path: root/tools/checkfiltername.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/checkfiltername.pl')
1 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/checkfiltername.pl b/tools/checkfiltername.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..96454b56da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/checkfiltername.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+my $debug = 0;
+# 0: off
+# 1: specific debug
+# 2: full debug
+# verify that display filter names correspond with the PROTABBREV of
+# of the dissector. Enforces the dissector to have a source
+# filename of format packet-PROTABBREV.c
+# Usage: checkfiltername.pl <file or files>
+# $Id:
+# Copyright 2011 Michael Mann (see AUTHORS file)
+# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
+# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Example:
+# ~/work/wireshark/trunk/epan/dissectors> ../../tools/checkfiltername.pl packet-3com-xns.c
+# packet-3com-xns.c (2 (of 2) fields)
+# 102 3comxns.type doesn't match PROTOABBREV of 3com-xns
+# 106 3comxns.type doesn't match PROTOABBREV of 3com-xns
+# or checkfiltername.pl packet-*.c, which will check all the dissector files.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+my @elements;
+my @elements_dup;
+my @protocols;
+my %filters;
+my @acceptedprefixes = ("dcerpc-");
+my @asn1automatedfilelist;
+my @dcerpcautomatedfilelist;
+my @filemanipulationfilelist;
+my @prefixfilelist;
+my @nofieldfilelist;
+my %unique;
+my @uniquefilelist;
+my @noregprotocolfilelist;
+my $state;
+# "s_unknown",
+# "s_start",
+# "s_in_hf_register_info",
+# "s_hf_register_info_entry",
+# "s_header_field_info_entry",
+# "s_header_field_info_entry_start",
+# "s_header_field_info_entry_name",
+# "s_header_field_info_entry_abbrev",
+# "s_header_field_info_entry_abbrev_end",
+# "s_nofields"
+my $restofline;
+my $currfile = "";
+my $protabbrev = "";
+my $protabbrev_index;
+my $linenumber = 1;
+my $totalerrorcount = 0;
+my $errorfilecount = 0;
+my $onefield = 0;
+my $nofields = 0;
+my $noregprotocol = 1;
+my $automated = 0;
+my $more_tokens;
+my $showall = 0;
+my $comment = 0;
+my $error = 0;
+sub checkprotoabbrev {
+ my $abbrev = "";
+ my $abbrevpos;
+ my $afterabbrev = "";
+ my $modprotabbrev = "";
+ my $errorline = 0;
+ my $prefix;
+ if (($automated == 0) || ($showall == 1)) {
+ $abbrevpos = index($_[0], ".");
+ if ($abbrevpos == -1) {
+ $abbrev = $_[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $abbrev = substr($_[0], 0, $abbrevpos);
+ $afterabbrev = substr($_[0], $abbrevpos+1, length($_[0])-$abbrevpos);
+ $afterabbrev = substr($afterabbrev, 0, length($abbrev));
+ }
+ if ($abbrev ne $protabbrev) {
+ $errorline = 1;
+ #check if there is a supported protocol that matches the abbrev.
+ #This may be a case of filename != PROTOABBREV
+ foreach (@protocols) {
+ if ($abbrev eq $_) {
+ $errorline = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($errorline == 1) && ($showall == 0)) {
+ #try some "accepted" variations of PROTOABBREV
+ #replace '-' with '_'
+ $modprotabbrev = $protabbrev;
+ $modprotabbrev =~ s/-/_/g;
+ if ($abbrev eq $modprotabbrev) {
+ $errorline = 0;
+ }
+ #remove '-'
+ if ($errorline == 1) {
+ $modprotabbrev = $protabbrev;
+ $modprotabbrev =~ s/-//g;
+ if ($abbrev eq $modprotabbrev) {
+ $errorline = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ #remove '_'
+ if ($errorline == 1) {
+ $modprotabbrev = $protabbrev;
+ $modprotabbrev =~ s/_//g;
+ if ($abbrev eq $modprotabbrev) {
+ $errorline = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($errorline == 1) {
+ #remove any "accepted" prefix to see if there is still a problem
+ foreach (@acceptedprefixes) {
+ if ($protabbrev =~ /^$_/) {
+ $modprotabbrev = substr($protabbrev, length($_));
+ if ($abbrev eq $modprotabbrev) {
+ push(@prefixfilelist, "$currfile\n");
+ $errorline = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@filemanipulationfilelist, "$currfile\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($errorline == 1) {
+ $debug>1 && print "$_[1] $_[0] doesn't match PROTOABBREV of $protabbrev\n";
+ push(@elements, "$_[1] $_[0] doesn't match PROTOABBREV of $protabbrev\n");
+ }
+ if (lc($abbrev) eq lc($afterabbrev)) {
+ push(@elements_dup, "$_[1] $_[0] duplicates PROTOABBREV of $abbrev\n");
+ }
+ }
+sub printprevfile {
+ my $totalfields = keys(%filters);
+ my $count_ele;
+ my $count_dup;
+ my $total_count;
+ foreach (sort keys %filters) {
+ checkprotoabbrev ($filters{$_}, $_);
+ }
+ $count_ele = @elements;
+ $count_dup = @elements_dup;
+ $total_count = $count_ele+$count_dup;
+ if ($noregprotocol == 1) {
+ #if no protocol is registered, only worry about duplicates
+ if ($currfile ne "") {
+ push(@noregprotocolfilelist, "$currfile\n");
+ }
+ if ($count_dup > 0) {
+ $errorfilecount++;
+ $totalerrorcount += $count_dup;
+ }
+ if (($showall == 1) || ($count_dup > 0)) {
+ print "\n\n$currfile - NO PROTOCOL REGISTERED\n";
+ if ($showall == 1) {
+ #everything is included, so count all errors
+ $totalerrorcount += $count_ele;
+ if (($count_ele > 0) && ($count_dup == 0)) {
+ $errorfilecount++;
+ }
+ foreach (@elements) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@elements_dup) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($total_count > 0) {
+ $errorfilecount++;
+ $totalerrorcount += $total_count;
+ }
+ if (($automated == 0) || ($showall == 1)) {
+ if ($total_count > 0) {
+ if ($automated == 1) {
+ if ($showall == 1) {
+ print "\n\n$currfile - AUTOMATED ($total_count (of $totalfields) fields)\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "\n\n$currfile ($total_count (of $totalfields) fields)\n";
+ }
+ foreach (@elements) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ foreach (@elements_dup) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((($nofields) || ($totalfields == 0)) && ($currfile ne "")) {
+ if ($showall == 1) {
+ print "\n\n$currfile - NO FIELDS\n";
+ }
+ push(@nofieldfilelist, "$currfile\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+while (<>) {
+ if ($currfile !~ /$ARGV/) {
+ &printprevfile();
+ # New file - reset array and state
+ $currfile = $ARGV;
+ #determine PROTABBREV for dissector based on file name format of (dirs)/packet-PROTABBREV.c
+ $protabbrev_index = rindex($currfile, "packet-");
+ if ($protabbrev_index == -1) {
+ print "$currfile doesn't fit format of packet-PROTABBREV.c\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $protabbrev = substr($currfile, $protabbrev_index+length("packet-"));
+ $protabbrev_index = rindex($protabbrev, ".");
+ if ($protabbrev_index == -1) {
+ print "$currfile doesn't fit format of packet-PROTABBREV.c\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $protabbrev = substr($protabbrev, 0, $protabbrev_index);
+ $noregprotocol = 1;
+ $automated = 0;
+ $nofields = 0;
+ $onefield = 0;
+ $linenumber = 1;
+ %filters = ( );
+ @protocols = ( );
+ @elements = ( );
+ @elements_dup = ( );
+ $state = "s_unknown";
+ }
+ if ($automated == 0) {
+ #DCERPC automated files
+ if ($_ =~ "DO NOT EDIT") {
+ push(@dcerpcautomatedfilelist, "$currfile\n");
+ $automated = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ #ASN.1 automated files
+ elsif ($_ =~ "It is created automatically by the ASN.1 to Wireshark dissector compiler") {
+ push(@asn1automatedfilelist, "$currfile\n");
+ $automated = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # opening then closing comment
+ if (/(.*?)\/\*.*\*\/(.*)/) {
+ $comment = 0;
+ $_ = "$1$2";
+ # closing then opening comment
+ } elsif (/.*?\*\/(.*?)\/\*/) {
+ $comment = 1;
+ $_ = "$1";
+ # opening comment
+ } elsif (/(.*?)\/\*/) {
+ $comment = 1;
+ $_ = "$1";
+ # closing comment
+ } elsif (/\*\/(.*?)/) {
+ $comment = 0;
+ $_ = "$1";
+ } elsif ($comment == 1) {
+ $linenumber++;
+ next;
+ }
+ # unhandled: more than one complete comment per line
+ chomp;
+ #proto_register_protocol state machine
+ $restofline = $_;
+ $more_tokens = 1;
+ until ($more_tokens == 0) {
+ if ($restofline =~ /proto_register_protocol\s*\((.*)/) {
+ $noregprotocol = 0;
+ $restofline = $1;
+ $state = "s_proto_start";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_proto_start") && ($restofline =~ /^(\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s*,)\s*(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $3;
+ $state = "s_proto_long_name";
+ $debug>1 && print "proto long name: '$2'\n";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_proto_start") && ($restofline =~ /^(\s*(([\w\d])+)\s*,)\s*(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $4;
+ $state = "s_proto_long_name";
+ $debug>1 && print "proto long name: '$2'\n";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_proto_long_name") && ($restofline =~ /^(\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s*,)\s*(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $3;
+ $state = "s_proto_short_name";
+ $debug>1 && print "proto short name: '$2'\n";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_proto_long_name") && ($restofline =~ /^(\s*(([\w\d])+)\s*,)\s*(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $4;
+ $state = "s_proto_short_name";
+ $debug>1 && print "proto short name: '$2'\n";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_proto_short_name") && ($restofline =~ /\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s*(.*)/)) {
+ $more_tokens = 0;
+ $state = "s_proto_filter_name";
+ push(@protocols, $1);
+ $debug>1 && print "proto filter name: '$1'\n";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_proto_short_name") && ($restofline =~ /\s*(([\w\d])+)\s*(.*)/)) {
+ $more_tokens = 0;
+ $state = "s_proto_filter_name";
+ $debug>1 && print "proto filter name: '$1'\n";
+ } else {
+ $more_tokens = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ #retrieving display filters state machine
+ $restofline = $_;
+ $more_tokens = 1;
+ until ($more_tokens == 0) {
+ if ($restofline =~ /\s*static\s*hf_register_info\s*(\w+)\[\](.*)/) {
+ $restofline = $2;
+ $state = "s_start";
+ $debug>1 && print "$linenumber $state\n";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_start") && ($restofline =~ /\W+{(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $1;
+ $state = "s_in_hf_register_info";
+ $debug>1 && print "$linenumber $state\n";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_in_hf_register_info") && ($restofline =~ /\W+{(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $1;
+ $state = "s_hf_register_info_entry";
+ $debug>1 && print "$linenumber $state\n";
+ $onefield = 1;
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_in_hf_register_info") && ($restofline =~ /\s*};(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $1;
+ if ($onefield == 0) {
+ $debug && print "$linenumber NO FIELDS!!!\n";
+ $nofields = 1;
+ $state = "s_nofields";
+ $more_tokens = 0;
+ } else {
+ $state = "s_unknown";
+ }
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_hf_register_info_entry") && ($restofline =~ /\s*&\s*(hf_\w*(\[w*\])?)\s*,?(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $3;
+ $debug>1 && print "$linenumber hf_register_info_entry: $1\n";
+ $state = "s_header_field_info_entry";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_header_field_info_entry") && ($restofline =~ /\s*{(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $1;
+ $state = "s_header_field_info_entry_start";
+ $debug>1 && print "$linenumber $state\n";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_header_field_info_entry_start") && ($restofline =~ /\"([^\"]*)\"\s*,(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $2;
+ $debug>1 && print "$linenumber header_field_info_entry_name: $1\n";
+ $state = "s_header_field_info_entry_name";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_header_field_info_entry_name") && ($restofline =~ /\"([^\"]*)\"\s*,?(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $2;
+ $debug>1 && print "$linenumber header_field_info_entry_abbrev: $1\n";
+ $state = "s_header_field_info_entry_abbrev";
+ $filters{$linenumber} = $1;
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_header_field_info_entry_abbrev") && ($restofline =~ /[^}]*}(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $1;
+ $state = "s_header_field_info_entry_abbrev_end";
+ $debug>1 && print "$linenumber $state\n";
+ } elsif (($state eq "s_header_field_info_entry_abbrev_end") && ($restofline =~ /[^}]*}(.*)/)) {
+ $restofline = $1;
+ $state = "s_in_hf_register_info";
+ $debug>1 && print "$linenumber $state\n";
+ } else {
+ $more_tokens = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $linenumber++;
+print "\n\nTOTAL ERRORS: $totalerrorcount ($errorfilecount files)\n";
+print "NO FIELDS: " . scalar(@nofieldfilelist) . "\n";
+print "AUTOMATED: " . (scalar(@asn1automatedfilelist) + scalar(@dcerpcautomatedfilelist)) . "\n";
+print "NO PROTOCOL: " . scalar(@noregprotocolfilelist) . "\n";
+foreach (@asn1automatedfilelist) {
+ print $_;
+foreach (@dcerpcautomatedfilelist) {
+ print $_;
+@uniquefilelist = grep{ not $unique{$_}++} @filemanipulationfilelist;
+foreach (@uniquefilelist) {
+ print $_;
+@uniquefilelist = grep{ not $unique{$_}++} @prefixfilelist;
+foreach (@uniquefilelist) {
+ print $_;
+foreach (@noregprotocolfilelist) {
+ print $_;
+print "\nNO FIELDS FILE LIST\n";
+foreach (@nofieldfilelist) {
+ print $_;
+print "\n";
+exit $error;