path: root/asn1/p772
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'asn1/p772')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 1418 deletions
diff --git a/asn1/p772/CMakeLists.txt b/asn1/p772/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 28ed9a93ed..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# CMakeLists.txt
-# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
-# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
-# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-set( PROTOCOL_NAME p772 )
-set( PROTO_OPT )
- MMSAbstractService.asn
- MMSInformationObjects.asn
- MMSOtherNotificationTypeExtensions.asn
- MMSObjectIdentifiers.asn
- MMSHeadingExtensions.asn
- MMSUpperBounds.asn
- MMSExtendedBodyPartTypes.asn
- MMSPerRecipientSpecifierExtensions.asn
- packet-${PROTOCOL_NAME}-template.c
- packet-${PROTOCOL_NAME}-template.h
-set( A2W_FLAGS -b -C )
- "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../p1/p1-exp.cnf"
- "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../p22/p22-exp.cnf"
diff --git a/asn1/p772/MMSAbstractService.asn b/asn1/p772/MMSAbstractService.asn
deleted file mode 100644
index d5b19980fc..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/MMSAbstractService.asn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-MMSAbstractService {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0)
- mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) abstract-service(3)} DEFINITIONS
--- Exports Everything
- -- IPMS information objects
- AutoForwardComment, Heading
- --
- FROM IPMSInformationObjects {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) ipms(1)
- modules(0) information-objects(2)}
- -- MMS information objects
- MM, MN, MNRN, MRN, MON, InformationObject
- --
- FROM MMSInformationObjects {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
- stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) mms(1)}
- -- MMS object identifiers
- id-mpt-management, id-mpt-origination, id-mpt-reception
- --
- FROM MMSObjectIdentifiers {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
- stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0)}
- -- MTS abstract service
- MessageDeliveryEnvelope, MessageSubmissionEnvelope,
- MessageSubmissionIdentifier, MessageSubmissionTime, ORName,
- ProbeSubmissionEnvelope, ProbeSubmissionIdentifier, ProbeSubmissionTime,
- RecipientImproperlySpecified, ReportDeliveryEnvelope,
- SupplementaryInformation
- --
- FROM MTSAbstractService {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) mts(3) modules(0)
- mts-abstract-service(1)}
- -- Abstract service definition conventions
- --
- FROM AbstractServiceNotation {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) asdc(2)
- modules(0) notation(1)};
--- Ports
--- origination PORT ::= {
--- {OriginateProbe |
- -- Although, national implementation may
- -- support probes within their own domain, probes are not
- -- permitted across national boundaries
--- OriginateMM | OriginateMRN}
--- ID id-pt-origination}
---reception PORT ::= {
--- {ReceiveReport | ReceiveMM | ReceiveMRN | ReceiveMNRN | ReceiveMON}
--- ID id-pt-reception}
---management PORT ::= {
--- {ChangeAutoDiscard | ChangeAutoAcknowledgment | ChangeAutoForwarding}
--- ID id-pt-management}
--- Origination abstract operations
--- Probes are prohibited across national boundaries.
---originate-probe ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT OriginateProbeArgument
--- RESULT OriginateProbeResult
--- ERROR {SubcriptionError | RecipientImproperlySpecified}}
-OriginateProbeArgument ::= SET {
- envelope [0] ProbeSubmissionEnvelope,
- content [1] MM}
-OriginateProbeResult ::= SET {
- submission-identifier [0] ProbeSubmissionIdentifier,
- submission-time [1] ProbeSubmissionTime}
---originate-mm ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT OriginateMMArgument
--- RESULT OriginateMMResult
--- ERROR {SubcriptionError | RecipientImproperlySpecified}}
-OriginateMMArgument ::= SET {
- envelope [0] MessageSubmissionEnvelope,
- content [1] MM}
-OriginateMMResult ::= SET {
- submission-identifier [0] MessageSubmissionIdentifier,
- submission-time [1] MessageSubmissionTime}
---originate-mrn ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT OriginateMRNArgument
--- RESULT OriginateMRNResult
--- ERROR {SubcriptionError | RecipientImproperlySpecified}}
-OriginateMRNArgument ::= SET {
- envelope [0] MessageSubmissionEnvelope,
- content [1] MRN}
-OriginateMRNResult ::= SET {
- submission-identifier [0] MessageSubmissionIdentifier,
- submission-time [1] MessageSubmissionTime}
--- Reception abstract operations
---receive-report ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT ReceiveReportArgument
-ReceiveReportArgument ::= SET {
- envelope [0] ReportDeliveryEnvelope,
- undelivered-object [1] InformationObject OPTIONAL}
---receive-mm ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT ReceiveMMArgument
-ReceiveMMArgument ::= SET {
- envelope [0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope,
- content [1] MM}
---receive-mrn ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT ReceiveMRNArgument
-ReceiveMRNArgument ::= SET {
- envelope [0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope,
- content [1] MRN}
---receive-mnrn ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT ReceiveMNRNArgument
-ReceiveMNRNArgument ::= SET {
- envelope [0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope,
- content [1] MNRN}
---receive-mon ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT ReceiveMONArgument
-ReceiveMONArgument ::= SET {
- envelope [0] MessageDeliveryEnvelope,
- content [1] MON}
--- Management abstract operations
--- It should be noted that in cases where an implementation has dual
--- IPM and MM functionality, the management abstract operations may be used
--- for support of both types of messaging.
---change-auto-discard ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT ChangeAutoDiscardArgument
-ChangeAutoDiscardArgument ::= SET {
- auto-discard-expired-MMs [0] BOOLEAN,
- auto-discard-obsolete-MMs [1] BOOLEAN}
---change-auto-acknowledgement ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT ChangeAutoAcknowledgementArgument
--- RESULT ERRORS {SubscriptionError}}
-ChangeAutoAcknowledgementArgument ::= SET {
- auto-acknowledge-MMs [0] BOOLEAN,
- auto-acknowledge-suppl-receipt-info [1] SupplementaryInformation}
---change-auto-forwarding ABSTRACT-OPERATION ::= {
--- ARGUMENT ChangeAutoForwardingArgument
--- RESULT ERRORS {SubscriptionError,
--- RecipientImproperlySpecified}}
-ChangeAutoForwardingArgument ::= SET {
- autoforward-MMs [0] BOOLEAN,
- auto-forward-recipients [1] SEQUENCE OF ORName OPTIONAL,
- auto-forward-heading [2] Heading OPTIONAL,
- auto-forward-comment [3] AutoForwardComment OPTIONAL}
--- Abstract errors
---subscription-error ABSTRACT-ERROR ::= {PARAMETER SubscriptionErrorParameter
-SubscriptionErrorParameter ::= SET {problem [0] SubscriptionProblem}
-SubscriptionProblem ::= ENUMERATED {
- mms-eos-not-subcribed(0), mts-eos-not-subcribed(1)}
-END --of MMSAbstractService
diff --git a/asn1/p772/MMSExtendedBodyPartTypes.asn b/asn1/p772/MMSExtendedBodyPartTypes.asn
deleted file mode 100644
index 312e60f2bc..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/MMSExtendedBodyPartTypes.asn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-MMSExtendedBodyPartTypes {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
- stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0)
- extended-body-part-types(7)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::=
--- Prologue
--- Exports Everything
- -- IPMS information objects
- --=
- FROM IPMSInformationObjects {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) ipms(1)
- modules(0) information-objects(2)}
- -- MMS information objects
- MM
- --=
- FROM MMSInformationObjects {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
- stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) mms(1)}
- -- MMS upper lower bounds
- ub-data-size
- --=
- FROM MMSUpperBounds {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0)
- mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) upper-bounds(0)}
- -- MTS Abstract Service
- MessageDeliveryTime, OtherMessageDeliveryFields
- --=
- FROM MTSAbstractService {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) mts(3) modules(0)
- mts-abstract-service(1)}
- -- MMS object identifiers
- --=
- id-nato-mmhs-et-adatp3, id-nato-mmhs-et-adatp3-parameters,
- id-nato-mmhs-et-acp127data, id-nato-mmhs-et-acp127data-parameters,
- id-nato-mmhs-et-corrections, id-nato-mmhs-et-corrections-parameters,
- id-nato-mmhs-et-forwarded-encrypted,
- id-nato-mmhs-et-forwarded-encrypted-parameters, id-nato-mmhs-et-mm-message,
- id-nato-mmhs-et-mm-message-parameters
- --=
- FROM MMSObjectIdentifiers {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
- stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0)};
--- extended adatp3 bodypart
---adatp3-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE ::= {
--- PARAMETERS {ADatP3Parameters
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-adatp3-parameters},
--- DATA {ADatP3Data
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-adatp3}}
-ADatP3Parameters ::= INTEGER -- DEFAULT (0)
-ADatP3Data ::= CHOICE {
- lineOriented [0] IMPLICIT IA5String,
- setOriented [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF IA5String}
--- extended corrections body part
---corrections-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE ::= {
--- PARAMETERS {CorrectionsParameters
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-corrections-parameters},
--- DATA {CorrectionsData
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-corrections}}
-CorrectionsParameters ::= INTEGER
-CorrectionsData ::= IA5String
--- extended forwarded encrypted body part
---forwarded-encrypted-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE ::= {
--- {ForwardedEncryptedParameters
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-forwarded-encrypted-parameters},
--- DATA
--- {ForwardedEncryptedData
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-forwarded-encrypted}}
--- A forwarded-encrypted-body must contain the delivery information,
--- containing the content type which will indicate whether the forwarded
--- encrypted message is an MM or IPM. All security related information
--- (i.e., token) of the original message must be forwarded.
-ForwardedEncryptedParameters ::= SET {
- delivery-time [0] MessageDeliveryTime OPTIONAL,
- delivery-envelope [1] OtherMessageDeliveryFields}
--- 2/X.411, part 9 of 26.
-ForwardedEncryptedData ::= BIT STRING
--- extended MM message body part
---mm-message-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE ::= {
--- {MMMessageParameters
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-mm-message-parameters},
--- DATA {MMMessageData
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-mm-message}}
--- An mm-message-body-part can either carry a forwarded M1M or a forwarded
--- IPM. In the case of a message-body-part, as defined in X.420,
--- it can only carry an IPM.
-MMMessageParameters ::= SET {
- delivery-time [0] MessageDeliveryTime OPTIONAL,
- delivery-envelope [1] OtherMessageDeliveryFields}
-MMMessageData ::= IPM
--- extended acp127data body part
---acp127data-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE ::= {
--- {ACP127DataParameters
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-acp127data-parameters},
--- DATA {ACP127DataData
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-et-acp127data}}
-ACP127DataParameters ::= INTEGER
-ACP127DataData ::= IA5String(SIZE (1..ub-data-size))
-END -- of MMS ExtendedBodyPartTypes
diff --git a/asn1/p772/MMSHeadingExtensions.asn b/asn1/p772/MMSHeadingExtensions.asn
deleted file mode 100644
index d20c142527..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/MMSHeadingExtensions.asn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-MMSHeadingExtensions {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0)
- mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) heading-extensions(6)} DEFINITIONS
--- Prologue
--- Exports Everything
- -- IPMS information objects
- --=
- FROM IPMSInformationObjects {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) ipms(1)
- modules(0) information-objects(2)}
- -- MMS upper bounds
- lb-military-sic, ub-military-number-of-sics, ub-military-sic
- --=
- FROM MMSUpperBounds {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0)
- mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) upper-bounds(0)}
- -- MMS object identifiers
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-message-identifier,
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-address-list-indicator, id-nato-mmhs-mm-codress-message,
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-copy-precedence, id-nato-mmhs-mm-distribution-codes,
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-exempted-address,
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-extended-authorisation-info,
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-handling-instructions, id-nato-mmhs-mm-information-labels,
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-instructions, id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-type,
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-reference, id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-plad,
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-other-recipients-indicator,
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-pilot-forwarding-info, id-nato-mmhs-mm-primary-precedence
- --=
- FROM MMSObjectIdentifiers {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
- stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0)}
- -- MTS abstract service
- --Message--SecurityLabel
- --=
- FROM MTSAbstractService {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) mts(3) modules(0)
- mts-abstract-service(1)};
--- exempted address
---exempted-address IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE SEQUENCE OF ExemptedAddress
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-exempted-address}
-ExemptedAddressSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF ExemptedAddress
-ExemptedAddress ::= ORDescriptor
--- extended authorisation information
---extended-authorisation-info IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE ExtendedAuthorisationInfo
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-extended-authorisation-info}
-ExtendedAuthorisationInfo ::= UTCTime
--- UTCTime as defined in 8.5.4 of ITU-T X.411
--- Distribution codes
--- will carry subject indicator codes and leave room for expansion.
---distribution-codes IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE DistributionCodes
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-distribution-codes}
-DistributionCodes ::= SET {
- sics
- [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-military-number-of-sics) OF Sic OPTIONAL,
- dist-Extensions [1] SEQUENCE OF DistributionExtensionField OPTIONAL}
-Sic ::= PrintableString(SIZE (lb-military-sic..ub-military-sic))
---DistributionExtensionField ::= INSTANCE OF TYPE-IDENTIFIER
-DistributionExtensionField ::= SEQUENCE {
- dist-value ANY --DEFINED BY dist-type-- }
--- Handling instructions
---handling-instructions IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE HandlingInstructions
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-handling-instructions}
-HandlingInstructions ::= SEQUENCE OF MilitaryString
-MilitaryString ::= PrintableString(SIZE (1..ub-military-string))
--- Message instructions
--- will carry operating signals
---message-instructions IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE MessageInstructions
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-instructions}
-MessageInstructions ::= SEQUENCE OF MilitaryString
--- Codress message
--- Needed for transition or as long as codress messages need to be carried.
---codress-message IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE CodressMessage
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-codress-message}
-CodressMessage ::= INTEGER
--- Originator reference
--- only used if a user designated identifier string becomes important.
---originator-reference IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE OriginatorReference
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-reference}
-OriginatorReference ::= MilitaryString
--- we have expanded MMHSPrecedence to PrimaryPrecedence and CopyPrecedence to
--- all rules to be written to highlight high priority messages.
-MMHSPrecedence ::= INTEGER {
- deferred(0), routine(1), priority(2), immediate(3), flash(4), override(5)
- -- these are used by some National systems XXX need to verify
- , ecp(16), critic(17), override(18)
--- Primary reference
---primary-precedence IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE MMHSPrecedence
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-primary-precedence}
-PrimaryPrecedence ::= INTEGER {
- deferred(0), routine(1), priority(2), immediate(3), flash(4), override(5)
- -- these are used by some National systems XXX need to verify
- , ecp(16), critic(17), override(18)
--- Note: Values 0 to 15 are reserved for NATO defined precedence levels.
--- Values 16 to 31 are reserved for national user.
--- Copy precedence
---copy-precedence IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE MMHSPrecedence
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-copy-precedence}
-CopyPrecedence ::= INTEGER {
- deferred(0), routine(1), priority(2), immediate(3), flash(4), override(5)
- -- these are used by some National systems XXX need to verify
- , ecp(16), critic(17), override(18)
--- Message type
---message-type IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE MessageType
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-type}
-MessageType ::= SET {
- type [0] TypeMessage,
- identifier [1] MessageIdentifier OPTIONAL}
-TypeMessage ::= INTEGER {exercise(0), operation(1), project(2), drill(3)}
--- Note: Values 0 to 127 are reserved for NATO defined Message Type
--- identifiers. Values above 128 to 255 are not defined by NATO and may
--- be used nationally or bilaterally.
-MessageIdentifier ::=
- MilitaryString
--- Address list indicator
---address-list-indicator IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE SEQUENCE OF AddressListDesignator
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-address-list-indicator}
-AddressListDesignatorSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF AddressListDesignator
-AddressListDesignator ::= SET {
- type [0] INTEGER {primaryAddressList(0), copyAddressList(1)},
- listName [1] ORDescriptor,
- notificationRequest [2] AddressListRequest OPTIONAL,
- replyRequest [3] AddressListRequest OPTIONAL}
-AddressListRequest ::= INTEGER {action(0), info(1), both(2)}
--- Other recipients indicator
---other-recipients-indicator IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE SEQUENCE OF OtherRecipientDesignator
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-other-recipients-indicator}
-OtherRecipientDesignatorSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF OtherRecipientDesignator
-OtherRecipientDesignator ::= SET {
- type [0] INTEGER {primary(0), copy(1)},
- designator [1] MilitaryString}
--- pilot forwarding information
---pilot-forwarding-info IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE SEQUENCE OF PilotInformation
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-pilot-forwarding-info}
-PilotInformationSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF PilotInformation
-PilotInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
- pilotPrecedence [0] MMHSPrecedence OPTIONAL,
- -- Note: Values 0 to 15 are reserved for NATO defined precedence levels.
- -- Values 16 to 31 are reserved for national use.
- pilotRecipient [1] SEQUENCE OF ORDescriptor OPTIONAL,
- pilotSecurity [2] --Message--SecurityLabel OPTIONAL,
- pilotHandling [3] SEQUENCE OF MilitaryString OPTIONAL}
--- Acp127 message identifier
--- a string to store routing indicator, station serial number and julian file
--- time seperated by spaces.
---acp127-message-identifier IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE Acp127MessageIdentifier
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-message-identifier}
-Acp127MessageIdentifier ::= MilitaryString
--- Originator PLAD
---originator-plad IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE OriginatorPlad
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-plad}
-OriginatorPlad ::= MilitaryString
--- Information label
---security-information-labels IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE SecurityInformationLabels
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-information-labels}
-SecurityInformationLabels ::= SEQUENCE {
- content-security-label [0] SecurityLabel,
- -- SecurityLabel as defined in 8.5.9 of ITU-T X.411
- heading-security-label [1] SecurityLabel OPTIONAL,
- body-part-security-labels [2] SEQUENCE OF BodyPartSecurityLabel OPTIONAL}
-BodyPartSecurityLabel ::= SET {
- body-part-security-label [0] SecurityLabel,
- body-part-sequence-number [1] BodyPartSequenceNumber OPTIONAL}
-BodyPartSequenceNumber ::= INTEGER
--- Note: If all body parts of the message are labelled, each
--- element in the body sequence above shall correspond to the
--- same numbered element of the Body sequence, and the body
--- part sequence number may be absent. (i.e. the first element
--- of this field shall correspond to the first body part, etc.
--- Otherwise the body part sequence number shall be present
--- and shall correspond to the sequence of the body part
--- to which the security label relates. (i.e. the value of the
--- body part sequence number shall correspond to sequence in which
--- the originator encoded the body parts of the message).
--- NOTE: The security-information-labels heading extension is now
--- deprecated. Its use is, therefore, discouraged. See STANAG 4406
--- Annex B for instruction on the use of its replacement, the
--- ESSSecurityLabel.
-PriorityLevelQualifier ::= ENUMERATED {
- low(0),
- high(1) }
-END -- of Military heading extensions used in MMS
diff --git a/asn1/p772/MMSInformationObjects.asn b/asn1/p772/MMSInformationObjects.asn
deleted file mode 100644
index 510b551f74..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/MMSInformationObjects.asn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-MMSInformationObjects {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0)
- mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) mms(1)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS
--- Prologue
--- Exports Everything
- -- IPM Information Object
- Body, CommonFields, Heading, NonReceiptFields, OtherNotificationTypeFields,
- ReceiptFields, IPM, IPN
- --=
- FROM IPMSInformationObjects {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) ipms(1)
- modules(0) information-objects(2)}
- -- MTS abstract service
- ORName
- --=
- FROM MTSAbstractService {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) mts(3) modules(0)
- mts-abstract-service(1)};
--- Information Object
---InformationObject ::= CHOICE {mm [0] MM,
--- mn [1] MN}
--- We use IPM and IPN here because asn2wrs is unable to fetch
--- COMPONENTS OF CommonFields from IPMSInformationObjects.asn (x420).
-InformationObject ::= CHOICE {mm [0] IPM,
- mn [1] IPN}
--- MM (Military Message)
-MM ::= SEQUENCE {mmheading Heading,
- mmbody Body}
--- The mandatory support on the IPMIdentifier components is more important
--- in MMS than in IPMS. The user component, ORName of the originating UA is
--- mandatory. Local IPMIdentifier is made up of 2 concatenated string
--- separated by a space both generated by the originating UA, a serial
--- number and the filing time (the time the message generation is finished)
--- in UTC time format. The minimum length of 15 is because both a date/time
--- stamp in UTC format including seconds and a serial number, plus the space
--- delimiter are mandatory. The smallest acceptable UTC date/time stamp
--- is 13 (ddmmyyhhmmssZ).
--- MN (Military Notification receipt/non receipt / other notification types)
-MN ::= SET {
- COMPONENTS OF CommonFields,
- choice
- [0] CHOICE {mn-non-receipt-fields [0] NonReceiptFields,
- mn-receipt-fields [1] ReceiptFields,
- mn-other-notification-type-fields
- [2] OtherNotificationTypeFields}}
-MRN ::= MN -- with MN-receipt-fields chosen
-MNRN ::= MN -- with MN-non-receipt-fields chosen
-MON ::= MN -- with MN-other-notification-type-fields chosen
--- All military specific body parts are defined as extended body parts.
--- The military specific body parts are defined in Annex A
--- of this part of the MBS.
-END -- of MMS InformationObjects
diff --git a/asn1/p772/MMSObjectIdentifiers.asn b/asn1/p772/MMSObjectIdentifiers.asn
deleted file mode 100644
index c801d70166..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/MMSObjectIdentifiers.asn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-MMSObjectIdentifiers {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0)
- mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::=
--- Prologue
--- Export everything
-IMPORTS --nothing-- ;
--- Military Messaging
-id-mmhs ID ::=
- {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0) mmhs(4406)
- object-identifiers(0)}
--- Categories of object identifiers
-id-mod ID ::= {id-mmhs 0} -- mm module
-id-mm ID ::= {id-mmhs 2} -- heading extension
-id-hat ID ::= {id-mmhs 3} -- heading attributes for MS
-id-mcont ID ::= {id-mmhs 4} -- content types
-id-policy ID ::= {id-mmhs 5} -- NATO policy identifier
-id-cat ID ::= {id-mmhs 6} -- special category identifiers
-id-et ID ::= {id-mmhs 7} -- military defined extended body part types
-id-mmts ID ::= {id-mmhs 8} -- mts object identifiers
-id-nat ID ::= {id-mmhs 9} -- military defined notification attributes
-id-mot ID ::= {id-mmhs 10} -- military object types
-id-mpt ID ::= {id-mmhs 11} -- military port types
-id-ref ID ::= {id-mmhs 12} -- refinements
-id-informationlabel ID ::= {id-mmhs 13}
--- Modules
--- MMS information objects
-id-mod-upper-bounds ID ::= {id-mod 0}
-id-mod-mms ID ::= {id-mod 1}
-id-mod-functional-objects ID ::= {id-mod 2}
-id-mod-abstract-service ID ::= {id-mod 3}
-id-mod-heading-extension ID ::= {id-mod 6}
-id-mod-extended-body-part-types ID ::= {id-mod 7}
-id-mod-message-store-attributes ID ::= {id-mod 8}
-id-mod-per-recipient-specifier-extensions ID ::= {id-mod 11}
-id-mod-other-notification-type-extensions ID ::= {id-mod 12}
--- Object types
-id-mot-mmme ID ::= {id-mot 0}
-id-mot-mms-user ID ::= {id-mot 1}
-id-mot-mms ID ::= {id-mot 2}
-id-mot-mms-ua ID ::= {id-mot 3}
-id-mot-mms-ms ID ::= {id-mot 4}
-id-mot-acp127au ID ::= {id-mot 5}
-id-mot-pdau ID ::= {id-mot 6}
--- port types
-id-mpt-origination ID ::= {id-mpt 0}
-id-mpt-reception ID ::= {id-mpt 1}
-id-mpt-management ID ::= {id-mpt 2}
--- Refinements
-id-ref-primary ID ::= {id-ref 0}
-id-ref-secondary ID ::= {id-ref 1}
--- Military Defined body parts
-id-nato-mmhs-et-adatp3 ID ::= {id-et 0}
-id-nato-mmhs-et-corrections ID ::= {id-et 1}
-id-nato-mmhs-et-adatp3-parameters ID ::= {id-et 2}
-id-nato-mmhs-et-corrections-parameters ID ::= {id-et 3}
-id-nato-mmhs-et-forwarded-encrypted ID ::= {id-et 6}
-id-nato-mmhs-et-forwarded-encrypted-parameters ID ::= {id-et 7}
-id-nato-mmhs-et-mm-message ID ::= {id-et 9}
-id-nato-mmhs-et-mm-message-parameters ID ::= {id-et 10}
-id-nato-mmhs-et-mm-acp127data ID ::= {id-et 12}
-id-nato-mmhs-et-mm-acp127data-parameters ID ::= {id-et 13}
--- Military Defined Heading Fields
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-primary-precedence ID ::=
- {id-mm 0}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-copy-precedence ID ::= {id-mm 1}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-type ID ::= {id-mm 2}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-address-list-indicator ID ::= {id-mm 3}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-exempted-address ID ::= {id-mm 4}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-extended-authorisation-info ID ::= {id-mm 5}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-distribution-codes ID ::= {id-mm 6}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-handling-instructions ID ::= {id-mm 7}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-message-instructions ID ::= {id-mm 8}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-codress-message ID ::= {id-mm 9}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-reference ID ::= {id-mm 10}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-other-recipients-indicator ID ::= {id-mm 11}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-pilot-forwarding-info ID ::= {id-mm 12}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-message-identifier ID ::= {id-mm 13}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-originator-plad ID ::= {id-mm 14}
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-information-labels ID ::= {id-mm 17}
--- This value is deprecated.
--- the following are per-recipient
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-notification-request ID ::=
- {id-mm 15}
--- the following are per other-notification-type
-id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-notification-response ID ::=
- {id-mm 16}
--- Military Defined Heading Attributes for MS
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-primary-precedence ID ::=
- {id-hat 0}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-copy-precedence ID ::= {id-hat 1}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-message-type ID ::= {id-hat 2}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-address-list-indicator ID ::= {id-hat 3}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-exempted-address ID ::= {id-hat 4}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-extended-authorisation-info ID ::= {id-hat 5}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-distribution-codes ID ::= {id-hat 6}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-handling-instructions ID ::= {id-hat 7}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-message-instructions ID ::= {id-hat 8}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-codress-message ID ::= {id-hat 9}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-originator-reference ID ::= {id-hat 10}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-other-recipients-indicator ID ::= {id-hat 11}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-pilot-forwarding-info ID ::= {id-hat 12}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-acp127-message-identifier ID ::= {id-hat 13}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-originator-plad ID ::= {id-hat 14}
--- the following are per-recipient
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-acp127-notification-request ID ::=
- {id-hat 15}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-sic-codes ID ::= {id-hat 16}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-distribution-extensions ID ::= {id-hat 17}
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-body-part-information-label ID ::= {id-hat 18}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-hat-security-information-labels ID ::=
- {id-hat 19}
--- This value is deprecated.
--- Military Defined special category identifiers
-id-nato-mmhs-cat ID ::=
- {id-cat 0}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-cat-atomal ID ::= {id-cat 1}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-cat-cryptosecurity ID ::= {id-cat 2}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-cat-specialhandlingintel ID ::=
- {id-cat 3}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-cat-ussiopesi ID ::= {id-cat 4}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-cat-eyesonly ID ::= {id-cat 5}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-cat-exclusive ID ::= {id-cat 6}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-cat-information-label ID ::=
- {id-cat 7}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-informationlabel-atomal ID ::=
- {id-informationlabel 1}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-informationlabel-cryptosecurity ID ::=
- {id-informationlabel 2}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-informationlabel-specialhandlingintel ID ::=
- {id-informationlabel 3}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-informationlabel-ussiopesi ID ::=
- {id-informationlabel 4}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-informationlabel-eyesonly ID ::=
- {id-informationlabel 5}
--- This value is deprecated.
-id-nato-mmhs-informationlabel-exclusive ID ::=
- {id-informationlabel 6}
--- This value is deprecated.
--- Military Defined Notification Extension
-id-nato-mmhs-nat-acp127-notification-response ID ::=
- {id-nat 0}
--- Military Message content types (for use by MS only)
-id-mct-p772 ID ::=
- {id-mcont 1}
-END -- of MMHSObjectIdentifiers
diff --git a/asn1/p772/MMSOtherNotificationTypeExtensions.asn b/asn1/p772/MMSOtherNotificationTypeExtensions.asn
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa53b18de..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/MMSOtherNotificationTypeExtensions.asn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-MMSOtherNotificationTypeExtensions {iso(1) identified-organization(3)
- nato(26) stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0)
- other-notification-type-extensions(12)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::=
--- Prologue
--- Exports Everything
- -- IPMS information objects
- IPMS-EXTENSION, ReceiptTimeField
- --=
- FROM IPMSInformationObjects {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) ipms(1)
- modules(0) information-objects(2)}
- -- MMS upper bounds
- ub-military-bigstring
- --=
- FROM MMSUpperBounds {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0)
- mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) upper-bounds(0)}
- -- MMS object identifiers
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-notification-response
- --=
- FROM MMSObjectIdentifiers {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
- stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0)}
- -- MMS heading extensions
- AddressListDesignator
- --=
- FROM MMSHeadingExtensions {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
- stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0)
- heading-extensions(6)}
- -- MMS per recipient specifier extensions
- Acp127NotificationType
- --=
- FROM MMSPerRecipientSpecifierExtensions {iso(1) identified-organization(3)
- nato(26) stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0)
- per-recipient-specifier-extensions(11)};
---ACP127 notification response
---acp127-notification-response IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE Acp127NotificationResponse
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-notification-response}
-Acp127NotificationResponse ::= SET {
- acp127-notification-type [0] Acp127NotificationType,
- receipt-time [1] ReceiptTimeField,
- addressListIndicator [2] AddressListIndicator OPTIONAL,
- acp127-recipient [3] Acp127Recipient OPTIONAL,
- acp127-supp-info [4] Acp127SuppInfo OPTIONAL}
-AddressListIndicator ::= SEQUENCE OF AddressListDesignator
-Acp127Recipient ::= PrintableString(SIZE (1..ub-military-bigstring))
-Acp127SuppInfo ::= PrintableString(SIZE (1..ub-military-bigstring))
-END -- of MMS OtherNotificationType extensions
diff --git a/asn1/p772/MMSPerRecipientSpecifierExtensions.asn b/asn1/p772/MMSPerRecipientSpecifierExtensions.asn
deleted file mode 100644
index b7d001a819..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/MMSPerRecipientSpecifierExtensions.asn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-MMSPerRecipientSpecifierExtensions {iso(1) identified-organization(3)
- nato(26) stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0)
- per-recipient-specifier-extensions(11)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::=
--- Prologue
--- Exports Everything
- -- IPMS information objects
- --=
- FROM IPMSInformationObjects {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) ipms(1)
- modules(0) information-objects(2)}
- -- MMS object identifiers
- id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-notification-request
- --=
- FROM MMSObjectIdentifiers {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
- stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0)};
--- ACP127 notification request
--- The following definitions are made in order to support
--- informing the originator of a message that the subject message
--- has reached a gateway to an ACP 127 domain.
---acp127-notification-request IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--- VALUE Acp127NotificationType
--- IDENTIFIED BY id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-notification-request}
-Acp127NotificationType ::= BIT STRING {
- acp127-nn(0), -- negative notification
- acp127-pn(1), -- positive notification
- acp127-tn(2)} -- transfer notification
-END -- of MMS per recipient pecifier extensions
diff --git a/asn1/p772/MMSUpperBounds.asn b/asn1/p772/MMSUpperBounds.asn
deleted file mode 100644
index 6095f926c7..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/MMSUpperBounds.asn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-MMSUpperBounds {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26) stanags(0)
- mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0) upper-bounds(0)} DEFINITIONS
--- Prologue
--- Exports Everything
-IMPORTS -- nothing -- ;
--- Upper Bounds
-ub-military-string INTEGER ::= 69
-ub-military-number-of-sics INTEGER ::= 8
-lb-military-sic INTEGER ::= 3
-ub-military-sic INTEGER ::= 8
-ub-military-bigstring INTEGER ::= 128
-ub-data-size INTEGER ::= 65535
--- size of ACP127DATADATA
-END -- of MMSUpperBounds
diff --git a/asn1/p772/Makefile.am b/asn1/p772/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d28e600b..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
-# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
-# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-include ../Makefile.preinc
-include Makefile.common
-include ../Makefile.inc
diff --git a/asn1/p772/Makefile.common b/asn1/p772/Makefile.common
deleted file mode 100644
index ae49d59c2e..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/Makefile.common
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
-# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
-# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- MMSAbstractService.asn \
- MMSInformationObjects.asn \
- MMSOtherNotificationTypeExtensions.asn \
- MMSObjectIdentifiers.asn \
- MMSHeadingExtensions.asn \
- MMSUpperBounds.asn \
- MMSExtendedBodyPartTypes.asn \
- MMSPerRecipientSpecifierExtensions.asn
-# The packet-$(PROTOCOL_NAME)-template.h and $(PROTOCOL_NAME).asn
-# files do not exist for all protocols: Please add/remove as required.
- packet-$(PROTOCOL_NAME)-template.c \
- packet-$(PROTOCOL_NAME)-template.h \
-A2W_FLAGS= -b -C
- $(builddir)/../p1/p1-exp.cnf \
- $(builddir)/../p22/p22-exp.cnf
- (cd $(builddir)/../p1 && $(MAKE_CNF_EXPORT))
- (cd $(builddir)/../p22 && $(MAKE_CNF_EXPORT))
diff --git a/asn1/p772/Makefile.nmake b/asn1/p772/Makefile.nmake
deleted file mode 100644
index fc70f2382f..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/Makefile.nmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-## Use: $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f makefile.nmake
-# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
-# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
-# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-include ../../config.nmake
-include ../Makefile.preinc.nmake
-include Makefile.common
-include ../Makefile.inc.nmake
diff --git a/asn1/p772/p772.cnf b/asn1/p772/p772.cnf
deleted file mode 100644
index d2da78e3b6..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/p772.cnf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# p772.cnf
-# p772 conformation file
-#.IMPORT ../p1/p1-exp.cnf
-#.IMPORT ../p22/p22-exp.cnf
-AddressListDesignator/type AddressListType
-OtherRecipientDesignator/type OtherRecipientType
-AddressListDesignator/type address_list_type
-MessageType/type message_type_type
-OtherRecipientDesignator/type other_recipient_type
-PrimaryPrecedence B "" "primary-precedence"
-CopyPrecedence B "" "copy-precedence"
-MessageType B "" "message-type"
-AddressListDesignatorSeq B "" "address-list-indicator"
-ExemptedAddressSeq B "" "exempted-address"
-ExtendedAuthorisationInfo B "" "extended-authorisation-info"
-DistributionCodes B "" "distribution-codes"
-HandlingInstructions B "" "handling-instructions"
-MessageInstructions B "" "message-instructions"
-CodressMessage B "" "codress-message"
-OriginatorReference B "" "originator-reference"
-OtherRecipientDesignatorSeq B "" "other-recipients-indicator"
-PilotInformationSeq B "" "pilot-forwarding-info"
-Acp127MessageIdentifier B "" "acp127-message-identifier"
-OriginatorPlad B "" "originator-plad"
-Acp127NotificationType B "" "acp127-notification-request"
-Acp127NotificationResponse B "" "acp127-notification-response"
-SecurityInformationLabels B "" "information-labels"
-PriorityLevelQualifier B "" "priority-level-qualifier"
-ADatP3Data B id_nato_mmhs_et_adatp3 "adatp3"
-ADatP3Parameters B id_nato_mmhs_et_adatp3_parameters "adatp3-parameters"
-CorrectionsData B id_nato_mmhs_et_corrections "corrections"
-CorrectionsParameters B id_nato_mmhs_et_corrections_parameters "corrections-parameters"
-ForwardedEncryptedData B id_nato_mmhs_et_forwarded_encrypted "forwarded-encrypted"
-ForwardedEncryptedParameters B id_nato_mmhs_et_forwarded_encrypted_parameters "forwarded-encrypted-parameters"
-MMMessageData B id_nato_mmhs_et_mm_message "mm-message"
-MMMessageParameters B id_nato_mmhs_et_mm_message_parameters "mm-message-parameters"
-ACP127DataData B id_nato_mmhs_et_mm_acp127data "acp127-data"
-ACP127DataParameters B id_nato_mmhs_et_mm_acp127data_parameters "acp127-data-parameters"
-InformationObject B "" "id-et-content-p772"
-#.FN_BODY DistributionExtensionField/dist-value
-/* XXX: not implemented */
- offset = dissect_unknown_ber(actx->pinfo, tvb, offset, tree);
-#.FN_PARS PrimaryPrecedence
- VAL_PTR=&precedence
-#.FN_BODY PrimaryPrecedence
- int precedence = -1;
- if(precedence != -1)
- col_append_fstr(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (primary=%%s)", val_to_str(precedence, p772_PrimaryPrecedence_vals, "precedence(%%d)"));
-#.FN_PARS CopyPrecedence
- VAL_PTR=&precedence
-#.FN_BODY CopyPrecedence
- int precedence = -1;
- if(precedence != -1)
- col_append_fstr(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " (copy=%%s)", val_to_str(precedence, p772_CopyPrecedence_vals, "precedence(%%d)"));
diff --git a/asn1/p772/packet-p772-template.c b/asn1/p772/packet-p772-template.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a0276bad..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/packet-p772-template.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* packet-p772.c
- * Routines for STANAG 4406 (X.400 Military Message Extensions) packet dissection
- * Graeme Lunt 2005
- *
- * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
- * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
- * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <epan/packet.h>
-#include <epan/asn1.h>
-#include "packet-ber.h"
-#include "packet-x509if.h"
-#include "packet-p772.h"
-#include "packet-p1.h"
-#include "packet-p22.h"
-#define PNAME "STANAG 4406 Message"
-#define PSNAME "P772"
-#define PFNAME "p772"
-void proto_register_p772(void);
-void proto_reg_handoff_p772(void);
-/* Initialize the protocol and registered fields */
-static int proto_p772 = -1;
-#include "packet-p772-val.h"
-#include "packet-p772-hf.c"
-/* Initialize the subtree pointers */
-static gint ett_p772 = -1;
-#include "packet-p772-ett.c"
-#include "packet-p772-fn.c"
-* Dissect STANAG 4406 PDUs inside a PPDU.
-static int
-dissect_p772(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree, void* data _U_)
- int offset = 0;
- proto_item *item=NULL;
- proto_tree *tree=NULL;
- asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx;
- asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo);
- if (parent_tree) {
- item = proto_tree_add_item(parent_tree, proto_p772, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
- tree = proto_item_add_subtree(item, ett_p772);
- }
- col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "P772");
- col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Military");
- dissect_p772_InformationObject(TRUE, tvb, offset, &asn1_ctx , tree, -1);
- return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
-/*--- proto_register_p772 -------------------------------------------*/
-void proto_register_p772(void) {
- /* List of fields */
- static hf_register_info hf[] =
- {
-#include "packet-p772-hfarr.c"
- };
- /* List of subtrees */
- static gint *ett[] = {
- &ett_p772,
-#include "packet-p772-ettarr.c"
- };
- /* Register protocol */
- proto_p772 = proto_register_protocol(PNAME, PSNAME, PFNAME);
- register_dissector("p772", dissect_p772, proto_p772);
- /* Register fields and subtrees */
- proto_register_field_array(proto_p772, hf, array_length(hf));
- proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
- register_ber_syntax_dissector("STANAG 4406", proto_p772, dissect_p772);
- register_ber_oid_syntax(".p772", NULL, "STANAG 4406");
-/*--- proto_reg_handoff_p772 --- */
-void proto_reg_handoff_p772(void) {
-#include "packet-p772-dis-tab.c"
- register_ber_oid_dissector("", dissect_p772, proto_p772, "STANAG 4406");
diff --git a/asn1/p772/packet-p772-template.h b/asn1/p772/packet-p772-template.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f03d73cba7..0000000000
--- a/asn1/p772/packet-p772-template.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* packet-p772.h
- * Routines for STANAG 4406 (X.400 Military Message Extensions) packet dissection
- * Graeme Lunt 2005
- *
- * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
- * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
- * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#ifndef PACKET_P772_H
-#define PACKET_P772_H
-/* #include "packet-p772-exp.h" */
-#endif /* PACKET_P772_H */