path: root/test/suite_sharkd.py
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2024-09-13frame: Use proto_tree_add_uint_format_value()Stig Bjørlykke1-1/+1
Use proto_tree_add_uint_format_value() to avoid duplicating the field info name in the item representation string. Adjust the hf entries accordingly.
2024-06-01test: skip test_sharkd_req_follow_http2 test if no http2 supportSam James1-1/+7
Originally reported downstream in Gentoo at https://bugs.gentoo.org/933290. This is the same kind of thing as https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark/-/merge_requests/9029.
2024-05-31sharkd: Add "comments" field to "frames" methodNiels Widger1-0/+17
Update `sharkd`'s `frames` method to include a `comments` string array containing the comments for a frame. The existing boolean `ct` field, which is `true` if the frame has one or more comments, has not been modified. Like the existing `ct` field, the new `comments` field is only included in the response if the frame has comments. A new `test_sharkd_req_frames_comments` unit test has been added to verify the functionality of the new `comments` field.
2024-04-27sharkd: Support microsecond intervals in "iograph" methodNiels Widger1-6/+33
Add new optional `interval_units` string parameter to `sharkd`'s `iograph` method to allow specifying what unit should be used with the existing `interval` parameter. `interval_units` must be either `s` (seconds), `ms` (milliseconds) or `us` (microseconds) and defaults to `ms`. Previously, `iograph`'s `interval` parameter (whose default of `1000` has not changed) was always assumed to be in milliseconds. This was unfortunate since b46c1e9f (part of #13682) added support for intervals as small as 1 microsecond. With the new `interval_units` parameter, `iograph` can take advantage of this greater precision while still remaining backwards compatible since requests that don't include `interval_units` will default to millisecond precision as they always have. As part of b46c1e9f, the maximum number of `io_graph_item_t`'s stored for a graph in the QT GUI was bumped from `1 << 24` to `1 << 25` (see `max_io_items_` in `ui/qt/io_graph_dialog.h`). `sharkd`'s `iograph` method, however, has a separate limit `SHARKD_IOGRAPH_MAX_ITEMS` in `sharkd_session.c`, which remained set to 250,000. This commit updates `SHARKD_IOGRAPH_MAX_ITEMS` to be `1 << 25` so that `sharkd` uses the same limit as the GUI. Note that a significant portion of the diff for `sharkd_session.c` is due to readjusting the columns for entries in the `name_array` array used by `sharkd` when parsing method parameters due to the `interval_units` parameter being longer than existing parameter names. However, the only significant change to `name_array` is the addition of the following line: {"iograph", "interval_units", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING, SHARKD_OPTIONAL}, Finally, added a few new `sharkd` unit tests to verify the new `interval_units` parameter.
2024-04-24sharkd: Improve sub-stream support in "frame" and "follow" methodsNiels Widger1-2/+53
Add new optional `sub_stream` input argument to `sharkd`'s `follow` method which, if given, specifies the sub-stream index number to follow (e.g. for HTTP/2 or QUIC streams). If no `sub_stream` argument is given, all sub-streams are followed (by using the special `SUBSTREAM_UNUSED` sub-stream index value). Add new `followers` output field to `sharkd`'s `frame` method which contains an array of objects each containing `protocol`, `filter`, `stream` and (for HTTP/2 or QUIC streams) `sub_stream` fields. A new `followers` array was added to the response instead of adding the stream and sub-stream indices to the existing `fol` field due to backwards-compatibility issues. The `fol` field is an array of string arrays, each subarray containing the same values as the `protocol` and `filter` fields in the new `followers` array, i.e.: "fol": [["TCP", "tcp.stream eq 0"], ["TLS", "tcp.stream eq 0"]] which makes adding new, possibly optional, fields difficult. The `fol` field should be considered deprecated, any new fields should be added to `followers`. The new `followers` field is an array of objects, making adding new fields down the road simple: "followers": [{"protocol": "TCP", "filter": "tcp.stream eq 0"}, {"protocol": "TLS", "filter": "tcp.stream eq 0"}] Updated existing and added new `sharkd` unit tests to validate behavior of new fields/arguments.
2024-03-26sharkd: Add "column_info" field to "status" methodNiels Widger1-2/+34
Add new `column_info` field to `sharkd`'s `status` method which contains additional column information. A new `column_info` field was added because the existing `columns` field is a simple string array and therefore new fields could not be added to it in a backwards-compatible manner. The new `column_info` field includes each column's title, format string (i.e. `%x` or `%Cus:<expr>:<occurrence>` if `COL_CUSTOM`) as well as booleans indicating if the column is visible or resolved. The existing `sharkd` unit tests `test_sharkd_req_status_no_pcap` and `test_sharkd_req_status` have been updated to check for the new `column_info` field.
2023-11-07sharkd: Fix displayed delta times in "frames" methodNiels Widger1-0/+16
As noted in #17923, commit c4731738 broke timereferences and displayed delta time (`frame.time_delta_displayed`) in the `frames` method of `sharkd`. This commit adds back to `sharkd_session_process_frames` the local variables `prev_dis_num`, `current_ref_frame` and `ref_frame` which are used to determine the `frame_ref_num` and `prev_dis_num` arguments to each call to `sharkd_dissect_request` in the main loop of `sharkd_session_process_frames`. Below is an example on `master` (`b7cc44eb34`, specifically) of a `frames` request for packets 1 and 800 of the capture `./test/captures/logistics_multicast.pcapng` where we ask for columns `frame.time_relative`, `frame.time_delta` and `frame.time_delta_displayed`: # ./cmake-build-debug/run/sharkd - Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous. Hello in child. {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"load","params":{"file":"./test/captures/logistics_multicast.pcapng"}} load: filename=./test/captures/logistics_multicast.pcapng {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"status":"OK"}} {"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":2, "method":"frames","params":{"filter":"frame.number==1||frame.number==800","column0":"frame.time_relative:1","column1":"frame.time_delta:1","column2":"frame.time_delta_displayed:1"}} {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":2,"result":[{"c":["0.000000000","0.000000000","0.000000000"],"num":1},{"c":["191.872111000","0.193716000","0.193716000"],"num":800}]} Note that the `frame.time_delta_displayed` column value for packet 800 is `0.193716000`, which is time difference between it and packet 799, not packet 1. Compare this to the same `frames` request using the changes from this commit: # ./cmake-build-debug/run/sharkd - Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous. Hello in child. {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"load","params":{"file":"./test/captures/logistics_multicast.pcapng"}} load: filename=./test/captures/logistics_multicast.pcapng {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"status":"OK"}} {"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":2, "method":"frames","params":{"filter":"frame.number==1||frame.number==800","column0":"frame.time_relative:1","column1":"frame.time_delta:1","column2":"frame.time_delta_displayed:1"}} {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":2,"result":[{"c":["0.000000000","0.000000000","0.000000000"],"num":1},{"c":["191.872111000","0.193716000","191.872111000"],"num":800}]} Note that the `frame.time_delta_displayed` column value for packet 800 is now `191.872111000`, the time difference between it and packet 1. This is the expected value since only packets 1 and 800 are visible due to the request's `filter` parameter. A new `test_sharkd_req_frames_delta_times` unit test has been added to verify this fix and prevent it the bug from being accidentally sneaking in again. If this fix is accepted, this change should probably be cherry-picked to the `release-4.2` branch. Fixes #17923.
2023-09-22sharkd: add hosts tapNiels Widger1-0/+57
Add `hosts:` tap to `tap` method of `sharkd` which returns a list of resolved hostnames found in the capture file, thus providing the same information as `tsharks -z hosts`. The `hosts:` tap accepts an optional list of comma-separated protocol names `ipv4`, `ip` (synonym for `ipv4`) or `ipv6`. For example, `hosts:ipv4` returns only IPv4 hosts, `hosts:ipv6` returns only IPv6 hosts and `hosts:ipv4,ipv6` returns both IPv4 and IPv6 hosts. If no protocol names are given (i.e. if the request is just `host:`), both IPv4 and IPv6 hosts are returned. In the response, IPv4 and IPv6 hosts are returned in separate `ipv4_hosts` and `ipv6_hosts` arrays containing objects with `name` and `addr` fields. Both arrays are sorted by the `name` field of each object.
2023-08-23sharkd: Add "capture_types" and "encap_types" to "info" methodNiels Widger1-0/+4
Add two new fields `capture_types` and `encap_types` to the output of `sharkd`'s `info` method which replicate the info displayed by `editcap -F` and `editcap -T`, respectively.
2023-08-22sharkd: Fix incorrect "stop_time" field in "voip-calls" tapNiels Widger1-2/+2
Commit a4c6a2f1 added a `voip-calls` tap to `sharkd`, but a copy-paste bug in `sharkd_session_process_tap_voip_calls_cb` caused each call's `stop_time` field to actually be the call's start time. This commit fixes this bug and updates the `test_sharkd_req_tap_voip_calls` unit test accordingly.
2023-08-19sharkd: Generate "eo:<name>" object list in "download" method when neededNiels Widger1-0/+103
Previously, a `download` method request for an `eo:<name>_<row>` export object (for example, `eo:http_0` to download the HTTP export object with row 0) would fail unless a `tap` method for `eo:<name>` had already been run. This behavior is surprising as the other resources downloadable via the `download` method do not work this way. This commit addresses this issue by updating the `download` method to, when a `eo:<name>_<row>` export object is requested, see if an `eo:<name>` object list already exists in `sharkd_eo_list`. If it does not exist, the `download` method first generates the object list for `eo:<name>` and adds it to `sharkd_eo_list` using `sharkd_retap` in the same manner that the `tap` method does. After that, the `download` method looks for the exported object in `sharkd_eo_list` just as it did before. This commit also adds a `sha1` field to the list of exported objects returned by the `tap` method for `eo` objects in `sharkd_session_process_tap_eo_cb`.
2023-08-16sharkd: Add optional "filter" parameter to "tap" methodNiels Widger1-0/+34
Add new optional `filter` parameter to `sharkd`'s `tap` method which sets the `fstring` filter parameter which should be used for all `register_tap_listener` calls made when creating taps requested in the method's `tap0`-`tap15` parameters. The value of the new `filter` parameter is used to set a `tap_filter` local variable in `sharkd_session_process_tap`. This local variable existed previously and was already passed into most calls to `register_tap_listener`, but was always set to an empty string.
2023-08-16sharkd: Add "fn" field to "frame" outputNiels Widger1-1/+3
The `fn` attribute indicates the "field name" of the current tree item. This is useful to have outside of having to parse the `f` attribute.
2023-08-16sharkd: add voip-calls and voip-convs tapsNiels Widger1-0/+420
Add `voip-calls` and `voip-convs` taps to `sharkd`, which provide the same information as the `Telephony -> VoIP Calls` GUI menu item. The `voip-convs` tap accepts an optional comma-separated list of call ID's allowing the caller to limit which conversations are returned. Both a single call ID or a `<start>-<end>` call ID range is accepted. For example, `voip-convs:` returns all conversations, `voip-convs:123` returns only the conversation with call ID 123 and `voip-convs:1,5-7,9` returns conversations with call ID's 1, 5, 6, 7 and 9. The call ID for a conversation is returned in the `call` field. The set of call ID's requested by the caller is stored in a bit-array which, on a standard Linux amd64 machine, supports storing a maximum of 65536 call ID's. Because many of the taps initialized by `voip_calls_init_all_taps` are not able to be built without it, a basic CLI-based implementation of `simple_dialog` which prints to `stderr` has been added in `ui/cli/simple_dialog.c`.
2023-08-15sharkd: Add phs tap to sharkdNiels Widger1-0/+189
Add `phs` tap to `sharkd`, providing the same information as `tshark`'s `-z io,phs` option. Additionally, modify how `tshark -z io,phs` (and therefore `sharkd`'s new `phs` tap) handles packet comments (aka `pkt_comment` protocol frames). Previously, `pkt_comment` protocol frames were handled no differently from any other protocol in `io,phs`'s `tap_packet` callback `protohierstat_packet` but were skipped in its `tap_draw` callback `protohierstat_draw`. This behavior seems to have been first introduced in 80ae3708. For captures containing packet comments, this lead to surprising `tshark -z io,phs` output with multiple root-level `eth` trees. Below is example output of the old behavior for the `test/captures/protohier-with-comments.pcapng` capture in this repository with two packet comments, one on an ICMPv6 packet and another on an SSDP packet: # tshark -qz io,phs -r ./test/captures/protohier-with-comments.pcapng =================================================================== Protocol Hierarchy Statistics Filter: eth frames:113 bytes:21809 ipv6 frames:38 bytes:7456 icmpv6 frames:35 bytes:3574 udp frames:3 bytes:3882 data frames:3 bytes:3882 ip frames:69 bytes:13993 udp frames:59 bytes:13391 mdns frames:1 bytes:138 ssdp frames:29 bytes:8561 nbns frames:20 bytes:2200 nbdgm frames:1 bytes:248 smb frames:1 bytes:248 mailslot frames:1 bytes:248 browser frames:1 bytes:248 dhcp frames:4 bytes:1864 dns frames:4 bytes:380 igmp frames:10 bytes:602 arp frames:6 bytes:360 eth frames:2 bytes:377 ipv6 frames:1 bytes:110 icmpv6 frames:1 bytes:110 ip frames:1 bytes:267 udp frames:1 bytes:267 ssdp frames:1 bytes:267 =================================================================== Despite the comment in `phs_draw` in `ui/cli/tap-protohierstat.c`, this does not seem to match the behavior for PHS as shown in the GUI. The GUI seems to ignore the `pkt_comment` protocol frames and merges their children up a level. This commit tries to reproduce this behavior in the `tshark -z io,phs` output by ignoring `pkt_comment` protocol frames in `protohierstat_packet` instead of `protohierstat_draw`. The result is output like the following: # tshark -qz io,phs -r ./test/captures/protohier-with-comments.pcapng =================================================================== Protocol Hierarchy Statistics Filter: eth frames:115 bytes:22186 ipv6 frames:39 bytes:7566 icmpv6 frames:36 bytes:3684 udp frames:3 bytes:3882 data frames:3 bytes:3882 ip frames:70 bytes:14260 udp frames:60 bytes:13658 mdns frames:1 bytes:138 ssdp frames:30 bytes:8828 nbns frames:20 bytes:2200 nbdgm frames:1 bytes:248 smb frames:1 bytes:248 mailslot frames:1 bytes:248 browser frames:1 bytes:248 dhcp frames:4 bytes:1864 dns frames:4 bytes:380 igmp frames:10 bytes:602 arp frames:6 bytes:360 =================================================================== Note that there are no `pkt_comment` protocols and only a single root-level `eth` protocol. Additionally, the commented ICMPv6 and SSDP packets have been merged into the first `eth` tree, and the frame and byte counts have been incremented appropriately.
2023-08-08Update sharkd rtp-stream tap to match WiresharkNiels Widger1-0/+7
Adds several columns to the rtp-stream list: `start_time`, `duration`, `lost`, `lost_percent`, `min_delta`, `mean_delta` and `min_jitter`.
2023-06-15Inject secrets through the GUIJohn Thacker1-2/+1
Add a GUI option to append a DSB to the open file containing any used TLS secrets from the session. The marks the file as having unsaved changes. Note #19128 - we don't currently have warning about saving a file with a DSB in a format that doesn't support it, as we do with comments. No longer export the RSA Session ID, only CLIENT_RANDOM related information. This has been a long standing TODO. Fix #18400
2023-06-05Tests: Remove unittest dependency (sharkd)João Valverde1-23/+15
2023-04-12Sharkd: return json error for bad download tokensZach Chadwick1-0/+17
Sharkd must always return a JSONRPC response to client input. Fixes two cases in the processing of the "download" request where no response was sent: - When the `token` argument was missing - When the `token` argument did not match an expected pattern Two new error values were invented for this since there's not much guidance on how to define error codes. They are currently unique and only used in these two cases.
2023-03-04Sharkd: show RTP ssrc as hex and improve errorsZach Chadwick1-1/+69
The token format used by rtp-analyse and rtp-download expect the SSRC field to be a hex string parsable by `ws_hexstrtou32()` as seen in sharkd_session.c:760. The output from tap:rtp-streams was displaying it as an unsigned integer. For consistency, this field is now displayed as a hex string in the output. If the call to download an RTP stream did not match any payloads, Sharkd would not return any information at all. This now returns an error message indicating that there is no RTP data available. Adds three new selftests and sample pcap.
2023-03-01Sharkd: Return error message on load if err!=0Zach Chadwick1-0/+9
Fixes a bug when the return value from load_cap_file() is nonzero. No response is currently returned causing the client to hang. A non-zero error code can happen for a variety of reasons, one of which is when the PCAP is truncated. An error message from cfile_read_failure_message() is displayed on the console, but no data was returned to the RPC client. This adds a call to wtap_strerrror() to look up a human consumable error message for the specific error code returned during wtap_read(). Adds new self-test to suite_sharkd.py
2023-02-19Sharkd: Add column header labels to the "status" outputZach Chadwick1-2/+3
2021-07-07Use wtap_blocks for packet commentsDavid Perry1-1/+1
Mostly functioning proof of concept for #14329. This work is intended to allow Wireshark to support multiple packet comments per packet. Uses and expands upon the `wtap_block` API in `wiretap/wtap_opttypes.h`. It attaches a `wtap_block` structure to `wtap_rec` in place of its current `opt_comment` and `packet_verdict` members to hold OPT_COMMENT and OPT_PKT_VERDICT option values.
2021-06-21solved code conflicts pre rebasePaul Offord1-163/+276
2020-11-05Tools+test: Call python3 explicitly.Gerald Combs1-2/+1
PEP 394[1] says, "In cases where the script is expected to be executed outside virtual environments, developers will need to be aware of the following discrepancies across platforms and installation methods: * Older Linux distributions will provide a python command that refers to Python 2, and will likely not provide a python2 command. * Some newer Linux distributions will provide a python command that refers to Python 3. * Some Linux distributions will not provide a python command at all by default, but will provide a python3 command by default." Debian has forced the issue by choosing the third option[2]: "NOTE: Debian testing (bullseye) has removed the "python" package and the '/usr/bin/python' symlink due to the deprecation of Python 2." Switch our shebang from "#!/usr/bin/env python" to "#!/usr/bin/env python3" in some places. Remove some 2/3 version checks if we know we're running under Python 3. Remove the "coding: utf-8" in a bunch of places since that's the default in Python 3. [1]https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/#for-python-script-publishers [2]https://wiki.debian.org/Python
2020-01-26epan/to_str: change MAX_BYTE_STR_LEN from 48 to 72Stefan Metzmacher1-1/+1
We want things like aes-256 keys to be displayed completely. Change-Id: I746f3282440c036cfb60263be40e3b3a6ed859c2 Signed-off-by: Stefan Metzmacher <metze@samba.org> Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/35703 Petri-Dish: Alexis La Goutte <alexis.lagoutte@gmail.com> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Anders Broman <a.broman58@gmail.com>
2019-01-20json_dumper: increase JSON_DUMPER_MAX_DEPTH to 1100.Dario Lombardo1-0/+10
The new value has been chosen to make room for sharkd packet output as: proto.c:MAX_TREE_LEVELS * 2 + 10% of additional sharkd overhead. A new regression test for sharkd has been added that requires more than 15 levels. Change-Id: Ie54955c79c50c60b95c99b1a3c472888fc4842ac Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/31624 Petri-Dish: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl>
2019-01-07sharkd: use json_dumper for output.Dario Lombardo1-4/+1
Change-Id: I457613ea154a86098f536b57844ad6606c595a46 Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/31035 Petri-Dish: Dario Lombardo <lomato@gmail.com> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Dario Lombardo <lomato@gmail.com>
2018-11-21test: extend sharkd tests to cover all requestsPeter Wu1-42/+425
All request types have a corresponding test_sharkd_req_* test names which tests the current (documented) behavior. The frame and download tests are not very comprehensive though, but it's better than nothing. (The original test_sharkd_hello_dhcp_pcap test is replaced by test_sharkd_req_status and test_sharkd_req_frames, although the latter does not literally check for the "DHCP" column anymore.) Change-Id: Ic39b954fc50065345ac46e96a7057b7aba2a09e3 Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/30743 Petri-Dish: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Anders Broman <a.broman58@gmail.com>
2018-11-14test: convert some more tests to use fixturesPeter Wu1-10/+13
Continue the conversion from use of globals (the config module) to fixtures. If a program (like wmem_test or tshark) is unavailable, it will be skipped now rather than failing the test. The general conversion pattern is: - Decorate each class with `@fixtures.uses_fixtures` and (for tests that run tshark) `@fixtures.mark_usefixtures('test_env')`. - Convert all `config.cmd_*` to `cmd_*` and add an argument. - Convert all `config.*_dir` to `dirs.*_dir` and add an argument. - Convert users of `os.path.join(dirs.capture_file, ...)` to use a new 'capture_file' fixture to reduce boilerplate code. Inline variables if possible (this conversion was done in an automated way using regexes). Some other changes: tests that do not require a test environment (like wmem_test) will use 'base_env' which avoids copying config files, `env=config.test_env` got removed since this is the default. Some test classes in suite_clopts were combined. Removed unused imports. Change-Id: Id5480ffaee7d8d56cf2cb3189a38ae9afa7605a1 Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/30591 Petri-Dish: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Anders Broman <a.broman58@gmail.com>
2018-11-08test: drop Python 2 compatibility, use more Python 3 featuresPeter Wu1-9/+6
Reduces maintenance costs and makes it possible to simplify code. pytest supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 (or newer), so that is more or less the minimum target for now. Change-Id: I0347b6c334bf2fc6c9480ff56e9ccfcd48886dde Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/30193 Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Petri-Dish: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl> Reviewed-by: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl>
2018-06-21Test: Add sharkd tests.Gerald Combs1-0/+72
Change-Id: I0e5049700ab9285196ce6b4567bd2d034529e763 Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/28327 Reviewed-by: Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org> Petri-Dish: Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Anders Broman <a.broman58@gmail.com>