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+<!-- WSUG Appendix Tools -->
+== Related command line tools
+=== Introduction
+Along with the main application, Wireshark comes with an array of command line
+tools which can be helpful for specialized tasks. These tools will be described
+in this chapter. You can find more information about each command in the
+link:wireshark-man-page-reference:[][Manual Pages].
+=== __tshark__: Terminal-based Wireshark
+TShark is a terminal oriented version of Wireshark designed for capturing and
+displaying packets when an interactive user interface isn't necessary or
+available. It supports the same options as `wireshark`. For more information on
+`tshark` see the manual pages (`man tshark`).
+.Help information available from `tshark`
+TShark 1.12.1 (Git Rev Unknown from unknown)
+Dump and analyze network traffic.
+See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
+Copyright 1998-2014 Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org> and contributors.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
+Usage: tshark [options] ...
+Capture interface:
+ -i <interface> name or idx of interface (def: first non-loopback)
+ -f <capture filter> packet filter in libpcap filter syntax
+ -s <snaplen> packet snapshot length (def: 65535)
+ -p don't capture in promiscuous mode
+ -I capture in monitor mode, if available
+ -B <buffer size> size of kernel buffer (def: 2MB)
+ -y <link type> link layer type (def: first appropriate)
+ -D print list of interfaces and exit
+ -L print list of link-layer types of iface and exit
+Capture stop conditions:
+ -c <packet count> stop after n packets (def: infinite)
+ -a <autostop cond.> ... duration:NUM - stop after NUM seconds
+ filesize:NUM - stop this file after NUM KB
+ files:NUM - stop after NUM files
+Capture output:
+ -b <ringbuffer opt.> ... duration:NUM - switch to next file after NUM secs
+ filesize:NUM - switch to next file after NUM KB
+ files:NUM - ringbuffer: replace after NUM files
+Input file:
+ -r <infile> set the filename to read from (- to read from stdin)
+ -2 perform a two-pass analysis
+ -R <read filter> packet Read filter in Wireshark display filter syntax
+ -Y <display filter> packet displaY filter in Wireshark display filter
+ syntax
+ -n disable all name resolutions (def: all enabled)
+ -N <name resolve flags> enable specific name resolution(s): "mntC"
+ -d <layer_type>==<selector>,<decode_as_protocol> ...
+ "Decode As", see the man page for details
+ Example: tcp.port==8888,http
+ -H <hosts file> read a list of entries from a hosts file, which will
+ then be written to a capture file. (Implies -W n)
+ -w <outfile|-> write packets to a pcap-format file named "outfile"
+ (or to the standard output for "-")
+ -C <config profile> start with specified configuration profile
+ -F <output file type> set the output file type, default is pcapng
+ an empty "-F" option will list the file types
+ -V add output of packet tree (Packet Details)
+ -O <protocols> Only show packet details of these protocols, comma
+ separated
+ -P print packet summary even when writing to a file
+ -S <separator> the line separator to print between packets
+ -x add output of hex and ASCII dump (Packet Bytes)
+ -T pdml|ps|psml|text|fields
+ format of text output (def: text)
+ -e <field> field to print if -Tfields selected (e.g. tcp.port,
+ _ws.col.Info)
+ this option can be repeated to print multiple fields
+ -E<fieldsoption>=<value> set options for output when -Tfields selected:
+ header=y|n switch headers on and off
+ separator=/t|/s|<char> select tab, space, printable character as separator
+ occurrence=f|l|a print first, last or all occurrences of each field
+ aggregator=,|/s|<char> select comma, space, printable character as
+ aggregator
+ quote=d|s|n select double, single, no quotes for values
+ -t a|ad|d|dd|e|r|u|ud output format of time stamps (def: r: rel. to first)
+ -u s|hms output format of seconds (def: s: seconds)
+ -l flush standard output after each packet
+ -q be more quiet on stdout (e.g. when using statistics)
+ -Q only log true errors to stderr (quieter than -q)
+ -g enable group read access on the output file(s)
+ -W n Save extra information in the file, if supported.
+ n = write network address resolution information
+ -X <key>:<value> eXtension options, see the man page for details
+ -z <statistics> various statistics, see the man page for details
+ --capture-comment <comment>
+ add a capture comment to the newly created
+ output file (only for pcapng)
+ -h display this help and exit
+ -v display version info and exit
+ -o <name>:<value> ... override preference setting
+ -K <keytab> keytab file to use for kerberos decryption
+ -G [report] dump one of several available reports and exit
+ default report="fields"
+ use "-G ?" for more help
+WARNING: dumpcap will enable kernel BPF JIT compiler if available.
+You might want to reset it
+By doing "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/core/bpf_jit_enable"
+=== __tcpdump__: Capturing with `tcpdump` for viewing with Wireshark
+It's often more useful to capture packets using `tcpdump` rather than
+`wireshark`. For example, you might want to do a remote capture and either don't
+have GUI access or don't have Wireshark installed on the remote machine.
+Older versions of `tcpdump` truncate packets to 68 or 96 bytes. If this is the case,
+use `-s` to capture full-sized packets:
+$ tcpdump -i <interface> -s 65535 -w <some-file>
+You will have to specify the correct _interface_ and the name of a _file_ to
+save into. In addition, you will have to terminate the capture with ^C when you
+believe you have captured enough packets.
++tcpdump+ is not part of the Wireshark distribution. You can get it from
+link:$$http://www.tcpdump.org/:[]$$[http://www.tcpdump.org] or as a standard
+package in most Linux distributions.
+=== __dumpcap__: Capturing with `dumpcap` for viewing with Wireshark
+Dumpcap is a network traffic dump tool. It captures packet data from a live
+network and writes the packets to a file. Dumpcap's native capture file format
+is pcapng, which is also the format used by Wireshark.
+Without any options set it will use the pcap library to capture traffic from the
+first available network interface and write the received raw packet data, along
+with the packets' time stamps into a pcapng file. The capture filter syntax
+follows the rules of the pcap library.
+.Help information available from dumpcap
+Dumpcap 1.12.1 (Git Rev Unknown from unknown)
+Capture network packets and dump them into a pcapng file.
+See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
+Usage: dumpcap [options] ...
+Capture interface:
+ -i <interface> name or idx of interface (def: first non-loopback),
+ or for remote capturing, use one of these formats:
+ rpcap://<host>/<interface>
+ TCP@<host>:<port>
+ -f <capture filter> packet filter in libpcap filter syntax
+ -s <snaplen> packet snapshot length (def: 65535)
+ -p don't capture in promiscuous mode
+ -I capture in monitor mode, if available
+ -B <buffer size> size of kernel buffer in MiB (def: 2MiB)
+ -y <link type> link layer type (def: first appropriate)
+ -D print list of interfaces and exit
+ -L print list of link-layer types of iface and exit
+ -d print generated BPF code for capture filter
+ -k set channel on wifi interface <freq>,[<type>]
+ -S print statistics for each interface once per second
+ -M for -D, -L, and -S, produce machine-readable output
+Stop conditions:
+ -c <packet count> stop after n packets (def: infinite)
+ -a <autostop cond.> ... duration:NUM - stop after NUM seconds
+ filesize:NUM - stop this file after NUM KB
+ files:NUM - stop after NUM files
+Output (files):
+ -w <filename> name of file to save (def: tempfile)
+ -g enable group read access on the output file(s)
+ -b <ringbuffer opt.> ... duration:NUM - switch to next file after NUM secs
+ filesize:NUM - switch to next file after NUM KB
+ files:NUM - ringbuffer: replace after NUM files
+ -n use pcapng format instead of pcap (default)
+ -P use libpcap format instead of pcapng
+ --capture-comment <comment>
+ add a capture comment to the output file
+ (only for pcapng)
+ -N <packet_limit> maximum number of packets buffered within dumpcap
+ -C <byte_limit> maximum number of bytes used for buffering packets
+ within dumpcap
+ -t use a separate thread per interface
+ -q don't report packet capture counts
+ -v print version information and exit
+ -h display this help and exit
+WARNING: dumpcap will enable kernel BPF JIT compiler if available.
+You might want to reset it
+By doing "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/core/bpf_jit_enable"
+Example: dumpcap -i eth0 -a duration:60 -w output.pcapng
+"Capture packets from interface eth0 until 60s passed into output.pcapng"
+Use Ctrl-C to stop capturing at any time.
+=== __capinfos__: Print information about capture files
++capinfos+ can print information about binary capture files.
+.Help information available from capinfos
+Capinfos 1.12.1 (Git Rev Unknown from unknown)
+Prints various information (infos) about capture files.
+See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
+Usage: capinfos [options] <infile> ...
+General infos:
+ -t display the capture file type
+ -E display the capture file encapsulation
+ -H display the SHA1, RMD160, and MD5 hashes of the file
+ -k display the capture comment
+Size infos:
+ -c display the number of packets
+ -s display the size of the file (in bytes)
+ -d display the total length of all packets (in bytes)
+ -l display the packet size limit (snapshot length)
+Time infos:
+ -u display the capture duration (in seconds)
+ -a display the capture start time
+ -e display the capture end time
+ -o display the capture file chronological status (True/False)
+ -S display start and end times as seconds
+Statistic infos:
+ -y display average data rate (in bytes/sec)
+ -i display average data rate (in bits/sec)
+ -z display average packet size (in bytes)
+ -x display average packet rate (in packets/sec)
+Output format:
+ -L generate long report (default)
+ -T generate table report
+ -M display machine-readable values in long reports
+Table report options:
+ -R generate header record (default)
+ -r do not generate header record
+ -B separate infos with TAB character (default)
+ -m separate infos with comma (,) character
+ -b separate infos with SPACE character
+ -N do not quote infos (default)
+ -q quote infos with single quotes (')
+ -Q quote infos with double quotes (")
+ -h display this help and exit
+ -C cancel processing if file open fails (default is to continue)
+ -A generate all infos (default)
+Options are processed from left to right order with later options superceding
+or adding to earlier options.
+If no options are given the default is to display all infos in long report
+output format.
+=== __rawshark__: Dump and analyze network traffic.
+Rawshark reads a stream of packets from a file or pipe, and prints a line
+describing its output, followed by a set of matching fields for each packet on
+.Help information available from rawshark
+Rawshark 1.12.1 (Git Rev Unknown from unknown)
+Dump and analyze network traffic.
+See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
+Copyright 1998-2014 Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org> and contributors.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
+Usage: rawshark [options] ...
+Input file:
+ -r <infile> set the pipe or file name to read from
+ -d <encap:linktype>|<proto:protoname>
+ packet encapsulation or protocol
+ -F <field> field to display
+ -n disable all name resolution (def: all enabled)
+ -N <name resolve flags> enable specific name resolution(s): "mntC"
+ -p use the system's packet header format
+ (which may have 64-bit timestamps)
+ -R <read filter> packet filter in Wireshark display filter syntax
+ -s skip PCAP header on input
+ -l flush output after each packet
+ -S format string for fields
+ (%D - name, %S - stringval, %N numval)
+ -t ad|a|r|d|dd|e output format of time stamps (def: r: rel. to first)
+ -h display this help and exit
+ -o <name>:<value> ... override preference setting
+ -v display version info and exit
+=== __editcap__: Edit capture files
++editcap+ is a general-purpose utility for modifying capture files. Its main
+function is to remove packets from capture files, but it can also be used to
+convert capture files from one format to another, as well as to print
+information about capture files.
+.Help information available from editcap
+Editcap 1.12.1 (Git Rev Unknown from unknown)
+Edit and/or translate the format of capture files.
+See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
+Usage: editcap [options] ... <infile> <outfile> [ <packet#>[-<packet#>] ... ]
+<infile> and <outfile> must both be present.
+A single packet or a range of packets can be selected.
+Packet selection:
+ -r keep the selected packets; default is to delete them.
+ -A <start time> only output packets whose timestamp is after (or equal
+ to) the given time (format as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss).
+ -B <stop time> only output packets whose timestamp is before the
+ given time (format as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss).
+Duplicate packet removal:
+ -d remove packet if duplicate (window == 5).
+ -D <dup window> remove packet if duplicate; configurable <dup window>
+ Valid <dup window> values are 0 to 1000000.
+ NOTE: A <dup window> of 0 with -v (verbose option) is
+ useful to print MD5 hashes.
+ -w <dup time window> remove packet if duplicate packet is found EQUAL TO OR
+ LESS THAN <dup time window> prior to current packet.
+ A <dup time window> is specified in relative seconds
+ (e.g. 0.000001).
+ NOTE: The use of the 'Duplicate packet removal' options with
+ other editcap options except -v may not always work as expected.
+ Specifically the -r, -t or -S options will very likely NOT have the
+ desired effect if combined with the -d, -D or -w.
+Packet manipulation:
+ -s <snaplen> truncate each packet to max. <snaplen> bytes of data.
+ -C [offset:]<choplen> chop each packet by <choplen> bytes. Positive values
+ chop at the packet beginning, negative values at the
+ packet end. If an optional offset precedes the length,
+ then the bytes chopped will be offset from that value.
+ Positive offsets are from the packet beginning,
+ negative offsets are from the packet end. You can use
+ this option more than once, allowing up to 2 chopping
+ regions within a packet provided that at least 1
+ choplen is positive and at least 1 is negative.
+ -L adjust the frame length when chopping and/or snapping
+ -t <time adjustment> adjust the timestamp of each packet;
+ <time adjustment> is in relative seconds (e.g. -0.5).
+ -S <strict adjustment> adjust timestamp of packets if necessary to insure
+ strict chronological increasing order. The <strict
+ adjustment> is specified in relative seconds with
+ values of 0 or 0.000001 being the most reasonable.
+ A negative adjustment value will modify timestamps so
+ that each packet's delta time is the absolute value
+ of the adjustment specified. A value of -0 will set
+ all packets to the timestamp of the first packet.
+ -E <error probability> set the probability (between 0.0 and 1.0 incl.) that
+ a particular packet byte will be randomly changed.
+Output File(s):
+ -c <packets per file> split the packet output to different files based on
+ uniform packet counts with a maximum of
+ <packets per file> each.
+ -i <seconds per file> split the packet output to different files based on
+ uniform time intervals with a maximum of
+ <seconds per file> each.
+ -F <capture type> set the output file type; default is pcapng. An empty
+ "-F" option will list the file types.
+ -T <encap type> set the output file encapsulation type; default is the
+ same as the input file. An empty "-T" option will
+ list the encapsulation types.
+ -h display this help and exit.
+ -v verbose output.
+ If -v is used with any of the 'Duplicate Packet
+ Removal' options (-d, -D or -w) then Packet lengths
+ and MD5 hashes are printed to standard-error.
+.Capture file types available from `editcap -F`
+$ editcap -F
+editcap: option requires an argument -- 'F'
+editcap: The available capture file types for the "-F" flag are:
+ 5views - InfoVista 5View capture
+ btsnoop - Symbian OS btsnoop
+ commview - TamoSoft CommView
+ dct2000 - Catapult DCT2000 trace (.out format)
+ erf - Endace ERF capture
+ eyesdn - EyeSDN USB S0/E1 ISDN trace format
+ k12text - K12 text file
+ lanalyzer - Novell LANalyzer
+ logcat - Android Logcat Binary format
+ logcat-brief - Android Logcat Brief text format
+ logcat-long - Android Logcat Long text format
+ logcat-process - Android Logcat Process text format
+ logcat-tag - Android Logcat Tag text format
+ logcat-thread - Android Logcat Thread text format
+ logcat-threadtime - Android Logcat Threadtime text format
+ logcat-time - Android Logcat Time text format
+ modlibpcap - Modified tcpdump - libpcap
+ netmon1 - Microsoft NetMon 1.x
+ netmon2 - Microsoft NetMon 2.x
+ nettl - HP-UX nettl trace
+ ngsniffer - Sniffer (DOS)
+ ngwsniffer_1_1 - NetXray, Sniffer (Windows) 1.1
+ ngwsniffer_2_0 - Sniffer (Windows) 2.00x
+ niobserver - Network Instruments Observer
+ nokialibpcap - Nokia tcpdump - libpcap
+ nseclibpcap - Wireshark - nanosecond libpcap
+ nstrace10 - NetScaler Trace (Version 1.0)
+ nstrace20 - NetScaler Trace (Version 2.0)
+ nstrace30 - NetScaler Trace (Version 3.0)
+ pcap - Wireshark/tcpdump/... - pcap
+ pcapng - Wireshark/... - pcapng
+ rf5 - Tektronix K12xx 32-bit .rf5 format
+ rh6_1libpcap - RedHat 6.1 tcpdump - libpcap
+ snoop - Sun snoop
+ suse6_3libpcap - SuSE 6.3 tcpdump - libpcap
+ visual - Visual Networks traffic capture
+.Encapsulation types available from editcap
+$ editcap -T
+editcap: option requires an argument -- 'T'
+editcap: The available encapsulation types for the "-T" flag are:
+ ap1394 - Apple IP-over-IEEE 1394
+ arcnet - ARCNET
+ arcnet_linux - Linux ARCNET
+ ascend - Lucent/Ascend access equipment
+ atm-pdus - ATM PDUs
+ atm-pdus-untruncated - ATM PDUs - untruncated
+ atm-rfc1483 - RFC 1483 ATM
+ ax25 - Amateur Radio AX.25
+ ax25-kiss - AX.25 with KISS header
+ bacnet-ms-tp - BACnet MS/TP
+ bacnet-ms-tp-with-direction - BACnet MS/TP with Directional Info
+ ber - ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules
+ bluetooth-bredr-bb-rf - Bluetooth BR/EDR Baseband RF
+ bluetooth-h4 - Bluetooth H4
+ bluetooth-h4-linux - Bluetooth H4 with linux header
+ bluetooth-hci - Bluetooth without transport layer
+ bluetooth-le-ll - Bluetooth Low Energy Link Layer
+ bluetooth-le-ll-rf - Bluetooth Low Energy Link Layer RF
+ bluetooth-linux-monitor - Bluetooth Linux Monitor
+ can20b - Controller Area Network 2.0B
+ chdlc - Cisco HDLC
+ chdlc-with-direction - Cisco HDLC with Directional Info
+ cosine - CoSine L2 debug log
+ dbus - D-Bus
+ dct2000 - Catapult DCT2000
+ docsis - Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
+ dpnss_link - Digital Private Signalling System No 1 Link Layer
+ dvbci - DVB-CI (Common Interface)
+ enc - OpenBSD enc(4) encapsulating interface
+ epon - Ethernet Passive Optical Network
+ erf - Extensible Record Format
+ ether - Ethernet
+ ether-nettl - Ethernet with nettl headers
+ fc2 - Fibre Channel FC-2
+ fc2sof - Fibre Channel FC-2 With Frame Delimiter
+ fddi - FDDI
+ fddi-nettl - FDDI with nettl headers
+ fddi-swapped - FDDI with bit-swapped MAC addresses
+ flexray - FlexRay
+ frelay - Frame Relay
+ frelay-with-direction - Frame Relay with Directional Info
+ gcom-serial - GCOM Serial
+ gcom-tie1 - GCOM TIE1
+ gprs-llc - GPRS LLC
+ gsm_um - GSM Um Interface
+ hhdlc - HiPath HDLC
+ i2c - I2C
+ ieee-802-11 - IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN
+ ieee-802-11-airopeek - IEEE 802.11 plus AiroPeek radio header
+ ieee-802-11-avs - IEEE 802.11 plus AVS radio header
+ ieee-802-11-netmon - IEEE 802.11 plus Network Monitor radio header
+ ieee-802-11-prism - IEEE 802.11 plus Prism II monitor mode radio header
+ ieee-802-11-radio - IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN with radio information
+ ieee-802-11-radiotap - IEEE 802.11 plus radiotap radio header
+ ieee-802-16-mac-cps - IEEE 802.16 MAC Common Part Sublayer
+ infiniband - InfiniBand
+ ios - Cisco IOS internal
+ ip-over-fc - RFC 2625 IP-over-Fibre Channel
+ ip-over-ib - IP over Infiniband
+ ipfix - IPFIX
+ ipmb - Intelligent Platform Management Bus
+ ipmi-trace - IPMI Trace Data Collection
+ ipnet - Solaris IPNET
+ irda - IrDA
+ isdn - ISDN
+ ixveriwave - IxVeriWave header and stats block
+ jfif - JPEG/JFIF
+ juniper-atm1 - Juniper ATM1
+ juniper-atm2 - Juniper ATM2
+ juniper-chdlc - Juniper C-HDLC
+ juniper-ether - Juniper Ethernet
+ juniper-frelay - Juniper Frame-Relay
+ juniper-ggsn - Juniper GGSN
+ juniper-mlfr - Juniper MLFR
+ juniper-mlppp - Juniper MLPPP
+ juniper-ppp - Juniper PPP
+ juniper-pppoe - Juniper PPPoE
+ juniper-svcs - Juniper Services
+ juniper-vp - Juniper Voice PIC
+ k12 - K12 protocol analyzer
+ lapb - LAPB
+ lapd - LAPD
+ layer1-event - EyeSDN Layer 1 event
+ lin - Local Interconnect Network
+ linux-atm-clip - Linux ATM CLIP
+ linux-lapd - LAPD with Linux pseudo-header
+ linux-sll - Linux cooked-mode capture
+ logcat - Android Logcat Binary format
+ logcat_brief - Android Logcat Brief text format
+ logcat_long - Android Logcat Long text format
+ logcat_process - Android Logcat Process text format
+ logcat_tag - Android Logcat Tag text format
+ logcat_thread - Android Logcat Thread text format
+ logcat_threadtime - Android Logcat Threadtime text format
+ logcat_time - Android Logcat Time text format
+ ltalk - Localtalk
+ mime - MIME
+ most - Media Oriented Systems Transport
+ mp2ts - ISO/IEC 13818-1 MPEG2-TS
+ mpeg - MPEG
+ mtp2 - SS7 MTP2
+ mtp2-with-phdr - MTP2 with pseudoheader
+ mtp3 - SS7 MTP3
+ mux27010 - MUX27010
+ netanalyzer - netANALYZER
+ netanalyzer-transparent - netANALYZER-Transparent
+ netlink - Linux Netlink
+ nfc-llcp - NFC LLCP
+ nflog - NFLOG
+ nstrace10 - NetScaler Encapsulation 1.0 of Ethernet
+ nstrace20 - NetScaler Encapsulation 2.0 of Ethernet
+ nstrace30 - NetScaler Encapsulation 3.0 of Ethernet
+ null - NULL
+ packetlogger - PacketLogger
+ pflog - OpenBSD PF Firewall logs
+ pflog-old - OpenBSD PF Firewall logs, pre-3.4
+ pktap - Apple PKTAP
+ ppi - Per-Packet Information header
+ ppp - PPP
+ ppp-with-direction - PPP with Directional Info
+ pppoes - PPP-over-Ethernet session
+ raw-icmp-nettl - Raw ICMP with nettl headers
+ raw-icmpv6-nettl - Raw ICMPv6 with nettl headers
+ raw-telnet-nettl - Raw telnet with nettl headers
+ rawip - Raw IP
+ rawip-nettl - Raw IP with nettl headers
+ rawip4 - Raw IPv4
+ rawip6 - Raw IPv6
+ redback - Redback SmartEdge
+ rtac-serial - RTAC serial-line
+ s4607 - STANAG 4607
+ s5066-dpdu - STANAG 5066 Data Transfer Sublayer PDUs(D_PDU)
+ sccp - SS7 SCCP
+ sctp - SCTP
+ sdh - SDH
+ sdlc - SDLC
+ sita-wan - SITA WAN packets
+ slip - SLIP
+ socketcan - SocketCAN
+ symantec - Symantec Enterprise Firewall
+ tnef - Transport-Neutral Encapsulation Format
+ tr - Token Ring
+ tr-nettl - Token Ring with nettl headers
+ tzsp - Tazmen sniffer protocol
+ unknown - Unknown
+ unknown-nettl - Unknown link-layer type with nettl headers
+ usb - Raw USB packets
+ usb-linux - USB packets with Linux header
+ usb-linux-mmap - USB packets with Linux header and padding
+ usb-usbpcap - USB packets with USBPcap header
+ user0 - USER 0
+ user1 - USER 1
+ user2 - USER 2
+ user3 - USER 3
+ user4 - USER 4
+ user5 - USER 5
+ user6 - USER 6
+ user7 - USER 7
+ user8 - USER 8
+ user9 - USER 9
+ user10 - USER 10
+ user11 - USER 11
+ user12 - USER 12
+ user13 - USER 13
+ user14 - USER 14
+ user15 - USER 15
+ v5-ef - V5 Envelope Function
+ whdlc - Wellfleet HDLC
+ wireshark-upper-pdu - Wireshark Upper PDU export
+ wpan - IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless PAN
+ wpan-nofcs - IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless PAN with FCS not present
+ wpan-nonask-phy - IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless PAN non-ASK PHY
+ x2e-serial - X2E serial line capture
+ x2e-xoraya - X2E Xoraya
+ x25-nettl - X.25 with nettl headers
+=== __mergecap__: Merging multiple capture files into one
+Mergecap is a program that combines multiple saved capture files into a single
+output file specified by the `-w` argument. Mergecap knows how to read libpcap
+capture files, including those of tcpdump. In addition, Mergecap can read
+capture files from snoop (including Shomiti) and atmsnoop, LanAlyzer, Sniffer
+(compressed or uncompressed), Microsoft Network Monitor, AIX's iptrace, NetXray,
+Sniffer Pro, RADCOM's WAN/LAN analyzer, Lucent/Ascend router debug output,
+HP-UX's nettl, and the dump output from Toshiba's ISDN routers. There is no need
+to tell Mergecap what type of file you are reading; it will determine the file
+type by itself. Mergecap is also capable of reading any of these file formats if
+they are compressed using `gzip`. Mergecap recognizes this directly from the
+file; the ``$$.gz$$'' extension is not required for this purpose.
+By default, it writes the capture file in pcapng format, and writes all of the
+packets in the input capture files to the output file. The `-F` flag can be used
+to specify the format in which to write the capture file; it can write the file
+in libpcap format (standard libpcap format, a modified format used by some
+patched versions of libpcap, the format used by Red Hat Linux 6.1, or the format
+used by SuSE Linux 6.3), snoop format, uncompressed Sniffer format, Microsoft
+Network Monitor 1.x format, and the format used by Windows-based versions of the
+Sniffer software.
+Packets from the input files are merged in chronological order based on each
+frame's timestamp, unless the `-a` flag is specified. Mergecap assumes that
+frames within a single capture file are already stored in chronological order.
+When the `-a` flag is specified, packets are copied directly from each input
+file to the output file, independent of each frame's timestamp.
+If the `-s` flag is used to specify a snapshot length, frames in the input file
+with more captured data than the specified snapshot length will have only the
+amount of data specified by the snapshot length written to the output file. This
+may be useful if the program that is to read the output file cannot handle
+packets larger than a certain size (for example, the versions of snoop in
+Solaris 2.5.1 and Solaris 2.6 appear to reject Ethernet frames larger than the
+standard Ethernet MTU, making them incapable of handling gigabit Ethernet
+captures if jumbo frames were used).
+If the `-T` flag is used to specify an encapsulation type, the encapsulation
+type of the output capture file will be forced to the specified type, rather
+than being the type appropriate to the encapsulation type of the input capture
+file. Note that this merely forces the encapsulation type of the output file to
+be the specified type; the packet headers of the packets will not be translated
+from the encapsulation type of the input capture file to the specified
+encapsulation type (for example, it will not translate an Ethernet capture to an
+FDDI capture if an Ethernet capture is read and `-T fddi` is specified).
+.Help information available from mergecap
+Mergecap 1.12.1 (Git Rev Unknown from unknown)
+Merge two or more capture files into one.
+See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
+Usage: mergecap [options] -w <outfile>|- <infile> [<infile> ...]
+ -a concatenate rather than merge files.
+ default is to merge based on frame timestamps.
+ -s <snaplen> truncate packets to <snaplen> bytes of data.
+ -w <outfile>|- set the output filename to <outfile> or '-' for stdout.
+ -F <capture type> set the output file type; default is pcapng.
+ an empty "-F" option will list the file types.
+ -T <encap type> set the output file encapsulation type;
+ default is the same as the first input file.
+ an empty "-T" option will list the encapsulation types.
+ -h display this help and exit.
+ -v verbose output.
+A simple example merging `dhcp-capture.pcapng` and `imap-1.pcapng` into
+`outfile.pcapng` is shown below.
+.Simple example of using mergecap
+$ mergecap -w outfile.pcapng dhcp-capture.pcapng imap-1.pcapng
+=== __text2pcap__: Converting ASCII hexdumps to network captures
+There may be some occasions when you wish to convert a hex dump of some network
+traffic into a libpcap file.
++text2pcap+ is a program that reads in an ASCII hex dump and writes the data
+described into a libpcap-style capture file. text2pcap can read hexdumps with
+multiple packets in them, and build a capture file of multiple packets.
+`text2pcap` is also capable of generating dummy Ethernet, IP and UDP headers, in
+order to build fully processable packet dumps from hexdumps of application-level
+data only.
++text2pcap+ understands a hexdump of the form generated by `od -A x -t x1`. In
+other words, each byte is individually displayed and surrounded with a space.
+Each line begins with an offset describing the position in the file. The offset
+is a hex number (can also be octal - see `-o`), of more than two hex digits. Here
+is a sample dump that `text2pcap` can recognize:
+000000 00 e0 1e a7 05 6f 00 10 ........
+000008 5a a0 b9 12 08 00 46 00 ........
+000010 03 68 00 00 00 00 0a 2e ........
+000018 ee 33 0f 19 08 7f 0f 19 ........
+000020 03 80 94 04 00 00 10 01 ........
+000028 16 a2 0a 00 03 50 00 0c ........
+000030 01 01 0f 19 03 80 11 01 ........
+There is no limit on the width or number of bytes per line. Also the text dump
+at the end of the line is ignored. Bytes/hex numbers can be uppercase or
+lowercase. Any text before the offset is ignored, including email forwarding
+characters `>'. Any lines of text between the bytestring lines is ignored.
+The offsets are used to track the bytes, so offsets must be correct. Any line
+which has only bytes without a leading offset is ignored. An offset is
+recognized as being a hex number longer than two characters. Any text after the
+bytes is ignored (e.g. the character dump). Any hex numbers in this text are
+also ignored. An offset of zero is indicative of starting a new packet, so a
+single text file with a series of hexdumps can be converted into a packet
+capture with multiple packets. Multiple packets are read in with timestamps
+differing by one second each. In general, short of these restrictions, text2pcap
+is pretty liberal about reading in hexdumps and has been tested with a variety
+of mangled outputs (including being forwarded through email multiple times, with
+limited line wrap etc.)
+There are a couple of other special features to note. Any line where the first
+non-whitespace character is '#' will be ignored as a comment. Any line beginning
+with #TEXT2PCAP is a directive and options can be inserted after this command to
+be processed by `text2pcap`. Currently there are no directives implemented; in the
+future, these may be used to give more fine grained control on the dump and the
+way it should be processed e.g. timestamps, encapsulation type etc.
++text2pcap+ also allows the user to read in dumps of application-level data, by
+inserting dummy L2, L3 and L4 headers before each packet. Possibilities include
+inserting headers such as Ethernet, Ethernet + IP, Ethernet + IP + UDP, or
+Ethernet + Ip + TCP before each packet. This allows Wireshark or any other
+full-packet decoder to handle these dumps.
+.Help information available from text2pcap
+Text2pcap 1.12.1 (Git Rev Unknown from unknown)
+Generate a capture file from an ASCII hexdump of packets.
+See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
+Usage: text2pcap [options] <infile> <outfile>
+where <infile> specifies input filename (use - for standard input)
+ <outfile> specifies output filename (use - for standard output)
+ -o hex|oct|dec parse offsets as (h)ex, (o)ctal or (d)ecimal;
+ default is hex.
+ -t <timefmt> treat the text before the packet as a date/time code;
+ the specified argument is a format string of the sort
+ supported by strptime.
+ Example: The time "10:15:14.5476" has the format code
+ "%H:%M:%S."
+ NOTE: The subsecond component delimiter, '.', must be
+ given, but no pattern is required; the remaining
+ number is assumed to be fractions of a second.
+ NOTE: Date/time fields from the current date/time are
+ used as the default for unspecified fields.
+ -D the text before the packet starts with an I or an O,
+ indicating that the packet is inbound or outbound.
+ This is only stored if the output format is PCAP-NG.
+ -a enable ASCII text dump identification.
+ The start of the ASCII text dump can be identified
+ and excluded from the packet data, even if it looks
+ like a HEX dump.
+ NOTE: Do not enable it if the input file does not
+ contain the ASCII text dump.
+ -l <typenum> link-layer type number; default is 1 (Ethernet). See
+ http://www.tcpdump.org/linktypes.html for a list of
+ numbers. Use this option if your dump is a complete
+ hex dump of an encapsulated packet and you wish to
+ specify the exact type of encapsulation.
+ Example: -l 7 for ARCNet packets.
+ -m <max-packet> max packet length in output; default is 65535
+Prepend dummy header:
+ -e <l3pid> prepend dummy Ethernet II header with specified L3PID
+ (in HEX).
+ Example: -e 0x806 to specify an ARP packet.
+ -i <proto> prepend dummy IP header with specified IP protocol
+ (in DECIMAL).
+ Automatically prepends Ethernet header as well.
+ Example: -i 46
+ -4 <srcip>,<destip> prepend dummy IPv4 header with specified
+ dest and source address.
+ Example: -4,
+ -6 <srcip>,<destip> replace IPv6 header with specified
+ dest and source address.
+ Example: -6 fe80:0:0:0:202:b3ff:fe1e:8329,2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
+ -u <srcp>,<destp> prepend dummy UDP header with specified
+ source and destination ports (in DECIMAL).
+ Automatically prepends Ethernet & IP headers as well.
+ Example: -u 1000,69 to make the packets look like
+ TFTP/UDP packets.
+ -T <srcp>,<destp> prepend dummy TCP header with specified
+ source and destination ports (in DECIMAL).
+ Automatically prepends Ethernet & IP headers as well.
+ Example: -T 50,60
+ -s <srcp>,<dstp>,<tag> prepend dummy SCTP header with specified
+ source/dest ports and verification tag (in DECIMAL).
+ Automatically prepends Ethernet & IP headers as well.
+ Example: -s 30,40,34
+ -S <srcp>,<dstp>,<ppi> prepend dummy SCTP header with specified
+ source/dest ports and verification tag 0.
+ Automatically prepends a dummy SCTP DATA
+ chunk header with payload protocol identifier ppi.
+ Example: -S 30,40,34
+ -h display this help and exit.
+ -d show detailed debug of parser states.
+ -q generate no output at all (automatically disables -d).
+ -n use PCAP-NG instead of PCAP as output format.
+=== __reordercap__: Reorder a capture file
++reordercap+ lets you reorder a capture file according to the packets timestamp.
+.Help information available from reordercap
+Reordercap 1.12.1
+Reorder timestamps of input file frames into output file.
+See http://www.wireshark.org for more information.
+Usage: reordercap [options] <infile> <outfile>
+ -n don't write to output file if the input file is ordered.
+ -h display this help and exit.
+<!-- End of WSUG Appendix Tools -->