path: root/gtk2/print_dlg.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2/print_dlg.c')
1 files changed, 690 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2/print_dlg.c b/gtk2/print_dlg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..486cd27947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2/print_dlg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+/* print_dlg.c
+ * Dialog boxes for printing
+ *
+ * $Id: print_dlg.c,v 1.1 2002/08/31 09:55:22 oabad Exp $
+ *
+ * Ethereal - Network traffic analyzer
+ * By Gerald Combs <gerald@ethereal.com>
+ * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "keys.h"
+#include "print.h"
+#include "prefs.h"
+#include "simple_dialog.h"
+#include "ui_util.h"
+#include "dlg_utils.h"
+#include <epan/epan_dissect.h>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <io.h>
+#include "print_mswin.h"
+/* On Win32, a GUI application apparently can't use "popen()" (it
+ "returns an invalid file handle, if used in a Windows program,
+ that will cause the program to hang indefinitely"), so we can't
+ use a pipe to a print command to print to a printer.
+ Eventually, we should try to use the native Win32 printing API
+ for this (and also use various UNIX printing APIs, when present?).
+ */
+static void print_cmd_toggle_dest(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
+static void print_cmd_toggle_detail(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
+static void print_file_cb(GtkWidget *file_bt, gpointer file_te);
+static void print_fs_ok_cb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data);
+static void print_fs_cancel_cb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data);
+static void print_fs_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *win, gpointer data);
+static void print_ok_cb(GtkWidget *ok_bt, gpointer parent_w);
+static void print_close_cb(GtkWidget *close_bt, gpointer parent_w);
+static void print_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *win, gpointer user_data);
+ * Remember whether we printed to a printer or a file the last time we
+ * printed something.
+ */
+static int print_to_file;
+ * Remember whether we printed as text or PostScript the last time we
+ * printed something.
+ */
+static gint print_format = PR_FMT_TEXT;
+#define PRINT_FORMAT_RB_KEY "printer_format_radio_button"
+#define PRINT_DEST_RB_KEY "printer_destination_radio_button"
+#define PRINT_SUMMARY_RB_KEY "printer_summary_radio_button"
+#define PRINT_HEX_CB_KEY "printer_hex_check_button"
+#define PRINT_EXPAND_ALL_RB_KEY "printer_expand_all_radio_button"
+#define PRINT_AS_DISPLAYED_RB_KEY "printer_as_displayed_radio_button"
+#define PRINT_SUPPRESS_UNMARKED_CB_KEY "printer_suppress_unmarked_check_button"
+#define E_FS_CALLER_PTR_KEY "fs_caller_ptr"
+#define E_FILE_SEL_DIALOG_PTR_KEY "file_sel_dialog_ptr"
+ * Keep a static pointer to the current "Print" window, if any, so that if
+ * somebody tries to do "File:Print" while there's already a "Print" window
+ * up, we just pop up the existing one, rather than creating a new one.
+ */
+static GtkWidget *print_w;
+/* Print the capture */
+file_print_cmd_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_)
+ GtkAccelGroup *accel_group;
+ GtkWidget *main_vb, *main_tb, *button;
+ GtkWidget *format_rb;
+ GtkWidget *format_hb, *format_lb;
+ GSList *format_grp;
+ GtkWidget *dest_rb;
+ GtkWidget *dest_hb, *dest_lb;
+ GtkWidget *cmd_lb, *cmd_te;
+ GtkWidget *file_bt_hb, *file_bt, *file_te;
+ GSList *dest_grp;
+ GtkWidget *options_hb;
+ GtkWidget *print_type_vb, *summary_rb, *detail_rb, *hex_cb,*marked_cb;
+ GSList *summary_grp;
+ GtkWidget *expand_vb, *expand_all_rb, *as_displayed_rb;
+ GSList *expand_grp;
+ GtkWidget *bbox, *ok_bt, *cancel_bt;
+ if (print_w != NULL) {
+ /* There's already a "Print" dialog box; reactivate it. */
+ reactivate_window(print_w);
+ return;
+ }
+ print_w = dlg_window_new("Ethereal: Print");
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(print_w), "destroy",
+ G_CALLBACK(print_destroy_cb), NULL);
+ /* Accelerator group for the accelerators (or, as they're called in
+ Windows and, I think, in Motif, "mnemonics"; Alt+<key> is a mnemonic,
+ Ctrl+<key> is an accelerator). */
+ accel_group = gtk_accel_group_new();
+ gtk_window_add_accel_group(GTK_WINDOW(print_w), accel_group);
+ /* Enclosing containers for each row of widgets */
+ main_vb = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 5);
+ gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), 5);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(print_w), main_vb);
+ gtk_widget_show(main_vb);
+ main_tb = gtk_table_new(4, 2, FALSE);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vb), main_tb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_table_set_row_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 10);
+ gtk_table_set_col_spacings(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), 15);
+ gtk_widget_show(main_tb);
+ /* Output format */
+ format_lb = gtk_label_new("Format:");
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(format_lb), 1.0, 0.5);
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), format_lb, 0, 1, 0, 1);
+ gtk_widget_show(format_lb);
+ format_hb = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), format_hb, 1, 2, 0, 1);
+ gtk_widget_show(format_hb);
+ button = dlg_radio_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic(NULL, "Plain _Text",
+ accel_group);
+ if (print_format == PR_FMT_TEXT)
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button), TRUE);
+ format_grp = gtk_radio_button_group(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(button));
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(format_hb), button, FALSE, FALSE, 10);
+ gtk_widget_show(button);
+ format_rb = dlg_radio_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic(format_grp,
+ "_PostScript", accel_group);
+ if (print_format == PR_FMT_PS)
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(format_rb), TRUE);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(format_hb), format_rb, FALSE, FALSE, 10);
+ gtk_widget_show(format_rb);
+ /* Output destination */
+ dest_lb = gtk_label_new("Print to:");
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(dest_lb), 1.0, 0.5);
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), dest_lb, 0, 1, 1, 2);
+ gtk_widget_show(dest_lb);
+ dest_hb = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), dest_hb, 1, 2, 1, 2);
+ gtk_widget_show(dest_hb);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ button = dlg_radio_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic(NULL, "_Printer"
+ accel_group);
+ button = dlg_radio_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic(NULL, "_Command",
+ accel_group);
+ if (!print_to_file)
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button), TRUE);
+ dest_grp = gtk_radio_button_group(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(button));
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(dest_hb), button, FALSE, FALSE, 10);
+ gtk_widget_show(button);
+ dest_rb = dlg_radio_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic(dest_grp, "_File",
+ accel_group);
+ if (print_to_file)
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(dest_rb), TRUE);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(dest_rb), "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK(print_cmd_toggle_dest), NULL);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(dest_hb), dest_rb, FALSE, FALSE, 10);
+ gtk_widget_show(dest_rb);
+ /* Command text entry */
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ cmd_lb = gtk_label_new("Command:");
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(dest_rb), PRINT_CMD_LB_KEY, cmd_lb);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(cmd_lb), 1.0, 0.5);
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), cmd_lb, 0, 1, 2, 3);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(cmd_lb, !print_to_file);
+ gtk_widget_show(cmd_lb);
+ cmd_te = gtk_entry_new();
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(dest_rb), PRINT_CMD_TE_KEY, cmd_te);
+ if (prefs.pr_cmd)
+ gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(cmd_te), prefs.pr_cmd);
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), cmd_te, 1, 2, 2, 3);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(cmd_te, !print_to_file);
+ gtk_widget_show(cmd_te);
+ /* File button and text entry */
+ file_bt_hb = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), file_bt_hb, 0, 1, 3, 4);
+ gtk_widget_show(file_bt_hb);
+ file_bt = gtk_button_new_with_label("File:");
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(dest_rb), PRINT_FILE_BT_KEY, file_bt);
+ gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(file_bt_hb), file_bt, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(file_bt, print_to_file);
+ gtk_widget_show(file_bt);
+ file_te = gtk_entry_new();
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(dest_rb), PRINT_FILE_TE_KEY, file_te);
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(main_tb), file_te, 1, 2, 3, 4);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(file_te, print_to_file);
+ gtk_widget_show(file_te);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(file_bt), "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK(print_file_cb), GTK_OBJECT(file_te));
+ /* Horizontal box into which to put two vertical boxes of option
+ buttons. */
+ options_hb = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(options_hb), 5);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), options_hb);
+ gtk_widget_show(options_hb);
+ /* Vertical box into which to put the "Print summary"/"Print detail"
+ radio buttons and the "Print hex" check button. */
+ print_type_vb = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 5);
+ gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(print_type_vb), 5);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(options_hb), print_type_vb);
+ gtk_widget_show(print_type_vb);
+ /* "Print summary"/"Print detail" radio buttons */
+ summary_rb = dlg_radio_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic(NULL,
+ "Print _summary", accel_group);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(summary_rb), FALSE);
+ summary_grp = gtk_radio_button_group(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(summary_rb));
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(print_type_vb), summary_rb);
+ gtk_widget_show(summary_rb);
+ detail_rb = dlg_radio_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic(summary_grp,
+ "Print _detail", accel_group);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(detail_rb), TRUE);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(detail_rb), "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK(print_cmd_toggle_detail), NULL);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(print_type_vb), detail_rb);
+ gtk_widget_show(detail_rb);
+ /* "Print hex" check button. */
+ hex_cb = dlg_check_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic("Print _hex data",
+ accel_group);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(hex_cb), FALSE);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(print_type_vb), hex_cb);
+ gtk_widget_show(hex_cb);
+ /* "Suppress Unmarked" check button. */
+ marked_cb = dlg_check_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic("Suppress _unmarked frames",
+ accel_group);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(marked_cb), FALSE);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(print_type_vb), marked_cb);
+ gtk_widget_show(marked_cb);
+ /* Vertical box into which to put the "Expand all levels"/"Print as displayed"
+ radio buttons. */
+ expand_vb = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 5);
+ gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(expand_vb), 5);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(options_hb), expand_vb);
+ gtk_widget_show(expand_vb);
+ /* "Expand all levels"/"Print as displayed" radio buttons */
+ expand_all_rb = dlg_radio_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic(NULL,
+ "_Expand all levels", accel_group);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(expand_all_rb), TRUE);
+ expand_grp = gtk_radio_button_group(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(expand_all_rb));
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(expand_vb), expand_all_rb);
+ gtk_widget_show(expand_all_rb);
+ as_displayed_rb = dlg_radio_button_new_with_label_with_mnemonic(expand_grp,
+ "Print _as displayed", accel_group);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_state(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(as_displayed_rb), FALSE);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(expand_vb), as_displayed_rb);
+ gtk_widget_show(as_displayed_rb);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(detail_rb), PRINT_EXPAND_ALL_RB_KEY,
+ expand_all_rb);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(detail_rb), PRINT_AS_DISPLAYED_RB_KEY,
+ as_displayed_rb);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(detail_rb), PRINT_HEX_CB_KEY,
+ hex_cb);
+ /* Button row: OK and Cancel buttons */
+ bbox = gtk_hbutton_box_new();
+ gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (bbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_END);
+ gtk_button_box_set_spacing(GTK_BUTTON_BOX(bbox), 5);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vb), bbox);
+ gtk_widget_show(bbox);
+ ok_bt = gtk_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_OK);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt), PRINT_FORMAT_RB_KEY, format_rb);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt), PRINT_DEST_RB_KEY, dest_rb);
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt), PRINT_CMD_TE_KEY, cmd_te);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt), PRINT_FILE_TE_KEY, file_te);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt), PRINT_SUMMARY_RB_KEY, summary_rb);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt), PRINT_HEX_CB_KEY, hex_cb);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt), PRINT_EXPAND_ALL_RB_KEY, expand_all_rb);
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt), PRINT_SUPPRESS_UNMARKED_CB_KEY, marked_cb);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(ok_bt), "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK(print_ok_cb), GTK_OBJECT(print_w));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), ok_bt, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_grab_default(ok_bt);
+ gtk_widget_show(ok_bt);
+ cancel_bt = gtk_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_CANCEL);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(cancel_bt), "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK(print_close_cb), GTK_OBJECT(print_w));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (bbox), cancel_bt, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show(cancel_bt);
+ /* Catch the "activate" signal on the "Command" and "File" text entries,
+ so that if the user types Return there, we act as if the "OK" button
+ had been selected, as happens if Return is typed if some widget
+ that *doesn't* handle the Return key has the input focus. */
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ dlg_set_activate(cmd_te, ok_bt);
+ dlg_set_activate(file_te, ok_bt);
+ /* Catch the "key_press_event" signal in the window, so that we can catch
+ the ESC key being pressed and act as if the "Cancel" button had
+ been selected. */
+ dlg_set_cancel(print_w, cancel_bt);
+ gtk_widget_show(print_w);
+static void
+print_cmd_toggle_dest(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data _U_)
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ GtkWidget *cmd_lb, *cmd_te;
+ GtkWidget *file_bt, *file_te;
+ int to_file;
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ cmd_lb = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(widget),
+ cmd_te = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(widget),
+ file_bt = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(widget),
+ file_te = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(widget),
+ if (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget)->active) {
+ /* They selected "Print to File" */
+ to_file = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* They selected "Print to Command" on UNIX or "Print to Printer"
+ on Windows */
+ to_file = FALSE;
+ }
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(cmd_lb, !to_file);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(cmd_te, !to_file);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(file_bt, to_file);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(file_te, to_file);
+static void
+print_cmd_toggle_detail(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data _U_)
+ GtkWidget *expand_all_rb, *as_displayed_rb, *hex_cb;
+ gboolean print_detail;
+ expand_all_rb = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(widget),
+ as_displayed_rb = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(widget),
+ hex_cb = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(widget),
+ if (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget)->active) {
+ /* They selected "Print detail" */
+ print_detail = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* They selected "Print summary" */
+ print_detail = FALSE;
+ }
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(expand_all_rb, print_detail);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(as_displayed_rb, print_detail);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(hex_cb, print_detail);
+static void
+print_file_cb(GtkWidget *file_bt, gpointer file_te)
+ GtkWidget *caller = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(file_bt);
+ GtkWidget *fs;
+ /* Has a file selection dialog box already been opened for that top-level
+ widget? */
+ fs = gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(caller), E_FILE_SEL_DIALOG_PTR_KEY);
+ if (fs != NULL) {
+ /* Yes. Just re-activate that dialog box. */
+ reactivate_window(fs);
+ return;
+ }
+ fs = gtk_file_selection_new ("Ethereal: Print to File");
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(fs), PRINT_FILE_TE_KEY, file_te);
+ /* Set the E_FS_CALLER_PTR_KEY for the new dialog to point to our caller. */
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(fs), E_FS_CALLER_PTR_KEY, caller);
+ /* Set the E_FILE_SEL_DIALOG_PTR_KEY for the caller to point to us */
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(caller), E_FILE_SEL_DIALOG_PTR_KEY, fs);
+ /* Call a handler when the file selection box is destroyed, so we can inform
+ our caller, if any, that it's been destroyed. */
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(fs), "destroy",
+ G_CALLBACK(print_fs_destroy_cb), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fs)->ok_button), "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK(print_fs_ok_cb), fs);
+ /* Connect the cancel_button to destroy the widget */
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fs)->cancel_button),
+ "clicked", G_CALLBACK(print_fs_cancel_cb), fs);
+ /* Catch the "key_press_event" signal in the window, so that we can catch
+ the ESC key being pressed and act as if the "Cancel" button had
+ been selected. */
+ dlg_set_cancel(fs, GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fs)->cancel_button);
+ gtk_widget_show(fs);
+static void
+print_fs_ok_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data)
+ gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(data),
+ gtk_file_selection_get_filename (GTK_FILE_SELECTION(data)));
+ gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(data));
+static void
+print_fs_cancel_cb(GtkWidget *w _U_, gpointer data)
+ gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(data));
+static void
+print_fs_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *win, gpointer data _U_)
+ GtkWidget *caller;
+ /* Get the widget that requested that we be popped up.
+ (It should arrange to destroy us if it's destroyed, so
+ that we don't get a pointer to a non-existent window here.) */
+ caller = gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(win), E_FS_CALLER_PTR_KEY);
+ /* Tell it we no longer exist. */
+ gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(caller), E_FILE_SEL_DIALOG_PTR_KEY, NULL);
+ /* Now nuke this window. */
+ gtk_grab_remove(GTK_WIDGET(win));
+ gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(win));
+#ifdef _WIN32
+void setup_mswin_print( print_args_t *print_args) {
+ /*XXX should use temp file stuff in util routines */
+ char *path1;
+ path1 = tmpnam(NULL);
+ print_args->dest = g_strdup(path1);
+ print_args->to_file = TRUE;
+static void
+print_ok_cb(GtkWidget *ok_bt, gpointer parent_w)
+ GtkWidget *button;
+ print_args_t print_args;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ int win_printer_flag = FALSE;
+ button = (GtkWidget *) gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt),
+ print_to_file = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)->active;
+ print_args.to_file = print_to_file;
+ if (print_args.to_file) {
+ print_args.dest = g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt),
+ } else {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ win_printer_flag = TRUE;
+ setup_mswin_print(&print_args);
+ print_args.dest = g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt),
+ }
+ button = (GtkWidget *) gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt),
+ if (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)->active)
+ print_format = PR_FMT_PS;
+ else
+ print_format = PR_FMT_TEXT;
+ print_args.format = print_format;
+ button = (GtkWidget *) gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt),
+ print_args.print_summary = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)->active;
+ button = (GtkWidget *) gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt),
+ print_args.print_hex = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)->active;
+ button = (GtkWidget *) gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt),
+ print_args.expand_all = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)->active;
+ button = (GtkWidget *) gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(ok_bt),
+ print_args.suppress_unmarked = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)->active;
+ gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(parent_w));
+ /* Now print the packets */
+ if (!print_packets(&cfile, &print_args)) {
+ if (print_args.to_file)
+ simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL,
+ file_write_error_message(errno), print_args.dest);
+ else
+ simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL, "Couldn't run print command %s.",
+ print_args.dest);
+ }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ if (win_printer_flag) {
+ print_mswin(print_args.dest);
+ /* trash temp file */
+ remove(print_args.dest);
+ }
+ g_free(print_args.dest);
+static void
+print_close_cb(GtkWidget *close_bt _U_, gpointer parent_w)
+ gtk_grab_remove(GTK_WIDGET(parent_w));
+ gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(parent_w));
+static void
+print_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *win, gpointer user_data _U_)
+ GtkWidget *fs;
+ /* Is there a file selection dialog associated with this
+ Print File dialog? */
+ fs = gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(win), E_FILE_SEL_DIALOG_PTR_KEY);
+ if (fs != NULL) {
+ /* Yes. Destroy it. */
+ gtk_widget_destroy(fs);
+ }
+ /* Note that we no longer have a "Print" dialog box. */
+ print_w = NULL;
+/* Print a packet */
+file_print_packet_cmd_cb(GtkWidget *widget _U_, gpointer data _U_)
+ FILE *fh;
+ print_args_t print_args;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ int win_printer_flag = FALSE;
+ switch (prefs.pr_dest) {
+ case PR_DEST_CMD:
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ /* "PR_DEST_CMD" means "to printer" on Windows */
+ win_printer_flag = TRUE;
+ setup_mswin_print(&print_args);
+ fh = fopen(print_args.dest, "w");
+ print_args.to_file = TRUE;
+ break;
+ fh = popen(prefs.pr_cmd, "w");
+ print_args.to_file = FALSE;
+ print_args.dest = prefs.pr_cmd;
+ break;
+ case PR_DEST_FILE:
+ fh = fopen(prefs.pr_file, "w");
+ print_args.to_file = TRUE;
+ print_args.dest = prefs.pr_file;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fh = NULL; /* XXX - "can't happen" */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fh == NULL) {
+ switch (prefs.pr_dest) {
+ case PR_DEST_CMD:
+ simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL, "Couldn't run print command %s.",
+ prefs.pr_cmd);
+ break;
+ case PR_DEST_FILE:
+ simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_WARN, NULL, file_write_error_message(errno),
+ prefs.pr_file);
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ print_preamble(fh, prefs.pr_format);
+ print_args.format = prefs.pr_format;
+ print_args.print_summary = FALSE;
+ print_args.print_hex = FALSE;
+ print_args.expand_all = TRUE;
+ print_args.suppress_unmarked = FALSE;
+ proto_tree_print(&print_args, cfile.edt, fh);
+ print_finale(fh, prefs.pr_format);
+ close_print_dest(print_args.to_file, fh);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ if (win_printer_flag) {
+ print_mswin(print_args.dest);
+ /* trash temp file */
+ remove(print_args.dest);
+ g_free(print_args.dest);
+ }