path: root/ui/gtk/gui_utils.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 682 deletions
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-/* gui_utils.h
- * Declarations of GTK+-specific UI utility routines
- *
- * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
- * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
- * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#ifndef __GUI_UTILS_H__
-#define __GUI_UTILS_H__
-#include "ui/ws_ui_util.h"
-/** @defgroup windows_group Windows
- *
- * There are the following toplevel windows:
- *
- * - @ref main_window_group
- * - Statistic Windows (several different statistic windows)
- *
- * See: @ref howto_window_page for details.
- *
- */
-/** @page howto_window_page How to develop a window / dialog
- *
- * Windows and dialogs are related to each other. Dialogs are special kind of windows, but they behave
- * slightly different. A dialog sticks on its parent window; A normal window will be much more independent
- * from its parent window. Dialogs should be used to ask or tell the user something, while windows should
- * show data which is independent of the main window.
- * Dialogs are created by calling dlg_window_new() which in turn will call window_new().
- * After that, dialogs can be developed the same way as windows; all window related functions in gui_utils.h
- * can be used for both.
- *
- * @section window_create Create a window
- *
- * A typical window / dialog will be created by the following calls:
- *
- * - window_new() will create a new window with default position and size,
- * use dlg_window_new() if you need a dialog (transient to the main window)
- * - gtk_window_set_default_size() will set the default size of the window. Only
- * needed, if the initial size is not appropriate, e.g. when a scrolled_window_new() is used.
- * - g_signal_connect(my_win, "destroy", my_destroy_cb, NULL) will create a callback if some cleanup
- * needs to be done after the window is destroyed, e.g. free up memory, or set the window pointer
- * of a singleton window (only one instance allowed, e.g. about dialog) back to zero
- * - create and fill in the content and button widgets
- * - gtk_widget_show_all() shows all the widgets in the window
- * - window_present() will present the window on screen and
- * (if available) set previously saved position and size
- *
- * @section window_events Events
- *
- * The following events are usually interesting:
- *
- * - "delete_event": the window manager's "X" (e.g. upper right edge) of the window
- * was clicked; the default handler will call gtk_widget_destroy()
- * - "destroy": everything is already gone; only cleanup of left over resources
- * can/should be done now
- *
- * @section window_hints Hints
- *
- * If you want to save size and position, be sure to call window_destroy() instead of only
- * gtk_widget_destroy(), so you will probably have to g_signal_connect() to the "delete_event"!
- *
- * Don't use gtk_widget_set_size_request() to set the size of a window;
- * use gtk_window_set_default_size() for that purpose!
- *
- * Be sure to call window_present() / window_destroy() appropriately, if you
- * want to have size and position of the window handled by ui_util.
- *
- */
-/** @file
- * Utilities for Windows and other user interface functions. See: @ref howto_window_page for details.
- * @ingroup dialog_group
- * @ingroup windows_group
- */
-/** @name Window Functions
- * @todo Move these window functions to a new file win_utils.h?
- * @{ */
-/** Create a new window with the Wireshark icon.
- * If you want to create a dialog, use dlg_window_new() instead.
- *
- * @param type window type, typical GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL
- * @param title the title for the new window
- * @return the newly created window
- */
-extern GtkWidget *window_new(GtkWindowType type, const gchar *title);
-/** Same as window_new(), but will keep its geometry values (size, position, ...).
- * Be sure to use window_present() and window_destroy() appropriately!
- *
- * @param type window type, typical GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL
- * @param title the title for the new window
- * @param geom_name the name to distinguish this window; will also be used for the recent file (don't use special chars)
- * @param pos the initial position of the window if a previously saved geometry was not saved or found.
- * If the initial position does not matter, specify GTK_WIN_POS_NONE.
- * @return the newly created window
- */
-extern GtkWidget *window_new_with_geom(GtkWindowType type, const gchar *title, const gchar *geom_name, GtkWindowPosition pos);
-/** Create a new splash window, with no icon or title bar.
- *
- * @return the newly created window
- */
-extern GtkWidget *splash_window_new(void);
-/** Present the created window on the top of the screen. This will put the window on top and
- * (if available) set previously saved position and size.
- *
- * @param win the window from window_new()
- */
-extern void window_present(GtkWidget *win);
-/** callback function for window_set_cancel_button() */
-typedef void (*window_cancel_button_fct) (GtkWidget *w, gpointer data);
-/** Register the default cancel button "Cancel"/"Close"/"Ok" of this window.
- * This will set the callback function for this button, grab this button as the default one and
- * set the "ESC" key handler to call the callback function if key is pressed.
- *
- * @param win the window from window_new()
- * @param bt the default button of this window
- * @param cb callback function to be called, when this button is pressed
- */
-extern void window_set_cancel_button(GtkWidget *win, GtkWidget *bt, window_cancel_button_fct cb);
-/** Remember the current window position / size and then destroy the window.
- * It's important to call this instead of gtk_widget_destroy() when using window_new_with_geom().
- *
- * @param win the window from window_new()
- */
-extern void window_destroy(GtkWidget *win);
-/** Default callback handler for cancel button "clicked" signal.
- * Use this for window_set_cancel_button(), if no user specific functionality required,
- * will simply call window_destroy()
- */
-extern void window_cancel_button_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data);
-/** Default callback handler if the window manager's X of the window was clicked (delete_event).
- * Use this for g_signal_connect(), if no user specific functionality required,
- * will simply call window_destroy()
- */
-extern gboolean window_delete_event_cb(GtkWidget *win, GdkEvent *event _U_, gpointer user_data _U_);
-/** Get the geometry of a window.
- *
- * @param win the window from window_new()
- * @param geom the current geometry values of the window; the set_xy values will not be used
- * @todo if main uses the window_new_with_geom() to save size and such, make this function static
- */
-extern void window_get_geometry(GtkWidget *win, window_geometry_t *geom);
-/** Set the geometry of a window.
- *
- * @param win the window from window_new()
- * @param geom the new geometry values of the window
- * @todo if main uses the window_new_with_geom() to save size and such, make this function static
- */
-extern void window_set_geometry(GtkWidget *win, window_geometry_t *geom);
-/** Raise a top-level window and de-iconify it.
- * This routine is used if the user has done something to
- * ask that a window of a certain type be popped up when there can be only
- * one such window and such a window has already been popped up - we
- * pop up the existing one rather than creating a new one.
- *
- * @param win the window from window_new() to be reactivated
- */
-extern void reactivate_window(GtkWidget *win);
-/** @} */
-/** Alert box for an invalid display filter expression.
- *
- * @param parent parent window from which the display filter came
- * @param dftext text of the display filter
- * @param err_msg text of the error message for the filter
- */
-extern void bad_dfilter_alert_box(GtkWidget *parent, const char *dftext, gchar *err_msg);
-/** Create a GtkScrolledWindow, set its scrollbar placement appropriately,
- * and remember it.
- *
- * @param hadjustment horizontal adjustment
- * @param vadjustment vertical adjustment
- * @return the new scrolled window
- */
-extern GtkWidget *scrolled_window_new(GtkAdjustment *hadjustment,
- GtkAdjustment *vadjustment);
-/** Create a GtkTreeView, give it the right styles, and remember it.
- *
- * @param model The model (the data) of this tree view.
- */
-extern GtkWidget *tree_view_new(GtkTreeModel *model);
-/** Move the currently-selected item in a list store up or down one position.
- *
- * @param tree GtkTreeView using a GtkListStore.
- * @param move_up TRUE to move the selected item up or FALSE to move it down.
- * @return TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
- */
-extern gboolean tree_view_list_store_move_selection(GtkTreeView *tree, gboolean move_up);
-/** Find the selected row in a list store.
- *
- * @param tree GtkTreeView using a GtkListStore.
- * @return The selected row number or -1 if no row is selected.
- */
-extern gint tree_view_list_store_get_selected_row(GtkTreeView *tree);
-/** Create a simple list widget.
- *
- * @param cols number of columns
- * @param titles the titles of all columns
- * @return the new simple list widget
- */
-extern GtkWidget *simple_list_new(gint cols, const gchar **titles);
-/** Append a row to the simple list.
- *
- * @param list the list from simple_list_new()
- * @param ... row and title, finished by -1 (e.g.: 0, "first", 1, "second", -1).
- */
-extern void simple_list_append(GtkWidget *list, ...);
-/*** Make a column look like a url
- *
- * @param list the list from simple_list_new()
- * @param col the column to make the values lookk like urls
- */
-extern void simple_list_url_col(GtkWidget *list, gint col);
-/*** Make a cell underline to look like links
- *
- * @param cell the cell renderer that will show the text as a link
- */
-extern void render_as_url(GtkCellRenderer *cell);
-/** Set the styles of all Trees based upon user preferences. */
-extern void set_tree_styles_all(void);
-/** Convert an xpm picture into a GtkWidget showing it.
- * Beware: Wireshark's main window must already be visible!
- *
- * @param xpm the character array containing the picture
- * @return a newly created GtkWidget showing the picture
- */
-extern GtkWidget *xpm_to_widget(const char ** xpm);
-#if 0
-/** Convert an xpm picture into a GtkWidget showing it.
- * Beware: the given parent window must already be visible!
- *
- * @param parent the parent window of to widget to be generated
- * @param xpm the character array containing the picture
- * @return a newly created GtkWidget showing the picture
- */
-extern GtkWidget *xpm_to_widget_from_parent(GtkWidget *parent, const char ** xpm);
-/** Convert pixbuf data to a GtkWidget
- *
- * @param pb_path GResource pixbuf path.
- */
-extern GtkWidget *pixbuf_to_widget(const char *pb_path);
-#define PIXBUF_TO_WIDGET(pb, path) \
- pixbuf_to_widget(path)
- /** Convert an pixbuf data to a GtkWidget
- *
- * @param pb_data Inline pixbuf data. This should be created with "gdk-pixbuf-csource --raw"
- */
-extern GtkWidget *pixbuf_to_widget(const guint8 * pb_data);
-#define PIXBUF_TO_WIDGET(pb, path) \
- pixbuf_to_widget(pb)
-#endif /* HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE */
-/** Copy a GString to the clipboard.
- *
- * @param str GString that is to be copied to the clipboard.
- */
-extern void copy_to_clipboard(GString *str);
-/** Copy an array of bytes to the clipboard.
- * Copies as mime-type application/octet-stream in GTK 2.
- *
- * @param data_p Pointer to data to be copied.
- * @param len Number of bytes in the data to be copied.
- */
-extern void copy_binary_to_clipboard(const guint8* data_p, int len);
-/** Create a new window title that includes user-defined preference string.
- *
- * @param caption string you want included in title (appended to user-defined string)
- * @return a newly created title string including user-defined preference (if specified)
- */
-extern gchar *create_user_window_title(const gchar *caption);
-/** Set the title of a window based on a supplied caption and the
- * display name for the capture file.
- *
- * @param win the window whose title is to be set
- * @param caption caption string for the window
- */
-extern void set_window_title(GtkWidget *win, const gchar *caption);
-/** Collapses tree item and his expanded children
- *
- * @param tree_view A GtkTreeView
- * @param path Path to the field
- */
-extern void tree_collapse_path_all(GtkTreeView *tree_view, GtkTreePath *path);
-/** Renders a float with two decimals precission, called from gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func().
- * the user data must be the column number.
- * Present floats with two decimals
- *
- * @param column A GtkTreeColumn
- * @param renderer The GtkCellRenderer that is being rendered by tree_column
- * @param model The GtkTreeModel being rendered
- * @param iter A GtkTreeIter of the current row rendered
- * @param user_data must be the column number to fetch the data from
- */
-void float_data_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data);
-/** Renders a unsinged integer as a hexadecimal value, called from gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func()
- * The user data must be the column number.
- * Present value as hexadecimal.
- * @param column A GtkTreeColumn
- * @param renderer The GtkCellRenderer that is being rendered by tree_column
- * @param model The GtkTreeModel being rendered
- * @param iter A GtkTreeIter of the current row rendered
- * @param user_data must be the column number to fetch the data from
- */
-void present_as_hex_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data);
-/** Renders an unsigned 64 bits integer with space as thousand separator, called from gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func()
- * The user data must be the column number.
- * Present value as hexadecimal.
- * @param column A GtkTreeColumn
- * @param renderer The GtkCellRenderer that is being rendered by tree_column
- * @param model The GtkTreeModel being rendered
- * @param iter A GtkTreeIter of the current row rendered
- * @param user_data must be the column number to fetch the data from
- */
-void u64_data_func (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data);
-/** This function can be called from gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func()
- * the user data must be the column number.
- * Present value as hexadecimal.
- * @param column A GtkTreeColumn
- * @param renderer The GtkCellRenderer that is being rendered by tree_column
- * @param model The GtkTreeModel being rendered
- * @param iter A GtkTreeIter of the current row rendered
- * @param user_data must be the column number to fetch the data from
- */
-void str_ptr_data_func(GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data);
-/** This function can be called from gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func()
- * the user data must be the column number.
- * Used together with str_ptr_data_func to sort the corresponding column.
- * @param model The GtkTreeModel the comparison is within
- * @param a A GtkTreeIter in model
- * @param b Another GtkTreeIter in model
- * @param user_data must be the column number to fetch the data from
- */
-gint str_ptr_sort_func(GtkTreeModel *model,
- GtkTreeIter *a,
- GtkTreeIter *b,
- gpointer user_data);
-/** Switch a GtkTReeView to fixed columns (speed optimization)
- * @param view A GtkTreeView
- */
-void switch_to_fixed_col(GtkTreeView *view);
-/** Return the size in pixels of a string displayed with the GtkWidget's font.
- * @param view A GtkWidget
- * @param str UTF8 string
- */
-gint get_default_col_size(GtkWidget *view, const gchar *str);
-/** --------------------------------------------------
- * ws_combo_box_text_and_pointer convenience functions
- * (Code adapted from GtkComboBox.c)
- */
- * ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer_full:
- *
- * Convenience function which constructs a new "text and pointer" combo box, which
- * is a #GtkComboBox just displaying strings and storing a pointer associated with
- * each combo_box entry; The pointer can be retrieved when an entry is selected.
- * Also: optionally returns the cell renderer for the combo box.
- * If you use this function to create a text_and_pointer combo_box,
- * you should only manipulate its data source with the
- * following convenience functions:
- * ws_combo_box_append_text_and_pointer()
- * ws_combo_box_append_text_and_pointer_full()
- *
- * @param cell_p pointer to return the 'GtkCellRenderer *' for the combo box (or NULL).
- * @return A pointer to a new text_and_pointer combo_box.
- */
-GtkWidget *ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer_full(GtkCellRenderer **cell_p);
- * ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer:
- *
- * Convenience function which constructs a new "text and pointer" combo box, which
- * is a #GtkComboBox just displaying strings and storing a pointer associated with
- * each combo_box entry; The pointer can be retrieved when an entry is selected.
- * If you use this function to create a text_and_pointer combo_box,
- * you should only manipulate its data source with the
- * following convenience functions:
- * ws_combo_box_append_text_and_pointer()
- * ws_combo_box_append_text_and_pointer_full()
- *
- * @return A pointer to a new text_and_pointer combo_box.
- */
-GtkWidget *ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer(void);
- * ws_combo_box_clear_text_and_pointer:
- * @param combo_box A #GtkComboBox constructed using ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer()
- *
- * Clears all the text_and_pointer entries in the text_and_pointer combo_box.
- * Note: A "changed" signal will be emitted after the clear if there was
- * an active (selected) entry before the clear.
- * You should use this function only with combo boxes constructed with
- * ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer().
- */
-void ws_combo_box_clear_text_and_pointer(GtkComboBox *combo_box);
- * ws_combo_box_append_text_and_pointer_full:
- * @param combo_box A #GtkComboBox constructed using ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer()
- * @param parent_iter Parent row for apending; NULL if appending to tree top-level;
- * @param text A string to be displayed as an entry in the dropdown list of the combo_box
- * @param ptr A pointer to be associated with this entry of the combo_box
- * @param sensitive TRUE/FALSE to set sensitivity of the entry
- * @return A GtkTreeIter pointing to the appended GtkVomboBox entry.
- *
- * Appends text and ptr to the list of strings and pointers stored in combo_box.
- * The text and ptr can be appended to any existing level of the tree_store.
- * The sensitivity of the row will be set as requested.
- * Note that you can only use this function with combo boxes constructed with
- * ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer().
- */
-ws_combo_box_append_text_and_pointer_full(GtkComboBox *combo_box,
- GtkTreeIter *parent_iter,
- const gchar *text,
- gconstpointer ptr,
- gboolean sensitive);
- * ws_combo_box_append_text_and_pointer:
- * @param combo_box A #GtkComboBox constructed using ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer()
- * @param text A string to be displayed as an entry in the dropdown list of the combo_box
- * @param ptr A pointer to be associated with this entry of the combo_box
- * @return A GtkTreeIter pointing to the appended GtkComboBox entry.
- *
- * Appends text and ptr to the list of strings and pointers stored in combo_box. Note that
- * you can only use this function with combo boxes constructed with
- * ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer().
- */
-ws_combo_box_append_text_and_pointer(GtkComboBox *combo_box,
- const gchar *text,
- gconstpointer ptr);
- * ws_combo_box_get_active_pointer:
- * @param combo_box A #GtkComboBox constructed using ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer()
- * @param ptr A pointer to a location in which to store the pointer associated with the active entry
- * @return TRUE if an entry is selected (i.e: an active entry exists); FALSE otherwise
- *
- * You can only use this function with combo boxes constructed with
- * ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer().
- */
-gboolean ws_combo_box_get_active_pointer(GtkComboBox *combo_box, gpointer *ptr);
- * ws_combo_box_get_active:
- * @param combo_box A #GtkComboBox constructed using ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer()
- * @return Index of the active entry; -1 if no entry is selected;
- * Note: If the active item is not an immediate child of root of the tree then
- * the index returned is that of the top-level for the acftive entry.
- */
-gint ws_combo_box_get_active(GtkComboBox *combo_box);
- * ws_combo_box_set_active:
- * @param combo_box A #GtkComboBox constructed using ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer()
- * @param idx Index of the entry which is to be set as active (ie: selected).
- * Index refers to the immediate children of the tree.
- */
-void ws_combo_box_set_active(GtkComboBox *combo_box, gint idx);
- * ws_combo_box_set_active_iter:
- * @param combo_box A #GtkComboBox constructed using ws_combo_box_new_text_and_pointer()
- * @param iter of the entry which is to be set as active (ie: selected).
- */
-ws_combo_box_set_active_iter(GtkComboBox *combo_box, GtkTreeIter *iter);
- * ws_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource:
- * @param path A GResource path
- * @return The GdkPixbuf object
- */
-GdkPixbuf *
-ws_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource(const char *path);
-#endif /* HAVE_GDK_GRESOURCE */
-#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,22,0)
-#if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0)
-GdkPixbuf *gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface (cairo_surface_t *surface,
- gint src_x,
- gint src_y,
- gint width,
- gint height);
-#endif /* GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) */
-#endif /* GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,22,0) */
- * ws_gtk_box_new:
- * @param orientation the box's orientation
- * @param spacing the number of pixels to put between children
- * @param homogeneous a boolean value, TRUE to create equal allotments, FALSE for variable allotments
- */
-GtkWidget * ws_gtk_box_new(GtkOrientation orientation, gint spacing, gboolean homogeneous);
-#if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0)
-typedef struct {
- gdouble red;
- gdouble green;
- gdouble blue;
- gdouble alpha;
-} GdkRGBA;
-GtkWidget * gtk_button_box_new(GtkOrientation orientation);
-GtkWidget * gtk_scrollbar_new(GtkOrientation orientation, GtkAdjustment *adjustment);
-GtkWidget * gtk_paned_new(GtkOrientation orientation);
-GtkWidget * gtk_separator_new (GtkOrientation orientation);
-void gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo_t *cr, const GdkRGBA *rgba);
-#endif /* GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) */
-/** Create a new frame with no border and a bold title on appropriate platforms.
- *
- * @param title The title for the new frame
- * @return The newly created window
- */
-extern GtkWidget *frame_new(const gchar *title);
-/* GtkTable is deprecated in Gtk3 ...
- *
- * ws_gtk_grid...() wrapper functions & macros matching basic GtkGrid functions
- * have been created which can be used both on Gtk2 and Gtk3.
- *
- * The functionality provided matches the fairly simple Wireshatk
- * Gtk2 GtkTable usage and is intended to replace same.
- *
- * The ws_gtk_grid...() functionality is implemented as follows:
- * Gtk2: macros which effect calls to GtkTable functions
- * (with GTK_GRID typedef'd as GTK_TABLE & etc).
- * Gtk3: wrapper functions and macros which effect calls to gtk_grid...()
- * and other Gtk3 functions as needed.
- *
- * The args to the ws_gtk_grid...() functions are identical to the corresponding
- * Gtk3 gtk_grid...() functions (other than ws_gtk_attach_defaults() and
- * ws_gtk_attach_extended() which have no gtk_grid...() equivalent).
- *
- * ws_gtk_grid_new() ;; gtk_table_new()
- *
- * ws_gtk_grid_attach() ;; gtk_table_attach( , , , , , ,0, 0, 0, 0)
- * ;; that is: same as gtk_grid_attach()
- * ;; Gt2/Gtk3: [h|v]expand = FALSE; (FILL ignored)
- *
- * ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults() ;; gtk_table_attach_defaults()
- * ;; Gtk3: sets GTK_EXPAND/GTK_FILL as default;
- * ;; That is, the defaults used by gtk_table_attach_defaults()
- * ws_gtk_grid_attach_extended() ;; gtk_table_attach()
- * ;; Essentially gtk_grid_attach() with eadditional args
- * ;; to specify 'options' and 'padding' [as used in gtk_table_attach()];
- * ;; Gtk3: sets GTK_EXPAND/GTK_FILL & margins on child widgit
- * ;; as specified.
- * ;; (See below for declaration).
- * ws_gtk_grid_set_homogeneous() ;; gtk_table_set_homogeneous()
- * ;; Gtk3 grid: sets both 'row-homogeneous' and 'column-homogeneous'
- * ws_gtk_set_row_spacing() ;; gtk_table_set_row_spacings()
- * ws_gtk_set_column_spacing() ;; gtk_table_set_col_spacings()
- *
- * Example: Existing Wireshark Gtk2 code:
- * gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(foo_tb), child, col, col+1, row, row+1)
- *
- * should be converted to:
- * ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults(GTK_GRID(foo_grid), child, col, row, 1, 1);
- */
-#if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0)
-typedef GtkTable GtkGrid;
-#define GTK_GRID(x) GTK_TABLE(x)
-#define ws_gtk_grid_new() \
- gtk_table_new(0, 0, FALSE)
-#define ws_gtk_grid_attach(grid, child, left, top, width, height) \
- gtk_table_attach(grid, child, left, left+width, top, top+height, (GtkAttachOptions)0, (GtkAttachOptions)0, 0, 0)
-#define ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults(grid, child, left, top, width, height) \
- gtk_table_attach_defaults(grid, child, left, left+width, top, top+height)
-#define ws_gtk_grid_attach_extended(grid, child, left, top, width, height, xoptions, yoptions, xpadding, ypadding) \
- gtk_table_attach(grid, child, left, left+width, top, top+height, xoptions, yoptions, xpadding, ypadding)
-#define ws_gtk_grid_set_homogeneous(grid, homogeneous) \
- gtk_table_set_homogeneous(grid, homogeneous)
-#define ws_gtk_grid_set_row_spacing(grid, spacing) \
- gtk_table_set_row_spacings(grid, spacing)
-#define ws_gtk_grid_set_column_spacing(grid, spacing) \
- gtk_table_set_col_spacings(grid, spacing)
-#define ws_gtk_grid_new() \
- gtk_grid_new()
-#define ws_gtk_grid_attach(grid, child, left, top, width, height) \
- gtk_grid_attach(grid, child, left, top, width, height)
-extern void ws_gtk_grid_attach_defaults(GtkGrid *grid, GtkWidget *child,
- gint left, gint top, gint width, gint height);
-extern void ws_gtk_grid_attach_extended(GtkGrid *grid, GtkWidget *child,
- gint left, gint top, gint width, gint height,
- GtkAttachOptions xoptions, GtkAttachOptions yoptions,
- guint xpadding, guint ypadding);
-extern void ws_gtk_grid_set_homogeneous(GtkGrid *grid, gboolean homogeneous);
-#define ws_gtk_grid_set_row_spacing(grid, spacing) \
- gtk_grid_set_row_spacing(grid, spacing)
-#define ws_gtk_grid_set_column_spacing(grid, spacing) \
- gtk_grid_set_column_spacing(grid, spacing)
-#endif /* GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) */
-#endif /* __GUI_UTIL_H__ */