path: root/epan/dissectors/asn1/gprscdr/GPRSChargingDataTypesV9f0.asn
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1 files changed, 908 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/epan/dissectors/asn1/gprscdr/GPRSChargingDataTypesV9f0.asn b/epan/dissectors/asn1/gprscdr/GPRSChargingDataTypesV9f0.asn
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/epan/dissectors/asn1/gprscdr/GPRSChargingDataTypesV9f0.asn
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+-- 3GPP TS 32.298 V9.15.0 (2013-03)
+GPRSChargingDataTypesV9f0 {itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) charging (5) gprsChargingDataTypes (2) asn1Module (0) version1 (0)}
+-- EXPORTS everything
+-- CallDuration, CalledNumber, RecordType, CallingNumber, CallReferenceNumber, CellId, DefaultSMS-Handling, Diagnostics, Ext-GeographicalInformation, IMSI, IMEI, IPAddress, ISDN-AddressString, LCSCause, LCSClientExternalID, LCSClientIdentity, LCSClientInternalID, LCSClientType, LCS-Priority, LCSQoSInfo, LevelOfCAMELService, LocalSequenceNumber, LocationAreaAndCell, LocationAreaCode, LocationType, ManagementExtensions, MessageReference, MSISDN, NotificationToMSUser, PositioningData, RecordingEntity, ServiceKey, ServiceSpecificInfo, SMSResult, SmsTpDestinationNumber, SubscriptionID, TimeStamp, AddressString, MSTimeZone
+-- FROM GenericChargingDataTypes {itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi(0) mobileDomain (0) charging (5) genericChargingDataTypes (0) asn1Module (0) version1 (0)}
+-- From V670
+-- , RAIdentity
+FROM MAP-MS-DataTypes { itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
+gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-MS-DataTypes (11) version6 (6)}
+-- from TS 29.002 [214]
+FROM SS-DataTypes { itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Access (2) modules (3) ss-DataTypes (2) version7 (7)}
+-- from TS 24.080 [209]
+-- MBMS2G3GIndicator, FileRepairSupported, MBMSServiceType, MBMSUserServiceType, RequiredMBMSBearerCapabilities, MBMSSessionIdentity, TMGI, MBMSInformation
+-- FROM MBMSChargingDataTypes {itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi(0) mobileDomain (0) charging (5) mbmsChargingDataTypes (8) asn1Module (0) version1 (0)}
+-- Editor's note: consider moving the above 2 items also into the generic module in order to avoid again copying from external sources.
+GPRSRecord ::= CHOICE
+-- Record values 20, 22..27 are specific
+-- Record values 76,77,86 are MBMS specific
+-- Record values 78..79 are EPC specific
+ sgsnPDPRecord [20] SGSNPDPRecord,
+ sgsnMMRecord [22] SGSNMMRecord,
+ sgsnSMORecord [23] SGSNSMORecord,
+ sgsnSMTRecord [24] SGSNSMTRecord,
+-- sgsnMTLCSRecord [25] SGSNMTLCSRecord,
+-- sgsnMOLCSRecord [26] SGSNMOLCSRecord,
+-- sgsnNILCSRecord [27] SGSNNILCSRecord,
+-- sgsnMBMSRecord [76] SGSNMBMSRecord,
+-- ggsnMBMSRecord [77] GGSNMBMSRecord,
+-- gwMBMSRecord [86] GWMBMSRecord,
+ sGWRecord [78] SGWRecord,
+ pGWRecord [79] PGWRecord
+SGWRecord ::= SET
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ s-GWAddress [4] GSNAddress,
+ chargingID [5] ChargingID,
+ servingNodeAddress [6] SEQUENCE OF GSNAddress,
+ accessPointNameNI [7] AccessPointNameNI OPTIONAL,
+ pdpPDNType [8] PDPType OPTIONAL,
+ servedPDPPDNAddress [9] PDPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ dynamicAddressFlag [11] DynamicAddressFlag OPTIONAL,
+ listOfTrafficVolumes [12] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfCharCondition OPTIONAL,
+ recordOpeningTime [13] TimeStamp,
+ duration [14] CallDuration,
+ causeForRecClosing [15] CauseForRecClosing,
+ diagnostics [16] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ recordSequenceNumber [17] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [18] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [19] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [20] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ apnSelectionMode [21] APNSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ chargingCharacteristics [23] ChargingCharacteristics,
+ chChSelectionMode [24] ChChSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ iMSsignalingContext [25] NULL OPTIONAL,
+ servingNodePLMNIdentifier [27] PLMN-Id OPTIONAL,
+ rATType [30] RATType OPTIONAL,
+ mSTimeZone [31] MSTimeZone OPTIONAL,
+ userLocationInformation [32] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
+ sGWChange [34] SGWChange OPTIONAL,
+ servingNodeType [35] SEQUENCE OF ServingNodeType,
+ p-GWAddressUsed [36] GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ p-GWPLMNIdentifier [37] PLMN-Id OPTIONAL,
+ startTime [38] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
+ stopTime [39] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
+ pDNConnectionChargingID [40] ChargingID OPTIONAL,
+ iMSIunauthenticatedFlag [41] NULL OPTIONAL,
+ userCSGInformation [42] UserCSGInformation OPTIONAL,
+ servedPDPPDNAddressExt [43] PDPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ dynamicAddressFlagExt [47] DynamicAddressFlag OPTIONAL,
+ s-GWiPv6Address [48] GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ servingNodeiPv6Address [49] SEQUENCE OF GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ p-GWiPv6AddressUsed [50] GSNAddress OPTIONAL
+PGWRecord ::= SET
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ p-GWAddress [4] GSNAddress,
+ chargingID [5] ChargingID,
+ servingNodeAddress [6] SEQUENCE OF GSNAddress,
+ accessPointNameNI [7] AccessPointNameNI OPTIONAL,
+ pdpPDNType [8] PDPType OPTIONAL,
+ servedPDPPDNAddress [9] PDPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ dynamicAddressFlag [11] DynamicAddressFlag OPTIONAL,
+ recordOpeningTime [13] TimeStamp,
+ duration [14] CallDuration,
+ causeForRecClosing [15] CauseForRecClosing,
+ diagnostics [16] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ recordSequenceNumber [17] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [18] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [19] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [20] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ apnSelectionMode [21] APNSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ chargingCharacteristics [23] ChargingCharacteristics,
+ chChSelectionMode [24] ChChSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ iMSsignalingContext [25] NULL OPTIONAL,
+ externalChargingID [26] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
+ servinggNodePLMNIdentifier [27] PLMN-Id OPTIONAL,
+ pSFurnishChargingInformation [28] PSFurnishChargingInformation OPTIONAL,
+ rATType [30] RATType OPTIONAL,
+ mSTimeZone [31] MSTimeZone OPTIONAL,
+ userLocationInformation [32] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
+ cAMELChargingInformation [33] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
+ listOfServiceData [34] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfServiceCondition OPTIONAL,
+ servingNodeType [35] SEQUENCE OF ServingNodeType,
+ servedMNNAI [36] SubscriptionID OPTIONAL,
+ p-GWPLMNIdentifier [37] PLMN-Id OPTIONAL,
+ startTime [38] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
+ stopTime [39] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
+ pDNConnectionChargingID [41] ChargingID OPTIONAL,
+ iMSIunauthenticatedFlag [42] NULL OPTIONAL,
+ userCSGInformation [43] UserCSGInformation OPTIONAL,
+ threeGPP2UserLocationInformation [44] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
+ servedPDPPDNAddressExt [45] PDPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ dynamicAddressFlagExt [47] DynamicAddressFlag OPTIONAL,
+ servingNodeiPv6Address [49] SEQUENCE OF GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ p-GWiPv6AddressUsed [50] GSNAddress OPTIONAL
+SGSNMMRecord ::= SET
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ servedIMSI [1] IMSI,
+ sgsnAddress [3] GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ msNetworkCapability [4] MSNetworkCapability OPTIONAL,
+ routingArea [5] RoutingAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ locationAreaCode [6] LocationAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ cellIdentifier [7] CellId OPTIONAL,
+ changeLocation [8] SEQUENCE OF ChangeLocation OPTIONAL,
+ recordOpeningTime [9] TimeStamp,
+ duration [10] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
+ sgsnChange [11] SGSNChange OPTIONAL,
+ causeForRecClosing [12] CauseForRecClosing,
+ diagnostics [13] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ recordSequenceNumber [14] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [15] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [16] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [17] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargingCharacteristics [19] ChargingCharacteristics,
+ cAMELInformationMM [20] CAMELInformationMM OPTIONAL,
+ rATType [21] RATType OPTIONAL,
+ chChSelectionMode [22] ChChSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+SGSNPDPRecord ::= SET
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ networkInitiation [1] NetworkInitiatedPDPContext OPTIONAL,
+ sgsnAddress [5] GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ msNetworkCapability [6] MSNetworkCapability OPTIONAL,
+ routingArea [7] RoutingAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ locationAreaCode [8] LocationAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ cellIdentifier [9] CellId OPTIONAL,
+ chargingID [10] ChargingID,
+ ggsnAddressUsed [11] GSNAddress,
+ accessPointNameNI [12] AccessPointNameNI OPTIONAL,
+ pdpType [13] PDPType OPTIONAL,
+ servedPDPAddress [14] PDPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ listOfTrafficVolumes [15] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfCharCondition OPTIONAL,
+ recordOpeningTime [16] TimeStamp,
+ duration [17] CallDuration,
+ sgsnChange [18] SGSNChange OPTIONAL,
+ causeForRecClosing [19] CauseForRecClosing,
+ diagnostics [20] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ recordSequenceNumber [21] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [22] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [23] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [24] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ apnSelectionMode [25] APNSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ accessPointNameOI [26] AccessPointNameOI OPTIONAL,
+ chargingCharacteristics [28] ChargingCharacteristics,
+ rATType [29] RATType OPTIONAL,
+ cAMELInformationPDP [30] CAMELInformationPDP OPTIONAL,
+ rNCUnsentDownlinkVolume [31] DataVolumeGPRS OPTIONAL,
+ chChSelectionMode [32] ChChSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ dynamicAddressFlag [33] DynamicAddressFlag OPTIONAL,
+ iMSIunauthenticatedFlag [34] NULL OPTIONAL,
+ userCSGInformation [35] UserCSGInformation OPTIONAL,
+ servedPDPPDNAddressExt [36] PDPAddress OPTIONAL
+SGSNSMORecord ::= SET
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ servedIMSI [1] IMSI,
+ msNetworkCapability [4] MSNetworkCapability OPTIONAL,
+ serviceCentre [5] AddressString OPTIONAL,
+ recordingEntity [6] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
+ locationArea [7] LocationAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ routingArea [8] RoutingAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ cellIdentifier [9] CellId OPTIONAL,
+ messageReference [10] MessageReference,
+ eventTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp,
+ smsResult [12] SMSResult OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [13] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [14] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargingCharacteristics [16] ChargingCharacteristics,
+ rATType [17] RATType OPTIONAL,
+ destinationNumber [18] SmsTpDestinationNumber OPTIONAL,
+ cAMELInformationSMS [19] CAMELInformationSMS OPTIONAL,
+ chChSelectionMode [20] ChChSelectionMode OPTIONAL
+SGSNSMTRecord ::= SET
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ servedIMSI [1] IMSI,
+ msNetworkCapability [4] MSNetworkCapability OPTIONAL,
+ serviceCentre [5] AddressString OPTIONAL,
+ recordingEntity [6] RecordingEntity OPTIONAL,
+ locationArea [7] LocationAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ routingArea [8] RoutingAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ cellIdentifier [9] CellId OPTIONAL,
+ eventTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp,
+ smsResult [11] SMSResult OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [12] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [13] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [14] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargingCharacteristics [15] ChargingCharacteristics,
+ rATType [16] RATType OPTIONAL,
+ chChSelectionMode [17] ChChSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ cAMELInformationSMS [18] CAMELInformationSMS OPTIONAL
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ recordingEntity [1] RecordingEntity,
+ lcsClientType [2] LCSClientType,
+ lcsClientIdentity [3] LCSClientIdentity,
+ servedIMSI [4] IMSI,
+ sgsnAddress [6] GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ locationType [7] LocationType,
+ lcsQos [8] LCSQoSInfo OPTIONAL,
+ lcsPriority [9] LCS-Priority OPTIONAL,
+ mlcNumber [10] ISDN-AddressString,
+ eventTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp,
+ measurementDuration [12] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
+ notificationToMSUser [13] NotificationToMSUser OPTIONAL,
+ privacyOverride [14] NULL OPTIONAL,
+ location [15] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
+ routingArea [16] RoutingAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ locationEstimate [17] Ext-GeographicalInformation OPTIONAL,
+ positioningData [18] PositioningData OPTIONAL,
+ lcsCause [19] LCSCause OPTIONAL,
+ diagnostics [20] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [21] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [22] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargingCharacteristics [23] ChargingCharacteristics,
+ chChSelectionMode [24] ChChSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ rATType [25] RATType OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [26] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ causeForRecClosing [27] CauseForRecClosing
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ recordingEntity [1] RecordingEntity,
+ lcsClientType [2] LCSClientType OPTIONAL,
+ lcsClientIdentity [3] LCSClientIdentity OPTIONAL,
+ servedIMSI [4] IMSI,
+ sgsnAddress [6] GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ locationMethod [7] LocationMethod,
+ lcsQos [8] LCSQoSInfo OPTIONAL,
+ lcsPriority [9] LCS-Priority OPTIONAL,
+ mlcNumber [10] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL,
+ eventTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp,
+ measurementDuration [12] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
+ location [13] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
+ routingArea [14] RoutingAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ locationEstimate [15] Ext-GeographicalInformation OPTIONAL,
+ positioningData [16] PositioningData OPTIONAL,
+ lcsCause [17] LCSCause OPTIONAL,
+ diagnostics [18] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [19] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [20] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargingCharacteristics [21] ChargingCharacteristics,
+ chChSelectionMode [22] ChChSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ rATType [23] RATType OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [24] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ causeForRecClosing [25] CauseForRecClosing
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ recordingEntity [1] RecordingEntity,
+ lcsClientType [2] LCSClientType OPTIONAL,
+ lcsClientIdentity [3] LCSClientIdentity OPTIONAL,
+ sgsnAddress [6] GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ lcsQos [8] LCSQoSInfo OPTIONAL,
+ lcsPriority [9] LCS-Priority OPTIONAL,
+ mlcNumber [10] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL,
+ eventTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp,
+ measurementDuration [12] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
+ location [13] LocationAreaAndCell OPTIONAL,
+ routingArea [14] RoutingAreaCode OPTIONAL,
+ locationEstimate [15] Ext-GeographicalInformation OPTIONAL,
+ positioningData [16] PositioningData OPTIONAL,
+ lcsCause [17] LCSCause OPTIONAL,
+ diagnostics [18] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [19] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [20] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ chargingCharacteristics [21] ChargingCharacteristics,
+ chChSelectionMode [22] ChChSelectionMode OPTIONAL,
+ rATType [23] RATType OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [24] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ causeForRecClosing [25] CauseForRecClosing
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ ggsnAddress [1] GSNAddress,
+ chargingID [2] ChargingID,
+ listofRAs [3] SEQUENCE OF RAIdentity OPTIONAL,
+ accessPointNameNI [4] AccessPointNameNI OPTIONAL,
+ servedPDPAddress [5] PDPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ listOfTrafficVolumes [6] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfMBMSCondition OPTIONAL,
+ recordOpeningTime [7] TimeStamp,
+ duration [8] CallDuration,
+ causeForRecClosing [9] CauseForRecClosing,
+ diagnostics [10] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ recordSequenceNumber [11] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [12] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [13] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [14] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ sgsnPLMNIdentifier [15] PLMN-Id OPTIONAL,
+ numberofReceivingUE [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ mbmsInformation [17] MBMSInformation OPTIONAL
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ ggsnAddress [1] GSNAddress,
+ chargingID [2] ChargingID,
+ listofDownstreamNodes [3] SEQUENCE OF GSNAddress,
+ accessPointNameNI [4] AccessPointNameNI OPTIONAL,
+ servedPDPAddress [5] PDPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ listOfTrafficVolumes [6] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfMBMSCondition OPTIONAL,
+ recordOpeningTime [7] TimeStamp,
+ duration [8] CallDuration,
+ causeForRecClosing [9] CauseForRecClosing,
+ diagnostics [10] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ recordSequenceNumber [11] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [12] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [13] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [14] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ mbmsInformation [15] MBMSInformation OPTIONAL
+GWMBMSRecord ::= SET
+ recordType [0] RecordType,
+ mbmsGWAddress [1] GSNAddress,
+ chargingID [2] ChargingID,
+ listofDownstreamNodes [3] SEQUENCE OF GSNAddress,
+ accessPointNameNI [4] AccessPointNameNI OPTIONAL,
+ pdpPDNType [5] PDPType OPTIONAL,
+ servedPDPPDNAddress [6] PDPAddress OPTIONAL,
+ listOfTrafficVolumes [7] SEQUENCE OF ChangeOfMBMSCondition OPTIONAL,
+ recordOpeningTime [8] TimeStamp,
+ duration [9] CallDuration,
+ causeForRecClosing [10] CauseForRecClosing,
+ diagnostics [11] Diagnostics OPTIONAL,
+ recordSequenceNumber [12] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ nodeID [13] NodeID OPTIONAL,
+ recordExtensions [14] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ mbmsInformation [16] MBMSInformation OPTIONAL,
+ commonTeid [17] CTEID OPTIONAL,
+ iPMulticastSourceAddress [18] PDPAddress OPTIONAL
+AccessPointNameNI ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..63))
+-- Network Identifier part of APN in dot representation.
+-- For example, if the complete APN is 'apn1a.apn1b.apn1c.mnc022.mcc111.gprs'
+-- NI is 'apn1a.apn1b.apn1c' and is presented in this form in the CDR..
+AccessPointNameOI ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..37))
+-- Operator Identifier part of APN in dot representation.
+-- In the 'apn1a.apn1b.apn1c.mnc022.mcc111.gprs' example, the OI portion is 'mnc022.mcc111.gprs'
+-- and is presented in this form in the CDR.
+AFChargingIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING
+-- see AF-Charging-Identifier AVP as defined in TS 29.214[221]
+AFRecordInformation ::= SEQUENCE
+ aFChargingIdentifier [1] AFChargingIdentifier,
+ flows [2] Flows OPTIONAL
+APNSelectionMode::= ENUMERATED
+-- See Information Elements TS 29.060 [215], TS 29.274 [223] or TS 29.275 [224]
+ mSorNetworkProvidedSubscriptionVerified (0),
+ mSProvidedSubscriptionNotVerified (1),
+ networkProvidedSubscriptionNotVerified (2)
+CAMELAccessPointNameNI ::= AccessPointNameNI
+CAMELAccessPointNameOI ::= AccessPointNameOI
+CAMELInformationMM ::= SET
+ sCFAddress [1] SCFAddress OPTIONAL,
+ serviceKey [2] ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
+ defaultTransactionHandling [3] DefaultGPRS-Handling OPTIONAL,
+ numberOfDPEncountered [4] NumberOfDPEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ levelOfCAMELService [5] LevelOfCAMELService OPTIONAL,
+ freeFormatData [6] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
+ fFDAppendIndicator [7] FFDAppendIndicator OPTIONAL
+CAMELInformationPDP ::= SET
+ sCFAddress [1] SCFAddress OPTIONAL,
+ serviceKey [2] ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
+ defaultTransactionHandling [3] DefaultGPRS-Handling OPTIONAL,
+ cAMELAccessPointNameNI [4] CAMELAccessPointNameNI OPTIONAL,
+ cAMELAccessPointNameOI [5] CAMELAccessPointNameOI OPTIONAL,
+ numberOfDPEncountered [6] NumberOfDPEncountered OPTIONAL,
+ levelOfCAMELService [7] LevelOfCAMELService OPTIONAL,
+ freeFormatData [8] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
+ fFDAppendIndicator [9] FFDAppendIndicator OPTIONAL
+CAMELInformationSMS ::= SET
+ sCFAddress [1] SCFAddress OPTIONAL,
+ serviceKey [2] ServiceKey OPTIONAL,
+ defaultSMSHandling [3] DefaultSMS-Handling OPTIONAL,
+ cAMELCallingPartyNumber [4] CallingNumber OPTIONAL,
+ cAMELDestinationSubscriberNumber [5] SmsTpDestinationNumber OPTIONAL,
+ cAMELSMSCAddress [6] AddressString OPTIONAL,
+ freeFormatData [7] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL,
+ smsReferenceNumber [8] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL
+CauseForRecClosing ::= INTEGER
+-- In PGW-CDR and SGW-CDR the value servingNodeChange is used for partial record
+-- generation due to Serving Node Address list Overflow
+-- In SGSN servingNodeChange indicates the SGSN change
+-- LCS related causes belong to the MAP error causes acc. TS 29.002 [214]
+-- cause codes 0 to 15 are defined 'CauseForTerm' (cause for termination)
+ normalRelease (0),
+ abnormalRelease (4),
+ cAMELInitCallRelease (5),
+ volumeLimit (16),
+ timeLimit (17),
+ servingNodeChange (18),
+ maxChangeCond (19),
+ managementIntervention (20),
+ intraSGSNIntersystemChange (21),
+ rATChange (22),
+ mSTimeZoneChange (23),
+ sGSNPLMNIDChange (24),
+ unauthorizedRequestingNetwork (52),
+ unauthorizedLCSClient (53),
+ positionMethodFailure (54),
+ unknownOrUnreachableLCSClient (58),
+ listofDownstreamNodeChange (59)
+ChangeCondition ::= ENUMERATED
+ qoSChange (0),
+ tariffTime (1),
+ recordClosure (2),
+ cGI-SAICHange (6), -- bearer modification. "CGI-SAI Change"
+ rAIChange (7), -- bearer modification. "RAI Change"
+ dT-Establishment (8),
+ dT-Removal (9),
+ eCGIChange (10), -- bearer modification. "ECGI Change"
+ tAIChange (11), -- bearer modification. "TAI Change"
+ userLocationChange (12) -- bearer modification. "User Location Change"
+ChangeOfCharCondition ::= SEQUENCE
+-- qosRequested and qosNegotiated are used in S-CDR only
+-- ePCQoSInformation used in SGW-CDR only
+ qosRequested [1] QoSInformation OPTIONAL,
+ qosNegotiated [2] QoSInformation OPTIONAL,
+ dataVolumeGPRSUplink [3] DataVolumeGPRS OPTIONAL,
+ dataVolumeGPRSDownlink [4] DataVolumeGPRS OPTIONAL,
+ changeCondition [5] ChangeCondition,
+ changeTime [6] TimeStamp,
+ userLocationInformation [8] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
+ ePCQoSInformation [9] EPCQoSInformation OPTIONAL
+ChangeOfMBMSCondition ::= SEQUENCE
+-- Used in MBMS record
+ qosRequested [1] QoSInformation OPTIONAL,
+ qosNegotiated [2] QoSInformation OPTIONAL,
+ dataVolumeMBMSUplink [3] DataVolumeMBMS OPTIONAL,
+ dataVolumeMBMSDownlink [4] DataVolumeMBMS,
+ changeCondition [5] ChangeCondition,
+ changeTime [6] TimeStamp,
+ failureHandlingContinue [7] FailureHandlingContinue OPTIONAL
+ChangeOfServiceCondition ::= SEQUENCE
+-- Used for Flow based Charging service data container
+ ratingGroup [1] RatingGroupId,
+ chargingRuleBaseName [2] ChargingRuleBaseName OPTIONAL,
+ resultCode [3] ResultCode OPTIONAL,
+ localSequenceNumber [4] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL,
+ timeOfFirstUsage [5] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
+ timeOfLastUsage [6] TimeStamp OPTIONAL,
+ timeUsage [7] CallDuration OPTIONAL,
+ serviceConditionChange [8] ServiceConditionChange,
+ qoSInformationNeg [9] EPCQoSInformation OPTIONAL,
+ servingNodeAddress [10] GSNAddress OPTIONAL,
+ datavolumeFBCUplink [12] DataVolumeGPRS OPTIONAL,
+ datavolumeFBCDownlink [13] DataVolumeGPRS OPTIONAL,
+ timeOfReport [14] TimeStamp,
+ failureHandlingContinue [16] FailureHandlingContinue OPTIONAL,
+ serviceIdentifier [17] ServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL,
+ pSFurnishChargingInformation [18] PSFurnishChargingInformation OPTIONAL,
+ aFRecordInformation [19] SEQUENCE OF AFRecordInformation OPTIONAL,
+ userLocationInformation [20] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
+ eventBasedChargingInformation [21] EventBasedChargingInformation OPTIONAL,
+ timeQuotaMechanism [22] TimeQuotaMechanism OPTIONAL,
+ serviceSpecificInfo [23] SEQUENCE OF ServiceSpecificInfo OPTIONAL,
+ threeGPP2UserLocationInformation [24] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL
+ChangeLocation ::= SEQUENCE
+-- used in SGSNMMRecord only
+ locationAreaCode [0] LocationAreaCode,
+ routingAreaCode [1] RoutingAreaCode,
+ cellId [2] CellId OPTIONAL,
+ changeTime [3] TimeStamp,
+ChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
+ChargingID ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- Generated in P-GW, part of IP CAN bearer
+-- 0..4294967295 is equivalent to 0..2**32-1
+ChargingRuleBaseName ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..16))
+-- identifier for the group of charging rules
+-- see Charging-Rule-Base-Name AVP as desined in TS 29.212 [220]
+ChChSelectionMode ::= ENUMERATED
+ servingNodeSupplied (0), -- For S-GW/P-GW
+ subscriptionSpecific (1), -- For SGSN only
+ aPNSpecific (2), -- For SGSN only
+ homeDefault (3), -- For SGSN, S-GW and P-GW
+ roamingDefault (4), -- For SGSN, S-GW and P-GW
+ visitingDefault (5) -- For SGSN, S-GW and P-GW
+ closedMode (0),
+ hybridMode (1)
+ --
+ -- Defined in 23.003[200]. Coded according to TS 29.060[215] for GTP, and in TS 29.274 [223] for
+ -- eGTP.
+ -- 24.008 [208]
+ --
+ --
+ -- Defined in 32.251[11] for MBMS-GW-CDR. Common Tunnel Endpoint Identifier of MBMS GW for user --
+ -- plane, defined in TS23.246 [207].
+ --
+DataVolumeGPRS ::= INTEGER
+-- The volume of data transferred in octets.
+DynamicAddressFlag ::= BOOLEAN
+EPCQoSInformation ::= SEQUENCE
+-- See TS 29.212 [220] for more information
+ qCI [1] INTEGER,
+ maxRequestedBandwithUL [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ maxRequestedBandwithDL [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ guaranteedBitrateUL [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ guaranteedBitrateDL [5] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ aPNAggregateMaxBitrateUL [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
+ aPNAggregateMaxBitrateDL [8] INTEGER OPTIONAL
+EventBasedChargingInformation ::= SEQUENCE
+ numberOfEvents [1] INTEGER,
+ eventTimeStamps [2] SEQUENCE OF TimeStamp OPTIONAL
+FailureHandlingContinue ::= BOOLEAN
+-- This parameter is included when the failure handling procedure has been executed and new
+-- containers are opened. This parameter shall be included in the first and subsequent
+-- containers opened after the failure handling execution.
+FFDAppendIndicator ::= BOOLEAN
+Flows ::= SEQUENCE
+-- See Flows AVP as defined in TS 29.214 [221]
+ mediaComponentNumber [1] INTEGER,
+FreeFormatData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..160))
+-- Free formatted data as sent in the FurnishChargingInformationGPRS
+-- see TS 29.078 [217]
+GSNAddress ::= IPAddress
+MSNetworkCapability ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..8))
+-- see TS 24.008 [208]
+NetworkInitiatedPDPContext ::= BOOLEAN
+-- Set to true if PDP context was initiated from network side
+NodeID ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..20))
+NumberOfDPEncountered ::= INTEGER
+PDPAddress ::= CHOICE
+ iPAddress [0] IPAddress
+-- eTSIAddress [1] ETSIAddress : has only been used in earlier releases for X.121 format
+-- OCTET 1: PDP Type Organization
+-- OCTET 2: PDP/PDN Type Number
+-- See TS 29.060 [215] for encoding details.
+-- This is a 1:1 copy from the Routing Area Identity (RAI) IE specified in TS 29.060 [215]
+-- as follows:
+-- OCTET 1 of PLMN-Id = OCTET 2 of RAI
+-- OCTET 2 of PLMN-Id = OCTET 3 of RAI
+-- OCTET 3 of PLMN-Id = OCTET 4 of RAI
+PSFurnishChargingInformation ::= SEQUENCE
+ pSFreeFormatData [1] FreeFormatData,
+ pSFFDAppendIndicator [2] FFDAppendIndicator OPTIONAL
+QoSInformation ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (4..255))
+-- This octet string
+-- is a 1:1 copy of the contents (i.e. starting with octet 5) of the "Bearer Quality of
+-- Service" information element specified in TS 29.274 [223].
+RatingGroupId ::= INTEGER
+-- IP service flow identity (DCCA), range of 4 byte (0...4294967295)
+-- see Rating-Group AVP as used in TS 32.299 [50]
+ --
+ -- Ihis integer is 1:1 copy of the RAT type value as defined in TS 29.061 [215].
+ --
+-- WS Extension
+ reserved (0),
+ utran (1),
+ geran (2),
+ wlan (3),
+ gan (4),
+ hspa-evolution (5)
+ResultCode ::= INTEGER
+-- charging protocol return value, range of 4 byte (0...4294967295)
+-- see Result-Code AVP as used in 32.299 [40]
+RoutingAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1))
+-- See TS 24.008 [208]
+ServiceConditionChange ::= BIT STRING
+ qoSChange (0), -- bearer modification
+ sGSNChange (1), -- bearer modification
+ sGSNPLMNIDChange (2), -- bearer modification
+ tariffTimeSwitch (3), -- tariff time change
+ pDPContextRelease (4), -- bearer release
+ rATChange (5), -- bearer modification
+ serviceIdledOut (6), -- IP flow idle out, DCCA QHT expiry
+ reserved (7), -- old: QCTexpiry is no report event
+ configurationChange (8), -- configuration change
+ serviceStop (9), -- IP flow termination.From "Service Stop" in
+ -- Change-Condition" AVP
+ dCCATimeThresholdReached (10), -- DCCA quota reauthorization
+ dCCAVolumeThresholdReached (11), -- DCCA quota reauthorization
+ dCCAServiceSpecificUnitThresholdReached (12), -- DCCA quota reauthorization
+ dCCATimeExhausted (13), -- DCCA quota reauthorization
+ dCCAVolumeExhausted (14), -- DCCA quota reauthorization
+ dCCAValidityTimeout (15), -- DCCA quota validity time (QVT expiry)
+ reserved1 (16), -- reserved due to no use case,
+ -- old: return Requested is covered by (17),(18)
+ dCCAReauthorisationRequest (17), -- DCCA quota reauthorization request by OCS
+ dCCAContinueOngoingSession (18), -- DCCA failure handling (CCFH),
+ -- continue IP flow
+ dCCARetryAndTerminateOngoingSession (19), -- DCCA failure handling (CCFH),
+ -- terminate IP flow after DCCA retry
+ dCCATerminateOngoingSession (20), -- DCCA failure handling,
+ -- terminate IP flow
+ cGI-SAIChange (21), -- bearer modification. "CGI-SAI Change"
+ rAIChange (22), -- bearer modification. "RAI Change"
+ dCCAServiceSpecificUnitExhausted (23), -- DCCA quota reauthorization
+ recordClosure (24), -- PGW-CDR closure
+ timeLimit (25), -- intermediate recording. From "Service Data" - - Time Limit" Change-Condition AVP value
+ volumeLimit (26), -- intermediate recording.From "Service Data" - - Volume Limit" Change-Condition AVP value
+ serviceSpecificUnitLimit (27), -- intermediate recording
+ envelopeClosure (28),
+ eCGIChange (29), -- bearer modification. "ECGI Change"
+ tAIChange (30), -- bearer modification. "TAI Change"
+ userLocationChange (31) -- bearer modification. "User Location Change"
+-- Trigger and cause values for IP flow level recording are defined for support of independent
+-- online and offline charging and also for tight interworking between online and offline charging.
+-- Unused bits will always be zero.
+-- Some of the values are non-exclusive (e.g. bearer modification reasons).
+ --
+SCFAddress ::= AddressString
+-- See TS 29.002 [214]
+ServiceIdentifier ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
+-- The service identifier is used to identify the service or the service component
+-- the service data flow relates to. See Service-Identifier AVP as defined in TS 29.212 [220]
+ServingNodeType ::= ENUMERATED
+ sGSN (0),
+ pMIPSGW (1),
+gTPSGW (2),
+ ePDG (3),
+ hSGW (4),
+ mME (5)
+-- present if first record after inter SGSN routing area update in new SGSN
+SGWChange ::= BOOLEAN
+-- present if first record after inter S-GW change
+TimeQuotaMechanism ::= SEQUENCE
+ timeQuotaType [1] TimeQuotaType,
+ baseTimeInterval [2] INTEGER
+TimeQuotaType ::= ENUMERATED
+UserCSGInformation ::= SEQUENCE
+ cSGId [0] CSGId,
+ cSGAccessMode [1] CSGAccessMode,
+ cSGMembershipIndication [2] NULL OPTIONAL