path: root/debian/patches/02_asn2deb.dpatch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/patches/02_asn2deb.dpatch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 392 deletions
diff --git a/debian/patches/02_asn2deb.dpatch b/debian/patches/02_asn2deb.dpatch
index 846a80c003..6ceff257ef 100644
--- a/debian/patches/02_asn2deb.dpatch
+++ b/debian/patches/02_asn2deb.dpatch
@@ -390,395 +390,3 @@ diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./asn2deb.dbk /tmp/dpep-work.5BSR7A/wir
+ version published by the Free Software Foundation.</para>
+ </refsect1>
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 02_asn2deb.dpatch by <fpeters@debian.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: asn2deb - create Debian packages from ASN.1 files
-diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./asn2deb /tmp/dpep-work.5BSR7A/ethereal-0.10.11/asn2deb
---- ./asn2deb 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ /tmp/dpep-work.5BSR7A/ethereal-0.10.11/asn2deb 2005-07-17 19:37:02.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
-+#!/usr/bin/env python
-+# asn2deb - quick hack by W. Borgert <debacle@debian.org> to create
-+# Debian GNU/Linux packages from ASN.1 files for Wireshark.
-+# Copyright 2004, W. Borgert
-+# ASN.1 module for Wireshark, use of snacc type table:
-+# Copyright 2003, Matthijs Melchior <matthijs.melchior@xs4all.nl>
-+# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
-+# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
-+# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
-+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+# GNU General Public License for more details.
-+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-+import getopt, os, string, sys, time
-+scriptinfo = """asn2deb version 2004-02-17
-+Copyright 2004, W. Borgert
-+Free software, released under the terms of the GPL."""
-+options = {'asn': None,
-+ 'dbopts': "",
-+ 'email': "invalid@invalid.invalid",
-+ 'help': 0,
-+ 'name': "No Name",
-+ 'preserve': 0,
-+ 'version': 0}
-+def bootstrap():
-+ """Generate Makefile.in and configure script."""
-+ os.system("aclocal-1.7")
-+ os.system("autoconf")
-+ os.system("automake-1.7 --add-missing --copy --foreign")
-+def create_file(filename, content, mode = None):
-+ """Create a file with given content."""
-+ global options
-+ if options['preserve'] and os.path.isfile(filename):
-+ return
-+ f = open(filename, 'w')
-+ f.write(content)
-+ f.close()
-+ if mode:
-+ os.chmod(filename, mode)
-+def create_files(version, deb, email, asn, name, iso, rfc):
-+ """Create all files for the .deb build process."""
-+ base = asn.lower()[:-5]
-+ create_file("Makefile.am", """#
-+asn1ttdir = $(datadir)/ethereal/asn1
-+asn1tt_DATA = %s.tt
-+%s.tt: """ % ((base,) * 3) + asn + """
-+ snacc -u /usr/include/snacc/asn1/asn-useful.asn1 -T $@ $<
-+ create_file("configure.ac", """AC_INIT(%s, 1.0)
-+SNACC=\"`type -p snacc`\"
-+dnl plugindir=\"$prefix/share/ethereal/asn.1\"
-+dnl AC_SUBST(plugindir)
-+""" % (base, version))
-+ if not os.path.isdir("debian"):
-+ os.mkdir("debian")
-+ create_file("debian/rules", """#!/usr/bin/make -f
-+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
-+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk
-+ rm -f $(PREFIX)/usr/lib/ethereal/plugins/%s/*.a
-+""" % (base, base, version), 0755)
-+ create_file("debian/control", """Source: ethereal-asn1-%s
-+Section: net
-+Priority: optional
-+Maintainer: %s <%s>
-+Build-Depends: snacc, autotools-dev, debhelper, cdbs
-+Package: ethereal-asn1-%s
-+Architecture: all
-+Depends: ethereal (= %s)
-+Description: ASN.1/BER dissector for %s
-+ This package provides a type table for decoding BER (Basic Encoding
-+ Rules) data over TCP or UDP, described by an ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax
-+ Notation 1) file '%s.asn1'.
-+""" % (base, name, email, base, deb, base, base))
-+ create_file("debian/changelog",
-+ """ethereal-asn1-%s (0.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-+ * Automatically created package.
-+ -- %s <%s> %s
-+""" % (base, name, email, rfc + "\n (" + iso + ")"))
-+ create_file("debian/copyright",
-+ """This package has been created automatically be asn2deb on
-+%s for Debian GNU/Linux.
-+Ethereal: http://www.ethereal.com/
-+GPL, as evidenced by existence of GPL license file \"COPYING\".
-+(the GNU GPL may be viewed on Debian systems in
-+""" % (iso))
-+def get_eth_version():
-+ """Detect version of ethereal-dev package."""
-+ deb = os.popen(
-+ "dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Version}' ethereal-dev").read()
-+ debv = string.find(deb, "-")
-+ if debv == -1: debv = len(deb)
-+ version = deb[string.find(deb, ":")+1:debv]
-+ return version, deb
-+def get_time():
-+ """Detect current time and return ISO and RFC time string."""
-+ currenttime = time.gmtime()
-+ return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0000", currenttime), \
-+ time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", currenttime)
-+def main():
-+ global options
-+ process_opts(sys.argv)
-+ iso, rfc = get_time()
-+ version, deb = get_eth_version()
-+ create_files(version, deb,
-+ options['email'], options['asn'], options['name'],
-+ iso, rfc)
-+ bootstrap()
-+ os.system("dpkg-buildpackage " + options['dbopts'])
-+def process_opts(argv):
-+ """Process command line options."""
-+ global options
-+ try:
-+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "a:d:e:hn:pv",
-+ ["asn=",
-+ "dbopts=",
-+ "email=",
-+ "help",
-+ "name=",
-+ "preserve",
-+ "version"])
-+ except getopt.GetoptError:
-+ usage(argv[0])
-+ sys.exit(1)
-+ for o, a in opts:
-+ if o in ("-a", "--asn"):
-+ options['asn'] = a
-+ if o in ("-d", "--dbopts"):
-+ options['dbopts'] = a
-+ if o in ("-e", "--email"):
-+ options['email'] = a
-+ if o in ("-h", "--help"):
-+ options['help'] = 1
-+ if o in ("-n", "--name"):
-+ options['name'] = a
-+ if o in ("-p", "--preserve"):
-+ options['preserve'] = 1
-+ if o in ("-v", "--version"):
-+ options['version'] = 1
-+ if options['help']:
-+ usage(argv[0])
-+ sys.exit(0)
-+ if options['version']:
-+ print scriptinfo
-+ sys.exit(0)
-+ if not options['asn']:
-+ print "mandatory ASN.1 file parameter missing"
-+ sys.exit(1)
-+ if not os.access(options['asn'], os.R_OK):
-+ print "ASN.1 file not accessible"
-+ sys.exit(1)
-+def usage(name):
-+ """Print usage help."""
-+ print "Usage: " + name + " <parameters>\n" + \
-+ "Parameters are\n" + \
-+ " --asn -a asn1file, ASN.1 file to use (mandatory)\n" + \
-+ " --dbopts -d opts, options for dpkg-buildpackage\n" + \
-+ " --email -e address, use e-mail address\n" + \
-+ " --help -h, print help and exit\n" + \
-+ " --name -n name, use user name\n" + \
-+ " --preserve -p, do not overwrite files\n" + \
-+ " --version -v, print version and exit\n" + \
-+ "Example:\n" + \
-+ name + " -e me@foo.net -a bar.asn1 -n \"My Name\" " + \
-+ "-d \"-rfakeroot -uc -us\""
-+if __name__ == '__main__':
-+ main()
-diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./asn2deb.dbk /tmp/dpep-work.5BSR7A/ethereal-0.10.11/asn2deb.dbk
---- ./asn2deb.dbk 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ /tmp/dpep-work.5BSR7A/ethereal-0.10.11/asn2deb.dbk 2005-07-17 19:37:02.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
-+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
-+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
-+"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
-+ <!ENTITY command "<command>asn2deb</command>">
-+ <!ENTITY email "<email>debacle@debian.org</email>">
-+ <!ENTITY author "W. Borgert">
-+ <!ENTITY debian "<productname>Debian GNU/Linux</productname>">
-+ <refentryinfo>
-+ <address>
-+ &email;
-+ </address>
-+ <author>
-+ <firstname>W.</firstname>
-+ <surname>Borgert</surname>
-+ </author>
-+ <copyright>
-+ <year>2003</year>
-+ <year>2005</year>
-+ <holder>&author;</holder>
-+ </copyright>
-+ <date>2004-02-18</date>
-+ <keywordset>
-+ <keyword>ASN.1</keyword>
-+ <keyword>BER</keyword>
-+ <keyword>Ethereal</keyword>
-+ </keywordset>
-+ <revhistory>
-+ <revision>
-+ <revnumber>1</revnumber>
-+ <date>2004-02-18</date>
-+ <authorinitials>debacle</authorinitials>
-+ <revremark>First version.</revremark>
-+ </revision>
-+ </revhistory>
-+ </refentryinfo>
-+ <refmeta>
-+ <refentrytitle>asn2deb</refentrytitle>
-+ <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
-+ </refmeta>
-+ <refnamediv>
-+ <refname>asn2deb</refname>
-+ <refpurpose>create a Debian package for BER monitoring from ASN.1</refpurpose>
-+ </refnamediv>
-+ <refsynopsisdiv>
-+ <cmdsynopsis>
-+ &command;
-+ <arg>-a <replaceable>ASN.1 file</replaceable></arg>
-+ <arg>--asn=<replaceable>ASN.1 file</replaceable></arg>
-+ <arg><option>-d <replaceable>opts</replaceable></option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>--dbopts=<replaceable>opts</replaceable></option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>-e <replaceable>address</replaceable></option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>--email=<replaceable>address</replaceable></option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>-h</option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>--help</option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>-n <replaceable>name</replaceable></option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>--name=<replaceable>name</replaceable></option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>-p</option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>--preserve</option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>-v</option></arg>
-+ <arg><option>--version</option></arg>
-+ </cmdsynopsis>
-+ </refsynopsisdiv>
-+ <refsect1>
-+ <title>Description</title>
-+ <para>This manual page documents briefly the
-+ <command>asn2deb</command> command.</para>
-+ <para>&command; takes an ASN.1 file as input and creates a Debian
-+ package from it. The package contains a loadable type table file
-+ for the ethereal network analyser. The type table is generated by
-+ the ASN.1 compiler <command>snacc</command>.</para>
-+ </refsect1>
-+ <refsect1>
-+ <title>Options</title>
-+ <variablelist>
-+ <varlistentry>
-+ <term><option>-a <replaceable>ASN.1 file</replaceable></option>
-+ <option>--asn=<replaceable>ASN.1 file</replaceable></option></term>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>ASN.1 file to use (mandatory).</para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry>
-+ <term><option>-d <replaceable>opts</replaceable></option>
-+ <option>--dbopts=<replaceable>opts</replaceable></option></term>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>options for dpkg-buildpackage.</para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry>
-+ <term><option>-e <replaceable>address</replaceable></option>
-+ <option>--email=<replaceable>address</replaceable></option></term>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>use e-mail address.</para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry>
-+ <term><option>-h</option>
-+ <option>--help</option>
-+ </term>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>print help and exit.</para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry>
-+ <term><option>-n <replaceable>name</replaceable></option>
-+ <option>--name=<replaceable>name</replaceable></option></term>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>use user name.</para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry>
-+ <term><option>-p</option>
-+ <option>--preserve</option></term>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>do not overwrite files.</para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry>
-+ <term><option>-v</option>
-+ <option>--version</option></term>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>print version and exit.</para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ </variablelist>
-+ <para>Example:</para>
-+ <programlisting>/usr/bin/asn2deb -e me@foo.net -a bar.asn1 \
-+-n &quot;My Name&quot; -d &quot;-rfakeroot -uc -us&quot;</programlisting>
-+ </refsect1>
-+ <refsect1>
-+ <title>See Also</title>
-+ <para>A lot of tools are used, which you have to
-+ <command>apt-get install</command>: ethereal-dev, python,
-+ cdbs, autotools-dev, debhelper, dpkg-dev, snacc.</para>
-+ </refsect1>
-+ <refsect1>
-+ <title>Copying</title>
-+ <para>This manual page was written by &author; &email; for
-+ &debian; (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to
-+ copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of
-+ the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or any later
-+ version published by the Free Software Foundation.</para>
-+ </refsect1>