path: root/plugins/epan
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/epan')
134 files changed, 15936 insertions, 8112 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/epan/dfilter/ipaddr/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/dfilter/ipaddr/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f140b5aefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/dfilter/ipaddr/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# CMakeLists.txt
+# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
+# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Plugin name and version info (major minor micro extra)
+set_module_info(ipaddr 0 1 0 0)
+ ipaddr.c
+target_link_libraries(ipaddr epan)
+install_plugin(ipaddr epan)
+# Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
+# Local variables:
+# c-basic-offset: 8
+# tab-width: 8
+# indent-tabs-mode: t
+# End:
+# vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab:
+# :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false:
diff --git a/plugins/epan/dfilter/ipaddr/ipaddr.c b/plugins/epan/dfilter/ipaddr/ipaddr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53b7abc54b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/dfilter/ipaddr/ipaddr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+/* ipaddr.c
+ *
+ * Copyright 2023, João Valverde <j@v6e.pt>
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#define WS_BUILD_DLL
+#include <wireshark.h>
+#include <wsutil/plugins.h>
+#include <epan/dfilter/dfilter-plugin.h>
+#include <epan/iana-ip.h>
+#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.0.0"
+typedef bool (*ip_is_func_t)(fvalue_t *);
+static const struct ws_iana_ip_special_block *
+lookup_block(fvalue_t *fv)
+ switch (fvalue_type_ftenum(fv)) {
+ case FT_IPv4:
+ return ws_iana_ipv4_special_block_lookup(fvalue_get_ipv4(fv)->addr);
+ case FT_IPv6:
+ return ws_iana_ipv6_special_block_lookup(&fvalue_get_ipv6(fv)->addr);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ws_assert_not_reached();
+static bool
+df_func_ip_special_name(GSList *stack, uint32_t arg_count _U_, df_cell_t *retval)
+ GPtrArray *arg;
+ fvalue_t *fv_res;
+ const struct ws_iana_ip_special_block *ptr;
+ ws_assert(arg_count == 1);
+ arg = stack->data;
+ if (arg == NULL)
+ return false;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < arg->len; i++) {
+ ptr = lookup_block(arg->pdata[i]);
+ if (ptr == NULL)
+ continue;
+ fv_res = fvalue_new(FT_STRING);
+ fvalue_set_string(fv_res, ptr->name);
+ df_cell_append(retval, fv_res);
+ }
+ return !df_cell_is_empty(retval);
+static bool
+df_func_ip_special_mask(GSList *stack, uint32_t arg_count _U_, df_cell_t *retval)
+ GPtrArray *arg;
+ fvalue_t *fv_res;
+ const struct ws_iana_ip_special_block *ptr;
+ uint32_t mask;
+ ws_assert(arg_count == 1);
+ arg = stack->data;
+ if (arg == NULL)
+ return false;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < arg->len; i++) {
+ ptr = lookup_block(arg->pdata[i]);
+ if (ptr == NULL)
+ continue;
+ mask = 0;
+ if (ptr->reserved > 0)
+ mask |= (1UL << 0);
+ if (ptr->global > 0)
+ mask |= (1UL << 1);
+ if (ptr->forwardable > 0)
+ mask |= (1UL << 2);
+ if (ptr->destination > 0)
+ mask |= (1UL << 3);
+ if (ptr->source > 0)
+ mask |= (1UL << 4);
+ fv_res = fvalue_new(FT_UINT32);
+ fvalue_set_uinteger(fv_res, mask);
+ df_cell_append(retval, fv_res);
+ }
+ return !df_cell_is_empty(retval);
+static bool
+ip_is_link_local(fvalue_t *fv)
+ switch (fvalue_type_ftenum(fv)) {
+ case FT_IPv4:
+ return in4_addr_is_link_local(fvalue_get_ipv4(fv)->addr);
+ case FT_IPv6:
+ return in6_addr_is_linklocal(&fvalue_get_ipv6(fv)->addr);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ws_assert_not_reached();
+static bool
+ip_is_multicast(fvalue_t *fv)
+ switch (fvalue_type_ftenum(fv)) {
+ case FT_IPv4:
+ return in4_addr_is_multicast(fvalue_get_ipv4(fv)->addr);
+ case FT_IPv6:
+ return in6_addr_is_multicast(&fvalue_get_ipv6(fv)->addr);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ws_assert_not_reached();
+static bool
+ipv4_is_rfc1918(fvalue_t *fv)
+ switch (fvalue_type_ftenum(fv)) {
+ case FT_IPv4:
+ return in4_addr_is_private(fvalue_get_ipv4(fv)->addr);
+ case FT_IPv6:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ws_assert_not_reached();
+static bool
+ipv6_is_ula(fvalue_t *fv)
+ switch (fvalue_type_ftenum(fv)) {
+ case FT_IPv4:
+ return false;
+ case FT_IPv6:
+ return in6_addr_is_uniquelocal(&fvalue_get_ipv6(fv)->addr);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ws_assert_not_reached();
+static bool
+df_func_ip_is_any(GSList *stack, uint32_t arg_count _U_, df_cell_t *retval, ip_is_func_t is_func)
+ GPtrArray *arg;
+ fvalue_t *fv_res;
+ ws_assert(arg_count == 1);
+ arg = stack->data;
+ if (arg == NULL)
+ return false;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < arg->len; i++) {
+ fv_res = fvalue_new(FT_BOOLEAN);
+ fvalue_set_uinteger64(fv_res, is_func(arg->pdata[i]));
+ df_cell_append(retval, fv_res);
+ }
+ return !df_cell_is_empty(retval);
+static bool
+df_func_ip_is_link_local(GSList *stack, uint32_t arg_count _U_, df_cell_t *retval)
+ return df_func_ip_is_any(stack, arg_count, retval, ip_is_link_local);
+static bool
+df_func_ip_is_multicast(GSList *stack, uint32_t arg_count _U_, df_cell_t *retval)
+ return df_func_ip_is_any(stack, arg_count, retval, ip_is_multicast);
+static bool
+df_func_ip_is_rfc1918(GSList *stack, uint32_t arg_count _U_, df_cell_t *retval)
+ return df_func_ip_is_any(stack, arg_count, retval, ipv4_is_rfc1918);
+static bool
+df_func_ip_is_ula(GSList *stack, uint32_t arg_count _U_, df_cell_t *retval)
+ return df_func_ip_is_any(stack, arg_count, retval, ipv6_is_ula);
+#define IPv4 1
+#define IPv6 2
+#define Both 3
+static bool
+check_which(ftenum_t ftype, int which)
+ switch (which) {
+ case IPv4: return ftype == FT_IPv4;
+ case IPv6: return ftype == FT_IPv6;
+ case Both: return ftype == FT_IPv4 || ftype == FT_IPv6;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ws_assert_not_reached();
+static const char *
+print_which(int which)
+ switch (which) {
+ case IPv4: return "IPv4";
+ case IPv6: return "IPv6";
+ case Both: return "IPv4/IPv6";
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ws_assert_not_reached();
+static void
+check_ip_field(dfwork_t *dfw, const char *func_name, ftenum_t logical_ftype,
+ GSList *param_list, df_loc_t func_loc, int which)
+ ws_assert(g_slist_length(param_list) == 1);
+ stnode_t *param = param_list->data;
+ ftenum_t ftype;
+ if (stnode_type_id(param) == STTYPE_FIELD) {
+ ftype = df_semcheck_param(dfw, func_name, logical_ftype, param, func_loc);
+ if (check_which(ftype, which)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ dfunc_fail(dfw, param, "Only %s fields can be used as parameter for %s()",
+ print_which(which), func_name);
+static ftenum_t
+semcheck_ip_special_name(dfwork_t *dfw, const char *func_name, ftenum_t logical_ftype,
+ GSList *param_list, df_loc_t func_loc)
+ check_ip_field(dfw, func_name, logical_ftype, param_list, func_loc, Both);
+ return FT_STRING;
+static ftenum_t
+semcheck_ip_special_mask(dfwork_t *dfw, const char *func_name, ftenum_t logical_ftype,
+ GSList *param_list, df_loc_t func_loc)
+ check_ip_field(dfw, func_name, logical_ftype, param_list, func_loc, Both);
+ return FT_UINT32;
+static ftenum_t
+semcheck_is_ip_field(dfwork_t *dfw, const char *func_name, ftenum_t logical_ftype,
+ GSList *param_list, df_loc_t func_loc)
+ check_ip_field(dfw, func_name, logical_ftype, param_list, func_loc, Both);
+ return FT_BOOLEAN;
+static df_func_def_t func_ip_special_name = {
+ "ip_special_name",
+ df_func_ip_special_name,
+ 1, 1,
+ semcheck_ip_special_name,
+static df_func_def_t func_ip_special_mask = {
+ "ip_special_mask",
+ df_func_ip_special_mask,
+ 1, 1,
+ FT_UINT32,
+ semcheck_ip_special_mask,
+static df_func_def_t func_ip_is_link_local = {
+ "ip_linklocal",
+ df_func_ip_is_link_local,
+ 1, 1,
+ semcheck_is_ip_field,
+static df_func_def_t func_ip_is_multicast = {
+ "ip_multicast",
+ df_func_ip_is_multicast,
+ 1, 1,
+ semcheck_is_ip_field,
+static df_func_def_t func_ip_is_rfc1918 = {
+ "ip_rfc1918",
+ df_func_ip_is_rfc1918,
+ 1, 1,
+ semcheck_is_ip_field,
+static df_func_def_t func_ip_is_ula = {
+ "ip_ula",
+ df_func_ip_is_ula,
+ 1, 1,
+ semcheck_is_ip_field,
+static void
+ df_func_register(&func_ip_special_name);
+ df_func_register(&func_ip_special_mask);
+ df_func_register(&func_ip_is_link_local);
+ df_func_register(&func_ip_is_multicast);
+ df_func_register(&func_ip_is_rfc1918);
+ df_func_register(&func_ip_is_ula);
+static void
+ df_func_deregister(&func_ip_special_name);
+ df_func_deregister(&func_ip_special_mask);
+ df_func_deregister(&func_ip_is_link_local);
+ df_func_deregister(&func_ip_is_multicast);
+ df_func_deregister(&func_ip_is_rfc1918);
+ df_func_deregister(&func_ip_is_ula);
+static void
+ static dfilter_plugin plug;
+ plug.init = init;
+ plug.cleanup = cleanup;
+ dfilter_plugins_register(&plug);
+static struct ws_module module = {
+ .version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
+ .spdx_id = WS_PLUGIN_SPDX_GPLv2,
+ .home_url = WS_PLUGIN_GITLAB_URL,
+ .blurb = "Display filter functions to test IP addresses",
+ .register_cb = &plugin_register,
diff --git a/plugins/epan/ethercat/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/ethercat/CMakeLists.txt
index 3211c28742..3c38643733 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/ethercat/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/ethercat/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -35,10 +35,11 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "EtherCAT (Ethernet for Control Automation Technology) dissection"
-add_plugin_library(ethercat epan)
target_link_libraries(ethercat epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ams.c b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ams.c
index 2c9a7f7b9f..4372648b62 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ams.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ams.c
@@ -24,96 +24,98 @@ void proto_reg_handoff_ams(void);
#define AMS_TCP_PORT 48898 /* Not IANA registered */
/* Define the ams proto */
-int proto_ams = -1;
+int proto_ams;
+static dissector_handle_t amstcp_handle;
/* Define the tree for ams */
-static int ett_ams = -1;
-static int ett_ams_stateflags = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsreadrequest = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsreadresponse = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adswriterequest = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adswriteresponse = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsreadwriterequest = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsreadwriteresponse = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsreadstaterequest = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsreadstateresponse = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adswritectrlrequest = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adswritectrlresponse = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsreaddinforequest = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsreaddinforesponse = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsadddnrequest = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsadddnresponse = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsdeldnrequest = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsdeldnresponse = -1;
-static int ett_ams_adsdnrequest = -1;
-static int hf_ams_sendernetid = -1;
-static int hf_ams_senderport = -1;
-static int hf_ams_targetnetid = -1;
-static int hf_ams_targetport = -1;
-static int hf_ams_cmdid = -1;
-static int hf_ams_stateflags = -1;
-static int hf_ams_stateresponse = -1;
-static int hf_ams_statenoreturn = -1;
-static int hf_ams_stateadscmd = -1;
-static int hf_ams_statesyscmd = -1;
-static int hf_ams_statehighprio = -1;
-static int hf_ams_statetimestampadded = -1;
-static int hf_ams_stateudp = -1;
-static int hf_ams_stateinitcmd = -1;
-static int hf_ams_statebroadcast = -1;
-static int hf_ams_cbdata = -1;
-static int hf_ams_errorcode = -1;
-static int hf_ams_invokeid = -1;
-static int hf_ams_data = -1;
+static int ett_ams;
+static int ett_ams_stateflags;
+static int ett_ams_adsreadrequest;
+static int ett_ams_adsreadresponse;
+static int ett_ams_adswriterequest;
+static int ett_ams_adswriteresponse;
+static int ett_ams_adsreadwriterequest;
+static int ett_ams_adsreadwriteresponse;
+static int ett_ams_adsreadstaterequest;
+static int ett_ams_adsreadstateresponse;
+static int ett_ams_adswritectrlrequest;
+static int ett_ams_adswritectrlresponse;
+static int ett_ams_adsreaddinforequest;
+static int ett_ams_adsreaddinforesponse;
+static int ett_ams_adsadddnrequest;
+static int ett_ams_adsadddnresponse;
+static int ett_ams_adsdeldnrequest;
+static int ett_ams_adsdeldnresponse;
+static int ett_ams_adsdnrequest;
+static int hf_ams_sendernetid;
+static int hf_ams_senderport;
+static int hf_ams_targetnetid;
+static int hf_ams_targetport;
+static int hf_ams_cmdid;
+static int hf_ams_stateflags;
+static int hf_ams_stateresponse;
+static int hf_ams_statenoreturn;
+static int hf_ams_stateadscmd;
+static int hf_ams_statesyscmd;
+static int hf_ams_statehighprio;
+static int hf_ams_statetimestampadded;
+static int hf_ams_stateudp;
+static int hf_ams_stateinitcmd;
+static int hf_ams_statebroadcast;
+static int hf_ams_cbdata;
+static int hf_ams_errorcode;
+static int hf_ams_invokeid;
+static int hf_ams_data;
/*ads Commands */
-static int hf_ams_adsindexgroup = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsindexoffset = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adscblength = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsreadrequest = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsreadresponse = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsinvokeid = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsresult = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsdata = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adswriterequest = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adswriteresponse = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsreadwriterequest = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsreadwriteresponse = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adscbreadlength = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adscbwritelength = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsstate = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsdevicestate = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsnotificationhandle = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsreadstaterequest = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsreadstateresponse = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adswritectrlrequest = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adswritectrlresponse = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsreaddinforequest = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsreaddinforesponse = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsadddnrequest = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsadddnresponse = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsdeldnrequest = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsdeldnresponse = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsdnrequest = -1;
-/* static int hf_ams_adsdnresponse = -1; */
-/* static int hf_ams_adsnoteattrib = -1; */
-/* static int hf_ams_adsnoteblocks = -1; */
-/* static int hf_ams_adsversion = -1; */
-static int hf_ams_adsdevicename = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsversionversion = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsversionrevision = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsversionbuild = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsnoteblocksstamps = -1;
-/* static int hf_ams_adsnoteblocksstamp = -1; */
-/* static int hf_ams_adstimestamp = -1; */
-/* static int hf_ams_adssamplecnt = -1; */
-/* static int hf_ams_adsnoteblockssample = -1; */
-static int hf_ams_adstransmode = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adsmaxdelay = -1;
-static int hf_ams_adscycletime = -1;
-/* static int hf_ams_adscmpmax = -1; */
-/* static int hf_ams_adscmpmin = -1; */
+static int hf_ams_adsindexgroup;
+static int hf_ams_adsindexoffset;
+static int hf_ams_adscblength;
+static int hf_ams_adsreadrequest;
+static int hf_ams_adsreadresponse;
+static int hf_ams_adsinvokeid;
+static int hf_ams_adsresult;
+static int hf_ams_adsdata;
+static int hf_ams_adswriterequest;
+static int hf_ams_adswriteresponse;
+static int hf_ams_adsreadwriterequest;
+static int hf_ams_adsreadwriteresponse;
+static int hf_ams_adscbreadlength;
+static int hf_ams_adscbwritelength;
+static int hf_ams_adsstate;
+static int hf_ams_adsdevicestate;
+static int hf_ams_adsnotificationhandle;
+static int hf_ams_adsreadstaterequest;
+static int hf_ams_adsreadstateresponse;
+static int hf_ams_adswritectrlrequest;
+static int hf_ams_adswritectrlresponse;
+static int hf_ams_adsreaddinforequest;
+static int hf_ams_adsreaddinforesponse;
+static int hf_ams_adsadddnrequest;
+static int hf_ams_adsadddnresponse;
+static int hf_ams_adsdeldnrequest;
+static int hf_ams_adsdeldnresponse;
+static int hf_ams_adsdnrequest;
+/* static int hf_ams_adsdnresponse; */
+/* static int hf_ams_adsnoteattrib; */
+/* static int hf_ams_adsnoteblocks; */
+/* static int hf_ams_adsversion; */
+static int hf_ams_adsdevicename;
+static int hf_ams_adsversionversion;
+static int hf_ams_adsversionrevision;
+static int hf_ams_adsversionbuild;
+static int hf_ams_adsnoteblocksstamps;
+/* static int hf_ams_adsnoteblocksstamp; */
+/* static int hf_ams_adstimestamp; */
+/* static int hf_ams_adssamplecnt; */
+/* static int hf_ams_adsnoteblockssample; */
+static int hf_ams_adstransmode;
+static int hf_ams_adsmaxdelay;
+static int hf_ams_adscycletime;
+/* static int hf_ams_adscmpmax; */
+/* static int hf_ams_adscmpmin; */
static dissector_handle_t ams_handle;
@@ -372,7 +374,7 @@ static const value_string AMS_CommandId_vals[] =
static void NetIdFormater(tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, char *szText, gint nMax)
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d", tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset),
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d", tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset),
tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+1),
tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+2),
tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+3),
@@ -1218,15 +1220,13 @@ void proto_register_ams(void)
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
ams_handle = register_dissector("ams", dissect_ams, proto_ams);
+ amstcp_handle = register_dissector("ams.tcp", dissect_amstcp, proto_ams );
/* The registration hand-off routing */
void proto_reg_handoff_ams(void)
- dissector_handle_t amstcp_handle;
- amstcp_handle = create_dissector_handle( dissect_amstcp, proto_ams );
dissector_add_uint_with_preference("tcp.port", AMS_TCP_PORT, amstcp_handle);
dissector_add_uint("ecatf.type", 2, ams_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ecatmb.c b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ecatmb.c
index 8192d3e523..183734b059 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ecatmb.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ecatmb.c
@@ -32,163 +32,163 @@ static dissector_handle_t ams_handle;
static dissector_handle_t ecat_mailbox_handle;
/* Define the EtherCAT mailbox proto */
-int proto_ecat_mailbox = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filter = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filtermask = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_coe = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_sdo = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccs = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscs = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_foe = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_soeflag = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_soe = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_fraghead = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mailbox_header = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailboxlength = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailboxaddress = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailboxpriority = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailboxtype = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailboxcounter = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_fraghead = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_type = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_fragno = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_frame = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_last = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_timestampreq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_timestampapp = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_fragment = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_macaddr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_ipaddr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_subnetmask = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_defaultgateway = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_dnsserver = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_dnsname = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_append_timestamp = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_macaddr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_ipaddr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_subnetmask = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_defaultgateway = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_dnsserver = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_dnsname = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_macfiltercount = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_maskcount = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_nobroadcasts = -1;
+int proto_ecat_mailbox;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filter;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filtermask;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_coe;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_sdo;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccs;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscs;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_foe;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_soeflag;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_soe;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_fraghead;
+static int ett_ecat_mailbox_header;
+static int hf_ecat_mailboxlength;
+static int hf_ecat_mailboxaddress;
+static int hf_ecat_mailboxpriority;
+static int hf_ecat_mailboxtype;
+static int hf_ecat_mailboxcounter;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_fraghead;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_type;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_fragno;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_offset;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_frame;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_last;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_timestampreq;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_timestampapp;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_fragment;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_macaddr;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_ipaddr;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_subnetmask;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_defaultgateway;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_dnsserver;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_contains_dnsname;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_append_timestamp;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_macaddr;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_ipaddr;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_subnetmask;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_defaultgateway;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_dnsserver;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_init_dnsname;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_macfiltercount;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_maskcount;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_nobroadcasts;
static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filter;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filters[16] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filtermask = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filtermasks[4] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_timestamp = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_number = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_type = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoreq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_sizeind = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_expedited = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_size0= -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_size1= -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_complete = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsds = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsds_lastseg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsds_size = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsds_toggle = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsus = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsus_toggle = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsiu = -1;
-/* static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsiu_complete = -1; */
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoidx = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoabortcode = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdosub = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdodata = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdodata1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdodata2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoldata = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdolength = -1;
-/* static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoerror = -1; */
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdores = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsds = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsds_toggle = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_sizeind = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_expedited = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_size0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_size1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_complete = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsus = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsus_lastseg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsus_bytes = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsus_toggle = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoopcode = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfofrag = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfolisttype = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfolist = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoindex = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfosubindex = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfovalueinfo = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoerrorcode = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfodatatype = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfomaxsub = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoobjcode = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoname = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfobitlen = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoobjaccess = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfounittype = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfodefaultvalue = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfominvalue = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfomaxvalue = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailboxdata = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_opmode = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_filelength = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_filename = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_packetno = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_errcode = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_errtext = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_busydone = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_busyentire = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_data = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_cmd = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_size = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_addresslw = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_addresshw = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_data = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_opcode = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_incomplete = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_error = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_driveno = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_datastate = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_name = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_attribute = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_unit = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_min = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_max = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_value = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_idn = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_data = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_frag = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_error = -1;
-static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_error = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_coe_error = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_eoe_error = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_soe_error = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_foe_error = EI_INIT;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filters[16];
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filtermask;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_macfilter_filtermasks[4];
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_eoe_timestamp;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_number;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_type;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoreq;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_sizeind;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_expedited;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_size0;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_size1;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsid_complete;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsds;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsds_lastseg;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsds_size;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsds_toggle;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsus;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsus_toggle;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsiu;
+/* static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoccsiu_complete; */
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoidx;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoabortcode;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdosub;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdodata;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdodata1;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdodata2;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoldata;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdolength;
+/* static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoerror; */
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdores;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsds;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsds_toggle;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_sizeind;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_expedited;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_size0;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_size1;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsiu_complete;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsus;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsus_lastseg;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsus_bytes;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoscsus_toggle;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoopcode;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfofrag;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfolisttype;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfolist;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoindex;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfosubindex;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfovalueinfo;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoerrorcode;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfodatatype;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfomaxsub;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoobjcode;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoname;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfobitlen;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfoobjaccess;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfounittype;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfodefaultvalue;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfominvalue;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_coe_sdoinfomaxvalue;
+static int hf_ecat_mailboxdata;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_opmode;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_filelength;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_filename;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_packetno;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_errcode;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_errtext;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_busydone;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_busyentire;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_data;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_cmd;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_size;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_addresslw;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_addresshw;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_efw_data;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_opcode;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_incomplete;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_error;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_driveno;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_datastate;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_name;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_attribute;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_unit;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_min;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_max;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_value;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_header_reserved;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_idn;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_data;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_frag;
+static int hf_ecat_mailbox_soe_error;
+static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_error;
+static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_coe_error;
+static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_eoe_error;
+static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_soe_error;
+static expert_field ei_ecat_mailbox_foe_error;
static const value_string EcMBoxType[] =
@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ static const value_string CANopenType[] =
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -338,30 +339,29 @@ static void CANopenSdoReqFormatter(PETHERCAT_SDO_HEADER pSdo, char *szText, gint
switch ( pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs )
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Initiate Download' (%d) Idx=0x%x Sub=%d", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs, pSdo->Index, pSdo->SubIndex);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Initiate Download' (%d) Idx=0x%x Sub=%d", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs, pSdo->Index, pSdo->SubIndex);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Initiate Upload' (%d) Idx=0x%x Sub=%d", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs, pSdo->Index, pSdo->SubIndex);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Initiate Upload' (%d) Idx=0x%x Sub=%d", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs, pSdo->Index, pSdo->SubIndex);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Download Segment' (%d)", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Download Segment' (%d)", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Upload Segment' (%d)", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Upload Segment' (%d)", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Abort Transfer' (%d)", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : 'Abort Transfer' (%d)", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : Ccs %d", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SDO Req : Ccs %d", pSdo->anSdoHeaderUnion.Idq.Ccs);
-static void FoeFormatter(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, char *szText, gint nMax, guint foe_length)
+static void FoeFormatter(tvbuff_t *tvb, wmem_allocator_t *scope, gint offset, char *szText, gint nMax, guint foe_length)
- char tmp[50];
- memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ char *tmp = NULL;
init_foe_header(&foe, tvb, offset);
@@ -370,45 +370,46 @@ static void FoeFormatter(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, char *szText, gint nMax, gu
- if ( foe_length > ETHERCAT_FOE_HEADER_LEN )
- tvb_memcpy(tvb, tmp, offset+ETHERCAT_FOE_HEADER_LEN, MIN(foe_length-ETHERCAT_FOE_HEADER_LEN, sizeof(tmp)-1));
+ if ( foe_length > ETHERCAT_FOE_HEADER_LEN ) {
+ tmp = tvb_get_string_enc(scope, tvb, offset+ETHERCAT_FOE_HEADER_LEN, MIN(foe_length-ETHERCAT_FOE_HEADER_LEN, 49), ENC_ASCII);
+ }
switch ( foe.OpMode )
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE RRQ (%d) : '%s'", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.FileLength, tmp);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE RRQ (%d) : '%s'", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.FileLength, tmp ? tmp : "");
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE WRQ (%d) : '%s'", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.FileLength, tmp);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE WRQ (%d) : '%s'", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.FileLength, tmp ? tmp : "");
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE DATA (%d) : %d Bytes", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v.PacketNo, foe_length-ETHERCAT_FOE_HEADER_LEN);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE DATA (%d) : %d Bytes", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v.PacketNo, foe_length-ETHERCAT_FOE_HEADER_LEN);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE ACK (%d)", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v.PacketNo);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE ACK (%d)", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v.PacketNo);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE ERR (%d) : '%s'", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.ErrorCode, tmp);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE ERR (%d) : '%s'", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.ErrorCode, tmp ? tmp : "");
if ( foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v2.Entire > 0 )
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE BUSY (%d%%)", ((guint32)foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v2.Done*100)/foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v2.Entire);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE BUSY (%d%%)", ((guint32)foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v2.Done*100)/foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v2.Entire);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE BUSY (%d/%d)", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v2.Done, foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v2.Entire);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE BUSY (%d/%d)", foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v2.Done, foe.aFoeHeaderDataUnion.v2.Entire);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE Unknown");
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "FoE Unknown");
static void SoEIdToString( char* txt, guint16 id, int nMax)
if ( id & 0x8000 )
- g_snprintf(txt, nMax, "P-%d-%04d", (id>>12) & 0x0007, id & 0x0FFF );
+ snprintf(txt, nMax, "P-%d-%04d", (id>>12) & 0x0007, id & 0x0FFF );
- g_snprintf(txt, nMax, "S-%d-%04d", id>>12, id & 0x0FFF );
+ snprintf(txt, nMax, "S-%d-%04d", id>>12, id & 0x0FFF );
static void SoeFormatter(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, char *szText, gint nMax, guint soe_length)
@@ -444,32 +445,32 @@ static void SoeFormatter(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, char *szText, gint nMax, gu
switch ( soe.anSoeHeaderControlUnion.v.OpCode )
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: RRQ (%s, '%s')", tmp, elm);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: RRQ (%s, '%s')", tmp, elm);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: RRS (%s, '%s') : %u Bytes", tmp, elm, (guint)(soe_length-ETHERCAT_SOE_HEADER_LEN));
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: RRS (%s, '%s') : %u Bytes", tmp, elm, (guint)(soe_length-ETHERCAT_SOE_HEADER_LEN));
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: WRS (%s, '%s')", tmp, elm);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: WRS (%s, '%s')", tmp, elm);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: WRQ (%s, '%s') : %u Bytes", tmp, elm, (guint)(soe_length-ETHERCAT_SOE_HEADER_LEN));
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: WRQ (%s, '%s') : %u Bytes", tmp, elm, (guint)(soe_length-ETHERCAT_SOE_HEADER_LEN));
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: NFC (%s, '%s') : %u Bytes", tmp, elm, (guint)(soe_length-ETHERCAT_SOE_HEADER_LEN));
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: NFC (%s, '%s') : %u Bytes", tmp, elm, (guint)(soe_length-ETHERCAT_SOE_HEADER_LEN));
case 6:
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: EMGCY");
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: EMGCY");
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE:");
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE:");
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: FragmentsLeft %d", soe.anSoeHeaderDataUnion.FragmentsLeft);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: FragmentsLeft %d", soe.anSoeHeaderDataUnion.FragmentsLeft);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: Error %04x", tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset));
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "SoE: Error %04x", tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset));
/* ethercat mailbox */
@@ -1097,7 +1098,7 @@ static void dissect_ecat_foe(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, packet_info *pinfo, pro
if( foe_length >= ETHERCAT_FOE_HEADER_LEN )
- FoeFormatter(tvb, offset, szText, nMax, foe_length);
+ FoeFormatter(tvb, pinfo->pool, offset, szText, nMax, foe_length);
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, szText);
if( tree )
@@ -1790,7 +1791,7 @@ void proto_register_ecat_mailbox(void)
FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(FoEOpMode), 0x0, "Op modes", HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_filelength,
- { "Foe FileLength" , "ecat_mailbox.foe_filelength",
+ { "Foe FileLength", "ecat_mailbox.foe_filelength",
{ &hf_ecat_mailbox_foe_filename,
diff --git a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-esl.c b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-esl.c
index 9b8ca0bd9b..b0d197efb6 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-esl.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-esl.c
@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ static dissector_handle_t eth_withoutfcs_handle;
void proto_reg_handoff_esl(void);
/* Define the esl proto */
-int proto_esl = -1;
+int proto_esl;
-static int ett_esl = -1;
+static int ett_esl;
-static int hf_esl_timestamp = -1;
-static int hf_esl_port = -1;
-static int hf_esl_crcerror = -1;
-static int hf_esl_alignerror = -1;
+static int hf_esl_timestamp;
+static int hf_esl_port;
+static int hf_esl_crcerror;
+static int hf_esl_alignerror;
/* Note: using external tfs strings apparently doesn't work in a plugin */
static const true_false_string flags_yes_no = {
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ static void modify_times(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, packet_info *pinfo)
nstime_delta(&ts_delta, &ts, &pinfo->abs_ts);
pinfo->abs_ts = ts;
+ pinfo->fd->abs_ts = ts;
nstime_add(&pinfo->rel_ts, &ts_delta);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ethercat-datagram.c b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ethercat-datagram.c
index 09ae5faa0b..e1d98d1095 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ethercat-datagram.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ethercat-datagram.c
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ *
+ * https://download.beckhoff.com/download/document/io/ethercat-development-products/ethercat_esc_datasheet_sec1_technology_2i3.pdf
/* Include files */
@@ -23,421 +25,422 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_ecat(void);
static heur_dissector_list_t heur_subdissector_list;
+static dissector_handle_t ecat_handle;
static dissector_handle_t ecat_mailbox_handle;
/* Define the EtherCAT proto */
-static int proto_ecat_datagram = -1;
+static int proto_ecat_datagram;
/* Define the tree for EtherCAT */
-static int ett_ecat = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_header = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_dc = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_length = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_padding = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_datagram_subtree = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_esc_features = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_dlctrl1 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_dlctrl2 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_dlctrl3 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_dlctrl4 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_dlstatus1 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_dlstatus2 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_alctrl = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_alstatus = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_pdictrl1 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_pdictrl2 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_ecat_mask = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_pdiL = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_ecat = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_pdi1 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_crc0 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_crc1 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_crc2 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_crc3 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_wd_status = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_ctrlstat = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mio_addr = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mio_access = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mio_status0 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mio_status1 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mio_status2 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_mio_status3 = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_fmmu = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_syncman = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_syncman_ctrlstatus = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_syncman_sm_enable = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_dc_activation = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_dc_activationstat = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_dc_sync0_status = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_dc_sync1_status = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_dc_latch0_ctrl = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_dc_latch1_ctrl = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_dc_latch0_status = -1;
-static int ett_ecat_dc_latch1_status = -1;
+static int ett_ecat;
+static int ett_ecat_header;
+static int ett_ecat_dc;
+static int ett_ecat_length;
+static int ett_ecat_padding;
+static int ett_ecat_datagram_subtree;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_esc_features;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_dlctrl1;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_dlctrl2;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_dlctrl3;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_dlctrl4;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_dlstatus1;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_dlstatus2;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_alctrl;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_alstatus;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_pdictrl1;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_pdictrl2;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_ecat_mask;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_pdiL;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_ecat;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_pdi1;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_crc0;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_crc1;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_crc2;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_crc3;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_wd_status;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_ctrlstat;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat;
+static int ett_ecat_mio_addr;
+static int ett_ecat_mio_access;
+static int ett_ecat_mio_status0;
+static int ett_ecat_mio_status1;
+static int ett_ecat_mio_status2;
+static int ett_ecat_mio_status3;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_fmmu;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_syncman;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_syncman_ctrlstatus;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_syncman_sm_enable;
+static int ett_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl;
+static int ett_ecat_dc_activation;
+static int ett_ecat_dc_activationstat;
+static int ett_ecat_dc_sync0_status;
+static int ett_ecat_dc_sync1_status;
+static int ett_ecat_dc_latch0_ctrl;
+static int ett_ecat_dc_latch1_ctrl;
+static int ett_ecat_dc_latch0_status;
+static int ett_ecat_dc_latch1_status;
static int hf_ecat_sub;
-static int hf_ecat_sub_data[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_cmd[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_idx[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_cnt[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_ado[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_adp[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_lad[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-/* static int hf_ecat_header = -1; */
-static int hf_ecat_data = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_cnt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_cmd = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_idx = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_adp = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_ado = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_lad = -1;
-/* static int hf_ecat_len = -1; */
-static int hf_ecat_int = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_da[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_bd[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_cb[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_cd[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_ba[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_ca[10] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_da = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_bd = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_cb = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_cd = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_ba = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_ca = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_length_len = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_length_r = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_length_c = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_length_m = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_padding = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_revision = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_type = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_build = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_fmmucnt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_smcnt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_ports = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_dpram = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_fmmurestrict = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_smaddrrestrict = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_dcsupport = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_dc64support = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_ebuslowjitter = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_ebusextlinkdetect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_miiextlinkdetect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_crcext = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_physaddr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_physaddr2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_killnonecat = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_port0extlinkdetect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_port1extlinkdetect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_port2extlinkdetect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_port3extlinkdetect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2_port0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2_port1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2_port2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2_port3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl3_fifosize = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl3_lowebusjit = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl4 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl4_2ndaddress = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_operation = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_pdiwatchdog = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_enhlinkdetect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_physlink_port0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_physlink_port1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_physlink_port2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_physlink_port3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2_port0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2_port1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2_port2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2_port3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_regprotect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_accessprotect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_resetecat = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_resetpdi = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_regphysrwoffs = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_alctrl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_alctrl_ctrl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_alctrl_errack = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_alctrl_id = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatus = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatus_status = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatus_err = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatus_id = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl1_pdi = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_devemul = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_dcsyncout = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_dcsyncin = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatuscode = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_latchevt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_escstatevt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_alstatevt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm0irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm1irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm2irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm3irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm4irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm5irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm6irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm7irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_alctrl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_latchin = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sync0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sync1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_smchg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_eepromcmdpen = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm4 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm5 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm6 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm7 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiH = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_latchevt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_escstatevt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_alstatevt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm0irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm1irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm2irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm3irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm4irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm5irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm6irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm7irq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_alctrl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_latchin = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sync0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sync1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_smchg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_eepromcmdpen = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm4 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm5 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm6 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm7 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc0_frame = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc0_rx = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc1_frame = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc1_rx = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc2_frame = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc2_rx = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc3_frame = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc3_rx = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc_fwd0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc_fwd1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc_fwd2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_crc_fwd3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_processuniterr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_pdierr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_linklost0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_linklost1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_linklost2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_linklost3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_divisor = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_timepdi = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_timesm = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_status = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_status_pdwatchdog = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_cntsm = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_cntpdi = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign_ctrl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign_pdiaccess = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign_status = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_wraccess = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_eepromemul = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_8bacc = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_2bacc = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_rdacc = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_wracc = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_reloadacc = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_crcerr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_lderr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_cmderr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_wrerr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_busy = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_addrl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_addrh = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_data0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_data1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_data2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_data3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_wracc1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_offsphy = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_rdacc = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_wracc2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_wrerr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_busy = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_addr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_addr_phyaddr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_addr_mioaddr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_data = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_access = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_access_ecatacc = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_access_pdiacc = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_access_forcereset = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_physlink = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_link = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_linkstatuserr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_readerr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_linkpartnererr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_phycfgupdated = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_physlink = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_link = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_linkstatuserr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_readerr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_linkpartnererr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_phycfgupdated = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_physlink = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_link = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_linkstatuserr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_readerr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_linkpartnererr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_phycfgupdated = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_physlink = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_link = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_linkstatuserr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_readerr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_linkpartnererr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_phycfgupdated = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_lstart = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_llen = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_lstartbit = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_lendbit = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_pstart = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_pstartbit = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_type = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_typeread = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_typewrite = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_activate = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_activate0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_ctrlstatus = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_pmode = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_access = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_irq_ecat = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_irq_pdi = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_wdt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_irq_write = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_irq_read = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_1bufstate = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_3bufstate = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_sm_enable = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_enable = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_repeatreq = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_latchsmchg_ecat = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_latchsmchg_pdi = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_deactivate = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_repeatack = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_start = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_len = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recv0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recv1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recv2 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recv3 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systime = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeL = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeH = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recvtime64 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeoffs = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeoffsl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeoffsh = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimedelay = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_ctrlerr = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_speedstart = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_speeddiff = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_fltdepth_systimediff = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_fltdepth_speedcnt = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl_access_cyclic = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl_access_latch0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl_access_latch1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_enablecyclic = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_gen_sync0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_gen_sync1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_autoactivation = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_stimeext = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_stimecheck = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_hlfrange = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_dblrange = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycimpuls = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activationstat = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activationstat_sync0pend = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activationstat_sync1pend = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activationstat_stimeoutofrange = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_sync0_status = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_sync0_status_triggered = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_sync1_status = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_sync1_status_triggered = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_starttime0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_starttime1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cyctime0 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cyctime1 = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_ctrl_pos = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_ctrl_neg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_ctrl_pos = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_ctrl_neg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_status_eventpos = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_status_eventneg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_status_pinstate = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_status_eventpos = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_status_eventneg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_status_pinstate = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_ctrl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_ctrl = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_status = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_status = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_pos = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_neg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_pos = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_neg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_rcvsyncmanchg = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_pdismstart = -1;
-static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_pdismchg = -1;
+static int hf_ecat_sub_data[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_cmd[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_idx[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_cnt[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_ado[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_adp[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_lad[10];
+/* static int hf_ecat_header; */
+static int hf_ecat_data;
+static int hf_ecat_cnt;
+static int hf_ecat_cmd;
+static int hf_ecat_idx;
+static int hf_ecat_adp;
+static int hf_ecat_ado;
+static int hf_ecat_lad;
+/* static int hf_ecat_len; */
+static int hf_ecat_int;
+static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_da[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_bd[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_cb[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_cd[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_ba[10];
+static int hf_ecat_sub_dc_diff_ca[10];
+static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_da;
+static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_bd;
+static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_cb;
+static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_cd;
+static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_ba;
+static int hf_ecat_dc_diff_ca;
+static int hf_ecat_length_len;
+static int hf_ecat_length_r;
+static int hf_ecat_length_c;
+static int hf_ecat_length_m;
+static int hf_ecat_padding;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_revision;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_type;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_build;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_fmmucnt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_smcnt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_ports;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_dpram;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_fmmurestrict;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_smaddrrestrict;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_dcsupport;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_dc64support;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_ebuslowjitter;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_ebusextlinkdetect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_miiextlinkdetect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_esc_features_crcext;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_physaddr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_physaddr2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_killnonecat;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_port0extlinkdetect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_port1extlinkdetect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_port2extlinkdetect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl1_port3extlinkdetect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2_port0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2_port1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2_port2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl2_port3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl3_fifosize;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl3_lowebusjit;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl4;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlctrl4_2ndaddress;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_operation;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_pdiwatchdog;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_enhlinkdetect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_physlink_port0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_physlink_port1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_physlink_port2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus1_physlink_port3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2_port0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2_port1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2_port2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dlstatus2_port3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_regprotect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_accessprotect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_resetecat;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_resetpdi;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_regphysrwoffs;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_alctrl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_alctrl_ctrl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_alctrl_errack;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_alctrl_id;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatus;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatus_status;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatus_err;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatus_id;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl1_pdi;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_devemul;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_dcsyncout;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_dcsyncin;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdictrl2_enhlnkdetect3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_alstatuscode;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_latchevt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_escstatevt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_alstatevt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm0irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm1irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm2irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm3irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm4irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm5irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm6irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_mask_sm7irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_alctrl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_latchin;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sync0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sync1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_smchg;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_eepromcmdpen;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm4;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm5;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm6;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm7;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdiH;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_latchevt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_escstatevt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_alstatevt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm0irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm1irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm2irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm3irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm4irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm5irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm6irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ecat_sm7irq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_alctrl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_latchin;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sync0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sync1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_smchg;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_eepromcmdpen;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm4;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm5;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm6;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm7;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdi2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc0_frame;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc0_rx;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc1_frame;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc1_rx;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc2_frame;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc2_rx;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc3_frame;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc3_rx;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc_fwd0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc_fwd1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc_fwd2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_crc_fwd3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_processuniterr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_pdierr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_linklost0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_linklost1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_linklost2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_linklost3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_divisor;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_timepdi;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_timesm;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_status;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_status_pdwatchdog;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_cntsm;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_wd_cntpdi;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign_ctrl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign_pdiaccess;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_eeprom_assign_status;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_wraccess;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_eepromemul;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_8bacc;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_2bacc;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_rdacc;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_wracc;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_reloadacc;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_crcerr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_lderr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_cmderr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_wrerr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_busy;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_addrl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_addrh;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_data0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_data1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_data2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_data3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_wracc1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_offsphy;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_rdacc;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_wracc2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_wrerr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_busy;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_addr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_addr_phyaddr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_addr_mioaddr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_data;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_access;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_access_ecatacc;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_access_pdiacc;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_access_forcereset;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_physlink;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_link;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_linkstatuserr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_readerr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_linkpartnererr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status0_phycfgupdated;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_physlink;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_link;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_linkstatuserr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_readerr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_linkpartnererr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status1_phycfgupdated;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_physlink;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_link;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_linkstatuserr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_readerr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_linkpartnererr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status2_phycfgupdated;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_physlink;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_link;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_linkstatuserr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_readerr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_linkpartnererr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_mio_status3_phycfgupdated;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_lstart;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_llen;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_lstartbit;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_lendbit;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_pstart;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_pstartbit;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_type;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_typeread;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_typewrite;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_activate;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_fmmu_activate0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_ctrlstatus;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_pmode;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_access;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_irq_ecat;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_irq_pdi;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_wdt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_irq_write;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_irq_read;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_1bufstate;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_3bufstate;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_sm_enable;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_enable;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_repeatreq;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_latchsmchg_ecat;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_latchsmchg_pdi;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_deactivate;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_repeatack;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_start;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_syncman_len;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recv0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recv1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recv2;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recv3;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systime;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeL;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeH;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_recvtime64;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeoffs;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeoffsl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimeoffsh;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_systimedelay;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_ctrlerr;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_speedstart;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_speeddiff;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_fltdepth_systimediff;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_fltdepth_speedcnt;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl_access_cyclic;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl_access_latch0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycunitctrl_access_latch1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_enablecyclic;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_gen_sync0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_gen_sync1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_autoactivation;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_stimeext;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_stimecheck;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_hlfrange;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_dblrange;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cycimpuls;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activationstat;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activationstat_sync0pend;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activationstat_sync1pend;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_activationstat_stimeoutofrange;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_sync0_status;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_sync0_status_triggered;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_sync1_status;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_sync1_status_triggered;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_starttime0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_starttime1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cyctime0;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_cyctime1;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_ctrl_pos;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_ctrl_neg;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_ctrl_pos;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_ctrl_neg;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_status_eventpos;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_status_eventneg;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_status_pinstate;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_status_eventpos;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_status_eventneg;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_status_pinstate;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_ctrl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_ctrl;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_status;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_status;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_pos;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch0_neg;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_pos;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_latch1_neg;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_rcvsyncmanchg;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_pdismstart;
+static int hf_ecat_reg_dc_pdismchg;
static const value_string EcCmdShort[] =
@@ -1330,26 +1333,26 @@ static void EcSummaryFormater(guint32 datalength, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, ch
guint16 len = ecFirst.len&0x07ff;
guint16 cnt = get_wc(&ecFirst, tvb, offset);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "'%s': Len: %d, Adp 0x%x, Ado 0x%x, Wc %d ",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "'%s': Len: %d, Adp 0x%x, Ado 0x%x, Wc %d ",
convertEcCmdToText(ecFirst.cmd, EcCmdShort), len, ecFirst.anAddrUnion.a.adp, ecFirst.anAddrUnion.a.ado, cnt );
else if ( nSub == 2 )
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d Cmds, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d ",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d Cmds, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d ",
nSub, convertEcCmdToText(nCmds[0], EcCmdShort), nLens[0], convertEcCmdToText(nCmds[1], EcCmdShort), nLens[1]);
else if ( nSub == 3 )
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d Cmds, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d Cmds, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d",
nSub, convertEcCmdToText(nCmds[0], EcCmdShort), nLens[0], convertEcCmdToText(nCmds[1], EcCmdShort), nLens[1], convertEcCmdToText(nCmds[2], EcCmdShort), nLens[2]);
else if ( nSub == 4 )
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d Cmds, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d Cmds, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d, '%s': len %d",
nSub, convertEcCmdToText(nCmds[0], EcCmdShort), nLens[0], convertEcCmdToText(nCmds[1], EcCmdShort), nLens[1], convertEcCmdToText(nCmds[2], EcCmdShort), nLens[2], convertEcCmdToText(nCmds[3], EcCmdShort), nLens[3]);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d Cmds, SumLen %d, '%s'... ",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "%d Cmds, SumLen %d, '%s'... ",
nSub, nLen, convertEcCmdToText(ecFirst.cmd, EcCmdShort));
@@ -1359,9 +1362,9 @@ static void EcCmdFormatter(guint8 cmd, char *szText, gint nMax)
const gchar *szCmd = try_val_to_str_idx((guint32)cmd, EcCmdLong, &idx);
if ( idx != -1 )
- g_snprintf(szText, nMax, "Cmd : %d (%s)", cmd, szCmd);
+ snprintf(szText, nMax, "Cmd : %d (%s)", cmd, szCmd);
- g_snprintf(szText, nMax, "Cmd : %d (Unknown command)", cmd);
+ snprintf(szText, nMax, "Cmd : %d (Unknown command)", cmd);
@@ -1388,20 +1391,20 @@ static void EcSubFormatter(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, char *szText, gint nMax)
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "EtherCAT datagram: Cmd: '%s' (%d), Len: %d, Adp 0x%x, Ado 0x%x, Cnt %d",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "EtherCAT datagram: Cmd: '%s' (%d), Len: %d, Adp 0x%x, Ado 0x%x, Cnt %d",
convertEcCmdToText(ecParser.cmd, EcCmdShort), ecParser.cmd, len, ecParser.anAddrUnion.a.adp, ecParser.anAddrUnion.a.ado, cnt);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "EtherCAT datagram: Cmd: '%s' (%d), Len: %d, Addr 0x%x, Cnt %d",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "EtherCAT datagram: Cmd: '%s' (%d), Len: %d, Addr 0x%x, Cnt %d",
convertEcCmdToText(ecParser.cmd, EcCmdShort), ecParser.cmd, len, ecParser.anAddrUnion.addr, cnt);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "EtherCAT datagram: Cmd: 'EXT' (%d), Len: %d", ecParser.cmd, len);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "EtherCAT datagram: Cmd: 'EXT' (%d), Len: %d", ecParser.cmd, len);
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "EtherCAT datagram: Cmd: 'Unknown' (%d), Len: %d", ecParser.cmd, len);
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "EtherCAT datagram: Cmd: 'Unknown' (%d), Len: %d", ecParser.cmd, len);
@@ -2592,11 +2595,11 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
{ &hf_ecat_reg_alctrl_errack,
{"Error Ack", "ecat.reg.alctrl.errack",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x10, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0010, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_alctrl_id,
{"Id", "ecat.reg.alctrl.id",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x20, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0020, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_alstatus,
{"AL Status (0x130)", "ecat.reg.alstatus",
@@ -2604,15 +2607,15 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
{ &hf_ecat_reg_alstatus_status,
{"Al Status", "ecat.reg.alstatus.status",
- FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(vals_esc_reg_120), 0x0f, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(vals_esc_reg_120), 0x000f, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_alstatus_err,
{"Error", "ecat.reg.alstatus.err",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x10, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0010, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_alstatus_id,
{"Id", "ecat.reg.alstatus.id",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x20, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0020, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_alstatuscode,
{"AL Status Code (0x134)", "ecat.reg.alstatuscode",
@@ -2720,23 +2723,23 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_latchin,
{"Latch input", "ecat.reg.irqmask.pdiL.latchin",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x02, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0002, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sync0,
{"SYNC 0", "ecat.reg.irqmask.pdiL.sync0",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x04, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0004, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sync1,
{"SYNC 1", "ecat.reg.irqmask.pdiL.sync1",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x08, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0008, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_smchg,
{"SM changed", "ecat.reg.irqmask.pdiL.smchg",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x10, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0010, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_eepromcmdpen,
{"EEPROM command pending", "ecat.reg.irqmask.pdiL.eepromcmdpen",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x20, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0020, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdiL_sm0,
{"SM 0", "ecat.reg.irqmask.pdiL.sm0",
@@ -2828,27 +2831,27 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_alctrl,
{"AL Ctrl", "ecat.reg.irq.pdi1.alctrl",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x1, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0001, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_latchin,
{"Latch input", "ecat.reg.irq.pdi1.latchin",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x02, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0002, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sync0,
{"SYNC 0", "ecat.reg.irq.pdi1.sync0",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x04, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0004, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sync1,
{"SYNC 1", "ecat.reg.irq.pdi1.sync1",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x08, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0008, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_smchg,
{"SM changed", "ecat.reg.irq.pdi1.smchg",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x10, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0010, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_eepromcmdpen,
{"EEPROM command pending", "ecat.reg.irq.pdi1.eepromcmdpen",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x20, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0020, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_pdi1_sm0,
{"SM 0", "ecat.reg.irq.pdi1.sm0",
@@ -3024,19 +3027,20 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
{ &hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_wraccess,
{"Write access", "ecat.reg.ctrlstat.wraccess",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x1000, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0001, NULL, HFILL }
+ /* Next 4 bits reserved */
{ &hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_eepromemul,
{"EEPROM emulation", "ecat.reg.ctrlstat.eepromemul",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_esc_reg_502_5), 0x2000, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_esc_reg_502_5), 0x0020, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_8bacc,
{"8 byte access", "ecat.reg.ctrlstat.8bacc",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x4000, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0040, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_2bacc,
{"2 byte address", "ecat.reg.ctrlstat.2bacc",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x8000, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0080, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_rdacc,
{"Read access", "ecat.reg.ctrlstat.rdacc",
@@ -3056,19 +3060,19 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
{ &hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_lderr,
{"Load error", "ecat.reg.ctrlstat.lderr",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0010, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x1000, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_cmderr,
{"Cmd error", "ecat.reg.ctrlstat.cmderr",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0020, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x2000, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_wrerr,
{"Write error", "ecat.reg.ctrlstat.wrerr",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0040, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x4000, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_ctrlstat_busy,
{"Busy", "ecat.reg.ctrlstat.busy",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0080, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x8000, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_addrl,
{"EEPROM Address Lo (0x504)", "ecat.reg.addrl",
@@ -3094,10 +3098,13 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
{"EEPROM Data 3 (0x50e)", "ecat.reg.data3",
{ &hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat,
{"Phy MIO Ctrl/Status (0x510)", "ecat.reg.mio.ctrlstat",
+ /* TODO: check these masks (ecat_esc_reg_510) against spec.
+ * In particular hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_offsphy is non-contiguous and overlaps wracc1 */
{ &hf_ecat_reg_mio_ctrlstat_wracc1,
{"Write access", "ecat.reg.mio.ctrlstat.wracc1",
FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0001, NULL, HFILL }
@@ -3122,6 +3129,7 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
{"Busy", "ecat.reg.mio.ctrlstat.busy",
FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x8000, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_mio_addr,
{"Phy MIO Address (0x512)", "ecat.reg.mio.addr",
@@ -3372,19 +3380,19 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
{ &hf_ecat_reg_syncman_enable,
{"Enable", "ecat.syncman.enable",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x1, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0001, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_syncman_repeatreq,
{"Repeat request", "ecat.syncman.repeatreq",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x02, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0002, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_syncman_latchsmchg_ecat,
{"Latch SyncMan Change ECAT", "ecat.syncman.latchsmchg.ecat",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x40, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0040, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_syncman_latchsmchg_pdi,
{"Latch SyncMan Change PDI", "ecat.syncman.latchsmchg.pdi",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x80, NULL, HFILL }
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x0080, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_syncman_deactivate,
{"Deactivate", "ecat.syncman.deactivate",
@@ -3503,7 +3511,7 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x10, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_stimecheck,
- {"Start time chheck", "ecat.reg.dc.activation.stimecheck",
+ {"Start time check", "ecat.reg.dc.activation.stimecheck",
FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&tfs_local_true_false), 0x20, NULL, HFILL }
{ &hf_ecat_reg_dc_activation_hlfrange,
@@ -3707,19 +3715,17 @@ void proto_register_ecat(void)
proto_ecat_datagram = proto_register_protocol("EtherCAT datagram(s)", "ECAT", "ecat");
proto_register_field_array(proto_ecat_datagram, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ ecat_handle = register_dissector("ecat", dissect_ecat_datagram, proto_ecat_datagram);
/* Sub dissector code */
- heur_subdissector_list = register_heur_dissector_list("ecat.data", proto_ecat_datagram);
+ heur_subdissector_list = register_heur_dissector_list_with_description("ecat.data", "EtherCAT payload", proto_ecat_datagram);
/* The registration hand-off routing */
void proto_reg_handoff_ecat(void)
- dissector_handle_t ecat_handle;
/* Register this dissector as a sub dissector to EtherCAT frame based on
ether type. */
- ecat_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_ecat_datagram, proto_ecat_datagram);
dissector_add_uint("ecatf.type", 1 /* EtherCAT type */, ecat_handle);
ecat_mailbox_handle = find_dissector_add_dependency("ecat_mailbox", proto_ecat_datagram);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ethercat-frame.c b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ethercat-frame.c
index 3de059424a..275fc4fcd1 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ethercat-frame.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ethercat-frame.c
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ void proto_register_ethercat_frame(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_ethercat_frame(void);
/* Define the Ethercat frame proto */
-static int proto_ethercat_frame = -1;
+static int proto_ethercat_frame;
static dissector_table_t ethercat_frame_dissector_table;
static dissector_handle_t ethercat_frame_handle;
/* Define the tree for the EtherCAT frame */
-static int ett_ethercat_frame = -1;
-static int hf_ethercat_frame_length = -1;
-static int hf_ethercat_frame_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_ethercat_frame_type = -1;
+static int ett_ethercat_frame;
+static int hf_ethercat_frame_length;
+static int hf_ethercat_frame_reserved;
+static int hf_ethercat_frame_type;
static const value_string EthercatFrameTypes[] =
diff --git a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ioraw.c b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ioraw.c
index 273e085918..739417ed11 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ioraw.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-ioraw.c
@@ -22,18 +22,20 @@ void proto_register_ioraw(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_ioraw(void);
/* Define the ioraw proto */
-int proto_ioraw = -1;
+int proto_ioraw;
-static int ett_ioraw = -1;
+static int ett_ioraw;
-/* static int hf_ioraw_summary = -1; */
-static int hf_ioraw_header = -1;
-static int hf_ioraw_data = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t ioraw_handle;
+/* static int hf_ioraw_summary; */
+static int hf_ioraw_header;
+static int hf_ioraw_data;
static void IoRawSummaryFormater( char *szText, int nMax)
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "Raw IO Data" );
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "Raw IO Data" );
static int dissect_ioraw(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
@@ -95,14 +97,11 @@ void proto_register_ioraw(void)
+ ioraw_handle = register_dissector("ioraw", dissect_ioraw, proto_ioraw);
void proto_reg_handoff_ioraw(void)
- dissector_handle_t ioraw_handle;
- ioraw_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_ioraw, proto_ioraw);
dissector_add_uint("ecatf.type", 3, ioraw_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-nv.c b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-nv.c
index d66f2d2578..8f904c3c22 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-nv.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/ethercat/packet-nv.c
@@ -22,32 +22,34 @@ void proto_register_nv(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_nv(void);
/* Define the nv proto */
-int proto_nv = -1;
-static int ett_nv = -1;
-static int ett_nv_header = -1;
-static int ett_nv_var = -1;
-static int ett_nv_varheader = -1;
-/* static int hf_nv_summary = -1; */
-static int hf_nv_header = -1;
-static int hf_nv_publisher = -1;
-static int hf_nv_count = -1;
-static int hf_nv_cycleindex = -1;
-static int hf_nv_variable = -1;
-static int hf_nv_varheader = -1;
-static int hf_nv_id = -1;
-static int hf_nv_hash = -1;
-static int hf_nv_length = -1;
-static int hf_nv_quality = -1;
-static int hf_nv_data = -1;
+int proto_nv;
+static dissector_handle_t nv_handle;
+static int ett_nv;
+static int ett_nv_header;
+static int ett_nv_var;
+static int ett_nv_varheader;
+/* static int hf_nv_summary; */
+static int hf_nv_header;
+static int hf_nv_publisher;
+static int hf_nv_count;
+static int hf_nv_cycleindex;
+static int hf_nv_variable;
+static int hf_nv_varheader;
+static int hf_nv_id;
+static int hf_nv_hash;
+static int hf_nv_length;
+static int hf_nv_quality;
+static int hf_nv_data;
static void NvSummaryFormater(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, char *szText, int nMax)
guint32 nvOffset = offset;
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "Network Vars from %d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d - %d Var(s)",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "Network Vars from %d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d - %d Var(s)",
tvb_get_guint8(tvb, nvOffset),
tvb_get_guint8(tvb, nvOffset+1),
tvb_get_guint8(tvb, nvOffset+2),
@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ static void NvPublisherFormater(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, char *szText, int nM
guint32 nvOffset = offset;
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "Publisher %d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "Publisher %d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d",
tvb_get_guint8(tvb, nvOffset),
tvb_get_guint8(tvb, nvOffset+1),
tvb_get_guint8(tvb, nvOffset+2),
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ static void NvPublisherFormater(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, char *szText, int nM
static void NvVarHeaderFormater(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, char *szText, int nMax)
- g_snprintf ( szText, nMax, "Variable - Id = %d, Length = %d",
+ snprintf ( szText, nMax, "Variable - Id = %d, Length = %d",
tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset),
tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset+4));
@@ -213,17 +215,14 @@ void proto_register_nv(void)
- proto_nv = proto_register_protocol("TwinCAT NV",
- "TC-NV","tc_nv");
+ proto_nv = proto_register_protocol("TwinCAT NV", "TC-NV","tc_nv");
+ nv_handle = register_dissector("tc_nv", dissect_nv, proto_nv);
void proto_reg_handoff_nv(void)
- dissector_handle_t nv_handle;
- nv_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_nv, proto_nv);
dissector_add_uint("ecatf.type", 4, nv_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/AUTHORS b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2265263fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Author :
+Loris Degioanni \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e369e2ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# CMakeLists.txt
+# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
+# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Plugin name and version info (major minor micro extra)
+set_module_info(falco-bridge 0 0 4 0)
+ packet-falco-bridge.c
+ sinsp-span.cpp
+ conversation-macros.h
+ sinsp-span.h
+ plugin.c
+ plugin
+ "Implements a bridge between Falco plugins and Wireshark"
+# XXX Hacks; need to fix in falcosecurity-libs.
+target_compile_definitions(falco-bridge PRIVATE
+ )
+# target_compile_options(falco-bridge PRIVATE -Wno-address-of-packed-member)
+target_include_directories(falco-bridge SYSTEM PRIVATE
+ epan
+install_plugin(falco-bridge epan)
+ falco-bridge
+ --group dissectors-prohibited
+ --group dissectors-restricted
+# Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
+# Local variables:
+# c-basic-offset: 8
+# tab-width: 8
+# indent-tabs-mode: t
+# End:
+# vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab:
+# :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false:
diff --git a/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/README.md b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..331e80b26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Falco Bridge
+This plugin is a bridge between [Falco plugins](https://github.com/falcosecurity/plugins/) and Wireshark, so that Falco plugins can be used as dissectors.
+It requires [libsinsp and libscap](https://github.com/falcosecurity/libs/).
+## Building the Falco Bridge plugin
+1. Download and compile [libsinsp and libscap](https://github.com/falcosecurity/libs/).
+ You will probably want to pass `-DMINIMAL_BUILD=ON -DCREATE_TEST_TARGETS=OFF` to cmake.
+1. Configure Wireshark with
+cmake \
+ -DSINSP_INCLUDEDIR=/path/to/falcosecurity-libs \
+ -DSINSP_LIBDIR=/path/to/falcosecurity-libs/ \
+ -DFALCO_PLUGINS="/path/to/plugin1;/path/to/plugin2;/path/to/plugin3" \
+ [other cmake args]
+## Quick Start
+1. Create a directory named "falco" one level above the "epan" plugin folder.
+You can find the global and per-user plugin folder locations on your system in About → Folders or in the [User's Guide](https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChPluginFolders.html).
+1. Build your desired [Falco plugin](https://github.com/falcosecurity/plugins/) and place it in the "falco" plugin directory.
+## Conversations
+Falco plugins can mark individual fields with a conversation flag (EPF_CONVERSATION).
+The Falco Bridge dissector treats each of these as separate conversations, and for features such as navigation and packet list marking, the _first_ conversation field is used for matching packets.
+## Licensing
+libsinsp and libscap are released under the Apache 2.0 license.
+They depend on the following libraries:
+- b64: MIT
+- c-ares: MIT
+- curl: MIT
+- GRPC: Apache 2.0
+- jq: MIT
+- JsonCpp: MIT
+- LuaJIT: MIT
+- OpenSSL < 3.0: SSLeay
+- OpenSSL >= 3.0 : Apache 2.0
+- Protobuf: BSD-3-Clause
+- oneTBB: Apache 2.0
+- zlib: zlib
+Wireshark is released under the GPL version 2 (GPL-2.0-or-later). It and the Apache-2.0 license are compatible via the "any later version" provision in the GPL version 2.
+As discussed at https://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-dev/202203/msg00020.html, combining Wireshark and libsinsp+libscap should be OK, but that in effect invokes the GPLv2's "any later version" provision, making the Wireshark portion of the combined work GPLv3+.
+Debian would appear to concur: https://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2014/08/msg00102.html.
+No version of the GPL is compatible with the SSLeay license; you must ensure that libsinsp+libscap is linked with OpenSSL 3.0 or later.
diff --git a/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/packet-falco-bridge.c b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/packet-falco-bridge.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5c252aea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/packet-falco-bridge.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+/* packet-falco-bridge.c
+ *
+ * By Loris Degioanni
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Sysdig, Inc.
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+// To do:
+// - Convert this to C++? It would let us get rid of the glue that is
+// sinsp-span and make string handling a lot easier. However,
+// epan/address.h and driver/ppm_events_public.h both define PT_NONE.
+// - Add a configuration preference for configure_plugin?
+// - Add a configuration preference for individual conversation filters vs ANDing them?
+// We would need to add deregister_(|log_)conversation_filter before we implement this.
+// - Add syscall IP address conversation support
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifndef _WIN32
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <wiretap/wtap.h>
+#include <epan/exceptions.h>
+#include <epan/follow.h>
+#include <epan/packet.h>
+#include <epan/prefs.h>
+#include <epan/proto.h>
+#include <epan/proto_data.h>
+#include <epan/conversation.h>
+#include <epan/conversation_filter.h>
+#include <epan/stats_tree.h>
+#include <epan/stat_tap_ui.h>
+#include <epan/tap.h>
+#include <epan/dissectors/packet-sysdig-event.h>
+#include <wsutil/file_util.h>
+#include <wsutil/filesystem.h>
+#include <wsutil/inet_addr.h>
+#include <wsutil/report_message.h>
+#include <wsutil/strtoi.h>
+#include "sinsp-span.h"
+typedef enum bridge_field_flags_e {
+ BFF_NONE = 0,
+ BFF_HIDDEN = 1 << 1, // Unused
+ BFF_INFO = 1 << 2,
+} bridge_field_flags_e;
+typedef struct conv_filter_info {
+ hf_register_info *field_info;
+ bool is_present;
+ wmem_strbuf_t *strbuf;
+} conv_filter_info;
+typedef struct bridge_info {
+ sinsp_source_info_t *ssi;
+ uint32_t source_id;
+ int proto;
+ hf_register_info* hf;
+ int* hf_ids;
+ hf_register_info* hf_v4;
+ int *hf_v4_ids;
+ hf_register_info* hf_v6;
+ int *hf_v6_ids;
+ int* hf_id_to_addr_id; // Maps an hf offset to an hf_v[46] offset
+ uint32_t visible_fields;
+ uint32_t* field_flags;
+ int* field_ids;
+ uint32_t num_conversation_filters;
+ conv_filter_info *conversation_filters;
+} bridge_info;
+typedef struct falco_conv_filter_fields {
+ const char* container_id;
+ int64_t pid;
+ int64_t tid;
+ int64_t fd;
+ const char* fd_containername;
+} falco_conv_filter_fields;
+typedef struct fd_follow_tap_info {
+ const char* data;
+ int32_t datalen;
+ bool is_write;
+} fd_follow_tap_info;
+typedef struct container_io_tap_info {
+ const char* container_id;
+ const char* proc_name;
+ const char* fd_name;
+ int32_t io_bytes;
+ bool is_write;
+} container_io_tap_info;
+static int proto_falco_bridge;
+static int proto_syscalls[NUM_SINSP_SYSCALL_CATEGORIES];
+static int ett_falco_bridge;
+static int ett_syscalls[NUM_SINSP_SYSCALL_CATEGORIES];
+static int ett_lineage[N_PROC_LINEAGE_ENTRIES];
+static int ett_sinsp_enriched;
+static int ett_sinsp_span;
+static int ett_address;
+static int container_io_tap;
+static gboolean pref_show_internal = false;
+static dissector_table_t ptype_dissector_table;
+static int fd_follow_tap;
+static int dissect_sinsp_enriched(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *bi_ptr, sysdig_event_param_data *event_param_data);
+static int dissect_sinsp_plugin(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *bi_ptr);
+static bridge_info* get_bridge_info(guint32 source_id);
+const char* get_str_value(sinsp_field_extract_t *sinsp_fields, uint32_t sf_idx);
+ * Array of plugin bridges
+ */
+bridge_info* bridges = NULL;
+guint nbridges = 0;
+guint n_conv_fields = 0;
+ * sinsp extractor span
+ */
+sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span = NULL;
+ * Fields
+ */
+static int hf_sdp_source_id_size;
+static int hf_sdp_lengths;
+static int hf_sdp_source_id;
+static hf_register_info hf[] = {
+ { &hf_sdp_source_id_size,
+ { "Plugin ID size", "falcobridge.id.size",
+ NULL, 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_sdp_lengths,
+ { "Field Lengths", "falcobridge.lens",
+ NULL, 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_sdp_source_id,
+ { "Plugin ID", "falcobridge.id",
+ NULL, 0x0,
+ },
+static void
+falco_bridge_cleanup(void) {
+ close_sinsp_capture(sinsp_span);
+// Returns true if the field might contain an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
+// XXX This should probably be a preference.
+static bool
+is_string_address_field(enum ftenum ftype, const char *abbrev) {
+ if (ftype != FT_STRINGZ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (strstr(abbrev, ".srcip")) { // ct.srcip
+ return true;
+ } else if (strstr(abbrev, ".client.ip")) { // okta.client.ip
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static gboolean
+is_filter_valid(packet_info *pinfo, void *cfi_ptr)
+ conv_filter_info *cfi = (conv_filter_info *)cfi_ptr;
+ if (!cfi->is_present) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ int proto_id = proto_registrar_get_parent(cfi->field_info->hfinfo.id);
+ if (proto_id < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return proto_is_frame_protocol(pinfo->layers, proto_registrar_get_nth(proto_id)->abbrev);
+static gchar*
+build_filter(packet_info *pinfo _U_, void *cfi_ptr)
+ conv_filter_info *cfi = (conv_filter_info *)cfi_ptr;
+ if (!cfi->is_present) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return ws_strdup_printf("%s eq %s", cfi->field_info->hfinfo.abbrev, cfi->strbuf->str);
+static void
+create_source_hfids(bridge_info* bi)
+ /*
+ * Initialize the plugin
+ */
+ bi->source_id = get_sinsp_source_id(bi->ssi);
+ size_t tot_fields = get_sinsp_source_nfields(bi->ssi);
+ bi->visible_fields = 0;
+ uint32_t addr_fields = 0;
+ sinsp_field_info_t sfi;
+ bi->num_conversation_filters = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < tot_fields; j++) {
+ get_sinsp_source_field_info(bi->ssi, j, &sfi);
+ if (sfi.is_hidden) {
+ /*
+ * Skip the fields that are marked as hidden.
+ * XXX Should we keep them and call proto_item_set_hidden?
+ */
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (sfi.is_numeric_address || is_string_address_field(sfi.type, sfi.abbrev)) {
+ addr_fields++;
+ }
+ bi->visible_fields++;
+ if (sfi.is_conversation) {
+ bi->num_conversation_filters++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bi->visible_fields) {
+ bi->hf = (hf_register_info*)wmem_alloc(wmem_epan_scope(), bi->visible_fields * sizeof(hf_register_info));
+ bi->hf_ids = (int*)wmem_alloc0(wmem_epan_scope(), bi->visible_fields * sizeof(int));
+ bi->field_ids = (int*)wmem_alloc(wmem_epan_scope(), bi->visible_fields * sizeof(int));
+ bi->field_flags = (guint32*)wmem_alloc(wmem_epan_scope(), bi->visible_fields * sizeof(guint32));
+ if (addr_fields) {
+ bi->hf_id_to_addr_id = (int *)wmem_alloc(wmem_epan_scope(), bi->visible_fields * sizeof(int));
+ bi->hf_v4 = (hf_register_info*)wmem_alloc(wmem_epan_scope(), addr_fields * sizeof(hf_register_info));
+ bi->hf_v4_ids = (int*)wmem_alloc0(wmem_epan_scope(), addr_fields * sizeof(int));
+ bi->hf_v6 = (hf_register_info*)wmem_alloc(wmem_epan_scope(), addr_fields * sizeof(hf_register_info));
+ bi->hf_v6_ids = (int*)wmem_alloc0(wmem_epan_scope(), addr_fields * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ if (bi->num_conversation_filters) {
+ bi->conversation_filters = (conv_filter_info *)wmem_alloc(wmem_epan_scope(), bi->num_conversation_filters * sizeof (conv_filter_info));
+ }
+ uint32_t fld_cnt = 0;
+ size_t conv_fld_cnt = 0;
+ uint32_t addr_fld_cnt = 0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < tot_fields; j++)
+ {
+ get_sinsp_source_field_info(bi->ssi, j, &sfi);
+ if (sfi.is_hidden) {
+ /*
+ * Skip the fields that are marked as hidden
+ */
+ continue;
+ }
+ ws_assert(fld_cnt < bi->visible_fields);
+ bi->field_ids[fld_cnt] = (int) j;
+ bi->field_flags[fld_cnt] = BFF_NONE;
+ enum ftenum ftype = sfi.type;
+ int fdisplay = BASE_NONE;
+ switch (sfi.type) {
+ case FT_STRINGZ:
+ case FT_BOOLEAN:
+ case FT_BYTES:
+ break;
+ fdisplay = BASE_DEC;
+ break;
+ case FT_INT8:
+ case FT_INT16:
+ case FT_INT32:
+ case FT_INT64:
+ case FT_DOUBLE:
+ // This differs from libsinsp
+ fdisplay = BASE_DEC;
+ break;
+ case FT_UINT8:
+ case FT_UINT16:
+ case FT_UINT32:
+ case FT_UINT64:
+ switch (sfi.display_format) {
+ fdisplay = BASE_DEC;
+ break;
+ fdisplay = BASE_HEX;
+ break;
+ case SFDF_OCTAL:
+ fdisplay = BASE_OCT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ THROW_FORMATTED(DissectorError, "error in source %s: format %d for field %s is not supported",
+ get_sinsp_source_name(bi->ssi), sfi.display_format, sfi.abbrev);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ftype = FT_NONE;
+ ws_warning("plugin %s: type of field %s (%d) is not supported",
+ get_sinsp_source_name(bi->ssi),
+ sfi.abbrev, sfi.type);
+ }
+ hf_register_info finfo = {
+ bi->hf_ids + fld_cnt,
+ {
+ wmem_strdup(wmem_epan_scope(), sfi.display), wmem_strdup(wmem_epan_scope(), sfi.abbrev),
+ ftype, fdisplay,
+ NULL, 0x0,
+ wmem_strdup(wmem_epan_scope(), sfi.description), HFILL
+ }
+ };
+ bi->hf[fld_cnt] = finfo;
+ if (sfi.is_conversation) {
+ ws_assert(conv_fld_cnt < bi->num_conversation_filters);
+ bi->field_flags[fld_cnt] |= BFF_CONVERSATION;
+ bi->conversation_filters[conv_fld_cnt].field_info = &bi->hf[fld_cnt];
+ bi->conversation_filters[conv_fld_cnt].strbuf = wmem_strbuf_new(wmem_epan_scope(), "");
+ const char *source_name = get_sinsp_source_name(bi->ssi);
+ const char *conv_filter_name = wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_epan_scope(), "%s %s", source_name, bi->hf[fld_cnt].hfinfo.name);
+ register_log_conversation_filter(source_name, conv_filter_name, is_filter_valid, build_filter, &bi->conversation_filters[conv_fld_cnt]);
+ if (conv_fld_cnt == 0) {
+ add_conversation_filter_protocol(source_name);
+ }
+ conv_fld_cnt++;
+ }
+ if (sfi.is_info) {
+ bi->field_flags[fld_cnt] |= BFF_INFO;
+ }
+ if (sfi.is_numeric_address || is_string_address_field(sfi.type, sfi.abbrev)) {
+ ws_assert(addr_fld_cnt < addr_fields);
+ bi->hf_id_to_addr_id[fld_cnt] = addr_fld_cnt;
+ hf_register_info finfo_v4 = {
+ bi->hf_v4_ids + addr_fld_cnt,
+ {
+ wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_epan_scope(), "%s (IPv4)", sfi.display),
+ wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_epan_scope(), "%s.v4", sfi.abbrev),
+ NULL, 0x0,
+ wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_epan_scope(), "%s (IPv4)", sfi.description), HFILL
+ }
+ };
+ bi->hf_v4[addr_fld_cnt] = finfo_v4;
+ hf_register_info finfo_v6 = {
+ bi->hf_v6_ids + addr_fld_cnt,
+ {
+ wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_epan_scope(), "%s (IPv6)", sfi.display),
+ wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_epan_scope(), "%s.v6", sfi.abbrev),
+ NULL, 0x0,
+ wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_epan_scope(), "%s (IPv6)", sfi.description), HFILL
+ }
+ };
+ bi->hf_v6[addr_fld_cnt] = finfo_v6;
+ addr_fld_cnt++;
+ } else if (bi->hf_id_to_addr_id) {
+ bi->hf_id_to_addr_id[fld_cnt] = -1;
+ }
+ fld_cnt++;
+ }
+ proto_register_field_array(proto_falco_bridge, bi->hf, fld_cnt);
+ if (addr_fld_cnt) {
+ proto_register_field_array(proto_falco_bridge, bi->hf_v4, addr_fld_cnt);
+ proto_register_field_array(proto_falco_bridge, bi->hf_v6, addr_fld_cnt);
+ }
+ }
+import_plugin(char* fname)
+ nbridges++;
+ bridge_info* bi = &bridges[nbridges - 1];
+ char *err_str = create_sinsp_plugin_source(sinsp_span, fname, &(bi->ssi));
+ if (err_str) {
+ nbridges--;
+ report_failure("Unable to load sinsp plugin %s: %s.", fname, err_str);
+ g_free(err_str);
+ return;
+ }
+ create_source_hfids(bi);
+ const char *source_name = get_sinsp_source_name(bi->ssi);
+ const char *plugin_name = g_strdup_printf("%s Plugin", source_name);
+ bi->proto = proto_register_protocol(plugin_name, source_name, source_name);
+ static dissector_handle_t ct_handle;
+ ct_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_sinsp_plugin, bi->proto);
+ dissector_add_uint("falcobridge.id", bi->source_id, ct_handle);
+static void
+ // XXX This currently crashes in a sinsp thread.
+ // destroy_sinsp_span(sinsp_span);
+ sinsp_span = NULL;
+static gboolean
+extract_syscall_conversation_fields (packet_info *pinfo, falco_conv_filter_fields* args) {
+ args->container_id = NULL;
+ args->pid = -1;
+ args->tid = -1;
+ args->fd = -1;
+ args->fd_containername = NULL;
+ // Syscalls are always the bridge with source_id 0.
+ bridge_info* bi = get_bridge_info(0);
+ sinsp_field_extract_t *sinsp_fields = NULL;
+ uint32_t sinsp_fields_count = 0;
+ void* sinp_evt_info;
+ bool rc = get_extracted_syscall_source_fields(sinsp_span, pinfo->fd->num, &sinsp_fields, &sinsp_fields_count, &sinp_evt_info);
+ if (!rc) {
+ REPORT_DISSECTOR_BUG("cannot extract falco conversation fields for event %" PRIu32, pinfo->fd->num);
+ }
+ for (uint32_t hf_idx = 0, sf_idx = 0; hf_idx < bi->visible_fields && sf_idx < sinsp_fields_count; hf_idx++) {
+ if (sinsp_fields[sf_idx].field_idx != hf_idx) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ header_field_info* hfinfo = &(bi->hf[hf_idx].hfinfo);
+ if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "container.id") == 0) {
+ args->container_id = get_str_value(sinsp_fields, sf_idx);
+ // if (args->container_id == NULL) {
+ // REPORT_DISSECTOR_BUG("cannot extract the container ID for event %" PRIu32, pinfo->fd->num);
+ // }
+ }
+ if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "proc.pid") == 0) {
+ args->pid = sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.u64;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "thread.tid") == 0) {
+ args->tid = sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.u64;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "fd.num") == 0) {
+ args->fd = sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.u64;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "fd.containername") == 0) {
+ args->fd_containername = get_str_value(sinsp_fields, sf_idx);
+ }
+ sf_idx++;
+ }
+ // args->fd=-1 means that either there's no FD (e.g. a clone syscall), or that the FD is not a valid one (e.g., failed open).
+ if (args->fd == -1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static gboolean sysdig_syscall_filter_valid(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_) {
+ if (!proto_is_frame_protocol(pinfo->layers, "sysdig")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // This only supports the syscall source.
+ if (pinfo->rec->rec_header.syscall_header.event_type == FALCO_PPME_PLUGINEVENT_E) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static gboolean sysdig_syscall_container_filter_valid(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data) {
+ if (!sysdig_syscall_filter_valid(pinfo, user_data)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ falco_conv_filter_fields cff;
+ if (!extract_syscall_conversation_fields(pinfo, &cff)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return cff.container_id != NULL;
+static gboolean sysdig_syscall_fd_filter_valid(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data) {
+ if (!sysdig_syscall_filter_valid(pinfo, user_data)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ falco_conv_filter_fields cff;
+ return extract_syscall_conversation_fields(pinfo, &cff);
+static gchar* sysdig_container_build_filter(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_) {
+ falco_conv_filter_fields cff;
+ extract_syscall_conversation_fields(pinfo, &cff);
+ return ws_strdup_printf("container.id==\"%s\"", cff.container_id);
+static gchar* sysdig_proc_build_filter(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_) {
+ falco_conv_filter_fields cff;
+ extract_syscall_conversation_fields(pinfo, &cff);
+ if (cff.container_id) {
+ return ws_strdup_printf("container.id==\"%s\" && proc.pid==%" PRId64, cff.container_id, cff.pid);
+ } else {
+ return ws_strdup_printf("proc.pid==%" PRId64, cff.pid);
+ }
+static gchar* sysdig_procdescendants_build_filter(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_) {
+ falco_conv_filter_fields cff;
+ extract_syscall_conversation_fields(pinfo, &cff);
+ if (cff.container_id) {
+ return ws_strdup_printf("container.id==\"%s\" && (proc.pid==%" PRId64 " || proc.apid.1==%" PRId64 " || proc.apid.2==%" PRId64 " || proc.apid.3==%" PRId64 " || proc.apid.4==%" PRId64 ")",
+ cff.container_id,
+ cff.pid,
+ cff.pid,
+ cff.pid,
+ cff.pid,
+ cff.pid);
+ } else {
+ return ws_strdup_printf("proc.pid==%" PRId64 " || proc.apid.1==%" PRId64 " || proc.apid.2==%" PRId64 " || proc.apid.3==%" PRId64 " || proc.apid.4==%" PRId64,
+ cff.pid,
+ cff.pid,
+ cff.pid,
+ cff.pid,
+ cff.pid);
+ }
+static gchar* sysdig_thread_build_filter(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_) {
+ falco_conv_filter_fields cff;
+ extract_syscall_conversation_fields(pinfo, &cff);
+ if (cff.container_id) {
+ return ws_strdup_printf("container.id==\"%s\" && thread.tid==%" PRIu64, cff.container_id, cff.tid);
+ } else {
+ return ws_strdup_printf("thread.tid==%" PRId64, cff.tid);
+ }
+static gchar* sysdig_fd_build_filter(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_) {
+ falco_conv_filter_fields cff;
+ extract_syscall_conversation_fields(pinfo, &cff);
+ if (cff.container_id) {
+ return ws_strdup_printf("container.id==\"%s\" && thread.tid==%" PRId64 " && fd.containername==\"%s\"",
+ cff.container_id,
+ cff.tid,
+ cff.fd_containername);
+ } else {
+ return ws_strdup_printf("thread.tid==%" PRId64, cff.tid);
+ }
+static gchar *fd_follow_conv_filter(epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, packet_info *pinfo _U_, guint *stream _U_, guint *sub_stream _U_)
+ return sysdig_fd_build_filter(pinfo, NULL);
+static gchar *fd_follow_index_filter(guint stream _U_, guint sub_stream _U_)
+ return NULL;
+static gchar *fd_follow_address_filter(address *src_addr _U_, address *dst_addr _U_, int src_port _U_, int dst_port _U_)
+ return NULL;
+gchar *
+fd_port_to_display(wmem_allocator_t *allocator _U_, guint port _U_)
+ return NULL;
+fd_tap_listener(void *tapdata, packet_info *pinfo,
+ epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *data, tap_flags_t flags _U_)
+ follow_record_t *follow_record;
+ follow_info_t *follow_info = (follow_info_t *)tapdata;
+ fd_follow_tap_info *tap_info = (fd_follow_tap_info *)data;
+ gboolean is_server;
+ is_server = tap_info->is_write;
+ follow_record = g_new0(follow_record_t, 1);
+ follow_record->is_server = is_server;
+ follow_record->packet_num = pinfo->fd->num;
+ follow_record->abs_ts = pinfo->fd->abs_ts;
+ follow_record->data = g_byte_array_append(g_byte_array_new(),
+ tap_info->data,
+ tap_info->datalen);
+ follow_info->bytes_written[is_server] += follow_record->data->len;
+ follow_info->payload = g_list_prepend(follow_info->payload, follow_record);
+guint32 get_fd_stream_count(void)
+ // This effectively disables the "streams" dropdown, which is we don't really care about for the moment in logray.
+ return 1;
+static bridge_info*
+get_bridge_info(guint32 source_id)
+ if (source_id == 0) {
+ return &bridges[0];
+ }
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < nbridges; j++)
+ {
+ if(bridges[j].source_id == source_id)
+ {
+ return &bridges[j];
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static int
+dissect_falco_bridge(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *epd_p)
+ int encoding = pinfo->rec->rec_header.syscall_header.byte_order == G_BIG_ENDIAN ? ENC_BIG_ENDIAN : ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
+ col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "Falco Bridge");
+ // https://github.com/falcosecurity/libs/blob/9c942f27/userspace/libscap/scap.c#L1900
+ guint32 source_id = 0;
+ if (pinfo->rec->rec_header.syscall_header.event_type == FALCO_PPME_PLUGINEVENT_E) {
+ source_id = tvb_get_guint32(tvb, 8, encoding);
+ }
+ bridge_info* bi = get_bridge_info(source_id);
+ if (bi && bi->source_id == 0) {
+ sysdig_event_param_data *event_param_data = (sysdig_event_param_data *) epd_p;
+ dissect_sinsp_enriched(tvb, pinfo, tree, bi, event_param_data);
+ } else {
+ proto_item *ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_falco_bridge, tvb, 0, 12, ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree *fb_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_falco_bridge);
+ proto_tree_add_item(fb_tree, hf_sdp_source_id_size, tvb, 0, 4, encoding);
+ proto_tree_add_item(fb_tree, hf_sdp_lengths, tvb, 4, 4, encoding);
+ /* Clear out stuff in the info column */
+ col_clear(pinfo->cinfo,COL_INFO);
+ col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Plugin ID: %u", source_id);
+ proto_item *idti = proto_tree_add_item(fb_tree, hf_sdp_source_id, tvb, 8, 4, encoding);
+ if (bi == NULL) {
+ proto_item_append_text(idti, " (NOT SUPPORTED)");
+ col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (NOT SUPPORTED)");
+ return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+ }
+ const char *source_name = get_sinsp_source_name(bi->ssi);
+ proto_item_append_text(idti, " (%s)", source_name);
+ col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (%s)", source_name);
+ tvbuff_t* plugin_tvb = tvb_new_subset_length(tvb, 12, tvb_captured_length(tvb) - 12);
+ dissect_sinsp_plugin(plugin_tvb, pinfo, fb_tree, bi);
+ }
+ return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+int extract_lineage_number(const char *fld_name) {
+ char *last_dot = strrchr(fld_name, '.');
+ if (last_dot != NULL) {
+ return atoi(last_dot + 1);
+ }
+ return -1;
+const char* get_str_value(sinsp_field_extract_t *sinsp_fields, uint32_t sf_idx) {
+ const char *res_str;
+ if (sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res_len < SFE_SMALL_BUF_SIZE) {
+ res_str = sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.small_str;
+ } else {
+ if (sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.str == NULL) {
+ ws_debug("Field %u has NULL result string", sf_idx);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res_str = sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.str;
+ }
+ return res_str;
+static int
+dissect_sinsp_enriched(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void* bi_ptr, sysdig_event_param_data *event_param_data)
+ bridge_info* bi = (bridge_info *) bi_ptr;
+ if (!pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ if (pinfo->fd->num == 1) {
+ // Open the capture file using libsinsp, which reads the meta events
+ // at the beginning of the file. We can't call this via register_init_routine
+ // because we don't have the file path at that point.
+ open_sinsp_capture(sinsp_span, pinfo->rec->rec_header.syscall_header.pathname);
+ }
+ }
+ sinsp_field_extract_t *sinsp_fields = NULL;
+ uint32_t sinsp_fields_count = 0;
+ void* sinp_evt_info;
+ bool rc = extract_syscall_source_fields(sinsp_span, bi->ssi, pinfo->fd->num, &sinsp_fields, &sinsp_fields_count, &sinp_evt_info);
+ if (!rc) {
+ REPORT_DISSECTOR_BUG("Falco plugin %s extract error: %s", get_sinsp_source_name(bi->ssi), get_sinsp_source_last_error(bi->ssi));
+ }
+ if (sinsp_fields_count == 0) {
+ col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " [Internal event]");
+ if (!pref_show_internal) {
+ pinfo->fd->passed_dfilter = false;
+ }
+ return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+ }
+ proto_tree *parent_trees[NUM_SINSP_SYSCALL_CATEGORIES] = {0};
+ proto_tree *lineage_trees[N_PROC_LINEAGE_ENTRIES] = {0};
+ bool is_io_write = false;
+ const char* io_buffer = NULL;
+ uint32_t io_buffer_len = 0;
+ const char *container_id = "host";
+ const char *proc_name = NULL;
+ const char *fd_name = NULL;
+ // Conversation discoverable through conversation_filter_from_pinfo.
+ // Used for related event indicators in the packet list.
+ // Fields should match sysdig_proc_build_filter.
+ conversation_element_t *pinfo_conv_els = NULL; // thread.tid hfid + thread.tid + container.id hfid + container.id + CONVERSATION_LOG
+ for (uint32_t hf_idx = 0, sf_idx = 0; hf_idx < bi->visible_fields && sf_idx < sinsp_fields_count; hf_idx++) {
+ if (sinsp_fields[sf_idx].field_idx != hf_idx) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ header_field_info* hfinfo = &(bi->hf[hf_idx].hfinfo);
+ proto_tree *ti;
+ // XXX Should we add this back?
+// if (sinsp_fields[sf_idx].type != hfinfo->type) {
+// REPORT_DISSECTOR_BUG("Field %s has an unrecognized or mismatched type %u != %u",
+// hfinfo->abbrev, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].type, hfinfo->type);
+// }
+ sinsp_syscall_category_e parent_category = get_syscall_parent_category(bi->ssi, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].field_idx);
+ if (!parent_trees[parent_category]) {
+ int bytes_offset = 0;
+ uint32_t bytes_length = 0;
+ if (parent_category == SSC_FD) {
+ bytes_offset = event_param_data->data_bytes_offset;
+ bytes_length = event_param_data->data_bytes_length;
+ }
+ ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_syscalls[parent_category], tvb, bytes_offset, bytes_length, BASE_NONE);
+ parent_trees[parent_category] = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_syscalls[parent_category]);
+ }
+ proto_tree *parent_tree = parent_trees[parent_category];
+ if (parent_category == SSC_PROCLINEAGE) {
+ int32_t lnum = extract_lineage_number(hfinfo->abbrev);
+ if (lnum == -1) {
+ ws_error("Invalid lineage field name %s", hfinfo->abbrev);
+ }
+ if (!lineage_trees[lnum]) {
+ const char* res_str = get_str_value(sinsp_fields, sf_idx);
+ if (res_str == NULL) {
+ ws_error("empty value for field %s", hfinfo->abbrev);
+ }
+ lineage_trees[lnum] = proto_tree_add_subtree_format(parent_tree, tvb, 0, 0, ett_lineage[0], NULL, "%" PRIu32 ". %s", lnum, res_str);
+ sf_idx++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ parent_tree = lineage_trees[lnum];
+ }
+ int32_t arg_num;
+#define EVT_ARG_PFX "evt.arg."
+ if (! (g_str_has_prefix(hfinfo->abbrev, EVT_ARG_PFX) && ws_strtoi32(hfinfo->abbrev + sizeof(EVT_ARG_PFX) - 1, NULL, &arg_num)) ) {
+ arg_num = -1;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "evt.is_io_write") == 0) {
+ is_io_write = sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.boolean;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "evt.buffer") == 0) {
+ io_buffer = sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.str;
+ io_buffer_len = sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res_len;
+ }
+ switch (hfinfo->type) {
+ case FT_INT8:
+ case FT_INT16:
+ case FT_INT32:
+ proto_tree_add_int(parent_tree, bi->hf_ids[hf_idx], tvb, 0, 0, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.i32);
+ break;
+ case FT_INT64:
+ proto_tree_add_int64(parent_tree, bi->hf_ids[hf_idx], tvb, 0, 0, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.i64);
+ if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "thread.tid") == 0) {
+ if (!pinfo_conv_els) {
+ pinfo_conv_els = wmem_alloc0(pinfo->pool, sizeof(conversation_element_t) * 5);
+ pinfo_conv_els[0].type = CE_INT;
+ pinfo_conv_els[1].type = CE_INT64;
+ pinfo_conv_els[2].type = CE_INT;
+ pinfo_conv_els[3].type = CE_STRING;
+ }
+ pinfo_conv_els[0].int_val = hfinfo->id;
+ pinfo_conv_els[1].int64_val = sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.i64;
+ }
+ break;
+ case FT_UINT8:
+ case FT_UINT16:
+ case FT_UINT32:
+ proto_tree_add_uint(parent_tree, bi->hf_ids[hf_idx], tvb, 0, 0, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.u32);
+ break;
+ case FT_UINT64:
+ proto_tree_add_uint64(parent_tree, bi->hf_ids[hf_idx], tvb, 0, 0, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.u64);
+ break;
+ case FT_STRINGZ:
+ {
+ const char* res_str = get_str_value(sinsp_fields, sf_idx);
+ if (res_str == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (arg_num != -1) {
+ // When the field is an argument, we want to display things in a way that includes the argument name and value.
+ char* argname = get_evt_arg_name(sinp_evt_info, arg_num);
+ ti = proto_tree_add_string_format(parent_tree, bi->hf_ids[hf_idx], tvb, 0, 0, res_str, "%s: %s", argname, res_str);
+ } else {
+ ti = proto_tree_add_string(parent_tree, bi->hf_ids[hf_idx], tvb, 0, 0, res_str);
+ }
+ if (bi->field_flags[hf_idx] & BFF_INFO) {
+ col_append_sep_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ", ", "%s", res_str);
+ // Mark it hidden, otherwise we end up with a bunch of empty "Info" tree items.
+ proto_item_set_hidden(ti);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "proc.name") == 0) {
+ proc_name = res_str;
+ } else if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "fd.name") == 0) {
+ fd_name = res_str;
+ } else if (strcmp(hfinfo->abbrev, "container.id") == 0) {
+ container_id = res_str;
+ if (pinfo_conv_els) {
+ pinfo_conv_els[2].int_val = hfinfo->id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case FT_BOOLEAN:
+ proto_tree_add_boolean(parent_tree, bi->hf_ids[hf_idx], tvb, 0, 0, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.boolean);
+ break;
+ case FT_DOUBLE:
+ proto_tree_add_double(parent_tree, bi->hf_ids[hf_idx], tvb, 0, 0, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.dbl);
+ break;
+ case FT_BYTES:
+ {
+ int addr_fld_idx = bi->hf_id_to_addr_id[hf_idx];
+ if (addr_fld_idx < 0) {
+ int bytes_offset = 0;
+ uint32_t bytes_length = 0;
+ if (io_buffer) { // evt.buffer
+ bytes_offset = event_param_data->data_bytes_offset;
+ bytes_length = event_param_data->data_bytes_length;
+ }
+ proto_tree_add_bytes_with_length(parent_tree, bi->hf_ids[hf_idx], tvb, bytes_offset, bytes_length, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.str, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res_len);
+ } else {
+ // XXX Need to differentiate between src and dest. Falco libs supply client vs server and local vs remote.
+ if (sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res_len == 4) {
+ ws_in4_addr v4_addr;
+ memcpy(&v4_addr, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.bytes, 4);
+ proto_tree_add_ipv4(parent_tree, bi->hf_v4_ids[addr_fld_idx], tvb, 0, 0, v4_addr);
+ set_address(&pinfo->net_src, AT_IPv4, sizeof(ws_in4_addr), &v4_addr);
+ } else if (sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res_len == 16) {
+ ws_in6_addr v6_addr;
+ memcpy(&v6_addr, sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res.bytes, 16);
+ proto_tree_add_ipv6(parent_tree, bi->hf_v6_ids[addr_fld_idx], tvb, 0, 0, &v6_addr);
+ set_address(&pinfo->net_src, AT_IPv6, sizeof(ws_in6_addr), &v6_addr);
+ } else {
+ ws_warning("Invalid length %u for address field %u", sinsp_fields[sf_idx].res_len, sf_idx);
+ }
+ // XXX Add conversation support.
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ sf_idx++;
+ }
+ if (pinfo_conv_els) {
+ pinfo_conv_els[3].str_val = container_id;
+ pinfo_conv_els[4].type = CE_CONVERSATION_TYPE;
+ pinfo_conv_els[4].conversation_type_val = CONVERSATION_LOG;
+ pinfo->conv_elements = pinfo_conv_els;
+ find_or_create_conversation(pinfo);
+ }
+ if (io_buffer_len > 0) {
+ if (have_tap_listener(fd_follow_tap)) {
+ fd_follow_tap_info *tap_info = wmem_new(pinfo->pool, fd_follow_tap_info);
+ tap_info->data = io_buffer;
+ tap_info->datalen = io_buffer_len;
+ tap_info->is_write = is_io_write;
+ tap_queue_packet(fd_follow_tap, pinfo, tap_info);
+ }
+ if (have_tap_listener(container_io_tap) && proc_name && fd_name) {
+ container_io_tap_info *tap_info = wmem_new(pinfo->pool, container_io_tap_info);
+ tap_info->proc_name = proc_name;
+ tap_info->fd_name = fd_name;
+ tap_info->container_id = container_id;
+ tap_info->io_bytes = io_buffer_len;
+ tap_info->is_write = is_io_write;
+ tap_queue_packet(container_io_tap, pinfo, tap_info);
+ }
+ }
+ return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+static int
+dissect_sinsp_plugin(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, void* bi_ptr)
+ bridge_info* bi = (bridge_info *) bi_ptr;
+ guint payload_len = tvb_captured_length(tvb);
+ col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "oops");
+ /* Clear out stuff in the info column */
+ col_clear(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);
+ proto_item *ti = tree;
+ proto_tree* fb_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_sinsp_span);
+ guint8* payload = (guint8*)tvb_get_ptr(tvb, 0, payload_len);
+ plugin_field_extract_t *sinsp_fields = (plugin_field_extract_t*) wmem_alloc(pinfo->pool, sizeof(plugin_field_extract_t) * bi->visible_fields);
+ for (uint32_t fld_idx = 0; fld_idx < bi->visible_fields; fld_idx++) {
+ header_field_info* hfinfo = &(bi->hf[fld_idx].hfinfo);
+ plugin_field_extract_t *sfe = &sinsp_fields[fld_idx];
+ sfe->field_id = bi->field_ids[fld_idx];
+ sfe->field_name = hfinfo->abbrev;
+ sfe->type = hfinfo->type == FT_STRINGZ ? FT_STRINGZ : FT_UINT64;
+ }
+ // If we have a failure, try to dissect what we can first, then bail out with an error.
+ bool rc = extract_plugin_source_fields(bi->ssi, pinfo->num, payload, payload_len, pinfo->pool, sinsp_fields, bi->visible_fields);
+ if (!rc) {
+ REPORT_DISSECTOR_BUG("Falco plugin %s extract error: %s", get_sinsp_source_name(bi->ssi), get_sinsp_source_last_error(bi->ssi));
+ }
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < bi->num_conversation_filters; idx++) {
+ bi->conversation_filters[idx].is_present = false;
+ wmem_strbuf_truncate(bi->conversation_filters[idx].strbuf, 0);
+ }
+ conversation_element_t *first_conv_els = NULL; // hfid + field val + CONVERSATION_LOG
+ for (uint32_t fld_idx = 0; fld_idx < bi->visible_fields; fld_idx++) {
+ plugin_field_extract_t *sfe = &sinsp_fields[fld_idx];
+ header_field_info* hfinfo = &(bi->hf[fld_idx].hfinfo);
+ if (!sfe->is_present) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ conv_filter_info *cur_conv_filter = NULL;
+ conversation_element_t *cur_conv_els = NULL;
+ if ((bi->field_flags[fld_idx] & BFF_CONVERSATION) != 0) {
+ for (uint32_t cf_idx = 0; cf_idx < bi->num_conversation_filters; cf_idx++) {
+ if (&(bi->conversation_filters[cf_idx].field_info)->hfinfo == hfinfo) {
+ cur_conv_filter = &bi->conversation_filters[cf_idx];
+ if (!first_conv_els) {
+ first_conv_els = wmem_alloc0(pinfo->pool, sizeof(conversation_element_t) * 3);
+ first_conv_els[0].type = CE_INT;
+ first_conv_els[0].int_val = hfinfo->id;
+ cur_conv_els = first_conv_els;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sfe->type == FT_STRINGZ && hfinfo->type == FT_STRINGZ) {
+ proto_item *pi = proto_tree_add_string(fb_tree, bi->hf_ids[fld_idx], tvb, 0, payload_len, sfe->res.str);
+ if (bi->field_flags[fld_idx] & BFF_INFO) {
+ col_append_sep_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ", ", "%s", sfe->res.str);
+ // Mark it hidden, otherwise we end up with a bunch of empty "Info" tree items.
+ proto_item_set_hidden(pi);
+ }
+ int addr_fld_idx = bi->hf_id_to_addr_id[fld_idx];
+ if (addr_fld_idx >= 0) {
+ ws_in4_addr v4_addr;
+ ws_in6_addr v6_addr;
+ proto_tree *addr_tree;
+ proto_item *addr_item = NULL;
+ if (ws_inet_pton4(sfe->res.str, &v4_addr)) {
+ addr_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(pi, ett_address);
+ addr_item = proto_tree_add_ipv4(addr_tree, bi->hf_v4_ids[addr_fld_idx], tvb, 0, 0, v4_addr);
+ set_address(&pinfo->net_src, AT_IPv4, sizeof(ws_in4_addr), &v4_addr);
+ } else if (ws_inet_pton6(sfe->res.str, &v6_addr)) {
+ addr_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(pi, ett_address);
+ addr_item = proto_tree_add_ipv6(addr_tree, bi->hf_v6_ids[addr_fld_idx], tvb, 0, 0, &v6_addr);
+ set_address(&pinfo->net_src, AT_IPv6, sizeof(ws_in6_addr), &v6_addr);
+ }
+ if (addr_item) {
+ proto_item_set_generated(addr_item);
+ }
+ if (cur_conv_filter) {
+ wmem_strbuf_append(cur_conv_filter->strbuf, sfe->res.str);
+ cur_conv_filter->is_present = true;
+ }
+ if (cur_conv_els) {
+ cur_conv_els[1].type = CE_ADDRESS;
+ copy_address(&cur_conv_els[1].addr_val, &pinfo->net_src);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (cur_conv_filter) {
+ wmem_strbuf_append_printf(cur_conv_filter->strbuf, "\"%s\"", sfe->res.str);
+ cur_conv_filter->is_present = true;
+ }
+ if (cur_conv_els) {
+ cur_conv_els[1].type = CE_STRING;
+ cur_conv_els[1].str_val = wmem_strdup(pinfo->pool, sfe->res.str);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (sfe->type == FT_UINT64 && hfinfo->type == FT_UINT64) {
+ proto_tree_add_uint64(fb_tree, bi->hf_ids[fld_idx], tvb, 0, payload_len, sfe->res.u64);
+ if (cur_conv_filter) {
+ switch (hfinfo->display) {
+ case BASE_HEX:
+ wmem_strbuf_append_printf(cur_conv_filter->strbuf, "%" PRIx64, sfe->res.u64);
+ break;
+ case BASE_OCT:
+ wmem_strbuf_append_printf(cur_conv_filter->strbuf, "%" PRIo64, sfe->res.u64);
+ break;
+ default:
+ wmem_strbuf_append_printf(cur_conv_filter->strbuf, "%" PRId64, sfe->res.u64);
+ }
+ cur_conv_filter->is_present = true;
+ }
+ if (cur_conv_els) {
+ cur_conv_els[1].type = CE_UINT64;
+ cur_conv_els[1].uint64_val = sfe->res.u64;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ REPORT_DISSECTOR_BUG("Field %s has an unrecognized or mismatched type %u != %u",
+ hfinfo->abbrev, sfe->type, hfinfo->type);
+ }
+ }
+ if (first_conv_els) {
+ first_conv_els[2].type = CE_CONVERSATION_TYPE;
+ first_conv_els[2].conversation_type_val = CONVERSATION_LOG;
+ pinfo->conv_elements = first_conv_els;
+// conversation_t *conv = find_or_create_conversation(pinfo);
+// if (!conv) {
+// conversation_new_full(pinfo->fd->num, pinfo->conv_elements);
+// }
+ }
+ return payload_len;
+const char *st_str_container_total_io = "Total";
+static void container_io_stats_tree_init(stats_tree* st _U_)
+ stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_container_total_io, 0, STAT_DT_INT, TRUE);
+ stat_node_set_flags(st, st_str_container_total_io, 0, FALSE, ST_FLG_SORT_TOP);
+static tap_packet_status container_io_stats_tree_event(stats_tree* st, packet_info* pinfo _U_, epan_dissect_t* edt _U_, const void* tap_info_p, tap_flags_t flags _U_)
+ const container_io_tap_info* tap_info = (const container_io_tap_info*) tap_info_p;
+ increase_stat_node(st, st_str_container_total_io, 0, FALSE, tap_info->io_bytes);
+ int container_id_node = increase_stat_node(st, tap_info->container_id, 0, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
+ int proc_name_node = increase_stat_node(st, tap_info->proc_name, container_id_node, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
+ int fd_name_node = increase_stat_node(st, tap_info->fd_name, proc_name_node, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
+ if (tap_info->is_write) {
+ increase_stat_node(st, "write", fd_name_node, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
+ } else {
+ increase_stat_node(st, "read", fd_name_node, TRUE, tap_info->io_bytes);
+ }
+ // Register statistics trees
+ stats_tree_cfg *st_config = stats_tree_register_plugin("container_io", "container_io", "Container I/O", 0, container_io_stats_tree_event, container_io_stats_tree_init, NULL);
+ stats_tree_set_group(st_config, REGISTER_LOG_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED);
+ stats_tree_set_first_column_name(st_config, "Container, process, and FD I/O");
+ // Opening requires a file path, so we do that in dissect_sinsp_enriched.
+ register_cleanup_routine(&falco_bridge_cleanup);
+ proto_falco_bridge = proto_register_protocol("Falco Bridge", "Falco Bridge", "falcobridge");
+ register_dissector("falcobridge", dissect_falco_bridge, proto_falco_bridge);
+ // Register the syscall conversation filters.
+ // These show up in the "Conversation Filter" and "Colorize Conversation" context menus.
+ // The first match is also used for "Go" menu navigation.
+ register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Thread", sysdig_syscall_filter_valid, sysdig_thread_build_filter, NULL);
+ register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Process", sysdig_syscall_filter_valid, sysdig_proc_build_filter, NULL);
+ register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Container", sysdig_syscall_container_filter_valid, sysdig_container_build_filter, NULL);
+ register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "Process and Descendants", sysdig_syscall_filter_valid, sysdig_procdescendants_build_filter, NULL);
+ register_log_conversation_filter("falcobridge", "File Descriptor", sysdig_syscall_fd_filter_valid, sysdig_fd_build_filter, NULL);
+ add_conversation_filter_protocol("falcobridge");
+ // Register statistics taps
+ container_io_tap = register_tap("container_io");
+ // Register the "follow" handlers
+ fd_follow_tap = register_tap("fd_follow");
+ register_follow_stream(proto_falco_bridge, "fd_follow", fd_follow_conv_filter, fd_follow_index_filter, fd_follow_address_filter,
+ fd_port_to_display, fd_tap_listener, get_fd_stream_count, NULL);
+ // Try to have a 1:1 mapping for as many Sysdig / Falco fields as possible.
+ // The exceptions are SSC_EVTARGS and SSC_PROCLINEAGE, which exposes the event arguments in a way that is convenient for the user.
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_EVENT] = proto_register_protocol("Event Information", "Falco Event", "evt");
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_EVTARGS] = proto_register_protocol("Event Arguments", "Falco Event Info", "evt.arg");
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_PROCESS] = proto_register_protocol("Process Information", "Falco Process", "process");
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_PROCLINEAGE] = proto_register_protocol("Process Ancestors", "Falco Process Lineage", "proc.aname");
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_USER] = proto_register_protocol("User Information", "Falco User", "user");
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_GROUP] = proto_register_protocol("Group Information", "Falco Group", "group");
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_CONTAINER] = proto_register_protocol("Container Information", "Falco Container", "container");
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_FD] = proto_register_protocol("File Descriptor Information", "Falco FD", "fd");
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_FS] = proto_register_protocol("Filesystem Information", "Falco FS", "fs");
+ // syslog.facility collides with the Syslog dissector, so let syslog fall through to "falco".
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_FDLIST] = proto_register_protocol("File Descriptor List", "Falco FD List", "fdlist");
+ proto_syscalls[SSC_OTHER] = proto_register_protocol("Unknown or Miscellaneous Falco", "Falco Misc", "falco");
+ // Preferences
+ module_t *falco_bridge_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_falco_bridge, NULL);
+ prefs_register_bool_preference(falco_bridge_module, "show_internal_events",
+ "Show internal events",
+ "Show internal libsinsp events in the event list.",
+ &pref_show_internal);
+ /*
+ * Create the dissector table that we will use to route the dissection to
+ * the appropriate Falco plugin.
+ */
+ ptype_dissector_table = register_dissector_table("falcobridge.id",
+ "Falco Bridge Plugin ID", proto_falco_bridge, FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC);
+ /*
+ * Load the plugins
+ */
+ WS_DIR *dir;
+ WS_DIRENT *file;
+ char *filename;
+ char *spdname = g_build_filename(get_plugins_dir(), "falco", NULL);
+ char *ppdname = g_build_filename(get_plugins_pers_dir(), "falco", NULL);
+ /*
+ * We scan the plugins directory twice. The first time we count how many
+ * plugins we have, which we need to know in order to allocate the right
+ * amount of memory. The second time we actually load and configure
+ * each plugin.
+ */
+ if ((dir = ws_dir_open(spdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
+ while ((ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
+ nbridges++;
+ }
+ ws_dir_close(dir);
+ }
+ if ((dir = ws_dir_open(ppdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
+ while ((ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
+ nbridges++;
+ }
+ ws_dir_close(dir);
+ }
+ sinsp_span = create_sinsp_span();
+ bridges = g_new0(bridge_info, nbridges + 1);
+ create_sinsp_syscall_source(sinsp_span, &bridges[0].ssi);
+ create_source_hfids(&bridges[0]);
+ nbridges = 1;
+ if ((dir = ws_dir_open(spdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
+ while ((file = ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
+ filename = g_build_filename(spdname, ws_dir_get_name(file), NULL);
+ import_plugin(filename);
+ g_free(filename);
+ }
+ ws_dir_close(dir);
+ }
+ if ((dir = ws_dir_open(ppdname, 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
+ while ((file = ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
+ filename = g_build_filename(ppdname, ws_dir_get_name(file), NULL);
+ import_plugin(filename);
+ g_free(filename);
+ }
+ ws_dir_close(dir);
+ }
+ g_free(spdname);
+ g_free(ppdname);
+ /*
+ * Setup protocol subtree array
+ */
+ static int *ett[] = {
+ &ett_falco_bridge,
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_EVENT],
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_EVTARGS],
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_PROCESS],
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_PROCLINEAGE],
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_USER],
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_GROUP],
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_FD],
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_FS],
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_FDLIST],
+ &ett_syscalls[SSC_OTHER],
+ &ett_sinsp_enriched,
+ &ett_sinsp_span,
+ &ett_address,
+ };
+ /*
+ * Setup process lineage subtree array
+ */
+ static int *ett_lin[] = {
+ &ett_lineage[0],
+ &ett_lineage[1],
+ &ett_lineage[2],
+ &ett_lineage[3],
+ &ett_lineage[4],
+ &ett_lineage[5],
+ &ett_lineage[6],
+ &ett_lineage[7],
+ &ett_lineage[8],
+ &ett_lineage[9],
+ &ett_lineage[10],
+ &ett_lineage[11],
+ &ett_lineage[12],
+ &ett_lineage[13],
+ &ett_lineage[14],
+ &ett_lineage[15],
+ };
+ proto_register_field_array(proto_falco_bridge, hf, array_length(hf));
+ proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ proto_register_subtree_array(ett_lin, array_length(ett_lin));
+ register_shutdown_routine(on_wireshark_exit);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/sinsp-span.cpp b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/sinsp-span.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98612f8cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/sinsp-span.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1005 @@
+/* sinsp-span.cpp
+ *
+ * By Gerald Combs
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Sysdig, Inc.
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <epan/wmem_scopes.h>
+#include <wsutil/unicode-utils.h>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:4100)
+#pragma warning(disable:4267)
+// To do:
+// [ ] Move chunkify_string to a thread? For captures with large command lines,
+// we spend a lot of time hashing strings.
+// epan/address.h and driver/ppm_events_public.h both define PT_NONE, so
+// handle libsinsp calls here.
+typedef struct hf_register_info hf_register_info;
+typedef struct ss_plugin_info ss_plugin_info;
+#include "sinsp-span.h"
+#include <sinsp.h>
+typedef struct sinsp_source_info_t {
+ sinsp_plugin *source;
+ std::vector<const filter_check_info *> syscall_filter_checks;
+ std::vector<const filtercheck_field_info *> syscall_filter_fields;
+ std::vector<gen_event_filter_check *> syscall_event_filter_checks; // Same size as syscall_filter_fields
+ std::vector<sinsp_syscall_category_e> field_to_category; // Same size as syscall_filter_fields
+ sinsp_evt *evt;
+ uint8_t *evt_storage;
+ size_t evt_storage_size;
+ const char *name;
+ const char *description;
+ char *last_error;
+ size_t evt_category_idx;
+ uint16_t cpu_id_idx;
+ uint16_t proc_id_idx;
+} sinsp_source_info_t;
+static const size_t sfe_slab_prealloc = 250000;
+typedef struct sinsp_span_t {
+ sinsp inspector;
+ sinsp_filter_check_list filter_checks;
+ sinsp_field_extract_t *sfe_slab;
+ size_t sfe_slab_offset;
+ // XXX Combine these into a single struct?
+ std::vector<sinsp_field_extract_t *> sfe_ptrs;
+ std::vector<uint16_t> sfe_lengths;
+ std::vector<const ppm_event_info*> sfe_infos;
+ // Interned data. Copied from maxmind_db.c.
+ wmem_map_t *str_chunk;
+ wmem_map_t *proc_info_chunk;
+} sinsp_span_t;
+#include <wsutil/str_util.h>
+static int alloc_sfe;
+static int unused_sfe_bytes;
+static int total_chunked_strings;
+static int unique_chunked_strings;
+static int proc_info_hits;
+static int proc_info_updates;
+static int alloc_chunked_string_bytes;
+static int total_bytes;
+static filter_check_info g_args_fci;
+static filter_check_info g_lineage_fci;
+// These sinsp fields are not interesting in a wireshark-like use case, so we skip them.
+std::set<std::string> g_fields_to_skip = {
+ "evt.num",
+ "evt.time",
+ "evt.time.s",
+ "evt.time.iso8601",
+ "evt.datetime",
+ "evt.datetime.s",
+ "evt.rawtime",
+ "evt.rawtime.s",
+ "evt.rawtime.ns",
+ "evt.reltime",
+ "evt.reltime.s",
+ "evt.reltime.ns",
+ "evt.deltatime",
+ "evt.deltatime.s",
+ "evt.deltatime.ns",
+ "syscall.type",
+ "evt.is_async",
+ "evt.is_syslog",
+ "evt.count",
+ "proc.exeline",
+ "proc.cmdnargs",
+ "proc.pexe",
+ "proc.pexepath",
+ "proc.pcmdline",
+ "proc.ppid",
+ "proc.aexe",
+ "proc.aexepath",
+ "proc.aname",
+ "proc.acmdline",
+ "proc.apid",
+ "proc.cmdlenargs",
+ "proc.ppid.duration",
+ "proc.ppid.ts",
+ "thread.exetime",
+ "thread.totexetime",
+ "thread.vmsize",
+ "thread.vmrss",
+ "fd.nameraw",
+ "fd.cproto",
+ "fd.sproto",
+ "fd.lproto",
+ "fd.rproto",
+sinsp_span_t *create_sinsp_span()
+ sinsp_span_t *span = new(sinsp_span_t);
+ span->inspector.set_internal_events_mode(true);
+ span->inspector.set_buffer_format(sinsp_evt::PF_EOLS_COMPACT);
+ return span;
+void destroy_sinsp_span(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span) {
+ delete(sinsp_span);
+static const char *chunkify_string(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t key_len, int64_t cpu_id, int64_t proc_id, uint16_t fc_idx) {
+ int64_t proc_key = 0;
+ total_chunked_strings++;
+ // In order to avoid hashing the same potentially large strings over and over,
+ // we assume that field values will mostly be the same for each CPU,PID combo.
+ if (fc_idx) {
+ proc_key = (cpu_id << 48) | (proc_id << 16) | fc_idx;
+ char *proc_string = (char *) wmem_map_lookup(sinsp_span->proc_info_chunk, &proc_key);
+ if (proc_string && strcmp(proc_string, (const char *)key) == 0) {
+ proc_info_hits++;
+ return proc_string;
+ }
+ }
+ char *chunk_string = (char *) wmem_map_lookup(sinsp_span->str_chunk, key);
+ if (!chunk_string) {
+ chunk_string = (char *) ws_utf8_make_valid(wmem_file_scope(), key, (ssize_t)key_len);
+ char *key_string = chunk_string;
+ if (strcmp((const char *) key, chunk_string)) {
+ key_string = (char *) wmem_memdup(wmem_file_scope(), key, key_len);
+ }
+ wmem_map_insert(sinsp_span->str_chunk, key_string, chunk_string);
+ unique_chunked_strings++;
+ alloc_chunked_string_bytes += (int) strlen(chunk_string);
+ }
+ if (proc_key) {
+ wmem_map_insert(sinsp_span->proc_info_chunk, &proc_key, chunk_string);
+ proc_info_updates++;
+ }
+ return chunk_string;
+static sinsp_syscall_category_e filtercheck_name_to_category(const std::string fc_name) {
+ std::map<const char *, sinsp_syscall_category_e> fc_name_to_category = {
+ { "evt", SSC_EVENT },
+ { "args", SSC_EVTARGS },
+ { "process", SSC_PROCESS },
+ { "lineage", SSC_PROCLINEAGE},
+ { "user", SSC_USER },
+ { "group", SSC_GROUP },
+ { "container", SSC_CONTAINER },
+ { "fd", SSC_FD },
+ { "fs.path", SSC_FS },
+ // syslog collides with the dissector
+ { "fdlist", SSC_FDLIST },
+ };
+ for (const auto ptc : fc_name_to_category) {
+ if (ptc.first == fc_name) {
+ return ptc.second;
+ }
+ }
+ return SSC_OTHER;
+ * This is the list of "fake" fields that we create for the Falco event arguments.
+ */
+const filtercheck_field_info args_event_fields[] =
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.0", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.1", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.2", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.3", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.4", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.5", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.6", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.7", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.8", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.9", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.10", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.11", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.12", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.13", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.14", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.15", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.16", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.17", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.18", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.19", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.20", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.21", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.22", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.23", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.24", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.25", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.26", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.27", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.28", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.29", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.30", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "evt.arg.31", "Argument", "Event argument."},
+#define CREATE_FIELD_INFO(index) \
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "proc.aname." #index, "Name", "The proc.name..."}, \
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "proc.aexepath." #index, "Executable Path", "The proc.exepath..."}, \
+ {PT_INT64, EPF_NONE, PF_ID, "proc.apid." #index, "Process ID", "The pid..."}, \
+ {PT_CHARBUF, EPF_NONE, PF_NA, "proc.acmdline." #index, "Command Line", "The full command line..."}
+ * This is the list of "fake" fields that we create for process lineage.
+ * We construct the array using a macro to limit verboseness.
+ */
+const filtercheck_field_info proc_lineage_event_fields[] = {
+void add_arg_event(uint32_t arg_number,
+ sinsp_filter_factory* filter_factory,
+ sinsp_source_info_t *ssi,
+ sinsp_syscall_category_e args_syscall_category) {
+ if (arg_number >= sizeof(args_event_fields) / sizeof(args_event_fields[0])) {
+ ws_error("falco event has too many arguments (%" PRIu32 ")", arg_number);
+ }
+ std::string fname = "evt.arg[" + std::to_string(arg_number) + "]";
+ const filtercheck_field_info *ffi = &args_event_fields[arg_number];
+ gen_event_filter_check *gefc = filter_factory->new_filtercheck(fname.c_str());
+ if (!gefc) {
+ ws_error("cannot find expected Falco field evt.arg");
+ }
+ gefc->parse_field_name(fname.c_str(), true, false);
+ ssi->field_to_category.push_back(args_syscall_category);
+ ssi->syscall_event_filter_checks.push_back(gefc);
+ ssi->syscall_filter_fields.push_back(ffi);
+void create_args_source(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi,
+ sinsp_filter_factory* filter_factory,
+ const filter_check_info* fci) {
+ g_args_fci.m_name = "args";
+ sinsp_syscall_category_e args_syscall_category = filtercheck_name_to_category(g_args_fci.m_name);
+ g_args_fci = *fci;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+ add_arg_event(i, filter_factory, ssi, args_syscall_category);
+ }
+ ssi->syscall_filter_checks.push_back(&g_args_fci);
+void add_lineage_field(std::string basefname,
+ uint32_t ancestor_number,
+ uint32_t field_number,
+ sinsp_filter_factory* filter_factory,
+ sinsp_source_info_t *ssi,
+ sinsp_syscall_category_e args_syscall_category) {
+ std::string fname = basefname + "[" + std::to_string(ancestor_number) + "]";
+ const filtercheck_field_info *ffi = &proc_lineage_event_fields[(ancestor_number - 1) * N_PROC_LINEAGE_ENTRY_FIELDS + field_number];
+ gen_event_filter_check *gefc = filter_factory->new_filtercheck(fname.c_str());
+ if (!gefc) {
+ ws_error("cannot find expected Falco field evt.arg");
+ }
+ gefc->parse_field_name(fname.c_str(), true, false);
+ ssi->field_to_category.push_back(args_syscall_category);
+ ssi->syscall_event_filter_checks.push_back(gefc);
+ ssi->syscall_filter_fields.push_back(ffi);
+void add_lineage_events(uint32_t ancestor_number,
+ sinsp_filter_factory* filter_factory,
+ sinsp_source_info_t *ssi,
+ sinsp_syscall_category_e args_syscall_category) {
+ if (ancestor_number >= sizeof(proc_lineage_event_fields) / sizeof(proc_lineage_event_fields[0]) / N_PROC_LINEAGE_ENTRY_FIELDS) {
+ ws_error("falco lineage mismatch (%" PRIu32 ")", ancestor_number);
+ }
+ add_lineage_field("proc.aname", ancestor_number, 0, filter_factory, ssi, args_syscall_category);
+ add_lineage_field("proc.acmdline", ancestor_number, 3, filter_factory, ssi, args_syscall_category);
+ add_lineage_field("proc.aexepath", ancestor_number, 1, filter_factory, ssi, args_syscall_category);
+ add_lineage_field("proc.apid", ancestor_number, 2, filter_factory, ssi, args_syscall_category);
+void create_lineage_source(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi,
+ sinsp_filter_factory* filter_factory,
+ const filter_check_info* fci) {
+ g_lineage_fci.m_name = "lineage";
+ sinsp_syscall_category_e args_syscall_category = filtercheck_name_to_category(g_lineage_fci.m_name);
+ g_lineage_fci = *fci;
+ for (uint32_t i = 1; i < N_PROC_LINEAGE_ENTRIES; i++) {
+ add_lineage_events(i, filter_factory, ssi, args_syscall_category);
+ }
+ ssi->syscall_filter_checks.push_back(&g_lineage_fci);
+// Not all of the fields in sinsp have been designed with a Wireshark-like use case in mind.
+// This functions determines which fields we should skip.
+bool skip_field(const filtercheck_field_info *ffi) {
+ if (g_fields_to_skip.find(ffi->m_name) != g_fields_to_skip.end()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * We want the flexibility to decide the deiplay order of the fields in the UI, since
+ * the order in which they are defined in filterchecks.{cpp,h} is not necessarily the one we want.
+ */
+void reorder_syscall_fields(std::vector<const filter_check_info*>* all_syscall_fields) {
+ // Move "fd" after "proc"
+ all_syscall_fields->insert(all_syscall_fields->begin() + 3, all_syscall_fields->at(6));
+ all_syscall_fields->erase(all_syscall_fields->begin() + 7);
+ // Move "container" after "fd"
+ all_syscall_fields->insert(all_syscall_fields->begin() + 4, all_syscall_fields->at(6));
+ all_syscall_fields->erase(all_syscall_fields->begin() + 7);
+ * Populate a sinsp_source_info_t struct with the symbols coming from libsinsp's builtin syscall extractors
+ */
+void create_sinsp_syscall_source(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, sinsp_source_info_t **ssi_ptr) {
+ sinsp_source_info_t *ssi = new sinsp_source_info_t();
+ std::shared_ptr<gen_event_filter_factory> factory(new sinsp_filter_factory(NULL, sinsp_span->filter_checks));
+ sinsp_filter_factory filter_factory(&sinsp_span->inspector, sinsp_span->filter_checks);
+ std::vector<const filter_check_info*> all_syscall_fields;
+ // Extract the fields defined in filterchecks.{cpp,h}
+ sinsp_span->filter_checks.get_all_fields(all_syscall_fields);
+ // Reorder the list of extractor the way we want them to appear in the UI.
+ reorder_syscall_fields(&all_syscall_fields);
+ for (const auto fci : all_syscall_fields) {
+ if (fci->m_flags == filter_check_info::FL_HIDDEN) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fci->m_name == "process") {
+ // This creates a meta-filtercheck for the events arguments and it register its fields.
+ // We do it before the process filtercheck because we want to have it exactly in the position
+ // after event and before process.
+ create_args_source(ssi, &filter_factory, fci);
+ } else if (fci->m_name == "fd") {
+ // This creates a meta-filtercheck for process lineage.
+ // We do it before the fd filtercheck because we want it to be between the proc and fd trees.
+ create_lineage_source(ssi, &filter_factory, fci);
+ }
+ sinsp_syscall_category_e syscall_category = filtercheck_name_to_category(fci->m_name);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fci->m_nfields; i++) {
+ const filtercheck_field_info *ffi = &fci->m_fields[i];
+ if (ffi->m_flags == filtercheck_field_flags::EPF_NONE) {
+ // This is where we exclude fields that are not interesting in a wireshark-like use case.
+ if (skip_field(ffi)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ gen_event_filter_check *gefc = filter_factory.new_filtercheck(ffi->m_name);
+ if (!gefc) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(ffi->m_name, "evt.category") == 0) {
+ ssi->evt_category_idx = ssi->syscall_filter_fields.size();
+ }
+ if (strcmp(ffi->m_name, "evt.cpu") == 0) {
+ ssi->cpu_id_idx = (uint16_t) ssi->syscall_filter_fields.size();
+ }
+ if (strcmp(ffi->m_name, "proc.pid") == 0) {
+ ssi->proc_id_idx = (uint16_t) ssi->syscall_filter_fields.size();
+ }
+ gefc->parse_field_name(ffi->m_name, true, false);
+ ssi->field_to_category.push_back(syscall_category);
+ ssi->syscall_event_filter_checks.push_back(gefc);
+ ssi->syscall_filter_fields.push_back(ffi);
+ }
+ }
+ ssi->syscall_filter_checks.push_back(fci);
+ }
+ ssi->evt = new sinsp_evt(&sinsp_span->inspector);
+ ssi->evt_storage_size = 4096;
+ ssi->evt_storage = (uint8_t *) g_malloc(ssi->evt_storage_size);
+ ssi->name = strdup(sinsp_syscall_event_source_name);
+ ssi->description = strdup(sinsp_syscall_event_source_name);
+ *ssi_ptr = ssi;
+ return;
+ * Populate a sinsp_source_info_t struct with the symbols coming from a library loaded via libsinsp
+ */
+char *
+create_sinsp_plugin_source(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, const char* libname, sinsp_source_info_t **ssi_ptr)
+ sinsp_source_info_t *ssi = new sinsp_source_info_t();
+ char *err_str = NULL;
+ try {
+ auto sp = sinsp_span->inspector.register_plugin(libname);
+ if (sp->caps() & CAP_EXTRACTION) {
+ ssi->source = dynamic_cast<sinsp_plugin *>(sp.get());
+ } else {
+ err_str = g_strdup_printf("%s has unsupported plugin capabilities 0x%02x", libname, sp->caps());
+ }
+ } catch (const sinsp_exception& e) {
+ err_str = g_strdup_printf("Caught sinsp exception %s", e.what());
+ }
+ std::string init_err;
+ if (!err_str) {
+ if (!ssi->source->init("{}", init_err)) {
+ err_str = g_strdup_printf("Unable to initialize %s: %s", libname, init_err.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ if (err_str) {
+ delete ssi;
+ return err_str;
+ }
+ ssi->evt = new sinsp_evt(&sinsp_span->inspector);
+ ssi->evt_storage_size = 4096;
+ ssi->evt_storage = (uint8_t *) g_malloc(ssi->evt_storage_size);
+ ssi->name = strdup(ssi->source->name().c_str());
+ ssi->description = strdup(ssi->source->description().c_str());
+ *ssi_ptr = ssi;
+ return NULL;
+uint32_t get_sinsp_source_id(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi)
+ if (ssi->source) {
+ return ssi->source->id();
+ }
+ return 0;
+const char *get_sinsp_source_last_error(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi)
+ if (ssi->source) {
+ if (ssi->last_error) {
+ free(ssi->last_error);
+ }
+ ssi->last_error = strdup(ssi->source->get_last_error().c_str());
+ }
+ return ssi->last_error;
+const char *get_sinsp_source_name(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi)
+ return ssi->name;
+const char *get_sinsp_source_description(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi)
+ return ssi->description;
+size_t get_sinsp_source_nfields(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi)
+ if (ssi->source) {
+ return ssi->source->fields().size();
+ }
+ return ssi->syscall_filter_fields.size();
+bool get_sinsp_source_field_info(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, size_t field_num, sinsp_field_info_t *field)
+ if (field_num >= get_sinsp_source_nfields(ssi)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const filtercheck_field_info *ffi = NULL;
+ if (ssi->source) {
+ ffi = &ssi->source->fields()[field_num];
+ g_strlcpy(field->abbrev, ffi->m_name, sizeof(field->abbrev));
+ } else {
+ ffi = ssi->syscall_filter_fields[field_num];
+ if (ssi->field_to_category[field_num] == SSC_OTHER) {
+ snprintf(field->abbrev, sizeof(field->abbrev), FALCO_FIELD_NAME_PREFIX "%s", ffi->m_name);
+ } else {
+ g_strlcpy(field->abbrev, ffi->m_name, sizeof(field->abbrev));
+ }
+ }
+ g_strlcpy(field->display, ffi->m_display, sizeof(field->display));
+ g_strlcpy(field->description, ffi->m_description, sizeof(field->description));
+ field->is_hidden = ffi->m_flags & EPF_TABLE_ONLY;
+ field->is_conversation = ffi->m_flags & EPF_CONVERSATION;
+ field->is_info = ffi->m_flags & EPF_INFO;
+ field->is_numeric_address = false;
+ switch (ffi->m_type) {
+ case PT_INT8:
+ field->type = FT_INT8;
+ break;
+ case PT_INT16:
+ field->type = FT_INT16;
+ break;
+ case PT_INT32:
+ field->type = FT_INT32;
+ break;
+ case PT_INT64:
+ field->type = FT_INT64;
+ break;
+ case PT_UINT8:
+ field->type = FT_UINT8;
+ break;
+ case PT_UINT16:
+ case PT_PORT:
+ field->type = FT_UINT16;
+ break;
+ case PT_UINT32:
+ field->type = FT_UINT32;
+ break;
+ case PT_UINT64:
+ case PT_RELTIME:
+ case PT_ABSTIME:
+ field->type = FT_UINT64;
+ break;
+ case PT_CHARBUF:
+ field->type = FT_STRINGZ;
+ break;
+// field->type = FT_RELATIVE_TIME;
+// break;
+// field->type = FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME;
+// field->type = FT_UINT64;
+// field->display_format = SFDF_DECIMAL;
+ break;
+ case PT_BYTEBUF:
+ field->type = FT_BYTES;
+ break;
+ case PT_BOOL:
+ field->type = FT_BOOLEAN;
+ break;
+ case PT_DOUBLE:
+ field->type = FT_DOUBLE;
+ break;
+ case PT_IPADDR:
+ field->type = FT_BYTES;
+ field->is_numeric_address = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ws_debug("Unknown Falco parameter type %d for %s", ffi->m_type, field->abbrev);
+ field->type = FT_BYTES;
+ }
+ switch (ffi->m_print_format) {
+ case PF_DEC:
+ case PF_10_PADDED_DEC:
+ case PF_ID:
+ field->display_format = SFDF_DECIMAL;
+ break;
+ case PF_HEX:
+ field->display_format = SFDF_HEXADECIMAL;
+ break;
+ case PF_OCT:
+ field->display_format = SFDF_OCTAL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ field->display_format = SFDF_UNKNOWN;
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+char* get_evt_arg_name(void* sinp_evt_info, uint32_t arg_num) {
+ ppm_event_info* realinfo = (ppm_event_info*)sinp_evt_info;
+ if (arg_num > realinfo->nparams) {
+ ws_error("Arg number %u exceeds event parameter count %u", arg_num, realinfo->nparams);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return realinfo->params[arg_num].name;
+void open_sinsp_capture(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, const char *filepath)
+ sinsp_span->sfe_slab = NULL;
+ sinsp_span->sfe_slab_offset = 0;
+ sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.clear();
+ sinsp_span->sfe_lengths.clear();
+ sinsp_span->sfe_infos.clear();
+ sinsp_span->inspector.open_savefile(filepath);
+ sinsp_span->str_chunk = wmem_map_new(wmem_file_scope(), g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
+ sinsp_span->proc_info_chunk = wmem_map_new(wmem_file_scope(), g_int64_hash, g_int64_equal);
+ alloc_sfe = 0;
+ unused_sfe_bytes = 0;
+ total_chunked_strings = 0;
+ unique_chunked_strings = 0;
+ proc_info_hits = 0;
+ proc_info_updates = 0;
+ alloc_chunked_string_bytes = 0;
+ total_bytes = 0;
+static void add_syscall_event_to_cache(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, sinsp_evt *evt)
+ uint64_t evt_num = evt->get_num();
+ // Fill in any gaps
+ if (evt_num > 1 && evt_num - 1 > sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size()) {
+ ws_debug("Filling syscall gap from %d to %u", (int) sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size(), (unsigned) evt_num - 1);
+ sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.resize(evt_num - 1);
+ sinsp_span->sfe_lengths.resize(evt_num - 1);
+ sinsp_span->sfe_infos.resize(evt_num - 1);
+ }
+ // libsinsp requires that events be processed in order so we cache our extracted
+ // data during the first pass. We don't know how many fields we're going to extract
+ // during an event, so we preallocate slabs of `sfe_slab_prealloc` entries.
+ //
+ // XXX This assumes that we won't extract more than ssi->syscall_event_filter_checks.size()
+ // fields per event.
+ if (sinsp_span->sfe_slab_offset + ssi->syscall_event_filter_checks.size() > sfe_slab_prealloc) {
+ if (sinsp_span->sfe_slab_offset > 0) {
+ unused_sfe_bytes += sizeof(sinsp_field_extract_t) * (sfe_slab_prealloc - sinsp_span->sfe_slab_offset);
+ }
+ sinsp_span->sfe_slab = NULL;
+ sinsp_span->sfe_slab_offset = 0;
+ }
+ if (sinsp_span->sfe_slab == NULL) {
+ alloc_sfe += sfe_slab_prealloc;
+ sinsp_span->sfe_slab = (sinsp_field_extract_t *) wmem_alloc(wmem_file_scope(), sizeof(sinsp_field_extract_t) * sfe_slab_prealloc);
+ }
+ sinsp_field_extract_t *sfe_block = &sinsp_span->sfe_slab[sinsp_span->sfe_slab_offset];
+ std::vector<extract_value_t> values;
+ uint16_t sfe_idx = 0;
+ int16_t cpu_id = 0;
+ int64_t proc_id = 0;
+ // First check for internal events.
+ // XXX We should skip this if "Show internal events" is enabled.
+ auto gefc = ssi->syscall_event_filter_checks[ssi->evt_category_idx];
+ if (!gefc->extract(evt, values, false) || values.size() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (strcmp((const char *) values[0].ptr, "internal") == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (size_t fc_idx = 0; fc_idx < ssi->syscall_event_filter_checks.size(); fc_idx++) {
+ gefc = ssi->syscall_event_filter_checks[fc_idx];
+ values.clear();
+ if (!gefc->extract(evt, values, false) || values.size() < 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto ffi = ssi->syscall_filter_fields[fc_idx];
+ if (ffi->m_flags == filtercheck_field_flags::EPF_NONE && values[0].len > 0) {
+ if (sinsp_span->sfe_slab_offset + sfe_idx >= sfe_slab_prealloc) {
+ ws_error("Extracting too many fields for event %u (%d vs %d)", (unsigned) evt->get_num(), (int) sfe_idx, (int) ssi->syscall_event_filter_checks.size());
+ }
+ sinsp_field_extract_t *sfe = &sfe_block[sfe_idx];
+ sfe_idx++;
+ sfe->field_idx = (uint32_t) fc_idx;
+ // XXX Use memcpy instead of all this casting?
+ switch (ffi->m_type) {
+ case PT_INT8:
+ sfe->res.i32 = *(int8_t*)values[0].ptr;
+ break;
+ case PT_INT16:
+ sfe->res.i32 = *(int16_t*)values[0].ptr;
+ if (fc_idx == ssi->cpu_id_idx) {
+ cpu_id = *(int16_t*)values[0].ptr;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PT_INT32:
+ sfe->res.i32 = *(int32_t*)values[0].ptr;
+ break;
+ case PT_INT64:
+ sfe->res.i64 = *(int64_t *)values[0].ptr;
+ if (fc_idx == ssi->proc_id_idx) {
+ proc_id = *(int64_t*)values[0].ptr;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PT_UINT8:
+ sfe->res.u32 = *(uint8_t*)values[0].ptr;
+ break;
+ case PT_UINT16:
+ case PT_PORT:
+ sfe->res.u32 = *(uint16_t*)values[0].ptr;
+ break;
+ case PT_UINT32:
+ sfe->res.u32 = *(uint32_t*)values[0].ptr;
+ break;
+ case PT_UINT64:
+ case PT_RELTIME:
+ case PT_ABSTIME:
+ sfe->res.u64 = *(uint64_t *)values[0].ptr;
+ break;
+ case PT_CHARBUF:
+ if (values[0].len < SFE_SMALL_BUF_SIZE) {
+ // XXX We need to convert this to valid UTF-8
+ g_strlcpy(sfe->res.small_str, (const char *) values[0].ptr, SFE_SMALL_BUF_SIZE);
+ } else {
+ sfe->res.str = chunkify_string(sinsp_span, values[0].ptr, values[0].len, cpu_id, proc_id, fc_idx);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PT_BOOL:
+ sfe->res.boolean = (bool)(uint32_t) *(uint32_t*)values[0].ptr;
+ break;
+ case PT_DOUBLE:
+ sfe->res.dbl = *(double*)values[0].ptr;
+ break;
+ default:
+ sfe->res.bytes = (uint8_t*) wmem_memdup(wmem_file_scope(), (const uint8_t *) values[0].ptr, values[0].len);
+ total_bytes += values[0].len;
+ }
+ sfe->res_len = values[0].len;
+ }
+ }
+ sinsp_span->sfe_slab_offset += sfe_idx;
+ sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.push_back(sfe_block);
+ sinsp_span->sfe_lengths.push_back(sfe_idx);
+ sinsp_span->sfe_infos.push_back(evt->get_info());
+ if (sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size() < evt_num) {
+ ws_warning("Unable to fill cache to the proper size (%d vs %u)", (int) sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size(), (unsigned) evt_num);
+ }
+ return;
+void close_sinsp_capture(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span)
+ unused_sfe_bytes += sizeof(sinsp_field_extract_t) * sfe_slab_prealloc - sinsp_span->sfe_slab_offset;
+ g_warning("Allocated sinsp_field_extract_t structs: %s (%s)",
+ format_size(alloc_sfe * sizeof(sinsp_field_extract_t), FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI));
+ g_warning("Unused sinsp_field_extract_t bytes: %s", format_size(unused_sfe_bytes, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI));
+ g_warning("Chunked strings: %s (%s unique, %s)",
+ format_size(total_chunked_strings, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_NONE, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI),
+ format_size(unique_chunked_strings, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_NONE, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI),
+ format_size(alloc_chunked_string_bytes, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI));
+ g_warning("Process info string hits: %s, %s updates",
+ format_size(proc_info_hits, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_NONE, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI),
+ format_size(proc_info_updates, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_NONE, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI));
+ g_warning("Byte value (I/O) bytes: %s", format_size(total_bytes, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI));
+ g_warning("Cache capacity: %s items, sinsp_field_extract_t pointer bytes = %s, length bytes = %s",
+ format_size(sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.capacity(), FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI),
+ format_size(sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.capacity() * sizeof(sinsp_field_extract_t *), FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI),
+ format_size(sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.capacity() * sizeof(uint16_t), FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI));
+ alloc_sfe = 0;
+ unused_sfe_bytes = 0;
+ total_chunked_strings = 0;
+ unique_chunked_strings = 0;
+ proc_info_hits = 0;
+ proc_info_updates = 0;
+ alloc_chunked_string_bytes = 0;
+ total_bytes = 0;
+ sinsp_span->inspector.close();
+ sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.clear();
+ sinsp_span->sfe_lengths.clear();
+ sinsp_span->sfe_infos.clear();
+ sinsp_span->str_chunk = NULL;
+ sinsp_span->proc_info_chunk = NULL;
+sinsp_syscall_category_e get_syscall_parent_category(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, size_t field_check_idx)
+ if (field_check_idx < ssi->field_to_category.size()) {
+ return ssi->field_to_category[field_check_idx];
+ }
+ return SSC_OTHER;
+// Either have separate cached / non-cached params or pass a pointer to a pointer array.
+bool extract_syscall_source_fields(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, uint32_t frame_num, sinsp_field_extract_t **sinsp_fields, uint32_t *sinsp_field_len, void** sinp_evt_info) {
+ if (ssi->source) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // libsinsp event numbers may or may not be contiguous. Make sure our event cache is at
+ // least as large as the current frame number. add_syscall_event_to_cache will fill in
+ // any gaps with null entries.
+ while (frame_num > sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size()) {
+ sinsp_evt *evt = NULL;
+ try {
+ int32_t res = sinsp_span->inspector.next(&evt);
+ switch (res) {
+ break;
+ case SCAP_EOF:
+ ws_debug("Filling syscall EOF gap from %d to %u", (int) sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size(), frame_num);
+ sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.resize(frame_num);
+ sinsp_span->sfe_lengths.resize(frame_num);
+ sinsp_span->sfe_infos.resize(frame_num);
+ break;
+ add_syscall_event_to_cache(sinsp_span, ssi, evt);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ws_warning("%s", sinsp_span->inspector.getlasterr().c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch (sinsp_exception &e) {
+ ws_warning("%s", e.what());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Shouldn't happen
+ if (frame_num > sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size()) {
+ ws_error("Frame number %u exceeds cache size %d", frame_num, (int) sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size());
+ return false;
+ }
+ *sinsp_fields = sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs[frame_num - 1];
+ *sinsp_field_len = sinsp_span->sfe_lengths[frame_num - 1];
+ *sinp_evt_info = (void*)sinsp_span->sfe_infos[frame_num - 1];
+ return true;
+bool get_extracted_syscall_source_fields(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, uint32_t frame_num, sinsp_field_extract_t **sinsp_fields, uint32_t *sinsp_field_len, void** sinp_evt_info) {
+ // Shouldn't happen
+ if (frame_num > sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size()) {
+ ws_error("Frame number %u exceeds cache size %d", frame_num, (int) sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs.size());
+ return false;
+ }
+ *sinsp_fields = sinsp_span->sfe_ptrs[frame_num - 1];
+ *sinsp_field_len = sinsp_span->sfe_lengths[frame_num - 1];
+ *sinp_evt_info = (void*)sinsp_span->sfe_infos[frame_num - 1];
+ return true;
+// The code below, falcosecurity/libs, and falcosecurity/plugins need to be in alignment.
+// The Makefile in /plugins defines FALCOSECURITY_LIBS_REVISION and uses that version of
+// plugin_info.h. We need to build against a compatible revision of /libs.
+bool extract_plugin_source_fields(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, uint32_t event_num, uint8_t *evt_data, uint32_t evt_datalen, wmem_allocator_t *pool, plugin_field_extract_t *sinsp_fields, uint32_t sinsp_field_len)
+ if (!ssi->source) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::vector<ss_plugin_extract_field> fields;
+ // PPME_PLUGINEVENT_E events have the following format:
+ // | scap_evt header | uint32_t sizeof(id) = 4 | uint32_t evt_datalen | uint32_t id | uint8_t[] evt_data |
+ uint32_t payload_hdr[3] = {4, evt_datalen, ssi->source->id()};
+// uint32_t payload_hdr_size = (nparams + 1) * 4;
+ uint32_t tot_evt_len = (uint32_t)sizeof(scap_evt) + sizeof(payload_hdr) + evt_datalen;
+ if (ssi->evt_storage_size < tot_evt_len) {
+ while (ssi->evt_storage_size < tot_evt_len) {
+ ssi->evt_storage_size *= 2;
+ }
+ ssi->evt_storage = (uint8_t *) g_realloc(ssi->evt_storage, ssi->evt_storage_size);
+ }
+ scap_evt *sevt = (scap_evt *) ssi->evt_storage;
+ sevt->ts = -1;
+ sevt->tid = -1;
+ sevt->len = tot_evt_len;
+ sevt->type = PPME_PLUGINEVENT_E;
+ sevt->nparams = 2; // Plugin ID + evt_data;
+ memcpy(ssi->evt_storage + sizeof(scap_evt), payload_hdr, sizeof(payload_hdr));
+ memcpy(ssi->evt_storage + sizeof(scap_evt) + sizeof(payload_hdr), evt_data, evt_datalen);
+ ssi->evt->init(ssi->evt_storage, 0);
+ ssi->evt->set_num(event_num);
+ fields.resize(sinsp_field_len);
+ // We must supply field_id, field, arg, and type.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sinsp_field_len; i++) {
+ fields.at(i).field_id = sinsp_fields[i].field_id;
+ fields.at(i).field = sinsp_fields[i].field_name;
+ if (sinsp_fields[i].type == FT_STRINGZ) {
+ fields.at(i).ftype = FTYPE_STRING;
+ } else {
+ fields.at(i).ftype = FTYPE_UINT64;
+ }
+ }
+ bool status = true;
+ if (!ssi->source->extract_fields(ssi->evt, sinsp_field_len, fields.data())) {
+ status = false;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sinsp_field_len; i++) {
+ sinsp_fields[i].is_present = fields.at(i).res_len > 0;
+ if (sinsp_fields[i].is_present) {
+ if (fields.at(i).ftype == PT_CHARBUF) {
+ sinsp_fields[i].res.str = wmem_strdup(pool, *fields.at(i).res.str);
+ } else if (fields.at(i).ftype == PT_UINT64) {
+ sinsp_fields[i].res.u64 = *fields.at(i).res.u64;
+ } else {
+ status = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/sinsp-span.h b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/sinsp-span.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8430334030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/falco_bridge/sinsp-span.h
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+/* sinsp-span.h
+ *
+ * By Gerald Combs
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 Sysdig, Inc.
+ *
+ * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#ifndef __SINSP_SPAN_H__
+#define __SINSP_SPAN_H__
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <epan/ftypes/ftypes.h>
+#include <wsutil/wmem/wmem.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+#define FALCO_FIELD_NAME_PREFIX "falco."
+typedef struct sinsp_source_info_t sinsp_source_info_t;
+typedef struct sinsp_span_t sinsp_span_t;
+typedef enum sinsp_field_display_format_e {
+} sinsp_field_display_format_e;
+// Should match sinsp_filter_check_list in libsinsp as closely as possible.
+typedef enum sinsp_syscall_category_e {
+ SSC_EVENT, // gen_event, event
+ SSC_EVTARGS, // event arguments
+ SSC_PROCESS, // thread
+ SSC_PROCLINEAGE, // process lineage
+ SSC_USER, // user
+ SSC_GROUP, // group
+ SSC_CONTAINER, // container
+ SSC_FD, // fd
+ SSC_FS, // fs.path
+// SSC_SYSLOG, // syslog. Collides with syslog dissector so skip for now.
+ SSC_FDLIST, // fdlist
+ SSC_OTHER, // "falco.", catch-all
+} sinsp_syscall_category_e;
+typedef struct sinsp_field_info_t {
+ enum ftenum type;
+ sinsp_field_display_format_e display_format;
+ char abbrev[64]; // filter name
+ char display[64]; // display name
+ char description[1024];
+ bool is_hidden;
+ bool is_conversation;
+ bool is_info;
+ bool is_numeric_address;
+} sinsp_field_info_t;
+typedef struct sinsp_field_extract_t {
+ union {
+ uint8_t *bytes;
+ const char *str;
+ int32_t i32;
+ int64_t i64;
+ uint32_t u32;
+ uint64_t u64;
+ double dbl;
+ bool boolean;
+ char small_str[SFE_SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
+ uint8_t small_bytes[SFE_SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
+ } res;
+ int res_len; // out
+ uint16_t field_idx; // out for syscalls
+} sinsp_field_extract_t;
+typedef struct plugin_field_extract_t {
+ uint32_t field_id; // out for syscalls, in for plugins
+ const char *field_name; // in
+ enum ftenum type; // in, out
+ bool is_present; // out
+ union {
+ uint8_t *bytes;
+ const char *str;
+ int32_t i32;
+ int64_t i64;
+ uint32_t u32;
+ uint64_t u64;
+ double dbl;
+ uint8_t ipv6[16];
+ bool boolean;
+ } res;
+ int res_len; // out
+// sinsp_syscall_category_e parent_category; // out
+} plugin_field_extract_t;
+sinsp_span_t *create_sinsp_span(void);
+void destroy_sinsp_span(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span);
+// Common routines
+uint32_t get_sinsp_source_id(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi);
+const char *get_sinsp_source_last_error(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi);
+const char *get_sinsp_source_name(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi);
+const char* get_sinsp_source_description(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi);
+bool get_sinsp_source_field_info(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, size_t field_num, sinsp_field_info_t *field);
+char* get_evt_arg_name(void* sinp_evt_info, uint32_t arg_num);
+// libsinsp builtin syscall routines.
+void create_sinsp_syscall_source(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, sinsp_source_info_t **ssi_ptr);
+void open_sinsp_capture(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, const char *filepath);
+//uint32_t process_syscall_capture(sinsp_span_t * sinsp_span, sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, uint32_t to_event);
+void close_sinsp_capture(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span);
+bool extract_syscall_source_fields(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, uint32_t frame_num, sinsp_field_extract_t **sinsp_fields, uint32_t *sinsp_field_len, void** sinp_evt_info);
+sinsp_syscall_category_e get_syscall_parent_category(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, size_t field_check_idx);
+bool get_extracted_syscall_source_fields(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, uint32_t frame_num, sinsp_field_extract_t **sinsp_fields, uint32_t *sinsp_field_len, void** sinp_evt_info);
+// Extractor plugin routines.
+// These roughly match common_plugin_info
+char *create_sinsp_plugin_source(sinsp_span_t *sinsp_span, const char* libname, sinsp_source_info_t **ssi_ptr);
+size_t get_sinsp_source_nfields(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi);
+bool extract_plugin_source_fields(sinsp_source_info_t *ssi, uint32_t event_num, uint8_t *evt_data, uint32_t evt_datalen, wmem_allocator_t *pool, plugin_field_extract_t *sinsp_fields, uint32_t sinsp_field_len);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
+#endif // __SINSP_SPAN_H__
diff --git a/plugins/epan/gryphon/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/gryphon/CMakeLists.txt
index 8bf5939158..22bb87cf2b 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/gryphon/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/gryphon/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "Gryphon automotive network tool protocol"
-add_plugin_library(gryphon epan)
target_link_libraries(gryphon epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/gryphon/packet-gryphon.c b/plugins/epan/gryphon/packet-gryphon.c
index 49afe5664e..2b4d4532b7 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/gryphon/packet-gryphon.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/gryphon/packet-gryphon.c
@@ -38,337 +38,339 @@
void proto_register_gryphon(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_gryphon(void);
+static dissector_handle_t gryphon_handle;
#define GRYPHON_TCP_PORT 7000 /* Not IANA registed */
-static int proto_gryphon = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_src = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_srcchan = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_srcchanclient = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_dest = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_destchan = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_destchanclient = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_type = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cmd = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cmd_context = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cmd_ioctl_context = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_padding = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ignored = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_wait_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_wait_resp = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_wait_prev_resp = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_status = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_response_in = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_response_to = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_response_time = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_header_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_header_length_bits = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_extra_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_mode = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_transmitted = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_receive = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_local = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_remote = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_oneshot = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_combined = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_nomux = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_internal = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_priority = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_error_status = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_time = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_context = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_header_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_extra_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_data_padding = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_event_id = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_event_context = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_event_time = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_event_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_event_padding = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_misc_text = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_misc_padding = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_eventnum = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_resp_time = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_setfilt = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_setfilt_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_setfilt_discard_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_setfilt_padding = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ioctl = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ioctl_nbytes = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ioctl_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addfilt_pass = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addfilt_active = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addfilt_blocks = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addfilt_handle = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_modfilt = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_modfilt_action = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filthan = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filthan_id = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filthan_padding = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_dfiltmode = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filtmode = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_event_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_register_username = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_register_password = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_register_client_id = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_register_privileges = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_set_ioctl = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_get_ioctl = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_size = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_preset = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cmd_sort = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cmd_optimize = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_device_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_device_version = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_device_serial_number = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_num_channels = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_name_version_ext = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_driver_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_driver_version = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_device_security = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_max_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_min_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_hardware_serial_number = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_protocol_type = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_channel_id = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_card_slot_number = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_max_extra_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_config_min_extra_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_num_iterations = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_flags_scheduler = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_sleep = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_transmit_count = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_transmit_period = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_transmit_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_skip_transmit_period = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_skip_sleep = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_channel = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_channel0 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_rep_id = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_sched_rep_message_index = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_time = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_bus_load = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_current_bus_load = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_peak_bus_load = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_historic_peak_bus_load = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_receive_frame_count = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_transmit_frame_count = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_receive_dropped_frame_count = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_transmit_dropped_frame_count = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_receive_error_count = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_transmit_error_count = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_flags_active = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_blocks = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_responses = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_old_handle = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action_period = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action_deact_on_event = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action_deact_after_period = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action_period_type = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_addresp_handle = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_list = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_number = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_nodenumber = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_remaining = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_info_pv = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_info_lv = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_ui = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_lin_nodename = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_lin_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_lin_slave_table_enable = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_lin_slave_table_cs = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_lin_slave_table_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_lin_slave_table_datacs = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_lin_masterevent = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_lin_numdata = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_lin_numextra = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_description = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_size = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_exists = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_blockn = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_file = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_desc_pad = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_restore_session = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_msg_dbytes = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_event = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_sporadic = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_ioctl_setflags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_numb_ids = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_bitrate = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_ioctl_setflags_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_sched_size_place = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_sched_numb_place = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_sched_size = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_node_names = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_frames = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_signal_names = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_schedules = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_encodings = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_encoding_value = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_encoding_min = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_encoding_max = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_master_node_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_slave_node_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_node_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_encoding_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_encoding_type = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_encoding_logical = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_offset = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_get_frame = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_get_frame_num = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_get_frame_pub = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_ldf_get_frame_num_signals = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_valuef = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_valuei = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_values = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_units = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_flags_getvalues = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_dd_stream = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_dd_value = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_dd_time = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_modresp_handle = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_modresp_action = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_num_resphan = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_handle = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_transmit_sched_id = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_desc_program_size = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_desc_program_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_desc_program_description = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_desc_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_desc_flags_program = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_desc_handle = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_upload_block_number = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_upload_handle = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_upload_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_delete = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_list_block_number = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_list_num_programs = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_list_num_remain_programs = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_list_name = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_list_description = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_start_arguments = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_start_channel = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_status_num_running_copies = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_options_handle = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_files = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_flags_register = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_action_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_action_flags_non_legacy = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_action_flags_register = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_action_flags_action = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_flags_echo = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_done_event = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_echo_short = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_rx_nth_fc = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_action = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_send_done = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_action = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_firstframe_event = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_lastframe_event = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_tx_nth_fc = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_length_options_flags = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_length_control_j1939 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_stmin_fc = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_bsmax_fc = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_stmin_override = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_stmin_override_active = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_stmin_override_activate = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_set_stmin_mul = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_firstframe = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_lastframe = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_ext_address = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_ext_address_id = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_block_size = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_bits_in_input1 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_bits_in_input2 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_bits_in_input3 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_bits_in_pushbutton = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_bits_out_output1 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_bits_out_output2 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_init_strat_reset_limit = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_init_strat_delay = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_speed_baud_rate_index = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_start = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_length = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_type = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_operator = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_value1 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_value2 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_value4 = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_value_bytes = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_mode = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_mode_avg_period = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_blm_mode_avg_frames = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_command = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cmd_mode = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_option = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_option_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_cmd_file = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_bit_in_digital_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_bit_out_digital_data = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_pattern = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_mask = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_request = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_request_ext = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_nids = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_response = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_usdt_response_ext = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_uudt_response = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_uudt_response_ext = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_more_filenames = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_filenames = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_program_channel_number = -1;
-static int hf_gryphon_valid_header_length = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_header = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_body = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_command_data = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_response_data = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_data_header = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_flags = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_data_body = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_filter_block = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_events_data = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_config_device = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_sched_data = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_sched_cmd = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_response_block = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_pgm_list = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_pgm_status = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_pgm_options = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_valid_headers = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_data = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_action_flags = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_tx_options_flags = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_rx_options_flags = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_len_options_flags = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_data_block = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_lin_emulate_node = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_ldf_block = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_ldf_schedule_name = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_lin_schedule_msg = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_cnvt_getflags = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_digital_data = -1;
-static gint ett_gryphon_blm_mode = -1;
-static expert_field ei_gryphon_type = EI_INIT;
+static int proto_gryphon;
+static int hf_gryphon_src;
+static int hf_gryphon_srcchan;
+static int hf_gryphon_srcchanclient;
+static int hf_gryphon_dest;
+static int hf_gryphon_destchan;
+static int hf_gryphon_destchanclient;
+static int hf_gryphon_type;
+static int hf_gryphon_cmd;
+static int hf_gryphon_cmd_context;
+static int hf_gryphon_cmd_ioctl_context;
+static int hf_gryphon_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_reserved;
+static int hf_gryphon_padding;
+static int hf_gryphon_ignored;
+static int hf_gryphon_wait_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_wait_resp;
+static int hf_gryphon_wait_prev_resp;
+static int hf_gryphon_status;
+static int hf_gryphon_response_in;
+static int hf_gryphon_response_to;
+static int hf_gryphon_response_time;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_header_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_header_length_bits;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_data_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_extra_data_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_mode;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_transmitted;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_receive;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_local;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_remote;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_oneshot;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_combined;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_nomux;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_mode_internal;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_priority;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_error_status;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_time;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_context;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_header_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_extra_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_data_padding;
+static int hf_gryphon_event_id;
+static int hf_gryphon_event_context;
+static int hf_gryphon_event_time;
+static int hf_gryphon_event_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_event_padding;
+static int hf_gryphon_misc_text;
+static int hf_gryphon_misc_padding;
+static int hf_gryphon_eventnum;
+static int hf_gryphon_resp_time;
+static int hf_gryphon_setfilt;
+static int hf_gryphon_setfilt_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_setfilt_discard_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_setfilt_padding;
+static int hf_gryphon_ioctl;
+static int hf_gryphon_ioctl_nbytes;
+static int hf_gryphon_ioctl_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_addfilt_pass;
+static int hf_gryphon_addfilt_active;
+static int hf_gryphon_addfilt_blocks;
+static int hf_gryphon_addfilt_handle;
+static int hf_gryphon_modfilt;
+static int hf_gryphon_modfilt_action;
+static int hf_gryphon_filthan;
+static int hf_gryphon_filthan_id;
+static int hf_gryphon_filthan_padding;
+static int hf_gryphon_dfiltmode;
+static int hf_gryphon_filtmode;
+static int hf_gryphon_event_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_register_username;
+static int hf_gryphon_register_password;
+static int hf_gryphon_register_client_id;
+static int hf_gryphon_register_privileges;
+static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_set_ioctl;
+static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_get_ioctl;
+static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_size;
+static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_preset;
+static int hf_gryphon_getspeeds_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_cmd_sort;
+static int hf_gryphon_cmd_optimize;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_device_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_device_version;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_device_serial_number;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_num_channels;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_name_version_ext;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_driver_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_driver_version;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_device_security;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_max_data_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_min_data_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_hardware_serial_number;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_protocol_type;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_channel_id;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_card_slot_number;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_max_extra_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_config_min_extra_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_num_iterations;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_flags_scheduler;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_sleep;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_transmit_count;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_transmit_period;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_transmit_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_skip_transmit_period;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_skip_sleep;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_channel;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_channel0;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_rep_id;
+static int hf_gryphon_sched_rep_message_index;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_time;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_bus_load;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_current_bus_load;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_peak_bus_load;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_data_historic_peak_bus_load;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_receive_frame_count;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_transmit_frame_count;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_receive_dropped_frame_count;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_transmit_dropped_frame_count;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_receive_error_count;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_stat_transmit_error_count;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_flags_active;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_blocks;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_responses;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_old_handle;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action_period;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action_deact_on_event;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action_deact_after_period;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_action_period_type;
+static int hf_gryphon_addresp_handle;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_list;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_number;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_nodenumber;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_remaining;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_info_pv;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_info_lv;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_ui;
+static int hf_gryphon_lin_nodename;
+static int hf_gryphon_lin_data_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_lin_slave_table_enable;
+static int hf_gryphon_lin_slave_table_cs;
+static int hf_gryphon_lin_slave_table_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_lin_slave_table_datacs;
+static int hf_gryphon_lin_masterevent;
+static int hf_gryphon_lin_numdata;
+static int hf_gryphon_lin_numextra;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_description;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_size;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_exists;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_blockn;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_file;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_desc_pad;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_restore_session;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_msg_dbytes;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_event;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_schedule_sporadic;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_ioctl_setflags;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_numb_ids;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_bitrate;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_ioctl_setflags_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_sched_size_place;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_sched_numb_place;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_sched_size;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_node_names;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_frames;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_signal_names;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_schedules;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_num_encodings;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_encoding_value;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_encoding_min;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_encoding_max;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_master_node_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_slave_node_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_node_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_encoding_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_encoding_type;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_encoding_logical;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_offset;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_signal_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_get_frame;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_get_frame_num;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_get_frame_pub;
+static int hf_gryphon_ldf_get_frame_num_signals;
+static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_valuef;
+static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_valuei;
+static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_values;
+static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_units;
+static int hf_gryphon_cnvt_flags_getvalues;
+static int hf_gryphon_dd_stream;
+static int hf_gryphon_dd_value;
+static int hf_gryphon_dd_time;
+static int hf_gryphon_modresp_handle;
+static int hf_gryphon_modresp_action;
+static int hf_gryphon_num_resphan;
+static int hf_gryphon_handle;
+static int hf_gryphon_transmit_sched_id;
+static int hf_gryphon_desc_program_size;
+static int hf_gryphon_desc_program_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_desc_program_description;
+static int hf_gryphon_desc_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_desc_flags_program;
+static int hf_gryphon_desc_handle;
+static int hf_gryphon_upload_block_number;
+static int hf_gryphon_upload_handle;
+static int hf_gryphon_upload_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_delete;
+static int hf_gryphon_list_block_number;
+static int hf_gryphon_list_num_programs;
+static int hf_gryphon_list_num_remain_programs;
+static int hf_gryphon_list_name;
+static int hf_gryphon_list_description;
+static int hf_gryphon_start_arguments;
+static int hf_gryphon_start_channel;
+static int hf_gryphon_status_num_running_copies;
+static int hf_gryphon_options_handle;
+static int hf_gryphon_files;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_flags_register;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_action_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_action_flags_non_legacy;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_action_flags_register;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_action_flags_action;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_flags_echo;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_done_event;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_echo_short;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_rx_nth_fc;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_action;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_transmit_options_send_done;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_action;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_firstframe_event;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_lastframe_event;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_tx_nth_fc;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_length_options_flags;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_length_control_j1939;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_stmin_fc;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_bsmax_fc;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_stmin_override;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_stmin_override_active;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_stmin_override_activate;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_set_stmin_mul;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_firstframe;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_receive_options_lastframe;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_ext_address;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_ext_address_id;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_block_size;
+static int hf_gryphon_bits_in_input1;
+static int hf_gryphon_bits_in_input2;
+static int hf_gryphon_bits_in_input3;
+static int hf_gryphon_bits_in_pushbutton;
+static int hf_gryphon_bits_out_output1;
+static int hf_gryphon_bits_out_output2;
+static int hf_gryphon_init_strat_reset_limit;
+static int hf_gryphon_init_strat_delay;
+static int hf_gryphon_speed_baud_rate_index;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_start;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_length;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_type;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_operator;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_value1;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_value2;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_value4;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_filter_value_bytes;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_mode;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_mode_avg_period;
+static int hf_gryphon_blm_mode_avg_frames;
+static int hf_gryphon_command;
+static int hf_gryphon_cmd_mode;
+static int hf_gryphon_option;
+static int hf_gryphon_option_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_cmd_file;
+static int hf_gryphon_bit_in_digital_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_bit_out_digital_data;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_pattern;
+static int hf_gryphon_filter_block_mask;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_request;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_request_ext;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_nids;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_response;
+static int hf_gryphon_usdt_response_ext;
+static int hf_gryphon_uudt_response;
+static int hf_gryphon_uudt_response_ext;
+static int hf_gryphon_more_filenames;
+static int hf_gryphon_filenames;
+static int hf_gryphon_program_channel_number;
+static int hf_gryphon_valid_header_length;
+static gint ett_gryphon;
+static gint ett_gryphon_header;
+static gint ett_gryphon_body;
+static gint ett_gryphon_command_data;
+static gint ett_gryphon_response_data;
+static gint ett_gryphon_data_header;
+static gint ett_gryphon_flags;
+static gint ett_gryphon_data_body;
+static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_filter_block;
+static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_events_data;
+static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_config_device;
+static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_sched_data;
+static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_sched_cmd;
+static gint ett_gryphon_cmd_response_block;
+static gint ett_gryphon_pgm_list;
+static gint ett_gryphon_pgm_status;
+static gint ett_gryphon_pgm_options;
+static gint ett_gryphon_valid_headers;
+static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_data;
+static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_action_flags;
+static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_tx_options_flags;
+static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_rx_options_flags;
+static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_len_options_flags;
+static gint ett_gryphon_usdt_data_block;
+static gint ett_gryphon_lin_emulate_node;
+static gint ett_gryphon_ldf_block;
+static gint ett_gryphon_ldf_schedule_name;
+static gint ett_gryphon_lin_schedule_msg;
+static gint ett_gryphon_cnvt_getflags;
+static gint ett_gryphon_digital_data;
+static gint ett_gryphon_blm_mode;
+static expert_field ei_gryphon_type;
/* desegmentation of Gryphon */
static gboolean gryphon_desegment = TRUE;
@@ -621,7 +623,7 @@ static const value_string cmd_vals[] = {
{ CMD_SCHED_TX, "Schedule transmission of messages" },
{ CMD_SCHED_KILL_TX, "Stop and destroy a message schedule transmission" },
{ CMD_SCHED_MSG_REPLACE, "Replace a scheduled message" },
- { CMD_PGM_DESC, "Describe program to to uploaded" },
+ { CMD_PGM_DESC, "Describe program to be uploaded" },
{ CMD_PGM_UPLOAD, "Upload a program to the Gryphon" },
{ CMD_PGM_DELETE, "Delete an uploaded program" },
{ CMD_PGM_LIST, "Get a list of uploaded programs" },
@@ -2032,6 +2034,7 @@ cmd_sched(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, proto_tree *pt)
tree1 = proto_item_add_subtree (item1, ett_gryphon_flags);
proto_tree_add_item(tree1, hf_gryphon_sched_skip_transmit_period, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
if (i == 1) {
+ /* N.B. Same bit as skip_transmit_period..? */
proto_tree_add_item(tree1, hf_gryphon_sched_skip_sleep, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
@@ -3711,7 +3714,9 @@ decode_command(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info* pinfo, int msglen, int offset, int ds
if (cmd > 0x3F)
cmd += dst * 256;
- if (!pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ pkt_info = (gryphon_pkt_info_t*)p_get_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_gryphon, (guint32)tvb_raw_offset(tvb));
+ if (!pkt_info) {
/* Find a conversation, create a new if no one exists */
gryphon_conversation *conv_data = get_conversation_data(pinfo);
@@ -3725,8 +3730,6 @@ decode_command(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info* pinfo, int msglen, int offset, int ds
wmem_list_prepend(conv_data->request_frame_data, pkt_info);
p_add_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_gryphon, (guint32)tvb_raw_offset(tvb), pkt_info);
- } else {
- pkt_info = (gryphon_pkt_info_t*)p_get_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_gryphon, (guint32)tvb_raw_offset(tvb));
proto_tree_add_uint(pt, hf_gryphon_command, tvb, offset, 1, cmd);
@@ -3974,7 +3977,9 @@ decode_response(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info* pinfo, int offset, int src, proto_tr
if (cmd > 0x3F)
cmd += src * 256;
- if (!pinfo->fd->visited) {
+ pkt_info = (gryphon_pkt_info_t*)p_get_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_gryphon, (guint32)tvb_raw_offset(tvb));
+ if (!pkt_info) {
/* Find a conversation, create a new if no one exists */
gryphon_conversation *conv_data = get_conversation_data(pinfo);
@@ -3999,14 +4004,17 @@ decode_response(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info* pinfo, int offset, int src, proto_tr
p_add_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_gryphon, (guint32)tvb_raw_offset(tvb), pkt_info);
- else {
- pkt_info = (gryphon_pkt_info_t*)p_get_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_gryphon, (guint32)tvb_raw_offset(tvb));
- }
- /* this is the old original way of displaying */
+ /*
+ * This is the old original way of displaying.
+ *
+ * XXX - is there some reason not to display the context for ioctl
+ * commands, and to display the ioctl code here, rather than in
+ * the part of the tree for the ioctl response?
+ */
proto_tree_add_uint(pt, hf_gryphon_command, tvb, offset, 1, cmd);
if (pkt_info->ioctl_command != 0) {
- proto_tree_add_uint(pt, hf_gryphon_cmd_ioctl_context, tvb, offset + 1, 1, pkt_info->ioctl_command);
+ proto_tree_add_uint(pt, hf_gryphon_cmd_ioctl_context, tvb, 0, 0, pkt_info->ioctl_command);
} else {
proto_tree_add_item(pt, hf_gryphon_cmd_context, tvb, offset + 1, 1, ENC_NA);
@@ -4379,7 +4387,7 @@ proto_register_gryphon(void)
{ "Context", "gryphon.cmd.context", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
{ &hf_gryphon_cmd_ioctl_context,
- { "IOCTL Response", "gryphon.cmd.ioctl_response", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(ioctls), 0x0,
+ { "IOCTL Response", "gryphon.cmd.ioctl_response", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(ioctls), 0x0,
{ &hf_gryphon_data,
{ "Data", "gryphon.data", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0,
@@ -4653,7 +4661,7 @@ proto_register_gryphon(void)
{ "Flags", "gryphon.sched.flags", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
{ &hf_gryphon_sched_flags_scheduler,
- { "Scheduler", "gryphon.sched.flags.scheduler", FT_BOOLEAN, 32, TFS(&critical_normal), 0x01,
+ { "Scheduler", "gryphon.sched.flags.scheduler", FT_BOOLEAN, 32, TFS(&critical_normal), 0x00000001,
{ &hf_gryphon_sched_sleep,
{ "Sleep (milliseconds)", "gryphon.sched.sleep", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
@@ -4668,10 +4676,10 @@ proto_register_gryphon(void)
{ "Flags", "gryphon.sched.transmit_flags", FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
{ &hf_gryphon_sched_skip_transmit_period,
- { "Last transmit period", "gryphon.sched.skip_transmit_period", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&skip_not_skip), 0x01,
+ { "Last transmit period", "gryphon.sched.skip_transmit_period", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&skip_not_skip), 0x0001,
{ &hf_gryphon_sched_skip_sleep,
- { "Last transmit period", "gryphon.sched.skip_transmit_period", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&skip_not_skip), 0x01,
+ { "Last transmit period", "gryphon.sched.skip_transmit_period", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, TFS(&skip_not_skip), 0x0001,
{ &hf_gryphon_sched_channel,
{ "Channel", "gryphon.sched.channel", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0,
@@ -5232,10 +5240,10 @@ proto_register_gryphon(void)
{ "UUDT response IDs", "gryphon.uudt_response", FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
{ &hf_gryphon_uudt_response_ext,
- { "UUDT response extended address", "gryphon.usdt_response_ext", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+ { "UUDT response extended address", "gryphon.uudt_response_ext", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
{ &hf_gryphon_more_filenames,
- { "More filenames to return", "gryphon.more_filenames", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, TFS(&yes_no), 0x0,
+ { "More filenames to return", "gryphon.more_filenames", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, TFS(&yes_no), 0x0,
{ &hf_gryphon_filenames,
{ "File and directory names", "gryphon.filenames", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0,
@@ -5294,6 +5302,7 @@ proto_register_gryphon(void)
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
expert_gryphon = expert_register_protocol(proto_gryphon);
expert_register_field_array(expert_gryphon, ei, array_length(ei));
+ gryphon_handle = register_dissector("gryphon", dissect_gryphon, proto_gryphon);
gryphon_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_gryphon, NULL);
prefs_register_bool_preference(gryphon_module, "desegment",
@@ -5306,9 +5315,6 @@ proto_register_gryphon(void)
- dissector_handle_t gryphon_handle;
- gryphon_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_gryphon, proto_gryphon);
dissector_add_uint_with_preference("tcp.port", GRYPHON_TCP_PORT, gryphon_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/gryphon/packet-gryphon.h b/plugins/epan/gryphon/packet-gryphon.h
index 4f69b3c7e5..182146269d 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/gryphon/packet-gryphon.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/gryphon/packet-gryphon.h
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
#define CMD_SET_TIME 0x0b /* set time */
/* SD-type specific commands: should start at 0x40, global uniqueness */
-/* is prefered, but not mandatory. */
+/* is preferred, but not mandatory. */
/* SD_CARD command types: */
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
/* Program loader (SD_PGM) commands: */
-#define CMD_PGM_DESC (SD_PGM * 256 + 0x90) /* Describe a program to to uploaded */
+#define CMD_PGM_DESC (SD_PGM * 256 + 0x90) /* Describe a program to be uploaded */
#define CMD_PGM_UPLOAD (SD_PGM * 256 + 0x91) /* Upload a program to the Gryphon */
#define CMD_PGM_DELETE (SD_PGM * 256 + 0x92) /* Delete an uploaded program */
#define CMD_PGM_LIST (SD_PGM * 256 + 0x93) /* Get a list of uploaded programs */
diff --git a/plugins/epan/irda/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/irda/CMakeLists.txt
index 3c8b6058ce..47a2c7322e 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/irda/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/irda/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "IrDA dissection"
-add_plugin_library(irda epan)
target_link_libraries(irda epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/irda/packet-ircomm.c b/plugins/epan/irda/packet-ircomm.c
index 0f46c33da2..cd5372a52e 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/irda/packet-ircomm.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/irda/packet-ircomm.c
@@ -16,13 +16,20 @@
* See
- * http://www.irdajp.info/specifications.php
+ * https://web.archive.org/web/20040405053146/http://www.irda.org/standards/specifications.asp
* or
- * https://web.archive.org/web/20040405053146/http://www.irda.org/standards/specifications.asp
+ * https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A%22Infrared+Data+Association%22
+ *
+ * for various IrDA specifications, including the IrCOMM 1.0 specification
+ * at
+ *
+ * https://web.archive.org/web/20040229015523/http://www.irda.org/standards/pubs/IrCOMM10.PDF
+ *
+ * or
- * for various IrDA specifications.
+ * https://archive.org/details/ir-comm-10
#include "irda-appl.h"
@@ -109,8 +116,8 @@
void proto_reg_handoff_ircomm(void);
/* Initialize the subtree pointers */
-static gint ett_ircomm = -1;
-static gint ett_ircomm_ctrl = -1;
+static gint ett_ircomm;
+static gint ett_ircomm_ctrl;
static gint ett_param[MAX_IAP_ENTRIES * MAX_PARAMETERS];
@@ -118,13 +125,13 @@ static gint ett_param[MAX_IAP_ENTRIES * MAX_PARAMETERS];
static dissector_handle_t ircomm_raw_handle;
static dissector_handle_t ircomm_cooked_handle;
-static int proto_ircomm = -1;
-static int hf_ircomm_param = -1;
-/* static int hf_param_pi = -1; */
-/* static int hf_param_pl = -1; */
-/* static int hf_param_pv = -1; */
-static int hf_control = -1;
-static int hf_control_len = -1;
+static int proto_ircomm;
+static int hf_ircomm_param;
+/* static int hf_param_pi; */
+/* static int hf_param_pl; */
+/* static int hf_param_pv; */
+static int hf_control;
+static int hf_control_len;
static gboolean dissect_ircomm_parameters(tvbuff_t* tvb, guint offset, packet_info* pinfo,
proto_tree* tree, guint list_index, guint8 attr_type, guint8 circuit_id);
@@ -408,7 +415,6 @@ void proto_register_ircomm(void)
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
for (i = 0; i < MAX_IAP_ENTRIES * MAX_PARAMETERS; i++)
- ett_param[i] = -1;
ett_p[i] = &ett_param[i];
proto_register_subtree_array(ett_p, MAX_IAP_ENTRIES * MAX_PARAMETERS);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/irda/packet-irda.c b/plugins/epan/irda/packet-irda.c
index 79dc458b96..6486aa797e 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/irda/packet-irda.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/irda/packet-irda.c
@@ -29,16 +29,24 @@
#include "irda-appl.h"
- * This plugin dissects infrared data transmissions as defined by the IrDA
- * specification (www.irda.org). See
+ * This plugin dissects infrared data transmissions as defined by IrDA
+ * specifications. See
- * http://www.irdajp.info/specifications.php
+ * https://web.archive.org/web/20040405053146/http://www.irda.org/standards/specifications.asp
* or
- * https://web.archive.org/web/20040405053146/http://www.irda.org/standards/specifications.asp
+ * https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A%22Infrared+Data+Association%22
- * for various IrDA specifications.
+ * for various IrDA specifications, including a zip archive of the IrPHY
+ * 1.4, IrLAP 1.1, IrLMP 1.1, IrDA Tiny TP 1.1, and IrDA Point and Shoot
+ * Profile 1.1 and Test Specification 1.0 at
+ *
+ * https://web.archive.org/web/20040405053146/http://www.irda.org/standards/pubs/IrData.zip
+ *
+ * or the the IrLAP 1.1 specification at
+ *
+ * https://archive.org/details/ir-lap-11
* The plugin operates both offline with libpcap files and online on supported
* platforms. Live dissection is currently available for Linux-IrDA
@@ -133,99 +141,99 @@ void proto_reg_handoff_irda(void);
void proto_register_irda(void);
/* Initialize the protocol and registered fields */
-static int proto_irlap = -1;
-static int hf_lap_a = -1;
-static int hf_lap_a_cr = -1;
-static int hf_lap_a_address = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c_nr = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c_ns = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c_p = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c_f = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c_s = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c_u_cmd = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c_u_rsp = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c_i = -1;
-static int hf_lap_c_s_u = -1;
-static int hf_lap_i = -1;
-static int hf_snrm_saddr = -1;
-static int hf_snrm_daddr = -1;
-static int hf_snrm_ca = -1;
-static int hf_ua_saddr = -1;
-static int hf_ua_daddr = -1;
-static int hf_negotiation_param = -1;
-static int hf_param_pi = -1;
-static int hf_param_pl = -1;
-static int hf_param_pv = -1;
-static int hf_xid_ident = -1;
-static int hf_xid_saddr = -1;
-static int hf_xid_daddr = -1;
-static int hf_xid_flags = -1;
-static int hf_xid_s = -1;
-static int hf_xid_conflict = -1;
-static int hf_xid_slotnr = -1;
-static int hf_xid_version = -1;
-static int proto_irlmp = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_xid_hints = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_xid_charset = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_xid_name = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_xid_name_no_encoding = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_dst = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_dst_control = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_dst_lsap = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_src = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_src_r = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_src_lsap = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_opcode = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_rsvd = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_reason = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_mode = -1;
-static int hf_lmp_status = -1;
-static int proto_iap = -1;
-static int hf_iap_ctl = -1;
-static int hf_iap_ctl_lst = -1;
-static int hf_iap_ctl_ack = -1;
-static int hf_iap_ctl_opcode = -1;
-static int hf_iap_class_name = -1;
-static int hf_iap_attr_name = -1;
-static int hf_iap_return = -1;
-static int hf_iap_list_len = -1;
-static int hf_iap_list_entry = -1;
-static int hf_iap_obj_id = -1;
-static int hf_iap_attr_type = -1;
-static int hf_iap_int = -1;
-static int hf_iap_seq_len = -1;
-static int hf_iap_oct_seq = -1;
-static int hf_iap_char_set = -1;
-static int hf_iap_string = -1;
-static int hf_iap_invaloctet = -1;
-static int hf_iap_invallsap = -1;
-static int proto_ttp = -1;
-static int hf_ttp_p = -1;
-static int hf_ttp_icredit = -1;
-static int hf_ttp_m = -1;
-static int hf_ttp_dcredit = -1;
-static int proto_log = -1;
-static int hf_log_msg = -1;
-static int hf_log_missed = -1;
+static int proto_irlap;
+static int hf_lap_a;
+static int hf_lap_a_cr;
+static int hf_lap_a_address;
+static int hf_lap_c;
+static int hf_lap_c_nr;
+static int hf_lap_c_ns;
+static int hf_lap_c_p;
+static int hf_lap_c_f;
+static int hf_lap_c_s;
+static int hf_lap_c_u_cmd;
+static int hf_lap_c_u_rsp;
+static int hf_lap_c_i;
+static int hf_lap_c_s_u;
+static int hf_lap_i;
+static int hf_snrm_saddr;
+static int hf_snrm_daddr;
+static int hf_snrm_ca;
+static int hf_ua_saddr;
+static int hf_ua_daddr;
+static int hf_negotiation_param;
+static int hf_param_pi;
+static int hf_param_pl;
+static int hf_param_pv;
+static int hf_xid_ident;
+static int hf_xid_saddr;
+static int hf_xid_daddr;
+static int hf_xid_flags;
+static int hf_xid_s;
+static int hf_xid_conflict;
+static int hf_xid_slotnr;
+static int hf_xid_version;
+static int proto_irlmp;
+static int hf_lmp_xid_hints;
+static int hf_lmp_xid_charset;
+static int hf_lmp_xid_name;
+static int hf_lmp_xid_name_no_encoding;
+static int hf_lmp_dst;
+static int hf_lmp_dst_control;
+static int hf_lmp_dst_lsap;
+static int hf_lmp_src;
+static int hf_lmp_src_r;
+static int hf_lmp_src_lsap;
+static int hf_lmp_opcode;
+static int hf_lmp_rsvd;
+static int hf_lmp_reason;
+static int hf_lmp_mode;
+static int hf_lmp_status;
+static int proto_iap;
+static int hf_iap_ctl;
+static int hf_iap_ctl_lst;
+static int hf_iap_ctl_ack;
+static int hf_iap_ctl_opcode;
+static int hf_iap_class_name;
+static int hf_iap_attr_name;
+static int hf_iap_return;
+static int hf_iap_list_len;
+static int hf_iap_list_entry;
+static int hf_iap_obj_id;
+static int hf_iap_attr_type;
+static int hf_iap_int;
+static int hf_iap_seq_len;
+static int hf_iap_oct_seq;
+static int hf_iap_char_set;
+static int hf_iap_string;
+static int hf_iap_invaloctet;
+static int hf_iap_invallsap;
+static int proto_ttp;
+static int hf_ttp_p;
+static int hf_ttp_icredit;
+static int hf_ttp_m;
+static int hf_ttp_dcredit;
+static int proto_log;
+static int hf_log_msg;
+static int hf_log_missed;
/* Initialize the subtree pointers */
-static gint ett_irlap = -1;
-static gint ett_lap_a = -1;
-static gint ett_lap_c = -1;
-static gint ett_lap_i = -1;
-static gint ett_xid_flags = -1;
-static gint ett_log = -1;
-static gint ett_irlmp = -1;
-static gint ett_lmp_dst = -1;
-static gint ett_lmp_src = -1;
-static gint ett_iap = -1;
-static gint ett_iap_ctl = -1;
-static gint ett_ttp = -1;
+static gint ett_irlap;
+static gint ett_lap_a;
+static gint ett_lap_c;
+static gint ett_lap_i;
+static gint ett_xid_flags;
+static gint ett_log;
+static gint ett_irlmp;
+static gint ett_lmp_dst;
+static gint ett_lmp_src;
+static gint ett_iap;
+static gint ett_iap_ctl;
+static gint ett_ttp;
static gint ett_param[MAX_PARAMETERS];
@@ -492,7 +500,7 @@ static guint dissect_ttp(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* root, gb
head = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
- g_snprintf(buf, 128, ", Credit=%d", head & ~TTP_PARAMETERS);
+ snprintf(buf, 128, ", Credit=%d", head & ~TTP_PARAMETERS);
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, buf);
if (root)
@@ -557,7 +565,7 @@ static void dissect_iap_request(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* r
set_address(&destaddr, irda_address_type, 1, &circuit_id);
- conv = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &srcaddr, &destaddr, ENDPOINT_NONE, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
+ conv = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &srcaddr, &destaddr, CONVERSATION_NONE, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
if (conv)
iap_conv = (iap_conversation_t*)conversation_get_proto_data(conv, proto_iap);
@@ -579,7 +587,7 @@ static void dissect_iap_request(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* r
- conv = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &srcaddr, &destaddr, ENDPOINT_NONE, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
+ conv = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &srcaddr, &destaddr, CONVERSATION_NONE, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
iap_conv = wmem_new(wmem_file_scope(), iap_conversation_t);
conversation_add_proto_data(conv, proto_iap, (void*)iap_conv);
@@ -699,7 +707,7 @@ static void dissect_iap_result(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* ro
set_address(&destaddr, irda_address_type, 1, &circuit_id);
/* Find result value dissector */
- conv = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &srcaddr, &destaddr, ENDPOINT_NONE, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
+ conv = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &srcaddr, &destaddr, CONVERSATION_NONE, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
if (conv)
num = pinfo->num;
@@ -743,7 +751,7 @@ static void dissect_iap_result(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* ro
- g_snprintf(buf, 300, ", %d Octets", tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset + 7));
+ snprintf(buf, 300, ", %d Octets", tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset + 7));
@@ -980,7 +988,7 @@ static void dissect_appl_proto(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* ro
set_address(&destaddr, irda_address_type, 1, &circuit_id);
/* Find result value dissector */
- conv = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &srcaddr, &destaddr, ENDPOINT_NONE, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
+ conv = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &srcaddr, &destaddr, CONVERSATION_NONE, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
if (conv)
num = pinfo->num;
@@ -1208,7 +1216,7 @@ void add_lmp_conversation(packet_info* pinfo, guint8 dlsap, gboolean ttp, dissec
dest = circuit_id ^ CMD_FRAME;
set_address(&destaddr, irda_address_type, 1, &dest);
- conv = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &destaddr, &srcaddr, ENDPOINT_NONE, dlsap, 0, NO_PORT_B);
+ conv = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &destaddr, &srcaddr, CONVERSATION_NONE, dlsap, 0, NO_PORT_B);
if (conv)
lmp_conv = (lmp_conversation_t*)conversation_get_proto_data(conv, proto_irlmp);
@@ -1229,7 +1237,7 @@ void add_lmp_conversation(packet_info* pinfo, guint8 dlsap, gboolean ttp, dissec
- conv = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &destaddr, &srcaddr, ENDPOINT_NONE, dlsap, 0, NO_PORT_B);
+ conv = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &destaddr, &srcaddr, CONVERSATION_NONE, dlsap, 0, NO_PORT2);
lmp_conv = wmem_new(wmem_file_scope(), lmp_conversation_t);
conversation_add_proto_data(conv, proto_irlmp, (void*)lmp_conv);
@@ -1488,6 +1496,7 @@ static void dissect_xid(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* root, pro
if (lap_tree)
+ /* Discovery flags */
ti = proto_tree_add_item(i_tree, hf_xid_flags, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_xid_flags);
proto_tree_add_item(flags_tree, hf_xid_s, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
@@ -1509,6 +1518,7 @@ static void dissect_xid(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* root, pro
proto_item_append_text(ti, " (final)");
+ /* Skip (empty?) byte even if no command.. Have seen non-zero values in a capture */
if (lap_tree)
@@ -1764,7 +1774,7 @@ static void dissect_irlap(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* root)
circuit_id = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, 0);
/* initially set address columns to connection address */
- g_snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr)-1, "0x%02X", circuit_id >> 1);
+ snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr)-1, "0x%02X", circuit_id >> 1);
col_add_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_DEF_SRC, addr);
col_add_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_DEF_DST, addr);
@@ -1796,7 +1806,7 @@ static void dissect_irlap(tvbuff_t* tvb, packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* root)
/* process the control field */
- c = dissect_xdlc_control(tvb, 1, pinfo, tree, hf_lap_c,
+ c = dissect_xdlc_control(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_lap_c,
ett_lap_c, &irlap_cf_items, NULL, lap_c_u_cmd_abbr_vals,
lap_c_u_rsp_abbr_vals, is_response, FALSE, FALSE);
@@ -2287,13 +2297,11 @@ void proto_register_irda(void)
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PARAMETERS; i++)
- ett_param[i] = -1;
ett_p[i] = &ett_param[i];
proto_register_subtree_array(ett_p, MAX_PARAMETERS);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_IAP_ENTRIES; i++)
- ett_iap_entry[i] = -1;
ett_iap_e[i] = &ett_iap_entry[i];
proto_register_subtree_array(ett_iap_e, MAX_IAP_ENTRIES);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/irda/packet-sir.c b/plugins/epan/irda/packet-sir.c
index 71b0e837bb..b9baf4775c 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/irda/packet-sir.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/irda/packet-sir.c
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ static dissector_handle_t irda_handle;
static dissector_handle_t sir_handle;
/** Protocol fields. */
-static int proto_sir = -1;
-static int ett_sir = -1;
-static int hf_sir_bof = -1;
-/* static int hf_sir_ce = -1; */
-static int hf_sir_eof = -1;
-static int hf_sir_fcs = -1;
-static int hf_sir_fcs_status = -1;
-static int hf_sir_length = -1;
-static int hf_sir_preamble = -1;
-static expert_field ei_sir_fcs = EI_INIT;
+static int proto_sir;
+static int ett_sir;
+static int hf_sir_bof;
+/* static int hf_sir_ce; */
+static int hf_sir_eof;
+static int hf_sir_fcs;
+static int hf_sir_fcs_status;
+static int hf_sir_length;
+static int hf_sir_preamble;
+static expert_field ei_sir_fcs;
/* Copied and renamed from proto.c because global value_strings don't work for plugins */
static const value_string plugin_proto_checksum_vals[] = {
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/.editorconfig b/plugins/epan/mate/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ee8bf0b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+indent_style = tab
+indent_size = tab
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/mate/CMakeLists.txt
index 53f2ee3f1e..e012f536bc 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -37,18 +37,20 @@ set(PLUGIN_FILES
+ "Meta Analysis Tracing Engine (MATE)"
-add_plugin_library(mate epan)
target_link_libraries(mate epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/call.mate b/plugins/epan/mate/examples/call.mate
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dbbb45ef8..0000000000
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/call.mate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# call.mate
-Action=Settings; DiscardPduData=TRUE; ShowGopTimes=FALSE; ShowPduTree=FALSE;
-Action=PduDef; Name=q931_pdu; Proto=q931; Stop=TRUE; Transport=tcp/ip; addr=ip.addr; call_ref=q931.call_ref; q931_msg=q931.message_type;
-Action=PduDef; Name=ras_pdu; Proto=h225.RasMessage; Transport=udp/ip; addr=ip.addr; ras_sn=h225.requestSeqNum; ras_msg=h225.RasMessage;
-Action=PduDef; Name=isup_pdu; Proto=isup; Transport=mtp3; m3pc=mtp3.dpc; m3pc=mtp3.opc; cic=isup.cic; isup_msg=isup.message_type;
-Action=PduExtra; For=q931_pdu; guid=h225.guid; calling=q931.calling_party_number.digits; q931_cause=q931.cause_value;
-Action=PduExtra; For=isup_pdu; calling=isup.calling; isup_cause=isup.cause_indicator;
-Action=PduExtra; For=ras_pdu; guid=h225.guid;
-Action=GopDef; Name=q931_leg; On=q931_pdu; addr; addr; call_ref;
-Action=GopStart; For=q931_leg; q931_msg=5;
-Action=GopStop; For=q931_leg; q931_msg=90;
-Action=GopExtra; For=q931_leg; calling; q931_cause; guid;
-Action=GopDef; Name=isup_leg; On=isup_pdu; ShowPduTree=TRUE; ShowGopTimes=TRUE; m3pc; m3pc; cic;
-Action=GopStart; For=isup_leg; isup_msg=1;
-Action=GopStop; For=isup_leg; isup_msg=16;
-Action=GopExtra; For=isup_leg; calling; isup_cause;
-Action=GopDef; Name=ras_leg; On=ras_pdu; addr; addr; ras_sn;
-Action=GopStart; For=ras_leg; ras_msg|0|3|6|9|12|15|18|21|26|30;
-Action=GopStop; For=ras_leg; ras_msg|1|2|4|5|7|8|10|11|13|14|16|17|19|20|22|24|27|28|29|31;
-Action=GopExtra; For=ras_leg; guid;
-Action=GogDef; Name=call; GogExpiration=0.75;
-Action=GogKey; For=call; On=isup_leg; calling;
-Action=GogKey; For=call; On=q931_leg; calling;
-Action=GogKey; For=call; On=q931_leg; guid;
-Action=GogKey; For=call; On=ras_leg; guid;
-Action=GogExtra; For=call; isup_cause;
-Action=GogExtra; For=call; q931_cause;
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/mms.mate b/plugins/epan/mate/examples/mms.mate
index 7554b11932..43da382777 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/mms.mate
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/examples/mms.mate
@@ -1,40 +1,57 @@
-# mms.mate
-# MMSE over HTTP
-Action=PduDef; Name=mmse_over_http_pdu; Proto=http; Transport=tcp/ip; Payload=mmse; addr=ip.addr; port=tcp.port; http_rq=http.request; content=http.content_type;
-Action=PduExtra; For=mmse_over_http_pdu; resp=http.response.code; method=http.request.method; host=http.host; content=http.content_type;
-Action=PduExtra; For=mmse_over_http_pdu; method=http.request.method; host=http.host;
-Action=PduExtra; For=mmse_over_http_pdu; trx=mmse.transaction_id; msg_type=mmse.message_type; notify_status=mmse.status; send_status=mmse.response_status;
-Action=Transform; Name=rm_client_from_http_resp1; Mode=Insert; Match=Strict; http_rq;
-Action=Transform; Name=rm_client_from_http_resp1; Mode=Insert; Match=Every; addr; .not_rq;
-Action=Transform; Name=rm_client_from_http_resp2; Mode=Replace; Match=Strict; not_rq; ue;
-Action=PduTransform; For=mmse_over_http_pdu; Name=rm_client_from_http_resp1;
-Action=PduTransform; For=mmse_over_http_pdu; Name=rm_client_from_http_resp2;
-Action=GopDef; Name=mmse_over_http; On=mmse_over_http_pdu; addr; addr; port; port;
-Action=GopStart; For=mmse_over_http; http_rq;
-Action=GopStop; For=mmse_over_http; http_rs;
-Action=GopExtra; For=mmse_over_http; host; ue; resp; notify_status; send_status; trx;
-# MMSE over WSP
-Action=PduDef; Name=mmse_over_wsp_pdu; Proto=wsp; Payload=mmse; Transport=ip; trx=mmse.transaction_id; msg_type=mmse.message_type; notify_status=mmse.status; send_status=mmse.response_status;
-Action=Transform; Name=mms_start; Match=Loose; .mms_start;
-Action=PduTransform; Name=mms_start; For=mmse_over_wsp_pdu;
-Action=GopDef; Name=mmse_over_wsp; On=mmse_over_wsp_pdu; trx;
-Action=GopStart; For=mmse_over_wsp; mms_start;
-Action=GopStop; For=mmse_over_wsp; never;
-Action=GopExtra; For=mmse_over_wsp; ue; notify_status; send_status;
-# the MMS GoG
-Action=GogDef; Name=mms; GogExpiration=60.0;
-Action=GogKey; For=mms; On=mmse_over_http; trx;
-Action=GogKey; For=mms; On=mmse_over_wsp; trx;
-Action=GogExtra; For=mms; ue; notify_status; send_status; resp; host; trx;
+Transform rm_client_from_http_resp1 {
+ Match (http_rq);
+ Match Every (addr) Insert (not_rq);
+Transform rm_client_from_http_resp2 {
+ Match (not_rq,ue) Replace ();
+Pdu mmse_over_http_pdu Proto http Transport tcp/ip {
+ Payload mmse;
+ Extract addr From ip.addr;
+ Extract port From tcp.port;
+ Extract http_rq From http.request;
+ Extract content From http.content_type;
+ Extract resp From http.response.code;
+ Extract method From http.request.method;
+ Extract host From http.host;
+ Extract content From http.content_type;
+ Extract trx From mmse.transaction_id;
+ Extract msg_type From mmse.message_type;
+ Extract notify_status From mmse.status;
+ Extract send_status From mmse.response_status;
+ Transform rm_client_from_http_resp1, rm_client_from_http_resp2;
+Gop mmse_over_http On mmse_over_http_pdu Match (addr, addr, port, port) {
+ Start (http_rq);
+ Stop (http_rs);
+ Extra (host, ue, resp, notify_status, send_status, trx);
+Transform mms_start {
+ Match Loose() Insert (mms_start);
+Pdu mmse_over_wsp_pdu Proto wsp Transport ip {
+ Payload mmse;
+ Extract trx From mmse.transaction_id;
+ Extract msg_type From mmse.message_type;
+ Extract notify_status From mmse.status;
+ Extract send_status From mmse.response_status;
+ Transform mms_start;
+Gop mmse_over_wsp On mmse_over_wsp_pdu Match (trx) {
+ Start (mms_start);
+ Stop (never);
+ Extra (ue, notify_status, send_status);
+Gog mms {
+ Member mmse_over_http (trx);
+ Member mmse_over_wsp (trx);
+ Extra (ue, notify_status, send_status, resp, host, trx);
+ Expiration 60.0;
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/pasv_ftp.mate b/plugins/epan/mate/examples/pasv_ftp.mate
index 24ef7ab470..9a8852803b 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/pasv_ftp.mate
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/examples/pasv_ftp.mate
@@ -1,18 +1,33 @@
-# pasv_ftp.mate
+Pdu ftp_pdu Proto ftp Transport tcp/ip {
+ Extract ftp_addr From ip.addr;
+ Extract ftp_port From tcp.port;
+ Extract ftp_resp From ftp.response.code;
+ Extract ftp_req From ftp.request.command;
+ Extract server_addr From ftp.passive.ip;
+ Extract server_port From ftp.passive.port;
-Action=PduDef; Name=ftp_pdu; Proto=ftp; Transport=tcp/ip; Stop=TRUE; ftp_addr=ip.addr; ftp_port=tcp.port; ftp_resp=ftp.response.code; ftp_req=ftp.request.command; server_addr=ftp.passive.ip; server_port=ftp.passive.port;
+ LastPdu true;
-Action=PduDef; Name=ftp_data_pdu; Proto=ftp-data; Transport=tcp/ip; server_addr=ip.src; server_port=tcp.srcport;
+Pdu ftp_data_pdu Proto ftp-data Transport tcp/ip{
+ Extract server_addr From ip.src;
+ Extract server_port From tcp.srcport;
-Action=GopDef; Name=ftp_data; On=ftp_data_pdu; server_addr; server_port;
-Action=GopStart; For=ftp_data; server_addr;
-Action=GopDef; Name=ftp_ctl; On=ftp_pdu; ftp_addr; ftp_addr; ftp_port; ftp_port;
-Action=GopStart; For=ftp_ctl; ftp_resp=220;
-Action=GopStop; For=ftp_ctl; ftp_resp=221;
-Action=GopExtra; For=ftp_ctl; server_addr; server_port;
+Gop ftp_data On ftp_data_pdu Match (server_addr, server_port) {
+ Start (server_addr);
-Action=GogDef; Name=ftp_ses;
-Action=GogKey; For=ftp_ses; On=ftp_ctl; ftp_addr; ftp_addr; ftp_port; ftp_port;
-Action=GogKey; For=ftp_ses; On=ftp_data; server_addr; server_port;
+Gop ftp_ctl On ftp_pdu Match (ftp_addr, ftp_addr, ftp_port, ftp_port) {
+ Start (ftp_resp=220);
+ Stop (ftp_resp=221);
+ Extra (server_addr, server_port);
+Gog ftp_ses {
+ Member ftp_ctl (ftp_addr, ftp_addr, ftp_port, ftp_port);
+ Member ftp_data (server_addr, server_port);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/tcp.mate b/plugins/epan/mate/examples/tcp.mate
index 2abe3e8882..773ad85f37 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/tcp.mate
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/examples/tcp.mate
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
-# tcp.mate
+Pdu tcp_pdu Proto tcp Transport ip {
+ Extract addr From ip.addr;
+ Extract port From tcp.port;
+ Extract tcp_start From tcp.flags.syn;
+ Extract tcp_stop From tcp.flags.reset;
+ Extract tcp_stop From tcp.flags.fin;
- Action=PduDef; Name=tcp_pdu; Proto=tcp; Transport=ip; addr=ip.addr; port=tcp.port; tcp_start=tcp.flags.syn; tcp_stop=tcp.flags.fin; tcp_stop=tcp.flags.reset;
- Action=GopDef; Name=tcp_session; On=tcp_pdu; addr; addr; port; port;
- Action=GopStart; For=tcp_session; tcp_start=1;
- Action=GopStop; For=tcp_session; tcp_stop=1;
+Gop tcp_ses On tcp_pdu Match (addr, addr, port, port) {
+ Start (tcp_start=1);
+ Stop (tcp_stop=1);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/web.mate b/plugins/epan/mate/examples/web.mate
index fd00c651de..7b3d2246b5 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/examples/web.mate
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/examples/web.mate
@@ -1,27 +1,52 @@
-# web.mate
-Action=PduDef; Name=dns_pdu; Proto=dns; Transport=ip; addr=ip.addr; dns_resp=dns.flags.response; host=dns.qry.name; client_addr=ip.src; dns_id=dns.id;
-Action=PduDef; Name=http_pdu; Proto=http; Transport=tcp/ip; addr=ip.addr; port=tcp.port; http_rq=http.request.method; http_rs=http.response; host=http.host; client_addr=ip.src;
-Action=GopDef; Name=dns_req; On=dns_pdu; addr; addr; dns_id;
-Action=GopStart; For=dns_req; dns_resp=0;
-Action=GopStop; For=dns_req; dns_resp=1;
-Action=GopDef; Name=http_req; On=http_pdu; addr; addr; port; port;
-Action=GopStart; For=http_req; http_rq;
-Action=GopStop; For=http_req; http_rs;
-Action=Transform; Name=rm_client_from_dns_resp; Mode=Replace; Match=Every; dns_resp=1; client_addr; .dns_resp=1;
-Action=PduTransform; For=dns_pdu; Name=rm_client_from_dns_resp;
-Action=Transform; Name=rm_client_from_http_resp; Mode=Replace; Match=Every; http_rs; client_addr; .http_rs=;
-Action=PduTransform; For=http_pdu; Name=rm_client_from_http_resp;
-Action=GopExtra; For=http_req; host; client_addr;
-Action=GopExtra; For=dns_req; host; client_addr;
-Action=GogDef; Name=http_use; GogExpiration=0.75;
-Action=GogKey; For=http_use; On=http_req; host; client_addr;
-Action=GogKey; For=http_use; On=dns_req; host;client_addr;
-Action=GogExtra; For=http_use; host; client_addr;
+Transform rm_client_from_dns_resp {
+ Match (dns_resp=1, client) Replace (dns_resp=1);
+Pdu dns_pdu Proto dns Transport ip {
+ Extract addr From ip.addr;
+ Extract dns_id From dns.id;
+ Extract dns_resp From dns.flags.response;
+ Extract host From dns.qry.name;
+ Extract client From ip.src;
+ Transform rm_client_from_dns_resp;
+Gop dns_req On dns_pdu Match (addr,addr,dns_id) {
+ Start (dns_resp=0);
+ Stop (dns_resp=1);
+ Extra (host, client);
+Transform rm_client_from_http_resp1 {
+ Match (http_rq);
+ Match Every (addr) Insert (not_rq);
+Transform rm_client_from_http_resp2 {
+ Match (not_rq, client) Replace ();
+Pdu http_pdu Proto http Transport tcp/ip {
+ Extract addr From ip.addr;
+ Extract port From tcp.port;
+ Extract http_rq From http.request.method;
+ Extract http_rs From http.response;
+ Extract host From http.host;
+ Extract client From ip.src;
+ Transform rm_client_from_http_resp1, rm_client_from_http_resp2;
+ DiscardPduData true;
+Gop http_req On http_pdu Match (addr, addr, port, port) {
+ Start (http_rq);
+ Stop (http_rs);
+ Extra (host, client);
+Gog http_use {
+ Member http_req (host, client);
+ Member dns_req (host, client);
+ Expiration 0.75;
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/mate.h b/plugins/epan/mate/mate.h
index 0a8786005f..c4a5adc954 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/mate.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/mate.h
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
#define __MATE_H_
+#include <wireshark.h>
#include <gmodule.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
#include <wsutil/report_message.h>
#include <wsutil/wslog.h>
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ struct _mate_pdu {
AVPL* avpl;
- guint32 frame; /* wich frame I belog to? */
+ guint32 frame; /* which frame I belong to? */
mate_pdu* next_in_frame; /* points to the next pdu in this frame */
float rel_time; /* time since start of capture */
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_grammar.lemon b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_grammar.lemon
index 0947afa2e5..57f291fe29 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_grammar.lemon
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_grammar.lemon
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define NDEBUG
+#include "config.h"
+#include <errno.h>
#include "mate.h"
#include "mate_grammar.h"
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ static void configuration_error(mate_config* mc, const gchar* fmt, ...) {
va_list list;
va_start( list, fmt );
- g_vsnprintf(error_buffer,sizeof(error_buffer),fmt,list);
+ vsnprintf(error_buffer,sizeof(error_buffer),fmt,list);
va_end( list );
i = (gint) mc->config_stack->len;
@@ -167,6 +170,11 @@ static gchar* recolonize(mate_config* mc, gchar* s) {
return r;
+} /* end of %include */
+%code {
%name MateParser
@@ -709,7 +717,7 @@ avp(A) ::= NAME(B) AVP_OPERATOR(C) value(D). { A = new_avp(B,D,*C); }
avp(A) ::= NAME(B). { A = new_avp(B,"",'?'); }
avp(A) ::= NAME(B) OPEN_BRACE avp_oneoff(C) CLOSE_BRACE. { A = new_avp(B,C,'|'); }
-avp_oneoff(A) ::= avp_oneoff(B) PIPE value(C). { A = g_strdup_printf("%s|%s",B,C); }
+avp_oneoff(A) ::= avp_oneoff(B) PIPE value(C). { A = ws_strdup_printf("%s|%s",B,C); }
avp_oneoff(A) ::= value(B). { A = g_strdup(B); }
value(A) ::= QUOTED(B). { A = g_strdup(B); }
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_parser.l b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_parser.l
index ad08c9ea7a..6e423abccd 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_parser.l
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_parser.l
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
* Disable diagnostics in the code generated by Flex.
void MateParseTrace(FILE*,char*);
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ blk_cmnt_stop "*/"
* Turn diagnostics back on, so we check the code that we've written.
static void ptr_array_free(gpointer data, gpointer user_data _U_)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_runtime.c b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_runtime.c
index 41d9c0de35..8cda791a62 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_runtime.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_runtime.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
typedef struct _mate_range mate_range;
struct _mate_range {
+ tvbuff_t *ds_tvb;
guint start;
guint end;
@@ -643,19 +644,84 @@ static void analyze_pdu(mate_config* mc, mate_pdu* pdu) {
+static proto_node *
+proto_tree_find_node_from_finfo(proto_tree *tree, field_info *finfo)
+ proto_node *pnode = tree;
+ proto_node *child;
+ proto_node *current;
+ if (PNODE_FINFO(pnode) == finfo) {
+ return pnode;
+ }
+ child = pnode->first_child;
+ while (child != NULL) {
+ current = child;
+ child = current->next;
+ if ((pnode = proto_tree_find_node_from_finfo((proto_tree *)current, finfo))) {
+ return pnode;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* This returns true if there's no point in searching for the avp among the
+ * ancestor nodes in the tree. That includes if the field is within one
+ * of the ranges, or if the field and all the ranges share the same
+ * data source.
+ */
+static bool
+add_avp(const char *name, field_info *fi, const field_info *ancestor_fi, tmp_pdu_data *data)
+ AVP* avp;
+ char* s;
+ mate_range* curr_range;
+ unsigned start, end;
+ tvbuff_t *ds_tvb;
+ bool all_same_ds = true;
+ start = ancestor_fi->start;
+ end = ancestor_fi->start + ancestor_fi->length;
+ ds_tvb = ancestor_fi->ds_tvb;
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < data->ranges->len; j++) {
+ curr_range = (mate_range*) g_ptr_array_index(data->ranges,j);
+ if (curr_range->ds_tvb == ds_tvb) {
+ if (curr_range->end >= end && curr_range->start <= start) {
+ avp = new_avp_from_finfo(name, fi);
+ if (*dbg_pdu > 4) {
+ s = avp_to_str(avp);
+ dbg_print(dbg_pdu,0,dbg_facility,"add_avp: got %s",s);
+ g_free(s);
+ }
+ if (! insert_avp(data->pdu->avpl, avp) ) {
+ delete_avp(avp);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ all_same_ds = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return all_same_ds;
static void get_pdu_fields(gpointer k, gpointer v, gpointer p) {
int hfid = *((int*) k);
gchar* name = (gchar*) v;
tmp_pdu_data* data = (tmp_pdu_data*) p;
GPtrArray* fis;
field_info* fi;
- guint i,j;
- mate_range* curr_range;
+ guint i;
guint start;
guint end;
- AVP* avp;
- gchar* s;
+ tvbuff_t *ds_tvb;
fis = proto_get_finfo_ptr_array(data->tree, hfid);
@@ -666,37 +732,35 @@ static void get_pdu_fields(gpointer k, gpointer v, gpointer p) {
start = fi->start;
end = fi->start + fi->length;
+ ds_tvb = fi->ds_tvb;
dbg_print(dbg_pdu,5,dbg_facility,"get_pdu_fields: found field %s, %i-%i, length %i", fi->hfinfo->abbrev, start, end, fi->length);
- for (j = 0; j < data->ranges->len; j++) {
- curr_range = (mate_range*) g_ptr_array_index(data->ranges,j);
- if (curr_range->end >= end && curr_range->start <= start) {
- avp = new_avp_from_finfo(name, fi);
- if (*dbg_pdu > 4) {
- s = avp_to_str(avp);
- dbg_print(dbg_pdu,0,dbg_facility,"get_pdu_fields: got %s",s);
- g_free(s);
- }
- if (! insert_avp(data->pdu->avpl,avp) ) {
- delete_avp(avp);
+ if (!add_avp(name, fi, fi, data)) {
+ /* The field came from a different data source than one of the
+ * ranges (protocol, transport protocol, payload). Search for
+ * the tree node with the field and look to see if one of its
+ * parents is contained within one of the ranges.
+ * (The field, and the hfis for the ranges, were marked as
+ * interesting so this should always work, albeit slower than above.)
+ */
+ for (proto_node *pnode = proto_tree_find_node_from_finfo(data->tree, fi);
+ pnode; pnode = pnode->parent) {
+ field_info *ancestor_fi = PNODE_FINFO(pnode);
+ if (ancestor_fi && ancestor_fi->ds_tvb != ds_tvb) {
+ /* Only check anew when the data source changes. */
+ ds_tvb = ancestor_fi->ds_tvb;
+ if (add_avp(name, fi, ancestor_fi, data)) {
+ /* Go to next field in fis */
+ break;
+ }
-static void ptr_array_free(gpointer data, gpointer user_data _U_)
- g_free(data);
static mate_pdu* new_pdu(mate_cfg_pdu* cfg, guint32 framenum, field_info* proto, proto_tree* tree) {
mate_pdu* pdu = (mate_pdu*)g_slice_new(mate_max_size);
field_info* cfi;
@@ -732,12 +796,13 @@ static mate_pdu* new_pdu(mate_cfg_pdu* cfg, guint32 framenum, field_info* proto,
pdu->is_stop = FALSE;
pdu->after_release = FALSE;
- data.ranges = g_ptr_array_new();
+ data.ranges = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func(g_free);
data.pdu = pdu;
data.tree = tree;
/* first we create the proto range */
proto_range = g_new(mate_range, 1);
+ proto_range->ds_tvb = proto->ds_tvb;
proto_range->start = proto->start;
proto_range->end = proto->start + proto->length;
@@ -764,6 +829,7 @@ static mate_pdu* new_pdu(mate_cfg_pdu* cfg, guint32 framenum, field_info* proto,
if ( range_fi ) {
range = (mate_range *)g_malloc(sizeof(*range));
+ range->ds_tvb = range_fi->ds_tvb;
range->start = range_fi->start;
range->end = range_fi->start + range_fi->length;
@@ -801,6 +867,7 @@ static mate_pdu* new_pdu(mate_cfg_pdu* cfg, guint32 framenum, field_info* proto,
if ( range_fi ) {
range = (mate_range *)g_malloc(sizeof(*range));
+ range->ds_tvb = range_fi->ds_tvb;
range->start = range_fi->start;
range->end = range_fi->start + range_fi->length;
@@ -819,7 +886,6 @@ static mate_pdu* new_pdu(mate_cfg_pdu* cfg, guint32 framenum, field_info* proto,
- g_ptr_array_foreach(data.ranges, ptr_array_free, NULL);
return pdu;
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_setup.c b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_setup.c
index 727b536bd7..680a8fa92c 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_setup.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_setup.c
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ static void report_error(mate_config* mc, const gchar* fmt, ...) {
va_list list;
va_start( list, fmt );
- g_vsnprintf(error_buffer,DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE,fmt,list);
+ vsnprintf(error_buffer,DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE,fmt,list);
va_end( list );
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ extern gboolean add_hfid(mate_config* mc, header_field_info* hfi, gchar* how, G
#if 0
- * XXX - where is this suposed to be used?
+ * XXX - where is this supposed to be used?
extern gchar* add_ranges(mate_config* mc, gchar* range,GPtrArray* range_ptr_arr) {
gchar** ranges;
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ extern gchar* add_ranges(mate_config* mc, gchar* range,GPtrArray* range_ptr_arr)
} else {
- return g_strdup_printf("no such proto: '%s'",ranges[i]);
+ return ws_strdup_printf("no such proto: '%s'",ranges[i]);
@@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ static void new_attr_hfri(mate_config* mc, gchar* item_name, GHashTable* hfids,
*p_id = -1;
hfri.p_id = p_id;
hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup(name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.%s",item_name,name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.%s",item_name,name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_STRING;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE;
hfri.hfinfo.strings = NULL;
hfri.hfinfo.bitmask = 0;
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("%s attribute of %s",name,item_name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("%s attribute of %s",name,item_name);
*p_id = -1;
@@ -271,16 +271,16 @@ static void analyze_pdu_config(mate_config* mc, mate_cfg_pdu* cfg) {
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid);
hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup(cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("%s id",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("%s id",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC;
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_pdu_rel_time);
- hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s time",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.RelativeTime",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.name = ws_strdup_printf("%s time",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.RelativeTime",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FLOAT;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE;
hfri.hfinfo.blurb = "Seconds passed since the start of capture";
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ static void analyze_pdu_config(mate_config* mc, mate_cfg_pdu* cfg) {
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_pdu_time_in_gop);
- hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s time since beginning of Gop",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.TimeInGop",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.name = ws_strdup_printf("%s time since beginning of Gop",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.TimeInGop",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FLOAT;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE;
hfri.hfinfo.blurb = "Seconds passed since the start of the GOP";
@@ -326,49 +326,49 @@ static void analyze_gop_config(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p) {
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid);
hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup(cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("%s id",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("%s id",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC;
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_start_time);
- hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s start time",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.StartTime",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.name = ws_strdup_printf("%s start time",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.StartTime",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FLOAT;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE;
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Seconds passed since the beginning of capture to the start of this %s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("Seconds passed since the beginning of capture to the start of this %s",cfg->name);
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_stop_time);
- hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s hold time",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Time",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Duration in seconds from start to stop of this %s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.name = ws_strdup_printf("%s hold time",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Time",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("Duration in seconds from start to stop of this %s",cfg->name);
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_last_time);
- hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s duration",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Duration",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Time passed between the start of this %s and the last pdu assigned to it",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.name = ws_strdup_printf("%s duration",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Duration",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("Time passed between the start of this %s and the last pdu assigned to it",cfg->name);
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gop_num_pdus);
- hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s number of PDUs",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.NumOfPdus",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Number of PDUs assigned to this %s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.name = ws_strdup_printf("%s number of PDUs",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.NumOfPdus",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("Number of PDUs assigned to this %s",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC;
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gop_pdu);
- hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("A PDU of %s",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Pdu",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("A PDU assigned to this %s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.name = ws_strdup_printf("A PDU of %s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Pdu",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("A PDU assigned to this %s",cfg->name);
if (cfg->pdu_tree_mode == GOP_FRAME_TREE) {
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FRAMENUM;
@@ -445,8 +445,8 @@ static void analyze_gog_config(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p) {
/* create the hf array for this gog */
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid);
hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup(cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("%s Id",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("%s Id",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC;
@@ -454,16 +454,16 @@ static void analyze_gog_config(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p) {
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gog_num_of_gops);
hfri.hfinfo.name = "number of GOPs";
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.NumOfGops",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.NumOfGops",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_UINT32;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_DEC;
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Number of GOPs assigned to this %s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("Number of GOPs assigned to this %s",cfg->name);
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gog_gopstart);
hfri.hfinfo.name = "GopStart frame";
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.GopStart",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.GopStart",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FRAMENUM;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE;
hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup("The start frame of a GOP");
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ static void analyze_gog_config(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p) {
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gog_gopstop);
hfri.hfinfo.name = "GopStop frame";
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.GopStop",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.GopStop",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FRAMENUM;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE;
hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup("The stop frame of a GOP");
@@ -480,27 +480,27 @@ static void analyze_gog_config(gpointer k _U_, gpointer v, gpointer p) {
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_start_time);
- hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s start time",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.StartTime",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.name = ws_strdup_printf("%s start time",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.StartTime",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_FLOAT;
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Seconds passed since the beginning of capture to the start of this %s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("Seconds passed since the beginning of capture to the start of this %s",cfg->name);
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_last_time);
- hfri.hfinfo.name = g_strdup_printf("%s duration",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Duration",cfg->name);
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("Time passed between the start of this %s and the last pdu assigned to it",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.name = ws_strdup_printf("%s duration",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Duration",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("Time passed between the start of this %s and the last pdu assigned to it",cfg->name);
/* this might become mate.gogname.gopname */
hfri.p_id = &(cfg->hfid_gog_gop);
hfri.hfinfo.name = "a GOP";
- hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = g_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Gop",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.abbrev = ws_strdup_printf("mate.%s.Gop",cfg->name);
hfri.hfinfo.type = FT_STRING;
hfri.hfinfo.display = BASE_NONE;
- hfri.hfinfo.blurb = g_strdup_printf("a GOPs assigned to this %s",cfg->name);
+ hfri.hfinfo.blurb = ws_strdup_printf("a GOPs assigned to this %s",cfg->name);
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ extern mate_config* mate_make_config(const gchar* filename, int mate_hfid) {
mc->dbg_facility = NULL;
- mc->mate_lib_path = g_strdup_printf("%s%c%s%c",get_datafile_dir(),DIR_SEP,DEFAULT_MATE_LIB_PATH,DIR_SEP);
+ mc->mate_lib_path = ws_strdup_printf("%s%c%s%c",get_datafile_dir(),DIR_SEP,DEFAULT_MATE_LIB_PATH,DIR_SEP);
mc->pducfgs = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal);
mc->gopcfgs = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_util.c b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_util.c
index 6bc6f63f5d..4fa7e653e4 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_util.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_util.c
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
#include "mate.h"
#include "mate_util.h"
+#include <errno.h>
#include <wsutil/file_util.h>
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ void dbg_print(const gint* which, gint how, FILE* where, const gchar* fmt, ... )
if ( ! which || *which < how ) return;
va_start( list, fmt );
- g_vsnprintf(debug_buffer,DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE,fmt,list);
+ vsnprintf(debug_buffer,DEBUG_BUFFER_SIZE,fmt,list);
va_end( list );
if (! where) {
@@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ gchar* scs_subscribe_printf(SCS_collection* c, gchar* fmt, ...) {
static gchar buf[SCS_HUGE_SIZE];
va_start( list, fmt );
- g_vsnprintf(buf, SCS_HUGE_SIZE, fmt, list);
+ vsnprintf(buf, SCS_HUGE_SIZE, fmt, list);
va_end( list );
return scs_subscribe(c,buf);
@@ -293,7 +295,7 @@ extern AVP* new_avp_from_finfo(const gchar* name, field_info* finfo) {
new_avp_val->n = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, name);
- repr = fvalue_to_string_repr(NULL, &finfo->value,FTREPR_DISPLAY,finfo->hfinfo->display);
+ repr = fvalue_to_string_repr(NULL, finfo->value, FTREPR_DISPLAY, finfo->hfinfo->display);
if (repr) {
value = scs_subscribe(avp_strings, repr);
@@ -823,7 +825,7 @@ extern void merge_avpl(AVPL* dst, AVPL* src, gboolean copy_avps) {
- // if there are remaing source AVPs while there are no more destination
+ // if there are remaining source AVPs while there are no more destination
// AVPs (cd now represents the NULL item, after the last item), append
// all remaining source AVPs to the end
while (cs->avp) {
@@ -881,7 +883,7 @@ extern AVPL* new_avpl_from_avpl(const gchar* name, AVPL* avpl, gboolean copy_avp
* match_avp:
- * @param src an src to be compared agains an "op" avp
+ * @param src an src to be compared against an "op" avp
* @param op the "op" avp that will be matched against the src avp
* Checks whether or not two avp's match.
@@ -959,7 +961,7 @@ extern AVP* match_avp(AVP* src, AVP* op) {
/* case AVP_OP_TRANSF: */
/* return do_transform(src,op); */
- return g_strrstr(src->v, op->v) ? src : NULL;;
+ return g_strrstr(src->v, op->v) ? src : NULL;
/* will never get here */
return NULL;
@@ -1115,7 +1117,7 @@ extern AVPL* new_avpl_pairs_match(const gchar* name, AVPL* src, AVPL* op, gboole
* new_avpl_from_match:
* @param mode The matching method, one of AVPL_STRICT, AVPL_LOOSE, AVPL_EVERY.
* @param name the name of the resulting avpl
- * @param src the data AVPL to be matched agains a condition AVPL
+ * @param src the data AVPL to be matched against a condition AVPL
* @param op the conditions AVPL that will be matched against the data AVPL
* Matches the conditions AVPL against the original AVPL according to the mode.
@@ -1435,13 +1437,13 @@ static LoAL* load_loal_error(FILE* fp, LoAL* loal, AVPL* curr, int linenum, cons
gchar* err;
va_start( list, fmt );
- desc = g_strdup_vprintf(fmt, list);
+ desc = ws_strdup_vprintf(fmt, list);
va_end( list );
if (loal) {
- err = g_strdup_printf("Error Loading LoAL from file: in %s at line: %i, %s",loal->name,linenum,desc);
+ err = ws_strdup_printf("Error Loading LoAL from file: in %s at line: %i, %s",loal->name,linenum,desc);
} else {
- err = g_strdup_printf("Error Loading LoAL at line: %i, %s",linenum,desc);
+ err = ws_strdup_printf("Error Loading LoAL at line: %i, %s",linenum,desc);
ret = new_loal(err);
@@ -1559,7 +1561,7 @@ extern LoAL* loal_from_file(gchar* filename) {
i = 0;
name[i++] = c;
name[i] = '\0';
- g_snprintf(linenum_buf,MAX_ITEM_LEN,"%s:%u",filename,linenum);
+ snprintf(linenum_buf,MAX_ITEM_LEN,"%s:%u",filename,linenum);
curr = new_avpl(linenum_buf);
case '#':
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_util.h b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_util.h
index a233f5fc34..0764ea5ec2 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/mate_util.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/mate_util.h
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ extern void delete_avp(AVP* avp);
* avp methods
/* returns a newly allocated string containing a representation of the avp */
-#define avp_to_str(avp) (g_strdup_printf("%s%c%s",avp->n,avp->o,avp->v))
+#define avp_to_str(avp) (ws_strdup_printf("%s%c%s",avp->n,avp->o,avp->v))
/* returns the src avp if the src avp matches(*) the op avp or NULL if it doesn't */
extern AVP* match_avp(AVP* src, AVP* op);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/mate/packet-mate.c b/plugins/epan/mate/packet-mate.c
index 97774cd1a9..f4621e349d 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/mate/packet-mate.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/mate/packet-mate.c
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ void proto_reg_handoff_mate(void);
static mate_config* mc = NULL;
-static int proto_mate = -1;
+static int proto_mate;
-static int hf_mate_released_time = -1;
-static int hf_mate_duration = -1;
-static int hf_mate_number_of_pdus = -1;
-static int hf_mate_started_at = -1;
-static int hf_mate_gop_key = -1;
+static int hf_mate_released_time;
+static int hf_mate_duration;
+static int hf_mate_number_of_pdus;
+static int hf_mate_started_at;
+static int hf_mate_gop_key;
-static expert_field ei_mate_undefined_attribute = EI_INIT;
+static expert_field ei_mate_undefined_attribute;
static const gchar* pref_mate_config_filename = "";
static const gchar* current_mate_config_filename = NULL;
@@ -368,6 +368,15 @@ proto_reg_handoff_mate(void)
+ /* XXX: Due to #17877, any protocol added to the tree with length -1
+ * that changes its length later (and there are many, such as TCP)
+ * doesn't actually change its length unless the tree is visible,
+ * which means that entire range checking work in MATE to split up
+ * multiple PDUs of the target protocol in the same frame doesn't
+ * work. Set the tree as visible as with Lua postdissectors that
+ * need all fields. It's overkill and bad for performance, though.
+ */
+ epan_set_always_visible(TRUE);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/opcua/CMakeLists.txt
index 674b9838b5..04c1bbb5a0 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ set(DISSECTOR_SUPPORT_SRC
+ opcua_keyset.c
@@ -44,13 +45,14 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "OpcUa (OPC Unified Architecture) dissection"
-add_plugin_library(opcua epan)
-target_link_libraries(opcua epan)
+target_link_libraries(opcua epan ${GCRYPT_LIBRARIES})
install_plugin(opcua epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua.c
index 99287102e3..10ad0e1b3f 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua.c
@@ -14,54 +14,82 @@
** Author: Gerhard Gappmeier <gerhard.gappmeier@ascolab.com>
-#include "config.h"
+#include <epan/dissectors/packet-tcp.h>
#include <epan/packet.h>
+#include <epan/prefs.h>
+#include <epan/range.h>
#include <epan/reassemble.h>
-#include <epan/dissectors/packet-tcp.h>
-#include "opcua_transport_layer.h"
-#include "opcua_security_layer.h"
+#include <epan/secrets.h>
+#include <epan/tvbuff.h>
+#include <gcrypt.h>
+#include <wiretap/secrets-types.h>
+#include <wsutil/file_util.h>
+#include "config.h"
#include "opcua_application_layer.h"
#include "opcua_complextypeparser.h"
-#include "opcua_serviceparser.h"
#include "opcua_enumparser.h"
-#include "opcua_simpletypes.h"
#include "opcua_hfindeces.h"
+#include "opcua_keyset.h"
+#include "opcua_security_layer.h"
+#include "opcua_serviceparser.h"
+#include "opcua_serviceids.h"
+#include "opcua_simpletypes.h"
+#include "opcua_transport_layer.h"
void proto_register_opcua(void);
extern const value_string g_requesttypes[];
extern const int g_NumServices;
+static const gchar *g_opcua_debug_file_name = NULL;
+int g_opcua_default_sig_len = 0;
/* forward reference */
void proto_reg_handoff_opcua(void);
/* declare parse function pointer */
-typedef int (*FctParse)(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
+typedef int (*FctParse)(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
-int proto_opcua = -1;
+int proto_opcua;
static dissector_handle_t opcua_handle;
+static module_t *opcua_module;
+/* #define OPCUA_DEBUG */
+# define debugprintf(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);
+# define debugprintf(fmt, ...)
/** Official IANA registered port for OPC UA Binary Protocol. */
+#define OPCUA_DEFAULT_PORT 4840
+/* default port range for preferences */
#define OPCUA_PORT_RANGE "4840"
+/** header length that is needed to compute the pdu length.
+ * @see get_opcua_message_len
+ */
+/* AES block size: for both AES128 and AES256 the block size is 128 bits */
+#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16
/** subtree types used in opcua_transport_layer.c */
-gint ett_opcua_extensionobject = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_nodeid = -1;
+gint ett_opcua_extensionobject;
+gint ett_opcua_nodeid;
/** subtree types used locally */
-static gint ett_opcua_transport = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_fragment = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_fragments = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_fragments = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_fragment = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_fragment_overlap = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_fragment_overlap_conflicts = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_fragment_multiple_tails = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_fragment_too_long_fragment = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_fragment_error = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_fragment_count = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_reassembled_in = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_reassembled_length = -1;
+static gint ett_opcua_transport;
+static gint ett_opcua_fragment;
+static gint ett_opcua_fragments;
+static int hf_opcua_fragments;
+static int hf_opcua_fragment;
+static int hf_opcua_fragment_overlap;
+static int hf_opcua_fragment_overlap_conflicts;
+static int hf_opcua_fragment_multiple_tails;
+static int hf_opcua_fragment_too_long_fragment;
+static int hf_opcua_fragment_error;
+static int hf_opcua_fragment_count;
+static int hf_opcua_reassembled_in;
+static int hf_opcua_reassembled_length;
static const fragment_items opcua_frag_items = {
/* Fragment subtrees */
@@ -86,7 +114,6 @@ static const fragment_items opcua_frag_items = {
"Message fragments"
static reassembly_table opcua_reassembly_table;
/** OpcUa Transport Message Types */
@@ -115,14 +142,26 @@ static const char* g_szMessageTypes[] =
"Invalid message"
+static const enum_val_t opcua_sig_len_enum[] = {
+ { "None", "Unsigned", 0 },
+ { "20", "20 Bytes", 20 },
+ { "32", "32 Bytes", 32 },
+ { NULL, NULL, 0 }
-/** header length that is needed to compute
- * the pdu length.
- * @see get_opcua_message_len
- */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+static char *ua_strtok_r(char *str, const char *delim, char **saveptr)
+ /* use MSVC specific strtok_s */
+ return strtok_s(str, delim, saveptr);
+static char *ua_strtok_r(char *str, const char *delim, char **saveptr)
+ /* use POSIX strtok_r */
+ return strtok_r(str, delim, saveptr);
/** returns the length of an OpcUa message.
* This function reads the length information from
@@ -139,6 +178,315 @@ static guint get_opcua_message_len(packet_info *pinfo _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb,
return plen;
+/* Helper function to convert hex string to binary data */
+guint hex_to_bin(const char *hex_string, unsigned char *binary_data, unsigned int binary_size)
+ guint length = (guint)strlen(hex_string);
+ guint i;
+ for (i = 0; i < length / 2 && i < binary_size; ++i) {
+ sscanf(hex_string + 2 * i, "%2hhx", &binary_data[i]);
+ }
+ return i;
+/** Parsing context */
+struct opcua_keylog_parser_ctx {
+ struct ua_keyset *keyset; /**< current keyset */
+ uint64_t last_id; /**< the id of the previous line, this is also the id of the keyset */
+ * Common function for parsing key log line used by opcua_keylog_process_lines and opcua_load_keylog_file.
+ *
+ * @param ctx Parsing context.
+ * @param line Current line to parse.
+ */
+static void opcua_keylog_process_line(struct opcua_keylog_parser_ctx *ctx, const char *line)
+ struct ua_keyset *keyset;
+ char key[33]; /* 32 chars + null terminator */
+ char value[65]; /* 64 hex chars + null terminator */
+ const char *parts[4]; /* for string split */
+ unsigned int num_parts;
+ char *tmp, *saveptr;
+ uint32_t token_id = 0;
+ uint32_t channel_id = 0;
+ uint64_t id = 0;
+ int n;
+ /* parse key/value pair */
+ n = sscanf(line, "%32[^:]: %64s\n", key, value);
+ if (n != 2) return;
+ debugprintf("%s = %s\n", key, value);
+ /* split key into parts */
+ num_parts = 0;
+ tmp = ua_strtok_r(key, "_", &saveptr);
+ while (tmp && num_parts < 4) {
+ parts[num_parts++] = tmp;
+ tmp = ua_strtok_r(NULL, "_", &saveptr);
+ }
+ if (num_parts != 4) return; /* skip invalid enty */
+ channel_id = (uint32_t)strtoul(parts[2], NULL, 10);
+ token_id = (uint32_t)strtoul(parts[3], NULL, 10);
+ debugprintf("channel_id = %u\n", channel_id);
+ debugprintf("token_id = %u\n", token_id);
+ /* create unique keyset id */
+ id = ua_keyset_id(channel_id, token_id);
+ if (ctx->keyset == NULL || id != ctx->last_id) {
+ debugprintf("Adding new keyset for id %lu...\n", id);
+ /* create new keyset for new id */
+ ctx->keyset = ua_keysets_add();
+ ctx->last_id = id;
+ }
+ keyset = ctx->keyset;
+ if (keyset) {
+ keyset->id = id;
+ /* store key material */
+ if (strcmp(parts[0], "client") == 0) {
+ if (strcmp(parts[1], "iv") == 0) {
+ hex_to_bin(value, keyset->client_iv, sizeof(keyset->client_iv));
+ } else if (strcmp(parts[1], "key") == 0) {
+ keyset->client_key_len = (unsigned int)hex_to_bin(value, keyset->client_key, sizeof(keyset->client_key));
+ } else if (strcmp(parts[1], "siglen") == 0) {
+ keyset->client_sig_len = (unsigned int)strtoul(value, NULL, 10);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(parts[0], "server") == 0) {
+ if (strcmp(parts[1], "iv") == 0) {
+ hex_to_bin(value, keyset->server_iv, sizeof(keyset->server_iv));
+ } else if (strcmp(parts[1], "key") == 0) {
+ keyset->server_key_len = (unsigned int)hex_to_bin(value, keyset->server_key, sizeof(keyset->server_key));
+ } else if (strcmp(parts[1], "siglen") == 0) {
+ keyset->server_sig_len = (unsigned int)strtoul(value, NULL, 10);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Parses key log data from PCAP file.
+ * This function splits the data by \n and calls opcua_keylog_process_line.
+ */
+static void opcua_keylog_process_lines(char *data)
+ struct opcua_keylog_parser_ctx ctx = { NULL, 0 };
+ char *saveptr;
+ const char *line = ua_strtok_r(data, "\n", &saveptr);
+ while (line) {
+ opcua_keylog_process_line(&ctx, line);
+ line = ua_strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &saveptr);
+ }
+ /* sort data by id to make lookup working */
+ ua_keysets_sort();
+ * Loads the configured OPCUA Keylog file.
+ */
+static void opcua_load_keylog_file(const char *filename)
+ struct opcua_keylog_parser_ctx ctx = { NULL, 0 };
+ char line[256];
+ debugprintf("Loading key file '%s'...\n", filename);
+ FILE *f = ws_fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (f == NULL) {
+ debugprintf("error: '%s' not found\n", filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* parse file contents */
+ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
+ opcua_keylog_process_line(&ctx, line);
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ /* sort data by id to make lookup working */
+ ua_keysets_sort();
+ * Checks the padding of a symetric signed message.
+ * A message always contains a padding_len byte, which tells us the length of
+ * the padding. All following padding bytes contain the same value. This makes it
+ * possible the padding from the end of the message.
+ * Example Paddings:
+ * - 00
+ * - 01 01
+ * - 02 02 02
+ * @param padding Pointer to last padding byte.
+ * @return padding length on success, -1 if the paddding is invalid.
+ */
+static int verify_padding(const guint8 *padding)
+ uint8_t pad_len;
+ uint8_t i;
+ pad_len = *padding;
+ for (i = 0; i < pad_len; ++i) {
+ if (padding[-pad_len + i] != pad_len) return -1;
+ }
+ return pad_len;
+ * Gets security footer info.
+ *
+ * @param channel_id SecureChannelId for keyset lookup.
+ * @param token_id TokenId for keyset lookup.
+ * @param sig_len Returns the length of the signature.
+ * @param from_server True of the message is sent from the server, false when sent from the client.
+ *
+ * @return Returns 0 on success, -1 if parsing failed.
+ */
+static int opcua_get_footer_info(uint32_t channel_id, uint32_t token_id, guint8 *sig_len, bool from_server)
+ struct ua_keyset *keyset;
+ uint64_t id;
+ id = ua_keyset_id(channel_id, token_id);
+ /* try to get correct signature length from key log file */
+ keyset = ua_keysets_lookup(id);
+ if (keyset) {
+ /* The Client keys are used to secure Messages sent by the Client. The Server keys are used to
+ * secure Messages sent by the Server.
+ */
+ if (from_server) {
+ *sig_len = keyset->server_sig_len;
+ } else {
+ *sig_len = keyset->client_sig_len;
+ }
+ }
+ debugprintf("no keyset found for channel_id=%u and token_id=%u\n", channel_id, token_id);
+ /* we use sig_len set from OpenSecurehChannel Policy in this case.
+ * this requires to have the OPN in the capture file, otherwise we are out of luck.
+ */
+ return 0;
+ * This function to perform AES decryption on service data in-place.
+ * Add also determines the payload length by removing the padding and signature.
+ *
+ * @param channel_id SecureChannelId for keyset lookup.
+ * @param token_id TokenId for keyset lookup.
+ * @param cipher The cipher text.
+ * @param cipher_len The cipher test length in bytes.
+ * @param plaintext The plaintext to return.
+ * @param plaintext_len The plaintext in bytes, should be the same as cipher_len.
+ * @param padding_len Returns the length of the padding.
+ * @param sig_len Returns the length of the signature.
+ * @param from_server True of the message is sent from the server, false when sent from the client.
+ *
+ * @return Returns 0 on success, -1 if decryption failed.
+ */
+static int decrypt_opcua(
+ uint32_t channel_id, uint32_t token_id,
+ const guint8 *cipher, guint cipher_len,
+ guint8 *plaintext, guint plaintext_len,
+ guint8 *padding_len, guint8 *sig_len, bool from_server)
+ struct ua_keyset *keyset;
+ uint64_t id;
+ unsigned int keylen, ivlen;
+ unsigned char *keydata, *ivdata;
+ int cipher_mode;
+ gcry_error_t res;
+ int ret = 0;
+ id = ua_keyset_id(channel_id, token_id);
+ keyset = ua_keysets_lookup(id);
+ if (keyset == NULL) {
+ debugprintf("no keyset found for channel_id=%u and token_id=%u\n", channel_id, token_id);
+ /* col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (encrypted)"); */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ debugprintf("found keyset for channel_id=%u and token_id=%u\n", channel_id, token_id);
+ /* The Client keys are used to secure Messages sent by the Client. The Server keys are used to
+ * secure Messages sent by the Server.
+ */
+ if (from_server) {
+ ivlen = sizeof(keyset->server_iv);
+ ivdata = keyset->server_iv;
+ keylen = keyset->server_key_len;
+ keydata = keyset->server_key;
+ *sig_len = keyset->server_sig_len;
+ } else {
+ ivlen = sizeof(keyset->client_iv);
+ ivdata = keyset->client_iv;
+ keylen = keyset->client_key_len;
+ keydata = keyset->client_key;
+ *sig_len = keyset->client_sig_len;
+ }
+ /* derive AES mode from key length */
+ switch (keylen) {
+ case 16:
+ debugprintf("using AES-128-CBC\n");
+ cipher_mode = GCRY_CIPHER_AES128;
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ debugprintf("using AES-256-CBC\n");
+ cipher_mode = GCRY_CIPHER_AES256;
+ break;
+ default:
+ debugprintf("invalid AES key length: %u bytes\n", keylen);
+ /* col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (encrypted)"); */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ debugprintf("cipher_len=%u\n", cipher_len);
+ if (cipher_len % 16 != 0) {
+ debugprintf("warning: cipher_len not a multiple of 16.\n");
+ }
+ gcry_cipher_hd_t handle;
+ gcry_cipher_open(&handle, cipher_mode, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC, GCRY_CIPHER_CBC_CTS);
+ gcry_cipher_setkey(handle, keydata, keylen);
+ gcry_cipher_setiv(handle, ivdata, ivlen);
+ /* Decrypt the data in-place */
+ res = gcry_cipher_decrypt(handle, plaintext, plaintext_len, cipher, cipher_len);
+ if (res == 0) {
+ /* col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (decrypted)"); */
+ debugprintf("decryption succeeded.\n");
+ } else {
+ /* col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (encrypted)"); */
+ debugprintf("decryption failed.\n");
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ gcry_cipher_close(handle);
+ /* it makes no sense to continue and verify the padding if decryption failed */
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = verify_padding(&plaintext[plaintext_len - *sig_len - 1]);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ debugprintf("padding is invalid.\n");
+ }
+ /* return padding length */
+ *padding_len = plaintext[plaintext_len - *sig_len - 1];
+ debugprintf("sig_len=%u\n", *sig_len);
+ debugprintf("pad_len=%u\n", *padding_len);
+ return 0;
/** The OpcUa message dissector.
* This method dissects full OpcUa messages.
* It gets only called with reassembled data
@@ -148,41 +496,64 @@ static int dissect_opcua_message(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *
FctParse pfctParse = NULL;
enum MessageType msgtype = MSG_INVALID;
+ guint16 src_port = pinfo->srcport;
+ range_t *port_range;
+ bool from_server = false;
+ bool decrypted = false; /* successfully decrypted secure message */
+ enum ua_message_mode mode = UA_MessageMode_None;
+ uint8_t sig_len = 0;
+ struct ua_metadata metadata;
+ tvbuff_t *decrypted_tvb = NULL;
+ int ret;
+ /* determine if telegram is from server or from client by checking the port number */
+ if (src_port == OPCUA_DEFAULT_PORT) {
+ from_server = true;
+ } else {
+ port_range = prefs_get_range_value("opcua", "tcp.port");
+ if (port_range && value_is_in_range(port_range, src_port)) {
+ from_server = true;
+ }
+ }
+ metadata.encrypted = false;
+ get_encryption_info(pinfo, &mode, &sig_len);
col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "OpcUa");
/* parse message type */
- if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, "HEL", 3) == 0)
+ if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, (const guint8 * )"HEL", 3) == 0)
msgtype = MSG_HELLO;
pfctParse = parseHello;
- else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, "ACK", 3) == 0)
+ else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, (const guint8*)"ACK", 3) == 0)
pfctParse = parseAcknowledge;
- else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, "ERR", 3) == 0)
+ else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, (const guint8*)"ERR", 3) == 0)
msgtype = MSG_ERROR;
pfctParse = parseError;
- else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, "RHE", 3) == 0)
+ else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, (const guint8*)"RHE", 3) == 0)
pfctParse = parseReverseHello;
- else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, "MSG", 3) == 0)
+ else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, (const guint8*)"MSG", 3) == 0)
msgtype = MSG_MESSAGE;
pfctParse = parseMessage;
- else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, "OPN", 3) == 0)
+ else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, (const guint8*)"OPN", 3) == 0)
pfctParse = parseOpenSecureChannel;
- else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, "CLO", 3) == 0)
+ else if (tvb_memeql(tvb, 0, (const guint8*)"CLO", 3) == 0)
pfctParse = parseCloseSecureChannel;
@@ -207,9 +578,10 @@ static int dissect_opcua_message(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *
gint offset = 0;
int iServiceId = -1;
- tvbuff_t *next_tvb = tvb;
- gboolean bParseService = TRUE;
- gboolean bIsLastFragment = FALSE;
+ gboolean bParseService = FALSE; /* Only MSG, OPN and CLO have a service payload */
+ gboolean bIsFinalChunk = FALSE;
+ guint payload_len = 0;
+ guint8 pad_len = 0;
/* we are being asked for details */
proto_item *ti = NULL;
@@ -218,72 +590,146 @@ static int dissect_opcua_message(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *
ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_opcua, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
transport_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_opcua_transport);
- /* MSG_MESSAGE might be fragmented, check for that */
- if (msgtype == MSG_MESSAGE)
+ /* call the transport message dissector */
+ (*pfctParse)(transport_tree, tvb, pinfo, &offset, &metadata);
+ * Also handle chunked message reassembly for MSG_MESSAGE.
+ */
+ if (msgtype == MSG_MESSAGE || msgtype == MSG_CLOSESECURECHANNEL)
guint8 chunkType = 0;
- guint32 opcua_seqid = 0;
- guint32 opcua_num = 0;
- guint32 opcua_seqnum = 0;
+ guint32 opcua_seqno = 0; /* OPCUA sequence number */
+ guint32 opcua_reqid = 0; /* OPCUA request id */
fragment_head *frag_msg = NULL;
+ bParseService = TRUE;
offset = 3;
chunkType = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset); offset += 1;
+ offset += 4; /* message size */
+ offset += 4; /* skip secure channel_id */
+ parseSecurityHeader(transport_tree, tvb, &offset, &metadata); /* only token_id (4 byte) */
+ if (mode == UA_MessageMode_MaybeEncrypted) {
+ /* try to parse ServiceId */
+ iServiceId = getServiceNodeId(tvb, offset + 8); /* skip 4 byte SeqNo and 4 byte RequestId */
+ const gchar *szServiceName = val_to_str((guint32)iServiceId, g_requesttypes, "not found");
+ if (strcmp(szServiceName, "not found") == 0) {
+ mode = UA_MessageMode_SignAndEncrypt;
+ } else {
+ mode = UA_MessageMode_Sign;
+ }
+ store_encryption_info(pinfo, mode, sig_len);
+ }
- offset += 4; /* Message Size */
- offset += 4; /* SecureChannelId */
- offset += 4; /* Security Token Id */
+ /* Message Structure:
+ * +-----------------+
+ * / | Message Header | MSGF, MessageSize
+ * | +-----------------+
+ * | | Security Header | SecureChannelId, TokenId
+ * | +-----------------+
+ * Signed < | Sequence Header | \ SequenceNumber, RequestId
+ * | +-----------------+ |
+ * | | Body | |
+ * | +-----------------+ > Encrypted
+ * \ | Padding | |
+ * +-----------------+ |
+ * | Signature | /
+ * +-----------------+
+ */
+ if (mode == UA_MessageMode_SignAndEncrypt) {
+ uint32_t channel_id = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, 8);
+ uint32_t token_id = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, 12);
+ guint cipher_len = tvb_ensure_captured_length_remaining(tvb, 16);
+ guint plaintext_len = cipher_len;
+ const guint8 *cipher = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, 16, (gint)cipher_len);
+ guchar *plaintext = (guchar*)wmem_alloc(pinfo->pool, plaintext_len);
+ ret = decrypt_opcua(channel_id, token_id, cipher, cipher_len, plaintext, plaintext_len, &pad_len, &sig_len, from_server);
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ /* decrypted */
+ /* to get the payload length we need to subtract the sequence header (8) byte,
+ * the padding (paddin_len+1), and the signature from the plaintext */
+ payload_len = plaintext_len - pad_len - sig_len - 9; /* pad_len 2 = 02 02 02 */
+ /* Now re-setup the tvb buffer to have the new data */
+ decrypted_tvb = tvb_new_child_real_data(tvb, plaintext, (guint)plaintext_len, (gint)plaintext_len);
+ add_new_data_source(pinfo, decrypted_tvb, "Decrypted Data");
+ /* process decrypted_tvb from here */
+ tvb = decrypted_tvb;
+ offset = 0;
+ decrypted = true;
+ } else {
+ /* decryption failed */
+ metadata.encrypted = true;
+ }
+ } else if (mode == UA_MessageMode_Sign) {
+ uint32_t channel_id = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, 8);
+ uint32_t token_id = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, 12);
+ payload_len = tvb_ensure_captured_length_remaining(tvb, 24); /* subtract header */
+ ret = opcua_get_footer_info(channel_id, token_id, &sig_len, from_server);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ debugprintf("Processing security footer of signed message failed.\n");
+ } else {
+ /* signed only messages have no padding, so the payload is the message size
+ * without 24 byte header and without signature */
+ payload_len -= sig_len;
+ }
+ /* store the current tvb as decrypted tvb, because we need this to parse the signature
+ * at the end, and tvb gets replaces with the reassembled UA message if the message was chunked.
+ */
+ decrypted_tvb = tvb;
+ } else {
+ /* no padding, no signature, just payload */
+ payload_len = tvb_ensure_captured_length_remaining(tvb, 24); /* subtract header */
+ pad_len= 0;
+ sig_len = 0;
+ }
- opcua_num = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset); offset += 4; /* Security Sequence Number */
- opcua_seqid = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset); offset += 4; /* Security RequestId */
+ opcua_seqno = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset); /* Sequence.Sequence Number */
+ opcua_reqid = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset + 4); /* Sequence.RequestId */
+ parseSequenceHeader(transport_tree, tvb, &offset, &metadata);
if (chunkType == 'A')
- fragment_delete(&opcua_reassembly_table, pinfo, opcua_seqid, NULL);
+ /* cancel chunk reassembly */
+ fragment_delete(&opcua_reassembly_table, pinfo, opcua_reqid, NULL);
col_clear_fence(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);
col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Abort message");
offset = 0;
- (*pfctParse)(transport_tree, tvb, pinfo, &offset);
- parseAbort(transport_tree, tvb, pinfo, &offset);
+ (*pfctParse)(transport_tree, tvb, pinfo, &offset, &metadata);
+ parseAbort(transport_tree, tvb, pinfo, &offset, &metadata);
return tvb_reported_length(tvb);
/* check if tvb is part of a chunked message:
the UA protocol does not tell us that, so we look into
- opcua_reassembly_table if the opcua_seqid belongs to a
+ opcua_reassembly_table if the opcua_reqid belongs to a
chunked message */
- frag_msg = fragment_get(&opcua_reassembly_table, pinfo, opcua_seqid, NULL);
+ frag_msg = fragment_get(&opcua_reassembly_table, pinfo, opcua_reqid, NULL);
if (frag_msg == NULL)
- frag_msg = fragment_get_reassembled_id(&opcua_reassembly_table, pinfo, opcua_seqid);
+ frag_msg = fragment_get_reassembled_id(&opcua_reassembly_table, pinfo, opcua_reqid);
- if (frag_msg != NULL || chunkType != 'F')
+ if (frag_msg != NULL || chunkType == 'C')
gboolean bSaveFragmented = pinfo->fragmented;
gboolean bMoreFragments = TRUE;
- tvbuff_t *new_tvb = NULL;
+ tvbuff_t *reassembled_tvb = NULL;
+ bool first_frag = false;
pinfo->fragmented = TRUE;
if (frag_msg == NULL)
- /* first fragment */
- opcua_seqnum = 0;
+ first_frag = true;
- /* the UA protocol does not number the chunks beginning from 0 but from a
- arbitrary value, so we have to fake the numbers in the stored fragments.
- this way Wireshark reassembles the message, as it expects the fragment
- sequence numbers to start at 0 */
- while (frag_msg->next) {frag_msg = frag_msg->next;}
- opcua_seqnum = frag_msg->offset + 1;
if (chunkType == 'F')
bMoreFragments = FALSE;
@@ -294,77 +740,100 @@ static int dissect_opcua_message(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *
- opcua_seqid, /* ID for fragments belonging together */
+ opcua_reqid, /* ID for fragments belonging together */
- opcua_seqnum, /* fragment sequence number */
- tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset), /* fragment length - to the end */
+ first_frag ? 0 : opcua_seqno, /* fragment sequence number */
+ payload_len,
bMoreFragments); /* More fragments? */
- new_tvb = process_reassembled_data(tvb,
+ if (first_frag) {
+ /* the UA protocol does not number the chunks beginning
+ * from 0 but uses the common sequence number. We
+ * handle that in Wireshark by setting the sequence
+ * offset here, after passing in 0 for the first
+ * fragment. For later fragments we can use the
+ * sequence number as contained in the protocol.
+ */
+ fragment_add_seq_offset(&opcua_reassembly_table, pinfo, opcua_reqid, NULL, opcua_seqno);
+ }
+ reassembled_tvb = process_reassembled_data(tvb,
- "Reassembled Message",
+ "Reassembled UA Message",
- if (new_tvb)
+ if (reassembled_tvb)
/* Reassembled */
- bIsLastFragment = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Not last packet of reassembled UA message */
- col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (Message fragment %u)", opcua_num);
- }
- if (new_tvb)
- {
+ bIsFinalChunk = TRUE;
/* take it all */
- next_tvb = new_tvb;
+ tvb = reassembled_tvb;
+ /* new tvb starts at payload */
+ offset = 0;
+ /* Not last packet of reassembled UA message */
+ col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (Message fragment %u)", opcua_seqno);
/* only show transport header */
bParseService = FALSE;
- next_tvb = tvb_new_subset_remaining(tvb, 0);
+ tvb = tvb_new_subset_remaining(tvb, 0);
pinfo->fragmented = bSaveFragmented;
- offset = 0;
- /* call the transport message dissector */
- iServiceId = (*pfctParse)(transport_tree, tvb, pinfo, &offset);
- /* parse the service if not chunked or last chunk */
- if (msgtype == MSG_MESSAGE && bParseService)
- {
- if (bIsLastFragment != FALSE)
- {
- offset = 0;
- }
- iServiceId = parseService(transport_tree, next_tvb, pinfo, &offset);
- }
+ /* parse payload if not encrypted */
+ if (!metadata.encrypted && bParseService) {
+ if (msgtype == MSG_CLOSESECURECHANNEL) {
+ iServiceId = parseService(transport_tree, tvb, pinfo, &offset, &metadata);
+ if (iServiceId == OpcUaId_CloseSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary) {
+ col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": CloseSecureChannelRequest");
+ } else if (iServiceId == OpcUaId_CloseSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary) {
+ col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": CloseSecureChannelResponse");
+ } else {
+ const gchar *szServiceName = val_to_str((guint32)iServiceId, g_requesttypes, "ServiceId %d");
+ col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": %s (Wrong ServiceId)", szServiceName);
+ }
+ } else if (msgtype == MSG_MESSAGE) {
+ /* parse the service if not chunked or message was reassembled */
+ iServiceId = parseService(transport_tree, tvb, pinfo, &offset, &metadata);
- /* display the service type in addition to the message type */
- if (iServiceId != -1)
- {
- const gchar *szServiceName = val_to_str((guint32)iServiceId, g_requesttypes, "ServiceId %d");
+ /* display the service type in addition to the message type */
+ if (iServiceId != -1)
+ {
+ const gchar *szServiceName = val_to_str((guint32)iServiceId, g_requesttypes, "ServiceId %d");
- if (bIsLastFragment == FALSE)
- {
- col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s: %s", g_szMessageTypes[msgtype], szServiceName);
+ if (bIsFinalChunk == FALSE)
+ {
+ /* normal message in one chunk */
+ col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": %s", szServiceName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* reassembled message from multiple chunks */
+ col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": %s (Message Reassembled)", szServiceName);
+ }
+ }
- else
- {
- col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s: %s (Message Reassembled)", g_szMessageTypes[msgtype], szServiceName);
+ if (mode == UA_MessageMode_SignAndEncrypt && decrypted) {
+ /* parse padding and signature */
+ parseSecurityFooterSAE(transport_tree, decrypted_tvb, 8 + payload_len, pad_len, sig_len);
+ } else if (mode == UA_MessageMode_Sign) {
+ /* parse signature */
+ parseSecurityFooterSO(transport_tree, decrypted_tvb, 24 + payload_len, sig_len);
+ if (metadata.encrypted) {
+ col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (encrypted)");
+ } else if (mode == UA_MessageMode_SignAndEncrypt) {
+ col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (decrypted)");
+ }
return tvb_reported_length(tvb);
@@ -381,6 +850,36 @@ static int dissect_opcua(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, vo
return tvb_reported_length(tvb);
+/** Init plugin resources */
+void proto_init_opcua(void)
+ debugprintf("proto_init_opcua called.\n");
+ ua_keysets_init();
+ opcua_load_keylog_file(g_opcua_debug_file_name);
+/** Cleanup plugin resources */
+void proto_cleanup_opcua(void)
+ debugprintf("proto_cleanup_opcua called.\n");
+ ua_keysets_clear();
+/** secrets callback called from Wireshark when loading a capture file with OPC UA Keylog File. */
+static void opcua_secrets_block_callback(const void *secrets, guint size)
+ char *tmp = g_memdup2(secrets, size + 1);
+ if (tmp == NULL) return; /* OOM */
+ debugprintf("Loading secrets block '%s'...\n", (const char*)secrets);
+ debugprintf("size = %u\n", size);
+ /* ensure data is zero terminated */
+ tmp[size] = 0;
+ /* parse data */
+ opcua_keylog_process_lines(tmp);
+ g_free(tmp);
/** plugin entry functions.
* This registers the OpcUa protocol.
@@ -412,9 +911,23 @@ void proto_register_opcua(void)
proto_opcua = proto_register_protocol("OpcUa Binary Protocol", "OpcUa", "opcua");
+ opcua_handle = register_dissector("opcua", dissect_opcua, proto_opcua);
+ register_init_routine(proto_init_opcua);
+ register_cleanup_routine(proto_cleanup_opcua);
+ opcua_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_opcua, proto_reg_handoff_opcua);
+ prefs_register_filename_preference(opcua_module, "debug_file", "OPCUA debug file",
+ "Redirect OPC UA Secure Conversion session keys to the file specified to enable decryption.",
+ &g_opcua_debug_file_name, FALSE);
+ prefs_register_enum_preference(opcua_module, "signature_length", "Default signature length",
+ "Default signature length to use if the OpenSecureChannel message is missing.",
+ &g_opcua_default_sig_len, opcua_sig_len_enum, FALSE);
+ registerSequenceLayerTypes(proto_opcua);
@@ -427,12 +940,11 @@ void proto_register_opcua(void)
+ secrets_register_type(SECRETS_TYPE_OPCUA, opcua_secrets_block_callback);
void proto_reg_handoff_opcua(void)
- opcua_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_opcua, proto_opcua);
dissector_add_uint_range_with_preference("tcp.port", OPCUA_PORT_RANGE, opcua_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_application_layer.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_application_layer.c
index 688cd651fc..dfa1e19238 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_application_layer.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_application_layer.c
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ static const value_string g_nodeidmasks[] = {
/** Service type table */
extern const value_string g_requesttypes[];
-static int hf_opcua_nodeid_encodingmask = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_app_nsid = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_app_numeric = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_nodeid_encodingmask;
+static int hf_opcua_app_nsid;
+static int hf_opcua_app_numeric;
/** Register application layer types. */
void registerApplicationLayerTypes(int proto)
@@ -52,6 +52,40 @@ void registerApplicationLayerTypes(int proto)
proto_register_field_array(proto, hf, array_length(hf));
+/** Decodes the service nodeid without modifying the tree or offset.
+ * Service NodeIds are alsways numeric.
+ */
+int getServiceNodeId(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset)
+ guint8 EncodingMask;
+ guint32 Numeric = 0;
+ EncodingMask = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+ offset++;
+ switch(EncodingMask)
+ {
+ case 0x00: /* two byte node id */
+ Numeric = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+ break;
+ case 0x01: /* four byte node id */
+ offset+=1;
+ Numeric = tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset);
+ break;
+ case 0x02: /* numeric, that does not fit into four bytes */
+ offset+=2;
+ Numeric = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset);
+ break;
+ case 0x03: /* string */
+ case 0x04: /* guid */
+ case 0x05: /* opaque*/
+ /* NOT USED */
+ break;
+ };
+ return Numeric;
/** Parses an OpcUa Service NodeId and returns the service type.
* In this cases the NodeId is always from type numeric and NSId = 0.
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_application_layer.h b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_application_layer.h
index c9b043e895..44e9345cdc 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_application_layer.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_application_layer.h
@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@
void registerApplicationLayerTypes(int proto);
/* Ua type parsers */
+int getServiceNodeId(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset);
int parseServiceNodeId(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint *pOffset);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_complextypeparser.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_complextypeparser.c
index e37dd29917..53362785ff 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_complextypeparser.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_complextypeparser.c
@@ -24,286 +24,286 @@
#include "opcua_simpletypes.h"
#include "opcua_hfindeces.h"
-gint ett_opcua_TrustListDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TrustListDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_Node = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Node = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_InstanceNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_InstanceNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ObjectNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ObjectNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ObjectTypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ObjectTypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_VariableNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_VariableNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_VariableTypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_VariableTypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReferenceTypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReferenceTypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_MethodNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MethodNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ViewNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ViewNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DataTypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DataTypeNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReferenceNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReferenceNode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_Argument = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Argument = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_EnumValueType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EnumValueType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_OptionSet = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_OptionSet = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TimeZoneDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TimeZoneDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ApplicationDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ApplicationDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RequestHeader = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RequestHeader = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ResponseHeader = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ResponseHeader = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ServerOnNetwork = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ServerOnNetwork = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_UserTokenPolicy = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UserTokenPolicy = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_EndpointDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EndpointDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RegisteredServer = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RegisteredServer = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ChannelSecurityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ChannelSecurityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SignedSoftwareCertificate = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SignedSoftwareCertificate = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SignatureData = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SignatureData = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_UserIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UserIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AnonymousIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AnonymousIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_UserNameIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UserNameIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_X509IdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_X509IdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_KerberosIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_KerberosIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_IssuedIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_IssuedIdentityToken = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_NodeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_NodeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ObjectAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ObjectAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_VariableAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_VariableAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_MethodAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MethodAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ObjectTypeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ObjectTypeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_VariableTypeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_VariableTypeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReferenceTypeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReferenceTypeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DataTypeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DataTypeAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ViewAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ViewAttributes = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AddNodesItem = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AddNodesItem = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AddNodesResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AddNodesResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AddReferencesItem = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AddReferencesItem = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteNodesItem = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteNodesItem = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteReferencesItem = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteReferencesItem = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ViewDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ViewDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BrowseDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReferenceDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReferenceDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BrowseResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RelativePathElement = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RelativePathElement = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RelativePath = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RelativePath = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BrowsePath = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowsePath = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BrowsePathTarget = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowsePathTarget = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BrowsePathResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowsePathResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_EndpointConfiguration = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EndpointConfiguration = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SupportedProfile = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SupportedProfile = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SoftwareCertificate = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SoftwareCertificate = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_QueryDataDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_QueryDataDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_NodeTypeDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_NodeTypeDescription = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_QueryDataSet = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_QueryDataSet = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_NodeReference = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_NodeReference = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ContentFilterElement = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ContentFilterElement = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ContentFilter = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ContentFilter = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ElementOperand = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ElementOperand = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_LiteralOperand = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_LiteralOperand = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AttributeOperand = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AttributeOperand = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SimpleAttributeOperand = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SimpleAttributeOperand = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ContentFilterElementResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ContentFilterElementResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ContentFilterResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ContentFilterResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ParsingResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ParsingResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReadValueId = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReadValueId = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryReadValueId = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryReadValueId = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryReadResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryReadResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReadEventDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReadEventDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReadRawModifiedDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReadRawModifiedDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReadProcessedDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReadProcessedDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReadAtTimeDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReadAtTimeDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryData = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryData = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ModificationInfo = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ModificationInfo = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryModifiedData = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryModifiedData = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryEvent = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryEvent = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_WriteValue = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_WriteValue = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryUpdateDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_UpdateDataDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UpdateDataDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_UpdateStructureDataDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UpdateStructureDataDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_UpdateEventDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UpdateEventDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteRawModifiedDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteRawModifiedDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteAtTimeDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteAtTimeDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteEventDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteEventDetails = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryUpdateResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CallMethodRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CallMethodRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CallMethodResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CallMethodResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DataChangeFilter = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DataChangeFilter = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_EventFilter = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EventFilter = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AggregateConfiguration = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AggregateConfiguration = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AggregateFilter = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AggregateFilter = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_EventFilterResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EventFilterResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AggregateFilterResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AggregateFilterResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_MonitoringParameters = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoringParameters = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemCreateRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemCreateRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemCreateResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemCreateResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemModifyRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemModifyRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemModifyResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemModifyResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_NotificationMessage = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_NotificationMessage = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DataChangeNotification = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DataChangeNotification = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemNotification = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemNotification = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_EventNotificationList = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EventNotificationList = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_EventFieldList = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EventFieldList = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryEventFieldList = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryEventFieldList = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_StatusChangeNotification = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_StatusChangeNotification = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SubscriptionAcknowledgement = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SubscriptionAcknowledgement = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TransferResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TransferResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ScalarTestType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ScalarTestType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ArrayTestType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ArrayTestType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CompositeTestType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CompositeTestType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BuildInfo = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BuildInfo = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RedundantServerDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RedundantServerDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_EndpointUrlListDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EndpointUrlListDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_NetworkGroupDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_NetworkGroupDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ServerStatusDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ServerStatusDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SessionDiagnosticsDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SessionDiagnosticsDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ServiceCounterDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ServiceCounterDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_StatusResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_StatusResult = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ModelChangeStructureDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ModelChangeStructureDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SemanticChangeStructureDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SemanticChangeStructureDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_Range = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Range = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_EUInformation = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EUInformation = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ComplexNumberType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ComplexNumberType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DoubleComplexNumberType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DoubleComplexNumberType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AxisInformation = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AxisInformation = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_XVType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_XVType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ProgramDiagnosticDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ProgramDiagnosticDataType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_Annotation = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Annotation = -1;
+gint ett_opcua_TrustListDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TrustListDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_Node;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Node;
+gint ett_opcua_InstanceNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_InstanceNode;
+gint ett_opcua_TypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_ObjectNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ObjectNode;
+gint ett_opcua_ObjectTypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ObjectTypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_VariableNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_VariableNode;
+gint ett_opcua_VariableTypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_VariableTypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_ReferenceTypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReferenceTypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_MethodNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MethodNode;
+gint ett_opcua_ViewNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ViewNode;
+gint ett_opcua_DataTypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DataTypeNode;
+gint ett_opcua_ReferenceNode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReferenceNode;
+gint ett_opcua_Argument;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Argument;
+gint ett_opcua_EnumValueType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EnumValueType;
+gint ett_opcua_OptionSet;
+gint ett_opcua_array_OptionSet;
+gint ett_opcua_TimeZoneDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TimeZoneDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_ApplicationDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ApplicationDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_RequestHeader;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RequestHeader;
+gint ett_opcua_ResponseHeader;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ResponseHeader;
+gint ett_opcua_ServerOnNetwork;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ServerOnNetwork;
+gint ett_opcua_UserTokenPolicy;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UserTokenPolicy;
+gint ett_opcua_EndpointDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EndpointDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_RegisteredServer;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RegisteredServer;
+gint ett_opcua_MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration;
+gint ett_opcua_ChannelSecurityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ChannelSecurityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_SignedSoftwareCertificate;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SignedSoftwareCertificate;
+gint ett_opcua_SignatureData;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SignatureData;
+gint ett_opcua_UserIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UserIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_AnonymousIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AnonymousIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_UserNameIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UserNameIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_X509IdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_array_X509IdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_KerberosIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_array_KerberosIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_IssuedIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_array_IssuedIdentityToken;
+gint ett_opcua_NodeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NodeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_ObjectAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ObjectAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_VariableAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_array_VariableAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_MethodAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MethodAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_ObjectTypeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ObjectTypeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_VariableTypeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_array_VariableTypeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_ReferenceTypeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReferenceTypeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_DataTypeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DataTypeAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_ViewAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ViewAttributes;
+gint ett_opcua_AddNodesItem;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AddNodesItem;
+gint ett_opcua_AddNodesResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AddNodesResult;
+gint ett_opcua_AddReferencesItem;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AddReferencesItem;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteNodesItem;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteNodesItem;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteReferencesItem;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteReferencesItem;
+gint ett_opcua_ViewDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ViewDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_BrowseDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_ReferenceDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReferenceDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_BrowseResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseResult;
+gint ett_opcua_RelativePathElement;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RelativePathElement;
+gint ett_opcua_RelativePath;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RelativePath;
+gint ett_opcua_BrowsePath;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowsePath;
+gint ett_opcua_BrowsePathTarget;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowsePathTarget;
+gint ett_opcua_BrowsePathResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowsePathResult;
+gint ett_opcua_EndpointConfiguration;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EndpointConfiguration;
+gint ett_opcua_SupportedProfile;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SupportedProfile;
+gint ett_opcua_SoftwareCertificate;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SoftwareCertificate;
+gint ett_opcua_QueryDataDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_array_QueryDataDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_NodeTypeDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NodeTypeDescription;
+gint ett_opcua_QueryDataSet;
+gint ett_opcua_array_QueryDataSet;
+gint ett_opcua_NodeReference;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NodeReference;
+gint ett_opcua_ContentFilterElement;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ContentFilterElement;
+gint ett_opcua_ContentFilter;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ContentFilter;
+gint ett_opcua_ElementOperand;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ElementOperand;
+gint ett_opcua_LiteralOperand;
+gint ett_opcua_array_LiteralOperand;
+gint ett_opcua_AttributeOperand;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AttributeOperand;
+gint ett_opcua_SimpleAttributeOperand;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SimpleAttributeOperand;
+gint ett_opcua_ContentFilterElementResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ContentFilterElementResult;
+gint ett_opcua_ContentFilterResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ContentFilterResult;
+gint ett_opcua_ParsingResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ParsingResult;
+gint ett_opcua_ReadValueId;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReadValueId;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryReadValueId;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryReadValueId;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryReadResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryReadResult;
+gint ett_opcua_ReadEventDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReadEventDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_ReadRawModifiedDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReadRawModifiedDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_ReadProcessedDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReadProcessedDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_ReadAtTimeDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReadAtTimeDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryData;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryData;
+gint ett_opcua_ModificationInfo;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ModificationInfo;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryModifiedData;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryModifiedData;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryEvent;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryEvent;
+gint ett_opcua_WriteValue;
+gint ett_opcua_array_WriteValue;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryUpdateDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_UpdateDataDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UpdateDataDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_UpdateStructureDataDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UpdateStructureDataDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_UpdateEventDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UpdateEventDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteRawModifiedDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteRawModifiedDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteAtTimeDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteAtTimeDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteEventDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteEventDetails;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryUpdateResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateResult;
+gint ett_opcua_CallMethodRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CallMethodRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_CallMethodResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CallMethodResult;
+gint ett_opcua_DataChangeFilter;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DataChangeFilter;
+gint ett_opcua_EventFilter;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EventFilter;
+gint ett_opcua_AggregateConfiguration;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AggregateConfiguration;
+gint ett_opcua_AggregateFilter;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AggregateFilter;
+gint ett_opcua_EventFilterResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EventFilterResult;
+gint ett_opcua_AggregateFilterResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AggregateFilterResult;
+gint ett_opcua_MonitoringParameters;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoringParameters;
+gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemCreateRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemCreateRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemCreateResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemCreateResult;
+gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemModifyRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemModifyRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemModifyResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemModifyResult;
+gint ett_opcua_NotificationMessage;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NotificationMessage;
+gint ett_opcua_DataChangeNotification;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DataChangeNotification;
+gint ett_opcua_MonitoredItemNotification;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoredItemNotification;
+gint ett_opcua_EventNotificationList;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EventNotificationList;
+gint ett_opcua_EventFieldList;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EventFieldList;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryEventFieldList;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryEventFieldList;
+gint ett_opcua_StatusChangeNotification;
+gint ett_opcua_array_StatusChangeNotification;
+gint ett_opcua_SubscriptionAcknowledgement;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SubscriptionAcknowledgement;
+gint ett_opcua_TransferResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TransferResult;
+gint ett_opcua_ScalarTestType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ScalarTestType;
+gint ett_opcua_ArrayTestType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ArrayTestType;
+gint ett_opcua_CompositeTestType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CompositeTestType;
+gint ett_opcua_BuildInfo;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BuildInfo;
+gint ett_opcua_RedundantServerDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RedundantServerDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_EndpointUrlListDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EndpointUrlListDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_NetworkGroupDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NetworkGroupDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_ServerStatusDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ServerStatusDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_SessionDiagnosticsDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SessionDiagnosticsDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_ServiceCounterDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ServiceCounterDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_StatusResult;
+gint ett_opcua_array_StatusResult;
+gint ett_opcua_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_ModelChangeStructureDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ModelChangeStructureDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_SemanticChangeStructureDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SemanticChangeStructureDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_Range;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Range;
+gint ett_opcua_EUInformation;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EUInformation;
+gint ett_opcua_ComplexNumberType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ComplexNumberType;
+gint ett_opcua_DoubleComplexNumberType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DoubleComplexNumberType;
+gint ett_opcua_AxisInformation;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AxisInformation;
+gint ett_opcua_XVType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_XVType;
+gint ett_opcua_ProgramDiagnosticDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ProgramDiagnosticDataType;
+gint ett_opcua_Annotation;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Annotation;
void parseTrustListDataType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, const char *szFieldName)
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ void parseEndpointDescription(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinf
proto_tree *subtree = proto_tree_add_subtree_format(tree, tvb, *pOffset, -1, ett_opcua_EndpointDescription, &ti, "%s: EndpointDescription", szFieldName);
parseString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_EndpointUrl);
parseApplicationDescription(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, "Server");
- parseByteString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ServerCertificate);
+ parseCertificate(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ServerCertificate);
parseMessageSecurityMode(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset);
parseString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_SecurityPolicyUri);
/* Array length field ignored: NoOfUserIdentityTokens */
@@ -1817,7 +1817,7 @@ void parseSessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, pa
parseString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_TransportProtocol);
parseMessageSecurityMode(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset);
parseString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_SecurityPolicyUri);
- parseByteString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ClientCertificate);
+ parseCertificate(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ClientCertificate);
proto_item_set_end(ti, tvb, *pOffset);
void parseServiceCounterDataType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, const char *szFieldName)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_enumparser.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_enumparser.c
index 9b3bd4b77c..7a25e18d5a 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_enumparser.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_enumparser.c
@@ -22,34 +22,34 @@
#include "opcua_enumparser.h"
-gint ett_opcua_array_NodeIdType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_NamingRuleType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_OpenFileMode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TrustListMasks = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_IdType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_NodeClass = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ApplicationType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MessageSecurityMode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UserTokenType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SecurityTokenRequestType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_NodeAttributesMask = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AttributeWriteMask = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseDirection = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseResultMask = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ComplianceLevel = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_FilterOperator = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TimestampsToReturn = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_PerformUpdateType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoringMode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DataChangeTrigger = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeadbandType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_EnumeratedTestType = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RedundancySupport = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ServerState = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ModelChangeStructureVerbMask = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AxisScaleEnumeration = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ExceptionDeviationFormat = -1;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NodeIdType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NamingRuleType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_OpenFileMode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TrustListMasks;
+gint ett_opcua_array_IdType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NodeClass;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ApplicationType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MessageSecurityMode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UserTokenType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SecurityTokenRequestType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NodeAttributesMask;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AttributeWriteMask;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseDirection;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseResultMask;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ComplianceLevel;
+gint ett_opcua_array_FilterOperator;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TimestampsToReturn;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_PerformUpdateType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_MonitoringMode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DataChangeTrigger;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeadbandType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_EnumeratedTestType;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RedundancySupport;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ServerState;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ModelChangeStructureVerbMask;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AxisScaleEnumeration;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ExceptionDeviationFormat;
/** NodeIdType enum table */
static const value_string g_NodeIdTypeTable[] = {
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ static const value_string g_NodeIdTypeTable[] = {
{ 5, "ByteString" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_NodeIdType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_NodeIdType;
void parseNodeIdType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ static const value_string g_NamingRuleTypeTable[] = {
{ 3, "Constraint" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_NamingRuleType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_NamingRuleType;
void parseNamingRuleType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static const value_string g_OpenFileModeTable[] = {
{ 8, "Append" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_OpenFileMode = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_OpenFileMode;
void parseOpenFileMode(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ static const value_string g_TrustListMasksTable[] = {
{ 15, "All" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_TrustListMasks = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_TrustListMasks;
void parseTrustListMasks(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ static const value_string g_IdTypeTable[] = {
{ 3, "Opaque" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_IdType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_IdType;
void parseIdType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static const value_string g_NodeClassTable[] = {
{ 128, "View" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_NodeClass = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_NodeClass;
void parseNodeClass(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ static const value_string g_ApplicationTypeTable[] = {
{ 3, "DiscoveryServer" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_ApplicationType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_ApplicationType;
void parseApplicationType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ static const value_string g_MessageSecurityModeTable[] = {
{ 3, "SignAndEncrypt" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_MessageSecurityMode = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_MessageSecurityMode;
void parseMessageSecurityMode(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ static const value_string g_UserTokenTypeTable[] = {
{ 4, "Kerberos" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_UserTokenType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_UserTokenType;
void parseUserTokenType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ static const value_string g_SecurityTokenRequestTypeTable[] = {
{ 1, "Renew" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_SecurityTokenRequestType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_SecurityTokenRequestType;
void parseSecurityTokenRequestType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ static const value_string g_NodeAttributesMaskTable[] = {
{ 1335532, "View" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_NodeAttributesMask = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_NodeAttributesMask;
void parseNodeAttributesMask(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ static const value_string g_AttributeWriteMaskTable[] = {
{ 33554432, "AccessLevelEx" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_AttributeWriteMask = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_AttributeWriteMask;
void parseAttributeWriteMask(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -282,9 +282,10 @@ static const value_string g_BrowseDirectionTable[] = {
{ 0, "Forward" },
{ 1, "Inverse" },
{ 2, "Both" },
+ { 3, "Invalid" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_BrowseDirection = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_BrowseDirection;
void parseBrowseDirection(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ static const value_string g_ComplianceLevelTable[] = {
{ 3, "Certified" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_ComplianceLevel = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_ComplianceLevel;
void parseComplianceLevel(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -327,7 +328,7 @@ static const value_string g_FilterOperatorTable[] = {
{ 17, "BitwiseOr" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_FilterOperator = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_FilterOperator;
void parseFilterOperator(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ static const value_string g_TimestampsToReturnTable[] = {
{ 4, "Invalid" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_TimestampsToReturn = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_TimestampsToReturn;
void parseTimestampsToReturn(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ static const value_string g_HistoryUpdateTypeTable[] = {
{ 4, "Delete" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_HistoryUpdateType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_HistoryUpdateType;
void parseHistoryUpdateType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -370,7 +371,7 @@ static const value_string g_PerformUpdateTypeTable[] = {
{ 4, "Remove" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_PerformUpdateType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_PerformUpdateType;
void parsePerformUpdateType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ static const value_string g_MonitoringModeTable[] = {
{ 2, "Reporting" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_MonitoringMode = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_MonitoringMode;
void parseMonitoringMode(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -396,7 +397,7 @@ static const value_string g_DataChangeTriggerTable[] = {
{ 2, "StatusValueTimestamp" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_DataChangeTrigger = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_DataChangeTrigger;
void parseDataChangeTrigger(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ static const value_string g_DeadbandTypeTable[] = {
{ 2, "Percent" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_DeadbandType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_DeadbandType;
void parseDeadbandType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -422,7 +423,7 @@ static const value_string g_EnumeratedTestTypeTable[] = {
{ 5, "Green" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_EnumeratedTestType = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_EnumeratedTestType;
void parseEnumeratedTestType(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ static const value_string g_RedundancySupportTable[] = {
{ 5, "HotAndMirrored" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_RedundancySupport = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_RedundancySupport;
void parseRedundancySupport(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ static const value_string g_ServerStateTable[] = {
{ 7, "Unknown" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_ServerState = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_ServerState;
void parseServerState(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ static const value_string g_ModelChangeStructureVerbMaskTable[] = {
{ 16, "DataTypeChanged" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_ModelChangeStructureVerbMask = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_ModelChangeStructureVerbMask;
void parseModelChangeStructureVerbMask(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -484,7 +485,7 @@ static const value_string g_AxisScaleEnumerationTable[] = {
{ 2, "Ln" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_AxisScaleEnumeration = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_AxisScaleEnumeration;
void parseAxisScaleEnumeration(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@ static const value_string g_ExceptionDeviationFormatTable[] = {
{ 4, "Unknown" },
{ 0, NULL }
-static int hf_opcua_ExceptionDeviationFormat = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_ExceptionDeviationFormat;
void parseExceptionDeviationFormat(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
@@ -536,7 +537,7 @@ static const value_string g_AttributeIdTable[] = {
{27, "AccessLevelEx"},
{0, NULL}
-static int hf_opcua_AttributeId = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_AttributeId;
void parseAttributeId(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_hfindeces.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_hfindeces.c
index 255927f96f..9982154961 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_hfindeces.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_hfindeces.c
@@ -22,302 +22,302 @@
#include "opcua_hfindeces.h"
-int hf_opcua_AccessLevel = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ActualSessionTimeout = -1;
-int hf_opcua_AddResults = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Algorithm = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Alias = -1;
-int hf_opcua_AnnotationTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ApplicationUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ArrayDimensions = -1;
-int hf_opcua_AuditEntryId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_AuthenticationMechanism = -1;
-int hf_opcua_AvailableSequenceNumbers = -1;
-int hf_opcua_AxisSteps = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Boolean = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Booleans = -1;
-int hf_opcua_BuildDate = -1;
-int hf_opcua_BuildNumber = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Byte = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ByteString = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ByteStrings = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CancelCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CertificateData = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ChannelId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ChannelLifetime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ClientCertificate = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ClientConnectionTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ClientHandle = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ClientLastContactTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ClientNonce = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ClientProtocolVersion = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ClientUserIdHistory = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ClientUserIdOfSession = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ComplianceDate = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ComplianceTool = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ConfigurationResults = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ContainsNoLoops = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ContinuationPoint = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ContinuationPoints = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CreateClientName = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CreatedAt = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CumulatedSessionCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CumulatedSubscriptionCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CurrentKeepAliveCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CurrentLifetimeCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CurrentSessionCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CurrentSubscriptionCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CurrentSubscriptionsCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_CurrentTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DataChangeNotificationsCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DataStatusCodes = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DateTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DateTimes = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DaylightSavingInOffset = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DeadbandType = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DeadbandValue = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DeleteBidirectional = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DeleteSubscriptions = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DeleteTargetReferences = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DisableCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DisabledMonitoredItemCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DiscardOldest = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DiscardedMessageCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DiscoveryProfileUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DiscoveryUrl = -1;
-int hf_opcua_DiscoveryUrls = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Double = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Doubles = -1;
-int hf_opcua_EnableCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Encoding = -1;
-int hf_opcua_EncryptionAlgorithm = -1;
-int hf_opcua_EndTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_EndpointUrl = -1;
-int hf_opcua_EndpointUrlList = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ErrorCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_EventIds = -1;
-int hf_opcua_EventNotificationsCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_EventNotifier = -1;
-int hf_opcua_EventQueueOverFlowCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Executable = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Float = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Floats = -1;
-int hf_opcua_GatewayServerUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Guid = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Guids = -1;
-int hf_opcua_High = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Historizing = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Imaginary = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IncludeSubTypes = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IncludeSubtypes = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Index = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IndexRange = -1;
-int hf_opcua_InputArgumentResults = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Int16 = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Int16s = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Int32 = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Int32s = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Int64 = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Int64s = -1;
-int hf_opcua_InvocationCreationTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IsAbstract = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IsDeleteModified = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IsForward = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IsInverse = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IsOnline = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IsReadModified = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IssueDate = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IssuedBy = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IssuedTokenType = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IssuerCertificates = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IssuerCrls = -1;
-int hf_opcua_IssuerEndpointUrl = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Iteration = -1;
-int hf_opcua_LastCounterResetTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_LastMethodCall = -1;
-int hf_opcua_LastMethodCallTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_LastTransitionTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_LatePublishRequestCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_LinksToAdd = -1;
-int hf_opcua_LinksToRemove = -1;
-int hf_opcua_LocaleIds = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Low = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ManufacturerName = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxAge = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxArrayLength = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxBufferSize = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxByteStringLength = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxDataSetsToReturn = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxKeepAliveCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxLifetimeCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxMessageSize = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxMonitoredItemCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxNotificationsPerPublish = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxRecordsToReturn = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxReferencesToReturn = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxRequestMessageSize = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxResponseMessageSize = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MaxStringLength = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MdnsServerName = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Message = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MinimumSamplingInterval = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ModificationTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ModifyCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MonitoredItemCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MonitoredItemId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MonitoredItemIds = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MonitoringQueueOverflowCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_MoreNotifications = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Name = -1;
-int hf_opcua_NamespaceUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_NextSequenceNumber = -1;
-int hf_opcua_NotificationsCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_NumValuesPerNode = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Offset = -1;
-int hf_opcua_OperandStatusCodes = -1;
-int hf_opcua_OperationResults = -1;
-int hf_opcua_OperationTimeout = -1;
-int hf_opcua_OrganizationUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Password = -1;
-int hf_opcua_PercentDataBad = -1;
-int hf_opcua_PercentDataGood = -1;
-int hf_opcua_PolicyId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Priority = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ProcessingInterval = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ProductName = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ProductUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ProfileId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ProfileUris = -1;
-int hf_opcua_PublishRequestCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_PublishTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_PublishingEnabled = -1;
-int hf_opcua_PublishingInterval = -1;
-int hf_opcua_PublishingIntervalCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_QueueSize = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Real = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RecordId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RejectedRequestsCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RejectedSessionCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ReleaseContinuationPoint = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ReleaseContinuationPoints = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RemainingPathIndex = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RemoveResults = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RepublishMessageCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RepublishMessageRequestCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RepublishRequestCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ReqTimes = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RequestHandle = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RequestedLifetime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RequestedLifetimeCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RequestedMaxKeepAliveCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RequestedMaxReferencesPerNode = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RequestedPublishingInterval = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RequestedSessionTimeout = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Results = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RetransmitSequenceNumber = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ReturnBounds = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ReturnDiagnostics = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedContinuationPoint = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedLifetime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedLifetimeCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedMaxKeepAliveCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedProcessingInterval = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedPublishingInterval = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedQueueSize = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedSamplingInterval = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedSessionTimeout = -1;
-int hf_opcua_RevisedStartTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SByte = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SBytes = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SamplingInterval = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SecondsTillShutdown = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SecurityLevel = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SecurityPolicyUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SecurityRejectedSessionCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SecurityTokenLifetime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SelectClauseResults = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SemaphoreFilePath = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SendInitialValues = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SequenceNumber = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerCapabilities = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerCapabilityFilter = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerCertificate = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerName = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerNonce = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerProtocolVersion = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerUris = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServerViewCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServiceLevel = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ServiceResult = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SessionAbortCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SessionName = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SessionTimeoutCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Signature = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SoftwareVersion = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SpecifiedAttributes = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SpecifiedLists = -1;
-int hf_opcua_StartTime = -1;
-int hf_opcua_StartingRecordId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Status = -1;
-int hf_opcua_StatusCode = -1;
-int hf_opcua_StatusCodes = -1;
-int hf_opcua_String = -1;
-int hf_opcua_StringTable = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Strings = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SubscriptionId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_SubscriptionIds = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Symmetric = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TargetServerUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TestId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TicketData = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TimeoutHint = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Timestamp = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TokenData = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TokenId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TotalCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TransferRequestCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TransferredToAltClientCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TransferredToSameClientCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TransportProfileUri = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TransportProtocol = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TreatUncertainAsBad = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TriggeringItemId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TrustedCertificates = -1;
-int hf_opcua_TrustedCrls = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UInt16 = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UInt16s = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UInt32 = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UInt32s = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UInt64 = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UInt64s = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UnacknowledgedMessageCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UnauthorizedRequestCount = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UnitId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UnsupportedUnitIds = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UseBinaryEncoding = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UseServerCapabilitiesDefaults = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UseSimpleBounds = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UseSlopedExtrapolation = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UserAccessLevel = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UserExecutable = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UserName = -1;
-int hf_opcua_UserWriteMask = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ValidBits = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Value = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ValueRank = -1;
-int hf_opcua_VendorName = -1;
-int hf_opcua_VendorProductCertificate = -1;
-int hf_opcua_Verb = -1;
-int hf_opcua_ViewVersion = -1;
-int hf_opcua_WriteMask = -1;
-int hf_opcua_X = -1;
-int hf_opcua_XmlElement = -1;
-int hf_opcua_XmlElements = -1;
+int hf_opcua_AccessLevel;
+int hf_opcua_ActualSessionTimeout;
+int hf_opcua_AddResults;
+int hf_opcua_Algorithm;
+int hf_opcua_Alias;
+int hf_opcua_AnnotationTime;
+int hf_opcua_ApplicationUri;
+int hf_opcua_ArrayDimensions;
+int hf_opcua_AuditEntryId;
+int hf_opcua_AuthenticationMechanism;
+int hf_opcua_AvailableSequenceNumbers;
+int hf_opcua_AxisSteps;
+int hf_opcua_Boolean;
+int hf_opcua_Booleans;
+int hf_opcua_BuildDate;
+int hf_opcua_BuildNumber;
+int hf_opcua_Byte;
+int hf_opcua_ByteString;
+int hf_opcua_ByteStrings;
+int hf_opcua_CancelCount;
+int hf_opcua_CertificateData;
+int hf_opcua_ChannelId;
+int hf_opcua_ChannelLifetime;
+int hf_opcua_ClientCertificate;
+int hf_opcua_ClientConnectionTime;
+int hf_opcua_ClientHandle;
+int hf_opcua_ClientLastContactTime;
+int hf_opcua_ClientNonce;
+int hf_opcua_ClientProtocolVersion;
+int hf_opcua_ClientUserIdHistory;
+int hf_opcua_ClientUserIdOfSession;
+int hf_opcua_ComplianceDate;
+int hf_opcua_ComplianceTool;
+int hf_opcua_ConfigurationResults;
+int hf_opcua_ContainsNoLoops;
+int hf_opcua_ContinuationPoint;
+int hf_opcua_ContinuationPoints;
+int hf_opcua_CreateClientName;
+int hf_opcua_CreatedAt;
+int hf_opcua_CumulatedSessionCount;
+int hf_opcua_CumulatedSubscriptionCount;
+int hf_opcua_CurrentKeepAliveCount;
+int hf_opcua_CurrentLifetimeCount;
+int hf_opcua_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount;
+int hf_opcua_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue;
+int hf_opcua_CurrentSessionCount;
+int hf_opcua_CurrentSubscriptionCount;
+int hf_opcua_CurrentSubscriptionsCount;
+int hf_opcua_CurrentTime;
+int hf_opcua_DataChangeNotificationsCount;
+int hf_opcua_DataStatusCodes;
+int hf_opcua_DateTime;
+int hf_opcua_DateTimes;
+int hf_opcua_DaylightSavingInOffset;
+int hf_opcua_DeadbandType;
+int hf_opcua_DeadbandValue;
+int hf_opcua_DeleteBidirectional;
+int hf_opcua_DeleteSubscriptions;
+int hf_opcua_DeleteTargetReferences;
+int hf_opcua_DisableCount;
+int hf_opcua_DisabledMonitoredItemCount;
+int hf_opcua_DiscardOldest;
+int hf_opcua_DiscardedMessageCount;
+int hf_opcua_DiscoveryProfileUri;
+int hf_opcua_DiscoveryUrl;
+int hf_opcua_DiscoveryUrls;
+int hf_opcua_Double;
+int hf_opcua_Doubles;
+int hf_opcua_EnableCount;
+int hf_opcua_Encoding;
+int hf_opcua_EncryptionAlgorithm;
+int hf_opcua_EndTime;
+int hf_opcua_EndpointUrl;
+int hf_opcua_EndpointUrlList;
+int hf_opcua_ErrorCount;
+int hf_opcua_EventIds;
+int hf_opcua_EventNotificationsCount;
+int hf_opcua_EventNotifier;
+int hf_opcua_EventQueueOverFlowCount;
+int hf_opcua_Executable;
+int hf_opcua_Float;
+int hf_opcua_Floats;
+int hf_opcua_GatewayServerUri;
+int hf_opcua_Guid;
+int hf_opcua_Guids;
+int hf_opcua_High;
+int hf_opcua_Historizing;
+int hf_opcua_Imaginary;
+int hf_opcua_IncludeSubTypes;
+int hf_opcua_IncludeSubtypes;
+int hf_opcua_Index;
+int hf_opcua_IndexRange;
+int hf_opcua_InputArgumentResults;
+int hf_opcua_Int16;
+int hf_opcua_Int16s;
+int hf_opcua_Int32;
+int hf_opcua_Int32s;
+int hf_opcua_Int64;
+int hf_opcua_Int64s;
+int hf_opcua_InvocationCreationTime;
+int hf_opcua_IsAbstract;
+int hf_opcua_IsDeleteModified;
+int hf_opcua_IsForward;
+int hf_opcua_IsInverse;
+int hf_opcua_IsOnline;
+int hf_opcua_IsReadModified;
+int hf_opcua_IssueDate;
+int hf_opcua_IssuedBy;
+int hf_opcua_IssuedTokenType;
+int hf_opcua_IssuerCertificates;
+int hf_opcua_IssuerCrls;
+int hf_opcua_IssuerEndpointUrl;
+int hf_opcua_Iteration;
+int hf_opcua_LastCounterResetTime;
+int hf_opcua_LastMethodCall;
+int hf_opcua_LastMethodCallTime;
+int hf_opcua_LastTransitionTime;
+int hf_opcua_LatePublishRequestCount;
+int hf_opcua_LinksToAdd;
+int hf_opcua_LinksToRemove;
+int hf_opcua_LocaleIds;
+int hf_opcua_Low;
+int hf_opcua_ManufacturerName;
+int hf_opcua_MaxAge;
+int hf_opcua_MaxArrayLength;
+int hf_opcua_MaxBufferSize;
+int hf_opcua_MaxByteStringLength;
+int hf_opcua_MaxDataSetsToReturn;
+int hf_opcua_MaxKeepAliveCount;
+int hf_opcua_MaxLifetimeCount;
+int hf_opcua_MaxMessageSize;
+int hf_opcua_MaxMonitoredItemCount;
+int hf_opcua_MaxNotificationsPerPublish;
+int hf_opcua_MaxRecordsToReturn;
+int hf_opcua_MaxReferencesToReturn;
+int hf_opcua_MaxRequestMessageSize;
+int hf_opcua_MaxResponseMessageSize;
+int hf_opcua_MaxStringLength;
+int hf_opcua_MdnsServerName;
+int hf_opcua_Message;
+int hf_opcua_MinimumSamplingInterval;
+int hf_opcua_ModificationTime;
+int hf_opcua_ModifyCount;
+int hf_opcua_MonitoredItemCount;
+int hf_opcua_MonitoredItemId;
+int hf_opcua_MonitoredItemIds;
+int hf_opcua_MonitoringQueueOverflowCount;
+int hf_opcua_MoreNotifications;
+int hf_opcua_Name;
+int hf_opcua_NamespaceUri;
+int hf_opcua_NextSequenceNumber;
+int hf_opcua_NotificationsCount;
+int hf_opcua_NumValuesPerNode;
+int hf_opcua_Offset;
+int hf_opcua_OperandStatusCodes;
+int hf_opcua_OperationResults;
+int hf_opcua_OperationTimeout;
+int hf_opcua_OrganizationUri;
+int hf_opcua_Password;
+int hf_opcua_PercentDataBad;
+int hf_opcua_PercentDataGood;
+int hf_opcua_PolicyId;
+int hf_opcua_Priority;
+int hf_opcua_ProcessingInterval;
+int hf_opcua_ProductName;
+int hf_opcua_ProductUri;
+int hf_opcua_ProfileId;
+int hf_opcua_ProfileUris;
+int hf_opcua_PublishRequestCount;
+int hf_opcua_PublishTime;
+int hf_opcua_PublishingEnabled;
+int hf_opcua_PublishingInterval;
+int hf_opcua_PublishingIntervalCount;
+int hf_opcua_QueueSize;
+int hf_opcua_Real;
+int hf_opcua_RecordId;
+int hf_opcua_RejectedRequestsCount;
+int hf_opcua_RejectedSessionCount;
+int hf_opcua_ReleaseContinuationPoint;
+int hf_opcua_ReleaseContinuationPoints;
+int hf_opcua_RemainingPathIndex;
+int hf_opcua_RemoveResults;
+int hf_opcua_RepublishMessageCount;
+int hf_opcua_RepublishMessageRequestCount;
+int hf_opcua_RepublishRequestCount;
+int hf_opcua_ReqTimes;
+int hf_opcua_RequestHandle;
+int hf_opcua_RequestedLifetime;
+int hf_opcua_RequestedLifetimeCount;
+int hf_opcua_RequestedMaxKeepAliveCount;
+int hf_opcua_RequestedMaxReferencesPerNode;
+int hf_opcua_RequestedPublishingInterval;
+int hf_opcua_RequestedSessionTimeout;
+int hf_opcua_Results;
+int hf_opcua_RetransmitSequenceNumber;
+int hf_opcua_ReturnBounds;
+int hf_opcua_ReturnDiagnostics;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedContinuationPoint;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedLifetime;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedLifetimeCount;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedMaxKeepAliveCount;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedProcessingInterval;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedPublishingInterval;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedQueueSize;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedSamplingInterval;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedSessionTimeout;
+int hf_opcua_RevisedStartTime;
+int hf_opcua_SByte;
+int hf_opcua_SBytes;
+int hf_opcua_SamplingInterval;
+int hf_opcua_SecondsTillShutdown;
+int hf_opcua_SecurityLevel;
+int hf_opcua_SecurityPolicyUri;
+int hf_opcua_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount;
+int hf_opcua_SecurityRejectedSessionCount;
+int hf_opcua_SecurityTokenLifetime;
+int hf_opcua_SelectClauseResults;
+int hf_opcua_SemaphoreFilePath;
+int hf_opcua_SendInitialValues;
+int hf_opcua_SequenceNumber;
+int hf_opcua_ServerCapabilities;
+int hf_opcua_ServerCapabilityFilter;
+int hf_opcua_ServerCertificate;
+int hf_opcua_ServerId;
+int hf_opcua_ServerName;
+int hf_opcua_ServerNonce;
+int hf_opcua_ServerProtocolVersion;
+int hf_opcua_ServerUri;
+int hf_opcua_ServerUris;
+int hf_opcua_ServerViewCount;
+int hf_opcua_ServiceLevel;
+int hf_opcua_ServiceResult;
+int hf_opcua_SessionAbortCount;
+int hf_opcua_SessionName;
+int hf_opcua_SessionTimeoutCount;
+int hf_opcua_Signature;
+int hf_opcua_SoftwareVersion;
+int hf_opcua_SpecifiedAttributes;
+int hf_opcua_SpecifiedLists;
+int hf_opcua_StartTime;
+int hf_opcua_StartingRecordId;
+int hf_opcua_Status;
+int hf_opcua_StatusCode;
+int hf_opcua_StatusCodes;
+int hf_opcua_String;
+int hf_opcua_StringTable;
+int hf_opcua_Strings;
+int hf_opcua_SubscriptionId;
+int hf_opcua_SubscriptionIds;
+int hf_opcua_Symmetric;
+int hf_opcua_TargetServerUri;
+int hf_opcua_TestId;
+int hf_opcua_TicketData;
+int hf_opcua_TimeoutHint;
+int hf_opcua_Timestamp;
+int hf_opcua_TokenData;
+int hf_opcua_TokenId;
+int hf_opcua_TotalCount;
+int hf_opcua_TransferRequestCount;
+int hf_opcua_TransferredToAltClientCount;
+int hf_opcua_TransferredToSameClientCount;
+int hf_opcua_TransportProfileUri;
+int hf_opcua_TransportProtocol;
+int hf_opcua_TreatUncertainAsBad;
+int hf_opcua_TriggeringItemId;
+int hf_opcua_TrustedCertificates;
+int hf_opcua_TrustedCrls;
+int hf_opcua_UInt16;
+int hf_opcua_UInt16s;
+int hf_opcua_UInt32;
+int hf_opcua_UInt32s;
+int hf_opcua_UInt64;
+int hf_opcua_UInt64s;
+int hf_opcua_UnacknowledgedMessageCount;
+int hf_opcua_UnauthorizedRequestCount;
+int hf_opcua_UnitId;
+int hf_opcua_UnsupportedUnitIds;
+int hf_opcua_UseBinaryEncoding;
+int hf_opcua_UseServerCapabilitiesDefaults;
+int hf_opcua_UseSimpleBounds;
+int hf_opcua_UseSlopedExtrapolation;
+int hf_opcua_UserAccessLevel;
+int hf_opcua_UserExecutable;
+int hf_opcua_UserName;
+int hf_opcua_UserWriteMask;
+int hf_opcua_ValidBits;
+int hf_opcua_Value;
+int hf_opcua_ValueRank;
+int hf_opcua_VendorName;
+int hf_opcua_VendorProductCertificate;
+int hf_opcua_Verb;
+int hf_opcua_ViewVersion;
+int hf_opcua_WriteMask;
+int hf_opcua_X;
+int hf_opcua_XmlElement;
+int hf_opcua_XmlElements;
/** Register field types. */
void registerFieldTypes(int proto)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_keyset.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_keyset.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eba1d2deca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_keyset.c
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2006-2023 ascolab GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
+** Web: http://www.ascolab.com
+** SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+** Project: OpcUa Wireshark Plugin
+** Description: OpcUa Protocol Decoder.
+** Author: Gerhard Gappmeier <gerhard.gappmeier@ascolab.com>
+#include "opcua_keyset.h"
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <epan/packet.h>
+static struct ua_keyset *g_keysets;
+static unsigned int g_num_keysets;
+static bool g_sorted;
+int ua_keysets_init(void)
+ g_keysets = NULL;
+ g_num_keysets = 0;
+ g_sorted = false;
+ return 0;
+int ua_keysets_clear(void)
+ if (g_keysets) {
+ g_free(g_keysets);
+ g_keysets = NULL;
+ }
+ g_num_keysets = 0;
+ g_sorted = false;
+ return 0;
+ * Allocates a new keyset entry.
+ *
+ * @return Returns pointer to new empty keyset.
+ * NULL would indicate an out of memory situation.
+ */
+struct ua_keyset *ua_keysets_add(void)
+ struct ua_keyset *tmp = g_realloc(g_keysets, sizeof(*g_keysets) * (g_num_keysets + 1));
+ if (tmp == NULL) return NULL; /* out of mem */
+ /* realloc succeeded, assign new pointer */
+ g_keysets = tmp;
+ /* return new element */
+ tmp = &g_keysets[g_num_keysets++];
+ memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(*tmp));
+ /* default to 32 byte sig_len if missing.
+ * This is the most likely length for SHA256 based signatures,
+ * SHA1 based signatures with 16 bytes are deprecated.
+ */
+ tmp->client_sig_len = 32;
+ tmp->server_sig_len = 32;
+ return tmp;
+ * Compare function for bsearch/qsort.
+ * Sorts by keyset->id.
+ */
+static int keyset_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
+ const struct ua_keyset *keyset_a = a;
+ const struct ua_keyset *keyset_b = b;
+ if (keyset_a->id == keyset_b->id) return 0;
+ if (keyset_a->id < keyset_b->id) return -1;
+ return 1;
+ * Sorts the keyset to be able to use bsearch.
+ */
+void ua_keysets_sort(void)
+ if (g_num_keysets >= 2) {
+ qsort(g_keysets, g_num_keysets, sizeof(struct ua_keyset), keyset_compare);
+ }
+ g_sorted = true;
+ * Looks up a keyset by id.
+ *
+ * @param id The id is 64bit value which contains the combined securechannel_id and token_id.
+ *
+ * @return Keyset if found, NULL if not found.
+ */
+struct ua_keyset *ua_keysets_lookup(uint64_t id)
+ struct ua_keyset *tmp, key;
+ if (!g_sorted) return NULL;
+ key.id = id;
+ tmp = bsearch(&key, g_keysets, g_num_keysets, sizeof(struct ua_keyset), keyset_compare);
+ return tmp;
+static void print_hex(unsigned char *data, unsigned int data_len)
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < data_len; ++i) {
+ printf("%02X", data[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ * For debugging purposes only.
+ */
+void ua_keysets_dump(void)
+ struct ua_keyset *tmp;
+ unsigned int i;
+ uint32_t channel_id, token_id;
+ printf("Number of keysets: %u\n", g_num_keysets);
+ for (i = 0; i < g_num_keysets; ++i) {
+ tmp = &g_keysets[i];
+ channel_id = (uint32_t)(tmp->id >> 32);
+ token_id = (uint32_t)(tmp->id & 0xffffffff);
+ printf("%u: id=%" PRIu64 ", channel_id=%u, token_id=%u\n", i, tmp->id, channel_id, token_id);
+ printf("%u: client IV: ", i);
+ print_hex(tmp->client_iv, sizeof(tmp->client_iv));
+ printf("%u: client key(%u): ", i, tmp->client_key_len);
+ print_hex(tmp->client_key, tmp->client_key_len);
+ printf("%u: client sig_len(%u): ", i, tmp->client_sig_len);
+ printf("%u: server IV: ", i);
+ print_hex(tmp->server_iv, sizeof(tmp->server_iv));
+ printf("%u: server key(%u): ", i, tmp->server_key_len);
+ print_hex(tmp->server_key, tmp->server_key_len);
+ printf("%u: server sig_len(%u): ", i, tmp->server_sig_len);
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_keyset.h b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_keyset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0492427b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_keyset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2006-2023 ascolab GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
+** Web: http://www.ascolab.com
+** SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+** Project: OpcUa Wireshark Plugin
+** Description: OpcUa Protocol Decoder.
+** Author: Gerhard Gappmeier <gerhard.gappmeier@ascolab.com>
+#ifndef __OPCUA_KEYSET_H__
+#define __OPCUA_KEYSET_H__
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** symmetric encryption keyset */
+struct ua_keyset {
+ uint64_t id; /** keyset identifier: combination of securechannel_id and token_id */
+ unsigned char client_iv[16]; /**< Client side IV. Always 128 bit. */
+ unsigned char server_iv[16]; /**< Server side IV. Always 128 bit. */
+ unsigned char client_key[32]; /**< client encryption key */
+ unsigned char server_key[32]; /**< server encryption key */
+ unsigned int client_key_len; /**< AES key length: 16 (AES-128) or 32 (AES-256) */
+ unsigned int server_key_len; /**< AES key length: 16 (AES-128) or 32 (AES-256) */
+ unsigned int client_sig_len; /**< Client side symmetric signture length. */
+ unsigned int server_sig_len; /**< Server side symmetric signture length. */
+int ua_keysets_init(void);
+int ua_keysets_clear(void);
+ * Creates a unique keyset id from securechannel_id and token_id.
+ *
+ * @param securechannel_id Identifies the secure channel to be able to distinguish
+ * different connections. This is a randomly generated id.
+ * @param token_id Identifies the keyset of a channel. This number normally starts with
+ * 1 and gets incremented with every secure channel renew.
+ *
+ * @return 64bit Id.
+ */
+static inline uint64_t ua_keyset_id(uint32_t securechannel_id, uint32_t token_id)
+ return ((uint64_t)securechannel_id << 32) | token_id;
+struct ua_keyset *ua_keysets_add(void);
+void ua_keysets_sort(void);
+struct ua_keyset *ua_keysets_lookup(uint64_t id);
+void ua_keysets_dump(void);
+#endif /* __OPCUA_KEYSET_H__ */
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_security_layer.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_security_layer.c
index 933fd981d1..5e66c1a194 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_security_layer.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_security_layer.c
@@ -18,32 +18,65 @@
#include <epan/packet.h>
#include "opcua_security_layer.h"
+#include "opcua_transport_layer.h"
-static int hf_opcua_security_tokenid = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_security_seq = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_security_rqid = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_security_tokenid;
+static int hf_opcua_security_padding;
+static int hf_opcua_security_signature;
+static int hf_opcua_sequence_seqno;
+static int hf_opcua_sequence_rqid;
-/** Register security layer types. */
+/** Register symmetric security layer types. */
void registerSecurityLayerTypes(int proto)
static hf_register_info hf[] =
- /* id full name abbreviation type display strings bitmask blurb HFILL */
- {&hf_opcua_security_tokenid, {"Security Token Id", "opcua.security.tokenid", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}},
- {&hf_opcua_security_seq, {"Security Sequence Number", "opcua.security.seq", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}},
- {&hf_opcua_security_rqid, {"Security RequestId", "opcua.security.rqid", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}}
+ /* id full name abbreviation type display strings bitmask blurb HFILL */
+ {&hf_opcua_security_tokenid, {"Security Token Id", "opcua.security.tokenid", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}},
+ {&hf_opcua_security_padding, {"Security Padding", "opcua.security.padding", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}},
+ {&hf_opcua_security_signature, {"Security Signature", "opcua.security.signature", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}},
proto_register_field_array(proto, hf, array_length(hf));
-/* Security Layer: message parsers
- * Only works for Security Policy "NoSecurity" at the moment.
- */
-void parseSecurityLayer(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint *pOffset)
+/** Register sequence header types. */
+void registerSequenceLayerTypes(int proto)
+ static hf_register_info hf[] =
+ {
+ /* id full name abbreviation type display strings bitmask blurb HFILL */
+ {&hf_opcua_sequence_seqno, {"Sequence Number", "opcua.sequence.seq", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}},
+ {&hf_opcua_sequence_rqid, {"RequestId", "opcua.sequence.rqid", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}}
+ };
+ proto_register_field_array(proto, hf, array_length(hf));
+/* The symmetric security header consists only of one field. */
+void parseSecurityHeader(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_security_tokenid, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_security_seq, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_security_rqid, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
+/* Sequence header can optionally be encrypted. */
+void parseSequenceHeader(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data)
+ if (!data->encrypted) {
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_sequence_seqno, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_sequence_rqid, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
+ }
+/* Parse symmetric security footer (signed only) */
+void parseSecurityFooterSO(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, guint sig_len)
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_security_signature, tvb, offset, sig_len, ENC_NA);
+/* Parse symmetric security footer (signed and encrypted) */
+void parseSecurityFooterSAE(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, guint pad_len, guint sig_len)
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_security_padding, tvb, offset, pad_len + 1, ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_security_signature, tvb, offset + pad_len + 1, sig_len, ENC_NA);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_security_layer.h b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_security_layer.h
index d5b36ce03b..c05a2d7242 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_security_layer.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_security_layer.h
@@ -14,5 +14,11 @@
** Author: Gerhard Gappmeier <gerhard.gappmeier@ascolab.com>
+struct ua_metadata;
void registerSecurityLayerTypes(int proto);
-void parseSecurityLayer(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint *pOffset);
+void registerSequenceLayerTypes(int proto);
+void parseSecurityHeader(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+void parseSequenceHeader(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+void parseSecurityFooterSO(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, guint sig_len);
+void parseSecurityFooterSAE(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, guint pad_len, guint sig_len);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_serviceparser.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_serviceparser.c
index d71b67815e..a38c86e836 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_serviceparser.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_serviceparser.c
@@ -25,172 +25,172 @@
#include "opcua_hfindeces.h"
#include "opcua_serviceparser.h"
-gint ett_opcua_ServiceFault = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ServiceFault = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_FindServersRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_FindServersRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_FindServersResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_FindServersResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_FindServersOnNetworkRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_FindServersOnNetworkRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_FindServersOnNetworkResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_FindServersOnNetworkResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_GetEndpointsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_GetEndpointsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_GetEndpointsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_GetEndpointsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RegisterServerRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterServerRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RegisterServerResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterServerResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RegisterServer2Request = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterServer2Request = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RegisterServer2Response = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterServer2Response = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_OpenSecureChannelRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_OpenSecureChannelRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_OpenSecureChannelResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_OpenSecureChannelResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CloseSecureChannelRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CloseSecureChannelRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CloseSecureChannelResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CloseSecureChannelResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CreateSessionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CreateSessionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CreateSessionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CreateSessionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ActivateSessionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ActivateSessionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ActivateSessionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ActivateSessionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CloseSessionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CloseSessionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CloseSessionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CloseSessionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CancelRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CancelRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CancelResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CancelResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AddNodesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AddNodesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AddNodesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AddNodesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AddReferencesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AddReferencesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_AddReferencesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_AddReferencesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteNodesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteNodesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteNodesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteNodesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteReferencesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteReferencesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteReferencesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteReferencesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BrowseRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BrowseResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BrowseNextRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseNextRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_BrowseNextResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseNextResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RegisterNodesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterNodesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RegisterNodesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterNodesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_UnregisterNodesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UnregisterNodesRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_UnregisterNodesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UnregisterNodesResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_QueryFirstRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_QueryFirstRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_QueryFirstResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_QueryFirstResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_QueryNextRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_QueryNextRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_QueryNextResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_QueryNextResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReadRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReadRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ReadResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ReadResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryReadRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryReadRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryReadResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryReadResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_WriteRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_WriteRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_WriteResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_WriteResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryUpdateRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_HistoryUpdateResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CallRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CallRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CallResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CallResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SetMonitoringModeRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SetMonitoringModeRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SetMonitoringModeResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SetMonitoringModeResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SetTriggeringRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SetTriggeringRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SetTriggeringResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SetTriggeringResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CreateSubscriptionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CreateSubscriptionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_CreateSubscriptionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_CreateSubscriptionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ModifySubscriptionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ModifySubscriptionRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_ModifySubscriptionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ModifySubscriptionResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SetPublishingModeRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SetPublishingModeRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_SetPublishingModeResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SetPublishingModeResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_PublishRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_PublishRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_PublishResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_PublishResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RepublishRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RepublishRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_RepublishResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_RepublishResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TransferSubscriptionsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TransferSubscriptionsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TransferSubscriptionsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TransferSubscriptionsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TestStackRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TestStackRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TestStackResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TestStackResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TestStackExRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TestStackExRequest = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_TestStackExResponse = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_TestStackExResponse = -1;
+gint ett_opcua_ServiceFault;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ServiceFault;
+gint ett_opcua_FindServersRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_FindServersRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_FindServersResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_FindServersResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_FindServersOnNetworkRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_FindServersOnNetworkRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_FindServersOnNetworkResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_FindServersOnNetworkResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_GetEndpointsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_GetEndpointsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_GetEndpointsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_GetEndpointsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_RegisterServerRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterServerRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_RegisterServerResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterServerResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_RegisterServer2Request;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterServer2Request;
+gint ett_opcua_RegisterServer2Response;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterServer2Response;
+gint ett_opcua_OpenSecureChannelRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_OpenSecureChannelRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_OpenSecureChannelResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_OpenSecureChannelResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_CloseSecureChannelRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CloseSecureChannelRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_CloseSecureChannelResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CloseSecureChannelResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_CreateSessionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CreateSessionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_CreateSessionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CreateSessionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_ActivateSessionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ActivateSessionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_ActivateSessionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ActivateSessionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_CloseSessionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CloseSessionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_CloseSessionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CloseSessionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_CancelRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CancelRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_CancelResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CancelResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_AddNodesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AddNodesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_AddNodesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AddNodesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_AddReferencesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AddReferencesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_AddReferencesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_AddReferencesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteNodesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteNodesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteNodesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteNodesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteReferencesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteReferencesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteReferencesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteReferencesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_BrowseRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_BrowseResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_BrowseNextRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseNextRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_BrowseNextResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_BrowseNextResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_RegisterNodesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterNodesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_RegisterNodesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RegisterNodesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_UnregisterNodesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UnregisterNodesRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_UnregisterNodesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UnregisterNodesResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_QueryFirstRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_QueryFirstRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_QueryFirstResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_QueryFirstResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_QueryNextRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_QueryNextRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_QueryNextResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_QueryNextResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_ReadRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReadRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_ReadResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ReadResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryReadRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryReadRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryReadResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryReadResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_WriteRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_WriteRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_WriteResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_WriteResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryUpdateRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_HistoryUpdateResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_HistoryUpdateResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_CallRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CallRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_CallResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CallResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_SetMonitoringModeRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SetMonitoringModeRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_SetMonitoringModeResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SetMonitoringModeResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_SetTriggeringRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SetTriggeringRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_SetTriggeringResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SetTriggeringResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_CreateSubscriptionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CreateSubscriptionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_CreateSubscriptionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_CreateSubscriptionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_ModifySubscriptionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ModifySubscriptionRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_ModifySubscriptionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ModifySubscriptionResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_SetPublishingModeRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SetPublishingModeRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_SetPublishingModeResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SetPublishingModeResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_PublishRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_PublishRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_PublishResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_PublishResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_RepublishRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RepublishRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_RepublishResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_RepublishResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_TransferSubscriptionsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TransferSubscriptionsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_TransferSubscriptionsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TransferSubscriptionsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_TestStackRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TestStackRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_TestStackResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TestStackResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_TestStackExRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TestStackExRequest;
+gint ett_opcua_TestStackExResponse;
+gint ett_opcua_array_TestStackExResponse;
void parseServiceFault(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset)
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ void parseCreateSessionRequest(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pin
parseString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_EndpointUrl);
parseString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_SessionName);
parseByteString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ClientNonce);
- parseByteString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ClientCertificate);
+ parseCertificate(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ClientCertificate);
parseDouble(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_RequestedSessionTimeout);
parseUInt32(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_MaxResponseMessageSize);
proto_item_set_end(ti, tvb, *pOffset);
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ void parseCreateSessionResponse(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pi
parseNodeId(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, "AuthenticationToken");
parseDouble(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_RevisedSessionTimeout);
parseByteString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ServerNonce);
- parseByteString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ServerCertificate);
+ parseCertificate(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_ServerCertificate);
/* Array length field ignored: NoOfServerEndpoints */
parseArrayComplex(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, "ServerEndpoints", "EndpointDescription", parseEndpointDescription, ett_opcua_array_EndpointDescription);
/* Array length field ignored: NoOfServerSoftwareCertificates */
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_simpletypes.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_simpletypes.c
index 945b528794..da98a823f5 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_simpletypes.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_simpletypes.c
@@ -19,8 +19,11 @@
#include <epan/packet.h>
#include <epan/expert.h>
-#include <epan/dissectors/packet-windows-common.h>
+#include <epan/proto.h>
#include <epan/proto_data.h>
+#include <epan/asn1.h>
+#include <epan/dissectors/packet-windows-common.h>
+#include <epan/dissectors/packet-x509af.h>
#include "opcua_simpletypes.h"
#include "opcua_hfindeces.h"
#include "opcua_statuscode.h"
@@ -83,94 +86,94 @@
#define MAX_ARRAY_LEN 10000
-static int hf_opcua_diag_mask = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_symbolicflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_namespaceflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_localizedtextflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_localeflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_additionalinfoflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_innerstatuscodeflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_innerdiaginfoflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_loctext_mask = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_loctext_mask_localeflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_loctext_mask_textflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_valueflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_statuscodeflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_sourcetimestampflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_servertimestampflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_sourcepicoseconds = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_serverpicoseconds = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_nodeid_encodingmask = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_expandednodeid_mask = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_expandednodeid_mask_namespaceuri = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_expandednodeid_mask_serverindex = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_variant_encodingmask = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_nodeid_nsindex = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_nodeid_numeric = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_nodeid_string = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_nodeid_guid = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_nodeid_bytestring = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_localizedtext_locale = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_localizedtext_text = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_qualifiedname_id = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_qualifiedname_name = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_SourceTimestamp = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_SourcePicoseconds = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_ServerTimestamp = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_ServerPicoseconds = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_symbolicid = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_namespace = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_localizedtext = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_locale = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_additionalinfo = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_diag_innerstatuscode = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_extobj_mask = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_extobj_mask_binbodyflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_extobj_mask_xmlbodyflag = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_ArraySize = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_ServerIndex = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_status_StructureChanged = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_status_SemanticsChanged = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_status_InfoBit_Limit_Overflow = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_status_InfoBit_Historian_Partial = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_status_InfoBit_Historian_ExtraData = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_status_InfoBit_Historian_MultiValue = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_status_InfoType = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_status_Limit = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_status_Historian = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_symbolicId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_localizedText = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_additionalinfo = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_innerstatuscode = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_innerdiagnostics = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_symbolicId = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_localizedText = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_additionalinfo = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_innerstatuscode = -1;
-int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_innerdiagnostics = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_all = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_object = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_variable = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_method = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_objecttype = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_variabletype = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_referencetype = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_datatype = -1;
-int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_view = -1;
-int hf_opcua_resultMask = -1;
-int hf_opcua_resultMask_all = -1;
-int hf_opcua_resultMask_referencetype = -1;
-int hf_opcua_resultMask_isforward = -1;
-int hf_opcua_resultMask_nodeclass = -1;
-int hf_opcua_resultMask_browsename = -1;
-int hf_opcua_resultMask_displayname = -1;
-int hf_opcua_resultMask_typedefinition = -1;
-static expert_field ei_array_length = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_nesting_depth = EI_INIT;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_mask;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_symbolicflag;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_namespaceflag;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_localizedtextflag;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_localeflag;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_additionalinfoflag;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_innerstatuscodeflag;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_mask_innerdiaginfoflag;
+static int hf_opcua_loctext_mask;
+static int hf_opcua_loctext_mask_localeflag;
+static int hf_opcua_loctext_mask_textflag;
+static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask;
+static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_valueflag;
+static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_statuscodeflag;
+static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_sourcetimestampflag;
+static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_servertimestampflag;
+static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_sourcepicoseconds;
+static int hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_serverpicoseconds;
+static int hf_opcua_nodeid_encodingmask;
+static int hf_opcua_expandednodeid_mask;
+static int hf_opcua_expandednodeid_mask_namespaceuri;
+static int hf_opcua_expandednodeid_mask_serverindex;
+static int hf_opcua_variant_encodingmask;
+static int hf_opcua_nodeid_nsindex;
+static int hf_opcua_nodeid_numeric;
+static int hf_opcua_nodeid_string;
+static int hf_opcua_nodeid_guid;
+static int hf_opcua_nodeid_bytestring;
+static int hf_opcua_localizedtext_locale;
+static int hf_opcua_localizedtext_text;
+static int hf_opcua_qualifiedname_id;
+static int hf_opcua_qualifiedname_name;
+static int hf_opcua_SourceTimestamp;
+static int hf_opcua_SourcePicoseconds;
+static int hf_opcua_ServerTimestamp;
+static int hf_opcua_ServerPicoseconds;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_symbolicid;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_namespace;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_localizedtext;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_locale;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_additionalinfo;
+static int hf_opcua_diag_innerstatuscode;
+static int hf_opcua_extobj_mask;
+static int hf_opcua_extobj_mask_binbodyflag;
+static int hf_opcua_extobj_mask_xmlbodyflag;
+static int hf_opcua_ArraySize;
+static int hf_opcua_ServerIndex;
+static int hf_opcua_status_StructureChanged;
+static int hf_opcua_status_SemanticsChanged;
+static int hf_opcua_status_InfoBit_Limit_Overflow;
+static int hf_opcua_status_InfoBit_Historian_Partial;
+static int hf_opcua_status_InfoBit_Historian_ExtraData;
+static int hf_opcua_status_InfoBit_Historian_MultiValue;
+static int hf_opcua_status_InfoType;
+static int hf_opcua_status_Limit;
+static int hf_opcua_status_Historian;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_symbolicId;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_localizedText;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_additionalinfo;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_innerstatuscode;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_sl_innerdiagnostics;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_symbolicId;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_localizedText;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_additionalinfo;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_innerstatuscode;
+int hf_opcua_returnDiag_mask_ol_innerdiagnostics;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_all;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_object;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_variable;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_method;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_objecttype;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_variabletype;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_referencetype;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_datatype;
+int hf_opcua_nodeClassMask_view;
+int hf_opcua_resultMask;
+int hf_opcua_resultMask_all;
+int hf_opcua_resultMask_referencetype;
+int hf_opcua_resultMask_isforward;
+int hf_opcua_resultMask_nodeclass;
+int hf_opcua_resultMask_browsename;
+int hf_opcua_resultMask_displayname;
+int hf_opcua_resultMask_typedefinition;
+static expert_field ei_array_length;
+static expert_field ei_nesting_depth;
extern int proto_opcua;
@@ -342,50 +345,50 @@ static const value_string g_ResultMask[] = {
/* trees */
-static gint ett_opcua_diagnosticinfo = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_diagnosticinfo_encodingmask = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_nodeid = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_expandednodeid = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_expandednodeid_encodingmask = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_localizedtext = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_localizedtext_encodingmask = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_qualifiedname = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_datavalue = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_datavalue_encodingmask = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_variant = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_variant_arraydims = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_extensionobject = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_extensionobject_encodingmask = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_statuscode = -1;
-static gint ett_opcua_statuscode_info = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Boolean = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_SByte = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Byte = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Int16 = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UInt16 = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Int32 = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UInt32 = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Int64 = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_UInt64 = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Float = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Double = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_String = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DateTime = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Guid = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ByteString = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_XmlElement = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_NodeId = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ExpandedNodeId = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_StatusCode = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DiagnosticInfo = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_QualifiedName = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_LocalizedText = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_ExtensionObject = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_DataValue = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_array_Variant = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_returnDiagnostics = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_nodeClassMask = -1;
-gint ett_opcua_resultMask = -1;
+static gint ett_opcua_diagnosticinfo;
+static gint ett_opcua_diagnosticinfo_encodingmask;
+static gint ett_opcua_nodeid;
+static gint ett_opcua_expandednodeid;
+static gint ett_opcua_expandednodeid_encodingmask;
+static gint ett_opcua_localizedtext;
+static gint ett_opcua_localizedtext_encodingmask;
+static gint ett_opcua_qualifiedname;
+static gint ett_opcua_datavalue;
+static gint ett_opcua_datavalue_encodingmask;
+static gint ett_opcua_variant;
+static gint ett_opcua_variant_arraydims;
+static gint ett_opcua_extensionobject;
+static gint ett_opcua_extensionobject_encodingmask;
+static gint ett_opcua_statuscode;
+static gint ett_opcua_statuscode_info;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Boolean;
+gint ett_opcua_array_SByte;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Byte;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Int16;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UInt16;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Int32;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UInt32;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Int64;
+gint ett_opcua_array_UInt64;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Float;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Double;
+gint ett_opcua_array_String;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DateTime;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Guid;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ByteString;
+gint ett_opcua_array_XmlElement;
+gint ett_opcua_array_NodeId;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ExpandedNodeId;
+gint ett_opcua_array_StatusCode;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DiagnosticInfo;
+gint ett_opcua_array_QualifiedName;
+gint ett_opcua_array_LocalizedText;
+gint ett_opcua_array_ExtensionObject;
+gint ett_opcua_array_DataValue;
+gint ett_opcua_array_Variant;
+gint ett_opcua_returnDiagnostics;
+gint ett_opcua_nodeClassMask;
+gint ett_opcua_resultMask;
static gint *ett[] =
@@ -641,6 +644,50 @@ proto_item* parseString(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_,
return item;
+proto_item* parseString_ret_string_and_length(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex, const guint8 **retval, gint *lenretval)
+ proto_item *item = NULL;
+ char *szValue;
+ gint iOffset = *pOffset;
+ gint32 iLen = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, *pOffset);
+ iOffset+=4;
+ if (retval) {
+ *retval = "";
+ }
+ if (lenretval) {
+ *lenretval = iLen;
+ }
+ if (iLen == -1)
+ {
+ item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hfIndex, tvb, *pOffset, 0, ENC_NA);
+ proto_item_append_text(item, "[OpcUa Null String]");
+ proto_item_set_end(item, tvb, *pOffset + 4);
+ }
+ else if (iLen == 0)
+ {
+ item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hfIndex, tvb, *pOffset, 0, ENC_NA);
+ proto_item_append_text(item, "[OpcUa Empty String]");
+ proto_item_set_end(item, tvb, *pOffset + 4);
+ }
+ else if (iLen > 0)
+ {
+ item = proto_tree_add_item_ret_string_and_length(tree, hfIndex, tvb, iOffset, iLen, ENC_UTF_8|ENC_NA, NULL, retval, lenretval);
+ iOffset += iLen; /* eat the whole string */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hfIndex, tvb, *pOffset, 0, ENC_NA);
+ szValue = wmem_strdup_printf(pinfo->pool, "[Invalid String] Invalid length: %d", iLen);
+ proto_item_append_text(item, "%s", szValue);
+ proto_item_set_end(item, tvb, *pOffset + 4);
+ }
+ *pOffset = iOffset;
+ return item;
proto_item* parseStatusCode(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex)
proto_item *item = NULL;
@@ -835,14 +882,14 @@ void parseDiagnosticInfo(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gi
parseInt32(subtree, tvb, pinfo, &iOffset, hf_opcua_diag_namespace);
- {
- parseInt32(subtree, tvb, pinfo, &iOffset, hf_opcua_diag_localizedtext);
- }
parseInt32(subtree, tvb, pinfo, &iOffset, hf_opcua_diag_locale);
+ {
+ parseInt32(subtree, tvb, pinfo, &iOffset, hf_opcua_diag_localizedtext);
+ }
parseString(subtree, tvb, pinfo, &iOffset, hf_opcua_diag_additionalinfo);
@@ -875,6 +922,41 @@ void parseQualifiedName(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gin
proto_item_set_end(ti, tvb, *pOffset);
+void parseCertificate(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex)
+ proto_item *item = NULL;
+ char *szValue;
+ int iOffset = *pOffset;
+ gint32 iLen = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, iOffset);
+ iOffset += 4;
+ if (iLen == -1)
+ {
+ item = proto_tree_add_bytes_with_length(tree, hfIndex, tvb, *pOffset, 4, NULL, 0);
+ proto_item_append_text(item, "[OpcUa Null ByteString]");
+ }
+ else if (iLen == 0)
+ {
+ item = proto_tree_add_bytes_with_length(tree, hfIndex, tvb, *pOffset, 4, NULL, 0);
+ proto_item_append_text(item, "[OpcUa Empty ByteString]");
+ }
+ else if (iLen > 0)
+ {
+ asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
+ asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
+ dissect_x509af_Certificate(FALSE, tvb, iOffset, &asn1_ctx, tree, hfIndex);
+ iOffset += iLen; /* eat the whole bytestring */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ item = proto_tree_add_bytes_with_length(tree, hfIndex, tvb, *pOffset, 4, NULL, 0);
+ szValue = wmem_strdup_printf(pinfo->pool, "[Invalid ByteString] Invalid length: %d", iLen);
+ proto_item_append_text(item, "%s", szValue);
+ }
+ *pOffset = iOffset;
void parseDataValue(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, const char *szFieldName)
static int * const datavalue_mask[] = {&hf_opcua_datavalue_mask_valueflag,
@@ -1134,7 +1216,7 @@ void parseArrayComplex(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint
for (i=0; i<iLen; i++)
char szNum[20];
- g_snprintf(szNum, 20, "[%i]", i);
+ snprintf(szNum, 20, "[%i]", i);
(*pParserFunction)(subtree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, szNum);
proto_item_set_end(ti, tvb, *pOffset);
@@ -1218,7 +1300,7 @@ void parseExtensionObject(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, g
/* add nodeid subtree */
TypeId = getExtensionObjectType(tvb, &iOffset);
- parseExpandedNodeId(extobj_tree, tvb, pinfo, &iOffset, "TypeId");
+ parseNodeId(extobj_tree, tvb, pinfo, &iOffset, "TypeId");
/* parse encoding mask */
EncodingMask = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, iOffset);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_simpletypes.h b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_simpletypes.h
index 9d88983bf7..72b2f0cfd7 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_simpletypes.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_simpletypes.h
@@ -66,6 +66,14 @@ extern gint ett_opcua_array_DataValue;
extern gint ett_opcua_array_Variant;
extern gint ett_opcua_returnDiagnostics;
+enum ua_message_mode {
+ UA_MessageMode_Unknown = 0,
+ UA_MessageMode_None,
+ UA_MessageMode_Sign,
+ UA_MessageMode_SignAndEncrypt,
+ UA_MessageMode_MaybeEncrypted
/* simple types */
proto_item* parseBoolean(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex);
proto_item* parseByte(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex);
@@ -77,6 +85,7 @@ proto_item* parseInt32(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint
proto_item* parseUInt64(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex);
proto_item* parseInt64(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex);
proto_item* parseString(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex);
+proto_item* parseString_ret_string_and_length(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex, const guint8 **retval, gint *lenretval);
proto_item* parseGuid(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex);
proto_item* parseByteString(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex);
proto_item* parseXmlElement(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex);
@@ -90,6 +99,7 @@ void parseNodeId(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOff
void parseDiagnosticInfo(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, const char *szFieldName);
void parseExtensionObject(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, const char *szFieldName);
void parseQualifiedName(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, const char *szFieldName);
+void parseCertificate(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, int hfIndex);
void parseDataValue(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, const char *szFieldName);
void parseVariant(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, const char *szFieldName);
void parseExpandedNodeId(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, const char *szFieldName);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_transport_layer.c b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_transport_layer.c
index 31fdca3b1b..7769d07a5c 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_transport_layer.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_transport_layer.c
@@ -17,34 +17,51 @@
#include "config.h"
#include <epan/packet.h>
+#include <epan/conversation.h>
+#include "epan/column-utils.h"
#include "opcua_security_layer.h"
#include "opcua_application_layer.h"
#include "opcua_simpletypes.h"
#include "opcua_transport_layer.h"
#include "opcua_servicetable.h"
-static int hf_opcua_transport_type = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_chunk = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_size = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_ver = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_scid = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_rbs = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_sbs = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_mms = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_mcc = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_endpoint = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_suri = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_error = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_reason = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_spu = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_scert = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_rcthumb = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_seq = -1;
-static int hf_opcua_transport_rqid = -1;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_type;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_chunk;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_size;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_ver;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_scid;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_rbs;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_sbs;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_mms;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_mcc;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_endpoint;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_suri;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_error;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_reason;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_spu;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_scert;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_rcthumb;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_seq;
+static int hf_opcua_transport_rqid;
/** subtree types */
extern gint ett_opcua_nodeid;
extern gint ett_opcua_extensionobject;
+extern gint proto_opcua;
+/** Defined security policy URL from Part 7 OPC UA Specification. */
+#define UA_SECURITY_POLICY_NONE_STRING "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None"
+/** Defined security policy URL from Part 7 OPC UA Specification. */
+#define UA_SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC128RSA15_STRING "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic128Rsa15"
+/** Defined security policy URL from Part 7 OPC UA Specification. */
+#define UA_SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC256_STRING "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256"
+/** Defined security policy URL from Part 7 OPC UA Specification. */
+#define UA_SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC256SHA256_STRING "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256"
+/** Defined security policy URL from Part 7 OPC UA Specification. */
+#define UA_SECURITY_POLICY_AES128_SHA256_RSAOAEP_STRING "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep"
+/** Defined security policy URL from Part 7 OPC UA Specification. */
+#define UA_SECURITY_POLICY_AES256_SHA256_RSAPSS_STRING "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Aes256_Sha256_RsaPss"
/** Register transport layer types. */
void registerTransportLayerTypes(int proto)
@@ -75,12 +92,17 @@ void registerTransportLayerTypes(int proto)
proto_register_field_array(proto, hf, array_length(hf));
-/* Transport Layer: message parsers */
-int parseHello(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset)
+void parseMessageHeader(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_type, tvb, *pOffset, 3, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=3;
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_chunk, tvb, *pOffset, 1, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=1;
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_size, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
+/* Transport Layer: message parsers */
+int parseHello(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
+ parseMessageHeader(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, data);
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_ver, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_rbs, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_sbs, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
@@ -90,11 +112,9 @@ int parseHello(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffse
return -1;
-int parseAcknowledge(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
+int parseAcknowledge(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_type, tvb, *pOffset, 3, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=3;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_chunk, tvb, *pOffset, 1, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=1;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_size, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
+ parseMessageHeader(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, data);
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_ver, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_rbs, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_sbs, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
@@ -103,48 +123,40 @@ int parseAcknowledge(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gi
return -1;
-int parseError(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset)
+int parseError(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_type, tvb, *pOffset, 3, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=3;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_chunk, tvb, *pOffset, 1, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=1;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_size, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
+ parseMessageHeader(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, data);
parseStatusCode(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_error);
parseString(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_reason);
return -1;
-int parseReverseHello(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset)
+int parseReverseHello(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_type, tvb, *pOffset, 3, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=3;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_chunk, tvb, *pOffset, 1, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=1;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_size, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
+ parseMessageHeader(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, data);
parseString(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_suri);
parseString(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_endpoint);
return -1;
-int parseMessage(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
+int parseMessage(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_type, tvb, *pOffset, 3, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=3;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_chunk, tvb, *pOffset, 1, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=1;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_size, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
+ parseMessageHeader(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, data);
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_scid, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
- /* message data contains the security layer */
- parseSecurityLayer(tree, tvb, pOffset);
return -1;
-int parseAbort(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset)
+int parseAbort(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
+ parseMessageHeader(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, data);
parseStatusCode(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_error);
parseString(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_reason);
return -1;
-int parseService(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset)
+int parseService(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
proto_item *ti;
proto_item *ti_inner;
@@ -152,83 +164,125 @@ int parseService(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOff
proto_tree *nodeid_tree;
int ServiceId = 0;
/* add encodeable object subtree */
- encobj_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(tree, tvb, *pOffset, -1, ett_opcua_extensionobject, &ti, "OpcUa Service : Encodeable Object");
+ encobj_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(tree, tvb, *pOffset, -1, ett_opcua_extensionobject, &ti, "Message: Encodeable Object");
/* add nodeid subtree */
- nodeid_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(encobj_tree, tvb, *pOffset, -1, ett_opcua_nodeid, &ti_inner, "TypeId : ExpandedNodeId");
+ nodeid_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(encobj_tree, tvb, *pOffset, -1, ett_opcua_nodeid, &ti_inner, "TypeId: ExpandedNodeId");
ServiceId = parseServiceNodeId(nodeid_tree, tvb, pOffset);
proto_item_set_end(ti_inner, tvb, *pOffset);
- dispatchService(encobj_tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, ServiceId);
+ if (ServiceId >= 0) {
+ dispatchService(encobj_tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, ServiceId);
+ }
proto_item_set_end(ti, tvb, *pOffset);
return ServiceId;
-int parseOpenSecureChannel(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset)
+ * Stores the messages mode and signature length for this TCP connection.
+ * We need to know this mode in the following message to decide if decryption is required or not.
+ */
+void store_encryption_info(packet_info *pinfo, enum ua_message_mode mode, uint8_t sig_len)
- proto_item *ti;
- proto_item *ti_inner;
- proto_tree *encobj_tree;
- proto_tree *nodeid_tree;
- int ServiceId = 0;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_type, tvb, *pOffset, 3, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=3;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_chunk, tvb, *pOffset, 1, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=1;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_size, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_scid, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
- parseString(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_spu);
- parseByteString(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_scert);
- parseByteString(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_rcthumb);
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_seq, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_rqid, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
- /* add encodeable object subtree */
- encobj_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(tree, tvb, *pOffset, -1, ett_opcua_extensionobject, &ti, "Message : Encodeable Object");
+ conversation_t *conv = find_conversation_pinfo(pinfo, 0);
+ if (conv) {
+ uintptr_t data = (uintptr_t)mode;
+ data |= ((uintptr_t)sig_len << 8);
+ conversation_add_proto_data(conv, proto_opcua, (gpointer)data);
+ }
- /* add nodeid subtree */
- nodeid_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(encobj_tree, tvb, *pOffset, -1, ett_opcua_nodeid, &ti_inner, "TypeId : ExpandedNodeId");
- ServiceId = parseServiceNodeId(nodeid_tree, tvb, pOffset);
- proto_item_set_end(ti_inner, tvb, *pOffset);
+/** Returns the message mode and signature length for current TCP connection. */
+void get_encryption_info(packet_info *pinfo, enum ua_message_mode *mode, uint8_t *sig_len)
+ conversation_t *conv = find_conversation_pinfo(pinfo, 0);
+ if (conv) {
+ uintptr_t data = (uintptr_t)conversation_get_proto_data(conv, proto_opcua);
+ if (data == 0) {
+ *mode = g_opcua_default_sig_len ? UA_MessageMode_MaybeEncrypted : UA_MessageMode_None;
+ *sig_len = g_opcua_default_sig_len;
+ } else {
+ *mode = (enum ua_message_mode)(data & 0xff);
+ *sig_len = (uintptr_t)(data >> 8);
+ }
+ }
- dispatchService(encobj_tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, ServiceId);
+ * Compares an unterminated string of a string constant.
+ *
+ * @param text Unterminated string to compare.
+ * @param text_len String data.
+ * @param ref_text Zero terminated string constant to compare with.
+ *
+ * @return 0 if equal, -1 if not.
+ */
+static int opcua_string_compare(const char *text, gint text_len, const char *ref_text)
+ gint len = (gint)strlen(ref_text);
+ if (text_len == len && memcmp(text, ref_text, len) == 0) return 0;
- proto_item_set_end(ti, tvb, *pOffset);
- return ServiceId;
+ return -1;
-int parseCloseSecureChannel(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset)
+int parseOpenSecureChannel(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data)
- proto_item *ti;
- proto_item *ti_inner;
- proto_tree *encobj_tree;
- proto_tree *nodeid_tree;
- int ServiceId = 0;
+ const guint8 *sec_policy = NULL;
+ gint sec_policy_len = 0;
+ int ServiceId = -1;
+ bool encrypted = false;
+ // Message Header
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_type, tvb, *pOffset, 3, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=3;
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_chunk, tvb, *pOffset, 1, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA); *pOffset+=1;
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_size, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_scid, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
+ // Asym Security Header
+ parseString_ret_string_and_length(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_spu, &sec_policy, &sec_policy_len);
+ parseCertificate(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_scert);
+ parseByteString(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, hf_opcua_transport_rcthumb);
- parseSecurityLayer(tree, tvb, pOffset);
- /* add encodeable object subtree */
- encobj_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(tree, tvb, *pOffset, -1, ett_opcua_extensionobject, &ti, "Message : Encodeable Object");
+ if (opcua_string_compare(sec_policy, sec_policy_len, UA_SECURITY_POLICY_NONE_STRING ) == 0) {
+ store_encryption_info(pinfo, UA_MessageMode_None, 0);
+ } else {
+ guint8 sig_len = 0;
+ // OPN is always encrypted for Policies != None, for both message modes Sign and SignAndEncrypted
+ encrypted = true;
+ // determine signature length based on security policy
+ if (opcua_string_compare(sec_policy, sec_policy_len, UA_SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC128RSA15_STRING ) == 0) {
+ sig_len = 20;
+ } else if (opcua_string_compare(sec_policy, sec_policy_len, UA_SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC256_STRING ) == 0) {
+ sig_len = 20;
+ } else if (opcua_string_compare(sec_policy, sec_policy_len, UA_SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC256SHA256_STRING ) == 0) {
+ sig_len = 32;
+ } else if (opcua_string_compare(sec_policy, sec_policy_len, UA_SECURITY_POLICY_AES128_SHA256_RSAOAEP_STRING ) == 0) {
+ sig_len = 32;
+ } else if (opcua_string_compare(sec_policy, sec_policy_len, UA_SECURITY_POLICY_AES256_SHA256_RSAPSS_STRING ) == 0) {
+ sig_len = 32;
+ }
+ // We don't know the messagemode without decrypting the OPN, so we assume it is SignAndEncrypt,
+ // we will try to decode the next service (CreateSession) and if it succeeds we change the mode to Sign
+ // or SignAndEncrypt accordingly
+ store_encryption_info(pinfo, UA_MessageMode_MaybeEncrypted, sig_len);
+ }
+ data->encrypted = encrypted;
+ if (!encrypted) {
+ parseSequenceHeader(tree, tvb, pOffset, data);
+ ServiceId = parseService(tree, tvb, pinfo,pOffset, data);
+ }
- /* add nodeid subtree */
- nodeid_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(encobj_tree, tvb, *pOffset, -1, ett_opcua_nodeid, &ti_inner, "TypeId : ExpandedNodeId");
- ServiceId = parseServiceNodeId(nodeid_tree, tvb, pOffset);
- proto_item_set_end(ti_inner, tvb, *pOffset);
+ return ServiceId;
- dispatchService(encobj_tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, ServiceId);
+int parseCloseSecureChannel(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data _U_)
+ parseMessageHeader(tree, tvb, pinfo, pOffset, data);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_opcua_transport_scid, tvb, *pOffset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); *pOffset+=4;
- proto_item_set_end(ti, tvb, *pOffset);
- return ServiceId;
+ return -1;
diff --git a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_transport_layer.h b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_transport_layer.h
index 4e63aa5a0f..cd2089d71b 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_transport_layer.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/opcua/opcua_transport_layer.h
@@ -14,14 +14,25 @@
** Author: Gerhard Gappmeier <gerhard.gappmeier@ascolab.com>
+/* This struct is used to pass meta data down to decoding functions. */
+struct ua_metadata {
+ bool encrypted; /* true if payload is encrypted, false if no encryption was used or it was successfully decrypted. */
+extern int g_opcua_default_sig_len;
/* Transport Layer: message parsers */
-int parseHello(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
-int parseAcknowledge(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
-int parseError(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
-int parseReverseHello(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
-int parseMessage(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
-int parseAbort(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
-int parseService(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
-int parseOpenSecureChannel(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
-int parseCloseSecureChannel(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset);
+int parseHello(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+int parseAcknowledge(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+int parseError(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+int parseReverseHello(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+int parseMessage(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+int parseAbort(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+int parseService(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+int parseOpenSecureChannel(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
+int parseCloseSecureChannel(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, gint *pOffset, struct ua_metadata *data);
void registerTransportLayerTypes(int proto);
+enum ua_message_mode;
+void store_encryption_info(packet_info *pinfo, enum ua_message_mode mode, uint8_t sig_len);
+void get_encryption_info(packet_info *pinfo, enum ua_message_mode *mode, uint8_t *sig_len);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/CMakeLists.txt
index 6a97cdfa64..3180c9c91a 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -10,14 +10,20 @@
# Plugin name and version info (major minor micro extra)
-set_module_info(pluginifdemo 0 0 1 0)
+set_module_info(pluginifdemo 0 0 2 0)
+ set(qtver "6")
+ set(qtver "5")
@@ -47,12 +53,13 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "Qt demonstration plugin"
-add_plugin_library(pluginifdemo epan)
-target_link_libraries(pluginifdemo epan Qt5::Core Qt5::Widgets Qt5::PrintSupport Qt5::Multimedia)
+target_link_libraries(pluginifdemo epan Qt${qtver}::Core Qt${qtver}::Widgets Qt${qtver}::PrintSupport)
install_plugin(pluginifdemo epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/pluginifdemo.c b/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/pluginifdemo.c
index 5cbe4ad4fc..3f0fea1fa5 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/pluginifdemo.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/pluginifdemo.c
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
void proto_register_pluginifdemo(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_pluginifdemo(void);
-static int proto_pluginifdemo = -1;
+static int proto_pluginifdemo;
void toolbar_cb(gpointer object, gpointer item_data, gpointer user_data);
@@ -105,31 +105,31 @@ void toolbar_cb(gpointer toolbar_item, gpointer item_data, gpointer user_data _U
pluginifdemo_toolbar_log("Button pressed at toolbar");
guint32 fnum = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(plugin_if_get_frame_data(get_frame_data_cb, NULL));
if (fnum) {
- message = g_strdup_printf("Current frame is: %u", fnum);
+ message = ws_strdup_printf("Current frame is: %u", fnum);
const gchar* fnm = (const gchar*)plugin_if_get_capture_file(get_capture_file_cb, NULL);
if (fnm) {
- message = g_strdup_printf("Capture file name is: %s", fnm);
+ message = ws_strdup_printf("Capture file name is: %s", fnm);
else if ( entry->item_type == EXT_TOOLBAR_BOOLEAN )
gboolean data = *((gboolean *)item_data);
- message = g_strdup_printf( "Checkbox selected value: %d", (int) (data) );
+ message = ws_strdup_printf( "Checkbox selected value: %d", (int) (data) );
else if ( entry->item_type == EXT_TOOLBAR_STRING )
gchar * data = (gchar *)item_data;
- message = g_strdup_printf( "String entered in toolbar: %s", data );
+ message = ws_strdup_printf( "String entered in toolbar: %s", data );
else if ( entry->item_type == EXT_TOOLBAR_SELECTOR )
ext_toolbar_value_t * data = (ext_toolbar_value_t *)item_data;
- message = g_strdup_printf( "Value from toolbar: %s", data->value );
+ message = ws_strdup_printf( "Value from toolbar: %s", data->value );
diff --git a/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/ui/pluginifdemo_about.ui b/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/ui/pluginifdemo_about.ui
index faf560b417..c31f0583e2 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/ui/pluginifdemo_about.ui
+++ b/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/ui/pluginifdemo_about.ui
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblAboutDialog">
<property name="text">
- <string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;PlugIn Interface Demonstration&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Version: &lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;0.0.1 &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt;&quot;&gt;Copyright © &lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt; font-style:italic;&quot;&gt;Wireshark Foundation&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.wireshark.org&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;&quot;&gt;www.wireshark.org&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
+ <string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;PlugIn Interface Demonstration&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Version: &lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;0.0.2 &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt;&quot;&gt;Copyright © &lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt; font-style:italic;&quot;&gt;Wireshark Foundation&lt;/span&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:10pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.wireshark.org&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;&quot;&gt;www.wireshark.org&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<property name="wordWrap">
diff --git a/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/ui/pluginifdemo_main.cpp b/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/ui/pluginifdemo_main.cpp
index 7e8bf6392e..a4823817fe 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/ui/pluginifdemo_main.cpp
+++ b/plugins/epan/pluginifdemo/ui/pluginifdemo_main.cpp
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ void PluginIfTypeModel::addPluginIfType(const PluginIfType &ifType)
int PluginIfTypeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const
- return m_pluginIfTypes.count();
+ return static_cast<int>(m_pluginIfTypes.count());
QVariant PluginIfTypeModel::data(const QModelIndex & idx, int role) const
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ void PluginIFDemo_Main::on_btnRemoveItem_clicked()
bool silent = ui->chkSilent->checkState() == Qt::Checked ? true : false;
QString content = listModel->data(idx).toString();
- int pos = content.indexOf(":");
+ int pos = static_cast<int>(content.indexOf(":"));
gchar * value = g_strdup(content.left(pos).toUtf8().constData() );
/* -2 because removal of : and space */
@@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ void PluginIFDemo_Main::on_btnSendList_clicked()
for( int i = 0; i < listModel->rowCount(); i++ )
QString content = listModel->data(listModel->index(i, 0)).toString();
- int pos = content.indexOf(":");
+ int pos = static_cast<int>(content.indexOf(":"));
ext_toolbar_value_t * valEntry = g_new0(ext_toolbar_value_t, 1);
- valEntry->value = g_strdup(content.left(pos).toStdString().c_str() );
- valEntry->display = g_strdup(content.right(content.size() - pos + 1).toStdString().c_str());
+ valEntry->value = g_strdup(content.left(pos).toUtf8().constData());
+ valEntry->display = g_strdup(content.right(content.size() - pos + 1).toUtf8().constData());
items = g_list_append(items, valEntry);
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ void PluginIFDemo_Main::on_lstItems_clicked(const QModelIndex &idx)
bool silent = ui->chkSilent->checkState() == Qt::Checked ? true : false;
QString content = listModel->data(listModel->index(idx.row(), 0)).toString();
- int pos = content.indexOf(":");
+ int pos = static_cast<int>(content.indexOf(":"));
gchar * idxData = g_strdup(content.left(pos).toUtf8().constData() );
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/profinet/CMakeLists.txt
index 1c3d41c3a4..005d7c3a82 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -43,11 +43,12 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "PROFINET dissector"
-add_plugin_library(profinet epan)
target_link_libraries(profinet epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcerpc-pn-io.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcerpc-pn-io.c
index a378a2c0a4..6ce81e760e 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcerpc-pn-io.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcerpc-pn-io.c
@@ -82,752 +82,890 @@ void proto_reg_handoff_pn_io(void);
#define PN_INPUT_CR 1 /* PROFINET Input Connect Request value */
#define PN_INPUT_DATADESCRITPION 1 /* PROFINET Input Data Description value */
-static int proto_pn_io = -1;
-static int proto_pn_io_device = -1;
-static int proto_pn_io_controller = -1;
-static int proto_pn_io_supervisor = -1;
-static int proto_pn_io_parameterserver = -1;
-static int proto_pn_io_implicitar = -1;
-int proto_pn_io_apdu_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_opnum = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_reserved16 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_array = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_args_max = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_args_len = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_array_max_count = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_array_offset = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_array_act_count = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_artype_req = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_macadd = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_objectuuid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_parameter_server_objectuuid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_state = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_supervisor_takeover_allowed = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_parameterization_server = -1;
+#define PA_PROFILE_API 0x9700u
+#define PA_PROFILE_DAP_MASK 0xFFFF0000u
+#define PA_PROFILE_DAP_IDENT 0x00FD0000u
+static int proto_pn_io;
+static int proto_pn_io_device;
+static int proto_pn_io_controller;
+static int proto_pn_io_supervisor;
+static int proto_pn_io_parameterserver;
+static int proto_pn_io_implicitar;
+int proto_pn_io_apdu_status;
+int proto_pn_io_time_aware_status;
+static int hf_pn_io_opnum;
+static int hf_pn_io_reserved16;
+static int hf_pn_io_array;
+static int hf_pn_io_args_max;
+static int hf_pn_io_args_len;
+static int hf_pn_io_array_max_count;
+static int hf_pn_io_array_offset;
+static int hf_pn_io_array_act_count;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_artype_req;
+static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_macadd;
+static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_objectuuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_parameter_server_objectuuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_data;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_state;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_supervisor_takeover_allowed;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_parameterization_server;
/* removed within 2.3
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_data_rate = -1;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_data_rate;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_reserved_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_device_access = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_companion_ar = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_achnowledge_companion_ar = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_combined_object_container_with_legacy_startupmode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_combined_object_container_with_advanced_startupmode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_pull_module_alarm_allowed = -1;
-static int hf_pn_RedundancyInfo = -1;
-static int hf_pn_RedundancyInfo_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_ARDATAInfo = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_activitytimeoutfactor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_udprtport = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_station_name_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name = -1;
-/* static int hf_pn_io_responder_station_name = -1; */
-static int hf_pn_io_arproperties_StartupMode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_parameter_server_station_name = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_cmresponder_macadd = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_cmresponder_udprtport = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_iocrs = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_tree = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_reference = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_SubframeOffset = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_SubframeData =-1;
-/* static int hf_pn_io_iocr_txports_port = -1; */
-/* static int hf_pn_io_iocr_txports_redundantport = -1; */
-static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_Reserved_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_Mode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_Reserved_2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_Reserved_3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_RedundancyDataHoldFactor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_InputValidOnBackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_0 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_InputValidOnBackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_arvendor_strucidentifier_if0_low = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_arvendor_strucidentifier_if0_high = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_arvendor_strucidentifier_if0_is8000= -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_arvendor_strucidentifier_not0 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_lt = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_rtclass = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_reserved_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_media_redundancy = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_reserved_2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_reserved_3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_fast_forwarding_mac_adr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_distributed_subframe_watchdog = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_full_subframe_structure = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ir_frame_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_send_clock_factor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_reduction_ratio = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_phase = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sequence = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_send_offset = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_forwarding_Mode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_FastForwardingMulticastMACAdd = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_FragmentMode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_reserved_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_reserved_2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_watchdog_factor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_hold_factor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_tag_header = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocr_multicast_mac_add = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_apis = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_io_data_objects = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_iocs = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocs_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_DistributedWatchDogFactor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_RestartFactorForDistributedWD = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_DFPmode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_reserved_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_reserved_2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_DFPType =-1;
-static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_DFPRedundantPathLayout = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_SFCRC16 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data_position = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subframe_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subframe_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_properties_priority = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_properties_transport = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_properties_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rta_timeoutfactor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rta_retries = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_localalarmref = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_remotealarmref = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_maxalarmdatalength = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_tagheaderhigh = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_tagheaderlow = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_IRData_uuid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_uuid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_target_ar_uuid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_discriminator = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_configid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_arnumber = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_arresource = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_arreserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ar_selector = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_api_tree = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_module_tree = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_tree = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object = -1;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_reserved_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_device_access;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_companion_ar;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_achnowledge_companion_ar;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_time_aware_system;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_combined_object_container_with_legacy_startupmode;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_combined_object_container_with_advanced_startupmode;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_properties_pull_module_alarm_allowed;
+static int hf_pn_RedundancyInfo;
+static int hf_pn_RedundancyInfo_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_ARDATAInfo;
+static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_activitytimeoutfactor;
+static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_udprtport;
+static int hf_pn_io_station_name_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name;
+/* static int hf_pn_io_responder_station_name; */
+static int hf_pn_io_arproperties_StartupMode;
+static int hf_pn_io_parameter_server_station_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_cmresponder_macadd;
+static int hf_pn_io_cmresponder_udprtport;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_iocrs;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_tree;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_reference;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_SubframeOffset;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_SubframeData;
+/* static int hf_pn_io_iocr_txports_port; */
+/* static int hf_pn_io_iocr_txports_redundantport; */
+static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_Reserved_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_Mode;
+static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_Reserved_2;
+static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_Reserved_3;
+static int hf_pn_io_RedundancyDataHoldFactor;
+static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_InputValidOnBackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_0;
+static int hf_pn_io_sr_properties_InputValidOnBackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_arvendor_strucidentifier_if0_low;
+static int hf_pn_io_arvendor_strucidentifier_if0_high;
+static int hf_pn_io_arvendor_strucidentifier_if0_is8000;
+static int hf_pn_io_arvendor_strucidentifier_not0;
+static int hf_pn_io_lt;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_rtclass;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_reserved_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_media_redundancy;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_reserved_2;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_reserved_3;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_fast_forwarding_mac_adr;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_distributed_subframe_watchdog;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_full_subframe_structure;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_ir_frame_data;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_send_clock_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_reduction_ratio;
+static int hf_pn_io_phase;
+static int hf_pn_io_sequence;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_send_offset;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_forwarding_Mode;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_FastForwardingMulticastMACAdd;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_FragmentMode;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_reserved_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_data_properties_reserved_2;
+static int hf_pn_io_watchdog_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_hold_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_tag_header;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocr_multicast_mac_add;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_apis;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_io_data_objects;
+static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object_frame_offset;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_iocs;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocs_frame_offset;
+static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties;
+static int hf_pn_io_DistributedWatchDogFactor;
+static int hf_pn_io_RestartFactorForDistributedWD;
+static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_DFPmode;
+static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_reserved_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_reserved_2;
+static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_DFPType;
+static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_DFPRedundantPathLayout;
+static int hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_SFCRC16;
+static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data;
+static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data_reserved1;
+static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data_reserved2;
+static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data_position;
+static int hf_pn_io_subframe_reserved1;
+static int hf_pn_io_subframe_data_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_subframe_reserved2;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_properties_priority;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_properties_transport;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_properties_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_rta_timeoutfactor;
+static int hf_pn_io_rta_retries;
+static int hf_pn_io_localalarmref;
+static int hf_pn_io_remotealarmref;
+static int hf_pn_io_maxalarmdatalength;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_tagheaderhigh;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarmcr_tagheaderlow;
+static int hf_pn_io_IRData_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_target_ar_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_discriminator;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_configid;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_arnumber;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_arresource;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_arreserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_ar_selector;
+static int hf_pn_io_api_tree;
+static int hf_pn_io_module_tree;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_tree;
+static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object;
/* General module information */
-static int hf_pn_io_io_cs = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_substitutionmode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_api = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_slot_nr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subslot_nr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_index = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_seq_number = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_record_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_add_val1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_add_val2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_block = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_block_header = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_block_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_block_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_block_version_high = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_block_version_low = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sessionkey = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command_prmend = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command_applready = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command_release = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command_done = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command_ready_for_companion = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command_ready_for_rt_class3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command_prmbegin = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command_reserved_7_15 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties_applready = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties_applready_bit0 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties_applready_bit1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties_applready_otherbits = -1;
-/* static int hf_pn_io_AlarmSequenceNumber = -1; */
-static int hf_pn_io_control_command_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_SubmoduleListEntries = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarm_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_sequence = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_channel = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_manufacturer = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_submodule = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_ardiagnosis = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarm_dst_endpoint = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_alarm_src_endpoint = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdu_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdu_type_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdu_type_version = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_add_flags = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_window_size = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_tack = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_send_seq_num = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ack_seq_num = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_var_part_len = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_modules = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_module_ident_number = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_module_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_module_state = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_submodules = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_ident_number = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_shared_input = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_reduce_input_submodule_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_reduce_output_submodule_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_discard_ioxs = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_format_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_add_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_qualified_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_maintenance_required = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_maintenance_demanded = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_diag_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_ar_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_ident_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_detail = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_description_tree = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_description = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_submodule_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_length_iocs = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_length_iops = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocs = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iops = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_extension = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_res14 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_instance = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_datastate = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_address_resolution_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mci_timeout_factor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_provider_station_name = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_user_structure_identifier = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_user_structure_identifier_manf = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_channel_number = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_accumulative = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_maintenance = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_NumberOfSubframeBlocks = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_specifier = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_direction = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_channel_error_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8000 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8001 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8002 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8003 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8004 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8005 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8007 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8008 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800A = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800B = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800C = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_add_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_subdomain_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ir_data_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_max_bridge_delay = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_ports = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_max_port_tx_delay = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_max_port_rx_delay = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_max_line_rx_delay = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_yellowtime = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_reserved_interval_begin = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_reserved_interval_end = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pllwindow = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sync_send_factor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sync_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_sync_frame_address = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_timeout_factor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_takeover_timeout_factor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_master_startup_time = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_master_priority_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_master_priority_2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_length_subdomain_name = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_subdomain_name = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_MultipleInterfaceMode_NameOfDevice = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_MultipleInterfaceMode_reserved_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_MultipleInterfaceMode_reserved_2 = -1;
+static int hf_pn_io_io_cs;
+static int hf_pn_io_substitutionmode;
+static int hf_pn_io_api;
+static int hf_pn_io_slot_nr;
+static int hf_pn_io_subslot_nr;
+static int hf_pn_io_index;
+static int hf_pn_io_seq_number;
+static int hf_pn_io_record_data_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_add_val1;
+static int hf_pn_io_add_val2;
+static int hf_pn_io_block;
+static int hf_pn_io_block_header;
+static int hf_pn_io_block_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_block_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_block_version_high;
+static int hf_pn_io_block_version_low;
+static int hf_pn_io_sessionkey;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_alarm_sequence_number;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command_prmend;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command_applready;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command_release;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command_done;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command_ready_for_companion;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command_ready_for_rt_class3;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command_prmbegin;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command_reserved_7_15;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties_applready;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties_applready_bit0;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties_applready_bit1;
+static int hf_pn_io_control_block_properties_applready_otherbits;
+/* static int hf_pn_io_AlarmSequenceNumber; */
+static int hf_pn_io_control_command_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_SubmoduleListEntries;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarm_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_sequence;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_channel;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_manufacturer;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_submodule;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarm_specifier_ardiagnosis;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarm_dst_endpoint;
+static int hf_pn_io_alarm_src_endpoint;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdu_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdu_type_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdu_type_version;
+static int hf_pn_io_add_flags;
+static int hf_pn_io_window_size;
+static int hf_pn_io_tack;
+static int hf_pn_io_send_seq_num;
+static int hf_pn_io_ack_seq_num;
+static int hf_pn_io_var_part_len;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_modules;
+static int hf_pn_io_module_ident_number;
+static int hf_pn_io_module_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_module_state;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_submodules;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_ident_number;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_shared_input;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_reduce_input_submodule_data_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_reduce_output_submodule_data_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_discard_ioxs;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_format_indicator;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_add_info;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_advice;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_maintenance_required;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_maintenance_demanded;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_fault;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_ar_info;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_ident_info;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_state_detail;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_description_tree;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_description;
+static int hf_pn_io_submodule_data_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_length_iocs;
+static int hf_pn_io_length_iops;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocs;
+static int hf_pn_io_iops;
+static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_extension;
+static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_res14;
+static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_instance;
+static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_datastate;
+static int hf_pn_io_address_resolution_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_mci_timeout_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_provider_station_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_user_structure_identifier;
+static int hf_pn_io_user_structure_identifier_manf;
+static int hf_pn_io_channel_number;
+static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_accumulative;
+static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_maintenance;
+static int hf_pn_io_NumberOfSubframeBlocks;
+static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_specifier;
+static int hf_pn_io_channel_properties_direction;
+static int hf_pn_io_channel_error_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8000;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8001;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8002;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8003;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8004;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8005;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8007;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8008;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800A;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800B;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800C;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8010;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_ext_channel_add_value;
+static int hf_pn_io_qualified_channel_qualifier;
+static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_subdomain_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_ir_data_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_max_bridge_delay;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_ports;
+static int hf_pn_io_max_port_tx_delay;
+static int hf_pn_io_max_port_rx_delay;
+static int hf_pn_io_max_line_rx_delay;
+static int hf_pn_io_yellowtime;
+static int hf_pn_io_reserved_interval_begin;
+static int hf_pn_io_reserved_interval_end;
+static int hf_pn_io_pllwindow;
+static int hf_pn_io_sync_send_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_sync_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_sync_frame_address;
+static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_timeout_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_takeover_timeout_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_master_startup_time;
+static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_master_priority_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_master_priority_2;
+static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_length_subdomain_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_ptcp_subdomain_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_MultipleInterfaceMode_NameOfDevice;
+static int hf_pn_io_MultipleInterfaceMode_reserved_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_MultipleInterfaceMode_reserved_2;
/* added Portstatistics */
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifInOctets = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifOutOctets = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifInDiscards = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifOutDiscards = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifInErrors = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifOutErrors = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifInOctets = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifOutOctets = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifInDiscards = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifOutDiscards = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifInErrors = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifOutErrors = -1;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifInOctets;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifOutOctets;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifInDiscards;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifOutDiscards;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifInErrors;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_ifOutErrors;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifInOctets;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifOutOctets;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifInDiscards;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifOutDiscards;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifInErrors;
+static int hf_pn_io_pdportstatistic_ifOutErrors;
/* end of port statistics */
-static int hf_pn_io_domain_boundary = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_domain_boundary_ingress = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_domain_boundary_egress = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_multicast_boundary = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_adjust_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_PreambleLength = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mau_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mau_type_mode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_port_state = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_link_state_port = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_link_state_link = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_line_delay = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_line_delay_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_cable_delay_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_line_delay_format_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_peers = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_length_peer_port_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_peer_port_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_length_peer_chassis_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_peer_chassis_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_length_own_port_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_own_port_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_peer_macadd = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_media_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_macadd = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_length_own_chassis_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_own_chassis_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ethertype = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rx_port = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_details = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_details_sync_frame = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_details_meaning_frame_send_offset = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_details_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_nr_of_tx_port_groups = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit0 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit4 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit5 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit6 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit7 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_start_of_red_frame_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_end_of_red_frame_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ir_begin_end_port = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_assignments = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_phases = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_red_orange_period_begin_tx = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_orange_period_begin_tx = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_green_period_begin_tx = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_red_orange_period_begin_rx = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_orange_period_begin_rx = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_green_period_begin_rx = -1;
-/* static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment = -1; */
-static int hf_pn_ir_tx_phase_assignment = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ir_rx_phase_assignment = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_begin_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_orange_begin = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_end_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_reserved = -1;
-/* static int hf_pn_io_rx_phase_assignment = -1; */
-static int hf_pn_io_slot = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subslot = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_slots = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_subslots = -1;
-/* static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_required_drop_budget = -1; */
-/* static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_demanded_drop_budget = -1; */
-/* static int hf_pn_io_error_drop_budget = -1; */
-static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_required_power_budget = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_demanded_power_budget = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_power_budget = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_fiber_optic_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_fiber_optic_cable_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_controller_appl_cycle_factor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_time_data_cycle = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_time_io_input = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_time_io_output = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_time_io_input_valid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_time_io_output_valid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_status_required = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_status_demanded = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_vendor_id_high = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_vendor_id_low = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_vendor_block_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_order_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_serial_number = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_hardware_revision = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_revision_prefix = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_sw_revision_functional_enhancement = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_revision_bugfix = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_sw_revision_internal_change = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_revision_counter = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_profile_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_profile_specific_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_version_major = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_version_minor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_supported = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_numberofentries = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_annotation = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_order_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_ars = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_cycle_counter = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_status_res67 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_status_ok = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_status_operate = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_status_res3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_status_valid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_status_res1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_data_status_primary = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_transfer_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_actual_local_time_stamp = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_log_entries = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_local_time_stamp = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_entry_detail = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ip_address = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_subnetmask = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_standard_gateway = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_uuid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_role = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_length_domain_name = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_instances = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_instance = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_prio = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_topchgt = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_topnrmax = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_tstshortt = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_tstdefaultt = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_tstnrmax = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check_mrm = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check_mrpdomain = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check_reserved_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check_reserved_2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode_rtclass12 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode_rtclass3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_lnkdownt = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_lnkupt = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_lnknrmax = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_version = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_substitute_active_flag = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_length_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_ring_state = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rt_state = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_tag_function = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_tag_location = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_date = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_descriptor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_fs_hello_mode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_fs_hello_interval = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_fs_hello_retry = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_fs_hello_delay = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_fs_parameter_mode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_fs_parameter_uuid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_check_sync_mode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_check_sync_mode_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_check_sync_mode_sync_master = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_check_sync_mode_cable_delay = -1;
+static int hf_pn_io_domain_boundary;
+static int hf_pn_io_domain_boundary_ingress;
+static int hf_pn_io_domain_boundary_egress;
+static int hf_pn_io_multicast_boundary;
+static int hf_pn_io_adjust_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_PreambleLength;
+static int hf_pn_io_mau_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_mau_type_mode;
+static int hf_pn_io_port_state;
+static int hf_pn_io_link_state_port;
+static int hf_pn_io_link_state_link;
+static int hf_pn_io_line_delay;
+static int hf_pn_io_line_delay_value;
+static int hf_pn_io_cable_delay_value;
+static int hf_pn_io_line_delay_format_indicator;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_peers;
+static int hf_pn_io_length_peer_port_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_port_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_length_peer_chassis_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_chassis_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_neighbor;
+static int hf_pn_io_length_peer_port_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_port_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_length_peer_station_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_station_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_length_own_port_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_own_port_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_macadd;
+static int hf_pn_io_media_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_macadd;
+static int hf_pn_io_length_own_chassis_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_own_chassis_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_rtclass3_port_status;
+static int hf_pn_io_ethertype;
+static int hf_pn_io_rx_port;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_details;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_details_sync_frame;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_details_meaning_frame_send_offset;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_details_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_nr_of_tx_port_groups;
+static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties;
+static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit0;
+static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit1;
+static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit2;
+static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit3;
+static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit4;
+static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit5;
+static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit6;
+static int hf_pn_io_TxPortGroupProperties_bit7;
+static int hf_pn_io_start_of_red_frame_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_end_of_red_frame_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_ir_begin_end_port;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_assignments;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_phases;
+static int hf_pn_io_red_orange_period_begin_tx;
+static int hf_pn_io_orange_period_begin_tx;
+static int hf_pn_io_green_period_begin_tx;
+static int hf_pn_io_red_orange_period_begin_rx;
+static int hf_pn_io_orange_period_begin_rx;
+static int hf_pn_io_green_period_begin_rx;
+/* static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment; */
+static int hf_pn_ir_tx_phase_assignment;
+static int hf_pn_ir_rx_phase_assignment;
+static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_begin_value;
+static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_orange_begin;
+static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_end_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_reserved;
+/* static int hf_pn_io_rx_phase_assignment; */
+static int hf_pn_io_slot;
+static int hf_pn_io_subslot;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_slots;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_subslots;
+/* static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_required_drop_budget; */
+/* static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_demanded_drop_budget; */
+/* static int hf_pn_io_error_drop_budget; */
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_number_of_queues;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_max_supported_record_size;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_tx;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_rx;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_time_aware;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_preemption;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_queue_masking;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_ingress;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_egress;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_stream_class;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_dependent_forwarding_delay;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_independent_forwarding_delay;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_delay_block_number_of_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_expected_neighbor_block_number_of_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_port_id_block_number_of_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_parameter_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_high_vid;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_high_red_vid;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_low_vid;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_low_red_vid;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_B;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_C;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_D;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_time_data_block_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_port_config_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_preemption_enabled;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_boundary_port_config;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cir;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cbs;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_envelope;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_rank;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cir;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cbs;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_envelope;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_rank;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_queue_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_queue_config_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_queue_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_tci_pcp;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_shaper;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_preemption_mode;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_unmask_time_offset;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_mask_time_offset;
+static int hf_pn_io_network_deadline;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_domain_number;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_pll_window;
+static int hf_pn_io_message_interval_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_message_timeout_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_sync_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_sync_properties_role;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_sync_properties_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_domain_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_domain_name_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_domain_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_name_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_fdb_command;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_dst_add;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_sync_tree_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_sync_port_role;
+static int hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_required_power_budget;
+static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_demanded_power_budget;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_power_budget;
+static int hf_pn_io_fiber_optic_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_fiber_optic_cable_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_controller_appl_cycle_factor;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_data_cycle;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_io_input;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_io_output;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_io_input_valid;
+static int hf_pn_io_time_io_output_valid;
+static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_status;
+static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_status_required;
+static int hf_pn_io_maintenance_status_demanded;
+static int hf_pn_io_vendor_id_high;
+static int hf_pn_io_vendor_id_low;
+static int hf_pn_io_vendor_block_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_order_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_serial_number;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_hardware_revision;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_revision_prefix;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_sw_revision_functional_enhancement;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_revision_bugfix;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_sw_revision_internal_change;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_revision_counter;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_profile_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_profile_specific_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_version_major;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_version_minor;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_supported;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_numberofentries;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_annotation;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_order_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_ars;
+static int hf_pn_io_cycle_counter;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_status;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_status_res67;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_status_ok;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_status_operate;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_status_res3;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_status_valid;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_status_res1;
+static int hf_pn_io_data_status_primary;
+static int hf_pn_io_transfer_status;
+static int hf_pn_io_actual_local_time_stamp;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_log_entries;
+static int hf_pn_io_local_time_stamp;
+static int hf_pn_io_entry_detail;
+static int hf_pn_io_ip_address;
+static int hf_pn_io_subnetmask;
+static int hf_pn_io_standard_gateway;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_role;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_length_domain_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_instances;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_instance;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_prio;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_topchgt;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_topnrmax;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_tstshortt;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_tstdefaultt;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_tstnrmax;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check_mrm;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check_mrpdomain;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check_reserved_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_check_reserved_2;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode_rtclass12;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode_rtclass3;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode_reserved1;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode_reserved2;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_lnkdownt;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_lnkupt;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_lnknrmax;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_version;
+static int hf_pn_io_substitute_active_flag;
+static int hf_pn_io_length_data;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_ring_state;
+static int hf_pn_io_mrp_rt_state;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_tag_function;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_tag_location;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_date;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_descriptor;
+static int hf_pn_io_fs_hello_mode;
+static int hf_pn_io_fs_hello_interval;
+static int hf_pn_io_fs_hello_retry;
+static int hf_pn_io_fs_hello_delay;
+static int hf_pn_io_fs_parameter_mode;
+static int hf_pn_io_fs_parameter_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_io_check_sync_mode;
+static int hf_pn_io_check_sync_mode_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_check_sync_mode_sync_master;
+static int hf_pn_io_check_sync_mode_cable_delay;
/* PROFIsafe fParameters */
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_chck_seq = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_chck_ipar = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_sil = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_crc_len = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_crc_seed = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_wd_time = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_ipar_crc = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_par_crc = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_src_adr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_dest_adr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag2_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag2_f_block_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag2_f_par_version = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_request_reference = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_request_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_do_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_no_of_parameters = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_response_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_attribute = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_no_of_elems = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_number = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_subindex = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_format = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_no_of_values = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_byte = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_word = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_dword = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_float = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_string = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_error = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_error_sub = -1;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_chck_seq;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_chck_ipar;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_sil;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_crc_len;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_crc_seed;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag1_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag2;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_wd_time;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_ipar_crc;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_par_crc;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_src_adr;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_dest_adr;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag2_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag2_f_block_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_prm_flag2_f_par_version;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_request_reference;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_request_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_do_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_no_of_parameters;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_response_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_attribute;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_no_of_elems;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_number;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_subindex;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_format;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_no_of_values;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_byte;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_word;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_dword;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_float;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_string;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_error;
+static int hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_error_sub;
/* Sequence of Events - Reporting System Alarm/Event Information */
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_alarm_info_reserved_0_7 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_alarm_info_reserved_8_15 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_alarm_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_event_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_event_block = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_adjust_block = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_event_data_extension = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_rs_event_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_block_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_block_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_specifier = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_specifier_sequence = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_specifier_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_specifier_specifier = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_time_stamp = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_time_stamp_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_time_stamp_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_minus_error = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_plus_error = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_extension_block_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_extension_block_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_reason_code = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_reason_code_reason = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_reason_code_detail = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_domain_identification = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_master_identification = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_soe_digital_input_current_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_soe_digital_input_current_value_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_soe_digital_input_current_value_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification_device_sub_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification_device_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification_vendor_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification_organization = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_adjust_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_soe_max_scan_delay = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_soe_adjust_specifier = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_soe_adjust_specifier_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_soe_adjust_specifier_incident = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_properties = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_properties_alarm_transport = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_properties_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_rs_properties_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_asset_management_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_number_of_asset_management_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_im_uniqueidentifier = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_structure = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_0 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_4 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_5 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_6 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_7 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_8 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_9 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_10 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_11 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_reserved3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_reserved4 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_beginslotnum = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_beginsubslotnum = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_endslotnum = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_location_endsubslotnum = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_software_revision = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_hardware_revision = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_type_identification = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_am_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_dcp_boundary_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_dcp_boundary_value_bit0 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_dcp_boundary_value_bit1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_dcp_boundary_value_otherbits = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value_bit0 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value_bit1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value_bit2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value_otherbits = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_mau_type_extension = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_pe_operational_mode = -1;
-/* static int hf_pn_io_packedframe_SFCRC = -1; */
-static gint ett_pn_io = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_block = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_block_header = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rtc = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rta = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_pdu_type = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_add_flags = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_control_command = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_ioxs = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_api = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_data_description = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_module = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_submodule = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_io_data_object = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_io_cs = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_ar_properties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_iocr_properties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_submodule_properties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_alarmcr_properties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_submodule_state = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_channel_properties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_slot = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_subslot = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_maintenance_status = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_data_status = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_iocr = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_mrp_rtmode = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_control_block_properties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_check_sync_mode = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_ir_frame_data = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_FrameDataProperties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_ar_info = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_ar_data = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_ir_begin_end_port = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_ir_tx_phase = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_ir_rx_phase = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_subframe_data =-1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_frame_defails = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_profisafe_f_parameter = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_profisafe_f_parameter_prm_flag1 = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_profisafe_f_parameter_prm_flag2 = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_profidrive_parameter_request = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_profidrive_parameter_response = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_profidrive_parameter_address = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_profidrive_parameter_value = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rs_alarm_info = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rs_event_info = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rs_event_block = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rs_adjust_block = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rs_event_data_extension = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rs_specifier = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rs_time_stamp = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_am_device_identification = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rs_reason_code = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_soe_digital_input_current_value = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rs_adjust_info = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_soe_adjust_specifier = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_sr_properties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_line_delay = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_counter_status = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_GroupProperties = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_asset_management_info = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_asset_management_block = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_am_location = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_dcp_boundary = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_mau_type_extension = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_pe_operational_mode = -1;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_alarm_info_reserved_0_7;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_alarm_info_reserved_8_15;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_alarm_info;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_event_info;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_event_block;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_adjust_block;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_event_data_extension;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_rs_event_info;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_block_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_block_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_specifier;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_specifier_sequence;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_specifier_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_specifier_specifier;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_time_stamp;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_time_stamp_status;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_time_stamp_value;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_minus_error;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_plus_error;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_extension_block_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_extension_block_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_reason_code;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_reason_code_reason;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_reason_code_detail;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_domain_identification;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_master_identification;
+static int hf_pn_io_soe_digital_input_current_value;
+static int hf_pn_io_soe_digital_input_current_value_value;
+static int hf_pn_io_soe_digital_input_current_value_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification_device_sub_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification_device_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification_vendor_id;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_device_identification_organization;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_adjust_info;
+static int hf_pn_io_soe_max_scan_delay;
+static int hf_pn_io_soe_adjust_specifier;
+static int hf_pn_io_soe_adjust_specifier_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_soe_adjust_specifier_incident;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_properties;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_properties_alarm_transport;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_properties_reserved1;
+static int hf_pn_io_rs_properties_reserved2;
+static int hf_pn_io_asset_management_info;
+static int hf_pn_io_number_of_asset_management_info;
+static int hf_pn_io_im_uniqueidentifier;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_structure;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_0;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_2;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_3;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_4;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_5;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_6;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_7;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_8;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_9;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_10;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_level_11;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_reserved1;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_reserved2;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_reserved3;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_reserved4;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_beginslotnum;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_beginsubslotnum;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_endslotnum;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_location_endsubslotnum;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_software_revision;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_hardware_revision;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_type_identification;
+static int hf_pn_io_am_reserved;
+static int hf_pn_io_dcp_boundary_value;
+static int hf_pn_io_dcp_boundary_value_bit0;
+static int hf_pn_io_dcp_boundary_value_bit1;
+static int hf_pn_io_dcp_boundary_value_otherbits;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value_bit0;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value_bit1;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value_bit2;
+static int hf_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary_value_otherbits;
+static int hf_pn_io_mau_type_extension;
+static int hf_pn_io_pe_operational_mode;
+static int hf_pn_io_snmp_community_name_length;
+static int hf_pn_io_snmp_community_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_snmp_read_community_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_snmp_write_community_name;
+static int hf_pn_io_snmp_control;
+/* static int hf_pn_io_packedframe_SFCRC; */
+static gint ett_pn_io;
+static gint ett_pn_io_block;
+static gint ett_pn_io_block_header;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rtc;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rta;
+static gint ett_pn_io_pdu_type;
+static gint ett_pn_io_add_flags;
+static gint ett_pn_io_control_command;
+static gint ett_pn_io_ioxs;
+static gint ett_pn_io_api;
+static gint ett_pn_io_data_description;
+static gint ett_pn_io_module;
+static gint ett_pn_io_submodule;
+static gint ett_pn_io_io_data_object;
+static gint ett_pn_io_io_cs;
+static gint ett_pn_io_ar_properties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_iocr_properties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_submodule_properties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_alarmcr_properties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_submodule_state;
+static gint ett_pn_io_channel_properties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_slot;
+static gint ett_pn_io_subslot;
+static gint ett_pn_io_maintenance_status;
+static gint ett_pn_io_data_status;
+static gint ett_pn_io_iocr;
+static gint ett_pn_io_mrp_rtmode;
+static gint ett_pn_io_control_block_properties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_check_sync_mode;
+static gint ett_pn_io_ir_frame_data;
+static gint ett_pn_FrameDataProperties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_ar_info;
+static gint ett_pn_io_ar_data;
+static gint ett_pn_io_ir_begin_end_port;
+static gint ett_pn_io_ir_tx_phase;
+static gint ett_pn_io_ir_rx_phase;
+static gint ett_pn_io_subframe_data;
+static gint ett_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_frame_defails;
+static gint ett_pn_io_profisafe_f_parameter;
+static gint ett_pn_io_profisafe_f_parameter_prm_flag1;
+static gint ett_pn_io_profisafe_f_parameter_prm_flag2;
+static gint ett_pn_io_profidrive_parameter_request;
+static gint ett_pn_io_profidrive_parameter_response;
+static gint ett_pn_io_profidrive_parameter_address;
+static gint ett_pn_io_profidrive_parameter_value;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rs_alarm_info;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rs_event_info;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rs_event_block;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rs_adjust_block;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rs_event_data_extension;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rs_specifier;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rs_time_stamp;
+static gint ett_pn_io_am_device_identification;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rs_reason_code;
+static gint ett_pn_io_soe_digital_input_current_value;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rs_adjust_info;
+static gint ett_pn_io_soe_adjust_specifier;
+static gint ett_pn_io_sr_properties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_line_delay;
+static gint ett_pn_io_counter_status;
+static gint ett_pn_io_neighbor;
+static gint ett_pn_io_GroupProperties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_asset_management_info;
+static gint ett_pn_io_asset_management_block;
+static gint ett_pn_io_am_location;
+static gint ett_pn_io_dcp_boundary;
+static gint ett_pn_io_peer_to_peer_boundary;
+static gint ett_pn_io_mau_type_extension;
+static gint ett_pn_io_pe_operational_mode;
+static gint ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config;
+static gint ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter;
+static gint ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter;
+static gint ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config;
+static gint ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config;
+static gint ett_pn_io_time_sync_properties;
+static gint ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_id;
+static gint ett_pn_io_snmp_command_name;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_block_version = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_block_length = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_unsupported = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_localalarmref = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_mrp_instances = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_ar_info_not_found = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_iocr_type = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_frame_id = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_nr_of_tx_port_groups = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_max_recursion_depth_reached = EI_INIT;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_block_version;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_block_length;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_unsupported;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_localalarmref;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_mrp_instances;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_ar_info_not_found;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_iocr_type;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_frame_id;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_nr_of_tx_port_groups;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_max_recursion_depth_reached;
static e_guid_t uuid_pn_io_device = { 0xDEA00001, 0x6C97, 0x11D1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xDF, 0x7D } };
static guint16 ver_pn_io_device = 1;
@@ -854,6 +992,7 @@ gboolean pnio_ps_selection = TRUE;
static const char *pnio_ps_networkpath = "";
wmem_list_t *aruuid_frame_setup_list = NULL;
+static wmem_map_t *pnio_time_aware_frame_map = NULL;
/* Allow heuristic dissection */
@@ -862,7 +1001,9 @@ static heur_dissector_list_t heur_pn_subdissector_list;
static const value_string pn_io_block_type[] = {
{ 0x0000, "Reserved" },
{ 0x0001, "Alarm Notification High"},
+ { 0x8001, "Alarm Ack High"},
{ 0x0002, "Alarm Notification Low"},
+ { 0x8002, "Alarm Ack Low"},
{ 0x0008, "IODWriteReqHeader"},
{ 0x8008, "IODWriteResHeader"},
{ 0x0009, "IODReadReqHeader"},
@@ -917,8 +1058,9 @@ static const value_string pn_io_block_type[] = {
{ 0x0105, "PrmServerBlockReq"},
{ 0x8105, "PrmServerBlockRes"},
{ 0x0106, "MCRBlockReq"},
- { 0x8106, "ARServerBlock"},
+ { 0x8106, "ARServerBlockRes"},
{ 0x0107, "SubFrameBlock"},
+ { 0x8107, "ARRPCBlockRes"},
{ 0x0108, "ARVendorBlockReq"},
{ 0x8108, "ARVendorBlockRes"},
{ 0x0109, "IRInfoBlock"},
@@ -927,12 +1069,12 @@ static const value_string pn_io_block_type[] = {
{ 0x010C, "RSInfoBlock"},
{ 0x0110, "IODControlReq Prm End.req"},
{ 0x8110, "IODControlRes Prm End.rsp"},
- { 0x0111, "IODControlReq Prm End.req"},
- { 0x8111, "IODControlRes Prm End.rsp"},
+ { 0x0111, "IODControlReq Plug Prm End.req"},
+ { 0x8111, "IODControlRes Plug Prm End.rsp"},
{ 0x0112, "IOXBlockReq Application Ready.req"},
{ 0x8112, "IOXBlockRes Application Ready.rsp"},
- { 0x0113, "IOXBlockReq Application Ready.req"},
- { 0x8113, "IOXBlockRes Application Ready.rsp"},
+ { 0x0113, "IOXBlockReq Plug Application Ready.req"},
+ { 0x8113, "IOXBlockRes Plug Application Ready.rsp"},
{ 0x0114, "IODReleaseReq"},
{ 0x8114, "IODReleaseRes"},
{ 0x0115, "ARRPCServerBlockReq"},
@@ -941,9 +1083,9 @@ static const value_string pn_io_block_type[] = {
{ 0x8116, "IOXControlRes Ready for Companion.rsp"},
{ 0x0117, "IOXControlReq Ready for RT_CLASS_3.req"},
{ 0x8117, "IOXControlRes Ready for RT_CLASS_3.rsp"},
- { 0x0118, "ControlBlockPrmBegin"},
+ { 0x0118, "PrmBeginReq"},
+ { 0x8118, "PrmBeginRes"},
{ 0x0119, "SubmoduleListBlock"},
- { 0x8118, "ControlBlockPrmBeginRes"},
{ 0x0200, "PDPortDataCheck"},
{ 0x0201, "PDevData"},
@@ -988,29 +1130,63 @@ static const value_string pn_io_block_type[] = {
{ 0x0229, "AdjustMAUType-Extension"},
{ 0x022A, "PDIRSubframeData"},
{ 0x022B, "SubframeBlock"},
+ { 0x022C, "PDPortDataRealExtended"},
+ { 0x022D, "PDTimeData"},
+ { 0x022E, "PDPortSFPDataCheck"},
{ 0x0230, "PDNCDataCheck"},
{ 0x0231, "MrpInstanceDataAdjust"},
{ 0x0232, "MrpInstanceDataReal"},
{ 0x0233, "MrpInstanceDataCheck"},
- { 0x0241, "PDRsiInstances"},
+ { 0x0234, "PDPortMrpIcDataAdjust"},
+ { 0x0235, "PDPortMrpIcDataCheck"},
+ { 0x0236, "PDPortMrpIcDataReal"},
{ 0x0240, "PDInterfaceDataReal"},
+ { 0x0241, "PDRsiInstances"},
{ 0x0250, "PDInterfaceAdjust"},
{ 0x0251, "PDPortStatistic"},
+ { 0x0260, "OwnPort"},
+ { 0x0261, "Neighbors"},
+ { 0x0270, "TSNNetworkControlDataReal"},
+ { 0x0271, "TSNNetworkControlDataAdjust"},
+ { 0x0272, "TSNDomainPortConfigBlock"},
+ { 0x0273, "TSNDomainQueueConfigBlock"},
+ { 0x0274, "TSNTimeDataBlock"},
+ { 0x0275, "TSNStreamPathData"},
+ { 0x0276, "TSNSyncTreeData"},
+ { 0x0277, "TSNUploadNetworkAttributes"},
+ { 0x0278, "ForwardingDelayBlock"},
+ { 0x0279, "TSNExpectedNetworkAttributes"},
+ { 0x027A, "TSNStreamPathDataReal"},
+ { 0x027B, "TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiterBlock"},
+ { 0x027C, "TSNDomainQueueRateLimiterBlock"},
+ { 0x027D, "TSNPortIDBlock"},
+ { 0x027E, "TSNExpectedNeighborBlock" },
+ { 0x0300, "CIMSNMPAdjust"},
{ 0x0400, "MultipleBlockHeader"},
{ 0x0401, "COContainerContent"},
{ 0x0500, "RecordDataReadQuery"},
- { 0x0600, "FSHello"},
+ { 0x0501, "TSNAddStreamReq"},
+ { 0x0502, "TSNAddStreamRsp"},
+ { 0x0503, "TSNRemoveStreamReq"},
+ { 0x0504, "TSNRemoveStreamRsp"},
+ { 0x0505, "TSNRenewStreamReq"},
+ { 0x0506, "TSNRenewStreamRsp"},
+ { 0x0600, "FSHelloBlock"},
{ 0x0601, "FSParameterBlock"},
+ { 0x0602, "FastStartUpBlock"},
{ 0x0608, "PDInterfaceFSUDataAdjust"},
{ 0x0609, "ARFSUDataAdjust"},
{ 0x0700, "AutoConfiguration"},
{ 0x0701, "AutoConfiguration Communication"},
{ 0x0702, "AutoConfiguration Configuration"},
+ { 0x0703, "AutoConfiguration Isochronous"},
{ 0x0810, "PE_EntityFilterData"},
{ 0x0811, "PE_EntityStatusData"},
{ 0x0900, "RS_AdjustObserver" },
{ 0x0901, "RS_GetEvent" },
{ 0x0902, "RS_AckEvent" },
+ { 0x0A00, "Upload BLOB Query" },
+ { 0x0A01, "Upload BLOB" },
{ 0xB050, "Ext-PLL Control / RTC+RTA SyncID 0 (EDD)" },
{ 0xB051, "Ext-PLL Control / RTA SyncID 1 (GSY)" },
@@ -1219,6 +1395,13 @@ static const value_string pn_io_arproperties_acknowldege_companion_ar[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
+/* Bit 28 */
+static const value_string pn_io_arproperties_time_aware_system[] = {
+ { 0x00000000, "NonTimeAware" },
+ { 0x00000001, "TimeAware" },
+ { 0, NULL }
/* bit 29 for legacy startup mode*/
static const value_string pn_io_arproperties_combined_object_container_with_legacy_startupmode[] = {
{ 0x00000000, "CombinedObjectContainer not used" },
@@ -1349,9 +1532,9 @@ static const value_string pn_io_submodule_state_add_info[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
-static const value_string pn_io_submodule_state_qualified_info[] = {
- { 0x0000, "No QualifiedInfo available" },
- { 0x0001, "QualifiedInfo available" },
+static const value_string pn_io_submodule_state_advice[] = {
+ { 0x0000, "No Advice available" },
+ { 0x0001, "Advice available" },
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -1367,9 +1550,9 @@ static const value_string pn_io_submodule_state_maintenance_demanded[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
-static const value_string pn_io_submodule_state_diag_info[] = {
- { 0x0000, "No DiagnosisData available" },
- { 0x0001, "DiagnosisData available" },
+static const value_string pn_io_submodule_state_fault[] = {
+ { 0x0000, "No Fault available" },
+ { 0x0001, "Fault available" },
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -1433,68 +1616,65 @@ static const value_string pn_io_index[] = {
{ 0x8013, "Maintenance demanded in all codings for one subslot" },
/*0x8014 - 0x801D reserved */
{ 0x801E, "SubstituteValues for one subslot" },
- /*0x801F - 0x8027 reserved */
+ /*0x801F reserved */
+ { 0x8020, "PDIRSubframeData for one subslot" },
+ /*0x8021 - 0x8026 reserved */
+ { 0x8027, "PDPortDataRealExtended for one subslot" },
{ 0x8028, "RecordInputDataObjectElement for one subslot" },
{ 0x8029, "RecordOutputDataObjectElement for one subslot" },
{ 0x802A, "PDPortDataReal for one subslot" },
{ 0x802B, "PDPortDataCheck for one subslot" },
{ 0x802C, "PDIRData for one subslot" },
- { 0x802D, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 0" },
+ { 0x802D, "PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 0" },
/*0x802E reserved */
{ 0x802F, "PDPortDataAdjust for one subslot" },
{ 0x8030, "IsochronousModeData for one subslot" },
- { 0x8031, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 1" },
- { 0x8032, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 2" },
- { 0x8033, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 3" },
- { 0x8034, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 4" },
- { 0x8035, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 5" },
- { 0x8036, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 6" },
- { 0x8037, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 7" },
- { 0x8038, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 8" },
- { 0x8039, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 9" },
- { 0x803A, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 10" },
- { 0x803B, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 11" },
- { 0x803C, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 12" },
- { 0x803D, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 13" },
- { 0x803E, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 14" },
- { 0x803F, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 15" },
- { 0x8040, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 16" },
- { 0x8041, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 17" },
- { 0x8042, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 18" },
- { 0x8043, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 19" },
- { 0x8044, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 20" },
- { 0x8045, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 21" },
- { 0x8046, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 22" },
- { 0x8047, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 23" },
- { 0x8048, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 24" },
- { 0x8049, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 25" },
- { 0x804A, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 26" },
- { 0x804B, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 27" },
- { 0x804C, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 28" },
- { 0x804D, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 29" },
- { 0x804E, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 30" },
- { 0x804F, "Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 31" },
+ { 0x8031, "PDTimeData for one subslot" },
+ /*0x8032 - 0x804F reserved */
{ 0x8050, "PDInterfaceMrpDataReal for one subslot" },
{ 0x8051, "PDInterfaceMrpDataCheck for one subslot" },
{ 0x8052, "PDInterfaceMrpDataAdjust for one subslot" },
{ 0x8053, "PDPortMrpDataAdjust for one subslot" },
{ 0x8054, "PDPortMrpDataReal for one subslot" },
- /*0x8055 - 0x805F reserved */
+ { 0x8055, "PDPortMrpIcDataAdjust for one subslot" },
+ { 0x8056, "PDPortMrpIcDataCheck for one subslot" },
+ { 0x8057, "PDPortMrpIcDataReal for one subslot" },
+ /*0x8058 - 0x805F reserved */
{ 0x8060, "PDPortFODataReal for one subslot" },
{ 0x8061, "PDPortFODataCheck for one subslot" },
{ 0x8062, "PDPortFODataAdjust for one subslot" },
- /*0x8063 - 0x806F reserved */
+ { 0x8063, "PDPortSFPDataCheck for one subslot" },
+ /*0x8064 - 0x806F reserved */
{ 0x8070, "PDNCDataCheck for one subslot" },
{ 0x8071, "PDInterfaceAdjust for one subslot" },
{ 0x8072, "PDPortStatistic for one subslot" },
/*0x8071 - 0x807F reserved */
{ 0x8080, "PDInterfaceDataReal" },
/*0x8081 - 0x808F reserved */
- { 0x8090, "Expected PDInterfaceFSUDataAdjust" },
- /*0x8091 - 0xAFEF reserved except 0x80B0, 0x80AF and 0x80CF*/
+ { 0x8090, "PDInterfaceFSUDataAdjust" },
+ /*0x8091 - 0x809F reserved */
+ { 0x80A0, "Profiles covering energy saving - Record_0" },
+ /*0x80A1 - 0x80AE reserved */
{ 0x80AF, "PE_EntityStatusData for one subslot" },
{ 0x80B0, "CombinedObjectContainer" },
+ /*0x80B1 - 0x80CE reserved */
{ 0x80CF, "RS_AdjustObserver" },
+ { 0x80D0, "Profiles covering condition monitoring - Record_0" },
+ /*0x80D1 - 0x80DF reserved */
+ { 0x80F0, "TSNNetworkControlDataReal" },
+ { 0x80F1, "TSNStreamPathData" },
+ { 0x80F2, "TSNSyncTreeData" },
+ { 0x80F3, "TSNUploadNetworkAttributes" },
+ { 0x80F4, "TSNExpectedNetworkAttributes" },
+ { 0x80F5, "TSNNetworkControlDataAdjust" },
+ { 0x80F6, "TSNStreamPathDataReal for stream class High" },
+ { 0x80F7, "TSNStreamPathDataReal for stream class High Redundant" },
+ { 0x80F8, "TSNStreamPathDataReal for stream class Low" },
+ { 0x80F9, "TSNStreamPathDataReal for stream class Low Redundant" },
+ /*0x80FA - 0x80FF reserved for CIM data */
+ /*0x8100 - 0x81FF reserved */
+ { 0x8200, "CIMSNMPAdjust" },
+ /*0x8201 - 0xAFEF reserved */
{ 0xAFF0, "I&M0" },
{ 0xAFF1, "I&M1" },
{ 0xAFF2, "I&M2" },
@@ -1605,7 +1785,8 @@ static const value_string pn_io_index[] = {
{ 0xE031, "PE_EntityStatusData for one AR" },
/*0xE032 - 0xE03F reserved */
{ 0xE040, "MultipleWrite" },
- /*0xE041 - 0xE04F reserved */
+ { 0xE041, "ApplicationReadyBlock" },
+ /*0xE042 - 0xE04F reserved */
{ 0xE050, "ARFSUDataAdjust data for one AR" },
/*0xE051 - 0xE05F reserved */
{ 0xE060, "RS_GetEvent (using RecordDataRead service)" },
@@ -1643,11 +1824,24 @@ static const value_string pn_io_index[] = {
{ 0xF842, "PDExpectedData" },
/*0xF843 - 0xF84F reserved */
{ 0xF850, "AutoConfiguration" },
+ { 0xF860, "GSD upload using UploadBLOBQuery and UploadBLOB" },
{ 0xF870, "PE_EntityFilterData" },
{ 0xF871, "PE_EntityStatusData" },
- { 0xF880, "AssetManagementData" },
- /*0xF851 - 0xFBFF reserved except 0xF880*/
+ { 0xF880, "AssetManagementData - contains all or first chunk of complete assets" },
+ { 0xF881, "AssetManagementData - second chunk" },
+ { 0xF882, "AssetManagementData - third chunk" },
+ { 0xF883, "AssetManagementData - fourth chunk" },
+ { 0xF884, "AssetManagementData - fifth chunk" },
+ { 0xF885, "AssetManagementData - sixth chunk" },
+ { 0xF886, "AssetManagementData - seventh chunk" },
+ { 0xF887, "AssetManagementData - eighth chunk" },
+ { 0xF888, "AssetManagementData - ninth chunk" },
+ { 0xF889, "AssetManagementData - tenth chunk" },
+ { 0xF8F0, "Stream Add using TSNAddStreamReq and TSNAddStreamRsp" },
{ 0xF8F1, "PDRsiInstances" },
+ { 0xF8F2, "Stream Remove using TSNRemoveStreamReq and TSNRemoveStreamRsp" },
+ { 0xF8F3, "Stream Renew using TSNRenewStreamReq and TSNRenewStreamRsp" },
+ { 0xFBFF, "Trigger index for RPC connection monitoring" },
/*0xFC00 - 0xFFFF reserved for profiles */
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -1660,12 +1854,15 @@ static const value_string pn_io_user_structure_identifier[] = {
{ 0x8003, "QualifiedChannelDiagnosis" },
/*0x8004 - 0x80FF reserved */
{ 0x8100, "Maintenance" },
- /*0x8101 - 0x8FFF reserved except 8300, 8301, 8302, 8303 */
- { 0x8300, "Sequence of events RS_LowWatermark" },
- { 0x8301, "Sequence of events RS_Timeout" },
- { 0x8302, "Sequence of events RS_Overflow" },
- { 0x8303, "Sequence of events RS_Event" },
+ /*0x8101 - 0x8FFF reserved except 8200, 8201, 8300, 8301, 8302, 8303, 8310, 8320 */
+ { 0x8200, "Upload&Retrieval" },
+ { 0x8201, "iParameter" },
+ { 0x8300, "Reporting system RS_LowWatermark" },
+ { 0x8301, "Reporting system RS_Timeout" },
+ { 0x8302, "Reporting system RS_Overflow" },
+ { 0x8303, "Reporting system RS_Event" },
{ 0x8310, "PE_EnergySavingStatus" },
+ { 0x8320, "Channel related Process Alarm reasons" },
/*0x9000 - 0x9FFF reserved for profiles */
/*0xA000 - 0xFFFF reserved */
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -1678,28 +1875,47 @@ static const value_string pn_io_channel_error_type[] = {
{ 0x0003, "Overvoltage" },
{ 0x0004, "Overload" },
{ 0x0005, "Overtemperature" },
- { 0x0006, "line break" },
- { 0x0007, "upper limit value exceeded" },
- { 0x0008, "lower limit value exceeded" },
+ { 0x0006, "Wire break" },
+ { 0x0007, "Upper limit value exceeded" },
+ { 0x0008, "Lower limit value exceeded" },
{ 0x0009, "Error" },
- /*0x000A - 0x000F reserved */
- { 0x0010, "parameterization fault" },
- { 0x0011, "power supply fault" },
- { 0x0012, "fuse blown / open" },
+ { 0x000A, "Simulation active" },
+ /*0x000B - 0x000E reserved */
+ { 0x000F, "Parameter missing" },
+ { 0x0010, "Parameterization fault" },
+ { 0x0011, "Power supply fault" },
+ { 0x0012, "Fuse blown / open" },
{ 0x0013, "Manufacturer specific" },
- { 0x0014, "ground fault" },
- { 0x0015, "reference point lost" },
- { 0x0016, "process event lost / sampling error" },
- { 0x0017, "threshold warning" },
- { 0x0018, "output disabled" },
- { 0x0019, "safety event" },
- { 0x001A, "external fault" },
+ { 0x0014, "Ground fault" },
+ { 0x0015, "Reference point lost" },
+ { 0x0016, "Process event lost / sampling error" },
+ { 0x0017, "Threshold warning" },
+ { 0x0018, "Output disabled" },
+ { 0x0019, "FunctionalSafety event" },
+ { 0x001A, "External fault" },
/*0x001B - 0x001F manufacturer specific */
+ { 0x001F, "Temporary fault" },
/*0x0020 - 0x00FF reserved for common profiles */
+ { 0x0040, "Mismatch of safety destination address" },
+ { 0x0041, "Safety destination address not valid" },
+ { 0x0042, "Safety source address not valid" },
+ { 0x0043, "Safety watchdog time value is 0ms" },
+ { 0x0044, "Parameter F_SIL exceeds SIL of specific application" },
+ { 0x0045, "Parameter F_CRC_Length does not match generated values" },
+ { 0x0046, "Version of F-Parameter set incorrect" },
+ { 0x0047, "Data inconsistent in received F-Parameter block (CRC1 error)" },
+ { 0x0048, "Device specific or unspecific diagnosis information, see manual" },
+ { 0x0049, "Save iParameter watchdog time exceeded" },
+ { 0x004A, "Restore iParameter watchdog time exceeded" },
+ { 0x004B, "Inconsistent iParameters (iParCRC error)" },
+ { 0x004C, "F_Block_ID not supported" },
+ { 0x004D, "Transmission error: data inconsistent (CRC2 error)" },
+ { 0x004E, "Transmission error: timeout" },
+ { 0x004F, "Acknowledge needed to enable the channel(s)" },
/*0x0100 - 0x7FFF manufacturer specific */
{ 0x8000, "Data transmission impossible" },
{ 0x8001, "Remote mismatch" },
- { 0x8002, "Media redundancy mismatch" },
+ { 0x8002, "Media redundancy mismatch - Ring" },
{ 0x8003, "Sync mismatch" },
{ 0x8004, "IsochronousMode mismatch" },
{ 0x8005, "Multicast CR mismatch" },
@@ -1711,9 +1927,373 @@ static const value_string pn_io_channel_error_type[] = {
{ 0x800A, "Dynamic frame packing function mismatch" },
{ 0x800B, "Media redundancy with planned duplication mismatch"},
{ 0x800C, "System redundancy mismatch"},
+ { 0x800D, "Multiple interface mismatch"},
+ { 0x8010, "Power failure over Single Pair Ethernet"},
/* ends */
/*0x800D - 0x8FFF reserved */
/*0x9000 - 0x9FFF reserved for profile */
+ /*0x9000 - 0x902F NE107 common (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9000, "Sensor element exciter faulty" },
+ { 0x9001, "Error in evaluation electronics" },
+ { 0x9002, "Error in internal energy supply" },
+ { 0x9003, "Error in sensor element" },
+ { 0x9004, "Error in actuator element" },
+ { 0x9005, "Faulty installation e.g. dead space" },
+ { 0x9006, "Parameter setting error" },
+ { 0x9008, "Overloading" },
+ { 0x9009, "Wrong polarity of aux power" },
+ { 0x900A, "Maximum line length exceeded" },
+ { 0x900B, "Corrosion/abrasion by medium" },
+ { 0x900C, "Fouling on sensor element" },
+ { 0x900D, "Auxil medium missing or insufficient" },
+ { 0x900E, "Wear reserve used up (operation)" },
+ { 0x900F, "Wear reserve used up (wear)" },
+ { 0x9010, "Error in peripherals" },
+ { 0x9011, "Electromag interference too high" },
+ { 0x9012, "Temperature of medium too high" },
+ { 0x9013, "Ambient temperature too high" },
+ { 0x9014, "Vibration/Impact load too high" },
+ { 0x9015, "Auxiliary power range off-spec" },
+ { 0x9016, "Auxiliary medium missing" },
+ { 0x9017, "Excessive temperature shock" },
+ { 0x9018, "Deviation from measurement" },
+ { 0x9019, "Humidity in electronics area" },
+ { 0x901A, "Medium in electronics area" },
+ { 0x901B, "Mechanical damage" },
+ { 0x901C, "Communication error" },
+ { 0x901D, "Foreign material in electro area" },
+ /*0x9030 - 0x906F NE107 contact thermometer (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9030, "Immersion depth too limited" },
+ { 0x9031, "Unequate medium around sensor" },
+ { 0x9032, "Temp distrib not representative" },
+ { 0x9033, "Inadequate thermal contact" },
+ { 0x9034, "Sensor close to heat source/sink" },
+ { 0x9035, "External temperature influence" },
+ { 0x9036, "Insufficient thermocoupling" },
+ { 0x9037, "Thermocoupling too high" },
+ { 0x9038, "Friction heat by flowing gases" },
+ { 0x9039, "Thermalcapac of sensor too high" },
+ { 0x903A, "Deposits" },
+ { 0x903B, "Systemrelated resonant vibration" },
+ { 0x903C, "Resonantvibrat excited by flow" },
+ { 0x903D, "Leakage" },
+ { 0x903E, "Abrasion" },
+ { 0x903F, "Corrosion" },
+ { 0x9040, "Flow approach speed too high" },
+ { 0x9041, "Insulation to ground too low" },
+ { 0x9042, "Insulation betw. lines too low" },
+ { 0x9043, "Parasitic thermal elements" },
+ { 0x9044, "Parasitic galvanic elements" },
+ { 0x9045, "Short circuit" },
+ { 0x9046, "Shorted coil and break" },
+ { 0x9047, "Line/contact resistance too high" },
+ { 0x9048, "Compression spring failure" },
+ { 0x9049, "Drift of sensor charact curve" },
+ { 0x904A, "Insuff contact of meas insert" },
+ { 0x904B, "Meas insert mechanical seized" },
+ { 0x904C, "Measuring insert in thermowell" },
+ { 0x904D, "Measuring insert too short" },
+ { 0x904E, "Resistance wire abrasion" },
+ { 0x904F, "Mechanic stress character curve" },
+ { 0x9050, "Thermal stress character curve" },
+ { 0x9051, "Intrinsic heating too severe" },
+ { 0x9052, "EMI on measuring circuit" },
+ { 0x9053, "Faulty linearisation" },
+ { 0x9054, "Incorrect sensor position" },
+ { 0x9055, "Faulty comparative point temp" },
+ { 0x9056, "Faulty compar of line resistance" },
+ { 0x9057, "Unsymmet supply line resistance" },
+ { 0x9058, "Wrong material of compens line" },
+ { 0x9059, "Damage to supply lines" },
+ { 0x905A, "Capacitive feedback" },
+ { 0x905B, "Potential transfer" },
+ { 0x905C, "Potential differences exceeded" },
+ { 0x905D, "Impermiss mix of wire systems" },
+ { 0x905E, "Reverse polarity of lines" },
+ { 0x905F, "Reverse polarity of lines" },
+ /*0x9070 - 0x90A7 NE107 pressure (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9070, "Pressure peaks outside range" },
+ { 0x9071, "Deposits on the seal diaphragm" },
+ { 0x9072, "Characteristic curve change" },
+ { 0x9073, "Inc. measuring err. (turn down)" },
+ { 0x9074, "Wear on the seal diaphragm" },
+ { 0x9075, "Process seal at flush diaphragm" },
+ { 0x9076, "Offset error due to inst. pos." },
+ { 0x9077, "Seal diaphragm deformation" },
+ { 0x9078, "Hydrogen penetration" },
+ { 0x9079, "Mean value deviation" },
+ { 0x907A, "Pressure sensor system leakage" },
+ { 0x907B, "Hydrostatic offset" },
+ { 0x907C, "Gas seepage from pressure sensor" },
+ { 0x907D, "Add. measuring err. due to temp." },
+ { 0x907E, "Delta T in capillary tubing" },
+ { 0x907F, "Increase in compensation times" },
+ { 0x9080, "Oleic acid leak" },
+ { 0x9081, "Pulse lines blocked" },
+ { 0x9082, "Gas inclusion in liquid medium" },
+ { 0x9083, "Delta T in pulse lines" },
+ { 0x9084, "Liquid inclusion in gas" },
+ { 0x9088, "Sedimentation on sensor" },
+ { 0x9089, "Change of density" },
+ { 0x908A, "Wrong height / wrong adjustment" },
+ { 0x908B, "Clogged membrane" },
+ { 0x908C, "Error with pulse line" },
+ { 0x908D, "Internal tank pressure influence" },
+ { 0x908E, "Influence of temperature" },
+ { 0x908F, "Hydrogen diffusion" },
+ { 0x9090, "Absence of bubble gas" },
+ { 0x9091, "Air-bubble feed line blocked" },
+ { 0x9092, "Wear and tear of diaphragm" },
+ { 0x9093, "Gas seepage" },
+ { 0x9094, "Pressure rise at rel. of bubbles" },
+ { 0x9095, "Pressure sensor overload" },
+ { 0x9096, "Flow rate of bubble gas too high" },
+ /*0x90F8 - 0x910F NE107 coriolis (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x90F8, "Gas bubbles in the liquid" },
+ { 0x90F9, "Fouling, clogging" },
+ { 0x90FA, "Erosion, corrosion" },
+ { 0x90FB, "Faulty mounting" },
+ { 0x90FC, "Asymmetry of measuring tubes" },
+ { 0x90FD, "External vibrations" },
+ { 0x90FE, "Pulsating flow" },
+ { 0x90FF, "Incomplete filling" },
+ /*0x9110 - 0x9127 NE107 EMF (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9110, "Gas bubbles in the liquid" },
+ { 0x9111, "Corrosion of electrodes" },
+ { 0x9112, "Electrical conductivity too low" },
+ { 0x9113, "Liner damage" },
+ { 0x9114, "Electrode fouling" },
+ { 0x9115, "External magnetic fields" },
+ { 0x9116, "Electrode short circuit" },
+ { 0x9117, "Incomplete filling" },
+ /*0x9128 - 0x913F NE107 thermal mass (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ /* empty */
+ /*0x9140 - 0x915F NE107 ultrasonic (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9140, "Particle inclusions Check process" },
+ { 0x9141, "Gas bubbles in the liquid" },
+ { 0x9142, "Body fouling" },
+ { 0x9143, "External ultrasonic waves" },
+ { 0x9144, "Sensor fouling" },
+ { 0x9145, "Erosion" },
+ { 0x9146, "Faulty mounting (clamp on)" },
+ { 0x9147, "Pulsating flow" },
+ { 0x9148, "Sound conductivity" },
+ { 0x9149, "Signal lost due to overrange" },
+ { 0x914A, "Flow profile disturbance" },
+ { 0x914B, "Incomplete filling" },
+ /*0x9160 - 0x9177 NE107 variable area (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9160, "Blocked float" },
+ { 0x9161, "Fouling" },
+ { 0x9162, "Erosion, corrosion" },
+ { 0x9163, "Gas bubbles in the liquid" },
+ { 0x9164, "Pulsating flow" },
+ { 0x9165, "External magnetic fields" },
+ /*0x9178 - 0x9197 NE107 vortex (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9178, "Gas bubbles in the liquid" },
+ { 0x9179, "External vibrations" },
+ { 0x917A, "Pulsating flow" },
+ { 0x917B, "Two phase flow" },
+ { 0x917C, "Cavitation in device" },
+ { 0x917D, "Out of linear range" },
+ { 0x917E, "Sensor fouling" },
+ { 0x917F, "Solid particles" },
+ { 0x9180, "Flow profile disturbance" },
+ { 0x9181, "Incomplete filling" },
+ { 0x9182, "Bluff body fouling" },
+ /*0x9198 - 0x91B7 NE107 buoyancy (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9198, "Gas density change above liquid" },
+ { 0x9199, "Vibration/strokes from outside" },
+ { 0x919A, "Displacer partly inside compartm" },
+ { 0x919B, "Displacer too heavy/too light" },
+ { 0x919C, "Density change or displac config" },
+ { 0x919D, "Sticking of torque or spring" },
+ { 0x919E, "Displacer swinging freedomly" },
+ { 0x919F, "Displac mounting faulty" },
+ { 0x91A0, "Displacer blocked or bended" },
+ { 0x91A1, "Displacer too light, corrosion" },
+ { 0x91A2, "Displacer leakage" },
+ { 0x91A3, "Force sensor broken" },
+ /*0x91B8 - 0x91FF NE107 radar (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x91B8, "Change of running time, encrust?" },
+ { 0x91B9, "False echoes, encrustation?" },
+ { 0x91BA, "Wrong/no indication, foam" },
+ { 0x91BB, "Poor reflection" },
+ { 0x91BC, "Problems with tank wall" },
+ { 0x91BD, "Surge tube or vent blocked" },
+ { 0x91BE, "Nozzle too long/high" },
+ { 0x91BF, "No metallic reflecting surface" },
+ { 0x91C0, "Blocking distance underrun" },
+ { 0x91C1, "Mechanical overloading of probe" },
+ { 0x91C2, "Probe lost or torn off" },
+ { 0x91C3, "Overload by external power" },
+ { 0x91C4, "Product or moisture in coupler" },
+ { 0x91C5, "Change of microwave speed" },
+ { 0x91C6, "Corr,abras, coating detachment" },
+ { 0x91C7, "Probe in filling flow" },
+ { 0x91D8, "No clear interface Emulsion?" },
+ { 0x91D9, "Wrong indication param setting" },
+ { 0x91DA, "Diff dielecon too small" },
+ { 0x91DB, "More than one interface" },
+ { 0x91DC, "First phase thickness too small" },
+ { 0x91E0, "Attenuation due to deposits" },
+ { 0x91E1, "False echoes due to deposits" },
+ { 0x91E2, "Corrosion surge tube (inside)" },
+ { 0x91E3, "Impurity in wave coupler area" },
+ { 0x91E4, "Antenna immersed in product" },
+ { 0x91E5, "Wrong signal due to foam" },
+ { 0x91E6, "Strong signal attenuation" },
+ { 0x91E7, "Shift of radar signal speed" },
+ { 0x91E8, "Reflection" },
+ { 0x91E9, "False interpretation of the echo" },
+ { 0x91EA, "Bad polarization of the signal" },
+ { 0x91EB, "Surge tube or vent blocked" },
+ { 0x91EC, "Nozzle too long for antenna" },
+ { 0x91ED, "Wall clearance, not vertical" },
+ { 0x91EE, "Corrosion on antenna" },
+ { 0x91EF, "Attenuation due to fog or dust" },
+ { 0x91F0, "Antenna signal blocked" },
+ { 0x91F1, "Blocking distance under-run" },
+ { 0x91F2, "Echo too strong (overmodulation)" },
+ /*0x9208 - 0x9257 NE107 electro (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9208, "Faulty torque monitoring" },
+ { 0x9209, "Worn gear/spindle" },
+ { 0x920A, "Drive torque off-spec" },
+ { 0x920B, "Device temperature too high" },
+ { 0x920C, "Faulty limit position monitoring" },
+ { 0x920D, "Motor overload" },
+ { 0x920E, "Oil quality off-spec" },
+ { 0x920F, "Oil loss" },
+ { 0x9210, "Blocked drive" },
+ { 0x9211, "Off-spec seat/plug leakage" },
+ { 0x9212, "Off-spec spindle/shaft seal leak" },
+ { 0x9213, "Alteration and wear on spindle" },
+ { 0x9214, "Altered friction" },
+ { 0x9215, "Wear in the valve" },
+ { 0x9216, "Blocked valve" },
+ { 0x9217, "Change in valve move performance" },
+ { 0x9218, "Changed breakaway moment" },
+ { 0x9219, "Spindle deformation" },
+ { 0x921A, "Plug torn off" },
+ { 0x921B, "Off-spec valve temperature" },
+ { 0x921C, "Off-spec characteristic line" },
+ { 0x921E, "Incorrect position sensing" },
+ { 0x921F, "Input signal off-spec" },
+ { 0x9220, "Vibration off-spec" },
+ { 0x9221, "Temp in positioner too high/low" },
+ { 0x9222, "Moisture in positioner" },
+ { 0x9223, "Additional IO module defect" },
+ { 0x9224, "Signal without end position" },
+ { 0x9225, "No signal in end position" },
+ { 0x9226, "Control loop oscillation" },
+ { 0x9227, "Hysteresis" },
+ { 0x9228, "Changed friction" },
+ { 0x9229, "Backlash between drive and valve" },
+ { 0x922A, "Persistent deviation of control" },
+ { 0x922B, "Inadmissible dynamic stress" },
+ { 0x922C, "Faulty mounting" },
+ { 0x922D, "Faulty mount positioner to motor" },
+ { 0x922E, "Leak in piping" },
+ { 0x922F, "Insufficient drive power" },
+ { 0x9231, "Operator error during operation" },
+ { 0x9232, "Inadmissible static stress" },
+ { 0x9233, "Recording of pers. control dev." },
+ { 0x9234, "Parameter plausibility check" },
+ { 0x9235, "Status report on operating mode" },
+ { 0x9236, "Histogram for valve positions" },
+ { 0x9237, "Zero point and endpoint shift" },
+ { 0x9238, "Running time monitoring" },
+ { 0x9239, "Evaluation of internal signals" },
+ { 0x923A, "Operating hours counter" },
+ { 0x923B, "Pressure-displacement diagram" },
+ { 0x923C, "Total valve travel" },
+ { 0x923D, "Step response diagnostics" },
+ { 0x923E, "Internal temperature monitoring" },
+ { 0x923F, "Counter for direction changes" },
+ { 0x9240, "Operating archive" },
+ { 0x9241, "Report archive" },
+ { 0x9242, "Status reports on access control" },
+ { 0x9243, "Cavitation / flashing" },
+ { 0x9244, "Partial stroke test" },
+ { 0x9245, "P dif measurement across valve" },
+ { 0x9246, "Noise level measurement" },
+ /*0x9258 - 0x92A7 NE107 electro pneumatic (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x9258, "Minor drive leakage" },
+ { 0x9259, "High friction" },
+ { 0x925A, "Feed air pressure off-spec" },
+ { 0x925B, "Vent blockage" },
+ { 0x925C, "Diaphragm damage" },
+ { 0x925D, "Broken spring" },
+ { 0x925E, "Moist air in spring chamber" },
+ { 0x925F, "Blocked drive" },
+ { 0x9260, "Drive leakage too big" },
+ { 0x9261, "Off-spec seat/plug leakage" },
+ { 0x9262, "Off-spec spindle/shaft seal leak" },
+ { 0x9263, "Alteration and wear on spindle" },
+ { 0x9264, "Altered friction" },
+ { 0x9265, "Wear in the valve" },
+ { 0x9266, "Blocked valve" },
+ { 0x9267, "Change in valve move performance" },
+ { 0x9268, "Changed breakaway moment" },
+ { 0x9269, "Spindle deformation" },
+ { 0x926A, "Plug torn off" },
+ { 0x926B, "Off-spec valve temperature" },
+ { 0x926C, "Off-spec characteristic line" },
+ { 0x926D, "Fault in the pneumatic unit" },
+ { 0x926E, "Incorrect position sensing" },
+ { 0x926F, "Input signal off-spec" },
+ { 0x9270, "Vibration off-spec" },
+ { 0x9271, "Temp in positioner too high/low" },
+ { 0x9272, "Moisture in positioner" },
+ { 0x9273, "Additional IO module defect" },
+ { 0x9274, "Signal without end position" },
+ { 0x9275, "No signal in end position" },
+ { 0x9276, "Control loop oscillation" },
+ { 0x9277, "Hysteresis" },
+ { 0x9278, "Changed friction" },
+ { 0x9279, "Backlash between drive and valve" },
+ { 0x927A, "Persistent deviation of control" },
+ { 0x927B, "Inadmissible dynamic stress" },
+ { 0x927C, "Faulty mounting" },
+ { 0x927D, "Faulty mount positioner to drive" },
+ { 0x927E, "Leak in piping" },
+ { 0x927F, "Insufficient drive power" },
+ { 0x9280, "Quality of feed air off-spec" },
+ { 0x9281, "Operator error during operation" },
+ { 0x9282, "Inadmissible static stress" },
+ { 0x9283, "Recording of pers. control dev." },
+ { 0x9284, "Parameter plausibility check" },
+ { 0x9285, "Status report on operating mode" },
+ { 0x9286, "Histogram for valve positions" },
+ { 0x9287, "Zero point and endpoint shift" },
+ { 0x9288, "Running time monitoring" },
+ { 0x9289, "Evaluation of internal signals" },
+ { 0x928A, "Operating hours counter" },
+ { 0x928B, "Pressure-displacement diagram" },
+ { 0x928C, "Total valve travel" },
+ { 0x928D, "Step response diagnostics" },
+ { 0x928E, "Internal temperature monitoring" },
+ { 0x928F, "Counter for direction changes" },
+ { 0x9290, "Operating archive" },
+ { 0x9291, "Report archive" },
+ { 0x9292, "Status reports on access control" },
+ { 0x9293, "Cavitation / flashing" },
+ { 0x9294, "Partial stroke test" },
+ { 0x9295, "P dif measurement across valve" },
+ { 0x9296, "Noise level measurement" },
+ /*0x92A8 - 0x92BF NE107 sol valve (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x92A8, "Failure to reach safe position" },
+ { 0x92A9, "Failure to reach operat position" },
+ { 0x92AA, "High temperature in coil" },
+ { 0x92AB, "Moisture, humidity" },
+ { 0x92AC, "Signal outside of endposition" },
+ { 0x92AD, "No signal at endposition" },
+ /*0x92C0 - 0x92DF Physical block (PA Profile 4.02) */
+ { 0x92CD, "Maintenance" },
+ { 0x92D0, "Maintenance alarm" },
+ { 0x92D1, "Maintenance demanded" },
+ { 0x92D2, "Function check" },
+ { 0x92D3, "Out of spec." },
+ { 0x92D4, "Update event" },
/*0xA000 - 0xFFFF reserved */
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -1747,8 +2327,8 @@ static const value_string pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8000[] = {
static const value_string pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8001[] = {
/* 0x0000 Reserved */
/* 0x0001 - 0x7FFF Manufacturer specific */
- { 0x8000, "Peer Chassis ID mismatch"},
- { 0x8001, "Peer Port ID mismatch"},
+ { 0x8000, "Peer name of station mismatch"},
+ { 0x8001, "Peer name of port mismatch"},
{ 0x8002, "Peer RT_CLASS_3 mismatch a"},
{ 0x8003, "Peer MAUType mismatch"},
{ 0x8004, "Peer MRP domain mismatch"},
@@ -1758,7 +2338,8 @@ static const value_string pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8001[] = {
{ 0x8008, "Peer PTCP mismatch b"},
{ 0x8009, "Peer Preamble Length mismatch"},
{ 0x800A, "Peer Fragmentation mismatch"},
- /* 0x800B - 0x8FFF Reserved */
+ { 0x800B, "Peer MRP Interconnection domain mismatch"},
+ /* 0x800C - 0x8FFF Reserved */
/* 0x9000 - 0x9FFF Reserved for profiles */
/* 0xA000 - 0xFFFF Reserved */
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -1867,7 +2448,16 @@ static const value_string pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8007[] = {
/* 0x0000 Reserved */
/* 0x0001 - 0x7FFF Manufacturer specific */
{ 0x8000, "Power Budget"},
- /* 0x8001 - 0x8FFF Reserved */
+ { 0x8001, "SFP - Temperature threshold violation (High)"},
+ { 0x8002, "SFP - TX Bias threshold violation (High)"},
+ { 0x8003, "SFP - TX Bias threshold violation (Low)"},
+ { 0x8004, "SFP - TX Power threshold violation (High)"},
+ { 0x8005, "SFP - TX Power threshold violation (Low)"},
+ { 0x8006, "SFP - RX Power threshold violation (High)"},
+ { 0x8007, "SFP - RX Power threshold violation (Low)"},
+ { 0x8008, "SFP - TX Fault State indication"},
+ { 0x8009, "SFP - RX Loss State indication"},
+ /* 0x800A - 0x8FFF Reserved */
/* 0x9000 - 0x9FFF Reserved for profiles */
/* 0xA000 - 0xFFFF Reserved */
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -1922,6 +2512,56 @@ static const value_string pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800C[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
+ /* ExtChannelErrorType for ChannelErrorType "Power failure over Single Pair Ethernet" 0x8010 */
+static const value_string pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8010[] = {
+ /* 0x0000 Reserved */
+ /* 0x0001 - 0x7FFF Manufacturer specific */
+ { 0x8000, "SPE power supply - Short circuit"},
+ { 0x8001, "SPE power supply - Open circuit"},
+ { 0x8002, "SPE power supply - Voltage level"},
+ { 0x8003, "SPE power supply - Current level"},
+ /* 0x8004 - 0x8FFF Reserved */
+ /* 0x9000 - 0x9FFF Reserved for profiles */
+ /* 0xA000 - 0xFFFF Reserved */
+ { 0, NULL }
+/* QualifiedChannelQualifier */
+static const value_string pn_io_qualified_channel_qualifier[] = {
+ {0x00000001, "Reserved"},
+ {0x00000002, "Reserved"},
+ {0x00000004, "Reserved"},
+ {0x00000008, "Qualifier_3 (Advice)"},
+ {0x00000010, "Qualifier_4 (Advice, PA: UpdateEvent)"},
+ {0x00000020, "Qualifier_5 (Advice, PA: OutOfSpecification)"},
+ {0x00000040, "Qualifier_6 (Advice)"},
+ {0x00000080, "Qualifier_7 (MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00000100, "Qualifier_8 (MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00000200, "Qualifier_9 (MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00000400, "Qualifier_10 (MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00000800, "Qualifier_11 (MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00001000, "Qualifier_12 (MaintenanceRequired, PA: MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00002000, "Qualifier_13 (MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00004000, "Qualifier_14 (MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00008000, "Qualifier_15 (MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00010000, "Qualifier_16 (MaintenanceRequired)"},
+ {0x00020000, "Qualifier_17 (MaintenanceDemanded)"},
+ {0x00040000, "Qualifier_18 (MaintenanceDemanded)"},
+ {0x00080000, "Qualifier_19 (MaintenanceDemanded)"},
+ {0x00100000, "Qualifier_20 (MaintenanceDemanded)"},
+ {0x00200000, "Qualifier_21 (MaintenanceDemanded)"},
+ {0x00400000, "Qualifier_22 (MaintenanceDemanded, PA: MaintenanceDemanded)"},
+ {0x00800000, "Qualifier_23 (MaintenanceDemanded)"},
+ {0x01000000, "Qualifier_24 (MaintenanceDemanded, PA: FunctionCheck)"},
+ {0x02000000, "Qualifier_25 (MaintenanceDemanded)"},
+ {0x04000000, "Qualifier_26 (MaintenanceDemanded)"},
+ {0x08000000, "Qualifier_27 (Fault)"},
+ {0x10000000, "Qualifier_28 (Fault)"},
+ {0x20000000, "Qualifier_29 (Fault)"},
+ {0x40000000, "Qualifier_30 (Fault, PA: Fault)"},
+ {0x80000000, "Qualifier_31 (Fault)"},
+ {0, NULL}};
static const value_string pn_io_channel_properties_type[] = {
{ 0x0000, "submodule or unspecified" },
{ 0x0001, "1 Bit" },
@@ -2003,7 +2643,9 @@ static const value_string pn_io_mau_type[] = {
{ 0x002E, "100BASELX10" },
/*0x002F - 0x0035 reserved */
{ 0x0036, "100BASEPXFD" },
- /*0x0037 - 0xFFFF reserved */
+ /*0x0037 - 0x008C reserved */
+ { 0x008D, "10BASET1L" },
+ /*0x008E - 0xFFFF reserved */
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -2057,7 +2699,9 @@ static const range_string pn_io_mau_type_extension[] = {
{ 0x0000, 0x0000, "No SubMAUType" },
{ 0x0001, 0x00FF, "Reserved" },
{ 0x0100, 0x0100, "POF" },
- { 0x0101, 0xFFEF, "Reserved for SubMAUType" },
+ { 0x0101, 0x01FF, "Reserved for SubMAUType" },
+ { 0x0200, 0x0200, "APL" },
+ { 0x0201, 0xFFEF, "Reserved for SubMAUType" },
{ 0xFFF0, 0xFFFF, "Reserved" },
{ 0, 0, NULL }
@@ -2120,7 +2764,6 @@ static const value_string pn_io_media_type[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
static const value_string pn_io_fiber_optic_type[] = {
{ 0x0000, "No fiber type adjusted" },
{ 0x0001, "9 um single mode fiber" },
@@ -2446,7 +3089,7 @@ static const value_string pn_io_profidrive_format_vals[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
-static const value_string pn_io_profidrive_parameter_resp_errors[] =
+static const value_string pn_io_profidrive_parameter_resp_errors[] =
{0x0, "Disallowed parameter number" },
{0x1, "The parameter value cannot be changed" },
@@ -2615,6 +3258,481 @@ static const value_string pn_io_pdportstatistic_counter_status_reserved[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x64, "NonStreamVID-Default" },
+ { 0x65, "StreamHighVID-Default" },
+ { 0x66, "StreamHighRedVID-Default" },
+ { 0x67, "StreamLowVID-Default" },
+ { 0x68, "StreamLowRedVID-Default" },
+ { 0x69, "NonStreamVIDB-Default" },
+ { 0x6A, "NonStreamVIDC-Default" },
+ { 0x6B, "NonStreamVIDD-Default" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_preemption_enabled_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00, "Preemption support is disabled for this port" },
+ { 0x01, "Preemption support is enabled for this port" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_boundary_port_config_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00, "No boundary port" },
+ { 0x01, "Boundary port with Remapping1" },
+ { 0x02, "Boundary port with Remapping2" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cir[] = {
+ { 0x0000, 0x0000, "No Boundary Port" },
+ { 0x0001, 0xFFFF, "Committed information rate in 0,1 Mbit/s"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cbs[] = {
+ { 0x0000, 0x0000, "No Boundary Port" },
+ { 0x0001, 0xFFFF, "Committed burst size in octets"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_envelope[] = {
+ { 0x0000, 0x0000, "No Boundary Port" },
+ { 0x0001, 0x0001, "Best effort envelope"},
+ { 0x0002, 0x0002, "RT_CLASS_X, RTA_CLASS_X envelope"},
+ { 0x0003, 0xFFFF, "Reserved"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_rank[] = {
+ { 0x0000, 0x0000, "No Boundary Port" },
+ { 0x0001, 0x0001, "CF1"},
+ { 0x0002, 0x0002, "CF2"},
+ { 0x0003, 0x0003, "CF3"},
+ { 0x0004, 0x0004, "CF4"},
+ { 0x0005, 0x0005, "CF5"},
+ { 0x0006, 0xFFFF, "Reserved"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cir[] = {
+ { 0x0000, 0x0000, "Used in case of no rate limiter" },
+ { 0x0001, 0xFFFF, "Committed information rate in 0,1 Mbit/s"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cbs[] = {
+ { 0x0000, 0x0000, "Used in case of no rate limiter" },
+ { 0x0001, 0xFFFF, "Committed burst size in octets"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_envelope[] = {
+ { 0x00, 0x00, "Used in case of no rate limiter" },
+ { 0x01, 0x01, "Best effort envelope"},
+ { 0x02, 0xFF, "Reserved"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_rank[] = {
+ { 0x00, 0x00, "Used in case of no boundary port" },
+ { 0x01, 0x01, "CF1"},
+ { 0x02, 0x02, "CF2"},
+ { 0x03, 0x03, "CF3"},
+ { 0x04, 0x04, "CF4"},
+ { 0x05, 0x05, "CF5"},
+ { 0x06, 0xFF, "Reserved"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_queue_id[] = {
+ { 0x00, 0x07, "Identifier of the queue" },
+ { 0x08, 0xFF, "Reserved"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_reserved[] = {
+ { 0x00, 0xFF, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_network_domain[] = {
+ { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, "No Deadline" },
+ { 0x00000001, 0xFFFFFFFF, "The Deadline in Microseconds"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_time_domain_number_vals[] = {
+ { 0x0000, "Global Time" },
+ { 0x0001, "Global Time Redundant" },
+ { 0x0020, "Working Clock" },
+ { 0x0021, "Working Clock Redundant" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_time_pll_window_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00000000, "Disabled" },
+ { 0x000003E8, "Default" },
+ { 0x00002710, "Default" },
+ { 0x000186A0, "Default" },
+ { 0x000F4240, "Default" },
+ { 0x00989680, "Default" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_message_interval_factor_vals[] = {
+ { 0x0000, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x03E8, "Default" },
+ { 0x0FA0, "Default" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_message_timeout_factor[] = {
+ { 0x0000, 0x0000, "Disabled" },
+ { 0x0001, 0x0002, "Optional" },
+ { 0x0003, 0x0005, "Mandatory" },
+ { 0x0006, 0x0006, "Default, mandatory" },
+ { 0x0007, 0x000F, "Mandatory" },
+ { 0x0010, 0x01FF, "Optional" },
+ { 0x0200, 0xFFFF, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_time_sync_properties_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x01, "External Sync" },
+ { 0x02, "Internal Sync" },
+ { 0x03, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_shaper[] = {
+ { 0x00, 0x00, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x01, 0x01, "Strict Priority" },
+ { 0x02, 0xFF, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_domain_sync_port_role_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00,0x00, "The port is not part of the sync tree for this sync domain" },
+ { 0x01,0x01, "Sync egress port for this sync domain" },
+ { 0x02,0x02, "Sync ingress port for this sync domain" },
+ { 0x02,0XFF, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_tsn_fdb_command[] = {
+ { 0x01, "AddStreamEntry" },
+ { 0x02, "RemoveStreamEntry" },
+ { 0x03, "RemoveAllStreamEntries" },
+ /* all others reserved */
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_tx_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x00000001, 0x05F5E100, "Egress transfer time for the local interface of an endstation" },
+ { 0x05F5E101, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_rx_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x00000001, 0x05F5E100, "Ingress transfer time for the local interface of an endstation" },
+ { 0x05F5E101, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_max_supported_record_size_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00000000,0x00000FE3, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x00000FE4,0x0000FFFF, "Describes the maximum supported size of RecordDataWrite." },
+ {0x00010000,0xFFFFFFFF,"Reserved"},
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00,0x00, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x01,0xFF, "Identifier of logical port grouping. Identifies ports with equal forwarding delay values." },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_tsn_stream_class_vals[] = {
+ /*other reserved */
+ { 0x01, "High" },
+ { 0x02, "High Redundant" },
+ { 0x03, "Low" },
+ { 0x04, "Low Redundant" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_independent_forwarding_delay_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x00000001, 0x000F4240, "Independent bridge delay value used for calculation" },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_io_tsn_dependent_forwarding_delay_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, "Reserved" },
+ { 0x00000001, 0x000C3500, "Octet size dependent bridge delay value used for calculation" },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_tsn_number_of_queues_vals[] = {
+ { 0x06, "The bridge supports six transmit queues at the port" },
+ { 0x08, "The bridge supports eight transmit queues at the port" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_time_aware_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00, "This port is not usable within a Time Aware System"},
+ { 0x01, "This port is usable within a Time Aware System" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_preemption_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00, "Preemption is not supported at this port" },
+ { 0x01, "Preemption is supported at this port"},
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_queue_masking_vals[] = {
+ { 0x00, "Queue Masking is not supported at this port"},
+ { 0x01, "Queue Masking is supported at this port" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+/* Format of submodule ident number as per PA Profile 4.02 specification:
+ [VariantOfSubmodule, Block_object, Parent_Class, Class] */
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_block_object_vals[] = {
+ { 0, "DAP" },
+ { 1, "PB" },
+ { 2, "FB" },
+ { 3, "TB" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_dap_submodule_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "DAP" },
+ { 2, "Device Management" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_physical_block_parent_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Transmitter" },
+ { 2, "Actuator" },
+ { 3, "Discrete I/O" },
+ { 4, "Controller" },
+ { 5, "Analyzer" },
+ { 6, "Lab Device" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_function_block_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Input" },
+ { 2, "Output" },
+ { 3, "Further Input" },
+ { 4, "Further Output" },
+ { 128, "Manuf. specific Input" },
+ { 129, "Manuf. specific Output" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_function_block_parent_class_vals[] = {
+ {0, "Analog Temperature" },
+ {1, "Analog Temperature Difference"},
+ {2, "Analog Average Temperature"},
+ {3, "Analog Electronics Temperature"},
+ {4, "Analog Transmitter Temperature"},
+ {5, "Analog Sensor Temperature"},
+ {6, "Analog Frame Temperature"},
+ {7, "Analog Auxiliary Temperature"},
+ {8, "Analog Energy Supply Temperature"},
+ {9, "Analog Energy Return Temperature"},
+ {20, "Analog Pressure"},
+ {21, "Analog Absolute Pressure"},
+ {22, "Analog Gauge Pressure"},
+ {23, "Analog Differential Pressure"},
+ {30, "Analog Level"},
+ {31, "Analog Distance"},
+ {32, "Analog Interface Level"},
+ {33, "Analog Interface Distance"},
+ {40, "Analog Volume"},
+ {41, "Analog Ullage"},
+ {42, "Analog Interface Volume"},
+ {43, "Analog Standard Volume"},
+ {44, "Analog Fraction Substance 1 Volume"},
+ {45, "Analog Fraction Substance 2 Volume"},
+ {46, "Analog Fraction Substance 1 Std Volume"},
+ {47, "Analog Fraction Substance 2 Std Volume"},
+ {50, "Analog Mass"},
+ {51, "Analog Net Mass"},
+ {52, "Analog Fraction Substance 1 Mass"},
+ {53, "Analog Fraction Substance 2 Mass"},
+ {60, "Analog Volume Flow"},
+ {61, "Analog Standard Volume Flow"},
+ {62, "Analog Fraction Substance 1 Volume Flow"},
+ {63, "Analog Fraction Substance 2 Volume Flow"},
+ {70, "Analog Mass Flow"},
+ {71, "Analog Fraction Substance 1 Mass Flow"},
+ {72, "Analog Fraction Substance 2 Mass Flow"},
+ {80, "Analog Density"},
+ {81, "Analog Standard Density"},
+ {82, "Analog Analog Api Gravity"},
+ {83, "Analog Standard Api Gravity"},
+ {84, "Analog Specific Gravity"},
+ {85, "Analog Standard Specific Gravity"},
+ {90, "Analog Flow Velocity"},
+ {91, "Analog Sound Velocity"},
+ {92, "Analog Rate Of Change"},
+ {100, "Analog Kinematic Viscosity"},
+ {101, "Analog Dynamic Viscosity"},
+ {110, "Analog Energy"},
+ {111, "Analog Power"},
+ {120, "Analog Vortex Frequency"},
+ {130, "Analog Concentration"},
+ {131, "Analog Energy Efficiency Rating"},
+ {132, "Analog Coefficient Of Performance"},
+ {133, "Analog Fraction Substance 1%"},
+ {134, "Analog Fraction Substance 2%"},
+ {140, "Analog pH"},
+ {141, "Analog Conductivity"},
+ {142, "Analog Resistivity"},
+ {143, "Analog Gas Concentration"},
+ {149, "Flexible AI"},
+ {150, "Totalizer"},
+ {160, "Actuator"},
+ {170, "Discrete"},
+ {180, "Enumerated"},
+ {190, "Binary(8 Bit)"},
+ {191, "Binary(16 Bit)"},
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_parent_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Pressure" },
+ { 2, "Temperature" },
+ { 3, "Flow" },
+ { 4, "Level" },
+ { 5, "Actuator" },
+ { 6, "Discrete I/O" },
+ { 7, "Liquid analyzer" },
+ { 8, "Gas analyzer" },
+ { 10, "Enumerated I/O" },
+ { 11, "Binary I/O" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_pressure_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Pressure" },
+ { 2, "Pressure + level" },
+ { 3, "Pressure + flow" },
+ { 4, "Pressure + level + flow" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_temperature_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Thermocouple (TC)" },
+ { 2, "Resistance thermometer (RTD)" },
+ { 3, "Pyrometer" },
+ { 16, "TC + DC U (DC Voltage)" },
+ { 17, "RTD + R (R-Resistance)" },
+ { 18, "TC+RTD+r+DC U" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_flow_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Electromagnetic" },
+ { 2, "Vortex" },
+ { 3, "Coriolis" },
+ { 4, "Thermal mass" },
+ { 5, "Ultrasonic" },
+ { 6, "Variable area" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_level_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Hydrostatic" },
+ { 2, "Ultrasonic" },
+ { 3, "Radiometric" },
+ { 4, "Capacitance" },
+ { 5, "Displacer" },
+ { 6, "Float" },
+ { 7, "Radar" },
+ { 8, "Buoyancy" },
+ { 9, "Air bubble system" },
+ { 10, "Gravimetric" },
+ { 11, "Optical" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_actuator_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Electric" },
+ { 2, "Electro-pneumatic" },
+ { 3, "Electro-hydraulic" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_discrete_io_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Input" },
+ { 2, "Output" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_liquid_analyzer_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "pH" },
+ { 2, "Conductivity" },
+ { 3, "Oxygen" },
+ { 4, "Chlorine" },
+ { 5, "Resistivity" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_gas_analyzer_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Standard" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_enumerated_io_class_vals[] = {
+ { 1, "Input" },
+ { 2, "Output" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_binary_io_class_vals[] = {
+ { 2, "8 Bit output" },
+ { 3, "8 Bit input" },
+ { 4, "16 Bit output" },
+ { 5, "16 Bit input" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string* pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_class_vals[] = {
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_pressure_class_vals,
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_temperature_class_vals,
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_flow_class_vals,
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_level_class_vals,
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_actuator_class_vals,
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_discrete_io_class_vals,
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_liquid_analyzer_class_vals,
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_gas_analyzer_class_vals,
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_enumerated_io_class_vals,
+ pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_binary_io_class_vals
+static const value_string pn_io_snmp_control[] = {
+ { 0x00, "Disable SNMP" },
+ { 0x01, "Enable SNMP read only" },
+ { 0x02, "Enable SNMP read/write" },
+ { 0x03, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, NULL }
static int
dissect_profidrive_value(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep, guint8 format_val)
@@ -2654,7 +3772,7 @@ dissect_profidrive_value(tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, packet_info *pinfo,
gint sLen;
sLen = (gint)tvb_strnlen( tvb, offset, -1);
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_string, tvb, offset, sLen, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_string, tvb, offset, sLen, ENC_ASCII);
offset = (offset + sLen);
@@ -3061,11 +4179,11 @@ dissect_RS_IdentificationInfo(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_am_device_identification_organization, &u64AM_DeviceIdentificationOrganization);
/* IM_Tag_Function [32] */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_tag_function, tvb, offset, 32, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_tag_function, tvb, offset, 32, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 32;
/* IM_Tag_Location [22] */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_tag_location, tvb, offset, 22, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_tag_location, tvb, offset, 22, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 22;
return offset;
@@ -3292,106 +4410,139 @@ dissect_RS_EventInfo(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
static int
-dissect_AlarmUserStructure(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
- packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, proto_item *item, guint8 *drep,
- guint16 *body_length, guint16 u16UserStructureIdentifier)
+dissect_Diagnosis(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo _U_,
+ proto_tree *tree, proto_item *item, guint8 *drep, guint16 u16UserStructureIdentifier)
guint16 u16ChannelNumber;
guint16 u16ChannelErrorType;
guint16 u16ExtChannelErrorType;
guint32 u32ExtChannelAddValue;
+ guint32 u32QualifiedChannelQualifier;
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_channel_number, &u16ChannelNumber);
+ offset = dissect_ChannelProperties(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, item, drep);
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_channel_error_type, &u16ChannelErrorType);
+ if (u16UserStructureIdentifier == 0x8000) /* ChannelDiagnosisData */
+ {
+ return offset;
+ }
+ if (u16ChannelErrorType < 0x7fff)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8000)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8000, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8001)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8001, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8002)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8002, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if ((u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8003)||(u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8009))
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8003, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8004)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8004, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8005)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8005, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8007)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8007, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8008)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8008, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x800A)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800A, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x800B)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800B, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x800C)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800C, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8010)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8010, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ext_channel_add_value, &u32ExtChannelAddValue);
+ if (u16UserStructureIdentifier == 0x8002) /* ExtChannelDiagnosisData */
+ {
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_qualified_channel_qualifier, &u32QualifiedChannelQualifier);
+ /* QualifiedChannelDiagnosisData */
+ return offset;
+static int
+dissect_AlarmUserStructure(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, proto_item *item, guint8 *drep,
+ guint16 *body_length, guint16 u16UserStructureIdentifier)
guint16 u16Index = 0;
guint32 u32RecDataLen;
pnio_ar_t *ar = NULL;
switch (u16UserStructureIdentifier) {
case(0x8000): /* ChannelDiagnosisData */
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_channel_number, &u16ChannelNumber);
- offset = dissect_ChannelProperties(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, item, drep);
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_channel_error_type, &u16ChannelErrorType);
+ offset = dissect_Diagnosis(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, item, drep,
+ u16UserStructureIdentifier);
*body_length -= 6;
case(0x8002): /* ExtChannelDiagnosisData */
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_channel_number, &u16ChannelNumber);
- offset = dissect_ChannelProperties(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, item, drep);
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_channel_error_type, &u16ChannelErrorType);
- if (u16ChannelErrorType < 0x7fff)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8000)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8000, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8001)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8001, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8002)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8002, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if ((u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8003)||(u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8009))
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8003, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8004)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8004, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8005)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8005, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8007)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8007, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x8008)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8008, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x800A)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800A, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x800B)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800B, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else if (u16ChannelErrorType == 0x800C)
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800C, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- else
- {
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type, &u16ExtChannelErrorType);
- }
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_ext_channel_add_value, &u32ExtChannelAddValue);
+ offset = dissect_Diagnosis(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, item, drep,
+ u16UserStructureIdentifier);
*body_length -= 12;
+ case (0x8003): /* QualifiedChannelDiagnosisData */
+ offset = dissect_Diagnosis(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, item, drep,
+ u16UserStructureIdentifier);
+ *body_length -= 16;
+ break;
case(0x8100): /* MaintenanceItem */
offset = dissect_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, &u16Index, &u32RecDataLen, &ar);
*body_length -= 12;
@@ -3412,8 +4563,7 @@ dissect_AlarmUserStructure(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* XXX - dissect remaining user structures of [AlarmItem] */
case(0x8001): /* DiagnosisData */
- case(0x8003): /* QualifiedChannelDiagnosisData */
- default:
+ default:
if (u16UserStructureIdentifier >= 0x8000) {
offset = dissect_pn_undecoded(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, *body_length);
} else {
@@ -3505,11 +4655,11 @@ dissect_IandM0_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_vendor_id_low, &u8VendorIDLow);
/* c8[20] OrderID */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_order_id, tvb, offset, 20, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_order_id, tvb, offset, 20, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 20;
/* c8[16] IM_Serial_Number */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_im_serial_number, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_im_serial_number, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 16;
/* x16 IM_Hardware_Revision */
@@ -3564,11 +4714,11 @@ dissect_IandM1_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* IM_Tag_Function [32] */
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_im_tag_function, tvb, offset, 32, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &pTagFunction);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_im_tag_function, tvb, offset, 32, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pTagFunction);
offset += 32;
/* IM_Tag_Location [22] */
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_im_tag_location, tvb, offset, 22, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &pTagLocation);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_im_tag_location, tvb, offset, 22, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pTagLocation);
offset += 22;
proto_item_append_text(item, ": TagFunction:\"%s\", TagLocation:\"%s\"", pTagFunction, pTagLocation);
@@ -3590,7 +4740,7 @@ dissect_IandM2_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* IM_Date [16] */
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_im_date, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &pDate);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_im_date, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pDate);
offset += 16;
proto_item_append_text(item, ": Date:\"%s\"", pDate);
@@ -3612,7 +4762,7 @@ dissect_IandM3_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* IM_Descriptor [54] */
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_im_descriptor, tvb, offset, 54, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &pDescriptor);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_im_descriptor, tvb, offset, 54, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pDescriptor);
offset += 54;
proto_item_append_text(item, ": Descriptor:\"%s\"", pDescriptor);
@@ -3750,11 +4900,11 @@ dissect_IandM5Data_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
guint8 u8IMSWRevisionInternalChange;
/* c8[64] IM Annotation */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_annotation, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_annotation, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 64;
/* c8[64] IM Order ID */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_order_id, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_order_id, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 64;
/* x8 VendorIDHigh */
@@ -3765,7 +4915,7 @@ dissect_IandM5Data_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_vendor_id_low, &u8VendorIDLow);
/* c8[16] IM Serial Number */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_serial_number, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_serial_number, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 16;
/* x16 IM_Hardware_Revision */
@@ -3999,23 +5149,23 @@ guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
offset = dissect_AM_Location(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);
/* IM_Annotation */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_annotation, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_annotation, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 64;
/* IM_OrderID */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_order_id, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_order_id, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 64;
/* AM_SoftwareRevision */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_am_software_revision, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_am_software_revision, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 64;
/* AM_HardwareRevision */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_am_hardware_revision, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_am_hardware_revision, tvb, offset, 64, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 64;
/* IM_Serial_Number */
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_serial_number, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_im_serial_number, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_ASCII);
offset += 16;
/* IM_Software_Revision */
@@ -4689,9 +5839,9 @@ dissect_IODReadResHeader_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
-/* dissect the control/connect block */
+/* dissect the control/connect and control/connect block */
static int
-dissect_ControlConnect_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+dissect_ControlPlugOrConnect_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, proto_item *item, guint8 *drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow,
pnio_ar_t **ar, guint16 blocktype)
@@ -4720,8 +5870,15 @@ dissect_ControlConnect_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_sessionkey, &u16SessionKey);
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_reserved16, NULL);
+ if (((blocktype & 0x7FFF) == 0x0111) || ((blocktype & 0x7FFF) == 0x0113)) {
+ /* control/plug */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_control_alarm_sequence_number, NULL);
+ } else {
+ /* control/connect */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_reserved16, NULL);
+ }
sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_control_command, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_control_command);
@@ -5082,11 +6239,15 @@ dissect_PDPortDataReal_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
guint16 u16SubslotNr;
guint8 u8LengthOwnPortID;
char *pOwnPortID;
+ proto_item *sub_item;
+ proto_tree *sub_tree;
guint8 u8NumberOfPeers;
guint8 u8I;
guint8 u8LengthPeerPortID;
guint8 u8LengthPeerChassisID;
guint8 mac[6];
+ char *pPeerChassisId;
+ char *pPeerPortId;
guint16 u16MAUType;
guint32 u32DomainBoundary;
guint32 u32MulticastBoundary;
@@ -5114,7 +6275,7 @@ dissect_PDPortDataReal_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_length_own_port_id, &u8LengthOwnPortID);
/* OwnPortID */
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_own_port_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthOwnPortID, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &pOwnPortID);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_own_port_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthOwnPortID, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pOwnPortID);
offset += u8LengthOwnPortID;
/* NumberOfPeers */
@@ -5125,31 +6286,40 @@ dissect_PDPortDataReal_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
u8I = u8NumberOfPeers;
while (u8I--) {
+ sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_neighbor, tvb, offset, 0, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_neighbor);
/* LengthPeerPortID */
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_length_peer_port_id, &u8LengthPeerPortID);
/* PeerPortID */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_peer_port_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerPortID, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (sub_tree, hf_pn_io_peer_port_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerPortID,
+ ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pPeerPortId);
offset += u8LengthPeerPortID;
/* LengthPeerChassisID */
- offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_length_peer_chassis_id, &u8LengthPeerChassisID);
/* PeerChassisID */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_peer_chassis_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerChassisID, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (sub_tree, hf_pn_io_peer_chassis_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerChassisID,
+ ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pPeerChassisId);
offset += u8LengthPeerChassisID;
/* Padding */
- offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree);
/* LineDelay */
- offset = dissect_Line_Delay(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, &u32LineDelayValue);
+ offset = dissect_Line_Delay(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep, &u32LineDelayValue);
/* PeerMACAddress */
- offset = dissect_pn_mac(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree,
+ offset = dissect_pn_mac(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree,
hf_pn_io_peer_macadd, mac);
/* Padding */
- offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree);
+ proto_item_append_text(sub_item, ": %s (%s)", pPeerChassisId, pPeerPortId);
/* MAUType */
@@ -5187,6 +6357,43 @@ dissect_PDPortDataReal_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+/* dissect the PDPortDataRealExtended blocks */
+static int
+dissect_PDPortDataRealExtended_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree,
+ proto_item *item, guint8 *drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow, guint16 u16BodyLength)
+ guint16 u16SlotNr;
+ guint16 u16SubslotNr;
+ guint16 u16Index = 0;
+ guint32 u32RecDataLen;
+ pnio_ar_t *ar = NULL;
+ int endoffset = offset + u16BodyLength;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ /* SlotNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_slot_nr, &u16SlotNr);
+ /* Subslotnumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_subslot_nr, &u16SubslotNr);
+ proto_item_append_text(item, ": Slot:0x%x/0x%x", u16SlotNr, u16SubslotNr);
+ while (endoffset > offset) {
+ offset = dissect_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, &u16Index, &u32RecDataLen, &ar);
+ u16Index++;
+ }
+ return offset;
static int
dissect_PDInterfaceMrpDataAdjust_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, proto_item *item _U_, guint8 *drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow, guint16 u16BodyLength)
@@ -5240,7 +6447,7 @@ dissect_PDInterfaceMrpDataAdjust_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
with the labels being counted strings; does that mean that this
is just an ASCII string to be interpreted as a Punycode Unicode
domain name? */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthDomainName, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthDomainName, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u8LengthDomainName;
/* Padding */
@@ -5311,7 +6518,7 @@ dissect_PDInterfaceMrpDataReal_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_mrp_length_domain_name, &u8LengthDomainName);
/* MRP_DomainName */
/* XXX - see comment earlier about MRP_DomainName */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthDomainName, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthDomainName, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u8LengthDomainName;
if (u8BlockVersionLow == 0) {
@@ -5885,14 +7092,14 @@ dissect_CheckPeers_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_length_peer_port_id, &u8LengthPeerPortID);
/* PeerPortID */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_peer_port_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerPortID, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_peer_port_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerPortID, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u8LengthPeerPortID;
/* LengthPeerChassisID */
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_length_peer_chassis_id, &u8LengthPeerChassisID);
/* PeerChassisID */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_peer_chassis_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerChassisID, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_peer_chassis_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerChassisID, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u8LengthPeerChassisID;
@@ -6265,7 +7472,7 @@ dissect_MrpInstanceDataAdjust_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_mrp_length_domain_name, &u8LengthDomainName);
/* MRP_DomainName */
/* XXX - see comment earlier about MRP_DomainName */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthDomainName, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthDomainName, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u8LengthDomainName;
/* Padding */
offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
@@ -6312,7 +7519,7 @@ dissect_MrpInstanceDataReal_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_mrp_length_domain_name, &u8LengthDomainName);
/* MRP_DomainName */
/* XXX - see comment earlier about MRP_DomainName */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthDomainName, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_mrp_domain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthDomainName, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u8LengthDomainName;
/* Padding */
offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
@@ -6386,6 +7593,814 @@ dissect_PDInterfaceAdjust_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
return offset;
+/* TSNNetworkControlDataReal */
+static int
+dissect_TSNNetworkControlDataReal_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ proto_item* sub_item;
+ proto_tree* sub_tree;
+ e_guid_t nme_parameter_uuid;
+ guint32 u32NetworkDeadline;
+ guint16 u16SendClockFactor;
+ guint16 u16NumberofEntries;
+ guint16 u16TSNNMENameLength;
+ guint16 u16TSNDomainNameLength;
+ e_guid_t tsn_nme_name_uuid;
+ e_guid_t tsn_domain_uuid;
+ int bit_offset;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 2);
+ /* NMEParameterUUID*/
+ offset = dissect_pn_uuid(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_parameter_uuid, &nme_parameter_uuid);
+ /* TSNDomainVIDConfig*/
+ sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config);
+ bit_offset = offset << 3;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_reserved, tvb, bit_offset, 32, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 32;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_D, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_C, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_B, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_low_red_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_low_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_high_red_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_high_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ offset += 16;
+ /* TSNDomainPortConfigBlock */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, /*sub_*/tree, drep);
+ /* Network Deadline */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_network_deadline, &u32NetworkDeadline);
+ /* SendClockFactor 16 */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_send_clock_factor, &u16SendClockFactor);
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_time_data_block_entries, &u16NumberofEntries);
+ /* TSNTimeDataBlock */
+ while (u16NumberofEntries > 0) {
+ u16NumberofEntries--;
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, /*sub_*/tree, drep);
+ }
+ /* TSNNMENameUUID */
+ offset = dissect_pn_uuid(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name_uuid, &tsn_nme_name_uuid);
+ /* TSNNMENameLength */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name_length, &u16TSNNMENameLength);
+ /* TSNNMEName */
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name, tvb, offset, u16TSNNMENameLength, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);
+ offset += u16TSNNMENameLength;
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ /* TSNDomainUUID */
+ offset = dissect_pn_uuid(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_uuid, &tsn_domain_uuid);
+ /* TSNDomainNameLength */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_name_length, &u16TSNDomainNameLength);
+ /* TSNDomainName */
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_name, tvb, offset, u16TSNDomainNameLength, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);
+ offset += u16TSNDomainNameLength;
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ return offset;
+/* TSNNetworkControlDataAdjust */
+static int
+dissect_TSNNetworkControlDataAdjust_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ proto_item* sub_item;
+ proto_tree* sub_tree;
+ e_guid_t nme_parameter_uuid;
+ guint32 u32NetworkDeadline;
+ guint16 u16SendClockFactor;
+ guint16 u16NumberofEntries;
+ guint16 u16TSNNMENameLength;
+ e_guid_t tsn_nme_name_uuid;
+ int bit_offset;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 2);
+ /* NMEParameterUUID*/
+ offset = dissect_pn_uuid(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_parameter_uuid, &nme_parameter_uuid);
+ /* TSNDomainVIDConfig*/
+ sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config);
+ bit_offset = offset << 3;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_reserved, tvb, bit_offset, 32, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 32;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_D, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_C, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_B, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_low_red_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_low_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_high_red_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ bit_offset += 12;
+ proto_tree_add_bits_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_high_vid, tvb, bit_offset, 12, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ offset += 16;
+ /* TSNDomainPortConfigBlock */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, /*sub_*/tree, drep);
+ /* Network Deadline */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_network_deadline, &u32NetworkDeadline);
+ /* SendClockFactor 16 */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_send_clock_factor, &u16SendClockFactor);
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_time_data_block_entries, &u16NumberofEntries);
+ /* TSNTimeDataBlock */
+ while (u16NumberofEntries > 0) {
+ u16NumberofEntries--;
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, /*sub_*/tree, drep);
+ }
+ /* TSNNMENameUUID */
+ offset = dissect_pn_uuid(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name_uuid, &tsn_nme_name_uuid);
+ /* TSNNMENameLength */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name_length, &u16TSNNMENameLength);
+ /* TSNNMEName */
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name, tvb, offset, u16TSNNMENameLength, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);
+ offset += u16TSNNMENameLength;
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ return offset;
+/* TSNStreamPathData */
+static int
+dissect_TSNStreamPathDataReal_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow, gboolean real)
+ guint8 u8FDBCommand;
+ guint16 u16NumberofEntries;
+ guint8 dstAdd[6];
+ guint16 u16StreamClass;
+ guint16 u16SlotNumber;
+ guint16 u16SubSlotNumber;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 1);
+ if (!real) {
+ /* FDBCommand */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_fdb_command, &u8FDBCommand);
+ }
+ else {
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 1);
+ }
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 2);
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_sync_tree_entries, &u16NumberofEntries);
+ while (u16NumberofEntries > 0) {
+ u16NumberofEntries--;
+ /* DestinationAddress */
+ offset = dissect_pn_mac(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_dst_add, dstAdd);
+ /* StreamClass */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_tsn_stream_class, &u16StreamClass);
+ /* IngressPort */
+ /* TSNDomainPortID */
+ /*SlotNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_slot_nr, &u16SlotNumber);
+ /* SubSlotNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_subslot_nr, &u16SubSlotNumber);
+ /* EgressPort */
+ /* TSNDomainPortID */
+ /*SlotNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_slot_nr, &u16SlotNumber);
+ /* SubSlotNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_subslot_nr, &u16SubSlotNumber);
+ }
+ return offset;
+/* TSNSyncTreeData */
+static int
+dissect_TSNSyncTreeData_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint16 u16NumberofEntries;
+ guint16 u16SlotNr;
+ guint16 u16SubslotNr;
+ guint16 u16TimeDomainNumber;
+ guint8 u8SyncPortRole;
+ proto_item* sub_item;
+ proto_tree* sub_tree;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_sync_tree_entries, &u16NumberofEntries);
+ while (u16NumberofEntries > 0) {
+ u16NumberofEntries--;
+ /* TSNDomainPortID */
+ sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_id, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_id);
+ /* SlotNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep, hf_pn_io_slot_nr, &u16SlotNr);
+ /*--*/
+ /* Subslotnumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep, hf_pn_io_subslot_nr, &u16SubslotNr);
+ /* TimeDomainNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_time_domain_number, &u16TimeDomainNumber);
+ /* SyncPortRole */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_sync_port_role, &u8SyncPortRole);
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 1);
+ }
+ return offset;
+/* TSNDomainPortConfigBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNDomainPortConfig_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint16 u16NumberofEntries;
+ guint16 u16SlotNr;
+ guint16 u16SubslotNr;
+ proto_item* sub_item_port_config;
+ proto_tree* sub_tree_port_config;
+ guint8 u8TSNDomainPortConfig;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_port_config_entries, &u16NumberofEntries);
+ while (u16NumberofEntries > 0) {
+ u16NumberofEntries--;
+ /* SlotNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_slot_nr, &u16SlotNr);
+ /* Subslotnumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_subslot_nr, &u16SubslotNr);
+ /* TSNDomainPortConfig */
+ sub_item_port_config = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree_port_config = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item_port_config, ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree_port_config, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_reserved, &u8TSNDomainPortConfig);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree_port_config, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_boundary_port_config, &u8TSNDomainPortConfig);
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree_port_config, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_preemption_enabled, &u8TSNDomainPortConfig);
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 3);
+ /* TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, /*sub_*/tree, drep);
+ /* TSNDomainQueueConfigBlock */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, /*sub_*/tree, drep);
+ /* TSNDomainQueueRateLimiterBlock */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, /*sub_*/tree, drep);
+ }
+ return offset;
+/* TSNDomainQueueConfigBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNDomainQueueConfig_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint16 u16NumberofEntries;
+ proto_item* sub_item;
+ proto_tree* sub_tree;
+ guint64 u64TSNDomainQueueConfig;
+ dcerpc_info di; /* fake dcerpc_info struct */
+ dcerpc_call_value dcv; /* fake dcerpc_call_value struct */
+ di.call_data = &dcv;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_queue_config_entries, &u16NumberofEntries);
+ while (u16NumberofEntries > 0) {
+ u16NumberofEntries--;
+ sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config, tvb, offset, 8, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config);
+ /* TSNDomainQueueConfig */
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_mask_time_offset, &u64TSNDomainQueueConfig);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_unmask_time_offset, &u64TSNDomainQueueConfig);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_preemption_mode, &u64TSNDomainQueueConfig);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_shaper, &u64TSNDomainQueueConfig);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_tci_pcp, &u64TSNDomainQueueConfig);
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_queue_id, &u64TSNDomainQueueConfig);
+ }
+ return offset;
+/* TSNTimeDataBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNTimeData_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint16 u16TimeDomainNumber;
+ guint32 u32TimePLLWindow;
+ guint32 u32MessageIntervalFactor;
+ guint16 u16MessageTimeoutFactor;
+ guint16 u16TimeSyncProperties;
+ guint8 u8TimeDomainNameLength;
+ e_guid_t time_domain_uuid;
+ proto_item* sub_item;
+ proto_tree* sub_tree;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ /* TimeDomainNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_time_domain_number, &u16TimeDomainNumber);
+ /* TimePLLWindow */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_time_pll_window, &u32TimePLLWindow);
+ /* MessageIntervalFactor */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_message_interval_factor, &u32MessageIntervalFactor);
+ /* MessageTimeoutFactor */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_message_timeout_factor, &u16MessageTimeoutFactor);
+ /* TimeSyncProperties */
+ sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_time_sync_properties, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_time_sync_properties);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_time_sync_properties_reserved, &u16TimeSyncProperties);
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_time_sync_properties_role, &u16TimeSyncProperties);
+ /* TimeDomainUUID */
+ offset = dissect_pn_uuid(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_io_time_domain_uuid, &time_domain_uuid);
+ /* TimeDomainNameLength */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_time_domain_name_length, &u8TimeDomainNameLength);
+ /* TimeDomainName */
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_time_domain_name, tvb, offset, u8TimeDomainNameLength, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);
+ offset += u8TimeDomainNameLength;
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ return offset;
+/* TSNUploadNetworkAttributesBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNUploadNetworkAttributes_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint32 u32TransferTimeTX;
+ guint32 u32TransferTimeRX;
+ guint32 u32MaxSupportedRecordSize;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || (u8BlockVersionLow != 0 && u8BlockVersionLow != 1)) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ /* Align to the next 32 bit twice */
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 2);
+ /* TSNPortIDBlock */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);
+ /*MaxSupportedRecordSize*/
+ offset= dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb,offset,pinfo,tree,drep,hf_pn_io_tsn_max_supported_record_size,&u32MaxSupportedRecordSize);
+ /* TransferTimeTX */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_tx, &u32TransferTimeTX);
+ /* TransferTimeRX */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_rx, &u32TransferTimeRX);
+ /* TSNForwardingDelayBlock */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);
+ return offset;
+/* TSNExpectedNeighborBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNExpectedNeighbor_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint8 u8NumberOfPeers;
+ guint8 u8I;
+ guint8 u8LengthPeerPortName;
+ guint8 u8LengthPeerStationName;
+ guint16 u16NumberOfEntries;
+ guint16 u16SlotNr;
+ guint16 u16SubslotNr;
+ guint32 u32LineDelayValue;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || (u8BlockVersionLow != 0 && u8BlockVersionLow != 1)) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_tsn_expected_neighbor_block_number_of_entries, &u16NumberOfEntries);
+ while (u16NumberOfEntries > 0)
+ {
+ u16NumberOfEntries--;
+ /*TSNDomainPortID*/
+ /* SlotNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_slot_nr, &u16SlotNr);
+ /*--*/
+ /* Subslotnumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_subslot_nr, &u16SubslotNr);
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 3);
+ /* NumberOfPeers */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_peers, &u8NumberOfPeers);
+ u8I = u8NumberOfPeers;
+ while (u8I--) {
+ /* LengthPeerPortName */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_length_peer_port_name, &u8LengthPeerPortName);
+ /* PeerPortName */
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_peer_port_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerPortName, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);
+ offset += u8LengthPeerPortName;
+ /* LengthPeerStationName */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_length_peer_station_name, &u8LengthPeerStationName);
+ /* PeerStationName */
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_peer_station_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerStationName, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);
+ offset += u8LengthPeerStationName;
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ /* LineDelay */
+ offset = dissect_Line_Delay(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, &u32LineDelayValue);
+ }
+ }
+ return offset;
+/* TSNExpectedNetworkAttributesBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNExpectedNetworkAttributes_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || (u8BlockVersionLow != 0 && u8BlockVersionLow != 1)) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ /* Align to the next 32 bit twice */
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 2);
+ /* TSNPortIDBlock */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);
+ /* TSNForwardingDelayBlock */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);
+ /* TSNExpectedNeighborBlock */
+ offset = dissect_a_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);
+ return offset;
+/* TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiterBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint16 u16NumberofEntries;
+ proto_item* sub_item_port_ingress;
+ proto_tree* sub_tree_port_ingress;
+ guint64 u64TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter;
+ dcerpc_info di; /* fake dcerpc_info struct */
+ dcerpc_call_value dcv; /* fake dcerpc_call_value struct */
+ di.call_data = &dcv;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_entries, &u16NumberofEntries);
+ while (u16NumberofEntries > 0) {
+ u16NumberofEntries--;
+ /* TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter */
+ sub_item_port_ingress = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter, tvb, offset, 8, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree_port_ingress = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item_port_ingress, ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree_port_ingress, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cir, &u64TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree_port_ingress, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cbs, &u64TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree_port_ingress, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_envelope, &u64TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter);
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree_port_ingress, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_rank, &u64TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter);
+ }
+ return offset;
+/* TSNDomainQueueRateLimiterBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint16 u16NumberofEntries;
+ proto_item* sub_item;
+ proto_tree* sub_tree;
+ guint64 u64TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter;
+ dcerpc_info di; /* fake dcerpc_info struct */
+ dcerpc_call_value dcv; /* fake dcerpc_call_value struct */
+ di.call_data = &dcv;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_entries, &u16NumberofEntries);
+ while (u16NumberofEntries > 0) {
+ u16NumberofEntries--;
+ /* TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter */
+ sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter, tvb, offset, 8, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cir, &u64TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cbs, &u64TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_envelope, &u64TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_rank, &u64TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter);
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_queue_id, &u64TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter);
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint64(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, &di, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_reserved, &u64TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter);
+ }
+ return offset;
+/* TSNPortIDBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNPortID_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint8 u8NumberOfQueues;
+ guint8 u8ForwardingGroup;
+ guint8 u8TSNPortCapabilities;
+ guint16 u16NumberOfEntries;
+ guint16 u16SlotNr;
+ guint16 u16SubslotNr;
+ guint16 u16MAUType;
+ guint16 u16MAUTypeExtension;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || (u8BlockVersionLow != 0 && u8BlockVersionLow != 1)) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_tsn_port_id_block_number_of_entries, &u16NumberOfEntries);
+ while (u16NumberOfEntries > 0)
+ {
+ u16NumberOfEntries--;
+ /*TSNDomainPortID*/
+ /* SlotNumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_slot_nr, &u16SlotNr);
+ /*--*/
+ /* Subslotnumber */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_subslot_nr, &u16SubslotNr);
+ /*MAUType*/
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_mau_type, &u16MAUType);
+ /*MAUTypeExtension*/
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_mau_type_extension, &u16MAUTypeExtension);
+ /* NumberOfQueues */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_number_of_queues, &u8NumberOfQueues);
+ /* TSNPortCapabilities */
+ /* bit 0 */
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_time_aware, &u8TSNPortCapabilities);
+ /* bit 1 */
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_preemption, &u8TSNPortCapabilities);
+ /* bit 2 */
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_queue_masking, &u8TSNPortCapabilities);
+ /* bit 3-7 */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_reserved, &u8TSNPortCapabilities);
+ /* ForwardingGroup */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group, &u8ForwardingGroup);
+ /* Align to the next 32 bit */
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, 1);
+ }
+ return offset;
+/* TSNForwardingDelayBlock */
+static int
+dissect_TSNForwardingDelay_block(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info* pinfo, proto_tree* tree, proto_item* item _U_, guint8* drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint8 u8ForwardingGroupIngress;
+ guint8 u8ForwardingGroupEgress;
+ guint16 u16NumberOfEntries;
+ guint16 u16StreamClass;
+ guint32 u32DependentForwardingDelay;
+ guint32 u32IndependentForwardingDelay;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || (u8BlockVersionLow != 0 && u8BlockVersionLow != 1)) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_delay_block_number_of_entries, &u16NumberOfEntries);
+ while (u16NumberOfEntries > 0)
+ {
+ u16NumberOfEntries--;
+ /*ForwardingGroupIngress*/
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_ingress, &u8ForwardingGroupIngress);
+ /*ForwardingGroupEgress*/
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_egress, &u8ForwardingGroupEgress);
+ /* StreamClass */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_stream_class, &u16StreamClass);
+ /* DependentForwardingDelay */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_dependent_forwarding_delay, &u32DependentForwardingDelay);
+ /* IndependentForwardingDelay */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_tsn_independent_forwarding_delay, &u32IndependentForwardingDelay);
+ }
+ return offset;
/* PDPortStatistic for one subslot */
static int
dissect_PDPortStatistic_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
@@ -6452,6 +8467,157 @@ dissect_PDPortStatistic_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
return offset;
+/* OwnPort */
+static int
+dissect_OwnPort_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, proto_item *item _U_, guint8 *drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ guint8 u8LengthOwnPortID;
+ char *pOwnPortID;
+ guint16 u16MAUType;
+ guint16 u16MAUTypeExtension;
+ guint32 u32MulticastBoundary;
+ guint8 u8LinkStatePort;
+ guint8 u8LinkStateLink;
+ guint32 u32MediaType;
+ guint32 u32LineDelayValue;
+ guint16 u16PortStatus;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ /* LengthOwnPortID */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_length_own_port_id, &u8LengthOwnPortID);
+ /* OwnPortName */
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_own_port_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthOwnPortID, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pOwnPortID);
+ offset += u8LengthOwnPortID;
+ /* Padding */
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ /* LineDelay */
+ offset = dissect_Line_Delay(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, &u32LineDelayValue);
+ /* MediaType */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_media_type, &u32MediaType);
+ /* MulticastBoundary */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_multicast_boundary, &u32MulticastBoundary);
+ /* MAUType */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_mau_type, &u16MAUType);
+ /* MAUTypeExtension */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_mau_type_extension, &u16MAUTypeExtension);
+ /* LinkState.Port */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_link_state_port, &u8LinkStatePort);
+ /* LinkState.Link */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_link_state_link, &u8LinkStateLink);
+ /* RTClass3_PortStatus */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_rtclass3_port_status, &u16PortStatus);
+ proto_item_append_text(item, ": OwnPortID:%s, LinkState.Port:%s LinkState.Link:%s MediaType:%s MAUType:%s",
+ pOwnPortID,
+ val_to_str(u8LinkStatePort, pn_io_link_state_port, "0x%x"),
+ val_to_str(u8LinkStateLink, pn_io_link_state_link, "0x%x"),
+ val_to_str(u32MediaType, pn_io_media_type, "0x%x"),
+ val_to_str(u16MAUType, pn_io_mau_type, "0x%x"));
+ return offset;
+/* Neighbors */
+static int
+dissect_Neighbors_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, proto_item *item _U_, guint8 *drep, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow)
+ proto_item *sub_item;
+ proto_tree *sub_tree;
+ guint8 u8NumberOfPeers;
+ guint8 u8I;
+ guint8 mac[6];
+ char *pPeerStationName;
+ char *pPeerPortName;
+ guint8 u8LengthPeerPortName;
+ guint8 u8LengthPeerStationName;
+ guint16 u16MAUType;
+ guint16 u16MAUTypeExtension;
+ guint32 u32LineDelayValue;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ /* NumberOfPeers */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_peers, &u8NumberOfPeers);
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree);
+ u8I = u8NumberOfPeers;
+ while (u8I--) {
+ sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_neighbor, tvb, offset, 0, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_neighbor);
+ /* LineDelay */
+ offset = dissect_Line_Delay(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep, &u32LineDelayValue);
+ /* MAUType */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_mau_type, &u16MAUType);
+ /* MAUTypeExtension */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_mau_type_extension, &u16MAUTypeExtension);
+ /* PeerMACAddress */
+ offset = dissect_pn_mac(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree,
+ hf_pn_io_peer_macadd, mac);
+ /* LengthPeerPortName */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_length_peer_port_name, &u8LengthPeerPortName);
+ /* PeerPortName */
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (sub_tree, hf_pn_io_peer_port_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerPortName,
+ ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pPeerPortName);
+ offset += u8LengthPeerPortName;
+ /* LengthPeerStationName */
+ offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_length_peer_station_name, &u8LengthPeerStationName);
+ /* PeerStationName */
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (sub_tree, hf_pn_io_peer_station_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthPeerStationName,
+ ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pPeerStationName);
+ offset += u8LengthPeerStationName;
+ offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree);
+ proto_item_append_text(sub_item, ": %s (%s)", pPeerStationName, pPeerPortName);
+ }
+ return offset;
/* dissect the PDInterfaceDataReal block */
static int
@@ -6473,7 +8639,7 @@ dissect_PDInterfaceDataReal_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_length_own_chassis_id, &u8LengthOwnChassisID);
/* OwnChassisID */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_own_chassis_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthOwnChassisID, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_own_chassis_id, tvb, offset, u8LengthOwnChassisID, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u8LengthOwnChassisID;
/* Padding */
@@ -6618,7 +8784,7 @@ dissect_PDSyncData_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_ptcp_length_subdomain_name, &u8LengthSubdomainName);
/* PTCPSubdomainName */
/* XXX - another Punycode string */
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_ptcp_subdomain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthSubdomainName, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_ptcp_subdomain_name, tvb, offset, u8LengthSubdomainName, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u8LengthSubdomainName;
/* Padding */
@@ -7127,6 +9293,7 @@ dissect_ARProperties(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
proto_tree *sub_tree;
guint32 u32ARProperties;
guint8 startupMode;
+ guint8 isTimeAware;
sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_ar_properties, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_ar_properties);
@@ -7148,6 +9315,13 @@ dissect_ARProperties(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_ar_properties_combined_object_container_with_legacy_startupmode, &u32ARProperties);
dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
+ hf_pn_io_ar_properties_time_aware_system, &u32ARProperties);
+ isTimeAware = (guint8)((u32ARProperties >> 28) & 0x01);
+ wmem_map_insert(pnio_time_aware_frame_map, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pinfo->num), GUINT_TO_POINTER(isTimeAware));
+ dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_ar_properties_reserved, &u32ARProperties);
dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_ar_properties_achnowledge_companion_ar, &u32ARProperties);
@@ -7171,7 +9345,6 @@ dissect_ARProperties(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
return offset;
/* dissect the IOCRProperties */
static int
dissect_IOCRProperties(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
@@ -7267,7 +9440,7 @@ dissect_ARData_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_cminitiator_objectuuid, &uuid);
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, ar_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_station_name_length, &u16NameLength);
- proto_tree_add_item (ar_tree, hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (ar_tree, hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u16NameLength;
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, ar_tree, drep,
@@ -7350,7 +9523,7 @@ dissect_ARData_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, ar_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_station_name_length, &u16NameLength);
/* ParameterServerStationName */
- proto_tree_add_item (ar_tree, hf_pn_io_parameter_server_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (ar_tree, hf_pn_io_parameter_server_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u16NameLength;
/* NumberOfAPIs */
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, ar_tree, drep,
@@ -7397,7 +9570,7 @@ dissect_ARData_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, ar_tree, drep, hf_pn_io_cmresponder_udprtport, &u16UDPRTPort);
/* CMInitiatorStationName*/
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, ar_tree, drep, hf_pn_io_station_name_length, &u16NameLength);
- proto_tree_add_item (ar_tree, hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (ar_tree, hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u16NameLength;
/** align padding! **/
offset = dissect_pn_align4(tvb, offset, pinfo, ar_tree);
@@ -7406,7 +9579,7 @@ dissect_ARData_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, ar_tree, drep, hf_pn_io_station_name_length, &u16NameLength);
if (u16NameLength != 0) {
/* ParameterServerStationName */
- proto_tree_add_item (ar_tree, hf_pn_io_parameter_server_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (ar_tree, hf_pn_io_parameter_server_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u16NameLength;
@@ -8031,12 +10204,12 @@ dissect_ARBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* When ARType==IOCARSR, then find or create conversation for this frame */
if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) {
/* Get current conversation endpoints using MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_UDP, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_UDP, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
/* Create new conversation, if no "Ident OK" frame as been dissected yet!
* Need to switch dl_src & dl_dst, as current packet is sent by controller and not by device.
* All conversations are based on Device MAC as addr1 */
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, ENDPOINT_UDP, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, CONVERSATION_UDP, 0, 0, 0);
/* Try to get apdu status switch information from the conversation */
@@ -8087,7 +10260,7 @@ dissect_ARBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_station_name_length, &u16NameLength);
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &pStationName);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pStationName);
offset += u16NameLength;
proto_item_append_text(item, ": %s, Session:%u, MAC:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, Port:0x%x, Station:%s",
@@ -8191,11 +10364,13 @@ dissect_IOCRBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
guint8 mac[6];
guint16 u16NumberOfAPIs;
guint32 u32Api;
- guint16 u16NumberOfIODataObjects;
+ guint16 u16NumberOfIODataObjectsInAPI;
+ guint16 u16NumberOfIODataObjectsInCR = 0U;
guint16 u16SlotNr;
guint16 u16SubslotNr;
guint16 u16IODataObjectFrameOffset;
- guint16 u16NumberOfIOCS;
+ guint16 u16NumberOfIOCSInAPI;
+ guint16 u16NumberOfIOCSInCR = 0U;
guint16 u16IOCSFrameOffset;
proto_item *api_item;
proto_tree *api_tree;
@@ -8206,6 +10381,7 @@ dissect_IOCRBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
guint32 u32SubStart;
conversation_t *conversation;
+ conversation_t *conversation_time_aware;
stationInfo *station_info = NULL;
iocsObject *iocs_object;
iocsObject *cmp_iocs_object;
@@ -8230,7 +10406,7 @@ dissect_IOCRBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_lt, &u16LT);
- offset = dissect_IOCRProperties(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);
+ offset = dissect_IOCRProperties(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep);
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_data_length, &u16DataLength);
@@ -8255,6 +10431,25 @@ dissect_IOCRBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_pn_mac(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree,
hf_pn_io_iocr_multicast_mac_add, mac);
+ if (wmem_map_contains(pnio_time_aware_frame_map, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pinfo->num)))
+ {
+ address cyclic_mac_addr;
+ address iocr_mac_addr;
+ set_address(&cyclic_mac_addr, AT_ETHER, 6, mac);
+ iocr_mac_addr = (u16IOCRType == PN_INPUT_CR) ? pinfo->dl_dst : pinfo->dl_src;
+ /* Get current conversation endpoints using MAC addresses */
+ conversation_time_aware = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &cyclic_mac_addr, &iocr_mac_addr, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (conversation_time_aware == NULL) {
+ conversation_time_aware = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &iocr_mac_addr, &cyclic_mac_addr, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ conversation_add_proto_data(conversation_time_aware, proto_pn_io_time_aware_status, wmem_map_lookup(pnio_time_aware_frame_map, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pinfo->num)));
+ }
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_number_of_apis, &u16NumberOfAPIs);
@@ -8273,18 +10468,18 @@ dissect_IOCRBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_api, &u32Api);
/* NumberOfIODataObjects */
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, api_tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_number_of_io_data_objects, &u16NumberOfIODataObjects);
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_io_data_objects, &u16NumberOfIODataObjectsInAPI);
/* Set global Variant for Number of IO Data Objects */
- /* Notice: Handle Input & Output seperate!!! */
+ /* Notice: Handle Input & Output separate!!! */
if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) {
/* Get current conversation endpoints using MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
/* Create new conversation, if no "Ident OK" frame as been dissected yet!
* Need to switch dl_src & dl_dst, as Connect Request is sent by controller and not by device.
* All conversations are based on Device MAC as addr1 */
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
current_aruuid_frame = pn_find_aruuid_frame_setup(pinfo);
@@ -8302,12 +10497,12 @@ dissect_IOCRBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
conversation_add_proto_data(conversation, current_aruuid, station_info);
- station_info->ioDataObjectNr += u16NumberOfIODataObjects;
+ u16NumberOfIODataObjectsInCR += u16NumberOfIODataObjectsInAPI;
pn_find_dcp_station_info(station_info, conversation);
- u16Tmp = u16NumberOfIODataObjects;
+ u16Tmp = u16NumberOfIODataObjectsInAPI;
while (u16Tmp--) {
sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(api_tree, hf_pn_io_io_data_object, tvb, offset, 0, ENC_NA);
sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_io_data_object);
@@ -8367,16 +10562,14 @@ dissect_IOCRBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* NumberOfIOCS */
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, api_tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_number_of_iocs, &u16NumberOfIOCS);
+ hf_pn_io_number_of_iocs, &u16NumberOfIOCSInAPI);
/* Set global Vairant for NumberOfIOCS */
if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) {
- if (station_info != NULL) {
- station_info->iocsNr = u16NumberOfIOCS;
- }
+ u16NumberOfIOCSInCR += u16NumberOfIOCSInAPI;
- u16Tmp = u16NumberOfIOCS;
+ u16Tmp = u16NumberOfIOCSInAPI;
while (u16Tmp--) {
sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(api_tree, hf_pn_io_io_cs, tvb, offset, 0, ENC_NA);
sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_io_cs);
@@ -8427,11 +10620,24 @@ dissect_IOCRBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
proto_item_append_text(api_item, ": 0x%x, NumberOfIODataObjects: %u NumberOfIOCS: %u",
- u32Api, u16NumberOfIODataObjects, u16NumberOfIOCS);
+ u32Api, u16NumberOfIODataObjectsInAPI, u16NumberOfIOCSInAPI);
proto_item_set_len(api_item, offset - u32ApiStart);
+ /* Update global object count */
+ if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) {
+ if (station_info != NULL) {
+ if (u16IOCRType == PN_INPUT_CR) {
+ station_info->iocsNr_in = u16NumberOfIOCSInCR;
+ station_info->ioDataObjectNr_in = u16NumberOfIODataObjectsInCR;
+ } else {
+ station_info->iocsNr_out = u16NumberOfIOCSInCR;
+ station_info->ioDataObjectNr_out = u16NumberOfIODataObjectsInCR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (ar != NULL) {
switch (u16IOCRType) {
case(1): /* Input CR */
@@ -8586,7 +10792,7 @@ dissect_ARServerBlock(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_station_name_length, &u16NameLength);
- proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_pn_io_cminitiator_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII);
offset += u16NameLength;
/* Padding to next 4 byte alignment in this block */
u16padding = u16BodyLength - (2 + u16NameLength);
@@ -8692,7 +10898,7 @@ dissect_MCRBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_station_name_length, &u16NameLength);
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_provider_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &pStationName);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_io_provider_station_name, tvb, offset, u16NameLength, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &pStationName);
offset += u16NameLength;
proto_item_append_text(item, ", CRRef:%u, Properties:0x%x, TFactor:%u, Station:%s",
@@ -9078,12 +11284,12 @@ dissect_DataDescription(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* Save new data for IO Data Objects */
if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) {
/* Get current conversation endpoints using MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
/* Create new conversation, if no "Ident OK" frame as been dissected yet!
* Need to switch dl_src & dl_dst, as current packet is sent by controller and not by device.
* All conversations are based on Device MAC as addr1 */
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
current_aruuid_frame = pn_find_aruuid_frame_setup(pinfo);
@@ -9110,6 +11316,7 @@ dissect_DataDescription(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
io_data_object = (ioDataObject*)wmem_list_frame_data(frame);
if (io_data_object->slotNr == tmp_io_data_object->slotNr && io_data_object->subSlotNr == tmp_io_data_object->subSlotNr) {
/* Write additional data from dissect_ExpectedSubmoduleBlockReq_block() to corresponding io_data_object */
+ io_data_object->api = tmp_io_data_object->api;
io_data_object->moduleIdentNr = tmp_io_data_object->moduleIdentNr;
io_data_object->subModuleIdentNr = tmp_io_data_object->subModuleIdentNr;
io_data_object->length = u16SubmoduleDataLength;
@@ -9130,6 +11337,108 @@ dissect_DataDescription(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+static int
+resolve_pa_profile_submodule_name(ioDataObject *io_data_object)
+ const uint32_t u32SubmoduleIdentNumber = io_data_object->subModuleIdentNr;
+ /* split components of submodule ident number */
+ const uint8_t variant = (u32SubmoduleIdentNumber >> 24u) & 0xFFu;
+ const uint8_t block_object = (u32SubmoduleIdentNumber >> 16u) & 0xFFu;
+ const uint8_t parent_class = (u32SubmoduleIdentNumber >> 8u) & 0xFFu;
+ const uint8_t class = (u32SubmoduleIdentNumber) & 0xFFu;
+ const gchar* parent_class_name = NULL;
+ const gchar* class_name = NULL;
+ const gchar* block_object_name = try_val_to_str(block_object, pn_io_pa_profile_block_object_vals);
+ if (block_object_name != NULL)
+ {
+ switch (block_object)
+ {
+ if (parent_class == 0u)
+ {
+ class_name = try_val_to_str(class, pn_io_pa_profile_dap_submodule_vals);
+ if (class_name != NULL)
+ {
+ (void)snprintf(io_data_object->moduleNameStr, MAX_NAMELENGTH, "%s - %s", block_object_name, class_name);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* we have an interface or a port */
+ if (class == 0u)
+ {
+ (void)snprintf(io_data_object->moduleNameStr, MAX_NAMELENGTH, "Interface %d", parent_class);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (void)snprintf(io_data_object->moduleNameStr, MAX_NAMELENGTH, "Port %d Interface %d", class, parent_class);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ parent_class_name = try_val_to_str(parent_class, pn_io_pa_profile_physical_block_parent_class_vals);
+ if (parent_class_name != NULL)
+ {
+ (void)snprintf(io_data_object->moduleNameStr, MAX_NAMELENGTH, "%s - %s", block_object_name, parent_class_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (void)snprintf(io_data_object->moduleNameStr, MAX_NAMELENGTH, "%s - Unknown", block_object_name);
+ }
+ break;
+ class_name = try_val_to_str(class, pn_io_pa_profile_function_block_class_vals);
+ if (class <= 2u)
+ {
+ parent_class_name = try_val_to_str(parent_class, pn_io_pa_profile_function_block_parent_class_vals);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parent_class_name = (class <= 4u) ? "Analog" : "";
+ }
+ if ((parent_class_name != NULL) && (class_name != NULL))
+ {
+ (void)snprintf(io_data_object->moduleNameStr, MAX_NAMELENGTH, "%s - %s %s", block_object_name, parent_class_name, class_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (void)snprintf(io_data_object->moduleNameStr, MAX_NAMELENGTH, "%s - Unknown", block_object_name);
+ }
+ break;
+ parent_class_name = try_val_to_str(parent_class, pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_parent_class_vals);
+ if (parent_class_name != NULL)
+ {
+ class_name = try_val_to_str(class, pn_io_pa_profile_transducer_block_class_vals[parent_class]);
+ (void)snprintf(io_data_object->moduleNameStr, MAX_NAMELENGTH, "%s - %s (%s)", block_object_name, parent_class_name, class_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (void)snprintf(io_data_object->moduleNameStr, MAX_NAMELENGTH, "%s - Unknown", block_object_name);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (variant != 0u)
+ {
+ g_strlcat (io_data_object->moduleNameStr, " (VARIANT)", MAX_NAMELENGTH);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
/* dissect the ExpectedSubmoduleBlockReq */
static int
dissect_ExpectedSubmoduleBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
@@ -9224,12 +11533,12 @@ dissect_ExpectedSubmoduleBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* Get current conversation endpoints using MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
/* Create new conversation, if no "Ident OK" frame as been dissected yet!
* Need to switch dl_src & dl_dst, as current packet is sent by controller and not by device.
* All conversations are based on Device MAC as addr1 */
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
current_aruuid_frame = pn_find_aruuid_frame_setup(pinfo);
@@ -9383,12 +11692,29 @@ dissect_ExpectedSubmoduleBlockReq_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, submodule_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_submodule_properties_type, &u16SubmoduleProperties);
+ io_data_object->api = u32Api;
io_data_object->slotNr = u16SlotNr;
io_data_object->subSlotNr = u16SubslotNr;
io_data_object->moduleIdentNr = u32ModuleIdentNumber;
io_data_object->subModuleIdentNr = u32SubmoduleIdentNumber;
io_data_object->discardIOXS = u16SubmoduleProperties & 0x0020;
+ /* Before searching the GSD, check if we have a PA Profile 4.02 submodule. If yes
+ then the submodule's name is defined in the specification and can be resolved
+ without the GSD.
+ We still read the GSD afterwards, in case the user wants to override the specification's
+ names with a GSD.
+ Most PA Profile submodules are located in API 0x9700, but the DAP and the interfaces/ports
+ are located in API 0 per PROFINET specification, so we need to filter also on the DAP module
+ ident number.
+ */
+ if ((io_data_object->api == PA_PROFILE_API) ||
+ ((io_data_object->moduleIdentNr & PA_PROFILE_DAP_MASK) == PA_PROFILE_DAP_IDENT))
+ {
+ resolve_pa_profile_submodule_name(io_data_object);
+ }
/* Search the moduleID and subModuleID, find if PROFIsafe and also search for F-Par. Indexnumber
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Speical case: Module has several ModuleIdentNr. in one GSD-file
@@ -9628,9 +11954,9 @@ dissect_ModuleDiffBlock_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) {
/* Get current conversation endpoints using MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
current_aruuid_frame = pn_find_aruuid_frame_setup(pinfo);
@@ -9686,13 +12012,13 @@ dissect_ModuleDiffBlock_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, submodule_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_submodule_state_ar_info, &u16SubmoduleState);
dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, submodule_tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_submodule_state_diag_info, &u16SubmoduleState);
+ hf_pn_io_submodule_state_fault, &u16SubmoduleState);
dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, submodule_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_submodule_state_maintenance_demanded, &u16SubmoduleState);
dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, submodule_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_submodule_state_maintenance_required, &u16SubmoduleState);
dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, submodule_tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_submodule_state_qualified_info, &u16SubmoduleState);
+ hf_pn_io_submodule_state_advice, &u16SubmoduleState);
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, submodule_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_submodule_state_add_info, &u16SubmoduleState);
} else {
@@ -9769,6 +12095,60 @@ dissect_IsochronousModeData_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
return offset+1;
+static int
+dissect_CommunityName_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, const guint8 *drep _U_, int hfindex)
+ guint8 u8CommunityNameLength;
+ proto_item* sub_item;
+ proto_item* sub_tree;
+ /* CommunityNameLength */
+ u8CommunityNameLength = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+ sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hfindex, tvb, offset, u8CommunityNameLength + 1, ENC_NA);
+ sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_io_snmp_command_name);
+ proto_tree_add_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_snmp_community_name_length, tvb, offset, 1, DREP_ENC_INTEGER(drep));
+ offset += 1;
+ /* community Name */
+ proto_tree_add_item(sub_tree, hf_pn_io_snmp_community_name, tvb, offset, u8CommunityNameLength, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);
+ proto_item_append_text(sub_item, ": %s",
+ tvb_get_string_enc(pinfo->pool, tvb, offset, u8CommunityNameLength, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA));
+ offset += u8CommunityNameLength;
+ return offset;
+/* dissect the CIMSNMPAdjust block */
+static int
+dissect_CIMSNMPAdjust_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree, proto_item *item, guint8 *drep _U_, guint8 u8BlockVersionHigh, guint8 u8BlockVersionLow,
+ guint16 u16BodyLength)
+ guint16 u16StartsAtOffset = offset;
+ guint16 u16padding;
+ if (u8BlockVersionHigh!=1 || u8BlockVersionLow!=0) {
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_io_block_version,
+ "Block version %u.%u not implemented yet!", u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ /* SNMPControl */
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_snmp_control, tvb, offset, 2, DREP_ENC_INTEGER(drep));
+ offset += 2;
+ offset = dissect_CommunityName_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_snmp_read_community_name);
+ offset = dissect_CommunityName_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, hf_pn_io_snmp_write_community_name);
+ u16padding = u16BodyLength - (offset - u16StartsAtOffset);
+ if (u16padding > 0)
+ offset = dissect_pn_padding(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, u16padding);
+ return offset;
/* dissect the MultipleBlockHeader block */
static int
@@ -10100,7 +12480,7 @@ dissect_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
val_to_str(u16BlockType, pn_io_block_type, "Unknown (0x%04x)"));
col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ", %s",
- val_to_str(u16BlockType, pn_io_block_type, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(u16BlockType, pn_io_block_type, "Unknown"));
/* block length is without type and length fields, but with version field */
/* as it's already dissected, remove it */
@@ -10241,7 +12621,7 @@ dissect_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
- dissect_ControlConnect_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, ar, u16BlockType);
+ dissect_ControlPlugOrConnect_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, ar, u16BlockType);
@@ -10383,6 +12763,9 @@ dissect_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
dissect_PDSubFrameBlock_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, u16BodyLength);
+ case(0x022C):
+ dissect_PDPortDataRealExtended_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, u16BodyLength);
+ break;
dissect_PDPortFODataCheck_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
@@ -10396,7 +12779,6 @@ dissect_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
dissect_MrpInstanceDataCheck_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, u16BodyLength);
dissect_PDInterfaceDataReal_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
@@ -10409,6 +12791,60 @@ dissect_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
dissect_PDPortStatistic_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ case(0x0260):
+ dissect_OwnPort_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0261):
+ dissect_Neighbors_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0270):
+ dissect_TSNNetworkControlDataReal_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0271):
+ dissect_TSNNetworkControlDataAdjust_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0272):
+ dissect_TSNDomainPortConfig_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0273):
+ dissect_TSNDomainQueueConfig_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0274):
+ dissect_TSNTimeData_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0275):
+ dissect_TSNStreamPathDataReal_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case(0x0276):
+ dissect_TSNSyncTreeData_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0277):
+ dissect_TSNUploadNetworkAttributes_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0278):
+ dissect_TSNForwardingDelay_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0279):
+ dissect_TSNExpectedNetworkAttributes_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x027A):
+ dissect_TSNStreamPathDataReal_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, TRUE);
+ break;
+ case(0x027B):
+ dissect_TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x027C):
+ dissect_TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x027D):
+ dissect_TSNPortID_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x027E):
+ dissect_TSNExpectedNeighbor_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow);
+ break;
+ case(0x0300):
+ dissect_CIMSNMPAdjust_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, u16BodyLength);
+ break;
dissect_MultipleBlockHeader_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, u16BodyLength);
@@ -10487,7 +12923,7 @@ dissect_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
- dissect_ControlConnect_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, ar, u16BlockType);
+ dissect_ControlPlugOrConnect_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, sub_item, drep, u8BlockVersionHigh, u8BlockVersionLow, ar, u16BlockType);
dissect_pn_undecoded(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, u16BodyLength);
@@ -10683,7 +13119,7 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterRequest(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_profidrive_no_of_parameters, &no_of_parameters);
proto_item_append_text(profidrive_item, "ReqRef:0x%02x, ReqId:%s, DO:%u, NoOfParameters:%u",
- request_reference, val_to_str(request_id, pn_io_profidrive_request_id_vals, "Unknown"),
+ request_reference, val_to_str_const(request_id, pn_io_profidrive_request_id_vals, "Unknown"),
do_id, no_of_parameters);
col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "PROFIDrive Write Request, ReqRef:0x%02x, %s DO:%u",
@@ -10716,7 +13152,7 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterRequest(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_subindex, &idx);
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, "Attr:%s, Elems:%u, Parameter:%u, Index:%u",
- val_to_str(attribute, pn_io_profidrive_attribute_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_elems,
+ val_to_str_const(attribute, pn_io_profidrive_attribute_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_elems,
parameter, idx);
if (no_of_elems>1) {
@@ -10745,7 +13181,7 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterRequest(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_no_of_values, &no_of_vals);
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, "Format:%s, NoOfVals:%u",
- val_to_str(format, pn_io_profidrive_format_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_vals);
+ val_to_str_const(format, pn_io_profidrive_format_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_vals);
while (no_of_vals--)
@@ -10768,7 +13204,7 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterResponse(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
guint8 addr_idx;
proto_item *profidrive_item;
proto_tree *profidrive_tree;
profidrive_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_io_block, tvb, offset, 0, ENC_NA);
profidrive_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(profidrive_item, ett_pn_io_profidrive_parameter_response);
proto_item_set_text(profidrive_item, "PROFIDrive Parameter Response: ");
@@ -10781,11 +13217,11 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterResponse(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, profidrive_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_profidrive_no_of_parameters, &no_of_parameters);
proto_item_append_text(profidrive_item, "ReqRef:0x%02x, RspId:%s, DO:%u, NoOfParameters:%u",
- request_reference, val_to_str(response_id, pn_io_profidrive_response_id_vals, "Unknown"),
+ request_reference, val_to_str_const(response_id, pn_io_profidrive_response_id_vals, "Unknown"),
do_id, no_of_parameters);
col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "PROFIDrive Read Response, ReqRef:0x%02x, RspId:%s",
- val_to_str(response_id, pn_io_profidrive_response_id_vals, "Unknown response"));
+ val_to_str_const(response_id, pn_io_profidrive_response_id_vals, "Unknown response"));
/* in case of parameter response value list */
if (response_id == 0x01) {
for(addr_idx=0; addr_idx<no_of_parameters; addr_idx++) {
@@ -10804,7 +13240,7 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterResponse(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_no_of_values, &no_of_vals);
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, "Format:%s, NoOfVals:%u",
- val_to_str(format, pn_io_profidrive_format_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_vals);
+ val_to_str_const(format, pn_io_profidrive_format_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_vals);
while (no_of_vals--)
@@ -10816,7 +13252,7 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterResponse(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
if(response_id == 0x02){
// change parameter response ok, no data
if(response_id == 0x81){
for(addr_idx=0; addr_idx<no_of_parameters; addr_idx++) {
guint8 format;
@@ -10835,12 +13271,12 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterResponse(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_no_of_values, &no_of_vals);
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, "Format:%s, NoOfVals:%u",
- val_to_str(format, pn_io_profidrive_format_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_vals);
+ val_to_str_const(format, pn_io_profidrive_format_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_vals);
if(format == 0x44){
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_error, &value16);
+ hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_error, &value16);
if(value16 == 0x23){
addr_idx = no_of_parameters;
@@ -10871,7 +13307,7 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterResponse(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
if(response_id == 0x82){
for(addr_idx=0; addr_idx<no_of_parameters; addr_idx++) {
@@ -10891,17 +13327,17 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterResponse(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_no_of_values, &no_of_vals);
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, "Format:%s, NoOfVals:%u",
- val_to_str(format, pn_io_profidrive_format_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_vals);
+ val_to_str_const(format, pn_io_profidrive_format_vals, "Unknown"), no_of_vals);
if(format == 0x44){
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
- hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_error, &value16);
+ hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_error, &value16);
if(value16 == 0x23){
addr_idx = no_of_parameters;
while (--no_of_vals)
@@ -10913,7 +13349,7 @@ dissect_ProfiDriveParameterResponse(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
case 0x7:
case 0x14:
case 0x20:
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
hf_pn_io_profidrive_param_value_error_sub, &value16);
@@ -10964,6 +13400,8 @@ dissect_RecordDataRead(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
case(0x8012): /* Maintenance required in all codings for one subslot */
case(0x8013): /* Maintenance demanded in all codings for one subslot */
case(0x801e): /* SubstituteValues for one subslot */
+ case(0x8020): /* PDIRSubframeData for one subslot */
+ case(0x8027): /* PDPortDataRealExtended for one subslot */
case(0x8028): /* RecordInputDataObjectElement for one subslot */
case(0x8029): /* RecordOutputDataObjectElement for one subslot */
case(0x8050): /* PDInterfaceMrpDataReal for one subslot */
@@ -10971,9 +13409,15 @@ dissect_RecordDataRead(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
case(0x8052): /* PDInterfaceMrpDataAdjust for one subslot */
case(0x8053): /* PDPortMrpDataAdjust for one subslot */
case(0x8054): /* PDPortMrpDataReal for one subslot */
+ case(0x80F0): /* TSNNetworkControlDataReal */
+ case(0x80F2): /* TSNSyncTreeData */
+ case(0x80F3): /* TSNUploadNetworkAttributes */
+ case(0x80F4): /* TSNExpectedNetworkAttributes */
+ case(0x80F5): /* TSNNetworkControlDataAdjust */
case(0x8060): /* PDPortFODataReal for one subslot */
case(0x8061): /* PDPortFODataCheck for one subslot */
case(0x8062): /* PDPortFODataAdjust for one subslot */
+ case(0x8063): /* PDPortSFPDataCheck for one subslot */
case(0x8070): /* PDNCDataCheck for one subslot */
case(0x8071): /* PDPortStatistic for one subslot */
case(0x8080): /* PDInterfaceDataReal */
@@ -10981,6 +13425,8 @@ dissect_RecordDataRead(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
case(0x80AF): /* PE_EntityStatusData for one subslot */
case(0x80CF): /* RS_AdjustObserver */
+ case(0x8200): /* CIMSNMPAdjust */
case(0xaff0): /* I&M0 */
case(0xaff1): /* I&M1 */
case(0xaff2): /* I&M2 */
@@ -11062,7 +13508,7 @@ dissect_RecordDataRead(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
case(0x802e): /* Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 0 for PTCPoverRTC */
case(0x802f): /* PDPortDataAdjust */
case(0x8030): /* IsochronousModeData for one subslot */
- case(0x8031): /* Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 1 */
+ case(0x8031): /* PDTimeData for one subslot */
@@ -11093,7 +13539,10 @@ dissect_RecordDataRead(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
case(0x804f): /* Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 31 */
- case(0x8072): /* PDPortStatistic for one subslot */
+ case(0x8055): /* PDPortMrpIcDataAdjust for one subslot */
+ case(0x8056): /* PDPortMrpIcDataCheck for one subslot */
+ case(0x8057): /* PDPortMrpIcDataReal for one subslot */
+ case(0x8072): /* PDPortStatistic for one subslot */
case(0xc000): /* ExpectedIdentificationData for one slot */
case(0xc001): /* RealIdentificationData for one slot */
case(0xc00a): /* Diagnosis in channel coding for one slot */
@@ -11264,12 +13713,12 @@ dissect_ProfiSafeParameterRequest(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) {
/* Get current conversation endpoints using MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
/* Create new conversation, if no "Ident OK" frame as been dissected yet!
* Need to switch dl_src & dl_dst, as current packet is sent by controller and not by device.
* All conversations are based on Device MAC as addr1 */
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
current_aruuid_frame = pn_find_aruuid_frame_setup(pinfo);
@@ -11344,12 +13793,12 @@ dissect_RecordDataWrite(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* PROFISafe */
/* Get current conversation endpoints using MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
/* Create new conversation, if no "Ident OK" frame as been dissected yet!
* Need to switch dl_src & dl_dst, as current packet is sent by controller and not by device.
* All conversations are based on Device MAC as addr1 */
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
current_aruuid_frame = pn_find_aruuid_frame_setup(pinfo);
@@ -11428,16 +13877,23 @@ dissect_RecordDataWrite(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
case(0x802e): /* Expected PDSyncData for one subslot with SyncID value 0 for PTCPoverRTC */
case(0x802f): /* PDPortDataAdjust for one subslot */
case(0x8030): /* IsochronousModeData for one subslot */
+ case(0x8031): /* PDTimeData for one subslot */
case(0x8051): /* PDInterfaceMrpDataCheck for one subslot */
case(0x8052): /* PDInterfaceMrpDataAdjust for one subslot */
case(0x8053): /* PDPortMrpDataAdjust for one subslot */
+ case(0x8055): /* PDPortMrpIcDataAdjust for one subslot */
+ case(0x8056): /* PDPortMrpIcDataCheck for one subslot */
case(0x8061): /* PDPortFODataCheck for one subslot */
case(0x8062): /* PDPortFODataAdjust for one subslot */
+ case(0x8063): /* PDPortSFPDataCheck for one subslot */
case(0x8070): /* PDNCDataCheck for one subslot */
case(0x8071): /* PDInterfaceAdjust */
case(0x8090): /* PDInterfaceFSUDataAdjust */
case(0x80B0): /* CombinedObjectContainer*/
case(0x80CF): /* RS_AdjustObserver */
+ case(0x8200): /* CIMSNMPAdjust */
+ case(0xaff1): /* I&M1 */
+ case(0xaff2): /* I&M2 */
case(0xaff3): /* I&M3 */
case(0xe050): /* FastStartUp data for one AR */
case(0xe061): /* RS_AckEvent (using RecordDataWrite service) */
@@ -11738,7 +14194,7 @@ dissect_PNIO_RTA(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
hf_pn_io_pdu_type_version, &u8PDUVersion);
u8PDUVersion >>= 4;
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, ", Type: %s, Version: %u",
- val_to_str(u8PDUType, pn_io_pdu_type, "Unknown"),
+ val_to_str_const(u8PDUType, pn_io_pdu_type, "Unknown"),
/* additional flags */
@@ -11797,6 +14253,8 @@ dissect_PNIO_heur(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree,
/* the sub tvb will NOT contain the frame_id here! */
guint16 u16FrameID = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(data);
heur_dtbl_entry_t *hdtbl_entry;
+ conversation_t* conversation;
+ guint8 isTimeAware = FALSE;
* In case the packet is a protocol encoded in the basic PNIO transport stream,
@@ -11806,10 +14264,27 @@ dissect_PNIO_heur(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree,
if (dissector_try_heuristic(heur_pn_subdissector_list, tvb, pinfo, tree, &hdtbl_entry, NULL))
return TRUE;
+ /* TimeAwareness Information needed for dissecting RTC3 - RTSteam frames */
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (conversation != NULL) {
+ isTimeAware = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(conversation_get_proto_data(conversation, proto_pn_io_time_aware_status));
+ }
/* is this a (none DFP) PNIO class 3 data packet? */
/* frame id must be in valid range (cyclic Real-Time, class=3) */
- if ((u16FrameID >= 0x0100 && u16FrameID <= 0x06FF) || /* RTC3 non redundant */
- (u16FrameID >= 0x700 && u16FrameID <= 0x0fff)) { /* RTC3 redundant */
+ if (((u16FrameID >= 0x0100 && u16FrameID <= 0x06FF) || /* RTC3 non redundant */
+ (u16FrameID >= 0x0700 && u16FrameID <= 0x0fff)) && /* RTC3 redundant */
+ !isTimeAware) {
+ dissect_CSF_SDU_heur(tvb, pinfo, tree, data);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* is this a PNIO class stream data packet? */
+ /* frame id must be in valid range (cyclic Real-Time, class=Stream) */
+ if (((u16FrameID >= 0x1000 && u16FrameID <= 0x2FFF) ||
+ (u16FrameID >= 0x3800 && u16FrameID <= 0x3FFF)) &&
+ isTimeAware) {
dissect_CSF_SDU_heur(tvb, pinfo, tree, data);
return TRUE;
@@ -11817,7 +14292,7 @@ dissect_PNIO_heur(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree,
/* The following range is reserved for following developments */
/* frame id must be in valid range (Reserved) and
* first byte (CBA version field) has to be != 0x11 */
- if (u16FrameID >= 0x1000 && u16FrameID <= 0x7fff) {
+ if (u16FrameID >= 0x4000 && u16FrameID <= 0x7fff) {
dissect_PNIO_C_SDU(tvb, 0, pinfo, tree, drep);
return TRUE;
@@ -11867,7 +14342,7 @@ dissect_PNIO_heur(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree,
static gboolean
-pn_io_ar_conv_valid(packet_info *pinfo)
+pn_io_ar_conv_valid(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_)
void* profinet_type = p_get_proto_data(pinfo->pool, pinfo, proto_pn_io, 0);
@@ -11875,7 +14350,7 @@ pn_io_ar_conv_valid(packet_info *pinfo)
static gchar *
-pn_io_ar_conv_filter(packet_info *pinfo)
+pn_io_ar_conv_filter(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_)
pnio_ar_t *ar = (pnio_ar_t *)p_get_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_pn_io, 0);
void* profinet_type = p_get_proto_data(pinfo->pool, pinfo, proto_pn_io, 0);
@@ -11889,7 +14364,7 @@ pn_io_ar_conv_filter(packet_info *pinfo)
set_address(&controllermac_addr, AT_ETHER, 6, ar->controllermac);
set_address(&devicemac_addr, AT_ETHER, 6, ar->devicemac);
- buf = g_strdup_printf(
+ buf = ws_strdup_printf(
"pn_io.ar_uuid == %s || " /* ARUUID */
"(pn_io.alarm_src_endpoint == 0x%x && eth.src == %s) || " /* Alarm CR (contr -> dev) */
"(pn_io.alarm_src_endpoint == 0x%x && eth.src == %s)", /* Alarm CR (dev -> contr) */
@@ -11900,7 +14375,7 @@ pn_io_ar_conv_filter(packet_info *pinfo)
static gchar *
-pn_io_ar_conv_data_filter(packet_info *pinfo)
+pn_io_ar_conv_data_filter(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_)
pnio_ar_t *ar = (pnio_ar_t *)p_get_proto_data(wmem_file_scope(), pinfo, proto_pn_io, 0);
void* profinet_type = p_get_proto_data(pinfo->pool, pinfo, proto_pn_io, 0);
@@ -11919,7 +14394,7 @@ pn_io_ar_conv_data_filter(packet_info *pinfo)
guid_str = guid_to_str(pinfo->pool, (const e_guid_t*) &ar->aruuid);
if (ar->arType == 0x0010) /* IOCARSingle using RT_CLASS_3 */
- buf = g_strdup_printf(
+ buf = ws_strdup_printf(
"pn_io.ar_uuid == %s || " /* ARUUID */
"(pn_rt.frame_id == 0x%x) || (pn_rt.frame_id == 0x%x) || "
"(pn_io.alarm_src_endpoint == 0x%x && eth.src == %s) || " /* Alarm CR (contr -> dev) */
@@ -11931,7 +14406,7 @@ pn_io_ar_conv_data_filter(packet_info *pinfo)
- buf = g_strdup_printf(
+ buf = ws_strdup_printf(
"pn_io.ar_uuid == %s || " /* ARUUID */
"(pn_rt.frame_id == 0x%x && eth.src == %s && eth.dst == %s) || " /* Input CR && dev MAC -> contr MAC */
"(pn_rt.frame_id == 0x%x && eth.src == %s && eth.dst == %s) || " /* Output CR && contr MAC -> dev MAC */
@@ -11970,6 +14445,7 @@ pnio_cleanup(void) {
static void
pnio_setup(void) {
aruuid_frame_setup_list = wmem_list_new(wmem_file_scope());
+ pnio_time_aware_frame_map = wmem_map_new(wmem_file_scope(), g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
@@ -12079,7 +14555,12 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_ar_properties_reserved,
{ "Reserved", "pn_io.ar_properties.reserved",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_ar_properties_time_aware_system,
+ { "TimeAwareSystem", "pn_io.ar_properties.time_aware_system",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_arproperties_time_aware_system), 0x10000000,
{ &hf_pn_io_ar_properties_combined_object_container_with_legacy_startupmode,
@@ -12109,7 +14590,7 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_RedundancyInfo_reserved,
{ "RedundancyInfo.reserved", "pn_io.srl_data.redundancyInfoReserved",
{ &hf_pn_io_number_of_ARDATAInfo,
@@ -12195,12 +14676,12 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_sr_properties_InputValidOnBackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_0,
{ "InputValidOnBackupAR", "pn_io.sr_properties.InputValidOnBackupAR",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 32, TFS(&tfs_pn_io_sr_properties_BackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_0), 0x01,
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 32, TFS(&tfs_pn_io_sr_properties_BackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_0), 0x00000001,
{ &hf_pn_io_sr_properties_InputValidOnBackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_1,
{ "InputValidOnBackupAR", "pn_io.sr_properties.InputValidOnBackupAR",
- FT_BOOLEAN, 32, TFS(&tfs_pn_io_sr_properties_BackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_1), 0x01,
+ FT_BOOLEAN, 32, TFS(&tfs_pn_io_sr_properties_BackupAR_with_SRProperties_Mode_1), 0x00000001,
{ &hf_pn_io_sr_properties_Reserved_1,
@@ -12275,7 +14756,7 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_reserved_3,
{ "Reserved3", "pn_io.iocr_properties.reserved3",
- FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0xF000000,
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0F000000,
{ &hf_pn_io_iocr_properties_fast_forwarding_mac_adr,
@@ -12300,17 +14781,17 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_DistributedWatchDogFactor,
{ "SFIOCRProperties.DistributedWatchDogFactor", "pn_io.SFIOCRProperties.DistributedWatchDogFactor",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x000000FF,
{ &hf_pn_io_RestartFactorForDistributedWD,
{ "SFIOCRProperties.RestartFactorForDistributedWD", "pn_io.SFIOCRProperties.RestartFactorForDistributedWD",
- FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0xff00,
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0000ff00,
{ &hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_DFPmode,
{ "SFIOCRProperties.DFPmode", "pn_io.SFIOCRProperties.DFPmode",
- FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0xFF0000,
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x00FF0000,
{ &hf_pn_io_SFIOCRProperties_reserved_1,
@@ -12658,6 +15139,11 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
+ { &hf_pn_io_control_alarm_sequence_number,
+ { "AlarmSequenceNumber", "pn_io.control_alarm_sequence_number",
+ },
{ &hf_pn_io_control_command,
{ "ControlCommand", "pn_io.control_command",
@@ -12705,7 +15191,7 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_control_command_reserved_7_15,
{ "ControlBlockProperties.reserved", "pn_io.control_properties_reserved_7_15",
{ &hf_pn_io_control_block_properties,
@@ -12915,9 +15401,9 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_submodule_state_add_info), 0x0007,
- { &hf_pn_io_submodule_state_qualified_info,
- { "QualifiedInfo", "pn_io.submodule_state.qualified_info",
- FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_submodule_state_qualified_info), 0x0008,
+ { &hf_pn_io_submodule_state_advice,
+ { "Advice", "pn_io.submodule_state.advice",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_submodule_state_advice), 0x0008,
{ &hf_pn_io_submodule_state_maintenance_required,
@@ -12930,9 +15416,9 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_submodule_state_maintenance_demanded), 0x0020,
- { &hf_pn_io_submodule_state_diag_info,
- { "DiagInfo", "pn_io.submodule_state.diag_info",
- FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_submodule_state_diag_info), 0x0040,
+ { &hf_pn_io_submodule_state_fault,
+ { "Fault", "pn_io.submodule_state.fault",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_submodule_state_fault), 0x0040,
{ &hf_pn_io_submodule_state_ar_info,
@@ -13045,7 +15531,7 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_subframe_reserved2,
- { "Reserved1", "pn_io.subframe_data.reserved2",
+ { "Reserved2", "pn_io.subframe_data.reserved2",
@@ -13070,7 +15556,7 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_subframe_data_reserved2,
- { "Reserved1", "pn_io.subframe_data.reserved_2",
+ { "Reserved2", "pn_io.subframe_data.reserved_2",
@@ -13181,6 +15667,11 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x800C), 0x0,
+ { &hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8010,
+ { "ExtChannelErrorType", "pn_io.ext_channel_error_type8010",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_ext_channel_error_type0x8010), 0x0,
+ },
{ &hf_pn_io_ext_channel_error_type,
{ "ExtChannelErrorType", "pn_io.ext_channel_error_type",
@@ -13191,6 +15682,11 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
+ { &hf_pn_io_qualified_channel_qualifier,
+ { "QualifiedChannelQualifier", "pn_io.qualified_channel_qualifier",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_qualified_channel_qualifier), 0x0,
+ },
{ &hf_pn_io_ptcp_subdomain_id,
{ "PTCPSubdomainID", "pn_io.ptcp_subdomain_id",
@@ -13412,6 +15908,396 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC_HEX, VALS(pn_io_preamble_length), 0x0,
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_max_supported_record_size,
+ { "MaxSupportedRecordSize", "pn_io.tsn_upload_network_attributes.max_supported_record_size",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_max_supported_record_size_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_tx,
+ { "TransferTimeTX", "pn_io.tsn_upload_network_attributes.transfer_time_tx",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_tx_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_rx,
+ { "TransferTimeRX", "pn_io.tsn_upload_network_attributes.transfer_time_rx",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_transfer_time_rx_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_number_of_queues,
+ { "NumberOfQueues", "pn_io.tsn_port_id_block.number_of_queues",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_number_of_queues_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_delay_block_number_of_entries,
+ { "TSNForwardingDelayBlockNumberOfEntries", "pn_io.tsn_forward_delaying_block.number_of_entries",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_port_id_block_number_of_entries,
+ { "TSNPortIDBlockNumberOfEntries", "pn_io.tsn_port_id_block.number_of_entries",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_expected_neighbor_block_number_of_entries,
+ { "TSNExpectedNeighborBlockNumberOfEntries", "pn_io.tsn_expected_neighbor_block.number_of_entries",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_time_aware,
+ { "TSNPortCapabilities.TimeAware", "pn_io.tsn_port_capabilities.time_aware",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_time_aware_vals), 0x01,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_preemption,
+ { "TSNPortCapabilities.Preemption", "pn_io.tsn_port_capabilities.preemption",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_preemption_vals), 0x02,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_queue_masking,
+ { "TSNPortCapabilities.QueueMasking", "pn_io.tsn_port_capabilities.queue_masking",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_queue_masking_vals), 0x04,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_port_capabilities_reserved,
+ { "TSNPortCapabilities.Reserved", "pn_io.tsn_port_capabilities_reserved",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group,
+ { "ForwardingGroup", "pn_io.tsn_port_id_block.forwarding_group",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_ingress,
+ { "ForwardingGroupIngress", "pn_io.tsn_port_id_block.forwarding_group_ingress",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_egress,
+ { "ForwardingGroupEgress", "pn_io.tsn_port_id_block.forwarding_group_egress",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_forwarding_group_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_stream_class,
+ { "StreamClass", "pn_io.tsn_forwarding_delay_entry.stream_class",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_stream_class_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_dependent_forwarding_delay,
+ { "DependentForwardDelay", "pn_io.tsn_forwarding_delay_entry.dependent_forwarding_delay",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_dependent_forwarding_delay_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_independent_forwarding_delay,
+ { "IndependentForwardDelay", "pn_io.tsn_forwarding_delay_entry.independent_forwarding_delay",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_independent_forwarding_delay_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_parameter_uuid,
+ { "NMEParameterUUID", "pn_io.tsn_nme_parameter_uuid",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_high_vid,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig.StreamHighVID", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config.stream_high_vid",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_high_red_vid,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig.StreamHighRedVID", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config.stream_high_red_vid",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_low_vid,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig.StreamLowVID", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config.stream_low_vid",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_stream_low_red_vid,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig.StreamLowRedVID", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config.stream_low_red_vid",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig.NonStreamVID", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config.non_stream_vid",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_B,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig.NonStreamVIDB", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config.non_stream_vid_B",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_C,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig.NonStreamVIDC", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config.non_stream_vid_C",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_non_stream_vid_D,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig.NonStreamVIDD", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config.non_stream_vid_D",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config_reserved,
+ { "TSNDomainVIDConfig.Reserved", "pn_io.tsn_domain_vid_config.reserved",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_port_config_entries,
+ { "TSNDomainPortConfig.NumberOfEntries", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_config.number_of_entries",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_time_data_block_entries,
+ { "TSNTimeDataBlock.NumberOfEntries", "pn_io.tsn_time_data_block.number_of_entries",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_entries,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter.NumberOfEntries", "pn_io.tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter.number_of_entries",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_entries,
+ { "TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter.NumberOfEntries", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_ingress_limiter.number_of_entries",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config,
+ { "TSNDomainPortConfig", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_config",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_preemption_enabled,
+ { "TSNDomainPortConfig.PreemptionEnabled", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_config.preemption_enabled",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_preemption_enabled_vals), 0x01,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_boundary_port_config,
+ { "TSNDomainPortConfig.BoundaryPortConfig", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_config.boundary_port_config",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_boundary_port_config_vals), 0x0E,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config_reserved,
+ { "TSNDomainPortConfig.Reserved", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_config.reserved",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter,
+ { "TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cir,
+ { "TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter.Cir", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter.cir",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cir), 0x000000000000FFFF,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cbs,
+ { "TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter.Cbs", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter.cbs",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_cbs), 0x00000000FFFF0000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_envelope,
+ { "TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter.Envelope", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter.envelope",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_envelope), 0x0000FFFF00000000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_rank,
+ { "TSNDomainPortIngressRateLimiter.Rank", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter.rank",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter_rank), 0xFFFF000000000000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_queue_rate_limiter",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cir,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter.Cir", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_queue_rate_limiter.cir",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cir), 0x000000000000FFFF,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cbs,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter.Cbs", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_queue_rate_limiter.cbs",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_cbs), 0x00000000FFFF0000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_envelope,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter.Envelope", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_queue_rate_limiter.envelope",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_envelope), 0x000000FF00000000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_rank,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter.Rank", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_queue_rate_limiter.rank",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_rank), 0x0000FF0000000000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_queue_id,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter.QueueID", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_queue_rate_limiter.queue_id",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_queue_id), 0x00FF000000000000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_reserved,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueRateLimiter.Reserved", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_queue_rate_limiter.reserved",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter_reserved), 0xFF00000000000000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_queue_config_entries,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueConfig.NumberOfEntries", "pn_io.tsn_domain_queue_config.number_of_entries",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueConfig", "pn_io.tsn_domain_queue_config",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_queue_id,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueConfig.QueueID", "pn_io.tsn_domain_queue_config.queue_id",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_tci_pcp,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueConfig.TciPcp", "pn_io.tsn_domain_queue_config.tci_pcp",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x70,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_shaper,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueConfig.Shaper", "pn_io.tsn_domain_queue_config.shaper",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_shaper), 0x3F80,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_preemption_mode,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueConfig.PreemptionMode", "pn_io.tsn_domain_queue_config.preemption_mode",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0xC000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_unmask_time_offset,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueConfig.UnmaskTimeOffset", "pn_io.tsn_domain_queue_config.unmask_time_offset",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config_mask_time_offset,
+ { "TSNDomainQueueConfig.MaskTimeOffset", "pn_io.tsn_domain_queue_config.mask_time_offset",
+ FT_UINT64, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0xFFFFFF0000000000,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_network_deadline,
+ { "NetworkDeadline", "pn_io.network_deadline",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_network_domain), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_time_domain_number,
+ { "TimeDomainNumber", "pn_io.time_domain_number",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX , VALS(pn_io_time_domain_number_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_time_pll_window,
+ { "TimePLLWindow", "pn_io.time_pll_window",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC , VALS(pn_io_time_pll_window_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_message_interval_factor,
+ { "MessageIntervalFactor", "pn_io.message_interval_factor",
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC , VALS(pn_io_message_interval_factor_vals), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_message_timeout_factor,
+ { "MessageTimeoutFactor", "pn_io.message_timeout_factor",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_message_timeout_factor), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_time_sync_properties,
+ { "TimeSyncProperties", "pn_io.time_sync_properties",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_time_sync_properties_role,
+ { "TimeSyncProperties.Role", "pn_io.time_sync_properties.role",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_time_sync_properties_vals), 0x3,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_time_sync_properties_reserved,
+ { "TimeSyncProperties.Reserved", "pn_io.time_sync_properties.reserved",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_time_domain_uuid,
+ { "TimeDomainUUID", "pn_io.time_domain_uuid",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_time_domain_name_length,
+ { "TimeDomainNameLength", "pn_io.time_domain_name_length",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_time_domain_name,
+ { "TimeDomainName", "pn_io.time_domain_name",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name_uuid,
+ { "TSNNMENameUUID", "pn_io.tsn_nme_name_uuid",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name_length,
+ { "TSNNMENameLength", "pn_io.tsn_nme_name_length",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_nme_name,
+ { "TSNNMEName", "pn_io.tsn_nme_name",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_uuid,
+ { "TSNDomainUUID", "pn_io.tsn_domain_uuid",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_name_length,
+ { "TSNDomainNameLength", "pn_io.tsn_domain_name_length",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_name,
+ { "TSNDomainName", "pn_io.tsn_domain_name",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_fdb_command,
+ { "FDBCommand", "pn_io.tsn_fdb_command",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_tsn_fdb_command), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_dst_add,
+ { "DestinationAddress", "pn_io.tsn_dst_add",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_number_of_tsn_domain_sync_tree_entries,
+ { "NumberOfEntries", "pn_io.tsn_domain_sync_tree_entries",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_id,
+ { "TSNDomainPortID", "pn_io.tsn_domain_port_id",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_tsn_domain_sync_port_role,
+ { "SyncPortRole", "pn_io.tsn_domain_sync_port_rule",
+ FT_UINT8,BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_tsn_domain_sync_port_role_vals), 0x0,
+ },
{ &hf_pn_io_mau_type,
{ "MAUType", "pn_io.mau_type",
FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_mau_type), 0x0,
@@ -13527,6 +16413,31 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
+ { &hf_pn_io_neighbor,
+ { "Neighbor", "pn_io.neighbor",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_length_peer_port_name,
+ { "LengthPeerPortName", "pn_io.length_peer_port_name",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_peer_port_name,
+ { "PeerPortName", "pn_io.peer_port_name",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_length_peer_station_name,
+ { "LengthPeerStationName", "pn_io.length_peer_station_name",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_peer_station_name,
+ { "PeerStationName", "pn_io.peer_station_name",
+ },
{ &hf_pn_io_length_own_chassis_id,
{ "LengthOwnChassisID", "pn_io.length_own_chassis_id",
@@ -13537,6 +16448,11 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
+ { &hf_pn_io_rtclass3_port_status,
+ { "RTClass3_PortStatus", "pn_io.rtclass3_port_status",
+ },
{ &hf_pn_io_length_own_port_id,
{ "LengthOwnPortID", "pn_io.length_own_port_id",
@@ -13706,12 +16622,12 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_begin_value,
{ "AssignedValueForReservedBegin", "pn_io.tx_phase_assignment_begin_value",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x000F,
{ &hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_orange_begin,
{ "AssignedValueForOrangeBegin", "pn_io.tx_phase_assignment_orange_begin",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00F0,
{ &hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_end_reserved,
@@ -13721,7 +16637,7 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_tx_phase_assignment_reserved,
{ "Reserved should be 0", "pn_io.tx_phase_assignment_reserved",
- FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0F000,
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0xF000,
{ &hf_pn_ir_rx_phase_assignment,
@@ -14084,12 +17000,12 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_mrp_check_reserved_1,
{ "MRP_Check.reserved_1", "pn_io.mrp_check_reserved_1",
{ &hf_pn_io_mrp_check_reserved_2,
{ "MRP_Check.reserved_2", "pn_io.mrp_check_reserved_2",
- FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0FF000000,
+ FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0xFF000000,
{ &hf_pn_io_mrp_rtmode,
@@ -14401,12 +17317,12 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
{ &hf_pn_io_rs_alarm_info_reserved_8_15,
{ "RSAlarmInfo.Reserved2", "pn_io.rs_alarm_info_reserved_8_15",
{ &hf_pn_io_rs_alarm_info_reserved_0_7,
{ "RSAlarmInfo.Reserved1", "pn_io.rs_alarm_info_reserved_0_7",
{ &hf_pn_io_rs_alarm_info,
@@ -14769,6 +17685,31 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_io_pe_operational_mode), 0x0,
+ { &hf_pn_io_snmp_control,
+ { "SNMPControl", "pn_io.snmp_control",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_io_snmp_control), 0x0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_snmp_community_name_length,
+ { "CommunityNameLength", "pn_io.snmp_community_name_length",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_snmp_community_name,
+ { "CommunityName", "pn_io.snmp_community_name",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_snmp_read_community_name,
+ { "SNMP read only community name", "pn_io.snmp_read_community_name",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_io_snmp_write_community_name,
+ { "SNMP read write community name", "pn_io.snmp_write_community_name",
+ },
static gint *ett[] = {
@@ -14840,7 +17781,16 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
- &ett_pn_io_pe_operational_mode
+ &ett_pn_io_pe_operational_mode,
+ &ett_pn_io_neighbor,
+ &ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_vid_config,
+ &ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_config,
+ &ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_config,
+ &ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_ingress_rate_limiter,
+ &ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_queue_rate_limiter,
+ &ett_pn_io_time_sync_properties,
+ &ett_pn_io_tsn_domain_port_id,
+ &ett_pn_io_snmp_command_name
static ei_register_info ei[] = {
@@ -14871,6 +17821,7 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
proto_pn_io_parameterserver = proto_register_protocol_in_name_only("PROFINET IO (Parameter Server)", "PNIO (Parameter Server Interface)", "pn_io_parameterserver", proto_pn_io, FT_PROTOCOL);
proto_pn_io_implicitar = proto_register_protocol_in_name_only("PROFINET IO (Implicit Ar)", "PNIO (Implicit Ar)", "pn_io_implicitar", proto_pn_io, FT_PROTOCOL);
proto_pn_io_apdu_status = proto_register_protocol_in_name_only("PROFINET IO (Apdu Status)", "PNIO (Apdu Status)", "pn_io_apdu_status", proto_pn_io, FT_PROTOCOL);
+ proto_pn_io_time_aware_status = proto_register_protocol_in_name_only("PROFINET IO (Time Aware Status)", "PNIO (Time Aware Status)", "pn_io_time_aware_status", proto_pn_io, FT_PROTOCOL);
proto_register_field_array (proto_pn_io, hf, array_length (hf));
proto_register_subtree_array (ett, array_length (ett));
@@ -14884,13 +17835,13 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
"Whether the PNIO dissector is allowed to use detailed PROFIsafe dissection of cyclic data frames",
prefs_register_directory_preference(pnio_module, "pnio_ps_networkpath",
- "Configuration GSD-File Networkpath", /* Title */
- "Select your Networkpath to your GSD-Files.", /* Descreption */
- &pnio_ps_networkpath); /* Variable to save the GSD-File networkpath */
+ "Folder containing GSD files", /* Title */
+ "Place GSD files in this folder.", /* Descreption */
+ &pnio_ps_networkpath); /* Variable in which to save the GSD file folder path */
/* subdissector code */
register_dissector("pn_io", dissect_PNIO_heur, proto_pn_io);
- heur_pn_subdissector_list = register_heur_dissector_list("pn_io", proto_pn_io);
+ heur_pn_subdissector_list = register_heur_dissector_list_with_description("pn_io", "PROFINET IO payload", proto_pn_io);
/* Initialise RTC1 dissection */
@@ -14904,8 +17855,8 @@ proto_register_pn_io (void)
/* Cleanup functions of PNIO protocol */
- register_conversation_filter("pn_io", "PN-IO AR", pn_io_ar_conv_valid, pn_io_ar_conv_filter);
- register_conversation_filter("pn_io", "PN-IO AR (with data)", pn_io_ar_conv_valid, pn_io_ar_conv_data_filter);
+ register_conversation_filter("pn_io", "PN-IO AR", pn_io_ar_conv_valid, pn_io_ar_conv_filter, NULL);
+ register_conversation_filter("pn_io", "PN-IO AR (with data)", pn_io_ar_conv_valid, pn_io_ar_conv_data_filter, NULL);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcom-cba-acco.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcom-cba-acco.c
index 9026023d62..3fe5fd5998 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcom-cba-acco.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcom-cba-acco.c
@@ -25,162 +25,162 @@
void proto_register_dcom_cba_acco(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_dcom_cba_acco(void);
-static int hf_cba_acco_opnum = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_ping_factor = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_count = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_item = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_data = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_qc = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_time_stamp = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_qos_type = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_qos_value = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_state = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_cons_id = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_version = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_prov_id = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_provider = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_consumer = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_provider_item = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_consumer_item = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_substitute = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_epsilon = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_persist = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cb_length = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cb_conn_data = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cb_version = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cb_flags = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cb_count = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cb_item = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cb_item_hole = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cb_item_length = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cb_item_data = -1;
-static int hf_cba_connect_in = -1;
-static int hf_cba_disconnect_in = -1;
-static int hf_cba_connectcr_in = -1;
-static int hf_cba_disconnectcr_in = -1;
-static int hf_cba_disconnectme_in = -1;
-static int hf_cba_data_first_in = -1;
-static int hf_cba_data_last_in = -1;
-/* static int hf_cba_acco_server_pICBAAccoCallback = -1; */
-static int hf_cba_acco_server_first_connect = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_prov_mac = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cons_mac = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_id = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_length = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_flags = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_flags_timestamped = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_flags_reconfigure = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_record_length = -1;
-/* static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_action = -1; */
-static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_last_connect = -1;
-static int hf_cba_getprovconnout = -1;
-static int hf_cba_type_desc_len = -1;
-static int hf_cba_connectincr = -1;
-static int hf_cba_connectoutcr = -1;
-static int hf_cba_connectin = -1;
-static int hf_cba_connectout = -1;
-static int hf_cba_getconnectionout = -1;
-static int hf_cba_readitemout = -1;
-static int hf_cba_writeitemin = -1;
-static int hf_cba_addconnectionin = -1;
-static int hf_cba_addconnectionout = -1;
-static int hf_cba_getidout = -1;
-static int hf_cba_getconsconnout = -1;
-static int hf_cba_diagconsconnout = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_conn_error_state = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_info_max = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_info_curr = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_cdb_cookie = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_rtauto = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_prov_crid = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_diag_req = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_diag_in_length = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_diag_out_length = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_diag_data = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_dcom_call = -1;
-static int hf_cba_acco_srt_call = -1;
-gint ett_cba_connectincr = -1;
-gint ett_cba_connectoutcr = -1;
-gint ett_cba_connectin = -1;
-gint ett_cba_connectout = -1;
-gint ett_cba_getprovconnout = -1;
-gint ett_cba_addconnectionin = -1;
-gint ett_cba_addconnectionout = -1;
-gint ett_cba_getidout = -1;
-gint ett_cba_getconnectionout = -1;
-gint ett_cba_readitemout = -1;
-gint ett_cba_writeitemin = -1;
-gint ett_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_flags = -1;
-gint ett_cba_frame_info = -1;
-gint ett_cba_conn_info = -1;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_pdev_find = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_prov_crid = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_conn_consumer = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_ldev_unknown = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_no_request_info = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_ipid_unknown = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_qc = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_pdev_find_unknown_interface = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_disconnect = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_connect = EI_INIT;
-static int proto_ICBAAccoMgt = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAAccoMgt = -1;
+static int hf_cba_acco_opnum;
+static int hf_cba_acco_ping_factor;
+static int hf_cba_acco_count;
+static int hf_cba_acco_item;
+static int hf_cba_acco_data;
+static int hf_cba_acco_qc;
+static int hf_cba_acco_time_stamp;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_qos_type;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_qos_value;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_state;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_cons_id;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_version;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_prov_id;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_provider;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_consumer;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_provider_item;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_consumer_item;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_substitute;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_epsilon;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_persist;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cb_length;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cb_conn_data;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cb_version;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cb_flags;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cb_count;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cb_item;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cb_item_hole;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cb_item_length;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cb_item_data;
+static int hf_cba_connect_in;
+static int hf_cba_disconnect_in;
+static int hf_cba_connectcr_in;
+static int hf_cba_disconnectcr_in;
+static int hf_cba_disconnectme_in;
+static int hf_cba_data_first_in;
+static int hf_cba_data_last_in;
+/* static int hf_cba_acco_server_pICBAAccoCallback; */
+static int hf_cba_acco_server_first_connect;
+static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_prov_mac;
+static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cons_mac;
+static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_id;
+static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_length;
+static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_flags;
+static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_flags_timestamped;
+static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_flags_reconfigure;
+static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_record_length;
+/* static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_action; */
+static int hf_cba_acco_serversrt_last_connect;
+static int hf_cba_getprovconnout;
+static int hf_cba_type_desc_len;
+static int hf_cba_connectincr;
+static int hf_cba_connectoutcr;
+static int hf_cba_connectin;
+static int hf_cba_connectout;
+static int hf_cba_getconnectionout;
+static int hf_cba_readitemout;
+static int hf_cba_writeitemin;
+static int hf_cba_addconnectionin;
+static int hf_cba_addconnectionout;
+static int hf_cba_getidout;
+static int hf_cba_getconsconnout;
+static int hf_cba_diagconsconnout;
+static int hf_cba_acco_conn_error_state;
+static int hf_cba_acco_info_max;
+static int hf_cba_acco_info_curr;
+static int hf_cba_acco_cdb_cookie;
+static int hf_cba_acco_rtauto;
+static int hf_cba_acco_prov_crid;
+static int hf_cba_acco_diag_req;
+static int hf_cba_acco_diag_in_length;
+static int hf_cba_acco_diag_out_length;
+static int hf_cba_acco_diag_data;
+static int hf_cba_acco_dcom_call;
+static int hf_cba_acco_srt_call;
+gint ett_cba_connectincr;
+gint ett_cba_connectoutcr;
+gint ett_cba_connectin;
+gint ett_cba_connectout;
+gint ett_cba_getprovconnout;
+gint ett_cba_addconnectionin;
+gint ett_cba_addconnectionout;
+gint ett_cba_getidout;
+gint ett_cba_getconnectionout;
+gint ett_cba_readitemout;
+gint ett_cba_writeitemin;
+gint ett_cba_acco_serversrt_cr_flags;
+gint ett_cba_frame_info;
+gint ett_cba_conn_info;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_pdev_find;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_prov_crid;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_conn_consumer;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_ldev_unknown;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_no_request_info;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_ipid_unknown;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_qc;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_pdev_find_unknown_interface;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_disconnect;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_connect;
+static int proto_ICBAAccoMgt;
+static gint ett_ICBAAccoMgt;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAAccoMgt = { 0xcba00041, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAAccoMgt = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAAccoMgt2 = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAAccoMgt2;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAAccoMgt2 = { 0xcba00046, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAAccoMgt2 = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAAccoCallback = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAAccoCallback = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAAccoCallback_Buffer = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAAccoCallback_Item = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAAccoCallback;
+static gint ett_ICBAAccoCallback;
+static gint ett_ICBAAccoCallback_Buffer;
+static gint ett_ICBAAccoCallback_Item;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAAccoCallback = { 0xcba00042, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAAccoCallback = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAAccoCallback2 = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAAccoCallback2;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAAccoCallback2 = { 0xcba00047, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAAccoCallback2 = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAAccoServer = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAAccoServer = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAAccoServer;
+static gint ett_ICBAAccoServer;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAAccoServer = { 0xcba00043, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAAccoServer = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAAccoServer2 = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAAccoServer2;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAAccoServer2 = { 0xcba00048, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAAccoServer2 = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAAccoServerSRT = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAAccoServerSRT = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAAccoServerSRT;
+static gint ett_ICBAAccoServerSRT;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAAccoServerSRT = { 0xcba00045, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAAccoServerSRT = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAAccoSync = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAAccoSync = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAAccoSync;
+static gint ett_ICBAAccoSync;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAAccoSync = { 0xcba00044, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAAccoSync = 0;
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ GList *cba_pdevs;
const true_false_string acco_flags_set_truth = { "Set", "Not set" };
static gboolean
-cba_filter_valid(packet_info *pinfo)
+cba_filter_valid(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_)
void* profinet_type = p_get_proto_data(pinfo->pool, pinfo, proto_ICBAAccoMgt, 0);
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ cba_filter_valid(packet_info *pinfo)
static gchar*
-cba_build_filter(packet_info *pinfo)
+cba_build_filter(packet_info *pinfo, void *user_data _U_)
gboolean is_tcp = proto_is_frame_protocol(pinfo->layers, "tcp");
void* profinet_type = p_get_proto_data(pinfo->pool, pinfo, proto_ICBAAccoMgt, 0);
@@ -345,25 +345,25 @@ cba_build_filter(packet_info *pinfo)
/* IPv4 */
switch(GPOINTER_TO_UINT(profinet_type)) {
case 1:
- return g_strdup_printf("(ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.dcom == 1) || (ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.dcom == 0)",
+ return ws_strdup_printf("(ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.dcom == 1) || (ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.dcom == 0)",
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_src),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_src),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst));
case 2:
- return g_strdup_printf("(ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.dcom == 1) || (ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.dcom == 0)",
+ return ws_strdup_printf("(ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.dcom == 1) || (ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.dcom == 0)",
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_src),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_src));
case 3:
- return g_strdup_printf("(ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.srt == 1) || (ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.srt == 0)",
+ return ws_strdup_printf("(ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.srt == 1) || (ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.srt == 0)",
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_src),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_src),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst));
case 4:
- return g_strdup_printf("(ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.srt == 1) || (ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.srt == 0)",
+ return ws_strdup_printf("(ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.srt == 1) || (ip.src eq %s and ip.dst eq %s and cba.acco.srt == 0)",
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_src),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst),
address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst),
@@ -4408,7 +4408,7 @@ dissect_ICBAAccoSync_ReadItems_resp(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, "[%u]: QC=%s (0x%02x) %s",
- val_to_str(u16QC, cba_acco_qc_vals, "Unknown"),
+ val_to_str_const(u16QC, cba_acco_qc_vals, "Unknown"),
val_to_str(u32HResult, dcom_hresult_vals, "Unknown (0x%08x)") );
proto_item_set_len(sub_item, offset - u32SubStart);
@@ -4540,7 +4540,7 @@ dissect_ICBAAccoSync_WriteItemsQCD_rqst(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, "[%u]: Item=\"%s\" QC=%s (0x%02x)",
u32Idx, szStr,
- val_to_str(u16QC, cba_acco_qc_vals, "Unknown"), u16QC);
+ val_to_str_const(u16QC, cba_acco_qc_vals, "Unknown"), u16QC);
proto_item_set_len(sub_item, offset - u32SubStart);
@@ -5014,12 +5014,12 @@ proto_register_dcom_cba_acco (void)
"This connection Disconnect was in the packet with this number", HFILL }
{ &hf_cba_connectcr_in,
- { "ConnectCR in frame", "cba.connect_in",
+ { "ConnectCR in frame", "cba.connectcr_in",
"This frame ConnectCR was in the packet with this number", HFILL }
{ &hf_cba_disconnectcr_in,
- { "DisconnectCR in frame", "cba.disconnect_in",
+ { "DisconnectCR in frame", "cba.disconnectcr_in",
"This frame DisconnectCR was in the packet with this number", HFILL }
@@ -5107,7 +5107,7 @@ proto_register_dcom_cba_acco (void)
proto_ICBAAccoSync = proto_register_protocol ("ICBAAccoSync", "ICBAAccoSync", "cba_acco_sync");
proto_register_subtree_array (ett5, array_length (ett5));
- register_conversation_filter("cba", "PN-CBA", cba_filter_valid, cba_build_filter);
+ register_conversation_filter("cba", "PN-CBA", cba_filter_valid, cba_build_filter, NULL);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcom-cba.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcom-cba.c
index 52c5017e1f..26f5735b49 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcom-cba.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-dcom-cba.c
@@ -20,144 +20,144 @@
void proto_register_dcom_cba(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_dcom_cba(void);
-static int hf_cba_opnum = -1;
-static int hf_cba_revision_major = -1;
-static int hf_cba_revision_minor = -1;
-static int hf_cba_revision_service_pack = -1;
-static int hf_cba_revision_build = -1;
-static int hf_cba_time = -1;
-static int hf_cba_name = -1;
-static int hf_cba_producer = -1;
-static int hf_cba_product = -1;
-static int hf_cba_production_date = -1;
-static int hf_cba_serial_no = -1;
-static int hf_cba_multi_app = -1;
-static int hf_cba_profinet_dcom_stack = -1;
-static int hf_cba_pdev_stamp = -1;
-static int hf_cba_browse_count = -1;
-static int hf_cba_browse_offset = -1;
-static int hf_cba_browse_max_return = -1;
-static int hf_cba_browse_item = -1;
-static int hf_cba_browse_data_type = -1;
-static int hf_cba_browse_access_right = -1;
-static int hf_cba_browse_selector = -1;
-static int hf_cba_browse_info1 = -1;
-static int hf_cba_browse_info2 = -1;
-static int hf_cba_cookie = -1;
-static int hf_cba_state = -1;
-static int hf_cba_new_state = -1;
-static int hf_cba_old_state = -1;
-static int hf_cba_grouperror = -1;
-static int hf_cba_new_grouperror = -1;
-static int hf_cba_old_grouperror = -1;
-static int hf_cba_component_id = -1;
-static int hf_cba_component_version = -1;
-static int hf_cba_pbaddress = -1;
-static int hf_cba_pbaddress_system_id = -1;
-static int hf_cba_pbaddress_address = -1;
-static int hf_cba_save_ldev_name = -1;
-static int hf_cba_save_result = -1;
-static expert_field ei_cba_acco_interface_pointer_unresolved = EI_INIT;
+static int hf_cba_opnum;
+static int hf_cba_revision_major;
+static int hf_cba_revision_minor;
+static int hf_cba_revision_service_pack;
+static int hf_cba_revision_build;
+static int hf_cba_time;
+static int hf_cba_name;
+static int hf_cba_producer;
+static int hf_cba_product;
+static int hf_cba_production_date;
+static int hf_cba_serial_no;
+static int hf_cba_multi_app;
+static int hf_cba_profinet_dcom_stack;
+static int hf_cba_pdev_stamp;
+static int hf_cba_browse_count;
+static int hf_cba_browse_offset;
+static int hf_cba_browse_max_return;
+static int hf_cba_browse_item;
+static int hf_cba_browse_data_type;
+static int hf_cba_browse_access_right;
+static int hf_cba_browse_selector;
+static int hf_cba_browse_info1;
+static int hf_cba_browse_info2;
+static int hf_cba_cookie;
+static int hf_cba_state;
+static int hf_cba_new_state;
+static int hf_cba_old_state;
+static int hf_cba_grouperror;
+static int hf_cba_new_grouperror;
+static int hf_cba_old_grouperror;
+static int hf_cba_component_id;
+static int hf_cba_component_version;
+static int hf_cba_pbaddress;
+static int hf_cba_pbaddress_system_id;
+static int hf_cba_pbaddress_address;
+static int hf_cba_save_ldev_name;
+static int hf_cba_save_result;
+static expert_field ei_cba_acco_interface_pointer_unresolved;
static e_guid_t uuid_coclass_CBAPhysicalDevice = { 0xcba00000, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
/* CBA interfaces */
-static int proto_ICBAPhysicalDevice = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAPhysicalDevice = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAPhysicalDevice;
+static gint ett_ICBAPhysicalDevice;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAPhysicalDevice = { 0xcba00001, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAPhysicalDevice = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAPhysicalDevice2 = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAPhysicalDevice2;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAPhysicalDevice2 = { 0xcba00006, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAPhysicalDevice2 = 0;
-static int proto_ICBABrowse = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBABrowse = -1;
+static int proto_ICBABrowse;
+static gint ett_ICBABrowse;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBABrowse = { 0xcba00002, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBABrowse = 0;
-static int proto_ICBABrowse2 = -1;
+static int proto_ICBABrowse2;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBABrowse2 = { 0xcba00007, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBABrowse2 = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAPhysicalDevicePC = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAPhysicalDevicePC = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAPhysicalDevicePC;
+static gint ett_ICBAPhysicalDevicePC;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAPhysicalDevicePC = { 0xcba00003, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAPhysicalDevicePC = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAPhysicalDevicePCEvent = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAPhysicalDevicePCEvent = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAPhysicalDevicePCEvent;
+static gint ett_ICBAPhysicalDevicePCEvent;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAPhysicalDevicePCEvent = { 0xcba00004, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAPhysicalDevicePCEvent = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAPersist = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAPersist = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAPersist;
+static gint ett_ICBAPersist;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAPersist = { 0xcba00005, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAPersist = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAPersist2 = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAPersist2;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAPersist2 = { 0xcba00008, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAPersist2 = 0;
-static int proto_ICBALogicalDevice = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBALogicalDevice = -1;
+static int proto_ICBALogicalDevice;
+static gint ett_ICBALogicalDevice;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBALogicalDevice = { 0xcba00011, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBALogicalDevice = 0;
-static int proto_ICBALogicalDevice2 = -1;
+static int proto_ICBALogicalDevice2;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBALogicalDevice2 = { 0xcba00017, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBALogicalDevice2 = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAState = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAState = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAState;
+static gint ett_ICBAState;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAState = { 0xcba00012, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAState = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAStateEvent = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAStateEvent = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAStateEvent;
+static gint ett_ICBAStateEvent;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAStateEvent = { 0xcba00013, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAStateEvent = 0;
-static int proto_ICBATime = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBATime = -1;
+static int proto_ICBATime;
+static gint ett_ICBATime;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBATime = { 0xcba00014, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBATime = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAGroupError = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAGroupError = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAGroupError;
+static gint ett_ICBAGroupError;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAGroupError = { 0xcba00015, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAGroupError = 0;
-static int proto_ICBAGroupErrorEvent = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBAGroupErrorEvent = -1;
+static int proto_ICBAGroupErrorEvent;
+static gint ett_ICBAGroupErrorEvent;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBAGroupErrorEvent = { 0xcba00016, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBAGroupErrorEvent = 0;
-static int proto_ICBARTAuto = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBARTAuto = -1;
+static int proto_ICBARTAuto;
+static gint ett_ICBARTAuto;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBARTAuto = { 0xcba00051, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBARTAuto = 0;
-static int proto_ICBARTAuto2 = -1;
+static int proto_ICBARTAuto2;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBARTAuto2 = { 0xcba00052, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBARTAuto2 = 0;
-static int proto_ICBASystemProperties = -1;
-static gint ett_ICBASystemProperties = -1;
+static int proto_ICBASystemProperties;
+static gint ett_ICBASystemProperties;
static e_guid_t uuid_ICBASystemProperties = { 0xcba00062, 0x6c97, 0x11d1, { 0x82, 0x71, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x24, 0x42, 0xdf, 0x7d } };
static guint16 ver_ICBASystemProperties = 0;
-static gint ett_PBAddress = -1;
+static gint ett_PBAddress;
static const value_string cba_state_vals[] = {
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-dcp.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-dcp.c
index 9f366afcae..6de2b19c23 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-dcp.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-dcp.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* Added new functions to packet-pn-dcp.c. The profinet plug-in will now save
* the information (Stationname, -type, -id) of "Ident OK" frames. Those
- * informations will later be used for detailled dissection of cyclic PNIO RTC1
+ * informations will later be used for detailed dissection of cyclic PNIO RTC1
* dataframes.
* The declaration of the new added structures are within packet-pn.h to
@@ -46,81 +46,94 @@
void proto_register_pn_dcp(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_pn_dcp(void);
-int proto_pn_dcp = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_service_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_service_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_xid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_reserved8 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_reserved16 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_response_delay = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_block_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_block = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_block_error = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_option = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_block_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_block_qualifier = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_blockqualifier = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_blockqualifier_r2f = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_block_info = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_ip = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_subnetmask = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_standard_gateway = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_mac_address = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_typeofstation = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_nameofstation = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_vendor_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_role = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_aliasname = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_instance_high = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_instance_low = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_oem_ven_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_oem_dev_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit0 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit4 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit5 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_otherbits = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_option_code = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_parameter_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_parameter_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_arbitrary_client_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_control_parameter_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_control = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_control_option = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_control_signal_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_deviceinitiative = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_deviceinitiative_value = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_all = -1;
-static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_manuf = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_dcp = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_dcp_block = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value = -1;
-static expert_field ei_pn_dcp_block_parse_error = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_dcp_block_error_unknown = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_dcp_ip_conflict = EI_INIT;
+int proto_pn_dcp;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_service_id;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_service_type;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_xid;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_reserved8;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_reserved16;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_response_delay;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_data_length;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_block_length;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_block;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_block_error;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_option;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_block_info;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_block_qualifier;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_blockqualifier;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_blockqualifier_r2f;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_block_info;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_ip;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_subnetmask;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_standard_gateway;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_mac_address;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_typeofstation;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_nameofstation;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_vendor_id;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_id;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_role;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_aliasname;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_instance_high;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_instance_low;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_oem_ven_id;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_oem_dev_id;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit0;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit1;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit2;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit3;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit4;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit5;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_otherbits;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_domain_name;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_domain_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_prio;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_parameter_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_agent;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_option_code;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_parameter_length;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_parameter_data;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_arbitrary_client_id;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_control_parameter_data;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_control;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_control_option;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_control_signal_value;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_deviceinitiative;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_deviceinitiative_value;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_all;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_suboption_manuf;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_vendor_id_high;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_vendor_id_low;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_device_id_high;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_device_id_low;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_instance_id_high;
+static int hf_pn_dcp_instance_id_low;
+static gint ett_pn_dcp;
+static gint ett_pn_dcp_block;
+static gint ett_pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value;
+static expert_field ei_pn_dcp_block_parse_error;
+static expert_field ei_pn_dcp_block_error_unknown;
+static expert_field ei_pn_dcp_ip_conflict;
@@ -205,6 +218,7 @@ static const value_string pn_dcp_BlockQualifier[] = {
+#define PNDCP_OPTION_TSN 0x07
#define PNDCP_OPTION_MANUF_X80 0x80
@@ -217,6 +231,7 @@ static const range_string pn_dcp_option[] = {
/*0x07 - 0x7F reserved */
/*0x80 - 0xFE manufacturer specific */
{ PNDCP_OPTION_MANUF_X80 , PNDCP_OPTION_MANUF_XFE , "Manufacturer specific" },
@@ -279,7 +294,33 @@ static const value_string pn_dcp_suboption_device[] = {
static const true_false_string pn_dcp_rsi_properties_value_bit =
- { "Available", "Not available" };
+ { "Available", "Not available" } ;
+static const value_string pn_dcp_suboption_tsn[] = {
+ { 0x00, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const range_string pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_prio[] =
+ { 0x0000, 0x0000, "Highest priority NME manager" },
+ { 0x0001, 0x3000, "High priorities for NME manager" },
+ { 0x3001, 0x9FFF, "Low priorities for NME manager" },
+ { 0xA000, 0xA000, "Lowest priority for NME manager / Default priority for NME manager" },
+ { 0xA001, 0xFFFF, "Reserved" },
+ { 0, 0, NULL }
@@ -392,6 +433,10 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Option(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_deviceinitiative, &suboption);
val_str = pn_dcp_suboption_deviceinitiative;
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn, &suboption);
+ val_str = pn_dcp_suboption_tsn;
+ break;
offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_all, &suboption);
val_str = pn_dcp_suboption_all;
@@ -402,10 +447,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Option(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", Status from %s - %s",
- rval_to_str(option, pn_dcp_option, "Unknown"), val_to_str(suboption, val_str, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(option, pn_dcp_option, "Unknown"),
+ val_to_str_const(suboption, val_str, "Unknown"));
if (append_col) {
- col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ", %s", val_to_str(suboption, val_str, "Unknown"));
+ col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ", %s", val_to_str_const(suboption, val_str, "Unknown"));
return offset;
@@ -459,11 +505,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_IP(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
offset = dissect_pn_mac(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_ip_mac_address, mac);
@@ -484,7 +530,7 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_IP(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
offset += 2;
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- val_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_suboption_ip_block_info, "Undecoded"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_suboption_ip_block_info, "Undecoded"));
block_length -= 2;
if (block_info & 0x80) {
expert_add_info(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_dcp_ip_conflict);
@@ -495,7 +541,7 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_IP(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
if ( (service_id == PNDCP_SERVICE_ID_SET) && !is_response) {
offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_block_qualifier, &block_qualifier);
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
block_length -= 2;
@@ -538,11 +584,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_IP(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
/* IPAddress */
@@ -653,31 +699,31 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
* part, not realizing that they should have done "(R)" or something
* such as that.
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_typeofstation, tvb, offset, block_length, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &typeofstation);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_typeofstation, tvb, offset, block_length, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &typeofstation);
pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, ", DeviceVendorValue");
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "Device/Manufacturer specific");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info){
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", DeviceVendorValue: \"%s\"", typeofstation);
if (PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo) == FALSE) {
/* Create a conversation between the MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
/* Create new conversation, need to switch dl_src & dl_dst if not a response
* All conversations are based on Device MAC as addr1 */
if (is_response) {
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
else {
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -710,31 +756,31 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
* is just an ASCII string to be interpreted as a Punycode Unicode
* domain name?
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_nameofstation, tvb, offset, block_length, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &nameofstation);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_nameofstation, tvb, offset, block_length, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &nameofstation);
pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, wmem_strdup_printf(pinfo->pool, ", NameOfStation:\"%s\"", nameofstation));
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "Device/NameOfStation");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", \"%s\"", nameofstation);
if (PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo) == FALSE) {
/* Create a conversation between the MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
/* Create new conversation, need to switch dl_src & dl_dst if not a response
* All conversations are based on Device MAC as addr1 */
if (is_response) {
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
else {
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -757,15 +803,15 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
if (PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo) == FALSE) {
/* Create a conversation between the MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
/* Create new conversation, need to switch dl_src & dl_dst if not a response
* All conversations are based on Device MAC as addr1 */
if (is_response) {
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
else {
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_dst, &pinfo->dl_src, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -785,11 +831,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "Device/Device ID");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", VendorID: 0x%04x / DeviceID: 0x%04x", vendor_id, device_id);
@@ -800,10 +846,10 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "Device/Device Role");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info)
- proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s", rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s", rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
if (device_role & 0x01)
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", IO-Device");
if (device_role & 0x02)
@@ -819,11 +865,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "Device/Device Options");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", %u options", block_length/2);
for( ; block_length != 0; block_length -= 2) {
@@ -858,16 +904,16 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
* NameOfStationValue" that it's a domain name, complete with
* RFC 5890 Punycode.
- proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_aliasname, tvb, offset, block_length, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &aliasname);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string (tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_device_aliasname, tvb, offset, block_length, ENC_ASCII, pinfo->pool, &aliasname);
pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, wmem_strdup_printf(pinfo->pool, ", AliasName:\"%s\"", aliasname));
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "Device/AliasName");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", \"%s\"", aliasname);
offset += block_length;
@@ -879,11 +925,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "Device/Device Instance");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", InstanceHigh: %d, Instance Low: %d",
device_instance_high, device_instance_low);
@@ -895,11 +941,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "Device/OEM Device ID");
if(have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if(have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", OEMVendorID: 0x%04x / OEMDeviceID: 0x%04x", oem_vendor_id, oem_device_id);
@@ -924,9 +970,9 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
if (pinfo->fd->visited == FALSE) {
/* Create a conversation between the MAC addresses */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation == NULL) {
- conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
station_info = (stationInfo*)conversation_get_proto_data(conversation, proto_pn_dcp);
@@ -941,11 +987,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "Device/RSI Properties");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
@@ -955,6 +1001,239 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Device(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
return offset;
+/* dissect the "tsn" suboption */
+static int
+dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_TSN(tvbuff_t* tvb, int offset, packet_info* pinfo,
+ proto_tree* tree, proto_item* block_item, proto_item* dcp_item,
+ guint8 service_id, gboolean is_response)
+ guint8 suboption;
+ guint16 block_length;
+ char *domain_name;
+ guint16 nme_prio;
+ e_guid_t tsn_domain_uuid;
+ e_guid_t nme_parameter_uuid;
+ e_guid_t nme_name_uuid;
+ guint16 vendor_id;
+ guint16 device_id;
+ guint16 block_info = 0;
+ guint16 block_qualifier = 0;
+ gboolean have_block_info = FALSE;
+ gboolean have_block_qualifier = FALSE;
+ guint8 instance_id_high;
+ guint8 instance_id_low;
+ conversation_t* conversation;
+ stationInfo* station_info;
+ gboolean is_zeros = TRUE;
+ /* SuboptionTSN... */
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn, &suboption);
+ /* DCPBlockLength */
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_block_length, &block_length);
+ /* BlockInfo? */
+ if (((service_id == PNDCP_SERVICE_ID_IDENTIFY) && is_response) ||
+ ((service_id == PNDCP_SERVICE_ID_HELLO) && !is_response) ||
+ ((service_id == PNDCP_SERVICE_ID_GET) && is_response)) {
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_block_info, &block_info);
+ have_block_info = TRUE;
+ block_length -= 2;
+ }
+ /* BlockQualifier? */
+ if ((service_id == PNDCP_SERVICE_ID_SET) && !is_response) {
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_block_qualifier, &block_qualifier);
+ have_block_qualifier = TRUE;
+ block_length -= 2;
+ }
+ switch (suboption) {
+ offset = dissect_pn_uuid(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_domain_uuid, &tsn_domain_uuid);
+ proto_tree_add_item_ret_display_string(tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_domain_name, tvb, offset, (block_length-16), ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA, pinfo->pool, &domain_name);
+ pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, ", TSN-Domain Name");
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, "TSN/TSN-Domain Name");
+ if (have_block_qualifier) {
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ }
+ if (have_block_info)
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s", rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, wmem_strdup_printf(pinfo->pool, ", DomainName:\"%s\"", domain_name));
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", \"%s\"", domain_name);
+ offset += (block_length-16);
+ is_zeros = TRUE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ {
+ if (tsn_domain_uuid.data4[i] != 0)
+ {
+ is_zeros = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((tsn_domain_uuid.data1 == 0) && (tsn_domain_uuid.data2 == 0) && (tsn_domain_uuid.data3 == 0) && (is_zeros))
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", No TSN domain assigned");
+ else
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", UUID identifying a TSN domain using SNMP/ LLDP/ DCP");
+ break;
+ pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, ", NME-Manager");
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, "TSN/NME-Manager");
+ if (have_block_qualifier)
+ {
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ }
+ if (have_block_info)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_prio, &nme_prio);
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s", rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ if (nme_prio == 0x0000)
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", Highest priority NME manager");
+ else if ((0x0001 <= nme_prio) && (nme_prio <= 0x3000))
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", High priorities for NME manager");
+ else if ((0x3001 <= nme_prio) && (nme_prio <= 0x9FFF))
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", Low priorities for NME manager");
+ else if (0xA000 == nme_prio)
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", Lowest priority for NME manager / Default priority for NME manager");
+ else
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", Reserved");
+ }
+ break;
+ pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, ", NME-Parameter UUID");
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, "TSN/NME-Parameter UUID");
+ if (block_length > 0)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_pn_uuid(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_parameter_uuid, &nme_parameter_uuid);
+ if (have_block_qualifier)
+ {
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ }
+ if (have_block_info)
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s", rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ is_zeros = TRUE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ {
+ if (nme_parameter_uuid.data4[i] != 0)
+ {
+ is_zeros = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((nme_parameter_uuid.data1 == 0) && (nme_parameter_uuid.data2 == 0) && (nme_parameter_uuid.data3 == 0) && (is_zeros))
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", Unconfigured");
+ else
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", UUID identifying an NME parameter set within the TSN domain.");
+ }
+ break;
+ pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, ", NME-Agent");
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, "TSN/NME-Agent");
+ if (have_block_qualifier)
+ {
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ }
+ if (have_block_info)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_pn_uuid(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_agent, &nme_name_uuid);
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s", rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ is_zeros = TRUE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ {
+ if (nme_name_uuid.data4[i] != 0)
+ {
+ is_zeros = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((nme_name_uuid.data1 == 0) && (nme_name_uuid.data2 == 0) && (nme_name_uuid.data3 == 0) && (is_zeros))
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", No NME assigned");
+ else
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", UUID identifying an NME using SNMP / LLDP / DCP");
+ }
+ break;
+ pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, ", CIM-Interface");
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, "TSN/CIM-Interface");
+ if (have_block_qualifier)
+ {
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ }
+ if (have_block_info)
+ {
+ // CIMVDIValue
+ dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_vendor_id_high, &vendor_id);
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_vendor_id_low, &vendor_id);
+ dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_device_id_high, &device_id);
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_device_id_low, &device_id);
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_instance_id_high, &instance_id_high);
+ offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_instance_id_low, &instance_id_low);
+ if (pinfo->fd->visited == FALSE) {
+ /* Create a conversation between the MAC addresses */
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (conversation == NULL) {
+ conversation = conversation_new(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ station_info = (stationInfo*)conversation_get_proto_data(conversation, proto_pn_dcp);
+ if (station_info == NULL) {
+ station_info = wmem_new0(wmem_file_scope(), stationInfo);
+ init_pnio_rtc1_station(station_info);
+ conversation_add_proto_data(conversation, proto_pn_dcp, station_info);
+ }
+ station_info->u16Vendor_id = vendor_id;
+ station_info->u16Device_id = device_id;
+ }
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s", rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", VendorID: 0x%04x / DeviceID: 0x%04x / InstanceIDHigh: 0x%04x / InstanceIDLow: 0x%04x", vendor_id, device_id, instance_id_high, instance_id_low);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, ", TSN/Reserved");
+ proto_item_append_text(block_item, "TSN/Reserved");
+ }
+ return offset;
/* dissect the "DHCP" suboption */
static int
@@ -1001,11 +1280,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_DHCP(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "DHCP/Client-ID");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_option_code, &option_code);
offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_parameter_length, &dhcpparameterlength);
@@ -1032,7 +1311,7 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_DHCP(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
* dissect_dhcpopt_client_identifier(), so that we can
* use its heuristics?
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_arbitrary_client_id, tvb, offset, dhcpparameterlength - 1, ENC_ASCII|ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_arbitrary_client_id, tvb, offset, dhcpparameterlength - 1, ENC_ASCII);
offset += (dhcpparameterlength-1);
@@ -1042,11 +1321,11 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_DHCP(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_item_append_text(block_item, "DHCP/Control DHCP for address resolution");
if (have_block_qualifier) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
if (have_block_info) {
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_option_code, &option_code);
offset = dissect_pn_uint8(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp_parameter_length, &dhcpparameterlength);
@@ -1118,13 +1397,13 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Control(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
offset += 1;
if (block_error != 0) {
expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_dcp_block_error_unknown, "%s",
- val_to_str(block_error, pn_dcp_block_error, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_error, pn_dcp_block_error, "Unknown"));
info_str = wmem_strdup_printf(pinfo->pool, ", Response(%s)",
- val_to_str(block_error, pn_dcp_block_error, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_error, pn_dcp_block_error, "Unknown"));
pn_append_info(pinfo, dcp_item, info_str);
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockError: %s",
- val_to_str(block_error, pn_dcp_block_error, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_error, pn_dcp_block_error, "Unknown"));
@@ -1133,7 +1412,7 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Control(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
block_length -= 2;
offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_blockqualifier, &BlockQualifier);
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(BlockQualifier, pn_dcp_suboption_other, "reserved"));
+ val_to_str_const(BlockQualifier, pn_dcp_suboption_other, "reserved"));
block_length -= 2;
@@ -1143,7 +1422,7 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Control(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_blockqualifier_r2f, &BlockQualifier);
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(BlockQualifier, pn_dcp_BlockQualifier, "reserved"));
+ val_to_str_const(BlockQualifier, pn_dcp_BlockQualifier, "reserved"));
block_length -= 2;
@@ -1156,7 +1435,7 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_Control(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
-/* dissect the "deviceinitaitve" suboption */
+/* dissect the "deviceinitiatve" suboption */
static int
dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_DeviceInitiative(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_tree *tree, proto_item *block_item, proto_item *dcp_item,
@@ -1181,7 +1460,7 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_DeviceInitiative(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info
((service_id == PNDCP_SERVICE_ID_GET) && is_response)) {
offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_block_info, &block_info);
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockInfo: %s",
- rval_to_str(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
+ rval_to_str_const(block_info, pn_dcp_block_info, "Unknown"));
block_length -= 2;
@@ -1189,7 +1468,7 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_DeviceInitiative(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info
if ( (service_id == PNDCP_SERVICE_ID_SET) && !is_response) {
offset = dissect_pn_uint16(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_dcp_block_qualifier, &block_qualifier);
proto_item_append_text(block_item, ", BlockQualifier: %s",
- val_to_str(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(block_qualifier, pn_dcp_block_qualifier, "Unknown"));
block_length -= 2;
@@ -1287,6 +1566,10 @@ dissect_PNDCP_Block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
offset = dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_DeviceInitiative(tvb, offset, pinfo, block_tree, block_item, dcp_item, service_id, is_response);
+ else if (option == PNDCP_OPTION_TSN)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_TSN(tvb, offset, pinfo, block_tree, block_item, dcp_item, service_id, is_response);
+ }
else if (option == PNDCP_OPTION_ALLSELECTOR)
offset = dissect_PNDCP_Suboption_All(tvb, offset, pinfo, block_tree, block_item, dcp_item, service_id, is_response);
@@ -1644,6 +1927,36 @@ proto_register_pn_dcp (void)
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_vendor_id_high,
+ { "VendorIDHigh", "pn_dcp.vendor_id_high",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_vendor_id_low,
+ { "VendorIDLow", "pn_dcp.vendor_id_low",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_device_id_high,
+ { "DeviceIDHigh", "pn_dcp.device_id_high",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_device_id_low,
+ { "DeviceIDLow", "pn_dcp.device_id_low",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_instance_id_high,
+ { "InstanceHigh", "pn_dcp.instance_id_high",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_instance_id_low,
+ { "InstanceLow", "pn_dcp.instance_id_low",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
{ &hf_pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp,
{ "Suboption", "pn_dcp.suboption_dhcp",
FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(pn_dcp_suboption_dhcp), 0x0,
@@ -1699,6 +2012,36 @@ proto_register_pn_dcp (void)
FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, VALS(pn_dcp_deviceinitiative_value), 0x0,
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn,
+ { "Suboption", "pn_dcp.suboption_tsn",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(pn_dcp_suboption_tsn), 0x0,
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_domain_name,
+ { "TSNDomainName", "pn_dcp.suboption_tsn_domain_name",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_domain_uuid,
+ { "TSNDomainUUID", "pn_dcp.tsn_domain_uuid",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_prio,
+ { "NMEPrio", "pn_dcp.suboption_tsn_nme_prio",
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC | BASE_RANGE_STRING, RVALS(pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_prio), 0x0,
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_parameter_uuid,
+ { "NMEParameterUUID", "pn_dcp.suboption_tsn_nme_parameter_uuid",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
+ { &hf_pn_dcp_suboption_tsn_nme_agent,
+ { "NMEAgent", "pn_dcp.suboption_tsn_nme_agent",
+ NULL, HFILL } },
{ &hf_pn_dcp_suboption_all,
{ "Suboption", "pn_dcp.suboption_all",
FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(pn_dcp_suboption_all), 0x0,
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-mrp.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-mrp.c
index 9d83a859da..77da40a0c5 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-mrp.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-mrp.c
@@ -21,34 +21,36 @@
void proto_register_pn_mrp(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_pn_mrp(void);
-static int proto_pn_mrp = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_version = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_sequence_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_sa = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_prio = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_port_role = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_ring_state = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_interval = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_transition = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_time_stamp = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_blocked = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_domain_uuid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_oui = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_ed1type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_ed1_manufacturer_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_sub_tlv_header_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_sub_tlv_header_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_sub_option2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_other_mrm_prio = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_other_mrm_sa = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrp_manufacturer_data = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_mrp = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_mrp_type = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_sub_tlv = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t mrp_handle;
+static int proto_pn_mrp;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_type;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_length;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_version;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_sequence_id;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_sa;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_prio;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_port_role;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_ring_state;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_interval;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_transition;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_time_stamp;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_blocked;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_domain_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_oui;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_ed1type;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_ed1_manufacturer_data;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_sub_tlv_header_type;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_sub_tlv_header_length;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_sub_option2;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_other_mrm_prio;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_other_mrm_sa;
+static int hf_pn_mrp_manufacturer_data;
+static gint ett_pn_mrp;
+static gint ett_pn_mrp_type;
+static gint ett_pn_sub_tlv;
static const value_string pn_mrp_block_type_vals[] = {
{ 0x00, "MRP_End" },
@@ -467,8 +469,8 @@ dissect_PNMRP_PDU(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
} else {
proto_item_append_text(item, " ");
- col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, val_to_str_const(type, pn_mrp_block_type_vals, "Unknown TLVType 0x%x"));
- proto_item_append_text(item, "%s", val_to_str_const(type, pn_mrp_block_type_vals, "Unknown TLVType 0x%x"));
+ col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, val_to_str(type, pn_mrp_block_type_vals, "Unknown TLVType 0x%x"));
+ proto_item_append_text(item, "%s", val_to_str(type, pn_mrp_block_type_vals, "Unknown TLVType 0x%x"));
switch(type) {
case 0x00:
@@ -649,18 +651,14 @@ proto_register_pn_mrp (void)
proto_pn_mrp = proto_register_protocol ("PROFINET MRP", "PN-MRP", "pn_mrp");
proto_register_field_array (proto_pn_mrp, hf, array_length (hf));
proto_register_subtree_array (ett, array_length (ett));
+ mrp_handle = register_dissector("pn_mrp", dissect_PNMRP, proto_pn_mrp);
proto_reg_handoff_pn_mrp (void)
- dissector_handle_t mrp_handle;
- mrp_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_PNMRP,proto_pn_mrp);
dissector_add_uint("ethertype", ETHERTYPE_MRP, mrp_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-mrrt.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-mrrt.c
index 5c332a5ae8..ab1598065e 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-mrrt.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-mrrt.c
@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
void proto_register_pn_mrrt(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_pn_mrrt(void);
-static int proto_pn_mrrt = -1;
+static int proto_pn_mrrt;
-static int hf_pn_mrrt_sequence_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrrt_domain_uuid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrrt_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrrt_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrrt_version = -1;
-static int hf_pn_mrrt_sa = -1;
+static int hf_pn_mrrt_sequence_id;
+static int hf_pn_mrrt_domain_uuid;
+static int hf_pn_mrrt_type;
+static int hf_pn_mrrt_length;
+static int hf_pn_mrrt_version;
+static int hf_pn_mrrt_sa;
-static gint ett_pn_mrrt = -1;
+static gint ett_pn_mrrt;
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-ptcp.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-ptcp.c
index 6a753a5f62..90627cb37e 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-ptcp.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-ptcp.c
@@ -20,58 +20,58 @@
void proto_register_pn_ptcp(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_pn_ptcp(void);
-static int proto_pn_ptcp = -1;
+static int proto_pn_ptcp;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_header = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_block = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_block_tlvheader = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_header;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_block;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_block_tlvheader;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_res1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_res2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_delay10ns = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_seq_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_delay1ns_byte = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_delay1ns_fup = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_delay1ns = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_res1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_res2;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_delay10ns;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_seq_id;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_delay1ns_byte;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_delay1ns_fup;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_delay1ns;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_tl_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_tl_type = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_tl_length;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_tl_type;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_source_address = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_subdomain_uuid = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_source_address;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_subdomain_uuid;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_port_mac_address = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_port_mac_address;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_t2portrxdelay = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_t3porttxdelay = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_t2portrxdelay;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_t3porttxdelay;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_t2timestamp = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_t2timestamp;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_epoch_number = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_seconds = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_nanoseconds = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_epoch_number;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_seconds;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_nanoseconds;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_flags = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_currentutcoffset = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_flags;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_currentutcoffset;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority_level = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority1_res = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority1_act =-1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority_level;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority1_res;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority1_act;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_clock_class = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_clock_accuracy = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_clockvariance = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_master_priority2;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_clock_class;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_clock_accuracy;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_clockvariance;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_oui = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_profinet_subtype = -1;
-static int hf_pn_ptcp_irdata_uuid = -1;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_oui;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_profinet_subtype;
+static int hf_pn_ptcp_irdata_uuid;
-static gint ett_pn_ptcp = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_ptcp_header = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_ptcp_block = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_ptcp_block_header = -1;
+static gint ett_pn_ptcp;
+static gint ett_pn_ptcp_header;
+static gint ett_pn_ptcp_block;
+static gint ett_pn_ptcp_block_header;
#define OUI_PROFINET_MULTICAST 0x010ECF /* PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. */
@@ -522,10 +522,10 @@ dissect_PNPTCP_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_PNPTCP_TLVHeader(tvb, offset, pinfo, tlvheader_tree, sub_item, &type, &length);
proto_item_set_text(sub_item, "%s",
- val_to_str(type, pn_ptcp_block_type, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const(type, pn_ptcp_block_type, "Unknown"));
proto_item_append_text(tlvheader_item, ": Type=%s (%x), Length=%u",
- val_to_str(type, pn_ptcp_block_type, "Unknown"), type, length);
+ val_to_str_const(type, pn_ptcp_block_type, "Unknown"), type, length);
switch (type) {
case 0x00: /* End, no content */
@@ -671,11 +671,11 @@ dissect_PNPTCP_RTSyncPDU(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
delay1ns_64 = ((guint64) delay10ns) * 10 + delay1ns_8 + delay1ns_32;
delayms = (guint32) (delay1ns_64 / (1000 * 1000));
- col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s, Seq=%3u, Delay=%11" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "uns",
+ col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s, Seq=%3u, Delay=%11" PRIu64 "ns",
name, seq_id, delay1ns_64);
- proto_item_append_text(item, "%s: Sequence=%u, Delay=%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "uns",
+ proto_item_append_text(item, "%s: Sequence=%u, Delay=%" PRIu64 "ns",
name_short, seq_id, delay1ns_64);
- proto_item_append_text(header_item, ": Sequence=%u, Delay=%" G_GINT64_MODIFIER "uns",
+ proto_item_append_text(header_item, ": Sequence=%u, Delay=%" PRIu64 "ns",
seq_id, delay1ns_64);
if (delay1ns_64 != 0)
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ proto_register_pn_ptcp (void)
{ &hf_pn_ptcp_tl_length,
{ "TypeLength.Length", "pn_ptcp.tl_length",
- FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, 0x0, 0x1FF,
+ FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, 0x0, 0x01FF,
{ &hf_pn_ptcp_tl_type,
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rsi.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rsi.c
index d6cebad540..fe6e71ac4b 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rsi.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rsi.c
@@ -46,60 +46,60 @@
void proto_register_pn_rsi(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_pn_rsi(void);
-static int proto_pn_rsi = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_dst_srv_access_point = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_src_srv_access_point = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_pdu_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_pdu_type_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_pdu_type_version = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_windowsize = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_tack = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_morefrag = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_notification = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_send_seq_num = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_ack_seq_num = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_var_part_len = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset_offset = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset_opnum = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset_callsequence = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_conn_block = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_rsp_max_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_vendor_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_device_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_instance_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_interface = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_svcs_block = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_number_of_entries = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_pd_rsi_instance = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_device_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_order_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_im_serial_number = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_hw_revision = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_sw_revision_prefix = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_sw_revision = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_rsi = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_rsi_pdu_type = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_rsi_conn_block = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_rsi_svcs_block = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_rsi_add_flags = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_rsi_rta = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_pd_rsi_instance = -1;
-static expert_field ei_pn_rsi_error = EI_INIT;
+static int proto_pn_rsi;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_dst_srv_access_point;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_src_srv_access_point;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_pdu_type;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_pdu_type_type;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_pdu_type_version;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_windowsize;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_reserved1;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_tack;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_morefrag;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_notification;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_add_flags_reserved2;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_send_seq_num;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_ack_seq_num;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_var_part_len;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset_offset;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset_opnum;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset_callsequence;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_conn_block;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_rsp_max_length;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_vendor_id;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_device_id;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_instance_id;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_interface;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_svcs_block;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_number_of_entries;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_pd_rsi_instance;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_device_type;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_order_id;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_im_serial_number;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_hw_revision;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_sw_revision_prefix;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_sw_revision;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi_pdu_type;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi_f_opnum_offset;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi_conn_block;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi_svcs_block;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi_add_flags;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi_rta;
+static gint ett_pn_io_pd_rsi_instance;
+static expert_field ei_pn_rsi_error;
static const range_string pn_rsi_alarm_endpoint[] = {
{ 0x0000, 0x7FFF, "RSI Initiator Instance (ISAP) or RSI Responder Instance (RSAP)" },
@@ -239,19 +239,19 @@ dissect_FOpnumOffset(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
return offset;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_data_payload = -1;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_data_payload;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_segments = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_segment = -1;
-//static int hf_pn_rsi_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_overlap = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_overlap_conflict = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_multiple_tails = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_too_long_segment = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_error = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_count = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_reassembled_in = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rsi_reassembled_length = -1;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_segments;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_segment;
+//static int hf_pn_rsi_data;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_overlap;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_overlap_conflict;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_multiple_tails;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_too_long_segment;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_error;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_segment_count;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_reassembled_in;
+static int hf_pn_rsi_reassembled_length;
static reassembly_table pn_rsi_reassembly_table;
@@ -261,10 +261,10 @@ pn_rsi_reassemble_init(void)
reassembly_table_register(&pn_rsi_reassembly_table, &addresses_reassembly_table_functions);
-static gint ett_pn_rsi_segments = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_rsi_segment = -1;
-//static gint ett_pn_rsi_data = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_rsi_data_payload = -1;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi_segments;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi_segment;
+//static gint ett_pn_rsi_data;
+static gint ett_pn_rsi_data_payload;
static const fragment_items pn_rsi_frag_items = {
@@ -299,10 +299,10 @@ dissect_pn_rta_remaining_user_data_bytes(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info
if (pinfo->srcport != 0 && pinfo->destport != 0) {
/* COTP over RFC1006/TCP, try reassembling */
- conv = find_conversation(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, ENDPOINT_NONE,
+ conv = find_conversation(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, CONVERSATION_NONE,
pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
if (!conv) {
- conv = conversation_new(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, ENDPOINT_NONE,
+ conv = conversation_new(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, CONVERSATION_NONE,
pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
@@ -312,10 +312,10 @@ dissect_pn_rta_remaining_user_data_bytes(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info
else {
/* plain COTP transport (without RFC1006/TCP), try reassembling */
- conv = find_conversation(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, ENDPOINT_NONE,
+ conv = find_conversation(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, CONVERSATION_NONE,
pinfo->clnp_srcref, pinfo->clnp_dstref, 0);
if (!conv) {
- conv = conversation_new(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, ENDPOINT_NONE,
+ conv = conversation_new(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, CONVERSATION_NONE,
pinfo->clnp_srcref, pinfo->clnp_dstref, 0);
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ dissect_pn_rta_remaining_user_data_bytes(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info
/* reassembling completed? */
if (fd_reass != NULL) {
- /* is this the packet to show the reassembed payload in? */
+ /* is this the packet to show the reassembled payload in? */
if (pinfo->fd->num == fd_reass->reassembled_in) {
next_tvb = process_reassembled_data(tvb, 0, pinfo,
"Reassembled PN IO RSI packet", fd_reass, &pn_rsi_frag_items, &update_col_info, tree);
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ dissect_pn_rta_remaining_user_data_bytes(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info
pn_rsi_tree_item = proto_tree_get_parent(tree);
pi = proto_tree_add_uint(pn_rsi_tree_item, hf_pn_rsi_reassembled_in,
tvb, 0, 0, fd_reass->reassembled_in);
+ proto_item_set_generated(pi);
@@ -381,15 +381,20 @@ dissect_pn_rta_remaining_user_data_bytes(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info
/* dissect a PN-IO RSI SVCS block (on top of PN-RT protocol) */
static int
dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
- packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep, guint8 u8MoreFrag, guint32 u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, guint32 u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum)
+ packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep, guint16 u16VarPartLen, guint8 u8MoreFrag, guint32 u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, guint32 u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum)
- proto_item *sub_item;
+ proto_item* sub_item;
proto_tree *sub_tree;
- guint32 u32RspMaxLength;
+ guint32 u32RsiHeaderSize = 4;
+ guint32 u32RspMaxLength;
+ // PDU.FOpnumOffset.Offset + PDU.VarPartLen - 4 - RsiHeaderSize
+ gint32 length = u32FOpnumOffsetOffset + u16VarPartLen - 4 - u32RsiHeaderSize;
sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rsi_svcs_block, tvb, offset, 0, ENC_NA);
sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_rsi_svcs_block);
if (u32FOpnumOffsetOffset == 0)
offset = dissect_dcerpc_uint32(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
@@ -400,15 +405,17 @@ dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, ", RSI Header of SVCS is at first segment");
- offset = dissect_pn_rta_remaining_user_data_bytes(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
- tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset), u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum, PDU_TYPE_REQ);
+ if (length > 0) {
+ offset = dissect_pn_rta_remaining_user_data_bytes(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
+ tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset), u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum, PDU_TYPE_REQ);
+ }
return offset;
/* dissect a PN-IO RSI CONN block (on top of PN-RT protocol) */
static int
dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
- packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep, guint8 u8MoreFrag, guint32 u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, guint32 u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum)
+ packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep, guint16 u16VarPartLen, guint8 u8MoreFrag, guint32 u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, guint32 u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum)
proto_item *sub_item;
proto_tree *sub_tree;
@@ -418,6 +425,10 @@ dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
guint16 u16DeviceId;
guint16 u16InstanceId;
guint8 u8RsiInterface;
+ guint32 u32RsiHeaderSize = 4;
+ // PDU.FOpnumOffset.Offset + PDU.VarPartLen - 4 - RsiHeaderSize
+ gint32 length = u32FOpnumOffsetOffset + u16VarPartLen - 4 - u32RsiHeaderSize;
sub_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rsi_conn_block, tvb, offset, 0, ENC_NA);
sub_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(sub_item, ett_pn_rsi_conn_block);
@@ -442,8 +453,10 @@ dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
proto_item_append_text(sub_item, ", RSI Header of CONN is at first segment");
- offset = dissect_pn_rta_remaining_user_data_bytes(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
- tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset), u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum, PDU_TYPE_REQ);
+ if (length > 0) {
+ offset = dissect_pn_rta_remaining_user_data_bytes(tvb, offset, pinfo, sub_tree, drep,
+ tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset), u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum, PDU_TYPE_REQ);
+ }
return offset;
@@ -451,7 +464,7 @@ dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* dissect a PN-IO RSI FREQ RTA PDU (on top of PN-RT protocol) */
static int
dissect_FREQ_RTA_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
- packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep, guint8 u8MoreFrag)
+ packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep, guint16 u16VarPartLen, guint8 u8MoreFrag)
guint32 u32FOpnumOffset;
guint32 u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum;
@@ -462,7 +475,7 @@ dissect_FREQ_RTA_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
switch (u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum) {
case(0x0): /* RSI-CONN-PDU */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Connect request");
- offset = dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
+ offset = dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
case(0x1): /* Reserved */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Reserved");
@@ -470,35 +483,35 @@ dissect_FREQ_RTA_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
case(0x2): /* RSI-SVCS-PDU (Only valid with ARUUID<>0) */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Read request");
- offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
+ offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
case(0x3): /* RSI-SVCS-PDU */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Write request");
- offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
+ offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
case(0x4): /* RSI-SVCS-PDU */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Control request");
- offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
+ offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
case(0x5): /* RSI-CONN-PDU (Only valid with ARUUID=0) */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ReadImplicit request");
- offset = dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
+ offset = dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
case(0x6): /* RSI-CONN-PDU (Only valid with ARUUID<>0) */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ReadConnectionless request");
- offset = dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
+ offset = dissect_RSI_CONN_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
case(0x7): /* RSI-SVCS-PDU */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "ReadNotification request");
- offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
+ offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
case(0x8): /* RSI-SVCS-PDU */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "PrmWriteMore request");
- offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
+ offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
case(0x9) : /* RSI-SVCS-PDU */
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "PrmWriteEnd request");
- offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
+ offset = dissect_RSI_SVCS_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag, u32FOpnumOffsetOffset, u32FOpnumOffsetOpnum);
col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Reserved");
@@ -701,7 +714,7 @@ dissect_PNIO_RSI(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
offset = dissect_PNIO_status(tvb, offset, pinfo, rta_tree, drep);
case(5): /* FREQ-RTA */
- offset = dissect_FREQ_RTA_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, rta_tree, drep, u8MoreFrag);
+ offset = dissect_FREQ_RTA_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, rta_tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag);
case(6): /* FRSP-RTA */
offset = dissect_FRSP_RTA_block(tvb, offset, pinfo, rta_tree, drep, u16VarPartLen, u8MoreFrag);
@@ -733,12 +746,6 @@ dissect_PDRsiInstances_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
const int HWrevision_size = 5;
const int SWrevisionprefix_size = 1;
const int SWrevision_size = 9;
- char *deviceType;
- char *orderID;
- char *IMserialnumber;
- char *HWrevision;
- char *SWrevisionprefix;
- char *SWrevision;
if (u8BlockVersionHigh != 1 || u8BlockVersionLow != 0) {
expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_pn_rsi_error,
@@ -779,53 +786,35 @@ dissect_PDRsiInstances_block(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* SystemIdentification */
/* DeviceType */
- deviceType = (char *)wmem_alloc(pinfo->pool, deviceType_size + 1);
- tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)deviceType, offset, 25);
- deviceType[deviceType_size] = '\0';
- proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_pn_rsi_device_type, tvb, offset, deviceType_size, deviceType);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rsi_device_type, tvb, offset, deviceType_size, ENC_UTF_8);
offset += deviceType_size + 1;
/* Blank */
/* OrderID */
- orderID = (char *)wmem_alloc(pinfo->pool, orderID_size + 1);
- tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)orderID, offset, 20);
- orderID[orderID_size] = '\0';
- proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_pn_rsi_order_id, tvb, offset, orderID_size, orderID);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rsi_order_id, tvb, offset, orderID_size, ENC_UTF_8);
offset += orderID_size + 1;
/* Blank */
/* IM_Serial_Number */
- IMserialnumber = (char *)wmem_alloc(pinfo->pool, IMserialnumber_size + 1);
- tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)IMserialnumber, offset, 16);
- IMserialnumber[IMserialnumber_size] = '\0';
- proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_pn_rsi_im_serial_number, tvb, offset, IMserialnumber_size, IMserialnumber);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rsi_im_serial_number, tvb, offset, IMserialnumber_size, ENC_UTF_8);
offset += IMserialnumber_size + 1;
/* Blank */
/* HWRevision */
- HWrevision = (char *)wmem_alloc(pinfo->pool, HWrevision_size + 1);
- tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)HWrevision, offset, 5);
- HWrevision[HWrevision_size] = '\0';
- proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_pn_rsi_hw_revision, tvb, offset, HWrevision_size, HWrevision);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rsi_hw_revision, tvb, offset, HWrevision_size, ENC_UTF_8);
offset += HWrevision_size + 1;
/* Blank */
/* SWRevisionPrefix */
- SWrevisionprefix = (char *)wmem_alloc(pinfo->pool, SWrevisionprefix_size + 1);
- tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)SWrevisionprefix, offset, 1);
- SWrevisionprefix[SWrevisionprefix_size] = '\0';
- proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_pn_rsi_sw_revision_prefix, tvb, offset, SWrevisionprefix_size, SWrevisionprefix);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rsi_sw_revision_prefix, tvb, offset, SWrevisionprefix_size, ENC_UTF_8);
offset += SWrevisionprefix_size;
/* SWRevision */
- SWrevision = (char *)wmem_alloc(pinfo->pool, SWrevision_size + 1);
- tvb_memcpy(tvb, (guint8 *)SWrevision, offset, 9);
- SWrevision[SWrevision_size] = '\0';
- proto_tree_add_string(tree, hf_pn_rsi_sw_revision, tvb, offset, SWrevision_size, SWrevision);
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rsi_sw_revision, tvb, offset, SWrevision_size, ENC_UTF_8);
offset += SWrevision_size;
return offset;
@@ -1081,7 +1070,7 @@ init_pn_rsi(int proto)
static ei_register_info ei[] = {
- { &ei_pn_rsi_error, { "pn_rsi.ack_seq_num", PI_UNDECODED, PI_NOTE, "Block version not implemented yet!", EXPFILL } }
+ { &ei_pn_rsi_error, { "pn_rsi.error", PI_UNDECODED, PI_NOTE, "Block version not implemented yet!", EXPFILL } }
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rt.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rt.c
index b03e946647..f7f9387d1b 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rt.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rt.c
@@ -30,57 +30,59 @@ void proto_reg_handoff_pn_rt(void);
#define PROFINET_UDP_PORT 0x8892
/* Define the pn-rt proto */
-static int proto_pn_rt = -1;
+static int proto_pn_rt;
static gboolean pnio_desegment = TRUE;
+static dissector_handle_t pn_rt_handle;
/* Define many header fields for pn-rt */
-static int hf_pn_rt_frame_id = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_cycle_counter = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_transfer_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_ignore = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frame_info_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frame_info_function_meaning_input_conv = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frame_info_function_meaning_output_conv = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_Reserved_2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_ok = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_operate = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_res3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_valid = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy_output_cr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy_input_cr_state_is_backup = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy_input_cr_state_is_primary = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_primary = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_sf_crc16 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_sf_crc16_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_sf = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_sf_position = -1;
-/* static int hf_pn_rt_sf_position_control = -1; */
-static int hf_pn_rt_sf_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_sf_cycle_counter = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frag = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frag_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frag_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frag_status_more_follows = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frag_status_error = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frag_status_fragment_number = -1;
-static int hf_pn_rt_frag_data = -1;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frame_id;
+static int hf_pn_rt_cycle_counter;
+static int hf_pn_rt_transfer_status;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_ignore;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frame_info_type;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frame_info_function_meaning_input_conv;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frame_info_function_meaning_output_conv;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_Reserved_2;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_ok;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_operate;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_res3;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_valid;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy_output_cr;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy_input_cr_state_is_backup;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy_input_cr_state_is_primary;
+static int hf_pn_rt_data_status_primary;
+static int hf_pn_rt_sf_crc16;
+static int hf_pn_rt_sf_crc16_status;
+static int hf_pn_rt_sf;
+static int hf_pn_rt_sf_position;
+/* static int hf_pn_rt_sf_position_control; */
+static int hf_pn_rt_sf_data_length;
+static int hf_pn_rt_sf_cycle_counter;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frag;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frag_data_length;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frag_status;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frag_status_more_follows;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frag_status_error;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frag_status_fragment_number;
+static int hf_pn_rt_frag_data;
* Define the trees for pn-rt
* We need one tree for pn-rt itself and one for the pn-rt data status subtree
-static int ett_pn_rt = -1;
-static int ett_pn_rt_data_status = -1;
-static int ett_pn_rt_sf = -1;
-static int ett_pn_rt_frag = -1;
-static int ett_pn_rt_frag_status = -1;
+static int ett_pn_rt;
+static int ett_pn_rt_data_status;
+static int ett_pn_rt_sf;
+static int ett_pn_rt_frag;
+static int ett_pn_rt_frag_status;
-static expert_field ei_pn_rt_sf_crc16 = EI_INIT;
+static expert_field ei_pn_rt_sf_crc16;
* Here are the global variables associated with
@@ -169,18 +171,18 @@ dissect_DataStatus(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pin
u8DataValid = (u8DataStatus >> 2) & 0x01;
/* if PN Connect Request has been read, IOC mac is dl_src and IOD mac is dl_dst */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_UDP, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_UDP, 0, 0, 0);
if (conversation != NULL) {
apdu_status_switch = (apduStatusSwitch*)conversation_get_proto_data(conversation, proto_pn_io_apdu_status);
if (apdu_status_switch != NULL && apdu_status_switch->isRedundancyActive) {
/* IOC -> IOD: OutputCR */
- if (addresses_equal(&(pinfo->src), conversation_key_addr1(conversation->key_ptr)) && addresses_equal(&(pinfo->dst), conversation_key_addr2(conversation->key_ptr))) {
+ if (addresses_equal(&(pinfo->dst), conversation_key_addr1(conversation->key_ptr)) && addresses_equal(&(pinfo->src), conversation_key_addr2(conversation->key_ptr))) {
outputFlag = TRUE;
inputFlag = FALSE;
/* IOD -> IOC: InputCR */
- if (addresses_equal(&(pinfo->dst), conversation_key_addr1(conversation->key_ptr)) && addresses_equal(&(pinfo->src), conversation_key_addr2(conversation->key_ptr))) {
+ if (addresses_equal(&(pinfo->src), conversation_key_addr1(conversation->key_ptr)) && addresses_equal(&(pinfo->dst), conversation_key_addr2(conversation->key_ptr))) {
inputFlag = TRUE;
outputFlag = FALSE;
@@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ dissect_DataStatus(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pin
if (inputFlag)
proto_tree_add_uint(sub_tree, hf_pn_rt_data_status_valid, tvb, offset, 1, u8DataStatus);
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rt_frame_info_function_meaning_input_conv, tvb, offset, 1, u8DataStatus);
+ proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_pn_rt_frame_info_function_meaning_input_conv, tvb, offset, 1, u8DataStatus);
if (u8State == 0 && u8Redundancy == 0 && u8DataValid == 1)
proto_tree_add_boolean(sub_tree, hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy_input_cr_state_is_backup, tvb, offset, 1, u8DataStatus);
@@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ dissect_DataStatus(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pin
// output conversation is found.
else if (outputFlag)
- proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_rt_frame_info_function_meaning_output_conv, tvb, offset, 1, u8DataStatus);
+ proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_pn_rt_frame_info_function_meaning_output_conv, tvb, offset, 1, u8DataStatus);
proto_tree_add_uint(sub_tree, hf_pn_rt_data_status_valid, tvb, offset, 1, u8DataStatus);
proto_tree_add_boolean(sub_tree, hf_pn_rt_data_status_redundancy_output_cr, tvb, offset, 1, u8DataStatus);
@@ -278,7 +280,7 @@ IsDFP_Frame(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, guint16 u16FrameID)
gint tvb_len = 0;
unsigned char virtualFramebuffer[16];
- /* try to build a temporaray buffer for generating this CRC */
+ /* try to build a temporary buffer for generating this CRC */
if (!pinfo->src.data || !pinfo->dst.data ||
pinfo->dst.type != AT_ETHER || pinfo->src.type != AT_ETHER) {
/* if we don't have src/dst mac addresses then we assume it's not
@@ -365,7 +367,7 @@ dissect_CSF_SDU_heur(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *
/* possible FrameID ranges for DFP */
- if ((u16FrameID < 0x100) || (u16FrameID > 0x0FFF))
+ if ((u16FrameID < 0x0100) || (u16FrameID > 0x3FFF))
return (FALSE);
if (IsDFP_Frame(tvb, pinfo, u16FrameID)) {
/* can't check this CRC, as the checked data bytes are not available */
@@ -445,11 +447,11 @@ dissect_CSF_SDU_heur(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *
-/* for reasemble processing we need some inits.. */
+/* for reassemble processing we need some inits.. */
/* Register PNIO defrag table init routine. */
static reassembly_table pdu_reassembly_table;
-static GHashTable *reasembled_frag_table = NULL;
+static GHashTable *reassembled_frag_table = NULL;
static dissector_table_t ethertype_subdissector_table;
@@ -462,13 +464,13 @@ pnio_defragment_init(void)
guint32 i;
for (i=0; i < 16; i++) /* init the reasemble help array */
start_frag_OR_ID[i] = 0;
- reasembled_frag_table = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);
+ reassembled_frag_table = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);
static void
- g_hash_table_destroy(reasembled_frag_table);
+ g_hash_table_destroy(reassembled_frag_table);
/* possibly dissect a FRAG_PDU related PN-RT packet */
@@ -510,7 +512,7 @@ dissect_FRAG_PDU_heur(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void
bMoreFollows = (u8FragStatus & 0x80) != 0;
proto_item_append_text(status_item, ": Number: %u, %s",
- val_to_str( (u8FragStatus & 0x80) >> 7, pn_rt_frag_status_more_follows, "Unknown"));
+ val_to_str_const( (u8FragStatus & 0x80) >> 7, pn_rt_frag_status_more_follows, "Unknown"));
/* Is this a string or a bunch of bytes? Should it be FT_BYTES? */
proto_tree_add_string_format(sub_tree, hf_pn_rt_frag_data, tvb, offset, tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset), "data",
@@ -545,12 +547,12 @@ dissect_FRAG_PDU_heur(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void
if (pdu_frag && !bMoreFollows) /* PDU is complete! and last fragment */
{ /* store this fragment as the completed fragment in hash table */
- g_hash_table_insert(reasembled_frag_table, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pinfo->num), pdu_frag);
+ g_hash_table_insert(reassembled_frag_table, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pinfo->num), pdu_frag);
start_frag_OR_ID[u32FragID] = 0; /* reset the starting frame counter */
if (!bMoreFollows) /* last fragment */
- pdu_frag = (fragment_head *)g_hash_table_lookup(reasembled_frag_table, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pinfo->num));
+ pdu_frag = (fragment_head *)g_hash_table_lookup(reassembled_frag_table, GUINT_TO_POINTER(pinfo->num));
if (pdu_frag) /* found a matching fragment; dissect it */
guint16 type;
@@ -597,7 +599,8 @@ dissect_pn_rt(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U
tvbuff_t *next_tvb;
gboolean bCyclic;
heur_dtbl_entry_t *hdtbl_entry;
+ conversation_t* conversation;
+ guint8 isTimeAware = FALSE;
/* If the link-layer dissector for the protocol above us knows whether
* the packet, as handed to it, includes a link-layer FCS, what it
@@ -638,6 +641,13 @@ dissect_pn_rt(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U
return 0;
+ /* TimeAwareness Information needed for differentiating RTC3 - RTSteam frames */
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (conversation != NULL) {
+ isTimeAware = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(conversation_get_proto_data(conversation, proto_pn_io_time_aware_status));
+ }
/* build some "raw" data */
u16FrameID = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, 0);
if (u16FrameID <= 0x001F) {
@@ -670,24 +680,48 @@ dissect_pn_rt(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U
pszProtSummary = "Real-Time";
pszProtComment = "0x0082-0x00FF: Reserved ID";
bCyclic = FALSE;
- } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x6FF) {
+ } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x6FF && !isTimeAware) {
pszProtShort = "PN-RTC3";
pszProtAddInfo = "RTC3, ";
pszProtSummary = "Isochronous-Real-Time";
pszProtComment = "0x0100-0x06FF: RED: Real-Time(class=3): non redundant, normal or DFP";
bCyclic = TRUE;
- } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x0FFF) {
+ } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x0FFF && !isTimeAware) {
pszProtShort = "PN-RTC3";
pszProtAddInfo = "RTC3, ";
pszProtSummary = "Isochronous-Real-Time";
pszProtComment = "0x0700-0x0FFF: RED: Real-Time(class=3): redundant, normal or DFP";
bCyclic = TRUE;
- } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x7FFF) {
+ } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x7FFF && !isTimeAware) {
pszProtShort = "PN-RT";
pszProtAddInfo = "reserved, ";
pszProtSummary = "Real-Time";
pszProtComment = "0x1000-0x7FFF: Reserved ID";
bCyclic = FALSE;
+ } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x0FFF && isTimeAware) {
+ pszProtShort = "PN-RT";
+ pszProtAddInfo = "reserved, ";
+ pszProtSummary = "Real-Time";
+ pszProtComment = "0x0100-0x0FFF: Reserved ID";
+ bCyclic = FALSE;
+ } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x2FFF && isTimeAware) {
+ pszProtShort = "PN-RTCS";
+ pszProtAddInfo = "RT_STREAM, ";
+ pszProtSummary = "Real-Time";
+ pszProtComment = "0x1000-0x2FFF: RT_CLASS_STREAM";
+ bCyclic = TRUE;
+ } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x37FF && isTimeAware) {
+ pszProtShort = "PN-RT";
+ pszProtAddInfo = "reserved, ";
+ pszProtSummary = "Real-Time";
+ pszProtComment = "0x3000-0x37FF: Reserved ID";
+ bCyclic = FALSE;
+ } else if (u16FrameID <= 0x3FFF && isTimeAware) {
+ pszProtShort = "PN-RTCS";
+ pszProtAddInfo = "RT_STREAM, ";
+ pszProtSummary = "Real-Time";
+ pszProtComment = "0x3800-0x3FFF: RT_CLASS_STREAM";
+ bCyclic = TRUE;
} else if (u16FrameID <= 0xBBFF) {
pszProtShort = "PN-RTC1";
pszProtAddInfo = "RTC1, ";
@@ -843,7 +877,7 @@ dissect_pn_rt(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U
u8DataStatus = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, pdu_len - 2);
u8TransferStatus = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, pdu_len - 1);
- g_snprintf (szFieldSummary, sizeof(szFieldSummary),
+ snprintf (szFieldSummary, sizeof(szFieldSummary),
"%sID:0x%04x, Len:%4u, Cycle:%5u (%s,%s,%s,%s)",
pszProtAddInfo, u16FrameID, pdu_len - 2 - 4, u16CycleCounter,
(u8DataStatus & 0x04) ? "Valid" : "Invalid",
@@ -860,7 +894,7 @@ dissect_pn_rt(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U
u8TransferStatus = 0;
/* acyclic transfer has no fields at the end */
- g_snprintf (szFieldSummary, sizeof(szFieldSummary),
+ snprintf (szFieldSummary, sizeof(szFieldSummary),
"%sID:0x%04x, Len:%4u",
pszProtAddInfo, u16FrameID, pdu_len - 2);
@@ -907,7 +941,7 @@ dissect_pn_rt(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U
/* update column info now */
if (u16FrameID == 0xFE02)
- g_snprintf(szFieldSummary, sizeof(szFieldSummary), "%s", "");
+ snprintf(szFieldSummary, sizeof(szFieldSummary), "%s", "");
col_add_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, szFieldSummary);
col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, pszProtShort);
@@ -980,7 +1014,7 @@ proto_register_pn_rt(void)
{ &hf_pn_rt_data_status_res3,
- { "Reserved_1 (should be zero)", "pn_rt.ds_res3",
+ { "Reserved_3 (should be zero)", "pn_rt.ds_res3",
FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, 0, 0x08,
@@ -1089,7 +1123,7 @@ proto_register_pn_rt(void)
/* Is this a string or a bunch of bytes? Should it be FT_BYTES? */
{ &hf_pn_rt_frag_data,
{ "FragData", "pn_rt.frag_data",
@@ -1110,6 +1144,7 @@ proto_register_pn_rt(void)
proto_pn_rt = proto_register_protocol("PROFINET Real-Time Protocol",
"PN-RT", "pn_rt");
+ pn_rt_handle = register_dissector("pn_rt", dissect_pn_rt, proto_pn_rt);
proto_register_field_array(proto_pn_rt, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
@@ -1131,7 +1166,7 @@ proto_register_pn_rt(void)
/* register heuristics anchor for payload dissectors */
- heur_subdissector_list = register_heur_dissector_list("pn_rt", proto_pn_rt);
+ heur_subdissector_list = register_heur_dissector_list_with_description("pn_rt", "PROFINET RT payload", proto_pn_rt);
init_pn (proto_pn_rt);
@@ -1145,10 +1180,6 @@ proto_register_pn_rt(void)
- dissector_handle_t pn_rt_handle;
- pn_rt_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_pn_rt, proto_pn_rt);
dissector_add_uint("ethertype", ETHERTYPE_PROFINET, pn_rt_handle);
dissector_add_uint_with_preference("udp.port", PROFINET_UDP_PORT, pn_rt_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rtc-one.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rtc-one.c
index c91f3db2b9..af927205be 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rtc-one.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn-rtc-one.c
@@ -64,68 +64,83 @@
#include "packet-pn.h"
-#define F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_4BYTE 4 /* PROFIsafe: Defines the Amount of Bytes for CRC and Status-/Controlbyte */
+#define F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_4BYTE 4 /* PROFIsafe: Defines the Amount of Bytes for CRC and Status-/Controlbyte in PROFIsafe 2.4 */
+#define F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_5BYTE 5 /* PROFIsafe: Defines the Amount of Bytes for CRC and Status-/Controlbyte in PROFIsafe 2.6 */
#define PN_INPUT_CR 1 /* PROFINET Input Connect Request value */
#define PN_INPUT_DATADESCRITPION 1 /* PROFINET Input Data Description value */
+#define PA_PROFILE_API 0x9700u
-static int proto_pn_io_rtc1 = -1;
+static int proto_pn_io_rtc1;
/* General module information */
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_type = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_vendor = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_nameofstation = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_gsd_found = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_gsd_error = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_gsd_path = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object_info_module_diff = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object_info_moduleidentnumber = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object_info_submoduleidentnumber = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iocs = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_iops = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_extension = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_res14 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_instance = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_datastate = -1;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_type;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_vendor;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_nameofstation;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_gsd_found;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_gsd_error;
+static int hf_pn_io_frame_info_gsd_path;
+static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object;
+static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object_info_module_diff;
+static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object_info_moduleidentnumber;
+static int hf_pn_io_io_data_object_info_submoduleidentnumber;
+static int hf_pn_io_iocs;
+static int hf_pn_io_iops;
+static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_extension;
+static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_res14;
+static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_instance;
+static int hf_pn_io_ioxs_datastate;
/* PROFIsafe statusbyte and controlbyte */
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_iparOK = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_DeviceFault = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_CECRC = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_WDtimeout = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_FVactivated = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_Toggle_d = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_ConsNr_reset = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_res = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_toggelBitChanged = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_toggelBitChange_slot_nr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_toggelBitChange_subslot_nr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_iparEN = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_OAReq = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_resetConsNr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_useTO2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_activateFV = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_Toggle_h = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_Chf_ACK = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_loopcheck = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_toggelBitChanged = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_toggelBitChange_slot_nr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_toggelBitChange_subslot_nr = -1;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_iparOK;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_DeviceFault;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_CECRC;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_WDtimeout;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_FVactivated;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_Toggle_d;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_ConsNr_reset;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_res;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_toggelBitChanged;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_toggelBitChange_slot_nr;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_sb_toggelBitChange_subslot_nr;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_iparEN;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_OAReq;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_resetConsNr;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_useTO2;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_activateFV;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_Toggle_h;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_Chf_ACK;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_loopcheck;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_toggelBitChanged;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_toggelBitChange_slot_nr;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_cb_toggelBitChange_subslot_nr;
/* PROFIsafe */
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_dest_adr = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_data = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_rtc = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_ioxs = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_io_data_object = -1;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_too_many_data_objects = EI_INIT;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_dest_adr;
+static int hf_pn_io_ps_f_data;
+/* PA Profile 4.02 */
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_status;
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_status_quality;
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_bad;
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_uncertain;
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_good;
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_status_update_event;
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_status_simulate;
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_value_8bit;
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_value_16bit;
+static int hf_pn_pa_profile_value_float;
+static gint ett_pn_io_rtc;
+static gint ett_pn_io_ioxs;
+static gint ett_pn_io_io_data_object;
+static gint ett_pn_pa_profile_status;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_too_many_data_objects;
static const value_string pn_io_ioxs_extension[] = {
{ 0x00 /* 0*/, "No IOxS octet follows" },
@@ -147,6 +162,53 @@ static const value_string pn_io_ioxs_datastate[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_pa_profile_status_quality[] = {
+ { 0x00 /* 0*/, "BAD" },
+ { 0x01 /* 1*/, "UNCERTAIN" },
+ { 0x02 /* 2*/, "GOOD" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_bad[] = {
+ { 0x0, "Non specific" },
+ { 0x2, "Not connected" },
+ { 0x8, "Passivated" },
+ { 0x9, "Maintenance alarm, more diagnosis" },
+ { 0xA, "Process related, no maintenance" },
+ { 0xF, "Function check, value not usable" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_uncertain[] = {
+ { 0x2, "Substitute set" },
+ { 0x3, "Initial value" },
+ { 0xA, "Maintenance demanded" },
+ { 0xE, "Process related, no maintenance" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_good[] = {
+ { 0x0, "Good" },
+ { 0x7, "Local override" },
+ { 0x8, "Initial fail safe" },
+ { 0x9, "Maintenance required" },
+ { 0xA, "Maintenance demanded" },
+ { 0xF, "Function check" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_pa_profile_status_update_event[] = {
+ { 0x0, "No event" },
+ { 0x1, "Update event" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+static const value_string pn_pa_profile_status_simulate[] = {
+ { 0x0, "Simulation off" },
+ { 0x1, "Simulation active" },
+ { 0, NULL }
static int * const ps_sb_fields[] = {
@@ -180,6 +242,17 @@ static int * const ioxs_fields[] = {
+static int * const pa_profile_status_fields[] = {
+ &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_quality,
+ &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_bad,
+ &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_uncertain,
+ &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_good,
+ &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_update_event,
+ &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_simulate,
/* Dissector for PROFIsafe Status Byte */
static int
@@ -359,7 +432,7 @@ dissect_PNIO_C_SDU_RTC1(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
proto_tree *data_tree = NULL;
- /* Count & offset for comparation of the arrays */
+ /* Count & offset for comparison of the arrays */
guint16 frameOffset;
guint32 objectCounter;
gboolean inputFlag;
@@ -381,6 +454,7 @@ dissect_PNIO_C_SDU_RTC1(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
guint8 statusbyte;
guint8 controlbyte;
+ guint8 safety_io_data_length;
guint16 number_io_data_objects_input_cr;
guint16 number_iocs_input_cr;
@@ -421,7 +495,7 @@ dissect_PNIO_C_SDU_RTC1(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
/* Only dissect cyclic RTC1 frames, if PN Connect Request has been read */
- conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, ENDPOINT_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
+ conversation = find_conversation(pinfo->num, &pinfo->dl_src, &pinfo->dl_dst, CONVERSATION_NONE, 0, 0, 0);
/* Detect input data package and output data package */
if (conversation != NULL) {
@@ -460,15 +534,15 @@ dissect_PNIO_C_SDU_RTC1(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
if (addresses_equal(&(pinfo->src), conversation_key_addr1(conversation->key_ptr)) && addresses_equal(&(pinfo->dst), conversation_key_addr2(conversation->key_ptr))) {
inputFlag = TRUE;
outputFlag = FALSE;
- number_io_data_objects_input_cr = station_info->ioDataObjectNr;
- number_iocs_input_cr = station_info->iocsNr;
+ number_io_data_objects_input_cr = station_info->ioDataObjectNr_in;
+ number_iocs_input_cr = station_info->iocsNr_in;
if (addresses_equal(&(pinfo->dst), conversation_key_addr1(conversation->key_ptr)) && addresses_equal(&(pinfo->src), conversation_key_addr2(conversation->key_ptr))) {
outputFlag = TRUE;
inputFlag = FALSE;
- number_io_data_objects_output_cr = station_info->ioDataObjectNr;
- number_iocs_output_cr = station_info->iocsNr;
+ number_io_data_objects_output_cr = station_info->ioDataObjectNr_out;
+ number_iocs_output_cr = station_info->iocsNr_out;
@@ -556,9 +630,15 @@ dissect_PNIO_C_SDU_RTC1(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
proto_tree_add_uint(IODataObject_tree, hf_pn_io_ps_f_dest_adr, tvb, 0, 0, io_data_object->f_dest_adr);
/* Get Safety IO Data */
- if ((io_data_object->length - F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_4BYTE) > 0) {
+ if (io_data_object->f_crc_seed == FALSE) {
+ safety_io_data_length = io_data_object->length - F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_4BYTE;
+ } else {
+ safety_io_data_length = io_data_object->length - F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_5BYTE;
+ }
+ if (safety_io_data_length > 0) {
offset = dissect_pn_io_ps_uint(tvb, offset, pinfo, IODataObject_tree, drep, hf_pn_io_ps_f_data,
- (io_data_object->length - F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_4BYTE), &f_data);
+ safety_io_data_length, &f_data);
/* ---- Check for new PNIO data using togglebit ---- */
@@ -586,7 +666,14 @@ dissect_PNIO_C_SDU_RTC1(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
else {
/* Module is not PROFIsafe supported */
- offset = dissect_pn_user_data(tvb, offset, pinfo, IODataObject_tree, io_data_object->length, "IO Data");
+ if (io_data_object->api == PA_PROFILE_API)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_pn_pa_profile_data(tvb, offset, pinfo, IODataObject_tree, io_data_object->length, "IO Data");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = dissect_pn_user_data(tvb, offset, pinfo, IODataObject_tree, io_data_object->length, "IO Data");
+ }
if (io_data_object->discardIOXS == FALSE) {
@@ -751,9 +838,15 @@ dissect_PNIO_C_SDU_RTC1(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
proto_tree_add_uint(IODataObject_tree, hf_pn_io_ps_f_dest_adr, tvb, 0, 0, io_data_object->f_dest_adr);
/* Get Safety IO Data */
- if ((io_data_object->length - F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_4BYTE) > 0) {
+ if (io_data_object->f_crc_seed == FALSE) {
+ safety_io_data_length = io_data_object->length - F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_4BYTE;
+ } else {
+ safety_io_data_length = io_data_object->length - F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_5BYTE;
+ }
+ if (safety_io_data_length > 0) {
offset = dissect_pn_io_ps_uint(tvb, offset, pinfo, IODataObject_tree, drep, hf_pn_io_ps_f_data,
- (io_data_object->length - F_MESSAGE_TRAILER_4BYTE), &f_data);
+ safety_io_data_length, &f_data);
/* ---- Check for new PNIO data using togglebit ---- */
@@ -780,7 +873,14 @@ dissect_PNIO_C_SDU_RTC1(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
} /* End of PROFIsafe Module Handling */
else {
/* Module is not PROFIsafe supported */
- offset = dissect_pn_user_data(tvb, offset, pinfo, IODataObject_tree, io_data_object->length, "IO Data");
+ if (io_data_object->api == PA_PROFILE_API)
+ {
+ offset = dissect_pn_pa_profile_data(tvb, offset, pinfo, IODataObject_tree, io_data_object->length, "IO Data");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = dissect_pn_user_data(tvb, offset, pinfo, IODataObject_tree, io_data_object->length, "IO Data");
+ }
if (io_data_object->discardIOXS == FALSE) {
@@ -867,6 +967,90 @@ dissect_PNIO_C_SDU_RTC1(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+/* dissect the PA Profile status field */
+static int
+dissect_pn_pa_profile_status(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
+ packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree, int hfindex)
+ if (tree) {
+ guint8 u8status;
+ guint8 quality;
+ proto_item *status_item;
+ proto_tree *status_tree;
+ const gchar* quality_name = NULL;
+ u8status = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+ quality = (u8status >> 6u) & 0x3u;
+ /* add status subtree */
+ status_item = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hfindex, tvb, offset, 1, u8status);
+ quality_name = try_val_to_str(quality, pn_pa_profile_status_quality);
+ proto_item_append_text(status_item,
+ " (%s)",
+ (quality_name != NULL) ? quality_name : "invalid");
+ status_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(status_item, ett_pn_pa_profile_status);
+ proto_tree_add_item(status_tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_status_quality, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_NA);
+ switch(quality)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ proto_tree_add_item(status_tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_bad, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_NA);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ proto_tree_add_item(status_tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_uncertain, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_NA);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ proto_tree_add_item(status_tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_good, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_NA);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ proto_tree_add_item(status_tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_status_update_event, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_NA);
+ proto_tree_add_item(status_tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_status_simulate, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_NA);
+ }
+ return offset + 1;
+dissect_pn_pa_profile_data(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo _U_,
+ proto_tree *tree, guint32 length, const char *text)
+ (void)text;
+ /*
+ All PA Profile submodules carry an 8-bit "status" plus the real data, which
+ currently is a float, an 8-bit integer or a 16-bit integer.
+ So we will have either 2, 3 or 5 bytes.
+ */
+ if (length == 2u)
+ {
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_value_8bit, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ dissect_pn_pa_profile_status(tvb, offset+1, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_status);
+ }
+ else if (length == 3u)
+ {
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_value_16bit, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ dissect_pn_pa_profile_status(tvb, offset+2, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_status);
+ }
+ else if (length == 5u)
+ {
+ proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_value_float, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ dissect_pn_pa_profile_status(tvb, offset+4, pinfo, tree, hf_pn_pa_profile_status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Delegate to standard user data if unknown */
+ (void)dissect_pn_user_data(tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, length, "IO Data");
+ }
+ return offset + length;
init_pn_io_rtc1(int proto)
@@ -960,7 +1144,7 @@ init_pn_io_rtc1(int proto)
{ &hf_pn_io_ps_sb_toggelBitChanged,
{ "Status Byte", "pn_io.ps.sb.toggle_d_changed",
{ &hf_pn_io_ps_sb_toggelBitChange_slot_nr,
@@ -980,7 +1164,7 @@ init_pn_io_rtc1(int proto)
{ &hf_pn_io_ps_cb_toggelBitChanged,
{ "Control Byte", "pn_io.ps.cb.toggle_h_changed",
{ &hf_pn_io_ps_cb_toggelBitChange_slot_nr,
@@ -1085,12 +1269,63 @@ init_pn_io_rtc1(int proto)
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_status,
+ { "Status", "pn_io.pa.status",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_quality,
+ { "Quality", "pn_io.pa.status.quality",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_pa_profile_status_quality), 0xC0,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_bad,
+ { "Substatus", "pn_io.pa.status.substatus",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_bad), 0x3C,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_uncertain,
+ { "Substatus", "pn_io.pa.status.substatus",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_uncertain), 0x3C,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_good,
+ { "Substatus", "pn_io.pa.status.substatus",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_pa_profile_status_substatus_good), 0x3C,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_update_event,
+ { "Update Event", "pn_io.pa.status.update",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_pa_profile_status_update_event), 0x02,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_status_simulate,
+ { "Simulate", "pn_io.pa.status.simulate",
+ FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(pn_pa_profile_status_simulate), 0x01,
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_value_8bit,
+ { "Value", "pn_io.pa.value",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_value_16bit,
+ { "Value", "pn_io.pa.value",
+ },
+ { &hf_pn_pa_profile_value_float,
+ { "Value", "pn_io.pa.value.float",
+ },
static gint *ett[] = {
- &ett_pn_io_io_data_object
+ &ett_pn_io_io_data_object,
+ &ett_pn_pa_profile_status
static ei_register_info ei[] = {
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn.c b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn.c
index 13da2c5963..66efda6a89 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn.c
@@ -20,59 +20,59 @@
#include "packet-pn.h"
-static int hf_pn_padding = -1;
-static int hf_pn_undecoded_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_user_data = -1;
-static int hf_pn_user_bytes = -1;
-static int hf_pn_frag_bytes = -1;
-static int hf_pn_malformed = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_status = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_decode = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code1_pniorw = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code1_pnio = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pniorw = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_1 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_2 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_3 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_4 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_5 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_6 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_7 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_8 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_13 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_20 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_21 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_22 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_23 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_40 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_60 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_61 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_62 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_63 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_64 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_65 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_66 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_70 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_71 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_72 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_73 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_74 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_75 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_76 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_77 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_253 = -1;
-static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_255 = -1;
-static gint ett_pn_io_status = -1;
-static expert_field ei_pn_undecoded_data = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_error_code1 = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_pn_io_error_code2 = EI_INIT;
+static int hf_pn_padding;
+static int hf_pn_undecoded_data;
+static int hf_pn_user_data;
+static int hf_pn_user_bytes;
+static int hf_pn_frag_bytes;
+static int hf_pn_malformed;
+static int hf_pn_io_status;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_decode;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code1;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code1_pniorw;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code1_pnio;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pniorw;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_1;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_2;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_3;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_4;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_5;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_6;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_7;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_8;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_13;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_20;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_21;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_22;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_23;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_40;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_60;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_61;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_62;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_63;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_64;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_65;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_66;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_70;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_71;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_72;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_73;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_74;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_75;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_76;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_77;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_253;
+static int hf_pn_io_error_code2_pnio_255;
+static gint ett_pn_io_status;
+static expert_field ei_pn_undecoded_data;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_error_code1;
+static expert_field ei_pn_io_error_code2;
static const value_string pn_io_error_code[] = {
{ 0x00, "OK" },
@@ -175,13 +175,17 @@ static const value_string pn_io_error_code1_pnio[] = {
{ 0x06 /* 6*/, "Connect: Faulty MCRBlockReq" },
{ 0x07 /* 7*/, "Connect: Faulty ARRPCBlockReq" },
{ 0x08 /* 8*/, "Read/Write Record: Faulty Record" },
- { 0x09 /* 9*/, "Connect: Faulty SubFrameBlock" },
- { 0x0A /* 10*/, "Connect: Faulty IRTFrameBlock" },
+ { 0x09 /* 9*/, "Connect: Faulty IRInfoBlock" },
+ { 0x0A /* 10*/, "Connect: Faulty SRInfoBlock" },
+ { 0x0B /* 11*/, "Connect: Faulty ARFSUBlock" },
+ { 0x0C /* 12*/, "Connect: Faulty ARVendorBlockReq" },
{ 0x0D /* 13*/, "Connect: Faulty RSInfoBlock" },
{ 0x14 /* 20*/, "IODControl: Faulty ControlBlockConnect" },
{ 0x15 /* 21*/, "IODControl: Faulty ControlBlockPlug" },
{ 0x16 /* 22*/, "IOXControl: Faulty ControlBlock after a connect est." },
{ 0x17 /* 23*/, "IOXControl: Faulty ControlBlock a plug alarm" },
+ { 0x18 /* 24*/, "IOXControl: Faulty ControlBlockPrmBegin" },
+ { 0x19 /* 25*/, "IOXControl: Faulty SubmoduleListBlock" },
{ 0x28 /* 40*/, "Release: Faulty ReleaseBlock" },
@@ -190,16 +194,18 @@ static const value_string pn_io_error_code1_pnio[] = {
{ 0x34 /* 52*/, "Response: Faulty AlarmCRBlockRes" },
{ 0x35 /* 53*/, "Response: Faulty ModuleDifflock" },
{ 0x36 /* 54*/, "Response: Faulty ARRPCBlockRes" },
+ { 0x37 /* 55*/, "Response: Faulty ARServerBlockRes" },
+ { 0x38 /* 56*/, "Response: Faulty ARVendorBlockRes" },
{ 0x3c /* 60*/, "AlarmAck Error Codes" },
{ 0x3d /* 61*/, "CMDEV" },
{ 0x3e /* 62*/, "CMCTL" },
- { 0x3f /* 63*/, "NRPM" },
- { 0x40 /* 64*/, "RMPM" },
+ { 0x3f /* 63*/, "CTLDINA" },
+ { 0x40 /* 64*/, "CMRPC" },
{ 0x41 /* 65*/, "ALPMI" },
{ 0x42 /* 66*/, "ALPMR" },
{ 0x43 /* 67*/, "LMPM" },
- { 0x44 /* 68*/, "MMAC" },
+ { 0x44 /* 68*/, "MAC" },
{ 0x45 /* 69*/, "RPC" },
{ 0x46 /* 70*/, "APMR" },
{ 0x47 /* 71*/, "APMS" },
@@ -210,6 +216,38 @@ static const value_string pn_io_error_code1_pnio[] = {
{ 0x4c /* 76*/, "DCPMCS" },
{ 0x4d /* 77*/, "DCPMCR" },
{ 0x4e /* 78*/, "FSPM" },
+ { 0x4f /* 79*/, "RSI" },
+ { 0x50 /* 80*/, "RSIR" },
+ { 0x64 /*100*/, "CTLSM" },
+ { 0x65 /*101*/, "CTLRDI" },
+ { 0x66 /*102*/, "CTLRDR" },
+ { 0x67 /*103*/, "CTLWRI" },
+ { 0x68 /*104*/, "CTLWRR" },
+ { 0x69 /*105*/, "CTLIO" },
+ { 0x6a /*106*/, "CTLSU" },
+ { 0x6b /*107*/, "CTLRPC" },
+ { 0x6c /*108*/, "CTLBE" },
+ { 0x6d /*109*/, "CTLSRL" },
+ { 0x6e /*110*/, "NME" },
+ { 0x6f /*111*/, "TDE" },
+ { 0x70 /*112*/, "PCE" },
+ { 0x71 /*113*/, "NCE" },
+ { 0x72 /*114*/, "NUE" },
+ { 0x73 /*115*/, "BNME" },
+ { 0x74 /*116*/, "CTLSAM" },
+ { 0xc8 /*200*/, "CMSM" },
+ { 0xca /*202*/, "CMRDR" },
+ { 0xcc /*204*/, "CMWRR" },
+ { 0xcd /*205*/, "CMIO" },
+ { 0xce /*206*/, "CMSU" },
+ { 0xd0 /*208*/, "CMINA" },
+ { 0xd1 /*209*/, "CMPBE" },
+ { 0xd2 /*210*/, "CMSRL" },
+ { 0xd3 /*211*/, "CMDMC" },
+ { 0xd4 /*212*/, "CMSAM" },
{ 0xfd /*253*/, "RTA_ERR_CLS_PROTOCOL" },
{ 0xff /*255*/, "User specific" },
{ 0, NULL }
@@ -601,6 +639,14 @@ static const value_string pn_io_error_code2_pnio_253[] = {
{ 36, "PDEV, no port offers required speed/duplexity (RTA_ERROR_ABORT)" },
{ 37, "IP-Suite [of the IOC] changed by means of DCP_Set(IPParameter) or local engineering (RTA_ERROR_ABORT)" },
+ { 38, "IOCARSR, RDHT expired" },
+ { 39, "IOCARSR, Pdev, parameterization impossible" },
+ { 40, "Remote application ready timeout expired" },
+ { 41, "IOCARSR, Redundant interface list or access to the peripherals impossible" },
+ { 42, "IOCARSR, MTOT expired" },
+ { 43, "IOCARSR, AR protocol violation" },
+ { 44, "PDEV, plug port without CombinedObjectContainer" },
+ { 45, "NME, no or wrong configuration" },
{ 0, NULL }
diff --git a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn.h b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn.h
index d6ec27e1c5..6053fc3780 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/profinet/packet-pn.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* Added new structures to packet-pn.h to transfer the gained data of
* packet-pn-dcp.c and packet-dcerpc-pn-io.c to packet-pn-rtc-one.c for
- * detailled dissection of cyclic PNIO RTC1 dataframes.
+ * detailed dissection of cyclic PNIO RTC1 dataframes.
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
/* ---- Structures for pnio_rtc1 ---- */
extern int proto_pn_dcp;
extern int proto_pn_io_apdu_status;
+extern int proto_pn_io_time_aware_status;
extern gboolean pnio_ps_selection; /* given by pnio preferences */
/* Structure for general station information */
@@ -36,8 +38,10 @@ typedef struct tagStationInfo {
guint16 u16Vendor_id;
guint16 u16Device_id;
/* frame structure */
- guint16 ioDataObjectNr;
- guint16 iocsNr;
+ guint16 ioDataObjectNr_in;
+ guint16 ioDataObjectNr_out;
+ guint16 iocsNr_in;
+ guint16 iocsNr_out;
/* GSDfile station information */
gboolean gsdFound;
gboolean gsdPathLength;
@@ -70,6 +74,7 @@ typedef struct tagIocsObject {
typedef struct tagIoDataObject {
guint16 slotNr;
guint16 subSlotNr;
+ guint32 api;
guint32 moduleIdentNr;
guint32 subModuleIdentNr;
guint16 frameOffset;
@@ -145,6 +150,9 @@ extern int dissect_pn_undecoded(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo,
extern int dissect_pn_user_data(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo _U_,
proto_tree *tree, guint32 length, const char *text);
+extern int dissect_pn_pa_profile_data(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo _U_,
+ proto_tree *tree, guint32 length, const char *text);
extern int dissect_blocks(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,
packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, guint8 *drep);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/stats_tree/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/stats_tree/CMakeLists.txt
index ffd3129f29..a7a4543c7a 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/stats_tree/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/stats_tree/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "Statistics for ethernet frames"
-add_plugin_library(stats_tree epan)
target_link_libraries(stats_tree epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/stats_tree/pinfo_stats_tree.c b/plugins/epan/stats_tree/pinfo_stats_tree.c
index 4600918ce4..4fc04cc662 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/stats_tree/pinfo_stats_tree.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/stats_tree/pinfo_stats_tree.c
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <epan/prefs.h>
#include <epan/uat-int.h>
#include <epan/to_str.h>
+#include <epan/dissectors/packet-ip.h>
#include "pinfo_stats_tree.h"
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ static void *uat_plen_record_copy_cb(void *n, const void *o, size_t siz _U_) {
return n;
-static gboolean
+static bool
uat_plen_record_update_cb(void *r, char **err)
uat_plen_record_t *rec = (uat_plen_record_t*)r;
@@ -97,8 +98,8 @@ UAT_RANGE_CB_DEF(uat_plen_records, packet_range, uat_plen_record_t)
/* ip host stats_tree -- basic test */
static int st_node_ipv4 = -1;
static int st_node_ipv6 = -1;
-static const gchar *st_str_ipv4 = "IPv4 Statistics/All Addresses";
-static const gchar *st_str_ipv6 = "IPv6 Statistics/All Addresses";
+static const gchar *st_str_ipv4 = "IPv4 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "All Addresses";
+static const gchar *st_str_ipv6 = "IPv6 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "All Addresses";
static void ipv4_hosts_stats_tree_init(stats_tree *st) {
st_node_ipv4 = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_ipv4, 0, STAT_DT_INT, TRUE);
@@ -115,11 +116,11 @@ static tap_packet_status ip_hosts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info
-static tap_packet_status ipv4_hosts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_) {
+static tap_packet_status ipv4_hosts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
return ip_hosts_stats_tree_packet(st, pinfo, st_node_ipv4, st_str_ipv4);
-static tap_packet_status ipv6_hosts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_) {
+static tap_packet_status ipv6_hosts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
return ip_hosts_stats_tree_packet(st, pinfo, st_node_ipv6, st_str_ipv6);
@@ -128,8 +129,8 @@ static int st_node_ipv4_src = -1;
static int st_node_ipv4_dst = -1;
static int st_node_ipv6_src = -1;
static int st_node_ipv6_dst = -1;
-static const gchar *st_str_ipv4_srcdst = "IPv4 Statistics/Source and Destination Addresses";
-static const gchar *st_str_ipv6_srcdst = "IPv6 Statistics/Source and Destination Addresses";
+static const gchar *st_str_ipv4_srcdst = "IPv4 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "Source and Destination Addresses";
+static const gchar *st_str_ipv6_srcdst = "IPv6 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "Source and Destination Addresses";
static const gchar *st_str_ipv4_src = "Source IPv4 Addresses";
static const gchar *st_str_ipv4_dst = "Destination IPv4 Addresses";
static const gchar *st_str_ipv6_src = "Source IPv6 Addresses";
@@ -158,8 +159,8 @@ static void ipv6_srcdst_stats_tree_init(stats_tree *st) {
static tap_packet_status ip_srcdst_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st,
packet_info *pinfo,
- int st_node_src,
- const gchar *st_str_src,
+ int st_node_src,
+ const gchar *st_str_src,
int st_node_dst,
const gchar *st_str_dst) {
/* update source branch */
@@ -171,19 +172,19 @@ static tap_packet_status ip_srcdst_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st,
-static tap_packet_status ipv4_srcdst_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_) {
+static tap_packet_status ipv4_srcdst_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
return ip_srcdst_stats_tree_packet(st, pinfo, st_node_ipv4_src, st_str_ipv4_src, st_node_ipv4_dst, st_str_ipv4_dst);
-static tap_packet_status ipv6_srcdst_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_) {
+static tap_packet_status ipv6_srcdst_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
return ip_srcdst_stats_tree_packet(st, pinfo, st_node_ipv6_src, st_str_ipv6_src, st_node_ipv6_dst, st_str_ipv6_dst);
/* packet type stats_tree -- test pivot node */
static int st_node_ipv4_ptype = -1;
static int st_node_ipv6_ptype = -1;
-static const gchar *st_str_ipv4_ptype = "IPv4 Statistics/IP Protocol Types";
-static const gchar *st_str_ipv6_ptype = "IPv6 Statistics/IP Protocol Types";
+static const gchar *st_str_ipv4_ptype = "IPv4 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "IP Protocol Types";
+static const gchar *st_str_ipv6_ptype = "IPv6 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "IP Protocol Types";
static void ipv4_ptype_stats_tree_init(stats_tree *st) {
st_node_ipv4_ptype = stats_tree_create_pivot(st, st_str_ipv4_ptype, 0);
@@ -193,12 +194,12 @@ static void ipv6_ptype_stats_tree_init(stats_tree *st) {
st_node_ipv6_ptype = stats_tree_create_pivot(st, st_str_ipv6_ptype, 0);
-static tap_packet_status ipv4_ptype_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_) {
+static tap_packet_status ipv4_ptype_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
stats_tree_tick_pivot(st, st_node_ipv4_ptype, port_type_to_str(pinfo->ptype));
-static tap_packet_status ipv6_ptype_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_) {
+static tap_packet_status ipv6_ptype_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
stats_tree_tick_pivot(st, st_node_ipv6_ptype, port_type_to_str(pinfo->ptype));
@@ -211,8 +212,8 @@ static tap_packet_status ipv6_ptype_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_inf
static int st_node_ipv4_dsts = -1;
static int st_node_ipv6_dsts = -1;
-static const gchar *st_str_ipv4_dsts = "IPv4 Statistics/Destinations and Ports";
-static const gchar *st_str_ipv6_dsts = "IPv6 Statistics/Destinations and Ports";
+static const gchar *st_str_ipv4_dsts = "IPv4 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "Destinations and Ports";
+static const gchar *st_str_ipv6_dsts = "IPv6 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "Destinations and Ports";
static void ipv4_dsts_stats_tree_init(stats_tree *st) {
st_node_ipv4_dsts = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_ipv4_dsts, 0, STAT_DT_INT, TRUE);
@@ -230,19 +231,57 @@ static tap_packet_status dsts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pin
tick_stat_node(st, st_str, 0, FALSE);
ip_dst_node = tick_stat_node(st, address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst), st_node, TRUE);
protocol_node = tick_stat_node(st, port_type_to_str(pinfo->ptype), ip_dst_node, TRUE);
- g_snprintf(str, sizeof(str) - 1, "%u", pinfo->destport);
+ snprintf(str, sizeof(str) - 1, "%u", pinfo->destport);
tick_stat_node(st, str, protocol_node, TRUE);
-static tap_packet_status ipv4_dsts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_) {
+static tap_packet_status ipv4_dsts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
return dsts_stats_tree_packet(st, pinfo, st_node_ipv4_dsts, st_str_ipv4_dsts);
-static tap_packet_status ipv6_dsts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_) {
+static tap_packet_status ipv6_dsts_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
return dsts_stats_tree_packet(st, pinfo, st_node_ipv6_dsts, st_str_ipv6_dsts);
+static int st_node_ipv4_src_ttls = -1;
+static int st_node_ipv6_src_ttls = -1;
+static const gchar* st_str_ipv4_src_ttls = "IPv4 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "Source TTLs";
+static const gchar* st_str_ipv6_src_ttls = "IPv6 Statistics" STATS_TREE_MENU_SEPARATOR "Source Hop Limits";
+static void ipv4_src_ttl_stats_tree_init(stats_tree* st) {
+ st_node_ipv4_src_ttls = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_ipv4_src_ttls, 0, STAT_DT_INT, TRUE);
+static void ipv6_src_ttl_stats_tree_init(stats_tree* st) {
+ st_node_ipv6_src_ttls = stats_tree_create_node(st, st_str_ipv6_src_ttls, 0, STAT_DT_INT, TRUE);
+static tap_packet_status src_ttl_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree* st, packet_info* pinfo, int st_node, const char* st_str, uint8_t ttl) {
+ static gchar str[128];
+ int ip_src_node;
+ int ttl_node;
+ tick_stat_node(st, st_str, 0, FALSE);
+ ip_src_node = tick_stat_node(st, address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_src), st_node, TRUE);
+ snprintf(str, sizeof(str) - 1, "%u", ttl);
+ ttl_node = tick_stat_node(st, str, ip_src_node, TRUE);
+ tick_stat_node(st, address_to_str(pinfo->pool, &pinfo->net_dst), ttl_node, TRUE);
+static tap_packet_status ipv4_src_ttl_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree* st, packet_info* pinfo, epan_dissect_t* edt _U_, const void* p, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
+ ws_ip4* iph = (ws_ip4*)p;
+ return src_ttl_stats_tree_packet(st, pinfo, st_node_ipv4_src_ttls, st_str_ipv4_src_ttls, iph->ip_ttl);
+static tap_packet_status ipv6_src_ttl_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree* st, packet_info* pinfo, epan_dissect_t* edt _U_, const void* p, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
+ ws_ip6* iph = (ws_ip6*)p;
+ return src_ttl_stats_tree_packet(st, pinfo, st_node_ipv6_src_ttls, st_str_ipv6_src_ttls, iph->ip6_hop);
/* packet length stats_tree -- test range node */
static int st_node_plen = -1;
static const gchar *st_str_plen = "Packet Lengths";
@@ -255,7 +294,7 @@ static void plen_stats_tree_init(stats_tree *st) {
for (i = 0; i < num_plen_uat - 1; i++) {
str_range_array[i] = range_convert_range(NULL, uat_plen_records[i].packet_range);
- str_range_array[num_plen_uat - 1] = g_strdup_printf("%u and greater",
+ str_range_array[num_plen_uat - 1] = ws_strdup_printf("%u and greater",
uat_plen_records[num_plen_uat - 1].packet_range->ranges[0].low);
st_node_plen = stats_tree_create_range_node_string(st, st_str_plen, 0, num_plen_uat, str_range_array);
@@ -264,7 +303,7 @@ static void plen_stats_tree_init(stats_tree *st) {
-static tap_packet_status plen_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_) {
+static tap_packet_status plen_stats_tree_packet(stats_tree *st, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *p _U_, tap_flags_t flags _U_) {
tick_stat_node(st, st_str_plen, 0, FALSE);
stats_tree_tick_range(st, st_str_plen, 0, pinfo->fd->pkt_len);
@@ -286,13 +325,17 @@ void register_tap_listener_pinfo_stat_tree(void)
stats_tree_register_plugin("ip", "ip_srcdst", st_str_ipv4_srcdst, 0, ipv4_srcdst_stats_tree_packet, ipv4_srcdst_stats_tree_init, NULL );
stats_tree_register_plugin("ip", "ptype", st_str_ipv4_ptype, 0, ipv4_ptype_stats_tree_packet, ipv4_ptype_stats_tree_init, NULL );
stats_tree_register_plugin("ip", "dests", st_str_ipv4_dsts, 0, ipv4_dsts_stats_tree_packet, ipv4_dsts_stats_tree_init, NULL );
+ stats_tree_register_plugin("ip", "ip_ttl", st_str_ipv4_src_ttls, 0, ipv4_src_ttl_stats_tree_packet, ipv4_src_ttl_stats_tree_init, NULL);
stats_tree_register_plugin("ipv6", "ipv6_hosts", st_str_ipv6, 0, ipv6_hosts_stats_tree_packet, ipv6_hosts_stats_tree_init, NULL );
stats_tree_register_plugin("ipv6", "ipv6_srcdst", st_str_ipv6_srcdst, 0, ipv6_srcdst_stats_tree_packet, ipv6_srcdst_stats_tree_init, NULL );
stats_tree_register_plugin("ipv6", "ipv6_ptype", st_str_ipv6_ptype, 0, ipv6_ptype_stats_tree_packet, ipv6_ptype_stats_tree_init, NULL );
stats_tree_register_plugin("ipv6", "ipv6_dests", st_str_ipv6_dsts, 0, ipv6_dsts_stats_tree_packet, ipv6_dsts_stats_tree_init, NULL );
+ stats_tree_register_plugin("ipv6", "ipv6_hop", st_str_ipv6_src_ttls, 0, ipv6_src_ttl_stats_tree_packet, ipv6_src_ttl_stats_tree_init, NULL);
- stats_tree_register_with_group("frame", "plen", st_str_plen, 0, plen_stats_tree_packet, plen_stats_tree_init, NULL, REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_GENERIC);
+ stats_tree_cfg *st_config = stats_tree_register("frame", "plen", st_str_plen, 0, plen_stats_tree_packet, plen_stats_tree_init, NULL);
+ stats_tree_set_group(st_config, REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_GENERIC);
stat_module = prefs_register_stat("stat_tree", "Stats Tree", "Stats Tree", NULL);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/transum/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/transum/CMakeLists.txt
index dbf9dd28fb..64fd9a74a4 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/transum/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/transum/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "Response time information based on the RTE model"
-add_plugin_library(transum epan)
target_link_libraries(transum epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/transum/decoders.c b/plugins/epan/transum/decoders.c
index 4250245be7..c430f588ec 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/transum/decoders.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/transum/decoders.c
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ int decode_dcerpc(packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree, PKT_INFO* pkt_info)
if (is_dcerpc_context_zero(pkt_info->dcerpc_pkt_type))
{ /* This is needed to overcome an apparent Wireshark bug
- found in the LUA code - is this still true in C? */
+ found in the Lua code - is this still true in C? */
pkt_info->rrpd.session_id = 1;
@@ -217,14 +217,25 @@ int decode_gtcp(packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, PKT_INFO* pkt_info)
pkt_info->tcp_flags_reset = field_bool[0];
- if (!extract_bool(tree, hf_of_interest[HF_INTEREST_TCP_RETRAN].hf, field_bool, &field_value_count)) {
+ /*
+ * This is an expert info, not a field with a value, so it's either
+ * present or not; if present, it's a retransmission.
+ */
+ if (!extract_instance_count(tree, hf_of_interest[HF_INTEREST_TCP_RETRAN].hf, &field_value_count)) {
if (field_value_count)
- pkt_info->tcp_retran = field_bool[0];
+ pkt_info->tcp_retran = TRUE;
+ else
+ pkt_info->tcp_retran = FALSE;
- if (!extract_bool(tree, hf_of_interest[HF_INTEREST_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE].hf, field_bool, &field_value_count)) {
+ /*
+ * Another expert info.
+ */
+ if (!extract_instance_count(tree, hf_of_interest[HF_INTEREST_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE].hf, &field_value_count)) {
if (field_value_count)
- pkt_info->tcp_keep_alive = field_bool[0];
+ pkt_info->tcp_retran = TRUE;
+ else
+ pkt_info->tcp_retran = FALSE;
/* we use the SSL Content Type to detect SSL Alerts */
diff --git a/plugins/epan/transum/extractors.c b/plugins/epan/transum/extractors.c
index d52583436a..80475ae377 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/transum/extractors.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/transum/extractors.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
This function extracts a field value (e.g. tcp.len) from a tree. Because a packet may contain
- multiple values for the the field the extracted values are returned in a result_array. The
+ multiple values for the field, the extracted values are returned in a result_array. The
number of array entries is returned in element_count.
Return is 0 if all went well. If this function return -1 it is probably because the tree did not
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ int extract_uint(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, guint32 *result_array, size_t *
for (size_t i = 0; i < *element_count && i < MAX_RETURNED_ELEMENTS; i++)
- result_array[i] = fvalue_get_uinteger(&((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[i])->value);
+ result_array[i] = fvalue_get_uinteger(((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[i])->value);
return 0;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ int extract_ui64(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, guint64 *result_array, size_t *
for (size_t i = 0; i < *element_count && i < MAX_RETURNED_ELEMENTS; i++)
- result_array[i] = fvalue_get_uinteger64(&((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[i])->value);
+ result_array[i] = fvalue_get_uinteger64(((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[i])->value);
return 0;
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ int extract_si64(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, guint64 *result_array, size_t *
for (size_t i = 0; i < *element_count && i < MAX_RETURNED_ELEMENTS; i++)
- result_array[i] = fvalue_get_sinteger64(&((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[i])->value);
+ result_array[i] = fvalue_get_sinteger64(((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[i])->value);
return 0;
@@ -116,9 +116,10 @@ int extract_bool(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, gboolean *result_array, size_t
for (size_t i = 0; i < *element_count && i < MAX_RETURNED_ELEMENTS; i++)
- fvalue_t *fv = &(((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[i])->value);
+ fvalue_t *fv = ((field_info*)finfo_array->pdata[i])->value;
- if (fv->value.uinteger)
+ ws_assert(fvalue_type_ftenum(fv) == FT_BOOLEAN);
+ if (fvalue_get_uinteger64(fv))
result_array[i] = TRUE;
result_array[i] = FALSE;
@@ -128,6 +129,29 @@ int extract_bool(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, gboolean *result_array, size_t
+ * Extract a count of the number of instances of a given field.
+ */
+int extract_instance_count(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, size_t *element_count)
+ GPtrArray *finfo_array;
+ *element_count = 0;
+ if (tree == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ finfo_array = proto_get_finfo_ptr_array(tree, field_id);
+ if (finfo_array == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *element_count = g_ptr_array_len(finfo_array);
+ return 0;
* Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html
* Local variables:
diff --git a/plugins/epan/transum/extractors.h b/plugins/epan/transum/extractors.h
index 5bf575792f..d56134a6db 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/transum/extractors.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/transum/extractors.h
@@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ int extract_uint(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, guint32 *result_array, size_t *
int extract_ui64(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, guint64 *result_array, size_t *element_count);
int extract_si64(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, guint64 *result_array, size_t *element_count);
int extract_bool(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, gboolean *result_array, size_t *element_count);
+int extract_instance_count(proto_tree *tree, int field_id, size_t *element_count);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/transum/packet-transum.c b/plugins/epan/transum/packet-transum.c
index e4f5973ce3..87903fc58f 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/transum/packet-transum.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/transum/packet-transum.c
@@ -130,27 +130,27 @@ static int highest_udp_stream_no;
wmem_map_t *tcp_stream_exceptions;
-static gint ett_transum = -1;
-static gint ett_transum_header = -1;
-static gint ett_transum_data = -1;
-static int proto_transum = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_status = -1;
-//static int hf_tsum_time_units = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_req_first_seg = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_req_last_seg = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_rsp_first_seg = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_rsp_last_seg = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_apdu_rsp_time = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_service_time = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_req_spread = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_rsp_spread = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_clip_filter = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_calculation = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_summary = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_req_search = -1;
-static int hf_tsum_rsp_search = -1;
+static gint ett_transum;
+static gint ett_transum_header;
+static gint ett_transum_data;
+static int proto_transum;
+static int hf_tsum_status;
+//static int hf_tsum_time_units;
+static int hf_tsum_req_first_seg;
+static int hf_tsum_req_last_seg;
+static int hf_tsum_rsp_first_seg;
+static int hf_tsum_rsp_last_seg;
+static int hf_tsum_apdu_rsp_time;
+static int hf_tsum_service_time;
+static int hf_tsum_req_spread;
+static int hf_tsum_rsp_spread;
+static int hf_tsum_clip_filter;
+static int hf_tsum_calculation;
+static int hf_tsum_summary;
+static int hf_tsum_req_search;
+static int hf_tsum_rsp_search;
static const enum_val_t capture_position_vals[] = {
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ static void cleanup_globals(void)
/* This function adds the RTE data to the tree. The summary ptr is currently
not used but will be used for summariser information once this feature has
- been ported from the LUA code. */
+ been ported from the Lua code. */
static void write_rte(RRPD *in_rrpd, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, char *summary)
nstime_t rte_art;
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ static void write_rte(RRPD *in_rrpd, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tr
if (in_rrpd->req_first_frame)
- pi = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_transum, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
+ pi = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_transum, tvb, 0, 0, ENC_NA);
rte_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(pi, ett_transum);
nstime_delta(&rte_reqspread, &(in_rrpd->req_last_rtime), &(in_rrpd->req_first_rtime));
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/unistim/CMakeLists.txt
index 8c349b8515..ade7e6d910 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "Unified Networks IP Stimulus (UNIStim) dissection"
-add_plugin_library(unistim epan)
target_link_libraries(unistim epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/audio.h b/plugins/epan/unistim/audio.h
index bc062cd406..743b4ac765 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/audio.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/audio.h
@@ -13,119 +13,119 @@
-static int hf_audio_mgr_attr=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_opts=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_alert=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_adj_rx_vol=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_def_rx_vol=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_handset=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_headset=-1;
-static int hf_audio_default_rx_vol_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_max_vol=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_adj_vol=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_aa_rx_vol_rpt=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_hs_on_air=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_hd_on_air=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_noise_squelch=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_mute=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_tx_rx=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_stream_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_transducer_based_tone_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_attenuated=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_warbler_select=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_transducer_routing=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_tone_vol_range=-1;
-static int hf_audio_mgr_cadence_select=-1;
-static int hf_audio_special_tone=-1;
-static int hf_audio_tone_level=-1;
-static int hf_audio_visual_tones=-1;
-static int hf_audio_stream_based_tone_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_stream_based_tone_rx_tx=-1;
-static int hf_audio_stream_based_tone_mute=-1;
-static int hf_audio_stream_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_stream_based_volume=-1;
-static int hf_audio_apb_number=-1;
-static int hf_audio_apb_op_code=-1;
-static int hf_audio_apb_param_len=-1;
-static int hf_audio_apb_data=-1;
-static int hf_audio_vocoder_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_vocoder_param=-1;
-static int hf_audio_vocoder_entity=-1;
-static int hf_audio_vocoder_annexa=-1;
-static int hf_audio_vocoder_annexb=-1;
-static int hf_audio_sample_rate=-1;
-static int hf_audio_rtp_type=-1;
-static int hf_audio_bytes_per_frame=-1;
-static int hf_audio_rx_stream_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_tx_stream_id=-1;
-static int hf_rx_vocoder_type=-1;
-static int hf_tx_vocoder_type=-1;
-static int hf_frames_per_packet=-1;
-static int hf_audio_tos=-1;
-static int hf_audio_precedence=-1;
-static int hf_audio_frf_11=-1;
-static int hf_rtcp_bucket_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_lcl_rtp_port=-1;
-static int hf_audio_lcl_rtcp_port=-1;
-static int hf_audio_far_rtp_port=-1;
-static int hf_audio_far_rtcp_port=-1;
-static int hf_audio_far_ip_add=-1;
-static int hf_audio_rtcp_bucket_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_clear_bucket=-1;
-static int hf_audio_transducer_pair=-1;
-static int hf_audio_rx_enable=-1;
-static int hf_audio_tx_enable=-1;
-static int hf_audio_sidetone_disable=-1;
-static int hf_audio_destruct_additive=-1;
-static int hf_audio_dont_force_active=-1;
-static int hf_audio_source_descr=-1;
-static int hf_audio_sdes_rtcp_bucket=-1;
-static int hf_audio_desired_jitter=-1;
-static int hf_audio_high_water_mark=-1;
-static int hf_audio_early_packet_resync_thresh=-1;
-static int hf_audio_late_packet_resync_thresh=-1;
-static int hf_audio_resolve_phone_port=-1;
-static int hf_audio_far_end_echo_port=-1;
-static int hf_audio_far_end_ip_address=-1;
-static int hf_audio_nat_port=-1;
-static int hf_audio_nat_ip_address=-1;
-static int hf_audio_direction_code=-1;
-static int hf_audio_hf_support=-1;
-static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_max=-1;
-static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_adj_vol=-1;
-static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_auto_adj_vol=-1;
-static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_hs_on_air=-1;
-static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_hd_on_air=-1;
-static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_noise_squelch=-1;
-static int hf_audio_rx_vol_apb_rpt=-1;
-static int hf_audio_rx_vol_vol_up=-1;
-static int hf_audio_rx_vol_vol_floor=-1;
-static int hf_audio_rx_vol_vol_ceiling=-1;
-static int hf_audio_current_adj_vol_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_current_rx_level=-1;
-static int hf_audio_current_rx_range=-1;
-static int hf_audio_cadence_select=-1;
-static int hf_audio_warbler_select=-1;
-static int hf_audio_open_stream_rpt=-1;
-static int hf_audio_sdes_rpt_source_desc=-1;
-static int hf_audio_sdes_rpt_buk_id=-1;
-static int hf_audio_phone_port=-1;
-static int hf_audio_phone_ip=-1;
-static int hf_audio_phone_add_len=-1;
-static int hf_audio_nat_listen_port=-1;
-static int hf_audio_nat_ip=-1;
-static int hf_audio_nat_add_len=-1;
-static int hf_audio_stream_direction_code=-1;
-static int hf_audio_stream_state=-1;
-static int hf_audio_transducer_list_length=-1;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_attr;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_opts;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_alert;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_adj_rx_vol;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_def_rx_vol;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_handset;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_headset;
+static int hf_audio_default_rx_vol_id;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_max_vol;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_adj_vol;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_aa_rx_vol_rpt;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_hs_on_air;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_hd_on_air;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_opt_noise_squelch;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_mute;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_tx_rx;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_stream_id;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_transducer_based_tone_id;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_attenuated;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_warbler_select;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_transducer_routing;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_tone_vol_range;
+static int hf_audio_mgr_cadence_select;
+static int hf_audio_special_tone;
+static int hf_audio_tone_level;
+static int hf_audio_visual_tones;
+static int hf_audio_stream_based_tone_id;
+static int hf_audio_stream_based_tone_rx_tx;
+static int hf_audio_stream_based_tone_mute;
+static int hf_audio_stream_id;
+static int hf_audio_stream_based_volume;
+static int hf_audio_apb_number;
+static int hf_audio_apb_op_code;
+static int hf_audio_apb_param_len;
+static int hf_audio_apb_data;
+static int hf_audio_vocoder_id;
+static int hf_audio_vocoder_param;
+static int hf_audio_vocoder_entity;
+static int hf_audio_vocoder_annexa;
+static int hf_audio_vocoder_annexb;
+static int hf_audio_sample_rate;
+static int hf_audio_rtp_type;
+static int hf_audio_bytes_per_frame;
+static int hf_audio_rx_stream_id;
+static int hf_audio_tx_stream_id;
+static int hf_rx_vocoder_type;
+static int hf_tx_vocoder_type;
+static int hf_frames_per_packet;
+static int hf_audio_tos;
+static int hf_audio_precedence;
+static int hf_audio_frf_11;
+static int hf_rtcp_bucket_id;
+static int hf_audio_lcl_rtp_port;
+static int hf_audio_lcl_rtcp_port;
+static int hf_audio_far_rtp_port;
+static int hf_audio_far_rtcp_port;
+static int hf_audio_far_ip_add;
+static int hf_audio_rtcp_bucket_id;
+static int hf_audio_clear_bucket;
+static int hf_audio_transducer_pair;
+static int hf_audio_rx_enable;
+static int hf_audio_tx_enable;
+static int hf_audio_sidetone_disable;
+static int hf_audio_destruct_additive;
+static int hf_audio_dont_force_active;
+static int hf_audio_source_descr;
+static int hf_audio_sdes_rtcp_bucket;
+static int hf_audio_desired_jitter;
+static int hf_audio_high_water_mark;
+static int hf_audio_early_packet_resync_thresh;
+static int hf_audio_late_packet_resync_thresh;
+static int hf_audio_resolve_phone_port;
+static int hf_audio_far_end_echo_port;
+static int hf_audio_far_end_ip_address;
+static int hf_audio_nat_port;
+static int hf_audio_nat_ip_address;
+static int hf_audio_direction_code;
+static int hf_audio_hf_support;
+static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_max;
+static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_adj_vol;
+static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_auto_adj_vol;
+static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_hs_on_air;
+static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_hd_on_air;
+static int hf_audio_opt_rpt_noise_squelch;
+static int hf_audio_rx_vol_apb_rpt;
+static int hf_audio_rx_vol_vol_up;
+static int hf_audio_rx_vol_vol_floor;
+static int hf_audio_rx_vol_vol_ceiling;
+static int hf_audio_current_adj_vol_id;
+static int hf_audio_current_rx_level;
+static int hf_audio_current_rx_range;
+static int hf_audio_cadence_select;
+static int hf_audio_warbler_select;
+static int hf_audio_open_stream_rpt;
+static int hf_audio_sdes_rpt_source_desc;
+static int hf_audio_sdes_rpt_buk_id;
+static int hf_audio_phone_port;
+static int hf_audio_phone_ip;
+static int hf_audio_phone_add_len;
+static int hf_audio_nat_listen_port;
+static int hf_audio_nat_ip;
+static int hf_audio_nat_add_len;
+static int hf_audio_stream_direction_code;
+static int hf_audio_stream_state;
+static int hf_audio_transducer_list_length;
static const value_string audio_switch_msgs[]={
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/basic.h b/plugins/epan/unistim/basic.h
index 9429ce98e2..793c7e82dc 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/basic.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/basic.h
@@ -13,27 +13,27 @@
-static int hf_basic_switch_query_flags=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_query_attr=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_query_opts=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_query_fw=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_query_hw_id=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_query_it_type=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_query_prod_eng_code=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_query_gray_mkt_info=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_options_secure=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_element_id=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_eeprom_data=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_terminal_id=-1;
+static int hf_basic_switch_query_flags;
+static int hf_basic_switch_query_attr;
+static int hf_basic_switch_query_opts;
+static int hf_basic_switch_query_fw;
+static int hf_basic_switch_query_hw_id;
+static int hf_basic_switch_query_it_type;
+static int hf_basic_switch_query_prod_eng_code;
+static int hf_basic_switch_query_gray_mkt_info;
+static int hf_basic_switch_options_secure;
+static int hf_basic_switch_element_id;
+static int hf_basic_switch_eeprom_data;
+static int hf_basic_switch_terminal_id;
-static int hf_basic_phone_eeprom_stat_cksum=-1;
-static int hf_basic_phone_eeprom_dynam=-1;
-static int hf_basic_phone_eeprom_net_config_cksum=-1;
-static int hf_basic_phone_hw_id=-1;
-static int hf_basic_phone_fw_ver=-1;
-static int hf_basic_it_type=-1;
-static int hf_basic_prod_eng_code=-1;
-static int hf_basic_ether_address=-1;
+static int hf_basic_phone_eeprom_stat_cksum;
+static int hf_basic_phone_eeprom_dynam;
+static int hf_basic_phone_eeprom_net_config_cksum;
+static int hf_basic_phone_hw_id;
+static int hf_basic_phone_fw_ver;
+static int hf_basic_it_type;
+static int hf_basic_prod_eng_code;
+static int hf_basic_ether_address;
static const value_string it_types[]={
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/broadcast.h b/plugins/epan/unistim/broadcast.h
index 4c85afc476..e8edd524bc 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/broadcast.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/broadcast.h
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
-static int hf_broadcast_year=-1;
-static int hf_broadcast_month=-1;
-static int hf_broadcast_day=-1;
-static int hf_broadcast_hour=-1;
-static int hf_broadcast_minute=-1;
-static int hf_broadcast_second=-1;
-static int hf_broadcast_icon_state=-1;
-static int hf_broadcast_icon_cadence=-1;
+static int hf_broadcast_year;
+static int hf_broadcast_month;
+static int hf_broadcast_day;
+static int hf_broadcast_hour;
+static int hf_broadcast_minute;
+static int hf_broadcast_second;
+static int hf_broadcast_icon_state;
+static int hf_broadcast_icon_cadence;
static const value_string broadcast_switch_msgs[]={
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/display.h b/plugins/epan/unistim/display.h
index 829441d61f..7b478cdd72 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/display.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/display.h
@@ -13,102 +13,102 @@
-static int hf_display_write_cursor_move=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_clear_left=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_clear_right=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_shift_left=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_shift_right=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_highlight=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_tag=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_address_numeric=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_address_context=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_address_line=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_address_soft_key=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_address_soft_label=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_address_softkey_id=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_address_char_pos=-1;
-static int hf_display_write_address_line_number=-1;
-static int hf_display_cursor_move_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_display_cursor_blink=-1;
-static int hf_icon_id=-1;
-static int hf_display_arrow=-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_numeric =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_context =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_date =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_time =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_line =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_softkey =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_softkey_label =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_line_1 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_line_2 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_line_3 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_line_4 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_line_5 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_line_6 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_line_7 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_line_8 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_1 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_2 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_3 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_4 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_5 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_6 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_7 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_8 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_1 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_2 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_3 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_4 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_5 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_6 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_7 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_8 =-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_sk_label_key_id=-1;
-static int hf_display_clear_all_slks=-1;
+static int hf_display_write_cursor_move;
+static int hf_display_write_clear_left;
+static int hf_display_write_clear_right;
+static int hf_display_write_shift_left;
+static int hf_display_write_shift_right;
+static int hf_display_write_highlight;
+static int hf_display_write_tag;
+static int hf_display_write_address_numeric;
+static int hf_display_write_address_context;
+static int hf_display_write_address_line;
+static int hf_display_write_address_soft_key;
+static int hf_display_write_address_soft_label;
+static int hf_display_write_address_softkey_id;
+static int hf_display_write_address_char_pos;
+static int hf_display_write_address_line_number;
+static int hf_display_cursor_move_cmd;
+static int hf_display_cursor_blink;
+static int hf_icon_id;
+static int hf_display_arrow;
+static int hf_display_clear_numeric;
+static int hf_display_clear_context;
+static int hf_display_clear_date;
+static int hf_display_clear_time;
+static int hf_display_clear_line;
+static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon;
+static int hf_display_clear_softkey;
+static int hf_display_clear_softkey_label;
+static int hf_display_clear_line_1;
+static int hf_display_clear_line_2;
+static int hf_display_clear_line_3;
+static int hf_display_clear_line_4;
+static int hf_display_clear_line_5;
+static int hf_display_clear_line_6;
+static int hf_display_clear_line_7;
+static int hf_display_clear_line_8;
+static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_1;
+static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_2;
+static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_3;
+static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_4;
+static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_5;
+static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_6;
+static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_7;
+static int hf_display_clear_status_bar_icon_8;
+static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_1;
+static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_2;
+static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_3;
+static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_4;
+static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_5;
+static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_6;
+static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_7;
+static int hf_display_clear_soft_key_8;
+static int hf_display_clear_sk_label_key_id;
+static int hf_display_clear_all_slks;
-static int hf_display_line_width=-1;
-static int hf_display_lines=-1;
-static int hf_display_softkey_width=-1;
-static int hf_display_softkeys=-1;
-static int hf_display_icon=-1;
-static int hf_display_softlabel_key_width=-1;
-static int hf_display_context_width=-1;
-static int hf_display_numeric_width=-1;
-static int hf_display_time_width=-1;
-static int hf_display_date_width=-1;
-static int hf_display_char_dload=-1;
-static int hf_display_freeform_icon_dload=-1;
-static int hf_display_icon_type=-1;
-static int hf_display_charsets=-1;
-static int hf_display_contrast=-1;
-static int hf_display_cursor_numeric=-1;
-static int hf_display_cursor_context =-1;
-static int hf_display_cursor_line =-1;
-static int hf_display_cursor_softkey =-1;
-static int hf_display_cursor_softkey_id =-1;
-static int hf_display_cursor_char_pos =-1;
-static int hf_display_cursor_line_number =-1;
-static int hf_display_hlight_start=-1;
-static int hf_display_hlight_end=-1;
-static int hf_display_date_format=-1;
-static int hf_display_time_format=-1;
-static int hf_display_use_time_format=-1;
-static int hf_display_use_date_format=-1;
-static int hf_display_context_format=-1;
-static int hf_display_context_field=-1;
-static int hf_display_char_address=-1;
-static int hf_display_layer_number=-1;
-static int hf_display_layer_skey_id=-1;
-static int hf_display_layer_all_skeys=-1;
-static int hf_display_once_or_cyclic=-1;
-static int hf_display_layer_duration=-1;
-static int hf_display_call_timer_mode=-1;
-static int hf_display_call_timer_reset=-1;
-static int hf_display_call_timer_display=-1;
-static int hf_display_call_timer_delay=-1;
-static int hf_display_call_timer_id=-1;
+static int hf_display_line_width;
+static int hf_display_lines;
+static int hf_display_softkey_width;
+static int hf_display_softkeys;
+static int hf_display_icon;
+static int hf_display_softlabel_key_width;
+static int hf_display_context_width;
+static int hf_display_numeric_width;
+static int hf_display_time_width;
+static int hf_display_date_width;
+static int hf_display_char_dload;
+static int hf_display_freeform_icon_dload;
+static int hf_display_icon_type;
+static int hf_display_charsets;
+static int hf_display_contrast;
+static int hf_display_cursor_numeric;
+static int hf_display_cursor_context;
+static int hf_display_cursor_line;
+static int hf_display_cursor_softkey;
+static int hf_display_cursor_softkey_id;
+static int hf_display_cursor_char_pos;
+static int hf_display_cursor_line_number;
+static int hf_display_hlight_start;
+static int hf_display_hlight_end;
+static int hf_display_date_format;
+static int hf_display_time_format;
+static int hf_display_use_time_format;
+static int hf_display_use_date_format;
+static int hf_display_context_format;
+static int hf_display_context_field;
+static int hf_display_char_address;
+static int hf_display_layer_number;
+static int hf_display_layer_skey_id;
+static int hf_display_layer_all_skeys;
+static int hf_display_once_or_cyclic;
+static int hf_display_layer_duration;
+static int hf_display_call_timer_mode;
+static int hf_display_call_timer_reset;
+static int hf_display_call_timer_display;
+static int hf_display_call_timer_delay;
+static int hf_display_call_timer_id;
static const value_string arrow_dirs[]={
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/expansion.h b/plugins/epan/unistim/expansion.h
index 4081ca84fa..50ffc2a6ec 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/expansion.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/expansion.h
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-static int hf_expansion_softlabel_number=-1;
+static int hf_expansion_softlabel_number;
static const value_string expansion_switch_msgs[]={
{0x17,"Next Display/Write command regards expansion module"},
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/key.h b/plugins/epan/unistim/key.h
index 43acba8d63..bf7d68b35e 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/key.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/key.h
@@ -14,32 +14,32 @@
-static int hf_key_icon_id=-1;
-static int hf_key_led_cadence=-1;
-static int hf_key_led_id=-1;
-static int hf_key_programmable_keys=-1;
-static int hf_keys_soft_keys=-1;
-static int hf_keys_hd_key=-1;
-static int hf_keys_mute_key=-1;
-static int hf_keys_quit_key=-1;
-static int hf_keys_copy_key=-1;
-static int hf_keys_mwi_key=-1;
-static int hf_keys_num_nav_keys=-1;
-static int hf_keys_num_conspic_keys=-1;
-static int hf_keys_send_key_rel=-1;
-static int hf_keys_enable_vol=-1;
-static int hf_keys_conspic_prog_key=-1;
-static int hf_keys_acd_super_control=-1;
-static int hf_keys_local_dial_feedback=-1;
-static int hf_keys_admin_command=-1;
-static int hf_keys_logical_icon_id=-1;
-static int hf_keys_repeat_timer_one=-1;
-static int hf_keys_repeat_timer_two=-1;
-static int hf_keys_led_id=-1;
-static int hf_keys_phone_icon_id=-1;
-static int hf_keys_cadence_on_time=-1;
-static int hf_keys_cadence_off_time=-1;
-static int hf_keys_user_activity_timeout=-1;
+static int hf_key_icon_id;
+static int hf_key_led_cadence;
+static int hf_key_led_id;
+static int hf_key_programmable_keys;
+static int hf_keys_soft_keys;
+static int hf_keys_hd_key;
+static int hf_keys_mute_key;
+static int hf_keys_quit_key;
+static int hf_keys_copy_key;
+static int hf_keys_mwi_key;
+static int hf_keys_num_nav_keys;
+static int hf_keys_num_conspic_keys;
+static int hf_keys_send_key_rel;
+static int hf_keys_enable_vol;
+static int hf_keys_conspic_prog_key;
+static int hf_keys_acd_super_control;
+static int hf_keys_local_dial_feedback;
+static int hf_keys_admin_command;
+static int hf_keys_logical_icon_id;
+static int hf_keys_repeat_timer_one;
+static int hf_keys_repeat_timer_two;
+static int hf_keys_led_id;
+static int hf_keys_phone_icon_id;
+static int hf_keys_cadence_on_time;
+static int hf_keys_cadence_off_time;
+static int hf_keys_user_activity_timeout;
static const value_string keys_led_ids[]={
{0x00,"Message Waiting LED"},
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/network.h b/plugins/epan/unistim/network.h
index 561ef8dcb1..06ee76bf8f 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/network.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/network.h
@@ -14,48 +14,48 @@
-static int hf_net_diag_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_managers_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_attributes_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_serv_info_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_options_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_sanity_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_enable_diag=-1;
-static int hf_net_enable_rudp=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_id=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_port=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_action=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_retry_count=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_failover_id=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_ip_address=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_time_out=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_config_element=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_recovery_time_low=-1;
-static int hf_net_server_recovery_time_high=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_rx_ovr_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_tx_ovr_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_rx_empty_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_invalid_msg_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_eeprom_insane_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_eeprom_unsafe_flag=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_diag=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_rudp=-1;
+static int hf_net_diag_flag;
+static int hf_net_managers_flag;
+static int hf_net_attributes_flag;
+static int hf_net_serv_info_flag;
+static int hf_net_options_flag;
+static int hf_net_sanity_flag;
+static int hf_net_enable_diag;
+static int hf_net_enable_rudp;
+static int hf_net_server_id;
+static int hf_net_server_port;
+static int hf_net_server_action;
+static int hf_net_server_retry_count;
+static int hf_net_server_failover_id;
+static int hf_net_server_ip_address;
+static int hf_net_server_time_out;
+static int hf_net_server_config_element;
+static int hf_net_server_recovery_time_low;
+static int hf_net_server_recovery_time_high;
+static int hf_net_phone_rx_ovr_flag;
+static int hf_net_phone_tx_ovr_flag;
+static int hf_net_phone_rx_empty_flag;
+static int hf_net_phone_invalid_msg_flag;
+static int hf_net_phone_eeprom_insane_flag;
+static int hf_net_phone_eeprom_unsafe_flag;
+static int hf_net_phone_diag;
+static int hf_net_phone_rudp;
-static int hf_net_phone_primary_server_id=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_server_port=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_server_action=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_server_retry_count=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_server_failover_id=-1;
-static int hf_net_phone_server_ip=-1;
-static int hf_net_file_xfer_mode =-1;
-static int hf_net_force_download =-1;
-static int hf_net_use_file_server_port =-1;
-static int hf_net_use_local_port=-1;
-static int hf_net_file_server_port=-1;
-static int hf_net_local_port=-1;
-static int hf_net_file_server_address=-1;
-static int hf_net_full_pathname=-1;
-static int hf_net_file_identifier=-1;
+static int hf_net_phone_primary_server_id;
+static int hf_net_phone_server_port;
+static int hf_net_phone_server_action;
+static int hf_net_phone_server_retry_count;
+static int hf_net_phone_server_failover_id;
+static int hf_net_phone_server_ip;
+static int hf_net_file_xfer_mode;
+static int hf_net_force_download;
+static int hf_net_use_file_server_port;
+static int hf_net_use_local_port;
+static int hf_net_file_server_port;
+static int hf_net_local_port;
+static int hf_net_file_server_address;
+static int hf_net_full_pathname;
+static int hf_net_file_identifier;
static const value_string file_xfer_modes[]={
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ static const value_string action_bytes[]={
-static int hf_key_code=-1;
-static int hf_key_command=-1;
+static int hf_key_code;
+static int hf_key_command;
static const value_string key_cmds[]={
{0x00,"Key Released"},
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/packet-unistim.c b/plugins/epan/unistim/packet-unistim.c
index 493f2a481a..58b01eccd0 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/packet-unistim.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/packet-unistim.c
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@
void proto_register_unistim(void);
+static dissector_handle_t unistim_handle;
static unistim_info_t *uinfo;
-static int unistim_tap = -1;
+static int unistim_tap;
void proto_reg_handoff_unistim(void);
static void dissect_payload(proto_tree *unistim_tree,tvbuff_t *tvb,gint offset, packet_info *pinfo);
@@ -72,37 +74,37 @@ static gint dissect_uftp_message(proto_tree *unistim_tree, packet_info *pinfo,
tvbuff_t *tvb,gint offset);
-static int proto_unistim = -1;
-static int hf_unistim_seq_nu = -1;
-static int hf_unistim_packet_type = -1;
-static int hf_unistim_payload = -1;
-static int hf_unistim_cmd_add = -1;
-static int hf_unistim_len =-1;
-static int hf_terminal_id=-1;
-static int hf_basic_bit_field=-1;
-static int hf_basic_switch_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_basic_phone_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_broadcast_switch_cmd=-1;
-/* static int hf_broadcast_phone_cmd=-1; */
-static int hf_audio_switch_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_audio_phone_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_display_switch_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_display_phone_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_key_switch_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_key_phone_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_network_switch_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_network_phone_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_expansion_switch_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_expansion_phone_cmd=-1;
-static int hf_module_key_number=-1;
-static int hf_generic_data=-1;
-static int hf_generic_string=-1;
-static gint ett_unistim = -1;
-static expert_field ei_unistim_len = EI_INIT;
+static int proto_unistim;
+static int hf_unistim_seq_nu;
+static int hf_unistim_packet_type;
+static int hf_unistim_payload;
+static int hf_unistim_cmd_add;
+static int hf_unistim_len;
+static int hf_terminal_id;
+static int hf_basic_bit_field;
+static int hf_basic_switch_cmd;
+static int hf_basic_phone_cmd;
+static int hf_broadcast_switch_cmd;
+/* static int hf_broadcast_phone_cmd; */
+static int hf_audio_switch_cmd;
+static int hf_audio_phone_cmd;
+static int hf_display_switch_cmd;
+static int hf_display_phone_cmd;
+static int hf_key_switch_cmd;
+static int hf_key_phone_cmd;
+static int hf_network_switch_cmd;
+static int hf_network_phone_cmd;
+static int hf_expansion_switch_cmd;
+static int hf_expansion_phone_cmd;
+static int hf_module_key_number;
+static int hf_generic_data;
+static int hf_generic_string;
+static gint ett_unistim;
+static expert_field ei_unistim_len;
static const value_string packet_names[]={
@@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ dissect_payload(proto_tree *overall_unistim_tree,tvbuff_t *tvb, gint offset, pac
- /* Handle UFTP seperately because it is significantly different
+ /* Handle UFTP separately because it is significantly different
than standard UNISTIM */
while (tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset) > 0)
offset = dissect_unistim_message(unistim_tree,pinfo,tvb,offset);
@@ -2660,43 +2662,43 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_net_server_id,
{"Download Server ID","unistim.download.id",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX, VALS(network_server_id),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX, VALS(network_server_id),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_net_server_port,
{"Download Server Port","unistim.download.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_net_server_action,
{"Download Server Action","unistim.download.action",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX, VALS(server_action),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX, VALS(server_action),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_net_server_retry_count,
{"Download Retry Count","unistim.download.retry",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_net_server_failover_id,
{"Download Failover Server ID","unistim.download.failover",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX, VALS(network_server_id),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX, VALS(network_server_id),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_net_server_ip_address,
{"Download Server Address","unistim.download.address",FT_IPv4,
{ &hf_net_server_time_out,
{"Watchdog Timeout","unistim.watchdog.timeout",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_net_server_config_element,
{"Configure Network Element","unistim.config.element",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX, VALS(network_elements),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX, VALS(network_elements),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_net_server_recovery_time_low,
{"Recovery Procedure Idle Low Boundary","unistim.recovery.low",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_net_server_recovery_time_high,
{"Recovery Procedure Idle High Boundary","unistim.recovery.high",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_net_phone_rx_ovr_flag,
{"Receive Buffer Overflow","unistim.receive.overflow",
@@ -2774,11 +2776,11 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_basic_switch_element_id,
{"Basic Element ID","unistim.basic.element.id",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_basic_switch_eeprom_data,
{"EEProm Data","unistim.basic.eeprom.data",FT_BYTES,
{ &hf_basic_phone_eeprom_stat_cksum,
{"Basic Phone EEProm Static Checksum","unistim.static.cksum",FT_UINT8,
@@ -2786,19 +2788,19 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_basic_phone_eeprom_dynam,
{"Basic Phone EEProm Dynamic Checksum","unistim.dynam.cksum",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_basic_phone_eeprom_net_config_cksum,
{"Basic Phone EEProm Net Config Checksum","unistim.netconfig.cksum",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_basic_phone_hw_id,
{"Basic Phone Hardware ID","unistim.basic.hw.id",FT_BYTES,
{ &hf_basic_phone_fw_ver,
{"Basic Phone Firmware Version","unistim.basic.fw.ver",FT_STRING,
{ &hf_key_code,
{"Key Name","unistim.key.name",FT_UINT8,
@@ -2850,7 +2852,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_default_rx_vol_id,
{"Audio Manager Default Receive Volume ID","unistim.audio.volume.id",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(default_rx_vol_id),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(default_rx_vol_id),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_audio_mgr_opt_max_vol,
{"Audio Manager Enable Max Tone Volume","unistim.audio.max.tone",FT_BOOLEAN,
@@ -2886,7 +2888,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_mgr_stream_id,
{"Audio Manager Stream ID","unistim.audio.stream.id",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_mgr_transducer_based_tone_id,
{"Audio Manager Transducer Based Tone On","unistim.audio.transducer.on",FT_UINT8,
@@ -2914,7 +2916,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_special_tone,
{"Special Tone Select","unistim.special.tone.select",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(special_tones_vals),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(special_tones_vals),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_audio_tone_level,
{"Tone Level","unistim.audio.tone.level",FT_UINT8,
@@ -2938,63 +2940,63 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_stream_id,
{"Stream ID","unistim.audio.stream.id",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_stream_based_volume,
{"Stream Based Volume ID","unistim.stream.volume.id",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(stream_base_vol_level),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(stream_base_vol_level),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_basic_switch_terminal_id,
{"Terminal ID assigned by Switch","unistim.switch.terminal.id",FT_IPv4,
{ &hf_basic_it_type,
{"IT (Phone) Type","unistim.it.type",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(it_types),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(it_types),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_basic_prod_eng_code,
{"Product Engineering Code for phone","unistim.basic.eng.code",FT_STRING,
{ &hf_net_phone_primary_server_id,
{"Phone Primary Server ID","unistim.net.phone.primary.id",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_net_phone_server_port,
{"Port Number","unistim.server.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_net_phone_server_action,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(action_bytes),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(action_bytes),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_net_phone_server_retry_count,
{"Number of times to Retry","unistim.server.retry.count",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_net_phone_server_failover_id,
{"Failover Server ID","unistim.server.failover.id",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_net_phone_server_ip,
{"IP address","unistim.server.ip.address",FT_IPv4,
{ &hf_audio_apb_number,
{"APB Number","unistim.audio.apb.number",FT_UINT8,
{ & hf_audio_apb_op_code,
{"APB Operation Code","unistim.audio.apb.op.code",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(apb_op_codes),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(apb_op_codes),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_audio_apb_param_len,
{"APB Operation Parameter Length","unistim.apb.param.len",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_apb_data,
{"APB Operation Data","unistim.apb.operation.data",FT_BYTES,
{ &hf_display_write_address_numeric,
{"Is Address Numeric","unistim.write.address.numeric",FT_BOOLEAN,
@@ -3054,7 +3056,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_display_write_tag,
{"Tag for text","unistim.display.text.tag",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_display_cursor_move_cmd,
{"Cursor Movement Command","unistim.cursor.move.cmd",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3066,7 +3068,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_vocoder_id,
{"Vocoder Protocol","unistim.vocoder.id",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(vocoder_ids),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(vocoder_ids),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_audio_vocoder_param,
{"Vocoder Config Param","unistim.vocoder.config.param",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3086,35 +3088,35 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_sample_rate,
{"Sample Rate","unistim.audio.sample.rate",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(sample_rates),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(sample_rates),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_audio_rtp_type,
{"RTP Type","unistim.audio.rtp.type",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_bytes_per_frame,
{"Bytes Per Frame","unistim.audio.bytes.per.frame",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_rx_stream_id,
{"Receive Stream Id","unistim.rx.stream.id",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_tx_stream_id,
{"Transmit Stream Id","unistim.tx.stream.id",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_rx_vocoder_type,
{"Receive Vocoder Protocol","unistim.vocoder.id",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(vocoder_ids),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(vocoder_ids),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_tx_vocoder_type,
{"Transmit Vocoder Protocol","unistim.vocoder.id",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(vocoder_ids),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(vocoder_ids),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_frames_per_packet,
{"Frames Per Packet","unistim.vocoder.frames.per.packet",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_tos,
{"Type of Service","unistim.audio.type.service",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3130,31 +3132,31 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_lcl_rtp_port,
{"Phone RTP Port","unistim.local.rtp.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_lcl_rtcp_port,
{"Phone RTCP Port","unistim.local.rtcp.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_far_rtp_port,
{"Distant RTP Port","unistim.far.rtp.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_far_rtcp_port,
{"Distant RTCP Port","unistim.far.rtcp.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_far_ip_add,
{"Distant IP Address for RT[C]P","unistim.far.ip.address",FT_IPv4,
{ &hf_rtcp_bucket_id,
{"RTCP Bucket ID","unistim.rtcp.bucket.id",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_key_icon_id,
{"Icon ID","unistim.key.icon.id",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_display_clear_numeric,
{"Numeric Index Field in InfoBar","unistim.display.clear.numeric",FT_BOOLEAN,
@@ -3302,7 +3304,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_basic_ether_address,
{"Phone Ethernet Address","unistim.phone.ether",FT_ETHER,
{ &hf_audio_rtcp_bucket_id,
{"RTCP Bucket ID","unistim.audio.rtcp.bucket.id",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3314,7 +3316,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_display_arrow,
{"Arrow Display Direction","unistim.arrow.direction",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(arrow_dirs),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(arrow_dirs),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_audio_transducer_pair,
{"Audio Transducer Pair","unistim.transducer.pairs",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3333,7 +3335,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_destruct_additive,
- {"Destructive/Additive","unistim.destructive.active",FT_BOOLEAN,
+ {"Destructive/Additive","unistim.destructive.additive",FT_BOOLEAN,
{ &hf_audio_dont_force_active,
@@ -3398,7 +3400,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_display_contrast,
{"Phone Contrast Level","unistim.phone.contrast.level",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_display_cursor_numeric,
{"Numeric Index Field","unistim.field.numeric",FT_BOOLEAN,
@@ -3430,11 +3432,11 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_display_hlight_start,
{"Display Highlight Start Position","unistim.hilite.start.pos",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_display_hlight_end,
{"Display Highlight End Position","unistim.hilite.end.pos",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_display_date_format,
{"Date Format","unistim.display.date.format",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3462,11 +3464,11 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_display_char_address,
{"Display Character Address","unistim.display.char.address",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_display_layer_number,
{"Softkey Layer Number","unistim.softkey.layer.num",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_display_layer_skey_id,
{"Softkey ID","unistim.layer.softkey.id",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3482,7 +3484,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_display_layer_duration,
{"Display Duration (20ms steps)","unistim.layer.display.duration",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_key_programmable_keys,
{"Number of Programmable Keys","unistim.num.prog.keys",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3550,39 +3552,39 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_desired_jitter,
{"Desired Jitter","unistim.audio.desired.jitter",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_high_water_mark,
{"Threshold of audio frames where jitter buffer removes frames","unistim.high.water.mark",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_early_packet_resync_thresh,
{"Threshold in x/8000 sec where packets are too early","unistim.early.packet.thresh",FT_UINT32,
{ &hf_audio_late_packet_resync_thresh,
{"Threshold in x/8000 sec where packets are too late","unistim.late.packet.thresh",FT_UINT32,
{ &hf_audio_resolve_phone_port,
{"Resolve Phone Port","unistim.resolve.phone.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_far_end_echo_port,
{"Resolve Far End Port","unistim.resolve.far.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_far_end_ip_address,
{"Resolve Far End IP","unistim.resolve.far.ip",FT_IPv4,
{ &hf_audio_nat_port,
{"NAT Port","unistim.audio.nat.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_nat_ip_address,
{"NAT IP Address","unistim.audio.nat.ip",FT_IPv4,
{ &hf_audio_direction_code,
{"Stream Direction Code","unistim.audio.direction.codes",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3639,11 +3641,11 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_current_rx_level,
{"Current RX Volume Level","unistim.current.rx.vol.level",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_current_rx_range,
{"Current RX Volume Range","unistim.current.rx.vol.range",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_cadence_select,
{"Alerting Cadence Select","unistim.alert.cad.sel",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3655,7 +3657,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_open_stream_rpt,
{"Open Stream Report","unistim.open.audio.stream.rpt",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(stream_result),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(stream_result),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_audio_sdes_rpt_source_desc,
{"Report Source Description","unistim.rpt.src.desc",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3667,27 +3669,27 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_phone_port,
{"Phone Listen Port","unistim.phone.listen.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_phone_ip,
{"Phone Listen Address","unistim.phone.listen.address",FT_IPv4,
{ &hf_audio_phone_add_len,
{"Phone Address Length","unistim.phone.address.len",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_nat_listen_port,
{"NAT Listen Port","unistim.nat.listen.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_audio_nat_ip,
{"NAT Listen Address","unistim.nat.listen.address",FT_IPv4,
{ &hf_audio_nat_add_len,
{"NAT Address Length","unistim.nat.address.len",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_audio_stream_direction_code,
{"Audio Stream Direction","unistim.audio.stream.direction",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3699,7 +3701,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_audio_transducer_list_length,
{"Transducer List Length","unistim.trans.list.len",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_net_file_xfer_mode,
{"File Transfer Mode","unistim.net.file.xfer.mode",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3719,23 +3721,23 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_net_file_server_port,
{"File Server Port","unistim.net.file.server.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_net_full_pathname,
{"Full Pathname","unistim.net.full_pathname",FT_STRINGZ,
{ &hf_net_file_identifier,
{"File Identifier","unistim.net.file_identifier",FT_STRINGZ,
{ &hf_net_local_port,
{"Local XFer Port","unistim.net.local.xfer.port",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_net_file_server_address,
{"File Server IP Address","unistim.net.file.server.address",FT_IPv4,
{ &hf_keys_admin_command,
{"Admin Command","unistim.key.icon.admin.cmd",FT_UINT8,
@@ -3743,35 +3745,35 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_keys_logical_icon_id,
{"Logical Icon ID","unistim.keys.logical.icon.id",FT_UINT16,
{ &hf_keys_repeat_timer_one,
{"Key Repeat Timer 1 Value","unistim.keys.repeat.time.one",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_keys_repeat_timer_two,
{"Key Repeat Timer 2 Value","unistim.keys.repeat.time.two",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_keys_led_id,
{"Led ID","unistim.keys.led.id",FT_UINT8,
- BASE_HEX,VALS(keys_led_ids),0x00,NULL,HFILL}
+ BASE_HEX,VALS(keys_led_ids),0x0,NULL,HFILL}
{ &hf_keys_phone_icon_id,
{"Phone Icon ID","unistim.keys.phone.icon.id",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_keys_cadence_on_time,
{"Indicator Cadence On Time","unistim.keys.cadence.on.time",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_keys_cadence_off_time,
{"Indicator Cadence Off Time","unistim.keys.cadence.off.time",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_keys_user_activity_timeout,
{"User Activity Timeout Value","unistim.keys.user.timeout.value",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_display_call_timer_mode,
{"Call Timer Mode","unistim.display.call.timer.mode",FT_BOOLEAN,
@@ -3807,18 +3809,18 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
{ &hf_expansion_softlabel_number,
{"Module Soft Label Number","unistim.expansion.label.number",FT_UINT8,
{ &hf_generic_string,
{ &hf_generic_data,
@@ -3835,6 +3837,7 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
expert_module_t* expert_unistim;
proto_unistim=proto_register_protocol("UNISTIM Protocol", "UNISTIM", "unistim");
+ unistim_handle=register_dissector("unistim", dissect_unistim,proto_unistim);
@@ -3846,10 +3849,6 @@ proto_register_unistim(void){
proto_reg_handoff_unistim(void) {
- dissector_handle_t unistim_handle;
- unistim_handle=create_dissector_handle(dissect_unistim,proto_unistim);
dissector_add_for_decode_as_with_preference("udp.port", unistim_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/unistim/uftp.h b/plugins/epan/unistim/uftp.h
index 865f23b5e9..c6d9fa7acb 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/unistim/uftp.h
+++ b/plugins/epan/unistim/uftp.h
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
-static int hf_uftp_datablock_size=-1;
-static int hf_uftp_datablock_limit=-1;
-static int hf_uftp_filename=-1;
-static int hf_uftp_datablock=-1;
-static int hf_uftp_command=-1;
+static int hf_uftp_datablock_size;
+static int hf_uftp_datablock_limit;
+static int hf_uftp_filename;
+static int hf_uftp_datablock;
+static int hf_uftp_command;
static const value_string uftp_commands[]={
{0x00,"Connection Granted"},
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/wimax/CMakeLists.txt
index 449805ec90..15fee28525 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -75,11 +75,12 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "WiMax Protocol dissector"
-add_plugin_library(wimax epan)
target_link_libraries(wimax epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_generic_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_generic_decoder.c
index d083103a60..6bf8bf6fa5 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_generic_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_generic_decoder.c
@@ -75,20 +75,20 @@ static gint arq_feedback_payload_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, prot
/* Static variables */
static reassembly_table payload_reassembly_table;
-gint proto_mac_header_generic_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_header_generic_decoder = -1;
-/* static gint ett_mac_subheader_decoder = -1; */
-static gint ett_mac_mesh_subheader_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_frag_subheader_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_grant_mgmt_subheader_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_pkt_subheader_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_fast_fb_subheader_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_ext_subheader_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_ext_subheader_dl_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_ext_subheader_ul_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_arq_fb_payload_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_data_pdu_decoder = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_value_bytes = -1;
+gint proto_mac_header_generic_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_header_generic_decoder;
+/* static gint ett_mac_subheader_decoder; */
+static gint ett_mac_mesh_subheader_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_frag_subheader_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_grant_mgmt_subheader_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_pkt_subheader_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_fast_fb_subheader_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_ext_subheader_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_ext_subheader_dl_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_ext_subheader_ul_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_arq_fb_payload_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_data_pdu_decoder;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_value_bytes;
static guint frag_type, frag_len;
static guint extended_type, arq_fb_payload, seq_number;
@@ -142,23 +142,23 @@ static address save_dst;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_ht = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_ec = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_0 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_1 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_2 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_3 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_4 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_5 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_esf = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_ci = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_eks = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_rsv = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_len = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_cid = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_hcs = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_crc = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_generic_crc_status = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_ht;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_ec;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_0;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_1;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_2;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_3;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_4;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_type_5;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_esf;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_ci;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_eks;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_rsv;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_len;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_cid;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_hcs;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_crc;
+static int hf_mac_header_generic_crc_status;
/* MAC Header types */
static const value_string ht_msgs[] =
@@ -369,21 +369,21 @@ static const value_string fb_types[] =
/* common fields */
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_rsv = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_rsv;
/* DL sub-header */
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_type_dl = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_sdu_sn = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_pscid = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_op = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_fswe = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_fswb = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_rsv = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_fb_type = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_slots = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_frame_offset = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_type_dl;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_sdu_sn;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_pscid;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_op;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_fswe;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_fswb;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_dl_sleep_control_rsv;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_uiuc;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_fb_type;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_subchannel_offset;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_slots;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_fb_req_frame_offset;
/* DL Sleep Control Operations */
static const value_string dl_sleep_control_ops[] =
@@ -394,24 +394,24 @@ static const value_string dl_sleep_control_ops[] =
/* UL sub-header */
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_type_ul = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_mimo_mode_fb_type = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_mimo_fb_content = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_ul_tx_pwr_rep = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_mini_fb_type = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_mini_fb_content = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_type_ul;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_mimo_mode_fb_type;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_mimo_fb_content;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_ul_tx_pwr_rep;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_mini_fb_type;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_mini_fb_content;
/* common fields */
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_pdu_sn_short = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_pdu_sn_long = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_pdu_sn_short;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_pdu_sn_long;
/* SN Request subheader */
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_sn_req_rep_ind_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_sn_req_rep_ind_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_sn_req_rsv = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_sn_req_rep_ind_1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_sn_req_rep_ind_2;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_ext_subheader_sn_req_rsv;
/* SN Report Indication message */
static const value_string sn_rep_msg[] =
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ static const value_string sn_rep_msg[] =
/* Mesh Subheader */
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_mesh_subheader = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_mesh_subheader;
/* Fragmentation Subheader (table 8) */
@@ -438,13 +438,13 @@ static gint hf_mac_header_generic_mesh_subheader = -1;
#define FIRST_FRAG 2
#define MIDDLE_FRAG 3
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_fc = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_fc_ext = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_bsn = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_fsn = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_fsn_ext = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_rsv = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_rsv_ext = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_fc;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_fc_ext;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_bsn;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_fsn;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_fsn_ext;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_rsv;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_frag_subhd_rsv_ext;
/* Fragment Types */
static const value_string frag_types[] =
@@ -465,20 +465,20 @@ static const value_string frag_types[] =
#define FRAG_LENGTH_MASK 0x0007FF00
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_fc = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_fc_ext = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_bsn = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_fsn = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_fsn_ext = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_len = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_len_ext = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_fc;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_fc_ext;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_bsn;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_fsn;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_fsn_ext;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_len;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_packing_subhd_len_ext;
/* Fast-feedback Allocation Subheader (table 13) */
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_fast_fb_subhd_alloc_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_fast_fb_subhd_fb_type = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_fast_fb_subhd_alloc_offset;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_fast_fb_subhd_fb_type;
/* Grant Management Subheader (table 9 & 10) */
#define GRANT_MGMT_SUBHEADER_UGS_SI_MASK 0x8000 /*0x0001*/
@@ -501,18 +501,18 @@ typedef enum
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_ugs_tree = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_si = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_pm = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_fli = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_fl = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_rsv = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_ext_rtps_tree = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ext_pbr = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ext_fli = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ext_fl = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_ext_pbr_tree = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_pbr = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_ugs_tree;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_si;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_pm;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_fli;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_fl;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ugs_rsv;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_ext_rtps_tree;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ext_pbr;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ext_fli;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_ext_fl;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_ext_pbr_tree;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_grant_mgmt_subhd_pbr;
/* Slip Indicators */
static const value_string si_msgs[] =
@@ -555,27 +555,27 @@ static const value_string fli_msgs[] =
#define ARQ_FB_IE_SEQ2_LENGTH_6_MASK 0x007E /*0x7E00*/
#define ARQ_FB_IE_RSV_MASK 0x0001 /*0x8000*/
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_last = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_ack_type = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_bsn = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_num_maps = -1;
-static gint hf_ack_type_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_sel_ack_map = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq_format = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq_ack_map = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq1_length = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq2_length = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq3_length = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq_ack_map_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq1_length_6 = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq2_length_6 = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_rsv = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_payload_fragment = -1;
-static expert_field ei_mac_crc_malformed = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_mac_crc_missing = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_mac_header_generic_crc = EI_INIT;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_cid;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_last;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_ack_type;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_bsn;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_num_maps;
+static gint hf_ack_type_reserved;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_sel_ack_map;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq_format;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq_ack_map;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq1_length;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq2_length;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq3_length;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq_ack_map_2;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq1_length_6;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_seq2_length_6;
+static gint hf_mac_header_generic_arq_fb_ie_rsv;
+static gint hf_mac_header_payload_fragment;
+static expert_field ei_mac_crc_malformed;
+static expert_field ei_mac_crc_missing;
+static expert_field ei_mac_header_generic_crc;
/* Last IE Indicators */
static const value_string last_ie_msgs[] =
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_type1_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_type1_decoder.c
index 6713e920d7..128be653b6 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_type1_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_type1_decoder.c
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
extern gint proto_mac_header_generic_decoder;
-static gint proto_mac_header_type_1_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_header_type_1_decoder = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_type_1_value_bytes = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_header_type_1_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_header_type_1_decoder;
+static gint hf_mac_header_type_1_value_bytes;
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static const char *type1_subtype_abbrv[TYPE_I_SUBTYPE_MAX] =
/* 1st to 3rd bytes */
/* Common Fields */
#define WIMAX_MAC_HEADER_TYPE_1_HT 0x800000
@@ -106,40 +106,40 @@ static const char *type1_subtype_abbrv[TYPE_I_SUBTYPE_MAX] =
/* Common Fields */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ht = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ec = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_type = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ht;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ec;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_type;
/* type 0 & type 1 only */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_br = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_br;
/* type 3, type 4, & type 5 only */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_br_3 = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_br_3;
/* type 2 only */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ultxpwr = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ulhdrm = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_rsv_2 = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_diuc;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ultxpwr;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ulhdrm;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_rsv_2;
/* type 3 only */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ultxpwr_3 = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_ultxpwr_3;
/* type 4 only */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_cinr = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_dci = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_cinr;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_dci;
/* type 5 only */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_pscid = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_op = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_rsv_5 = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_pscid;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_op;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_rsv_5;
/* type 6 only */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_last = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_sdu_sn1 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_sdu_sn2 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_sdu_sn3 = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_last;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_sdu_sn1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_sdu_sn2;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_sdu_sn3;
/* type 7 only */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_fb_type = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_fbssi = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_period = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_rsv_7 = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_fb_type;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_fbssi;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_period;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_rsv_7;
/* Common Fields */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_cid = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_1_hcs = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_cid;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_1_hcs;
/* MAC Header Type I Sub-Types */
static const value_string sub_types[] =
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ static int dissect_mac_header_type_1_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_ultxpwr, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
/* Decode and display the UL Headroom */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_ulhdrm, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
- /* Decode and display the reserved filed */
+ /* Decode and display the reserved field */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_rsv_2, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ static int dissect_mac_header_type_1_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_pscid, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
/* Decode and display the Operation */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_op, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
- /* Decode and display the reserved filed */
+ /* Decode and display the reserved field */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_rsv_5, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
@@ -302,9 +302,9 @@ static int dissect_mac_header_type_1_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo,
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_fb_type, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
/* Decode and display the FBSSI */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_fbssi, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
- /* Decode and display the Prreferred-period */
+ /* Decode and display the Preferred-period */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_period, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
- /* Decode and display the reserved filed */
+ /* Decode and display the reserved field */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_1_rsv_7, tvb, offset, 3, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_type2_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_type2_decoder.c
index 466b4b2024..8f241d986c 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_type2_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_hd_type2_decoder.c
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
extern gint proto_mac_header_generic_decoder;
-static gint proto_mac_header_type_2_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_header_type_2_decoder = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_type_2_value_bytes = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_header_type_2_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_header_type_2_decoder;
+static gint hf_mac_header_type_2_value_bytes;
@@ -81,23 +81,23 @@ static const char *type2_fb_type_abbrv[TYPE_II_FB_TYPE_MAX] =
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_ht = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_ec = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_type = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cii = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_fb_type = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_ht;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_ec;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_type;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cii;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_fb_type;
/* 2nd to 5th bytes (varies by different fb types) */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cid = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_no_cid = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cid;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_no_cid;
/* CQI and MIMO Feedback */
/* 2nd & 3rd bytes */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cqi_fb_type = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cqi_payload = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cqi_rsv = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cqi_fb_type;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cqi_payload;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cqi_rsv;
/* 4th & 5th without CID */
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cqi_rsv = -1;
/* 2nd byte */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_ave_cinr = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_ave_rsv = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_ave_cinr;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_ave_rsv;
/* MIMO Coefficients Feedback */
/* 2nd & 3rd bytes */
@@ -114,26 +114,26 @@ static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_ave_rsv = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_coef_ni = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_coef_ai = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_coef = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_coef_rsv = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_coef_ni;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_coef_ai;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_coef;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_coef_rsv;
/* Preferred DL Channel DIUC Feedback */
/* 2nd byte */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_chan_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_chan_dcd = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_chan_rsv = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_chan_diuc;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_chan_dcd;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_dl_chan_rsv;
/* UL Transmission Power */
/* 2nd byte */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_ul_tx_pwr = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_ul_tx_pwr_rsv = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_ul_tx_pwr;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_ul_tx_pwr_rsv;
/* PHY Channel Feedback */
/* 2nd to 4th bytes */
@@ -141,10 +141,10 @@ static int hf_mac_header_type_2_ul_tx_pwr_rsv = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_phy_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_phy_ul_tx_pwr = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_phy_ul_hdrm = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_phy_rsv = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_phy_diuc;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_phy_ul_tx_pwr;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_phy_ul_hdrm;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_phy_rsv;
/* AMC Band Indication Bitmap */
/* 2nd to 5th bytes */
@@ -153,27 +153,27 @@ static int hf_mac_header_type_2_phy_rsv = -1;
#define WIMAX_MAC_HEADER_TYPE_2_AMC_CQI_2 0x00007C00
#define WIMAX_MAC_HEADER_TYPE_2_AMC_CQI_3 0x000003E0
#define WIMAX_MAC_HEADER_TYPE_2_AMC_CQI_4 0x0000001F
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_bitmap = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_cqi_1 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_cqi_2 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_cqi_3 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_cqi_4 = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_bitmap;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_cqi_1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_cqi_2;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_cqi_3;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_amc_cqi_4;
/* Life Span of Short-term Precoding Feedback */
/* 2nd byte */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_life_span = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_life_span_rsv = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_life_span;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_life_span_rsv;
/* Multiple Types of Feedback */
/* 2nd to 5th bytes ??? */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mt_num_fb_types = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mt_occu_fb_type = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mt_fb_contents = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mt_num_fb_types;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mt_occu_fb_type;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mt_fb_contents;
/* Long-term Precoding Feedback */
/* 2nd & 3rd bytes */
@@ -181,17 +181,17 @@ static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mt_fb_contents = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_id_fb = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_rank = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_fec_qam = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_rsv = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_id_fb;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_rank;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_fec_qam;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_rsv;
/* Combined DL Average CINR of Active BSs */
/* 2nd & 3rd bytes */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_comb_dl_ave = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_comb_dl_rsv = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_comb_dl_ave;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_comb_dl_rsv;
/* MIMO Channel Feedback */
/* 2nd byte */
@@ -211,28 +211,28 @@ static int hf_mac_header_type_2_comb_dl_rsv = -1;
#define WIMAX_MAC_HEADER_TYPE_2_MI 0x0000C0
#define WIMAX_MAC_HEADER_TYPE_2_CT 0x000020
#define WIMAX_MAC_HEADER_TYPE_2_CQI 0x00001F
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_pbwi = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_slpb = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_bpri = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_bpri_cid = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_cid = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_cti = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ai_0 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ai_1 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ai_2 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ai_3 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_mi = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ct = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_cqi = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_diuc;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_pbwi;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_slpb;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_bpri;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_bpri_cid;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_cid;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_cti;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ai_0;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ai_1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ai_2;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ai_3;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_mi;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_ct;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_mimo_cqi;
/* CINR Feedback */
/* 2nd byte */
/* 3rd byte */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cinr_mean = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cinr_devi = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cinr_mean;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cinr_devi;
/* Close-loop MIMO Feedback */
/* 2nd & 3rd bytes */
@@ -247,21 +247,21 @@ static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cinr_devi = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_type = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_ant_id = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_cqi = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_cqi_1 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_cqi_2 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_rsv = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_rsv_1 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_rsv_2 = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_streams = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_ant_sel = -1;
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_codebook_id = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_type;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_ant_id;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_cqi;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_cqi_1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_cqi_2;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_rsv;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_rsv_1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_rsv_2;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_streams;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_ant_sel;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_cl_mimo_codebook_id;
/* last byte */
-static int hf_mac_header_type_2_hcs = -1;
+static int hf_mac_header_type_2_hcs;
/* CID Inclusion Indication messages */
static const value_string cii_msgs[] =
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ static int dissect_mac_header_type_2_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo,
/* Decode and display the Long-term precoding feedback */
/* Feedback of index */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_id_fb, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
- /* rank of prrecoding codebook */
+ /* rank of precoding codebook */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_rank, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
/* EFC and QAM feedback */
proto_tree_add_item(ti_tree, hf_mac_header_type_2_lt_fec_qam, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_mgmt_msg_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_mgmt_msg_decoder.c
index 57c039777a..767dc342ce 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_mgmt_msg_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/mac_mgmt_msg_decoder.c
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_decoder;
-static gint hf_mac_mgmt_msg_type = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_mgmt_msg_values = -1;
+static gint hf_mac_mgmt_msg_type;
+static gint hf_mac_mgmt_msg_values;
-static expert_field ei_empty_payload = EI_INIT;
+static expert_field ei_empty_payload;
static dissector_table_t subdissector_message_table;
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_aas_beam.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_aas_beam.c
index 72d8eeb4b9..68d14900c6 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_aas_beam.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_aas_beam.c
@@ -35,10 +35,12 @@ extern gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_decoder;
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_select_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_rsp_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t aas_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_select_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_req_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_rsp_decoder;
#ifdef OFDM
static const value_string vals_report_types[] =
@@ -59,19 +61,19 @@ static const value_string vals_resolution_parameter[] =
/* fix fields */
-/* static gint hf_aas_beam_unknown_type = -1; */
-static gint hf_aas_beam_select_index = -1;
-static gint hf_aas_beam_select_reserved = -1;
+/* static gint hf_aas_beam_unknown_type; */
+static gint hf_aas_beam_select_index;
+static gint hf_aas_beam_select_reserved;
#ifdef OFDM
-static gint hf_aas_beam_frame_number = -1;
-static gint hf_aas_beam_feedback_request_number = -1;
-static gint hf_aas_beam_measurement_report_type = -1;
-static gint hf_aas_beam_resolution_parameter = -1;
-static gint hf_aas_beam_beam_bit_mask = -1;
-static int hf_aas_beam_freq_value_re = -1;
-static int hf_aas_beam_freq_value_im = -1;
-static int hf_aas_beam_rssi_value = -1;
-static int hf_aas_beam_cinr_value = -1;
+static gint hf_aas_beam_frame_number;
+static gint hf_aas_beam_feedback_request_number;
+static gint hf_aas_beam_measurement_report_type;
+static gint hf_aas_beam_resolution_parameter;
+static gint hf_aas_beam_beam_bit_mask;
+static int hf_aas_beam_freq_value_re;
+static int hf_aas_beam_freq_value_im;
+static int hf_aas_beam_rssi_value;
+static int hf_aas_beam_cinr_value;
@@ -311,19 +313,16 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_decoder, hf_aas_beam, array_length(hf_aas_beam));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
- register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_select_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_select_decoder, -1);
+ aas_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_select_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_select_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_decoder);
#ifdef OFDM
- register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_req_decoder, -1);
- register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_rsp_decoder, -1);
+ register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_decoder);
+ register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t aas_handle;
- aas_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_select_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_beam_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_AAS_BEAM_SELECT, aas_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_aas_fbck.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_aas_fbck.c
index 1fb53d97ea..2d0df5c47d 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_aas_fbck.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_aas_fbck.c
@@ -33,9 +33,12 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_aas(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_rsp_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t aas_req_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t aas_rsp_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_req_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_rsp_decoder;
static const value_string vals_data_types[] =
@@ -63,23 +66,23 @@ static const value_string vals_resolutions_1[] =
/* fix fields */
-/* static int hf_aas_fbck_unknown_type = -1; */
-static int hf_aas_fbck_frame_number = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_number_of_frames = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_req_data_type = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_data_type = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_req_counter = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_counter = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_req_resolution_0 = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_resolution_0 = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_req_resolution_1 = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_resolution_1 = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_req_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_freq_value_re = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_freq_value_im = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_rssi_value = -1;
-static int hf_aas_fbck_cinr_value = -1;
+/* static int hf_aas_fbck_unknown_type; */
+static int hf_aas_fbck_frame_number;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_number_of_frames;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_req_data_type;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_data_type;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_req_counter;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_counter;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_req_resolution_0;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_resolution_0;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_req_resolution_1;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_resolution_1;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_req_reserved;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_rsp_reserved;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_freq_value_re;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_freq_value_im;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_rssi_value;
+static int hf_aas_fbck_cinr_value;
static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_req_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
@@ -321,18 +324,15 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_decoder, hf_aas_fbck, array_length(hf_aas_fbck));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ aas_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_aas_feedback_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_decoder);
+ aas_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_aas_feedback_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t aas_handle;
- aas_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_AAS_FBCK_REQ, aas_handle);
- aas_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_aas_fbck_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_AAS_FBCK_RSP, aas_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_AAS_FBCK_REQ, aas_req_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_AAS_FBCK_RSP, aas_rsp_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_arq.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_arq.c
index 0f208cae97..9753f8bdc5 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_arq.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_arq.c
@@ -22,10 +22,17 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_feedback(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_arq(void);
+static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_feedback_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data);
+static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_discard_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data);
+static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_reset_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t arq_feedback_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t arq_discard_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t arq_reset_handle;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder;
/* Setup protocol subtree array */
static gint *ett[] =
@@ -35,31 +42,31 @@ static gint *ett[] =
/* ARQ fields */
-static gint hf_arq_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_last = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_ack_type = -1;
-static gint hf_ack_type_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_bsn = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_num_ack_maps = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_selective_map = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_seq_format = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_0seq_ack_map = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_0seq1_len = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_0seq2_len = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_1seq_ack_map = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_1seq1_len = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_1seq2_len = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_1seq3_len = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_discard_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_discard_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_discard_bsn = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_reset_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_reset_type = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_reset_direction = -1;
-static gint hf_arq_reset_reserved = -1;
+static gint hf_arq_cid;
+static gint hf_arq_last;
+static gint hf_arq_ack_type;
+static gint hf_ack_type_reserved;
+static gint hf_arq_bsn;
+static gint hf_arq_num_ack_maps;
+static gint hf_arq_selective_map;
+static gint hf_arq_seq_format;
+static gint hf_arq_0seq_ack_map;
+static gint hf_arq_0seq1_len;
+static gint hf_arq_0seq2_len;
+static gint hf_arq_1seq_ack_map;
+static gint hf_arq_1seq1_len;
+static gint hf_arq_1seq2_len;
+static gint hf_arq_1seq3_len;
+static gint hf_arq_reserved;
+static gint hf_arq_discard_cid;
+static gint hf_arq_discard_reserved;
+static gint hf_arq_discard_bsn;
+static gint hf_arq_reset_cid;
+static gint hf_arq_reset_type;
+static gint hf_arq_reset_direction;
+static gint hf_arq_reset_reserved;
@@ -283,6 +290,9 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_feedback(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ arq_feedback_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_arq_feedback_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_feedback_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder);
+ arq_discard_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_arq_discard_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_discard_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder);
+ arq_reset_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_arq_reset_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_reset_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder);
/* Decode ARQ-Feedback messages. */
@@ -417,16 +427,9 @@ static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_reset_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pi
- dissector_handle_t arq_handle;
- arq_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_feedback_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_ARQ_FEEDBACK, arq_handle);
- arq_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_discard_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_ARQ_DISCARD, arq_handle);
- arq_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_reset_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_arq_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_ARQ_RESET, arq_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_ARQ_FEEDBACK, arq_feedback_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_ARQ_DISCARD, arq_discard_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_ARQ_RESET, arq_reset_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_clk_cmp.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_clk_cmp.c
index 8063b55f62..b57e13e8b1 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_clk_cmp.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_clk_cmp.c
@@ -22,16 +22,18 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t clk_cmp_handle;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_decoder;
/* CLK_CMP fields */
-static gint hf_clk_cmp_clock_count = -1;
-static gint hf_clk_cmp_clock_id = -1;
-static gint hf_clk_cmp_seq_number = -1;
-static gint hf_clk_cmp_comparison_value = -1;
-/* static gint hf_clk_cmp_invalid_tlv = -1; */
+static gint hf_clk_cmp_clock_count;
+static gint hf_clk_cmp_clock_id;
+static gint hf_clk_cmp_seq_number;
+static gint hf_clk_cmp_comparison_value;
+/* static gint hf_clk_cmp_invalid_tlv; */
/* Decode CLK_CMP messages. */
@@ -125,15 +127,13 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_decoder, hf_clk_cmp, array_length(hf_clk_cmp));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ clk_cmp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t handle;
- handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_clk_cmp_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_CLK_CMP, handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_CLK_CMP, clk_cmp_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dcd.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dcd.c
index 26472b21ee..91c62751ae 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dcd.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dcd.c
@@ -31,88 +31,92 @@ extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t dcd_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder;
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_dcd_downlink_channel_id = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_config_change_count = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_dl_burst_profile_rsv = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_dl_burst_profile_diuc = -1;
+static gint hf_dcd_downlink_channel_id;
+static gint hf_dcd_config_change_count;
+static gint hf_dcd_dl_burst_profile_rsv;
+static gint hf_dcd_dl_burst_profile_diuc;
-static gint hf_dcd_bs_eirp = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_frame_duration = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_phy_type = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_power_adjustment = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_channel_nr = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_ttg = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_rtg = -1;
+static gint hf_dcd_bs_eirp;
+static gint hf_dcd_frame_duration;
+static gint hf_dcd_phy_type;
+static gint hf_dcd_power_adjustment;
+static gint hf_dcd_channel_nr;
+static gint hf_dcd_ttg;
+static gint hf_dcd_rtg;
#ifdef WIMAX_16D_2004
-static gint hf_dcd_rss = -1;
+static gint hf_dcd_rss;
-static gint hf_dcd_channel_switch_frame_nr = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_frequency = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_bs_id = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_frame_duration_code = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_frame_nr = -1;
+static gint hf_dcd_channel_switch_frame_nr;
+static gint hf_dcd_frequency;
+static gint hf_dcd_bs_id;
+static gint hf_dcd_frame_duration_code;
+static gint hf_dcd_frame_nr;
#ifdef WIMAX_16D_2004
-static gint hf_dcd_size_cqich_id = -1;
+static gint hf_dcd_size_cqich_id;
+static gint hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay_dl;
+static gint hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay_ul;
-static gint hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_mac_version = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_restart_count = -1;
+static gint hf_dcd_mac_version;
+static gint hf_dcd_restart_count;
-/* static gint hf_dl_burst_reserved = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_dl_burst_diuc = -1; */
-static gint hf_dcd_burst_freq = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_burst_fec = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_burst_diuc_exit_threshold = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_burst_diuc_entry_threshold = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_burst_tcs = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_19_permutation_type_for_broadcast_regions_in_harq_zone = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_20_maximum_retransmission = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_21_default_rssi_and_cinr_averaging_parameter = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_21_default_rssi_and_cinr_averaging_parameter_physical_cinr_measurements = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_21_default_rssi_and_cinr_averaging_parameter_rssi_measurements = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_22_dl_amc_allocated_physical_bands_bitmap = -1;
+/* static gint hf_dl_burst_reserved; */
+/* static gint hf_dl_burst_diuc; */
+static gint hf_dcd_burst_freq;
+static gint hf_dcd_burst_fec;
+static gint hf_dcd_burst_diuc_exit_threshold;
+static gint hf_dcd_burst_diuc_entry_threshold;
+static gint hf_dcd_burst_tcs;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_19_permutation_type_for_broadcast_regions_in_harq_zone;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_20_maximum_retransmission;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_21_default_rssi_and_cinr_averaging_parameter;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_21_default_rssi_and_cinr_averaging_parameter_physical_cinr_measurements;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_21_default_rssi_and_cinr_averaging_parameter_rssi_measurements;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_22_dl_amc_allocated_physical_bands_bitmap;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_num_region = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_symbol_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_eirxp = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_num_symbols = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_num_subchannels = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support_ho = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support_mdho = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support_fbss_ho = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_31_h_add_threshold = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_45_paging_interval_length = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_45_paging_interval_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_32_h_delete_threshold = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_33_asr = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_33_asr_m = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_33_asr_l = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_35_paging_group_id = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_36_tusc1_permutation_active_subchannels_bitmap = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_37_tusc2_permutation_active_subchannels_bitmap = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_51_hysteresis_margin = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_52_time_to_trigger_duration = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_60_noise_interference = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_153_downlink_burst_profile_for_mutiple_fec_types = -1;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_num_region;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_reserved;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_symbol_offset;
+static gint hf_dcd_eirxp;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_subchannel_offset;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_num_symbols;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_34_dl_region_definition_num_subchannels;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support_ho;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support_mdho;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support_fbss_ho;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_50_ho_type_support_reserved;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_31_h_add_threshold;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_45_paging_interval_length;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_45_paging_interval_reserved;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_32_h_delete_threshold;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_33_asr;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_33_asr_m;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_33_asr_l;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_35_paging_group_id;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_36_tusc1_permutation_active_subchannels_bitmap;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_37_tusc2_permutation_active_subchannels_bitmap;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_51_hysteresis_margin;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_52_time_to_trigger_duration;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_60_noise_interference;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_153_downlink_burst_profile_for_mutiple_fec_types;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_541_type_function_action = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_541_type = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_541_function = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_541_action = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_542_trigger_value = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_543_trigger_averaging_duration = -1;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_541_type_function_action;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_541_type;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_541_function;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_541_action;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_542_trigger_value;
+static gint hf_dcd_tlv_t_543_trigger_averaging_duration;
-static gint hf_dcd_unknown_type = -1;
-static gint hf_dcd_invalid_tlv = -1;
+static gint hf_dcd_unknown_type;
+static gint hf_dcd_invalid_tlv;
/* DCD DIUC messages (table 143) */
static const value_string diuc_msgs[] =
@@ -521,7 +525,11 @@ static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, p
- add_tlv_subtree(&tlv_info, dcd_tree, hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay, tvb, offset-tlv_value_offset, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+#ifdef WIMAX_16D_2004
+ add_tlv_subtree(&tlv_info, dcd_tree, hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay_dl, tvb, offset-tlv_value_offset, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
+ add_tlv_subtree(&tlv_info, dcd_tree, hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay_ul, tvb, offset-tlv_value_offset, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
@@ -968,7 +976,7 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd(void)
#ifdef WIMAX_16D_2004
- &hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay,
+ &hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay_dl,
"H-ARQ ACK Delay for DL Burst", "wmx.dcd.h_arq_ack_delay_dl_burst",
FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC|BASE_UNIT_STRING, &wimax_units_frame_offset, 0x00, "", HFILL
@@ -976,7 +984,7 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd(void)
- &hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay,
+ &hf_dcd_h_arq_ack_delay_ul,
"H-ARQ ACK Delay for UL Burst", "wmx.dcd.h_arq_ack_delay_ul_burst",
FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC|BASE_UNIT_STRING, &wimax_units_frame_offset, 0x00, NULL, HFILL
@@ -1227,13 +1235,11 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ dcd_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd(void)
- dissector_handle_t dcd_handle;
- dcd_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dcd_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DCD, dcd_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dlmap.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dlmap.c
index 66f9a14df1..420ca1fc24 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dlmap.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dlmap.c
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap(void);
+static dissector_handle_t dlmap_handle;
#define XBIT_HF(bits, hf) \
@@ -65,56 +67,56 @@ gint STC_Zone_Matrix = 0;
gint INC_CID = 0;
gint sub_dl_ul_map = 0;
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_dlmap = -1;
-static gint ett_dlmap_ie = -1;
-/* static gint ett_dlmap_c_ie = -1; */
-static gint ett_109x = -1; /* SUB-DL-UL-MAP */
-static gint ett_109x_dl = -1;
-static gint ett_109x_ul = -1;
-static gint ett_275_phy = -1;
-static gint ett_275_1 = -1;
-static gint ett_277 = -1;
-static gint ett_277b = -1;
-static gint ett_278 = -1;
-static gint ett_279 = -1;
-static gint ett_280 = -1;
-static gint ett_281 = -1;
-static gint ett_282 = -1;
-static gint ett_283 = -1;
-static gint ett_284 = -1;
-static gint ett_285 = -1;
-static gint ett_286 = -1;
-static gint ett_286a = -1;
-static gint ett_286b = -1;
-static gint ett_286c = -1;
-static gint ett_286d = -1;
-static gint ett_286e = -1;
-static gint ett_286f = -1;
-static gint ett_286g = -1;
-static gint ett_286h = -1;
-static gint ett_286i = -1;
-static gint ett_286j = -1;
-static gint ett_286k = -1;
-static gint ett_286l = -1;
-static gint ett_286m = -1;
-static gint ett_286n = -1;
-static gint ett_286o = -1;
-static gint ett_286p = -1;
-static gint ett_286q = -1;
-static gint ett_286r = -1;
-static gint ett_286s = -1;
-static gint ett_286t = -1;
-static gint ett_286u = -1;
-static gint ett_286v = -1;
-static gint ett_286w = -1;
-static gint ett_286x = -1;
-static gint ett_286y = -1;
-static gint ett_286z = -1;
-static gint ett_305 = -1;
-/* static gint ett_305_dl = -1; */
-static gint ett_308a = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap_decoder;
+static gint ett_dlmap;
+static gint ett_dlmap_ie;
+/* static gint ett_dlmap_c_ie; */
+static gint ett_109x; /* SUB-DL-UL-MAP */
+static gint ett_109x_dl;
+static gint ett_109x_ul;
+static gint ett_275_phy;
+static gint ett_275_1;
+static gint ett_277;
+static gint ett_277b;
+static gint ett_278;
+static gint ett_279;
+static gint ett_280;
+static gint ett_281;
+static gint ett_282;
+static gint ett_283;
+static gint ett_284;
+static gint ett_285;
+static gint ett_286;
+static gint ett_286a;
+static gint ett_286b;
+static gint ett_286c;
+static gint ett_286d;
+static gint ett_286e;
+static gint ett_286f;
+static gint ett_286g;
+static gint ett_286h;
+static gint ett_286i;
+static gint ett_286j;
+static gint ett_286k;
+static gint ett_286l;
+static gint ett_286m;
+static gint ett_286n;
+static gint ett_286o;
+static gint ett_286p;
+static gint ett_286q;
+static gint ett_286r;
+static gint ett_286s;
+static gint ett_286t;
+static gint ett_286u;
+static gint ett_286v;
+static gint ett_286w;
+static gint ett_286x;
+static gint ett_286y;
+static gint ett_286z;
+static gint ett_305;
+/* static gint ett_305_dl; */
+static gint ett_308a;
#define DCD_BS_EIRP 2
@@ -232,368 +234,368 @@ static const value_string frames_per_second[] =
/* dl-map fields */
-static gint hf_dlmap_phy_fdur = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_phy_fdur_ms = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_phy_fdur_per_sec = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_phy_fnum = -1;
-/* static gint hf_dlmap_fch_expected = -1; */
-static gint hf_dlmap_dcd = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_bsid = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ofdma_sym = -1;
-/* static gint hf_dlmap_ie = -1; */
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_diuc = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_reserved_extended2_duic = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_reserved_extended_duic = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_diuc_ext = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_diuc_ext2 = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_length = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_cqi = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_pusc = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_opt_pusc = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_amc = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_aas = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_periodic_ranging = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_sounding = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_mimo = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_ncid = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_offsym = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_offsub = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_boosting = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_numsym = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_numsub = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_rep = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_offsym2 = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_offsub2 = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_boosting2 = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_numsym2 = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_numsub2 = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmap_ie_rep2 = -1;
-/* static gint hf_dlmap_xie_diuc = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_dlmap_xie_len = -1; */
-static gint hf_dlmapc_compr = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmapc_ulmap = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmapc_rsv = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmapc_len = -1;
-/* static gint hf_dlmapc_sync = -1; */
-static gint hf_dlmapc_opid = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmapc_secid = -1;
-static gint hf_dlmapc_count = -1;
+static gint hf_dlmap_phy_fdur;
+static gint hf_dlmap_phy_fdur_ms;
+static gint hf_dlmap_phy_fdur_per_sec;
+static gint hf_dlmap_phy_fnum;
+/* static gint hf_dlmap_fch_expected; */
+static gint hf_dlmap_dcd;
+static gint hf_dlmap_bsid;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ofdma_sym;
+/* static gint hf_dlmap_ie; */
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_diuc;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_reserved_extended2_duic;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_reserved_extended_duic;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_diuc_ext;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_diuc_ext2;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_length;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_cqi;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_pusc;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_opt_pusc;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_amc;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_aas;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_periodic_ranging;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_sounding;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_bitmap_mimo;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_ncid;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_cid;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_offsym;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_offsub;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_boosting;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_numsym;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_numsub;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_rep;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_offsym2;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_offsub2;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_boosting2;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_numsym2;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_numsub2;
+static gint hf_dlmap_ie_rep2;
+/* static gint hf_dlmap_xie_diuc; */
+/* static gint hf_dlmap_xie_len; */
+static gint hf_dlmapc_compr;
+static gint hf_dlmapc_ulmap;
+static gint hf_dlmapc_rsv;
+static gint hf_dlmapc_len;
+/* static gint hf_dlmapc_sync; */
+static gint hf_dlmapc_opid;
+static gint hf_dlmapc_secid;
+static gint hf_dlmapc_count;
#if 0
-static gint hf_109x_cmi = -1;
-static gint hf_109x_len = -1;
-static gint hf_109x_rcid = -1;
-static gint hf_109x_haoi = -1;
-static gint hf_109x_dl = -1;
-static gint hf_109x_ul = -1;
-static gint hf_109x_dlie = -1;
-static gint hf_109x_symofs = -1;
-static gint hf_109x_subofs = -1;
-static gint hf_109x_rsv = -1;
+static gint hf_109x_cmi;
+static gint hf_109x_len;
+static gint hf_109x_rcid;
+static gint hf_109x_haoi;
+static gint hf_109x_dl;
+static gint hf_109x_ul;
+static gint hf_109x_dlie;
+static gint hf_109x_symofs;
+static gint hf_109x_subofs;
+static gint hf_109x_rsv;
-static gint hf_308a_cmi = -1;
-static gint hf_308a_ulmap = -1;
-static gint hf_308a_type = -1;
-static gint hf_308a_mult = -1;
-static gint hf_308a_rsv = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_compress_dlmap_crc = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_header_compress_dlmap_crc_status = -1;
-static gint hf_crc16 = -1;
-static gint hf_crc16_status = -1;
-static gint hf_padding = -1;
-static gint hf_cid_mask = -1;
-static gint hf_reserved = -1;
+static gint hf_308a_cmi;
+static gint hf_308a_ulmap;
+static gint hf_308a_type;
+static gint hf_308a_mult;
+static gint hf_308a_rsv;
+static gint hf_mac_header_compress_dlmap_crc;
+static gint hf_mac_header_compress_dlmap_crc_status;
+static gint hf_crc16;
+static gint hf_crc16_status;
+static gint hf_padding;
+static gint hf_cid_mask;
+static gint hf_reserved;
/* Generated via "one time" script to help create filterable fields */
-static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_cid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_prefix = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_cid11 = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_cid7 = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_cid3 = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_dl_control_length = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_dl_control_control_header = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_dl_control_num_sdma_layers = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_length = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_control_header_mimo_control_info = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_control_header_cqi_control_info = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_control_header_closed_mimo_control_info = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_n_layer = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_matrix = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_num_beamformed_streams = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_period = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_allocation_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_cqich_num = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_feedback_type = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_antenna_grouping_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_num_stream = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_antenna_selection_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_codebook_precoding_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_n_sub_burst_isi = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_n_ack_channel = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_sub_burst_diuc_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reserved_uint = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_acid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_dedicated_dl_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_allocation_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_period = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_n_ack_channel = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_nep = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_nsch = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_spid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_acid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_dedicated_dl_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_allocation_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_period = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_n_ack_channel = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_sub_burst_diuc_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_acid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_spid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_dedicated_dl_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_allocation_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_period = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_n_ack_channel = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_mu_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_acid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_n_ack_channel = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_mu_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_nsch = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_nep = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_spid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_acid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_n_ack_channel = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_mu_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_acid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_spid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_n_ack_channel = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_tx_count = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_sub_burst_offset_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_sub_burst_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_acid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_extended_2_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_mbs_zone_identifier = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_macro_diversity_enhanced = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_permutation = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_dl_permbase = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_prbs_id = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_diuc_change_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_boosting = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_num_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_num_ofdma_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_cid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_ofdma_symbols_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_slc_3_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_next_mbs_map_ie_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_skip_extended_2_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_skip_mode = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_extended_2_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_rcid_type = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_boosting = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_region_id_use_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_number_of_ofdma_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_rectangular_sub_burst_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_region_id = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_mode = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_sub_burst_ie_length = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_reserved_mode = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_ack_bitmap_data = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_extended_2_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_num_assignment = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_n_cid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_cid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_boosting = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_region_id = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_extended_2_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_rcid_type = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_num_burst_region = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_num_ofdma_triple_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_num_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_number_of_users = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_encoding_mode = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_cqich_allocation = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_ackch_allocation = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_pilot_pattern_modifier = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_preamble_modifier_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_pilot_pattern = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_ack_ch_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_acid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_nep = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_nsch = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_spid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_allocation_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_period = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_channel_measurement_channel_nr = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_channel_measurement_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_channel_measurement_cid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_permutations = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_use_all_sc_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_stc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_matrix_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_dl_permbase = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_prbs_id = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_amc_type = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_midamble_presence = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_midamble_boosting = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_2_3_antenna_select = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_dedicated_pilots = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_permutation = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_dl_permbase = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_downlink_preamble_config = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_preamble_type = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_prbs_id = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_diversity_map = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_segment = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_used_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_frame_advance = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_boosting = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_preamble_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_num_ofdma_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_num_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_cid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_num_slots = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_map_version = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_idle_users = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_sleep_users = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_cid_mask_length = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_preamble_modifier_type = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_preamble_frequency_shift_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_preamble_time_shift_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_pilot_pattern_modifier = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_pilot_pattern_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_broadcast_ctrl_ptr_dcd_ucd_transmission_frame = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_broadcast_ctrl_ptr_skip_broadcast_system_update = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_broadcast_ctrl_ptr_broadcast_system_update_type = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_broadcast_ctrl_ptr_broadcast_system_update_transmission_frame = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_cid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_segment = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_boosting = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_idcell = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_dl_permbase = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_prbs_id = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_used_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_num_ofdma_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_num_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_short_basic_cid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_num_ofdma_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_num_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_repetition_coding_information = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_permutation_id = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_num_ie = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_periodicity = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_cid_included = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_dcd_count_included = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_phy_modification_included = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_cqich_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_encoding_mode = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_separate_mcs_enabled = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_cid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_allocation_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_report_period = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_report_duration = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_cqi_measurement_type = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_dcd_count = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_preamble_select = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_preamble_shift_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_pilot_pattern_modifier = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_pilot_pattern_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_dl_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_zone_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_num_ofdma_triple_symbol = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_num_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_num_ofdma_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_diuc_nep = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_dl_harq_ack_bitmap = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_ack_allocation_index = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_acid = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_nsch = -1;
-static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_spid = -1;
-static expert_field ei_dlmap_not_implemented = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_crc16 = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_mac_header_compress_dlmap_crc = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_mac_header_invalid_length = EI_INIT;
+static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_cid;
+static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_prefix;
+static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_cid11;
+static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_cid7;
+static int hf_dlmap_rcid_ie_cid3;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_dl_control_length;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_dl_control_control_header;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_dl_control_num_sdma_layers;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_length;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_control_header_mimo_control_info;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_control_header_cqi_control_info;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_control_header_closed_mimo_control_info;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_n_layer;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_matrix;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_num_beamformed_streams;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_period;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_frame_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_allocation_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_cqich_num;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_feedback_type;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_antenna_grouping_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_num_stream;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_antenna_selection_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_codebook_precoding_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_n_sub_burst_isi;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_n_ack_channel;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_sub_burst_diuc_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_reserved_uint;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_acid;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_ai_sn;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_ack_disable;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_dedicated_dl_control_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_allocation_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_period;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_chase_frame_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_n_ack_channel;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_nep;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_nsch;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_spid;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_acid;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_ai_sn;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_ack_disable;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_dedicated_dl_control_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_allocation_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_period;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_ctc_frame_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_n_ack_channel;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_sub_burst_diuc_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_acid;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_ai_sn;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_spid;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_ack_disable;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_dedicated_dl_control_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_allocation_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_period;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ir_cc_frame_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_n_ack_channel;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_mu_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_ack_disable;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_acid;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_chase_harq_ai_sn;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_n_ack_channel;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_mu_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_ack_disable;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_nsch;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_nep;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_spid;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_acid;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_ai_sn;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_n_ack_channel;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_mu_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_ack_disable;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_acid;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_ai_sn;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_ir_harq_cc_spid;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_n_ack_channel;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_tx_count;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_sub_burst_offset_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_sub_burst_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_ack_disable;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_dedicated_mimo_dl_control_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_mimo_dl_stc_harq_acid;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_extended_2_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_mbs_zone_identifier;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_macro_diversity_enhanced;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_permutation;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_dl_permbase;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_prbs_id;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_diuc_change_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_boosting;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_num_subchannels;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_num_ofdma_symbols;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_cid;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_ofdma_symbols_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_slc_3_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_mbs_map_next_mbs_map_ie_frame_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_skip_extended_2_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_skip_mode;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_extended_2_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_rcid_type;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_boosting;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_region_id_use_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_number_of_ofdma_symbols;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_rectangular_sub_burst_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_region_id;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_mode;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_sub_burst_ie_length;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_dl_map_reserved_mode;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_ack_bitmap_data;
+static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_extended_2_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_num_assignment;
+static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_n_cid;
+static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_cid;
+static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_boosting;
+static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_enhanced_dl_map_region_id;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_extended_2_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_rcid_type;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_num_burst_region;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_num_ofdma_triple_symbols;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_num_subchannels;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_number_of_users;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_encoding_mode;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_cqich_allocation;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_ackch_allocation;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_pilot_pattern_modifier;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_preamble_modifier_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_pilot_pattern;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_ack_ch_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_acid;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_ai_sn;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_nep;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_nsch;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_spid;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_allocation_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_period;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_frame_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_sdma_dl_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_channel_measurement_channel_nr;
+static int hf_dlmap_channel_measurement_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_channel_measurement_cid;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_permutations;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_use_all_sc_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_stc;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_matrix_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_dl_permbase;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_prbs_id;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_amc_type;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_midamble_presence;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_midamble_boosting;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_2_3_antenna_select;
+static int hf_dlmap_stc_zone_dedicated_pilots;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_permutation;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_dl_permbase;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_downlink_preamble_config;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_preamble_type;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_prbs_id;
+static int hf_dlmap_aas_dl_diversity_map;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_segment;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_used_subchannels;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_frame_advance;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_boosting;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_preamble_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_num_ofdma_symbols;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_num_subchannels;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_data_location_another_bs_cid;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_num_slots;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_map_version;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_idle_users;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_sleep_users;
+static int hf_dlmap_harq_map_pointer_cid_mask_length;
+static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_preamble_modifier_type;
+static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_preamble_frequency_shift_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_preamble_time_shift_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_pilot_pattern_modifier;
+static int hf_dlmap_phymod_dl_pilot_pattern_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_broadcast_ctrl_ptr_dcd_ucd_transmission_frame;
+static int hf_dlmap_broadcast_ctrl_ptr_skip_broadcast_system_update;
+static int hf_dlmap_broadcast_ctrl_ptr_broadcast_system_update_type;
+static int hf_dlmap_broadcast_ctrl_ptr_broadcast_system_update_transmission_frame;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_cid;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_segment;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_boosting;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_idcell;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_dl_permbase;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_prbs_id;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_used_subchannels;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_num_ofdma_symbols;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_dl_pusc_burst_allocation_num_subchannels;
+static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_short_basic_cid;
+static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_num_ofdma_symbols;
+static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_num_symbols;
+static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_repetition_coding_information;
+static int hf_dlmap_pusc_asca_alloc_permutation_id;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_num_ie;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_periodicity;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_cid_included;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_dcd_count_included;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_phy_modification_included;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_cqich_control_indicator;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_encoding_mode;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_separate_mcs_enabled;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_diuc;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_cid;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_allocation_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_report_period;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_frame_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_report_duration;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_cqi_measurement_type;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_dcd_count;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_preamble_select;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_preamble_shift_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_pilot_pattern_modifier;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_pilot_pattern_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_dl_frame_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_zone_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_num_ofdma_triple_symbol;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_num_subchannels;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_num_ofdma_symbols;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_diuc_nep;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_dl_harq_ack_bitmap;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_ack_allocation_index;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_acid;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_ai_sn;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_nsch;
+static int hf_dlmap_reduced_aas_spid;
+static expert_field ei_dlmap_not_implemented;
+static expert_field ei_crc16;
+static expert_field ei_mac_header_compress_dlmap_crc;
+static expert_field ei_mac_header_invalid_length;
/* Copied and renamed from proto.c because global value_strings don't work for plugins */
static const value_string plugin_proto_checksum_vals[] = {
@@ -3458,13 +3460,11 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap(void)
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
expert_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap = expert_register_protocol(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap_decoder);
expert_register_field_array(expert_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap, ei, array_length(ei));
+ dlmap_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap_decoder);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap(void)
- dissector_handle_t dlmap_handle;
- dlmap_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dlmap_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DL_MAP, dlmap_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dreg.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dreg.c
index dcc142ad47..71f9316f1d 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dreg.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dreg.c
@@ -28,13 +28,18 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req(void);
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg(void);
+static dissector_handle_t dreg_req_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t dreg_cmd_handle;
/* Forward reference */
static void dissect_dreg_tlv(proto_tree *dreg_tree, gint tlv_type, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint tlv_offset, guint tlv_len);
+static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data);
+static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req_decoder;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd_decoder;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_decoder = -1;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_decoder;
/* Setup protocol subtree array */
static gint *ett[] =
@@ -43,29 +48,29 @@ static gint *ett[] =
/* DREG fields */
-/* static gint hf_ack_type_reserved = -1; */
-static gint hf_dreg_cmd_action = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_cmd_action_cor2 = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_cmd_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_paging_cycle = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_paging_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_paging_group_id = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_req_duration = -1;
-static gint hf_paging_controller_id = -1;
-static gint hf_mac_hash_skip_threshold = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_paging_cycle_request = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_sbc = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_pkm = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_reg = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_network_address = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_tod = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_tftp = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_full_service = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_consider_paging_pref = -1;
-static gint hf_tlv_value = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_req_action = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_req_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_dreg_invalid_tlv = -1;
+/* static gint hf_ack_type_reserved; */
+static gint hf_dreg_cmd_action;
+static gint hf_dreg_cmd_action_cor2;
+static gint hf_dreg_cmd_reserved;
+static gint hf_dreg_paging_cycle;
+static gint hf_dreg_paging_offset;
+static gint hf_dreg_paging_group_id;
+static gint hf_dreg_req_duration;
+static gint hf_paging_controller_id;
+static gint hf_mac_hash_skip_threshold;
+static gint hf_dreg_paging_cycle_request;
+static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_sbc;
+static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_pkm;
+static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_reg;
+static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_network_address;
+static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_tod;
+static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_tftp;
+static gint hf_dreg_retain_ms_service_full_service;
+static gint hf_dreg_consider_paging_pref;
+static gint hf_tlv_value;
+static gint hf_dreg_req_action;
+static gint hf_dreg_req_reserved;
+static gint hf_dreg_invalid_tlv;
static const value_string vals_dreg_req_code[] = {
@@ -341,6 +346,7 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ dreg_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req_decoder);
/* Register Wimax Mac Payload Protocol and Dissector */
@@ -351,6 +357,7 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd(void)
"WiMax DREG-CMD", /* short name */
"wmx.dreg_cmd" /* abbrev */
+ dreg_cmd_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd_decoder);
/* Decode DREG-REQ messages. */
@@ -504,13 +511,8 @@ static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pin
- dissector_handle_t dreg_handle;
- dreg_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_req_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DREG_REQ, dreg_handle);
- dreg_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dreg_cmd_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DREG_CMD, dreg_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DREG_REQ, dreg_req_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DREG_CMD, dreg_cmd_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsa.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsa.c
index 96480914e3..4f8c650e2c 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsa.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsa.c
@@ -27,14 +27,18 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_rsp_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_ack_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t dsa_req_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t dsa_rsp_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t dsa_ack_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_req_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_rsp_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_ack_decoder;
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_dsa_transaction_id = -1;
-static gint hf_dsa_confirmation_code = -1;
+static gint hf_dsa_transaction_id;
+static gint hf_dsa_confirmation_code;
static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_req_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
@@ -152,21 +156,18 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ dsa_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_decoder);
+ dsa_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_decoder);
+ dsa_ack_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_ack_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_ack_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_decoder);
proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa (void)
- dissector_handle_t dsa_handle;
- dsa_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSA_REQ, dsa_handle);
- dsa_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSA_RSP, dsa_handle);
- dsa_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_ack_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsa_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSA_ACK, dsa_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSA_REQ, dsa_req_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSA_RSP, dsa_rsp_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSA_ACK, dsa_ack_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsc.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsc.c
index 7afc6bc855..e196621d8d 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsc.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsc.c
@@ -27,14 +27,18 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_rsp_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_ack_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t dsc_req_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t dsc_rsp_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t dsc_ack_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_req_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_rsp_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_ack_decoder;
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_dsc_transaction_id = -1;
-static gint hf_dsc_confirmation_code = -1;
+static gint hf_dsc_transaction_id;
+static gint hf_dsc_confirmation_code;
static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_req_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
@@ -154,22 +158,17 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
- register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_rsp_decoder, -1);
+ dsc_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_decoder);
+ dsc_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_decoder);
+ dsc_ack_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_ack_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_ack_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t dsc_handle;
- dsc_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSC_REQ, dsc_handle);
- dsc_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSC_RSP, dsc_handle);
- dsc_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_ack_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSC_ACK, dsc_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSC_REQ, dsc_req_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSC_RSP, dsc_rsp_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSC_ACK, dsc_ack_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsd.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsd.c
index 86f90c8fa7..6433336caa 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsd.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsd.c
@@ -28,20 +28,23 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_rsp_decoder = -1;
-/* static gint ett_dsd_ul_sfe_decoder = -1; */
-/* static gint ett_dsd_dl_sfe_decoder = -1; */
-/* static gint ett_dsd_hmac_tuple = -1; */
-/* static gint ett_dsd_cmac_tuple = -1; */
+static dissector_handle_t dsd_req_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t dsd_rsp_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_req_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_rsp_decoder;
+/* static gint ett_dsd_ul_sfe_decoder; */
+/* static gint ett_dsd_dl_sfe_decoder; */
+/* static gint ett_dsd_hmac_tuple; */
+/* static gint ett_dsd_cmac_tuple; */
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_dsd_transaction_id = -1;
-static gint hf_dsd_service_flow_id = -1;
-static gint hf_dsd_confirmation_code = -1;
-static gint hf_dsd_invalid_tlv = -1;
-static gint hf_dsd_unknown_type = -1;
+static gint hf_dsd_transaction_id;
+static gint hf_dsd_service_flow_id;
+static gint hf_dsd_confirmation_code;
+static gint hf_dsd_invalid_tlv;
+static gint hf_dsd_unknown_type;
static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_req_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
@@ -249,18 +252,16 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ dsd_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_decoder);
+ dsd_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t dsd_handle;
- dsd_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSD_REQ, dsd_handle);
- dsd_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsd_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSD_RSP, dsd_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSD_REQ, dsd_req_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSD_RSP, dsd_rsp_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsx_rvd.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsx_rvd.c
index 1dfdbc70f5..3ae81b4dbe 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsx_rvd.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_dsx_rvd.c
@@ -22,12 +22,14 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t dsx_rvd_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_decoder;
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_dsx_rvd_transaction_id = -1;
-static gint hf_dsx_rvd_confirmation_code = -1;
+static gint hf_dsx_rvd_transaction_id;
+static gint hf_dsx_rvd_confirmation_code;
/* Decode DSX-RVD messages. */
@@ -82,15 +84,13 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_decoder, hf_dsx_rvd, array_length(hf_dsx_rvd));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ dsx_rvd_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t handle;
- handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_dsx_rvd_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSX_RVD, handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_DSX_RVD, dsx_rvd_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_fpc.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_fpc.c
index 457a4d0e8e..e1e2bfa999 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_fpc.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_fpc.c
@@ -23,16 +23,18 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t fpc_handle;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_decoder;
/* FPC fields */
-static gint hf_fpc_number_of_stations = -1;
-static gint hf_fpc_basic_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_fpc_power_adjust = -1;
-static gint hf_fpc_power_measurement_frame = -1;
-/* static gint hf_fpc_invalid_tlv = -1; */
+static gint hf_fpc_number_of_stations;
+static gint hf_fpc_basic_cid;
+static gint hf_fpc_power_adjust;
+static gint hf_fpc_power_measurement_frame;
+/* static gint hf_fpc_invalid_tlv; */
/* Decode FPC messages. */
@@ -141,14 +143,12 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ fpc_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t fpc_handle;
- fpc_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_fpc_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_FPC, fpc_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_pkm.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_pkm.c
index f4bd760ca7..37e61d372b 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_pkm.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_pkm.c
@@ -28,9 +28,13 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_decoder;
static const value_string vals_pkm_msg_code[] =
@@ -66,8 +70,8 @@ static const value_string vals_pkm_msg_code[] =
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_code = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_pkm_id = -1;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_code;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_pkm_id;
/* Wimax Mac PKM-REQ Message Dissector */
@@ -150,16 +154,13 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_decoder, hf_pkm, array_length(hf_pkm));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett_pkm, array_length(ett_pkm));
+ mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_decoder);
+ mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_decoder);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm(void)
- dissector_handle_t mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_handle;
- dissector_handle_t mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_handle;
- mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_decoder);
dissector_add_uint( "wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_PKM_REQ, mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_req_handle );
- mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_decoder);
dissector_add_uint( "wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_PKM_RSP, mac_mgmt_msg_pkm_rsp_handle );
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_pmc.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_pmc.c
index d03a4a70d1..c11c709a07 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_pmc.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_pmc.c
@@ -25,11 +25,16 @@ extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req(void);
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc(void);
+static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data);
+static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t pmc_req_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t pmc_rsp_handle;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req_decoder;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_decoder;
/* Setup protocol subtree array */
static gint *ett[] =
@@ -38,14 +43,14 @@ static gint *ett[] =
/* PMC fields */
-static gint hf_pmc_req_pwr_control_mode_change = -1;
-static gint hf_pmc_req_pwr_control_mode_change_cor2 = -1;
-static gint hf_pmc_req_tx_power_level = -1;
-static gint hf_pmc_req_confirmation = -1;
-static gint hf_pmc_req_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_pmc_rsp_start_frame = -1;
-static gint hf_pmc_rsp_power_adjust = -1;
-static gint hf_pmc_rsp_offset_BS_per_MS = -1;
+static gint hf_pmc_req_pwr_control_mode_change;
+static gint hf_pmc_req_pwr_control_mode_change_cor2;
+static gint hf_pmc_req_tx_power_level;
+static gint hf_pmc_req_confirmation;
+static gint hf_pmc_req_reserved;
+static gint hf_pmc_rsp_start_frame;
+static gint hf_pmc_rsp_power_adjust;
+static gint hf_pmc_rsp_offset_BS_per_MS;
static const value_string vals_pmc_req_pwr[] = {
@@ -142,6 +147,7 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ pmc_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req_decoder);
/* Register Wimax Mac Payload Protocol and Dissector */
@@ -152,6 +158,7 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp(void)
"WiMax PMC-RSP", /* short name */
"wmx.pmc_rsp" /* abbrev */
+ pmc_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp_decoder);
/* Decode PMC-REQ messages. */
@@ -223,13 +230,8 @@ static int dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinf
- dissector_handle_t pmc_handle;
- pmc_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_req_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_PMC_REQ, pmc_handle);
- pmc_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_pmc_rsp_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_PMC_RSP, pmc_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_PMC_REQ, pmc_req_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_PMC_RSP, pmc_rsp_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_prc_lt_ctrl.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_prc_lt_ctrl.c
index e4dc9ccd1f..084d5ba0c3 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_prc_lt_ctrl.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_prc_lt_ctrl.c
@@ -23,14 +23,16 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t prc_handle;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder;
/* PRC-LT-CTRL fields */
-static gint hf_prc_lt_ctrl_precoding = -1;
-static gint hf_prc_lt_ctrl_precoding_delay = -1;
-/* static gint hf_prc_lt_ctrl_invalid_tlv = -1; */
+static gint hf_prc_lt_ctrl_precoding;
+static gint hf_prc_lt_ctrl_precoding_delay;
+/* static gint hf_prc_lt_ctrl_invalid_tlv; */
static const value_string vals_turn_on[] = {
{0, "Turn off"},
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl(void)
"Setup/Tear-down long-term precoding with feedback",
- "wimax.prc_lt_ctrl.precoding",
+ "wmx.prc_lt_ctrl.precoding",
FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(vals_turn_on), 0x80, NULL, HFILL
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl(void)
"BS precoding application delay",
- "wimax.prc_lt_ctrl.precoding_delay",
+ "wmx.prc_lt_ctrl.precoding_delay",
@@ -106,20 +108,18 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl(void)
proto_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder = proto_register_protocol (
"WiMax PRC-LT-CTRL Message", /* name */
"WiMax PRC-LT-CTRL (prc)", /* short name */
- "wmx.prc" /* abbrev */
+ "wmx.prc_lt_ctrl" /* abbrev */
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ prc_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t handle;
- handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_prc_lt_ctrl_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_PRC_LT_CTRL, handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_PRC_LT_CTRL, prc_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_reg_req.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_reg_req.c
index bd68b91695..3387776498 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_reg_req.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_reg_req.c
@@ -28,121 +28,123 @@ extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t reg_req_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder;
/* REG-REQ fields */
-static gint hf_reg_ss_mgmt_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_ip_mgmt_mode = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_ip_version = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_req_secondary_mgmt_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_ul_cids = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_max_classifiers = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_phs = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_arq = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_dsx_flow_control = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_mac_crc_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_mca_flow_control = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_mcast_polling_cids = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_num_dl_trans_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_mac_address = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_20_1_max_mac_level_data_per_dl_frame = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_20_2_max_mac_level_data_per_ul_frame = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_21_packing_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_22_mac_extended_rtps_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_23_max_num_bursts_concurrently_to_the_ms = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_dhcp = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_mobile_ipv4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_dhcpv6 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_ipv6 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_fbss_mdho_ho_disable = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_fbss_mdho_dl_rf_monitoring_maps = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_mdho_dl_monitoring_single_map = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_mdho_dl_monitoring_maps = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_mdho_ul_multiple = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_29_ho_process_opt_ms_timer = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_31_mobility_handover = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_31_mobility_sleep_mode = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_31_mobility_idle_mode = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_req_tlv_t_32_sleep_mode_recovery_time = -1;
-static gint hf_ms_previous_ip_address_v4 = -1;
-static gint hf_ms_previous_ip_address_v6 = -1;
-static gint hf_idle_mode_timeout = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_req_tlv_t_45_ms_periodic_ranging_timer = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_selective_ack_entry = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_cumulative_ack_entry = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_cumulative_with_selective_ack_entry = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_cumulative_ack_with_block_sequence_ack = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_41_ho_connections_param_processing_time = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_42_ho_tek_processing_time = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_bandwidth_request_ul_tx_power_report_header_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_bandwidth_request_cinr_report_header_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_cqich_allocation_request_header_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_phy_channel_report_header_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_bandwidth_request_ul_sleep_control_header_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_sn_report_header_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_feedback_header_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_sdu_sn_extended_subheader_support_and_parameter = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_sdu_sn_parameter = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_dl_sleep_control_extended_subheader = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_feedback_request_extended_subheader = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_mimo_mode_feedback_extended_subheader = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_ul_tx_power_report_extended_subheader = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_mini_feedback_extended_subheader = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_sn_request_extended_subheader = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_pdu_sn_short_extended_subheader = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_pdu_sn_long_extended_subheader = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_46_handover_indication_readiness_timer = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_req_min_time_for_intra_fa = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_req_min_time_for_inter_fa = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_atm_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_802_3_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_802_1q_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_802_3_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_802_3_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_802_1q_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_802_1q_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_8023_ethernet_and_rohc_header_compression_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_8023_ethernet_and_ecrtp_header_compression_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_ip_rohc_header_compression_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_ip_ecrtp_header_compression_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_rsvd_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_atm_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_802_3_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_802_1q_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_802_3_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_802_3_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_802_1q_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_802_1q_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_8023_ethernet_and_rohc_header_compression_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_8023_ethernet_and_ecrtp_header_compression_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_ip_rohc_header_compression_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_ip_ecrtp_header_compression_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_encap_rsvd_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_tlv_type = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_invalid_tlv = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_type_i = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_type_ii = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_type_iii = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_multi_active_power_saving_classes = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_total_power_saving_class_instances = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_ip_phs_sdu_encap = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_26_method_alloc_ip_addr_secondary_mgmnt_conn = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_supported = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_31_mobility_features_supported = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_mac_header_ext_header_support = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_req_bs_switching_timer = -1;
+static gint hf_reg_ss_mgmt_support;
+static gint hf_reg_ip_mgmt_mode;
+static gint hf_reg_ip_version;
+static gint hf_reg_req_secondary_mgmt_cid;
+static gint hf_reg_ul_cids;
+static gint hf_reg_max_classifiers;
+static gint hf_reg_phs;
+static gint hf_reg_arq;
+static gint hf_reg_dsx_flow_control;
+static gint hf_reg_mac_crc_support;
+static gint hf_reg_mca_flow_control;
+static gint hf_reg_mcast_polling_cids;
+static gint hf_reg_num_dl_trans_cid;
+static gint hf_reg_mac_address;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_20_1_max_mac_level_data_per_dl_frame;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_20_2_max_mac_level_data_per_ul_frame;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_21_packing_support;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_22_mac_extended_rtps_support;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_23_max_num_bursts_concurrently_to_the_ms;
+static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_dhcp;
+static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_mobile_ipv4;
+static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_dhcpv6;
+static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_ipv6;
+static gint hf_reg_method_for_allocating_ip_addr_sec_mgmt_conn_rsvd;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_fbss_mdho_ho_disable;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_fbss_mdho_dl_rf_monitoring_maps;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_mdho_dl_monitoring_single_map;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_mdho_dl_monitoring_maps;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_mdho_ul_multiple;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_reserved;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_29_ho_process_opt_ms_timer;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_31_mobility_handover;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_31_mobility_sleep_mode;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_31_mobility_idle_mode;
+static gint hf_reg_req_tlv_t_32_sleep_mode_recovery_time;
+static gint hf_ms_previous_ip_address_v4;
+static gint hf_ms_previous_ip_address_v6;
+static gint hf_idle_mode_timeout;
+static gint hf_reg_req_tlv_t_45_ms_periodic_ranging_timer;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_selective_ack_entry;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_cumulative_ack_entry;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_cumulative_with_selective_ack_entry;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_cumulative_ack_with_block_sequence_ack;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type_reserved;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_41_ho_connections_param_processing_time;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_42_ho_tek_processing_time;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_bandwidth_request_ul_tx_power_report_header_support;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_bandwidth_request_cinr_report_header_support;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_cqich_allocation_request_header_support;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_phy_channel_report_header_support;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_bandwidth_request_ul_sleep_control_header_support;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_sn_report_header_support;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_feedback_header_support;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_sdu_sn_extended_subheader_support_and_parameter;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_sdu_sn_parameter;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_dl_sleep_control_extended_subheader;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_feedback_request_extended_subheader;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_mimo_mode_feedback_extended_subheader;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_ul_tx_power_report_extended_subheader;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_mini_feedback_extended_subheader;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_sn_request_extended_subheader;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_pdu_sn_short_extended_subheader;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_pdu_sn_long_extended_subheader;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_reserved;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_46_handover_indication_readiness_timer;
+static gint hf_reg_req_min_time_for_intra_fa;
+static gint hf_reg_req_min_time_for_inter_fa;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_atm_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_802_3_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_802_1q_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_802_3_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_802_3_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_802_1q_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_802_1q_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_8023_ethernet_and_rohc_header_compression_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_8023_ethernet_and_ecrtp_header_compression_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_ip_rohc_header_compression_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_ip_ecrtp_header_compression_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_rsvd_4;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_atm_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_802_3_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_802_1q_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_802_3_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_802_3_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv4_802_1q_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_ipv6_802_1q_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_8023_ethernet_and_rohc_header_compression_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_8023_ethernet_and_ecrtp_header_compression_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_ip_rohc_header_compression_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_packet_ip_ecrtp_header_compression_2;
+static gint hf_reg_encap_rsvd_2;
+static gint hf_tlv_type;
+static gint hf_reg_invalid_tlv;
+static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_type_i;
+static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_type_ii;
+static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_type_iii;
+static gint hf_reg_multi_active_power_saving_classes;
+static gint hf_reg_total_power_saving_class_instances;
+static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_reserved;
+static gint hf_reg_power_saving_class_capability;
+static gint hf_reg_ip_phs_sdu_encap;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_26_method_alloc_ip_addr_secondary_mgmnt_conn;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_27_handover_supported;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_31_mobility_features_supported;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_40_arq_ack_type;
+static gint hf_reg_tlv_t_43_mac_header_ext_header_support;
+static gint hf_reg_req_bs_switching_timer;
@@ -1416,13 +1418,11 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ reg_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req(void)
- dissector_handle_t reg_req_handle;
- reg_req_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_REG_REQ, reg_req_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_reg_rsp.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_reg_rsp.c
index 2c07e1e186..1f4efd1577 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_reg_rsp.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_reg_rsp.c
@@ -28,26 +28,28 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp(void);
+static dissector_handle_t reg_rsp_handle;
extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
static dissector_handle_t dsc_rsp_handle = NULL;
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_reg_rsp_message_tree = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder;
+static gint ett_reg_rsp_message_tree;
/* NCT messages */
/* REG-RSP fields */
-static gint hf_reg_rsp_status = -1;
-static gint hf_tlv_type = -1;
-/* static gint hf_tlv_value = -1; */
-static gint hf_reg_rsp_secondary_mgmt_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_invalid_tlv = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_rsp_new_cid_after_ho = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_rsp_service_flow_id = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_rsp_system_resource_retain_time = -1;
-static gint hf_reg_total_provisioned_sf = -1;
+static gint hf_reg_rsp_status;
+static gint hf_tlv_type;
+/* static gint hf_tlv_value; */
+static gint hf_reg_rsp_secondary_mgmt_cid;
+static gint hf_reg_invalid_tlv;
+static gint hf_reg_rsp_new_cid_after_ho;
+static gint hf_reg_rsp_service_flow_id;
+static gint hf_reg_rsp_system_resource_retain_time;
+static gint hf_reg_total_provisioned_sf;
@@ -340,16 +342,12 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
- register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder, -1);
+ reg_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp(void)
- dissector_handle_t reg_rsp_handle;
dsc_rsp_handle = find_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_dsc_rsp_handler");
- reg_rsp_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_rsp_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_REG_RSP, reg_rsp_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rep.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rep.c
index b527015128..7f4b582514 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rep.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rep.c
@@ -28,9 +28,12 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_rep(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_rep(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_rsp_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t rep_req_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t rep_rsp_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_req_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_rsp_decoder;
static const value_string vals_channel_types[] =
@@ -78,112 +81,112 @@ static const value_string vals_type_of_measurements[] =
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_rep_unknown_type = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_invalid_tlv = -1;
+static gint hf_rep_unknown_type;
+static gint hf_rep_invalid_tlv;
-static gint hf_rep_req_report_request = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_report_type = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit2 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit3_6 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit7 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_channel_number = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_channel_type = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_channel_type_request = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_channel_type_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_request = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_request = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_request = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_effective_cinr_request = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_channel_selectivity_report = -1;
+static gint hf_rep_req_report_request;
+static gint hf_rep_req_report_type;
+static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit0;
+static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit1;
+static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit2;
+static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit3_6;
+static gint hf_rep_req_rep_type_bit7;
+static gint hf_rep_req_channel_number;
+static gint hf_rep_req_channel_type;
+static gint hf_rep_req_channel_type_request;
+static gint hf_rep_req_channel_type_reserved;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_request;
+static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_request;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_request;
+static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_effective_cinr_request;
+static gint hf_rep_req_channel_selectivity_report;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit0_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit3 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit4 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit5_6 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit7 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit8_13 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit14_17 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit18 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit19_23 = -1;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit0_2;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit3;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit4;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit5_6;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit7;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit8_13;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit14_17;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit18;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_phy_cinr_req_bit19_23;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit0_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit3 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit4 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit5_6 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit7 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit8_13 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit14_15 = -1;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit0_2;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit3;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit4;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit5_6;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit7;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit8_13;
+static gint hf_rep_req_zone_spec_effective_cinr_req_bit14_15;
-static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_req_bit0_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_req_bit2_5 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_req_bit6 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_req_bit7 = -1;
+static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_req_bit0_1;
+static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_req_bit2_5;
+static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_req_bit6;
+static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_phy_cinr_req_bit7;
-static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_effective_cinr_req_bit0_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_effective_cinr_req_bit2_7 = -1;
+static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_effective_cinr_req_bit0_1;
+static gint hf_rep_req_preamble_effective_cinr_req_bit2_7;
-static gint hf_rep_req_channel_selectivity_rep_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_req_channel_selectivity_rep_bit1_7 = -1;
+static gint hf_rep_req_channel_selectivity_rep_bit0;
+static gint hf_rep_req_channel_selectivity_rep_bit1_7;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_channel_number = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_frame_number = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_duration = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_bit2 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_bit3 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_cinr_report = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_cinr_report_mean = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_cinr_report_deviation = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_rssi_report = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_rssi_report_mean = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_rssi_report_deviation = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_current_transmitted_power = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_report = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_subchannel = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_band_amc = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_safety_channel = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_enhanced_band_amc = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_sounding = -1;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_channel_number;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_frame_number;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_duration;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_bit0;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_bit1;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_bit2;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_bit3;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_basic_report_reserved;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_cinr_report;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_cinr_report_mean;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_cinr_report_deviation;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_rssi_report;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_rssi_report_mean;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_report_type_rssi_report_deviation;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_current_transmitted_power;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_report;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_subchannel;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_band_amc;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_safety_channel;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_enhanced_band_amc;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_type_sounding;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_report = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_mean = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_report_type = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_reserved1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_deviation = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_reserved2 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_pusc_sc0 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_pusc_sc1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_fusc = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_optional_fusc = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_safety_channel = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_amc = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_phy_cinr_report = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_phy_cinr_rep_configuration_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_phy_cinr_rep_configuration_3 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_phy_cinr_rep_band_amc_zone = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_report = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_effective_cinr = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_report_type = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_cqich_id = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_effective_cinr_report = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_effective_cinr_rep_cqich_id = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_selectivity_report = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_pusc_sc0 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_pusc_sc1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_fusc = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_optional_fusc = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_amc_aas = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_effective_cinr_rep_configuration_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_effective_cinr_rep_configuration_3 = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_selectivity_rep_frequency_a = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_selectivity_rep_frequency_b = -1;
-static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_selectivity_rep_frequency_c = -1;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_report;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_mean;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_report_type;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_reserved1;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_deviation;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_reserved2;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_pusc_sc0;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_pusc_sc1;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_fusc;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_optional_fusc;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_safety_channel;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_phy_cinr_rep_amc;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_phy_cinr_report;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_phy_cinr_rep_configuration_1;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_phy_cinr_rep_configuration_3;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_phy_cinr_rep_band_amc_zone;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_report;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_effective_cinr;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_report_type;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_cqich_id;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_effective_cinr_report;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_effective_cinr_rep_cqich_id;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_selectivity_report;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_pusc_sc0;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_pusc_sc1;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_fusc;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_optional_fusc;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_zone_spec_effective_cinr_rep_amc_aas;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_effective_cinr_rep_configuration_1;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_preamble_effective_cinr_rep_configuration_3;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_selectivity_rep_frequency_a;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_selectivity_rep_frequency_b;
+static gint hf_rep_rsp_channel_selectivity_rep_frequency_c;
/* bit masks */
@@ -1536,18 +1539,15 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_rep(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_decoder, hf_rep, array_length(hf_rep));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett_rep, array_length(ett_rep));
+ rep_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_rep_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_decoder);
+ rep_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_rep_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t rep_handle;
- rep_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_REP_REQ, rep_handle);
- rep_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rep_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_REP_RSP, rep_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_REP_REQ, rep_req_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_REP_RSP, rep_rsp_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_res_cmd.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_res_cmd.c
index e612120b5e..50212474f2 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_res_cmd.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_res_cmd.c
@@ -28,12 +28,14 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd(void);
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd_decoder = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t res_cmd_handle;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd_decoder;
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_res_cmd_unknown_type = -1;
-static gint hf_res_cmd_invalid_tlv = -1;
+static gint hf_res_cmd_unknown_type;
+static gint hf_res_cmd_invalid_tlv;
/* Wimax Mac RES-CMD Message Dissector */
@@ -129,15 +131,13 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd_decoder, hf_res_cmd, array_length(hf_res_cmd));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett_res_cmd, array_length(ett_res_cmd));
+ res_cmd_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_res_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t handle;
- handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_res_cmd_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_RES_CMD, handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_RES_CMD, res_cmd_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rng_req.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rng_req.c
index 3b11d0cc33..0d14cd672f 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rng_req.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rng_req.c
@@ -24,50 +24,52 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req(void);
+static dissector_handle_t rng_req_handle;
extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_decoder;
/* RNG-REQ fields */
-static gint hf_rng_req_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_dl_burst_profile_diuc = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_dl_burst_profile_lsb_ccc = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ss_mac_address = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_anomalies_max_power = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_anomalies_min_power = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_anomalies_timing_adj = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_aas_broadcast = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_serving_bs_id = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_purpose_ho_indication = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_purpose_location_update_request = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_purpose_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ho_id = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_power_down_indicator = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_repetition_coding_level = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_requested_downlink_repetition_coding_level_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_cmac_key_count = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_definition_of_power_saving_class_present = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_activation_of_power_saving_class = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_trf_ind_required = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_class_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_class_id = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_class_type = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_first_sleep_window_frame = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_initial_sleep_window = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_listening_window = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_final_sleep_window_base = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_final_sleep_window_exp = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_slpid = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_included_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_mgmt_connection_direction = -1;
-static gint hf_tlv_type = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_invalid_tlv = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_power_saving_class_flags = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_dl_burst_profile = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_anomalies = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_purpose_indication = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_req_requested_rep_coding_level = -1;
+static gint hf_rng_req_reserved;
+static gint hf_rng_req_dl_burst_profile_diuc;
+static gint hf_rng_req_dl_burst_profile_lsb_ccc;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ss_mac_address;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_anomalies_max_power;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_anomalies_min_power;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_anomalies_timing_adj;
+static gint hf_rng_req_aas_broadcast;
+static gint hf_rng_req_serving_bs_id;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_purpose_ho_indication;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_purpose_location_update_request;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_purpose_reserved;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ho_id;
+static gint hf_rng_req_power_down_indicator;
+static gint hf_rng_req_repetition_coding_level;
+static gint hf_rng_req_requested_downlink_repetition_coding_level_reserved;
+static gint hf_rng_req_cmac_key_count;
+static gint hf_rng_definition_of_power_saving_class_present;
+static gint hf_rng_activation_of_power_saving_class;
+static gint hf_rng_trf_ind_required;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_class_reserved;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_class_id;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_class_type;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_first_sleep_window_frame;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_initial_sleep_window;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_listening_window;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_final_sleep_window_base;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_final_sleep_window_exp;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_slpid;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_included_cid;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_mgmt_connection_direction;
+static gint hf_tlv_type;
+static gint hf_rng_invalid_tlv;
+static gint hf_rng_power_saving_class_flags;
+static gint hf_rng_req_dl_burst_profile;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_anomalies;
+static gint hf_rng_req_ranging_purpose_indication;
+static gint hf_rng_req_requested_rep_coding_level;
@@ -606,13 +608,11 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ rng_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_decoder);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req(void)
- dissector_handle_t rng_req_handle;
- rng_req_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_req_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_RNG_REQ, rng_req_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rng_rsp.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rng_rsp.c
index 9754922e0f..b1d859b62a 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rng_rsp.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_rng_rsp.c
@@ -26,72 +26,74 @@ void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp(void);
extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
+static dissector_handle_t rng_rsp_handle = NULL;
static dissector_handle_t sbc_rsp_handle = NULL;
static dissector_handle_t reg_rsp_handle = NULL;
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_rng_rsp_message_tree = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_decoder;
+static gint ett_rng_rsp_message_tree;
/* RNG-RSP fields */
-static gint hf_rng_req_reserved = -1;
-/* static gint hf_rng_rsp_ul_channel_id = -1; */
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_timing_adjust = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_power_level_adjust = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_offset_freq_adjust = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ranging_status = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_freq_override = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ul_chan_id_override = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_operational_burst_profile = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_operational_burst_profile_diuc = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_operational_burst_profile_ccc = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ss_mac_address = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_basic_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_primary_mgmt_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_broadcast = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_frame_number = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_opportunity_number = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_service_level_prediction = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_resource_retain_flag = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_0 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_1_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_3 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_4 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_5 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_6 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_7 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_8 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_9 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_10 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_11 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_12 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_13 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_14 = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_15 = -1;
+static gint hf_rng_req_reserved;
+/* static gint hf_rng_rsp_ul_channel_id; */
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_timing_adjust;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_power_level_adjust;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_offset_freq_adjust;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ranging_status;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_freq_override;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ul_chan_id_override;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_operational_burst_profile;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_operational_burst_profile_diuc;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_operational_burst_profile_ccc;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ss_mac_address;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_basic_cid;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_primary_mgmt_cid;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_broadcast;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_frame_number;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_opportunity_number;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_service_level_prediction;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_resource_retain_flag;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_0;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_1_2;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_3;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_4;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_5;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_6;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_7;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_8;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_9;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_10;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_11;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_12;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_13;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_14;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_process_optimization_15;
/* Added the following to help implement RNG-RSP message encoding 33 (Table 367 in IEEE 802.16e-2007) */
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_op_burst_profile_ofdma = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_least_robust_diuc = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_config_change_count_of_dcd = -1;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_dl_op_burst_profile_ofdma;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_least_robust_diuc;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_repetition_coding_indication;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_config_change_count_of_dcd;
/* Added the following to help implement RNG-RSP message encoding 22 (Table 367 in IEEE 802.16e-2007) */
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_id = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_location_update_response = -1;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ho_id;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_location_update_response;
/* Added the following to help implement RNG-RSP message encoding 24 (Table 367 in IEEE 802.16e-2007) */
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_paging_information = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_paging_cycle = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_paging_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_paging_group_id = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_bs_random = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_akid = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ranging_subchan = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_time_symbol_reference = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_subchannel_reference = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_ranging_code_index = -1;
-static gint hf_rng_rsp_frame_number2 = -1;
-static gint hf_tlv_type = -1;
-/* static gint hf_tlv_value = -1; */
-static gint hf_rng_invalid_tlv = -1;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_paging_information;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_paging_cycle;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_paging_offset;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_paging_group_id;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_bs_random;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_akid;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ranging_subchan;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_time_symbol_reference;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_subchannel_reference;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_ranging_code_index;
+static gint hf_rng_rsp_frame_number2;
+static gint hf_tlv_type;
+/* static gint hf_tlv_value; */
+static gint hf_rng_invalid_tlv;
@@ -935,13 +937,11 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ rng_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_decoder);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp(void)
- dissector_handle_t rng_rsp_handle;
- rng_rsp_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_rng_rsp_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_RNG_RSP, rng_rsp_handle);
sbc_rsp_handle = find_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_rsp_handler");
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_sbc.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_sbc.c
index 86eee71d4e..a605756f62 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_sbc.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_sbc.c
@@ -29,260 +29,263 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc(void);
+static dissector_handle_t sbc_req_handle;
+static dissector_handle_t sbc_rsp_handle;
/* This is a global variable declared in mac_hd_generic_decoder.c, which determines whether
* or not cor2 changes are included */
extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_sbc_req_tlv_subtree = -1;
-static gint ett_sbc_rsp_tlv_subtree = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_decoder;
+static gint ett_sbc_req_tlv_subtree;
+static gint ett_sbc_rsp_tlv_subtree;
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_sbc_unknown_type = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_unknown_type;
-static gint hf_sbc_bw_alloc_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_bw_alloc_support_rsvd0 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_bw_alloc_support_duplex = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_bw_alloc_support_rsvd1 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_curr_transmit_power = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_transition_gaps = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ssttg = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ssrtg = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_mac_pdu = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_mac_pdu_piggybacked = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_mac_pdu_fsn = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_mac_pdu_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_max_transmit_power = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_bpsk = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_qpsk = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_qam16 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_qam64 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_current_transmitted_power = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_sizes = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_256 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_2048 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_128 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_512 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_1024 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_cinr_measure_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_phy_cinr_measurement_preamble = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_phy_cinr_measurement_permutation_zone_from_pilot_subcarriers = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_phy_cinr_measurement_permutation_zone_from_data_subcarriers = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_effective_cinr_measurement_preamble = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_effective_cinr_measurement_permutation_zone_from_pilot_subcarriers = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_effective_cinr_measurement_permutation_zone_from_data_subcarriers = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_support_2_concurrent_cqi_channels = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_frequency_selectivity_characterization_report = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_bw_alloc_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_bw_alloc_support_rsvd0;
+static gint hf_sbc_bw_alloc_support_duplex;
+static gint hf_sbc_bw_alloc_support_rsvd1;
+static gint hf_sbc_curr_transmit_power;
+static gint hf_sbc_transition_gaps;
+static gint hf_sbc_ssttg;
+static gint hf_sbc_ssrtg;
+static gint hf_sbc_mac_pdu;
+static gint hf_sbc_mac_pdu_piggybacked;
+static gint hf_sbc_mac_pdu_fsn;
+static gint hf_sbc_mac_pdu_rsvd;
+static gint hf_sbc_max_transmit_power;
+static gint hf_sbc_bpsk;
+static gint hf_sbc_qpsk;
+static gint hf_sbc_qam16;
+static gint hf_sbc_qam64;
+static gint hf_sbc_current_transmitted_power;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_sizes;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_256;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_2048;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_128;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_512;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_1024;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_cinr_measure_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_phy_cinr_measurement_preamble;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_phy_cinr_measurement_permutation_zone_from_pilot_subcarriers;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_phy_cinr_measurement_permutation_zone_from_data_subcarriers;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_effective_cinr_measurement_preamble;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_effective_cinr_measurement_permutation_zone_from_pilot_subcarriers;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_effective_cinr_measurement_permutation_zone_from_data_subcarriers;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_support_2_concurrent_cqi_channels;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_frequency_selectivity_characterization_report;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_rsvd1 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_rsvd2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_64qam = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_btc = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_ctc = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_stc = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_cc_with_optional_interleaver = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_chase = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_ctc_ir = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_reserved = -1;
-/* static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_reserved1 = -1; */
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_64qam_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_btc_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_ctc_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_stc_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_cc_with_optional_interleaver_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_chase_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_ctc_ir_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_reserved_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_cc_ir_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_ldpc_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_dedicated_pilots_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_reserved1_2 = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_rsvd1;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_fft_rsvd2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_64qam;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_btc;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_ctc;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_stc;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_cc_with_optional_interleaver;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_chase;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_ctc_ir;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_reserved;
+/* static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_reserved1; */
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_64qam_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_btc_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_ctc_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_stc_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_cc_with_optional_interleaver_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_chase_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_ctc_ir_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_reserved_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_harq_cc_ir_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_ldpc_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_dedicated_pilots_2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_reserved1_2;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_64qam = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_btc = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_ctc = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_stc = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_harq_chase = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_ctc_ir = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_cc_ir = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_ldpc = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_64qam;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_btc;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_ctc;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_stc;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_harq_chase;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_ctc_ir;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_cc_ir;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_modulator_ldpc;
-static gint hf_sbc_number_ul_arq_ack_channel = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_number_dl_arq_ack_channel = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_permutation_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_optimal_pusc = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_optimal_fusc = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_amc_1x6 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_amc_2x3 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_amc_3x2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_amc_with_harq_map = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_tusc1_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_tusc2_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_private = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_harq_map_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_map_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_reduced_private_map_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_chain_enable = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_map_dl_frame_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_ul_frame_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_map_concurrency = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_capabilities = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_zone = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_diversity_map_scan = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_fbck_rsp_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_downlink_aas_preamble = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_uplink_aas_preamble = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_capabilities_rsvd = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_number_ul_arq_ack_channel;
+static gint hf_sbc_number_dl_arq_ack_channel;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_permutation_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_optimal_pusc;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_optimal_fusc;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_amc_1x6;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_amc_2x3;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_amc_3x2;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_amc_with_harq_map;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_tusc1_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_tusc2_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_private;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_harq_map_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_map_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_reduced_private_map_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_chain_enable;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_map_dl_frame_offset;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_ul_frame_offset;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_private_map_concurrency;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_aas_capabilities;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_zone;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_diversity_map_scan;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_fbck_rsp_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_downlink_aas_preamble;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_uplink_aas_preamble;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_ofdma_aas_capabilities_rsvd;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit3 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit4 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_ss_uplink_power_control_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_ss_uplink_power_control_support_open_loop = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_ss_uplink_power_control_support_aas_preamble = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_ss_uplink_power_control_support_rsvd = -1;
-/* static gint hf_sbc_ofdm_ss_minimum_num_of_frames = -1; */
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_27_extension_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_27_extension_capability_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_27_extension_capability_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_bit2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_bit3 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_171_minimum_num_of_frames = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_harq_map_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_extended_harq_ie_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_sub_map_capability_first_zone = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_sub_map_capability_other_zones = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_dl_region_definition_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_ul_ctl_channel_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_3_bit_mimo_fast_feedback = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_enhanced_fast_feedback = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_ul_ack = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_uep_fast_feedback = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_measurement_report = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_primary_secondary_fast_feedback = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_diuc_cqi_fast_feedback = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_ofdma_ms_csit_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_csit_compatibility_type_a = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_csit_compatibility_type_b = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_power_assignment_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_sounding_rsp_time_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_max_num_simultanous_sounding_instructions = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_ss_csit_type_a_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_phy_set_a = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_phy_set_b = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_harq_parameters_set = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_mac_set_a = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_mac_set_b = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_ss_csit_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_175_max_num_bst_per_frm_capability_harq = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_175_max_num_ul_harq_bst = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_175_max_num_ul_harq_per_frm_include_one_non_harq_bst = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_175_max_num_dl_harq_bst_per_harq_per_frm = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit2 = -1;
-/* static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit2_cor2 = -1; */
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit3 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit4 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit5 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit6 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit7 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit8 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit9 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit10 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit11 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit12 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit13 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit14 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit15 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit16 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit17 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit18 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit19 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_ofdma_ss_modulator_for_mimo_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_stc_matrix_a = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_stc_matrix_b_vertical = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_stc_matrix_b_horizontal = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_two_transmit_antennas = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_capable_of_transmit_diversity = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_capable_of_spacial_multiplexing = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_beamforming = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_adaptive_rate_ctl = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_single_antenna = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_collaborative_sm_with_one_antenna = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_collaborative_sm_with_two_antennas = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_capable_of_two_antenna = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_178_sdma_pilot_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_178_sdma_pilot_pattern_support_for_amc_zone = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_178_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_179_ofdma_multiple_dl_burst_profile_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_179_dl_bst_profile_for_multiple_fec = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_179_ul_bst_profile_for_multiple_fec = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_179_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_NEP = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_aggregation_flag_for_dl = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_aggregation_flag_for_ul = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_reserved1 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_ul_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_NEP = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_reserved2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_dl_harq_buffering_capability_for_chase_combining = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability_aggregation_flag_dl = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability_reserved1 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_ul_harq_buffering_capability_for_chase_combining = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability_aggregation_flag_ul = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability_reserved2 = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit0;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit1;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit2;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit3;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_bit4;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_167_association_type_support_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_ss_uplink_power_control_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_ss_uplink_power_control_support_open_loop;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_ss_uplink_power_control_support_aas_preamble;
+static gint hf_sbc_ofdma_ss_uplink_power_control_support_rsvd;
+/* static gint hf_sbc_ofdm_ss_minimum_num_of_frames; */
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_27_extension_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_27_extension_capability_bit0;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_27_extension_capability_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_bit0;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_bit1;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_bit2;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_bit3;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_28_ho_trigger_metric_support_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_171_minimum_num_of_frames;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_harq_map_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_extended_harq_ie_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_sub_map_capability_first_zone;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_sub_map_capability_other_zones;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_dl_region_definition_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_172;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_ul_ctl_channel_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_3_bit_mimo_fast_feedback;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_enhanced_fast_feedback;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_ul_ack;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_uep_fast_feedback;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_measurement_report;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_primary_secondary_fast_feedback;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_173_diuc_cqi_fast_feedback;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_ofdma_ms_csit_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_csit_compatibility_type_a;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_csit_compatibility_type_b;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_power_assignment_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_sounding_rsp_time_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_max_num_simultanous_sounding_instructions;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_ss_csit_type_a_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_phy_set_a;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_phy_set_b;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_harq_parameters_set;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_mac_set_a;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_mac_set_b;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_204_ofdma_parameters_sets_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_174_ss_csit_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_175_max_num_bst_per_frm_capability_harq;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_175_max_num_ul_harq_bst;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_175_max_num_ul_harq_per_frm_include_one_non_harq_bst;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_175_max_num_dl_harq_bst_per_harq_per_frm;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit0;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit1;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit2;
+/* static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit2_cor2; */
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit3;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit4;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit5;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit6;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit7;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit8;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit9;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit10;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit11;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit12;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit13;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit14;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit15;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit16;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit17;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit18;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_bit19;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_176_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_ofdma_ss_modulator_for_mimo_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_stc_matrix_a;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_stc_matrix_b_vertical;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_stc_matrix_b_horizontal;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_two_transmit_antennas;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_capable_of_transmit_diversity;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_capable_of_spacial_multiplexing;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_beamforming;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_adaptive_rate_ctl;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_single_antenna;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_collaborative_sm_with_one_antenna;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_collaborative_sm_with_two_antennas;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_capable_of_two_antenna;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_177_rsvd;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_178_sdma_pilot_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_178_sdma_pilot_pattern_support_for_amc_zone;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_178_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_179_ofdma_multiple_dl_burst_profile_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_179_dl_bst_profile_for_multiple_fec;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_179_ul_bst_profile_for_multiple_fec;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_179_reserved;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_NEP;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_aggregation_flag_for_dl;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_aggregation_flag_for_ul;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_reserved1;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_ul_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_NEP;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_162_harq_incremental_redundancy_buffer_capability_reserved2;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_dl_harq_buffering_capability_for_chase_combining;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability_aggregation_flag_dl;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability_reserved1;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_ul_harq_buffering_capability_for_chase_combining;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability_aggregation_flag_ul;
+static gint hf_sbc_tlv_t_163_harq_chase_combining_and_cc_ir_buffer_capability_reserved2;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_2_ann_stc_matrix_a = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_2_ann_stc_matrix_b_vertical = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_2_ann_stc_matrix_b_horizontal = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_a = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_b_vertical = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_b_horizontal = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_c_vertical = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_c_horizontal = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support_2_ann_sttd = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support_2_ann_sm_vertical = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support_1_ann_coop_sm = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support_rsvd = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_2_ann_stc_matrix_a;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_2_ann_stc_matrix_b_vertical;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_2_ann_stc_matrix_b_horizontal;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_a;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_b_vertical;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_b_horizontal;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_c_vertical;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_4_ann_stc_matrix_c_horizontal;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_demodulator_mimo_rsvd;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support_2_ann_sttd;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support_2_ann_sm_vertical;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support_1_ann_coop_sm;
+static gint hf_sbc_ss_mimo_uplink_support_rsvd;
-static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bit2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bits34 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bits567 = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability;
+static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bit0;
+static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bit1;
+static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bit2;
+static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bits34;
+static gint hf_sbc_power_save_class_types_capability_bits567;
-static gint hf_sbc_pkm_flow_control = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_auth_policy = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_privacy_802_16 = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_privacy_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_sbc_max_security_associations = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_pkm_flow_control;
+static gint hf_sbc_auth_policy;
+static gint hf_sbc_privacy_802_16;
+static gint hf_sbc_privacy_rsvd;
+static gint hf_sbc_max_security_associations;
-static gint hf_sbc_invalid_tlv = -1;
+static gint hf_sbc_invalid_tlv;
static const true_false_string tfs_sbc_bw_alloc_support_duplex =
@@ -2807,19 +2810,15 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_decoder, hf_sbc, array_length(hf_sbc));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett_sbc, array_length(ett_sbc));
- register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_rsp_decoder, -1);
+ sbc_req_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_req_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_decoder);
+ sbc_rsp_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_rsp_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_decoder);
- dissector_handle_t sbc_handle;
- sbc_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_req_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_SBC_REQ, sbc_handle);
- sbc_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_rsp_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_sbc_decoder);
- dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_SBC_RSP, sbc_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_SBC_REQ, sbc_req_handle);
+ dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_SBC_RSP, sbc_rsp_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_ucd.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_ucd.c
index 6f5ffab431..5ad333cf77 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_ucd.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_ucd.c
@@ -28,94 +28,96 @@
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd(void);
+static dissector_handle_t ucd_handle;
extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
guint cqich_id_size; /* Set for CQICH_Alloc_IE */
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_decoder;
+static gint ett_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_decoder;
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_ucd_res_timeout = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_bw_req_size = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_ranging_req_size = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_freq = -1;
-/* static gint hf_ucd_subchan_params_num_chan = -1; */
-static gint hf_ucd_ul_allocated_subchannles_bitmap = -1;
-/* static gint hf_ucd_subchan_params_num_sym = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_ucd_subchan_codes = -1; */
+static gint hf_ucd_res_timeout;
+static gint hf_ucd_bw_req_size;
+static gint hf_ucd_ranging_req_size;
+static gint hf_ucd_freq;
+/* static gint hf_ucd_subchan_params_num_chan; */
+static gint hf_ucd_ul_allocated_subchannles_bitmap;
+/* static gint hf_ucd_subchan_params_num_sym; */
+/* static gint hf_ucd_subchan_codes; */
-static gint hf_ucd_ul_burst_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_ul_burst_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_burst_fec = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_burst_ranging_data_ratio = -1;
-/*static gint hf_ucd_burst_power_boost = -1;
-*static gint hf_ucd_burst_tcs_enable = -1;
+static gint hf_ucd_ul_burst_reserved;
+static gint hf_ucd_ul_burst_uiuc;
+static gint hf_ucd_burst_fec;
+static gint hf_ucd_burst_ranging_data_ratio;
+/*static gint hf_ucd_burst_power_boost;
+*static gint hf_ucd_burst_tcs_enable;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_159_band_amc_allocation_threshold = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_158_optional_permutation_ul_allocated_subchannels_bitmap = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_160_band_amc_release_threshold = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_161_band_amc_allocation_timer = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_162_band_amc_release_timer = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_163_band_status_report_max_period = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_164_band_amc_retry_timer = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_171_harq_ack_delay_dl_burst = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_170_safety_channel_retry_timer = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_172_cqich_band_amc_transition_delay = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_174_maximum_retransmission = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_177_normalized_cn_override2 = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_177_normalized_cn_override2_first_line = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_177_normalized_cn_override2_list = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_176_size_of_cqich_id_field = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_186_upper_bound_aas_preamble = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_187_lower_bound_aas_preamble = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_188_allow_aas_beam_select_message = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_189_use_cqich_indication_flag = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_190_ms_specific_up_power_addjustment_step = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_191_ms_specific_down_power_addjustment_step = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_192_min_level_power_offset_adjustment = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_193_max_level_power_offset_adjustment = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_194_handover_ranging_codes = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_195_initial_ranging_interval = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_threshold = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_interval = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_a_p_avg = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_threshold_icqch = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_interval_icqch = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_a_p_avg_icqch = -1;
-/* static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_197_normalized_cn_channel_sounding = -1; */
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_202_uplink_burst_profile_for_multiple_fec_types = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_203_ul_pusc_subchannel_rotation = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_205_relative_power_offset_ul_harq_burst = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_206_relative_power_offset_ul_burst_containing_mac_mgmt_msg = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_207_ul_initial_transmit_timing = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_210_fast_feedback_region = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_211_harq_ack_region = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_212_ranging_region = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_213_sounding_region = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_150_initial_ranging_codes = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_151_periodic_ranging_codes = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_152_bandwidth_request_codes = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_155_start_of_ranging_codes_group = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_156_permutation_base = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_ho_ranging_start = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_ho_ranging_end = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_initial_range_backoff_start = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_initial_range_backoff_end = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_bandwidth_backoff_start = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_bandwidth_backoff_end = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_periodic_ranging_backoff_start = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_periodic_ranging_backoff_end = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_config_change_count = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_ranging_backoff_start = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_ranging_backoff_end = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_request_backoff_start = -1;
-static gint hf_ucd_request_backoff_end = -1;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_159_band_amc_allocation_threshold;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_158_optional_permutation_ul_allocated_subchannels_bitmap;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_160_band_amc_release_threshold;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_161_band_amc_allocation_timer;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_162_band_amc_release_timer;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_163_band_status_report_max_period;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_164_band_amc_retry_timer;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_171_harq_ack_delay_dl_burst;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_170_safety_channel_retry_timer;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_172_cqich_band_amc_transition_delay;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_174_maximum_retransmission;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_177_normalized_cn_override2;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_177_normalized_cn_override2_first_line;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_177_normalized_cn_override2_list;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_176_size_of_cqich_id_field;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_186_upper_bound_aas_preamble;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_187_lower_bound_aas_preamble;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_188_allow_aas_beam_select_message;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_189_use_cqich_indication_flag;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_190_ms_specific_up_power_addjustment_step;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_191_ms_specific_down_power_addjustment_step;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_192_min_level_power_offset_adjustment;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_193_max_level_power_offset_adjustment;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_194_handover_ranging_codes;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_195_initial_ranging_interval;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_threshold;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_interval;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_a_p_avg;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_threshold_icqch;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_interval_icqch;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_196_tx_power_report_a_p_avg_icqch;
+/* static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_197_normalized_cn_channel_sounding; */
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_202_uplink_burst_profile_for_multiple_fec_types;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_203_ul_pusc_subchannel_rotation;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_205_relative_power_offset_ul_harq_burst;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_206_relative_power_offset_ul_burst_containing_mac_mgmt_msg;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_207_ul_initial_transmit_timing;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_210_fast_feedback_region;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_211_harq_ack_region;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_212_ranging_region;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_213_sounding_region;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_150_initial_ranging_codes;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_151_periodic_ranging_codes;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_152_bandwidth_request_codes;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_155_start_of_ranging_codes_group;
+static gint hf_ucd_tlv_t_156_permutation_base;
+static gint hf_ucd_ho_ranging_start;
+static gint hf_ucd_ho_ranging_end;
+static gint hf_ucd_initial_range_backoff_start;
+static gint hf_ucd_initial_range_backoff_end;
+static gint hf_ucd_bandwidth_backoff_start;
+static gint hf_ucd_bandwidth_backoff_end;
+static gint hf_ucd_periodic_ranging_backoff_start;
+static gint hf_ucd_periodic_ranging_backoff_end;
+static gint hf_ucd_config_change_count;
+static gint hf_ucd_ranging_backoff_start;
+static gint hf_ucd_ranging_backoff_end;
+static gint hf_ucd_request_backoff_start;
+static gint hf_ucd_request_backoff_end;
-/* static gint hf_ucd_unknown_type = -1; */
-static gint hf_ucd_invalid_tlv = -1;
+/* static gint hf_ucd_unknown_type; */
+static gint hf_ucd_invalid_tlv;
#if 0
static const value_string vals_dcd_burst_tcs[] =
@@ -1219,13 +1221,11 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+ ucd_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_decoder);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd(void)
- dissector_handle_t ucd_handle;
- ucd_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ucd_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_UCD, ucd_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_ulmap.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_ulmap.c
index 6c703145b1..cdb0066c50 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_ulmap.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/msg_ulmap.c
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
+static dissector_handle_t ulmap_handle;
void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap(void);
@@ -55,54 +57,54 @@ extern gint ir_type;
extern gint N_layer;
extern gint RCID_Type;
-static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_ulmap = -1;
-static gint ett_ulmap_ie = -1;
-static gint ett_ulmap_ffb = -1;
-/* static gint ett_ulmap_c = -1; */
-/* static gint ett_ulmap_c_ie = -1; */
-/* static gint ett_ulmap_s = -1; */
-/* static gint ett_ulmap_s_ie = -1; */
-static gint ett_287_1 = -1;
-static gint ett_287_2 = -1;
-static gint ett_289 = -1;
-static gint ett_290 = -1;
-static gint ett_290b = -1;
-static gint ett_291 = -1;
-static gint ett_292 = -1;
-static gint ett_293 = -1;
-static gint ett_294 = -1;
-static gint ett_295 = -1;
-static gint ett_299 = -1;
-static gint ett_300 = -1;
-static gint ett_302 = -1;
-static gint ett_302a = -1;
-static gint ett_302b = -1;
-static gint ett_302c = -1;
-static gint ett_302d = -1;
-static gint ett_302e = -1;
-static gint ett_302f = -1;
-static gint ett_302g = -1;
-static gint ett_302h = -1;
-static gint ett_302i = -1;
-static gint ett_302j = -1;
-static gint ett_302k = -1;
-static gint ett_302l = -1;
-static gint ett_302m = -1;
-static gint ett_302n = -1;
-static gint ett_302o = -1;
-static gint ett_302p = -1;
-static gint ett_302q = -1;
-static gint ett_302r = -1;
-static gint ett_302s = -1;
-static gint ett_302t = -1;
-static gint ett_302u = -1;
-static gint ett_302v = -1;
-static gint ett_306 = -1;
-static gint ett_306_ul = -1;
-static gint ett_308b = -1;
-static gint ett_315d = -1;
+static gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap_decoder;
+static gint ett_ulmap;
+static gint ett_ulmap_ie;
+static gint ett_ulmap_ffb;
+/* static gint ett_ulmap_c; */
+/* static gint ett_ulmap_c_ie; */
+/* static gint ett_ulmap_s; */
+/* static gint ett_ulmap_s_ie; */
+static gint ett_287_1;
+static gint ett_287_2;
+static gint ett_289;
+static gint ett_290;
+static gint ett_290b;
+static gint ett_291;
+static gint ett_292;
+static gint ett_293;
+static gint ett_294;
+static gint ett_295;
+static gint ett_299;
+static gint ett_300;
+static gint ett_302;
+static gint ett_302a;
+static gint ett_302b;
+static gint ett_302c;
+static gint ett_302d;
+static gint ett_302e;
+static gint ett_302f;
+static gint ett_302g;
+static gint ett_302h;
+static gint ett_302i;
+static gint ett_302j;
+static gint ett_302k;
+static gint ett_302l;
+static gint ett_302m;
+static gint ett_302n;
+static gint ett_302o;
+static gint ett_302p;
+static gint ett_302q;
+static gint ett_302r;
+static gint ett_302s;
+static gint ett_302t;
+static gint ett_302u;
+static gint ett_302v;
+static gint ett_306;
+static gint ett_306_ul;
+static gint ett_308b;
+static gint ett_315d;
#define DCD_BS_EIRP 2
@@ -194,348 +196,348 @@ static const value_string boost_msgs[] =
/* ul-map fields */
-static gint hf_ulmap_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_ucd_count = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_alloc_start_time = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_ofdma_sym = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_ie_diuc_ext = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_ie_diuc_ext2 = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_ie_length = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_ie_reserved_extended2_duic = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_ie_reserved_extended_duic = -1;
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_fch_expected = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_ie = -1; */
-static gint hf_ulmap_ie_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_ie_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_symofs = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_subofs = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_numsym = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_numsub = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_method = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_dri = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc10_dur = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc10_rep = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc10_slot_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_dur = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_rep = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_idx = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_code = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_sym = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_sub = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_bwr = -1;
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc11_ext = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc11_len = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc11_data = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc15_ext = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc15_len = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc15_data = -1; */
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_symofs = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_subofs = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_numsym = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_numsub = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_rsv = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_symofs = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_subofs = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_numsym = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_numsub = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_papr = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_zone = -1;
-static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_rsv = -1;
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_crc16 = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_ulmap_crc16_status = -1; */
-static gint hf_ulmap_padding = -1;
+static gint hf_ulmap_reserved;
+static gint hf_ulmap_ucd_count;
+static gint hf_ulmap_alloc_start_time;
+static gint hf_ulmap_ofdma_sym;
+static gint hf_ulmap_ie_diuc_ext;
+static gint hf_ulmap_ie_diuc_ext2;
+static gint hf_ulmap_ie_length;
+static gint hf_ulmap_ie_reserved_extended2_duic;
+static gint hf_ulmap_ie_reserved_extended_duic;
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_fch_expected; */
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_ie; */
+static gint hf_ulmap_ie_cid;
+static gint hf_ulmap_ie_uiuc;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_symofs;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_subofs;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_numsym;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_numsub;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_method;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc12_dri;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc10_dur;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc10_rep;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc10_slot_offset;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_dur;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_uiuc;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_rep;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_idx;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_code;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_sym;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_sub;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc14_bwr;
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc11_ext; */
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc11_len; */
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc11_data; */
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc15_ext; */
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc15_len; */
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc15_data; */
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_symofs;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_subofs;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_numsym;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_numsub;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc0_rsv;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_symofs;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_subofs;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_numsym;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_numsub;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_papr;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_zone;
+static gint hf_ulmap_uiuc13_rsv;
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_crc16; */
+/* static gint hf_ulmap_crc16_status; */
+static gint hf_ulmap_padding;
/* Generated via "one time" script to help create filterable fields */
-static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_ul_control_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_ul_control_control_header = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_ul_control_num_sdma_layers = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_ul_control_pilot_pattern = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_mimo_ul_control_matrix = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_mimo_ul_control_n_layer = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_dedicated_ul_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_acid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reserved_uint = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_dedicated_ul_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_nep = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_nsch = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_spid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_acin = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_dedicated_ul_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_spid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_acid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_mu_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_dedicated_mimo_ulcontrol_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_matrix = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_acid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_mu_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_dedicated_mimo_ul_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_matrix = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_nsch = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_nep = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_spid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_acid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_mu_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_dedicated_mimo_ul_control_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_matrix = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_acid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_spid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_tx_count = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_sub_burst_offset_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_sub_burst_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_ack_disable = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_acid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_power_control = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_power_measurement_frame = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_extended_2_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_ctype = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_cid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_repetition = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_padding = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_extended_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_permutation = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_ul_permbase = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_aas_zone_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_uplink_preamble_config = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_preamble_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_extended_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_cqich_id = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_allocation_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_period = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_report_configuration_included = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_feedback_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_report_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_cinr_preamble_report_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_zone_permutation = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_zone_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_zone_prbs_id = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_major_group_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_pusc_major_group_bitmap = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_cinr_zone_measurement_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_averaging_parameter_included = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_averaging_parameter = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_mimo_permutation_feedback_cycle = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_zone_extended_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_zone_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_zone_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_zone_permutation = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_zone_ul_permbase = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_zone_amc_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_zone_use_all_sc_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_zone_disable_subchannel_rotation = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_extended_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_preamble_modifier_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_preamble_frequency_shift_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_preamble_time_shift_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_pilot_pattern_modifier = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_pilot_pattern_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_extended_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_map_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_power_correction = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_frequency_correction = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_time_correction = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_extended_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_segment = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_ul_permbase = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_extended_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_ho_id_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_ho_id = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_mac_address = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_allocation_start_extended_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_allocation_start_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_allocation_start_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_allocation_start_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_extended_2_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_cqich_id = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_period = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_cqich_num = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_feedback_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_allocation_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_cqich_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_sttd_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_band_amc_precoding_mode = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_nr_precoders_feedback = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_extended_2_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_n_anchor_bs_switch = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_reduced_cid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_action_code = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_action_time = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_temp_bs_id = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_ak_change_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_cqich_allocation_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_cqich_id = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_feedback_channel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_period = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_mimo_permutation_feedback_code = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_extended_2_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_send_sounding_report_flag = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_relevance_flag = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_relevance = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_include_additional_feedback = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_num_sounding_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_separability_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_max_cyclic_shift_index_p = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_decimation_value = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_decimation_offset_randomization = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_symbol_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_number_of_cids = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_shorted_basic_cid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_power_assignment_method = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_power_boost = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_multi_antenna_flag = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_allocation_mode = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_band_bit_map = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_starting_frequency_band = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_number_of_frequency_bands = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_cyclic_time_shift_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_decimation_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_use_same_symbol_for_additional_feedback = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_periodicity = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_permutation = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_dl_permbase = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_shortened_basic_cid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_extended_2_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_rcid_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_mode = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_allocation_start_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_n_sub_burst = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_extended_2_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_num_ofdma_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_num_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_extended_2_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_rcid_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_num_burst_region = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_slot_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_slot_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_number_of_users = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_encoding_mode = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_power_adjust = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_pilot_pattern_modifier = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_preamble_modifier_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_pilot_pattern = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_diuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_acid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_nep = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_nsch = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_spid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_power_adjustment = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_extended_2_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_num_allocation = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_dedicated_ul_allocation_included = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_basic_cid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_allocation_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_type = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_period = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_uiuc = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_aas_zone_configuration_included = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_aas_zone_position_included = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ul_map_information_included = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_phy_modification_included = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_power_control_included = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_include_feedback_header = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_encoding_mode = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_permutation = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ul_permbase = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_preamble_indication = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_padding = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_zone_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_zone_length = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ucd_count = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_private_map_alloc_start_time = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_pilot_pattern_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_preamble_select = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_preamble_shift_index = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_pilot_pattern_modifier = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_power_control = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ul_frame_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_slot_offset = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_slot_duration = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_uiuc_nep = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_acid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ai_sn = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_nsch = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_spid = -1;
-static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static expert_field ei_ulmap_not_implemented = EI_INIT;
+static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_ul_control_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_ul_control_control_header;
+static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_ul_control_num_sdma_layers;
+static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_ul_control_pilot_pattern;
+static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_mimo_ul_control_matrix;
+static int hf_ulmap_dedicated_mimo_ul_control_n_layer;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_dedicated_ul_control_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_acid;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_ai_sn;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_chase_ack_disable;
+static int hf_ulmap_reserved_uint;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_dedicated_ul_control_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_nep;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_nsch;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_spid;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_acin;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_ai_sn;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_ctc_ack_disable;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_dedicated_ul_control_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_spid;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_acid;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_ai_sn;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ir_cc_ack_disable;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_mu_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_dedicated_mimo_ulcontrol_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_ack_disable;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_matrix;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_acid;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_chase_harq_ai_sn;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_mu_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_dedicated_mimo_ul_control_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_ack_disable;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_matrix;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_nsch;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_nep;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_spid;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_acid;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_ai_sn;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_mu_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_dedicated_mimo_ul_control_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_ack_disable;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_matrix;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_acid;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_ai_sn;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_ir_harq_cc_spid;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_tx_count;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_sub_burst_offset_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_sub_burst_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_ack_disable;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_mimo_ul_stc_harq_acid;
+static int hf_ulmap_power_control;
+static int hf_ulmap_power_measurement_frame;
+static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_extended_2_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_ctype;
+static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_cid;
+static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_repetition;
+static int hf_ulmap_mini_subcha_alloc_padding;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_extended_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_permutation;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_ul_permbase;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_aas_zone_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_uplink_preamble_config;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_ul_preamble_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_extended_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_cqich_id;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_allocation_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_period;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_frame_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_report_configuration_included;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_feedback_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_report_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_cinr_preamble_report_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_zone_permutation;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_zone_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_zone_prbs_id;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_major_group_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_pusc_major_group_bitmap;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_cinr_zone_measurement_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_averaging_parameter_included;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_averaging_parameter;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_alloc_mimo_permutation_feedback_cycle;
+static int hf_ulmap_zone_extended_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_zone_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_zone_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_zone_permutation;
+static int hf_ulmap_zone_ul_permbase;
+static int hf_ulmap_zone_amc_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_zone_use_all_sc_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_zone_disable_subchannel_rotation;
+static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_extended_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_preamble_modifier_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_preamble_frequency_shift_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_preamble_time_shift_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_pilot_pattern_modifier;
+static int hf_ulmap_phymod_ul_pilot_pattern_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_extended_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_map_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_power_correction;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_frequency_correction;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_tracking_time_correction;
+static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_extended_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_segment;
+static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_ul_permbase;
+static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_pusc_burst_allocation_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_extended_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_ho_id_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_ho_id;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_mac_address;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_fast_ranging_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_allocation_start_extended_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_allocation_start_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_allocation_start_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_allocation_start_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_extended_2_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_cqich_id;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_period;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_frame_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_cqich_num;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_feedback_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_allocation_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_cqich_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_sttd_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_band_amc_precoding_mode;
+static int hf_ulmap_cqich_enhanced_alloc_nr_precoders_feedback;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_extended_2_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_n_anchor_bs_switch;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_reduced_cid;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_action_code;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_action_time;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_temp_bs_id;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_ak_change_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_cqich_allocation_indicator;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_cqich_id;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_feedback_channel_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_period;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_frame_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_anchor_bs_switch_mimo_permutation_feedback_code;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_extended_2_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_send_sounding_report_flag;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_relevance_flag;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_relevance;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_include_additional_feedback;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_num_sounding_symbols;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_separability_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_max_cyclic_shift_index_p;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_decimation_value;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_decimation_offset_randomization;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_symbol_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_number_of_cids;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_shorted_basic_cid;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_power_assignment_method;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_power_boost;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_multi_antenna_flag;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_allocation_mode;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_band_bit_map;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_starting_frequency_band;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_number_of_frequency_bands;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_cyclic_time_shift_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_decimation_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_use_same_symbol_for_additional_feedback;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_periodicity;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_permutation;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_dl_permbase;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_shortened_basic_cid;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_sounding_command_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_extended_2_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_rcid_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_mode;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_allocation_start_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ulmap_n_sub_burst;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_extended_2_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_num_ofdma_symbols;
+static int hf_ulmap_harq_ackch_region_alloc_num_subchannels;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_extended_2_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_rcid_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_num_burst_region;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_slot_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_slot_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_number_of_users;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_encoding_mode;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_power_adjust;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_pilot_pattern_modifier;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_preamble_modifier_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_pilot_pattern;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_diuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_acid;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_ai_sn;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_nep;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_nsch;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_spid;
+static int hf_ulmap_aas_sdma_power_adjustment;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_extended_2_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_num_allocation;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_dedicated_ul_allocation_included;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_basic_cid;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_allocation_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_type;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_frame_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_period;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_uiuc;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_feedback_polling_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_aas_zone_configuration_included;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_aas_zone_position_included;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ul_map_information_included;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_phy_modification_included;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_power_control_included;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_include_feedback_header;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_encoding_mode;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_permutation;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ul_permbase;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_preamble_indication;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_padding;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_zone_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_zone_length;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ucd_count;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_private_map_alloc_start_time;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_pilot_pattern_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_preamble_select;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_preamble_shift_index;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_pilot_pattern_modifier;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_power_control;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ul_frame_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_slot_offset;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_slot_duration;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_uiuc_nep;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_acid;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_ai_sn;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_nsch;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_spid;
+static int hf_ulmap_reduced_aas_repetition_coding_indication;
+static expert_field ei_ulmap_not_implemented;
/* This gets called each time a capture file is loaded. */
void init_wimax_globals(void)
@@ -2918,13 +2920,11 @@ void proto_register_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap(void)
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
expert_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap = expert_register_protocol(proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap_decoder);
expert_register_field_array(expert_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap, ei, array_length(ei));
+ ulmap_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap_handler", dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap_decoder);
void proto_reg_handoff_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap(void)
- dissector_handle_t ulmap_handle;
- ulmap_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap_decoder, proto_mac_mgmt_msg_ulmap_decoder);
dissector_add_uint("wmx.mgmtmsg", MAC_MGMT_MSG_UL_MAP, ulmap_handle);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/packet-m2m.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/packet-m2m.c
index 261fbcd1b4..c536b309f5 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/packet-m2m.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/packet-m2m.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ static void extended_tlv_decoder(packet_info *pinfo);
void proto_tree_add_tlv(tlv_info_t *self, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, gint hf, guint encoding);
/* Global variables */
+static dissector_handle_t m2m_handle;
static dissector_handle_t wimax_cdma_code_burst_handle;
static dissector_handle_t wimax_ffb_burst_handle;
static dissector_handle_t wimax_fch_burst_handle;
@@ -44,13 +45,13 @@ static dissector_handle_t wimax_phy_attributes_burst_handle;
static reassembly_table pdu_reassembly_table;
-static gint proto_m2m = -1;
+static gint proto_m2m;
-static gint ett_m2m = -1;
-static gint ett_m2m_tlv = -1;
-static gint ett_m2m_fch = -1;
-static gint ett_m2m_cdma = -1;
-static gint ett_m2m_ffb = -1;
+static gint ett_m2m;
+static gint ett_m2m_tlv;
+static gint ett_m2m_fch;
+static gint ett_m2m_cdma;
+static gint ett_m2m_ffb;
/* TLV types (rev:0.2) */
#define TLV_PROTO_VER 1
@@ -117,31 +118,31 @@ static const value_string tlv_crc16_status[] =
{ 0, NULL }
-static gint hf_m2m_sequence_number = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_frame_number = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_tlv_count = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_type = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_len = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_len_size = -1;
-/* static gint hf_m2m_value_bytes = -1; */
-static gint hf_wimax_invalid_tlv = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_protocol_vers_uint8 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_burst_num_uint8 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_frag_type_uint8 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_frag_num_uint8 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_pdu_burst = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_fast_fb = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_fch_burst_uint24 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_cdma_code_uint24 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_crc16_status_uint8 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_burst_power_uint16 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_burst_cinr_uint16 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_preamble_uint16 = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_value_harq_ack_burst_bytes = -1;
-static gint hf_m2m_phy_attributes = -1;
-static expert_field ei_m2m_unexpected_length = EI_INIT;
+static gint hf_m2m_sequence_number;
+static gint hf_m2m_frame_number;
+static gint hf_m2m_tlv_count;
+static gint hf_m2m_type;
+static gint hf_m2m_len;
+static gint hf_m2m_len_size;
+/* static gint hf_m2m_value_bytes; */
+static gint hf_wimax_invalid_tlv;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_protocol_vers_uint8;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_burst_num_uint8;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_frag_type_uint8;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_frag_num_uint8;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_pdu_burst;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_fast_fb;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_fch_burst_uint24;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_cdma_code_uint24;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_crc16_status_uint8;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_burst_power_uint16;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_burst_cinr_uint16;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_preamble_uint16;
+static gint hf_m2m_value_harq_ack_burst_bytes;
+static gint hf_m2m_phy_attributes;
+static expert_field ei_m2m_unexpected_length;
/* WiMax MAC to MAC protocol dissector */
@@ -205,7 +206,8 @@ static int dissect_m2m(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void
/* get the TLV value offset */
tlv_offset = get_tlv_value_offset(&m2m_tlv_info);
/* display TLV type */
- ti = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(m2m_tree, proto_m2m, tvb, offset, (tlv_len + tlv_offset), "%s", val_to_str(tlv_type, tlv_name, "Unknown TLV"));
+ ti = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(m2m_tree, proto_m2m, tvb, offset, (tlv_len + tlv_offset), "%s",
+ val_to_str_const(tlv_type, tlv_name, "Unknown TLV"));
/* add TLV subtree */
tlv_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_m2m_tlv);
/* update the offset */
@@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ static int dissect_m2m(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void
/* add the description */
tlv_frag_type = tvb_get_guint8( tvb, offset );
- proto_item_append_text(ti, ": %s", val_to_str(tlv_frag_type, tlv_frag_type_name, "Unknown"));
+ proto_item_append_text(ti, ": %s", val_to_str_const(tlv_frag_type, tlv_frag_type_name, "Unknown"));
hf = hf_m2m_value_frag_type_uint8;
encoding = ENC_BIG_ENDIAN;
expected_len = 1;
@@ -307,7 +309,7 @@ static int dissect_m2m(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void
/* add the description */
tlv_value = tvb_get_guint8( tvb, offset );
- proto_item_append_text(ti, ": %s", val_to_str(tlv_value, tlv_crc16_status, "Unknown"));
+ proto_item_append_text(ti, ": %s", val_to_str_const(tlv_value, tlv_crc16_status, "Unknown"));
hf = hf_m2m_value_crc16_status_uint8;
encoding = ENC_BIG_ENDIAN;
expected_len = 1;
@@ -772,6 +774,7 @@ void proto_register_m2m(void)
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
expert_m2m = expert_register_protocol(proto_m2m);
expert_register_field_array(expert_m2m, ei, array_length(ei));
+ m2m_handle = register_dissector("mac_mgmt_msg_m2m_handler", dissect_m2m, proto_m2m);
/* Register reassembly table */
@@ -781,9 +784,6 @@ void proto_register_m2m(void)
/* Register Wimax Mac to Mac Protocol handler */
void proto_reg_handoff_m2m(void)
- dissector_handle_t m2m_handle;
- m2m_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_m2m, proto_m2m);
dissector_add_uint("ethertype", ETHERTYPE_WMX_M2M, m2m_handle);
/* find the wimax handlers */
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/packet-wmx.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/packet-wmx.c
index 5a38b111ad..b6914b677c 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/packet-wmx.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/packet-wmx.c
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ void proto_register_wimax(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_wimax(void);
/* Global variables */
-gint proto_wimax = -1;
+gint proto_wimax;
gint8 arq_enabled = 0;
gint scheduling_service_type = 0;
gint mac_sdu_length = 49; /* default SDU size is 49 bytes (11.13.16) */
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
address bs_address = ADDRESS_INIT_NONE;
-static int hf_tlv_type = -1;
-static int hf_tlv_length = -1;
-static int hf_tlv_length_size = -1;
+static int hf_tlv_type;
+static int hf_tlv_length;
+static int hf_tlv_length_size;
#define MAX_NUM_TLVS 256
/* Global TLV array to retrieve unique subtree identifiers */
@@ -291,7 +291,6 @@ void proto_register_wimax(void)
/* Register the ett TLV array to retrieve unique subtree identifiers */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_TLVS; i++)
- ett_tlv[i] = -1;
ett_reg[i] = &ett_tlv[i];
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_cdma_code_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_cdma_code_decoder.c
index 4f7382a8f0..d926078f3b 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_cdma_code_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_cdma_code_decoder.c
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
#include <epan/packet.h>
#include "wimax-int.h"
-static int proto_wimax_cdma_code_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_cdma_code_decoder = -1;
+static int proto_wimax_cdma_code_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_cdma_code_decoder;
-static int hf_wimax_ranging_code = -1;
-static int hf_wimax_ranging_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimax_ranging_subchannel_offset = -1;
+static int hf_wimax_ranging_code;
+static int hf_wimax_ranging_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_wimax_ranging_subchannel_offset;
static int dissect_wimax_cdma_code_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void wimax_proto_register_wimax_cdma(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_wimax_cdma_code_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
- register_dissector("wimax_cdma_code_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_cdma_code_decoder, -1);
+ register_dissector("wimax_cdma_code_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_cdma_code_decoder, proto_wimax_cdma_code_decoder);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder.c
index c69bd68752..2f4efafa90 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder.c
@@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ static guint wimax_compact_dlmap_cqich_control_ie_decoder(proto_tree *tree, pack
static guint wimax_cdlmap_extension_ie_decoder(proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint nibble_offset);
guint wimax_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_decoder(proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint nibble_offset);
-static gint proto_wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder;
#if 0 /* not used ?? */
-static gint ett_wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_format_configuration_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_rcid_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_harq_control_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_cqich_control_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_extension_type_ie_decoder = -1;
+static gint ett_wimax_compact_dlmap_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_format_configuration_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_rcid_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_harq_control_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_cqich_control_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_extension_type_ie_decoder;
/* New Format Indications */
@@ -143,78 +143,78 @@ static const value_string vals_allocation_modes[] =
#define COMPANDED_SC_MASK_1 0x01F0
/* display indexies */
-static gint hf_cdlmap_dl_map_type = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_ul_map_append = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_nep_code = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_nsch_code = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_num_bands = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_band_index = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_nb_bitmap = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_dl_map_type_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_ul_map_append_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_reserved_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_nep_code_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_nsch_code_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_num_bands_1 = -1;
-/*static gint hf_cdlmap_band_index_1 = -1;*/
-static gint hf_cdlmap_nb_bitmap_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_shortened_diuc = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_companded_sc = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_shortened_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_shortened_diuc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_companded_sc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_shortened_uiuc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_bin_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_bin_offset_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_num_of_subchannels = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_num_of_subchannels_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_repetition_coding_indication_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_reserved_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_bit_map_length = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_bit_map_length_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_bit_map = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_allocation_mode = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_allocation_mode_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_num_subchannels = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_allocation_mode_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_allocation_mode_rsvd_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_num_subchannels_1 = -1;
-/* static gint hf_cdlmap_reserved_type = -1; */
-static gint hf_cdlmap_reserved_type_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_dl_map_type;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_ul_map_append;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_reserved;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_nep_code;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_nsch_code;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_num_bands;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_band_index;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_nb_bitmap;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_dl_map_type_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_ul_map_append_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_reserved_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_nep_code_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_nsch_code_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_num_bands_1;
+/*static gint hf_cdlmap_band_index_1;*/
+static gint hf_cdlmap_nb_bitmap_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_shortened_diuc;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_companded_sc;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_shortened_uiuc;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_shortened_diuc_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_companded_sc_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_shortened_uiuc_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_bin_offset;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_bin_offset_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_num_of_subchannels;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_num_of_subchannels_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_repetition_coding_indication;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_repetition_coding_indication_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_reserved;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_reserved_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_bit_map_length;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_bit_map_length_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_bit_map;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_diuc_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_allocation_mode;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_allocation_mode_rsvd;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_num_subchannels;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_allocation_mode_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_allocation_mode_rsvd_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_num_subchannels_1;
+/* static gint hf_cdlmap_reserved_type; */
+static gint hf_cdlmap_reserved_type_1;
/* display indexies */
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_dl_map_type = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_dl_map_type_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_dl_map_type_32 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_new_format_indication = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_new_format_indication_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_new_format_indication_32 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_cid_type = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_cid_type_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_safety_pattern = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_safety_pattern_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_subchannel_type = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_subchannel_type_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_max_logical_bands = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_max_logical_bands_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_broadcast_symbol = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_broadcast_symbol_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_dl_band_amc_symbol = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_dl_band_amc_symbol_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_ul_band_amc_symbol = -1;
-static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_ul_band_amc_symbol_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_dl_map_type;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_dl_map_type_1;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_dl_map_type_32;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_new_format_indication;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_new_format_indication_1;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_new_format_indication_32;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_cid_type;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_cid_type_1;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_safety_pattern;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_safety_pattern_1;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_subchannel_type;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_subchannel_type_1;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_max_logical_bands;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_max_logical_bands_1;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_broadcast_symbol;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_broadcast_symbol_1;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_dl_band_amc_symbol;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_dl_band_amc_symbol_1;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_ul_band_amc_symbol;
+static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_ul_band_amc_symbol_1;
/* Format Configuration IE Masks */
@@ -235,18 +235,18 @@ static gint hf_format_config_ie_num_of_ul_band_amc_symbol_1 = -1;
#define NUM_UL_AMC_SYMBOLS_MASK 0x000003F0
/* display indexies */
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_prefix = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_prefix_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_normal_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_normal_cid_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid3 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid3_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid7 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid7_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid11 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid11_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid11_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid11_3 = -1;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_prefix;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_prefix_1;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_normal_cid;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_normal_cid_1;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid3;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid3_1;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid7;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid7_1;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid11;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid11_1;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid11_2;
+static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid11_3;
/* Masks */
@@ -260,16 +260,16 @@ static gint hf_harq_rcid_ie_cid11_3 = -1;
#define WIMAX_RCID_IE_CID11_MASK_1 0x07FF
/* HARQ MAP HARQ Control IE display indexies */
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_prefix = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_ai_sn = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_spid = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_acid = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_prefix_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_ai_sn_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_spid_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_acid_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_prefix;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_ai_sn;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_spid;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_acid;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_prefix_1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_ai_sn_1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_spid_1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_acid_1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved_1;
/* Masks */
@@ -284,18 +284,18 @@ static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved_1 = -1;
/* HARQ MAP CQICH Control IE display indexies */
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_indicator = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_alloc_id = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_period = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_frame_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_duration = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_cqi_rep_threshold = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_indicator_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_alloc_id_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_period_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_frame_offset_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_duration_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_cqi_rep_threshold_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_indicator;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_alloc_id;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_period;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_frame_offset;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_duration;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_cqi_rep_threshold;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_indicator_1;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_alloc_id_1;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_period_1;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_frame_offset_1;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_duration_1;
+static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_cqi_rep_threshold_1;
/* Masks */
@@ -319,37 +319,37 @@ static gint hf_cqich_control_ie_cqi_rep_threshold_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_type = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_subtype = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_length = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_type_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_subtype_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_length_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_type;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_subtype;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_length;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_type_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_subtype_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_length_1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_time_diversity_mbs = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_harq_mode = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_unknown_sub_type = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_time_diversity_mbs_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_harq_mode_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_unknown_sub_type_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_time_diversity_mbs;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_harq_mode;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_unknown_sub_type;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_time_diversity_mbs_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_harq_mode_1;
+static gint hf_cdlmap_extension_unknown_sub_type_1;
/* Extended DIUC dependent IE display indexies */
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_diuc = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_diuc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_length = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_length_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_channel_measurement = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_stc_zone = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_aas_dl = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_data_location = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_cid_switch = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_mimo_dl_basic = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_mimo_dl_enhanced = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_harq_map_pointer = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_phymod_dl = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_dl_pusc_burst_allocation = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_ul_interference_and_noise_level = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_unknown_diuc = -1;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_diuc;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_diuc_1;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_length;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_length_1;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_channel_measurement;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_stc_zone;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_aas_dl;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_data_location;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_cid_switch;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_mimo_dl_basic;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_mimo_dl_enhanced;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_harq_map_pointer;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_phymod_dl;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_dl_pusc_burst_allocation;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_ul_interference_and_noise_level;
+static gint hf_extended_diuc_dependent_ie_unknown_diuc;
/* Compact DL-MAP IE Types (table 89) */
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder.c
index efa90abd9e..0968a3be51 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder.c
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ static guint wimax_compact_ulmap_rcid_ie_decoder(proto_tree *tree, packet_info *
static guint wimax_compact_ulmap_harq_control_ie_decoder(proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint nibble_offset);
static guint wimax_culmap_extension_ie_decoder(proto_tree *tree, packet_info *pinfo, tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint nibble_offset);
-static gint proto_wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder;
#if 0 /* not used ?? */
-static gint ett_wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_rcid_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_harq_control_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_extended_uiuc_dependent_ie_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_extension_type_ie_decoder = -1;
+static gint ett_wimax_compact_ulmap_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_rcid_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_harq_control_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_extended_uiuc_dependent_ie_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_extension_type_ie_decoder;
/* Prefixes */
@@ -122,83 +122,83 @@ static const value_string vals_ctypes[] =
/* display indexies */
-static gint hf_culmap_ul_map_type = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_nep_code = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_nsch_code = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_num_bands = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_band_index = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_nb_bitmap = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_ul_map_type_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_reserved_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_nep_code_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_nsch_code_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_num_bands_1 = -1;
-/*static gint hf_culmap_band_index_1 = -1;*/
-static gint hf_culmap_nb_bitmap_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_shortened_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_companded_sc = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_shortened_uiuc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_companded_sc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_bin_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_bin_offset_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_ofdma_symbol_offset_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_subchannel_offset_7 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_ofdma_symbols_7 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_subchannels_7 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_ranging_method = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_subchannel_offset_7_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_ofdma_symbols_7_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_subchannels_7_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_ranging_method_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_reserved_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_repetition_coding_indication_1 = -1;
-/* static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_reserved1 = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_reserved11_1 = -1; */
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_subchannel_offset_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_ofdma_symbols = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_ofdma_symbols_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_subchannels = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_subchannels_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_harq_region_change_indication = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_harq_region_change_indication_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_cqi_region_change_indication = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_cqi_region_change_indication_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_allocation_mode = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_allocation_mode_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_num_subchannels = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_allocation_mode_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_allocation_mode_rsvd_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_num_subchannels_1 = -1;
-/* static gint hf_culmap_reserved_type = -1; */
-static gint hf_culmap_reserved_type_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_culmap_ul_map_type;
+static gint hf_culmap_reserved;
+static gint hf_culmap_nep_code;
+static gint hf_culmap_nsch_code;
+static gint hf_culmap_num_bands;
+static gint hf_culmap_band_index;
+static gint hf_culmap_nb_bitmap;
+static gint hf_culmap_ul_map_type_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_reserved_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_nep_code_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_nsch_code_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_num_bands_1;
+/*static gint hf_culmap_band_index_1;*/
+static gint hf_culmap_nb_bitmap_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_shortened_uiuc;
+static gint hf_culmap_companded_sc;
+static gint hf_culmap_shortened_uiuc_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_companded_sc_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_bin_offset;
+static gint hf_culmap_bin_offset_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_ofdma_symbol_offset_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_subchannel_offset_7;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_ofdma_symbols_7;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_subchannels_7;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_ranging_method;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_reserved;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_subchannel_offset_7_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_ofdma_symbols_7_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_subchannels_7_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_ranging_method_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_reserved_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_repetition_coding_indication;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_repetition_coding_indication_1;
+/* static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_reserved1; */
+/* static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_reserved11_1; */
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_subchannel_offset;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_subchannel_offset_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_ofdma_symbols;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_ofdma_symbols_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_subchannels;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_num_of_subchannels_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_harq_region_change_indication;
+static gint hf_culmap_harq_region_change_indication_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_cqi_region_change_indication;
+static gint hf_culmap_cqi_region_change_indication_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc;
+static gint hf_culmap_uiuc_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_allocation_mode;
+static gint hf_culmap_allocation_mode_rsvd;
+static gint hf_culmap_num_subchannels;
+static gint hf_culmap_allocation_mode_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_allocation_mode_rsvd_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_num_subchannels_1;
+/* static gint hf_culmap_reserved_type; */
+static gint hf_culmap_reserved_type_1;
/* display indexies */
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_prefix = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_prefix_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_normal_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_normal_cid_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid3 = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid3_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid7 = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid7_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid11 = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid11_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid11_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid11_3 = -1;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_prefix;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_prefix_1;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_normal_cid;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_normal_cid_1;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid3;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid3_1;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid7;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid7_1;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid11;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid11_1;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid11_2;
+static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid11_3;
/* Masks */
@@ -212,16 +212,16 @@ static gint hf_rcid_ie_cid11_3 = -1;
#define WIMAX_RCID_IE_CID11_MASK_1 0x07FF
/* HARQ MAP HARQ Control IE display indexies */
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_prefix = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_ai_sn = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_spid = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_acid = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_prefix_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_ai_sn_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_spid_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_acid_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_prefix;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_ai_sn;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_spid;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_acid;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_prefix_1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_ai_sn_1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_spid_1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_acid_1;
+static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved_1;
/* Masks */
@@ -243,19 +243,19 @@ static gint hf_harq_control_ie_reserved_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_type = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_subtype = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_length = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_type_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_subtype_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_length_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_type;
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_subtype;
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_length;
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_type_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_subtype_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_length_1;
-/* static gint hf_culmap_extension_time_diversity_mbs = -1; */
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_harq_mode = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_unknown_sub_type = -1;
-/* static gint hf_culmap_extension_time_diversity_mbs_1 = -1; */
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_harq_mode_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_culmap_extension_unknown_sub_type_1 = -1;
+/* static gint hf_culmap_extension_time_diversity_mbs; */
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_harq_mode;
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_unknown_sub_type;
+/* static gint hf_culmap_extension_time_diversity_mbs_1; */
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_harq_mode_1;
+static gint hf_culmap_extension_unknown_sub_type_1;
/* UL-MAP CDMA Allocation IE */
@@ -275,22 +275,22 @@ static gint hf_culmap_extension_unknown_sub_type_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_duration = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_repetition = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_frame_number_index = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_code = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_symbol = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_subchannel = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_bw_req = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_duration_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_uiuc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_repetition_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_frame_number_index_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_code_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_symbol_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_subchannel_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cdma_allocation_bw_req_1 = -1;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_duration;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_uiuc;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_repetition;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_frame_number_index;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_code;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_symbol;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_subchannel;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_bw_req;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_duration_1;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_uiuc_1;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_repetition_1;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_frame_number_index_1;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_code_1;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_symbol_1;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_ranging_subchannel_1;
+static gint hf_cdma_allocation_bw_req_1;
/* UL-MAP Extended UIUCs (table 290a) */
@@ -312,42 +312,42 @@ static gint hf_cdma_allocation_bw_req_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_length = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_uiuc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_length_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_power_control = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_power_measurement_frame = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_power_control_24 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_power_measurement_frame_24 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_ctype = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_duration = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_ctype_16 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_duration_16 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_uiuc = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_repetition = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_padding = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_cid_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_uiuc_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_repetition_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_cid_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_uiuc_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_repetition_2 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_cid_3 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_uiuc_3 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_repetition_3 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_padding_1 = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_aas_ul = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_cqich_alloc = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_ul_zone = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_phymod_ul = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mimo_ul_basic = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_fast_tracking = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_ul_pusc_burst_allocation = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_fast_ranging = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_ul_allocation_start = -1;
-static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_unknown_uiuc = -1;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_uiuc;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_length;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_uiuc_1;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_length_1;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_power_control;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_power_measurement_frame;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_power_control_24;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_power_measurement_frame_24;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_ctype;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_duration;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_ctype_16;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_duration_16;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_cid;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_uiuc;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_repetition;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_padding;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_cid_1;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_uiuc_1;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_repetition_1;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_cid_2;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_uiuc_2;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_repetition_2;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_cid_3;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_uiuc_3;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_repetition_3;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mini_subchannel_alloc_padding_1;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_aas_ul;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_cqich_alloc;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_ul_zone;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_phymod_ul;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_mimo_ul_basic;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_fast_tracking;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_ul_pusc_burst_allocation;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_fast_ranging;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_ul_allocation_start;
+static gint hf_extended_uiuc_ie_unknown_uiuc;
/* Compact UL-MAP IE Types (table 90) */
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_fch_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_fch_decoder.c
index 6ecacbc0db..69e2c1959c 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_fch_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_fch_decoder.c
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ extern gint proto_wimax;
extern address bs_address; /* declared in packet-wmx.c */
-static int proto_wimax_fch_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_fch_decoder = -1;
+static int proto_wimax_fch_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_fch_decoder;
/* FCH Burst bits */
@@ -42,17 +42,17 @@ static gint ett_wimax_fch_decoder = -1;
#define DL_MAP_LENGTH 0x000FF0
#define FCH_RESERVED_2 0x00000F
-static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group0 = -1;
-static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group1 = -1;
-static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group2 = -1;
-static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group3 = -1;
-static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group4 = -1;
-static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group5 = -1;
-static int hf_fch_reserved_1 = -1;
-static int hf_fch_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_fch_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_fch_dlmap_length = -1;
-static int hf_fch_reserved_2 = -1;
+static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group0;
+static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group1;
+static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group2;
+static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group3;
+static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group4;
+static int hf_fch_used_subchannel_group5;
+static int hf_fch_reserved_1;
+static int hf_fch_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_fch_coding_indication;
+static int hf_fch_dlmap_length;
+static int hf_fch_reserved_2;
static const value_string used_or_not_used[] =
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ void wimax_proto_register_wimax_fch(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_wimax_fch_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
- register_dissector("wimax_fch_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_fch_decoder, -1);
+ register_dissector("wimax_fch_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_fch_decoder, proto_wimax_fch_decoder);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_ffb_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_ffb_decoder.c
index 98ad719019..5b8b8f8b72 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_ffb_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_ffb_decoder.c
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@
extern gint proto_wimax;
-static gint proto_wimax_ffb_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_ffb_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_wimax_ffb_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_ffb_decoder;
-/* static gint hf_ffb_burst = -1; */
-static gint hf_ffb_num_of_ffbs = -1;
-static gint hf_ffb_type = -1;
-static gint hf_ffb_subchannel = -1;
-static gint hf_ffb_symboloffset = -1;
-static gint hf_ffb_value = -1;
+/* static gint hf_ffb_burst; */
+static gint hf_ffb_num_of_ffbs;
+static gint hf_ffb_type;
+static gint hf_ffb_subchannel;
+static gint hf_ffb_symboloffset;
+static gint hf_ffb_value;
static int dissect_wimax_ffb_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ void wimax_proto_register_wimax_ffb(void)
proto_register_field_array(proto_wimax_ffb_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
- register_dissector("wimax_ffb_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_ffb_decoder, -1);
+ register_dissector("wimax_ffb_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_ffb_decoder, proto_wimax_ffb_decoder);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_hack_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_hack_decoder.c
index cb29ed636b..a1aaef93ef 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_hack_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_hack_decoder.c
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
extern gint proto_wimax;
-static gint proto_wimax_hack_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_hack_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_wimax_hack_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_hack_decoder;
static const value_string vals_flags[] =
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ static const value_string vals_values[] =
{0, NULL}
-/* static gint hf_hack_burst = -1; */
-static gint hf_hack_num_of_hacks = -1;
-static gint hf_hack_half_slot_flag = -1;
-static gint hf_hack_subchannel = -1;
-static gint hf_hack_symboloffset = -1;
-static gint hf_hack_value = -1;
+/* static gint hf_hack_burst; */
+static gint hf_hack_num_of_hacks;
+static gint hf_hack_half_slot_flag;
+static gint hf_hack_subchannel;
+static gint hf_hack_symboloffset;
+static gint hf_hack_value;
static int dissect_wimax_hack_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void wimax_proto_register_wimax_hack(void)
proto_wimax_hack_decoder = proto_wimax;
- register_dissector("wimax_hack_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_hack_decoder, -1);
+ register_dissector("wimax_hack_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_hack_decoder, proto_wimax_hack_decoder);
proto_register_field_array(proto_wimax_hack_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_harq_map_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_harq_map_decoder.c
index ec99de002c..d0bb91cdad 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_harq_map_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_harq_map_decoder.c
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
extern gint proto_wimax;
-static gint proto_wimax_harq_map_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_harq_map_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_wimax_harq_map_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_harq_map_decoder;
/* MASKs */
#define LSB_NIBBLE_MASK 0x0F
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ static gint ett_wimax_harq_map_decoder = -1;
/* HARQ MAP display indexies */
-static gint hf_harq_map_indicator = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_ul_map_appended = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_map_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_map_msg_length = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_dl_ie_count = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_map_msg_crc = -1;
-static gint hf_harq_map_msg_crc_status = -1;
-static expert_field ei_harq_map_msg_crc = EI_INIT;
+static gint hf_harq_map_indicator;
+static gint hf_harq_ul_map_appended;
+static gint hf_harq_map_reserved;
+static gint hf_harq_map_msg_length;
+static gint hf_harq_dl_ie_count;
+static gint hf_harq_map_msg_crc;
+static gint hf_harq_map_msg_crc_status;
+static expert_field ei_harq_map_msg_crc;
/* Copied and renamed from proto.c because global value_strings don't work for plugins */
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_pdu_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_pdu_decoder.c
index 1d22dbeefc..3b764a69db 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_pdu_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_pdu_decoder.c
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ static dissector_handle_t wimax_harq_map_handle = NULL;
/* Global Variables. */
gboolean first_gmh;
-static gint proto_wimax_pdu_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_pdu_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_wimax_pdu_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_pdu_decoder;
-static int hf_wimax_value_bytes = -1;
+static int hf_wimax_value_bytes;
static int dissect_wimax_pdu_decoder(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data _U_)
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void wimax_proto_register_wimax_pdu(void)
proto_wimax_pdu_decoder = proto_wimax;
- register_dissector("wimax_pdu_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_pdu_decoder, -1);
+ register_dissector("wimax_pdu_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_pdu_decoder, proto_wimax_pdu_decoder);
proto_register_field_array(proto_wimax_pdu_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_phy_attributes_decoder.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_phy_attributes_decoder.c
index 3aa517ef38..daa691523c 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_phy_attributes_decoder.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_phy_attributes_decoder.c
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
extern gint proto_wimax;
-static gint proto_wimax_phy_attributes_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_phy_attributes_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_wimax_phy_attributes_decoder;
+static gint ett_wimax_phy_attributes_decoder;
static const value_string vals_subchannel_types[] =
@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ static const value_string vals_encoding_types[] =
{0, NULL}
-static gint hf_phy_attributes_subchannelization_type = -1;
-static gint hf_phy_attributes_permbase = -1;
-static gint hf_phy_attributes_modulation_rate = -1;
-static gint hf_phy_attributes_encoding_type = -1;
-static gint hf_phy_attributes_num_repeat = -1;
-static gint hf_phy_attributes_symbol_offset = -1;
-static gint hf_phy_attributes_num_of_slots = -1;
-static gint hf_phy_attributes_subchannel = -1;
+static gint hf_phy_attributes_subchannelization_type;
+static gint hf_phy_attributes_permbase;
+static gint hf_phy_attributes_modulation_rate;
+static gint hf_phy_attributes_encoding_type;
+static gint hf_phy_attributes_num_repeat;
+static gint hf_phy_attributes_symbol_offset;
+static gint hf_phy_attributes_num_of_slots;
+static gint hf_phy_attributes_subchannel;
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void wimax_proto_register_wimax_phy_attributes(void)
proto_wimax_phy_attributes_decoder = proto_wimax;
- register_dissector("wimax_phy_attributes_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_phy_attributes_decoder, -1);
+ register_dissector("wimax_phy_attributes_burst_handler", dissect_wimax_phy_attributes_decoder, proto_wimax_phy_attributes_decoder);
proto_register_field_array(proto_wimax_phy_attributes_decoder, hf, array_length(hf));
proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_utils.c b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_utils.c
index 405762ca44..e59bb2a561 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_utils.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimax/wimax_utils.c
@@ -32,22 +32,22 @@ extern gint proto_mac_mgmt_msg_reg_req_decoder;
extern gint mac_sdu_length; /* declared in packet-wmx.c */
extern gboolean include_cor2_changes;
-static gint proto_wimax_utility_decoders = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_service_flow_encodings = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_cst_encoding_rules = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_error_parameter_set = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_hmac_tuple = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_cmac_tuple = -1;
-static gint ett_wimax_short_hmac_tuple = -1;
-static gint ett_security_negotiation_parameters = -1;
-static gint ett_pkm_tlv_encoded_attributes_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_sa_descriptor_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_cryptographic_suite_list_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_security_capabilities_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_vendor_specific_info_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_vendor_id_encoding_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_ul_service_flow_decoder = -1;
-static gint ett_dl_service_flow_decoder = -1;
+static gint proto_wimax_utility_decoders;
+static gint ett_wimax_service_flow_encodings;
+static gint ett_wimax_cst_encoding_rules;
+static gint ett_wimax_error_parameter_set;
+static gint ett_wimax_hmac_tuple;
+static gint ett_wimax_cmac_tuple;
+static gint ett_wimax_short_hmac_tuple;
+static gint ett_security_negotiation_parameters;
+static gint ett_pkm_tlv_encoded_attributes_decoder;
+static gint ett_sa_descriptor_decoder;
+static gint ett_cryptographic_suite_list_decoder;
+static gint ett_security_capabilities_decoder;
+static gint ett_vendor_specific_info_decoder;
+static gint ett_vendor_id_encoding_decoder;
+static gint ett_ul_service_flow_decoder;
+static gint ett_dl_service_flow_decoder;
static dissector_handle_t eap_handle = NULL;
@@ -400,155 +400,155 @@ static const value_string vals_dcd_mac_version[] =
/* fix fields */
-static gint hf_sfe_unknown_type = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_sf_id = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_service_class_name = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_mbs_service = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_qos_params_set = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_set_provisioned = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_set_admitted = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_set_active = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_set_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_traffic_priority = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_max_str = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_max_traffic_burst = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_min_rtr = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_reserved_10 = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_ul_grant_scheduling = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_req_tx_policy = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_policy_broadcast_bwr = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_policy_multicast_bwr = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_policy_piggyback = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_policy_fragment = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_policy_headers = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_policy_packing = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_policy_crc = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_policy_rsvd1 = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_jitter = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_max_latency = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_fixed_len_sdu = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_sdu_size = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_target_said = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_cs_specification = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_type_of_data_delivery_services = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_sdu_inter_arrival_interval = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_time_base = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_paging_preference = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_mbs_zone_identifier_assignment = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_sn_feedback_enabled = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_harq_service_flows = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_harq_channel_mapping_index = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_fsn_size = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_unsolicited_grant_interval = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_unsolicited_polling_interval = -1;
-/* static gint hf_sfe_harq_channel_mapping = -1; */
-static gint hf_sfe_global_service_class_name = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_reserved_36 = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_reserved_34 = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_enable = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_transmitter_delay = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_receiver_delay = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_block_lifetime = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_sync_loss_timeout = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_transmitter_delay_cor2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_receiver_delay_cor2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_block_lifetime_cor2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_sync_loss_timeout_cor2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_deliver_in_order = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_rx_purge_timeout = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_window_size = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_block_size = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_block_size_cor2 = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_min_block_size = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_arq_max_block_size = -1;
-/* static gint hf_sfe_cid_alloc_for_active_bs = -1; */
-static gint hf_sfe_cid_alloc_for_active_bs_cid = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_pdu_sn_ext_subheader_reorder = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_mbs_contents_ids = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_mbs_contents_ids_id = -1;
-static gint hf_sfe_authorization_token = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_classifier_dsc_action = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_error_set_errored_param = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_error_set_error_code = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_error_set_error_msg = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_priority = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_range_mask = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_tos_low = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_tos_high = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_tos_mask = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_protocol = -1;
-/*static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_protocol_number = -1;*/
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_ip_masked_src_address = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_ip_masked_dest_address = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_ipv4 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_ipv4 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_mask_ipv4 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_ipv6 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_ipv6 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_mask_ipv6 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_prot_src_port_range = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_port_low = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_port_high = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_prot_dest_port_range = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_port_low = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_port_high = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_mac_address = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_mac = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_mac_address = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_mac = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_mask_mac = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_ethertype = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_etype = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_eprot1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_eprot2 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_user_priority = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_pri_low = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_pri_high = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_vlan_id = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_vlan_id1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_vlan_id2 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_phsi = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_index = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_ipv6_flow_label = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_vendor_spec = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_classifier_action_rule = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_classifier_action_rule_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_classifier_action_rule_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_large_context_id = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_short_format_context_id = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_phs_dsc_action = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_phs_rule = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_phs_phsi = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_phs_phsf = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_phs_phsm = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_phs_phss = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_phs_phsv = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_phs_vendor_spec = -1;
-static gint hf_cst_invalid_tlv = -1;
-static gint hf_csper_atm_switching_encoding = -1;
-static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier = -1;
-static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier_vpi = -1;
-static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier_vci = -1;
-static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier_id = -1;
-/*static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier_dsc_action = -1;*/
-static gint hf_csper_unknown_type = -1;
-static gint hf_xmac_tuple_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_xmac_tuple_key_seq_num = -1;
-static gint hf_hmac_tuple_hmac_digest = -1;
-static gint hf_packet_number_counter = -1;
-static gint hf_cmac_tuple_cmac_value = -1;
-static gint hf_cmac_tuple_bsid = -1;
+static gint hf_sfe_unknown_type;
+static gint hf_sfe_sf_id;
+static gint hf_sfe_cid;
+static gint hf_sfe_service_class_name;
+static gint hf_sfe_mbs_service;
+static gint hf_sfe_qos_params_set;
+static gint hf_sfe_set_provisioned;
+static gint hf_sfe_set_admitted;
+static gint hf_sfe_set_active;
+static gint hf_sfe_set_rsvd;
+static gint hf_sfe_traffic_priority;
+static gint hf_sfe_max_str;
+static gint hf_sfe_max_traffic_burst;
+static gint hf_sfe_min_rtr;
+static gint hf_sfe_reserved_10;
+static gint hf_sfe_ul_grant_scheduling;
+static gint hf_sfe_req_tx_policy;
+static gint hf_sfe_policy_broadcast_bwr;
+static gint hf_sfe_policy_multicast_bwr;
+static gint hf_sfe_policy_piggyback;
+static gint hf_sfe_policy_fragment;
+static gint hf_sfe_policy_headers;
+static gint hf_sfe_policy_packing;
+static gint hf_sfe_policy_crc;
+static gint hf_sfe_policy_rsvd1;
+static gint hf_sfe_jitter;
+static gint hf_sfe_max_latency;
+static gint hf_sfe_fixed_len_sdu;
+static gint hf_sfe_sdu_size;
+static gint hf_sfe_target_said;
+static gint hf_sfe_cs_specification;
+static gint hf_sfe_type_of_data_delivery_services;
+static gint hf_sfe_sdu_inter_arrival_interval;
+static gint hf_sfe_time_base;
+static gint hf_sfe_paging_preference;
+static gint hf_sfe_mbs_zone_identifier_assignment;
+static gint hf_sfe_sn_feedback_enabled;
+static gint hf_sfe_harq_service_flows;
+static gint hf_sfe_harq_channel_mapping_index;
+static gint hf_sfe_fsn_size;
+static gint hf_sfe_unsolicited_grant_interval;
+static gint hf_sfe_unsolicited_polling_interval;
+/* static gint hf_sfe_harq_channel_mapping; */
+static gint hf_sfe_global_service_class_name;
+static gint hf_sfe_reserved_36;
+static gint hf_sfe_reserved_34;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_enable;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_transmitter_delay;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_receiver_delay;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_block_lifetime;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_sync_loss_timeout;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_transmitter_delay_cor2;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_receiver_delay_cor2;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_block_lifetime_cor2;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_sync_loss_timeout_cor2;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_deliver_in_order;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_rx_purge_timeout;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_window_size;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_block_size;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_block_size_cor2;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_min_block_size;
+static gint hf_sfe_arq_max_block_size;
+/* static gint hf_sfe_cid_alloc_for_active_bs; */
+static gint hf_sfe_cid_alloc_for_active_bs_cid;
+static gint hf_sfe_pdu_sn_ext_subheader_reorder;
+static gint hf_sfe_mbs_contents_ids;
+static gint hf_sfe_mbs_contents_ids_id;
+static gint hf_sfe_authorization_token;
+static gint hf_cst_classifier_dsc_action;
+static gint hf_cst_error_set_errored_param;
+static gint hf_cst_error_set_error_code;
+static gint hf_cst_error_set_error_msg;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_priority;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_range_mask;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_tos_low;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_tos_high;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_tos_mask;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_protocol;
+/*static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_protocol_number;*/
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_ip_masked_src_address;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_ip_masked_dest_address;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_ipv4;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_ipv4;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_mask_ipv4;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_ipv6;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_ipv6;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_mask_ipv6;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_prot_src_port_range;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_port_low;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_port_high;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_prot_dest_port_range;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_port_low;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_port_high;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_mac_address;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_dest_mac;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_mac_address;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_src_mac;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_mask_mac;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_ethertype;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_etype;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_eprot1;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_eprot2;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_user_priority;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_pri_low;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_pri_high;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_vlan_id;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_vlan_id1;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_vlan_id2;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_phsi;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_index;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_ipv6_flow_label;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_vendor_spec;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_classifier_action_rule;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_classifier_action_rule_bit0;
+static gint hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_classifier_action_rule_bit1;
+static gint hf_cst_large_context_id;
+static gint hf_cst_short_format_context_id;
+static gint hf_cst_phs_dsc_action;
+static gint hf_cst_phs_rule;
+static gint hf_cst_phs_phsi;
+static gint hf_cst_phs_phsf;
+static gint hf_cst_phs_phsm;
+static gint hf_cst_phs_phss;
+static gint hf_cst_phs_phsv;
+static gint hf_cst_phs_vendor_spec;
+static gint hf_cst_invalid_tlv;
+static gint hf_csper_atm_switching_encoding;
+static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier;
+static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier_vpi;
+static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier_vci;
+static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier_id;
+/*static gint hf_csper_atm_classifier_dsc_action;*/
+static gint hf_csper_unknown_type;
+static gint hf_xmac_tuple_rsvd;
+static gint hf_xmac_tuple_key_seq_num;
+static gint hf_hmac_tuple_hmac_digest;
+static gint hf_packet_number_counter;
+static gint hf_cmac_tuple_cmac_value;
+static gint hf_cmac_tuple_bsid;
/* bit masks */
/* 11.13.4 */
@@ -577,33 +577,33 @@ static gint hf_cmac_tuple_bsid = -1;
/* WiMax Security Negotiation Parameters display */
-static gint hf_snp_pkm_version_support = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_pkm_version_support_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_pkm_version_support_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_pkm_version_support_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit2 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit3 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit4 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit5 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit6 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit7 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit0 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit1 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit1_rsvd = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit2 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit3 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit4 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit5 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_reserved = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_reserved1 = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_pn_window_size = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_max_conc_transactions = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_max_suppt_sec_assns = -1;
-static gint hf_snp_unknown_type = -1;
+static gint hf_snp_pkm_version_support;
+static gint hf_snp_pkm_version_support_bit0;
+static gint hf_snp_pkm_version_support_bit1;
+static gint hf_snp_pkm_version_support_reserved;
+static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support;
+static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit0;
+static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit1;
+static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit2;
+static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit3;
+static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit4;
+static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit5;
+static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit6;
+static gint hf_snp_auth_policy_support_bit7;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit0;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit1;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit1_rsvd;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit2;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit3;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit4;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_bit5;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_reserved;
+static gint hf_snp_mac_mode_reserved1;
+static gint hf_snp_pn_window_size;
+static gint hf_snp_max_conc_transactions;
+static gint hf_snp_max_suppt_sec_assns;
+static gint hf_snp_unknown_type;
/* bit masks */
/* */
@@ -630,65 +630,65 @@ static gint hf_snp_unknown_type = -1;
#define SNP_MAC_MODE_RSV1 0xC0
/* PKM display */
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_unknown_type = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_display = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_authorize_waitout = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_reauthorize_waitout = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_grace_time = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_operational_waittime = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_auth_key = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_tek = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_key_life_time = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_key_seq_num = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_hmac_digest = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_said = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_cbc_iv = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_error_code = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_ca_certificate = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_ss_certificate = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_auth_result_code = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_sa_service_type = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_frame_number = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_ss_random = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_bs_random = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_pre_pak = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_bs_certificate = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_sig_bs = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_ms_mac_address = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_cmac_digest = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_cmac_digest_pn = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_cmac_digest_value = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_eap_payload = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_nonce = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_sa_type = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_crypto_suite = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_crypto_suite_msb = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_crypto_suite_middle = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_msg_crypto_suite_lsb = -1;
-/*static gint hf_pkm_msg_version = -1;*/
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_push_modes = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_key_push_counter = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_gkek = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_sig_ss = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_akid = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_rekey_wait_timeout = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_tek_grace_time = -1;
-static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_authorize_reject_wait_timeout = -1;
-/* static gint hf_pkm_attr_pak_ak_seq_number = -1; */
-static gint hf_pkm_attr_associated_gkek_seq_number = -1;
-/* static gint hf_pkm_attr_gkek_params = -1; */
-/* static gint hf_common_tlv_unknown_type = -1; */
-static gint hf_common_tlv_mac_version = -1;
-static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_id = -1;
-static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_specific_type = -1;
-static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_specific_length = -1;
-static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_specific_length_size = -1;
-static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_specific_value = -1;
-static gint hf_common_current_transmitted_power = -1;
-static expert_field ei_common_tlv_info = EI_INIT;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_unknown_type;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_display;
+static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_authorize_waitout;
+static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_reauthorize_waitout;
+static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_grace_time;
+static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_operational_waittime;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_auth_key;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_tek;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_key_life_time;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_key_seq_num;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_hmac_digest;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_said;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_cbc_iv;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_error_code;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_ca_certificate;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_attr_ss_certificate;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_auth_result_code;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_sa_service_type;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_frame_number;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_ss_random;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_bs_random;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_pre_pak;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_bs_certificate;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_sig_bs;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_ms_mac_address;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_cmac_digest;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_cmac_digest_pn;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_cmac_digest_value;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_eap_payload;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_nonce;
+static gint hf_pkm_sa_type;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_crypto_suite;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_crypto_suite_msb;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_crypto_suite_middle;
+static gint hf_pkm_msg_crypto_suite_lsb;
+/*static gint hf_pkm_msg_version;*/
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_push_modes;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_key_push_counter;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_gkek;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_sig_ss;
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_akid;
+static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_rekey_wait_timeout;
+static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_tek_grace_time;
+static gint hf_pkm_config_settings_authorize_reject_wait_timeout;
+/* static gint hf_pkm_attr_pak_ak_seq_number; */
+static gint hf_pkm_attr_associated_gkek_seq_number;
+/* static gint hf_pkm_attr_gkek_params; */
+/* static gint hf_common_tlv_unknown_type; */
+static gint hf_common_tlv_mac_version;
+static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_id;
+static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_specific_type;
+static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_specific_length;
+static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_specific_length_size;
+static gint hf_common_tlv_vendor_specific_value;
+static gint hf_common_current_transmitted_power;
+static expert_field ei_common_tlv_info;
/* Register WiMax Utility Routines */
void wimax_proto_register_wimax_utility_decoders(void)
@@ -1033,10 +1033,6 @@ void wimax_proto_register_wimax_utility_decoders(void)
{"Protocol", "wmx.cst.pkt_class_rule.protocol", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}
#if 0 /* Removed by the changes of 802.16E 2005 */
- { /* Protocol */
- &hf_cst_pkt_class_rule_protocol,
- {"Protocol", "wmx.cst.pkt_class_rule.protocol", FT_BYTES, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL}
- },
{ /* Protocol Number */
{"Protocol Number", "wmx.cst.pkt_class_rule.protocol.number", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL}
@@ -1612,12 +1608,6 @@ void wimax_proto_register_wimax_utility_decoders(void)
{"SA Service Type", "wmx.pkm_msg.pkm_attr.sa_service_type", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(vs_sa_service_type), 0x0, NULL, HFILL}
-#if 0 /* same as 11.9.19 */
- { /* 11.9.36 - type 27 */
- &hf_pkm_attr_config_settings,
- {"PKMv2 Configuration Settings", "wmx.pkm_msg.pkm_attr.config_settings", FT_BYTES, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, "", HFILL}
- },
{ /* 11.9.37 - type 32 */
{"Frame Number", "wmx.pkm_msg.pkm_attr.frame_number", FT_UINT24, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL}
@@ -1689,7 +1679,7 @@ void wimax_proto_register_wimax_utility_decoders(void)
expert_module_t* expert_wimax_utility;
- if(proto_wimax_utility_decoders == -1)
+ if(proto_wimax_utility_decoders <= 0)
proto_wimax_utility_decoders = proto_register_protocol (
"WiMax Sub-TLV Messages",
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/CMakeLists.txt
index 39aa634dbf..9bfe3f5ebf 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -26,17 +26,18 @@ add_lex_files(LEX_FILES PLUGIN_FILES
+ "WiMAX ASN Control Plane dissection"
-add_plugin_library(wimaxasncp epan)
target_link_libraries(wimaxasncp epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/packet-wimaxasncp.c b/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/packet-wimaxasncp.c
index e0e1bfc282..ced1ceb520 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/packet-wimaxasncp.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/packet-wimaxasncp.c
@@ -37,37 +37,37 @@ void proto_register_wimaxasncp(void);
void proto_reg_handoff_wimaxasncp(void);
/* Initialize the protocol and registered fields */
-static int proto_wimaxasncp = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_version = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_flags = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_function_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_op_id = -1;
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_message_type = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_qos_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_ho_control_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_data_path_control_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_context_delivery_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_r3_mobility_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_paging_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_rrm_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_authentication_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_ms_state_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_reauthentication_msg = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_session_msg = -1; */
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_length = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_msid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_transaction_id = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_reserved2 = -1;
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv = -1; */
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_length = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bytes = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags8 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags16 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags32 = -1;
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_protocol = -1; */
-/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_vendor_id = -1; */
+static int proto_wimaxasncp;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_version;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_flags;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_function_type;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_op_id;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_message_type;
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_qos_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_ho_control_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_data_path_control_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_context_delivery_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_r3_mobility_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_paging_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_rrm_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_authentication_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_ms_state_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_reauthentication_msg; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_session_msg; */
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_length;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_msid;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_reserved1;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_transaction_id;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_reserved2;
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv; */
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_type;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_length;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bytes;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags8;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags16;
+static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags32;
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_protocol; */
+/* static int hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_vendor_id; */
/* Preferences */
static gboolean show_transaction_id_d_bit = FALSE;
@@ -78,29 +78,30 @@ static gboolean debug_enabled = FALSE;
/* Initialize the subtree pointers */
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_flags = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags8 = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags16 = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags32 = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_protocol_list = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_port_range_list = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_ip_address_mask_list = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_ip_address_mask = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_eap = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_vendor_specific_information_field = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxasncp_port_range = -1;
-static expert_field ei_wimaxasncp_tlv_type = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_wimaxasncp_function_type = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_wimaxasncp_op_id = EI_INIT;
-static expert_field ei_wimaxasncp_length_bad = EI_INIT;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_flags;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags8;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags16;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bitflags32;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_protocol_list;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_port_range_list;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_ip_address_mask_list;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_ip_address_mask;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_eap;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_tlv_vendor_specific_information_field;
+static gint ett_wimaxasncp_port_range;
+static expert_field ei_wimaxasncp_tlv_type;
+static expert_field ei_wimaxasncp_function_type;
+static expert_field ei_wimaxasncp_op_id;
+static expert_field ei_wimaxasncp_message_type;
+static expert_field ei_wimaxasncp_length_bad;
/* Header size, up to, but not including, the TLV fields. */
-/* Offset to end of the length field in the headder. */
+/* Offset to end of the length field in the header. */
#define WIMAXASNCP_BIT32(n) (1U << (31 - (n)))
@@ -401,7 +402,7 @@ static const ver_value_string wimaxasncp_ms_state_msg_vals[] =
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* note - function type 10-im_operation, was once used for re-authrntication */
+/* note - function type 10-im_operation, was once used for re-authentication */
static const ver_value_string wimaxasncp_im_operations_msg_vals[] =
{0, { 1, "AR_EAP_Start"}},
@@ -519,7 +520,7 @@ static const gchar *wimaxasncp_get_enum_name(
if (tlv_info->enum_vs)
- return val_to_str(code, tlv_info->enum_vs, "Unknown");
+ return val_to_str_const(code, tlv_info->enum_vs, "Unknown");
@@ -574,7 +575,7 @@ static void wimaxasncp_proto_tree_add_tlv_ipv4_value(
guint32 ip;
const gchar *addr_res;
- if (tlv_info->hf_ipv4 != -1)
+ if (tlv_info->hf_ipv4 > 0)
hf_value = tlv_info->hf_ipv4;
@@ -609,7 +610,7 @@ static void wimaxasncp_proto_tree_add_tlv_ipv6_value(
ws_in6_addr ip;
const gchar *addr_res;
- if (tlv_info->hf_ipv4 != -1)
+ if (tlv_info->hf_ipv4 > 0)
hf_value = tlv_info->hf_ipv6;
@@ -645,7 +646,7 @@ static void wimaxasncp_proto_tree_add_ether_value(
const guint8 *p;
const gchar *ether_name;
- if (tlv_info->hf_bsid != -1)
+ if (tlv_info->hf_bsid > 0)
hf_value = tlv_info->hf_bsid;
@@ -1043,29 +1044,28 @@ static void wimaxasncp_dissect_tlv_value(
if (tree)
- const gchar *format1;
- const gchar *format2;
- const guint8 *p = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, length);
- const gchar *s = bytes_to_str_punct(pinfo->pool, p, MIN(length, max_show_bytes), 0);
- if (length <= max_show_bytes)
- {
- format1 = "Value: %s";
- format2 = " - %s";
- }
- else
- {
- format1 = "Value: %s...";
- format2 = " - %s...";
- }
- proto_tree_add_bytes_format(
+ proto_tree_add_item(
tree, tlv_info->hf_value,
- tvb, offset, length, p,
- format1, s);
+ tvb, offset, length, ENC_NA);
- proto_item_append_text(
- tlv_item, format2, s);
+ if (length) {
+ const gchar* format;
+ if (length <= max_show_bytes)
+ {
+ format = " - %s";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ format = " - %s...";
+ }
+ const gchar* s = tvb_bytes_to_str_punct(
+ pinfo->pool, tvb, offset, MIN(length, max_show_bytes), 0);
+ proto_item_append_text(
+ tlv_item, format, s);
+ } else {
+ proto_item_append_text(tlv_item, " - <MISSING>");
+ }
@@ -1224,23 +1224,26 @@ static void wimaxasncp_dissect_tlv_value(
if (tree)
- const gchar *format;
- const guint8 *p = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, length);
- const gchar *s = bytes_to_str_punct(pinfo->pool, p, MIN(length, max_show_bytes), 0);
+ if (length) {
+ const char *format;
+ const char *s = tvb_bytes_to_str_punct(
+ pinfo->pool, tvb, offset, length, 0);
- if (length <= max_show_bytes)
- {
- format = "Value: %s %s";
- }
- else
- {
- format = "Value: %s %s...";
- }
+ if (length <= max_show_bytes) {
+ format = "%s %s";
+ } else {
+ format = "%s %s...";
+ }
- proto_tree_add_bytes_format(
- tree, tlv_info->hf_value,
- tvb, offset, length, p,
- format, hex_note, s);
+ proto_tree_add_bytes_format_value(
+ tree, tlv_info->hf_value,
+ tvb, offset, length, NULL, format, hex_note, s);
+ } else {
+ proto_tree_add_bytes_format_value(
+ tree, tlv_info->hf_value,
+ tvb, offset, length, NULL, "%s", "<MISSING>");
+ }
proto_item_append_text(tlv_item, " - TBD");
@@ -1711,30 +1714,37 @@ static void wimaxasncp_dissect_tlv_value(
if (tree)
- const gchar *format1;
- const gchar *format2;
- const guint8 *p = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, length);
- const gchar *s =
- bytes_to_str_punct(pinfo->pool, p, MIN(length, max_show_bytes), 0);
+ const char* s;
+ if (length) {
+ const char* format1;
+ const char* format2;
+ if (length <= max_show_bytes)
+ {
+ format1 = "%s %s";
+ format2 = " - %s %s";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ format1 = "%s %s...";
+ format2 = " - %s %s...";
+ }
+ s = tvb_bytes_to_str_punct(
+ pinfo->pool, tvb, offset, MIN(length, max_show_bytes), 0);
- if (length <= max_show_bytes)
- {
- format1 = "Value: %s %s";
- format2 = " - %s %s";
- }
- else
- {
- format1 = "Value: %s %s...";
- format2 = " - %s %s...";
- }
+ proto_tree_add_bytes_format_value(
+ tree, tlv_info->hf_value,
+ tvb, offset, length, NULL, format1, hex_note, s);
- proto_tree_add_bytes_format(
- tree, tlv_info->hf_value,
- tvb, offset, length, p,
- format1, hex_note, s);
+ proto_item_append_text(
+ tlv_item, format2, hex_note, s);
+ }
+ else {
+ proto_tree_add_bytes_format_value(
+ tree, tlv_info->hf_value,
+ tvb, offset, length, NULL, "%s", "<MISSING>");
- proto_item_append_text(
- tlv_item, format2, hex_note, s);
+ proto_item_append_text(tlv_item, " - <MISSING>");
+ }
@@ -1753,23 +1763,27 @@ static void wimaxasncp_dissect_tlv_value(
if (tree)
- const gchar *format;
- const guint8 *p = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset, length);
- const gchar *s = bytes_to_str_punct(pinfo->pool, p, MIN(length, max_show_bytes), 0);
+ if (length) {
+ const char* format;
+ const char *s = tvb_bytes_to_str_punct(
+ pinfo->pool, tvb, offset, MIN(length, max_show_bytes), 0);
- if (length <= max_show_bytes)
- {
- format = "Value: %s %s";
- }
- else
- {
- format = "Value: %s %s...";
- }
+ if (length <= max_show_bytes) {
+ format = "%s %s";
+ } else {
+ format = "%s %s...";
+ }
- proto_tree_add_bytes_format(
- tree, hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bytes,
- tvb, offset, length, p,
- format, hex_note, s);
+ proto_tree_add_bytes_format_value(
+ tree, hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bytes,
+ tvb, offset, length, NULL,
+ format, hex_note, s);
+ } else {
+ proto_tree_add_bytes_format_value(
+ tree, hf_wimaxasncp_tlv_value_bytes,
+ tvb, offset, length, NULL,
+ "%s", "<MISSING>");
+ }
@@ -2146,7 +2160,7 @@ dissect_wimaxasncp(
offset = 0;
/* Register protocol fields, etc if haven't done yet. */
- if (hf_wimaxasncp_version == -1)
+ if (hf_wimaxasncp_version <= 0)
@@ -2322,7 +2336,7 @@ dissect_wimaxasncp(
item = proto_tree_add_uint_format(
- wimaxasncp_tree, hf_wimaxasncp_op_id,
+ wimaxasncp_tree, hf_wimaxasncp_message_type,
tvb, offset, 1, ui8,
"Message Type: %s", message_name);
@@ -2331,8 +2345,8 @@ dissect_wimaxasncp(
/* Add expert item if not matched */
if (strcmp(message_name, unknown) == 0)
- expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_wimaxasncp_op_id,
- "Unknown message op (%u)",
+ expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_wimaxasncp_message_type,
+ "Unknown message type (%u)",
0x1f & ui8);
@@ -2823,7 +2837,6 @@ register_wimaxasncp_fields(const char* unused _U_)
-#if 0
@@ -2837,7 +2850,6 @@ register_wimaxasncp_fields(const char* unused _U_)
#if 0
@@ -3218,6 +3230,7 @@ register_wimaxasncp_fields(const char* unused _U_)
{ &ei_wimaxasncp_tlv_type, { "wimaxasncp.tlv.type.unknown", PI_UNDECODED, PI_WARN, "Unknown tlv", EXPFILL }},
{ &ei_wimaxasncp_function_type, { "wimaxasncp.function_type.unknown", PI_UNDECODED, PI_WARN, "Unknown function type", EXPFILL }},
{ &ei_wimaxasncp_op_id, { "wimaxasncp.opid.unknown", PI_UNDECODED, PI_WARN, "Unknown message op", EXPFILL }},
+ { &ei_wimaxasncp_message_type, { "wimaxasncp.message_type.unknown", PI_UNDECODED, PI_WARN, "Unknown message type", EXPFILL }},
{ &ei_wimaxasncp_length_bad, { "wimaxasncp.length.bad", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR, "Bad length", EXPFILL }},
@@ -3231,7 +3244,7 @@ register_wimaxasncp_fields(const char* unused _U_)
- dir = g_strdup_printf(
+ dir = ws_strdup_printf(
"%s" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "wimaxasncp",
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/wimaxasncp_dict.l b/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/wimaxasncp_dict.l
index 68caa80b1f..6108ccb51e 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/wimaxasncp_dict.l
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimaxasncp/wimaxasncp_dict.l
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
%top {
/* Include this before everything else, for various large-file definitions */
#include "config.h"
+#include <wireshark.h>
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
* Disable diagnostics in the code generated by Flex.
typedef struct entity_t {
gchar *name;
@@ -345,7 +346,7 @@ since_attr since=\042
if (!e) {
- temp_str = g_strdup_printf(
+ temp_str = ws_strdup_printf(
"cannot find entity: '%s'\n", yytext);
yyextra->dict_error = g_string_append(yyextra->dict_error, temp_str);
@@ -448,18 +449,6 @@ since_attr since=\042
yyextra->tlv = wmem_new0(wmem_epan_scope(), wimaxasncp_dict_tlv_t);
- yyextra->tlv->hf_root = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_value = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_ipv4 = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_ipv6 = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_bsid = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_protocol = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_port_low = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_port_high = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_ipv4_mask = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_ipv6_mask = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_vendor_id = -1;
- yyextra->tlv->hf_vendor_rest_of_info = -1;
if (! yyextra->dict->tlvs )
yyextra->last_tlv = yyextra->dict->tlvs = yyextra->tlv;
@@ -516,7 +505,7 @@ since_attr since=\042
* Turn diagnostics back on, so we check the code that we've written.
static int debugging = 0;
@@ -641,7 +630,7 @@ static FILE *wimaxasncp_dict_open(
gchar *fname;
if (system_directory)
- fname = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s",
+ fname = ws_strdup_printf("%s%s%s",
system_directory, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,filename);
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimaxmacphy/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/epan/wimaxmacphy/CMakeLists.txt
index 12e940892a..ef29c28de5 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimaxmacphy/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimaxmacphy/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ set_source_files_properties(
+ "WiMAX MAC PHY over Ethernet dissection"
-add_plugin_library(wimaxmacphy epan)
target_link_libraries(wimaxmacphy epan)
diff --git a/plugins/epan/wimaxmacphy/packet-wimaxmacphy.c b/plugins/epan/wimaxmacphy/packet-wimaxmacphy.c
index 2084d64e3a..d2015941e9 100644
--- a/plugins/epan/wimaxmacphy/packet-wimaxmacphy.c
+++ b/plugins/epan/wimaxmacphy/packet-wimaxmacphy.c
@@ -20,274 +20,275 @@
/* Initialize the protocol and registered fields */
-static int proto_wimaxmacphy = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_hdr_phy_entity_id = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_hdr_message_segmentation = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_hdr_message_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_unknown = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_length_of_txvector = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_length_of_rxvector = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_status = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_txstart_indication_status = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved3 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved4 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved5 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_next_frame_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_extended_frame_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_current_frame_number_lsn = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_initial_frame_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_dl_zone_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_sub_burst_burst_split_point = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_dl_sub_burst_burst_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_phy_sdu = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_phy_request = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_requested_aas_calibration_zone_size = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_requested_aas_calibration_zone_alloc = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_number_of_consecutive_frames_with_aas = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_frame_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_issid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_integrity = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_number_of_bytes_received = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_rssi_per_subcarrier_level = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_cinr = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_power_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_current_frame_number_msn = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_acid_for_harq_data_bursts = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_indication_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_zone_permutation_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_update_aas_handle_in_mac = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_aas_handle = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_time_deviation = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_frequency_deviation = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_phy_aas_report_present = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_number_of_affected_ss = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_zonexid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_cdma_code = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_cdma_symbol = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_cdma_subchannel = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_issid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_acid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_ack_valid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_unnamed = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_issid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_cqich_id = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit0 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit3 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit4 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit5 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit6 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit7 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_valid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_sub_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_value = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_subframe_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_frame_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_downlink_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_phy_sap_version_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_downlink_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_allocation_start_time = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_number_of_zone_descriptors = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_padding = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_start_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_end_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_permutation_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_permutation_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_use_all_subchannels_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_use_all_subchannels_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_disable_pusc_subchannel_rotation = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_dl_perm_base = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_ul_perm_base = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_prbs_id = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_agc_range_extension = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_dedicated_pilots = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_stc_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_matrix_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_midamble_presence = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_midamble_boosting = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_preamble_configuration = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_sdma_supported_indication = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_preamble_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_aas_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_aas_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_number_of_burst_descriptors = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_padding = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_type_extension = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_modulation_fec_code_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_ofdma_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_boosting = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_issid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_aas_handle = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_map_number_of_slots = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_map_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_normal_number_of_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_normal_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_normal_aas_handle = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_normal_number_of_slots = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_normal_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_papr_number_of_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_papr_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_papr_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_papr_unnamed = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_harq_ack_number_of_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_harq_ack_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_harq_ack_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_fast_number_of_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_fast_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_fast_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_number_of_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_ranging_method = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_zone_xid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_number_of_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_ranging_method = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_zone_xid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_number_of_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_separability_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_max_cyclic_shift_indx = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_decimation_value = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_decimation_offset_rand = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_noise_number_of_symbols = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_noise_number_of_subchannels = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_noise_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_aas_preamble_modifier_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_aas_preamble_shift_index = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_aas_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_mimo_matrix_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_mimo_layer_index = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_opt_mimo_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_matrix_indicator = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns_bit0 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns_bit1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns_bit2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns_bit3 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_collaborative = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_antenna_unnamed = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_number_of_sub_burst_descriptors = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_padding = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_sub_burst_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_symbol_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_subchannel_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_number_of_slots = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_modulation_fec_code_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_issid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_aas_handle = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_boosting = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_repetition_coding_indication = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_data_length = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_harq_chase_harq_channel_id = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_harq_chase_harq_sequence_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_harq_chase_flush_unnamed = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_harq_chase_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_mimo_chase_harq_channel_id = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_mimo_chase_harq_sequence_number = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_mimo_chase_flush_unnamed = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_mimo_chase_layer_index = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_ctype = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mini_subchannel_index = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mini_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit0 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit3 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit4 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit5 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit6 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit7 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_reserved1 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_sub_type = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_cqich_id = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_reserved2 = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_slot_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_harq_ack_acid = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_harq_ack_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_symbol_index = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_power_assignment = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_power_boost = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_allocation_mode = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_start_freq_band = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_num_freq_bands = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_band_bit_map = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_cyclic_time_shift = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_decimation_offset = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_reserved = -1;
-static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mimo_chase_matrix = -1;
+static dissector_handle_t wimaxmacphy_handle;
+static int proto_wimaxmacphy;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_hdr_phy_entity_id;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_hdr_message_segmentation;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_hdr_message_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_unknown;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_length_of_txvector;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_length_of_rxvector;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_status;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_txstart_indication_status;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved3;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved4;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_reserved5;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_next_frame_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_extended_frame_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_current_frame_number_lsn;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_initial_frame_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_dl_zone_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_sub_burst_burst_split_point;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_dl_sub_burst_burst_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_phy_sdu;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_phy_request;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_requested_aas_calibration_zone_size;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_requested_aas_calibration_zone_alloc;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_number_of_consecutive_frames_with_aas;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_frame_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_issid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_integrity;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_number_of_bytes_received;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_rssi_per_subcarrier_level;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_cinr;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_power_offset;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_current_frame_number_msn;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_acid_for_harq_data_bursts;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_indication_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_zone_permutation_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_update_aas_handle_in_mac;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_aas_handle;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_time_deviation;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_frequency_deviation;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_phy_aas_report_present;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_number_of_affected_ss;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_zonexid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_cdma_code;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_cdma_symbol;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_cdma_subchannel;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_issid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_acid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_reserved1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_ack_valid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_unnamed;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack_reserved2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_issid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_cqich_id;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit0;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit3;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit4;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit5;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit6;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding_bit7;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_valid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_sub_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_value;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_subframe_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_frame_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_downlink_reserved1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_phy_sap_version_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_downlink_reserved2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_subframe_allocation_start_time;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_number_of_zone_descriptors;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_padding;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_start_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_end_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_permutation_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_permutation_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_use_all_subchannels_indicator;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_use_all_subchannels_indicator;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_disable_pusc_subchannel_rotation;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_dl_perm_base;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_ul_perm_base;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_prbs_id;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_agc_range_extension;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_dedicated_pilots;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_stc_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_matrix_indicator;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_midamble_presence;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_midamble_boosting;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_preamble_configuration;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_sdma_supported_indication;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_zone_preamble_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_aas_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_aas_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_number_of_burst_descriptors;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_padding;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_type_extension;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_modulation_fec_code_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_data_length;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_ofdma_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_boosting;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_issid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_aas_handle;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_map_number_of_slots;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_map_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_normal_number_of_symbols;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_normal_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_normal_aas_handle;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_normal_number_of_slots;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_normal_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_papr_number_of_symbols;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_papr_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_papr_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_papr_unnamed;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_harq_ack_number_of_symbols;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_harq_ack_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_harq_ack_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_fast_number_of_symbols;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_fast_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_fast_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_number_of_symbols;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_ranging_method;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_reserved1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_zone_xid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_reserved2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_number_of_symbols;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_ranging_method;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_reserved1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_zone_xid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_reserved2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_number_of_symbols;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_separability_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_max_cyclic_shift_indx;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_decimation_value;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_decimation_offset_rand;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_noise_number_of_symbols;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_noise_number_of_subchannels;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_noise_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_aas_preamble_modifier_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_aas_preamble_shift_index;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_aas_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_mimo_matrix_indicator;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_burst_opt_mimo_layer_index;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_opt_mimo_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_matrix_indicator;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns_bit0;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns_bit1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns_bit2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_pilot_patterns_bit3;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_collaborative;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo_antenna_unnamed;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_number_of_sub_burst_descriptors;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_padding;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_dl_sub_burst_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_symbol_offset;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_subchannel_offset;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_number_of_slots;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_reserved1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_reserved2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_modulation_fec_code_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_issid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_aas_handle;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_boosting;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_repetition_coding_indication;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_data_length;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_harq_chase_harq_channel_id;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_harq_chase_harq_sequence_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_harq_chase_flush_unnamed;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_harq_chase_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_mimo_chase_harq_channel_id;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_mimo_chase_harq_sequence_number;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_mimo_chase_flush_unnamed;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_sub_burst_mimo_chase_layer_index;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_ctype;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mini_subchannel_index;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mini_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit0;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit3;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit4;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit5;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit6;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_type_coding_bit7;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_reserved1;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_sub_type;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_cqich_id;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_reserved2;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_feedback_slot_offset;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_harq_ack_acid;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_harq_ack_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_symbol_index;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_power_assignment;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_power_boost;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_allocation_mode;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_start_freq_band;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_num_freq_bands;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_band_bit_map;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_cyclic_time_shift;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_decimation_offset;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_reserved;
+static int hf_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mimo_chase_matrix;
/* Initialize the subtree pointers */
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_primitive = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_descriptor = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_stc = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_aas = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_descriptor = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_map = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_normal = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_papr = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_sub_burst_descriptor = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_sub_burst_harq_chase = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_sub_burst_mimo_chase = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_opt_aas = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_opt_mimo = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_descriptor = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_aas = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_descriptor = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_harq_ack = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_fast_feedback = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_ranging = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_ranging = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_papr_safety_zone = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_zone = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_noise_floor = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_normal_data = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_aas = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_descriptor = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_pilot_patterns = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_feedback_type_coding = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mini_subchannel = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_fast_feedback = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_harq_ack = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_signal = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_harq_chase = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mimo_chase = -1;
-static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sub_allocation_specific = -1;
-static expert_field ei_wimaxmacphy_unknown = EI_INIT;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_primitive;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_prim_harq_ack;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_type_coding;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_descriptor;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_stc;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_zone_aas;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_descriptor;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_map;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_normal;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_papr;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_sub_burst_descriptor;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_sub_burst_harq_chase;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_sub_burst_mimo_chase;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_opt_aas;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_dl_burst_opt_mimo;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_descriptor;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_aas;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_descriptor;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_harq_ack;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_fast_feedback;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_initial_ranging;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_periodic_ranging;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_papr_safety_zone;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_zone;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_noise_floor;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_normal_data;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_aas;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_opt_mimo;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_descriptor;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_pilot_patterns;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_feedback_type_coding;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mini_subchannel;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_fast_feedback;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_harq_ack;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_signal;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_harq_chase;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_mimo_chase;
+static gint ett_wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sub_allocation_specific;
+static expert_field ei_wimaxmacphy_unknown;
/* PHY SAP message header size */
@@ -2659,7 +2660,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
"Initial Frame Number (from PHY)",
+ FT_UINT24,
@@ -2761,8 +2762,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- "Number of consecutive frames with AAS Calibration Zone"
- " allocation",
+ "Number of consecutive frames with AAS Calibration Zone allocation",
@@ -2868,10 +2868,10 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
"Current Frame Number (lsb)",
+ FT_UINT16,
- 0xf0,
+ 0x00f0,
@@ -2881,10 +2881,10 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
"ACID for HARQ data bursts",
+ FT_UINT16,
- 0x0f,
+ 0x000f,
@@ -3206,10 +3206,9 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
"Feedback sub-type",
+ FT_UINT16,
- wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_sub_type_vals),
+ VALS(wimaxmacphy_prim_fast_feedback_sub_type_vals),
@@ -3402,7 +3401,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
"Number of Zone Descriptors",
+ FT_UINT24,
@@ -3547,8 +3546,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_disable_pusc_subchannel_rotation_vals),
+ VALS(wimaxmacphy_ul_zone_disable_pusc_subchannel_rotation_vals),
@@ -3951,8 +3949,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- "Number of slots (duration) after repetition code is"
- " applied",
+ "Number of slots (duration) after repetition code is applied",
@@ -4424,8 +4421,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_max_cyclic_shift_indx_vals),
+ VALS(wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_max_cyclic_shift_indx_vals),
@@ -4451,8 +4447,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_decimation_offset_rand_vals),
+ VALS(wimaxmacphy_ul_burst_sounding_decimation_offset_rand_vals),
@@ -4864,7 +4859,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- "HARQ channeld id (ACID)",
+ "HARQ channel id (ACID)",
@@ -5191,10 +5186,10 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
+ FT_UINT32,
- 0xf0,
+ 0x000000f0,
@@ -5207,7 +5202,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- 0x0fff,
+ 0x00000fff,
@@ -5232,8 +5227,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_power_assignment_vals),
+ VALS(wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_power_assignment_vals),
@@ -5259,8 +5253,7 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_allocation_mode_vals),
+ VALS(wimaxmacphy_ul_sub_burst_sounding_allocation_mode_vals),
@@ -5410,10 +5403,8 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
expert_module_t* expert_wimaxmacphy;
/* Register the protocol name and description */
- proto_wimaxmacphy = proto_register_protocol(
- "WiMAX MAC-PHY over Ethernet",
- "wimaxmacphy");
+ proto_wimaxmacphy = proto_register_protocol("WiMAX MAC-PHY over Ethernet", "WiMAX MAC-PHY", "wimaxmacphy");
+ wimaxmacphy_handle = register_dissector("wimaxmacphy", dissect_wimaxmacphy, proto_wimaxmacphy);
/* Required function calls to register the header fields and subtrees
* used */
@@ -5426,9 +5417,6 @@ proto_register_wimaxmacphy(void)
- dissector_handle_t wimaxmacphy_handle;
- wimaxmacphy_handle = create_dissector_handle(dissect_wimaxmacphy, proto_wimaxmacphy);
dissector_add_for_decode_as_with_preference("udp.port", wimaxmacphy_handle);