path: root/plugins/llrp/llrpparse.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/llrp/llrpparse.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 751 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/llrp/llrpparse.c b/plugins/llrp/llrpparse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index df9a2c7379..0000000000
--- a/plugins/llrp/llrpparse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,751 +0,0 @@
-/* EPCglobal Low-Level Reader Protocol Packet Dissector
- *
- * Copyright 2008, Intermec Technologies Corp. <matt.poduska@intermec.com>
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
- * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
- * Copyright 1999 Gerald Combs
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <stdio.h> /* For NULL */
-#include "llrpparsetypes.h"
-#include "llrpparse.h"
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Local Function Declarations */
-static void llrp_ParseParameter(t_llrp_parse_context *context, unsigned short usType,
- int bImpliedLength, unsigned short usLength);
-static void llrp_ParseCustomParameter(t_llrp_parse_context *context, unsigned short usType,
- unsigned short usLength);
-static void llrp_ParseCompoundItem(t_llrp_parse_context *context,
- t_llrp_compound_item *pCompoundItem, unsigned long ulTotalLength);
-static int llrp_ParseFixedItems(t_llrp_parse_context *context, t_llrp_item *pItemList,
- unsigned short usTotalItems, unsigned short *pusParsedItems, unsigned long ulTotalLength,
- unsigned long *pulConsumedBytes);
-static int llrp_ParseVariableItems(t_llrp_parse_context *context, t_llrp_item *pItemList,
- unsigned short usTotalItems, unsigned long ulTotalLength);
-static int llrp_HandleField(t_llrp_parse_context *context, t_llrp_item *pItem,
- unsigned short usFieldIndex, unsigned long ulTotalLength, unsigned char *pucBitAccumulator,
- unsigned char *pucAccumulatedBits);
-static int llrp_ParseGetParameterContentLength(const t_llrp_compound_item *pItem,
- unsigned short *pusLength);
-#define llrp_ReportError(pContext, parameterList) \
-{ if((pContext)->parse_error_handler != NULL) (pContext)->parse_error_handler parameterList; }
-#define llrp_ReportMessage(pContext, parameterList) \
-{ if((pContext)->debug_message_handler != NULL) (pContext)->debug_message_handler parameterList; }
-#define llrp_StreamRead(pContext, readLength, readWaitForever, pReadResult) \
- (pContext)->stream_read_handler(pContext, readLength, readWaitForever, pReadResult)
-#define llrp_StreamGetOffset(pContext) \
- (pContext)->stream_get_offset_handler(pContext)
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Parsing */
-int llrp_ParseMessage(t_llrp_parse_context *context)
- unsigned char ucVersion;
- unsigned short *pusData, usValidatorIndex, usMessageIndex, usType;
- unsigned long *pulData, ulLength, ulID, ulReadBytes;
- t_llrp_parse_validator *validator;
- int bContinueParse;
- /* Make sure the context is valid */
- if(context->stream_read_handler == NULL || context->stream_get_offset_handler == NULL)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_CONTEXT_ERROR, 0, "llrp_ParseMessage",
- "Invalid context"));
- }
- /* Ensure the stream starts at offset 0 */
- if(llrp_StreamGetOffset(context) != 0)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_CONTEXT_ERROR, 0, "llrp_ParseMessage",
- "Stream not starting at offset zero (current offset %lu)", llrp_StreamGetOffset(context)));
- }
- context->depth = 0; /* Messages always begin at parse depth 0 */
- /* Bytes 0-1: Type and version */
- pusData= (unsigned short *) llrp_StreamRead(context, 2, 1, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != 2)
- {
- /* No error here - this happens when the stream read timed out */
- }
- ucVersion = (unsigned char) (((unsigned char)((llrp_ntohs(*pusData)) >> 10)) & 0x07);
- usType = (unsigned short) (llrp_ntohs(*pusData) & 0x3FF);
- /* Bytes 2-5: Message length */
- pulData = (unsigned long *) llrp_StreamRead(context, 4, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != 4)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_MESSAGE_DATA_UNDERFLOW, 0,
- "llrp_ParseMessage", "Failed to read message length bytes"));
- }
- ulLength = llrp_ntohl(*pulData);
- /* Bytes 6-9: Message ID */
- pulData = (unsigned long *) llrp_StreamRead(context, 4, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != 4)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_MESSAGE_DATA_UNDERFLOW, 0,
- "llrp_ParseMessage", "Failed to read message ID bytes"));
- }
- ulID = llrp_ntohl(*pulData);
- /* TODO: Use the message version to select the proper validator */
- for(usValidatorIndex = 0; usValidatorIndex < context->validator_count; usValidatorIndex++)
- {
- validator = context->validator_list[usValidatorIndex];
- for(usMessageIndex = 0; usMessageIndex < validator->message_count; usMessageIndex++)
- {
- if(validator->message_list[usMessageIndex].number == usType)
- {
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseMessage",
- "Message header parsed: version %u, type %u, length %u, ID %u",
- ucVersion, usType, ulLength, ulID));
- if(context->message_start_handler != NULL)
- {
- bContinueParse= context->message_start_handler(context, ucVersion, usType,
- ulLength, ulID, (validator->message_list[usMessageIndex].item)->name);
- }
- else
- bContinueParse = 1;
- if(bContinueParse)
- {
- llrp_ParseCompoundItem(context, validator->message_list[usMessageIndex].item,
- }
- else
- {
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseMessage", "Skipping message parse"));
- /* Consume/discard all remaining message data */
- (void)llrp_StreamRead(context, ulLength-LLRP_HEADER_LENGTH, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- }
- if(context->message_finished_handler != NULL)
- {
- (void)context->message_finished_handler(context, ucVersion, usType,
- ulLength, ulID, (validator->message_list[usMessageIndex].item)->name);
- }
- }
- if(validator->message_list[usMessageIndex].number > usType)
- break;
- }
- }
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, usType,
- "llrp_ParseMessage", "Unknown message type (%u)", usType));
- /* Consume/discard all remaining message data */
- (void)llrp_StreamRead(context, ulLength-LLRP_HEADER_LENGTH, 0, &ulReadBytes);
-static void llrp_ParseParameter(t_llrp_parse_context *context, unsigned short usType,
- int bImpliedLength, unsigned short usLength)
- unsigned short usTypeIndex, usValidatorIndex;
- unsigned long ulReadBytes;
- t_llrp_parse_validator *validator;
- t_llrp_standard_map_item *pMapItem;
- t_llrp_compound_item *pItem;
- for(usValidatorIndex = 0; usValidatorIndex < context->validator_count; usValidatorIndex++)
- {
- validator = context->validator_list[usValidatorIndex];
- for(usTypeIndex = 0; usTypeIndex < validator->parameter_count; usTypeIndex++)
- {
- if(validator->parameter_list[usTypeIndex].number == usType)
- {
- pMapItem = &(validator->parameter_list[usTypeIndex]);
- pItem = pMapItem->item;
- if(bImpliedLength)
- {
- /* Calculate the length of all parameter contents. Normally this means
- * the parameter is TV encoded, containing only fixed-length fields
- * and no sub-parameters. */
- if(!llrp_ParseGetParameterContentLength(pItem, &usLength))
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_TV_NOT_FOUND,
- usType, "llrp_ParseParameter", "Failed to determine content size of parameter '%s' (ID %u)",
- pItem->name, usType));
- break;
- }
- }
- if(context->parameter_start_handler!= NULL)
- context->parameter_start_handler(context, usType, pItem->name, usLength);
- llrp_ParseCompoundItem(context, pItem, usLength);
- if(context->parameter_finished_handler!= NULL)
- context->parameter_finished_handler(context, usType, pItem->name, usLength);
- return;
- }
- /* Since the parameter list is ordered (ascending), break out of the loop
- once we've passed the usType we're looking for. */
- if(validator->parameter_list[usTypeIndex].number > usType)
- break;
- }
- }
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, usType,
- "llrp_ParseParameter", "Unknown parameter type (%u)", usType));
- /* Discard the bytes in this unknown parameter */
- (void)llrp_StreamRead(context, usLength, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != usLength)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_UNDERFLOW, usType,
- "llrp_ParseParameter", "Failed to read %u discarded bytes (%u read)",
- usLength, ulReadBytes));
- }
-static void llrp_ParseCustomParameter(t_llrp_parse_context *context, unsigned short usType,
- unsigned short usLength)
- unsigned short usTypeIndex, usValidatorIndex;
- unsigned long *pulData, ulReadBytes, ulVendorID, ulSubtype;
- t_llrp_parse_validator *validator;
- t_llrp_custom_map_item *pMapItem;
- t_llrp_compound_item *pItem;
- if(usLength < 8)
- {
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseCustomParameter", "Invalid content length for custom parameter"));
- }
- else
- {
- /* Actual parameter length doesn't include the vendor ID or subtype */
- usLength = usLength - 8;
- pulData = (unsigned long *)llrp_StreamRead(context, 4, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes == 4)
- ulVendorID = llrp_ntohl(*pulData);
- else
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_UNDERFLOW, usType,
- "llrp_ParseCustomParameter", "Failed to read vendor ID"));
- return;
- }
- pulData = (unsigned long *)llrp_StreamRead(context, 4, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes == 4)
- ulSubtype = llrp_ntohl(*pulData);
- else
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_UNDERFLOW, usType,
- "llrp_ParseCustomParameter", "Failed to read subtype"));
- return;
- }
- for(usValidatorIndex = 0; usValidatorIndex < context->validator_count; usValidatorIndex++)
- {
- validator = context->validator_list[usValidatorIndex];
- for(usTypeIndex = 0; usTypeIndex < validator->custom_parameter_count; usTypeIndex++)
- {
- pMapItem = &(validator->custom_parameter_list[usTypeIndex]);
- if(pMapItem->vendor_id == ulVendorID && pMapItem->subtype == ulSubtype)
- {
- pItem = pMapItem->item;
- if(context->custom_parameter_start_handler!= NULL)
- {
- context->custom_parameter_start_handler(context, usType, ulVendorID,
- ulSubtype, pItem->name, usLength);
- }
- llrp_ParseCompoundItem(context, pItem, usLength);
- if(context->custom_parameter_finished_handler!= NULL)
- {
- context->custom_parameter_finished_handler(context, usType, ulVendorID,
- ulSubtype, pItem->name, usLength);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, usType,
- "llrp_ParseCustomParameter", "Unknown custom parameter (type %u, vendor %lu, subtype %lu)",
- usType, ulVendorID, ulSubtype));
- }
- /* Discard the bytes in this unknown parameter */
- (void)llrp_StreamRead(context, usLength, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != usLength)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_UNDERFLOW, usType,
- "llrp_ParseCustomParameter", "Failed to read %u discarded bytes (%u read)",
- usLength, ulReadBytes));
- }
-static void llrp_ParseCompoundItem(t_llrp_parse_context *context,
- t_llrp_compound_item *pCompoundItem, unsigned long ulTotalLength)
- unsigned short usParsedItems, usItemsRemaining;
- unsigned long ulStartOffset, ulConsumedBytes, ulLengthRemaining;
- ulStartOffset = llrp_StreamGetOffset(context);
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseCompoundItem",
- "Beginning parse of compound item '%s', type '%s', containing %u item%s, length %u bytes, stream offset %u",
- pCompoundItem->name, llrp_compound_item_name[pCompoundItem->type], pCompoundItem->item_count,
- (pCompoundItem->item_count == 1) ? "" : "s", ulTotalLength, ulStartOffset));
- /* Each time a compound item is parsed, increase the depth. */
- (context->depth)++;
- /* Parse all fixed-length items. These must occur first. */
- if(!llrp_ParseFixedItems(context, (t_llrp_item *) pCompoundItem->item_list,
- pCompoundItem->item_count, &usParsedItems, ulTotalLength, &ulConsumedBytes))
- {
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseCompoundItem",
- "Error while parsing fixed items in '%s'", pCompoundItem->name));
- }
- else
- {
- ulLengthRemaining = (unsigned long) (ulTotalLength - ulConsumedBytes);
- usItemsRemaining = (unsigned short) ((pCompoundItem->item_count) - usParsedItems);
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseCompoundItem",
- "Finished parsing fixed items. Length remaining %lu, items remaining %u, stream offset %u",
- ulLengthRemaining, usItemsRemaining, llrp_StreamGetOffset(context)));
- /* Parse all remaining data in the message */
- if(usItemsRemaining > 0)
- {
- (void)llrp_ParseVariableItems(context, &((t_llrp_item *) pCompoundItem->item_list)[usParsedItems],
- usItemsRemaining, ulLengthRemaining);
- }
- }
- ulConsumedBytes = (unsigned long) (llrp_StreamGetOffset(context) - ulStartOffset);
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseCompoundItems",
- "Finished parsing compound item '%s'. Buffer offset %lu, consumed bytes %lu",
- pCompoundItem->name, llrp_StreamGetOffset(context), ulConsumedBytes));
- /* Make sure we've consumed the exact number of expected bytes */
- if(ulConsumedBytes < ulTotalLength)
- {
- unsigned long ulReadLength;
- ulLengthRemaining = (unsigned long) (ulTotalLength - ulConsumedBytes);
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_OVERFLOW,
- pCompoundItem->type, "llrp_ParseCompoundItem", "%u leftover bytes in parameter %s",
- ulLengthRemaining, pCompoundItem->name));
- (void)llrp_StreamRead(context, ulLengthRemaining, 0, &ulReadLength);
- if(ulReadLength != ulLengthRemaining)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- pCompoundItem->type, "llrp_ParseCompoundItem",
- "Failed to read %u leftover bytes (%u read)", ulLengthRemaining, ulReadLength));
- }
- }
- else if(ulConsumedBytes > ulTotalLength)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_OVERFLOW,
- pCompoundItem->type, "llrp_ParseCompoundItem",
- "Buffer read overflow while parsing parameter %s (total: %u, consumed %u)",
- pCompoundItem->name, ulTotalLength, ulConsumedBytes));
- }
- (context->depth)--;
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseCompoundItem",
- "Finished parsing compound item '%s'", pCompoundItem->name));
-static int llrp_ParseFixedItems(t_llrp_parse_context *context, t_llrp_item *pItemList,
- unsigned short usTotalItems, unsigned short *pusParsedItems, unsigned long ulTotalLength,
- unsigned long *pulConsumedBytes)
- t_llrp_item *pItem = pItemList;
- int bDone = 0, bSuccess = 1;
- unsigned short usItemIndex, usFieldIndex;
- unsigned char ucAccumulatedBits, ucBitAccumulator;
- unsigned long ulStartOffset, ulConsumedBytes;
- usFieldIndex = 0;
- usItemIndex = 0;
- ucAccumulatedBits = 0;
- ulConsumedBytes = 0;
- ulStartOffset = llrp_StreamGetOffset(context);
- while(!bDone)
- {
- ulConsumedBytes = (unsigned long) (llrp_StreamGetOffset(context) - ulStartOffset);
- if(usItemIndex >= usTotalItems)
- bDone = 1;
- else
- {
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseFixedItems",
- "Parsing fixed item index %u of %u, type %u, consumed bytes %lu, offset %lu",
- usItemIndex, usTotalItems, pItem->item_type, ulConsumedBytes,
- llrp_StreamGetOffset(context)));
- switch(pItem->item_type)
- {
- if(!llrp_HandleField(context, pItem, usFieldIndex,
- (unsigned long) (ulTotalLength-ulConsumedBytes), &ucBitAccumulator,
- &ucAccumulatedBits))
- {
- bSuccess = 0;
- bDone = 1;
- }
- usFieldIndex++;
- break;
- if((pItem->min_repeat_count)%8 > ucAccumulatedBits)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_FIELD_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- usFieldIndex, "llrp_ParseFixedItems",
- "Only %u accumulated bits remaining for %u bit reserved field",
- ucAccumulatedBits, pItem->min_repeat_count));
- ucAccumulatedBits = 0; /* Try to zero the accumulator, problems will likely follow */
- }
- else
- {
- if(pItem->min_repeat_count >= 8)
- {
- unsigned long ulReadBytes;
- /* Discard whole bytes... */
- (void)llrp_StreamRead(context, (pItem->min_repeat_count)/8, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != (unsigned long)((pItem->min_repeat_count)/8))
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_FIELD_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- usFieldIndex, "llrp_ParseFixedItems",
- "Failed to consume %u reserved bytes from message stream for reserved field of %u bits",
- (pItem->min_repeat_count)/8, pItem->min_repeat_count));
- }
- }
- ucAccumulatedBits = (unsigned char) (ucAccumulatedBits-((pItem->min_repeat_count)%8));
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseFixedItems",
- "Consumed %u reserved bits (accumulator now %u)", pItem->min_repeat_count,
- ucAccumulatedBits));
- }
- break;
- /* When we encounter the first variable-length item, we're done parsing
- the fixed-length items. */
- bDone = 1;
- break;
- default:
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_FIELD_TYPE_UNKNOWN,
- usFieldIndex, "llrp_ParseFixedItems", "Unknown fixed item field type (%u)",
- pItem->item_type));
- break;
- }
- if(!bDone)
- {
- usItemIndex++;
- pItem++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(context->field_complete_handler != NULL)
- context->field_complete_handler(context, usFieldIndex);
- if(pusParsedItems != NULL)
- *pusParsedItems = usItemIndex;
- if(pulConsumedBytes != NULL)
- *pulConsumedBytes = ulConsumedBytes;
- return bSuccess;
-static int llrp_HandleField(t_llrp_parse_context *context, t_llrp_item *pItem,
- unsigned short usFieldIndex, unsigned long ulTotalLength,
- unsigned char *pucBitAccumulator, unsigned char *pucAccumulatedBits)
- unsigned long ulItemBits, ulItemBytes, ulLeftoverBits, ulReadBytes, ulLengthRemaining;
- unsigned char *pucData, ucUsedAccumulator;
- if(LLRP_FIELDTYPE_IS_VARIABLE(pItem->field_type))
- {
- unsigned short *pusData;
- if(ulTotalLength < 2)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_FIELD_DATA_UNDERFLOW, usFieldIndex,
- "llrp_HandleField", "Buffer underrun while reading length of variable field '%s', index %u",
- pItem->name, usFieldIndex));
- return 0; /* Failed to handle this field */
- }
- pusData = (unsigned short *) llrp_StreamRead(context, 2, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != 2)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_FIELD_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- usFieldIndex, "llrp_HandleField",
- "Failed to read the length of variable field '%s', index %u", pItem->name, usFieldIndex));
- return 0; /* Failed to handle this field */
- }
- ulItemBits = (unsigned long) (llrp_ntohs(*pusData)*
- llrp_variable_field_bitlength[LLRP_FIELDTYPE_INDEX_VARIABLE(pItem->field_type)]);
- ulLengthRemaining = (unsigned long) (ulTotalLength-2);
- }
- else if(pItem->field_type == LLRP_FIELDTYPE_bytesToEnd)
- {
- ulLengthRemaining = ulTotalLength; /* Consume the entire remaining length */
- ulItemBits = (unsigned long) (ulLengthRemaining*8);
- }
- else
- {
- ulItemBits = llrp_fixed_field_bitlength[pItem->field_type];
- ulLengthRemaining = ulTotalLength;
- }
- ulItemBytes = (unsigned long) ((ulItemBits/8) + ((ulItemBits%8) ? 1 : 0));
- ulLeftoverBits = (unsigned long) ((ulItemBytes*8) - ulItemBits);
- /* Is there enough data stored in the accumulator? */
- if(ulItemBits <= *pucAccumulatedBits)
- {
- /* LLRP is bitwise big-endian; extract the topmost ulItemBits bits from the accumulator */
- ucUsedAccumulator = (unsigned char) ((*pucBitAccumulator) >> ((*pucAccumulatedBits)-ulItemBits));
- ucUsedAccumulator &= ((1 << ulItemBits)-1); /* Mask off unwanted bits */
- pucData = &ucUsedAccumulator;
- /* No need to clear the used bits from the accumulator. They're invalidated by
- * an update to pucAccumulatedBits. */
- *pucAccumulatedBits = (unsigned char) ((*pucAccumulatedBits)-ulItemBits);
- ulLeftoverBits = 0;
- }
- else /* No, we must get the data from the message */
- {
- if(ulItemBytes > ulLengthRemaining)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_FIELD_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- usFieldIndex, "llrp_HandleField",
- "Data underrun for field '%s', index %u (expected %u bytes, %u remain)",
- pItem->name, usFieldIndex, ulItemBytes, ulLengthRemaining));
- return 0; /* Failed to handle this field */
- }
- pucData= llrp_StreamRead(context, ulItemBytes, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes!= ulItemBytes)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_FIELD_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- usFieldIndex, "llrp_HandleField",
- "Failed to read %u data bytes of field '%s', index %u (%u read)",
- ulItemBytes, pItem->name, usFieldIndex, ulReadBytes));
- return 0; /* Failed to handle this field */
- }
- }
- if(ulLeftoverBits > 0)
- {
- /* If there is any data that has been read from the message, but doesn't belong to */
- /* this field, add it to the accumulator. */
- if((ulLeftoverBits+*pucAccumulatedBits) >= 8)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_FIELD_DATA_OVERFLOW,
- usFieldIndex, "llrp_HandleField",
- "Leftover bit accumulator overflow (accumulator bits: %u, new leftover bits: %u)",
- *pucAccumulatedBits, ulLeftoverBits));
- }
- else
- {
- /* Bits are always added to the accumulator from the right (least significant bit) side */
- *pucBitAccumulator<<= ulLeftoverBits;
- *pucBitAccumulator|= pucData[ulItemBytes-1] & ((1 << ulLeftoverBits)-1);
- *pucAccumulatedBits= (unsigned char) ((*pucAccumulatedBits)+ulLeftoverBits);
- }
- /* Always mask-off the bits that don't belong to this field */
- if(ulItemBits <= 8)
- {
- ucUsedAccumulator= (unsigned char) (((*pucData) >> (8-ulItemBits)) & ((1 << ulItemBits)-1));
- pucData= &ucUsedAccumulator;
- }
- }
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_HandleField",
- "Field '%s' parsed: fieldtype %u, bitlength %u, accumulator %u",
- pItem->name, pItem->field_type, ulItemBits, *pucAccumulatedBits));
- if(context->field_handler!= NULL)
- {
- context->field_handler(context, usFieldIndex, pItem->field_type, pItem->name,
- ulItemBits, pucData, pItem->data);
- }
- return 1; /* Successfully handled */
-/* Function: llrp_ParseVariableItems */
-/* Description: Parse all remaining data in the current compound item (message or parameter).
- * Parsing is completed only when all data has been exhausted from the current compound item.
- * It is assumed that no fixed-length items remain in the current compound item, they have
- * already been parsed. */
-/* Returns: nonzero upon successful parsing of all variable items in the compound item,
- * zero upon failure. */
-#define LLRP_VARIABLE_ITEM_MIN_HEADER_LENGTH 1 /* TV parameters require only one byte */
-static int llrp_ParseVariableItems(t_llrp_parse_context *context, t_llrp_item *pItemList,
- unsigned short usTotalItems, unsigned long ulTotalLength)
- t_llrp_item *pItem = pItemList;
- int bDone = 0, bImpliedLength;
- unsigned long ulReadBytes, ulConsumedLength, ulStartOffset;
- unsigned char *pucReadByte, ucHeaderLength;
- unsigned short *pusLength, usType, usLength;
- pItem=pItem; usTotalItems=usTotalItems;
- ulStartOffset = llrp_StreamGetOffset(context);
- while(!bDone)
- {
- ulConsumedLength = (unsigned long) (llrp_StreamGetOffset(context) - ulStartOffset);
- /* Make sure we can at least read the minimum header length */
- if((ulConsumedLength+LLRP_VARIABLE_ITEM_MIN_HEADER_LENGTH) > ulTotalLength)
- bDone = 1;
- else
- {
- /* Determine the type and length */
- pucReadByte = (unsigned char *) llrp_StreamRead(context, 1, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != 1)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- 0, "llrp_ParseVariableItems", "Failed to read first type byte of parameter"));
- return 0; /* Failed to parse */
- }
- usType = *pucReadByte;
- if(usType & 0x80) /* Is this a TV encoded parameter? */
- {
- usType &= ~0x80;
- usLength = 0;
- bImpliedLength = 1; /* Length is implied - make llrp_ParseParameter() derive it */
- }
- else
- {
- ucHeaderLength = 4; /* TLV parameter headers have 2 type bytes, 2 length bytes */
- bImpliedLength = 0;
- /* Get the second byte of the TLV parameter's type */
- pucReadByte = (unsigned char *) llrp_StreamRead(context, 1, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != 1)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- 0, "llrp_ParseVariableItems", "Failed to read second type byte of TLV parameter"));
- return 0; /* Failed to parse the variable item */
- }
- usType <<= 8;
- usType = (unsigned short) (usType+(*pucReadByte));
- /* TLV parameters have 2 bytes for the length */
- pusLength = (unsigned short *) llrp_StreamRead(context, 2, 0, &ulReadBytes);
- if(ulReadBytes != 2)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- usType, "llrp_ParseVariableItems", "Failed to read length bytes of TLV parameter"));
- return 0; /* Failed to parse the variable item */
- }
- usLength = llrp_ntohs(*pusLength);
- /* A rather pedantic test... */
- if(usLength < ucHeaderLength)
- {
- llrp_ReportError(context, (context, LLRP_PARSE_ERROR_PARAMETER_DATA_UNDERFLOW,
- usType, "llrp_ParseVariableItems",
- "Length underflow for variable item type %u (requires %u bytes, %u in header)",
- usType, usLength, ucHeaderLength));
- return 0; /* Failed to parse the variable item */
- }
- usLength = (unsigned short) (usLength-ucHeaderLength);
- }
- llrp_ReportMessage(context, (context, "llrp_ParseVariableItems",
- "Parsing variable item: type %u, header length %u, data length %u",
- usType, ucHeaderLength, usLength));
- /* TODO: Validate the parameter found against pItem */
- if(usType == 1023) /* v1.0 Custom parameter type */
- llrp_ParseCustomParameter(context, usType, usLength);
- else
- llrp_ParseParameter(context, usType, bImpliedLength, usLength);
- }
- }
- if(context->all_parameters_complete_handler!= NULL)
- context->all_parameters_complete_handler(context);
- return 1; /* Variable item parsed successfully */
-/* Determine the length of the contents of the specified compound item. This will only succeed
- * when the compound item contains nothing more than fixed-length fields. */
-static int llrp_ParseGetParameterContentLength(const t_llrp_compound_item *pItem,
- unsigned short *pusLength)
- unsigned short usIndex, usLength;
- t_llrp_item *pField;
- usLength= 0;
- for(usIndex= 0; usIndex< pItem->item_count; usIndex++)
- {
- pField= &((t_llrp_item *) (pItem->item_list))[usIndex];
- switch(pField->item_type)
- {
- if(LLRP_FIELDTYPE_IS_VARIABLE(pField->field_type))
- return 0; /* Not a constant content length, can't calculate content length */
- usLength= (unsigned short) (usLength+((llrp_fixed_field_bitlength[pField->field_type])/8));
- break;
- default:
- return 0; /* Contains items that are not fields, can't calculate content length */
- }
- }
- if(pusLength!= NULL)
- *pusLength= usLength;
- return 1; /* Length calculated successfully */