by ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\n") file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/wireshark "# Wrapper script which should work around the issue described at\n") file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/wireshark "# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25318524/what-exactly-should-i-pass-to-nsapp-activateignoringotherapps-to-get-my-appl\n") file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/wireshark "exec ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS/Wireshark \"\$\@\"\n") execute_process(COMMAND chmod a+x ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/wireshark) endif() endif() target_link_libraries(wireshark ${wireshark_LIBS}) target_include_directories(wireshark SYSTEM PRIVATE ${SPARKLE_INCLUDE_DIRS}) install( TARGETS wireshark RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} BUNDLE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} ) if(QT_WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE) add_custom_target(copy_qt_dlls ALL) set_target_properties(copy_qt_dlls PROPERTIES FOLDER "Copy Tasks") # Will we ever need to use --debug? Windeployqt seems to # be smart enough to copy debug DLLs when needed. add_custom_command(TARGET copy_qt_dlls POST_BUILD COMMAND set "PATH=${QT_BIN_PATH};%PATH%" COMMAND "${QT_WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE}" $<$:--debug> $<$>:--release> --no-compiler-runtime --verbose 10 --pdb "$" ) add_dependencies(copy_qt_dlls wireshark) install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND \"${QT_WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE}\" --no-compiler-runtime \"\${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}/Wireshark.exe\")" ) endif(QT_WINDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE) endif() # Common properties for CLI executables macro(set_extra_executable_properties _executable _folder) set_target_properties(${_executable} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${WILDCARD_OBJ} ${WS_LINK_FLAGS}" FOLDER ${_folder} INSTALL_RPATH "${EXECUTABLE_INSTALL_RPATH}" ) if(MSVC) set_target_properties(${_executable} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG "${WS_MSVC_DEBUG_LINK_FLAGS}") endif() set(PROGLIST ${PROGLIST} ${_executable}) if(ENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE) if(NOT CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR STREQUAL ".") # Xcode set_target_properties(${_executable} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY run/$/Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS ) else () set_target_properties(${_executable} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY run/Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS ) # Create a convenience link from run/ to its respective # target in the application bundle. add_custom_target(${_executable}-symlink COMMAND ln -s -f Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS/${_executable} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/${_executable} ) add_dependencies(${_executable} ${_executable}-symlink) endif() endif() endmacro() register_tap_files(tshark-tap-register.c ${TSHARK_TAP_SRC} ) if(BUILD_tshark) set(tshark_LIBS ui capchild caputils wiretap epan ${VERSION_INFO_LIBS} ${APPLE_CORE_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY} ${APPLE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_LIBRARY} ${WIN_WS2_32_LIBRARY} ${M_LIBRARIES} ) set(tshark_FILES $ $ $ $ tshark-tap-register.c tshark.c ${TSHARK_TAP_SRC} ) set_executable_resources(tshark "TShark" UNIQUE_RC) add_executable(tshark ${tshark_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(tshark "Executables") target_link_libraries(tshark ${tshark_LIBS}) install(TARGETS tshark RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_tfshark) set(tfshark_LIBS m ui wiretap epan ${VERSION_INFO_LIBS} ${APPLE_CORE_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY} ${APPLE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_LIBRARY} ) set(tfshark_FILES $ $ $ tfshark.c ${TSHARK_TAP_SRC} ) set_executable_resources(tfshark "TFShark") add_executable(tfshark ${tfshark_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(tfshark "Executables") target_link_libraries(tfshark ${tfshark_LIBS}) install(TARGETS tfshark RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_rawshark AND PCAP_FOUND) set(rawshark_LIBS caputils ui wiretap epan ${VERSION_INFO_LIBS} ${APPLE_CORE_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY} ${APPLE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_LIBRARY} ${WIN_WS2_32_LIBRARY} ) set(rawshark_FILES $ $ $ rawshark.c ) set_executable_resources(rawshark "Rawshark") add_executable(rawshark ${rawshark_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(rawshark "Executables") target_link_libraries(rawshark ${rawshark_LIBS}) install(TARGETS rawshark RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_sharkd) set(sharkd_LIBS ui wiretap epan ${VERSION_INFO_LIBS} ${APPLE_CORE_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY} ${APPLE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_LIBRARY} ${WIN_WS2_32_LIBRARY} ${SPEEXDSP_LIBRARIES} ${M_LIBRARIES} ) set(sharkd_FILES # # XXX - currently doesn't work on Windows if it uses # $ and has real_main(). # $ $ sharkd.c sharkd_daemon.c sharkd_session.c ) set_executable_resources(sharkd "SharkD") add_executable(sharkd ${sharkd_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(sharkd "Executables") target_link_libraries(sharkd ${sharkd_LIBS}) target_include_directories(sharkd SYSTEM PUBLIC ${SPEEXDSP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) install(TARGETS sharkd RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_dftest) set(dftest_LIBS ui wiretap epan ${VERSION_INFO_LIBS} ) set(dftest_FILES dftest.c ) add_executable(dftest ${dftest_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(dftest "Tests") target_link_libraries(dftest ${dftest_LIBS}) endif() if(BUILD_randpkt) set(randpkt_LIBS randpkt_core ui wiretap wsutil ${M_LIBRARIES} ${CARES_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ) set(randpkt_FILES $ $ randpkt.c ) add_executable(randpkt ${randpkt_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(randpkt "Executables") target_link_libraries(randpkt ${randpkt_LIBS}) install(TARGETS randpkt RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_fuzzshark OR ENABLE_FUZZER OR OSS_FUZZ) add_subdirectory(fuzz) endif() if(BUILD_text2pcap) set(text2pcap_LIBS writecap wsutil ${M_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ) set(text2pcap_FILES $ $ text2pcap.c ) add_lex_files(text2pcap_LEX_FILES text2pcap_FILES text2pcap-scanner.l ) set_executable_resources(text2pcap "Text2pcap" COPYRIGHT_INFO "2001 Ashok Narayanan ") add_executable(text2pcap ${text2pcap_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(text2pcap "Executables") target_link_libraries(text2pcap ${text2pcap_LIBS}) install(TARGETS text2pcap RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_mergecap) set(mergecap_LIBS ui wiretap ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) set(mergecap_FILES $ $ mergecap.c ) set_executable_resources(mergecap "Mergecap") add_executable(mergecap ${mergecap_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(mergecap "Executables") target_link_libraries(mergecap ${mergecap_LIBS}) install(TARGETS mergecap RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_reordercap) set(reordercap_LIBS ui wiretap ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) set(reordercap_FILES $ $ reordercap.c ) set_executable_resources(reordercap "Reordercap") add_executable(reordercap ${reordercap_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(reordercap "Executables") target_link_libraries(reordercap ${reordercap_LIBS}) install(TARGETS reordercap RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_capinfos) set(capinfos_LIBS ui wiretap wsutil ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${GCRYPT_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) set(capinfos_FILES $ $ capinfos.c ) set_executable_resources(capinfos "Capinfos") add_executable(capinfos ${capinfos_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(capinfos "Executables") target_link_libraries(capinfos ${capinfos_LIBS}) install(TARGETS capinfos RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_captype) set(captype_LIBS ui wiretap wsutil ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) set(captype_FILES $ $ captype.c ) set_executable_resources(captype "Captype") add_executable(captype ${captype_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(captype "Executables") target_link_libraries(captype ${captype_LIBS}) install(TARGETS captype RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_editcap) set(editcap_LIBS ui wiretap ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${GCRYPT_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) set(editcap_FILES $ $ editcap.c ) set_executable_resources(editcap "Editcap") add_executable(editcap ${editcap_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(editcap "Executables") target_link_libraries(editcap ${editcap_LIBS}) install(TARGETS editcap RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(BUILD_dumpcap AND PCAP_FOUND) set(dumpcap_LIBS writecap wsutil caputils ui pcap::pcap ${CAP_LIBRARIES} ${GLIB2_LIBRARIES} ${GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${APPLE_CORE_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY} ${APPLE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_LIBRARY} ${WIN_WS2_32_LIBRARY} ) set(dumpcap_FILES $ $ $ dumpcap.c ringbuffer.c sync_pipe_write.c ) set_executable_resources(dumpcap "Dumpcap" UNIQUE_RC) add_executable(dumpcap ${dumpcap_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(dumpcap "Executables") target_link_libraries(dumpcap ${dumpcap_LIBS}) install(TARGETS dumpcap RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} PERMISSIONS ${DUMPCAP_SETUID} OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE ) if(ENABLE_DUMPCAP_GROUP) install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND chgrp ${DUMPCAP_INSTALL_GROUP} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR}/dumpcap)") install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND chmod o-x ${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR}/dumpcap)") endif() if(DUMPCAP_INSTALL_OPTION STREQUAL "capabilities") install( CODE "execute_process( COMMAND ${SETCAP_EXECUTABLE} cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+ep ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}/dumpcap${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX} RESULT_VARIABLE _SETCAP_RESULT ) if( _SETCAP_RESULT ) message( WARNING \"setcap failed (${_SETCAP_RESULT}).\") endif()" ) endif() elseif(BUILD_dumpcap AND ENABLE_PCAP) message(WARNING "Dumpcap was requested but libpcap dependency is not available. " "Wireshark will be built without packet capture capability.") endif() # We have two idl2wrs utilities: this and the CORBA version in tools. # We probably shouldn't do that. if(BUILD_dcerpcidl2wrs) set(idl2wrs_LIBS ${GLIB2_LIBRARIES} wsutil ) set(idl2wrs_FILES epan/dissectors/dcerpc/idl2wrs.c ) add_executable(idl2wrs ${idl2wrs_FILES}) set_target_properties(idl2wrs PROPERTIES FOLDER "Executables") set_extra_executable_properties(idl2wrs "Executables") target_link_libraries(idl2wrs ${idl2wrs_LIBS}) install(TARGETS idl2wrs RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if (WIN32) find_package( MSVC_REDIST ) # Must come after executable targets are defined. find_package( NSIS ) if(MAKENSIS_EXECUTABLE) add_subdirectory( packaging/nsis EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) ADD_NSIS_UNINSTALLER_TARGET() ADD_NSIS_PACKAGE_TARGET() endif() find_package( WiX ) if(WIX_CANDLE_EXECUTABLE) add_subdirectory( packaging/wix EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) ADD_WIX_PACKAGE_TARGET() endif() find_package( PortableApps ) if(PORTABLEAPPS_LAUNCHER_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE AND PORTABLEAPPS_INSTALLER_EXECUTABLE) add_subdirectory( packaging/portableapps EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) ADD_PORTABLEAPPS_PACKAGE_TARGET() endif() endif() if (MAXMINDDB_FOUND) set(mmdbresolve_LIBS # Note: libmaxminddb is not GPL-2 compatible. ${MAXMINDDB_LIBRARY} # Needed for CMake-built libmaxminddb.lib <= 1.43. ${WIN_WS2_32_LIBRARY} ) set(mmdbresolve_FILES mmdbresolve.c ) add_executable(mmdbresolve ${mmdbresolve_FILES}) set_extra_executable_properties(mmdbresolve "Executables") target_link_libraries(mmdbresolve ${mmdbresolve_LIBS}) target_include_directories(mmdbresolve PUBLIC ${MAXMINDDB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_compile_definitions(mmdbresolve PUBLIC ${MAXMINDDB_DEFINITIONS}) install(TARGETS mmdbresolve RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) endif() if(ENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/Extras") # --preserve-xattr is undocumented but ensures that we install # a signed ChmodBPF script. set (install_chmodbpf_component_pkg "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install.ChmodBPF.pkg") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${install_chmodbpf_component_pkg}" COMMAND find "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/root" -type d -exec chmod 755 "{}" + COMMAND chmod 644 "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/root/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.plist" COMMAND chmod 755 "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/root/Library/Application Support/Wireshark/ChmodBPF/ChmodBPF" COMMAND "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/osx-extras.sh" COMMAND pkgbuild --identifier org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.pkg --version 1.1 --preserve-xattr --root "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/root" --scripts "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/install-scripts" ${install_chmodbpf_component_pkg} DEPENDS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/root/Library/Application Support/Wireshark/ChmodBPF/ChmodBPF" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/root/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.wireshark.ChmodBPF.plist" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/install-scripts/postinstall" ) set (install_chmodbpf_pkg "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/Extras/Install ChmodBPF.pkg") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${install_chmodbpf_pkg}" COMMAND productbuild --identifier org.wireshark.install.ChmodBPF.product --version 1.1 --distribution "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/install-distribution.xml" --package-path "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" ${install_chmodbpf_pkg} DEPENDS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/install-distribution.xml" ${install_chmodbpf_component_pkg} ) set (uninstall_chmodbpf_component_pkg "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/uninstall.ChmodBPF.pkg") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${uninstall_chmodbpf_component_pkg}" COMMAND pkgbuild --identifier org.wireshark.uninstall.ChmodBPF.pkg --version 1.1 --nopayload --scripts "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/uninstall-scripts" ${uninstall_chmodbpf_component_pkg} DEPENDS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/uninstall-scripts/postinstall" ) set (uninstall_chmodbpf_pkg "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/Extras/Uninstall ChmodBPF.pkg") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${uninstall_chmodbpf_pkg}" COMMAND productbuild --identifier org.wireshark.uninstall.ChmodBPF.product --version 1.1 --distribution "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/uninstall-distribution.xml" --package-path "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" ${uninstall_chmodbpf_pkg} DEPENDS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/uninstall-distribution.xml" ${uninstall_chmodbpf_component_pkg} ) add_custom_target(chmodbpf DEPENDS ${install_chmodbpf_pkg} ${uninstall_chmodbpf_pkg}) set (install_path_helper_component_pkg "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install.path_helper.pkg") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${install_path_helper_component_pkg}" COMMAND find "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/root" -type d -exec chmod 755 "{}" + COMMAND find "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/root" -type f -exec chmod 644 "{}" + COMMAND pkgbuild --identifier org.wireshark.path_helper.pkg --version 1.0 --root "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/root/etc" --install-location /private/etc ${install_path_helper_component_pkg} DEPENDS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/root/etc/paths.d/Wireshark" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/root/etc/manpaths.d/Wireshark" ) set (install_path_helper_pkg "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/Extras/Add Wireshark to the system path.pkg") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${install_path_helper_pkg}" COMMAND productbuild --identifier org.wireshark.install.path_helper.product --version 1.0 --distribution "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/install-distribution.xml" --package-path "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" ${install_path_helper_pkg} DEPENDS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/install-distribution.xml" ${install_path_helper_component_pkg} ) set (uninstall_path_helper_component_pkg "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/uninstall.path_helper.pkg") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${uninstall_path_helper_component_pkg}" COMMAND pkgbuild --identifier org.wireshark.uninstall.path_helper.pkg --version 1.0 --nopayload --scripts "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/uninstall-scripts" ${uninstall_path_helper_component_pkg} DEPENDS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/uninstall-scripts/postinstall" ) set (uninstall_path_helper_pkg "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run/Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/Extras/Remove Wireshark from the system path.pkg") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${uninstall_path_helper_pkg}" COMMAND productbuild --identifier org.wireshark.uninstall.path_helper.product --version 1.0 --distribution "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/uninstall-distribution.xml" --package-path "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" ${uninstall_path_helper_pkg} DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/path_helper/uninstall-distribution.xml ${uninstall_path_helper_component_pkg} ) add_custom_target(path_helper DEPENDS ${install_path_helper_pkg} ${uninstall_path_helper_pkg}) add_custom_target(app_bundle) set_target_properties(app_bundle PROPERTIES FOLDER "Copy Tasks") add_custom_command(TARGET app_bundle POST_BUILD COMMAND "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/macosx/osx-app.sh" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run" ) add_dependencies(app_bundle ${PROGLIST} chmodbpf path_helper) add_custom_target(dmg_package_prep DEPENDS app_bundle) set(_read_me_first "packaging/macosx/Read me first.html") ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${_read_me_first} COMMAND ${ASCIIDOCTOR_EXECUTABLE} --backend html --out-file ${_read_me_first} --attribute include-dir=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/docbook --attribute min-macos-version=${MIN_MACOS_VERSION} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/Read_me_first.adoc DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/macosx/Read_me_first.adoc ) add_custom_target(read_me_first_html DEPENDS ${_read_me_first} ) add_dependencies(dmg_package_prep read_me_first_html) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET( dmg_package COMMAND bash -x ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/macosx/osx-dmg.sh # Unlike nsis_package_prep + nsis_package, we can add a direct # dependency here. DEPENDS dmg_package_prep # We create Wireshark.app in "run". Do our work there. WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run ) endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") find_program(RPMBUILD_EXECUTABLE rpmbuild) find_program(DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_EXECUTABLE dpkg-buildpackage) find_program(GIT_EXECUTABLE git) # Should we add appimaged's monitored directories # as HINTS? # https://github.com/AppImage/appimaged find_program(LINUXDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE linuxdeployqt) find_program(APPIMAGETOOL_EXECUTABLE appimagetool) endif() string(REPLACE "-" "_" RPM_VERSION "${VERSION}") configure_file(packaging/rpm/wireshark.spec.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/rpm/SPECS/wireshark.spec) if(RPMBUILD_EXECUTABLE) foreach(_rpm_dir BUILD RPMS SOURCES SPECS SRPMS) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/rpm/${_rpm_dir}") endforeach() set(_rpmbuild_with_args) # # This is ugly. # # At least some versions of rpmbuild define the cmake_build # macro to run "cmake --build" with the "--verbose" option, # with no obvious way to easily override that, so, if you # are doing a build with lots of source files, and with # lots of compiler options (for example, a log of -W flags), # you can get a lot of output from rpmbuild. # # Wireshark is a program with lots of source files and # lots of compiler options. # # GitLab's shared builders have a limit of 4MB on logs # from build jobs. # # Wireshark uses the shared builders, and can produce # more than 4MB with the Fedora RPM build; this causes # the builds to fail. # # Forcibly overriding the cmake_build macro with a # version that lacks the --version file should # prevent ninja from being run with the -v flag, # so that it prints the compact output rather # than the raw command. # # We don't do that by default; if the build has the # FORCE_CMAKE_NINJA_QUIET environment variable set, # it will add it. # if(DEFINED ENV{FORCE_CMAKE_NINJA_NON_VERBOSE}) # # Get the output of a pipeline running # "rpmbuild --showrc", to find the settings # of all macros, piped to an awk script # to extract the value of the cmake_build # macro. # execute_process( COMMAND rpmbuild --showrc COMMAND awk "/: cmake_build/ { getline; print \$0; exit }" OUTPUT_VARIABLE CMAKE_BUILD_VALUE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if (CMAKE_BUILD_VALUE MATCHES ".*--verbose.*") # # OK, the setting contains "--verbose". # Rip it out. # string(REPLACE "--verbose" "" NON_VERBOSE_CMAKE_BUILD_VALUE ${CMAKE_BUILD_VALUE}) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --define "cmake_build ${NON_VERBOSE_CMAKE_BUILD_VALUE}") endif() else() if(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args -v) endif() endif() if(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Ninja") list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with ninja) endif() if(CCACHE_EXECUTABLE) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with ccache) endif() if(NOT BUILD_wireshark) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --without qt5) endif() if (MAXMINDDB_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with mmdbresolve) endif() if (LUA_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with lua) endif() if (LZ4_FOUND AND SNAPPY_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with lz4_and_snappy) endif() if (SPANDSP_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with spandsp) endif() if (BCG729_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with bcg729) endif() if (ILBC_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with ilbc) endif() if (OPUS_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with opus) endif() if (LIBXML2_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with libxml2) endif() if (NGHTTP2_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with nghttp2) endif() if (SYSTEMD_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with sdjournal) endif() if (BROTLI_FOUND) list(APPEND _rpmbuild_with_args --with brotli) endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/make-version.pl ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) add_custom_target(copy-dist COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/wireshark*tar* ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/rpm/SOURCES/ DEPENDS dist ) add_custom_target(rpm-package COMMAND ${RPMBUILD_EXECUTABLE} --define "_topdir ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/rpm" --define "_prefix ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ${_rpmbuild_with_args} -ba SPECS/wireshark.spec DEPENDS copy-dist WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/rpm" COMMENT "Create a rpm from the current git commit." ) endif() if(DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_EXECUTABLE) add_custom_target(deb-package COMMAND ${DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_EXECUTABLE} -us -uc WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) endif() if(LINUXDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE AND APPIMAGETOOL_EXECUTABLE) # The documentation at https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt # says that you need to set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release and # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr. I (gcc) also had to set # CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib. if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release" AND CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX STREQUAL "/usr" AND CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR STREQUAL "/usr/lib" ) add_custom_target(appimage-prerequisites) add_dependencies(appimage-prerequisites ${PROGLIST}) else() add_custom_target(appimage-prerequisites COMMAND echo "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE isn't Release or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX isn't /usr or CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR isn't /usr/lib." COMMAND false ) endif() set (_ai_appdir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/appimage/appdir") add_custom_target(appimage-appdir COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${_ai_appdir}" COMMAND env DESTDIR=${_ai_appdir} ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target install DEPENDS appimage-prerequisites ) set(_exe_args) foreach(_prog ${PROGLIST}) # XXX Is this the correct path? list(APPEND _exe_args "-executable=${_ai_appdir}/usr/bin/${_prog}") endforeach() # linuxdeployqt currently clobbers AppRun: # https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/issues/159 # When that's fixed we will no longer need appimagetool. Until # then, we need to prep and package in two steps: # https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/wiki/Custom-wrapper-script-instead-of-AppRun add_custom_target(appimage-prep COMMAND ${LINUXDEPLOYQT_EXECUTABLE} "${_ai_appdir}/usr/share/applications/org.wireshark.Wireshark.desktop" ${_exe_args} COMMAND rm -f "${_ai_appdir}/AppRun" COMMAND install "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/appimage/AppRun" "${_ai_appdir}/AppRun" DEPENDS appimage-appdir ) add_custom_target(appimage COMMAND env VERSION=${PROJECT_VERSION} ${APPIMAGETOOL_EXECUTABLE} appdir WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/packaging/appimage" DEPENDS appimage-prep ) endif() set(CLEAN_C_FILES ${dumpcap_FILES} ${wireshark_FILES} ${tshark_FILES} ${rawshark_FILES} ${dftest_FILES} ${randpkt_FILES} ${randpktdump_FILES} ${etwdump_FILES} ${udpdump_FILES} ${text2pcap_FILES} ${mergecap_FILES} ${capinfos_FILES} ${captype_FILES} ${editcap_FILES} ${idl2wrs_FILES} ${mmdbresolve_FILES} ) if(CLEAN_C_FILES) # Make sure we don't pass /WX to rc.exe. Rc doesn't have a /WX flag, # but it does have /W (warn about invalid code pages) and /X (ignore # the INCLUDE environment variable). # This should apparently be handled for us via CMAKE_RC_FLAG_REGEX # in CMakeRCInformation.cmake but that doesn't appear to work. if(WIN32) list(FILTER CLEAN_C_FILES EXCLUDE REGEX ".*\\.rc") endif() # XXX This also contains object files ($), is that an issue? set_source_files_properties( ${CLEAN_C_FILES} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${WERROR_COMMON_FLAGS}" ) endif() install( FILES ${INSTALL_FILES} PERMISSIONS OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ GROUP_READ WORLD_READ DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR} ) set(SHARK_PUBLIC_HEADERS cfile.h cli_main.h file.h globals.h log.h ws_attributes.h ws_compiler_tests.h ws_diag_control.h ws_symbol_export.h version_info.h ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ws_version.h ) install(FILES ${SHARK_PUBLIC_HEADERS} DESTINATION ${PROJECT_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} ) # Install icons and other desktop files for Freedesktop.org-compliant desktops. if((BUILD_wireshark AND QT_FOUND) AND NOT (WIN32 OR APPLE)) install(FILES org.wireshark.Wireshark-mime.xml DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/mime/packages" RENAME org.wireshark.Wireshark.xml ) install(FILES org.wireshark.Wireshark.metainfo.xml DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/metainfo" ) if(BUILD_wireshark AND QT_FOUND) install(FILES org.wireshark.Wireshark.desktop DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/applications") endif() foreach(size 16 24 32 48 64 128 256) install(FILES image/wsicon${size}.png DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps" RENAME org.wireshark.Wireshark.png) install(FILES image/WiresharkDoc-${size}.png DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/mimetypes" RENAME org.wireshark.Wireshark-mimetype.png) endforeach() install(FILES image/wsicon.svg DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps" RENAME org.wireshark.Wireshark.svg) endif() install( FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/wireshark.pc" DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/pkgconfig ) install( DIRECTORY ${INSTALL_DIRS} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR} FILE_PERMISSIONS OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ GROUP_READ WORLD_READ DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS OWNER_EXECUTE OWNER_WRITE OWNER_READ GROUP_EXECUTE GROUP_READ WORLD_EXECUTE WORLD_READ PATTERN ".git" EXCLUDE PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE PATTERN "Makefile.*" EXCLUDE ) if(WIN32) # Note: CMake export mechanism misbehaves with a '.' in the # path (incorrect relative path computation). set(WIRESHARK_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR "cmake") else() set(WIRESHARK_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/cmake") endif() install( FILES ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/FindGLIB2.cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/FindWSLibrary.cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/FindWSWinLibs.cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/UseAsn2Wrs.cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/LocatePythonModule.cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/UseMakePluginReg.cmake DESTINATION ${WIRESHARK_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR} ) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) configure_package_config_file(WiresharkConfig.cmake.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/WiresharkConfig.cmake INSTALL_DESTINATION ${WIRESHARK_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR} PATH_VARS CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR PLUGIN_INSTALL_VERSION_LIBDIR EXTCAP_INSTALL_LIBDIR ) write_basic_package_version_file( ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/WiresharkConfigVersion.cmake COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/WiresharkConfig.cmake ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/WiresharkConfigVersion.cmake DESTINATION ${WIRESHARK_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR} ) install(EXPORT WiresharkTargets DESTINATION ${WIRESHARK_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR} ) if (DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) # API reference # We don't have a good way of tracking dependencies, so we simply # recreate the whole thing from scratch each time. add_custom_target(wsar_html COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory wsar_html COMMAND ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} doxygen.cfg ) if (WIN32) add_custom_target(wsar_html_perms DEPENDS wsar_html) else() add_custom_target(wsar_html_perms COMMAND find wsar_html -type d -exec chmod 755 "{}" + COMMAND find wsar_html -type f -exec chmod 644 "{}" + DEPENDS wsar_html) endif() add_custom_target(wsar_html_zip COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar "cfv" "wsar_html.zip" --format=zip wsar_html DEPENDS wsar_html_perms ) set_target_properties(wsar_html wsar_html_zip PROPERTIES FOLDER "Docs" EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD True ) endif(DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) add_custom_target(test-programs DEPENDS exntest oids_test reassemble_test tvbtest wmem_test COMMENT "Building unit test programs and wrapper" ) set_target_properties(test-programs PROPERTIES FOLDER "Tests" EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD True ) # Test suites enable_testing() # We could try to build this list dynamically, but given that we tend to # go years between adding suites just run # test/test.py --list-groups | sort # and paste the output here. set(_test_group_list suite_capture suite_clopts suite_decryption suite_dfilter.group_bytes_ether suite_dfilter.group_bytes_ipv6 suite_dfilter.group_bytes_type suite_dfilter.group_double suite_dfilter.group_dfunction_string suite_dfilter.group_integer suite_dfilter.group_integer_1byte suite_dfilter.group_ipv4 suite_dfilter.group_membership suite_dfilter.group_range_method suite_dfilter.group_scanner suite_dfilter.group_string_type suite_dfilter.group_stringz suite_dfilter.group_time_relative suite_dfilter.group_time_type suite_dfilter.group_tvb suite_dfilter.group_uint64 suite_dissection suite_dissectors.group_asterix suite_extcaps suite_fileformats suite_follow suite_follow_dccp suite_io suite_mergecap suite_netperfmeter suite_nameres suite_outputformats suite_release suite_text2pcap suite_sharkd suite_unittests suite_wslua ) # We don't currently handle spaces in arguments. On Windows this # means that you will probably have to pass in an interface index # instead of a name. set(TEST_EXTRA_ARGS "" CACHE STRING "Extra arguments to pass to test/test.py") separate_arguments(TEST_EXTRA_ARGS) foreach(_group_name ${_test_group_list}) add_test( NAME ${_group_name} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/test.py --verbose --program-path ${WS_PROGRAM_PATH} ${TEST_EXTRA_ARGS} ${_group_name} ) set_tests_properties(${_group_name} PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 600) endforeach() # Make it possible to run pytest without passing the full path as argument. if(NOT CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) file(READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pytest.ini" pytest_ini) string(REGEX REPLACE "\naddopts = ([^\n]+)" "\naddopts = ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test \\1" pytest_ini "${pytest_ini}") file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pytest.ini" "${pytest_ini}") endif() if (GIT_EXECUTABLE) # Update AUTHORS file with entries from git shortlog add_custom_target( gen-authors COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} tools/generate_authors.pl AUTHORS.src > AUTHORS WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) else (GIT_EXECUTABLE) add_custom_target( gen-authors COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Git not found." ) endif (GIT_EXECUTABLE) set_target_properties(gen-authors PROPERTIES FOLDER "Docs") if (WIN32) file (TO_NATIVE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/Get-HardenFlags.ps1 _win_harden_flags) add_custom_target(hardening-check COMMAND ${POWERSHELL_COMMAND} "${_win_harden_flags}" "${_dll_output_dir_win}" DEPENDS ${PROGLIST} COMMENT "Checking binaries for security features" ) set_target_properties(hardening-check PROPERTIES FOLDER "Tests") else () find_program(HARDENING_CHECK_EXECUTABLE hardening-check DOC "Path to the hardening-check utility." ) if(HARDENING_CHECK_EXECUTABLE) foreach(_prog ${PROGLIST}) get_target_property(_prog_dir ${_prog} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) if(NOT _prog_dir) set(_prog_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run") endif() set(_prog_paths ${_prog_paths} "${_prog_dir}/${_prog}") endforeach() add_custom_target(hardening-check COMMAND ${HARDENING_CHECK_EXECUTABLE} ${_prog_paths} DEPENDS ${PROGLIST} COMMENT "Checking binaries for security features" ) endif() endif() CHECKAPI( NAME main SWITCHES SOURCES ${WIRESHARK_SRC} ${TSHARK_TAP_SRC} ) find_program(SHELLCHECK_EXECUTABLE shellcheck DOC "Path to the shellcheck utility." ) if(SHELLCHECK_EXECUTABLE) add_custom_target(shellcheck) set_target_properties(shellcheck PROPERTIES FOLDER "Tests") # --external-sources requires 0.4.0 or later. # ChmodBPF uses "shellcheck shell=bash". Not sure which version # added support for that. add_custom_command(TARGET shellcheck POST_BUILD COMMAND shellcheck --external-sources image/stock_icons/svg-to-png.sh packaging/appimage/AppRun "packaging/macosx/ChmodBPF/root/Library/Application Support/Wireshark/ChmodBPF/ChmodBPF" packaging/macosx/osx-app.sh.in packaging/macosx/osx-dmg.sh.in packaging/source/git-export-release.sh.in tools/compress-pngs.sh tools/debian-setup.sh tools/fuzz-test.sh tools/gen-bugnote tools/pre-commit tools/randpkt-test.sh tools/release-update-debian-soversions.sh tools/test-captures.sh tools/update-tx tools/valgrind-wireshark.sh WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" ) endif() # # Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html # # Local variables: # c-basic-offset: 8 # tab-width: 8 # indent-tabs-mode: t # End: # # vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab: # :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false: #