path: root/idl/parlay/fw_if_service.idl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'idl/parlay/fw_if_service.idl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 519 deletions
diff --git a/idl/parlay/fw_if_service.idl b/idl/parlay/fw_if_service.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb9c26f32..0000000000
--- a/idl/parlay/fw_if_service.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
-//Source file: fw_if_service.idl
-//Date: 13 October 2004
-//Framework to Service Interfaces for ES 203 915-03 V1.1.1, DES/TISPAN-01005-03-OSA, Parlay 5.0
-#include "osa.idl"
-#include "fw_data.idl"
-module org {
- module csapi {
- module fw {
- module fw_service {
- module discovery {
- interface IpFwServiceDiscovery : IpInterface {
- TpServiceTypeNameList listServiceTypes ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- TpServiceTypeDescription describeServiceType (
- in TpServiceTypeName name
- )
- TpServiceList discoverService (
- in TpServiceTypeName serviceTypeName,
- in TpServicePropertyList desiredPropertyList,
- in TpInt32 max
- )
- TpServiceList listRegisteredServices ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- };
- module service_lifecycle {
- interface IpServiceInstanceLifecycleManager : IpInterface {
- IpService createServiceManager (
- in TpClientAppID application,
- in TpServicePropertyList serviceProperties,
- in TpServiceInstanceID serviceInstanceID
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_PROPERTY);
- void destroyServiceManager (
- in TpServiceInstanceID serviceInstance
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- };
- module service_registration {
- interface IpFwServiceRegistration : IpInterface {
- TpServiceID registerService (
- in TpServiceTypeName serviceTypeName,
- in TpServicePropertyList servicePropertyList
- )
- void announceServiceAvailability (
- in TpServiceID serviceID,
- in service_lifecycle::IpServiceInstanceLifecycleManager serviceInstanceLifecycleManagerRef
- )
- void unregisterService (
- in TpServiceID serviceID
- )
- TpServiceDescription describeService (
- in TpServiceID serviceID
- )
- void unannounceService (
- in TpServiceID serviceID
- )
- TpServiceID registerServiceSubType (
- in TpServiceTypeName serviceTypeName,
- in TpServicePropertyList servicePropertyList,
- in TpServiceTypePropertyValueList extendedServicePropertyList
- )
- };
- };
- module integrity {
- interface IpSvcHeartBeatMgmt ;
- interface IpFwHeartBeat ;
- interface IpSvcHeartBeat ;
- interface IpSvcLoadManager : IpInterface {
- void querySvcLoadReq (
- in TpTimeInterval timeInterval
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void queryLoadRes (
- in TpLoadStatisticList loadStatistics
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void queryLoadErr (
- in TpLoadStatisticError loadStatisticsError
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void loadLevelNotification (
- in TpLoadStatisticList loadStatistics
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void suspendNotification ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void resumeNotification ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void createLoadLevelNotification ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void destroyLoadLevelNotification ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void querySvcLoadStatsReq (
- in TpLoadTestID loadStatsReqID,
- in TpTimeInterval timeInterval
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void queryLoadStatsRes (
- in TpLoadTestID loadStatsReqID,
- in TpLoadStatisticList loadStatistics
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void queryLoadStatsErr (
- in TpLoadTestID loadStatsReqID,
- in TpLoadStatisticError loadStatisticsError
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- interface IpFwLoadManager : IpInterface {
- void reportLoad (
- in TpLoadLevel loadLevel
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void queryLoadReq (
- in TpSubjectType querySubject,
- in TpTimeInterval timeInterval
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void querySvcLoadRes (
- in TpLoadStatisticList loadStatistics
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void querySvcLoadErr (
- in TpLoadStatisticError loadStatisticError
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void createLoadLevelNotification (
- in TpSubjectType notificationSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void destroyLoadLevelNotification (
- in TpSubjectType notificationSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void suspendNotification (
- in TpSubjectType notificationSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void resumeNotification (
- in TpSubjectType notificationSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void queryLoadStatsReq (
- in TpLoadTestID loadStatsReqID,
- in TpSubjectType querySubject,
- in TpTimeInterval timeInterval
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void querySvcLoadStatsRes (
- in TpLoadTestID loadStatsReqID,
- in TpLoadStatisticList loadStatistics
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void querySvcLoadStatsErr (
- in TpLoadTestID loadStatsReqID,
- in TpLoadStatisticError loadStatisticError
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- interface IpSvcFaultManager : IpInterface {
- void activityTestRes (
- in TpActivityTestID activityTestID,
- in TpActivityTestRes activityTestResult
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_ACTIVITY_TEST_ID);
- void svcActivityTestReq (
- in TpActivityTestID activityTestID
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void fwFaultReportInd (
- in TpInterfaceFault fault
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void fwFaultRecoveryInd (
- in TpInterfaceFault fault
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void fwUnavailableInd (
- in TpFwUnavailReason reason
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void svcUnavailableInd ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void appUnavailableInd ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void genFaultStatsRecordRes (
- in TpFaultStatsRecord faultStatistics,
- in TpSubjectType recordSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void activityTestErr (
- in TpActivityTestID activityTestID
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_ACTIVITY_TEST_ID);
- void genFaultStatsRecordErr (
- in TpFaultStatisticsError faultStatisticsError,
- in TpSubjectType recordSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void genFaultStatsRecordReq (
- in TpTimeInterval timePeriod,
- in TpServiceIDList serviceIDs
- )
- void generateFaultStatsRecordReq (
- in TpTimeInterval timePeriod
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void appAvailStatusInd (
- in TpAppAvailStatusReason reason
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void generateFaultStatisticsRecordRes (
- in TpFaultReqID faultStatsReqID,
- in TpFaultStatsRecord faultStatistics,
- in TpSubjectType recordSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void generateFaultStatisticsRecordErr (
- in TpFaultReqID faultStatsReqID,
- in TpFaultStatisticsError faultStatisticsError,
- in TpSubjectType recordSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void generateFaultStatisticsRecordReq (
- in TpFaultReqID faultStatsReqID,
- in TpTimeInterval timePeriod
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void fwAvailStatusInd (
- in TpFwAvailStatusReason reason
- );
- };
- interface IpFwFaultManager : IpInterface {
- void activityTestReq (
- in TpActivityTestID activityTestID,
- in TpSubjectType testSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void svcActivityTestRes (
- in TpActivityTestID activityTestID,
- in TpActivityTestRes activityTestResult
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_ACTIVITY_TEST_ID);
- void appUnavailableInd ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void genFaultStatsRecordReq (
- in TpTimeInterval timePeriod,
- in TpSubjectType recordSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void svcUnavailableInd (
- in TpSvcUnavailReason reason
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void svcActivityTestErr (
- in TpActivityTestID activityTestID
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_ACTIVITY_TEST_ID);
- void genFaultStatsRecordRes (
- in TpFaultStatsRecord faultStatistics,
- in TpServiceIDList serviceIDs
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void genFaultStatsRecordErr (
- in TpFaultStatisticsError faultStatisticsError,
- in TpServiceIDList serviceIDs
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void generateFaultStatsRecordRes (
- in TpFaultStatsRecord faultStatistics
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void generateFaultStatsRecordErr (
- in TpFaultStatisticsError faultStatisticsError
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void svcAvailStatusInd (
- in TpSvcAvailStatusReason reason
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void generateFaultStatisticsRecordReq (
- in TpFaultReqID faultStatsReqID,
- in TpTimeInterval timePeriod,
- in TpSubjectType recordSubject
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void generateFaultStatisticsRecordRes (
- in TpFaultReqID faultStatsReqID,
- in TpFaultStatsRecord faultStatistics
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void generateFaultStatisticsRecordErr (
- in TpFaultReqID faultStatsReqID,
- in TpFaultStatisticsError faultStatisticsError
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- interface IpSvcOAM : IpInterface {
- TpDateAndTime systemDateTimeQuery (
- in TpDateAndTime systemDateAndTime
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_TIME_AND_DATE_FORMAT);
- };
- interface IpFwOAM : IpInterface {
- TpDateAndTime systemDateTimeQuery (
- in TpDateAndTime clientDateAndTime
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_TIME_AND_DATE_FORMAT);
- };
- interface IpFwHeartBeatMgmt : IpInterface {
- void enableHeartBeat (
- in TpInt32 interval,
- in IpSvcHeartBeat svcInterface
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_INTERFACE_TYPE);
- void disableHeartBeat ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void changeInterval (
- in TpInt32 interval
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- interface IpSvcHeartBeat : IpInterface {
- void pulse ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- interface IpFwHeartBeat : IpInterface {
- void pulse ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- interface IpSvcHeartBeatMgmt : IpInterface {
- void enableSvcHeartBeat (
- in TpInt32 interval,
- in IpFwHeartBeat fwInterface
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_INTERFACE_TYPE);
- void disableSvcHeartBeat ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- void changeInterval (
- in TpInt32 interval
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- };
- module notification {
- interface IpFwEventNotification : IpInterface {
- TpAssignmentID createNotification (
- in TpFwEventCriteria eventCriteria
- )
- void destroyNotification (
- in TpAssignmentID assignmentID
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_ASSIGNMENT_ID);
- };
- interface IpSvcEventNotification : IpInterface {
- void reportNotification (
- in TpFwEventInfo eventInfo,
- in TpAssignmentID assignmentID
- )
- raises (TpCommonExceptions,P_INVALID_ASSIGNMENT_ID);
- void notificationTerminated ()
- raises (TpCommonExceptions);
- };
- };
- };
- };
- };