path: root/doc
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Makefile.am b/doc/Makefile.am
index 2c9cd5c34b..fe160bdc90 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile.am
+++ b/doc/Makefile.am
@@ -301,7 +301,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
README.idl2wrs \
README.packaging \
README.plugins \
- README.qt \
README.regression \
README.stats_tree \
diff --git a/doc/README.qt b/doc/README.qt
deleted file mode 100644
index d1c268de1c..0000000000
--- a/doc/README.qt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-0. Abstract
-Wireshark's user interface is showing its age. While GTK+ is wonderful on
-Linux and BSD its low-tier status on Windows and even-lower-tier status on OS
-X makes it hard to deliver a good product to users on those platforms.
-The Qt port is an attempt at an updated UI which will better serve our users
-and let us add features more easily.
-1. Getting up and running
-The Qt interface for Wireshark should compile out of the box on Windows, OS
-X, and Linux using Qt 4.7 or later (including Qt 5) and Visual C++, gcc/g++,
-and clang/clang++. The Qt UI is continuously built and tested at
-https://buildbot.wireshark.org/trunk/waterfall .
-There are several ways of building the Qt UI:
-1) Qt Creator + CMake (recommended if adding features):
- Open the top-level CMakeLists.txt within Qt Creator. It should ask you to
- choose a build location. Do so. It should then ask you to run CMake. Fill in
- any desired build arguments (e.g. "-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" or
- "-D ENABLE_GTK3=OFF") and click the "Run CMake" button. When that
- completes select "Build → Open Build and Run Kit Selector..." and make
- sure wireshark is selected.
- Note that Qt Creator uses output created by the CodeBlocks generator. If
- you run CMake outside of Qt Creator you should use the "CodeBlocks - Unix
- Makefiles" or "CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles" generators, otherwise Qt
- Creator will prompt you to re-run CMake.
-2) CMake:
- Qt (BUILD_wireshark) is enabled by default. Use the "cmake" command to
- configure a normal out-of-tree or in-tree build, e.g.
- mkdir cmakebuild
- cd cmakebuild
- cmake
- make
- Note that CMake builds an application bundle (Wireshark.app) on OS X
- by default. Use the option "-DENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE=OFF" to create a
- traditional UNIX/POSIX build.
-3) Autotools:
- Qt (--with-qt) is enabled by default.
-1.1 Prerequisites
-Before compiling you need the Qt SDK and Qt Creator.
-1.1.1 OS X
-Download the latest Qt Library + Qt Creator from
-http://www.qt.io/download-open-source/. Qt 5.2 and later include
-Qt Mac Extras (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtmacextras-index.html), which
-provides a better look and feel.
-Build the top-level directory using CMake or autotools (see section
-"Getting up and running" above).
-1.1.2 Windows
-Download the Qt online installer from http://www.qt.io/download-open-source/
-and run it. Install a version of Qt that matches your compiler, e.g.
-"msvc2013 64-bit OpenGL". Install Qt Creator as well. Wireshark doesn't
-require anything beyond that.
- Qt Creator
-Before compiling in Qt Creator select "Projects" in the left toolbar,
-select "Build Settings" and do the following:
-- In "Edit build configuration" make sure the "Release" build is selected.
- (The "Debug" build won't work unless Wireshark is recompiled to link with a "debug"
- the "debug" C runtime library (using /MDd)).
-- Make sure "Qt version" matches your version of Visual Studio.
-- Make sure "Tool chain" matches your Visual C++ version.
-If you require plugin support select "Run Settings" and add
-XXX: (WMeier): I've not had too much satisfaction using the "native Windows debugger" (CDB ?)
- accessed via Qt Creator. (In fact, a web search turns up some fairly negative comments
- about the debugger. I've successfully (and pretty easily) been able to use the
- Visual Studio debugger; See below under "Command Line".
- ToDo: Investigate "Qt Visual Studio AddIn":
- http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/QtVSAddin#6112edd2e39a1695c242723d5c764aae
- Command Line
-- [Create and] Switch to a working dir to be used for .obj files, etc for Wireshark-qt compilation
-- Use CMake to create Windows Makefile and compile (see README.cmake)
-- Run:
- <working-dir>\wireshark-qt-debug
-- Debug (with Visual Studio debugger)
- Start Visual Studio;
- File ! Open ! Project/Solution ! .../<working-dir>/wireshark-qt-debug/wireshark.exe
- (Using Solution Explorer ! Properties ! Environment to
- add PATH=C:\Qt\4.8.0\bin;%PATH% will probably be required).
- ... Debug in the usual manner
-1.1.3 Linux
-Install the Qt libraries and Qt Creator via your package manager or from
-http://qt-project.org/downloads/. On Debian, Ubuntu, and other Debian
-derivatives, the "qt-sdk" (and qttools5-dev when use Qt5) meta-package
-should provide everything you need.
-Build the top-level directory using CMake or autotools (see section
-"Getting up and running" above).
-1.1.4 Other UN*Xes
-For the *BSDs, if the ports collection/packages collection has Qt,
-install the Qt libraries and Qt Creator via packages.
-For Solaris, install the Qt libraries and Qt Creator via OpenCSW or, for
-Solaris 11, the Image Packaging System.
-Otherwise, download the source from http://qt-project.org/downloads/ and
-compile and install it.
-Build the top-level directory using CMake or autotools (see section
-"Getting up and running" above).
-1.2 Other tools
-GammaRay lets you inspect the internals of a running Qt application
-similar to Spy++ on Windows.
-2. Going forward
-DO NOT simply port things over. Much of the GTK+ interface reflects historical
-UI conventions and API restrictions which are either no longer relevant or have
-been superseded. Every feature, window, and element should be re-thought. When
-porting a feature, consider the following:
-- Workflow. Excessive navigation and gratuitous dialogs should be avoided or
- reduced. For example, the two GTK+ flow graph dialogs have been combined into
- one in Qt. Many alert dialogs have been replaced with status bar messages.
-- Feedback. Most of the Qt dialogs provide a "hint" area near the bottom which
- shows useful information. For example, the "Follow Stream" dialog shows the
- packet corresponding to the text under the mouse. The profile management
- dialog shows a clickable path to the current profile.
-2.1 Coding guidelines
-Moved to the Developer's Guide:
-2.2 Changes
-- The display filter entry has been significantly reworked.
-- The welcome screen has been reworked. The interface list includes sparklines
-- "Go to packet" pops up a text entry in the main window instead of a separate dialog.
-- Preferences are complete, and are arguably more useful than the GTK+ version.
- An "Advanced" preference pane exists, which lets you edit everything. They use
- the proper menu placement and keyboard shortcut on OS X.
-- Some dialogs (file sets, profiles, and UATs) provide a link to filesystem paths
- where appropriate.
-3. Translations (i18n)
-3.1 Make translation
-Qt makes translating the Wireshark UI into different languages easy.
-- Add your translation (ui/qt/wireshark_XX.ts) in ui/qt/Makefile.am and ui/qt/CMakeLists.txt
-- Please add flag (image) for your language in images/languages/XX.svg and image/languages/languages.qrc
-- Run "lupdate ui/qt -ts ui/qt/wireshark_XX.ts" to generate/update your translation file.
-- Translate with Qt Linguist (in console: "linguist ui/qt/wireshark_XX.ts")
-- Do a test build and make sure the generated wireshark_XX.qm binary file is included.
-- Push your translation to Gerrit for review ("git push").
-Alternatively you can only put your QM and flag files in "languages" directory in
-Wireshark user configuration directory (~/.wireshark/languages/ on unix)
-More information about Qt Linguist
-3.2 Translate !
-You can now directly translate with Transifex Website
-Every week, translation is automatically resynced with the source code through the following steps
-* pull ts from Transifex
-* lupdate ts file
-* push and commit on Gerrit
-* push ts on Transifex
-4 Developing
-Moved to the Developer's Guide: