path: root/plugins/mate/mate_util.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/mate/mate_util.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1700 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mate/mate_util.c b/plugins/mate/mate_util.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e4c5dd8ad..0000000000
--- a/plugins/mate/mate_util.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1700 +0,0 @@
-/* mate_util.c
-* MATE -- Meta Analysis Tracing Engine
-* Utility Library: Single Copy Strings and Attribute Value Pairs
-* Copyright 2004, Luis E. Garcia Ontanon <luis@ontanon.org>
-* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
-* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
-* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-#include "mate.h"
-#include "mate_util.h"
-#include <wsutil/file_util.h>
-#include <wsutil/ws_printf.h> /* ws_g_warning */
-* dbg_print
-* This is the debug facility of the thing.
-/* dbg_print:
- * which: a pointer to the current level of debugging for a feature
- * how: the level over which this message should be printed out
- * where: the file on which to print (g_message if null)
- * fmt, ...: what to print
- */
-void dbg_print(const gint* which, gint how, FILE* where, const gchar* fmt, ... ) {
- static gchar debug_buffer[DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE];
- va_list list;
- if ( ! which || *which < how ) return;
- va_start( list, fmt );
- g_vsnprintf(debug_buffer,DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE,fmt,list);
- va_end( list );
- if (! where) {
- g_message("%s", debug_buffer);
- } else {
- fputs(debug_buffer,where);
- fputs("\n",where);
- }
- * single copy strings
- ***************************************************************************
- * Strings repeat more often than don't. In order to save memory
- * we'll keep only one copy of each as key to a hash with a count of
- * subscribers as value.
- ***************************************************************************/
- * scs_init:
- *
- * Initializes the scs hash.
- **/
-struct _scs_collection {
- GHashTable* hash; /* key: a string value: guint number of subscribers */
-/* ToDo? free any string,ctr entries pointed to by the hash table ??
- * XXX: AFAIKT destroy_scs_collection() might be called only when reading a
- * mate config file. Since reading a new config file can apparently currently
- * only be done once after starting Wireshark, in theory this fcn
- * currently should never be called since there will never be an existing
- * scs_collection to be destroyed.
- */
-static void destroy_scs_collection(SCS_collection* c) {
- if (c->hash) g_hash_table_destroy(c->hash);
-static SCS_collection* scs_init(void) {
- SCS_collection* c = (SCS_collection *)g_malloc(sizeof(SCS_collection));
- c->hash = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal);
- return c;
- * subscribe:
- * @param c the scs hash
- * @param s a string
- *
- * Checks if the given string exists already and if so it increases the count of
- * subsscribers and returns a pointer to the stored string. If not It will copy
- * the given string store it in the hash and return the pointer to the copy.
- * Remember, containment is handled internally, take care of your own strings.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the subscribed string.
- **/
-gchar* scs_subscribe(SCS_collection* c, const gchar* s) {
- gchar* orig = NULL;
- guint* ip = NULL;
- size_t len = 0;
- g_hash_table_lookup_extended(c->hash,(gconstpointer)s,(gpointer *)&orig,(gpointer *)&ip);
- if (ip) {
- (*ip)++;
- } else {
- ip = g_slice_new(guint);
- *ip = 0;
- len = strlen(s) + 1;
- if (len <= SCS_SMALL_SIZE) {
- } else if (len <= SCS_MEDIUM_SIZE) {
- } else if (len <= SCS_LARGE_SIZE) {
- } else if (len < SCS_HUGE_SIZE) {
- len = SCS_HUGE_SIZE;
- } else {
- len = SCS_HUGE_SIZE;
- ws_g_warning("mate SCS: string truncated due to huge size");
- }
- orig = (gchar *)g_slice_alloc(len);
- g_strlcpy(orig,s,len);
- g_hash_table_insert(c->hash,orig,ip);
- }
- return orig;
- * unsubscribe:
- * @param c the scs hash
- * @param s a string.
- *
- * decreases the count of subscribers, if zero frees the internal copy of
- * the string.
- **/
-void scs_unsubscribe(SCS_collection* c, gchar* s) {
- gchar* orig = NULL;
- guint* ip = NULL;
- size_t len = 0xffff;
- g_hash_table_lookup_extended(c->hash,(gconstpointer)s,(gpointer *)&orig,(gpointer *)&ip);
- if (ip) {
- if (*ip == 0) {
- g_hash_table_remove(c->hash,orig);
- len = strlen(orig);
- if (len < SCS_SMALL_SIZE) {
- } else if (len < SCS_MEDIUM_SIZE) {
- } else if (len < SCS_LARGE_SIZE) {
- } else {
- len = SCS_HUGE_SIZE;
- }
- g_slice_free1(len, orig);
- g_slice_free(guint,ip);
- }
- else {
- (*ip)--;
- }
- } else {
- ws_g_warning("unsubscribe: not subscribed");
- }
- * scs_subscribe_printf:
- * @param fmt a format string ...
- *
- * Formats the input and subscribes it.
- *
- * Return value: the stored copy of the formated string.
- *
- **/
-gchar* scs_subscribe_printf(SCS_collection* c, gchar* fmt, ...) {
- va_list list;
- static gchar buf[SCS_HUGE_SIZE];
- va_start( list, fmt );
- g_vsnprintf(buf, SCS_HUGE_SIZE, fmt, list);
- va_end( list );
- return scs_subscribe(c,buf);
-* AVPs & Co.
-* The Thing operates mainly on avps, avpls and loals
-* - attribute value pairs (two strings: the name and the value and an operator)
-* - avp lists a somehow sorted list of avps
-* - loal (list of avp lists) an arbitrarily sorted list of avpls
-typedef union _any_avp_type {
- AVP avp;
- AVPN avpn;
- AVPL avpl;
- LoAL loal;
- LoALnode loaln;
-} any_avp_type;
-static SCS_collection* avp_strings = NULL;
-static FILE* dbg_fp = NULL;
-static int dbg_level = 0;
-static int* dbg = &dbg_level;
-static int dbg_avp_level = 0;
-static int* dbg_avp = &dbg_avp_level;
-static int dbg_avp_op_level = 0;
-static int* dbg_avp_op = &dbg_avp_op_level;
-static int dbg_avpl_level = 0;
-static int* dbg_avpl = &dbg_avpl_level;
-static int dbg_avpl_op_level = 0;
-static int* dbg_avpl_op = &dbg_avpl_op_level;
- * setup_avp_debug:
- * @param fp the file in which to send debugging output.
- * @param general a pointer to the level of debugging of facility "general"
- * @param avp a pointer to the level of debugging of facility "avp"
- * @param avp_op a pointer to the level of debugging of facility "avp_op"
- * @param avpl a pointer to the level of debugging of facility "avpl"
- * @param avpl_op a pointer to the level of debugging of facility "avpl_op"
- *
- * If enabled sets up the debug facilities for the avp library.
- *
- **/
-extern void setup_avp_debug(FILE* fp, int* general, int* avp, int* avp_op, int* avpl, int* avpl_op) {
- dbg_fp = fp;
- dbg = general;
- dbg_avp = avp;
- dbg_avp_op = avp_op;
- dbg_avpl = avpl;
- dbg_avpl_op = avpl_op;
-#endif /* _AVP_DEBUGGING */
- * avp_init:
- *
- * (Re)Initializes the avp library.
- *
- **/
-extern void avp_init(void) {
- if (avp_strings) destroy_scs_collection(avp_strings);
- avp_strings = scs_init();
- * new_avp_from_finfo:
- * @param name the name the avp will have.
- * @param finfo the field_info from which to fetch the data.
- *
- * Creates an avp from a field_info record.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avp.
- *
- **/
-extern AVP* new_avp_from_finfo(const gchar* name, field_info* finfo) {
- AVP* new_avp_val = (AVP*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);
- gchar* value;
- gchar* repr;
- new_avp_val->n = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name);
- repr = fvalue_to_string_repr(NULL, &finfo->value,FTREPR_DISPLAY,finfo->hfinfo->display);
- if (repr) {
- value = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, repr);
- wmem_free(NULL, repr);
- dbg_print (dbg_avp,2,dbg_fp,"new_avp_from_finfo: from string: %s",value);
- } else {
- dbg_print (dbg_avp,2,dbg_fp,"new_avp_from_finfo: a proto: %s",finfo->hfinfo->abbrev);
- value = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, "");
- }
- new_avp_val->v = value;
- new_avp_val->o = '=';
- dbg_print (dbg_avp,1,dbg_fp,"new_avp_from_finfo: %X %s%c%s;",(guint32) new_avp_val,new_avp_val->n,new_avp_val->o,new_avp_val->v);
- return new_avp_val;
- * new_avp:
- * @param name the name the avp will have.
- * @param value the value the avp will have.
- * @param o the operator of this avp.
- *
- * Creates an avp given every parameter.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avp.
- *
- **/
-extern AVP* new_avp(const gchar* name, const gchar* value, gchar o) {
- AVP* new_avp_val = (AVP*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);
- new_avp_val->n = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name);
- new_avp_val->v = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, value);
- new_avp_val->o = o;
- dbg_print(dbg_avp,1,dbg_fp,"new_avp_val: %X %s%c%s;",(guint32) new_avp_val,new_avp_val->n,new_avp_val->o,new_avp_val->v);
- return new_avp_val;
-* delete_avp:
- * @param avp the avp to delete.
- *
- * Destroys an avp and releases the resources it uses.
- *
- **/
-extern void delete_avp(AVP* avp) {
- dbg_print(dbg_avp,1,dbg_fp,"delete_avp: %X %s%c%s;",(guint32) avp,avp->n,avp->o,avp->v);
- scs_unsubscribe(avp_strings, avp->n);
- scs_unsubscribe(avp_strings, avp->v);
- g_slice_free(any_avp_type,(any_avp_type*)avp);
-* avp_copy:
- * @param from the avp to be copied.
- *
- * Creates an avp whose name op and value are copies of the given one.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avp.
- *
- **/
-extern AVP* avp_copy(AVP* from) {
- AVP* new_avp_val = (AVP*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);
- new_avp_val->n = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, from->n);
- new_avp_val->v = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, from->v);
- new_avp_val->o = from->o;
- dbg_print(dbg_avp,1,dbg_fp,"copy_avp: %X %s%c%s;",(guint32) new_avp_val,new_avp_val->n,new_avp_val->o,new_avp_val->v);
- return new_avp_val;
- * new_avpl:
- * @param name the name the avpl will have.
- *
- * Creates an empty avpl.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avpl.
- *
- **/
-extern AVPL* new_avpl(const gchar* name) {
- AVPL* new_avpl_p = (AVPL*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,7,dbg_fp,"new_avpl_p: %X name=%s",new_avpl_p,name);
- new_avpl_p->name = name ? scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name) : scs_subscribe(avp_strings, "");
- new_avpl_p->len = 0;
- new_avpl_p->null.avp = NULL;
- new_avpl_p->null.next = &new_avpl_p->null;
- new_avpl_p->null.prev = &new_avpl_p->null;
- return new_avpl_p;
-extern void rename_avpl(AVPL* avpl, gchar* name) {
- scs_unsubscribe(avp_strings,avpl->name);
- avpl->name = scs_subscribe(avp_strings,name);
- * insert_avp_before_node:
- * @param avpl the avpl in which to insert.
- * @param next_node the next node before which the new avpn has to be inserted.
- * @param avp the avp to be inserted.
- * @param copy_avp whether the original AVP or a copy thereof must be inserted.
- *
- * Pre-condition: the avp is sorted before before_avp and does not already exist
- * in the avpl.
- */
-static void insert_avp_before_node(AVPL* avpl, AVPN* next_node, AVP *avp, gboolean copy_avp) {
- AVPN* new_avp_val = (AVPN*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);
- new_avp_val->avp = copy_avp ? avp_copy(avp) : avp;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,7,dbg_fp,"new_avpn: %p",new_avp_val);
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl,5,dbg_fp,"insert_avp: inserting %p in %p before %p;",avp,avpl,next_node);
- new_avp_val->next = next_node;
- new_avp_val->prev = next_node->prev;
- next_node->prev->next = new_avp_val;
- next_node->prev = new_avp_val;
- avpl->len++;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl,4,dbg_fp,"avpl: %p new len: %i",avpl,avpl->len);
- * insert_avp:
- * @param avpl the avpl in which to insert.
- * @param avp the avp to be inserted.
- *
- * Inserts the given AVP into the given AVPL if an identical one isn't yet there.
- *
- * Return value: whether it was inserted or not.
- *
- * BEWARE: Check the return value, you might need to delete the avp if
- * it is not inserted.
- **/
-extern gboolean insert_avp(AVPL* avpl, AVP* avp) {
- AVPN* c;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,4,dbg_fp,"insert_avp: %X %X %s%c%s;",avpl,avp,avp->n,avp->o,avp->v);
- /* get to the insertion point */
- for (c=avpl->null.next; c->avp; c = c->next) {
- int name_diff = strcmp(avp->n, c->avp->n);
- if (name_diff == 0) {
- int value_diff = strcmp(avp->v, c->avp->v);
- if (value_diff < 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (value_diff == 0) {
- // ignore duplicate values, prevents (a=1, a=1)
- // note that this is also used to insert
- // conditions AVPs, so really check if the name,
- // value and operator are all equal.
- if (c->avp->o == avp->o && avp->o == AVP_OP_EQUAL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- if (name_diff < 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- insert_avp_before_node(avpl, c, avp, FALSE);
- return TRUE;
- * get_avp_by_name:
- * @param avpl the avpl from which to try to get the avp.
- * @param name the name of the avp we are looking for.
- * @param cookie variable in which to store the state between calls.
- *
- * Gets pointer to the next avp whose name is given; uses cookie to store its
- * state between calls.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the next matching avp if there's one, else NULL.
- *
- **/
-extern AVP* get_avp_by_name(AVPL* avpl, gchar* name, void** cookie) {
- AVPN* curr;
- AVPN* start = (AVPN*) *cookie;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,7,dbg_fp,"get_avp_by_name: entering: %X %s %X",avpl,name,*cookie);
- name = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name);
- if (!start) start = avpl->null.next;
- for ( curr = start; curr->avp; curr = curr->next ) {
- if ( curr->avp->n == name ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- *cookie = curr;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,5,dbg_fp,"get_avp_by_name: got avp: %X",curr);
- scs_unsubscribe(avp_strings, name);
- return curr->avp;
- * extract_avp_by_name:
- * @param avpl the avpl from which to try to extract the avp.
- * @param name the name of the avp we are looking for.
- *
- * Extracts from the avpl the next avp whose name is given;
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to extracted avp if there's one, else NULL.
- *
- **/
-extern AVP* extract_avp_by_name(AVPL* avpl, gchar* name) {
- AVPN* curr;
- AVP* avp = NULL;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,7,dbg_fp,"extract_avp_by_name: entering: %X %s",avpl,name);
- name = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name);
- for ( curr = avpl->null.next; curr->avp; curr = curr->next ) {
- if ( curr->avp->n == name ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- scs_unsubscribe(avp_strings, name);
- if( ! curr->avp ) return NULL;
- curr->next->prev = curr->prev;
- curr->prev->next = curr->next;
- avp = curr->avp;
- g_slice_free(any_avp_type,(any_avp_type*)curr);
- (avpl->len)--;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl,4,dbg_fp,"avpl: %X new len: %i",avpl,avpl->len);
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,5,dbg_fp,"extract_avp_by_name: got avp: %X",avp);
- return avp;
- * extract_first_avp:
- * @param avpl the avpl from which to try to extract the avp.
- *
- * Extracts the fisrt avp from the avpl.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to extracted avp if there's one, else NULL.
- *
- **/
-extern AVP* extract_first_avp(AVPL* avpl) {
- AVP* avp;
- AVPN* node;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,7,dbg_fp,"extract_first_avp: %X",avpl);
- node = avpl->null.next;
- avpl->null.next->prev = &avpl->null;
- avpl->null.next = node->next;
- avp = node->avp;
- if (avp) {
- g_slice_free(any_avp_type,(any_avp_type*)node);
- (avpl->len)--;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl,4,dbg_fp,"avpl: %X new len: %i",avpl,avpl->len);
- }
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,5,dbg_fp,"extract_first_avp: got avp: %X",avp);
- return avp;
- * extract_last_avp:
- * @param avpl the avpl from which to try to extract the avp.
- *
- * Extracts the last avp from the avpl.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to extracted avp if there's one, else NULL.
- *
- **/
-extern AVP* extract_last_avp(AVPL* avpl) {
- AVP* avp;
- AVPN* node;
- node = avpl->null.prev;
- avpl->null.prev->next = &avpl->null;
- avpl->null.prev = node->prev;
- avp = node->avp;
- if (avp) {
- g_slice_free(any_avp_type,(any_avp_type*)node);
- (avpl->len)--;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl,4,dbg_fp,"avpl: %X new len: %i",avpl,avpl->len);
- }
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,5,dbg_fp,"extract_last_avp: got avp: %X",avp);
- return avp;
- * delete_avpl:
- * @param avpl the avpl from which to try to extract the avp.
- * @param avps_too whether or not it should delete the avps as well.
- *
- * Destroys an avpl and releases the resources it uses. If told to do
- * so releases the avps as well.
- *
- **/
-extern void delete_avpl(AVPL* avpl, gboolean avps_too) {
- AVP* avp;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl,3,dbg_fp,"delete_avpl: %X",avpl);
- while(( avp = extract_last_avp(avpl))) {
- if (avps_too) {
- delete_avp(avp);
- }
- }
- scs_unsubscribe(avp_strings,avpl->name);
- g_slice_free(any_avp_type,(any_avp_type*)avpl);
- * get_next_avp:
- * @param avpl the avpl from which to try to get the avps.
- * @param cookie variable in which to store the state between calls.
- *
- * Iterates on an avpl to get its avps.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the next avp if there's one, else NULL.
- *
- **/
-extern AVP* get_next_avp(AVPL* avpl, void** cookie) {
- AVPN* node;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,5,dbg_fp,"get_next_avp: avpl: %X avpn: %X",avpl,*cookie);
- if (*cookie) {
- node = (AVPN*) *cookie;
- } else {
- node = avpl->null.next;
- }
- *cookie = node->next;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,5,dbg_fp,"extract_last_avp: got avp: %X",node->avp);
- return node->avp;
- * avpl_to_str:
- * @param avpl the avpl to represent.
- *
- * Creates a newly allocated string containing a representation of an avpl.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the newly allocated string.
- *
- **/
-gchar* avpl_to_str(AVPL* avpl) {
- AVPN* c;
- GString* s = g_string_new("");
- gchar* avp_s;
- gchar* r;
- for(c=avpl->null.next; c->avp; c = c->next) {
- avp_s = avp_to_str(c->avp);
- g_string_append_printf(s," %s;",avp_s);
- g_free(avp_s);
- }
- r = g_string_free(s,FALSE);
- /* g_strchug(r); ? */
- return r;
-extern gchar* avpl_to_dotstr(AVPL* avpl) {
- AVPN* c;
- GString* s = g_string_new("");
- gchar* avp_s;
- gchar* r;
- for(c=avpl->null.next; c->avp; c = c->next) {
- avp_s = avp_to_str(c->avp);
- g_string_append_printf(s," .%s;",avp_s);
- g_free(avp_s);
- }
- r = g_string_free(s,FALSE);
- /* g_strchug(r); ? */
- return r;
-* merge_avpl:
- * @param dst the avpl in which to merge the avps.
- * @param src the avpl from which to get the avps.
- * @param copy_avps whether avps should be copied instead of referenced.
- *
- * Adds the avps of src that are not existent in dst into dst.
- *
- **/
-extern void merge_avpl(AVPL* dst, AVPL* src, gboolean copy_avps) {
- AVPN* cd = NULL;
- AVPN* cs = NULL;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"merge_avpl: %X %X",dst,src);
- cs = src->null.next;
- cd = dst->null.next;
- while (cs->avp && cd->avp) {
- int name_diff = strcmp(cd->avp->n, cs->avp->n);
- if (name_diff < 0) {
- // dest < source, advance dest to find a better place to insert
- cd = cd->next;
- } else if (name_diff > 0) {
- // dest > source, so it can be definitely inserted here.
- insert_avp_before_node(dst, cd, cs->avp, copy_avps);
- cs = cs->next;
- } else {
- // attribute names are equal. Ignore duplicate values but ensure that other values are sorted.
- int value_diff = strcmp(cd->avp->v, cs->avp->v);
- if (value_diff < 0) {
- // dest < source, do not insert it yet
- cd = cd->next;
- } else if (value_diff > 0) {
- // dest > source, insert AVP before the current dest AVP
- insert_avp_before_node(dst, cd, cs->avp, copy_avps);
- cs = cs->next;
- } else {
- // identical AVPs, do not create a duplicate.
- cs = cs->next;
- }
- }
- }
- // if there are remaing source AVPs while there are no more destination
- // AVPs (cd now represents the NULL item, after the last item), append
- // all remaining source AVPs to the end
- while (cs->avp) {
- insert_avp_before_node(dst, cd, cs->avp, copy_avps);
- cs = cs->next;
- }
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,8,dbg_fp,"merge_avpl: done");
- return;
- * new_avpl_from_avpl:
- * @param name the name of the new avpl.
- * @param avpl the avpl from which to get the avps.
- * @param copy_avps whether avps should be copied instead of referenced.
- *
- * Creates a new avpl containing the same avps as the given avpl
- * It will either reference or copie the avps.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the newly allocated string.
- *
- **/
-extern AVPL* new_avpl_from_avpl(const gchar* name, AVPL* avpl, gboolean copy_avps) {
- AVPL* newavpl = new_avpl(name);
- void* cookie = NULL;
- AVP* avp;
- AVP* copy;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"new_avpl_from_avpl: %X from=%X name='%s'",newavpl,avpl,name);
- while(( avp = get_next_avp(avpl,&cookie) )) {
- if (copy_avps) {
- copy = avp_copy(avp);
- if ( ! insert_avp(newavpl,copy) ) {
- delete_avp(copy);
- }
- } else {
- insert_avp(newavpl,avp);
- }
- }
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,8,dbg_fp,"new_avpl_from_avpl: done");
- return newavpl;
-* match_avp:
- * @param src an src to be compared agains an "op" avp
- * @param op the "op" avp that will be matched against the src avp
- *
- * Checks whether or not two avp's match.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the src avp if there's a match.
- *
- **/
-extern AVP* match_avp(AVP* src, AVP* op) {
- gchar** splited;
- int i;
- gchar* p;
- guint ls;
- guint lo;
- float fs = 0.0f;
- float fo = 0.0f;
- gboolean lower = FALSE;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"match_avp: %s%c%s; vs. %s%c%s;",src->n,src->o,src->v,op->n,op->o,op->v);
- if ( src->n != op->n ) {
- return NULL;
- }
- switch (op->o) {
- return src;
- case AVP_OP_EQUAL:
- return src->v == op->v ? src : NULL;
- return !( src->v == op->v) ? src : NULL;
- return strncmp(src->v,op->v,strlen(op->v)) == 0 ? src : NULL;
- splited = g_strsplit(op->v,"|",0);
- if (splited) {
- for (i=0;splited[i];i++) {
- if(g_str_equal(splited[i],src->v)) {
- g_strfreev(splited);
- return src;
- }
- }
- g_strfreev(splited);
- }
- return NULL;
- case AVP_OP_LOWER:
- lower = TRUE;
- /* FALLTHRU */
- fs = (float) g_ascii_strtod(src->v, NULL);
- fo = (float) g_ascii_strtod(op->v, NULL);
- if (lower) {
- if (fs<fo) return src;
- else return NULL;
- } else {
- if (fs>fo) return src;
- else return NULL;
- }
- case AVP_OP_ENDS:
- /* does this work? */
- ls = (guint) strlen(src->v);
- lo = (guint) strlen(op->v);
- if ( ls < lo ) {
- return NULL;
- } else {
- p = src->v + ( ls - lo );
- return g_str_equal(p,op->v) ? src : NULL;
- }
- /* case AVP_OP_TRANSF: */
- /* return do_transform(src,op); */
- return g_strrstr(src->v, op->v) ? src : NULL;;
- }
- /* will never get here */
- return NULL;
- * new_avpl_loose_match:
- * @param name the name of the resulting avpl
- * @param src the data AVPL to be matched against a condition AVPL
- * @param op the conditions AVPL that will be matched against the data AVPL
- * @param copy_avps whether the avps in the resulting avpl should be copied
- *
- * Creates a new AVP list containing all data AVPs that matched any of the
- * conditions AVPs. If there are no matches, an empty list will be returned.
- *
- * Note: Loose will always be considered a successful match, it matches zero or
- * more conditions.
- */
-extern AVPL* new_avpl_loose_match(const gchar* name,
- AVPL* src,
- AVPL* op,
- gboolean copy_avps) {
- AVPL* newavpl = new_avpl(scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name));
- AVPN* co = NULL;
- AVPN* cs = NULL;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"new_avpl_loose_match: %X src=%X op=%X name='%s'",newavpl,src,op,name);
- cs = src->null.next;
- co = op->null.next;
- while (cs->avp && co->avp) {
- int name_diff = strcmp(co->avp->n, cs->avp->n);
- if (name_diff < 0) {
- // op < source, op is not matching
- co = co->next;
- } else if (name_diff > 0) {
- // op > source, source is not matching
- cs = cs->next;
- } else {
- // attribute match found, let's see if there is any condition (op) that accepts this data AVP.
- AVPN *cond = co;
- do {
- if (match_avp(cs->avp, cond->avp)) {
- insert_avp_before_node(newavpl, newavpl->null.prev, cs->avp, copy_avps);
- break;
- }
- cond = cond->next;
- } while (cond->avp && cond->avp->n == cs->avp->n);
- cs = cs->next;
- }
- }
- // return matches (possible none)
- return newavpl;
-* new_avpl_pairs_match:
- * @param name the name of the resulting avpl
- * @param src the data AVPL to be matched against a condition AVPL
- * @param op the conditions AVPL that will be matched against the data AVPL
- * @param strict TRUE if every condition must have a matching data AVP, FALSE if
- * it is also acceptable that only one of the condition AVPs for the same
- * attribute is matching.
- * @param copy_avps whether the avps in the resulting avpl should be copied
- *
- * Creates an AVP list by matching pairs of conditions and data AVPs, returning
- * the data AVPs. If strict is TRUE, then each condition must be paired with a
- * matching data AVP. If strict is FALSE, then some conditions are allowed to
- * fail when other conditions for the same attribute do have a match. Note that
- * if the condition AVPL is empty, the result will be a match (an empty list).
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the newly created avpl containing the
- * matching avps or NULL if there is no match.
- */
-extern AVPL* new_avpl_pairs_match(const gchar* name, AVPL* src, AVPL* op, gboolean strict, gboolean copy_avps) {
- AVPL* newavpl;
- AVPN* co = NULL;
- AVPN* cs = NULL;
- const gchar *last_match = NULL;
- gboolean matched = TRUE;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"%s: %p src=%p op=%p name='%s'",G_STRFUNC,newavpl,src,op,name);
- newavpl = new_avpl(scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name));
- cs = src->null.next;
- co = op->null.next;
- while (cs->avp && co->avp) {
- int name_diff = strcmp(co->avp->n, cs->avp->n);
- const gchar *failed_match = NULL;
- if (name_diff < 0) {
- // op < source, op has no data avp with same attribute.
- failed_match = co->avp->n;
- co = co->next;
- } else if (name_diff > 0) {
- // op > source, the source avp is not matched by any condition
- cs = cs->next;
- } else {
- // Matching attributes found, now try to find a matching data AVP for the condition.
- if (match_avp(cs->avp, co->avp)) {
- insert_avp_before_node(newavpl, newavpl->null.prev, cs->avp, copy_avps);
- last_match = co->avp->n;
- cs = cs->next;
- } else {
- failed_match = co->avp->n;
- }
- co = co->next;
- }
- // condition did not match, check if we can continue matching.
- if (failed_match) {
- if (strict) {
- matched = FALSE;
- break;
- } else if (last_match != failed_match) {
- // None of the conditions so far matched the attribute, check for other candidates
- if (!co->avp || co->avp->n != last_match) {
- matched = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // if there are any conditions remaining, then those could not be matched
- if (matched && strict && co->avp) {
- matched = FALSE;
- }
- if (matched) {
- // there was a match, accept it
- return newavpl;
- } else {
- // no match, only delete AVPs too if they were copied
- delete_avpl(newavpl, copy_avps);
- return NULL;
- }
- * new_avpl_from_match:
- * @param mode The matching method, one of AVPL_STRICT, AVPL_LOOSE, AVPL_EVERY.
- * @param name the name of the resulting avpl
- * @param src the data AVPL to be matched agains a condition AVPL
- * @param op the conditions AVPL that will be matched against the data AVPL
- *
- * Matches the conditions AVPL against the original AVPL according to the mode.
- * If there is no match, NULL is returned. If there is actually a match, then
- * the matching AVPs (a subset of the data) are returned.
- */
-extern AVPL* new_avpl_from_match(avpl_match_mode mode, const gchar* name,AVPL* src, AVPL* op, gboolean copy_avps) {
- AVPL* avpl = NULL;
- switch (mode) {
- avpl = new_avpl_pairs_match(name, src, op, TRUE, copy_avps);
- break;
- case AVPL_LOOSE:
- avpl = new_avpl_loose_match(name,src,op,copy_avps);
- break;
- case AVPL_EVERY:
- avpl = new_avpl_pairs_match(name, src, op, FALSE, copy_avps);
- break;
- // XXX this seems unused
- avpl = new_avpl_from_avpl(name,src,copy_avps);
- merge_avpl(avpl, op, copy_avps);
- break;
- }
- return avpl;
- * delete_avpl_transform:
- * @param op a pointer to the avpl transformation object
- *
- * Destroys an avpl transformation object and releases all the resources it
- * uses.
- *
- **/
-extern void delete_avpl_transform(AVPL_Transf* op) {
- AVPL_Transf* next;
- for (; op ; op = next) {
- next = op->next;
- g_free(op->name);
- if (op->match) {
- delete_avpl(op->match,TRUE);
- }
- if (op->replace) {
- delete_avpl(op->replace,TRUE);
- }
- g_free(op);
- }
- * avpl_transform:
- * @param src the source avpl for the transform operation.
- * @param op a pointer to the avpl transformation object to apply.
- *
- * Applies the "op" transformation to an avpl, matches it and eventually
- * replaces or inserts the transformed avps.
- *
- * Return value: whether the transformation was performed or not.
- **/
-extern void avpl_transform(AVPL* src, AVPL_Transf* op) {
- AVPL* avpl = NULL;
- AVPN* cs;
- AVPN* cm;
- AVPN* n;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"avpl_transform: src=%X op=%X",src,op);
- for ( ; op ; op = op->next) {
- avpl = new_avpl_from_match(op->match_mode, src->name,src, op->match, TRUE);
- if (avpl) {
- switch (op->replace_mode) {
- delete_avpl(avpl,TRUE);
- return;
- merge_avpl(src,op->replace,TRUE);
- delete_avpl(avpl,TRUE);
- return;
- cs = src->null.next;
- cm = avpl->null.next;
- // Removes AVPs from the source which are in the matched data.
- // Assume that the matched set is a subset of the source.
- while (cs->avp && cm->avp) {
- if (cs->avp->n == cm->avp->n && cs->avp->v == cm->avp->v) {
- n = cs->next;
- cs->prev->next = cs->next;
- cs->next->prev = cs->prev;
- g_slice_free(any_avp_type,(any_avp_type*)cs);
- cs = n;
- cm = cm->next;
- } else {
- // Current matched AVP is not equal to the current
- // source AVP. Since there must be a source AVP for
- // each matched AVP, advance current source and not
- // the match AVP.
- cs = cs->next;
- }
- }
- merge_avpl(src,op->replace,TRUE);
- delete_avpl(avpl,TRUE);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- * new_loal:
- * @param name the name the loal will take.
- *
- * Creates an empty list of avp lists.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the newly created loal.
- **/
-extern LoAL* new_loal(const gchar* name) {
- LoAL* new_loal_p = (LoAL*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);
- if (! name) {
- name = "anonymous";
- }
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"new_loal_p: %X name=%s",new_loal_p,name);
- new_loal_p->name = scs_subscribe(avp_strings,name);
- new_loal_p->null.avpl = NULL;
- new_loal_p->null.next = &new_loal_p->null;
- new_loal_p->null.prev = &new_loal_p->null;
- new_loal_p->len = 0;
- return new_loal_p;
- * loal_append:
- * @param loal the loal on which to operate.
- * @param avpl the avpl to append.
- *
- * Appends an avpl to a loal.
- *
- **/
-extern void loal_append(LoAL* loal, AVPL* avpl) {
- LoALnode* node = (LoALnode*)g_slice_new(any_avp_type);
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"new_loal_node: %X",node);
- node->avpl = avpl;
- node->next = &loal->null;
- node->prev = loal->null.prev;
- loal->null.prev->next = node;
- loal->null.prev = node;
- loal->len++;
- * extract_first_avpl:
- * @param loal the loal on which to operate.
- *
- * Extracts the first avpl contained in a loal.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the extracted avpl.
- *
- **/
-extern AVPL* extract_first_avpl(LoAL* loal) {
- LoALnode* node;
- AVPL* avpl;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"extract_first_avpl: from: %s",loal->name);
- node = loal->null.next;
- loal->null.next->next->prev = &loal->null;
- loal->null.next = node->next;
- loal->len--;
- avpl = node->avpl;
- if ( avpl ) {
- g_slice_free(any_avp_type,(any_avp_type*)node);
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"extract_first_avpl: got %s",avpl->name);
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"delete_loal_node: %X",node);
- }
- return avpl;
-* extract_first_avpl:
- * @param loal the loal on which to operate.
- *
- * Extracts the last avpl contained in a loal.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the extracted avpl.
- *
- **/
-extern AVPL* extract_last_avpl(LoAL* loal){
- LoALnode* node;
- AVPL* avpl;
- node = loal->null.prev;
- loal->null.prev->prev->next = &loal->null;
- loal->null.prev = node->prev;
- loal->len--;
- avpl = node->avpl;
- if ( avpl ) {
- g_slice_free(any_avp_type,(any_avp_type*)node);
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"delete_loal_node: %X",node);
- }
- return avpl;
- * extract_first_avpl:
- * @param loal the loal on which to operate.
- * @param cookie pointer to the pointer variable to contain the state between calls
- *
- * At each call will return the following avpl from a loal. The given cookie
- * will be used to manatain the state between calls.
- *
- * Return value: a pointer to the next avpl.
- *
- **/
-extern AVPL* get_next_avpl(LoAL* loal,void** cookie) {
- LoALnode* node;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"get_next_avpl: loal=%X node=%X",loal,*cookie);
- if (*cookie) {
- node = (LoALnode*) *cookie;
- } else {
- node = loal->null.next;
- }
- *cookie = node->next;
- return node->avpl;
- * delete_loal:
- * @param loal the loal to be deleted.
- * @param avpls_too whether avpls contained by the loal should be deleted as well
- * @param avps_too whether avps contained by the avpls should be also deleted
- *
- * Destroys a loal and eventually desstroys avpls and avps.
- *
- **/
-extern void delete_loal(LoAL* loal, gboolean avpls_too, gboolean avps_too) {
- AVPL* avpl;
- dbg_print(dbg_avpl_op,3,dbg_fp,"delete_loal: %X",loal);
- while(( avpl = extract_last_avpl(loal) )) {
- if (avpls_too) {
- delete_avpl(avpl,avps_too);
- }
- }
- scs_unsubscribe(avp_strings,loal->name);
- g_slice_free(any_avp_type,(any_avp_type*)loal);
- ******************* the following are used in load_loal_from_file
- ****************************************************************************/
- * load_loal_error:
- * Used by loal_from_file to handle errors while loading.
- **/
-static LoAL* load_loal_error(FILE* fp, LoAL* loal, AVPL* curr, int linenum, const gchar* fmt, ...) {
- va_list list;
- gchar* desc;
- LoAL* ret = NULL;
- gchar* err;
- va_start( list, fmt );
- desc = g_strdup_vprintf(fmt, list);
- va_end( list );
- if (loal) {
- err = g_strdup_printf("Error Loading LoAL from file: in %s at line: %i, %s",loal->name,linenum,desc);
- } else {
- err = g_strdup_printf("Error Loading LoAL at line: %i, %s",linenum,desc);
- }
- ret = new_loal(err);
- g_free(desc);
- g_free(err);
- if (fp) fclose(fp);
- if (loal) delete_loal(loal,TRUE,TRUE);
- if (curr) delete_avpl(curr,TRUE);
- return ret;
-/* the maximum length allowed for a line */
-#define MAX_ITEM_LEN 8192
-/* this two ugly things are used for tokenizing */
-#define AVP_OP_CHAR '=': case '^': case '$': case '~': case '<': case '>': case '?': case '|': case '&' : case '!'
-#define AVP_NAME_CHAR 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J':\
-case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':\
-case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':\
-case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n':\
-case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':\
-case 'y': case 'z': case '_': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6':\
-case '7': case '8': case '9': case '.'
- * loal_from_file:
- * @param filename the file containing a loals text representation.
- *
- * Given a filename it will attempt to load a loal containing a copy of
- * the avpls represented in the file.
- *
- * Return value: if successful a pointer to the new populated loal, else NULL.
- *
- **/
-extern LoAL* loal_from_file(gchar* filename) {
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- gchar c;
- int i = 0;
- guint32 linenum = 1;
- gchar *linenum_buf;
- gchar *name;
- gchar *value;
- gchar op = '?';
- LoAL *loal_error, *loal = new_loal(filename);
- AVPL* curr = NULL;
- AVP* avp;
- enum _load_loal_states {
- } state;
- linenum_buf = (gchar*)g_malloc(MAX_ITEM_LEN);
- name = (gchar*)g_malloc(MAX_ITEM_LEN);
- value = (gchar*)g_malloc(MAX_ITEM_LEN);
-#ifndef _WIN32
- if (! getuid()) {
- loal_error = load_loal_error(fp,loal,curr,linenum,"MATE Will not run as root");
- goto error;
- }
- state = START;
- if (( fp = ws_fopen(filename,"r") )) {
- while(( c = (gchar) fgetc(fp) )){
- if ( feof(fp) ) {
- if ( ferror(fp) ) {
- report_read_failure(filename,errno);
- loal_error = load_loal_error(fp,loal,curr,linenum,"Error while reading '%f'",filename);
- goto error;
- }
- break;
- }
- if ( c == '\n' ) {
- linenum++;
- }
- if ( i >= MAX_ITEM_LEN - 1 ) {
- loal_error = load_loal_error(fp,loal,curr,linenum,"Maximum item length exceeded");
- goto error;
- }
- switch(state) {
- case MY_IGNORE:
- switch (c) {
- case '\n':
- state = START;
- i = 0;
- continue;
- default:
- continue;
- }
- case START:
- switch (c) {
- case ' ': case '\t':
- /* ignore whitespace at line start */
- continue;
- case '\n':
- /* ignore empty lines */
- i = 0;
- continue;
- state = IN_NAME;
- i = 0;
- name[i++] = c;
- name[i] = '\0';
- g_snprintf(linenum_buf,MAX_ITEM_LEN,"%s:%u",filename,linenum);
- curr = new_avpl(linenum_buf);
- continue;
- case '#':
- state = MY_IGNORE;
- continue;
- default:
- loal_error = load_loal_error(fp,loal,curr,linenum,"expecting name got: '%c'",c);
- goto error;
- }
- i = 0;
- name[0] = '\0';
- switch (c) {
- case '\\':
- c = (gchar) fgetc(fp);
- if (c != '\n') ungetc(c,fp);
- continue;
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- continue;
- state = IN_NAME;
- name[i++] = c;
- name[i] = '\0';
- continue;
- case '\n':
- loal_append(loal,curr);
- state = START;
- continue;
- default:
- loal_error = load_loal_error(fp,loal,curr,linenum,"expecting name got: '%c'",c);
- goto error;
- }
- case IN_NAME:
- switch (c) {
- case ';':
- state = BEFORE_NAME;
- op = '?';
- name[i] = '\0';
- value[0] = '\0';
- i = 0;
- avp = new_avp(name,value,op);
- if (! insert_avp(curr,avp) ) {
- delete_avp(avp);
- }
- continue;
- case AVP_OP_CHAR:
- name[i] = '\0';
- i = 0;
- op = c;
- state = IN_VALUE;
- continue;
- name[i++] = c;
- continue;
- case '\n':
- loal_error = load_loal_error(fp,loal,curr,linenum,"operator expected found new line");
- goto error;
- default:
- loal_error = load_loal_error(fp,loal,curr,linenum,"name or match operator expected found '%c'",c);
- goto error;
- }
- case IN_VALUE:
- switch (c) {
- case '\\':
- value[i++] = (gchar) fgetc(fp);
- continue;
- case ';':
- state = BEFORE_NAME;
- value[i] = '\0';
- i = 0;
- avp = new_avp(name,value,op);
- if (! insert_avp(curr,avp) ) {
- delete_avp(avp);
- }
- continue;
- case '\n':
- loal_error = load_loal_error(fp,loal,curr,linenum,"';' expected found new line");
- goto error;
- default:
- value[i++] = c;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- fclose (fp);
- g_free(linenum_buf);
- g_free(name);
- g_free(value);
- return loal;
- } else {
- report_open_failure(filename,errno,FALSE);
- loal_error = load_loal_error(NULL,loal,NULL,0,"Cannot Open file '%s'",filename);
- }
- g_free(linenum_buf);
- g_free(name);
- g_free(value);
- return loal_error;
- * Editor modelines - http://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
- *
- * Local variables:
- * c-basic-offset: 8
- * tab-width: 8
- * indent-tabs-mode: t
- * End:
- *
- * vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab:
- * :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false:
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